The weather Clear and cold tonight: tows 10 to 15. Mostly sunny Tuesday with'hlghs in the 30s. Outlook: Chance of snow Surmitg Hprali For Wednesday: fair Thursday and Friday. Manche$ter—A City of ViUage Charm Homo Dollvory National weather map on page 10. P hono 647- m e FOURTEEN PAGR8 MANCHESTER, OWiN.. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17,1(71- VOL. XCVH, No. IB I'RIGK: TWENTY EF3VTS

•v;-- ‘ Miners divided on coal* accord new contract and to launch the drive operators won't necessarily be used United Press International for its ratification. They were backed in future strike situations. Their ranks sharply divided — by President Carter who said he "I don't believe that most unions some more intent upon purging their thinks there is “a good chance" the are going to want to create a crisis leader than in ending their B4-day-old pact will be approved, and by situation in order to get the president strike — the United Mine Worker's Marshall, who said the contract with into these disputes," he said. “It's 160.000 members today studied the BCOA is superior to the P and M only in the final analysis that you had tentative contract approved Friday pact. pressure, if you want to call it that, by the union and the Bituminous Coal “1 suspect that the general agree­ on the employers.” Operators Association. ment made between the BCOA and He also denied any concessions A secret-ballot ratification vote is the United Mine Workers influenced were offered to steel companies and expected to begin later in the week the outcome in the voting on the P other corporations owning coal and both President Carter and Labor and M contract ... because the mines in orfer to secure an accord. Secretary Ray Marshall expressed workers in those two districts “That didn't happen," he said confidence it would win approval. realized that the BCOA agreement Rank and file hostility to the new Some of the miners, however — was better for them,” he said. pact appeared to run high. fearing the new pact is too closely Marshall, appearing on CBSTV's “Are we going to accept this based on one hammered out earlier, "Face the Nation," also defended the document?" a UMW official asked then rejected over the weekend in president's “high-risk” tactic of miners at a rally in West Frankfort. Kentucky and Kansas with the in­ remaining aloof from the coal talks III. The miners thundered back a one- dependent Pittsburgh and Midway until the last minute and said the word answer — “No." Coal Co. — were not so sure. prp>!siire he finally put on the coal “If it uses P and M as a guide, it will be turned thumbs down,” said Ray Gibson of Beckley, W. Va., president of the UMW’s largest local in the district. Inflation up; “ Unless I'm fooled, the Building ventilation drill membership will never accept that rag,” western Kentucky strip miner Eighth Utilities District firemen ventilate douse the fire. Standing on the ladder in the Lee Roy Patterson said of the pact. income down a building during a Sunday fire drill. The foreground is Jim Adams. The drill, attended Patterson last year lost the race for the UMW presidency to Arnold by 31 firefighters, concentrated on ven­ WASHINGTON (UPI) - The infla­ The previous low was a decline of 1.6 firefighters worked on a vacant house on Miller, whose troubles have mul­ Angel Street which had been implanted with tilating a structure to remove heat, gases and tion rate doubled from 0.4 percent in .percent in August 1973. tiplied over the course of the strike. December to 0.8 percent in January, The department said real spen­ smoke bombs to simulate a fire situation. smoke to enable the firefighters to get inside In Illinois, 10,()00 of the state's 12,- dable earnings were cut by inflation the house to make rescues and extinguish the while workers’ spendable income Tom Krysiak, surrounded by smoke coming 000 striking miners reportedly had took the biggest drop in 14 years, the and the big increase in social securi­ through the roof, is sawing a hole while Dave fire. (Photo by Emmet D. Gemme) their names on petitions seeking Labor Department said today. ty taxes that took effect Jan. 1 when Smith, behind him. waits with the hose to Miller's ouster and miners elsewhere both the base rose — $1,200 to $17,700 — especially in West Virginia, a Reporting on January retail prices, — and the rate increased. hotbed of opposition to M iller's the department said inflation for ur­ The department also said heavy leadership — were calling for him to ban consumers increased at an an­ snows east of the rookies and step down. nual rate of 3.6 to 4.8 percent flooding rains in California con- Despite the clammor for his head. between July and December. ■tributed to the higher food costs. CETA funds survey Miller and other UMW leaders But the 0.8 per cent January rise ’The rapid rise in prices for January launched a television spot and mail pushed the annual rate to 9.6 per cent pushed the cost of living up 6.7 per­ campaign to "educate’’ the due to higher prices for food, cent higher than a year ago, the membership and overcome housing, medical care and transpor­ department said. The Consumer resistence to the new accord. A tation. Price Index stood at 187.2 in January UMW publicist said about $40,000 has While inflation worsened, the from the 1967 base of 100. of citizens^ opinions been earmarked for the drive. average worker’s buying power was ’The January price report was the UMW leaders arrived in cut 3 percent for the worst drop since first under the department’s Washington today for briefings on the A townwide survey expected to citizens feel about the services,” ’The list of handicapped residents record-keeping began 14 years ago. expanded survey of consumer prices. begin in about three weeks may be George said. would be useful to the local Fire the sounding board for those Town of The survey workers will not make departments in case an emergency Manchester residents who have a any recommendations but will supply developed at one of the homes. gripe, a suggestion or a word of the town’s decision-makers with the There are also some town residents praise about local services but have statistics compiled during the' who use electrically supplied life- Weicker claims feds been too busy to attend directors questioning, he said. support systems. In case of power meetings or too shy to comment There had been some criticism outages, such systems need to be publicly. about the proposed survey, both from operated by emergency generators, The survey is being funded through residents and members of the board. and it would be helpful to know the the federal Comprehensive Employ­ But, the directors did approve the locations of these residents, George knew of Park favors r ment Training Act program. CETA is proposal, which will be funded totally said. providing increased funding this year with federal funds. The questioning of a resident will take atout one-half hour, he said. HARTFORD (UPI) - U.S. in­ it. Our government knew what South government knew as much as the to develop temporary projects “It will be valuable to the board, government of South Korea. The particularly when they’re making With the 10 interviewers, he is expec­ telligence agencies knew South Korea was doing and didn’t object,” lasting a maximum of one year. Korean businessman man Tongsun he told a news conference. CIA, the NSA and the State Depart­ The survey is one of several such budget decisions,” William Tierney, ting to do 100 interviews per day, and ment all knew what Park knew. U.S. the town’s management analyst who the interviewers will be hired for 34 Park sought to buy favors for his He said the Central Intelligence temporary projects that has been government from Congress, but Agency, the National Security Agen­ intelligence agencies knew it was developed in Manchester. has worked on coordinating the sur­ weeks. ’The interviewers will wear Town didn’t say anything. Sen. Lowell P. cy and the State Department knew of going on and didn’t say anything.” The director, Robert George, and vey, said. Weicker said his evidence in­ 'The interviewing process is of Manchester identification badges Weicker, R-Conn., said today. Park’s activities. assistant director, Wanda Lalashuis, Asked if the White House had dicated that in addition to seeking to have been hired, and 10 interviewers scheduled to begin March 20, and the and questioning will be done in the Weicker said his charge was based afternoon and early evening hours. on evidence “sufficient in the way of knowledge of Park’s activities, buy influence with Congress, Park are scheduled to be selected after the interviewers will stop at every also sought influence with the residence in Manchester. All responses of individuals will be documentation.” Asked to be more Weicker said “members of the Town Board of Directors approves a specific, he said he was referring to executive branch” knew. He said Republican and Democratic national proposed questionnaire for the sur­ “This is actually the first time that kept confidential. The Board of committees through his donations. the town has been surveyed to this Directors will receive a statistical evidence uncovered by the Senate that included White House staff vey. Ethics Committee staff and members, but said he did not know if Weicker said he thought Congress The proposed survey will ask degree,” Ms. Lalashuis said. breakdown of the responses about was paying too much attention to The survey also will help locate town services and any comments members of his staff. any presidents were aware. Manchester residents a list of about Weicker said he was talking about Park and not doing enough to “come 70 questions, primarily about services Manchester’s elderly and han­ made, but the individuals will not be Weicker is a member of that com­ mittee. Park is scheduled to begin the period 1970 to the present, which down on the heads of our own provided by the town. dicapped residents. ’The Human Ser« identified. testifying secretly ’Tuesday morning would include the administrations of people.” “We’re looking to provide input to vices Department has sought such in­ “It will be to the resident’s benefit to be as honest as possible,” Ms. in the House Ethics Committee about Richard M. Nixon, Gerald R. Ford He said if the Intelligence com­ the Board of Directors about how formation in the past. munity was aware of Park’s ac­ Lalashuis said. ‘"This is their big his activities. and Jimmy Carter. “The biggest story is not Tongsun ‘"rhere's no question in my mind tivities and did not say anything, it chance to have their say. raised a question in his mind whether “We’re after the silent majority, Park, but it Is the role of our govern­ members of the executive branch ment. Agencies of our government knew,” Weicker said. “Nobody is it had knowledge of other the people who say, ‘Let someone governments seeking to do the same else take care of the problems’,” she had this knowledge and didn’t reveal willing to stand up there and say our PZC considers said. thing. hearing plans Today’s news summary an Israeli pilot and a group of HARTFORD (UPI) - The developing additional sources of Cypriot jetliner. The next day 15 power. Egyptian commandos were killed Chilean communists. The Manchester Planning and project but had set a May deadline^ eloquent and the angry today ’The negotiations have been con­ for the start of construction. ’The poured out their hearts to a com­ It also authorized the depart­ by Cypriot National Guardsmen Zoning Commission will consider ment to go ahead with such as they tried to free the hostages ducted in Chile, East Germany, scheduling public hearings for new applicants, however, may be able to mittee aiready satiated with Israel and the United States. If obtain an extension from HUD. facts, rumors, and reports about a programs as loan guarantees for at Larnaca airport. applications, including ones for the alternative fuel demonstration, successful, they would lead to Wesley Retirement Center and a ’Die Army & Navy Club has applied bill that would ban the sale of freedom for Anatoly advanced automobile propulsion CAIRO, Egypt (UPI) — Egypt zone change for the Army & Na\7 to change its zone to Central throwaway beverage bottles in Schcharansky, a 30-year-old Business District. ’The club, located Connecticut. system research, and the use of said today that Israel’s decision to Club, when it meets tonight at 7:30 in financial incentives for using Soviet computer expert, and the Probate Court Hearing Room. at 1090 Main St., is a non-conforming Tlie Legislature’s Environment pursue its policy of expanding Edward Kuznetsov, nephew of use in a Residence AA Zone. Committee today sat on a municipal waste to produce settlements in occupied Arab The PZC already held a hearing for energy. 1975 Nobel Peace prize winner An­ the proposed retirement center, 'Die CBD includes much of the spotlighted stage in the spacious, lands threatens to torpedo drei Sakharov. which would be located on the South downtown Main Street area and the but not crowded, Bushnell American peace-making efforts Other prisoners freed in the United Methodist Church’s Hartford parking lot across Forest Street and- Auditorium, listening to the pros NICOSIA, Cyprus (UPI) — ’Two and is a challenge to the United deal would be a New York man Road campus. An error was made in directly north of the club. and cons of the bottle bill. Arab gunmen accused of killing a States. convicted of spying for the Soviet the map of the site, however, and the ’The club is non-conforming and ’The bill has been up for con­ close friend of Egyptian Presi­ Foreign Minister Mohammed Union, an Israeli civilian pilot applicants have since had to apply to recently installed a sign, which is not sideration by the Legislature six dent Anwar Sadat in Nicosia bad a Kamel issued the warning as in­ held in Mozambique and up to a purchase a parcel of land from the peimitted in a Residence AA Zone, straight years. It was almost mysterious accomplice who fled direct negotiations between dozen Chilean Communists jailed pass^ last year, but was beaten state. Lamson said. Thus, the club has Cyprus hours before the Egypt and Israel stalled on the since the 1973 coup that overthrow ’The applicants had sought to hold applied to change its zone to the CBD by a technicality. assassination, prosecution issues of a Israeli withdrawal Marxist President Salvador the hearing at the PZC’s March 6 designation. witnesses said t^ a y. from Arab territories and crea­ Allende. meeting, hut the application was not ’The PZC also h/is some pending WASHINGTON (UPI) - Presi­ Another witness testified in the tion of a Palestinian state despite filed in time for that date. ’The PZC matters that it may act on tonight. dent Carter has signed a bill heavily guarded magistrate’s concrete suggestions, made by could decide to hold the hearing at its ’These include a nine-lot subdivision authorizing $6.1 billion for energy court that one of the accused both sides. off Hillstown Road, and a proposed research, including nuclear gunmen was seen in a Nicosia SAN CLEMENTE, Calif. (UPI) second regular meeting in March or — Richard M. Nixon, a virtual could wait until April or May, Alan amendment to limit the Zoning development, the White House an­ nightclub for two nights before nounce today. Negotiations in four nations are recluse since he resigned the Lamson, town planner, said. Board of Appeals power to grant use the slaying of Yousel Sebai, editor attempting to arrange a swap of Tlie measure, which the White of the Egypstian newspaper A1 presidency, opened his house to The applicants originally had variances. political prisoners including two Lamson said that he does not House said was signed Saturday, Ahram and a confidant of Sadat. the gaze of tourists Sunday, but sought to tegin construction by May. leading Soviet dissidents, an neither he or his wife emerged to expect the PZC to act yet on its provides the Energy Department Sebai was shot Feb. 18 and the The federal Department of Housing American who spied for Moscow, greet or wave to the guests and Urban Development will provide largest pending matter—a proposed with money for research into gunmen took 15 hostages aboard a funding for the elderly housing 135-lot subdivision off Keeney Street. MANa^^:STER KVKNI.NG HKRAU), Mjnctotef. Cunn .M.m K.b W isr^ I’AI.K 1 IIKKK

PAC.E TWO - MANCHESTER F.VENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Mon.. Feb. 27. 1978 LatulippeRedd By I niled I’rraa International the sign of Pisces Pacific naval engagement in the ear­ Today is Monday, Feb. 27. the 58th American poet Henry Wadsworth ly days of World War II. in which the day of 1978 with 307 to follow. Longfellow was bom on Feb 27,1807. Japanese sank 13 American warships Rome stresses ability; 'The moon is moving toward its last On this day In history while losing only two quarter. In 1937, so-called "sit-down" In 1963, Mickey Mantle of the New Almanac There is no morning star. strikes were outlawed by the United York Yankees signed contract lor The evening stars are Mercury, States Supreme Court $100,000. highest in baseball at that confident of chances Venus. Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. In 1942, opening salvos were fired time. Those t)om on this day are under in the battle of the Java Sea. a Before his speech, in a brief going to remain a horse race,” Rome By GREG PEARSON meeting with reiwrters, Rome said said. There also are two other an­ Herald Reporter that he is pleased with his showing nounced Republican candidates for He’s considered by many to be the thus far in the race. governor—State Rep. Gerald Stevens most qualified candidate of those "I think I’ve surprised a number of and State Sen. George Gunther. running for governor. He's also con­ people. I’ve only been in for three Some have said that they feel that sidered by many to be an underdog. w e ^ , ” he said. Rome is not as electable a candidate But, listening to Lewis Rome talk He said that many had envisioned as Sarasin. to Manchester Republicans Saturday U.S. Rep. Ronald Sarasin as a “We’ll change all that. ’There's five night, it is obvious that he is runaway winner for the GOP guber­ months to go,” Rome said. emphuizing his qualifications and natorial nomination. He said that the theme of his cam­ confident of his chances. But, both Rome and some of his paign will be "Those who know him "Someone said he would call me supporters Saturday n i^ t noted that best trust him most.” the problemsolver. I like the label," Sarasin has create little activity "If what I have do to is travel to 169 Rome told the 250 local Republicans since the early flurry about his deci­ towns. I'll do it,” he said. gathered at the Manchester Country sion to run for governor Meanwhile, Rome mentioned his record of win­ Look Club for the annual Lincoln Day support for Rome is increasing, they ning regularly in a region controlled Dinner-Dance. said by Democrats. His record in this With the opening of the fishing season not Shop, instructs a member of the class spon­ “There are problems on the state “I've made it a horse race. And it’s matter exceeds that of Sarasin or the sored by the Manchester Recreation Depart­ level. I want the chance to solve other GOP candidates, he said. too far off, avid fishermen aj;eJearning and them," he said. brushing up on their fly-tying techniques. Ray ment. (Herald photo by Pinto) Rome, the state Senate minority Gorsky, standing in rear, of Ray’s Tackle leader, has 16 years of experience in politics —eight on the state level and whafs cooking eight in his hometown of Bloomfield. Obituaries He is a former mayor of that town and also has served as Senate majori­ ty leader. Leslie S. Bolton Home, 400 Main St. Burial will be in East Cemetery. Such past experience along with BOLTON — Leslie Sumner Bolton, 83, of West Dennis, Friends may call at the funeral home Tuesday from 7 Rome’s record as a state senator Mass., formerly of Bolton, died Friday in Hyannis, Mass. to 9 p.m. Tuscon Lodge of Masons will conduct a Masonic have led many to say that he is the He was the husband of Mrs. Dagmar Jensen Bolton. service Tuesday evening at the funeral home. most qualified of all the candidates Mrs. Joseph E. Latulippe Mr. Bolton was born in Rockville and lived in Bolton The family suggests that any memorial gifts may be seeking the state’s top elected posi­ Virginia Lee Redd of Manchester and Joseph Eklward a tC B l most of his life, moving to Cape Cod 14 years ago. Before made to the Masonic Home and Hospital, Wallingford, or tion. his retirement, he was employed at the Connecticut to South United Methodist Church. One of his Manchester supporters, Latulippe of Coventry were married Feb. 25 at St. James Church in Manchester. Printers Co., formerly of Hartford. He was a member of Nathan Agostinelli, former mayor The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Redd Wooster L^ge of Masons, Colchester, Connecticut Con­ and former state comptroller, in­ Raymond A. Keefe of 18 Warren St. