Ordered that the Senate be informed thereof. The Senate bill, entitled, "An Act to amend an Act, entitled, ' An Act to establish a State Board of Health for the State of ,' " Was taken up for consideration ; . And, on motion of Mr. Watson, the bill under considera­ tion was read a 1hird time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, " Shall this bill p,{ss the House ?" It was decided in the affirmative, And, the bill Passed the House. Ordered that the Senate be informed thereof and the. bill returned to that b9dy. The House bill, entitled, "An Act .iri. Relation to Requisition of 'Fugitives from Justice,''.' Was, on motion of Mr. Justis, read, --, And, on his further motion, was laid on the table. Mr. Justis, on behalf of the committee on Claims and Accounts, to whom was referred the Joint Resolution, entitled, Joint resolution concerning Vol. 16, Laws of Delaware, Reported the same back to the house with a favorable recommendation; · On motion of Mr. Justis the ·Joint Resolution just reported was read; Pending the consideration of· which, on motion, The House adjourned. 244

SAME DAv,_:_3 o'clock, P. M.

The consideration of Joint Resolution, entitled, Joint Resolution concerning Vol. 16, Laws of Delaware, Being the unfinished business, was resumed. Mr. Watson moved that the Joint Resolution be laid on the table, which motion '' Prevailed. The House bill, entitled, " An Act to further amend the act, entitled 'An Act to re-incorporate the town of Dover, passed at Dover, February 27th, 1879,'" . Was taken up for copsideration, · And, on motion of Mr. Cooch, was laid on the table. The Senate bill, entitled, "A Supplement to the Act, entitled, 'An Act to Consoli­ date the Public Schools of the town of Smyrna,' '' Was taken up for consideration,. And, on motion of .Mr. Frazer, ·the bill under considera­ tion was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. · On the question, " shall this bill pass the House? " The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: Yeas, Messrs. Barlow, Cooch, Crawford, Frazer, Jacobs, Justis, Lewis, Lowe, Messick, Perry, Rawlins, Sutton, Temple,. Watson, Wheatley, Williams and Mr. Speaker-i7. Nays-none. . So the 'bill, having received· the required co11stitutional majority, Passed the House. 245

Ordered the Senate be inform~d ,thereof, ancl the bill re­ turned to that body. The.Senate bill, entitled, "An Act to incorporate 'The Philadelphia and Smyrna T~ansportation Company,'!' Was taken up for consideration, And, on motion of Mr. Temple, the bill under consideration was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. The yeas and nays were ordered, which; being taken, were 1 as follows: Yeas, Messrs. Barlow, Cooch, Crawford, Frazer, Jacobs, Justis, Lewis, Lowe, Messick, Perry, Rawlins, Sutton, Temple, Watson, Wheatley, Williams and Mr. Speaker~17. Nays-none. So the bill, having received· the required constitutional majority, Passed tlte House. Ordered the Senate be informed thereof, and the bill returned to that body. The Senate bill, entitled, "An Act to incorporate 'The Johnson Forge Company,' " Was ta~en up for consideration ; · On motion of Mr. Barlow, the bill under consideration was read a third time, ,by paragraphs, in order t.o pass the House. On the question, "shall this bill pass the H,ouse? " The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: . Yeas, Messrs. Barlow, Cooch, Crawford, Frazer, Jacobs, Justis, Lewis, Lowe, Messick, Perry, Rawlins, Sutton; Temple, Watson, Wheatley, Williams and Mr. Speaker-17. Nays-none. So the bill, having received the required constitutional majority, Passed the House. 246

Ordered· that . the Senate be informed thereof, and the bill r.eturned to that body. On motion of Mr. Frazer, the House bill, entitled·, " An Act to prevent Live Stock from running at large, m School District, No. 68, Sussex County," Was read. On motion of Mr. Perry, the Senate bill, entitled; "An Act to prevent Live Stock from running at large, in - School District, Nq. 89, in Sussex County," Was read. Mr. Justis gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill, entitled, · " An Act to authorize and direct the Levy Court of New Castle County to repay certain monies to Benjamin F. Townsend, and others. " On motion of Mr. Wheatley, the Senate bill, entitled, " An Act to prevent Live .stock from running at large, in , School District, No. 41, in Sussex County,'.' Was read. Four o'clock having arrived, the ord~r of business was to take into consideration the Senate bill, entitled, " An Ad for the encouragement of Immigra\ion, and to foster the Agricultural Interests of the State." · Mr. Justis moved, the House resolve itself into a· Committee of the Whole to consider the bill ; . Which motion Prevailed. The ·speaker named Mr. Justis as Chairman of the Com­ mittee. After some time spent in Committee of the Whole, The Committee rose-and the Speaker resumed the Chair. 247

_Mr. Justis, as ChS:irman, reported that the Committee of the Whole had concluded the consideration of the bill referred to it, and reported back the same to the House, with the following amendments :

1. . Amend first section by striking out the word "some" in line four, and inserting in lieu thereof, the word '' three ; '' also, by making the word "person" plural in same line, and inserting after said word, the words "one from each county;" also by making the word '' resident'' in line five, plural; also by striking out the word " commissioner'' in line seven, and inserting in lieu - thereof the words '' a Board.''

2. Amend by striking out section 2 ~nd inserting in lieu thereof the following: Section 2. The said commission~rs shall receive no· compensation for their services, but may re-imburse themselves their necessary expenses out of the funds hereafter provided for, to be expended by them. 3. Amend by striking out section 6 and inserting in lieu thereof, the following : Section 6. That the sum of three thous­ and dollars, annually, is hereby appropriated but of any money in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated, for the purpose of. carrying out the provisions of this act, and the Auditor is hereby directed, at the discretion of the Governor, to issue his warrant on ' the State Treasurer for the sum hereby appropriated, or so much thereof as shall be necessary, from time to time. 4. Amend by adding the following : . . Section 7. This acf shall remain in force for two years and no longer. 5. Amend the Preamble by striking out the words," largely exceed that of any .and all others in importance,'' and inserting_ in' lieu thereof, the words" are regarded ~y the~General. Assembly as of primary importance.'' . Mr. Justis moved, The adoption ,of the Amendments, And the question being taken separately upon the same, they· were all, severally, adopted, . · _ And, on his further motion; 248

The bill under consideration, wa~ laid on the' table.

On motion of Mr. Cooch, 150 copies of the bill as amended, just laid upon t~e table, were ordered to be printed. On motion, the House adjourned until to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock. ·

THURSDAY, February 8, 1883.-10 o'clock A. M.

House met pursuant to adjournn1ent. Prayer by the Chaplain of the Senate, Rev. L. W. Gibscm. Roll calle,d_. Journal read and apprnved. Mr. Crawford, on behalf of the Committee on Judiciary, to whom was referr.ed the Senate bill, entitled, " An Act to vest the title of. a certain Jot of ground, with the buildings thereon erected, in the city of New Castle, in Tru~tees, for the use and purposes therein mentioned ; " j. Reported the same back to the House, with the recommen- dation that it pass, · · · · Mr. Justis, on behalf of the Committee on Revised Statutes, to whom was referred the House bill, entitled, "An Act to amend Chapter 1i7, of Volume 13, Laws of .Delaware," Reported the same back to the House, recommending that it do not pass. 249

He also reported the following House bills, recommending · that they pass, as follows : .. ·

"An Act to amend Section 2, of Chapter 354, of Volume 16, of the Laws of Delaware, entitled,' An. Act in relation to the collection of Taxes for School purposes,' " "·An Act in. relation to the powers of the Levy Cot1rt," "An Act to amend Chapter 16, Section 1, of the Revised· Statutes, of the State of Delaware.'' . Mr. Barlow, on behalf of the Com1i1ittee on Private Corpo- rations, to whom was referred the House bill, entitled, . " An Act to amend the Act, entitled, ' An Act to incorporate ' The Capelle Hardware Company,' " Reported the same favorably, with a recommendation that , it pass. · · ·

Mr. Comegys, on behalf of the Committee 011 Enrollment, reported the following duly and correctly enrolled House Bills and Jomt Resolutions, viz. : · "An Act to authorize the United School Districts, Nos. 39 and 41, in New .. Castle County, to borrow money for the purpose of building a new school house therein, and also to sell the school property belonging to said District,'' " An Act to re-enact the Act of incorporation of the Kent County Mutual Insuran~e .. Company,'' "An Act concernmg 'The George P. Whitaker Company,'" " An Act to vacate a part of Lake A venue, as laid out on a plot of lots by the Rehoboth Beach Association," "An Act to extend the public road leading from the town of Milford, in Kent County, to the new wharf on Mispillion Creek,'' · · · " An Act to incorporate ' The Montifiore Mutual Benefit Society, of Wilmington,' " · "Joint Resolution concerning Stationery, for use of Legisla- ture," · · . 32 250

I ' ': ' I • "Joi.nt Resolution referring Judicial Opinions to the Special Committee,'' · · "Joint Resolution relat,ng to Increased Representation," And presented the same for the signature of the Speaker of the House. · Mr. Lowe presented a petition of Moulton Rickards, and others, asking for a change in the law for the protection of . Terrapins, Which, on his nwtion, was read, and, on his further motion, was.referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. Mr. Frazer presented a remonstrance of Thomas Argo, and. others, protesting against any change in the law in relation to Terrapins, Which, on his motion, was read, and, on his further motion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statut.es. Mr. Rawlins presented a petition of W. W. Wright, and others, asking for a ferry across the Nanticoke River, Which, on his motion, was read, and, on his further motion, was referred to the Committee on Roads and Vacant Lands. Mr. Wilhanis presented a petition of J. W. Casson, and others, asking for the passage of an Act to extend Governor's Avenue, · · Which, on his motion, was .read, and, on his further motion, was referred to the Committee on Roads and Vacant Lands. Mr. Comegys presented a petition of Walter G. Hi1rlock, asking for a divorce from his wife Jemima, Which, on his motion, was read, and on his further motion, was referred to the Committee on Divorces. · . ' Mr. Sutton presented a petition of the Road Commission~rs of Red Lion Hundred, and others, asking for the passage of an Act in relation to the town of St. Georges, Which, on his motion, was read, and, on his further motion; was referred to the_ Committee on Municipal Corporations. 251

Mr. Perry presented a pet1t10n of John Workman, and · others,' asking for the repeal of a Stock Law in School District, No. 81, in Sussex County, · , Which, on his motion, was read, and, on his furth~r motion, was referred to the Committee on Roads and Vacant Lands. . Mr. 'Sutton gave notice that, on to~morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill,, entitled, "Supplement to an Act, entitled, 'An Act for the better . regulation of the streets of Delaware City, and for· other purposes,' passed at Dover, March 5th, 1851." , Mr. Comegys gave notice . that, on to-morrow or ~on1e future day, he would .ask leave to introduce a bill, entitled, ".A Supplement to the Act, entitled, 'An Act to incorpo· rate the Delaware Steam Fire Engine . Company, No. 3, 'of Wilmington, Delaware.' '' · Mr. Justis gave notice that, on to-morrow, or some future day, he would. ask leave to introduce, a bill, entitled, " An Act to incorporate 'The Stanton Manufacturing'· Company.'" Mr. Williams, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and on motion, Mr. Barlow obtained ·1eave to introduce a' bill, entitled, "An Act to repeal Chapter 495, of Volume 16, Laws of Delaware, passed at Dover, April 4,· 1881," . Which, 'on motion of Mr. Williams, was read. Mr. Justis, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and on motion of Mr.· Frazer, obtained leave to introduce a bill, . entitled, · "An Act to authorize and direct the Levy Court of· New Castle County to repay certain money to Benjamin F. Townsend, and"others,'' · · Which, on motion of Mr. Frazer, was read. Mr. Perry gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill, entitled, 252

r, An Act f~r the protection of soft crabs, in Indian Riv~r ' and Rehoboth Bay, .and waters adjoining thereto." On motion of Mr. Justis, the House bill, ent_itled, " A Supplement to an Act, entitled, ' A Supplement t.o an Ac·t to incorporate the purchasers of the Wilmington and .' Western. Raih:oad,'" . . . Was read a second time, by its title, and, on his further motion! was referred to the Committee on Private Corporations. Mr. Whiley, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, informed · the House that the Senate had passed, and asked the concurrence of th.e House in the following _bills : "An Act for the relief of Robert H. Jones, "An Act entitled an Act to am~nd an Act,to incorporate the ' Laurel Grange Co-operative Store Company.' " . An additional supplement to an Act, entitled, an Act to. enable the owners and possessers of the marsh meadows, on the .north side of Christiana River, called· Middleburgh Marsh, to keep the banks, dams, and sluices in repair, and raise a fund to defray the expenses thereof, passed in th'e year I 769. ,Also,'.that the Senate had c~ncurred in the House bill and . Joint Resolution, .entitled, · " Ari Act to secure manufacturers and owners of Railroad equipments, and rolling st'ock, in making conditional sales·and certain- contracts, for the lease thereof." Joint Resolution, in reference to securing and preserving Temple Farm and Moore House, at Yorktown, Virginia, (with accompanying papers,). · · · And returned the same to the House. On motion of Mr. Cooch, the House bill, entitled, " An Act to authorize the Philadelphia; Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad, to construct a certain railroad, and for other. -purpose_s, Was read a second time, byits title, and on his further. motion, was referred to the committee· on Private corporations.: - 258

On motion of Mr. Comegys, the House bill, entitled, "An Act, authorizing the Mayor and Council of Wilming­ ton, to sell and convey certain real estate. in said city," Was read a second time, by its title, and on his further motion, was referred to the committee on Municipal corpora­ tions. On motion of Mr. Watson, the House bill,. entitled, "An Act for the benefit of Free schools, in Kent county, Was read a second time, by its title, and on his further motion, was referred to the committee on Judiciary. On motion of Mr. Barlow, the House bill, entitled, '' An Ac:t to authorize the P., W. & B. R. R. Co., to straighten and widen its lines, within this State, Wa& read a second time, by its title, and on his further motion, was referred to the committee on Private corporations. · On motion of Mr. Perry, the Senate bill, entitled,· ·" An Act to prevent Live Stock from running at large, in Sc iool District, No. 89; in Sussex County," / Was read a second time, by its title, and on his further motion, was referred to the Committee on Roads and Vacant Landfi

1 /n motio:i of Mr. Perry, *the House bill, entitled, i An Act to prevent Live Stock from running at large, in Schc :>l District, No. 68, in Sussex County;" \ Was read a sec_ond time, by its title. On motion of Mr. Barlow, the House bill, entitled, "An Act to regulate the manufacture and sale of Oleomar- garine, or any other kind of artificial Butter,". • Was read a second time, by its title, and, on his further motion, was referred to the Committee on Crimes and Punish­ ments .. 254

On motion of Mr. Barlow, the House bill, entitled, "An Act in relation to School District, No. 81, New Castle County," Was read. a second time, by its title, and, on his further motion, was referred to the Committee on Education. On motion of Mr. Comegys, the.House bill, entitled, ".An Act. to incorporate the 'Young Men's Republican Club, of Wilmington, Delaware,' " Was read a second time, by its title, and, on his further motion, was referred to the Committee on Private Corporations. On motion of Mr. Lewis, the House bill, entitled, " An Act providing for certain compensation for the Trustees of the Poor, of New Castle County," Was read a second time, by its title, and, on his further motion, was referred to the Committee on Municipal Corpora­ tion. On motion of Mr. Lewis, the House bill, entitled, "An Act to provide for the Vaccination of Children in Free .Schools,'' . Was read a second time, by its title, and, on his further motion, was referred to the Comµiittee on Education. On motion of Mr. Wheatle)', the Senate bill, entitled, "An Act to prohibit Live Stock from running at large, in School District, No. 41, Sussex County," Was read a second time, by its title, and, on his further motion, was referred to the Committee on Roads and Vacant Lands. House proceeded to the business on the Calendar. The Senate bill entitled, "An Act to vest the title of a certain lot of ground, with buildings thereon erected, in the city of New Castle, in Trustees, for the use and purposes therein mentioned," 255

Was taken up for consideration, and on motion of Mr. 'Cooch, · The bill under consideration, was laid upon the table. The House bill, entitled,

((An Act to amend Chapter I q of Volume_ 13, Laws of Delaware, Was taken up for consideration, and on. motion of Mr. Frazer, the further consi

" An Act to amend Section 2 of Chapter 354 of Volume 16, of the Laws of Delaware, entitled an act, in relation to the CoBection of Taxes for school purposes, Was taken up for consideration, And, on motion of Mr. Justis, The bill, under consideration was read a third time, by . paragraphs, ,in order to pass the House. On the question, ." Shall this bill pass the House?" The Yeas and Nays were ordered; which, being taken, were as follows: Yeas: Messrs. Barlow, Cooch, Crawford, Denney, Dukes,·

Frazer, Jacobs, Justis 1 Lewis, Lowe, Messick, Perry, Rawlins, Sutton, Watson, Wheately, Williams, and Mr. Speaker, 18. Nays : . None ; So the bill, having received · the required constitutional . majority, Passed the House. Ordered to Senate for concurrence. The House bill, entitled, " An Act, in relation to the powers of the Levy Court,'! Was taken up for consideration, 256

And, on motion of Mr. Justis, The bill, under consideration was read a third time, by paragraphs in. order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this qill pass the House?" The Yeas and Nays were ordered, which, being taken, were · as follows : Yeas: Messrs. Comegys, Cooch, Crawford, Denney, Dukes, Jacobs, Justis, Rawlins, Sutton, Watson, Wheately, Williams and Mr. Speaker, 13. Nays : Messrs. Barlow, Frazer, Lewis, Perry, 4; · So the qu.estion was decided in the affirmative, And the bill passed the House ; Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. The House bill, entitled,

"An Act to amend Chapter 16 Section I of the Revised Statutes of the State of Delaware, Was taken' up for consideration, and, on motion· of Mr. Sutton, the bill under consideration, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "shall this bill pass the House?" It was decided in the affirmative, ' And the bill · Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion, the House adjourned. 257

SAME DAY-3 o'clock P. M.

