Senate to work on natural gas pricing WASHINGTON (AP) -- Senate Majority and Senate leaders say re-submitting Leader Robert Byrd says the .Senate it could kill it. will resume work today on the The measure would end price con- troublesome issue of natural gas trols on natural gas in 1985. pricing. Senate Democratic leaders met yes- The controversy is holding up terday with Energy Secretary James President Jimmy Carter's energy Schlesinger and White House package. infla- U. S. NAVAL. BASE tion fighter Robert Strauss to plot Byrd says that a week from today strategy. GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA the Senate may be ready to vote on Afterward, the chairman of the En- whether the pricing plan should be ergy Committee, Henry Jackson, D- sent back to the committee. Thurs. Sept. 7, 1978 Wash., said there would be "a lot It took more than eight Vol. 33 No. 168 months to of hard work on both sides regard- get the proposal out of committee ing votes." Mideast summit 'shrouded in secrecy' CAMP DAVID, Md. (AP/UPI) -- The agendas and ease into the issues first Camp David summit meeting be- conversationally. tween President Jimmy Carter, Is- Still, the three men eventually raeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin will have to deal with the meat of and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat the Mideast situation -- the fate of is now history. Israeli-occupied Arab lands on the Experts at the Library of Congress West Bank and Gaza Strip and the fu- say it's the first meeting ever be- ture of the Palestinians. tween the heads of three nations. Powell would say nothing else other What transpired, however, is than that the three leaders began shrouded in secrecy. their labors in complete privacy and The trio met for two hours yester- with none of their advisors present. day. Sources say the atmospere of Reactions to the Camp David summit Camp David is having the desired ef- were as diverse as their locations. fect on negotiations. At the Vatican, Pope John Paul I offered a prayer. News Secretary Jody Powell said He said he hopes the summit will Begin and Sadat met each other while lead to a Middle East peace that strolling the wooded grounds, shook would solve the Palestinian question, hands and exchanged pleasantries be- guarantee the security of Israel and fore continuing on their separate safeguard the Holy City of Jerusalem. walks. Arab hardliners reacted by denounc- In keeping with tradition, Commander Kenneth J. Jaskolski Aides say Carter plans to shun ing Sadat and burning him in effigy. (R) turns the VC-10 command flag over to his replacement, Commander Donald M. Snyder (L), who becomes the new command- Castro offers olive branch to exiles ing officer of VC-10. ANA (AP) -- President Fidel Cas- in a small reception room in the 'ro has offered an olive branch to presidential palace. VC-10 holds change of command Cuban exiles in the United States. American reports had indicated Commander Donald M. Snyder assumed He has also served with Attack Castro met yesterday with 11 ex- Castro would announce a major inni- command of Fleet Composite Squadron Squadrons Fifty-five, One Twenty- iles for the first time since he tiative yesterday, possibly releas- 10 (VC-10) yesterday morning, re- seven, One Sixty-four, and Forty- came to power in 1959. ing up to 1,000 political prisoners. lieving Commander Kenneth J. Jaskol- Four, flying more than 350 combat When asked about the reports, Cas- ski who had been commanding officer missions. The Cuban leader met with editors, tro replied, "Those numbers are not since June, 1977. writers Cdr. Snyder, who entered and television reporters in correct, but maybe it is significant Cdr. Jaskolski also received the the Navy Miami and New York in a typically as a seaman recruit March 2, 1959 that for the first time in nearly 20 Navy Commendation Medal during the informal, three-hour news has been awarded the Distinguished confer- years, we are willing to talk with ceremony which took place at Hangar Flying Cross, Air Medal (one Gold ence. personalities of Cuban communities AV-600 at the Naval Air Station. and 26 He told the exiles that while his abroad." Vice Admiral George E.R. Kinnear, Strike/Flights), the Navy Commendation Medal with Combat "V" government has gone as far as it The Havana government has submit- commander of the Naval Air Force, can in patching up relations with ted the names of 48 former political U.S. Atlantic Fleet, spoke at the (six awards) and various service and the United States, ribbons. he was interested prisoners and some still in jail to ceremony and was introduced by Cap- campaign Cdr. Jaskolski, who served as in opening channels of communication the U.S. government with the view of tain J.E. Paganelli, commander of also VC-10's executive officer more than with Cuban exiles. allowing .them to go to the United Fleet Tactical Support Wing One. Castro said: "the first steps are States. Cdr. Snyder has served as execu- a year before filling the top posi- already being taken. tion, is leaving Gitmo We must take Another 30 names of relatives have tive officer of VC-10 since June 6, for duty with further steps to protect the Air Department of the USS Nimitz the child