1910 Abstract – Supplement for Delaware

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1910 Abstract – Supplement for Delaware SUPPLEMENT FOR DELAWARE POPULATION AGRICULTURE MANUFACTURES MINES AND Ql)ARRIES 73787°~13~37 (565) CHAPTER 1. NUMBER OF INHABITANTS. Introduction.-This chapter gives the population of the increase during the last two decades i the density Delaware, by counties and minor civil divisions, as of the total and the rural population at the census of enumerated at the Thirteenth Census, taken as of 1910; and the distribution of the population at the last April 15, 1910, with comparative statements of popu­ two censuses according to urban and rural districts, lation where possible, and a statement and discussion are given in Table I of Chapter 2. for the state as a whole} of the population living in The tables and text of the present chapter contain urban and in rural territory. The statistics are given few technical expressions whose meaning is not appar­ in detail in two general tables. · ent. '!'he census usage in regard to certain terms is, Table 1 (p. 57 3) shows the population of Delaware dis­ however, explained below: tributed according to counties and minor civil divisions Density of populatlon.-Thetotaldensityofpopulationisobtained at the last three censuses, namely, those of 1910, 1900, by dividing the population of the state or county by the number of andl890. The arrangement of counties is alphabetical, square milos in its land area. In calculating the density of rural while the primary divisions in each county are given in population, the same divisor is used as it is not practicable to ascer­ tain and deduct the exact area covered by the urban districts, anrl numerical order. The figures for secondary divisions even if this could be done with accumcy the deduction of this area and forwards of cities are printedinitalics. The changes :fltom the total land area would ordinarily make a scarcely appre­ in boundaries, name, or form of organization that have ciable difference in the resulting quotient. taken place since 1900 are indicated in the footnotes to Minor civil divisions.-The counties are divided generally into the table. For changes between 1890 and 1900 refer­ smaller political units which bear different designations in the difier­ ence must be made to the census report of 1900. ent parts of the country, such as towns, townships, election pre­ cincts, representative distrids, etc. Of these minor civil divisions, The population of the state in 1910 was returned those which rank next to the county as geographic areas are termed by representative districts; in 1900 it was returned by ·primary divisions. In many instances, however, these primary hundreds. Comparisons of the population in 1910 divisions contain political units of still smaller area, such as cities, are made in this table with the population of 1900 and incorporated villages, towns, or boroughs. These smaller political units or subdivisions are ro:ferred to as secondary divisions. of 1890 wherever the representative districts coincide Urban and rural population defined.-'fhe Census Bureau, for in area with the hundreds for which the population was purposes of discussion, has defined urban population as that residing returned at the earlier censuses. In many cases, how­ in cities and other incorporated places of 2,500 inhabitants or more, ever, these areas do not coincide, and for this reason and rural population as that residing outside of such incorporated it is impossible to present strictly comparable figures places. The comparisons of the urban and rural population in 1910 with for all representative districts. As a result in the case that at earlier enumerations may be made either with respect to the of two counties the totals for 1900 and 1890 exceed the varying proportions of the two classes at successive enumerations or aggregate.population of the minor civil divisions given with respect to the increase between enumerations. 'l'hese two dis­ in the table. tinct forms of comparison are made in Table I of Chapter 2 for the Table 2 (p. 57 4) shows the cities and incorporated state as a whole and for each county separately for the last two cen­ suses. The territory comprising the urban and the rural population towns in Delaware, alphabetically arranged, with of the state, respectively, remained unchanged :from 1900 to 1910. their population in 1910, 1900, and 1890. Thus, in Delaware, there are no disturbing effects on these compari­ The population of Delaware, by counties, at each of sons such as arise in other states from: the passage, for example, of the last five censuses, from 1870 to 1910, inclusive; communities classed as rural in 1000 into the urban group in 1910. lIISTORICAL NOTE.