A submission to the 2020 Senate Committee Inquiry into Media Diversity in Australia Submitted by Michael Charles Taylor and Carol Anne Taylor of The Australian Independent Media Network Address: Email:
[email protected] Phone numbers: Michael Taylor: Carol Taylor: Introduction For several decades the Murdoch media have enjoyed an unbridled run as the major source for news, information and opinion in this country. It is a position, many would suggest, that they have protected without ethics or morals. Especially when it comes to opinion. Theirs, and only theirs counts. For example, anyone wishing to have their own ideas and opinions published on their media sites have had to contend with the editorial policies that are generally based on the ideology of the editors and of course, on what is sellable. However, this regime of control over what content is allowed to emerge is now collapsing in today’s world of participatory media. For the Murdoch media the loss of this power and ability to mould public opinion has shown them to be less of news purveyors and more of propagandists. Our submission begins on Page 2 Points a, b, d, e, f, i and j of the Terms of Reference are addressed. 1 (a) The current state of public interest journalism in Australia and any barriers to Australian voters’ ability to access reliable, accurate and independent news. While it is laudable that this Inquiry into media diversity in Australia has been established, we can’t see how any recommendation it might make could be implemented. With the conservatives flexing their muscles and pushing their ‘free speech’ agenda aggressively, any recommendation would likely to be smothered under a pile of rhetoric designed to frighten people into believing that their liberties were being threatened.