\ /■ The weather Rain tapering off to periods of drizzle by this afternoon. High temperatures in the middle 70s iiaitrijpalpr i£ 24 C. Clearing tonight. Lows around 60. Tuesday mostly sunny with highs in the low 80s. Probabili­ ty of rain lowering to 20 percent tonight and 10 A Family NEWSpaper Since 1881 percent Tuesday. Gentle variable winds Home delivered copy 15 cents. becoming northerly tonight and continuing Tuesday. National weather forecast map on page Vol. XCVII, No. 243 — Manchester, Conn., Monday, July 17, 1978 Newsstand copy 20 cents Garter succeeds Louis, y well )ubt if in trade talks movie By HELEN THOMAS total agreement. Blumenthal who said Carter made an •s epic DPI While House Reporter “The president was very strong, “exceedingly forceful and strong id it as very firm,” Strauss told reporters BONN, West Germany (UPl) — presentation” of his ideas. Hess.” after the morning session of the Robert Strauss, U.S. special Carter went before the group today cholar seven-nation meeting. He also representative for trade with a promise to his summit critics described the president’s perfor­ negotiations, said President Carter that ‘‘there will be energy mance as “tenacious and very per­ achieved all of his objectives on suasive.” legislation” in the United States and trade at the economic summit con­ he went on the offensive to present A similar glowing report came ference today and that “we have the administration’s plans for more from Treasury Secretary Michael liberal trade rules. The schedule is proceeding well "and 1 think the communique will Hijack sanctions support the U.S. position ...,” Blumenthal said. He said it would be a “strong communique” and that “the discussion was lively and sub­ approved at Bonnstantive and it came out with a very meaningful result.” Carter and six other leaders of BONN, West Germany (UPI) — Although the pledge will mention The seven nations meeting at the no-other countries by name, the major industrial nations discussed summit in Bonn have agreed to sever sources said it obviously will be trade and terrorism before breaking for lunch today on the final day of a all civil air relations with any nation aimed at such countries as Algeria that harbors aircraft hijackers, a and Libya, which have harbored air summit conference aimed at President Carter and host Chancellor for the Treasury Michael Blumenthal; worldwide economic recovery. Carter administration official said hijakers in the past. Helmut Schmidt (3rd and 4th left) prepare Secretary of State Cyrus Vance is second today. In 1977, for instance. Red Army At a working lunch hosted by Walter Scheel, the West German for start of the two-day Seven Nation left; and Italian Prime Minister Giulio An- Such a move would effectively cut terrorists liijacked a Japanese air­ president, told the summiteers that dreotti is at right. (UPI photo) all airline connections between all of liner to Algeria, which kept the plane Economie Summit. At left is U.S. Secretary “drastic adjustments are necessary the seven and any country granting and a $6 million ransom and gave lest short-sighted protectionism will sanctuary to hijackers. sanctuary to the hijackers. preserve unprofitable jobs at the The chiefs of government of the The pledge parallels the proposals expense of profitable ones and thus United States, Canada, Britain, outlined in a bill introduced by Sen. ultimately ruin the whole global divi­ GOP lacks candidate France, West Germany, Italy and Abraham A. Ribieoff, D-Conn., the sion of labor.” Japan will announce the new policy sources said. But the Carter ad­ Carter, clearly elated by the late today at the end of the summit ministration prefers a multilateral prospect of the successful summit , meetings that began Sunday. declaration. The sources said the adminstration result he had predicted, leaves for American administration sources Washington tonight to fulfill the to oppose Sen. Barry said the seven will pledge to sever all would have preferred for the pledge pledges he made in Bonn. to have been adopted by the U.N. civil air relations with any other na­ During Carter’s emotional visit to In the Third Senatorial District, tion that harbors or gives asylum to General Assembly, but that it By GREG PEARSON nominate Mrs. Clarke will be held Berlin Saturday, East Germany which includes all of East Hirtford aircraft hijackers or refuses to realized it could never put together a Herald Reporter tonight at East Hartford’s Raymond ordered a slowdown of traffic and part of Manchester, Esther Library. return the hijacked aircraft or any of With the Foi]rth Senatorial District Garke, a member of the East Hart­ The Fourth Senatorial District con­ the hostages aboard that aircraft. —See Page Ten —.See Page Two convention scheduled tonight, the ford Town Council, is expected to be vention will start at 8 o’clock in the Republican Party