Mr. Smith gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future

« An act to amend the charter of the City of New Castle.'' Mr. Chipman gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future arµen.d Cb.~pwr 75 of the R~vised $tat"'t~s of Pel- 14wa,r~" 1 Which, on motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, was read. Mr. Smith, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on ~on (I M,. (;r3nston1 ob~ined lea~ to introduc~ a bill (M. B. No. 270) entitled "A bill iQ aid of the Ferris Industrial S.chQ~," ~hich,. on motion of Mr. Smith, was read. Mr. T..,,~ i~. ~r&µaJ)ce of prev:ioqs notice, ~ske(;i, ~q. on motion of Mr. Jackson, obtained leave to introduce a bill (~. B. No. 2:71) eetitled

"An acl: to divorce Lemuel D. Tingle from his w~fe1 Mahala C; Tingle," Which, on motion of Mr. Tindall, was read.

}4r. Eisenbrey! in pursuan~e of previ.qus. notice, aske~, and, on motion of Mr. Rickards, obtained leave to mtroduc~ a btll (H. B~ No. 272) entitled "An act ft>r the relief of School Districl: No. 75, in S')sse:x: county," Which, on motioQ of Mr. Eisenbrey, was read.

Mr. Smitl1,, i,;1 p.11rs~nc, 9f/rev1qus l)ot;~. ~kt!d, ~.d., on motion of Mr. Higgins, obtaine leave to introduce a bill (H. B. N,e. w;3) entitled . "An acl: to. incorporate the Grand Lodge, Shield o( Hon9r, of Delaware,'·' · Which, on motion of Mr. Smith, ·was r~ad.

Mr. Hickman, mf)UFSUailce efpreviou._ s notice, asked, and, on motioq o.f Mr, N:Ul (:t,i. B. No. 274) entitled · "..\o a~ io. ~~v.m-qe Georg-, W. fipe,r aP4 $.~~Pip~#'~ the bonds of matrimony," 42i

Which, on rnotioh of Mr. Hickman, was tead.

Mr. Tindall, in pursuance of previous notice, .asked, and1 on motion of Mr. Jackson, obtained leave to introduce a bJ!l (H. B. No. 275) ent'itled "An act for the relief of School District No. 77~. in Sussex ,county)'' Whi1.:h, on motion of Mr. Tindall, was read. Mr. Eisenbrey, in pursuan~ of previous notice, asked, artd, on motion of Mr. Rickards, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 276) entitled "An ac't to incorporate the South Prong bitch Company,'; Which, on motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, was reacl. On motion of Mr. Smith, the bill (H. B. No. 267) entitled "An act to incorporate the Minquadale Home," Was read a second time, by it& title, And 'fwthf!t, oh his motion, was ref~rred to the Committef on Private Corporations. On motion of Mr. Smith, the bill (H.B. No. 259) entitled "An act to establish Good Friday as a legal holiday," Was r~d a second timt, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Education. On ltlotiotl of Mr. Oay, the bill (Ii, B, No. o6o) etttltled "An act to amend Chapter 472, Volume 18, Laws ~f beia~ ware,'' Was read a second time, by its title, And fi.irthe!r, on his thotidn, was ~fet'ted to the Comthitt'ee on Revised Statutes. On motion of Mr. Smith, the bill (It ll No. 261) entitled 422

'' An aet to reincorporate the Banking House Corporation of Wilmington,'' Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Private Corporations.

On motion of Mr. Tindall, the bill (H. B. No. 266) entitled '' An aet to divorce Mary E. Webb and her husband, William A. Webb, from the bonds of matrimony," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on. his motion, was referred to the Committee on Divorce.

On motion of Mr. Walton, the bill (H. B. No. 262) entitled

"An ~ to divorce Isaac A. Gray from his wife, Marguerite Gray," · · Was read a second time, by its title, And; on his further motion, was referred to the Committee on Divorce.

On motion of Mr. Smith, the bill (H. B. No. 268) entitled "An aet authorizing the appointment of a Notary Public for the Equitable Guarantee and Trust Company, at Wilmington, Delaware,'' . . Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Judiciary. On motion of Mr. R. R. Morris, the bill (H. B. No. 147) en- titled · '' An act to dissolve the bonds of matrimony between William B. Watson and Amanda E., his wife," Was ta~en up for consideration, 423

And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed Ike House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Ridgely, the bill (H. B. No. 94) entitled "An act to divorce Nellie Strain and William A. Strain, her husband, from the bonds of matrimony," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, reported as duly and correctly s,!nrolled the following Senate bill and joint resolution, viz: The bill (S. B. No. 12) entitled '' An act to vest in a certain person the title to certain es­ cheated lands;" The Senate joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution appointing a joint committee to investigate the condition of the State Treasury," And pr~sented the same for the signature of the Speaker of the House. Mt. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, informed the House that the Senate had concurred in the following House bills and House joint resolutions, viz: The bill (H. B. No. 184) entitled "An act to incorporate the Provident Ice Company;" The bill (H. B. No. 45) entitled

11 An act to incorporate the Deadwood and Delaware Stfu~lting Company;'' The bili (11. B. No. 58) entitled "An act to divorce Charles H. Boyle from his wife, Bridget E. Boyle;" The bill (H. B. No. 37) entitled "An act to divorce Mary Jones from her husband.James B. Jones, and to give to her the custody of her children;" The House joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution in relation to the remains ot ex-Governor Hazlett;" The House joint resolution entitled ''Joint resolution in relation to furnishing the Auditor's office,'' And returned the same to the House. He also ptesented to the House a bill of John Wartamaket against the State of Delaware for $305. 25 for furniture furnished for the Secretary of State's office, the same having been exam­ ined and approved by the Senate Committee on Claims. On motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, the bill (H. B. No. 144) entitled

11 An act transferring the farm of Isabella· Smith from School District No. 29, in Kent county, to School District No. 87, in Kent ctmnty," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para­ graphs, in order to pass the House. Ort the qllestlort, "Sha.11 this Wti pass the House?" lt was decid~d in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence.

On motion of Mr. Higgins the bill (H. B. No. 127) entitled "An act to mairitai~ ,and foster .the National Guard of Dela- ware, and for its betterment/' Was taken up for consideration. On motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, The bili was recommitted to the Committee on Federal lt~a.. tions . .on motion of Mr, Smith, the bill {S, B. No. 1.58) entitled "A supplement to the acts incorporating and reincorporating the Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company, of the State of Delaware, and amending and renewing the charter thereof,'' Was taken up for consideration, . And, on his further motion, the amendment proposed by the Committee ori Private. Cotporatioris, was read, Mr. Smith moved the amendment be adopted, Which motion Prevailed. On the further motion of Mr. Smith. . The hill l'.lnder considetation was read, as amended, a third time; by paragraphs, ill order to pass the House. On the question, '' Shall this bill pass the House?'' The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: Yeas-Messrs. Attix, Chipman, Cranston, Day, Elkinton, Hickman, Higgins, Hutson, Jackson, Marvel, Morris, E. J., Morris, R. R., Rickards, Smith, Thomas, Walton and Mr. Speaker-17. Nays-None . . So the question was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required constitutional majority, Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for 'concurrence. On motion of Mr. Smith, the bill (H. B. No. 175) entitled '' An act to further amend the charter of the city of Wilming­ ton,'' Was taken up for consideration, And, on his further motion, the amendments proposed by the Committee on Municipal Corporations, were read, · And further, on his motion, Were Adopted. On the further motion of Mr. Smith, The bill under consideration was read, as amended, a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, '' Shall this bill pass the House?'' The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: Yeas-Messrs. Attix, Cranston, Day, .Eisenbrey, Elkinton, Hickman, Hi~gins, Hutson, Jackson, Marvel, Morris, R. R., Rickards, Smith, Thomas, Walton and Mr. Speaker-16. Nays-None. So the question was decided in the affirmative~ 427

And the bill, having received the required constitutional ma­ jority, Passed Ike House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion, the House adjourned until 3 o'clock this afternoon.

SAME DAY, 3 o'clock P. M. House met pursuant to adjournment. On motion of Mr. Eisenbrey,. the bill (H. B. No .. 198) entitled '' An acl in relation to the sale of law books,'' Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, " Shall this bill pass the House?" It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed Ike House. Ordered to the Senate for co~currence. On motion of Mr. Cranston, the bill (H. B. No. 5) entitled "An act to transfer the farm of Thomas D. Lynam from School District No. 20 to United School District Nos. 21 and 97. New Castle county," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para­ graphs, in order to pass the House. 428

Ort the question, "Shall this bill pass the ffouse 1;' It wa!I de'Cided ih the affirmative, And the bill, having tecelved the t~qtdred rttajot'itf, Pass'd IM House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate. being admitted, informed the House that the Senate had adopted and requested the con­ currence of the House in a joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution accepting the appropriation and trusts made and imposed by an act of Congress, approved March 2, 1891, and authnrizlRt the Govethejr to receive the sum of money cred­ ited to the State of Delaware in pursuance of the provisions of said act," And ptesentt!d the M.trte to the House. He also informed the House that the Senate hatl conci.1t'ted in the House joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution act:e.pting the i11vitatlon to visit Delaware C_ollege,'' And retu'l'tted the 9afne to the Uwse, He also informed the House that the Setta'te h11d pa!>

Upon which motion the yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: · Yeas-Messrs. Eisenbrey, Elkinton, Hickman, Higgins, Hut­ son, Rickards, Thomas, Walton and Mr. Speaker-9. Nays-Messrs. Jackson, Marvel, Morris, E. J., Morris, R.R., Ridgely, Smith and Tindall-7. . So the question was decided in the affirmative, And the motion Prevailed. On motion of Mr. Chipman, the bill (H. B. No. 113) ~ntitled " An act concerning peach yellows," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, the amendments proposed by the Committee on Revised Statutes were read. On motion of Mr. Jackson the bill was laid on the table for further consideration. Mr. Hutson, on behalf of the Committee on Revised Statutes, to whom had been referred the bill (H. B. No. 210) entitled

"An act to amend Section 8, Chapter 156 of Volume 17 1 of the Laws of Delaware,'' · . Repoit~d the same back to the House, with the recommenda­ tion that 1t pass. On motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, the bill (H. B. No. 210) entitled

"An act to amend Section 8, Chapter 156, of Volume 17 1 of the Laws of Delaware, 11 Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para­ graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" It was decided in the affirmative, 431

And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. Mr. Day gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill entitled '' An act to incorporate the Swedish Beneficial Society of Wil­ mington, Delaware.'' Mr. Hickman gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill entitled "An act to limit the cutting of hay on the public marshes known as 'The Mare Marsh in Baltimore hundred, Sussex county.'" On motion of Mr. Rickards, the bill (S. B. No. 30) entitled "An act to reenact and amend the act entitled 'An act to in­ corporate the Atlantic and Carribean Steam Navigation Com­ pany,' passed at Dover, March 31, 1881," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Private Corporations. On motion of Mr. Elkinton, the vote by which the bill (H. B. No. 192) entitled "An act authorizing the Mayor and Council of New Castle to borrow fifteen thousand dollars for the benefit of public . schools,'' Passed the House, was reconsidered, And, on motion of Mr. Higgins, The bill was Laid on the table. Mr. Hutson gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill entitled "An act to amend the act entitled 'An act in relation to a State Hospital for the Insane, passed at Dover, April 25, 1889.'' Mr. Hutson gave notice that, cm to.morrow or some futyre day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill entitled "An act to establish an electric plant in the town of Dover, or for other purposes.'' Mr. Hutson offered a joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution in ,;elation to the Delaware State Hosp~tal for the Insane,'' Which, on motion of Mr. Hutson, was read. Mr. Rickards moved to amend the joint resolution by striking out the word "forty" wherever it occurred in 5qid joint resolu­ tion, and inserting m lieu thereof the word "twenty-five." Mr. Hutson moved to amend the amendment by substituting the word '' thirty '' in lieu of the word ••twenty-five,'' · Which motion Prevai'let{, And, on the further motion of Mr. Hutson, the ap:iendment as amended Was Adopted, And, on his further motion, the joint resolution as amended Was Adoj>ted. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. Mr. Higgins offered a joint resolution e~titled "Joint resolution in relation to the insane department of Sws ... sex county," Which, on motion of Mr. Hutson, wa~ rea.d, A~d. Oil motion of Mr. E. J. Morris, w~ Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. 433 Mr. Eisenbrey gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce sundry bills, entitled as fol­ lows: "An act to amend Chapter 48, Volume 18, Laws of Dela­ ware;" "An act to divorce Waitman Hopkins from his wife, Susan Hopkins." On motion, the House· adjourned until to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock.