also been submitted for U.S. approv- 1977. He and his wife, Jana Jill, so that it does not die while being al, but Castro said no decision has live on Mobile Point. (CVN-68), homeported in Norfolk, Va. born." been made. The 11 visiting exiles traded ban- The Havana government has announced ter with Castro and were allowed to about 1,500 Cubans with dual nation- Newswatch, NEWS BRIEFS ask very detailed questions about ality will be permitted to leave for WASHINGTON (AP) -- Both sides claim Cuban policy. the United States, the first 150 5:30 to have enough, support as the House Several p.m. visiting American report- flying out by chartered plane Sept. prepares to vote on an override of ers also attended the session held 14. President Jimmy Carter's veto of a defense spending bill. The vote, set for today, is the first time Congress has tried to w Brazil prepares to hold elections override a Carter veto. He objected to the $37 billion The world's fifth largest country The reforms are likely to be adopt- picked Figueiredo, former head of 1bill because it contained a $2 bil- is in the midst of an election cam- ed regardless of which presidential Brazil's equivalent of the FBI, to lion nuclear aircraft carrier. paign for everything from state leg- hopeful wins: the ruling Arena Alli- succeed him as president. Carter says the money for the car- islators to president, but no one's ance's Joao Baptista Figueiredo or Arena quickly rubberstamped Figuei- rier could be better used in other caught "campaign fever." the opposition Brazilian Democratic redo and that should have been the However, there ways. are indications Movement's Euler Bentes Monteiro. end of the race since Arena has a that the presidential election A two-thirds vote is needed in both on Both are conservative retired solid majority in the 590-member H Oct. 15 Houses to override the veto. and the legislative elec- four-star army generals who wear college that will elect the presi- tions a month later may start to glasses. dent on Oct. 15.* ATLANTA (AP) -- Today's editions of pave the way to return of civilian Monteiro takes his off in public. To pull an upset, Monteiro will tthe Atlanta Constitution report that government control in Brazil. The major features of the contem- have to corral all of the 231 oppo- a federal grand jury has subpoenaed Elections have been a matter of plated reforms are restoration of sition votes in the electoral col- bbank records on financial transac- some indifference in Brazil to direct elections at all levels of lege and steal 65 Arena votes to getttions involving President Jimmy Car- everyone but the candidates ever government and a change to an elec- a 296 vote majority-plus-one. tter and his campaign advertising man- since the military took over in 1964 toral that allows as many political Few observers give him even a re-aager, Gerald Rafshoon. and began making all the key deci- parties as politicians are willing mote chance at this point. The newspaper reports the subpoenas sions that affect the nation's 125 to form. Senator Jose de Magalhaes Pinto, accame in the grand jury's investiga- million people. Under the military regime, the leading Arena dissident and a presi-ttion of the financial affairs of Bert But this time it could be differ- only parties allowed are Arena and dential aspirant himself until a few LLance, Carter's former ent, not so much because of the budget direc- the MBD, both created by the mili- weeks ago, has the biggest block ofttor. elections themselves, but because tary from the ashes of the system possibly available votes, but doesn't of the effect they may have on Bra- abandoned in 1964 with the ouster of like Monteiro. NEW YORK (AP) -- Health officials zil's political system in the fore- civilian President Joao Goulart. So the political calendar should say Legionaire's disease has taken seeable future. It is unlikely that either of go off without a hitch. one life and possibly two others. Both presidential candidates have these parties would survive in a All the victims had worked in the suggested changes that will forever ayatem that allows the formation of The Nov. 15 elections for the low- Manhattan garment district. alter the electoral process and per- new parties and it is becoming quite er House and state legislatures will Officials have a total of nine haps usher in the democratic "open- clear that campaigns after this year be the only direct balloting by cit- confirmed or suspected cases and ing" for which the civilian politi- will be different, perhaps radically izens. health workers have been taking cians have been waiting so long. so. But the winners will have no power blood samples and putting up warning The politicians are realizing this The first significant event of the of the purse, hence no power in the notices in the streets. and interest in the election process 1978 election calendar came in Janu- country, so it doesn't matter who However, officials say there's no is starting to pick up.slowly. ary when President Ernesto Geisel they are. cause for alarm. Pazge 2 Gua antanamo Gazette Thursday, September 7, 1978 I'.ge 2toGuhsPubtinamffaGazetteceThursday, September.