House met pursuant to adjournment. Mr. Whiley, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, presented the following duly and correctly enrolled Senate Bills and Joint Resolutions, .for the signature of the Speaker of. the House, the same having been signed by the Speaker of the Senate : "An Act to incorporate the 'Delaware Lumber Company,' '' "An Act to incorporate the. 'Peninsula Bone Fertilizer Company,' " · ' '' An Act to re-enact the Act, entitled, 'An Act to incor­ porate 'The Trustees of the Home for Friendless and Destitute Children, in the city of Wilmington,' n "An Act to incorporate the 'Delmarvia Fertilizer Company, of Clayton, Delaware,' " ' · "Joint Resolution granting an audience to the 'Delaware State Temperance Alliance,' " "Joint Resolution on printing the opinions of the Chan­ cellor and Judges.'' He also returned the House bill, duly and correctly enrolled, signed by the Speakers of the two. Houses, entitled : "An Act to authorize the Delaware and Chesapeake Railway · to consolidate and form a unioQ · with the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Rail Road Company." . ' I . The House bill, entitled, "An Act to·authorize the Mayor and Council of Wilmington to borrow twenty thousand dollars,'' Was taken up for consideration, And, on motion of Mr. Cooch, the bill under consideration was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Hooe. · · 33 258

On the question, "shall this bill pass the 'House?" The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being takeri', were as follows: . Yeas, Messrs. Barlow,' Comegys, Cooch, Crawford, Denney, Dukes, Frazer, Jacobs, Justis, Lewis, Messick, Perry, Rawlins, Sutton, Temple, Wheatley, Williams and Mr. Speaker-18. Nays, Messrs. Lowe and Watson-2. So the bill, having received . the required· constitutional 111ajority, Passed flu House. Ordered to the Seriate for concurrence. The House bill, entitled, '' An Act to amend the Act, entitled, 'An Act to incorporate ·the Capelle Hardware Company,'" · Was taken up for consideration; And on motion of Mr. Cooch, the bill under coniaderation was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, " shall this bill pass the House?" The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were • as follows : . . Yeas, Messrs. Barlow, Comegys, Cooch, Crawford, Denney, Dukes, Frazer, Jacobs, Justis, Lewis, Messick, Perry, Rawlins, Sutton, Temple, Watson, Wheatley, Wilfotms and Mr. Speaker -19. Nays-none. So the . bill, · having received the required constitutio,nal majority, · Passed tlu House. · Ordered to the Senate for concurrence .. Mr. Whiley, Clerk of Senate, being admitted, informed the House that the Senate had passed, and asked the concurrence of the House, in the following bill: "An Acno amend Chapter 449, Volume 16, ,of the Laws· of Delaware, entitled, ' An Act regulating pilots and pilotage of, · and in, the Bay anci River Pelaware,' " 269

0:1 motion of Mr. Frazer, the House bill, entitled, · "An Act authorizing Thomas W. Wilson to straighten and extend the Road leading from the town of Smyrna, to the town , C?f: Dover," . · · was taken up for consideration, And, on motion of Mr. Cooch, the bill under. consideration was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to passthe House. On the,question, '.' shall this bill pass the House?" It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill Passed the House . . Ordered to ~he· Senate for concurrence. On. motion of Mr. Justis, the House bill, entitled, "An Act to amend Chapter 385, Volume 13, Laws of · Delaware, entitled, 'An Act dividing Christiana Hundred into · two Election Districts,' passed February 9th, 1869," . Was _taken up for consideration, And, on his further motion, the bill under consideration was. read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. On the question "shall this bill pass the House?" It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill ·Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On .motfon of Mr. Justis, the House Joint Resolution, entitled, "Joint· Resolution concerning. Volume 16, of Laws of Delaware," Was taken up for consider~tion, And, on his further motion, the Joint Resolution, Was · Adopte4. 260

Ordered·to the Senate for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Barlow, the House bill, as amended by· the Senate, entitled, "An Act to incorporate the Dover Glass Works Company, Was taken up for consideration, . . And, on his further motion, the Amendment was read, as follows: SENATE, January 31, 1883. Amend Section 10, by striking out the word "State," in the fifth line thereof. Extract from Journal. ·C. W. WHILEY, JR., · For concurrence. Clerk of the Senate. On .the question, '' Shall the House concur in the Amend­ ment?" · The Yeas and Nays were ordered, which, being taken, were . as follows : Yeas-Messrs. Barlow, Comegys, Cooch, Crawford, Dukes, Frazer, Jacobs, Justis, Lewis, Messick, Perry, Sutton, Temple, Watson, Wheatley, Willi~ms and Mr. Speaker~17. Nays-Messrs. Denney, Lowe, Rawlins-3. So the Amendment having received the required con­ stitutional majority was Concurred in. Ordered that the Senate be informed thereof. 'Mr. Justis moved, that the vote, by which the House, bill, entitled,

"An Act to amend Section 2 of Chapter 354 of. Volume 16 of the Laws of Delaware, entitled, an Act, in.relation to the . Collection of Taxes for school purposes, Was passed, be reconsidered. Pending the consideration ,of which, on motion of Mr. Cooch, the further consideration of the motion to reconsider, was postponed until Tuesday next, at II o'clock, A. M. 261 ' ' On motion of Mr.' Justis, the House bill, entitled, " An Act, in relation to requisition for Fugitives, from Justice," Was read a second time, by its title. On motion of Mr. Justis, the Senate bHI, entitled, '.' An additional Supplement to an A.ct, entitled, an 'Act to enable the owners and possessors of. the Marsh Meadows, on the north side of Christiana River, called Middleburgh Marsh, to keep the banks, dams, and sluices in repair, and raise a fund to· 'defray the expenses thereof, passed iri the year· 1769,' " , Was read. On motion of Mr. Wheatley, the Senate bill, entitled, . "An Act, entitled, ' An Ad to amend an Act to incorporate the Laurel Grange Co-operation Store Company,'" , . Was read. Mr. Cooch, on behalf of the Special Committee, to whom , was referred House Joint Resolution, entitled, . ' "Joint Resolutions relating to the State property,", Reported the same back to the House, without recomnienda- tioo. , . Mr. Cooch moved to amend the Joint Resolution, by striking out the words "John A. Nicholson," and insert in lieu thereof, the words "The Robbins Hose Company, of Dover, Delaware." · On the question, "shall the ~mendment be adopted?" It was decided in the negative, ' ' And the amendment was L()Sf. Mr. Cooch' asked to have his vote changed from the , affirmative to the negative. There being no objection, the same , was granted. Mr. Cooch then moved, that the vote by which the amendment was lost, be re-considered; 262

Which motion · Prevailed. And, on .his further motion, the a~endment was Adopted. On the question, "shall the Joint Resolution, as amended, . be adopted ? " · It was decided in the negative, And the Resolution was Lost. On motion of Mr. Comegys, the Senate bill, entitled, "An Act to· amend Chapter 449, Volume 16, of Laws of Delaware, entitled, 'An Act regulating pilots and pilotage of, and in, the Bay and River Delaware," Was read. . . . And, .on his .further motion, 150 copies of the bill just read; were ordered to be printed. · On m"otion of Mr. Comegys, the _Senate bill, entitled, '' An Act to change the course of a public road, in Little Creek Hundred, Sussex County," · Was read. · On motio'n of Mr.. Comegys, the Senate bill, entitled, '' An Act to incorporate the WilmingtonGlass Com_pany," Was read. On mqtion of Mr. Comegys, the Senate bill, entitled, "An :A[t to incorporate the Wilmington Market House Company,'' Was reaq. On motion of Mr. Comegys, the Senate bill, entitled,. "An Act to incorporate the Pioneer Coach Company," Was read. Ori_ motion of Mr. Justis, the Senate biH, entitled, 263.·

".An Act for the relief o_f Robert H. Jones," Was read. On motion, the House adjourned until.10 o'clock to,mor­ row morning.

FRIDAY, Feb. 9th, 1883-10 o'clock,-A, M.

House met ·pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by the Chaplain of the Senate, Rev. L. W. Gib- son. Roll called. Journal read and approved. Mr. Lewis, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and on motion of Mr. Lowe, obtained leave to introduce a bill, en- titled · " An Act to establish .a Board of Education for the town of Harrington, arid to incorporate the same and for other pur­ poses,'' Which, on motion of l\fr. Lewis, was read. Mr. Lowe, gave notice that, on to-morrow, or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill, entitled "An Act to Ame.nd an Act, entitled an Act to incorporate the, Board of Education of. the Dover Public Schools,· passed at Dover Feb, 26, 1877. · 264

Mr, Rawlins, in pursuance of. previous notice, asked, and on motion of Mr. Watson, obtairied lea,ve to introduce a bill, entitled "An Act to provide for the establishment and mainten, ance of a Ferry across the Nanticoke River, at Woodland, in Sussex County, Which, ori motion of Mr. Rawlins, was read. Mr. Perry, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and on . , m.otion of Mr. Watson, obtained leave to 'introduce a bill, en­ titled "An Act entitled, an Act to better protect the health of · the people," · Which, on motion of Mr. Perry, was · read.

' ' Mr. Lewis, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and on motion of Mr. Frazer, obtained leave to introduce a bill, en° titled '' A further supplement to the Act to incorporate the towri of Harrington," · Which, on motion of Mr. Frazer, was read. Mr. Perry, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and on motio'n of Mr. Rawlins, obtained leave to introduce a ·bill, en- titled, · , " An Act for the protection of soft crabs in Indian River and Rehoboth Bay, and waters adjacent thereto, and raise revenue for this State, Which, on .motion of Mr. Perry, was read. ; Mr. Barlow, in pursuance of previous notice, asked,· and, on motion of Mr. Williams, obtained leave to introduce a bill, entitled, "An Act, concerning Private Corporations," Which, on motion of Mr. Barlow, was read,

And, on his further motion, 150 copies ordered to be printed for the use of the House. ' ' 1 '1 I ' . \ :\ ' Mr. Whiley; Clerk,' of the Senate, be1ng admitted, foformed: the House that the Senate had concurred iri the following · House bills, viz : · ' ' · ' · · , . , '' An , Act' to incorporate the Young Men's Democratic Club. of Wilmington, Delaware," . . ' "Act to incorporate the 'J. M .. Pusey Company,'" . ' ' •· • • • . •· . . I , "An Act to convert that part of the Turnpike of the Presi- dent, Managers, and Company of the Wilmington :md Christiana' Turnpike road; within the limits of the city of Wilmington, into a free public highw~y or str_eet," ' . ",An ,Act to amend Section 5, • Chapter 34, lt~~is~d '.

Statutes,• of the State of Delaware, entitled,I , '· Of Constable,' " .. · Also,' that. the Senate had passed, and asked th~ concurrence ' of, the I:Iouse, in the following bill ; ' "Ali Act to amend Chapter 390, Volume I3f of the Laws of. Delaware, entitled, '· An Act, providing, Revenue for this. ·State,'' · · · · · Also, that the Senate had adopted a Joint ·Resolution; to, rei.mburse the Adjutant General of this State: . · .. . ' . Mr. Barlow offered a Resolution, which, on his motion, was read; as follows : · 'Resolved, That when. the House adjourn it be to meet on Monday next, at fifteen minutes past four o'clock, · , And, on his further motion; the Resolution wa~ Adopted:' Ori inotion of Mr. Barlow, the Senate bill, entitied, · "An additional suppiement to an Act, ·entitled,' 'An Act · fo enable. the owners and possessors of the Marsh Meadows, on. · the North side of the Christiana River, called Middleburgh . Marsh, to keep the banks, dams, and sluices in repair and .raise' a fund to defray the expenses thereof, passed iri the year i 7,69;'. " . . i Was read a second ti!lle, by its title, and, on his further ·motion, was referred to .the Committee on Private Corporations. On motion of Mr. Barlow, the House bill, entitled, 34 . 266

. "An Act to authorize and direct the Levy Court ofNew Castle County to repay certain monies toBenjamip F. Townsend· and others,'' Was read a second time, by its title, and, on his further . motion, was referred to the Committee on Municipal Corpora­ •tions, · Mr. Whiley, Clerk of the Senate, being ad,mitted, rc:turned to the House,· as duly and correctly enrolled, signed by the Speakers of the two Houses, the following House bill : " An Act to. incorporate the Montifiore Mutual Benefit Society, of Wilmington.'' On motion of Mr. Watson, the S~nate bill, entitled, "An Act for the relief of Robert H. Jones," ' Was read a second time by its title, and on his further motion, was referred to the Committee on Judiciary. On motion of Mr. Comegys, 'the Senate bill, entitled, 'An Act to incorporate the Pioneer Coach· Company," . . \ Was .read a second time by its title, and on his furthenno­ tion, was referred to the Committee. on Private Corporations. · On motion of Mr. Comegys, the Senate bill, entitled, "An Act to incorporate the Wilmington Glass Com­ pany," . Was read a second time by its title; and, on his further mo­ tion, was referred to the Committee on Private Corporations, On motion of Mr. Comegys, the Senate bill, entitled, "An Act to:incorporate the Wilmington Market House Company," Was reacl a second time by its title, and on his further mo­ tion, was referred to the Committee on Private Corporations. Mr. Comegys, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and on motion of Mr. Frazer, obtained leave to introduce a bill,· entitled, 267

''A Supplement to the Act, entitled, 'An Act to' incorpoa rate the. Delaware Steam Fire Engine Company, No. 3, of Wil­ mington, Delaware'," Which, on motion of Mr. Comegys, was read . • On motion, the· House adjourned until Monday next, at fifteen minutes past four o'clock.

MONDAY, Feb. 12, 1883,-4.15 o'clock, P. M .

. House met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called. Journal read and approved. Mr. Lowe offered aJoint Resolution, entitled, "A Joint Resolution concerning 'The Robbins Hose Company,'" · Which, on his motion, was read. Mr: Frazer moved, the Joint Resolution be laid upon the table, Which motion was · Lost. Mr .. Frazer moved, that the Joint Resolution' be amended, as follows: "Provided the ' Robbins Hose Company ' never ask the State for more aid," Which amendment w11s Lost,i · Mr, Lewis offered a,n amendrnept, . , Which, oli his motion, was read, as follows : - t ' ' , 1 "Amend the Joint Resolution by ~tri:Icjng ou_t the _sunr of · 'two hundred,' and inserting in lieu thereof, 'one hundred and.·. ;fift. y, I II ' •. . • ' ' . · . .,. ' Which 'amendment wa:s Lost. On the question, "shall the Joint Resolution be adopted?" It was decid.ed in the affirmative, and the Resolution Was Adopted. Ordered to the ·senate for concurrence. Mr. Whiley, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, returned to the House the following duly and correctly enrolled. House - Bills and Joint Resolutions, signed by the Speakers of the two , Houses, :viz. : '''An Act co~cerning 'The George P. Whitaker Com-·. · pany,' ". . , _ · · . . . "An Act to extena"the public road leading f~o)ll the town of Milford, in 'Kent County, to the new wharf on Mispillion C]'.eek," . . "An Act to vacate a part of Lake Ayenue ~ laid qut qn a plot of lot~, by the Rehoboth Beach Association,' ". · · , "An Act to re-enact the Act of. incorporation 'of • The Kent. County Mutual Insuranc~ Company/" . . . "An Act to authorize the United School Districts, Nos'. 39 and 41, in New Castle County, to borrow money' for the purpose of building a new· School · House therein, and also, to sell ,the · ·. scqool property belonging to said Districts,'' · . . '' Jojp.t Resqlu~i<>n concer.nipg Statioµery for u:,e of the ;r.,egislature'" . "Jojn_t ~e~olutioµ .relatipg to Im:;re~:,e of R.eprese!}tation," ·· '·' . "Joint Resolution referring Judicial Opinions to the S~gj~l.Committees of the two Houses,'', . ( . . 269

.Mr. Cmnegys gave notice that, on to-morrow .or some fu. tt1:re day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill, entitled, " A11 Act to incorporate ' The Guardian Savings and .Loan Ass_oci· Jion.' '' ' 11,r. Justis gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day,· ;e wguld ask Jeav.e to introduce a bill, en tided, · '· An Act to incp:rporate ' Th.e Delaware B:rµsh Electric Light Company.'" .· . :rvt:i-, Com¢gys, · in pµrsµance of previous notice, asked, and,· on motion of Mr. Jacobs, obtained leave to jntroquce a bill, entitled, "An A.ct to incorporate' The Enoch Moore, Jr., Ship and Car Building Company,'" · · Which, on motion of Mr. Comegys, w.as read. Mr. Cooch gave notice that, on to-morrow or ·some future day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill, entitled, " An Act to incorporate ' The Newark Exchange Building Association.' '' On motion of Mr. Comegys, the Hoµse bill, entitled, . A Supplement to the Act, entipecl; "An Act to incorporate the Delaware Steam Fire Engine Company, ;No 3, of Wjlming, ton,, Delaware," · · · Was ·reaq. a seconcl time, by its title, and, on his fur.ther. motion, was referrecl tP the. commiUee on Private <::orporation.s'. On motioI). of Mr.• Comegys, the Senate bill, entitl~d, "An Act to amend Chapter 449, .Volume 16, of the Laws of Delaware, entitled,·' An Act, regulating pilots and pilotage, of, and in, the Bay and River Delaware,'" · ' Was read a second time,_ by its title, and, on his further · motion, was referred to,the committee on Federal Relations.' ' ' Mr. M,:essick presented a petition pf John W. Rogers and others for .ll. stock law, in part of school district, No, 42, in Sussex County, ' . 270

w·hich,on his moti9n, was read: and, on his further motion, was referred to the committee on Roads and Vacant Laws. Mr. Whiley, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, informed the House, that the Senate had concurred in the House Joint Resolution, entitled, · Joint Resolution, concerning the Robbins Hose C?mpany, And returned the same to the House, . Mr.' Messick presented a petition of James Marti_n and others, asking for a passage of a stock law, in school district, No. 84, Sussex County, Which, on his motion, was read, and,on his further motion, was referred to the Committee on Roads and Vacant Lands. : Mr. Messick presented a petition of A. P. Ewing and others, asking for a stock law in school districts, Nos. 54 and 106, Sussex County, ' Which, on his motion, was read, and, .on his further mo­ tion, .was referred to the Committee on Roads and Vacant Lands. ' Mr. Messick gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future· day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill, entitled, "An Act in relation to the Live Stock running at large in the several school districts of this State.'' · 'Mr. Watson presented a ·petition qf Samuel P. Collins and others, praying for the passage of an Acr authorizing the Levy Court ·of Sussex County to appropriate certain monies, Which, on his motion, was read, and, on his further mo­ tion, was referred to the Committee on Roads and Vacant , Lands. On mo6on of Mr. Perry, the House bill, entitled, "An Act entitled, an Act to better protect the health of the pe~ple,'' · , Was read a second time by its title ..~ ..:,on his further mo­ tion, was referred to the ComrnittP . on Crimes and Punish­ ments. 271

On motion of Mr. Justis, no one objecting, the rules were ~USJ>ended and the House bill, entitled, · "An Act in relation to requisitions for fugitives from jus­ t_ice," Was taken up for consideration, And, on motion of Mr. Comegys, the.bill was r~ad a third time, by paragraphs, i~ order to pass the House. · On the ques,tion, " Shall this bill pass the House?''· It was uccided in the affirmative, and the bill · · · Passed tke House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. Mr. Whiley, Clerk of the Senate, being adri1itted, informed the House that the Senate had concurred in the House bill, entitled, · " An Act to authorize the Mayor and ·Council of Wilming- ton to borrow twenty thousand dollars." · He also presented, for the signature of .the Speaker of the House, the Senate bills, duly and correctly enrolled, and signed by the Speaker of the Senate, entitled, " An Act to incorporate the ' Diamond , State Organ · Company,'" " An Act to incorporate ' St. · Mary's Total Abstinence Beneficial Pioneer Corps, of Wilmington, Delaware.'" The Speaker offered a Resolution, which, on his motion, was read, as follows : . Resolved, That the State Treasurer be, and he is, herel:>y, requested to transmit to the House, a statement of the estimated . receipts and expenditures of the State, for the years 1883 and 1884, giving estimated. sources of revenue i_n detail, and. also· the estimated· income from the school fund for said years, specifying the items thereof. And, on motion of Mr. Barlow, the Resolution was Adopted. , On motion. of Mr. Rawlins, the House bill, entitled, -·272

', . ! . . "An Act to provid~ ·for the establishment arid mainte:n3.,nce . of a ferry across the Nanticoke· River, at Woodland~ in Sussex County," ·

I •• Was read a second time, by its tltle, and, on his fu;th~r'. mo'tion, was referred 1~0 the Committee on Roads and Vacant 1 _. Lands.· . On: motion of Mr. Le~is, the House. bill,. entitled, , !' An Act to establish .a Board of Education for the to'Yii · · of Harringtqn, and to incorporate the · same, and for_ other purposes," · Was read a second time, by its title, ·and, on his further- ~otion, was referred to the Committee on Education. . _ On motion, the House adjourned ui1til .to-morrow .morning at 10 o'clock. ·