still is searching unchallenged for the party’s nomina­ Hearing Room in Manchester’s for a candidate to challenge incum­ tion. Municipal Building. bent State Sen. David Barry of The Third District seat now is held The district includes part of Manchester. by Sen. George Hannon, but he was Manchester and several surrounding Brooks assumes duty Republican conventions will be defeated in a primary by Marcella towns. held tonight for two state senate dis­ Fahey, who will be the Democratic As of noon today, the Republicans tricts that include Manchester and nominee. surrounding towns. The Republican convention to —See Page Ten as detective captain Joseph Brooks today began his first The promotion of Brooks was said. Six employees killed day on duty as a captain in the effective Sunday. He previously His wife, Donna, and their two Manchester Police Department. served as a lieutenant and ad­ children, Michael, 15, and Sherri, 13, Brooks this morning received his ministrative officer. attended this morning’s ceremony in captain’s pin and words of praise He said that he may make some the chief’s office. from Chief Robert Lqnnan. changes in the detective division, but Lannan also praised the work of Lt. in restaurant robbery “This is an important point for the any changes will be made only after John Krinjak, who had filled in as ac­ department,” Lannan said at a brief he has had time to study the existing ting captain of the detective division OKLAHOMA CITY (UPI) - Six AI had been shot once in the head. long and went back into the promotion ceremony. , “In my setup the division. since Sartor’s retirement. restaurant employees, including four Miss Horst had also been shot in the restaurant. He discovered the bodies absence, he, along with Capt. Brooks said that he also plans to Krinjak and Lt. Robert Guliano teen-agers, were herded into a back abdomen. stacked atop each other in the (Henry) Minor, will be one of the enroll in school again this fall to take were the other two top candidates to freezer room and methodically shot Police said several weapons had freezer room and called police. prime men in the department,” the additional law enforcement courses. fill the captain of detectives position. to death in a robbery of a steakhouse been used during the shootings. ’They The five men were dead at the chief said. He does not expect the schooling to Both will remain at the top of the along a busy Oklahoma interstate ■were still-unsure about the caliber of scene, but the female worker was Brooks was named Friday to take interfere with his new position on the promotion list for a year. This could highway Sunday night. the weapons. found alive in the middle of the stack the position of captain of detectives. force. be important if the department ' Police said the b^ies of two men, “We believe there was more than of bodies. She was rushed to a nearby The position was vacated when “This department is extremely un­ decides to fill the now vacant deputy three teen-aged boys and a 16-year- one suspect,” Police Sgt. Tom Mun- hospital, but died a few hours later Joseph Sartor retired at the end of derstanding because of the emphasis chief slot, a move that might vacate old girl were found stacked on top of dy said. without regaining consciousness. January. Minor is patrol captain. they do put on education,” Brooks a captain’s position. each other in the 200-square-foot John W right, 20, a form er Police said she had been shot twice— freezer room by Sirloin Stockade’s employee who recently quit and once in the head assistant manager, Michael J. (3lick, moved to Little Rock, Ark., said, Page Nine 25. “It’s a shame. They are all kids going Click arrived at the restaurant to school. Man, it’s the most horrible about 11 p.m. Sunday to take the thing I’ve ever heard of.” young girl home. The restaurant had A police spokesman said the Just closed for the night. workers apparently had just closed Inside today “This is the worst mass killing I for the night and turned the lights out Area towns ...................................8,9 can remember in 18 years on the when the assailant or assailants Classified ................................ 17, 18 force,” said Police Chief Tom entered through a back door. Comics ............................................19 Heggy. The six were taken to the 200- East Hartford ............................ 7, 8 The victims were identified as square-foot freezer room at the back Editorial ......................................... 4 Louis Zacarias, an assistant and methodically-shot with a pistol— Entertainment .............................. 15 manager, about 40; Isaac E. each body falling on top of the one cut Family ............................................16 Features ........................................ 20 Freeman, 56, a custodian; David down before.
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