=.7,M197a Olendar I Today 111,1.18.1411illA.Edsfid.Alqsergencyrkngdy.pey . keptld .nyll.,.CoI.,lly a uI.,1.ot. .ill bpublished notser Racquet Club pick your partner tournament sign up deadline, 4 p.m. in the Aod,,.d,rd included 1n1a daily calendar ectiondrigle wheek o f clubhouse. This will be an AB CD tournament if enough persons are signed the ven. C.orlal adertsin1s I.pohbited.lhough nocent up. '!I 'b. requird topovide proof o ,1 f letr f uhoplly. Ad. hc Protestant Choir rehearsal, Base Chapel, 7 p.m. Guantanamo Bay Model Railroad Association meeting, double Quonset hut at East Bargo Point, 7-9 p.m. dicfiets h ue frce a recloo ntoaloii Fellowship of Overeaters Anonymous meeting, East Bargo Point Old Nursery School building, 7 p.m. (93145 or 98100) Church of God Bible study, 7:30 p.m., classroom across from Chaplain Barcus' office. (8618) Special Announcements Clubs and Organizations Guantanamo Bay Reef Raiders monthly meeting, at 8 p.m. at Leeward Point. a Members asked to take 6:30 p.m. ferry, transportation will be provided. Election for nominating committee chairperson will be held. A VW TUNE-UP/MAINTENANCE CLASS NOTHING TO DO ON SUNDAY AFTERNOON? begins on Monday, Sept. 11 at 7 p.m. Join one of the fastest growing forms Guantanamo Bay Officer's Wives Club welcome aboard coffee, 9:30 a.m. at at the Arts and Crafts Building. of recreation. The Gitmo Swingers the COMO Club. (95361 or 8347 AT) Learn to give TLC to your Beetle, Square Dance Club is sponsoring its Bus, Ghia, Squareback or Thing. first square dance class for the Cost of the class is $20.00 for fall season. Class begins on Sunday, Tomorrow eight classes. Ladies can learn Sept. 17 at 2 p.m. Come out and join Playing line up for Racquet Club pick your partner too. For information, or to regis- the fun. For more information, call will be listed in the clubhouse this afternoon. ter, call Norman Williams at 951222 George Goodbar at 90251 AT. AT. Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, East Bargo Point Old Nursery School build- THE THURSDAY GITMO LADIES SCRATCH ing at 7:45 p.m. (90269 or 8275) THE BLUE CARIBE WILL FEATURE League is in need of more bowlers. "SPANISH NIGHT" tonight from 6- A 125 average or above would be Pentecostal Prayer meeting, Pentecostal Church on Bay Hill Road, 7 p.m. 10 p.m. On the menu will be Paella preferred. Interested ladies should (a Spanish specialty) or Espanola call Karen Baird at 951059 AT. The Saturday (broiled rib-eye steak topped with league begins Sept. 14 at 8:30 p.m. onions, tomatoes and olives) with Roman Catholic Folk Choir practice, 6:45 p.m., lt the Base Chapel. green beans, hot rolls and butter, THE SOCIALIZERS CLUB will hold a (97159) salad, and coffee or iced tea. The meeting on Saturday, Sept. 9 at 5 Guantanamo Bay Model Railroad Association meeting, double Quonset hut at Blue Caribe will also have an open p.m. in the clubhouse. All members East Bargo Point from 1-3 p.m. menu. are requested to attend. Roman Catholic Mass will be celebrated at 6 p.m. in the Base Chapel (sat- LARAYE RYAN'S DANCE CLASS SCHEDULE THE MARINE BARRACKS ENLISTED WIVES isfies Sunday obligation). will be posted on the Commissary Club will hold their monthly meeting Benifit Dance for Shipmate Stiles at the Fleet Reserve Association bulletin board on Friday and Satur- home on Monday, Sept. 11 at 7:30 p.m. at in Morin Center at 8 p.m. Music day. Classes will begin Monday, provided by Grand Central and all base the clubhouse. All members are residents are invited to attend. Sept. 11. requested to attend. Tom Sawyer Party sponsored by the COMO Club, persons requested to meet CAKE DECORATING CLASSES are now THE FTG ENLISTED WIVES CLUB will at Snack Shack at 9 a.m. Materials will be provided. available. There are still some have a bake sale on Friday, Sept. 15 openings for a Thursday night class. in front of the bank, beginning at Participants must furnish their own 9 a.m. Cookies, cupcakes, whoopie Sunday equipment. Classes will be held at. pies and many other small items will Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, East Bargo 83-B Granadillo Circle. For more be sold. Stop by for some homemade Point Old Nursery School build- ing, 7:45 p.m. (90269 or 8275) information, call 96208. snacks. Church of God (Cleveland, Tenn.) Sunday school, 10 a.m.; morning worship A FOOTBALL CLINIC will be given THE CONSOLIDATED RECREATION Commit 11 a.m.; evening worship service, 7:30 p.m., in the classroom across by the football officials for the tee will meet on Monday, Sept. 11 from Chaplain Barcus' office. (8618) benefit of all prospective football at 1:30 p.m. in the Special Services Pentecostal Gospel meeting, 8 a.m.; evangelistic meeting at 5 p.m. at teams' coaches and captains on Fri- Conference Room. All members are day, Sept. the Pentecostal Church on Bay Hill Road. 8 at 7 p.m. at the required to attend. Officials Hut. Church of Christ meeting at McCalla Chapel -- Bible study at 9:30 a.m.; THE CARIBBEAN CACTUS CLIMBERS morning worship, 10:40 a.m.; evening worship, 6:30 p.m. (97115) DIVING IS FUN. Come to the Wind- Four Wheel Drive Club will hold a Protestant Divine services, jammer pool for tryouts on Monday, meeting and family outing on Sunday, Leeward Point Chapel, 9 a.m.; Windward Chapel Sept. 11 at 6 p.m. For further