WEDNESDAY, March 181 1891, 10 o'clock A. M. House met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by the Chaplain. Roll called. Members present - Messrs. Attix, Chipman, Cranston, Day, Eisenbrey, Elkinton, Hickman, Higgins, Hut­ son, Jackson, Marvel, Morris, E. J., Morris, R. R., Rickards, Ridgely, Smith, Thomas, Tindall, Walton, West and Mr. Speaker. Journal read and approved. Mr. Hickman, on behalf of the Committee on Divorce, to whom had been referred the following bills, viz: The bill (H. B. No. 194) entitled "An act to divorce John G. Simms from his wife Ella R. Simms;'' · The bill (H. B. No. 67) entitled 28 · 434

•• An act to. divorce Richard T. Lockwoo4 and Annie, M. Lockwood, his wife, a vinculo m11trimonii, '' Reported the same back to the House with the recommenda­ tion that they pass. Mr. Hickman, on behalf of the Committee on Divorce, to whom had ·been referred the bill (H. B. No. 120) entitled "An act to divorce Edward J. McColley and Mary A. Mc­ Colley, from the bonds.ofmatrimony,'! Reported the same back to the House with the recommenda­ tion that it do not pass. Mr. H.ickman, on behalf of the Committee on Divorce, to whom had been referred the bill (H. B. No. 211) entitled "An act to divorce Annie Clark from her husband, John W. Clark,'' . Report~d the same back to the House with the recommenda­ tion that 1t pass.

l\if, Smitb .• OO; hAhalf of th~ -Com.mitt~~ on Enr91led Bills, re­ po.rted as duly and correctly enrolled the following House bills, viz: The bill (H. B. No. 14) entitled .. ~ aql: eotit~d ai;i acl·to. .am,,:pd an .aa ell~itled 'J\n aa ~o ill!CA11(>01a~·¢ 5,tQ~,aM Hl.ld"°~' Con,pany;' " · · T.he bill (H;· B: No. 2J) e~titled. "An act to incorporate the Laurel and Roaring Point Ra&oa~ Company;" · The bill (H. B. No. 86) entitled '' An act entitled a lurtber isuppleJµ~pt to a,n a~ ~9 jµ~Qrp9Q1.tA the Peninsular A2;ricultural and :Pomological Association, passed at Dover, January 22, 1875;" Also the. Home joint resoll.ltion enti~d · "Joint resolution appointing a joint committee to investigllte the condition of the State Treasury;" · . 435 ·

Also the bill (S. B. No. 12) entitled '' An act to Vf'St in a certain person the title to certain es­ dieated I.u1di:i,'' And presented the same for the signature of the ·Speaker. Mr. E. J. Morris, on behalf of the Committee on Education, to -whom had been referred the bill (H. B. No. 232) entitled · '' An act transferring the farm now belonging to David B. Ben­ n,ett, a.Ad situai~d in Scbool Oistl,"i~ Nos. 4 and q,7, ir,i S~~.ex ·county, to School Districts Nos. 5 a~d II9', in.~iq. coumy," Reported the same back to the House favorably. Mr. E. J. Morris, on,behalf :of the. .Committee. on :&tucation, .to whom had been referred the following bills, viz: · The .bill {H. B. No. 207) entit.led '' An act to transfer the farm belonging to· George H. Hall, and situated .in SchopU)islriQb$. Nos : 2, 100,: 103 ,i:u;11L104, ip: $$$5Jex <:ounty;, ,,f~o.m, sai

.r1~d fur~lwr, OJ}. h..i:s :111c;,.ti0,11, :wa~ rrf~r.r~g to tlw Gwp.m-it~~ on '--aims. Mr, Ridg~ly. p.1;~ent.e9 tp.~ claim. of N._ H., l{utchips, with voucq~rs, ag'~~nst th,e .State fqr $473.99, ~ .' , . . , ' ' . I • ' " Which, on motion of Mr. Ridgely, was read, 436

And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Claims. Mr. Tindall presented the claim of the Sussex Journal against the State for $636.30, Which, on motion of Mr. Tindall, was read, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Claims. On motion of Mr. Higgins, the bill of John Wanamaker against the State for $305. 25, Was read, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Claims. Mr. Chipman presented the claim of James H. Boyce, ex-Aud­ itor, against the State for $72.55, . Which, on motion of Mr. Chipman, was read, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Claims. Mr. Smith presented a petition from the German American Democrat Association, recommending the adoption of the Aus­ tralian or some similar ballot system, Which, on motion of Mr. Smith, was read, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on, Constitutional Reform. Mr. Eisenbrey presented a petition from Harrington Grange, in relation to taxation, Which, on motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, was read, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. Mr. Eisenbrey presented a petition from Thomas B. Coursey and seventeen other citizens of Kent county, praying for the pas­ sage of the act in relation to food fish, 437 Which, on motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, was J'.ead, And further, ori his motion, was referred to the Committee op Fish, Oysters and Game. Mr. Hickman presented a communication from Mrs .. Lydia Burton Rodney m relation to Beaver Dam and Blackwater Ditch, in Baltimore hundred, in Sussex county, Which, on motion of Mr. Hickman, was read, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Agriculture. Mr. Higgins presented a communication from T. E. Gardner· in relation to free text books, Which, on motion of Mr. Higgins, was read, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Education. Mr. Smith presented a communication from Mrs. J. Frank Ball in relation to the World's Fair, Which, on motion of Mr. Smith, was read, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on the World's Columbian Exposition. Mr. Cranston presented a communication from R .. C. Justis in relation to free text books for the publi? schools, Which, on motion of Mr. Cranston, was read, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Education. Mr. Attix presented a remonstrance from Franklin Temple and eight other citizens of against makmg Horse Pen Ditch, in said hundred, a public ditch, · · Which, on motion of Mr. Attix, was read, And further, on his motion, was referred to the· Committee on Agriculture. Mr. Etsenbrey .present~d··aipetftioil ftom Waitmaq 'HoJ11tins and seventeen other citizens of Kent county, praying for a new ;iSiJolic Wf.i«firi Sohth Murdetkllf huhiirea, Which, on motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, was read, .. 'And· f\\rther, oq. his moiion;.. was referred. to 1he committee ··on. ':A.oaas and Vacant :Lands. .

· Mr. Eisenbrey·preseat~ ,a ,pethion,&om John ;w. ·Rid1

Ordi!re,l to the Senate for concum!nce. Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, informed the House that the Senate had concurred in the following House bills, viz: The bill (H. B. No. n9) entitled ,.· An act for the improvement of Pipe-Elri1 Btart~h, 'in· Kent county:j' . The bill (H. B. No. 140) entitled "An act to amend and renew the charter of the' Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company, of,Mill Creek hundred;" The bill (H. B. No. u7) entitled "An act for the improvement of Morgan's Branch in Kent county;'' The bill (H. B. No. 172) entitled "An act to revive the act entitled 'An act to incorporate Clay­ ton Lodge. No. 41 of the Knights of Pythias of the·State of. Del- aware,'. passed·at Dover, January 14, 1869," . The bill (H. B. No. 154) entitled •' An act to h!n~w the ~harret of CMsen Friends Lodge, No. 35, I. 0. 0. F. at Harrington," And returned tbe:same"to·the Hou~. Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate,· being admitted, reported as dul:tantl·rorre~ty,~nrolled, the sattie havihg- b~n •$igrttd by the Speak~r ~f ;the'Senitte, the roHowing'Senate biUs and·senate joint resolution, viz: The bill (S. B. No. n) entitled "An ·act to incorporate the Brandywine Land CompaQy;" The bill (S. B. No. l9) ~ntid~d " An a& to change the nan'le of Kate 'Ewing and tda May · Ewing;" The Senate joint· resolution tntitled 440

"Joint resolution that the Town of Dover be allowed an in­ crease for water served for use of State House by thE' Town of Dover," And presented the same for the signature of the Speaker of the House. Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, returned to the House the following duly and correctly enrolled House bills, viz: The bill (H. B. No. 138) entitled "An act to incorporate Washington Camp, No. 3, Patriotic Order Sons of America;" The bill (H. B.. No. 1o6) entitled "An act to incorporate Brandywine Castle, No. II, of the Knights of the Golden Eagle, of Delaware," The same having been signed by the Speaker of the Senate. Mr. Smith gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce sundry bills entitled as follows: "An act to incorpoate the Diamond State Investment Com­ pany;" "An act to amend Chapter 555, Volume 18, Laws of Dela­ . ware;" . "An act to revive the act entitled.' An act to incorporate the Harlan & Hollingsworth Company, of. Wilmington, Del.;" "An act in relation to the public schools of the State of Dela- ware;" · "An act to authorize the trustees under the will of Edwin A. Wilson to sell and convey certain real estate;" "An act to incorporate the Union Electric Company." Mr. Ridgely gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill entitled 441

"An aa for the relief of the Baltimore and Philadelphia Rail­ road." Mr. Hutson gave notice that, on . to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill entitled •• An act to provide for local option in this State.'' Mr. Cranston gave notice that, on to-morrow or sqme future day, he would ask leave to introduce sundry bills, entitled as fol­ lows, viz:

• cc An aet to amend the charter of the Delaware Improvement Company of Wilmington;" •• An aet to incorporatf' the Delaware Spoke and Wheel Works;'' "An aet to incorporate the Glynrich Land Company." Mr. Elkinton gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill entitled "An aet for the benefit of Narrow Dyke Marsh Company." Mr. E. J. Morris, gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce sundry bills entitled as follows: "An aa for the relief of Martin V. Lodge;"

.. An additional supplement to the aa entitled I An aa in rela­ tion to the proposed canal, intended as a free .inland waterway, conneeting Assawaman Bay with Delaware Bay,' passed at Dover, April 4, 1887." Mr. Rickards gave notice that, on to-morrow. or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce sundry bills, entitled a!,I fol­ lows: •• An aet providing that vehicles used for heavy hauling shall have a tire of not less than four inches in width;''

cc An ad to amend Seetion 13, Chapter 161, Volume 18, Laws of Delaware." · · Mr. · Chipniari ! gave notiee ·that; on to-morrdw ot some ·future day, he would ask leave to introduce sundry bills entitled'as fel­ lows: "An act to merge School Districts· Nos. 58 and 149 of Sussex county into· one school district," . 0 An act to .transf~, certain laf\dS of Dr. Ro~r.t G. Ellegood froin'Schoo.1' District No. 45 to United. School District Nos. 44 aiid i50 in.Sussex ·county."

Mr. -Tindall gave nol:ice that, on to..:morrow or some future day. he would ask leave to introduce sundty bills entiflt?d·as follows: ":An'act transfetri11g the farmsofG. W. Willen and John·W. Short from School District No. 61, in Sussex county, to Schijol District No. 65~, in Sussex county;" "An act authorizing School District No. 179, in Sussex county, to ttse the surplus ffl()Oey how in hand, or as much of said mdnc!y 1as is required to :pay for the· new· schoolhouse in said district;'' "An act to ame'nd an act entitled 'An act to incorporate the town 6f Geergetown,'.passtd at Dover, Marth 2, 1869;" .'' A bill authorizing the citizens of Georgetown arid vicinity to drain certain lowlands.'' Mr:. Hickman gave notice that, on. to-morro\\'..or some future ·aay, 'he wou1d ~k teave'to ihtrod'uce a'·btll erii:ittea ''lA!,1-act 11.utborizing· th'e SfiMfft)f.8\isseKeo1t1ny to comrtt a sheriffs return."

. Mr. ·R. 'R.. r~ottte fu. ture dily, 'fie·wotlld ~··tffve to'intmduct··~di-y bilis· entitled:ts follows: O A'tt' afrl'o divorce Hen'fy' 5fahman ffum · ·Dof'ethea Elnabeth Stahman;'' . "~n act fo tfan~ret 'the farm of'WiHmm H. Ptettym.a~ from School District No. 88 to School District No. r3 · in ··s~x county;" . "'An act to incwporate Miltbn ·Council, No. 14,. ·0rder of Unitecl Ameriean Mechanics, at Milton, SuAsex cbunty, Dela­ ware." Mr. E>ay1 gave notice 'that;·oo ito-mclrr6w or,soine fntwrt? tlay> he would lisk -leave· to ;intrdduce, sllndry Dills, ·entitled as fc,llows: "'An' ac:t fo lricol'porate the George. Chttfchriian Ltfhlber. aria Engineering Company;'' "An act for the benefit of the public schools of Wilmington." \Mr. ''West gave' notice lhiit, 'on 'fo~rilorrow or 'some 'fuhir-e day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill entitled "'Ah acH:o lransfera,part o{ tlje larid of Wih~am H. Rodney f'rom 'Scliooi-Distri~ 'No. iks to' Scliool'District'No. 43,. ih Sus­ sex county." Mr. Eisenbrey gave notice'lliat, 011 to-iriorro'w or sdme 'future day, he would ask leave· to introduce sundry bills, entitled as·fol­ lows: . "An act to open and lay out a new road in 'Kehtcou.nty,;" ·•An ~B:'tb ~tbti'rlgept1blic'itt1pfidvem'eiH ;'' " An act to revive, reenact and amend an act entitled. 'An act to incorporate the ·Mi~pmion 't!Hd. ·'Be:tver· ·~m 'Bratt~h ·· Dralriing Company, and for other purposes.' " Mr. Ri'clte1y·tave 'ntitice;:thllt,i\',ri ·'tb.-'mbWtiw or''sdme 'ruture day, he would ask leave to introduce sundry Bitts'>elitideth1s'lol­ lows: "An act to incorporate the Dover Electric Light and ·'ltdl.t Company;" "An act to incorporate the Kent County Manufacturing Com­ pany;" '' An act to divorc~ Euge~ia: Barnes from her huilband, Char~s P. Barnes;"

'' A supplement to the act ·e,ititled i An ·ad tc;> incorpdrete ··the Peninsula Investment Company,' passed at Dover, April 24, 1889.'' 444 Mr. Hutson, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Jackson, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 277) entitled . "An act to amend the act entitled 'An act in relation to a State Hospital for the Insane.' passed at Dover, April 25, 1889, and being Chapter 553 of Volume 18 of the Laws ot Delaware," Which, on motion of Mr. Hutson, was read, Mr. Smith, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Day, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. n8) entitled "An act to incorporate Brandywine Commandery, No. 51, of the Ancient and Illustrious Order of Knights of Malta, of the State of Delaware,'' Which, on motion of Mr. Smith, was read. Mr. Elkinton, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Higgins, obtained leave to ,introduce a bill (H. B. No. 279) entitled

cc An act to incorporate the New Castle Loan Association, No. 2, of New Castle, Del." Whic~, on motion of Mr. Elkinton, was read. Mr. Cranston, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Thomas, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 280) entitled ·" An act to amend Chapter 25, Volume 18, Laws of Dela­ ware,'' Which, on motion of Mr. Cranston, was read. Mr. Hickman, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Tindall, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 281) entitled ·

cc An act to incorporate the Deep Hole Ditch Company in Bal­ timore hundred, in Sussex county," Which, on motion of Mr. Cranston, was read. 445 Mr. Jackson, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Marvel, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 282) entitled '' An ad: to divorce Catharine Stevenson from her husband, Richard Stevenson,'' Which, on motion of Mr. Jackson, was read. Mr. Eisenbrey, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Rickards, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 283) entitled "An ad: to amend Chapter 48, Volume 18, Laws of Dela­ . ware," Wqich, ·on motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, was read. Mr. Jackson, in pursuance oflrevious notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Hickman, obtaine. leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 284) entitled · " An ad: in relation to furnishing the lists of the voters of the election distrid:s of East ,'' Which, on motion of Mr. Jackson, was read. Mr. R. R. Morris, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Ridgely, obtained leave to intr,oduce a bill (H. B. No. 285) entitled '' An ad: to transfer the farm of Joseph J. Collins from School Distrid: No. 158, Sussex county, to School Distrid: No. 17, Sus­ sex county," Which, on motion of Mr. R. R. Morris, was read. Mr. West, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Morris, obtaiped leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 286) entitled 'I An ad: to open a new public road in Broad Creek hundred, in Sussex county," Which, on motion of Mr. West, was read. On motion, the House adjourned until 3 o'clock P. M. SAME DAY, 3 o'clock P. M. House met pursuant to adjournmeµt. Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, being adtlJ,itt.ed, reported as duly and correctly enrolled, the same having b~n signeq by the Speaker of the Senate, the following Senate bills and Senate· joint re:;olutiqn, viz: The bill (S. B. No. 17) entitled "An act to reincorpot'ate, Fairfax Lodge, Ne. 8, of the Inde­ pend,ent Ord~r of Qdd Fellows of the S.tate of Dela:w:u~;" The ,bill :(S.: a No. 13) entitled·. "An act to authorize the Recorder of Deeds in and for New Ga.!itle,c.ollnty to .make.c.eritain,:indices;'' The Senate joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution accepting the appropriation and trusts made aJd,jQt~Q, by. aQ·.~r of ,CO.'Mt~~~. aPP.1"01"~4',l',Jar.qi ~. 18.91, ~d,~'?f,'.~i~ t:M,,GQy~,.to. .re~eivei t}:i~ su.w of, w~e~ .C1'.¢d­ ited -to the State of Delaware m pursµl!,µ~e;· of the provi~10As of said act,"

.A.iifld,ei;l tlle! s~.n,w, fol;'. th~; sigpfi\ure: of .th.e1 Sp.ealc.e~ Qf t he ouse.