TUESDAY, February 13, 1883-10 o;cl~ck, A. M;' House met pursuant to adjournment.. I . Prayer by the Chaplain of the Senate, L. W. Gibson; · Roll called. Journal read.and.approved. Mr. Sutton, on behalf of the committee on Crimes and _Punishments, to whom was referred the Senate bill, entitled; ' . ' '' An Act, aboiishing the wearing of a Convices Jacket, a$. a badge of Crime, · . · . . · . . 278 .. ., R~portedthe sm:n~back to: th~ House, with-the recomme~~ ..· dation that it pass. · . · , · · . · . '' i • • Mr .. Frazer, on. beh~lf of the cofumitte'e on Roads and ' Vacant lands, to whom was referred a petition of H. Ii, Uorgan: · and others, asking for a stock-law, .in school district, No. 61, · · ,in Sussex County, reported a bill, entitle'd, · · . ·· ' · · · , '~ Afi Act to prohibit Live St~ck fro~ running at. large; in school.district, No: 61, Sussex County; . · · He also reported with a favorable recommendation, · • ' • •• J ·The House bill, entitled, , ·" An Act to provide for. the establishment ~nd- mainte, · nance of a Ferry ·across the Nanticoke River, at Woodlan4, in · Sussex County, . ' ··., _,. ·· H~ also rep~rted the·following Senate. bills, recommending·· tha:t they pass. · ,, An Act to prohibit Live Stock from running at large, in. school-~istrict, No'. 41, in Sussex County." . ,. "An' Act t~ prevent Live Stock from. running at large, in . school district, No. 89, in Sussex County." Mr, Comegys, on behalf of the committee on enrollment,· presented for the signature of the Speaker, the following duly i,.nd correctly enrolled House bills and Joint Resolutions, viz:

. . <¥ An Act t~ incorpcirate 'The'Delaware Baptist Urijon,') · · " An Act to. incorporate the Ancient Order of H1berpians/ (Divisio1,1 No. 5), of Hockessin, Delaware;"· . · " Ari Act to convert thl1-t pa~t of the Turnpike of'· The . . ·President, Managers and. Company of the ·wnmingt,:m and . Christiana ·Turnpike road·, within the limits of the city of WH­ _mington, into a free public.highway or street," " An .Act to lay out a' new Public Road, in' Mi~pillion .Hundred, in Kent County," · · . . . ' ' . . . \ " An Act.to incorporate' The Star Ptiblishirig Company,"' '36 . . · . ·. . 274

" An Act to incorporate ' The Capitol Building and Loan Association.' " Joint Resolution for printing opinions of Chancellor and Chief Justice. He also reported the following Senate enrolled bills and Joint Resolutions, as being duly and correctly enrolled, viz: " An Act to incorporate the Peninsula Bone Fertilizer Company,"

" An Act to amend Section 11 of Chapter 109 of the Revised Statutes of the State of Delaware, entitled '.of Juries,' " "An Act to incorporate the Springer, Morley and Gause Company,'' '' An Act to incorporate the Robbins Hose Company, No. 1, of Dover Delaware,>' "An Act to incorporate the St. Mary's Total Abstinence Beneficial Pioneer Corps, of Wilmington, Delaware, . " An Act to incorporate the Diamond State Organ Com-. p~ny," . . Joint Resolution on printing the opinions of the Chancel- . lor and Judges, Joint Resolution granting an audience to the Delaware State Temperance Alliance, "An Act to re-enact the Act, entitled, 'An Act to incor­ porate the trustees of. the Home for Friendless and Destitute Children in the City of Wilmington','' "An Act to incorporate the Delmarvia Fertilizer Com­ pany, of Clayton, Delaware, "An Act to incorporate the Delaware Luµ1b~r Com­ pany." Mr. Messick, on behalf of the Committee on Educationl to whom was referred the House bill, entitled, ·/ "An Act relating to -school district, No, 81, New Castfe County,'' 275

Reported · the same back to, the House, with the recom­ mendation that it pass. He also reported, with a favorable recommendation, a bill, entitled; " An Act to dissolve school district, No. 106, in Kent County." · Mr. Lewis presented a petition of Elijah M. Clymer, pray- ing for a divorce from his wife, Louisa, . Which, on his motion, was read, and,on his further motion, was referred to the Committee on Divorces. Mr. Comegys gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill, entitled, . . " An Act ,to incorporate the Delaware Saengerbund of Wilmington, Delaware. . Mr. Lowe, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and on ,motion of Mr. Rawlins, obtained leave to introduce a bill, ,en titled, · "An Act to amend a1i Act, entitled, an Act to incorporate the Board of Education of the Dover Public Schools, passed at DoverFeb. 26, 1877," Which, on motion of Mr. Lowe, was read. Mr. Comegys, in pursuance of previous notice_, asked, and on motion of Mr. Frazer, obtained leave to introduce a bill, entitled, "An Act to incorporate the Guardian Savings and Loan Association," ' · Which, on motiori of Mr. Comegys, was read. Mr. Barlow, on behalf of the Committee on 'Private Cor­ porations, to whom was referred the following House bills, viz. : . . . "An Act to incorporate the Young Men's Republican Club, of the City of Wilmington,'' . A Supplement to the Act, entitled, " An Act to incorpo­ ra;_te the Delaware Steam Fire Engine Company, No. 3, of Wil­ m~ngton, Delaware;" 276

, Rep~rtedthe same b,ack to. the House, with the recommen- dation that they pass. He also reported favorably the following Senate. bills; viz: An additional supplement to an Act, entitled, "An Act to enable the owners and possessors of the marsh meadows on the north side of the Christiana River, called Middleburg Marsh, to keep the banks, dams, and sluices in repair, and raise a fund to defray the expenses thereof. Passed in the year 1769." "An Act to incorporate the 'Wilmington Glass Company/ with an amendment," " An Actto incorporate the ' Wilmington Market House Company,'" " An Act to incorporate the ' Pioneer Coach Company/ with two amendments.'' On motion of Mr. Williams, "An Act to repeal Chapter 495, ·Volume 16, Laws of. Delaware, passed.at Dover, April 4, 1881," Was read a second time, by its title, and, o~ his further motion, was referred to the Committee on Municipal Corpora­ tions. On m~tion of Mr. Wheatley, the Senate bill, entitled, '' An Act to change the course of a Public Road, in Little Creek. Hundred, in Sussex County," Was read a second time, by its title, and, on his further motion, was referred to the Cqmmittee on Roads and Vacant Lands. · On motion of Mr. Comegys, the. House bill, entitled, "An Act to incorporate the 'Enoch Moore, Jr., Ship and Car Building Company,'" Was read a second time, by its title, and, on ·his furtheif' motion, was referred to the Committee on Private Corporation~ On motion of Mr. Wheatley, the Senate bill, entitled, 277 '' An Act,entitled, 'An Act to amend an Act fo incorporate the !--aurel Grange Co-operative Store Company,' " Was read a second time, by its title, and, on his further motion, was referred, to the Committee on Private Corporations. On motion of Mr. Perry, the House bill, entitied, '' An Act for protection of soft crabs in Indian River 'and Rehoboth Bay, and waters adjacent thereto, and. to raise revenue for this State," Was read a second time, by its title, and, on his further motion, was referred to the Committee on Crimes and Punish.­ ments. On motion of Mr. Lewis, the House bill, entitled, " A further supplement to the Act, erititled, ' An Act to incorporate the town of Harrington,' '' · Was read a second time, by its title, and, on his further motion, was referred to the Committee on Municipal Corpora- , tions. The motion of Mr. Justis,-that the vote by which the bill, entitled, ·

"An Act to,amend Section 2, of Chapter 354, of Volume • 16, of the Laws of Delaware, entitled, 'An Act in relation to , · the Collection of Taxes for School purposes,' " ·· Was passed, be re-considered, being the special order of the day, Was. taken up for consideration, and the question b~ing · put, The motion Prevaz1ed. And the bill, being then under consideration, On motion of M.r. Messick, was re-committed. The House proceeded to the business on the calendar• . The House bill, entitled, 278

"An Act to lay out a new Public road· in Mispillion Hµndred, in Kent county, .Was taken up for consideration, And, on motion of Mr. Lewis, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the. House. On the question, "Shall this Bill pass the House?" It was decided in the affirmative, And the. bill Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. The House bill, entitled, " An Act to. lay out a new P~blic road, in Mispillion· Hundred, in Kent county, Was taken up for consideration, And, on motion of Mr. Lewis, the bill, under considera­ tion, was laid on the table. The Hous·e bill, entitled, · " An Act to prevent Live Stock from running at large, in. · school district, No. 68, in Sussex county," 1 • Was taken up for consideration, And, on motion of Mr. Frazer, the bill was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, " Shall this bill pass the House?" It was decided in the affirmative, and the bill · Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. The Senate Joint Resolution, entitled, . Joint Resolution, to. reimburse the Adjutant General of this State, Was taken up for consideration, · 279 And, on motion of Mr. Barlow, was Concurred in. i I Ordered that the Senate be informed thereof, and the Joint Resolution returned to that body. The Senate bill, entitled, '' An Act, abolishing the wearing of a Convict's Jacket, as a ba-dge of Crime, - Was taken up for consideration, And, on motion of Mr. Sutton, was read· a third time, _1by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. On the question; " Shall this bill pass the House ? " It was decided in the affirmative, .And· the bill Passed the House. , Ordered that the Senate be informed thereof, and the bill _returned to that body. The House bill, entitled, "An Act to incorporate the 'Young Men's Republican - Club, of the city of Wilmington,' '' · · Was taken up for consideration, And, on motion of Mr. Barlow, the bill was read a third ,time,. by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "shall this bill pass th~ House?" The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as~n: · Yeas, Messrs. Barlow, Comegys, Cooch, Crawford, Dukes, Frazer, Jacobs, Justis, Lewis, Lowe, Perry, Rawlins, Sutton, Temple, Watson, Wheatley, Williams and Mr. Speaker-18. Nays-none. So the bill having received the required constitutional ·majority, Passedthe HQuse. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. · 280 ·

. Mr. Whiley, Clerk of Senate,· being admitted, informed the House that the Senate had passed, and asked the concur­ nince of the House in the following bills, viz. : "An Act in relation to Corporal Punishment," "An Act to amehd. an Act, passed at Dover, April 8th, 1869, entitled, 'An Act to incorporate the town of Felton,' " "An Act to incorporate. the .' American Union Insurance Company.' " The House bill, entitled, "A Supplement to the Act, entitled, 'An Act to incorpo­ . r~te the Delaware Steam Fire Engine Company, No. 3, of Wilmington, Delaware,' " was taken up for consideration, And, on motion of Mr. Barlow, the bill under consideration · was read a. third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "shall this bill pass the House?'' The yeas and nays being ordered, which being taken, ·were as follows: · Yeas-Messrs. Barlow; Comegys, Cooch, Crawford,Dukes, . Frazer, Jacobs, Justis, Lewis, Lowe, Messick, Perry, Rawlins, Sutton, Temple, Watson, Wheatley, Williams and Mr. Speaker. -19. . Nays-:-None. So ,the bill having received the required Constitutional ma- jority, · Passed the House. Ordered to, the Senate for concurrence. The Senate bill, entitled, . ~' An additional supplement to an Act, entitled, an Act 'to enable the owners and possessors of the Marsh Meadows on the north side of the Christiana River, called Middleburg Marsh, · to keep the banks, dams, and sluices in repair, and raise a fund to defray the expenses thereof, passed in the year 1769," 281

·Was taken up for consideration, · And on motion of Mr. Barlow, The bill under consideration was read a third time, by· aragraphs, in order to .pass the Roust, . • On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" The yeas.and nays were ordered, which,being taken, were as follows: . Yeas-Messrs. Barlow, Comegys, Cooch, Crawford,Dukes, :Frazer, Jacobs, Justis, Lewis, Lowe, Messick, Perry, Rawlins, Temple, Watson, Wheatley, Williams, and Mr. Speaker-19. 'Nays-None. So the bill having received the required Constituti.onal ma- jodty, Passed the House.· Ordered that the Senate be informed thereof,and the bill re- turned to that body. · The Senate bill, as amended, 'entitled, "An Act to incorporate the ·Wilmington Glass. Com­ pany," Was taken up for consideration; On motion of Mr. Barlow, the first amendment w~s read, as follows : · , .

HousE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Feb. 13 1 1883. : • r '' Amend the bill by striking Ollt the words for 'sufficient cause,' in lines 5 and 6 of Section 7," And, on his further motion, the amendment was adopted. On ~otion of Mr. Cooch,the second amendment was read,as follows: · "That the. goods and chattels, manufactured and the the lands, tenements, hereditaments and property, real and per­ sonal, held and owned by such corporation, .shall be exempt from County and Municipal Taxation for a period of ten years from the passage of this Act.'' I 36 ·. I ·282

'The question on the Amendment being put, The yeas and n;ys. were ordered,. which, being taken,. were as follows: Yeas, Messrs. Barlow, Comegys, Cooch, D~kes, Fraze~~ · .. Jacobs, Justis, Lowe, Messick,, Perry, Rawlins, Wheatley and · Mr. Speaker-13. · Nays, Messrs. Crawford, Lewis;. Sutton, Watson a~d ·· Williams-5. · So the question was decided in the affirmative, . And the Amendment was Adbpled. ·. · Mr. Justis moved, that the vote by which the Amendment was adopted, be r.e-considere<;l, · . W,hich motion . Prevailed• The question being again taken, · And the Amendment was. Lost.· And, on motion of Mr. Barlow, the bill, as amended, was · read ~ third time; and by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, " shall this bill, as amended, pass the House?" · , The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows : · · Yeas, ¥essrs; •Barlow; Comegys, Cooch, Crawford, .Dukes, · Frazer, Jacobs, Justis, Lewis, Lowe, . Messick, Perry, ·Rawlins, Sutton, Temple, Watson, Wheatley, .Williams, and Mr. Speaker· --'19.. \ ' · Nays-none. So the bill, having received the required constitutional. majority, . . . , Passed Ike House~· Ordered the same be returned to the Senate and ask their . concurrence in the Amendment. Mr. Watson moved, that the vote by which. th~,Sen~te ·· A:mc;ndment to Ho-qse bill, entitleg, 283

'' An Act to incorporate ' The Dover Glass Works,' " Was cohcurred in, be re-considered; ,Which motion Prevailed. Mr. Watson then moved, that the Senate Amendment be amended, as follows : "Amend the Senate Amendment by substituting therefor the following : 'Amend the bill by striking out the whole of· Section 10; and, also, alter the number of Section 11, so that it shall be Section 10.'" On the question, "shall the substitute to the Amendment be adopted ? " · The Yeas and Nays were ordered, which being taken, were as follows: Yeas-Messrs. Barlow, Comegys, Cooch, Crawford, Dukes, Frazer, Jacobs, justis, Lewis, Lowe, Messick, Perry, Rawlins, Sutton, Watson, Temple, Wheatley, Williams, and Mr. Speaker -19.. Nays-none. So the Amendment, having received the required constitu- tional majority,:was · Adopted. Ordered that the Senate be informed of the adoptio·n of the amendment and ask their concurrence in the same. On motion, the House adjourned. 284

SAME. OAv.,-3 o'clock, P. M • . House met pti~uant to adjournment. The Senate bill, as amended, entitled, "An Act to incoi:porate ' The Wilmington !V[arket House Company,,, · Was taken up for consideration ; On motion of Mr: Barlow, the Amendment was read, as. follows: · : .Amend Section 7, by striking out the words " F~r Su'ffident 1 Cause/' .ih line five thereof, · ·. ·" · · . And, on his further. motion, the amendment was . Adopte~. On motion of Mr. Comegys, the bill as amended, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. · On the question, t'. _Shall this bill, as amended, pass. the 1iouse ? " · . · · · · · . . . . : ·The Yeas and Nays were ordered, which, being taken,· were as follows: · · ·· · Yeas-Messrs. Barlow, C:omegys, C~ocl~, Crawford, Duk.es, Jacobs, Justis, Lewis, Lowe, Messick/Perry;. Ra:wlins~ Sutton, Wheatley, Williams and Mr~ Speaker-16. Nays-Norte. . · So the bill . having:received the required constitutional · majority · Passed tke House. Ordered the Senate be 'informed thereof, and. ask their 1 concurrence in the Amendment. . . ' Mr. Whiley, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, informed the House that the .Senate had concu.rred in the following House bills, viz. : · 285

"A.n Act to amend Chapter 16, Sedion 1, of the Revis~d Statutes, of the State of Delaware," !' An Act to amend the Act, entitled, 'An Act to incorpo­ rate.the Capelle Hardware Company,'" "An Act. to amend Chapter 385, Volume 13, Laws of . Delaware, entitled, 'An Act dividing Christiana Hundr.ed into . two Election Districts,'" . . '.· "An Act dividing Christiana Hundred, Northern Election . District, into two Election Districts." He also informed the House that the Senate had passed, a~d asked the c;oncurrence of the House, in the following bill, VIZ.: . "An Act to amend an Act, entitled, 'An Act for the Suppression of Intemperance,' passed at Dover, April ..5, 1881," The. Senate bill, as amended, entitled, '' An Act to incorporate the 'Pioneer Coach Company/." Was taken up for consideration. On motion of Mr. Barlow, the amendments were read, as follows:

"Amend by adding to Section 2, at the end thereof, the :words, '.any such mortgage, or mortgages, of personal property shall to the general provisions of law respecting Chattel Mort- · gages,'"

"Also, Amend Section 71 by adding, .at the end thereof, the words 'but nothing herein contained shall effect any debt or liability . heretofore incurred by any of the .individuals composing the said Incorporated Company, and the. remedy hereby given against the Corporation shall be cumulative to any existing remedy, or remedies.'" . And, ,on his further motion, the amendments were . . . Adojltd. And, on motion of Mr. Comegys, the bill, as amended, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. 286

On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were · as follows : Yeas-Messrs. Barlow, Cooc·h, Crawford, Dukes, Frazer, Jacobs, Lewis, Lowe, Messick, Perry, Rawlins, Sutton, Wheat• · 1ley, Williams, and Mr. Speaker.-:---15 .. Nays-None. So. the bill having received the required Constitutional majority, · Passedtke House. -Ordered the Senate be informed thereof; and ask their con•. currence in the amendments. The Senate bill, entitled, "An Act to prohibit Live Stock from running at large in school district,,. No. 41, in Sussex County," Was taken up for consideration, And,on motion of Mr. Wheatley, the bill under considera- · , tion, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. On the.question, "Shall this bill pass the Houser !twas decided in the affirmative, And the bill Passedtke House. Ordered the Senate be informed thereof, and the bill re­ turned to that body. The Senate bill, entitled, " An Actto prevent Live Stock from running at large in school district, No. 89, in Sussex County,'' Was taken up for consideration, And,on motion of Mr. PerrY:; the bill under consideration, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. On the question,'' Shall this bill pass the House?" · 287

It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill Passed the House. Ordered the Senate be informed thereof, and the bill re­ turned to that body. On motion of Mr. Frazer, the House bill, entitled, "An Act to prohibit Live Stock· from running at large in school district, No. 61, Sussex County," Was read. On motion of Mr. Rawlins, the House bill, entitled, " An Act to provide for the establishment and mai11tenance of a Ferry across the Nanticoke River, at Woodland, in Sussex · county," · Was taken up for consideration, And, on his further motion, the bill under consideration was read a .third. time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House, · On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House ?" It was decided in the affirmative, and the bill Passed the House. Ord;red to the Senate for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Messick, the House bill, entitled, '' An Act Relating to school district, No. 81, New Castle county,••· Was taken up for consideration, And, on his further motion, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, " Shall this bill pass the House.?" It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill' · Passed tke House. Orderer/ to the Senate for CQncurrence, 288