Sept. 10. The meeting will be held 11 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. information, call Bill Rittacher, at the cabana behind the Villamar Roman Catholic services, 9:30 a.m., Base Chapel; Leeward Point Chapel, at 99191. swimming pool, beginning at 2 p.m. 5 p.m. All four wheel drive owners are Church of Jesus Christ Latter-day Saints meeting, McCalla Chapel Annex THE CPO CLUB management is happy encouraged to attend. Bring the priesthood meeting, 8:30 a.m.; Sunday school, 10 a.m.; sacrament meeting to announce that the club is once family and some food and make a day at 6:30 p.m. again able to cater parties and ban- of it. quets. If any organization you be- Jamaican United Fellowship Order of Service, divine worship, 10 a.m., long to is planning an event - or THE MEN AND WOMEN'S RECREATIONAL evening services at 7:30 p.m. on Bay Hill Road. any special event which calls for a League softball clinic will be held celebration - just stop by and ask on Thursday, Sept. 7 at 6 p.m. at for prices and accommodations. We the Officials Hut. All coaches, Monday team captains and officials are are able to handle up to 150 persons Red Cross orientation class for all new volunteers at 9 a.m. in the Red for dinner. urged to attend. Cross Office. (96125 or 95434) THE GUANTANAMO BAY OFFICIALS ASSOCIATION will hold a meeting on Tuesday 9 Tuesday, Sept. 12 at 8 p.m. at the Gitmo Self Defense Club meeting, Marblehead Hall, 6-8 p.m. Local Forecast2 . Officials Hut. high tide-2338/1 58 8813 6 4 9 Church of Christ Bible study class meeting, McCalla Chapel, 6:45 p.m. /05 low tide--180 9 2 THE CPO ADVISORY BOARD will meet 6 4 7 Gitmo Coin Club meeting, 7:30 p.m., at Quonset hut 1877, behind sunrise--- : am high--- on Friday, the old 7 1 1 Sept. 15 at 9 a.m. All nursery school. (90172) sunset---- : pm low----74 members are urged to attend. These Today's forecast is for partly- meetings are open to all CPO's. Pentecostal Bible study class, Pentecostal Church on Bay Hill Road, 7 p.m. cloudy skies with a chance of Al Anon meeting, East Bargo Point Old Nursery School Building at 7 p.m. rainshowers and thundershowers (98187) north of the station. Winds south east at 12-14 knots, bay condi- U.S. Naval Base, Guantanamo lay, Cuba Base Athletic Commission meeting, 3:30 p.m., Special Services Conference tions 1-3 feet. Room. Members are required to attend. A new LaMaze prepared childbirth class begins, 7 p.m. at the hospital. *Live firing- (8647 AT) Wednesday Thursday 12:01 a.m. - 5 p.m. Capt. David W. DsCook Friday None Scheduled Naval Station Commallg Ofics Church of God prayer meeting, 7:30 p.m., classroom across from Chaplain Saturday None Scheduled Barcus' office. (8616) Sunday None Scheduled LCdr. Jerry Ryan.Pblic Affairs Officer Guantanamo Bay Bridge Club meeting, 7:30 p.m., COMO Club Plantation Room. JO2 Brenda Jo rnalist Monday noon - 5 p.m. Starkey.Leadln, u JO2 Rick Reed.Journalist (96116) The Conde and Hicacle Beach J03 Lva McNichol.Journallst ion Jeff.11 ih,,dhl,. .Editor Take Off Pounds Sensibly meeting, W.T. Sampson Elementary School in areas between Saint Nicholas JOSN Kelly Mc~ovell. Journalist and Caracoles Points and all Ms. Pat Pennington.Production Assistant Room B-9, 6 p.m. (951049 or 99197) of the upper bay north of The Cmentnao Gantte is published sco' ding to th Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, East Bargo Point Old Nursery School build- rules and relations for ship and statinnspapers Caracoles and Granadillo s olined in NAV,,P-35 ad udr the direction ing at 7 p.m. (98197) Points eill be off limits. of the Naval Bee Pblic Affairs Officer. Prnted For further information con- fiv times eekly at gvernent expense a governmental Caribbean Skippers CB Club monthly meeting at 6:30 p.m., in the FRA home equipant at the Navy Pblications and Printing at Morin Center. tact the Special Services Ser1ce Brah Office, th opinions or stat.0 nts in no item that appear henein are not to be contrued Marina, COMNAVBASE Duty 16asofficial or ae reflecting the .iwe.ofC5IAWW A5E Jamaican United Fellowship Order of Service, prayer meeting, 7:30 p.m. Office or Base Police. or the Dpatmnt of the Nay. on Bay Hill Road. Thursday, September 7, 1978 Guantanammo Gazette Page 3 ARMED FORCES VOTE R6S DAY Sept. 7 has been desitnated as considered invalid. If state elec- Armed Forces Voters Day. tion officials cannot read the "RED" WATER much about lately. Unfortunately, This date, eight weeks before the information submitted on the FPCA, by this is a side effect of removing Nov. 7 general elections, is the or parts of it are left incomplete, C.J. Gibowicz, Capt, CEC, USN the other deposits which build up in time set by the Department of De- an absentee ballot will Public Works Officer not be mailed water lines and cause low pressure, fense to insure all eligible members to the voter. smong other things. To renew our of the Air Force family have been Your state of legal residence must Have you drawn a pitcher full of calcium layer, we are adding calcium provided the means to register and be written on the FPCA form along water lately and thought you had a to our water at our treatment plant, vote. with the address of your legal resi- ifaucet full of tea? If