Mr. HearQ,

The bill (S. B. No. 15) entitled "An act for the relief of George V. Peverley;" The bill (S. B. No. 18) entitled '' An act to change the time of holding the Court of Chancery aµd Orpha,is' Court,'' The bill (S. B. No. 29) entitled "An act to incorporate the Board of Trade of the Town of Dover_,'' And P.resented ,the same for the signature .of the. Speaker of· the House. Mr. Higgins moved that the House resolve itself into a Com­ mittee of the Whole for the consideration .of the bill .(H, B.; No. 127) entitled "An act to maintain and foster the National Guard of DeJ,a­ ware, and for its betterment,',. WhicJ:i moti9n Prevojle!'!

. In. Co.mµi_i,tt~e .of tb.e. Who.le, Mr ..E. J. Mo.rris in tl),e, After som.e time spent in discussing the matter before· the .com­ mittee, On motion, the. committee rose.

The Speaker having resumed the chair, Mr. E. J. Morris, chairm~n of the .Committee of .the Whole, to whom had been referred the bill (H. B. No. 127) entitled "An a<;l to maintain and foster the National Guard of Qela­ ware, and for its betterment,'' Reported the bill back to the House without recommendation. On.motion of Mr. Hutson, the bill was laid on thcdat>l~ Jor further consideration. On motion of Mr. Day, the bill (S. B. No. 28) entitled "An act to provide employment at hard labor for certain classes of persons in New Castle county jail," Was read a first time. Mr. Hutson moved to suspend Rule 26 of the Rules of the House, Which motion Prevailed. Mr. Hutson, on behalf of the joint committee to whom was re­ ferred the matter of the claims of the State against the Junction and Breakwater and Breakwater and Frankford railroad com­ panies, submitted a memorial, Which, on motion of Mr. Hutson, was read, And further, on his motion, Was Accepted. Mr. Hutson presented as a further report from the committee a bill (H. B. No. 287) entitled . '' An act to provide for the payment of the mortgage held by the State against the Junction and Breakwater Railroad Company and the Breakwater and Frankford Railroad Company,". Which, on motion of Mr. Hutson, was read. Mr. Higgins offered a joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution in relation to paying the claim of John Wan- amaker,'' Which, on motion of Mr. Higgins, was read, And further, on his motion, Was Adopted. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. Mr. R. R. Morris gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill entitled 449 "An act to incorporate the Georgetown, Broadkiln and .. Defa­ ware Bay Railroad Company." Mr. Eisenbrey gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill entitled "An atl: to amend Section 5 of Chapter 438, Volume 17, Laws of Delaware.'' On motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, the bill (H. B. No. 276) entitled '' An act to incorporate the South Pt-onl{ Ditch Company,'• was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Private Corporations. On motion of Mr. 'Eisenbr.ey, the bill (H. B. No. 272) entitled "An act for the relief of School District No. 75,_ in Sussex oounty," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, 'on his .motion, was referred to the Committee on Education. On motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, the bill (H. B. No. 26g)entitled <' An act to amend Chapter 76 of the Revised Statutes of Del- awartv'' · Waa read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes.

On motion of Mr. Rickards, the bill (S. B. No. 38) eµtitled " An act to incorporate the Wilmington and Brandywine Reat Estate Company," Was read a first time. On motion of Mr. Higgins, the bill (S. B. No. 34) entitled 29 . 450

"An act to incorporate Eureka Conclave, No. 5, Heptasophs, or Seven Wise Men,'' Was read a first,time. On motion of Mr. Higgins, the bill (S. B. No. 35) entitled " An act for the benefit of creditors and stockholders of in­ solvent corporations,'' Was read a first time. Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, returned to the House the duly and correctly enrolled bill (H. B.. No. 191) entitled · " An act to incorporate the Board of Trade of the Town of Dover," The same having received the signature of the Speaker of the Senate. Mr. Hickman, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Hutson, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 288) entitled "An act to lay out a new public road in Baltimore hundred, in Sussex coqnty," Which, on motion of Mr. Hickman, was read.

On motion, the House adjourned until 10 o'clock to-morrow morning. 451

THURSDAY, March 19, 1891, 10 o'clock A. M. House met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by the Chaplain. Roll called. Members present-Messrs. Attix, Chipman, Cranston, Day, Eisenbrey, Elkinton, Hickman, Higgins, Hut­ son, Jackson, Marvel, Morris, E. ]., Morris, R. R., Rickards, Ridgely, Smith, Thomas, Tindall, Walton, West and Mr. Speaker. Journal read and approved. Mr. Eisenbrey asked unanimous consent to erase the figure •' 6 '' and insert the figure · '' 5 '' in lieu thereof, in the title of House bill No. 269, entitled '' An act to amend Chapter 76 of the Revised Statutes of Del­ aware,'' As it appeared on the journal of the proceedings of the House for March 16, 17 and 18, · On motion of Mr. Rickards, consent was given, and the Clerk was instructed to make the erasure and substitution required by this order. Mr. Smith, on behalf o{ the Committee on Enrolled Bills, re­ ported as duly and correctly enrolled the following Senate bills, viz: The bill (S. B. No. 13) entitled "An act to authorize the Recorder of Deeds in and for New -Castle county to make certain indices;" The bill (S. B. No. 15) entitled "An act for the relief of George V. Peverley;" The bill (S. B. No. 17) entitled 452

"An act to incorporate Fairfax Lodge, No. 8, of the Indepen­ dent Order of Odd Fellows of the State of Delaware;" The bill (S. B. No. 18) entitled '' An act to change the time of holding the Court of Chancery and Orphans' Court;" The bill (S. B. No. 29) entitled '' An act to incorporate the Board of Trade of the town of Dowr," And presented the same for the signature of ,the Speaker. Mr. Smith, on behalf of the Committee on Enrolled Bill$. re,.. ported as duly and correctly enrolled the following House. bills; viz: '' An act to divorce Charles H. Boyle from his wife, Bridget E. · Boyle,'' "An act to divorce Mary Jones from her husband, Ja1Des B. Jones, and to give hec the custody of her children," '' An act for the relief of the ' Mutual Loan Association,' •' "An incorporate the J. Miller Thomas Company," Also, the following House joint resolutions, viz: "Joint resolution in relation to furnishing the Auditor's office,,.. ''Joint resolution in relation to adjournment,'' "Joint resolution convening the two Houses of the General Assembly for the purpose of attending the inauguration of the­ Governor-elect,'' "Joint resolution in relation to appointing. a committee to­ make arrangements fur the General Assembly to visit Washing­ ton, D. C., March 3, 1891," ''Joint resolution to meet in the I-tall of the House of Repre­ sentatives this evening (March 10) at 8 o'clock, to give audience to Hon. Charles B. Lore, Dr. Raub, and others, on behalf ot Delaware College,'' 453

((foint re.,olution in r~lation to the grave of ex-Gov~rnor Hazlett," "Joint resolution in relation to the Governor's room," And presented the same for the signature of the Speaker. He also reported as duly and correctly enrolled, and signed ·by the Speaker of the Senate, the Senate joint resolution, en- titled · "Joint resolution that the Town of Dover be allowed an in­ ,crease for water served for use of State HQuse by the TQwn of .Dover;'' And the bill (S. B. No. 19) entitled "An act to change the name of Kate Ewing and Ida May Ewing," And presented the same for the signature of the Speaker of the House. Mr. Smith, on behalf of the Committee on Enrolled Bills, re­ P?rt'ed as duly and correctly enrolled the following House bills, - VIZ:

'' An act to amend Sections 8 and 21 of Chapter 568, Volume 17, of the Laws of Delaware;" '' An act to establish a public road in Little Creek hundred, :Sussex county;" '' An act to incorporate the Elizabeth Curts' Widows' Asylum .Association;'' "An act to incorporate the Wilmington Wheel Club;" "An act to extend and continue the act entitled 'An act to in­ -corporate Washington Lodg~, No. 5, of t~e Independent Order -of Odd Fellows of the State of Delaware,' " "An act to reincorporate the Wilmington Mills Manufacturing. -<;ompany," · And presented the same for the sigpat~re of the Speaker. 454 Mr. Rickards, on behalf of the Committee on Private Corpo­ rations, to whom had been referred the following bills, viz: The bill (H. B. No. 229) entitled "An act to incorporate the Peninsular Land and Lo~n Com- pany;" . The bill (H. B. No. 230) entitled " An act to incorporate the Derrickson Millpond Branch Ditch Company, in Sussex county;" The bitt (H. B. No. 216) entitled '' An act incorporating the Extension Ditch for the water privilege of the Miffiin Ditch and the Georgetown and Vaughan Ditch and Phipps Ditch;'• The bill (H. B. No. 251) entitled '' An act to amend the act entitled ' An act to incorporate the Tomahawk ·Branch Ditch Company, as revised and amended,' " The bill (H. B. No. 233) entitled "An act to incorporate Asylum Lodge, No. 23, I. 0. 0. F.~ of Wilmington, Delaware;" The bill (H. B. No. 234) entitled "An act to incorporate St. Georges Branch Ditch Company, of Sussex county;" · The bill (H. B. No. 238) entitled "An act for the incorporation of the West End Improvement, Company," · Reported the same back to the House with the recommenda- tion that they pass. He also reported, with a favorable recommendation, The bitt (S. B. No. 30) entitled '' An act to reenact and amend the act entitled 'An act to in­ corporate the Atlantic and Carribean Steam Navigation ·Com­ pany,' passed at Dover, March 31, 1881." · 455 Mr. Rickards, on behalf of the Committee on Private Corpo­ rations, to whom had been referred the following bills, viz: The bill (H. B. No. 176) entitled "An act to incorporate the New Castle Manufacturing Com­ pany, as amended;" The bill (H. B. No. 212) entitled '' Supplement to an act to incorporate the Enterprise Real Es- tate Improvement Company;" The bill (S. B. No. 27) entitled "An act relating to The McCullough Iron Company," Reported the same back to the House, with the recommenda- tion that they pass. Mr. Elkinton, on behalf of the Committee on Roads and Vacant Lands, to whom had been referred the following bills, viz: The bill (H. B. No. 217) entitled "An act to straighten a public road in Milford hundred, Kent county, State of Delaware;" The bill (H. B. No. 252) entitled "An act authorizin~ the Levy Court of Kent county to accept a certain public road m Mispillion hundred;" The bill (H. B. No. 241) entitled "An act granting to William A. Atkinson the title of this State to a certain tract of salt marsh herein mentioned,'' Reported the same back to the House with the recommenda- tion that they pass. ~ Mr. Smith presented the claim' of C. F. Thomas & Co., of Wilmington, against the State, for $2,037. 15, Which, on motion of Mr. Smith, was read, 456

And further, on his motion, was referr~ to the Committee on Claims. Mr. Ridgely moved That Rule 26 be suspended for the purpose of recommitting the bill (S. B. No. 1), Which motion Prevailetl, And further, on his motion, The bill (S.·B. No. 1) entitled "An act to provide for the holding of a special election for the purpose of ascertaining the sense of the people in respect to call­ ing a constitutional convention,-'' Was recommitted to Committee on Constitutional Reform.

Mr. Higgins presented a communication from Wm. B. Craft irt relation to peach yellows, Which, on motion of Mr. Higgins, was read, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Agriculture. Mr. Chipman presented a petition from Isaac Adams and forty other citizens of Sussex county, in relation to School Districts Nos. 58 and 49 in Sussex county, Which, on motion of Mr. Chipman. was read. And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on £ducation. Mr. Chipman presented a petition from Mortimer C. Phillips, pr9:ying the Legislature to change his name to Mortimer C. Elliott, .. Which, on motion ~f Mr. Chipman, was read, And.further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Divorce. · 457 The Speaker presented a communication, signed by G. W. Quinn, in relation to the act to protect persons doing business with bond investment or cooperative financial companies doing business in this State, Which, on motion of Mr. Hutson, was read. And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. Mr. Smith gave .notice that, on to·morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce sundry bills, ·entitled as fol­ lows: •' An act to incorporate the Dime Savings Bank of Wilming­ ton;" "An act to incorporate the Chandler Trustee Company;" " An act to incorporate the Brandywine Springs Railway Company;'' "An act to incorporate the Diamond State Gun Company;" ·" An act to incorporate the Wilmington Insurance Company;" " An act authorizing the Street and Sewer Department to im- prove the sewerage system of Wilmington;'' " An act to renew the act to incorporate the Christiana River Improvement Company;" "An act to incorporate the Young Woman's Christian Tem­ perance Union of the city of Wilmington;" •' An act to incorporate the Woman's Christian Temperanc1'· Union of the city of Wilmington;" · ' "An act to incorporate the North .Side Improvement Com- pany;'' · "An act entitled an act to extend the time for recording pri­ vate statutes;" "An act in rdation to public roads and highways in Ne.w Cas­ tle county." · Mr. Cranston gave notice that he would, on to-morrow or some future day. ask leave to introduce sundry bills, entitled as follows: " An act to incorporate the Minqua Iron and Supply Com­ pany;" "An act to incorporate the Newark Manufacturing Com­ pany;" "An act for the erection of a drawbridge over the Brandy­ wine Creek, in New Castle county:" "An act. to incorforate Crusader's Castle, No. 5, Knights of the Golden Eagle o the State of Delaware;" '' An act to further amend an act entitled ' An act to revise and consolidate the statutes relating to the City of Wilmington,' passed at Dover, April 13, 1883:" "An act in relation ·to underground wires in the City of Wil­ mington;'' "An act in relation to sewers and drains for the City of Wil­ mington;'' "An act to legalize the issue of certain State bonds;" " An act for the better government of the City of Wilming­ ton;" "An act in relation to the streets of the City of Wilmington;'~ '' An act in relation to county assessors in the City of Wil­ mington;'' '' An act to incorporate the Wilmington Package Company;••· " An act in relation to the printing of lottery tickets in the State of Delaware;" , "An act for the protection of private property;" "An ad. to.incorporate the Worrell Carpet Company;" · •' Aft act relatini;1: to an overhead system of bridges at the hi­ tersection of certafo streets in the City of Wilmington with the Baltimore and Philadelphia Railroad;'' 459 "An act pertaining to a system 0£ sewers for the City of Wil­ mington;'' l(An act amendatory to the charter of the City of Wilming­ ton;" "An act to amend Chapter 207, Volume 17, Laws of Dela­ ware.'' Mr. Attix gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill entitled "An act to incorporate the Jordan Branch Ditch Company." Mr. Hickman gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce sundry bills, entitled as fol- . lows: '' An act to incorporate the Delaware Land and Improvement Company;" . "An act for the protect.ion of game in Assawaman Bay, Sus­ sex county." Mr. Jackson gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill entitled ' "An acl: to incorporate the Tidberry Branch Ditch Company, in Kent county." Mr. Hickman gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce sundry bills, entitled as fol­ lows: "An act to lay out a new public road in Baltimore hundred, Sussex county;" '' An act to incorporate the Keystone and Seaboard Railroad and Navigation Company;" "An act to incorporate the Trans-Continental Express Com­ pany;" "An act to transfer John Lynch from School District No. 3r to School District No. 120, in Sussex county;" "An acl: to transfer Lemuel W. Evans from School District No. 31 to School District No. 120, in Sussex county." Mr. E. J. Morris gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill entitled . "An act to amend the charter of the Town of Lewes, in Sus­ sex county." Mr. West gave notice that, on ta-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill entitled "An act to divide Little Creek huncired, Sussex county, into two election districls.' ' Mr. Tindall gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill entitled . "An act to amend the game laws of Delaware, making it un­ lawful for any Republican politician to set a coon trap between July 31 and the first Tuesday after the first Monday in Novem­ ber, in each and every year, and making it unlawful for Demo­ crats to buy game so trapped.'' Mr. Ridgely gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future