On motion of Mr. Messick, the House bill, entitled,- " An Act to dissolve school district, No .. 106, in Kent county," Was read. Mr. Lewis presented a remonstrance .of Peter L. Cooper and others, against the aboli~ion of school district, No; 106, Which, on his motion, Was read, and, on his further motion, the petition w~ , referred, and ·the bill recommitted to the committee on educa- tion. · · · Mr. Cooch· offered a Resolution which, on his motion, was read. as follows: · Resolved, That the use of the Han of Representatives ht! . granted at 7.30 this evening, to Wm. Dean and others, parties interested, to discuss matters relating to the passage of the contemplated lin.e of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroa9, through Newark, Delaware, And, on his further motion, the:Resolution .was , . ' Adopted. On motion.of Mr. Barlow, the .Senate biU, entitled, "An Act to incorporate. the .American Union Insurance Ce>mpany," Was read • . On motion of Mr. Lewis, the Senate bill, entitled; "An Act to punish the ,procurement of abortion," I W3.!! tak~n up for consideration, . And, on· his further motion, The bill under consideration was read a third · time, by · ,:paragraphs; in order to pass the House. On the question, ·''Shall this bill pass the House?'' It was decided in. the affirmative, 289

And· the bill Pasud the House. Ordered that the Senate be informed thereof, and the bill returned to that body. . . Mr. Wheatley presented a remonstrance of Daniel Roach and others, remonstrating against the passage of a stock law in school district, No. 84, Sussex County,' Which, on his motion, was read, and on his further motion, was referred to the Committee on Roads and Vacant Lands. Mr. Justis gave notice that, on to-morrow or some. future -day, he would ask leave to introduce the following bills, viz : "An Act to incorporate· the Repauno Chemical Com- pany," " An Act to incorporate the Hercules Powder· Company." On motion of Mr. Comegys, the Senate bill, entitled, " An Act to amend an Act; entitled, an Act for the sup­ pression of intemperance, passed at Dover,April 5, 1881," Was read. Mr. Cooch offererect a resolution, which, on his motion, was read as follows : · Resolved, That the Sergeant-at-Arms be authorized to pur~ chase sufficient matting to repair that which now covers the . lobby and steps, and superintend the putting down of the . same. And, on his further.motion, the resolution was Adopted. On motion of Mr. Lewis, the Senate bill, entitled, "An Act to amend an Act, passed at Dover·,' April 8, 1869, entitled, an Act to incorporate the town of Felton," Was read. On motion of Mr. Comegys, the Senate bill, entitled, , "An Act to amend Chapter 390, Volume 13, of. the' Laws , of Delaware, entitled, ' An Act., providing ;Revenue for this i State,'" · 37 290

Was read. \ On motion of Mr. Comegys, the Senate bill, entitled, "An Act in relation to Corporal Punishme.nt~ Was read. Mr. Sutton, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on m9tion of Mr. Jacobs, obtained leave to introduce a bill, entitled, . " Supplement to an Act, entitled, ' An Act, for the better regulation of the Streets of Delaware City, and for other pur-. poses, passed at Dover,. March 5, 1851,'" Which, on motion of Mr. Sutton, was read. Mr. Sutton gave notice that, on to-morrow or some fut'ure day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill, entitled,

"An Act to amend Sectiori_ 1, . Chapter 99, Revised Statutes, relating to the Jurisdiction of Justice. of the Peace, in Civil Actions." . · · On motion, the House adjourned until to-morrow morning at . :i:o o'clock, A. M, 291

WEDNESDAY, Feb.. 14, 1883,-ro o'clock A. M. House met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by the Chaplain of the Senate, Rev. ,I,,. W. Gibson. Roll called. Journal read and approved. , Mr. Whiley, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, presented the following duly and correctly enrolled Senate bills, for the signature of the Speaker of the House, the same having been signed by the. Speaker of the Senate : ' " An Act to incorporate the ' National Dredging Com- ,pany,' /' · · . '" An Act to incorporate' The Pusey and Scott Company,'" "An Act to incorporate the Wesleyan College," " An Act to amend an Act, entitled, ' An Act to incorporate th~ Jackson Lime and Marble Company,' passed at Dover, March 31st, 1881,'' "An Act to incorporate' The Brandywine Catholic Literary Association,' Brandywine, Delaware,'' "An Act to incorporate the ' River Front Improvement , Company.' " Mr. Fraier, on behalf of the ·committee on Roads and Vacant Lands, to whom was referred the petition of W. R. Josephs, and others, for a Stock Law in School District, No .. 98, in Sussex County, reported the same back, with a bill, entitled, '' An Act to prevent Live Stock from running at large, in School District, No. 98, in Sussex County.'' Mr. Frazer, to whom was referred the petition of l M. Martin, and others, for a Stock Law in School District, N~ 18, i in Sussex County, reported the same back, with a bill, entitled, 292

"An Act to prevent Live Stock from rurining a_t large, in . School District, No. 18, in Sussex County." Mr. Frazer, to whom was referred the petition of John Workman, and others, in reference to a Stock ~aw in School · District, No. 81, in Sussex County, reported the same back to the House, with a bill, entitled, "An Act to repeal Chapter 408, Volume 16, Laws of Delaware.'' ·Mr. Lowe, on behalf of the Committee on Printing, to whom was referred the Insurance Report, Report of the State . Chemist and ;\ djutant-General's Report, reported the same back to the House, with a Resolution, which was placed on the Calendar. Mr. Wheatley presented a petition of W. G. Moore, and others, asking for the passage of an Act to straighten a public · road in Sussex County," . Which, on his motion, was read, and, on .his further motion, was referred to the Committee on Roads and Vacant Lands., Mr. Perry presented a petition of Peter Robinson, and others, praying for the passage ef an Act in relation to Crows, Which, on his ·motion, was read, and, on his further motion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. Mr. Wheatley presented a petition of W. Otwell and others, asking for the passage of ah act to prevent Live Stock from running at large in school district, No, 43, Sussex County, Which, on his motion, was read, and on his further mo­ tion, was referred to the Committee on Roads and Vacant · Lands. Mr. Cooch gave notice that, on to-morrow or some fu. ture day, he would ask leave to introduce the following bills, viz:· ., ''An Act to amend the charter of the Dean Woolen Com~ pany,'' - 293

"An Act to amend section 2 of chapter 127, of the Re­ . ,sed Statutes of the State of Delaware, entitled, offenses against the lives and persons of individuals:". · · Mr. Cooch, on behalf of the Committee on Municipal Corporation, to whom was referred the bill, .entitled, , '' An Act to re-incorporate the town of Seaford,'' Reported the same back the HoJJse, with the recommenda­ tion that it pass. Mr. Lowe gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce the following bills, viz: '· An Act for the protection of game," " An Act for the relief of John D. Marshall and others." · Mr. Justis, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and on motion of Mr. Messick, obtained leave to introduce a bill, en­ tit~ed, " An Act to incorporate the Repauno Chemical Com­ ., _,any," Which, on motion of Mr. Justis, was read. Mr. Justis, in pursuance of previous-notice, asked, and on motion of Mr. Comegys, obtained leave to introduce a bill, en­ titled, "An Act to incorporate the Hercules Powder Company,'' Which, on his motion, was read; Mr. Comegys, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and on motion of Mr. Frazer, obtained leave to introduce a bill, entitled, · " An Act to incorporate the Delaware Saengerbund, of Wilmington, Delaware, Which, on motion of Mr. Comegys, was read. . Mr. Lowe, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr.· Frazer, obtained leave to introduce a bill, entitled:, 294

" A further Additional Supplement to the Act, e~titled; ' An Act in relation to Oysters.'· '' Mr. Barlow, on °behalf of the committee on Private Cor­ porations, to whom was · referred the following House bills, .reported the same favorably, recommending that they pass, viz: " An Act to aniend ' An Act to incorporate the purchasers of the Wilmington and Reading Railroad, passed February 22, .1877,' ,, "A Supplement to an Act, entitled, 'a Supplement to an Act to· incorporate the Purchasers of the Wilmington and Western Railroad. He also reported, with the recommendation that it do not pass, the House bill, entitled, "A Supplement to the Act, entitled, 'An Act to incorporate the New Castle and Wilmington Narrow Gauge Railway.' " On motion of Mr. Sutton, the House bill, entitled, "Supplement to an Act, entitled, 'An .Act for the better . regulation of the Streets of Delaware City and for other pur­ poses, passed at Dover, March 5, 1851,'" Was read a second time, by its title, and, on his further motion, was referred to the committee on Municipal Corpora- tion. · On motion of Mr. Barlow, the House bill, entitled, . ,I " An Act concerning Private Corporation," Was read a second time, by its title, and, on his further motion, was referred to the committee on Private Corporations. On motion of Mr. Barlow, the House bill, entitled, "An Act to incorporate ' The Guardian Savings and Loan 'Association,' " · Was read a second time, by its title, and on his further motion, was referred to the committee on Private Corporations. : On motion of Mr, Frazer, the House bill, entitled, 295

I ' ,tAn Act to prohibit Live Stock from running at large, i11 _ ,school dist~ict,, No. 61, Sussex county, ,_ Was read a second time, by its ti~le,. . . The Hous·e proceeded to the business.on the calendar. On motion of Mr; Frazer, the House bill, e~titled~ "Ari Act,to prevent Live Stock from running at large in . school district', No. 98, in Sussex County,'' Was read'. On motion of Mr. Frazer, the House hill, entitled, , " An _Act to prevent Live Stock from running at large in . · -· scho.ol district, No. 18, in Sussex County," Was read. . •, ' . On motion ofMr. Fr4zer, the House biH, entitled, C' An Act to ~epeal Chapter 408, Vol. 16, Laws 'of Dela~ -ware,'' Was read. The Resolutfon, · as reported by the Committee on Printing, was taken up for con~ideration, an~, on motion of Mr. Lowe, , - the resolution was·read as follows: . · . -

Resolved, That· 250 copies' of the Adjutant General's report. be printed, Ioo copies of the same for the use of the Adjutant Gel)eral,and tlie remaining. 150 copies· for the use of this Hous~ •. Also, that 100 copies of the State Chemist's Report, and .. 100 copies of the.Insurance Commissioners' Rep9rt be printed for the use of this House, · · Ancl,-~n-his further 'motion; the Resolution ~as . Adopted.·· The House bill, entitled, '•An Act to re-incorporate the towh of Seaford," was taken. up for consideration, . . . \ . . . . . And, on motion of Mr. Rawlins, the bill. under co.nsidera­ tion., was read_ a third time, by paragraphs, ·in order to pass the House. · On the question, "Shall this bill pass the Hotise ?"' The yeas ~rid nays w~re ordered, which being ta.ken, w~re as follows: Yeas-Messrs. Barlow, Comegys, Crawford, Dukes, Frazer, Jacobs,:Justis, Lowe, Messick, Perry, Rawlins, Sutton, Temple, Watson, Wheatley, Williams, and M.r. Speaker-17. · Nays-None. . So the bill having received the required Constitutional ma- jority, , Passed the House • . · Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion, the House adjourned.

SAME DAY, February 14, 1883-3 o'clock,:P. M. , · .. House met pursuant to adjournment. The House bill~ entitled, '' An Act to amend an Act to incorporate the purchasers of the Wjlmington and Reading Rail Road; passed at Dove·r, · · . February 22, 1877," Was taken up for consideration, . . . . And, on mo.tion o(Mr. Barlow; the bill under consideration was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House.- .. 297

On the ques,tiori, " shall this bill pass the House?" The yeas and nays were,ordered, which, being taken, were 'as follows : Yeas, Messrs. Barlow, Comegys, Crawford, Dukes, Frazer, Jacobs, Justis, Lewis, Lowe, Messick, Perry, Watson, Wheatley, Williams and Mr. Speaker-15. · So the bill having received the required constitutional ma- jority, Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. The House bill, entitled, '.' A Supplement to an Act, entitled, 'A Supplement to an Act to incorporate the purchasers of the Wilmington and Western Rail Road/ " Was taken up for consideration, And, on motion of Mr. Frazer, the bill under consideration was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "shall this bill pass the House?" The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: Yeas, Messrs. Barlow, Comegys, Cooch, Crawford, Dukes, Frazer, Jacobs, Justis, Lewis, Lowe, Messick, Perry, Rawlins, Su,tton, Temple, Watson, Wheatley, Williams and Mr. Speaker ---19. Nays-None. . So the bill, having received the required Constitutional ma- jority, Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. , Mr. Whiley, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, informed the House that the Se.nate had concurred in the House Joint Resolution, concerning Volume 16, Laws of Delaware, And returned tlie same to the House. 38 298

Also,· that the Senate had concurred in the House Amend-· ment to the Senate bills, entitled, "An -.Act to incorporate ' The Wilmington Glass Com~. pany,' " " Ari Act to incorporate ' The Wilmington Market House Company,' " "An Act to incorporate 'The Pioneer Coach Company.' '( , He also informed the House that the Senate had passed, · and asked the concurrence of the House, in the following bills, viz: ',' An Act to authorize Andrew J. Hersey to construct and build a tumbling dam at his mills, in Little Creek Hundred, Sussex County." The House bill, entitled, " A Supplement to the Act, entitled, "An Act to incorpo­ rate The. New Castle and Wilmington Narrow Gauge Railway;' '' ' Was taken up for consideration, And, on motion of Mr. Justis, the".bill was laid upon the table. · · On motion of Mr. 'Justis, the Senate bill, entitled, "An Act for the Encburagement of Immigration and to foster the Agricultural interests of the State,'' Was taken up for considera.tion.

Mr. Cooch moved to amend Section 1, by adding thereto, the words" And the Governor shall be ex-officio memb,er of this Board;" · Which motion Prevailed. Mr. Cooch also moved to further amend the bi!, as fol­ lows: Change the words" commissioner" to the '' plural" in line 1. of section 3, in line three and eight of section 4 in line Qne of section $, respectivelyi 299

Strike out the word " he is" in line 5. of Section 3, and , insert in lieu thereof, the words "they are,"

Strike out the word « He'' in lines seven and eight of Sec- · tion 3, Strike out the word "is". in line eight of Section 4, and insert in lieu thereof the word "are" and strike out the word "Him" in line twelve of said Section and insert in lieu thereof " them," Strike out the word "his" in lines twenty-three, thirty and forty-two of Section 3, and insert in lieu thereof the, word, "there," respectively, · ·Which motion Prevailed. . On motion of Mr. Lowe, the bill was further amended by striking out Section 7, as numbered in the original Senate bill. Mr. Cooch moved, to further amend by inserting after Section 4, .the following : SECTION 5. The Board. shall have power at their discretlon to appoint "an Agent," at such compensation, as they.deem proper, who shall take such action as said commissioners may deem advisable, in order to accomplish the objects, mentioned in the preceding sections of this bill. The compensation pai<;J. such_ agent shall be taken from the appropriation, authorized by this act ; ' And also, by changing . the number of Section 5 of the original Senate bill, so that it shall be Section 6, And, by changing the numbers of Sections 6 and 7, in this bill, as amended; so that they shall be Sections 7 and 8, Which motion Prevailed. And, on motion of Mr. Frazer, the bill, as amended, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass ,the House. · · On the question, " Shall this bill pass the House?" The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: 300

Yeas-Messrs. Cooch, Jacobs, Lewis, Lowe, Messick, Raw- · lins, Temple, Watson, Wheatley, Williams and Mr. Speaker-· . II. Nays-,-Messrs. Comegys, Crawford, Dukes, Frazer, Perry -5. So the bill, having received the required constitutional majority, · Passed the Ifouse. Ordered to the Senate and their concurrence in the amend-· ments, requested, Mr. Cooch, in· pursuance of. previous notice, asked, and on motion of Mr. Watson, obtained leave to introduce a bill, entitled,. "An Act to incorporate the ' Newark Exchange Building Association,' '' · Which, on motion of Mr. Cooch, was read. Mr. Comegys gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leav~ to introduc_e a bill, entitled, " An Act to revive and extend the time for recording private acts." Mr. Lewis .presented an account of Wilmington "Freie Presse" against the State of Delaware, Which, on his motion, was. referred to the Committee on Claims and Accounts. The Speaker presented a bill of James L. Hawkins, Chief of Police of the city of Wilmington, against the State of Del~ware, for serving Requisition on the Governor of Pennsyl­ vama,. Which, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Claims and Accounts. On motion of Mr. Comegys, the Senate bill, entitled, "An Act to amend Chapter 390, Volume 13; of the Laws of Delaware, entitled, ' An Act providing Revenue for this State,' " 301

· Was read a second time, by its titl~, and, on his further motion, was referred to the Committee on Ways and Means. On motion of Mi:. Comegys, the Senate bill, entitled, " An ·Act to amend an Act, entitled, 'An. Act for the · Suppression of Intemperance,' passed at Dover, April 5, 1881, ' Was read a second time by its title, and, on his further mo- · tion, was referred to the. Committee on Revised Statutes. Mr. Barlow, on behalf of the Committee on Private Cor- · porations, to whom was referred the House bill, entitled, '' An Act to incorporate.the Agricultural Canal of Sussex County," Reported the same back to the House with all amend- . ment. On motion ~f Mr. Barlow the same was taken up for con- sideration, · And on his further motion the amendment was read and Adopted. And, further on his motion, the bill, as amended, was read. a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, " Shall this bill pass the House?'' The yeas and nays were ordered, which being taken, were ~folli~ . Yeas-Messrs. Barlow, Comegys, Crawford, Dukes,Frazer, Jacobs, Lewis, Lowe, Messick, Perry,Rawlins, .Sutton, Temple, Watson, Wheatley, Williams, and Mr. Speaker-17. Nays-None. J. So the bill having received the required Constitutional majority, Passedtke Houre. · Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Comegys, the Senate bill, entitled, "An Act in relation to Corporal Punishment," 802

Was read a second time by its title, and, on his fur'ther . motion, was referred to. the Committee on Crimes and punish­ . m,ents. · On motion of Mr. Comegys, the Senate bill, entitled, "An Act to amend.an Act, passed at Dover, April 8th; I 869, ·entitled, ' An Act to· incorporate th.e town of Felton,' '·'

. Was read a,second time, by its title, and, on hi~ further. C motioh, was referred to the Committee on Municipal Corpora- tions. · On ~otio'n of Mr.. Lowe, the' House bill, entitled; "An Act to amend an Act, entitled, ' An Act. to incorporate the Board of Education of the Dover Public Schools,' passed · ·at Dover, February.26, 1877," · · .· \ ' . . ' . Was read a second time, by its title, and, on· his further . mption, was referred to the Committe~ on Education. Mr. Sutton presented aremonstrance of W. D. ~lark, and. others, against so much of the Delaware City School Bill, as relates to the Public Han; · Which, on his motion, . was r~ad, and, on his .further motion, was referred to the Committee on Education. On m_otion, the House adjourned: 808

THURSDAY, February 15, 1883-10 o'clock A. M. ' House met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by the Chaplain of the Senate, Rev. L. W. Gibson. Roll called. Journal read and approved.· Mr. Justis, on behalf of the Committee on Revised Statutes, to whom was referred the House bill, entitled, , "An Act. to amend Section 12, of Chapter 16, of the Re- vis.ed Statutes," Reported the same back to the House, with the recommenda­ tion that it pass. He also returned the petition and remonstrance, previously referred to s_aid Committee, in relation to terrapins, recpm~ · mending that no action should be taken. Mr. Watson, on behalf of the Committee on Federal Rela-. tions, to whon1 was refe_rred the Senate bill, entitled, "An Act to amend Chapter 449, Volume 16, of the Laws of Delaware, entitled, 'A~ Act regulating pilots and pilotage of and in the Bay and River Delaware'," · Reported the same back to the House with the recommen­ dation that it pass. Mr. Sutton, on behalf of the Committee on Crimes and Punishments, to whom was refen~d the House bill, entitled, " An Act to regulate the manufacture and sale of Oleomar~ · garine or any other kind of artificial butter," Reported the same back to the House with the recommen- · datjon that it pass. 804

Mr. Rawlins, on beh·alf of the Committee on Pd.vate Cor­ porations, to whom was referred thi:tfollowing House bills, viz: I , "An A<':t .to incorporate the Enoch Moore, Jr., Ship _and Car Building Company," · " An Act to incorporate the Guardian Savings and Loan Association," : · Reported the same back to the House, recommending that'. they pass. · . . ·, He also reported favorably the Senate biU, entitled, ." An Act, entitled, 'An Act to amend an act to incorpo~ 'rate the Laurel Grange Co-operative Sto_re Company," ' · ·. · Mr. Comegys, on behalf of the Co~mittee· on Enrollment, , presented for the signature of the Speaker the following duly and correctly enrolled House bills and Joint Resolutions, viz: .