so, you've as well as other chemicals to try The right to vote is guaranteed dence. The address to which you fseen "red" water. Many Gitmo resi- to 'grab" those nasty little specks by the 26th amendment to all would like the ballot to be mailed dents have had this problem recently, of rust which make your water look American citizens 18 years of age must also be included. including me! And let me assure, like the devil! How long will it or older. Make sure to complete both sides fe doesn't like it either! The last? Well, that is a hard ques- Use of the Federal Post Card of the form urce of the problem is the iron and sign the application. tion. Several months appears to be Application (FPCA) for absentee pipe used F for most of our water a good estimate for the time re- ballot makes absentee voting simple Your voting officer is available C distribution system. Stated quite quired to form a new calcium layer, and easy. The FPCA may be used with complete information f simply, on the red water is rusty water, which should solve the problem. In anywhere by service members and FPCA and will assist you with proper just as you thought. The logical the meantime, the rust "grabbers" their families and by U.S. civilians addresses where the form should Cquestion. . .why use iron for pipes if are at work and should be at least and their dependents overseas. sent. j it rusts? Simple. iron makes reduce the severity of the problem, The FPCA must be filled out com- Get your FPCA now and apply Estrong, long-lasting economical if not eliminate it. One final for pletely and accurately or it may be your voting ballot. Fpipes. Normally, the layer of rust point: Your water is continuously iinside the pipe is covered by a monitored to insure that it is safe 1layer of calcium carbonate--a white to drink. It looks bad. it tastes crust you've seen on dishwasher bad.but it won't hurt you! And hheating elements or in your DIALOGUE pans in you can be sure that all of us at GITMO a areas of hard water. Our "good" Public Works (especially those of The W.T. Sampson School Detachment would like to extend thanks to 1layer has been disturbed by the pipe us with wives!) want to get back to Mr. and Mrs. William Winstead leaning operations you've heard so plain old clear water soon! of the Parent Teacher Organization, for organizing and securing volunteers for the sponsor program of the newly assigned teachers. The thoughtfulness of the sponsors who extended so many courtesies to the teachers was greatly appreciated GUEuE by all. Their assistance created a feeling of belonging and was a nice introduction to our community. 1:00 General Hospital MOVIE Thanks again to all; 1:50 Hollywood Squares ES 2:15 Cartoons (BW) F. POLA 2:30 Electric Company 3:00 Mayberry RFD 3:30 Bonanza ALL MOVIES START AT 8 P.M. 4:20 Cartoons (BW) 4:30 Daktari Lyceums Base Police report 5 25 Almanac (BW) 5 30 Downtown: Return to Boggy Newswatch Monday, Aug. 28 4:10 p.m. -- A minor vehicle 30 Withit Creek, G accident was reported at Kittery 00 Undersea World of McCalla: Network, R 7:43 a.m. -- Base Police received Beach housing. A privately owned Jacques Cousteau Marine: Aces High, PG a report of breaking and entry at vehicle backed into another 7:55 Notes of Interest Leeward: Get Charlie Tully, the Reefer Plant. privately owned vehicle resulting 8:00 Barney PG Miller Tuesday, Aug. 29 in minor damages. 8:30 Mclean Stevenson 9:00 Delvecchio Clubs 7:35 a.m. -- A Tierra K resident Saturday, Sept. 2 9:55 Greatest Headlines made a complaint concerning five 12:55 p.m. -- A motor vehicle 10:00 Mannix Windjammer: The Evil, R or six wild dogs roaming around accident was reported on CPO Hill. 10:55 Newswatch Update Staff NCO: Not Available the house. A victim complained of chest pains 11:00 Late Movie: "The Voyage CPO: No Movie 9:13 p.m. -- A two car accident and was taken to the hospital. of Yes" COMO: The Duelists, PG was reported at Admin Hill parking 12:15 Sign Off Teen: Not Available lot. Sunday, Sept. 3 11:38 p.m. -- Base Police were 4:07 p.m. -- An abulance was informed of a large buoy marker requested because a man fell in a floating toward the FTG Landing. cliff area resulting in loss of Vandalism a problem in Guantanamo Wednesday, Aug. 30 memory. by Golf Course Manager Robert A. 3:50 p.m. -- Vandalism was re- Monday, Sept. 4 J02 Rick Re eed "Moose" Claxton estimates the damage ported at the CPO Club: the auto- 1:57 -- A one-car accident was resulting from the two onslaughts matic door closure was forcibly reported at Sherman Avenue by At the beginning of the fifth amounts to $6,000. The money to removed. East Germanic tribe fled Cooper Field, where a driver hit century an repair or replace the government westward from Attila the Hun and Thursday, Aug. 31 the bridge guard rail and post. property will come from Special The vehicle acquired excessive settled in Spain in 409, leaving Services' Welfare and Recreation 1:28 p.m. -- A fire was reported them a swath of ruin and front end damages and the driver behind fund, which may mean tightening the on Nob Hill Road where someone desecration apparently received a collapsed through much of northern belt on some of its programs. That was working on a car when leaking Europe. lung. is