Mr. E. J. Morris, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Marvel, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 295) entitled "An additional supplement to the act entitled ' An act in rela­ tion to the proposed canal, intended as a free inland waterway, -connecting Assawaman Bay with.Delaware Bay,' passed at Dover, April 4, 1887," Which, on motion of Mr. E. J. Morris, was read. Mr. E. J. Morris, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Hickman, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 296) entitled "An act for the relief of Martin V. Lodge," Which, on motion of Mr. E. J. Morris, was read. Mr. Day, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on mo­ tion of Mr. Tindall, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 297) entitled ' •' A further supplement to an act entitled ' An act to amend 'An act entitled • An additional supplement to the act entitled 'An act for the benefit of the public schools of Wilmington,' '' Which, on motion of Mr. Day, was read. Mr. Tindall, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Hutson, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 298) entitled "An act authorizing School District No. 179, in Sussex county, to use the surplus money now in hand, or as much of said money as is required to pay for new schoolhouse in said district," Which, on motion of Mr. Tindall, was read. Mr. R. R. Morris, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Hickman, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 299) entitled "An act to incorporate Milton Council, No. 14, Order of United American Mechanics, at Milton, Sussex county, Dela­ ware,'' Which, on motion of Mr. R. R. Morris, was read. Mr. Smith, in pursuance o( previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Cranston, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 300) entitled "An act to amend Chapter 555, Volume x8, Laws of Dela­ ware,'' Which, on motion of Mr. Smith, was read. Mr. Chipman, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Jackson, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 301) entitled "An act entitled an act to merge School Districts Nos. 58 and 149 of Sussex county into one school clistric.t," Which, on motion of Mr. Chipman, was read. On the further motion of Mr. Chipman, Rule 12 was sus­ pended as to the bill under consideration, ' And, on his further motion, the bill was read a second. time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Education. Mr. R. R. Morris, in pursuance of previous notice, asked. and. on motion of Mr. Chipman, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 302) entitled "An.act to transfer the farm of William H. Prettyman from School District No. 88 to School District No. 13 in Sussex county," · · Which, on motion of Mr. R. R. Morris, was read. Mr. Smith, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Cranston, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 303) entitled "An act in relation to the public schools in the State·of Dela­ ware,'' Which, on motion of Mr. Smith, was read. On motion, the House adjourned until 3 o'clock this afternoon.

SAME DAY, 3 o'clock P. M. House met'pursuant to adjournment. Mr. Eisei;ibr:ey, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Attix, obtained leave to. introduce a bill (H. B. No. 304) entit~d '' An act to revive, reenact and amend an act entitled 'An acl: to incoi:porate the.Mispillion and Beaver Dam Branch' Draining Company, and for other purposes,' " Wtiich, on motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, was read. Mr. Smith, in p~uance· of previous notice,· asked, and, on., motion of Mr. Day, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 305) entitled "An act to incorporate the Union Electric Company," Which,· on motion of Mr. Smith. was·read. 30 Mr. Eisenbrey, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Attix, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 3o6) entitled "An act to open and lay out a new road in Kent county," Which, on motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, was read. Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, informed the House that the Senate had concurred in the House joint resolu­ tion entitled "Joint resolution to pay bill of John Wanamaker," And returned the same to the House. Mr. Hearne. Clerk of the Senate; being admitted, returned to the House the following duly. and correctly enrolled House bill, viz: The bill (H. B. No. 24) entitled

" An act to amend Chapter 379, Volume I 5. Laws of Dela­ ware.'' · He also presented to the House as duly and correctly enrolled and having received the signature of the Speaker of the Senate, the Senate joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution combining Senate enlarged Committee on Cities and Towns and House Committee on Revised Statutes, to whom shall be referred all subjects in relation to the Levy Court of the several counties," And presented t~e sanie for the signature of the Speaker of the House. . · Mr. Chipman, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Marvel, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 307) entitled "An act to incorporate the Union Temperance Benevolent Society of Laurel and vicinity," Which, on motion of Mr. Chipman, was read. Mr. West, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Attix, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 308) entitled "An act to transfer a portion of William H. Rodney's farm from School District No. 185 1 in Sussex county, to School District No. 431 in said county," Which, on motion of Mr. West, was read. Mr. Chipman, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Marvel, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 309) entitled · "An act to change the name of Mortimer C. Phillips to Morti- mer C. Elliott, Which, on motion of Mr. Chipman, was read. Mr.· Chipman in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Attix, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 310) entitled "An act transfering certain lands of Dr. Robert G. Ellegood from School District No. 45 to United School Districts Nos. 44 .and 150 in Sussex county," Which, on motion of Mr. Chipman, was read. Mr. E. J. Morris, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Ridgely, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 311) entitled· •' An act to divide Mill Creek hundred into three election dis­ tricts,'' Which, on motion of Mr; E .. J. Morris, was read.

On motion of Mr. E. J. Morris, the bill (H. B. Ni;,. 285) en­ titled '' An act to transfer the farm of Joseph J. Collins from School District No. 178, Sussex county, to School District No. 17, in Sussex county,'' Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee ori Education. On motion of Mr. Hutson, the bill (H. B. No. 277) entitled "Ao act to amend the act entitled 'An act in relation to a. State Hospital for the Insane,' passed at Dover, April 25, 1889,, and being Chapter 553 of Volume 18 of the Laws of Delaware," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statut~. On motion of Mr. Elkinton, the bill (H. B. No. 279) entitled "An aet to incorporate the New Castle Loan Association, No. 2, of New Castle, Del." Was read a second time, by its title, . And further, on his motion, wai; referred to the Cb.mmittee on Private Corporations. On motion. of Mr. Smjth, the bill (H. B. No. 270) entitled '' A bill in aid of the Ferris Industrial School," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Edu~tion, On motion of Mr. Rickards, the bill (S. B. No. 38} entitled "An aet to incorporate th,e Wilmington and Brandywine R~al Estate Company," Was read a second time, by ita title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on. Private Co11p0rations,. On motion of Mr. S~i~h. the .bill (H. B. No. 273) entitled " An a~ t-o the Gr,and Lodge, Shield o( :tto~QI,'; ofi Delaware,'' Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was refetre-d 'to the Committee on Private Corporations.

On motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, the bill (H. B. No. 283) entitled "An act to amend Chapter 48, Volume 18, Laws ·of Dela­ ware,'' Was read a second time, by its title, And, on his further :motion, was referred to the ·Committee on Education.

On motion·of Mr. Smith, the bill (H. B. No. 278) entitled "An act to incorporate Brandywine Coininandefy, No. 57, of the Ancient and Illustrious Order of Kinights of Malta, of the State of'Delaware," Was read a 'second time, by its title, And, on his further motion, was referred-to the Committee on Private Corporations. On motion of Mr. Cranston, the bill (H.B. No. 28o)'entitled "An act to amehl:i Chapter ~5, Volume 18, Laws of Dela­ -ware,'' Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was refetred to the Committee on · Rtwised S~tutes. On motion of Mr. Elkinton, the bill (H. B. No. 264) entitled "An act to amend Section 18 of Chapter 152, Volume 15, Laws of Delawate, being • An acl: to incorporate the City of 'New -Castle,' '' Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on 'his motion, was referred to the Committee on .Municipal Corporations. · On motion of Mr. 'West, the bill (H. B. No.· 286) entitled 470

. "An ad to open a new public road in Broad Creek hundred, Sussex county," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Roads and Vacant Lands. On motion of Mr. Cranston, the bill (S. B. No. 28) entitled '' An act to provide employment at hard labor for certain classes of persons in New Castle County Jail," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on <;rimes and Punishments. On motion of Mr. Chipman, the bill (H. B. No. 275) entitled "An ad for the relief of School District No. 77~, in Sussex: county," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Education. On motion of .Mr. Tindall, the bill (H ..B. No. 271) entitled "An act to divorce Lemuel D. Tingle from his wife, Mahala C. Tingle," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Divorce. On motion of Mr. Jackson, the bill (H. B. No. 282) entitled '' An act to divorce Catharine Stevenson from her husband, Richard Stevenson,'' Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Divorce. On motion of .Mr. Jackson, the bill (H. B. No. 286) entitled 471

'' An act in relation to furnishing the lists of the voters of the election districts in ,'' Was read a.second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Ballot Reform.

On motion of Mr. Jackson, the bill (H. B. No. 255) entitled '' An act to make dogs personal property in this State,'' Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. On motion of Mr. Jackson, the biU (H. B. No. 258) entitled "An act to amend an act entitled ·A further supplement to the act entitled 'An act to regulate the sale of intoxicating liquors, passed at Dover, April 10, 1873; passed a:t Dover, April 24, 1889; Chapter 555, Volume 18, Laws of Delaware,' " Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Temperance. On motion of Mr. Hutson, the bill (H. B.. No. 287) entitled '' An act to provide for the payment of the mortgage held by the State against the Junction and Breakwater Railroad Company and the Breakwater and Frankford Railroad Company," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Junction and Breakwater Railroad Company.

On motion of Mr. Cranston, the bill (H. B. No. 194) entitled "An act to divorce John G. Simms from his wife Ella R. Simms,'' Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. Mr. Smith gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce sundry bills entitled as follows : ''An aa to revive and reenaet an aa in relation to Holland's Creek Marsh Company;" ''An act to change the name of a certain corporation.''

. -Mr. Higgins,g:ave notice that he would, on to-n1orrow or some future day, ask leave to introduce a bill entitled "An aa for the relief of the Trustet!s ofTTOop «·B" Associa­ tion." Mr:Chipman gave notice that .he·w()uld, on to-morrow or -some future day, ask leave to introduce a bill entitled "-An aet to incorporate the Colored People's Cemetery, of Georgetown, Sussex county.'' Mr. E.J. . Morris, on behalf of the· Committee on Education, to whom ha been referred the bill (H. B. No. 15i) entitled '' An aa to transfer the lands and premises of George C. Twilley from School District No. 183 to School Districl No. 141, ·ffl Sussex county," Reported the same back to the House with the recommenda­ tion that it pass. Mr. E. J. Morris, on behalf of the Committee on Education, to Whom had been referred the bill (H. B. No. 190) entitled '' A further supplement to the act to establish the Kenton . public school, passed at Dover, 'March 10, 1885,'' 473 Reported the same back, with an amendment, and with the recommendation that the bill, as amended, pass the House. Mr. Tindall, on behalf of the Committee on Constitutional Re­ form, to whom had been referred the bill (S. B. No. 1) entitled '' An act to provide for the holding of a special election for the purpose of ;asc.ertaining the ~ense of the people in respect to call­ mg a const1tut1onal convention,'' Reported the same back, with amendments, and with the re­ commendation that the bill, as amended, pass the House. Mr. Eisenbrey gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill ·entitled "An act to transfer certain real estate from certain school districts to dther school districts in Kent county, and for other pu·rposes. ''

On motion ofMr. Tindall, the hill (S. B. 'No. I) erttitled '' tAn act to provicile for the 'holding of a special election for the ,purpose· of ascertai'fting the sense of the people in respect to call­ ·ing a constttutiohal convention,'' Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, the amendmt:nts were rea:d as fol­ lows:

I. Insert between the title and enacting clause thereof the fol­ lowing- '' Whereas there appears to be a general desire that the General Assembly, at its present session, shall provide by law for the holding of a special election for the purpose of ascertaining the sense of the majority of the citizens of the State entitled to vote for representatives in respect to the calling -of a convention to change, alter and amend the constitution,"

2. Strike out the word " ninety-two" in Section I of said bill, and insert in lieu thereof the word ''ninety-one.'' 3. Strike out all of Section 3 of said bill and insert in lieu thereof the following- 474

'' SECTION 3. The Sheriff of each county shall, on or before the twelfth day of May, in the said year of holding said special el;ction, .deliver to the inspector of each ·hundre.d or election dis­ trict of his county two suitable ballot boxes, with tape and seal­ ing wax therefor, together with alphabetical lists of voters and of delinquents, and written or printed forms of tally lists of certifi­ cates of election, of official oaths or affirmations of the election officers, and the certificates and directions relating thereto, and also a proper election stamp, all prepared (subject, however, to such alterations thereof as may be necessary to adapt them to to the requirements of said special election) as now provided by . law for the general election. The said alphabetical lists of voters and of delinquents shall be delivered by the Clerk of the Peace of each county to the Sheriff of his county, on or before the fifth day of May in the said year of holding said special election. '' The said special election shall be held at the same places, dur­ ing the same hours, in the same manner, according to the same­ regulations and subject to the same penalties, so far as the same· may be applicable to the purposes of this act, as now prescribed concerning the general elections, and the votes cast at said ·special election shall be counted, tallied and certified by the in­ spector, judges and clerks of each poll, and the state of said election shall be ascertained and certified by the board of can­ vass of each county on the Thursday next succeeding the day of holding the said special election, at the same time, in the same manner, at the same places, and by the same persons as pre­ scribed in Chapter r8 of the Revised Statutes, and any amend­ ments and supplements thereto, for the counting, tallying and certifying the votes cast at, and for the ascertaining and certify­ ing the state and result of the last general election throughout each county. "The certificates, respectively, of said special election shall con­ tain and show accurately the number, in words at length, of votes. cast 'for a conven_tion' and 'against a convention.' " . Mr. Tindall moved that the amendments be adopted, Which motion Prevailed. And, on the further motion of Mr. Tindall, the bill, as amended,. was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. 475

On the question, '' Shall this bill pass the House?'' It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed the House. Ordered that the Senate be informed thereof, the bill returned to that body, and concurrence in the amendments requested. On motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, the bill (H. B. No. 252) entitled '' An act authorizing the Levy Court of Kent county to accept a certain public road in Mispillion hundred,'' Was taken up for consideration, • And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence.