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Gnat gounnot anatsorias and I bI B a n U n ^ sistory (32nd degree) of Norwich and Sphinx Temple Raymond A. Keefe, 81, of 20 Pitkin St. died Saturday at troduced Rome Saturday night as Shrine of Hartford. He also was a member and past presi­ Mrs. Maurice Latulippe of 844 Boston Turnpike, Coven- his home. He was the husband of Mrs. Helen Navin Shea "the class candidate of those who are "Get a taste of Paraan-ta-Paiaan, whan m apan ar add dent of Omar Shrine Club of Manchester. For many running.” .try. Keefe. The Rev. Francis B. Krukowski, co-pastor of St. James jet Banking, years, he had been active in the annual Shrine Circus. Mr. Keefe was born in Hartford where he lived most of The senator’s speech concentrated ta a aavinga accaunt at CBT He is also survived by several cousins. on problems that have developed Church, celebrated the nuptial mass and performed the his life. He lived in Columbia for 10 years before moving single-ring ceremony. Mrs. Ralph Maccarone was Person to Person. ‘ The funeral is Tuesday at 1 p.m. at Watkins Funeral to Manchester seven years ago. during the present administration of To whet your appetite for the fastest, friendliest Home, 142 E. Center St., Manchester. Burial will be in Democratic Gov. Ella Grasso. organist and Bobbie Jo Philips of Rockville was soloist. Before his retirement, he was employed as a super­ The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a Bolton Center Cemetery. “If you look at where we are and banking around, we're offering you some great gourmet visor in the printing and supply department of Travelers gown designed with fitted bodice inset with Chantilly Friends may call at the funeral home today from 3 to 5 Insurance Companies for 47 years. where the budget would take us, you gifts. and 6 to 8 p.m. A Masonic service will be conducted lace, ruffled stand-up collar, full Bishop sleeves with He was a U.S. Navy veteran of World War I. have to be concerned,” he said. tonight at 7;30 at the funeral home, ruffled cuffs, high waistline accented with satin ribbon, At gready reduced prices. Mr. Keefe was an honorary life member of the Knights The proposed state budget, an 11.4 The family suggests that any memorial gifts may be percent increase over present spen­ and full circular skirt with crystal pleated hemline exten­ of Columbus Council No. 11 of Hartford, a member of ding to a chapel-length train. Her chapel-length veil of □ Le Q ief Food Processor with all attachments made to the Bolton Congregational Church. ding, is one "that tries to play catch­ Lewis Rome, left, a Republican candidate for governor, Bishop McMahon General Assembly, Fourth degree imported silk illusion was edged with Alencon lace and up in one year,” Rome said. talks with one of his Manchester supporters, Nathan and 5-year warranty Forrest F. Howell Knights of Columbus, a member of the Irish American attached to a matching lace cap. Forrest F. Howell, 71, of 225 Parker St, died Saturday at Culture Institute, and a member of Manchester Chapter Such factors provide the GOP with Agostinelli. Rome, state Senate minority leader, spoke Satur­ an opportunity to win the governor’s Terri Ann Rivers of Manchester, the bridegroom’s □ 3-pc. Nordic Ware Crepe Maker Set Manchester Memorial Hospital. He was the husband of No. 1275, American Association of Retired Persons day night at the annual Manchester Republican Lincoln Day cousin, was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Kathy seat this year, he said. Mrs. Ruth Hutton Howell. Before Mr. Howell retired (AARP). Dinner-Dance. (Photo by Ed Lescoe) Carlin of Manchester, the bride’s cousin; and Cheryl □ 3-pc. Wok Set seven years ago, he was employed for 28 years at radio Other survivors are a daughter, Mrs. Richard (Ann) Latulippe of Coventry and Paula Latulippe of □ James Beard or Julia Child Gourmet station WTIC, Hartford, serving for 15 years as technical Nissi of Newington; a son, Francis O.L. Keefe of Hart­ Manchester, the bridegroom’s sisters. Jodi Lynn Rivers engineer for the Bob Steele Show. During this morning’s ford; a granddaughter, a niece and nephew and several About town of Manchester, the bride’s cousin, was flower girl. Cookbook radio program, Steele paid tribute to Mr. Howell. cousins. Michael Withoff of Vernon served as best man. Ushers □ 4-pc. Molybdenum Cutlery Set He was born April 11,1906, in Bath, Pa., and had lived in His first wife was Marie O’Hara Keefe who died in were Clyde Redd Jr. of Manchester, the bride's brother; The Manchester Baha’i Communi­ at the Citadel for a work meeting. at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Manchester for 55 years. He was a member of South 1952. Pfc. Gregory Hall, USA, of Willington; and John Lessard ty is sponsoring a food drive for the Clayton Dow, 1952 Manchester Road, □ 16-pc. Ingrid Design Table Setting for Four United Methodist Church, Tuscon Lodge of Masons of The funeral is Tuesday at 10;15 a m. from the Watkins Mrs. Doreen Rogers will Jr. of Coventry, the bridegroom’s cousin. Christopher G. Emergency Pantry today and Glastonbury. Hostesses are Mrs. Hartford and Temple Chapter Order of Eastern Star. He Funeral Home, 142 E. Center St., with a mass at 11 in St. demonstrate how to make a doll. Redd of Manchester, the bride’s brother, was ring □ 20-pc. Stainless "Fashionware" for Four Tuesday. Florence Person and Mrs. Doris Per­ formerly belonged to the York Rite bodies and Sphinx Bartholomew Church. Burial will be in Mount St. Members are asked to bring either bearer. Items may be left at Formal’s Inn, son. Start your gourmet collection today. Temple Shrine, Hartford. Benedict Cemetery, Bloomfield. size 5 or 6 knitting needles and scraps A reception was held at the Marlborough Tavern in 956 Main St., and at Gozzoms Service of yarn. Hostesses are Mrs. Kathy He was a ham radio operator, call letters WIBAX, and Friends may call at the funeral home today from 2 to 4 Marlborough, after which the couple left for Montreal. Just open or add to a CBT Savings Account Center on Sullivan Avenue, South Brocks and Mrs. Lillian McCann. The Manchester chapter of a 50-year member of the Manchester Radio Club. He was and 7 to 9 p.m. They will reside in Manchester. a past president of the club. 'The family suggests that those wishing to may make Windsor. Parents Anonymous will meet with ^(X) or more. Tuesday at 7 p.m. For information, hfrs. Latulippe is employed at the Steak Club Inc. in He is also survived by a brother, John R. Howell of Suc- memorial gifts to the Father Hussey Memorial Fund, the Friendship Circle of the Salvation The Five- Club of Temple Manchester. Mr. Latulippe is employed at Connecticut Newington Children’s Hospital, Manchester Public call (toll free) 1-800-842-2288. cusanna, N.J.; and two sisters, Mrs. Ethel Cook of Army will meet Tuesday at 7:45 p.m. Chapter, OES, will meet Wednesday Boiler Repair of West Hartford. (LeBlanc photo) Torrington and Miss Adelaide Howell of Winsted. Health Nurses Association, or the American Cancer The funeral is Wednesday at 1 p.m. at Holmes Funeral Society, Manchester. ManchMiar Evanlng HaraM PubIKhtd naiy (vtnlns mccpt Births Sunday! and holldaya. Entarad at ttia Meetings set on consolidation Manehaatar, Conn. Poat Otflca aa 8a- cond Claaa Mall Mattar. Two groups involved in forts, Robert Bletchman, its chair­ The group in charge of the drive for Breason, Mikal Clue, Christopher consolidation, the Committee for One Suggested Carrier Rates Leijouy, daughter of Manchester’s consolidation issue man, said. Payabla In Advanca Todd, son of Bill and have scheduled meetings this week. Bletchman has not yet heard from Manchester, is scheduled to meet SInglaoopy...... 15a Phillip and Linda Jane Deborah Toumaud Etue of Thursday to discuss its next steps in Waatily...... toa Berry Bresson of 49 Wells the Connecticut Civil Liberties Ona monUi...... $3.80 Nashville, Tenn. He was Stop Tampering With the Eighth’s Union, which he contacted last week the consolidation work. The com­ Thraa monUia ...... $11.70 St. She was bom Jan. 30 at born Feb. 14 at Donaldson American Liberties () will mittee recently completed a Six monthi...... $23.40 Manchester Memorial to seek the group's intervention into ,Onayaar...... $40.80 Hospital in Nashville. His successful petitioning effort, ob­ Mall Rataa Upon Raguaat Hospital. Her maternal meet tonight to discuss its plans to the move to have a referendum ques­ maternal grandparents are strengthen opposition to consolida­ tion on consolidation. Bletchman said taining enough signatures supporting Subacrlbara wtio (all to racalva grandparents are Mr. and thalr nawapapar batofa 8:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Tour- tion, which would combine the that he has more evidence to present a referendum question on consolida­ •hould talaphona tha circulation Mrs. Robert Berry of 617 dapartmant. 047-BS40. naud of Nashville, former­ Eighth Utilities District and the to the CCLU, but he would not dis­ tion. Center St. Her paternal ly of Manchester. His Town of Manchester. The group also close what it is. F- grandparents are Mr. and paternal grandparents are will consider possible fund-raising ef­ HAKULDROBBINST Mrs. Lawrence Bresson of f )ii8> 649-5i9t 1 Mr. and Mrs. James A. 183 Tolland St., East Hart­ Wishart of Jacksonville, CLLATHEATRES EAST ford. Her maternal great- Fla. His maternal great­ (" Theater schedule ) GLOBE grandparents are Mrs. grandmothers are Mrs. m o T Gertrude Hawkins of Suf- Ja m es A. W ishart of Travel Service field and Emery Berry of 555 MAIN STREET Jacksonville and Mrs. John Showcase Cinemas — Anxiety” 7:30-9:15 A U l t o s . Enfield. Her paternal Salvatore of Poughkeepsie, "Coma” 2:00-7:40-9:55; 643-2165 great-grandmother is Mrs. U.A. Theater 2 — N.Y. "Boys in Co. "C” 2:10-7:15- THKt MOUTCS It » M a H (tXIT 99) CANDLESHOE’ “Candleshoe” 7:00-9:00 Over 30 Years Paul Weichel of 9:40; "Goodbye Girl” 2:00- U.A, Theater 3 — “Close BEST PICTURK Edgewater, Fla. 7:30-9:45; “Saturday Night Encounters” 7:00-9:30 Travel Experience Baal Actraii - Jana Fonda rClOSE ENCOUNTERS Fever” 2:15-7:25-9:45; "Other Vernon Cine 1 — “The Authorized agent in Baal Supp. Aciraaa NOMINATSO FOR I Manchester for all JIlF Vanaaaa Radgrava ACADBMY AWARDd I Carter, Melissa Joyce, Side of the Mountain" 2:00- Betsey” 7:00-9:40 Tabor, Karyn Marie, 7:30-9:40 Airlines, Railroads and daughter of Anthony J. and Vernon Cine 2 — “Julia” “ “Julia” Po daughter of George W. and U.A. Theater 1 — “ High 7:10-9:20 Steamship Lines. Teresa Wetmore Carter of 41 Chestnut St. She was Marion L. Burdick Tabor bom Feb. 7 at Manchester of Dallas, Texas. She was Showcase Memorial Hospital. Her t)orn Jan. 12 at St. Paul’s Cm em as maternal grandparents are Hospital, Dallas, Texas. IHTER9TATEB4 Mr. and ^ s . Anthony Wet- Her maternal grand­ WMi your fiist deposit to a new NOW AccounL or new or existing CBT Savings AooounL Ar EXITBB more of 105 Britt Road, parents are Mr. and Mrs. choose one of these gifts FREE or puKhase at the prices listed below. Donald Burdick of R e s ta u r a n t SILVER LANE East Hartford. Her pater­ ROBERTS STREET nal grandparents are Mr. Willimantic. Her paternal HOME STYLE COOKINQ EAST HARTFORD Select o n e of Regular Savings or W ith e K h Investment or Premium W ith each and Mrs. Frank Sztukowski grandparents are Mr. and addiUonal dtposH NOW Account ATBUOQET PRICES BSS-MIO th e ic gifts w ith Certificate* additioiul deposit A ccounts CALDOn PLAZA of Thompson. Her mater­ Mrs. George W. Tabor Jr. y o u r deposit $300 $1000 $5000 o f $100 p ay o n ly $300 $1000 $5000 o f $100 pay o n ly $1000 $5000 Exit 93 off l-M BjkROAmmmum ' nal great-grandfather is of 28 Crest wood Drive. She MANCHESTER $2.B0 til 2i30P.ll. Herbert E. Wetmore of has a sister, Jennifer Lynn, 1 , C o o k B ook (C h o k e o f one) Free Free Free $ 4.00 F ret Free Free I 4.W Free F ret 649-5487 11 m K Do us both a favor and please check to see if your name and address are East Hartford. 2t4. W D.Y.O.B. Tugs, and Wed. Uight Specials ■’THE- listed properly In the WHITE PAGES of the Book of Names-your telephone 1. 4 pc CuScry Sd $ 5.00 Free Free 6.00 $ 4.00 Free F ret 6.00 F ret F ret OTHER SIDE O f T H E directory. We’re getting ready to print the new phone book. 6. 3 pc Crfpe Making Kit 5.00 Free Free 6.00 4.00 Free F ret 6.00 F ret Free

BIB-ETISTBBI CBOmDSTUI ^ART( Now is the time to tell us If any changes are necessary. If a separate listing IL T o p o f Stove W ok 11.50 $ 7.50 $ 5.00 12.50 10.00 $ 5.00 Free 12.50 $ 7,50 $ 5.00 [ a UNIVERSAL W-79) (Reg. $2.39) f PICTURE COLOR* for your spouse, children or relatives is desired, order all your additional w fhm awonuar- . Bi TiUewaft20pc.servkefor4 18.00 14.50 11.50 19.00 16.00 11.50 S 6.SQ 19.00 14.50 11.50 listings now. And if you plan to move in the next few weeks, please let us (■ fill fy $2.29 $1.99 B Dinncrwarc 16 pc. service for 4 18.00 14.50 11.50 19.00 16.00 1130 6.50 19.00 14.50 11.50 EVERY BOYS IN know. Otherwise we’ll assume the present listing is correct. You won't have nawaalaetkinof lududes baked potato, Texas toast, and “all-you-can-eat” salad bar another chance to change it until next year. stitching and a. Food ProccMor 64.95 49.95 44.95 69.95 59.95 44.95 39.95 69.95 49.95 44.95 T U E S a CONPANVC 4:00 p.m . til 9:00 p.m . needlepoint *' requbv $1 JX)0 minimum depnit 7 :3 0 PaMa PO The deallne for white page listing changes Ih the new Manchester Book of kits *) Names is Merch 2. Please call any necessary changes to us at the Manchester IpWOWI ME ptetWM) M THE CONNECTICUT BANK MT. CARMEL 4L. PhoneCenter Store at 647-2000. Or. If you prefer, visit us at 52 East Center prMtrM V AND TRUST COMPANY HALL Introducing our newest steaklll Street. W D I % ROBERTS ST. (off Forbes Street) SATURDAY II you live In Neneheeter and your number starts with 643,646,649 or 647, or In STEAK TEEI7AKI Aoekv/fto and your number starts with 871, 872 or 875, you can order ■11 are eomplala with (Formerly held el NIGHT yam, and doth oattarn.. The Community Bldg) FEVER Totalphone or Touch-Tone service without a number change. $3.99 John Travolts TOTAL PRIZES ’’every •350- A delicious marinated steak served with baked potato, little ^ th e miracle of mala stradt ] thing" Sponsored by Texas Toast and “all-yon-can-eat” salad (a (lowfitown ntanehistar MEN’S CLUB Southern New Englatxl Telephone MANCHESTER - Shop Rite Plaza MANCHESTER — West Middle Turnpike pleagecalltheatre FOR SCREEN TIMES p a g e FOm - MANCHESTER E\~g Z7. 1»7I MANCHESTER EVEN IN G H ERAU ). Mam-heiter. Conn . Mon , Feb 27, \m PAtiK FIVE O ptn forum About town fflaurliFBtrr tu r uiug H ^ralb Ito w h w lw - A City of X wage Charm The local chapter of Parents ’The parish development committee of and property committees of Emanuel Wetherell Street. Norman Fendell, direc­ FREE - FREE - FREE F o u n d e d O c t 1. 1881 . Anonymous will meet ‘Tuesday at 7 p.m. in South United Metboclist Church will meet Lutheran Church have scheduled tor, will conduct a tour of the facility. Reply to Kleindschmidt Manchester. More information may be ob­ tonight at 7:30 at the church. meetings for tonight at 7 :30 at the church. Refreshments will be served at 8 p.m., I « Crew m en tained by calling toll free l-800-S4^2288. after which the Jaycee Wives will have U C TU R ES a t PuMahad by 9\m htanenattar PuWiahing Co . HaraM SQuara. i To the editor; their business meeting. Members are then you have dedication. Emanuel Lutheran Prayer Group will The Koffee Krafters of the YWCA . Conn 06040. Taiaphooa (203) 643-2711. ' Dear Ike, Center Church Women will meet Mon­ asked to bring dance ticket money and Dedication does not mean that the meet tonight at 6:45 at the church. Nutmeg Program Center will meet WOODLAND It is most unfortunate to the day at 9:30 a.m. in the Federation Room Wednesday from 9:30 a.m. to noon at the food items for the food basket raffle r aoo»ao' HaroM E Txnaigion Maraa^ EOaar i volunteers do it better; it simply M Weedawd Oawteiis readers of The Herald that a basic of the church. The Old Guard will meet Tuesday at 10 Community Y to make Easter Eggs. oonducM b f m u 9t means they do it regardless. statement reflecting the attitude of a a.m. in Luther Hall of Emanuel Lutheran Members are reminded to bring natural or during Fnb. 8 Marah. Opinion The worship and music committee of Church, followed by a rehearsal of the styrofoam eggs or any egg shaped object, 4MAKMIS working man can be grossly mis­ " I think the ultimate contribotkn to Concordia Lutheran Church will meet Beethoven Glee Gub, under the direction ribbon, lace, sequins, flowers, pictures, construed. My personai beiief that any community and its citizens is the tonight at 8 at the church. of Jam es McKay. All retired men of the etc. Hostesses are Mrs. Arlene Giglio and *^OM)WIKPUUIT$ UNDER UGHTS” the contemporary man’s life is not willingness to volunteer services as community are Invited. Mrs. Susan Gutt. Baby-sitting is provided. TMi T u m ., Pab. 2Mh 7 PM-I PM Ultimately outsmarted? solely dedicated to the company firefighters after they have put in Alcoholics Anonymous will meet tonight ‘This meeting is open to all interested per­ •ndlvarvTuM. store was totally misundersto^. I eight hours earning a living at 8:30 at 102 Norman St. The group will A neighborhood coffee hour will take sons. Membership in the YWCA and Mar. 7 — "Rrtinlng, TrIiMiilnE, Mama MalnL'’ WASHINGTON - (NEA) - White House operatives had in consider myseif to be a very con­ elsewhere, liiis country fought for also meet Tuseday and Friday at 8:30 place Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. at the Koffee Krafters is required. Mw. 14 - ‘Maka A Vaf. Oardan Ray* White House political mind when they pushed scientious employee, and have independence, initially with p.m.. Wednesday at 10 a.m. and Sunday at Emanuel Lutheran Outreach Center, 64 Somt ptopit iMlitvt 1 p iM always given my empioyer the best volunteers, minutemen, who 3:30 p.m. at 102 Norman St. For more in­ Church St. The Manchester Jaycee Wives will meet of eoMon (tuck to dothing WOODLAND QARDEN8 operatives may have out­ through the early, filing indiutM I l«tttr it coming. service possible. I aim consider responded to their communities formation call 646-9235. Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at the Regional 168 WaodMnd 8L. Manoli Tal 843-8474 smarted themselves in their deadline for 1980. But they myself a very conscientious father when they were threatened. The ’The housing board and the evangelism Occupational ‘Training Center (ROTC) on rush to rewrite Democratic overlooked the lesson of 1968, and husband. Now do these two dis­ volunteer firemen in District Eight Party rules in a fashion that when Lyndon B. Johnson tinct roles conflict? have demonstrated their willingness would frustrate primary decided — after the first cou­ Dedication obviously has several to serve without remuneration, > ■ " " ■.... \ challenges to President Carter ple of primaries were over — degrees and interpretations, at least without public fanfare. From your MCC calendar as many as there are employees. A article, quite simply, they are there in 1980. to withdraw from the race. V— ——— z Spring-Wright Spring F iiM o n t for man that sees his family as his when ne^ed. Lad/M-tn-Wahlnp It turns out that Vice Presi­ What if Carter should make Manchester Community Coftr-Upt foremost obligation may put his com­ There has never been, to my College offers this calen­ dent Walter F. Mondale is like­ a similar decision midway pany and its needs secondary to all knowledge, any volunteer fireman dar of events in the interest Men’s ly to be the chief victim of one through the 1980 primaries? others. who has not participated in com­ of the community. Ail of Maternity New Spring I do not know Mr. Kleinschmidt of the rule changes the Carter What if he should die during munity services pertaining to those the MCC-sponsored ac­ Separates Solid and personally. I do not believe he knows agents ramrodded through a the course of the campaign? mentioned by you; barring the han­ tivities listed are open to Our Reg. Fancy me. I wonder why be personally . Ladi88* party "reform" commission The ridiculously early filing dicap, of not owning an ambulance, the public and many are .991799 Knit Shirts maligned me in his letter of Feb. 21, free of charge. For further Wintuk«1 last month. deadlines the Carter forces are or not participating in Soap Box Der­ i 1978 in The Herald. If Mr. by. Let us not politicize this issue any information, call 646-2137. Cardigana Our R ig-7-99 The rules change, still sub­ seeking would make it all but Kleinschmidt would examine his own further. The volunteer fire depart­ Xlunduv, Fell. 27 ject to modification by the full impossible for Mondale to motive for being on the job and those ment and the concept of a volunteer *Lunch: noon. Student Democratic National Com­ compete for the nomination if of every other American working citizenry engaged in community ser­ Center. Our R ig ' 12.99 Versatile sportswear includes knit tops, mittee. would require future the president, for any reason, person, he will see as a bottom line vice is the heart of democracy. Cer­ *Dinner: 6 p.m.. Student Center. Delicate pointelle detailins peasant blouses, Short-sleeve, comfort­ that society requires us to work to tainly as a New Englander even you oneasy-careWintuk* gauze shirts, to team Democratic presidential con­ drops out of the running. •♦Mini-course in Bridge able machine-washable survive. can appreciate that. acrylic. Sizes S,M,L. with pplyester pants knits, with button tenders to submit qualifying At the same time, they will Logic: 7:30-9:30 p.m., or denim jeans. Sizes Because I work for bucks, just as In answer to our meeting being un­ plackets or open collar Hartford Road Campus, 8-18, S,M,L in group. petitions at least 55 days do nothing to discourage Snowfence shadows (Herald photo by Dunn i Mr. Kleinschmidt does, does not Nylon Shlrta treatments, bolidsor organized and lacking parliamentary Room 216. stripes, in polyester before any primary they wish Brown, who will be organized mean during my employment (nor procedure, perhaps you will appear Artist show opening; Ms. blends. ^e sS,M ,L,X L. to enter. well ahead of the primary his) we give less than 100 percent ef­ from behind your quilled pen and Elise Burnham, 7:30 p.m., fort in our performance. There is a Had such a provision been in season if he decides to go after conduct any further meetings. Our Women's Center. Men’s difference. Mr. Kleinschmidt, Silky-soft shirts to wear effect two years ago. Califor­ Carter in 1980. directors are ordinary folks, not Turi>(loy, Fell. 28 Wrangler however, between the love one feels with everything! Long nia Gov. Jerry Brown would power politicians, simply the voice of •Lunch: noon. Student sleeves, placket button- No4^ault Jeans ^ Reflections for his family, community, and the the people. The people of the Eighth Center. front. Sizes S,M,L. have been frozen out of nearly Mondale's associates are Our Rig. 14.99 new cliche, his roots, and the dutyand District can live in harmony and Informal discussion: all those late primaries that he reportedly very much aware of Fashion Rage! Hal Turkington respect one feels towards his significantly cheaper by keeping the "Sexual Assault,” 1:30 p.m.. Women's Center. Painter’s Jeans took away from Carter after the problem and may try to employer and the job required of Eighth District in the hands of the Managing Editor •♦Creative Puppetry: Jumping into the 1976 race in rectify the situation when the him. people. I give 100 percent at my job. as I 7:30-9:30 p.m., Hartford New Canvas and Vinyl the eleventh hour. full Democratic National Com­ Thank you for providing an oppor­ Enjoy freedom from shrink­ am sure the South Find Fire Depart­ Road Campus, Room 216. Novelty Handbags That's apparently what the mittee meets in April. tunity to express my position. Informal discussion; ing, wrinkles and puckers. ment does. but. Mr. Kleinschmidt, Authentic styling, with Harold Stino Open rap on a variety of Choose flares or straights. Dr. Clarence P. Quimby says " I f ll files about Dr. Quimby. and parts when you add personal love on top of saewdriver pocket, Sizes 29^2. 1 McCabe St.. topics, 7:30 p.m.. Women’s hammer loop, and slim &"» 5.44 from that Gardner News feature. be hard to keep my nose out of 100 percent personal performance ■'lanc)u.-sti.-r Center. Fashionable rope or ribbon trimsi there." but he has officially retired Had be chosen his first ambition. OrganizersI Shoulder bags! Colors XX ednesday, Xlareli 1 and styles for all occasions. Thought from the education scene. CPQ “ would have been a lawyer; Open House, Women’s The Dr. Quimby of whom we speak instead, he became an educator. He Center, 10 a.m,-9 p.m. was affectionately known to also became a great orator; he has •Lunch: noon. Student In this season of Lent, when we are But "repentance" is a biblical State library budget Manchester High ScIim I students as given more than 500 graduation ad­ Center. word. It is mentioned about the same trying to analyze more closely and “CPQ" when he was its principal dresses at schools and colleges, and Informal discussion and carefully just why we do things for number of times in the Old Testa­ To the editor: Last year the equipment account from 1923 to 1933. He left to become has addressed hundreds of social, demonstration: "Protect which we are sorry, the word ment as in the New. The Bible com­ The Connecticut State Library was reduced by 12 percent which civic and educational groups. Yourself-Self Defense,” headmaster at Cushing Academy in budget hearing this week will decide CaldorVitaminE,aooiu s me ‘‘sinner" has been all but deleted mands it, our wickedness demands forced the cancellation of all book 7:30 p.m., Student Lounge. Ashbumham, Mass. When he was in lilanchester. Dr. BoniMoiloo y from our vocabulary. it, justice requires it, Jesus Gu'ist the fate of statewide library ser­ orders in the State Library main Our Rrc-4-49 El...... f c lof “T Quimby served as president of the Thursday, March 2 The drunkard is no longer looked preached it and jGod expects it. The post he has just vacated was as vices. including statewide borrowing collection for 1978 in the Readers Breakfast: 7:30-9:30 upon as a wayward, selfish person, Repentance is not remorse or self- Kiwanis Gub in 19^ and lieutenant privileges in all public librarie^, Services Division. Also cut was $50.