the price base residents have to gas ignited. The tribe's notoriety reached its pay for such spiteful transgressions in 455 with the sacking of zenith Other assaults on property in the Rome. On the wane thereafter, by past month have ranged from break- 533 they were so dissipated the Telephpone fraud is punishable offense ing bus windows to attacking the ns easily subdued them and the Wharf "Bravo" crane. There is In Norfolk recently, seven sailors offense punishable by a civilian e played no further role in nothing on base that can be consid- were found guilty of telephone fraud, court, military court, or both, de- ' story. ered secure fr6m the unwanted atten- a crime that is increasing all over pending upon the facts in the case. However, the impact of the tribe's tion of vandals, and those persons the United States. In one year When a military person is prosecut- reign of savagery was so great upon with golf carts at Yatera Seca or fraud cost the Bell Telephone System ed and convicted in a civilian court Western civilization that their boats at the marinas should be aware over $27,000,000 nationwide. Many the Navy normally does not prosecute name--Vandals--has ever since been that the Navy cannot be held liable of the offenders are college students for the same charge. However, the associated with malicious or igno- for any damage that vandals may and military personnel. Navy can charge the violator for rant destruction of both private cause. Telephone fraud occurs when someone unauthorized absence (UA) if he or and public property; destruction makes a long distance phone call and, she has been serving a sentence in a made all the more reprehensible by While it is often difficult to without authorization, charges it to civilian jail. Even if the Navy its complete mindlessness. track and apprehend vandals, woe someone else or to a made up credit doesn't charge the individual with been Gitmo's misfortune to It has betide those who are, for the punish- card number. Punishment for the being UA, the time spent in jail is suffer a wave of vandalism this ment meted out can be swift and offense can range from $25 to $1,000 considered as "bad time" and has to past month that is unprecedented in severe. Military personnel proven and/or up to one year in jail. be made up before the enlistment is recent memory. Since July.30 there to have committed acts of vandalism In March, Chesapeake and Potomac considered fulfilled. It is also of vandalism have been 11 incidents here face the possibility of reduc- Telephone Company, the Norfolk branch possible for the violator to be reported to the base police; and tion in rank (for E-6 and below), of the Bell Telephone System, given an administrative discharge. while it's true that many ships have forfeiture of pay, extra duty, launched a "get tough" policy against been in port during that time, only restriction and reparation of dam- illegal use of their credit cards. An individual accused of defrauding three of the 11 cases have been ages. The prospect of a court- Fraudulent long distance phone calls the government by telephone usage may attributed to the fleet. martial looms for those caught in in the Norfolk area cost C and P over be charged under Article 134, Uniform episodes Two of the more serious more serious offenses. Parents $50,000 last year and the company Code of Military Justice, and tried Seca golf occurred at the Yatera should realize that they are respon- believes most of the offenders were by court-martial. If convicted,. the course on the nights of July 30 and sible for the full limit of damages wavy personnel. punishment depends on the amount in- Aug. 18. The vandals broke into their children might cause. In Under the C and P "get tough" volved. For a bill of $50 or less, the golf cart shed and three Special extreme cases children may be placed ?olicy seven sailors from a Norfolk- the maximum punishment is six months Services golf carts totally de- on probation or expelled from the oased destroyer were convicted in a confinement with hard labor and a bad stroyed and heavily damaged three base altogether. :ivilian court of telephone credit conduct discharge (BCD). For fraud of the 11 private carts kept there. The Vandals of the Dark Ages were zard fraud. The men were fined $50 of $50 to $100, maximum punishment To compound the offense, four greens overcome by the grim determination each, sentenced to five days in jail is one year confinement with hard were shredded by the wheels of the and application of force by a civi- and ordered to make full payment for labor and a BCD; $100 or more, the golf carts that were driven upon lized society. Their 20th century the illegal long distance phone calls. maximum punishment is five year con- them and some marker flags were namesakes, when caught, can expect When telephone fraud is committed finement with hard labor and a dis- stolen. to fare little better. an government property it is an honorable discharge. Guantanamo Gazette --SPORTS SHORTS--- LOS ANGELES (AP) -- The Los Angeles Dogers have taken their biggest lead of the season in the Nation League's Western Division. They increased their lead to three games over the San Francisco Giants with a 9-2 win.