On motion of Mr. Rickards, the bill (S. B. No. 30) entitled " An act to reenact and amend the act entitled 'An act to in­ corporate. the Atlantic and Carribean Steam Navigation Com­ pany,' passed at Dover, March 31, 1881," Was taken up for consideration, And fur:ther, on his motion, was read a third time, by para­ graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, " Shall this bill pass the House?" The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: Yeas-Messrs. Cra'nston, :Oay, Eisenbrey, Elkinton, Hickman, Higgins, Hutson, Jackson, Marvel, Morris, E. J., Morris, R.R., Rickards, Ridgely, Smith, Thomas, Walton, West and Mr. Speaker-18. ,Nays-lilone. .A\lld the bill, having received the required constitutional majority, Passed Ike House. Ordered that the Senate be informed thereof and the bill re­ ,turned to that body.

On motion of Mr. Higgins, the bnl (H. B. No. 39) entitled " An act divorcing Blanche L. Chapman from her husband, ·Hewit L. Chapm~n.'' • Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs, in. order to pass the ·H~se. On the question, '".Shall this bill .pru,s the House?" It •wall d~cided ht the affirmative, And the bill, having reoewed t,lre required majority, Passed tke House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion bf Mr. ftiggins, the bill (H. B. No. 2j8) etititled '' An act entitled an act for the incorporation of the West End I,mprovement Company,'' Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para­ graphs, in order to pass the Bouse. On the question, '' Shall this bill pass the House?'' The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: 477 Yeas-Messrs. Cranston, Eisenbrey, Elkinton, Hickman, Hig­ gins, Hutson, Jackson, Marvel, Morris, E. J., Morris, R. R., Rickards, Smith, Thomas, Walton, West and Mr. Speaker-16. Nays-None. So the que~ion was decided in the affir:mative, And the bill, having received the required constitutiQnal majority, Passed Ike House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence.

On motion of Mr. Higg}ns, the bill (H. B. No. 257) entitled , "An act to provide aid to St. Georges Marsh Company, in the maintenance of its dykes and emban~ents," WaJ? ta~en· up, for consideration, And further, on his motion, w~ read a third. time. by. pltl'a- graphs, in Q.t'der to. pass tht House. On the que11tioQ, '' Shall this bill. pa,ss the Hou$e.?'' It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed Ike House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence.

On motion of Mr. Smith, the bill (H. B. No. 203) entjtled " An. act to vacate parts of King, French and Walnut streets, in the City of Wilmipgton," · Was taken up for consideration, AJJ4' fui:thQr; on his motiQn, .was.· ~d a , third· time~ by para­ graphs, in order to pass tb.e HQwie. On the,qq~tion, ' 1 Sball thi$.bill pass th~ Hol:lse,?" It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed tke House. Ordered to the ·Senate for concurrence. Mr. R. R. Morris gave notice that, on to-morrow or some fu­ ture day, he would ask leave to introduce sundry bills entitled as follows: "An act in relation to the office of Secretary of State;" "An act to provid~ for additional constables." Mr. Elkinton gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce sundry bills entitled as fol­ lows: "An act to amend Chapter 75 of the Revised Code;" "An act to incorporate the Brandywine Cement Company." Mr. Ridgely gave notice that he would, on to-morrow or some future day, ask leave to introduce a joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution for the relief of the Baltimore and Philadel­ phia Railroad Company." Mr. Hickman gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill entitled " An act in relation to certain ditches in Baltimore hundred." Mr. Hutson gave notice that he would, on to-morrow or some future day, ask leave to introduce suhdry bills, entitled as fol­ lows: '' An act to repeal Chapter 155, Volume 16, Laws of Dela­ ware, entitled 'An act concerning tramps,' passed at Dover, March 27, I 879 ;" · '' An act for the protection of mamoose, or young sturgeon, in the Delaware Bay, River, and their tributaries.'' · Mr. Hi~gins presented a petition from the Grand Priory of Delaware m relation to granting an act of incorporation to the Ancient and Illustrious Knights of Malta, 479 Which, on motion of Mr. Higgins, was read, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Private Corporations. On motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, the bill (H. B. No. 251) entitled '' An act to amend the act entitled 'An act to incorporate the Tomahawk Branch Ditch Company, as revised and amended,'" Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para~ graphs, in order to pass the House. On the quest~on, "Shall this bill pass the House?" The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: Yeas-Messrs. Cranston, Day, Eisenbrey, Elkinton, Hickman, Higgins, Marvel, Morris, E. J., Morris, R. R., Rickards, Smith, Walton, West and Mr. Speaker-14. Nays-None. So the question was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required constitutional ma­ jority, Passed tke House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Day, the bill (H. B. No. 53) entitled I' An act to confer certain powers on the Delaware Hedge Company,'' was taken up for consideration, . And, on his further motion, the amendments proposed by· the Committee on Private Corporations were read. Mr. Day moved that the amendments be adopted, Which motion Prevailed. And, on his further motion, th.e hill, as an1en.ded, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, '' Shall this bill pass the House?'' The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: Yeas-Messrs. Cranston, Day, Eisenbrey, Elkinton, Hickman, Higgins, Marvel, Morris, R. R., Rickards, Ridgely, Smith, Thomas, Walton and Mr. Speaker-14. Nays-None.

So the question was decided in the affirmative1 And the bill, having received the required constitutional majority, Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. Mr. R. R. Morris, in pursuao.qe of previous notice, asked, and~ on motion of Mr. Marvel, obtained leave. to introduce.a bill (H. B. No. 312) entitled "An act to divorce Henry Stahman from Dorethea Elizabeth Stahman,'' Which, on motion of Mr. R. R. Morris, was read. Mr. Hickman, on behalf of the Committee on Divorce, to whom had been referred the following bills, viz: The bill (H. B. No. 245) entitled . "An acl: to divorce a vinculo matrimont"i John J. Quient from his wife. Wilhelmina Qu~nt:'' The hill (H. B. No. 189) entitled "An act to divorce Annie M. Clark from her husband, George }{. Cl;uik:;" . "An act to divorce Ellen Powell from the bonds of matri­ mony;" The bill (H. B. No. 92) entitled '' An act to divorce Annie M. Rudolph and William F. Ru­ dolph, her husband, from the bonds of matrimony," Reported the same back to the House with the recommenda­ tion that they pass. Mr. Hickman, on behalf of the Committee on Divorce, to whom had been referred the bill (H. B. No. 128) entitled "An act to divorce David J. Murphy from his wife, Mary E. Crawford Murphy," Reported the same back to the House with recommendation that it do not pass.

On motion of Mr. Day, the bill (H. B. No. 245) entitled "An act to divorce a vinculo matrimonit' John J. Quient from his wife, Wilhelmina Quient,'' Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, " Shall this bill pass the House?" It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion of Mr. West, the bill (H. B. No. 206) entitled "An act for the relief of John Wiggins;" Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para­ graphs, in order to pass the Hoµse. On the question, '' Shall this bill pass the House?'' It was decided in the affirmative, 31 And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed Ike House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion, the House adjourned until to-morrow morning .at 10 o'clock.

FRIDAY, Match 20, 1891, 10 o'clock A. M. House met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by the Chaplain. Roll called. Members present - Messrs. Attix, Chipman, Cranston, Day, Eisenbrey, Elkinton, Higgins, Hutson, Jack· son, Marvel, Morris, E. J., Ridgely, Smith, Thomas, Walton, West and Mr. Speaker. Journal read and approved. Mr. Smith, on behalf of the Committee on Enrolled Bills, re­ port1;d ~ d~ly apd_ correcUy enrolled the following Senate joint resolution and House bill, viz: The Senate joint resolution entitled . "Joint resolution combining Senate Enlarged. Committee on Cities and Towns and House Committee on Revised Statutes, to whom shall be referred all subjects in relation to the Levy Court of the several counties;" The bill (H. B. No. 119) entitled "An act for the improvement' of Pipe-Elm Branch, in Kent county;" And presented the same for the signature of the Speaker. Mr. Hutson, on behalf of the Committee on Fish, Oysters itnd Game, to whom had been referted the following bills, viz: The bill (H. B. No. 200) entitled '' An act for the protection of fish in the waters of Broad Creek River, Sussex county, State of Delaware;" The bill (H. B. No. 152) entitled "An act for the protection of food fish in St. Jones' River, .in KE>nt county;" The bill (H. B. No. 204) entitled "An act to foster the oyster interest in the State of Delaware," Reported the same back to the House, with the recommenda- tion that they pass. Mr. Hutson, on behalf of the Committee on Fish, Oysters and Game, to whom had been referred the bill (H. B. No. 181) en­ titled '' An act to protect certain· game in this Snite,'' Reported the same back to the House with th!!! recomtrlenda­ tion that it do not pass. Mr. Hutsoi'I., on behalf of the Committee on Fish, Oysters and Game, to whom h~d been: referred the following bills, viz: The bill (H. B. No. 164) entitled '' An act f6r the pfotectiori of fish in St. Jones'. River, kent county;" 'the bill (H. :8. No. 179) entitled "An act to repeal Chapter 507, Volume 17, of the Laws of Delaware;" The hill (H. B. No. 142) entitled '' An act to enable Thomas Pardee to plant and dredge for oysters in St. Jobes' River, Kci\t c:Olll'lty, Delaware," Reported the same back to the House with the recommenda­ tion that they do not pass. Mr. Hutson, on behalf of the Committee on Fish, Oysters and Game, to whom had been referred the bill (S. B. No. 26) entitled " An act for the protection of registered, banded, and homing pigeons," Reported the same back, with an amendment, and with the re­ commendation that the bill, as amended, pass the House. Mr. Hutson, on behalf of the Committee on Fish, Oysters and Game, to whom had been referred the following bills, viz: The bill (H. B. No. 18o) entitled "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act for the protection and preservation of game and game fish:'' The bill (H. B. No. 87) entitled "An act to repeal Chapter 562, Volume 18, Laws of Dela­ ware;" The bill (H. B. No. 102) entitled "An act to amend Chapter 420, Volume 17, in relation to the tonging of oysters;" The bill (H. B. No. 69) entitled

"An act to repeal and supply Section I of Chapter 507, Volume 17, Laws of Delaware, entitled 'Fish, Oysters and Game,'' Reported the same back to the House with the recommenda­ tion that they do not pass. Mr. Ridgely presented the claim of Thomas Byrd against the State for $20.48, Which, on motion of Mr. Ridgely, was read, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Claims. Mr. Hutson presented a claim of the Sussex Countain Printing Company against the State for $34. 10, Which, on motion of Mr. Hutson, was read, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on -ctaims. On motion of Mr. Hutson it was ordered that five hundred -copies of the bill entitled '' An act to provide for. the payment of the mortgage held by the State against the Junction and Breakwater Railroad Com­ pany and the Breakwater and Frankford Railroad Company," Be printed for the use of the House. Mr. Hutson presented a mt>morial from the Woman's Christian 'Temperance Union, of Dover, Which, on motion of Mr. Hutson, was read, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Temperance. Mr. Chipman presented a petition from J. Walter Anderson and thirty-eight other citizens of Sussex county, in relation to School District No. 87, Which, on motion of Mr. Chipman, was read, And further, on his.motion, was referred to the Committee on Education. Mr. Ridgely offered a joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution to pay Thomas Byrd fifteen dollars for work <>n the State House,'' Which, on motion of Mr. Ridgely, was read, And further, on his motion, The joint resolution was Adopted. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. Mr. Smith gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, .he would ask leave to introduce a bill entitled '' An act entitle 1,tv. o.~t, i i;1ew, pµplic ro~d acr.c;>I& the:1 d,{vipji:~, li.,~ betwee.l) N_~w Cas.,l,e a!¥1, K~nt cOijntie,s tq t.he Town of Cll\y,tQQ," Mr. Higgins gave notice that. on t

'·~Jl ~~ ~Q. es~q 1:1.. S~t~ ~ol;"ip.a! .$ch9qJ ;'' "An act to erect a fountain on the Dover green;" "An act to better improve the public roads in Lewes and Re­ hqbo;q ~11~d and. for ot!,.er pui:pose~ '' Mr. Cranston gave notice that he would, on to-morrow or some future day. aslr. leav,e to intr:odq(:e s~ndry bill$. en~itl.ed as follows: "An act authorizing the Governor to appoint.: an ~W.<.m~l Notary Public in New Castle co~~ty;" "An act to provide an interpreter for the C<;mrts of New Ca~tle county." Mr. R. R. Morris gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to, introduce a bill entitltd ''A,;n ~ f<>r. the be.~ter [?r.Qt~9,n qf g~~.'' Mr. Hutson gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future d~~· ~.w,qul9 ~ le»vie to, intr~u,ce s~n'i\.ry bills; ~~tlecl·a§ ful- lows: · ".An act to supplement the. act to irtcorporate tlte. Boe,d of Stewards of the Wilmington Conference of the M. E. Chwtcll ;.,

"An act to amend Chapter 11 Volume 13, Laws of Delaware, passed at Dover, February 17, 1866;" "An act ta incorporate the colored schqolil of Clieswdld and adjoining country;'' ''An act in relatioll' to officers' fees in this State;'' "An act in relation to the jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace;" . "An aa to amend· the oyster laws of the State of Dtlaware;" "An act fo incorporate· a street railway in the tdwi1 of Dover;" "An act to ftstroy sassafras sprouts in Delaware;" "An act in relation to taxes;" "An act to prevent bribery at elections;" "An act in relation to Orphans' Court;" "An act to provide for the collection, arrangement and dis­ play. of the products of the State of Del'awar'e at the Worfd's Columbian Exposition of i893, and to make an appropriation therefor;'' "An act 'in relation to dowers:" "An act in relation to partitions;" '.'An act in relation to vagrants." Mr. Ridgely gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce sundry bills, entitled as follows: "An act to amend Chapter 555, Volume 18, Laws of Dela­ ware;" ' 'Ait ad in rel~io• to th~ l.anrel and Roaring Point Raiilttoaci Company;" ''Art: acrto divide East Dover hundred so as to• equalize the voting population of each district;" "An act to amend the act incorporating the Agricultural So­ ciety of the State of Delaware;" · "An act to incorporate the Delaware and Atlantic Railroad and Navigation Company;" "An act to incorp