- a m.. Student Center. Caldor Vitamin C,sooMt. #>99 having failed to adjust to society ; he condemnation. Repentance is governor in 1930. He was guest BotUMOllOO V V * * statewide telephone reference Mr- 000 worth of m aterials for the •♦Intermediate Elec­ Ow Rif. 1.99 El...... fclor is just an alcoholic and a sick person. knowing what is right before we can speaker when Manchester Kiwanis vice and interlibrary loan privileges Library Service Centers. trocardiogram Inter­ The criminal is considered to be know what is wrong. It is contri­ celebrated its 40th anniversary in for the public. All major services of the State pretation: 7-9:30 p.m., Caldor Thera M Vitamin v> a aa psychopath in need of treatment. tion over past sins and an earnest 1964. BoWm o MOO V These services are likely to be UConn Health Center. The juvenile delinquent is con­ desire to walk in a new path of Library have statewide impact. The Our Rif. 3.49 El...... lor "CPQ” is also a Rotarian; up in Informal discussion: (Alto contilns mimrilt) sidered to be just an unfortunate righteousness. drastically reduced or eliminated public will lose these vital services Gardner, he is known as the Rotary "Gay/Straight Rap,” 7:30 child, the victim of circumstances. Repentance carries with it the altogether unless public support for or have them curtailed unless the Gub's newscaster. He began stand- p.m.. Women’s Center. And so it goes; no one apparently is idea of changing one's mind, at­ library funding is voiced to the public notifies the legislature to sup­ Listermint Mouthwash ,449 up newscasts to the club in 1939. He leorbottli 1 to blame for his sins. titude, and way of life. We can have legislature. Not only your local port library funding. Friday, March 3 OurRH.l.6e...... ■ has been a Rotary president and a We have preached the dignity and true, genuine repentance if we have a library, but every library in the state Raymond J . Woollett ♦Dinner: 6 p.m.. Student district trustee. Center. goodness of man rather than his true, saving faith. will be crippled if funding is not in­ 175 S. Main St. Playtex Plus T ampons wickedness and guilt. Thus we have WWW Duplicate Bridge: Open, BoiAzeiOMdorml) | Have you repented? Have you creased. Manchester OurRig. 1.S2...... 8 vindicated all, condemned none, and changed? Whatever the conversation may be. Novice, 7:45 p.m., Hart­ provided alibis for each offender. Rev. Russell E. Camp Dr. Quimby never strays far from ford Road Campus, Rooms Thus there is no need to repent. education. He earned bis way 102 and 103. Stairwell Gallery; through Bates College as a "legman” through March 31, works reporter for the Boston Globe and the by Tom Hebert and pain­ 1-WEEK BOOK SALE! Lewiston (Maine) Sun-Joumal. He L etters to the editor policy tings by Ken Morgan. has his doctorate from Harvard. Yesterdays Dr. Clarence P. (Quimby Opening reception, 8 p.m; Of education today, “CPQ” says, The Herald has been lenient issues; letters should not exceed lecture by John Frazier of a member of the Montachusett "It requires a new vocabulary to with its policy on length of letters 250 words; they should be typed if Wesleyan University on 25 years ago route for access road from Regional Vocational Technical keep up with the trends in education. to the editor recently because of possible, and double-spaced. The “ The Films of George Herald reserves the right to edit Second Congregational Church Manchester Memorial Hospital to School Committee at Gardner, That's a good sign—to experiment.” the emotional involvement on Melies” — short films by any letter to correct spelling, or extends call to the Rev. Arnold South Alton Street. Mass., where he lives. He has been But he does see some things being some of the current topics. Melies will be shown. Hart­ to remove material libelous, or in Tozer. Honorary life membership cards of on the Monty Tech school board for lost in education. Some newer Because we have been lenient, ford Road Campus. poor taste. Unaccepted letters Tax Board report is expected to Knights of Columbus are presented 13 years but did not seek another philosophies neglect recitation. He some letters have been printed Monday, March 6 several days after we received will be returned. Letters should hike Grand List. to Edward Moriarty, Michael term after 1977. thinks that reading aloud, •Lunch; noon, Student »RR51T/2 Orford Soap Co. closing is Sheridan and Wilbur Messier, all 50- them. This is our policy: be signed, addressed, and a “CPQ" will be 89 on March 20. memorizing poetry and other forms Center. extended. year members. The Herald welcomes letters on telephone number listed. Compact 8-Track Car Stereo ★ ★ ★ of recitation, give pupils a stronger •Dinner: 6 p.m.. Student 10 years ago Town Planning Commission Our friends at the Gardner News Center. Tape Player with Speakers rejects revised plan for con­ grasp on the things they encounter in Town Planning Commission ap­ were aware that Dr. Quimby had a ♦♦Introduction to Tran­ by Tenna dominium apartm ents on Lydall the classroom. proves proposed route for Parker- Manchester relationship, and sent us sactional Analysis: 7-9:30 Street. "The fundamental rule of educa­ Oakland Street connector road and a copy of the Feb. 14 ^ ition with a p.m.. Main Campus, B-9. tion used to be repetition,” and he ♦♦Basic Practical feature on “CPQ.” says that shouldn't be totally dis­ Delinquency deterrent Celestial Navigation: 7:30- Parts of this column are from our Our Orig. 38.99 carded. 9:30 p.m., Hartford Road ‘‘CPQ" calls counseling a To the editor: Campus, Room 103. Super sound for the road! Tape player has ffM necessary part of education. Students In an effort to combat juvenile course, is the reason that 1 suggest ♦All lunches and dinners slide controls for volume, balance and tone, plus there's two wedge speakers. this form of punishment as a definite are served in the College have more voice in their education delinquency, perhaps we would do JUST 6 PCS. PER STORE NO RAINCHECKS today, but “ It isn’t so much that they wen to give an old concept new direc­ deterrent to juvenile delinquncy. Dining Room. Reser­ vations should be made in have a voice in things —it's that they tion, i.e., uniforms with the letters Legal hassels might require advance at the Main Office understand things.” Education is J.O. (juvenile offender) printed in special legislation to allow this plan at Hartford Road, 646-4900, teaching a child to think —“and I large letters on shirts and jackets, to be implemented. If so, we might ext. 205. also with large J.O . on the pant leg so also ask for a special law to include a believe that takes time.” ♦♦Non-credit communi­ penalty for anyone duplicating and or Dr. (^im by points to speech and it can be seen and never mistaken for ty services course begins. writing as important tools for adults, any other symbol. mimicking the clothing being worn Open on a space-available and says students should need solid This type of punishment could be by juvenile offenders. This would dis­ basis, advance registration educating in recitation so that they handed out to ^ juvenile offenders courage groups from decorating is necessary. For further can communicate where it is essen­ found guilty of their second offense. clothing to resemble thq juvenile information call, 646-2137. tial to make oneself understood. These juvenile offenders could be offenders unjforips and. gathering in Free income lax ncrvlce ★ ★ ★ put to work policing our parks and the vicinity of where work details The Accounting Club at Mrs. Quimby is living in a nursing municipal building grounds as well as will be working. This also would Manchester Community home in Gardner, and Dr.- Quimby’s our school grounds or wherever eliminate considerable confusion for College is assisting in­ daily schedule includes a visit to the needed. Groups of four or six might the group supervision. dividuals to prepare their home at 2:30 p.m. be an ideal size for ease of handling, Strict rules would have to be im- income tax returns; The service is available to ‘‘We have our afternoons with a group supervisor for each piemnted, I.e., ho talking, no waving everyone free of charge, together,” he says. “It’s a very group. to friends passing by, or anyone but is primarily intended One possible source that might be blowing car horns. If any of the rules precious-part of the day.” for the elderly, students tapped for supervisors for thoM . set forth are not conformed to. the The Quimbys raised a son and and other individuals who three daughters; one daughter died juvenile offender groups could be the ^ violators will rheeive additional would not normally use several years ago. adult corridor patrol officers now ‘ hours to serve on work details. professional tax In Gardner, they named the library being used by the board of education. Punishment of this nature will assistance. at Monty Tech ‘The Dr. Clarence P. Perhaps a bus with special marking work. I firmly believe it will Work is done by students ()uimby Library in December. of juvenile offenders could distribute drastically reduce quite a few poten­ under supervision by There are many Manchester groups to the locale where they would tial juvenile' offenders, in the tag- members of the college ac­ residents who remember “CPQ” be working and pick'them up at a along category. counting faculty. The service is provided from high school, some who attended designated time. Uniforms for the program could Monday, Wednesday and Cushing, and those especially in No names of juveniles will be come from bids submitted by area SA LE PR IC fS Friday, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. SENIOR CITIZEN DAYS Manchester Kiwanis who remember published; however, they will, in uniform suppliers. MANCHESTER VERNON EFFECmrit through April 14, in Room Every Tuesday and Wednesday their fourth president. fact, be walking billboards. This can William A. Crossley MDNDAY 103 at the Hartford Road 1148 ToHMd Tiinplke Tri-City Shopping Cantor THRU Dr. Quimby lives at 21 Lennon St. and will be very embarrassing to the 74 Harlan St.. Campus. No appointments 10% OFF* S oumSdSc* in Gardner. parents and offenders alike. ‘This, of Manchester nuet l*m. tobKco ptiducU ind Ktm alraidr M ult. W EDNtSOAY are required. •oicownoivcHiviiY DAY ON nKscimiom STORE HOURS: DAILY AND SATURDAY, 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. • SUNDAY, NOON to 6 P.M. PACE sue - MANCHESTER EVEWP«G HERAU). s. Co m - tkm.. Feb. P . U 7t MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, DtondmUf, Conn . Mon . Feb T1, 1971 - PAGE SEVtJl

Vernon CETA employees ■ ZBA sets eight hearings sS V ••■A The Manrtyrter Zomn| Board of • Variances requested bjr Stanley area with a crushed stone or warned to keep looking Appeals will bold pgbiic hearlap oa Ogrodnick to create two lots for two processed stone surface at zl New ei^t items when it meets looi^ at Bolton Road. existing nonconforming residential as a patrol officer and dispatcher at 7. structures at lOS-107 and lOd-lIl HoU The area is in Residence AA and Stanley Roesler, Vernon’s director started in January 1975. The objec­ Dilloo Sales b Service will aeek a Rural Residence Zones, and only of admlDistratkm, has issued an ad­ tive of the program is to provide tte police station; clerks of the St. works at the firehouse addition and special eiceptioo to eipaad its sales bitumiaoos or masonry concrete are visory to all town employees who employment and training oppor­ Each lot would have 70 feet of lot the new police station; waste treat­ area for new aad nsed automobiles. permitted for vehicle parking areas. work under the Comprehensive tunities for unemployed town frontage, five feet less than required, ment plant operators; recreation The business, located at 311 Main St., Employment Training Act (CETA) residents who meet program and 7,000 square feet of area, 2,000 The ZBA also will conduct public coordinator and sanitation inspector. hopes to expand its existiaf parUnf square feet less than required. One bearings for three items that it ap­ program, to continue to look for non- guidelines. As of this month, Vernon has 81 Also 12 of the 21 laborers in the area to provide more space, Alan liM also would have a t i^ o o t side proved at its January meeting. subaidized employment oppor­ CETA positions which represents 37 public works department are CETA Lamson, town planner, s ^ . yard, six feet less than required. The That meeting was held Jan. 16, the tunities. percent of the total town payroll, employees and of seven employees The firm also is seekinf a variance proposed lots are in a Residence B state's day for observing Martin The U, S. Department of Labor is for the minimum lot froota^ in a Luther King's birthday, and the town considering imposing an 18-month Roesler said. There are 218 town for the Parks Department, five are ZoM. CETA workers. The other two Business III Zone. counsel's has recommended limitation on the length of time that a employees on the payroll. Roesler • A variance for Fireside Realty olfice positions are supervisory ones. These Merrill J. Wbiston is seeking Inc. to erect a free-standing sign at that the bearings be held again and person may be employed under the said the 81 CETA personnel are variances for an addition to a CETA program. providing essential services in a positions total %. 519 Center St. that would te l^ e r the board act again on the three The remaining 45 CETA positions building at the northwest comer of items. Last year the town took a position variety of areas throughout the town. than what is permitted in a are organized into three separate Pearl and Harrison streets. The Residence C Zone. They are a request for a sign opposing the limitation. The City of CETA workers are; Operating the projects. variances are needed for three variance at 250 SpeiKer St., a request Hartford did the same thing but was switchboard in the Memorial A sign of two square feet is per­ TTie Environmental Task Force for requirements — maximum lot for a 45-foot free-standing antenna at recently informed that its request for Building; updating assessment mitted. and the request is for an 8%- cleanup of the Hockanum River coverage, minimum front line and square-foot sign. 512 W. Middle Turnpike, and a a waiver had been turned down. records in preparation for the 1960 takes in 25 CETA workers including a minimum side line. The building is in • A variance requested by the request for conversion of a single- CETA is a federally funded public revaluation; maintaining town finan­ an Industrial Zone. family house to a four-family b o w service employment program which cial records and accounts; working project coordinator, three crew Fellowship of Baptists for Home leaders, three assistant crew The ZBA also will conduct public at 617 Center St. Missions Inc. to permit a parking leaders, three rodenticide hearings for the following new applicators, three vehicle operators items: Council sets hearings and 12 technicians. There are seven CETA workers on Manchester police report on use of block grant the Bolton Lakes survey, one is a civil engineer and the other six are Di$cu$$ing demolition Vernon but it has been determined that they Mark J Friedman, 20, and Joyce breach of peace and interfering with license is under suspension Friday engineering aides. building department. Brunell shows the The meeting of the Town Council will cost more than this. The amend­ 'The third project, that of raising Mayor Frank McCoy discusses the demoli­ 2 Friedman, no age available, both of a police officer. Police said be was a n i^ t. Court date is March 14. Sandwich judging a treat ment, if passed, will provide a total all of the manholes in town, is being tion of a multifamily house on Village Street mayor an article concerning the rights of Willimantic, escaped serious injury passenger in a car driven by Geno A. Robert M. Smith, 26, of 460 Main tonight will preceded by public of 8^,000 to complete the three administered by the public works landlords and tenants. The building had been when the car in which they were Cranfaglione, 19, of 60 Livingston St. was charged with breach of peace hearings on amendments to the 1977 in Rockville with Roger Brunell, a former Judging a sandwich contest is a pleasure the entries were Mrs. Mary Uppling, major projects at the pool; Replace­ department with 13 CETA workers in­ traveling at the Spencer Street exit Road, East Hartford, who was and resisting arrest in connection and 1978 block grants. The hearings owner of record, of the property. The house damaged by fire last summer. (Herald photo for those who were chosen to judge the cafeteria director, and Wilson Deakin Jr., ment of underground plumbing, cluding 10 laborers and three ramp of Interstate Highway 84 Sun­ charged with operating a motor vehi­ vrith a disturbance at bis home Satur­ will tart at 7:30 p.m. in the Memorial was termed uninhabitable by the town’s by Dunn) assistant superintendent of schools. The masons. day night went out of control and cle while under the influence of day. Court date is March 13. winners of an international sandwich contest Building, Park Place. replacement of the pool apron; and The total value of Vernon’s CETA flipped over. alcohol, misuse of registration plates Kenneth L. Ostrout, 41, of Gilman, Friday at Green School. Sabra Goldick, one sandwiches were prepared using the prin­ The amendment to the 1977 grant resurfacing the pool interior. Friedman sustained scrapes and and possession of a controlled sub­ was charged with driving under the of the winners, is offering some of her win­ ciples of good nutrition which is taught in would reallocate 82,000 slated for The second hearing will consider payroll is 8756,000 of which 826,000 is bruises and Ms. Friedman bad a stance. Police said the car was influence of alcohol in connection ning entry to Harold Kearns, left, school nutrition study unit to Unit B students. Community Development Ad­ uses for the 1978 block grant. paid by the town. Under CETA 7 The council will also be asked to laceration. Both were treated at stopped at Center and Roosevelt with an accident at Center and Broad ministration and 85,000 for sidewalk regulations the town is reimbursed Meeting set on snow fund crossing guard. Others who enjoyed sampling Herald photo by Pinto) approve a resolution to authorize the for all wage and salary costs up to Manchester Memorial Hospital and streets. Court date for both men is streets early Saturday. Police said he reconstruction to complete repairs at state to apply, on behalf of the town, 810,000 annually, per participant and it's snow removal budget by more Abraham Glassman on legislation released. March 13. struck the rear of a car driven by the Horowitz Pool in Henry Park. for federal financial assistance for anything in excess of that is paid by South Windsor than 811,000. and problems pertinent to South Police said their car went out of Daniel P. Johnston , 19, of Union Gregory P. Tobin, 20, of 33 Manor The current program budget has the town. Before the scheduled South Wind­ Mayor Nancy Caffyn said reim­ Windsor control on the icy road, struck a was charged with breach of peace Circle, East Hartford. Court date is 815,000 allocated for the pool repairs emergency snow removal. Board faces full agenda sor Town Council work session bursement from the federal govern­ Also on the work session agenda is snowbank and fli{:^>ed over onto its and possession of a controlled sub­ March 14. a discussidn of open space in roof. There were no charges filed. stance. Police said be was un­ Christine E. Dunbar, 27, of Hart­ tonight, the council will hold a ment under the Disaster Relief Act The Manchester Board of Educa­ The grievance is similar to one done this year, amounting to about special meeting at 7 p.m. authorizing will probably amount to slightly Wentworth Estates with Planning cooperative when they tried to break ford was charged on a warrant with 850,000. He has also had a 10 percent Arrests included Anna Marie up a fight with a friend in front of 519 issuing a bad check. Court date is tion will have a full agenda tonight brought before the board Feb. 14 by HMO gets HEW funding Town Manager Paul Talbot to file all more than 81,000. The town hopes to and Zoning Chairman William Grace hold on most of the budget accounts and Commissioner John Norman. Erickson, 17, of 25 Clinton St. Main St. early Saturday. Court date March 13. starting at 7 with a grievance hearing high school industrial arts teachers necessary documents for financial gel almost full reimbursement of the regarding extra duty assignments. since last summer and he said he assistance from the federal govern­ difference from the state. The council will discuss including charged with second-degree forgery, is March 13. Burglaries over the weekend in­ by art teachers at Manchester High The Department of Health, Educa­ medical care and treatment to volun­ vices rendered. The board plans to act on both may find extra funds in the utilities ment for snow removal. South Windsor had snow ac­ newly appointed Town Attorney first-degree larceny and fourth- Robert J. MacGranor, 31, of 507 cluded the Early Learning Center, 80 School. tion and Welfare will award a 8844,- tarily enrolled patients. It is es­ The towns which will be served by grievances at the same time. budget. The special meeting will also cumulations ranging from 17 to 23 in­ Richard Rittenband in the group degree larceny in connection with the Main St. was charged with breach of Waddell Road, from which a The meeting will be at Buckley 728 development grant to the North timated the proposed HMO will serve the North Central Connecticut Health In other business, the board will be authorize Frank Mancuso, ches with an average accumulation CMS and Blue Cross insurance plan theft of- two checks last fall. Both peace , in connection with a distur­ calculator valued at 880 and some School. Central Connecticut Health up to 30,000 patients within a five- Maintenance Organization include: The regular board meeting will asked to act on a student transfer authorized representative to the of 20 inches. In addition, winds up to as was the practice for the former checks belonged to Porter Street bance near the Main Street address cash were stolen. It was the second Maintenance Organization, year period. Avon, Bloomfield, Bolton, East begin at 8 p.m. with public comment plan for Verplanck School students governor, to file, on behalf of South 50 miles per hour occurred over a 20- Town Attorney. residents and one was reported Friday night. Court date is March 13. burglary there in three weeks. Congressman William R. (hotter (D- HMO is considering an East Hart­ Granby, East Hartford, East Wind­ time. next fall. Wijidsor, a project application for hour period, creating snow drifts of Both meetings will be held at the stolen from the mailbox last October W e ^ l H. Wincbell, 30, of 843 Main Two television sets and other items ( About town ) ford location for this region. sor, Enfield, Farmington, Glaston­ School Superintendent James P. Other reports will include 1st Dist.) announced today. Eli Terry School Library. 