BOSTON (UPI) -- Boston's Jim Rice has become a three-time winner of the American League's Player of the Month award. Gerulaitis, MEnroe reach semi-finals Rice, in August, had six doubles, two triples, 12 homers and 93 total bases while compiling a .379 batting average. He also scored 27 runs and NE? YORK (AP/UPI) -- Fourth-seeded frontation. knocked in 33. and 19-year-old In women's singles competition, John McEnroe have advanced into the Chris Evert crushed 15-year-old HOUSTON (AP) -- The Houston Oilers list Dan Pastorini as a doubtful start- semi-finals of the U.S. Open Tracy Austin 7-5, 6-1. er for Sunday's National Football League game against the Kansas City Tournament. Martina Navratilova also advanced Chiefs. McEnroe received only moderate re- with a convincing 6-3, 6-2 win over Pastorini has been hospitalized with a bruised throwing arm and a swell- sistance from Butch Walts, who, on Romania's Virginia Ruzici. ing on the left rib cage. Monday, scored a stunning upset over In doubles competition, Americans Team doctors say he could re-join the team for workouts tomorrow or Sat- Guillermo Vilas. McEnroe ousted and urday. Halts 6-1, 6-2, 7-6. upset defending champions But Coach Bum Phillips says he'll wait until then to decide. Cerulaitis had an even easier time and Fred McMillan of South Africa. with Johan Kriek of South Africa, Fred McNair, an outstanding doub- BLOOMINGTON, Minn. (AP) -- Veteran Minnesota Vikings defensive end Carl scoring a 6-2, 6-1, 6-2 win. les player, was hospitalized after Eller rejoined the National Football League team yesterday after leaving Kriek seemed jittery playing be- collapsing during a match. the team for a week. fore a crowd of more than 15,000. A tournament doctor, Irving Click, He says he wants to re-negotiate his contract. He committed 41 unforced errors in says McNair's blood tests were en- his losing effort against Gerulaitis. tirely normal. MONTREAL (AP) -- Sam Pollock's 31-year association with the National Hoc- McEnroe will play the winner of However, a team of cardiologists key League's Montreal Canadiens has ended. today's match between Jimmy Connors still is not sure what caused the He has retired as the club's vice-president and general manager. and . attack of irregular heart beats. New owners recently took over the team. Gerulaitis will alsh have his Glick says the tests will continue. hands full. McNair, meanwhile, is reported in BOSTON (UPI) -- The Boston Bruins traded veteran center Gregg Sheppard to His next opponent is the winner of good condition and should be out of the Pittsburgh Penguins in a three-way deal also involving the Atlanta today's Bjorn Borg-Raul Ramirez con- the hospital in two or three days. Flames. .The Bruins acquired Atlanta defenseman Dick Redmond and the Penguins L.A. to test NFL anti-trust ruling in lawsuit sent veteran Jean Pronovost to Atlanta. PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) -- The glimmer of hope that Bill Walton would remain LOS ANGELES (AP) -- The Los Angeles Francisco anti-trust lawyer Joseph with the Portland Trail Blazers seems to have vanished. Coliseum Commission says it has Alioto. Blazers General Manager Harry Glickman says the 6' 11" center, after two hired an anti-trust attorney for a The commission wants to put ano- meetings with owner Larry Weinberg, still wants to be traded. suit against the National Football ther team in the Coliseum when the Glickman says the club will try to accommodate him. League.] Rams move out and go to Anaheim, Cal- if., in 1980. NEW YORK (UPI) -- The National Basketball Association's 1978-'79 season At issue is an NFL rule preventing Commission spokesmen say they've will begin Oct. 13, the earliest starting date in the league's history. one franchise from operating within been told by NFL Commissioner Pete The division alignments have been changed slightly to accommodate the 75 miles of another. ]Rozelle that the 75-mile restriction San Diego Clippers, formerly the Buffalo Braves, who will play in the Pa- Hired by the commission is Maxwell would prevent another team from re- cific Division. Bleacher, who has worked for the placing the Rams since Anaheim is The Detroit Piston will move to the Central Division from the Midwest U.S. Justice Department and for San only 35 miles from the stadium. and the defending NBA Champion Washington Bullets will go from the Central to the Atlantic Division. American League National League SEATTLE (UPI) -- The Seattle SuperSonics have signed veteran free agent Philadelphia 8, Chicago Cubs 1 Boston 2, Baltimore 0 guard Dick Snyder, who played out his option with the Cleveland Cavaliers. Pittsburgh 4, St. Louis 1 New York Yankees 8, Detroit 2 Snyder, a former Sonic, will be compensated for by a pair of third round Los Angeles 9, San Francisco 2 Milwaukee 7, Toronto 0 draft picks. San Diego 5, Atlanta 3 Kansas City 11, Oakland 8 (12 inn) Montreal 8, New York Mets 2 (seven Texas 11, California 5 (1st game) COLUMBUS, Ga. (AP) -- A $35,000 prize awaits the winner of the Southern innings - called because of rain) Texas 9, California 2 (2nd game) Open Golf Tournament which begins today. Jerry Pate is on hand to defend his title as is PGA Champion. John Mahaf- fey. Ben Crenshaw and Mark Hayes, who has finished second in each of his last The largest body of fresh water in the world is Lake Superior, covering an area of 31,820 to tournaments, will also be on hand. square miles.