Mr. Day, gave notice that, on to-morrow or some fu.ture day. he·wauld ask leave to introduce sul'ldry bills, entitled as follows:

"An act to incorporate Washington Camp, No. 1, Patrwtic Order Sons of America, of Seaford, Del;" ''An act to amend the game laws so as to prevent shooting wild ducks in the night time;" "A11 act to incorp01"ate the Kentmere Improvement Com­ pany;" ''An act to· incorporate the·Wawaset Land Company;'' "An act to amend Chapter 138 of Volume 15 of Delaware Laws;'' "An act for the benefit of the estate of James Riddle;" "An act in relation to trust estates;"· "An act in relation to divorce;" "Ao act to incorporate the Brandywine Investment Com­ pany;'' ''An act in. relation, to public roads.'' Mr. Eisenbrey ga:ve notice that, on to-morrow or sQme future day, he would ask leave to introduce sundry bills, entitled as fol­ lows: "An act to amend the charter of Bright and Haynes Glades Ditch· Company;" '' Ari act relative to constables;'' "An act relative to the Town of Dover;" "An act relative to catching oysters;" "An act relative to official certificates;" "An act concerning tramps;" ''An act to encourage manufu.cturing industries;'' ''An act to foster immigration;" 491

''An act im r~latioo tn cla.iius agaimt the: SAat.e ;'' "An ad to incorporate the Excelsior Hose and. Knitting Com­ pany;" "An act to provide safeguards against fraud;" "An act to. amend' Chapter 1S1, Volume 14, Laws of Dela­ ware.'' Mr. Chipman gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill entitled "An act to divorce Annie Lingo from her husband~ Eli Lingo. of Sussex county, Delaware.:' Mr. Hickman gave no.ticeetha.t, on t-0,-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill entitled "An act in relation to hauling eel seines in lndiao river and Rehoboth bay.'' . Mr. Ridgely gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce sundry bins entitled as fol­ lows: ''An act for the suppression of Henry C: Turner of the city of Wilrning~JJc;'' "An act to provide for putting prisoners in Kent County Jail to work on the streets and roads;'' "An act to incorporate the Franklin Temple Legislation Com- pany;" · "An act for the encouragement of horticulture;" "An act to provide for the prevention of pove-sty in Kent County." Mr.. Chipman g!lve IKltic.e. that,• on- to-morrrow or ~me futur~ day, he would ask le;i!Jv.e to iotJ!o.duce a. bill.entitled "An act to provide fot: phi~iog- safeiy.· gates or flag,men at <:er­ tain railroad crossings in this State.'' Mn Ma11Vel gave• notice that, on,row. or some futu11e day; he would ask leave to introduce a bill entitled 492

"An act to prevent frequent rains in ." Mr. Day, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on mo­ tion of Mr. Cranston, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 313) entitled "An act to incorporate Riverview Land Company," Which, on motion ·of Mr. Day, was read. Mr. E. J. Morris, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Tindall, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 314) entitled "An act relating to the Town of Lewes," Which, on motion of Mr. E. J. Morris, was read. Mr. Smith, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Cranston, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 315) entitled · "An act entitled 'An act to incorporate the Diamond State In­ vestment Company,'" Which, on motion of Mr. Smith, was read. Mr. Cranston, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Thomas, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 316) entitled "An act for the protection of private property,'' Which, on motion of Mr. Cranston, was read. Mr. Jackson, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Marvel, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. · No. 317) entitled "An act to amend Chapter 446, Volume 17, Laws of Dela­ ware, entitled 'An act restraining frequent changes in the text books to be used in the free schools of this State,'' Which, on motion of Mr. Jackson, was read. Mr. Smith, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on. motion of Mr. Day, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 318) entitled 493 "An act to authorize the trustees under the will of Edwin A. Wilson to sell and convey certain real estate,'' Which, on motion of Mr. Day, was read. Mr. Cranston, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Elkinton, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 319) entitled "An act to incorporate the Worrell Carpet Company," Which, on motion of Mr. Cranston, was read. On motion, the House adjourned until 2 o'clock this afternoon.

SAME DAY, 2 o'clock P. M. House met pursuant to adjournment. Mr. Cranston, in pursuance of previous noti~e, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Smith, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 320) entitled "An act to incorporate the Minqua Iron and Supply Com- pany," Which, on motion of Mr. Cranston, was read. On motion of Mr. Smith, the ~ill (H.B. No. 293) entitled " A further supplement to the act entitled 'An act to reincor­ porate the Wilmmgton Coal Gas Company,'' Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Private Corporations. 494 Mr. Eisenbrey gave notice that, on to·mprrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill entitled · "A supplement to the act entitled 'An act to reincorporate the Bright and Haynes Glades Ditch Company,' passed at Dover, March 12, 1889." Mr. Cranston, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Higgins, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 321) entitled "An act to incorporate the Newark Manufacturing Company," Which, on motion of Mr. Cranston, was read. Mr. E-J· Morris, on behalf of the Committee on Education, to whom ha been referred the following bills,. viz: The bill (H. B. No. 301) entitled "An act to merge School Districts Nos. 58 and 149 into one school district;" The bill (H. B. No. 285) entitled "An act to transfer Joseph J. Collins from School District No. 17S to School DiMr.ict No. t7, in Sussex county;" The bill (H. B. No. 186) entit1ed "Att act to a~d Section 8, Chapter 36g, Volume 16, Laws &f Delaware," . · Reported the same back to the House with the recommenda­ noti· that they pass. Mr. Day gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill entitled "An act to incorporate' Eureka Cottl'leit, No. 1, Jnttior Order of United Amerkan Mechanics.,., On motion of Mr. Attix,. tl,le bill (fl. B. No. 1¢,) entitled "A further supplement to the act entit~d 'An act to (!Stablish the Kenton public schools, passed at Dover, March 10, 1885,' " Was. taken up for consideration, 495

And further, on his motion, the amendments proposed by the Committee on Education were read. Mr. Attix moved that the amendments be adopted, Which motion Prevailed, And further, on his motion, the bill under consideration was read, as amended, a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, " Shall this bill pass the House?" It was decided in the affirml!-tive, And i:he bill, having received the required majority, Passed the House. Onkred to the Senate for concurrence.

Mr. Eisenbrey, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on · motion of Mr. Cranston, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 322) entitled '' An act to transfer certain real estate from certain school districts to other school districts in Kent county, and for other purposes,'' Which, on motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, was read.

On the further motion of .Mr. Eisenbrey, Rule 12 was sus­ pended as to the bill under considera.tion, And, on his further motion, the bill was read a second time, by "title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Education. Mr. Walton gave notice that; on to-morrow or some future

On motion of Mr. Day, the bill (H. B. No. 233) entitled "An act to incorporate Asylum Lodge, No. 23, of the Inde­ pendent Order of Odd Fellows of Wilmington, Delaware," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para­ graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: Yeas-Messrs. Attix, Cranston, Day, Eisenbrey, Elkinton, Higgins, Hutson, Jackson, Marvel, Morris, E. J., Ridgely, Smith, Thomas, Walton, West and Mr. Speaker-16. Nays-None. So the question was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required constitutional majority, Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. Mr. E. J. Morris, gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill entitled , "An act to divorce Frank Morrison and Kate Morrison, his wife, from the bonds of matrimony." . Mr. Eisenbrey gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce sundry bills entitled as ~o)lows: "°'aAn act to amend Chapter 22, Volume 15, Laws of Dela­ ware;" '' An act fixing the compensation of the members of the Gen­ eral Assembly." 497

Mr. Cranston, on behalf of the Committee on Judiciary, to whom had been referred the bill (H. B. No. 268) entitled "An act authorizing the appointment of a Notary Public for the Equitable Guarantee and Trust Company, at Wilmington, Delaware,'' Reported the same back to the House with recommendation that it pass. Mr. Elkinton gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce sundry bills entitled as fol­ lows: "An act in relation to the incorporation of Immanuel Church, at New Castle, Del.;" "An act to divide New Castle hundred into two election dis­ tricts.'' On motion of Mr. Smith, the bill (H. B. No. 300) entitled "An act to amend Chapter 555, Volume 18, Laws of Dela. ware,'' Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. On motion of Mr. Cranston, the bill (H. B. No. 212) entitled '' Supplement to an act to incorporate the Enterprise Real Estate Improvement Company," \Vas taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time by para­ graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, •' Shall this bill pass the House?'' The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows:

32 Yeas-Messrs. Attix, Chipman, Cranston, Day, Eisenbrey, Elkinton, Higgins, Hutson, Jackson, Marvel, Morris, E. J., Ridgely, Smith, Thomas, Walton, West and Mr. Speaker -17. Nays-None. So the question was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required constitutional majority, Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. Mr. Ridgely gave notice that he would, on to-morrow or se>me future day, ask leave to introduce sundry bills, entitled as fol­ lows: · '' An act for the protection of voters at elections in Sussex county;" ''An act concerning the publication of the 'laws, journals, and official reports;" "An act in relation to the assessment and collection of taxes;" "An act in relation to the fee bill;" "An act incorporating the Capital Manufacturing Company;" "An act in relatie>n to tramps and vagrants;" "An act in relation to collectors of taxes;" "An act to repeal Chapter 371 aQd Ch~pter 372, Volume 14, Laws of Delaware, and Chapter 319 and 320, Volume 16, of Delaware;'' . H.!'\n act in relation to Assessors." Mr. Chipman gave notice th~t, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce sundry bills entitled as fol­ lows: "An act to authorize the Levy Court of Sussex county to ap­ propriate $200 for a certain road in Broad Creek hundred, Sus­ sex county;" 499 "An act to authorize and empower the Levy Court of New Castle county to appropriate a certain sum of money to the Road Commissioners of New Castle hundred for the improve­ ment of a certain road in New Castle hundred.'' On motion of Mr. E. J. Morris, the bill (H. B. No. 234) enti­ tled "An act to incorporate the St. Georges Branch Ditch Com­ pany, in Sussex county,'' Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para­ graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass tl;ie House?" The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: Yeas-Messrs. Attix, Cranston, Day, Eisetibrey, Elkititori, Hutson, Jackson, Morris, E. J., Ridgely, Smith, Thomas, Wal- ton, West and Mr. Speaker-14. · Nays-None. So the question was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required constitutional majority, Passed th~ House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion of Mr. E. J. Morris, the bill (H. B. No. 230) en- titled · "An act to incorporate the Derrickson Millpond Branch Ditch Company, in Sussex county,'' · Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para-· graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, '' Shall this bill pass the House?'' 500

The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: Yeas-Messrs. Attix, Chipman, Cranston, Day, Eisenbrey, Elkinton, Higgins, Hutson, Jackson, Marvel, Morris, E. J., Smith, Thomas, Walton, West and Mr. Speaker-16. Nays-None. So the question was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required constitutional ma­ jority, Passed Ike House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. Mr. Hutson gave notice tl)at he would, on to-morrow or some future day, ask leave to introduce a bill entitled . "An act to protect food fish in the Delaware bay, river, and creeks of Kent county." Mr. Attix gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill entitled "A supplement to Chapter 100, Volume 18, Laws of Dela- ware.'' · On motion of Mr. Walton, the bill (H. B. No. 186) entitled "An act to amend Section 8, Chapter 369, Volume 16, Laws. of Delaware," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, '' Shall this bill pass the House?'' It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed Ike House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. 501

On motion.of Mr. Ridgely, the bill (H. B. No. 92) entitled· "An act to divorce Annie M. Rudolph and William F. Ru­ ·dolph, her husband, from the bonds of matrimony," Was taken up for consideration, And, on his further motion, the amendment proposed by the 'Committee on Divorce, was read. Mr. Higgins moved the amendment be adopted, Which motion Prevailed. On motion of Mr. Ridgely the bill under consideration was read, as amended, a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, ''Shall this bill pass the House?'' It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required ma3onty, Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Chipman, the bill (H. B. No. 113) entitled ·•'An act concerning peach yellows,'' Was taken up from the table, And further, on his motion, was recommitted to the Committee -on Agriculture. On motion of Mr. West, the bill (H. B. No. 151) entitled "An act to transfer all the lands and premises of George C. Twilley from School District No. 183 to School District No. 141, in Sussex county," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para­ .graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" 502

It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, havlng received the required majority, Passed tl?,e House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. Mr. West gave notice that, on to·morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to in.troduce sundry bills, entitled as fol­ lows: "An act to amend Chapter 418, Volume 14, Laws of Dela­ ware;" "An act to authorize the Levy Court of Sussex county to ap­ propriate the sum of $1,800 to repair a certain.road." Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, informed the House that the Senate had concurred in the bill (H. B. No. 81) entitled "An a,ct to amend Chapter 90 of the Revised Statutes of the State of Delaware," And returned the same to the House. Also, that the Senate had concurred, with an amendment, in the bill (H. B. No. 19) entitled "An act incorporating the Rehoboth Beach Association," And returned the same to the flouse with the request that the House concur in the amendments. On motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, the bill (H. B. No. 3o6) entitled " An act to open and lay out a new road in Kent cou11ty," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Roads and Vacant LaQds. On motion of Mr. Eisenbrey; the bill (H. B. No. 304) entitled 503

'' An act to revive, reenact ana amend an act ~ntitled 'An act to incorporate the Mispillion and Beaver Dam Branch Draining Company, and fut other purposes,' " Was read a second time) by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Private Corporations. Mr. E. J. Morris gave notice that, on to-morrow or somefuture day, he would ask leave to introduce sundry bills, entitled as fol­ lows: ''An act to give Andrew H. Baker title to certain lands;" "An act pertaining to the advertisement of sheriff sales;" "An act concerning the expenditure of public moneys;" "An act concerning old judgments." Mr. R. R. Morris gave notice that, on to-morrow or some fu. ture day, he would ask leave to introduce sundry bills, entitled as follows: "An act for a better system of county government;" "An act in relation to the public funds of the State of Dela­ ware;" "An act to provide for a better system of drainage in Sussex county;" "An act in relation to common carriers."