3. Police said an accomplice in the in­ St. was charged with breach of peace valued at 8650, were stolen from a HMOs have been developed as an bury, Hartford, Manchester, financial reimbursement. 60 inches high on main roads and Kennedy will ask for authorization preliminary results from the The funds will be used for a 12- An executive session will be held cidents was charged by federal and third-degree criminal mischief motel room at the Connecticut Motor Recitation of the Rosary and alternative to traditional forms of Marlborough, New Britain, The town had to hire private con­ streets. from the board to go ahead with minimum proficiency test taken by month period to construct and equip immediately after the work session postal authorities. Saturday in connection with an argu­ Lodge, 400 Tolland Turnpike Friday ecumenical hour will be coi^ucted Newington, Plainville, Rocky Hill, tractors to help with snow removal The work session at 7:30 p.m. will plans to return up to 893,000 to the Manchester High School a Health Maintenance facility to medical care by focusing on am­ to discuss personnel matters. Miss Erickson was released on 81,- morning. by the St. Bridget Rosary Society South Windsor, Suffield, Vernon, during the blizzard, and has exceeded include a meeting with State Rep. ment and disturbance at a Main town budget which was requested by sophomores, a status of the serve 23 towns in the Greater Hart­ bulatory and comprehensive health 000 non-surety bond. A burglary was reported at St. Tuesday at 1:45 p.m. in Cronin Hall West Hartford, Wethersfield, Wind­ Street apartment. Court date is the mayor in December. "The return Washington and Bentley elementary ford area. The region’s first HMO programs in which staff physicians James Church Satur^y morning. at Mayfair Gardens. Refreshments sor, and Windsor Locks. March 13. of funds from ail town departments school projects, tenure ap­ will provide prepaid precentive are paid a set monthly fee for all ser­ Other arrests over the weekend in­ Police said the burglars, who ap­ will be served. All Mayfair residents Jose A. Aquino, 24, of Hartford was was requested to help offset a pointments, and the lOH pool cluded Peter J, Marcue III, 18, of charged with operating a motor vehi­ parently stayed in the church after are invited. projected deficit in the town budget. project. Several personnel actions Bolton charged with breach of peace cle while bis license is under suspen­ Friday night services, pushed Dr. Kennedy said certain amounts will also be taken, including four and third-degree criminal mischief sion Friday night. Court date is through a door of a study which was The Army-Navy Auxiliary will SWHS girls named finalists F have been set aside from unfilled teachers retiring from Verplanck in connection with a disturbance at March 7. blocked by some book shelves. A meet Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at the positions and projects that were not School. program. The winners will be an­ Ruth Parasiliti, Shirley Ryan, the Carry Nations Cafe, 10 E. Center Arland E. Smith, 21, of 115 Nutmeg stereo set in the study had been club house. After the meeting, there W h at’s South Windsor nounced in April. Carolyn Stakun, Maureen Sullivan, St. Saturday. He was scheduled for Lane, East Hartford, was charged moved, but was recovered, police will be a “do your own thing’’ program. Refreshments will be and Louise Whalen. court March 7. with operating a motor vehicle while report^. Sue E. Marsh, daughter of Dr. and Clinic volunteers Edward J. White, 19, of 54 served. Police anil FBI probe M rs. S tu a r t M a rsh of 108 Blood pressure equipment is being Energy Savings Payback. Ferguson Road, Thomas E. Jones, Tumblebrook Drive and Linda F. Volunteers who will be assisting at loaned by the South Windsor Public 18, of 49 Oxford St. and Gary A. The VFW Loyalty Day Committee Nelson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. the special blood pressure clinic in Health Nursing Association and Marchuk, 19, of 26 Griffin Road, were Paquette will try will meet tonight at 7:30 at the post holdup of bank branch Leroy Nelson of 26 Pond Lane, have the cafeteria of South Windsor High literature has b ^ n provided by the each charged with breach of peace in home. Officers and members are been selected as candidates for School from 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., American Heart Association. A great saving when you E connection with a disturbance at asked to attend. Manchester Police and tlie Federal Police said the robbers displayed National Merit Scholarships. Tuesday are Marilyn Adamo, Cindy The purpose of the clinic is to im­ David’s Restaurant, 336 Broad St., Bureau of Investigation are probing no weapon, but that the man in­ Both girls are seniors at South Bazzano, Dottle Bobbitt, Dee press upon the students that high early Sunday. Court date for all three to upset Hannon Manchester Lodge of Masons will reports on a robbery at the Heritage dicated to the teller that he was Windsor High School and have been D’Aiello, Cathy DePietro, Marge blood pressure can occur in young is March 13. meet Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at the Savings and Loan branch bank in holding a handgun. named finalists in the scholarship Files, Anita Meligonis, Joan Oberg, people. replace your dryer with a new Masonic Temple. After a short Police received numerous descrip­ William J. McKeown, 52, of Hart­ “Don’t panic,’’ Joseph Paquette “I bad a 825 fuel adjustment on the Frank’s Supermarket on East Middle business meeting, the Master Mason tions from persons in the store at ford was charged with operating a has been telling Democrats of the bill. George Hannon has been sitting Turnpike Saturday night. degree will be conferred with Russell 8:30 p.m., the time of the robbery. motor vehicle while his license is un­ state’s Ihird Senatorial District. in the G ^ r a l Assembly while all Police said a white male and white der suspension. Court date is March McClelland, worshipful master, female, both in their 20s walked up to The woman was described as about Open space goals listed Pilotless Gas Dryer “Don’t endorse just anybody to try this about fuel adjustments has come presiding. 21. to knock out Hannon,” Paquette has along. And he hasn’t done a thing to the bank teller and handed her a note 5'6” tall, 25 years old, blond. The to turn over the money in the bank. male was described as in his late 20s, Richard A. Chandler, 28, of Bolton been saying. stop it. A water quality, and into the was charged with third-degree Manchester WATES will meet They walked out of the door of the of average build, clean-shaven with Coventry wildlife habitat by the state Depart­ State Sen. George Hannon Jr. of “The adjustment amounts to a rate Willimantic River. Aquifers and criminal mischief in connection with Tuesday at the Italian American supermarket with 87,900, police said. brown hair. The Coventry Conservation (Com­ ment of Environmental Protection. E ^ t Hartford has been serving in the increase through the back door. scenic ledge outcropping are also a window that was broken at Central Gub. Weighing in will be 7 to 8 p.m. mission has released a list of 27 areas Also on the list is agricultural land state’s General Assembly since he “It’s about time people like myself priorities. Refrigeration Co., 1744 Spruce St. Members are asked to bring fruit and in town it would like to see be given which is now being used for row was elected to the House of had a chance to speak up in the Among other listed areas are early Sunday. Court date is March 13. vegetables for the games. priority for open space. The commis­ crops and pasture. The Ash Brook Representatives in the mid-1960s. He Senate.” Rockville hospital notes should be protected as a streambelt Coventry Brook and Olson Brook, David L. Smith, 24, of Andover was He called Hannon’s “bottling up of sion will tum the list over to the has been in the Senate for the past The Golden Age Club will meet and the Ash Brook Ravine for its Grant Hill, and the scenic ledges that charged with breach of peace early the Bottle Bill” a mere "distraction Planning and Zoning Commission for two terms and appears determ ine to Tuesday at 1 p.m. at the Senior rtockvilte; Dorothy Hudson, Highland scenic qualities, the commissioners are part of Riley Mountain. Hemlock Sunday in connection with a distur­ go for a third. from the real issues.” And among the Admitted Friday: Frank Agnew, Home Avenue, Rockville; Laurence Rabbett, possible incorporation in a m aster' Citizens Center. Terrace, Elast Hartford; Linda Nipert, plan of development for Coventry. state. Brook, the Hop River, and the bance in front of a Spruce Street Paquette announced today he plans real issues facing the state are the Warehouse Point; John Reese, Tolland; Stafford Springs; Arlene Payson, Rachel The conservationists list C ^ ar Other important streambelt noted streambelt near Root Road are also tavern. Court date is March 13. to unseat Hannon. He will force a utility bills, be said. Charles Seeman. Norwich; Joseph Mark P. Plourde, 20, of 180 Walnut The Great Books Discussion Group Road, Manchester; Joan Vincent, Dobson Vostinak, West Willington; Joseph Swamp among the priorities. They are those leading into the cited along with unique swamp primary in the Democratic Party East Hartford Democrats have Road, Vernon; Dorothy Whittier, areas. St., East Hartford, was charged with will meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the Wadsworth, Glenstone Drive, Rockville; note it has been designated a unique Skungamaug River, which has Gass and wrest the nomination from Han­ called Paquette a maverick member home of Mrs. WiUiam Sleith, 32 Warehouse Point. Charles Whisler, Wilson Lane, Rockville. non, he said. of their party. He challenged Richard Wyllys St. Cicero’s “On Old Age and Discharged Friday; Kirk Blair, Tolland: Birth Friday: A daughter to Mr. and Blackstone last summer for the Mrs. Barbara Colton and son, Somers; But to get a primary, Paquette Friendship” will be discussed. New Mrs. Allen Williams, Hartford Turnpike, Democratic Town Committee’s John Cratty III, Terrace Drive, Araa police report (winter sports] must first get at least 20 percent of members are welcome to attend. Rockville, the delegates to the district conven­ nomination for mayor of East Hart­ tion to nominate him. There are 44 ford. But Blackstone beat Paquette ■H Vernon St., Vernon and Greg Gauthier, 17, of one count of fourth-degree larceny. There will be supervised ice 68 Union St., Rockville, were charged The arrests were made in connec­ delegate seats, 31 from East Hart­ by a two-to-one margin and went on John A. Basils, 57, of 5 Regan skating today at Center Springs tion with breaks into several homes ford and 13 from Manchester. to win- his fifth consecutive term as Road, Vernon, an employee of the Sunday, with disorderly conduct In Annex and Union Pond Annex, and in the Coventry Lake area over the Paquette needs at least nine of Elast Hartford’s top official. town, was arrested on a Common connection with a disturbance at 101 coasting at Center Springs Park from Union St. A juvenile was re fe rr^ to past two months. Police said a total them favoring him to get a primary. Paquette said be must work fast to Pleas Court warrant Saturday in con­ 3 to 9 p.m. juvenile authorities in the same inci­ of about 8500 worth of cash and “What finally made me decide to convince at least nine delegates he nection with his alleged threatening Northview Ski Slope will be open dent. property was reported taken and challenge Hannon was my gas bill,” should run instead of Hannon. The ONLY! of the life of Mayor Frank McCoy. for skiing today from 6:30 to 9:30 convention wheels are already tur­ TUES. McCaffrey and Gauthier are to about 8 ^ w o rth has been recovered. said Paquette today. Police charged Basils with posses­ p.m. ning, he said. appear in court March 15. Police said more arrests are For information, call 643-4700. sion of a pistol without a permit and Kevin W. Bobskill, 17, of Partridge expected. The juveniles were turned The breach of the peace. The alleged inci­ Lane, Tolland, was arrested Sunday over to juvenile authorities. dent took place Friday at the on a warrant charging him with Harry D. Leet, 37, of 1189 Main St., Club to hear Memorial Building. Police said Coventry, was charged Sunday with McCoy was not on the premises at violation of probation. He was released on a 8100 nonsurety bond for threatening and disorderly conduct in travel lecture ThenN^overvour I < the time and the gun was found to be hoicest Meats In Town\ court March 15. connection with a disturbance at his Dr. A .E. F rien d , a inoperable, police said. They also Vernon Police are seeking a man home. He was released on a 8500 non­ Manebester ear and nose oouldbea$2^ said Basils had been drinking. Basils who reportedly is about 30 years old. surety bond for appearance in court That’s 1§[P for you. specialist, will give an il­ surrendered himself at police In connection with breaks into in Rockville, March 14. D VIRGINIA headquarters Saturday. He was lustrated lecture entitled loanii^umler several apartments in the Nutmeg released on a 81.000 nonsurety bond. African Quest” at the complex on Route 83. Police said He is scheduled to appear in Common Professional Women’s some valuable items were taken in And for everybody your nose. Pleas Court 19, Rockville, March 15. South Windsor Club meeting Tuesday at the breaks. The description of the 7:30 p.m. in the Robbins With a Home Loan ban Haitfoid HAM Gary Blinn, 29, of 9 Tolland Ave., Alston W. Muir, 24, of 233 Ellington N a lio ^ suspect was obtained from Road, East Hartford, was charged Yes, everyone can have th is E$P, just by buying it. E$P. Energy Savings Room of Center Rockville, was charged Saturday witnesses, police said. Sunday with driving while under the Payback. Now, when you buy any new energy-efficient gas appliance, Ccmgregational Church. WeVeprepated to lend qualified applicanti LEAN FRESH with driving while under the influence Dr. Friends, who has to $25,000 or more (baaed oo the cunent of liquor or drugs. Police said he was Coventry influence of liquor or drugs. Police to replace your older more conventional one, your E$P can bo $100. traveled extensively, will maiket value of your home leas observed driving erratically on Three juveniles were arrested said he went off the roadway on to $150. or more. A clothes dryer, for example. The new pilotless gas show slides taken during the balance of^ iw mortgage) Union Street. He was released on a Saturday by Coventry Police. They Hilton Drive and struck some dryer uses up to 46% less natural gas. And saves money too. What's his journey in Africa at very attractive terma. 8200 nonsurety bond for court were charged with a total of five mailboxes find a pole. He is to appear pilotless? What’s E$P ? Well, with older type dryers with a pilot, that flame Stm in today and aak any GROUND BEEF o 9 5 appearance March 15. counts of second-degree burglary, six in Common Pleas Court 12, East burns all the time, needed or not. And it can cost up to $100. to keep it covering the west coast and inland points. of our ban officers about a .5 LB. LIMIT James McCaffrey, 17, of 10 Laurel counts of third-degree burglary, and Hartford, March 7. burning over the life of your dryer-estimated at some ten years. Old The evening will open Home Equity Loan. Well be gas dryers vs. new gas dryers: E$P-$100. or more. Sure, the new E$P with refreshments. happy to serve you. tjVER 80 YEARS OF DEPENDABLE SERVICE! gas appliances cost a little more in the first place, but over the years Hostesses are Miss I Hsippinoss ISmuB I you'll save more than twice the difference. And the difference is E$P. Beatrice Gulow, Mrs. May FkMace TeSal ef FiweMtage Energy Savings Payback. See all the new pilotless dryer models at your White and Mrs. Mellie I k REIIUY CIEMI UMMOMIIT ■ atlas bantlij gas appliance dealer or Connecticut Natural Gas. And by the way, CNG Farr. t$m ttun mrnt. UM tM tvuM ii% I i, m cwnnoiB) o I has enough natural gas for all its residential customers. It pays to stay mm 07.75 OlaM. IbSJMt MJJMt 11% HIGHLAND PARK MARKET • 24 Hour Emcrqoncy Service with gas. ISAM m ju mwm. 9.7MM 24.79L46 11% ■ TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY • Burner Soles & Service 25JM 344J7 0 6 — . UJJ4M 41324M 11% • Clean Healing Oils • Wekaeea 317 Highland Stroat ! SPEDAL I t u m 649-4595

PAGE EIGHT - MANCHESTER EVENING HEHALD. MamheMer. Conn., Mon.. Keb. 27. 1978 Dugout still Mantle’s private prison Indians pin Eagle matmen

FORT LAUDERDALE. Fla. again." he says, focusing his gaze work with are the ones who have Suddenly, he grows serious again. president in charge of special companionship,” he says. “I like to around second base where Bucky good years," says Mantle. “I’m here now because I love it," markets. ^ hear the players get on each other, with forfeit in final match (UPI) — The dugout always Dent and Mickey Klutts are turning He says it with a straight face, but he says. “It meant a helluva lot to me “People talk about all the money the way we always did. 1 like to hear was Mickey Mantle s private the ballplayers make today,” He Thurman get on Johnson and Johnson ______over a double play. he’s kidding. You have to be around when the Yankees won the pennant with the flu, blanked John Martin in the match. little prison, and still is. says. “I don’t think it's that much out get on him. It reminds me of the old Crosstown rivals superior decision, King Lee a deci­ Mantle keeps watching them and Mickey Mantle awhile to appreciate last year. I had goose pimples. We the 149 bracket. On the mat, each side won five He never could wait to get out talking. his humor. It’s dry, Oklahoma style, had been down so long — and when I of line. When I played with the days with us.” Manchester High and East sion and Tyler Corey a pin. Mike Scholsky picked up a big six Yankees, I made $100,000 a year the An attractive young girl Manchester s ta rt^ on the com­ matches wiUi Uie forfeit Uie deciding there on the field and he still can't. "You know, when you're 25 and but it’s a lot funnier than you’ll find say ‘we,’ — 1 mean ft. I’m proud I Vi Catholic hooked up in points for the Indians with a pin in factor. last few years and I could buy a photographer came into the dugout at eback trail In the 123-pound bracket You can tell by the way his hands you're playing, you think of yourself, among some of the top stand-up com­ was a Yankee and I’m proud to be 4:41 over East’s Kevin Sullivan. Results; 101 -Foss (EC) dec. Cadillac for $5,000. Now the players that point and asked Mantle if she wrestling action Saturday at as Bob Wilson scored a narrow 7-6 grip the edge of the bench, the way he boy. this is all right and it's never ics in the country. wearin’ these pin-stripes. Dave Anderson at 171 pounds Collins 14-2, 109 -L e e (EC) dec. make $300,000 a year and a Cadillac could take his picture. the Eagles’ Nest with the decision over Tom Riordan. Toby leans his head forward and the'way gonna end. Then suddenly one day Whitey Ford is one of the Yankees’ “I didn’t believe all that stuff about registered a 9-0 major decision over Colbath 8-4, 116 - Tyler Corey (EC) costs $15,000. Everything is relative. “You want some action shots?” he visiting Indians taking an Corey chalked up three points for his eyes keep searching and trying to it's all over before you realize it. spring instructors also. When they the controversy on the team last Scott Antonia to put the Indians in pinned Sinamon 3:23, 123 -Wilson Besides, ballplayers are better said to her, with that same straight East in the 136-pound division and in take in everything that's going on in played together. Mantle, Martin and year. To me, it was just good-natured exciting 28-22 decision. front for the first time at 22-19. (M) dec. Riordan 7-6, 130 —Toby businessmen today.” face again. the next weight class East's Mark front of him. "A lotta kids send me scrap books Ford were practically inseparable. bickering. We had the same thing Manchester winds up regular East’s Ed Dean knotted it with an Corey (EC) dec. Bixby 4-2, 138-M . Nearly 10 years have gone by since they kept of me. I guess they feel They still are now. Generally, in the Yankees’ camp, Hopper and Indians’ Bill Tedford when we played. But when I read “ What do you mean?” she in­ season action with a fine 11-4 overall 11-4 decision in the 189-pound division Hopper (EC) drew with Tedford 1-1, Mickey Mantle last played for the they're too old to keep 'em anymore, “If it hadn’t been for Whitey and those stories in the papers, I felt bad you’ll find Mantle out on the field battled to a 1-1 draw for a 19-5 Eagle quired. record while East, 6-13-1, concludes but then the Eagles’ Achilles Heel 142 —Luz (M) dec. C. Hopper 11-2 , Yankees but in all that time, he real­ Billy, I’d still be playing," says Man­ for Billy. I was afraid he might get because there’s nothing in the world advantage. so they want me to have 'em. “You and me, and we can let him,” its slate Tuesday night at St. Bernard tookAts toll in the heavyweight class. 149 —Marshall (M) dec. Martin 5-0, ly never has been able to put out the Sometimes I get up early in the mor­ tle. “’They took 10 years off my life.” fired." he loves more than the feel of the in Uncasville. Then it’s on to state The tide swung to Manchester as it East had forfeited the last weight said Mantle, motioning toward a .took the next four weight classes. 159 —Scholsky (M) pinned Sullivan fire inside him. The old desire is still ning and looking at the pictures, I How? grass under his feet, the sun war­ competition for the two schools. class almost all year and had to again 4:41, 171 —Anderson (M) dec. An­ ming his 46-year-old bones and the writer, “take the picture.” Senior Chris Luz (142) scored a there and he's helping his old buddy. don't even think they're me. They look “Just bangin’ around with ’em," After he retired from the Yankees, The Eagle matmen took a quick 14- against its crosstown foes, giving tonia 9 0. 