Ap- Bell housing for 318 engine, For sale standard shift. 97201 AT. 24,000 BTU Fedders A/C; Kenmore washing machine. 90232 AT. Instructor for acoustic guitar & CLA/IWIWIec electric bass guitar; also beginner or intermediate book for 4-string Blue couch, $25; Bundy flute, $75; electric bass guitar. 95468 AT. Cass.ied be and 11 k-.o.mor1.hanben hnd I matched set of 4 hubcaps, $15.

98192 AWH. th shF y secludig a). nhliday dlo. r eb1 .ios wno Babysitter for 2 pre-school child- o . . wa . . AA. v a md. ri 24,000 BTU Fedders A/C, $150; 7,000. ren. 8665 DWH, 98194 AWH. BTU A/C for parts; G.E. washing machine. 96115 AWH. or,o . . n 11l not be .epted. The Pu iA ffais a ff Medium size dog cage. 96115 AWH.

12' x 36' Boat, large cabin, many Red double hash mark. 99105 AT. extras, $1500; trailer, $50. 99105 Classified Ad 951144 AT. 16" B & W Zenith TV, $50. 99152 Fisher stereo, AM-FM 8-track record- Four G78 x.14 tires, an automobile AWH. er/player, cassette, two speakers, jack and any other parts for a 1959 30 Gallon aquarium, flourescent BSR turntable, $300. 8554 DWH, Chevy. 8618/95415 AT. light hood, stand for 2 aquariums, Full size bed w/mattress, box Monica or Skip, GHB Rm. H-215. 5 varieties of fresh water fish, springs & metal frame, $30; changing The following books by F. Josephus: complete setup, $100. 99168 AWH. table, $5; car bed, $5; brand new 18 cubic-foot upright freezer, $150. "Concerning the Jewish War", espe- clutch & pressure plate for Plymouth 97143 AWNH. cially volumes 5, 6 & 7; "Against Hooded bassinet w/pad, excellent Duster, $50. 8665 DWH, 98194 AWH. Apion"; or any books by any author condition. 97274 AT. '62 Ford F-100 ton, 292 V-8 w/ w/background information on the Holley 2bbl '67 Green Plymouth station wagon & Hurst 3-speed floor- history of church music; plus any '73 Cadillac Coup de Ville, excel- w/23 channel CB radio, good condi- shift, runs well, body a bit dented. Bible-oriented book. 951022 AT. lent condition, $3,000; bicycle- tion, $500, available now. 64219 Leave message for LCpl Yerke at for-two, $75 firm. 8587 AT. DWH, 97106 AWN. 95415 AT or 90102 AWH.

'64 Plymouth Valiant, slant six 11,000 BTU Whirlpool A/C, $125; '74 Dodge Colt runs great, needs Cressi scuba mask with yellow rims, engine, brand new clutch system 10,000 BTU Sears A/C, $125; portable minor body work, $1600, available on Sunday, Aug. 27 at Kittery Beach. and water pump, body not in best dryer, best offer. 8890 AT. Oct. 2; 12,000 BTU G.E. A/C, 2 years If found, call 99191. condition, needs tune-up, $275 or old, $175; Whirlpool washer, $175; best offer. 95448 DWN. '69 Datsun 4 dr. station wagon, 4- Penney's dryer, $30, all available Services speed, excellent condition, $700 or Sept. 28; children's wading pool, Honda XR-75 motocross dirt bike; best offer. 8730 DWH, 8180 AWH. $3; 12' x 15' orange bathroom car- Having a birthday party? Invite steel 72 diving tank & boot, both pet, $20. 96218 after 12 noon. "Happy the Clown." For information,. in excellent condition. 952289 AT. '73 Honda 175 w/2 helmets & spare call 98137. parts, $450. 8125 DWH, 951186 AWH. '73 Plymouth Duster, A/T, slant 6 Set of bunk beds; 2 end tables. engine, P/S, 2 dr., vinyl top, bucket Responsible mother will babysit for 951287 AT. 23" Color console TV, can be re- seats, built-in dash, AM-FM radio working mothers, Monday through Fri- paired easily or will sell for w/8 track, interior in excellent day, Nob Hill area. 98215 AT. Mopar alternator, double pulley, parts. 97217 AT. condition, tires & brakes in good new, $45; Mopar ignition coil, fits condition, 71,000 miles, excellent Homemade cakes for all occasions, 1962-77 models, new, $6; Capehart Aluminum flat-bottom boat, 9 HP, running condition, needs minor body coffeecakes, yeast rolls, etc. console stereo, AM-FM MPLX 8-track, $275; man's 10-speed bicycle, $45. work, $1400 or best offer. 913224 Dee Robey, 725 Radio Pt., 8423. BSR changer w/Mediterranean style 98287 AT. DWH. cabinet, $210; modern coffee & end Air conditioner repair. 951230 AT. tables, chrome w/glass tops, $200;. 17" B & W portable Penncrest TV, Wanted Poloroid Colorpack II camera, $15. excellent condition, $70. 951022 Reliable 14-year-old boy would like 99192 AT. AT. Medium size dog cage. 96115 AWH. to babysit. 95468 AT.