On motion of Mr. Chipman, the bill (H. B. No. 301) entitled "An act entitled an act to merge School Districts Nos. 58 and 149 of Sussex county into one school district," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third tim'e, by para­ graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, ''Shall this bill pass the House?'' It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence.

Mr. Ridgely gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce sundry bills, entitled as fol­ lows: "An act providing for the incorporation of railroad and other transportation companies;'' "An act incorporating the Wyoming Manufacturing Com­ pany."

Mr. West gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce sundry bills, entitled as fol­ lows: "An act to authorize George W. Jones to locate or take up certain vacant land in Gumboro hundred in Sussex county;" "An act to incorporate a certain ditch or ditches in Dagsboro hundred, Sussex county;" "An act to open a new public road in Sussex county, Dela­ ware;'' "An act in relation to United School District in Sussex county;" "An act in relation to the marriage of minors;" "An act to incorporate 'The Delaware Trust and Deposit Company;"' Mr. Elkinton presented the claim of H. C. Conrad against the State, for $90.39, Which, on motion of Mr. Elkinton, was read, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Claims. On motion of Mr. West, the bill (H. B. No. 308) entitled 505

"An act to transfer a portion of William H. Rodney's farm from School District No. 185, in Sussex county, to School District No. 43, in said county,'' Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was refured to the Committee on Education. On motion of Mr. West, the bill (H. B. No. 294) entitled "An act to authorize the Constable in Georgetown hundred, Sussex county, residing in Georgetown, to appoint a deputy," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. Mr. Attix gave . notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introd_uce sundry bills, entitled as fol­ lows: "A~ act to amend Chapter 75 of the Revised Code;" "An act to incorporate Wright's Marsh Ditch Company." Mr. Eisenbrey gave notice that he would, on to-morrow or some future day, ask leave to introduce a bill entitled "An act to incorporate the Bay Shore and Northern Railway Company." Mr. Hutson, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Ridgely, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 323) entitled '' An act for the protection of mamoose, or young sturgeon, in the Delaware bay, river, and their tributaries." Which, on motion of Mr. Hutson, was read. I Mr. Ridgely, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and; on motion of Mr. Marvel, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 324) entitled "An act to divorce Eugenia and Charles P. Barnes," 506.

Which, on motion of Mr. Ridgely, was read. On motion of Mr. Morris, the bi'll (H. B. No. 274) entitled "An act to divorce George W. Piper and S. Cassie Piper, from the bonds of matrimony," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Divorce. On motion of Mr. Chipman, the bill (H. B. No. 253) entitled '' An act to straighten and establish a public road in Broad Creek hundred, Sussex county, State of Delaware," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, '' Shall this bill pass the House?'' It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence.

On motion of Mr. Higgins, the bill (S. B. No. 34) entitled "An act to incorporate Eureka Conclave, No. 5, Heptasophs, or Seven Wise Men,'' Was read a second time, by its title, And, on his further motion, was referred to the Committee on Private Corporations. On motion of Mr. Higgins, the bill (S. B. N'o. 35) entitled '' An act for -the benefit of creditors and stockholders of in­ solvent corporations,'' Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on ms motion, was referred to, the Coitimitllee on Revised Stalutes. On motion of Mr. E. J. Morris, the bill (H. B. No. 281) en-. titled . "An act to incorporate the Deep Hole Ditch Company in Bal- timore Hundred, Sussex County,' . Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Private Corporations. On motion of Mr. E. J. Morris, the bill (H. B. No. 288) en- titled · · " An act to lay out a new public road in Baltimore hundred, in: Sussex county," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on­ Roads and Vacant Lands. Mr. Eisenbrey, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on. motion of Mr. Rickards, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B.. No. 325) entitled "An act to amend Section 5, Chapter 438, Volume 17, Laws of Delaware,'' Which, on motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, was read. Mr. Cr:anston in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Elkinton, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 326) entitled "An act to further amend the charter of the City of New Castle," Which, on motion of Mr. Cranston, was read! On motion of Mr. E. J. Morris, the bill (H. B. No. 295) en­ titled 508

"An additional supplement to the afrentitled • An aa in rela­ tion to the proposed canal, intended as a free inland waterway, conne&ing Assawaman Bay with Delaware Bay,' passed at Dover, April 4, 1887," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. On motion of Mr. Chipman, the bill (H. B. No. 290) entitled "An aa for the relief of School Distri& No. 87, in Sussex county,'' Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Education. On motion of Mr. Chipman, the bill (H. B. No. 307) entitled "An aa to incorporate the Union Temperance Benevolent Society of Laurel and vicinity," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Private Corporations. On motion of Mr. Chipman, the bill (H. B. No. 309) entitled "An aa to change the name of Mortimer C. Phillips to Morti­ mer C. Elliott, Was read .a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Divorce. · On motion of Mr. Chipman, the bill (H. B. No. 310) entitled "An act transfering certain lands of Dr. Robert G. Ellegood from School District No. 45 to United School Districts Nos. 44 and 150, in Sussex county," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Education. On motion of Mr. E. J. Morris, the bill (H. B. No. 3u) en­ titled •' An act to divide Mill Creek hundred into three election dis­ tricts," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Elections. On motion of Mr. E. J. Morris, the bill (H. B. No. 296) en- titled "An act for the relief of Martin V. Lodge," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, informed the House that the Senate had passed and requested the concur­ rence of the House in a bill (S. B. No. 66) entitled "An act to incorporate the Dover Button Manufacturing Com­ pany," And presented the same to the House. Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, informed the House that the Senate had adopted and requested the con- currence of the House in a joint resolution entitled, · ''Joint resolution authorizing Wilbur H. Burnite, State Treas­ urer, to enter satisfaction of the judgment confessed upon the official bond of William Herbert, ex-State Treasurer," And presented the same to the· House. He also presented to the House the report of State Treasurer Wilbur H. Burnite, made to the investi~ating committee, show­ ing the condition of the Treasury at this date and the amount due from Ex-State Treasurer William Herbert. On motion of Mr. Higgins, the report of the State Treasurer was read, as follows: · 510

Hon. Ckarles B. Houston, Ckainnan of Investigating Committee: DEAR SIR : In answer to your request for information relating to the account of William Herbert, late State Treasurer, as it at present stan.ds with the State of Delaware, I have the honor to present the following statement. Respectfully submitted, WILBUR H. BURNITE, State Treasurer. 1890. Dec. 31. Balance due State, as shown by set- tlement witli Legislativ.e Committee, . $ 99,652 68 Received since said setttlement as follows: 1891. Jan. I. Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore Railroad Co., . $ 6,750 oo 1. Delaware, Maryland & Vir­ ginia Railroad · Co., . . . 112 so 1. Delaware Railroad Co., .. 1,500 00 I. Junction & Breakwater Rail- road Co., •..•.... 8,000 00 Breakwater and Frankford Rail- road Co., •.•.•..• 4.000 x. Edwin R. Cochran, • 22,002 92 3. Unic,n National l).ank, . . • 476 25 3. George A. Maxwell, • • . . . 24 30 3. Joseph Burchenal, . . . . • 152 IO 9. John K. Bradford . . . . . 112 43 9. Farmers' Bank of Dover, . . 1,398 00 9. Farmers' Ban~ at New Ca11tle, 142 50 9. Fanners' Bank at Georgetown 372 00 9. Farmers' Bank at Dover, • . 5,400 00 9. Farmers' Bank at Dover, • • 2,856 oo 9. Farmers' Bank at New Castle, 442 50 9. Far~efs' Bank at Geargetpwn 36o 00 15. N'atiopal Bank of Delaware, 400 00 15. National Bank o( Delaware, 740 00 22. John F. Saull!lbury, (private acts), . • . • . • , • . S.50 oo 22. John F. ~ulabury (commis- sions), • . • ~ . • • . • 840 00 56,631 .50 Total, •.•••..••. $156, 284. 18 511

Amount brought forward ...... $156,284 18 Amount disbursed since settlement with the Legis- lative Committee, as per vouchers, 7,315 04

Amount due State, ...... $148,969 14 Received of ex-Treasurer Herbert the following: 1891. Feb. rn. Check on Farmers' Bank at Dover, ...... $94,725 39 March 2. Certificate of deposit, Far­ mers' Bank, New Castle, 17,0(X) 00 ----- $111,725 39

Balance, $37,243 75 The following items previously charged are ac­ knowledged by Mr. Herb~rt to be incorrect, and he has agreed to refund the same: 1889. Sept.-. Discount on note, $129 51 Oct. 22. Discount on note, 24 08 $153 59 1891. Mar. 20. Total balance due the State, $37,397 34 On the further motion of Mr. Higgins, the Senate joint resolu­ tion entitled "Joint resolution authorizing Wilbur H/ Burnite, State Treas­ urer to enter satisfaction of the judgment confessed upon die official bond of William Herbert, ex-State Treasurer," Was read, And further, on his motion, The joint resolution was Concurred t'n. Ordered that the Senate be informed thereof and the joint resolution returned to that body. On motion of Mr. Ridgely, the bill (S. B. No. 66) entitled 512

"An act to incorporate the Dover Button Manufacturing Com­ pany," Was read a first time, And, on his further motion, Rule 12 was suspended as to the bill under consideration, And further, on his motion, the bill was read a second time, by title, And, on his further motion, was referred to the Committee on Private Corporations. On motion, the House adjourned until Monday next, March 23, at 5.30 o'clock P. M.

MONDAY, March 23, 1891, 5.30 o'clock P. M. House met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by the Chaplain. Roll called. Members present-Messrs. Eisenbrey, Jackson, Rickards, Ridgely, Thomas, Tindall and Mr. Speaker. There being no quorum present, On motion, the House adjourned until to-morrow at 5.30 o'clock P. M. TUESDAY, March 24, 1891, 5.30 o'clock P. M. House met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by the Chaplain. Roll called. Members present-Messrs. Cranston, Day, Eisen­ brey, Hickman, Higgins, Hutson, Jackson, Marvel, Morris, E. J., Morris, R. R., Rickards, Ridgely, Smith, Thomas, Tindall, Walton, West and Mr. Speaker. Journals of March 20 and March 23 read and approved.

On motion, the House adjourned until 10 o'clock to-morrow morning.

WEDNESDAY, March 25, 1891, 10 o'clock A. M. House met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by the Chaplain. Roll called. Members present-Messrs. Attix, Chipman, Cranston, Da:y, Eisenbrey, ~ickman, Hi.ggins, Hu~son, Jacksfn, Marvel, Morns, E. J., Morns, R.R., Rickards, Ridgely, Smith, Thomas, Walton, West and Mr. Speaker. Journal read and approved. Mr. Hutson, on behalf of the Committee on Revised Statutes, to whom had been referred the following bills, viz: 33 The bill (H. it No. 296) entitled "An act for the relief of Martin V. Lodge;" The bill (H. B. No. 295) entitled "An additional supplement to the act entitled 'An act in rela­ tion to the proposed canal, intended as a free inland waterway, connecting Assawaman Bay with Delaware Bay,' passed at Dover, April 4, 1887," The bill (H. B. No. 183) entitled "An act to further amend Chapter 145, Volume 16, Laws of Delaware;" The bill (H. B. No. 246) entitled "An act to amend Chapter 448, Laws of Delaware, in relation to the boundary line of the State of Delaware and the Common­ wealth of Pennsylvania;" The bill (H. B. No. 227) entitled "An act to renew the charter of the Equitable Loan Associa­ tion, of Wilmington," Reported the same back to the House, with the recommenda­ tion that they pass. Mr. Hutson, on behalf of the Committee on Revised Statutes, to whom had been referred the bill (H. B. No. 1 ro) entitled "An act requiring school collectors and treasurers to give bond,'' Reported the same back to the House with the recommenda­ tion that it do not pass. Mr. Hutson, on behalf of the Committee on Revised Statutes, to whom had been referred the following bills, viz: The bill (S. B. No. 35) entitled "An act for the benefit of creditors and stockholders of insol­ vent corporations;" The bill (H. B. No. 300) entitled "An act to amend Chapter 555, Volume 18, Laws pf Dela­ ware;'' The bill (H. B. No. 225) entitled "An act for the benefit.of St. Andrews' Church, Wilmington, Delaware,'' Reported the same back to the House with the recommenda­ tion that they pass. Mr. Smith, on behalf of the Committee on Enrolled Bills, re­ P?rted as duly and correctly enrolled the following House bills, VIZ: HAn act to incorporate the Provident Ice Company;" "An act to incorporate the Deadwood and Delaware Smelting Company," And presented the same for the. signature of the Speaker. Mr. Rickards, on behalf of the Committee on Private Corpo­ rations, to whom had been referred the following bills, viz: The bill (S. B. No. 66) entitled "An act to incorporate the Dover Button Manufacturing Com­ pany;" The bill (H. B. No. 261) entitled "An act to incorporate the Banking House Corporation of Wil- mington;'' The bill (H. B. No. 267) entitled "An act to incorporate the Minquadale Home," Reported the same back to the House, with the recommenda- tion that they pass. · Mr. Eisenbrey presented the claim of A. Z. Roberts against the State for $200.48, Which, on motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, was read, And further, on his motion, was referred to tht Committ~e on Claims. Mr. Rickards presented the claim of Theodore Townsend · against the State for $273.04, Which, on motion of Mr. Rickards, was read, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Claims. Mr. Smith, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Cranston, obtained leave to inti:oduce a bill (H. B. No. 327) entitled ~'An act to incorporate the Chandler Trustee Company," Which, on motion of Mr. Smith, was read. . Mr. Eisenbrey, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Rickards, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 328) entitled "An act to divorce Mary E. Reed from her husband, William M. Reed,'' Which, on motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, was read. Mr. Hickman, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Jackson, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 329) entitled '' An act to enable Isaac Wootten, late Sheriff of Sussex county, to amend his return on execution No. 269 to April term. 1883," Which, on motion of Mr. Hickman, was read. Mr. Smith, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Day, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 330) entitled ''An act to incorporate the Brandywine Springs Railway Com­ pany," Which, on motion of Mr. Smith, was read. Mr. Cranston, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Walton, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 331) entitled "An act limiting the lien of judgments, and for other pur­ poses," Which, on motion of Mr. Cranston, was read. Mr. Smith, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Higgins, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 332) entitled "An act entitled an act to extend "the time for recording private ,statutes,'' Which, on motion of Mr. Smith, was read. Mr. Cranston, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on ·motion of Mr. Walton, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 333) entitled ''An act for the erection of a drawbridge over the Brandywine creek or river in New Castle county," Which, on motion of Mr. Cranston, was read. Mr. Day, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on mo­ tion of Mr. Thomas, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 334) entitled "An act to incorporate Washington Camp, No. 1, Patriotic Order Sons of America, of Seaford, Del.," Which, on motion of Mr. Day, was read . . Mr. Ridgely, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Tindall, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 335) entitled "An acl: to authorize the Clerk of the Orphans' Court of the State of Delaware, in and for Kent county, to note on the r~cord -of all satisfied recognizances in said Orphans' Court the fact of .such satisfaction, and for other purposes,'' . Which, on motion of Mr. Ridgely, was read. Mr. Smith, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on ·motion of Mr. Cranston, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 336) entitled 518