189 -Dean (EC) dec. harmless little illusion he has that The girl photographer laughed and Pair of pins by winners major decision and once-beaten Doug Billy Martin, now as one of the like someone else." Mantle says. Mantle had it rough for awhile. He 0 bulge after the first three weight Manchester’s Tim Wrobel a forfeit Gagnon 11-4, Unlimited—Wrobel (M) he’s going to wake up suddenly and then made Mantle’s picture. Marshall, recovered from a bout Yankees' spring training instructors, Mantle glances down the other end Then he starts laughing, that typ- made a number of bad investments, Chris Luz of Manchester, above, has his arms wrapped around classes with Jim Foss scoring a win worth six points and the Indians WBF. find himself playing again, the same "How come,” he said, looking at a job he happily takes on every year of the bench where Martin also is cial Mickey Mantle laugh where his but now he’s in good shape again Chris Hopper of East Catholic en route to victory. Doug this time. watching the action out on the field. eyes crinkle up and his white teeth working for the Reserve Life In­ way he did in years ago. her, “they didn’t have stuff like this when I was playing?” Td give anything to be playing "I told Billy the only ones 1 wanna ow so much surance Company in Dallas as vice “I think what I miss most is the Marshall, also of Mancheter, takes down John Martin of East „ . .. l i ii before scoring decision. (Herald photos by Pinto) jcnoolooy oaSKetOau Hollins too much Loughery not upset East and Tribe again for Blazers Va playing tonight of ter loss to Celts NEW YORK (UPI) — Lionel Hollins hit the one more time Sunday when his 40-foot carom shot at the buzzer By LEN AtSTER PISCATAWAY, N.J. — A furious comeback effort by his team gave Portland a 100-99 victory. ....— Herald Sporl.Hrilrr had fallen short, but New Jersey Nets’ Coach Kevin Loughery Four times in the last two seasons, Two local quintets will see action tonight, each with a wasn’t too upset. Hollins has either beaten or sent the 1 NBA different purpose in mind. game into overtime against Chicago Manchester High will oppose Rockville High at Ellington High I have to be pleased," Loughery with a key hoop in the final seconds. with eighth place, last qualifying position for the state tourna­ said after the Nets wiped out almost Montreal Until then, it looked as if the A ting a new all-time scoring total for a ment, in Class LL Region I at stake. Game time is 7:30. all of a 21-point deficit in dropping a Blazers would see defeat for the 11th Seattle player, as the Sonics downed 94-92 decision to Boston Sunday after­ time this season. Mickey Johnson the 76ers. Brown hit the winning shot East Catholic faces arch-rival “Rockville is small, a bunch of •If .V noon. "When you consider that we halts slide stole the ball from Johnny Davis and with 18 seconds remaining and led South Catholic at the University of hustlers, and a predominantly zone Hartford in the consolation game of ■n*». were down to eight players (Jan van fed Wilbur Holland, who scored on five other Sonics in doubles figures. team. I expect them to be up for the the Hartford County Conference Breda Kolff had been ejected, NEW YORK (UPI) - That one- the fast break with four seconds left, Pistons 127, Lakers 124 game and it could turn out to be very playoffs. Action starts at 6:45 with Howard Porter was out injured and game Montreal Canadians "losing putting the Bulls up 99-98. Eric Money and Chris Ford led a interesting.” streak” is over — thanks to the help Northwest Catholic playing St. Wilson Washington has been Instead, after a Portland time out, second-half 74 percent shooting Manchester and Rockville have not of a goalie change by Montreal Coach suspended by the club), there were Hollins gave the defending champs barrage which lifted the Pistons to Thomas Aquinas in the 8:30 cham- met since the ’74-75 campaign when some guys out there who were really Scotty Bowman. their 49th victory. their win over the Lakers. Center pioilship tilt. the Indians took the measure of the Ken Dryden was in the nets tired. I was disappointed we didn't “We were trying to get the ball Bob Lanier led the Pistons with 25 Manchester and Rockville each Rams twice. Thursday night against the Cleveland win, but what more can you ask for first to (Bob) Gross, then to Lloyd points. logged 8-12 regular season marks, East probably wishes it has seen than 100 percent effort?" Barons and again Saturday when the (Neal) down deep, second to Tom forcing a playoff. The winner faces less of ^u th . llie Eagles will try to New York Rangers beat Montreal 6- Record-breaking performance (Owens) then to Neal or third to top-ranked Penney High of East snap a seven-game streak the Rebels The Celtics, who won for the fourth 3, snapping the Canadians’ 2^game Lionel and he makes whatever play Pairings made Hartford Wednesday night at Weaver have accumulated. East has not unbeaten streak. Bowman decided, time in their last six road contests, he could,” said'Portland Coach Jack Wilson stars High in Hartford. beaten South since their first meeting therefore, to play Bunny Laroeque Top-seeded Martina Navratilova broke a winter tour record "I don’t know what to expect,” built a 41-20 first half lead behind an Ramsay. of the '75-76 campaign. Sunday night against the New York with her 30th straight victory over Dianne Fromholtz in the 18-2 spurt in the first quarter. They Getting the ball to Neal seemed ap­ hoop win stated Tribe Coach Doug Pearson The Eagles, 11-10, not only will try Suspended ball Islanders and got a 2-1 triumph in Virginia Slims Tournament in Detroit yesterday. The scores in allowed the Nets to get within 10 on propriate since he had the hot hand, Sunday evening. “I saw Rockville to snap the skein but also get in the return. for hoop play Atlanta’s John Brown gives a helping hand to Buffalo's Billy three occasions in the second half, were 6-3, 6-2. (UPI photo) scoring a career high 35 points. But it play Simsbury in the first game of Bill Wilson netted 25 points in proper frame of mind for their first but still led by 12. 86-74, with 9:20 The Canadians and Islanders was the third option that Portland the year and neither played well. It Knight as the ball appears suspended in the air. The players had leading John Mather Chapter of state tournament game, which remaining. traded first period goals. Guy had to take. Chicago was not caught vas a typical opening game. Manchester to a 51-29 thrashing of doesn’t come until Friday. collided in NBA game in Atlanta. (UPI photo) Lafleur, who now trails the NHL by surprise. Guards Norm Van Lier Colchester in the opening round of By LEN AUSTER But, a determined New Jersey leader Trottier by only two points, Connors superb and Holland were right on Hollins. .^**wesieww*Kx*BaaKissiw****Bze*siBeei^ the Northern Regionals of the Herald Sportswriler got his 43rd for the Canadians. Clark The loss was Chicago’s third press forced the Celtics into Connecticut DeMolay State Basket­ numerous turnovers as the lead slow­ Gillies scored on a power play for straight, all at home, and its ninth in Pairings for the 56th annual CIAC State Basketball Tourna­ College basketball J ball Tournament held yesterday at [ Basketball ly disappeared. The Nets cut it to New York. In the second period with the last 11 games’ Chicago was paced ment, but the first under the new regionalized format, were an­ Pairings ready the teams playing five a side, Larry Clarke Arena. one, 93-92 with 26 seconds left. After defeating Smith by Johnson with 31 points and 21 nounced Saturday in Hamden. JU.MOR in ECAC play a timeout, George Johnson put up a Robinson scored the winning goal for Alan Robb and Dave Whiting con­ rebounds. trolled the backboards for the The teams were also ranked accor­ M Region I. The 7-13 Sachems will Holding off a furious fourth- 15-footer with nine seconds left which Montreal at 11:44, after intercepting Elsewhere in the NBA, Boston quarter comeback effort by the Manchester entry. ding to winning percentage in each oppose second-ranked Montville High missed. John Havlicek grabbed the a pass for New York’s Bob Bourne edged New Jersey 94-92, Washington Knicks, the Hawks scored a close 55- In other action, Enfield nipped class in order to avoid confusion in Friday night at Windham High at Irish finish fast CENTERVILLE, Mass. (UPI) - and was fouled, making one and lifting the puck over the shoulder DENVER (UPI) — In winning the $125,000 tournament and 125 defeated Golden State 121-100, Atlan­ 54 win Friday in a battle for first The pairings for the seven remaining of Islanders’ goalie Chico Resch. Rockville, 40-37, and Rockville came later rounds as to which team will 8:15. of two after tiipe had expired. Grand Prix points, Jimmy Connors never let have an ta downed Buffalo 119-117, South Windsor High, Central place. Pat Silver had 37 points and berths in the three Eastern College The Philadelphia Flyers defeated back to outlast Colchester, 55-48. wear the home uniforms. easy service game Sunday en route to a 6-2, 7-6 final match vic­ Milwaukee clipped New Orleans 122- Valley Conference champs, is second Dan Collins 11 for the Hawks while Athletic Conference Division I the Washington Capitals 6-1, the Play continues Sunday with the One hundred and twenty eight to top Marquette “You better believe it," Boston tory. 120 in overtime, Seattle topped seed in Class L Region III. The Bob­ John Connelly (21), Greg Kane (14) basketball tournaments were an­ Pittsburgh Penguins tied the Buffalo opening game pitting , Manchester schools automatically qualified with Coach Tom Sanders said when asked “I was serving well,” Connors, '25, Philadelphia 99-97 and the Detroit cats play Bulkeley High for the third and Bill Calhoun (10) paced the nounced Sunday by Ben Carnevale, Sabres 4-4, the St. Louis Blues topped Connors, although on the easier versus Enfield in a 12:15 start. another three forcing playoffs, one if he was glad to get out with the win. said. “I was getting a lot of first Pistons edged out the Los Angeles time this year Saturday night at the Knicks. chairman of the ECAC Basketball the Detroit Red Wings 3-1 and the side of the draw, never lost a set in involving Manchester High tonight NEW YORK (UPI) — It was not the way a No. 1 ranked team "We're pushing — getting a few serves in and even the second serves Lakers 127-124 in other NBA games. University of Hartford at 8:15. Derek Reed hooped 20 points, John Tournament Selection Committee. Toronto Maple Leafs downed the the tournament. It was the third time were going well.” against neighboring Rockville. Of the breaks — and today we got a big Bullets 121, Warriors 100 East Hartford High, 12-10, is fourth is suposed to play. Alosky 14 and Glen Nemeroff 10 as Chicago Black Hawks 5-3 in other he has won the event, following vic­ Smith, who won $12,500 as teams which qualified, 37 had In New England, Providence (22- break. There's no question they out­ Elvin Hayes, playing his best ball seed in Class LL Region I. The After leading by as many as 17 points, Marquette lost its com­ the Bike Shop overcame the 76ers. 46- NHL games. tories in 1975 and 1976, and collected runnerup, said Connors’ serve was [ Transactions) records under the .500 mark. 6), Rhode Island (20-6), Fairfield (21- played us in that fourth quarter. They of the season, had a season-high 37 Hornets play fifth-ranked 9-9 Hart­ posure and that was more than enough to carry perennial giant- 40. Pat Carroll had 16 markers and the $25,000 winner’s purse. better than he expected. The left­ Doubleheaders at almost all sites 6) and Holy Cross (19-6) were kept running that trap and we just WHA points along with 18 rebounds to lead ford Public Wednesday night at Len Anderson and Jerry Appleby 10 South Africans and hander had five aces. will be played in early rounds. killer Notre Dame to a 65-59 victory Sunday afternoon. selected, didn't react. They did it all day, and Bobby Hull, Kent Nilsson and Ulf Frew McMillan gave a preview of a Washington past Golden State. Kevin Baseball Weaver High in Hartford at 8:15. apiece for the 76ers. “He served really well,” Smith, 31, East Catholic, sixth-ranked in “Notre Dame had the momentum Rhode, Island will meet Fairfield at we let them do it all day.” Nilsson scored two goals each pacing match when they Grevey added 25 points for the Penney High is top seed in Class Lee finished 14 points and Jerome Brian Galligan tallied 22 points, said. “I was surprised he served so New York Yankeess — Signed in­ Class L Region I, will face third- in the second half and that is what Whitehead 12 for the Warriors while 7 p.m. Thursday in the first game of a the Winnipeg Jets to a 9-6 triumph demolished the top American team, Bullets while Rick Barry had 30 and seeded 14-6 Wilcox Tech Friday night LL Region I with the Black Knights’ Shawn Spears 15 and Jack Lyons 12 well. I used to be able to attack his fielders Damaso Garcia and carried them," said Marquette Williams had 14 for the Irish. doubleheader at the Providence Civic “You can be very effective with over the Houston Astros and their Fred McNair and , Sonny Parker 23 for the Warriors. at Glastonbury High at 8:15. opponent not determined. The as the Blazers whipped the Bullets, serve.” Domingo Ramos. Coach Hank Raymonds. “Notre Unranked Fordham scored a 63-59 Center. That will be followed by the that press if you have seven men on 15th straight victory ... Gordie Howe 6-3,6-2. ’The two teams will represent Hawks 119, Braves 117 Cheney Tech, 9-11, is eighth seed in Knights will face the Manchester- 55-30. Bernard Namela had 21 for the Dame was very patient in the second upset victory over 18th-ranked Providence-Holy Cross game at 9 your team,” Dave Bing said had a goal and two assists in leading their countries next month. John Drew and Charlie Criss Gass S Region IV and the Beavers Rockville playoff victor Wednesday Bullets. afterward, alluding to the officials. half and showed an awful lot of poise. Georgetown Sunday in the only other p.m. the New England Whalers to a 6-5 Connors broke Smith’s serve twice scored 16 of Atlanta’s last 18 points to will oppose top-ranked 18-2 St. night at Weaver High in the opener at They are a very good ballclub.” MIDGET “I didn't know we had to play seven Up record send the Hawks past Buffalo. Drew game involved teams in the top 20. The championship game is set for win over the Edmonton Oilers ... and in the first set and threatened to Thomas Seminary Thursday night at 6:30. Raymonds also knew his club’s Bill Silver caged 16 points and on five.” Upping their record to 18-10-7, the finished with a game-high 38 while Yachting trials Bill Lombardi scored 18 points and Saturday at 4 p.m but will be moved Peter Driscoll scored two goals as break it several more times. He con­ South Windsor High at 6:30. Defending champs are Brien performance was unbecoming for an Steve Byrne 5 as Crispino’s downed Army - Navy hockey team upended Randy Smith’s 31 points kept the Paul Williams added 17 for Fordham, to 4:30 p.m. if it is televised by NBC the Indianapolis Racers beat the Bir­ tinued the pressure in the second set, NEWPORT, R.I. (U PI)-N ew port Ckjventry High, 19-1, is top seed in McMahon of Norwalk in Ciass LL; NCAA defending champion. Multi Circuits, 31-24, Friday at Hamden, 5-0, as Bret Factors tallied Braves in contention in the final has added Olympic yachting trials to now 8-18. Georgetown’s record as the ECAC game of the week. mingham Bulls in WHA games. carrying Smith to deuce four of the Class S Region 1. The Patriots will South Catholic in Class L; “There are no excuses for the way Verplanck. Mike Smith (10) and Matt two goals and Brian Coughlin, Doug minutes. the list of prestigious sailing events dropped to 21-5. Seton Hall (16-9) and Iona (17-9) six times the lanky right-hander play eighth-ranked Woodstock Middletown High in Class M; ancl we played,” he said. “If you can’t Gallagher (6) topped Circuits. Kelly and Randy Nightingale one held off the city’s shores. were added to the ECAC Met New served, but Smith answered the Bucks 122, Jazz 120 (oi) Academy Wednesday night at defending Class S champ St. Joseph’s hold a 14-point lead after one half, Jim Kibbie had 10 tallies, Walt each Saturday at the Bolton Ice At a Saturday meeting in York field which already includes St. challenges with some brilliant Brian Winters fired in 37 points, in­ Windham High at 6:30. won’t retain as it has been elevated then there has to be something wrong Holland 9 and Mike Mullen 7 as Palace. Arlington, Va., the 15-member U.S. John’s (18-6) and Army (18-7). String of birdies volleys. cluding eight in overtime, as Rham High is seventh seed in Class to Class M. with your team.” ( Bowling ] Manchester Police overwhelmed Smith, on the other hand, had dif­ Milwaukee snapped a 10-game home Olympic "Yachting Committee picked Everything, however, was right for Moriarty’s, 26-9. Newport over Rochester, N.Y., and Army and Seton Hall will square ficulty with Connors’ serve and the Assumption wins winning streak for the Jazz. Lloyd Notre Dame in the second half. BUSINESSMEN Walton’s two free throws with eight Cleveland to host the 1980 Olympic U.S, MIXED- Len DeLisie 203, Ed off in the first game of a second set went to a 12-point The Assumption hoopsters ad­ After trailing 39-25 at halftime, the Action Friday at Illing saw doubleheader at 7 p.m. Thursday at seconds left put the Bucks ahead 122- yachting trials. Duchaine 212-551, Dave Neff 213, Er­ in Nicklaus win tiebreaker. After an even exchange vanced to the quarterfinals of the 12th-ranked Irish outscored Dubaldo Lesperance trounce the Nassau Veterans Memorial 118 to clinch it. Gail Goodrich had 31 nie Whipple 571, Marge DeLisie 180- on the first four points, Connors won State CYO Tournament with a 35-32 Newport is the traditional site of Marquette 40-20 with Kelly Tripucka Westown, 92-60, and Bogner’s subdue Coliseum, with St. John's and Iona points and Truck Robinson 30 for 462, Bee Moquin 180, Gail Shimaitis five straight to close out the match win over St. Rose of Meriden at South America’s Cup competition, the so- spearheading the attack. Manchester Police, 74-58. tangling in the nightcap at 9 p.m. New Orleans. called World %ries of sailing. It also MCC women 197-478, Sheila Price 186-480, Ellen oh a 7-2 tiebreaker. ’The match ended Catholic High. The locals, now 15-0, Dick Bowman scored 21 points LAUDERHILL, Fla. (UPI) — Just when it seems Jack Tripucka finished with a game-high Bauer 178-471, Lois Sperry 176, Mary The championship game is set for with Smith doublefaulting. next play Sunday afternoon at South. Sonics 99, 76ers 97 has hosted the International Tall followed by Norm Daignault 17, Jay Nicklaus has accomplished everything there is to accomplish, he 15 points and grabbed seven rebounds Kolakowski 180-469, Cindy Hurley Saturday at 2 p.m. at the Nassau “In a tiebreaker anything can Fred Brown scored 32 points, set- Ships fleet. Howroyd 14 and Ken Comerford 13 The loss was the first for Meriden. as the Irish pulled off another upset. 180, Doreen DeLisie 456, Dolly Coliseum. comes up with something new. happen,” Smith said. “And it did.” ’Then, on the final hole, Nicklaus Last season they dumped Dawood 491, Diane Brennan 468, Peg for Dubaldo while Bob Harnet had 24, This time it was an amazing string bow in finals powerhouse San Francisco while two Walt Bogner 16 and Bill McCarthy 12 In the combined ECAC Southern- of five birdies on the final five holes drove his ball into a divot, but with a ' -•'^ ’911 Callahan 461. Upstate region, St. Bonaventure (18- good lie managed to put a 6-iron shot seasons ago they knocked off top- points for Westown. Mike Mistretta for a 7-under-par 65 and a one-shot PINNETTES - Carol Moriarty 181- 7) was named to face Syracuse (21-4) to within five feet of the hole. Jones’ rated UCLA. And four years ago th ^ netted 22 tallies, Steve Siegrist 16 and victory over Grier Jones in the $250,- Hoop shrine 478, Tina Barnowski 177, Rosemary in the opening round at 8 p.m. second shot stopped 15 feet from the GENERAL MOTORS AUTO REPAIRS ended the Bruins’ 88-game winning Jim Mistretta 10 for Bogner’s while 000 Jackie Gleason Inverrary Golf Thibodeau 494, Mary Boyko 476, Bar­ Sandy Ficara (23), Rick Busick (11) Wednesday at the Rochester War Classic. cup. to four Manchester Community College women’s basketball team’s streak. "We have had some great com­ bara Goddard 176-461, Katy Spearin and Bud Minor (10) paced Police. Memorial auditorium. ''I can’t imagine any other time I “I walked up on the green and felt I quest for the CCCAA championship was aborted by Mattatuck SPRINGFIELD, Mass. eback victories but this one has to 192-498, Linda Gustafson 176-462, finished with five hirdies in a row,” had a good it,” Nicklaus • ( m m KCHMICIIL SERVICE In the ECAC Southern opening Community College as the Chiefs took a 54-44 decision Saturday rank as one of the best,” said Notre Anita Shorts 207-183-561, Donna CHURCH he said. said. “Grier’s putt was against the (UPI) — Four pioneer round, Georgetown (21-4) takes on players in the National night at Plainville High for the title. Dame Coach Digger Phelps, whose Ramos 185, Karen Nichols 178, Neal Montany netted 13 points as Virginia Commonwealth (22-3) at 8 Nicklaus played rock-steady golf grain and a harder putt. I really Basketball Association and • COLLISION The Cougars, who wine! up at 11-7, club is now 19-5. "I compare today’s Roberta Shore 471. Emanuel of Manchester trounced for the first 13 holes, but was only 2- thought I would make my putt." p.m. Wednesday at the Smith Center Hi one former official have looked like they were head^ for the win to our victory over UCLA on Jan. MOUNTAIN DEW-Sheila Price Faith, 48-11, Saturday night at Illing. on the campus of George Washington under par for the day because his Nicklaus did, Jones didn’t and the been elected to the championship taking an early 8-0 19,1974, which stopped their 88-game Joel Baranowski had 7 tallies for putts didn’t want to fall. Golden Bear made off with the $50,- 190-517, Vivian Price 181, Dona University in Washington, D.C. Naismith Basketball Hall • AUTO lehd. But Mattatuck, 16-5, came back win streak.” Faith. “I played beautiful golf for 13 000 first prize and his third straight Dumore 199-188-533, Lou Toutain 180- The Southern winner will travel to of Fame. to knot it at 14-all and eventually take Ken Beckwith (14), Allan Sinicrope holes, but I was kind of discouraged win here after one of the most IIZ The Irish, wearing loud green knee 186-538, Lee Bean 175-470, Annie Rochester to face the Upstate winner Paul Arizin, Jim Pollard, a 23-22 halftime edge. (12) and John Beckwith (11) led because every time I turned around stirring finishes in tour history. •LOW COST SERVICE RENTALS socks, cut the Warriors lead to 45-35 Gagnon 199-499, Gail Lutzen 178-487, Saturday at 4 p.m. In the event the MCC ripped off the first seven South Methodist to a 45-41 win over Grier and Hale (Irwin) were making It was the 64th tour win for the 38- Cliff Hagan and the late early in the second half on three field Ellen Bauer 190-199-561, Pat Jackson game is televised, it will be moved to Joe Fulks are the former points of the second half for a 29-23 Center. Tim Whiting and Jim birdies and dropping me further year-old Nicklaus, second only to goals by Tripucka. Rich Branning hit 462, Alice Pouliot 453, Pat Thibodeau 4:30 p,m. playing greats named to Gluhosky paced Center with 14 and 11 behind,” Nicklaus said. Sam Snead’s 84. He said he plans to PARTS margin but again the Chiefs came an 18-footer to narrow Marquette’s 473, Terry Cardile 478. play only two more tournaments, the the shrine for 1977. John back as the Cougars ran into a six- lead to 57-56. markers respectively. Then, on the 14th hole, it all began HOLIDAYS- Sue Balesano 130, Wapping behind Mike McGuiness’s Doral in two weeks and the Tourna­ Nucatolo, an official for 30 minute dry spell. ^ , Tripucka then forced a jump ball to happen for Nicklaus, who was FACTORY June Walton had 20 points and 25 Val Sady 134, Sarah Lupacchino 125- 16 points blasted Trinity, 47-11. Russ three shots behind Jones and one ment Players Championship, before years in the high school, and won the tap from Bernard Toone Rec volleyball college and professional rebounds for MCC w it^Jan Pajor of Marquette. Duck Williams, who 359 Gotch had 9 markers for Trinity. down to Irwin. the Masters on April 6. WE SERVICE A U OENEIUL MOTORS CARS AND TRUCKS? Stuii(liii|(i>: ranks, joins the list. and Bonnie Kilgore chipping in 10 had 14 points, followed with a basket (ioUN'rRY CI.UB- Vic Abraitis Ken Leitz pumped in 17 points, “I pushed a drive into the traps and CAU US FOR AN APPOINTMENT markers apiece. Tami Chapman and 354, Nondo Annulli 153-399, Ted Bruce Charendoff 15 and Dave American Men: Latvian 44-1. In­ pulled a 3-iron out of the trap and had Speedbowl sold The new members, to be with 2:48 remaining to give Notre enshrined May 1, will raise OR STOP IN FOR A FREE ESTIMAn. - Maria Kennedy had 19 and 18 tallies Backiel 176-141-145-462, Larry Bates Ostrom as streaking Temple Beth surers 40-8, ABA Tool 37-8, P&W 33-9. a chip of about 80 feet and holed it. I BARRE, Vt. (UPI) - Thunder Dame a 58-57 edge — its first lead of the total of individuals in respectively for Mattatuck. MAX SCH(dEL|N6 WAS the game. 152-374, Carl Bolin 365, Norm Clark Sholom outdueled Concordia, 48-34. MEA 18-27, CBT 13-32. couldn’t do it the easy way, so I Road International Speedbowl in Winner 24 HOUR WRECKER SERVICE CALL 646-6464| National Men: Watkins 25-17, the Hall of Fame to 108. Ko'd b y two c h a m p s . After Marquette’s Butch Lee mis­ 350, Rick Clough 372, Ding Farr 137- Mark Copeland had 10 tallies for Con­ thought I might as well do it the hard Barre has been sold for an un­ North Enders 20-25, Lloyds 18-27, Nancy Lopez urges a short The five were chosen from WHICH OF the FOUjOW- sed a 15-footer, Jim Boylon and fouled 377, Frank Kiernan 353, Sal Lombar­ cordia. way,” he joked. disclosed amount to ING COULDN'T PUT MAX Economy Electric 17-31, Tierney's 4- 35 persons nominated in M uiiuiurk (.'54) Keating 2-0-4, Morse Williams who convert^ both ends of do 137-136-402, Joe Lynch 365, SUn Standings: Emanuel of Manchester On the next hole, Nicklaus chipped Anastasios“Tom” Kalomiris, of Far- putt towards hole as she 1-0-2, Perugini 1-0-2, Sirois 2-0-4, Kennedy AWAY? 41. Dean Machine 1-44. 