-Delaware takes its name from the river and bay which form a t11e Dutch retook New York and a Dutcl1 governor W11S appointed for the Delaware part ofits eastern boundary, and which were named In honor of Lord de la Warr, counties. In the following year, however, these counties reverted to the English governor of Virginia, by Samuel Argall, one of his associates, who explored the bay and again passed under the jurisdiction of New York. In 1611. In 1682 Wllliam Penn, who In the preceding year had been granted the province of The region now constituting Delaware was included In the several Virginia Pennsylvania, acquired the Delaware counties (then called "The Territories") charters (1606-1612), but the first explorer to visit It was Henry Hudson, saillng from the Duke of York. Lord Baltimore disputed the possession of this territory, but under the Dutch flag, who discovered the bay and river In 1609. In 1631 a Dutch the crown ruled against his claim. For about 20 years The Territories were governed ~ettlement was made near the present site of Lewes, but It wa.s destroyed by the 11.'l apart of Pennsylvania; then they were given a separate legislature, but remained Indians shortly afterwards. The first permanent settlement within the present under the governor of J>ennsylvanl11 until the outbreak of the Revolution. limits of the state was made In 1638 by a colony of Swedes under Peter Minuit, In 1776 The Territories, under the name of Delaware and with substantially the who built Fort Christiana near the present site of Wilmington and named tho present boundaries of the state, adopted a state constitution. The new common­ country New Sweden. The Swedes were conquered by the Dutoh of New Nether­ wealth took part :in the Revolution, and in December, 1787, ratified the Federal land In 1M5, and from that time until 1664 the Dutch claimed and controlled the Constitution. territory, Delaware was one of the original thirteen states. In 1664 New Netherland was taken by the English under the Duke of York. The According to estimates made prior to Urn first Federal census, !n 1790, the popula­ counties now forming Delaware were surrendered by the Dutch at the same time, tion of the colony ol Delaware at different dates was as follows: 21i,OOO in 1770and and from 1664 to 1673 were under the jurisdiction of New York. In the latter year 37 ,000 in 1780. (567) 568 SUPPLEMENT FOR DELAWARE. TOTAL POPULATION, INCREASE, AND DISTRIBUTION. Population of the state.-Tho population of Delaware ceding decade, 1890-1900, but it is considerably lower is 2021322; Compared with a population of 184,735 in than thnt for any other decade since 1840. 1900, this represents an increase during tho past decade The following table shows the population of Dela. of 17 ,587, or 9. 5 por cont. During tho same period the ware at each census from 1790 to 1910, inclusive total popuh1tion of the United States increased 21 per together with the increase and per cent of increas~ cont. Tho percentage of increase for the state during during each decade, in comparison with the per cent this <locndo is uJmost identical with that for the pre- of increase for the United States as a whole . INCREASE OYER l'RECEDINQ Per cont CENSUS. or increase CENSUS YEAR. Population. for tho United Number. Por cent. States. ------------.----·-··----·---------'------11-----1 ··--- 1!)10 •.•...•..•.....•.•..... ·.....•.........•.. 202,322 17,587 0.5 21. 0 1000 .............. ·- ........................ ' 184,735 16, 242 9.G 20.7 1800. -. -........•..•...•..... -• -............ - l.GS,493 21,885 14.9 25.5 1880 ........................................• 146,608 21,593 17.3 30.1 1870 •..........................•..•.•.......• 125,015 12, 799 11. 4 22.6 1800 .•.•........•............................ 112, 216 20,68<1 22.G 35.6 1850 ......•..............................•... 91, 532 13,447 17.2 35.9 1840 ........ -............ ·- ...... -··- ....... 78,085 1, 337 1. 7 32. 7 1830 •....•.......... - .............. -..... -.. 76,748 3,999 5.5 33.5 1820 •..•...............•..... '· •............• 72,749 75 0.1 33.1 1810 ..••.•.•..•..•..•......................•• 72,674 8,401 13.1 36.4 1800 ......................................... 64,273 5,177 8.8 35.1 1700 .••............ -- ... -·. -· ....... - .•...... 59, 090 .. ................ ............. ............ --·---·--·-·---------·····---------- -'------_::______ .:._ ___ c;___ It will he notieed from this table that tho earlier 'rhe maps on page 571 show the increase or decrease censuses showed a slower and more irregular growth in the total and the rural population, respectively, of in the population of the state than have the later ones. each county of Delaware during the last decade. In From 1790 to 1810 the absolute increase in population the one county shown in white the population de­ wo,s 13,578, or 23 per cent; from 1810 to 1840 the in­ creased, while in the two counties shaded with diagonal crease was 5,411, or 7 .4 per cent. The increase for the lines it increased. 50 years from 1790 to 1840, therefore, was 18,989, or Cities,-Delaware has two cities, Wilmington and 32.1 per cont. During the next 50 years, from 1840 New Castle, with 87,411 and 3,351 inhabitants, re­ to 1890, the population of the state more than doubled.
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