Joint Resolution concerning the .Robbins Hose CompanY., . Joint Resolution in reference to securing and preservmg Temple Farm ,and Moore House, at Yorktown, Virginia. He also presented the follow'ing Senate enrolled·, bills for the signature of the Speaker thereof, the same having received the signature of the Speaker of the Senate," '' An Act to amend an Act, entitled, An Act to incorpo­ rate 'The Jackson Lime and Marble Company, passed at Dover, March 31, 1881,' " "An Act to incorporate 'The Brandywine Catholic Literary Association, Brandywine, Delaware,' " · '' An Act to incorporate the Wesleyan College,'' " An Act fo incorporate 'The Pusey and Scott Company,'" . · "An Act to incorporate ' The National Dredging Com­ pany,' " "An Act to incorporate' The River Front Land Improvement Company:'" · Mr. Messick, on behalf of the committee on .Education, to whom was referred the House bill, entitled, " An Act to Establish a Board of Education, for the town of Harrington, and to incorporate the same and for other purposes, · · Reported the same back to the House with the recommen- dation that it pass. · · "Mr. Lewis presented a petition of Jacob S. Graham and others, asking for the passage of an act to vacate a certain new road in , and re-open the old road vacated under an act, passed at Dover, March 13, 1879, Which, on his motion~ was read, and, on his further motion, was referred to the committee on Roads and Vacant Lands. Mr. Dukes presented a petition of J. F. Derrickson and others, asking for a Stock Law, in school districts 140 and 25:Yz, Sussex couµty, 89 .306

Which, on his motion, was read, and, on his further motion, was refe1 red to the comm.ittee on Roads and Vacant Lands. Mr. Justis, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and on !JlOtion of Mr. Lowe, obtaine1 leave to introdti.ce a bill, entitled,

"An Act to amend Section 7, Chapter 10, Revised Statutes of the State of Delaware,'' Which, on motion of Mr. Justis, was read. Mr. Justis, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and on motion of Mr. Williams, obtained leave to introduce a bill, entitled,

"An Act to amend Section 21, Chapter 9, Revised Statutes of the State of Delaware," · Which, on motion of Mr. Justis, was read. Mr. Lowe, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and on motion of Mr. Rawlins, obtained leave to introduce a bill, ' entitled, "An Act for the'relief of John D; Marshall, and others," Which, on motion of Mr. Lowe,. was read. Mr. Comegys, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and on motion of Mr. Williams, obtained leave to introduce a bill, entitled, · "An Act to revive and extend the time for recording Private Acts," Which, on motion of Mr. Comegys, was read. Mr. Comegys gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future ' day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill,. entitled, "An Act to incorporate 'The International Lumber Com­ pany.' " On motion of Mr. Cooch, the House bill, entitled, "An Act to incorporate 'The :Newark Exchange Building As~ociation,,' '' I' 307

Was read a second time, by its title, and, on his further motion, was referred to the Committee on Private Corporations. On motion of Mr. Justis, the House bill, entitled, " An Act to incorporate the ' Repauno Chemical· Com­ pany," . . Was read a second time, by its title, and, on his further m~tion, was referred to Committee on Private Corporations. , 0~ motion of Mr. Justis, the House bill, entitled, " An · Act to incorporate the Hercules Powder Com­ , pany," · Was read a second time by its title. and, on his ·further mo- tion,' was :referred to the Committee on Private Corporations. I On motion of Mr. Comegys, the House bill, entitled, "An Act to incorporate the Delaware Saengcrbund of . Wilmington, Delaware," ·

Was read a second time by its title, and, on his fnrther 1 motion, was referred. to the Committee ol) Private Corpora- tions. · On motion of Mr. Perry, the House bill, entitled, " An Act to prevent Live Stock from running at large in school district, No. 98; in Sussex County," Was read a second time by its title. On motion of Mr. Lowe, the House bill, entitled, "A further additional supplementto the act, entitled, 'An Act in relation to oysters'," Was read a second time by its title, and, on his further mo­ tion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. On m_otion of Mr. Perry, the House bill, entitlerl, "An Act to prevent Live Stock from running at large iI\' School district, No. 18, in Sussex County," Was reacl a second time by-its title. 808

On motion of Mr. Perry, the House bill entitled, "An Act to repeal Chapter 408, Volume 16, Laws of Del- aware," · Was read a second time by its title. The House proceeded with the business on the calendar. , The House bill, entitled, ..• "An Act to prohibit Live Stock from running at large in school district, No. 61, Sussex County," Was taken up for consideration, And, on motion of Mr, Messick, the bill under considera­ tion, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the _ House. On the question, " Shall this bill pass the House? It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. The House bill,, entitled,

"An Act to an1end Section 12, of Chapter 16, of the Revised Statutes," Was takei1 up for consideration. Mr. Crawford moved, that the House resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole, to consider the pending bill, Which motion Pnvailed; .And the House resolved itself into the Committee of the Whole, and the Speaker named Mr. Perry as Chairman of the Committee. · After some time spent in the Committee of the Whole, The Committee rose, and the Speaker resumed the Chair._· The Chairman of the Committee reported the bill back to to the House, with several amendments. 309

Mr. Cooch moved, that the report be accepted,· and the further consideration of the bill be made a special order next . Wednesday at 3.15 o'clock, P. M., · · Which motion Prevailed. Mr. Watson moved, that 150 copies of the bill, as amended , by the Committee of the Whole, be printed for the use of. the House, Which motion Prevailed. On motion, the House adjourned.

SAME DAv-3 o'clock, P. M. House met pursuant to adjournment, The Petition and Remonstrance on the subject of Terrapins, Was taken up for consideration. Mr. Watson moved, that the Committee be discharged from further consideration of the subject, Which motion Prevailed. The Senate bill, entitled, "An Act to amend Chapter 449, Volume 16, of the La~s of Delaware, entitled, 'An Act regulating pilots and pilotage of, and in, the Bay and River Delaware,' '' · Was taken up for consideration, And, on motion of Mr. Watson, the bill under consideration was read a third time, by paragraphs, in .order to pass theHouse. 310

On the question, " shall this .bill pass the House?' ' ' ' It was d~cided in the affirmative, And the bill Passed tlie House. Ordered that the Senate be informed thereof, and the bill returned to that body. · , The House bill, entitled, "An Act to incorporate the '.Enoch Moore, Jr., Ship and· Car Building Company,'" Was taken up for consideration, And, on motion of Mr. Rawlins, the bill under considera­ tion was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" , The Yeas and Nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: , Yeas, Messrs. Comegys, Cooch, Crawford, Dukes, Frazer, Jacobs, Justis. Lowe, Messick, Perry, Rawlins, Sutton, Temple, :Watson, Williams-15. Nays,. none. So the bill, having received the required constitutional majority, · Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. The House bill, entitled, " An Act, to incorporate 'The Guardian Savings and Loan Association,' '' Was taken up for consideration, And, on motion of Mr. Rawlins, the bill under considera­ tion was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. · ' ' . ' On. the question, "shaU this bi!Lpass the House?'.' 811

The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows : ' · · , · Yeas, Messrs. Comegys, Cooch, Crawford, Dukes, Frazer, Jacobs, Justis, Lowe, Messick, Perry, Rawlins; Sutton, Temple, Watson, Wheatley, Williams and Mr. Speaker-17 .. Nays-none. So the bill, having received the required constitutional ma- jority, Passed the Huuse'. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. The Senate ?ill, entitled, "An Act, entitled, 'An Act to amend an Act to incorporate the Laurel Grange Co-operative Store Company,' " · ·. Was taken lip for consideration, Anci on motion of Mr. Rawlins, the bill under considera~ tion was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. · On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?•' The yeas and nays were ord~red, whfoh, being taken, were as follows: Yeas-Messrs. Comegys, Cooch, Crawford, Dukes, Frazer · Jacobs, Jus6s, Lowe, Messick, Perry, Rawlins, Sutton, Temple~ Watson, Wheatley, Williams and Mr. Speaker-17. Nays_c_none. So the bill, having received the required constitutional majority Passed the House. Ordered that the Senate be informed thereof, and the bill re­ turned to that body. The House bill, entitled, '' An Act to establish a Board of Education for the . town of Harrington, and to . incorporate the .same and .for other purposes, . ' Was taken up for consideration, 812

And, on motion of Mr. Frazer, the bill under consideration was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, " Shall this bill pass the House ?" The Yeas and Nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows : · Yeas-Messrs. Cooch, Crawford, Dukes, Frazer, Jacobs, Justis, Lowe, Messick; Perry, Rawlins, Sutton, Temple, Watson, Wheatley, Williams-15. Nay~-None. . So the bill; having received the required constitutional majority, · Passed the House. Orderedto the Senate for concurrence. Tl}e Speaker laid before the House a claim of George O'Byme, against" The State of.Delaware, Which, on his motion, was referred to the committee on Claims and Accounts. Mr. Whiley, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, returned to the House the following duly and correctly enrolled House bills and Joint Resolution, "An Act t'o incorporate '_The Delaware Baptist Union,'" "An Act to incorporate the Ancient Order of Hiber~ians, (Division, No. 5), of Hockessin, Delaware," " An Act to incorporate the Capitol Building and Loan Association," "An Act to incorporate 'The Star Publishing Company,' " "An Act to lay out a new Public Road in Mispillion Hun­ dred, in Kent county,'' "An Act to convert that part .of the Turnpike· of the President, Managers, and Company of the Wilmington and Christiana. Turnpike road, within the limits of the city of Wilmington, into a free public highway, or street . .· Joint Resolution for printing opinions of Chancellor and Chief Justice. · · 313·

Mr. Justis offered a resolution, which was read as follows: Resolved, That when this House adjourns, it will adjo11rn to meet at 8.30 o'clock to-morrow morning. Mr. Justis moved the adoption of the resolution .. On the question, " Shall the resolution· be adopted?" It was decided in the negative, and the motion Was lost; The House bill, entitled, "An Act to regulate the manufacture and sale of Oleomar­ cgarine, or. any other kind of artificial butter," Was taken up for consideration. Mr. Cooch proposed an amendment,. which amendment· was Adopte.d. And, on motion.of Mr. Messick,the bill under consideration, asamended,was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. · On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House ?" It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill ·Passed tlu House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. Mr. Comegys pres.nted a petition of H. A. Nowland and others, asking for a divorce of James Tatman from his wife 'Catharine, Which, on his motion, was read,and on his further motion, •as referred to the Committee on Divorces. · Mr. Sutton gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill, entitled, "An Act to amend the act for the suppression of intem­ perance, passed at Dover, April 5, 188x." On motion of Mr. Justis, the Senate bill, entitled, 40 · 814

"An Act to authorize Andrew J. Horsey to construct and build1 a tumbling dam at his mills in Little Creek Hundred,Sus­ sex County," Was read. On motion of Mr. Justis, the Senate bill, entitled, "An Act to prevent injury to burial grounds, and the re­ moval of bodies therefrom," Was read. Mr. Messick presented a pet1t10n of James P. · Sammons and others, asking for a stock law in school district, No; 5 3, Sussex County, Which, on his motion, was read, and,on his further motion, was referred to the Committee on Roads and Vacant Lands. Mr. Justis, on behalf of the Committee on Revised Statutes, to whom was referred the Senate bill, entitled, · '' An Act in relation to Corporal Punishment,'' Reported the same back to the House, with the recommen­ dation that it pass. On motion of Mr. Justis, the .bill just reported was taken up for consideration, And, on his further motion, was· read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "shall this biU pass the House?" It was decided in the affirrµative, And the bill Passed the Rous~. Ordered that the Senate be infor~ed thereof and tlie bill returned to that body. Mr. Wheatley presented a remonstrance of J. W. Cannon and others, against the passage of a Stock ' Law in School District, No. 43, in Sussex County, · Which, on his motion, was read, and referred to the Com­ mittee o:n Roads.and V<1ca,nt Lands, 315': Mr. ·Perry ga~e nqtice that, on to-mo~row or. some ruiure ' ' day,, he wp~ld ask leave to introduce a bill, enti~led, . I '. " An Act, entitled, ' An Act to incorporate the Milton 'Library· Association.' '' .' \ . . ' . \'. . ' . · On motion o( Mr. Messick, the. Senate bill, entitle~, .· · •· ',i An Act. 't~' incorporate the·-' American •tr nion insurance Cofupany,' " · · · · . ,: , Was. r~ad ,_a second time, by_ its title, :and, on his further . _motion~ was referred to the Committee on Private Corporations.' Mr. Dukes presented a petition of Joseph G., McNeal 'and · , ~thers, asking for the passage of an Act to prey:ent Live Stock from running ,at large, in School District, No. 32, Sussex· Co1.,1nty,_ · · . . . ' .• Which, on his motion, was read, and' referred to the r.ommittee on Roads and Vacant Lands. - · · Mr; Sutton; in pursuance of previous notice;:asked, and on motion of Mr. Williams, obtained leave to inti;oduce a bill, . entitled,. · · · ' ,'(An· Act for the mai~tenance of Colored Schools in this · 'State," ·· · · · · · .. , Which, on his motion, was read. · , . . Mr. Dukes presented a petition of Jacob J'.. Melvin and others, asking _for the passage of an Act. to prohibit Live Stock -fr?m running i:tt large, in School Districts, Nos. 173, 31, i20, · u9, Sussex County; · · · , Whi~h, on his-motion, was.read; and ~eferred to the Com­ mittee on Roads and Vacant Lands. I · .On motion, the House adjourned. , ' . '

·,·.,I 316

FRIDAY, Feb. 16th, 1883-10 o'clock, A. M. House met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by the Chaplain of the Senate, Rev. L. W. :'Gib:. son. Roll called. Journal read and approved. Mr. \Vatson offered a resolution, which, on his motion, was read as follows·: · · Resolved, That when this House adjourns. to~aay, it be to meet at 4.30 o'clock, P. M., on Monday.next, · And, oh his further' motion, 'the resolution, was Adopted; On motion, the House adjoutried. ,317

MONDAY, January 19, 1883'--'-4;30 o'clock, P. M; , House met pursuant to adjournment. · ; The Speaker being absent,the Clerk, E.W. Waples, called tL House to order. ·. . . . \ Prayer by the Chaplain of the Senate, Rev. L. :w. Gibson, Roll called. Journal read and approved. On motion of Mr:. Cooch, Mr. Justis was elected Speaker, pro tempore, until the Speaker returned. . Mr. Cooch, in pursuance .of .previous notice, asked,. and on. motion of Mr. Barlow, obtained leave to introduce a bill, en­ titled, , "An Act to alter and amend :the act, entitled, 'a,n Act to · raise revenue for State and County purposes','' passed at Dover, March 30, 1871, · Which,.on motion of Mr. Cooch, was read. ' Mr. Dukes gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to in.troduce a bill, entitled, · · "An Act, entitled, 'an Act to raise revenue'." Qn.motion:of Mr. Jacobs, the Senate :bill, entitled, "An Act to prevent injury to burialgrounds, and the rt moval of bodies ther~from," . Was read a second time by its title, and, on his further:triO• -tion, was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. · '· . On motion of Mr. Jacobs, the Senate bill, entitled, ~18 . " An Act to authorize Andrew J. Hqrsey to construct and build a tumbling dam at his mills in Little Creek Hundred,Sus- , sex County,'' Was read a second time by its title, and, on' his further motion, was referred to the Committee on Roads and Vacant Lands. , Mt'.; Lewis gave notice that, on to-morrow, or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill, entitled, "An Act to incorporate the Kirk Branch Ditch Com­ pany." Mr. Perry presented the second biennial report of the In- surance· Commissioners, · Which, on his motion, Was read; Ordered the same)ent to the Senate. Mr. Sutton, in pursuance of .previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Lowe, obtained. leave to introduce a bill,· entitled,

' "An Act to amend Section 1, Chapter 99, Revised Statutes, relating to the· Jurisdiction of the Justice of the Peace in Civil Actions," · ' Which, on motion bf Mr. Sutton, was read. On motion of Mr. Crawford, the Senate bill, as amended, entitled, " An Act to vest the title of a certain lot of ground, with the buildings thereon erected, in the city of New Castle, in , Trustees, for the uses, and for purposes therein mentioned, Was taken. up for consideration. On motion of Mr. Cooch, the Amendment was read as follows:.