1977. a one-and-one to make it 60-57. The McFarland 368, A1 Martin 149-415, 7-1, Wapping 6-1, St. Mary’s 6-1, Tem­ from behind a tree to 10 feet and mingdale, N.Y. finished final round of 73 for 8-2-18, Chodkowski 0-5-5, Morgan 0-2-2, A. JOE IjOUIS Todd Peck 369, Joe Saiafia 147-367, ple Beth 5-3, Center 4-3, South Women: Sails 35-7. Porpoises 31-8. Arizin, who was one of Chapman 8-3-19. Totals 21-12-$?" 9. MAX BAER Irish then fdF^ed Marquette, 22-3, holed his birdie putt. On 16, Nicklaus Kalomiris said he will live in Barre 289 total and victory in the Terry Schilling 180-150-437, Pete Methodist 4-3, Emanuei of Hartford Dolphins 30-12, Farr's 29-18. Marlins chipped in again, this time from 12 and continue the same NASCAR the originators of the jump CARTER .MCC (4 4 ) Pietro 1-0-2, Bendell 04)4), C. JACK SHARKEY into three offensive fouls and had no LPGA Bent Tree Classic Sun­ Staum 153-375, John Wilks 140-356, 3-5, Concordia 2-6, Trinity 1-8, Faith 18-24. Links 7-32, Oysters 8-34, feet, and on 17 he canned a 25-foot racing format established at the one- shot, gained his biggest Johnson 1-0-2, Kilgore 4-2-10, Hall 0-04) trouble the rest of the way. day in Sarasota, Fla. (UPI Pajor 54)-10, Walton 9-2-20. T oU ls 20-4-44. XoBT.jaMSUfc John Wilson 136-361. - . Moriarty's 7-35. putt to tie Jones for the lead. quarter mile oval over the past 18 fame as a 10-year star with 1229 MAIN ST. MANCHESTER <• 18 years. photo) the Philadelphia Warriors. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. M«nche«lcr Conn . Mrjn . Fob V. 197$ l'A(.K KI.KV>:J4 PAGE TEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchetter, Conn., Mon.. Keb. 27. 1878 •TmiM a H a Ip W a m d fg Halp WaMatl 13 Homaa Far tala 33 Hamaa far ta h 33

CALL GIRLS WANTED for M A C C new * part lime telepbooe aoliclting, from our pleaiant office. Good hourly rate, plus coin- Heralii TOWN OF MANCHESTER mlnion. Paid vacations and holidays. Convenient Monday CLASSIFIED SUSINESS 6UIDE LEGAL NOTICE ®ie Herald SERVICE thru Friday hours of 9 to f, By JOE SMITH The Planning and Zoning Commiuion will hold a public and 5 to 9. Call Sharon at 589- I’rojrcl S rnlft^ R*‘-Enlry CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4990. after 5______Instant Prohaalonal Help lor roordinalor hearing on Monday. March 6. 1978. at 7:30 P.M. in Woodruff Your Homo, Bualnoaa, or Poraonal Nooda Hall. Center Congregational Church, 11 Center Street, TECHNICIAN RECEPTIONIST SecreU7, 8 What is it like to be an ex-offender seeking Manchester, Connecticut, to hear and consider the following a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Ebicelfent ... CUP THIS OUT FOR PUTURI R IPIM N C I... empioyment? petitions: 1. To remove a piece of toast typist. Good aptitude for stuck in the toaster, use; A nightmare, answered a man who contacted MACC's MANCHESTER CONGREGATION OF JEHOVAH S PHONE 643-2711 figures. Appearance and dress nan mmnminB A. A fork Rapidly axpanding laadar in tha aiann induatry very imMrtant. Company icHa ■nsHiiaiHa Project Re-Entry upon being reieased from Hartford WITNESSES - RESUBDIVISION - TOLLAND TURNPIKE UlCAlTMUliM nivoaci ■,aMaae$W7$,y>M (J-21) B. A dud knife FOR ASSISTANCE IN PLACING YOUR AD oNara caraar opportunity with profoaaional ataff paid all fringe benefits. Call Correctionai Center fast November. He offered the lor ap ointment, Mr. Duff, ApimoHnm tat coart CMta -Crimlaal Dtitaat To resubdivide a parcel of 10.7 acres into three parcels at the C. Wooden stick or longs •Moiar VaWdt .lloaat qaelH» foliowing story as an illustration of the difficulties facing to Inatall, maintain and troubla shoot low voHaga 643-213 M aeli t NTwiMe’k Waar •WlUa-OUwrMauan. northeast comer of Slater Street and Tolland Turnpike — Rural an ex-offender looking for a job; 2. When is it safe to use a audio alarm aystama. Baaic aiactrlcpl/aiactronie GLASTONBURY Residence Zone. □ NOTICES RN or LPN full or part time. 7 ETTNKT n a an. ONI Butlnati Opportunity 14 Imagine, he said, that you buy a refrigerator on credit. cord-connected radk> in the M tealm teim .Minnechaug Mountain STONE AND GOLDBERG - INLAND WETLANDS - knowladga and wiring axparlanca nacasaary. a.m. to 3 p.m. Laurel Manor Month by month, you pay what you owe, meet all the bathroom? National Weather Forecast im tfnm H MI-77ST 742-7780 (CavaiMry) Exceptionally attractive GARDNER STREET (S-23A) Must taka prida In work will considar apprantica 91 Chestnut Street. 649-4519. Conlemporarv Raised Ranch terms stipulated in the contract. At the end of a year or A. When a 3-hole recepta­ Losf and Found 1 .SERVICE BUSINESS With Permit certain fill and excavation operations within a with minimum axparlanca. ExcallanI rafarancas Cathedral celling with beam so. you send away a final check. You sleep easier, designated watercourse — west side of Gardner Street — 270 cle Is available $800 a week income available Lots of g lau and wrought in this area A cash business. knowing that the balance has been paid in full. Gardner Street. B. Never REWARD - Lost - German assantial. Call 247-4500 batwaan 10 a.m. and 3 RUSSELL’S iron, two fireplaces, r a im Shepherd puppy, four months m IWIftffNmT TMinc Minimum investment Then you receive a bill in the mail. You disregard it, THOMAS O BRIEN - RESUBDIVISION - BIRCH C. When the floor is dry p.nt tor a appNcation. ■MneimManiop MAPLE Mobil hearth in family room, buill-in old, no tags, brown with white Aaaeeeeee eaaelalmeele required 203-627-0550. 203 481- figuring there must be a clerical error somewhere. MOUNTAIN ROAD (04) FOODSERVICE Su p er SarvCea, Inc. 9544 bookcase^, wall-to-wall markings. Lost last Thursday, M M p M TVn. Mm Ml, I Aja. M carpeting, beautiful treed lot A second notice for payment arrives. You write an To resubdivide a parcel of 31.7 acres into 24 lots and two Cooper Street area. Call 647- # aaa • OR. • LuaawATwn • ************************** — ANSWERS— $.-$• pm. WeB-tee Mel I eju. te ACCBSaOMU $79,500 Philbnck Agency. explanatory letter to the credit department of the parcels on thenwest side of Birch Mountain Road — Rural 1669. Efiablishrd food oervke orfaniu- I pm. Reallors. 646-4200 refrigerator company. Residence Zone — 148 Birch Mountain Road. ssjjoiejoqei sjaifJMjapun 30 74 SONITROL SECURITY SYSTEMS lion with plenty of career oppor- coRNxn OAK a arnica rra. 33iVim%SSSSi, □ EDUCATIDN fq saiAjat sjiqno tufiiliet offers: Copies of these petitions have been filed in the Town Gerk's STRAYED From Wells and OF HARTFORD INC. MANCHESTER - UniqueUnit] A third notice comes. You photocopy your canceled e ss papiMjg vine street area. Large, grey Manager Training Profram office and may be inspected during office hours. Conlemporarv RanchI Twelve checks as a record of payment. You send the copy to the ■uop and white neutered cat. • On-job and cUssroom training 11 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION lO tAM QlUt u'iih regular evaluatMnr Prtette Intiruedont rtxmis. incluoinding adjoiningadioi in- company to straighten out the misunderstandings. -nsojpaia jo iiooqs snopas Injured back and tail. MANCHESTER law apartment, sunken living Ronald Gates, Secretary Reward. Call 643-2210. • Trainees earn over IIO .W during A fourth notice arrives, this time from a credit bureau Dated this 27th day of February, 1978. e asnea pinoo qniqieq jo the first year plus full fringe RADSEALn MORNUU LAWN 8 RURRER STAMPS REMEDIAL READING and roum. formal dining room, or other collection agency. No one listens to anything you 038^)2 )|U!S oqt u| jsiEM o)U| 6uiiie) BOOKKEEPER DENTAL OFFICE in South package including dental plan CiMlom tuRI Homaa GMDENEQUIPMfNTINC. eeiaaaRfL l4t-448 math: individualized work three baths, four M room s. program. (lst-8th grade) by say. They aren’t interested in what you've paid, only in oipej psioauuoo-pjoo y g z Experienced, small three girl Windsor, requesting part time Friendly Manager; t Oravefy Traelora * pmuTiMa huge (ireplaccd family room, □ EMPLOYMENT • Responsible for operational. master's degree teacher. 568- game room Philbnck what they feel you still have to pay, despite the fact that office in Manchester. Some help, with dental assisting and ExM lng Hama talaa Sales. Parti and Servlet • miaaaa $t a m m Agen- sOuo) uspooM Oujsn phone and public contact, part bookkeeping. Must be able to Mjpervisory and administrative • iaaaA¥umiet 8075 cy. Realtors. 646-4200 the record shows you’ve already taken care of what you procedures. 423-6351 8J0|8q j8)seoi 8qi )08u (2Z3*** time with possibility of full work full time in summer. 17$ L tato It m m aoa§" r i i M i TrepMe, owed. Experience desired. Seend • Earn from 113.000 to over S20.000 PIANO INSTRUCTION ■ TOWN OF MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT -UOOSia |U8LU8|8 6u|)e8q Nefp W tn ttd 19 time. All replies kept strictly per year Eventually you throw up your hands in despair. You confidential. Send resume to resume to Box S.. c/o Experienced, creative sqiaOeuJEp ueo pue 'qooqs iTOCAtT C BUYING OR NOTICE WANTED - Gas station atten­ Box S. Manchester Evening Manchester Herald. teacher Degree: stale and give up. You don’t care any more. And then the real trou­ ieopp8|8 snou8s e asnea national certification. All ble begins. OF ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE dant, full or part time. Herald.______SELLING Aem s||su8)n |e)sn '3 i Mature, responsible person Naintyiing levels, beginners welcome. Maybe this gives you some idea of the frustration, the In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 3, Sections 1 PART TIME - Earn $4-$5 per For a personal interview in the iiim iSNSILWPPlTCe.i Many extras. Gretchen Van and 9 of the Town Charter, notice is hereby given of the adop­ for third shift. References. For period ending 7 a.m. EST Tuesday. During Monday night, Hartford area, call 1-23S-7290 atteaM CAMm aWMNFa cull man went on to say, but to really understand, you have to Call 871-1698. hour doing rewarding, Why, 647-9751 tion by the Board of Directors of the Town of Manchester, snow will be expected over the northern and mid Plains, while prestige sales, telephone sales between 9 a m and 2 p.m.. Mon­ • t etploel iapaifli $ Braaaa see that job interviewer’s smile turn to stony silence day. Tuesday, or W edne^y. Connecticut, Adopted February 21, 1978. snow will fall in the Lakes area, the Ohio and Tennessee valley, work, either mornings or GUITAR. BANJO, Bass when the subject of your past record comes up. You have a MaaMalamyftniNTTrat ORDINANCE changing to rain in most of the Gulf coastal states. Clear to part­ evenings. Call 249-6933. 457 Main a t M in it. M$4m lessons; Experienced with ■ORRENTII to sense a potential employer weighing your job skills BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Directors of the Town ADVERTISEMENTS FOR BIDS ly c l ^ y elsewhere. Minimum temperatures include: (approx, Manehaater 647-1167 children aged 5 on. Adults too. REAL ESTATE versus your time in jail, you have to feel your heart EDA Project Number to be assigned. max. readings in parenthesis) Atlanta 37 (53). Boston 18 (32). WAITRESS - Experienced on­ FRIENDLY Enjoyable rapid progress. of Manchester that the Town of Manchester sell to the State Fin* Food and Ico Craam sinking into your boots as you sense the scales tipping the of Connecticut, a certain parcel of land situated in the Town Chicago 10 (31), Cleveland 20 ( 33)^ Dallas 38 ( 60). Denver 14 ly. Must be flexible with Free loan instrument 11 Town of Manchester, Connecticut (Owner) (42), Duluth 0 (16), Houston 48 ( 73), Jacksonville 53 (75). Kan­ hours. 643-2223 or 647-9995. M OhvM i twin* 4( years experience. 646-6557 646-5252 wrong way again. And again and again. of Manchester. County of Hartford and State of Connecticut, Fountain Village MY H RE MAN Our experience here at Project Re-Entry has been that described as follows: Separate sealed bids for the Construction of Primary and Secon­ sas City 20 (32), Little Rock 37 ( 53), Los Angeles 51 (63). Miami RNs - Full and Part time. Day MARYWAIID 58 ( 77), Minneapolis 3 (18), New Orleans 52 ( 72). New York 23 “A Friendly Place CERAMICS, CRAFTS, Tole A certain piece or parcel of land more particularly dary Industrial Roads, Contract No. 2 will be received by the shifts. Please call. Meadows UypartrUhologUU painting, classes forming. this description is much too often an accurate one. The (34), Phoenix 50 (71), San Francisco 45 ( 60). Seattle 36 ( 46). St. Convalescent between 8 and 4 and •o Re-Tyre" results of this situation for society are tragic. Of the described in a map to be filed ip the Manchester Town Town of Manchester, Connecticut at the office of the Director of Register daily, 1:00p.m to 3 COVENTRY NORTH - New General Services until 11:00 A.M. E.S.T., March 20, 1978 and Louis 25 ( 35), Washington 25 ( 46). p.m. 647-9194. 5S yol___ 387 BROAD ST. more than 100,000 men and women who will be released Clerk's Office, entitled: "Town of Manchester, Map Showing Beacon HHI both worlds. Here's a part p.m Thursday, 6;3d to 8:30 listing. 5 1 2 room Ranch, Land R eleas^ to Town of Manchester by the State of then will be publicly opened and read aloud. time opportunity that won’t 843-2444 p.m. Pottery Studio. 811 Main fireplace, aluminum siding, from American prisons during the coming year, about 70 The Information for Bidders, Form of Bid, Form of (Contract, SECRETARY PART TIME - 81 AHotl e t 848-2887 Street, Manchester Mall, 646- Connecticut, Interstate Route 88, Limited Access Highway, Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Apartments. interfere with your family new root, spacious yard, new percent will end up behind bars again. Scale 1" equals 100', Karl F. Crawford, Transportation Chief Plans, Specifications and Forms of Bid Bond, Performance and life. The earnings are good 9243 driveway. Immaculate. $38.- The single most significant factor contributing to this Experience preferred, but not Engineer-Bureau of Highways, Town No. 76, Project No. 76- Payment Bond, and other contract documents may be required. Call 6464)^. □ and you choose your own 900 Hayyes Corporation. 646- H»tp W tnM 13 Htip Wanfa 13 0131 dismal picture is probably the lack of suitable employ­ 88. Serial No. 14A, Sheet 1 of 1 Sheet." bounded and examined at the following: Call hours. For more details call SU-DEB COIN CO. BOLTON OIL 00. DIamonda - Jawalry - tWalchaa Schoofs-CtefiM 79 ment for ex-offenders. Recent studies reveal that the described as follows; Office of the Director of General Services 647-9946 742-6946. ______SALES POSITION - Straight naauiUiimuiift4M Leonard W. Yoit MANCHESTER - New listing. rate of recidivism or return to jail for ex-offenders who NORTHERLY: by land now or formerly of Raymond Municipal Building MEN'S Department Manager IknciMitEr Ev9niR| s i l l F u ti on Co., FOR THE BEST-Manchester commissions, leads furnished - full time, must have selling LAW ENFORCEMENT - No Gymnastic School. 3 to 5 5 I 2 room Ranch, fireplace, Demers et al., by the direct extension westerly of the 41 Center Street 74$ MAIN ST. MJMCNiXTIR That Saves You flee WataA eed Chet Pepokhp find jobs is two to three times less than for those who are to homeowners. Call 242-5402. experience in men’s wear or experience necessary to apply $4$-tt$l pupils per teacher. FREE in­ oak floors, carpeting, garage, unable to locate appropriate employment. northerly non-access highway line of the Tolland Turnpike, Manchester, Connecticut 06040 furnishings. Liberal employee for our current training N bks - IhMi - PMr lw i Money la S g n N S t IteMtemr troductory lesson with this ad. aluminum siding, new roof. The cost is enormous. To arrest, convict and in­ designated "Release Line," and having a distance of 443 Copies may be obtained at the office of the Director of EXCELLENT opportunity to discount, paid pension plan, openings. Excellent salary 11 WidMMe ft, laniastM Phona 848-4387 Call 646-6306. or 646-3549 Immaculate. $45,900 Hayes carcerate one person for one year takes about $50,000 out feet, more or less; General Services located at Manchester, Connecticut upon pay­ learn wholesale hardward plus other benefits. Call Mr. and benefits. Ages 17-35 only. U lh n ip -M 646-3523 Corporation. 646-0131. ment of $100.00 for each set. business. Good working con­ jcrest of the taxpayer’s pockets. Each additional year of in­ EASTERLY: by the direct extension southerly of the Yee, at D&L Store, Vernon, SECRETARIAL Substitute U.S. ARMY ENLISTMENT easterly property line of said land now or formerly of Ray­ Any unsuccessful bidder, upon returning each set promptly ditions, short hours. 522-1107. 875-0785. REQUIRED. Call for more in­ REAL ESTATE ENGLISH COLONIES Realty carceration adds approximately $15,000 to the original to work for a minimum of one mond Demers et al.; and in good condition, will be refunded his payment. month, with strong possibility formation 643-9462. LTD. New .Manchester office. IF YOU ARE an attractive K E U T -ntA O n oicgosura limited figure. SOUTHERLY: by Cass Street The owner reserves the right to waive any informalities or to PHONE FROM Home to ser­ of working until June, in the Anxious to you In your motivated woman we need Shady Crest cnrwnnNiFMHM Hornet For Sale 23 real estate needs. 643-7743. What can you do to help deal with this problem? To WESTERLY: by land of the State of Connecticut, by the reject any or all bids. vice our customers in tthe Coventry Ihiblic Schools for TRAVEL AGENCY - Seeks LUMKRIIUUIT you. If you are looking for a Mancchester area. Flexible CARSY NATIONS anDMiiir xiwBMaia 644-8233. 875-1945 paraphrase a booklet published by the National Alliance direct extension southerly of the westerly property line of Each bidder must deposit with his bid, security in the amount, the Administrative Assistant person with at leastt one glamorous, challenging posi­ hours. Super earnings. 249- Area years experince. Apply‘ 'y with VERNON 843-1105 HEBRON. Make an offer on said land now or formerly of Raymond Demers et al. form and subject to the condutions provided in the Information to the Superintendent. Apply lUoSlIITOB of Businessmen, there is a world of difference between tion, with a new Perisian 7773. «Ml Dr. Donald J. Nicoletti, Box resume, at University Travel,Travel, 871-2245 FINE LUNCNEt CMWiTMfti this spotless seven room MANCHESTER - New listing "chance” and "a chance” for America’s ex-offenders. If The above described premises is conveyed to the State of to Bidders. cosmetic line, you need us. 3M, Coventry, Conn. 06238. Route 195, Storrs. Call for ap­ CmvilMvIMaa. narHanK UTHtixi Ranch. Decorator family ■ 6 room Cape. Corner lot. Attention of bidders is particularly called to the requirements 73 Wlndaor Av«„ (RL S3) $4$-$$$$ _____ you are an employer and you feel that you would like to Connecticut as part consideration for other land conveyed 236-2381, 633-338«. O’Connell 742-8913. pointment 649-0605. «4 XH n. XMOUia room with wood burning Aluminum siding. New give these men and women a chance to stay out of jail, to to the Town of Manchester by the State of Connecticut for as to conditions of employment to be observed and minimum stove, two car garage, acre lot kitchen. Insulation. Fireplace. . Out of state owner anxious. Garage. English Colonies give to society rather than take, we at Project Re-Entry the proposed Industrial Park. wage rates to be paid under the contract. Dr. Area In accordance with Executive Order 11246 ( 30 F.R. 12319-25). $52,900. Barnett. Bowman and Realty LTD. 643-7743 875- would be interested in hearing from you. Call us today at This Ordinance shall take effect ten (10) days after this CM COORDINATOR/TRAINER publication in this newspaper provided that within ten (10) the implementing rules and regulations thereof, and orders of Wantr al Fraa FarMna Co. Realtors, 633-3661. 1945. 