Amend the bill by adding to the end of Section 1, the following : ' 819

Provided, howe;er, that nothing in this Section shall be construed, so as to divest or interfere in any way with the title of New Castle county, to said Real Estate, according to the uses and trusts, created by the said Act of Assembly, of June· 13th, 1772; and, provided, moreover, that said property shall not be used in any way or manner, that may impair its fitness, to be again used for the holding of courts and for county purposes, And, on his further motion, the Amendments were · · ·Adopted'. And, on moton of Mr. Crawford; the bill, as amended, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order · to pass ' the House. · Ori the question, "Shall this bill, as amended, pass the House?'' It was decided in the affirmative, 'And the bill Passed the House. Ordered the same to be returned to the Senate, and their concurrence in the Amendment requested. Mr. Frazer gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill, entitled, . . "An Act to re-incorporate the owners and possessors of · the marsh or low grounds, commonly called and known by the name of 'Cow Marsh Ditch,' situated in North Murderkill and South Murderkill Hundreds, in Kent county, under the title_ of · 'The Cow Marsh.Ditch Company." On motion. of Mr. Lowe, the House bill, entitled, "An Act for the relief of John D. Marshall and others," Was read a second time, by its title, and, on his further : motion, was referred to the committee on the Judiciary: . On motion of Mr. Perry, the House bill, entitled, "An Act to repeal Chapter ·408, Volume 16, Laws of Delaware,'' Was !aken up for consideration, 320

And; on motion of Mr. -Rawlins, the billunder,consideration -was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the · House. On. the questiOil "'shall this bill pass the House?,, It was'decided in the affirmative, And the bill Passed Ike House . . ' , . : .. Ordered to the Senate for ~oncurrence. Mr. -Cooch,: in pursuance of previous notice; asked, an:d on , motion -of _Mr. Barlow, obtained_ leave, to iI1troduce a bill, entitled, · ·~-An Act to irn:orporate 'The Stanton Manufacturing Company," Which, on motiq~ of Mr. Cooch,, was read. . . ' . _Mr. Barlow gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill, entitled, "An Act to proyide for footwalks over Rail Road Bridges within the limits o( the City of Wilmington." _ . · 'Mr. Temple presented'a petition of John T. Sylvester_ and others, asking for the passage of an Act to lay otit a new School· District, in Ken ton. H undreo, Which; on his motion, was read, and: referred ·to the Com- . mittee on Education. · · Mr. Frazer, from the Committee on Roads and Vacant Lands, to whom was'referted the petition of James P. Sarnmons and _others, in relation to Live Stock; in School District, No. 53, in ~ussex County, reported a bill, entitled, "All Act to prevent Live Stock from running at. large, in School District, No. 53, Sussex County," _ · - . - Which, Ofl: his motion, was read._ Mr. Frazer, from the Committee on Roads and V:acant Lands; to whom was referred the Senate bill, entitled,. " An Act to change the, course of ~ fubli~. Rm1-d jp Little Creek·IIundred, in Sussex County,"· ' · ' 821

Reported .the same back to the House, with the recommen­ dation that it pass. On motion of Mr. Frazer; the same was taken up for c,onsideration, And, on his further motion, the bill under consideration. was read a third time, by'paragraphs, ih order to pass the House. On the question, "shall this bill pass the House?" It was decided in the affirmative,· And the bill Passed the House,. Ordered that the Senate be informed thereof, and the bill returned to that body. Mr. Perry presented a_ petition· of Mary C. Reed, asking. for a divorce from her husband,, William D. Reed, Which, on his motion, ·was, read,· and . referred to the Committee on Divorces. On motion; the House adjourne

41 '322

TUESDAY, Fe_b. 20, .1883,-ro o'clock, A. M. House met pursuant to adjournment, with Speaker Bates in the Chair. Prayer by the Chaplain of the Senate, Rev. L. W. Gibson. Roll called. Journal read and approved. Mr. Frazer, on behalf of the Committee on Roads .and Vacant Lands, to whom was referred the Senate bill, entitled, "An Act to authorize Andrew J. Horsey to construct and build a tumbling dam at his mills, in Little Creek Hundred, Sussex County," Reported the same back to the House, with the recommen­ dation that it pas9. Mr. Comegys, on: behalf of the Committee on Enrollment, presented, for the signature of the Speaker, the following duly and correctly enrolled House Bills and Joint Resolutions, to wit: "An Act authorizing the Mayor and Council of,Wilmington to borrow Twenty Thousand Dollars," "An Act to amend the Act, entitled, 'An Act to incorpo­ rate the Capelle Hardware Company,' " " An Act t

"An Act to amend Chapter 16, Section 1, of the Revised Statutes of the· State of. Delaware,'' "Joint Resolution concerning Volume 16, Laws of Dela­ ware.'' 323

. Mr. Messick, on behalf of the Committee on Education, reported, with a favorable recommendation, the House bill, ent,itled; · '"An. Act to amend an Act,. entitled, 'An Act to incorporate the Board of Education of the Dover Public Schools,' passed at Dover, February 26, 1877." Mr. Lewis presented a petition of Thomas Cornray, and others, asking for the passage of an Act to straighten a public .road in the town of Farmington, Mispillion Hundred, Which, on his. motion, was read, and referred to the Committee on Roads and Vacant Lands. Mr. Williams presented· a ·petition of D. H. Webster;and others, asking for the passage of an Act to straighten a .public road in West , Which, on his motion, was. read, and referred .to the Committee on Roads and Vac.ant Lands. He also presented a petition of J. B. Parker, and others, asking for the passage of an Act to lay out a new public roadjn West Dover Hundred, · . I . . ' Which, on his motion, was read, and referred to the Committee on Roads and Vacarit Lands. Mr. Perry presented a ciaim of John R. McFee, Insurance/ Commissioner, against the State of Delaware, Which, on his motion, ·was referred to the Committee on , Claims and Accounts. Mr. Justis gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce the following bills,. en­ titled, "An Act for the protection of private property," " An Act for the relief of incorporated towns in the State of Delaware," "An Act to amend Chapter 381, Volume 16, Laws of Del. aware." · Mr. Watson offered a Joint Resolutfon, entitled,· .824

•Joint Resolution in relation !o :inalarious ;rioiso11, , · Which was read and placed on the calendar for coi:isidera~ tion. · Mr. Cooch prese~ted su~dry claims of C. F. · Thomas & Co; · against the State of Delaware, · Which, on his motion, was referred to the Co)llmittee on< Claims and Accounts.. ·

I, . Mr, Justis, in pursuance of previous notice, asked,. and on> motion of Mr. Frazer, obtained leave to introduce a bill; en- - titled, · · · "An Act concerning acknowledgment of deeds,. &c., · Which, on motion o( Mr. Ju~tis, was read. Mr. Frazer, in pursuance of previous notice, ask~d, and·on motion of Mr. Barlow, obtained leave to introduce a bill en- titled, · · , " An. Act ·to re-incorporate the owners and possessors of the_ marsh or low grounds, commonly .;alled and known by the· name of 'Cow Marsh Ditch,' situated in North. Murderkill and South Murderkill Hundreds, in Kent County, under the title of , ! _The Cow Marsh Ditch Company'," . · _ . _. . .. · ' Which, -on motion of Mr. -Frazer, was react • • l ' · . · .. Mr. Cavender,· an honorable member of the Senate, be_ing · -. admitted, presented t.o the House, for the signature of the1 Speaker, the following duly and correctly ~nroHed Senate bill; . entitled, · "An Act to incorporate the Philadelphia 'and Smyrna. Tran~portation Company." · , ·~Mr. Comegys gave notice that, on to~morrow or soi;ne future day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill, entitled, ' ' ' " An Aci: to incorporate the Delaware Loan Association,., . of Wilmington, Delaware.'.' Mr. Perry, in pursuance of previo~s notice, ~sked; anq . on . . motion of Mr. Messick,· obtaim;d leave · to introduce a bill, entitlt;d, · · 325

"An Act, entitled, 'An Act to incorporate · the Milton . Library Association, Which,. on motion of Mr. Perry, was read. Mr. Comegys, in pursuance of previous 11otice; asked; .and, on motion of Mr. Barlow, obtained leave to introdu.ce ab.ill, · entitle9, · "An Act'to·incorporate 'The International Lumber Com-,. pany,'" Which, on motion of Mr. Comegys, was read. On motion 'of Mr. Justis, the H~use pill, entitled, "An Act to amend Section 7, Chapter 10, Revised Stat- utes, of the State of Delaware, . W!l,S read \a second time, by its title, and on his furtber motion, was referred to the committee on Revised Statutes. ·1 On motion·of Mr. C<;>och, the House bill,entitled, ·" An Acno al.ter and amend the Act, erititled, "An Act to · . raise revenue for, St.ate and County purposes, passed 'at Dover, ·· March 30th, 1871, · ·· , , Wa~ read a second time, by its title, and on his further · motion, was referred to the committee on Ways and Means., On motion of l\fr. Justis, the House bHl, entitled, " An Act to incorporate the Sta~ton Manufacturing Com- pany;'' ' ' , . ' . . ' ! ' Was read a second time, by its title, and on his further . motion, was referred to the committee on Private Corporations;' · · On motion of Mr. Justis, the House bill; entitled, • . ' ' ! • "An Act to amend Section 21, Chapter 9, Revised Statutes, of the State of. Delaware," · Was read a second time, by its ·title, and, on his further . motion, was referred to the Committe.e on Revised Statutes. On motion of Mr. Comegys, the House bill, entitled,. 326

'' An Act to revive and extend the time for recording pri- · vate acts," Was read a second time by its title, and,on his further mo-. tion,, was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. On motion of Mr. Sutton, the House bill, entitled, "An Act for the maintenance of colored schools in this State," Was read a second time by its title, and, on his further motion, was referred to the Committee on Education._

Mr. Sutton then moved that 300 copies of the bill just re­ ferred be printed for the use of the two Houses, Which motion Prevailed. On motion of Mr. Perry, the House bill, entitled, . "An Act to prevent Live Stock from running at large in School District, No. 53, Sussex County," . Was read a second time by its. title; Mr. Whiley, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted,informed · the House that the Senate had concurred in the House bills en­ . titled, "An Act to incorporate the Young Men's Republican Club in the city of Wilmington, Delaware," ' " An Act to incorporate the town . of Seaford," " A Supplement to the act, ent'itled, 'An act to incorpo­ . rate the Delaware Steam Fire Engine Company, No. 3, of Wil­ mington, Delaware','' Also, that the Senate had non -concurred in the House amendment to the Senate bill, entitled,

1" An 'Act for the encouragement of immigration, and to· foster the agricultural interests of the State," He also informed 'the House that the Senate had passed, and asked the concurrence of the House,in the Senate bills, en~ titled, 827

"An Act to incorporate the Seidel and Hastings Com- pany," · · " An Act providing for the appointment of a State Chem­ ist.'' On motion of Mr. Sutton, the House bill, entitled,

"An Act to. amend Section 1, Chapter 99, Revised Stat­ utes, relating to the jurisdiction of the Justice of the Peace, in ci vii actions," · · Was read a second time by its title,and, on his further mo­ tion, was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. Cooch, on behalf of the Committee on Municipal Corporation, to whom was referred the House bill, entitled, "Supplement to an Act, entitled, 'An Act for the better regulation of the streets of Delaware City, and for other pur- poses,' passed at Dover March 5, 1851," · Reported the same back to the House, with the recommen­ dation that it pass. Mr. Birlow, on behalf of the Committee o~ Private Corpo­ rations, to whom w~s referred the House bill, entitled, "An Act concerning Private Corporations," Reported the same back to the. House, with a recommenda- tion that. it pass. The House proceeded to the business on the Calendar. The House bill, entitled, · "An Act to prevent ·Live Stock from running at large, in· School District, No. 98, in Sussex County," Was taken up for consideration, And, on motion of Mr. Frazer, the bill under consideration was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, " shall this bill pass the House? " It was decided in the affirmative, 828

And the bill Passed the ,.House. ' Ordered to the Senate- for concurrence. The House.bill, entitled, "An Act to prevent Live Stock from running at large, in School District, No. 18, Sussex County," ' Was taken up for consideration, And, on motion of Mr. Frazer, the bill under consideration was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?'' It was decided in the ,affirmative, And the bill Passed Ike House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. The Senate bill, entitled, "An Act,. authorizing Andrew J. Hoi:sey to construct and build a tumbling dam, at his mills, in Little Creek Hundred, Sussex county, 11 Was taken up for consideration, And, on motion of Mr. Wheatly, the bill under considera­ tion was .read a third. time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. On .the question, " Shall this bill pass the House ? '' It was decided in the affirmative, · And the bill Passed the House. Ordered that the Senate be informed thereof, and the bill · returned to that body. The House bill, entitled, "An Act to amend· an Act, entitled, ' An Act to incor­ porate the Board of Education of the Dover Public Schools, passed at Dover, February 26, 1877,' 11 · 329

. 'Was !aken up for consideration, Ahd, on motion of Mr. Messick, the blll, under consideration was ,read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the. H:o~se~ On the question, " Shall this biH pass the House?" The· yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken', were as folk (s: · · · · · · · leas-Messrs. Barlow, Comegys, Cooch, Crawford;Dukes, . . Frazer, Jacobs, Justis,. Lewis, Lowe, Messick, Perry, Rawlins, Sutton, .Temple, Watson, Williams-17. Nays-none.' . . So the bill, having received the required .constitutional majority, . Passed the House. · Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. The House Joint ·Resolution, entitled, , Joi'nt Resolution, appointing a Joint Committee, in relation to:malarious poison,.· · Was.taken up for consideration, And, on motion of Mr. Watson; the Joint Resolutiop, was·. , read, and, on his further motion, Was · Adopted. · Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. Whereupon, Messrs. Temple, Wheatley and Lewis, were appointed said committee on the part of the House .. The House bill, entitled, "Supplement to an Act, entitled, 'An Act for. the better . . regulation of the streets of Delaware City, and for other pur~ poses,' .passed at Dover, .March 5, 1851," . Was taken up for consideration, · An'd, on motion of Mr. ·cooch, the bill under ccjnsideratiori was read a third time, by. paragraphs, in orderto. pass the House. 42 . . 330

On the question, " shall this bill pass the House?" The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows : Yeas-Messrs. Barlow, Comegys, Cooch, Crawford; Dukes, · Frazer, Jacobs, Justis, Lewis, Lowe, Messick, Perry, Rawlins, , Sutton, Temple, Watson, Wheatley-I 7. . Nays-none .. So the bill having received·, the required Constitutional majority, Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion, the House adjourned.

1 SAME. DAY, Feb. 20th, 1883-3 o'clock, .P. M. House met pursuant to adjournment. The House bill, entitled, ." An Act cm~cerning Private Corporations,"

1Was taken.up for consideration. Mr. Barlow moved, that the House resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole to discuss the pending bill, Which motion Prevailed; And the House resolved itself into the Committee of the Whole, and the Speaker named Mr. Frazer as Chairman of the Committee. 33i I After some time spent in the Committee of the Whoie, ' ' The C.ommittee rose, and t.he Speaker resumed. the Chair. Th'e Chairman of the Committee . reported that they had under consideration the House bill, entitled, ' . ' "An Act concerning Private Corporations," And reported progress, and asked that the Committee be allowed tq sit again. Mr. Whiley, .Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, informed the House that the Senate had adopted, and asked the concur­ rence of the House in the following Joint Resolution, entitled, "Joint Resolution for adjournment, in commemoration of Washington's Birthday," · Which, on motion of Mr. Cooch, was read,· And, on motion of Mr. Sutton, the Joint Resolution Was · Adopted. Order1d that the Senate be informed thereof, and the resolution returned to that body. Mr. Watson moved, that the House resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole, to further discuss the House bill, entitled, "An Act concerning Private Corporations," Which motion Prevailed; And the House resolved itself into a- Comrriitttee of the . Whole, and the Speaker named Mr.. Frazer as Chairman of the Committee. After some time spent in the Committee of the Whole, the Committee rose, and the speaker resumed the Chair. The Chairman of the Committee reported, that they had under consideration the House bill, entitled, "An Act concerning Private Corporations," Reported progress, and asked to be allowed to sit again. 332

Mr. Cooch offered a Resolution, as follows: Resolved, That when this House ~djourns to-day, it adjourn to meet at 7.3~ P. M,, this evening ; ' Which, on his motion, was Adopted. On motion, the House adjourned.

SAME DAv-7.30 o'clock, P. M. House met pursuant to adjournment. The Speaker stated, that, at the request of Mr. Denney, he would supply his place on the different commmittees, as fol- lows:·· · On Ways and Means, Mr. Temple, On Private Corporations, Mr. Frazer. Mr. Cooch moved, that the. House resolve itself into a committee of the Whole, to further diiicuss the House bill; entitled, " An Act concerning Private Corporations, Which motion Prevailed. And the House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole, to discuss the Pending bill._ The Speaker named Mr. Frazer, as Chairman of ·the Com~ mittee .. After some time spent in the Committee of the Whole, the Committee rose, and the Speaker resumed the chair. 333

The Chairman of the· Committee reported the bill back fo · the House, with various amendments, recommending that the· bill pas~, as amended ; . On motion of Mr. Justis, ; ., There being no objections, ·the Amendments were Adopted. Mr. Justis then moved, · The bill, under consideration be read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House, Whi.ch motion, Was Lost. On motion, the House adjourned.

WEDNESDAY, February 21, 1883-·10_ o'clock, A: M. House met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer .by the Chaplain of the Senate, L W. Gibson. Roll called. Journal read and apprqved. Mr. Crawford, on behalf of the Committee on the Judi­ ciary, to whom was referred the following House bills, viz: ' · " An Act to revive and extend the time fo,r reco~ding pri· vate· acts," · 834

"An Act for the relief of John D. Marshall and others,'' Reported the same back to the House, with the recommen- · dation that they pass. . Mr. Frazer, to whom wasreferred the petition of Jacob T. Melvin and other.s, asking for the passage of an act to prevent live stock from .running at large in School Districts, 173, 31, 120 and I ~9, · Reported the same back to the House, with a bill; en­ titled, '' An Act to ·prohibit live stock from running at large in School Districts, Nos. 173, 31, 120, and 119, in Sussex Coun­ ty;" Mr. Comegys, on behalf of the Committee on Enrollment, . presented for the signature of the Speaker, the following duly and correctly enrolled Senate bill, entitled, · " An Act· to incorporate the Philadelphia and Smyrna Transportation Company.'' . . Mr: Williams presented a petition ofW. J. Willcuts and others, asking for the passage of an act to lay out ::i.· new public road in South , · Which, on his motion, was read and referred to the Com­ mittee on Roads and Vacant Lands. Mr. Wheatley presented a petition of Hardy Culver and others, asking for the passage of an act to transfer a part .of School· District, No.. 45, to School District, No. 56, Sussex County, Which, on his motion, was read and referred to the Com- mittee on Education. · Mr. Perry presented a petition of John Ponder and others, asking for the passage of an act to prevent live stockfrom running at large in School Districts, Nos. 8 and 108, Sussex County, · . .. . Which, on Qis motion, was read and referred to the Com­ mittee on Roads and Vacant Lands. 335

The Speaker presented a petition ~(George T; Barnhill and others, asking for the passage of an actto divide the ninth· ward _in the City of Wilmington, into two election distr~ci:s, Which was read, and referred. to the Committee on Elec-. tions. ·-' · · Mr. Pe~ry offered. a Joint Resolution, entitjed, Joint Resolution in relation to printing and binding th~ Insurance· .report,. ,· · · 1 . Which, on his motion, was read, And _on motion of Mr. Justis, the Joint Resolution was· Adopted. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. Mr. Comegys, in pursuance of previous notice, askeci, and, on motion of Mr. Jacobs, .obtained leave to introduce a bill; entitled,:· · " An Act to incorporate the Delaware Loan Association ~f Wilmington;. Delaware/' . . · · · ·· · · Wh1ch·, on motion of Mr. Com~gys,' was read. Mr.- Justis, in pursuance of previous notice; asked, and, on motion of Mr. Williams, obtained leave to introduce a biH, entitled, "An Act for the Protection of Private Property,"· Whi.ch, on motion of Mr.· Justis, was read. Mr; Coo~h, in pursuance of previous 1iotice, asked; and, · oil motion of Mr. Justis, obtained leave to introduce a bill,. entitled, . . . .