646-4114. OFFICE WORK p a r t - t im e VETEMNS DANIELS TRAVa n • wMu - iMMn days after this publication of this Clrdinance a petition signed the Secretary of Labor, a Certification regarding Equal Oppor­ Do You Quolllv for 714% ManclieKer Community Collogo SM ka a part-time coordlnator/lralnaf Agenoy What does it mean to give someone a chance? For the by not less than five (5) percent of the electors of the Town, tunity is required of bidders or prospective contractors and DAY/NjGHT 647-9947 Metnifli Money. Col ut - We “CoUeal Beer In Toien" man whose story began this article, it meant everything. (or an INFO LINE Program to worli 17% hours per weeir (rom March AreCHPA $peole$iM. AR-Uiil-S&l as determined from the latest officials lists of the Registrars their proposed subcontractors prior to the award of contracts or W« ar« growing and naad additional parsons to Join Ask for Ton through December, 1970. ffoorted Motor Coooti Toon RKLaPACKASEITME It also meant a great deal to the corporation which even­ QUALIFICATIONX Da a il aaa m i a§ m r tna of Voters, has not been tiled with the Town Clerk requesting subcontracts. our ataN of ACTIVE WOMEN monitoring spaclallzad aMiikart a Ma l a I What is your Property Worth? tually hired him. After only three months on the job, he its reference to a special Town election. No bidder may withdraw his bid within 30 days after the ac­ $480, WEEKLY Possible - Minimum o( Maater'a degree, or iachelor'i degree plus three yeert o1 fibrdon Realty 202 e. Cantar 8L communlealiona aquipmanl. II you havo EXCELLENT experience (degree end experience In socisl work or aoclel planning Manchaatar 848-3012 2$ aiaaiLL aTniiT t4t-iM)7 We will inspect your property and suggest an asking lias ^ e n given a promotion and is being considered as a Elizabeth J. Intagliata tual date of the opening thereof. phona voles and rsfarsncaa, plaaaa call 247-4500, mailing circulars. No gim­ preierred). Applicants should be tamlllar with the socle) service agen­ Don Corriromm. Pormtlloo Robert B. Weiss, General Manager micks. free details. price. (No obligation.) candidate for a company-own training program. Secretary batwsan 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. for application. Paid whils cies In the Qraatsr Hartford area. Board of Directors Date: Feb. 24th, 1978. Guaranteed. HABCO, Box 678- DUTIEI Ask us about our gauranteed sales plan TODAY!!! How much does a chance like this mean to you? training. Company paid bsnallts. Manchester, Connecticut 039-02 A Lufkin, Texas, 75901. The coordlnator/tralner will develop INFO LINE social service direc­ ★ ★ ★ HOURS AVAILABLE tories lor use by Tills XX social service providers and train them In the IREALTORS - MLS Dated at Manchester, Connecticut this 22nd day of Tired of that Worn For Only DOLAN NSNSSSERVIGE For an enjoyable night out, go to the annual Cops and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. — 4 p.m. to midnight — m idnight to 8 EMERGENCY MEDICAL use of lha direclorles. Out Shape? T|^ln0a UUBlfWBB lotlBfBi February 1978. SALARY PASEK 2 M - 7 4 7 5 Robbers basketball game Sunday, March 5, at the a.m. Technicians and wheelchair BpBCB. rWMIfMBy 033-02 TOWN OF MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT $230.00 bi-weekly JiciPidtMMOin *2.90 Per Monday Manchester High School gym. drivers wanted. Full time. TO APPLY xom • notary 60S BURNSIDE AVE. - EAST HARTFORD NOTICE OF Anply 1739 Main Street, East MANCHESTER AUTO Send a reaume. Including the names of rafarencea, by March 20, to: Your Ad Can IIS IM I Cwtar Skoai, Members Nstlonal Association of Real Estate Boards and Connecticut ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE Hartford. James 0. Talro. Assoolate Dean o( Community Servtcea, Manchealer BODY REPAIR tSonohaaSar Asaodalion of Realtors. Inc. Also member of the Hartford Board of TOWN OF MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 3, Sec­ Community College. 60 Bldwall Street. Mancheatsr, CT 00040. 11$ NW $T. «4}4317 Be Here... Rtem 84a4in Realtors, Manchester and Vernon Multiple Ustinf Service tions 1 and 9 of the Town C!narter, notice is h e re ^ given RN - ll p.m. to 7 a.m. full UPHOLSTERER Wanted - I PJVRT TIME Housekeeping / STARTINQ DATE NOTICE of the adoption by the Board of Directors of the Town of time. Enjoy working with an am looking for a special child care. Four mornings per The starting dale lor this position will be March 27, 1076. or as soon OF ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE excellent supporting staff, "Take charge" person to run week. Experience nesessary. theraafler as possible. Manchester, Connecticut, Adopted February 21, 1978. caring for our elderly Some primhiva tribei believed they could keep evil from In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 3, Sections 1 upholstery shop. Should be References preferred. May Manchester Community College It an equal opportunity employer and EDWARDS MANCHESTER - Spring COLONIAL - 4 large AMENDMENT TO patients. Pleasant at­ experienced in automotive bring small child. Must have adheres to the principlet ol altlrmaUve action. bedrooms. 12x20 family room. their villagei by dashing a pumpkin on die ground. and 9 of the Town Charter, notice is hereby given of the adop­ PROPOSED AMENDMENT mosphere and excellent WJ. IRISH Answarbig Service RESERVED Street location. Attractive 8- tion by the Board of Directors of the Town of Manchester, and/or marine upholstery. ear. Call after 7 p.m. 643-7298. room Connecticut Gambrel 1 1/2 baths, plus a powder TO working conditions. Please Must be able to deal with the INSURAIICEASEIICT (Edwarda BulkHng) room. Quiet - rural Connecticut, Adopted February 21, 1978. call Doris Blain, RN, 646-0129, For All Your FORYOin nestled on a beautiful wooded ORDINANCE public and work with out 6464464 $r 87S-2519 Call Tracey or Joe lot. Country kitchen, two neighborhood. $59,900. Call ORDINANCE Be it ordained by the Board of Directors of the Town of Manchester Manor Nursing supervison. If interested call Inruraace Need*! owner. 649-7406. No agents. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Directors of the Town Home, 385 West Center Street. working fireplaces, 2-car gar­ Manchester, Connecticut that Chapter 20, LICENSING 423-0502 for appointment. “2 4 HOUR SERVICr at 643-2711 age. Must be seen. $70's. R. Town of Manchester of Manchester that the Town of Manchester purchase for the mmoiEMMosi COLUMBIA - New Raised OF EXHIBITIONS, SHOWS, PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. TELEPHONE Sales - earn Zimmer, J.D. Real Estate, sum of fifty-six thousand six hundred dollars ($56,600.00) Sec. 20-1, Chief of Police, under Direction of General DESIGNER DRAFTSMAN - 646-1980, 6647-1139. Ranches and Ranches. Star­ from The Hartford Electric Light Company, two certain $3.00 per hour. Salary and To design cabs for industrial ting at $47,500. Large wooded PUBLIC WORKS Manager to License Exhibitions, Etc., is amended as bonus. Multi branch four state parcels of land situated in the Town of Manchester, County tractors. Must be 13 H alp Wanted 13 lots. Buy now and pick ut your follows:’ firm, has permanent knowledgable of sheet metal Halp Wantad 13 Halp Wanted colors. Lessenger Sells. 646- of Hartford and State of Connecticut, containing a total of openings. Call 872-3663. KEEP SMILING SANITATION DIVISION 11.17 acres, more or less, bounded and described as follows: Sec. 20-1 Chief of Police, under Direction of General fabrication and stress loading. 8713. FIRST PIECE: Manager to License Exhibitions, Etc. Must be self motivated’ in­ WOMAN OR COUPLE to care KEEP HAPPY Eifectiva March 20,1978 tha naw landfill VARIOUS OFFICE Duties - dividual capable of working DRESS COVENTRY - $27,900. 6 Room An “L” shaped tract of land, containing 5.34 acres, The Chief of Police under the direction of the General In industrial supply firm. for elderly couple. Live in. hours will ba 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. without constant supervison. NEEDA Call 643-8296 anytime. Ranch. Private beach rights. situated south of Burnham Street, consisting of the following Manager shall have power to grant written licenses to be Experience preferred. Pay commensurate with abili­ BARN Shows well. Lessenger Sells, 021-02 parcels: issued as provided in these By-Laws, to persons applying Modern East Hartford loca­ ty. Call or write Windham In­ PjWT TNE JOB? Manager, Assistant COVENTRY - Privacy 646-8713. tion. Good fringe benefits. We (a) All of the land acquired by The Hartford Electric Light for the same, for exhibitions, shows, public amusements dustry. P.O. Box 240. North We are looking for TRUCK DRIVER - No Manager, Sales Help. abounds in this six room full Company from Margaret W. Burton by Quit-Claim Deed and for purposes of trade as provided, as the said Chief'of are an EEO. Call 289-8291 Windham, Conn. 06256. phone dormered Cape Cod set on I MANCHESTER - Newly con­ after 4:30 p.m. young, self-motivating, experience necessary to apply Exciting Ladies dated November 7,1955, recorded in Volume 295, Page 440, Police snail consider proper to be licensed, and for such 423-0502. hard working and for our current training Fashion Store. Salary 1/2 acres. Landscaped lot, structed 7 room Raised Manchester Land Records. time as he may deem fit, which license may for cause, at openings. Excellent salary front to back living room, Ranch. 2 1/2 baths. Eat-in- REAL ESTATE Career - Earn agresalve people. You plus benefits. dining room, beamed ceiling, (b) All of the land acquired by The Hartford Electric Light any time, be revoked by the authority originally granting CUSTODIAN - Part time. 3-4 and benefits. Ages 17-35 only. kitchen. Fireplaced family $15,000-)- annuaiy. Part timers muat: BE ABLE TO three bedrooms, fireplace, room. 2 car garage. Private Company from Hester M. Burnham Rowsell Wawer by it. hours. Evening or mornings. U.S. ARMY ENLISTMENT 523-1000 considered. For confidential Must be reliable. Call 649- WORK FOUR HOURS breezeway, 2-car garage. $49,- treed yard. Country Club NOTICE Warranty Deed dated October 1,1963, recorded in Volume interview. Ralph Pasek, REQUIRED. Cali for more in­ Nothing herein shall be construed to permit any person, 5334. formation 643-9426. 500, Philbrick Agency, area. $67,900. Fiano Realty. 392, Page 541, Manchester Land Records, excepting firm, corporation, club or association to conduct or spon­ Realtor, 289-7475. A DAY (AM or PM) EXPERIENCED Help Realtors, 646-4200. PUBLIC HEARING FIVE DAYS A WEEK. 646-5200. ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS therefrom that portion taken by State of Connecticut, for sor or cause to be conducted or sponsored any exhibition, TELEPHONE Communicator Wanted - Apply T ues^y or BOARD OF DIRECTORS highway purposes, by Notice of Condemnation d a t^ October show or public amusement which is not allowed under the POSSESS A - Do you have the ability to Wednesday. 206 West Center Street, Toomy’s One. TOWN OF MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT 27.1967, recorded in Volume 431, Page 247, Manchester Land Zoning Regulation of the Town of Manchester. PLEASANT, CLEAR communicate with the public? Records. 249-3942. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors, Town of AMENDMENT TO SPEAKING WHArS YOUR (MOICE? (c) All of the land acquired by The Hartford Electric Light NURSES AIDE Full time 1 Manchester, Connecticut, will hold a Public Hearing in the PROPOSED AMENDMENT America’s Oldest Licensor TELEPHONE VOICE. a.m. to 3 p.m. Please call Company from Hester M. Burnham Rowsell Wawer by PART TIME PERSON Hearing Room at the Municipal Building, 41 Center Street, TO HOURS ARE SHORT Meadows Convalescent Warranty Deed dated December 13, 1963, recorded in Of Ice Cream Stores Wanted to do time study work. Manchester, Connecticut, Tuesday, March 7,1978, at 8:00 P.M. ORDINANCE BUT THE PAY IS Home, between 8 a.m. and 4 Volume 394, Page 604, Manchester Land Records, excepting Needs Qualified Families Should have time study TWO ACRES - to consider and act on the following: Be it ordained by the Board of Directors of the Town of it Hurryl Mall or Bring Your Ad Todayl EXCELLENT. experience. Would be an ideal p.m. M7-9194. therefrom that portion taken by State of Connecticut, for Manchester, Connecticut that Chapter 21," To Operate Their Own CAL MM...... 24I-3M2 situation for a retiree, but this Proposed additional appropriation to General Fund Budget highway purposes, by Notice of Condemnation dated October applications Being taken 1977-78, Recreation - $3,297.00 to be financed from fees PROHIBITION OF CARNIVALS AND CIRCUSES, Sec- will be open to anyone who 27.1967, recorded in Volume 43, Page 247, Manchester Land wishes to d t^ a rt time work in at Tommy’s 2, Wednesday, OR FIFTY TWO ACRES? collected. tion 21-1 No Carnivals or Circuses; Exceptions is MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD H c r a l J i March 1, 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Records. amended as follows; this field. For further infor­ Proposed additional appropriation to Special Grants, Fund 61, The above described parcel contains 5.34 acres, more or CARVEL P.O. BOX 5M mation please call 644-1584. Experienced preferred. CETA Title VI — $69,^7.00 to be financed from Grant. less. Sec. 2H No Carnivals or Circuses; Exceptions MANCHESTER, CONN. 06040 GlMSmiO B O O K K E E P E R - F u ll FtU$ I DHIVE ROOM COUHHl. Proposed additional appropriation to Special Grants, Fund 61, SECOND PIECE: It shall be unlawful for any person, firin or corporation AOVOmtllM charge. $10,400. Fe paid. CONSTRUCTION - No LocaL Automotive experience Butlnati Opportunity 14 CETA Title II — $11,456.00 to be financed from Grant. That certain piece or parcel of land situated on the to exhibit, open, maintain or operate any performance, experience necessary to app- ICE CREAM STORE essential. Handle daily py for our current training MO A raaVE ROOM OfFKX smL northerly side of Meekville Road in the Town of Manchester, show or exhibition commonly known as a carnival or cir­ Proposed additional appropriation to Special Grants, Fund 61, Dear Sire: operations. Hours 8 to 4:3(). openings. Excellent salary SMALL ENGINE Service CETA Title VI, Project 411 (b). Citizen Survey - $993.00 to be in said county and state, and more particularly bounded and cus within the limits of the Town of Manchester, Pleaee run the following ad for 4 days at the special Benefits. Free parking. (Ton- Corporation - expanding provided, however, that this Ordinance shall not apply to and benefits. Ages 17-35 only. CAU DM IMDERflR AT financed from Grant. described as follows: In This Area. money-saving rate of *4.001 tact Nancy Peters, Fanning U.S. ARMY ENLISTMENT dealer network. No EASTERLY: by other land of Henry Mature and Filomena any amateur show, performance or exhibition, bazaar, Proposed additional appropriation to Special Grants, Fund 61, Personnel, 18 Asylum Street, REQUIRED. Call for more in­ experience necessary. Mature herein 1,215.36 feet; festival or other amusement of like character. We Will Be CHECK ENCLOSED □ CASH ENCLOSED Hartford. 247-3303. Complete training program. CETA Title VI, Project 411 (e). Comprehensive Land Manage­ formation 643-9426. THE WILUXM L SELHORE ACENCY SOUTHERLY: by land now or formerly of Thomas J. $500. investment required to ment — $3,272.00 to be financed from Grant. Nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit any per­ In Bloomfield Hackett, et al, 339.32 feet; formance, show or exhibition commonly known as a car­ March 11th, 12th, start your own business. Ideql Realtors 647-1413 Elizabeth Intagliata, Secretary (3) for retired or paart time. WESTERLY: by land of said Hackett, et al, 674.94 feet; nival or circus within the limits of said Town which is At The Carvell Store t») (3). l«) Board of Directors and (1) Details on request. Mr. conducted by or sponsored by a Manchester civic, frater­ Barker. ESCAA Field Manchpster, Connecticut NORTHWESTERLY: by land of said Hackett, et al, 569.43 16 B, Mountain Avenue. Dated at Manchester, Connecticut this 23rd day of February, nal, religious, educational, charitable or similar non­ Training Division Box 619„ 24 feet: profit organization, the proceeds of which, after deduc­ Call Toll Free, 800-431-1008 MANCHESTER - Two family Loli-Land lor Sale 1978 (lOl WANTED Wading River, New York. W 4-4. Oak floors, two furnaces. 042*02 The above described parcel contains 5.83 acres, more or ting operating expenses are for the exclusive benefit of To Set An Appointment (*) (7) l») 11792. BOLTON - Private scenic - 2 less. said organization or similar organizations, provided said Immaculate. Good rents. $46,- { yVith Our Representatives. SECRETARY 900. Hutchins Agency, 646- acre building lot. excellent As part consideration of this transfer, the Town of performance, show or exhibition shall be licensed by the Shorthand, Dictaphone and Math skill MANY PEOPLE only dream 3166. location. Good frontage. , Manchester will grant to The Hartford Electric Light Com­ Chief of Police under the dij-ection of the General (15) of owning their own business. Brook. Call English Colonies (1J) (13) (14) necessary. Business experience preferred. pany, an easement for an electric transmission line over the Manager pursuant to Sec. 20-1 herein. (11) Perhaps it's time for you to MANCHESTER - New listing. Realty LTD. 643-7743. 875- BOLTON NOTICE above described premises. This Ordinance shall take effect ten (10) days after this pursue that dream. 1 have Verplanck School, ^acious 2 1945. 6444233. Notice is hereby given that on Thursday, March 2,1978, at This Ordinance shall take effect ten (10) days after this BOILER ROOM MAN NEEOEO over 1,000 businessess for sale bedroom Colonial. Fireplace, publication in this newspaper provided that within ten by owners. Many for 8:00 P.M. at the Town Hall of Bolton, Connecticut, a Public publication in this newspaper provided that within ten (10) (20) Experienced In the Maintenance of Boilers. carprpeting, screened porch, COVENTRY - 8 wooded acres. (10) days after this publication of this Ordinance a peti­ t13) (1») minimum down. For free 800 foot road frontage. Brook, days after this publication of this Ordinance a petition signed lift) (17) Largerge private. yard. Garage. Hearing will be held by the Bolton Zoning Board of Appeals tion signed by not less than five (5) percent of the elec­ brochure write: Interstate Many jxiajssibilites. Only $U.- to hear the following appeal: by not less than five (5) percent of the electors of the Town, AREA ADVISORS NEEDED APPLY TO Many extras!■ s! $45,9"$45,900. Hayes•• tors of the Town, as determined from the latest official Business Marketing, P.O. Box Corpioration, 64^131. 500. Other lots available. Appeal No. 590 Appeal of William Kolouch, 296 Box Moun­ as described from the latest official lists of the Registrars of lists of the Registrars of Voters, has not been filed with SORRVI NO PHONE ORDERS. NO REFUNDS. 1888, Pueblo, Colo. 81002. AFTERNOON A EVENING Ad ov«r 20 word* — Rtgultr Pric* Lessebger Sells. 6484713. tain Road, Vernon, Conn, for variance under Section 9A, Voters, has not been filed with the Town Oerk requesting its the Town Clerk requesting its reference to a special Town Cheney Brothers, bK. MANCHESTER - New listing. Revision 81876 of the Bolton Zoning Ordinance to allow con­ reference to a special Town election. election. HOURS MANCHESTER - Looking to Extraordinary eight room struction of a radio tower on land adjoining the above ad­ Elizabeth J. Intagliata, Elizabeth J. Intagliata IUME...... 31 Cooper Hill St. open your own beauty shop? U&R designed Chalet. Four dress located on the west side of l^x Mountain Drive, Secretary Secretaiy M O K SS...... c m ...... z e c o d i, Manchester, Conn. 06040 We have two active bedrooms. 2 1/2 baths, two Why not send Bolton, Map No. 15, Block No. 22, Lot 62A. Board of Directors businesses available for your fireplaces, double garaage, Board of Directors UUST HAVE CAR Excellent Fringe BeneflU inspection. Call today, a happy thought Zoning Board of Appeals Manchester, Ck>nnectlcut Manchester, Connecticut fawM...... tussnaitoii...... Equal Opportunity Employer 3/4 acre treed lot. Hayes Cor­ to someone todayl Dated at Manchester, Connecticut this 22nd day of B lan ch ard It Rossetto, poration. 646-0131. of the Town of Bolton Dated at Manchester, Connecticut this 22nd day of oFFsa axpinaa Fie. s m ., isrs Realtors, 646-2482. John Morianos, Chairman February, 1978. February 1978 027-02 034-02 Call Jaanna 847-9948 '.I

PAGE TWELVE - MANCHESTER KVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn.. Mon.. Feb. 27, 1978 Acaoaa Anewar to Pravtoua Puzzle MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester Conn . ,M»n . Kch 27 l»78 I'AGK T IIIItTKKN 9 Traptcal plaat 1 Mr. Heap lOAetraae U (-)ti(l 6 laaelika n ChBTlM M. BchuHi Redgrave n IOC/WHICH I t Raaaat 12 Kind at racket llUkaaM paa D /AY IS MIAMI Dear Abby 13Minde npiiD ruJD BBACH? 14 C eivei 19 AuxHiatv verb iiunnrn nonnijiiu IIF eetW 20 Cara ni:Kira uruin nnci Ori'ruMMfM 16 (Ray 21 Fane back □nu cinrin nnnn MA'/ £ '(OU COULD DO Fir s t d o u -r r z By Abigail Van Buren 17 Oaeaftha 22 Dad nanantin nnnnn 0 lariyaiofai 23 Ragan's lather c i n n u n n M£ A FAVOR, A\A'AM„ OEAR~AffiY: CRAVINO AFFECTION cwnplsinod 19 Eadoaura bsetuM bar hasband of 12 yaars would acoommodata bar n o n ts/tR tA R M tP ZOLayem 24 Firasrata n n n n saxual dashrOa only three timas a year. Sba oonaultad bar 22 l la^ iit (oonip.wd.) nnnciaannn ... UNO THIS 15 rabbi, who told bar that as long as her husband didn't 21 CIA_____ 27 Smalt □naannnnlannc foeahwnar mistraat bar she has nothing to complain about. 29 Cdumnist 41 Weird 47 Egyptian deity Abby, I think that woman should mid harsalf u n t h f 29Raaiin| Wileon TH6 o t h e r o n e . 42 Haven 41 Cincinneb bell rabbL It is a fact that one of the 613 mitxvaha (rulaa to tha 30 Vaai parted of 29 Tints 43 Tan bate club (sbbr.) 'in rf Jewish coda of conduct) states that a husband has a moral 38 Ironclothae 44 Without 31 Iraadway 36 6ridder 30 Tha (Fr.) obiintion to satisfy his wife sexually once a weak. onwing-wa--»- - purpose Jimmy____ 32 Comedian 2-Z7 My information comas from the Yeshiva University of 32 Sheet e( glaaa 46 Price of Los Angeles. Sign me... 33 Uaarring 37 Central point Sparks t1 40 Open to view passage 41 Aportmonto for Bont S$ M o t for $al» $1 A irto t For Soft *1 Autoo For $oh t1 A u io t For Solo 34 Tract Bu$ln**t ProfMftr 2$ ArtIchB for Solo 41 Dogi-BIrdt-Poft ■KNOWLEDGEABLE GOY” 33 Craetda t r ~ 1 4 1 7 1 1 to 31 Electric Ash Bl-Focala — By Ruth Marcus ALUMINUM sheets used as FREE TO GOOD Home - 4 BOLTON MANCHESTER DEAR GOY: Accordtog to the Stole (Exodas 21:10), a 39 Wagons II 12 MANCHESTER - Well ei- bnstomd is responsible for his wile’s dothtog and lablished Pizza Sub Shop. printing plates. .007 thick, year old female Golden Town line - large three room 42 Graak lattar 14 11 Ux32". 25 cents each or 5 (or Retriever. Needs lots of love. apartment, heat, hot water, “oonjugal rlghta”—which todndea sex. 43 Elan Residential area. Good in­ A man cannot be "commanded’* by Jewish law (ar any 49Raaieta /W 3THER, come. niy fl3.900. Contact 31. Phone 643-2711. Call after 6 p.m., 643-5829. stove and refrigerator. Quiet It II neighborhood. References other law) to "satiafy” his wife sexnaily. Bnt ha has an 49 Lota ■ ■ WElCa*\E I Engiish Colonies Realty LTD, 31 Oaoeratad z. 643-7743. 87S-1945. 644-8233. UNIFORMS WANTED - Cub POODLES - Enchanting, tiny, re q u ire d , no p ets. 3230 obligation to try. FOR HEAVENS SAM stamped envelope to Astro- SCORPIO(Oct.26Nov.22) Im­ Graph, P.O. Box 489, Radio City provisation Is one skill you Sbatlon, N.Y. 10019. Be sure to possess In abundance today. 1974 HORNET HATCHBACK - PLYMOUTH VOLARE specify your birth sign. It'll come In handy to help Aptrfmenli For Rent 53 6 cylinder, standard. 