"An Act to amerid Section 2 of Chaptei ·127 of the Revised Statutes, of the State of Delaware, entitled, offenses ' agamst the Lives and Persons of Individuals, . Which,· on motion of Mr. Cooch, was read. Mr; Williams gave notice that, on. to-morrow or some fu­ ture day, he. would ask leave to. introduce a bill, entitled, 336

H An Act to widen and straighten the public road, leading. from the town of Dover, from the town of Camden." Mr. Cooch presented a claim of the Every Evening Publishing Company, against the State of Delaware, Which, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Claims and Accounts. · Mr. Whilev, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, informed the House tha't the Senate had concurred in the Honse bills; entitled, "An Act to incorporate the Enoch Moore, Jr:, Ship and Car Company," "An A.ct to incorporate 'The Guardian Savings and Loan Association ;' " , Also, that the Senate had concurred in the· House amend­ ment to the Senate bill, entitled, "An Act to vest the title of a certain lot of ground with the building thereon erected, in the city of New Castle, in Trustees, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned." · He also informed the 'House, that the Sen.ate had passed, and asked the concurrence of the House; in the following bills, v~ . "An Act to incorporate the town of Frankford,"

"An Act to amend Chapter 48, Section 2, of the Revised Code,'' · " An Act to amend an Act, incorporating the 'Black Swamp Ditch Company, passed at Dover, February 10th, .. 1841,'" " An Act to inr:orporate New Castle Lodge, No, 3, of the American Protestant Association of the State of Delaware,' '' "An Act to create a new school district, from districts No. 62, 63, 64 and 86, in Georgetown Hundred, Sussex county," . " An Act requiring the issuing of a Scire facias on a mortgage to be noted on the record thereof," 887 , · I' An Act to incorporate Delaware Lqdge, No. 349, of the German Order'of Fiarugari, .of Wilmington, Delaware," · "An Act to revive and extend the time for recording the Act, entitled, • An Act incorporate the Delaware Averiue .Club Stables;' " · · He also ret~rneq to the. House, the House bill, drily and correctly enrolled; signed by the Speakers of the two houses, entitled, . · · .. '' An Act to authoriz~ the Mayor and:Council of Wilming- · ton to borrow twenty thousand dollars. · Mr. Lowe offered a Joint Resolution, entitled, " Joint Resolution of five on the part of the House, arid · three on the part of the Senate, to t~e into consideration· .the propriety of purchasing the ground adjoining,,the State House,'' Which,··. on his motion, · was read, and, on his further motion, the Joint Resolution was · · · Adopted. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence: Mr. Lowe offered a Joint Resolution, entitled, " Joint Resolution appointing Directors for the Far'mers' Bank of the State .of Delaware,'' Which, on his motion, w;is read, anci, on his further motion, the Resolution was . . Adopted, Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. Mr; Justis offered a. Resolution, Which, on his motion, was read, as follows : Resolved, That the. Committee on Revised Statutes, Com- , tmittee on Claims and Accounts; the Committee on Private. Corporations, and the. Committee on Municipal Corporations be, and are hereby, authorized to employ, jointly, a clerk to a.id · such Committees ; · · ··

And, 01i his further motion, the resolution was . Adopted.. .' ,,,, .On •s motion of Mr. Frazer,. . the House. bill 1 entitled,,. . . 338

"An Act to re-incorporate the owners and possessors of the marsh, or low ground, commonly called and known by_ the name of 'Cow Marsh Ditch,' situated in North and South Murderkill Hundreds, in Kent County, under the title of the . ' Cow Marsh Ditch Company,'' Was read a second time, by its title, and, on his further motion, was referred to the C_ommittee on Private Corporations. On motion of Mr. Justis, the House bill, entitled, " An Act concerning the ac~nowledgmeht of Deeds, &c.," Was read a second time, by its title, and, on his further motion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. On motion of Mr. Comegys, the House bill, entitled, "An Act to incorporate' The National Lumber Company,'" Was read a second time, by its title; and, on his further motion, was referred to the Committee on Private Corporations. Mr. Barlow, on behalf of the Committee. on Private Cor­ porations, to whom was referred the following House bills, viz: . " An Act to authorize the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad Company to construct a certain branch railroad, and for other purposes," '' An Act to incorporate the· Repauno Chemical Com- pany," . . "An Act to incorporate the Hercules Powder Company,'' "An Act to incorporate the Delaware Saengerbund, of Wilmington, Delaware,'' Also, " An Act. to authorize the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad <;ompany. to str!tighten and widen its lines within this State, ·· · · · With an amendment, · . Reported the same back to the House, with a recomm~nda- . tion that they pass. · On motion of Mr. Perry, the House bill, entitled, 889,

"An Act to incorporate the Milton Library Association/' Was read a second time by its title, and, on his further mo-. tion, was referred to the Committee on Private Corporations. '·: ' '' ,,. . Mr. Cooch, on behalf of the.Committee on Municipal Cor­ porations, to whom was referred the House bill, entitled, · • «An Act to ~uthorize and direct the Levy Court of New Castle County to repay certain moneys to Benjamine F. Town­ send and others,'' . , , .· . Reported the same back to the. House with the recommen- dation that. it, pass. · · He also reported back to the House with a. favorable recom­ mendation, theSenate bill, .entitled, "An Act to amend an act, pa,ssed at Dover, April 8, 1869; entitled, 'An Act to incorporate the town of Felton'.'' Mr. Whiley, Clerk of the Senate, beingadmitted, returned to the Hoµse the duly and correctly enrolled House Joint Reso­ lution, signed by the. Speakers of the two Houses, and entitled·: Joint Resolution concerning Volume 16, Laws of Dela- ware. · · The. House proceeded to the business on the calendar. The House bill, entitled, "An Act concerning private corporntions," Was taken up for consideration'. Mr. Watson moved that the vote by which the motion to have the bill read a third time, by paragraphs, was lost, be re­ considered, Which motion Prevailed. He then moved, that the bill under consideration, as amended, be read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" 840

. The yeas and' nays were ordered, which,being taken,· were as follows: Yeas-Messrs. Barlow, Crawford, Cooch, Frazer, Jacobs, Lewis, Lowe, Messick, Perry, Rawlins, Sutton, Temple, Watson, Williams, and Mr. Speaker-15. · Nays-none. So the bill having received the required Constitutional majority, Paswlthe House. Ordered to the Senate for_ concurrence. Mr. Barlow, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and on motion of Mr. William~, obtained leave to introduce a bill, entitled, "An Act relating to Telegraph Companies," Which, on motion of Mr. Barlow, wa.s read. . Mr. Cooch moved, that the House insist upon its Amend­ ments to the Senate bill, entitled, . . "An Act for the encouragement of Immigration and to .foster the Agricultural Interests· of the State," . Arid asked for a Committee of Conference, Which motion Prevailed.· Whereupon The Speaker named 'Messrs. Crawford, Watson and Cooch as said Committee of Conference. · · · On motion, the House adjourned. 341

SAME DAv.:._3 o'clock, P. M. House met pursuant to adjournment. The Senate bill, entitled, . ".An Act· to amend an Act, passed at Dover, April 8th, 1869, entitled,,' An Act_ to incorporate the town of Felton,' " Was taken up consideration, . . _ And, on motion ofMr; Barlow, the bill under consideration was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House.· On the question, '' shall this bill pass the House ?'' ·. The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows.: Yeas, Messrs. Barlow, Comegys, Cooch, Crawford, Frazer, . Justis, Lewis, Lowe, Messick, Perry, Rawlins; Sutton, Temple, Watson, ·and· Willia~s-:-15. Nays-none'. - . ' ' So the bill, having received . the required constitution;1l majority, _Passed the HfJUse. · Ordered that the Senate be informed thereof, and the bill returned to that body. . · The House bill, with an amendment, entitled, . " An Act to authorize The Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Rail Road Company to. ·construct a certain branch Railroad, and for other purposes," · ' Was taken up for ~onsideration. On ,motion of Mr. Barlow, the amendment was read, and · Adopted.. 842

And, on motion of Mr. Cooch, the bill under consideration was read a third time, by paragraphs,, in order to pass the House. On the question, "shaHthis bill pass the Hou~e ?" The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows,:.. . . ' Yeas, Messrs. Barlo'W, Comegys, ,Cooch, Crawford, Frazer, Justis, Lewis, Lowe, Messick, 'Perry,' Rawlins, Sutton, ·Temple, Watson, and Williams-15. Nays-none.[ , .. · So the bill, h~;ing received tl:ie 'requ'ired constitutional majority, · , Pafse,d the House. Ordt'rt'd tothe Sen~te fqr concurrence. , , . , ·":, ,. 'Mr: 'whil'ey, Cle'rk of the Senate,: being admj/ted, inf~hnecl · the House that ;fhe Senate had q~ncurred in the foUowjµg, House . . Joint Re~olutions, ".iz. :. . . ,,, "J~i~t Resolution appointing Directors for the Farmers' Bank, of the State of Delaware," ·

· · ! ,; Joint Resolution.for. appointme~t.of Joint Committe~ to take into consideration the propriety of purchasing .,the gro11nd adjoining the State House." · . . · Also, that the Senate had concurred· in the Hotise Joint Resolution in relation to printing and bin4ing · the · Insurance Report, with an amendment, and asked the concurrence of the ·House in the amendment. Also, that the Senate had adopted, and. asked the concur­ rence of the. House in a Joint Resolution directing the State Treasurer t6 pay James Kirk and Son the sum of $448. 90, : "Jo'irit Resol~tibn' in_ reference to' 'the: Journals of the respective Houses." · · ·· ' ! · The hour of 3. 15 o'clock havin~ ir~i~ed, · 7 ,. .-·.1,1· .. ::1 The House bill, entitled, ' ' "(. '.!' . ' " An Act to amend Section 1 2, of Chapter I06,. Revised . statut~s," 348

Being the special order of the day; was taken up for consideration, And, on motion of Mr. Crawford, the further consideration of the same was postponed until Tuesday next, at 3: 15 o'clock, P.M. The House bill) '\\'ith amend.I)lents, entitled, "An Act to authorize The Philadelphia, Wilmington. and Baltimore Rail Road Company to straighten and widen its line within this State," · ·· ·· · ' Was taken up for consideration: . Ori mciti~n of Mr.'' Barlow, the a~endnients reported by the Committee, were severally Adopted. . And, ciri motion of Mr. Cooch;"the bill under considera­ tion, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in <:>.rder to pass the. House. · On ~he qu~stion, "Shall this bill. pass the l!~use ?'; The yeas and nays were, ord~~ed, \vhi6h, being tak.e~, were as follows: · · • : · · · . · .· Yeas-'-Messrs; Barlow, Comegys, Cooch, Crawford, Frazer, Justis, Lewis, Lowe, Messick, Perry, Rawlins, ·Sutton, Temple, Watson, Williams----15. Nays~none. So: the bill having received the required Constitutional majority, Passedihe Rous,: Ordered to the Senate for conturrence. The House bill, entitled, "An: Act for the relief of John D. Marshall and others," Was taken up for consideration, And; on motion. of Mr. Lewis, the billun:der 'consideration was read a third time, by paragraphs, in,. order to pass the House; . ' . On the question, " Shall this bill pass the House t' 844

It was decided in the affirmative, and the bill Passed the House.' · Ordered to the Senate for coricurrence. The House bili, entitled,


Was tak_en up for consideration. Mr. Justis moved, that the bill be laid upon the table, for further consideration, Which motion Prevailed. Mr. Sutton, in pursuance of previous·notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Ju.sUs, ?btained leave to introduce a bill, entitl~d, , "An Act to amend the Act, entitled, <<\ n Ac:t for the Suppression of Intemperance; passed at Dover, April 8, 1881,' " Which, on motion of Mr. Justis, was read. Mr. Justis, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Perry, obtained leave to introduce a bill, entitled, "An Act for the rdief of Incorporated towns m this State, Which, on motion.of Mr. Justis, was read. On motion of Mr. Lewis, the Senate bill, entitled, "An Act to incorporate ' Thy Seidel and Hastings Com­ pany;'" Was read. Mr. Watson gave notice that, dn to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce the following bills, viz: "An Act to amend an Act, entitled, ' An Act to incorpo- · rate the town of Milford, passed at Dover Feb. 25th, 1867,' '' "An Act to amend an Act, entitled, a: Supplement to the Act, entitled, 'An Act to incorporate the town of Milford, passed March 29, 1871.'" On mption of Mr. Lewis, the Senate bill, entitled, ".An Act to incorporate the town of Frankford," Was read. Mr. Whiley, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, inform­ ed the House that the Senate had agreed to the request of the 44 346

. House, for a Committee ,of Conference on the bill for the en­ 'couragement of immigration, and to foster the agricultural in° terests of the State, and had appointed as such committee on the part of the Senate, Messrs. Cavender, Mustard and Chandler. · Mr. Temple gave notice that, on to-morrow ~r some future day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill, entitled, "An Act to change the course of a public road in Kent ,Co'un~y." · On motion of Mr. Lewis, the Senate bill, entitled, " An Act to revive and extend the time for recording the act, entitled, 'An Act to incorporate the Delaware Avenue Club · Stables," · Was read. On motion of Mr. Lewis, the Senate bill, entitled, " An Act to incorporate Delaware Lodge, No. 349, of the German Order of Harugari, of Wilmington," Was read. , 'Mr. Sutton gave notice that, on to-morrow. or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill, entitled, "A Supplement to the act to exempt wages from execution · attachment process, passed at Dover, February 2, 1875.' 1 I ' On motion of Mr. Lewis, the Senate bill, entitled, '.' An Act to amend an act, incorporating the. Black Swamp Ditch Company, passed. at Dover, February 10, 1847," Was read. On motion of Mr. Lewis, the Senate bill, entitled, "An Act to incorporate New Castle .Lodge, No. 3, of the A. I'. A., of .the State of Delaware," Was read. On motion of Mr. Lewis, the Senate bill, entitled, "An Act requiring the issuing ofa ,sci re facias in mortgage to be noted in the record thereof," Was read. On motion of Mr. Lewis, th'e Senate bill, entitled, " An Act to amend Chapter 48, Section 2, of Revised Code," · Was read. The Speaker named Messrs. Lowe, Comegys, Watson, Perry, and Justis as a committee on the part of the House, to take into . consideration the. proprietv of purchasing property adjoining the State House. · . - ' Mr. Whiley, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted,. informed the House the Senate had concurred in the House Joint Resolution, appointing a Joint· Committee in. Relation to malarious poison, and had appointed Messrs. Chandler and Mustard, as committee on the part of the Sen~te, And returned the same to the House. The House Joint Resolution, as amended by the Senate, d1ti.tled, . · . . Joint Resol~tion, in rehi;tion to printing· and binding the Insurance Report, Was taken up for consideration: On motion of Mr. Perry, .the Amendments were rea,d, as follows:

IN SENATE, February 21, 1883. · Amend the third Resolution by inserting .the between word, "appointed'' in the first line thereof, and the word " by" in the second line thereof, the words " or to 'be appointed;" · Also, ·to further amend the third Resolution, by striking out the words, " o~ the third Tuesday of" when they occur in the second and third lines thereof, and inserting in lieu th

And, on his further mo'tion,. The Amendments were Ordered th!l,t the Senate be informed t)lereof. On motion; the House adjourned.

MONDAY, February :26, I883-4 o'clock P. M.

House met pursuant to adjournment . .. ,Prayer by the Chaplain of the Senate, Rev. L. W._ Gibson. Roll called. joutrtal read a1,d approved. Mr. B~~low gav_e n_otice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he, would ask leave to introduce a bill, entitled, · ,... "An Act to 'incorporate the v\l'awassett Ice Company." Mr. Cooch presented sundry p~titions of citizens- of the Stat_e in relation to agriculture, Which, on his motion, were read and referred to the· Com- -mittee on t_he Judicia~y. ' 'Mr. Cooch presented a petition ~fA. -P. Lewis and other ' · -citizens ofthe State in relation to the calling of a Constitutional Convention, . Which, on his motion; was read and .referred to the Com- . mittee on theJudiciary. · 349

. Mr. Perry presented a petition of W. T. Hurdle and others, praying for the passage of a law prohibiting live stock from.run­ ning at larg~ in School District, No. 132, Which, on his motion, was read and referred to the Com­ mittee on Roads and Vacant Lands. Mr. Messick gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill, entitled, · " An Act transferring the farm now belonging. to William C. Rush, .and :situated in School District, No. 143, in Sussex County, from said district, No. 143, to School District, No. 90, in said County. · The Speaker offered a Joint Resolution, entitled, Joint Resolution compensating Edward Ridgleyfor hisser­ . vices as Chancellor ad !item, Which, on his rriotion, was read, and, on his further motion, was , · Adopted. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. .. Tile Speaker offered a Resolution, which was >ead, as fol­ lows:·

Resolved, That the Committee Oil Crimes and Punishments be, arid they are hereby ·requested to inquire and reporf to· the House whether any system for the punishment and education of juvenile criminals can be devised as a substitute for ·their con­ finement in the county jails, with leave to report by bill or other­ wise, And.on motion of Mr. Barlow, the Resolution was . Adofted. · Mr. Whiley, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, returned · to the House, the following duly and correctly enrolled House Bills and Joint Resolutions, signed by the Speakers of the two Houses: · · " An , Act to incorporate 'The Gazette' Publishing Com- ' pany,' '' "AnAcno incorporate' The}. M. Pusey Company,'" 350

'' An Act to incorporate 'The· Harrington Library Association,' Kent County, Delaware," ",An Act to amend Section 5, Chapter 34, Revised Statutes, entitled, 'of Constables,' " ".An Act to secure manufacturers of Railroad Equipments, , and rolling stock, in making conditional sales and certain contracts for the lease thereof,'' "An Act to incorporate ' The Ancient Order of Hiber­ nians, Division No. 4, of the city of Wilmington, Delaware,'" . "An Act to revive and re-enact an Act, entitled, 'An Act to incorporate The Tomahawk Branch Ditch Company,'" . . "An Act to incorporate the 'Young Mep's Democratic Club, of Wilmington, Delaware,' " "An Act to incorporate 'The Hickory. Grove Cemeterf Company,' of New Castle County, Delaware,'' "An Act to amend the Act, entitled, 'An Act to incorpo- rate the Capelle Hardware Company,' " · '' An Act to incorporate 'The Mutual Loan Association, of Townsend, Delaware,' "

1' A Joint Resolution in reference to secµring and preserving . Temple Farm and the. Moore House, at Yorktown, Virginia,"· "A Joint Resolution· concerning the 'Robbins Hose Co~pany.'" · He also presented, for the signature of the Speaker of the Honse, the following duly and correctly enrolled Senate bills, signed by the Speaker of the Senate : "An Act to prevent the procurement of Abortion," . ",An Act to amend Chapter 449, of the_ Laws of Delaware, entitled, 'An Act regulating pilots and pilotage of, and in, the Bay and Ri,·er Delaware,' " · "An Act to incorporate·' The Johnson Forge Company.'" The Speaker gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he )VOllid ask leave to introduce the following bills, viz: 351

"'An Act extending the duties of the Clerk of the Market and Regulator of Weights and Measures, in tlie city of Wilmington," · · " An Act to provide for the education and training of . juvenile delinquents~"· 1 Mr. Messick presented a petition of sundry citizens of Sussex County, in relation to appropriating $50,000 for school purposes, Which, on his motion, was read, and referred to the Committee. on Education. On motion of Mr. Cooch, the Senate bill, entitled, '' An Act providing for the appointment of a State Chemist a~d for other purposes," Was read. . Mr. Comegys gave notice that,on to-morrow or some future day, he W(!Uld ask leave to introduce a bill, entitled, ''' An Act to amend an act, entitled, ' An Act to incorpo- rate the town of Middletown'." · On motion of Mr.- Barlow, the House bill, entitled, "An, Act relating to telegraph companies,':' Was read a second time by its title, and, on his further mo­ tion, was referred to the Committee on Private Corporations. · Mr. Justis, on behalf of the Committee on Revised Stat­ utes, to whom was referred the House bjll, entitled, "An Act concerning the acknowledgment of deeds, &c.," Reported the same back to the House with the recommen- dation that it pass. · . On motion of Mr. Justis, the bill just reported to the House was t~ken up for consideration; Upon. his further motion, the bill under consideration was read a third time; by ·paragraphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?',' 352

It was decided in the affirmative; and tlie bill · · :· Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. : . On motion of Mr. C9oc)1, the House bili, entitled;

"An .\ct to amend Section 2 of Chapter· 127 of the Re­ vised Statutes of the· State of Delaware;' e1ititled · offenses against lives and persons of individuals," ' , Was read a second time .by its title, and, on his furthe- • motion, was referred to the Committee on Crimes and Puriishr ments. On motio.n of Mr. Justis, the House bill, entitled, . " An Act for the protection of private property," . Was read a second time by its title; arid, on his further motion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes . . On motion of Mr. Justis, the House bill, entitled, " An Act for the relief of incorporated towns in the State of Delaware,'' · · · . Was read a ~econd time, by its title; and, on his further motion, 'was referred to the Committee on Private Corpora~ · tions. Mr. Whiley, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, informed. ,the House that the Senate had concurred in the House bill, entitled, "A Supplement to an Act, entitled, 'A Supplement to. an Act to incorporate the purchasers of the Wilmington. and ., Western Railroad,' passed March 1, · 1881, Laws of Delaware, Volume 16, Chapter 454," with sundry amendments, and asked the· concurrence of the House in the amendments. · Mr. Justis moved; that the Senate amendments to the hill · just received be reaq, ·. Which motion. Prevailed. And the. amendments were read, as follows : Amend by inserting the following preamble : · · 353 . . WHEREAS, The Delaware Wester~ Railroad Company and the Baltimore and Philadelphia Railway Company, in pursuance of the act to which this is a supplement, and the Laws . of Pennsylvania, hav.e been consolidated, so as to· forrri one corporation known as The Baltimore and Philadelphia Railroad Company, as shown by the certified copy of the agreement of consolidation now on file in the office of the Secretarv of State, and, · WHEREAS, by such_ consolidation, said The Baltimor_e and Philadelphia Railroad Company has become entitled to all the rights, powers, privileges and franchises of the Delaware Western Railroad Company. Therefore,

, Also Amend by striking out Section I of the bill, and inserting in lieu thereof, the following:

Section I. That the said The Baltimore and Philadelphia Railroad Company being the corporation which has succeeded to all the rights, .powers, privileges and franchises of. the Delaware Western Railroad Company, shall be, and is hereby authorized to locate and construct its railroad, or railroads, authorized by the first, section of the act, to which this is a supplement; within the town. of Newark, on the route now located by said Delaware Western Railroad Company, for said railroad within said town, instead of running within one-half a mile of said town, on the north side thereof, as provided in said · act. ·

Also amend by adding the following, after Section 2, of the bill: Sution 3. The President and Directors of said Baltimore and Philadelphia Railroad Company may, from time to time, . borrow money and issue bonds, or other certificates, or evidences of indebtedness, and secure the same by one or more mortgages or deeds of trust upon its . railroad and branches, constructed and to be constructed, and upon the real, personal and mixed property owned, or to be thereafter acquired, by said Company, and the corporate rights, powers, privileges and franchises of said Company, or upon any part. or parts of said road, branches, property, or rights and franchises. And said President and Directors may sell or otherwise dispose of such bonds or certifi­ cates of indebtedness as they may deem necessary and proper for the corporate purposes of said Company. 45 354

. Ame~d by making the original Section 3 of the bill, S~ction 4, of the bill, as amended. ·~ · Senate, Feb. 26, 1883. C. W. WHILEY, JR., Extract from Journal. Clerk ef Senate. Mr. Justis moved that the amendments be concurred in. On the question, " Shall the amendments be concurred in ?" The yeas and nays .were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: Yeas-Messrs. Barlow, Comegys, Cooch, Crawford, Dukes, Frazer, Jacobs, Justis, Lowe, Messick, Perry, Rawlins, Watson, Williams and Mr. Speaker-15. , Nays-None. So the amendments having received the required constitu- tio11al majority, were'. Concurred in. Ordered that the Senate be informed thereof. On motion of Mr. Comegys, the Senate bill, entitled, "An Act to revive and extend the time for rec1Jrding the Act, entitled, 'An Act to incorporate the Delaware Avenue Club Stables,' '' ' Was read a second time, by its title, and; on his further · motion, was referred to the Comrr.iittee on Private Corporations. On motion of Mr. Comegys, the Senate bill, entitled, ·. "An Act to incorporate 'The Seidel and Hastings Com­ pany,' " Was read a second time, by its title, and on his further motion, was referred to the committee on Private Corporations. On motion of Mr. Comegys, the Senate bill, entitled,

1 " An Act to create a new school district, from districts No. 62, 63, 64 and 86, in Georgetown Hundred, Sussex · county,'' · Was read a second time, by its title, and, on his further motion, was· referred. to the Committee on Education. 355

bn ~otion of Mr. Cornegys, tl:ie Senate bill, ~ntitled, · "An Act to incorporate Delaware Lodge, No. 349, of the German Order of Harrigari, of Wilmington, Delaware," · Was read a second time, by its title, and, on his further motion, was referred to the Committee on Private Corporations . . On motion of Mr. Comegys, the Senate bill, entitled, . '' An Act to amend an Act incorporating 'The Black Swamp Ditch Company, passed at Dover, Delaware,· February 10th, 1841, Was read a second time, by its title, and, on his further motion, was referred to the Com1i1ittee on Private Corporations. On motion of Mr: Comegys, the Senate bill, entitled, , " An Act requiring the issuing of a Scire Facias on mort- gage to be noted in .the record thereof," · Was read a second time by its title, and, on his further mo­ tion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. On motion of Mr. Comegys, the Senate bill, entitled, ·

•' An Act to amend Chapter 48, Section 2, of Revised Code," · Was read a second time by its title, and, oh his further mo­ . tion, was referred to the Committee on. Revised Statutes. On motion of Mr. Comegys, the Senate ,bill, entitled, · "An Act to incorporate New Castle Lodge, No. 3, of the A. P. A., of the State of Delaware," · · · -. . . Was read a sec0nd time by its title, and; on his farther mo- tion, was referred to the Committee on Private Corporations .. On motion of Mr. Comegys, the Senate bill, entitled, "An Act to incorporate the town of Frankford," Was read a second time by its title, and, on his further mo­ tion, was referred to the (ommittee on Municipal Corpora- tions; · On motion, the House adjourned. 356

TUESDAY, February 27, 1883-10 o'clock, A. ·M. House met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by the Chaplain of the Senate, Rev. L. W. Gibson. Roll called. Journal read and approved. Mr. Temple, on behalf of the Committee on Ways and Means, to whom' was referred the House bill, entitled, "An Act to alter and amend the Act, entitled, 'An Act to raise Revenue for State and County purposes, passed at Dover, March 30th, 1871," . And, the Senate bill, entitled, "An Act to amend Chapter 390, Volume_ 13, of the Laws of Delaware, entitled, 'An Act providing Revenue for this State,''' Reported the same back to the House, with the.recommen- dation that they pass. ·

Mr. Crawford, on behalf of the Committee 01~ the Judiciary, to whom was referred the Senate bilI, entitled, , ·

'i An Act to prevent injury to burial grounds, and the removal of bodies therefrom," Reported the same back to the House, with the recommen­ dation that it pass. Mr. Justis, on behalf of the Committee on Revised Statutes, to whom w~.s referred the Senate bill, entitled,

" An Act to amend Chapter, 48, Section 2, of the Revised Code," 357

Reported the same back to the House, recommending that it pass, He also reported with an amendment, the Senate bilr, entitled, ' I .. "An Act to amend an Act, entitled, ' An Act for the Suppression of Intemperance, passed at Dover, April 5, 1881.' " Mr. Sutton, on behalf of the Committee on Crimes and · Punishments, to whom was referred .the Resolution in relation to the education and training of Juvenile delinquents, reported · a bill, entitled, · · · " An Act to provide for the Education and Training of Juvenile delinquents ;" He also reported with a favorable recommendation, the Senate bill, entitled, · · "An Act for the preservation of Peace and Good Order." Mr. Barlow, on behalf of the Committee on Private Cor­ porations, to whom was referred the following House bills, entitled, ·. "An· Act to re-incorporate the . owners and possessers of the marsh or low grounds, commonly called and known by lhe name 0f 'Cow Marsh Ditch,' situated in North and South Murderkill Hundreds, in Kent county, under the title of 'The Cow Mar~h Ditch Company,'" "An Act to incorporate the Stanton Manufacturing Com­ pany," "An Act to incorporate ' The Newark Exchange Building · As~ociation,' " "An Act to, incorporate ' The International Lumber Company,'" "An Act to incorporate the Broadkiln Oyster Company,' " "An Act, entitled, ' An Act to incorporate the Milton · Library Association,' " With an Amendment, 358.

. Reported the same back to the House,with the recommen- dation that they pass; · - ; He also reported back to the House, .with an Amendment, and recommending that it pass the Senate bill, entitled,.· " An Act to incorporate the American' Union Insurance Company." · •Mr. Frazer, on behalf · of the Committee· on Roads and Vacant Lands, to whom was referred the petition of John Par~· ker and others, praying for the passage of an act. ~o Jay out-~ .!Jew public road in Kent· County, repor~ed a bill, et)titled; . : "An !\ct ·to lay, out .a new .Public road in West Dover Hundred, Kent County. · . Mr. Frazer, on behalf of the Committee on Roads. and Vacant Lands, .to whom was referred the petition o( John W. Short and others, praying for the passage of a Stock Law .in .School District 42~, Sussex County,. reported a bill, et)titled. "An Act to prevent live stock from running at large in School District,No. 42~, in SussexCoµnty." Mr. Frazer, on behalf of the C~mmittee· on Roads arid'. Vacant Lands, to whom was referred the petition of W. T. Hurdle, praying- for the passage of an act to prohibit. live sto<;k from runnit)g at large in school district, No •. 132,.in Sussex C~mnty, reported a bill, entitled, "An Act prohibiting live stock from· runnmg at large in school di~trict, No. 132, in Sussex· County. '. Mr. Frazer, on behalf of the ·committee on Roads and · Vacant Lands;to whom was referred the petition of I). A. Web~­ s~er ancl' others, asking for the passage of :in act to straighten a public road in West. Dover Hundred, reported a bill, entitled, . . ' . ' \ "An. Act to straighten a public road in West Dover. Hundred, Kent County, from Hawkin's M. E. Church;· tc> Wright's Cross Roads. Mr., Lewis, on. behalf of the Committee on Divorces, to 'whom was referred the petition of W. H. Vaughn, asking:to be -divorced from his wife, Martha A. Vaughn; reported a bill, entitled, . · · - 859

• "An Act to dissolve the bonds of matrimony, between W. H. Vaughn and Martha A. Vaughn," '. Mr. Comegys, on behalf of the Committee on Enrollment, presented for the signature of the. Speaker, the following duly and correctly enrolled House bill, entitled, "A Supplement to an Act, entitled, 'A Supplem~nt to.an · Act, to Incorporate the Purchasers of the Wilmington and Western Railroad.'· " . . . Mr. Messick, on b~half of the Committee on Education, to.whom was referred the House bill, entitled, "An Act to ·dissolve school district, No .. 106, .in Kent county." "Mr: Cooch, on behalf of the Committee on Municipal Corporations, to whom was referred the House bill, entitled, "An Act to repeal Chapter 495, Volume 16, Laws of · Delaware, passed at Dover, A1,ril 4th, 1881, Reported the same back to the House, with the recommen­ dation that it pass. Mr. Messick presented a petition of Samuel M. Short and others, asking for the passage of an Act to prohibit live stock from running at large, in school district, No. 130, in .Sussex county, · Which, on his motion, was read and referred to the Committee on Roads and Vacant Lands. Mr. Dukes presented a petition of Jos. Bunting and others for a stock law in school district, N9. 156, Sussex county, Which, on his motion, was read and referred to the Com­ mittee on Roads and Vacant Lands. , Mr. Comegys presented a petition of sundry citizens of - New Castle county, in relation to dividing New Castle county, which, on his motion, was read and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. · . Mr. Sutton presented a petition of sundry ~itizens of Red , Lion Hundred, in relation to dividing New Castle county, 360,

Which, on his motion, was r,ead and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

Mr. Barlow moved that 100 copies of the House bill, entitled, "An,Act in relation to Telegraph Companies;" Be printed for the use of the House, Which motion Prevailed. , Mr. Barlow, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, , · on motion of Mr. Frazer, obtained leave to introduce a bill, entitled, ' "An Act to incorporate 'The Wawassett Ice Company,'" Which, on motion of Mr. Barlow, was read. Mr. Whiley, Clerk of the Senate, informed the House that the Senate had concurred in the House bills, entitled, "An Act to authorize The Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad Company to widen and improve its lines within this State,'' " An Act to authorize The Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad Company to construct a certain branch railroad, and for other purposes." ,Mr. Williams, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and on motion of Mr. Messick, obtained leave to introduce a bill, ,entitled, "An Act to widen and straighten the public road leading into the town of Dover, from the town of Camden," Which, on motion of Mr. Williams, was read. Mr. Messick, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and on motion of Mr. Williams, obtained leave to introduce a bill,, entitled, " An Ad trnnsferring the farm now belonging to William C, Rust, and situated in School District, No. 143, in Sussex Courity, from said district, No. 143, to School District, No. 90, in said County," 361

·Which, on motion of Mr.. Messick, was read. · Mr. Comegys, in •pursuance of r-revious notice, asked, and on motion of Mr. Lowe, obtained leave to introduce a bill, entitled, · "An Act extending the duties of the Clerk of the Market' and Regulator of Weigh ts and Measures," Which, on motion of Mr. Comegys, was read. Mr. Watson gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill, entitled, " An Act to change the course of a public road in Milford 'Hund:recl.'' · ' Mr. Comegys gave notice that, on to-morrrow or some fu- ture day, he wuuld ask leave to introduce a bill, entitled, An Act to amend Chapter 106, of the Revised· Statutes, concern.i ng pleading and practice in civil actions." On motion of Mr. Comegys, the House bill, entitled,' "An Act to incorporate the Delaware Loan Association, of Wilmington, Delaware," Was read a second time by its title, and, on his further mo­ tion, was referred to the Committee on Private Corporations." On motion of Mr. Frazer, the House-bill, entitled, "An Act to dissolve School District, No. 106, in Kent County," Was read a second time by its tipe. The House proceedef} to the business on _the calendar. The House bill, entitled, " An Act to prevent live stock from running at large in School District, No. 53, in Sussex County/' Was ·taken up for consideration, and, on motion of Mr. Frazer, the bill under consideration was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House." 46 . 362

On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" It.was decided in the affirmative, and the bill Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. The House bill, entitled, "An Act to revive and extend the time for recor!iing private acts," Was taken up for consideration, And, on motion of Mr. Perry, the bill under consideratio·n was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, " shall this bill pass the House?" The yeas and. nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: Yeas, Messrs. Barlow, Comegys, Cooch, Crawford, Dukes, Frazer, Jacobs,Lowe, Perry, Rawlins, Sutton, Temple, Watson, Williams-I 4, Nays-none. So -the bill having received the required constitutional majority, Passed the House. Ordered to· the Senate for concurrence. The House bill, entitled, "An Act to prohibit live stock fromnmning at large, in School Districts, 173, 31, 120 and 119, in Sussex County," Previously reported from the Committee on Roads .and Yacant Lands, Was, on motion of Mr. Frazer, read. The House bill, entitled, "An Act to incorporate 'The Repauno Chemical Com­ pany,' " Was taken up for consideration, And, on motion of Mr. Comegys, the bill under consideration was read a third time,· by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "shafl this bill pass the House?" The yeas and nays were ordered, which,·being taken,' were as follows : · Yeas, Messrs. Barlow, Comegys, Cooch, Crawford, Dukes, Frazer, Jacobs, Lowe, Messick, Perry, Rawlins, Sutton, Temple, Watson, William.s"""".""15. · Nays-none. So the bill, having received the required constitutional majodty, Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. The House bill, entitled, "An Act to incorporate the Hercules Powder Company," Was taken up for consideration, and, on motion of Mr. Barlow, the bill under consideration was read a .third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, " Shall this bill pass the House?" The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: Yeas-Messrs. Barlow, Comegys, Cooch, Crawford, Duke's, Frazer, Jacobs, Lowe, Messick, Perry, Rawlins,Sutton, Temple, Watson, Williams-15. Nays-None. So the bill having received the required constitutional ma· jority, Passed the House • Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. The House bill,entitled, . · " An Act to incorporate the Delaware Saengerbund of Wilming~on, Delaware," 364

Was taken up for consideration,and, on motion of M~. rra­ zer, the bill under consideration was -read a third time, by par~ · agraphs, in order to pass the House, . On the question, " Shall this bill pass the House?" The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows : ' . Yeas-Messrs. Barlow, ·Comegys, Cooch, Crawford,Dukes, Frazer, Jacobs,Lowe,,M~ssick, Perry, Rawlins, Sutton, Temple, Watson, Williams-15. · Nays-None. So the bill having received the required constitutiC>nalma7 · . jority, Passed tke House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. The Senate Joint Resolution, entitled, . . . · Joint Resolu~ion directing the State Treasurer to pay James Kirk & Son.th,.~ sum of $448.90, Was taken up for consideration, which, on ~otion of Mr. Frazer, was read and referred to· the Committee on Claims and , Accounts. · · The Senate Joint Resolution, entitled, Joint Resolution in reference to .the Journals of the respec­ tive Houses, . Was; on motion ofMr. Perry, read; · and,· on his · further · motion, was Concurred in. Mr. Whiley, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted,informed the House that the Senate had adopted, and asked the concur­ rence of the House in a Joint Resolution in relation to adjourn- mant. · The ;House bill, entitled, . . ' . t ~ . "An Act to alter and amend the Act, entitled, 'An Act to raise revenue for State and County purposes,' passed at Doyer, March 30, 1871," · · 365 ·.·

Was taken up for consideration, And, on moti~n of Mr. Cooch, the biU ~nder ~tmsideration was read a· third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "shall this bill pass the House?" It was decided in. the affirmative, . And i:he bill Passed the House.·· Ordered to the Senate for concurrence .. Tl,c Senate bill, entitled, "An Act to.amend Chapter 390, Volume 13, of the Law~ of Delaware, entitled, 'An Act. providing revenue for this State,' " ., Was taken up for consideration, And, on motion of Mr. Frazer, the bill under consideration was read a third time, by paragraP.hs, in order to pass the House. On the question " shall this bill pass the House? " It was decided in the affirmative, And th::'bill Passed tffe House. Ordered that the Senate be informed thereof, and the bill returned to that l;>ody. The Senate bill, entitled, "An Act to prevent injury to Burial Grounds, ami, the . rem.oval of bodies therefrom," Was taken up for consideration, · And, on. motion of Mr.. Barlow, the bill 'under considera­ , tion was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, " shall this bill pass the House? " It .was deciµed in the affirmative, And the bill Parsed the House~ 866

Ordered that the Senate be informed thereof, and the bill returned to that body. · The Senate bill, entitled,

"An Act to amend Chapter 48, Section 2, of Revised Code," Wa:s taken up for consideration, And, on motion of Mr. Justis, the bill under consideration was read a third· time, by ,paragraphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, " shall this bill pass the House ? " It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill Passed the House. Ordered that the Senate be informed thereof, and the bill returned to that body. The Senate bill, as amended, entitled, •• An Act to amend an Act, entitled, ' An Act for the Suppression of Intemperance, passed at Dover, April 5, 1881,' " Was taken up for consideration ; On motion of Mr. Justis, the Arii'en'ifirtertt was read, as follows: "Or if such owner shall be a married woman, that then, and in such case such application may be made, filed, presented and:"sworn to by her husband,". And,· on his further motion, the amendment was Adopted. And, on motion of Mr. Crawford, the bill, as amended, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the H<;>Use. On the question, " Shall this bill, as amended, pass the House?" · It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill Passed the House.