58,000 Premier 1976 - blue with wood ARIES (March 21-Aprll 19) circumvent career obstacles. miles. Asking 31650. Call 649- grain, luggage rack, slant 6, Close associations and SAGITTARIUS (Nov,23-Dac.21) 8130, after 5:30 p.m. low mileage, power steering Rird Reauty partnerships can be rewarding You may not expect help from a THREE ROOM Apartment - and brakes, electric rear win­ today. You need to team up certain person today, but if he With heal, hot water. Stove, with people who have as great offers let him move without 1973 O PEL MANTA - 4 dow defogger, standard shift. a desire to make a profit as you DIRECTORY refrigerator. Wall-to-wall cylinders. Good condition. Must be seen to be ap­ Interference. He knows what do. carpet. 3195. Third floor. Cen­ preciated. 649-9868. he's doing better than you do. Automatic. 31695, or best TAURUS (April 26May 20) Don't CAPRICORN (Dac.22-Jan.13) Btrvictt Offered 31 Senicet Offered 31 Pelnling-Papering 32 BulldIng-ConirecUng 33 trally located. No pets. Adults offer. Call 8764537. only. Security deposit. Call spare the accolades if you're Fridnds will find you a delight­ 1968 PONTIAC CATALINA - teamed with others on a project ful companion today, provided PAINTING - interior andd TIMOTHY J. CONNELLY 6467690. V-8. automatic. Good running Carpentry and general con­ 1970 PONTIAC Grande Prix - today. Your praise will make you don't give them unsolicited exterior, paperhanging, V-8, 400 engine, 4 barrel, condition. 3375. Call 643-5849. them all the more receptive to INCOME tracting. Residential and MANCHESTER - Modem 2 advice as to how they should excellent work. References. power steering, power brakes, your Innovative ideas. run their affairs. Free estimates. Fully in­ commercial. Whether it be a bedroom apartment. Includes WANTED 1966 - Chevy small repair job, a custom air conditioning, excellent GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Bring AQUARIUS (Jan.20-Fab.13) sured. Martin Mattson, 649- heat, hot water and running condition. 3850. Call Chevelle, 2 door for parts. up your ambitious plans to new Combine aggressiveness and TAX 4431. built home or anything in appliances. Quiet. Older cou­ CHEAP. Call 871-2432 Born Loaar — Art Sanaom between, call 6461371379. after 6:00, 5266294. people you meet today,who patience today (o reach the ple. 3230, plus security. Call anytime. might be Interested. You Im­ unreachable goal. You should QUALITY PAINTING and 643-8481. 1970 LINCOLN Continental - 4 CARDINAL press them with your enthusi­ know when lo elf back and SERVICE LEON CIESZYNSKI Builder - 1975 DODGE DART - "Special asm. It won’t hurt to bubble PANQER Paper Hanging by Willis New homes custom built, door. Clean. Must sell! when to emulate the tiger. 'lESSIR.I'VE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Edition." 2 Door Hardtop. over a bit. INEWSPAr>ER ENTERPRISE ASSN.) Schultz. Fully insured, remodeled, additions, rec Relocating. 31200. Call 646 RA^IACrtOH fiOTTOHANP references, m-4343. Hornet tor Rent 54 6842, after 5:30 p.m. Slant 6, automatic, power rooms, garages, kitchens steering, vinyl top, am/fm. Buga Bunny — Htlmdahl and Btoffal FROM RUSSIAN DIRECTORY remodeled, bath tile, cement IT T O '<00, HAVE YOUR Cape/Ranch COLUMBIA - Immaculate 3 39,000 miles. One owner. 32.- SAtBLUTC work. Steps, dormers. bedroom, 11 1/2 baths, single 800. Call 633-3105. THOftJAPPLE]/ painted for 3150-3200 by Residential or commercial. scheduling now. Professional home. Formal dining room, 1976 FIAT -124 Spider. 10,000 Ml, NEK3MBOR.'' SEE ANTHIN' Call 649-4291. miles, excellent condition. 35,- ALLAN T. KEELER’S tax cconsiders any job. 28692W, fireplace, oil heat, garage. 1973 TOYOTA CELICA - VA U K E '? 'e 197aiiyNEA,lnc INGOME TAX service. Tax returns done in evenings or weekends, Don. Adults preferred. 3350 000 firm. Call 6462405 after 5 Automatic transmission, good MMOBLLNMnT the privacy of your home. Cali ALL TYPES OF Carpenter monthly, plus security. Petrus p.m. condition. 31200. Call 6465221 Our Boarding Houaa — Carrol & McCormick tor lifw t rax toaparaUwi 871-1781 for appointment. work - Ceramic tile, hung Realty, 228-3777. anytime. om cii GEORGE N. CONVERSE - ceilings, plumbing and elec­ LINCOLN Continental 1975 - m Cantor tl, Manxhaalir Painting and paperhanging. tric. Richard Young, 6461975. Stretch, Maloney built. myAS.JEROEANT, FONT TELL THAT TTKESE W /J YM SEVEN ROOM HOUSE - Trucks tor Sale 62 S. a Call between 5-9 p.m. 643-2804. Available March 1. Please Sacrifice, 38995. Call 6864)383, THE KU£ m w THE , TO THE CHIEF.' 4 HAVE TO READ m -N n RoofIng-SIdIng-ChImney 34 anytime. call 643-7605 or 6462871. 1970 FORD Econoline 200 - PUMC WANTS S m . ATT CITY HALLTTHEM THEIR PAPER HANGING - LAW ENRJRCEMENT ^ I N ’TO EXPLAIN) MIRANDA ______„ iN C O p: TAX PREPARA- Professional paper hanger, BIDWELL Home Improve­ 1970 PONTIAC FIREBIRD - Low mileage. Set up as a Offfcet-Storei for Rent 55 camper. Best offer. Call 646 F yoUR MEN CBAC) /WHY THE lAAVOKiJ RkSHTS JUST INCOp TAX Preparation - tjo N - Experienced. At your graduate of professional ment Co. Expert installation Runs good, must sell. 3300 or DOWN ON EVERY C0U5IN S O T " S - F=OR A Experienced, personal ser- ,erli*. Reasonable. paper hanging school. of aluminum siding, gutters best offer. Call evenings, 742- 7907, ask for Bob. vice at your 'home - Dani INFRACTION. I kKR^TED OUST PARKINS Call Walt Zlngler for appoint­ References, free estimates, and trims. Roofing installa­ 5285. Mosler,r, 6463329, or 525-8263. painting interior, exterior. tion and repairs. 6466495,876 1973 DODGE VAN B-lOO 3/8. p r o m o t io n /S J BOOKIN'BETS A T .2T IC K E T .' ment. 646-S349. Dean Smith, m-5241. 9109. OFFICE SPACE V-8. Automatic transmission. CERTAIN/THE COURTHOUSE.' H oathclIfI This Funny World Carpeted. Paneled. 32200. Call C&M TREE Service - Free es­ FOR RENT ★ ★ 295-Om. ODD JOBS DONE - Cellars, BRODIE & BENGTSON - SPECIALIZING cleaning and timates, discount senior Interior and Exterior Pain­ repairing chimneys, root, new 2S0 iqaare feet, center of NOVA -1976 MedaUst - 4 door, •••••••••••••••••••••••••• JUST BE SURE I EVEWy ITEM ON SALE citizens. Company attics, garages, yards Manchester, air conditioning and 22,000 m iles, silver with cleaned, moving, trucking. ting. Free Estimate. roofs. Free estimates. 30 narking. Call M3-9551. Moiorcyclet-BIcyclet 84 GET M y SHARE IS SOMETHING VCO . Manchester owned and Years Experience. Howley, deluxe red cloth interior. Loam for sale. Lawn service. Reasonable rates. Many O F T H E - BORROWED FWOM ME/ operated. Call 6461327. references 289-2064, 289-4539 . 643-5361. Automatic, power steering, si No job too big or small. 566 radials, six cylinder. Car is HONDA SL 350 - 1971 model. p w d c :e e d s /. V/ 8522. Extra tires, rims, plus many All the bright colors are WHAT A TYPING - Need something ROOFER WILL Install roof OFFICES FOR RENT - perfect. Asking 3 3 ^ . Call more extras. Needs some captured in these cross- A & W PAINTING - Quality Manchester. Heat, air, 647-1601 before 3 p.m. or after COINCERDENCE typed? Call 528-7786. work. Re.asonable rates. Call siding or gutters for low dis­ work. 3175. Call 643-1323. stitch designs of favorite Reasonable rates. COMPLETE CARPET & Tile janitor,, carpeted. Exxcellent 6 p.m. installation and repairs. Free 643-8515, or 6467696. count price. Call Ken at 647- birds. 1566. location, rents start, 3100, TRIUMPH 1976 Bonneville No, 2967 has transfer WILL BABYSIT in estimates. Call Pat, at 646 3125, and 3150. per month. ^ l l 3745, after 5 p.m. ★ ★ 7M, 8000 miles, oil cooler andd for four designs . . . each Manchester home. Full time 6465334 or 6467175 evenings. rack. 31.750. 2864042. 8" X 10"; color charts, days. Call 6462454. Building-Contracting 33 M^sUng-Ptumblng 35 TO oooia, isso tijo fsr lick EXPERT FURNITURE DATSUN 1973 - 240Z, four H ^ s jlii Zit lir OMtifi ISO 1250 SQUARE FEET - 1974 KAWASAKI 400 - Low CARPET INSTALLATIONS - refinishing and antique SEWERLINES, sink lines, Immediate occupancy. Ideal speed, good condition, 32500. restoration. Free estimates. WES ROBBINS carpentry 6463105, after 6 p.m. mileage. Good condition. Stair shifts, repairs. Caipets, remodeling specialist. Ad­ cleaned with electric cutters, for Oral surgeon. Dentist, ANNI CAIOT E. Loveland, 649-8963. by professionals. McKinney Must sell! 3400. Thom, 742- steam cleaning. Free ditions, rec rooms, dormers, physician or general business 6466. I Manchmir HsraM stimates. 649-6285. Bros. Sewage Disposal Com­ use. Will subdivide to suite. 1973 PLYMOUTH Fury II - 1180 Avs, d Amsrisaa aiwtHw.pc.Tx.itouxM.1 INCOME TAX preparation at built-ins, bathrooms, Good running condition. New New Vwk, N.V, 100N kitchens, 649-3446. pany, 643-5^. Week days 9 to 5 p.m. 647-9903, WILL DO YOUR ironing in your home, experienced. Dan evenings and weekends, 646 tires. 3850. Call 6469868. Campert-Trallera Mosler, 649-3329 or 525-8263. Prill Nm i, «Mmi »llk ZIP my home. Reasonable rates. CUSTOM CARPENTRY - NO JOB TOO Small - Toilet 1421. Mobile Hornet 65 COSI ISO iw i Mmkir, Short Riba - Frank Hill Please call 6465612, anytime. repairs, plugged drains, 1968 IN TER N A TIO N A L VIOLIN LESSONS nven in Homes, Additions, Repairs, Carry-all - 8 cylinder, stan­ 1978ALBUM with a82-pag• l/W JS T CUT TH IS BCTYAL WWH ,lO BILUON DUCKETS fc'PUCKET /frETHEREg Cabinets. Call Gary Cushing, kitchen faucets replaced, OFFICE SPACE for rent in 1957 VW VAN - Built as “Gift SMUon” with full BUP^ 5 0 ^ SOME. FOR-THE NEW CASTLE. NSEFDRTME r(HE aO M M / ODD JOBS - cleaning cellers your home. Call M6-5659 repaired. Rec rooms, Manchester, 3 large rooms, dard transmission. 4 new Camper. Rebuilt motor. Good directions. Pries, , . 32,00 evenings. 345-2009.______tires. 3950. Call 649-9868. I CANT CUT THAT' J B S T B r and attics, moving large bathroom remodeling, heat very reasonable reni. Call 646 running condition. 3200. Call AUS TSItI SOOM AT |t.» IASS. appliances. Also stone or loom CARPENTRY - Repairs, modernization, etc. Free 6466SW. after 5:30 p.m. Estimate gladly given. M & M 1964 DODGE DART delivered. 644-1775. remixieling, additions, gar­ •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• IP I t w ilc N w it o S if A , toe. Pplnflng-Peperlng 32 ages, roofing. Call David Plumbing & Heating. 6462871. CONVERTIBLE - low Wanted to Rent 57 mileage, good condition, one. Automotive Service 66 Dkiclutol ?«*iWtos REWEAVING burns, holes. Patria, 644-1796. “Not I will NOT ask you another questionl'' FRANK SCOTELLA - Plum- owner, woman. Best - offer. Zippers, umbrellas repaired. J.P. LEWIS & SON - Interior ELM MOTORS - Toyota. Dat- R-.VM'SSSX'X and exterior painting, bing. Repairs and HOUSE OR APARTMENT - 6466293. Window shades, Venetian CARPENTRY & Masonry - Five or six rooms. Quiet sun specialists, factory paperhanging, and Remodeling. Faucets, ATto&ttfsnK I NEWEST AltfMBEk blinds. Keys. TV for rent. Additions and remodeling. neighborhood. Prefer older trained, one day service. 114 M. S-IZS-HAn A SIPT. * 10NieHt we WELCOME! Marlow's, 867 Main St. 646 remodeling. Fully insured. vanities, hot water heaters. 1964 CORVAIR - 3350 or best iHUlir MiM MS ftoMp, Free estimates. Call Anthony home. Responsible couple, offer. Car in good running con­ hkist Main Street. Rockville. ID'OWWlBEf ■ I ANONYMOUS'/ 5221. 649-9658. Squillacote, 6460811.. Prompt service, on emergen­ 8871-1617. cies. 643-7024. 742-6424. dition. Call 643-8569 anytime. *T. g t- -r-

_ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchfgter. Conn.. Mon.. Keb. 27. 1878 PAGE FOURTEEN Mrs. Cora M.K. Read DuugluH Kniglil Mrs. George 1). Marlin EAST HARTFORD — Mrs. Jeanette Gauvreau Martin, Mrs. Cora M.E. Holmquist Read, 82, of 452 W. Middle Douglas Knight. 29, of 57 Birch St. died Saturday at Turnpike died Saturday at her home. She was the widow Hartford Hospital after a long illness. 80, of 18 Daley Court died Friday at St. Francis Hospital, ( Obituaries ) Hartford. She was the wife of George D. Martin. of George W. Read. Mr. Knight was bom in Hartford and had lived most of Mrs. Read was bom Oct. 31, 1895 In Hartford and bad his life in East Hartford. He is survived by his parents, Mrs. Martin was bom in Montreal, and had lived in Tht wtathtr East Hirtford Mn*. lloIdKHorlli H. Sharp East Hartford for 60 years. She was well known in the lived in Manchester for a number of years. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Knight of East Hartford; and a She is survived by a niece, Mrs. Merritt B. Pratt of N«wt..Pag« 6 Mrs. Ruth M. Sharp, 58, of 98 Chamber St. died Satur­ sister, Mrs. Frances Modoividlak of East Hartford. Hartfoid-East Hartfoid area for her musical career in Clear and cold tonight: lowi 10 to 15. day at Hartford Hospital. She was the wife of Holdsworth performing and teaching piano. She was the sister of the N antu^et, Mkss. Mootly lurniy Tuetday with highs in the The funeral and burial will be private at the con­ Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Main St., is in charge of H. Sharp. late Entile Gauvreau, former managing editor of the 30s. Outlook: Chance of snow For venience of the family. arrangements, which are incomplete. Mrs. Sharp had been employed as a bookkeeper at The Friends may call at the Fitzgerald Funeral Home, 225 New York Dally Mirror and Sunday Mirror and the Hart­ Wednesday: fair Thursday and Friday. National weather map on page 10. EDFTION Homo Dollvory Herald for 10 years before retiring about a year ago ford Courant. She was a communicant of St. Rose Main St., tonight from 7 to 9. Wilbrod J. Messier P^pno 847-9M6 because of ill health. She previously was office manager Church. Harold C. Cranirk Wilbrod J. Messier, 85, of 71 Grandview St., a former PMCE; TWENTY CENTS at the W.G. Glenney Co. for 10 years. She is also survived by two daughters, Jeanette Manchester businessman, died Sunday night at an East She was bom June 1.1919, in Rockville and lived there EAST HARTFORD- Harold C. Cranick, 76, of Fresno, Roberts of Wethersfield and Winifred Bristol of Canton; Hartford convalescent home. He was the husband of the most of her life before coming to Manchester in 1947. She Calif., formerly of East Hartford, died Feb. 17 in Fresno. 11 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. late Agnes Toumard Messier. was a member of Hope Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, He was the husband of Mrs. Marion Nobles Cranick. ’The funeral is Tuesday at 9:15 a.m. from Newkirk and Mr. Messier, before he retired, had operated an up­ of Rockvilie. The funeral and burial were Feb. 21 in Fresno. Whitney Funeral Home, 318 Burnside Ave., with a mass holstery business for many years at 589 Center St. He also She is also survived by two daughters, Mrs. Brian Mr. Cranick was bom in East Hartford and lived here at St. Rose Church at 10. Burial will be in St. Mary’s had operated a Nash auto agency in Manchester for a until moving to Fresno 12 years ago. He was a member of (Donna) Murphy of Marlborough and Mrs. Ronald Cemetery. number of vears. At the time of his death, he was the (Diane) Wood of East Hartford; a brother, Alfred the Second Church of Christ, Scientist, and Orient Lodge Friends may call at the funeral home today from 3 to 5 oldest living member of Campbell Council, Knights of Miners divided Rosenberg of Hyannis, Mass.; a sister, Mrs. John Darcy of Masons. and 7 to 9 p.m. Columbus. He was a past grand knight of Campbell Coun­ of Rockviiie: and a grandson. He is also survived by a daughter, Phyllis C. Koch of cil and had belonged to the council since 1918. He also was The funeral is Tuesday at 1 p.m. at Holmes Funeral Fresno; two sons, Jarold C. Cranick of Plymouth and Don Mra. Amelia M. Kunz a member of the Bishop McMahon Assembly, fourth Home. 400 Main St. Buriat will be in East Cemetery. H. Cranick of Falls Church, Va.; a brother, Raymond VERNON - Mrs. Amelia Miller Kunz, 81, of Monroe, degree, Knights of Columbus. He was a communicant of Friends may call at the funeral home Tuesday from 11 Cranick of Connecticut; three sisters, Mrs. Welles formerly of 26 Valleyview Lane, Vernon, died Su^ay at a St. James Church and a member of the Manchester McCray and Mrs. Fred Clay, both of Connecticut, and a m. until the hour of the service. Manchester convalescent hospital. She was the widow of Senior Citizens. on coal accord The family suggests that any memorial gifts may be Mrs. Louis Ridoux of Fiorida; 10 grandchildren and a William G. Kunz. He was bom in Manchester, N.H., and had lived here made to the Heublein Radiation Therapy-Oncology great-grandchild. Mrs. Kunz was bom in Troy, N.Y., and had lived in Ver­ for 55 years. new contract and to launch the drive operators won’t necessarily be used Center. 80 Seymour St., Hartford 06103. non before going to Monroe. He is survived by a son, Wilbur J. Messier of United PresN Inlernalionul Mrs. Mary J. Spincken She is survived by two sons, H. Russell Kunz of Vernon for its ratification. They were backed in future strike situations Manchester; a brother, Leo Messier of Springfield, ’Their ranks sharply divided — by President Carter who said he "I don’t believe that most unions John I). Pullunnky Jr. Mrs. Mary J. Spincken of De Funiak Springs, Fia., died and Raymond W. Kunz of Monroe; a sister, Mrs. William ELLINGTON - John D. Poliansky Jr., 31, of 45 Pin­ Mass.; a sister, Mrs. Ernest Bessette of Springfield; some more intent upon purging their thinks there is ’’a good chance” the are going to want to create a crisis Saturday at a Glastonbury convalescent home. Perkins of Speigletown, N.Y.; and four grandchildren. seven grandchildren and a great-grandchild. nacle Road was dead on arrival Saturday at Rockville leader than in ending their 84-day-old pact will be approved, and by situation In order to get the president She is survived by two daughters, Mrs, Grace Gian- The funeral is Wednesday at 11 a m. at the Morris Steb- The funeral is Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. from the John F. General Hospital after suffering an apparent heart at­ strike — the United Mine Worker’s Marshall, who said the contract with into these disputes," he said. "It’s siracusa of East Hartford and Mrs. Mildred Reilly of bins Funeral Home, Troy, N.Y. Burial will be in Oakwood Tierney Funeral Home, 219 W. Center St., with a mass at tack. He was the husband of Mrs. Maureen Logan 160,000 members today studied the BCOA is superior to the P and M only in the final analysis that you had Newington; 10 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. Cemetery, Troy, N.Y. St. James Church, at 10. Burial will be in St. James tentative contract approved Friday pact. Poliansky. The White-Gibson-Small Funeral Home, 65 Elm St., pressure, If you want to call it that, The funeral and burial will be in Pensacola, Fla. Cemetery. by the union and the Bituminous Coal ”1 suspect that the general agree­ on the employers” Mr. Poliansky was born Feb. 16,1947 in Hartford, son Friends may cail at Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Main Rockville, was in charge of local arrangements. of John and Cecelia Panicko Poliansky of Ellington, and Friends may call at the funeral home Tuesday from 2 Operators Association. ment made between the BCOA and He also denied any concessions St., Manchester, tonight from 7 to 9. There will be a to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. A secret-ballot ratification vote is the United Mine Workers influenced were offered to steel companies and had lived in Ellington most of his life. He was employed prayer service tonight at 6:30 at the funeral home. Mrs. Albert P. Bazzano as an oil burner serviceman. He was an Army veteran of ’The family suggests that any memorial gifts may be expected to begin later in the week the outcome in the voting on the P other corporations owning coal EAST HARTFORD — Mrs. Shirley Wawrack Bazzano, made to St. James School Foundation, in care of Edmund the Vietnam War and a member of the Rockville Mrs. Josephine Tliurz and both President Carter and Labor and M contract ... because the mines in order to secure an accord 41, of 88 Silver Lane died Sunday in St. Francis Hospital Gorman, 604 E. Middle Turnpike. American Legion Post. He also belonged to the GLASTONBURY - Mrs. Josephine Thurz, 86, of 219 Secretary Ray Marshall expressed workers in those two districts "That didn't happen,” he said and Medical Center. She was the wife of Albert P. Baz­ confidence it would win approval. realized that the BCOA agreement Rank and file hostility to the new Kosciusezko Club and the Italian-American Friendship Addison Road died Friday evening at an area convaies- zano. Club, both of Rockville, and the Fish and Game Club of cent home. She was the widow of Stanley Thurz. Some of the miners, however — was better for them,” he said. pact appeared to run high. Mrs. Bazzano was bom in Hartford and lived in F ir e c a lls fearing the new pact is too closely Marshall, appearing on CBSTV’s "Are we going to accept this Broad Brook. Mrs. Thurz was bom in Poland and had lived in Glastonbury for 21 years before moving to East Hartford He is also survived by a daughter, Lisa Ann Poliansky, Giastonbury for 70 years. She was a member of St. John's based on one hammered out earlier, "Face the Nation,” also defended the document?” a UMW official asked 20 years ago. then rejected over the weekend in president’s “high-risk” tactic of miners at a rally In West Frankfort, at home; and three brothers, Robert Poliansky, Gerard Polish National Catholic Church of Manchester and the She was a hairdresser in the Hartford area many years. Manchester washdown, Spencer Street Kentucky and Kansas with the in­ remaining aloof from the coal talks III. The miners thundered back a one- Poliansky and Michael Poliansky, all of Ellington. Polish Women’s Aliiance of Manchester. She was a communicant of St. Mary’s Church, East Friday, 3:14 p.m. —public exit, Interstate Highway 84, dependent Pittsburgh and Midway until the last minute and said the word answer — ”No.” The funeral is Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. from Burke- She is survived by a son, Edward J. Thurz of Glaston­ Hartford, where she was active in many social clubs and Fortin Funeral Home, 76 Prospect St., Rockville, with a bury; a daughter, Mrs. Frances N. Scorso of East Hart­ service call, 26 Benton St. (Town) Coal Co. — were not so sure. prp«!*w’CompNy 2Vl — Richard M. Nixon, a virtual Rog.999 could wait until April or May, Alan amendment to limit the Zoning development, the White House an­ nightclub for two nights before NonhcM U d itia Sovke Cbnipany / NextheM Nudor Enofy Corapinif Lamson, town planner, said. Board of Appeals power to grant use nounce today. the slaying of Yousel ^ b ai, editor Negotiations in four nations are recluse since he resigned the The applicants originally had variances. The measure, which the White of the Egypstian newspaper AI attempting to arrange a swap of presidency, opened his house to sought to begin construction by May. Lamson said that he does not House said was signed Saturday, Ahram and a confidant of Sadat. political prisoners Including two the gaze of tourists Sunday, but leading Soviet dissidents, an VVAPMINQ FRIEN08 FOR OVER 40 YEARS' It RKrtM m NAMI tAII 83< The federal Department of Housing expect the PZC to act yet on its provides the Energy Department Sebai was shot Feb. 18 and the neither he or his wife emerged to and Urban Development will provide largest pending m atter—a proposed with money for research into gunmen took 15 hostages aboard a American who spied for Moscow, greet or wave to the guests. funding for the elderly housing 135-lot subdivision off Keeney Street. ,•9