"An act in relation to public roads and highways in New Cas­ tle county," Which, on motion of Mr. Smith, was read. Mr. Day, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Walton, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 337) entitled "An act to amend the charter of the River Front Railroad Company,'' Which, on motion of Mr. Day, was read. Mr. Ridgely, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Chipman, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 338) entitled "An act to repf'al an act entitled 'An act to transfer the land, houses and premises of Anna Voshell from United School Dis­ tricts Nos. 22 and 99 to United School Districts Nos. 27 and 122, in Kent county," Which, on motion of Mr. Ridgely, was read. Mr. Hutson, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Jackson, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 339) entitled "An act to amend Chapter 1, Volume 13, Laws of Dela· ware,'' Which, on motion of Mr. Hutson, was read. Mr. Smith, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on 'motion of Mr. Day, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 340) entitled . "An act to revive, reenact and reestablish an act passed by the General Assembly of this State, January 22, 1831, entitled 'A further supplement to an act entitled 'An act to enable the owners and possessors of the marsh-meadow on the north side of Christiana river, called Brandywine Marsh, and tract of meadow, marsh and cripple on the south side of the said river called Holland's Creek Marsh, and also the tract of marsh­ meadow near Newport, called Conrad's Cripple, to keep the banks, dams and sluices in repair and raise a fund to defray the expenses thereof, so far as the same relates to the said Holland's Creek Marsh," Which, on motion of Mr. Smith, was read. Mr. Day, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on mo­ tion of Mr. Cranston, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 341) entitled "An act to incorporate Eureka Council, No. r, Junior Order United American Mechanics," Which, on motion of Mr. Day, was read. Mr. Smith, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Walton, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 342) entitled ''An act to incorporate the North Side Improvement Com­ pany," Which, on motion of Mr. Smith, was read. Mr. Day, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on mo­ tion of Mr. Walton, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 343) entitled ''An act requiring the placing of safety gates at a certain cross­ ing in Brandywine hundred," \Vhich, on motion of Mr. Day, was read. Mr. Smith, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Cranston, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 344) entitled "An act to reincorporate the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument Association in the State of Delaware,'' Which, on motion of Mr. Smith, was read. Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, informed the House that the Senate had passed and requested the concur­ rence of the House in the following bills, viz; The bill (S. B. No. 52) entitled 520

"An act to incorporate the Marshallton Building and Loan Association;'' The bill (S. B. No. 51) entitled "An a& to incorporate Ivanhoe Castle, No. 21, Knights of the Golden Eagle;," The bill (S. B. No. 42) entitled "An act to amend Sections 27, 35 and 38 Chapter 175, Volume 18, Laws of Delaware;" The bill (S. B. No. 37) entitled "An act to incorporate the John T. Dickey Company;" The bill (S. B. No. 25) entitled '' An act to vacate a portion of an old road in the city of Wil­ mington;'' The bill (S. B. No. 41) entitled "An act to incorporate the 'Young Men's Christian Associa­ tion of Wilmington, Delaware:'" The bill (S. B. No. 55) entitled "An act to amend Chapter 76 of the Revised Statutes of Dela­ ware;" The bill (S. B. No. 23) entitled "An act to amend Section 4 of Chapter 123 of the Revised Code, as amended and republished in 1874;" And presented the same to the House. He also informed the House that the Senate had concurred in the following joint resolutions, viz: The House joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution in relation to the reports of State officers;" The House joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution to pay Thomas Byrd fifteen dollars for work on the State House;" · 521

And returned the same to the House. Also, that the Senate had concurred in the following House bills, viz: The bill (H. B. No. ~55) entitled "An acl: to further amend the acl: entitled 'An acl: to reincor- porate the Town of Dover;' " · The bill (H. B. No. 173) entitled "An act to amend Chapter 613, Volume 17, Laws of Dela­ ware, entitled 'An act in relation to the estates of aliens and to complete their title to the same;'' The bill (H. B. No. u8) entitled "An acl: to fix the time for holding the Superior Court and Court of General Sessions of the Peace and Jail Delivery in the several counties of this State;" And returned the same to the House. Also, that the Senate had concurred, with amendments, in the bill (H. B. No. II) entitled "An act requiring the placing of safety gates at a certain rail­ road crossing in Christiana hundred, New Castle county," And returned the same to the House and requested the con­ currence of the House in the Senate amendments. On motion of Mr. Day, the bill (S. B. No. 37) entitled "An act to incorporate the John T. Dickey Company," Was read a first.time. On motion of Mr. Day, the bill (S. B. No. 25) entitled "An act to vacate a portion of an old road in the City of Wil­ mington,'' Was read a first time. 522

Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the· Senate, being admitted, returned to the House the follqwing duly and correctly enrolled House bills and joint resolutions, viz: The bill (H. B. No. 58) entitled "An act to divorce Charles H. Boyle from his wife, Bridget E. Boyle;" . · · The bill (H. B. No. 37) entitled "An act to divorce Mary Jones from her husband, James B. Jones, and to give to her the custody of her children;" The bill (H. B. No. 83) entitled "An act to incorporate the J. Miller Thomas Company;" The bill (H. B. No. 141) entitled "An act for the relief of the Mutual Loan Association;" The House joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution in relation to the grave of ex-Governor Hazlett;" The House joint resolution entitled "Joint rf'solution convening the two Houses of the General As­ sembly for the purpose of attending the inauguration of the Governor-elect;'' The House joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution in relation to adjournment;" The House joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution in relation to the Governor's room;" The House joint resolution entitled ''Joint resolution in relation to furnishing the Auditor's office;" The House joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution in relation to appointing a committee to make arrangements for the General Assembly to visit Washington, D. C., March 3, 1891 ;" The House joint resolution entitled ''Joint resolution to meet in the hall of the House of Repre­ sentatives this evening, March IO, at 8 o'clock, to give audience to Hon. Charles B. Lore, Dr. Raub, and others, on behalf of · Delaware College,'' The same having received the signature of the Speaker of the Senate. Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, returned to the House the duly and correcl:ly enrolled House bill, viz : "An act to incorporate the Provident Ice Company," The same having received the signature of the Speaker of the Senate. On motion of Mr. Smith, the bill (H. B. No. 315) entitled "An act entitled 'An act to incorporate the Diamond State In­ vestment Company," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was·rcferred to the Committee on Private Corporations. On motion of Mr. Hutson, the bill (H. B. No. 323) entitled "An act for the protection of mamoose, or young sturgeon, · in the Delaware bay, river, and their tributaries," . Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on · Fish, Oysters and Game. On motion of Mr. Jackson, the bill (H. B. No. 317) entitled "An act to amend Chapter 446, Volume 17, Laws of Dela­ ware, entitled 'An act restraining frequent changes in the text books to be used in the free schools of this State,' '' Was read a seeond time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Education. On motion of Mr. Cranston, the bill (H. B. No. 316) entitled "An act for the protection of private property," . • Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Roads and Vacant Lands. On motion of Mr. E. J. Morris, the bill (H. B. No. 303) en- titled "An act relating to the Town of Lewes," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Municipal Corporations. On motion of Mr. Smith, the bill (H. B. No. 303) entitled "An act in relation to the public schools of the State of Dela­ ware,'' Was read a second time, by. its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Education. On motion of Mr. Cranston, the bill (H. B. No. 319) entitled "An act to incorporate the Worrell Carpet Company," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Private Corporations. On motion of Mr. Cranston, the bill (H. B. No. 321) entitled "An act to incorporate the Newark Manufacturing Company," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Private Corporations. · On motion of Mr. Day, the bill (H. B. No. 313) entitled "An act to incorporate the Riverview Land Company," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on. Private Corporations. On motion of Mr. Cranston, the bill (H. B. No. 320) entitled "An act to incorporate the Minqua Iron and Supply Com­ pany," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Private Corporations. On motion of Mr. Smith, the bill (H. B. No. 305) entitled "An act to incorporate the Union Electric Company," Was read a second time, by its title, And, on his further motion, was referred to the Committee on Private Corporations.

On motion of Mr. Day, the bill (H. B. No. ·289) entitled "An act to incorporate the George Churchman Lumber and Engineering Company,'' Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Private Corporations.

On motion of Mr. Day, the bill (H. B. No. 297) entitled ''A further supplement to an act entitled 'An act to amend an act entitled 'An additional supplement to the act entitled 'An act for the benefit of the public schools of Wilmington," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Education. On motion of Mr. Smith, the bill (H. B. No. 318) entitled 526

"An acj; to authorize the trustees under the will of Edwin A. Wilson to sell and convey certain real estate,'' Was read a second time, by its title, · And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. On motion of Mr. R. R. Morris, the bill (H. B. No. 299) en- titled · "An act to incorporate Milton Council, No. 14, Order of United American Mechanics, at Milton, Delaware," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Private Corporations.

On motion of Mr. R. R. Morris, the bill (H. B. No. 302) en­ titlecj "An act to transfer the farm of William H. Prettyman from School District No. 88 to School District No. 13 in Sussex county," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Education.

On motion of Mr. R. R. Morris, the bill (H. B. No. 312) en­ titled "An act to divorce Henry Stahman from Dorethea Elizabeth Stahman,'' Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on. Divorce. On motion of Mr. Rjdgely, the bill (H. B. No. 324) entitled "An act to divorce Eugenia and Charles P. Barnes," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on . Divorce. On motion of Mr. Rickards. the bill (H.B. No. 291) entitled "An act to amend Section 13, Chapter 161, Volume 18, Laws of Delaware," \Y"as read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Municipal Corporations. On motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, the bill (H. B. No. 325) entitled "An act to amend Section S, Chapter 438, Volume 17, Laws of Delaware," Was read a second time, by its title; And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Agriculture. On motion of Mr. E. J. Morris, the bill (H. B. No. 285) enti­ tled "An act to transfer Joseph J. Collins from School District No. 178 to School District No. 17, in Sussex county," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs, in order to pass the House. On 'the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed the Hoitse. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Hutsori, the bill (H. B. No. 204) entitled "An act to foster the oyster interest in this State," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, '' Shall this bill pass the House?'' It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence.

On motion of Mr. Smith, the bill (H. B. No. 225) entitled "An aet for the benefit: of St. Andrews' Church, Wilmington, Delaware," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para­ graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, '' Shall this bill pass the House ?'' The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: Yeas-Messrs. Attix, Chipman, Cranston, Day, Eisenbrey, Jackson, Morris, E. J., Rickards, Ridgely, Smith, Thomas, Walton, West and Mr. Speaker-14. Nays-None. So the question was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required constitutional majority, Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence.

On motion of Mr. E. J. Morris, the bill (H. B. No. 296) en­ titled "An aet for the relief of Martin V. Lodge," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para­ graphs, in order to pass the Hous.e. On the question, '' Shall this bill pass the House?'' The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: Yeas-Messrs. Day, Hutson, Morris, E. J., Smith, Thomas, Walton, West and Mr. Speaker-8. Nays-Messrs. Attix, Eisenbrey, Jackson, Rickards, Ridgely -5. So the question was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the requfred majority, Passed tke House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence, On motion of Mr. Smith, the bill (H.. B. No. 226) entitled "An act to exempt certain marsh and meadow lands in the ·city of Wilmington from municipal taxes," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed tke House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Smith, the bill (H. B. No. 246) entitled

"An act to amend Chapter 448 1 Volume 18, of the Laws of Delaware, in relation to the boundary line between the State of Delaware and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania," Was taken up for consideration, 34 530 And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, •' Shall this bill pass the House?'' It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed tke House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion of Mr: Hutson, the vote by which th.e bill entitled "An acl: to amend Chapter 448, Volume 18 of the Laws of Delaware in relation to the boundary. line between the State of Delaware and the Commonwealth of_Pennsylvania," Passed the House, was reconsidered, And further, on his motion, the bill was recommitted to the Committee on Revised Statutes. On motion of Mr. Smith, the bill (H. B. No. 268) entitled " An act authorizing the appointment of a Notary Public for the Equitable Guarantee and Trust Company, at Wilmington, Delaware," .Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para­ graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: Yeas-Messrs. Attix, Chipman; Cranston, Day, Eisenbrey, Hutson, Jackson, Morris, .E. ]., Smith, Thomas, Tindall, Wal­ ton, West and Mr. Speaker-,-14. Nay-~r. Rickards-I. So the question was decided in the affirmative, 531

And the bill, having received the required constitutional ma­ jority, Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. Mr. Hutson, from the Committee on Revised Statutes, to whom was referred the bill (H. B. No. 161) entitled '' An act for the relief of Minnie A. Hamilton,'' Reported the same back to the House with recommendation that it pass. Mr. Rickards, on behalf of the Committee on Private Corpora­ tions, to whom had been referred the bill (H. B. No. 41) enti­ tled "An act to amend the charter of the Front and Union Street Railway Company,'' Reported the same back to the House, with the recommenda- tion that it pass. On motion of Mr. Hutson, the bill (H. B. No. 161) entitled "An act for the relief of Minnie A. Hamilton," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, '.'Shall this bill pass the House?" It was deciq,ed in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Ridgely, the bill (H. B. No. 183) entitled "An act to further amend Chapter 145, Volume 16, Laws of Delaware, entitled 'An act in relation to mechanics' liens,' " Was taken up for consideration, 532

And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, '' Shall this bill pass the Hou~e ?'' It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required maJonty, Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. Mr. Hutson, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Walton, <:>btained leave to·introduce a bill (H. B. No. 345) entitled "An act to incorporate the Peninsula Printing Company,"· Which, on motion of Mr. Hutson, was read. On motion of Mr. Rickards, the bill (S. B. No. 66) entitled "An act to incorporate the Dover Button Manufacturing Com­ pany," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para­ graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, '' Shall this bill pass the House?'' The yeas and .nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: · Yeas-Messrs. Attix, Chipman, Eisenbrey, Hickman, Hut­ son, Jackson, Marvel, Morris, E. J., Morris, R. R., Rick­ ards, Ridgely, Smith, Thomas, Tindall, Walton, West and Mr .. Speaker-17. Nays-None. So th.e question was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required constitutional majority, Passed the House. 533 Ordered that the·. Sen;ite be .informed thereof,- and the bill re­ turned to that bodv. On motion of Mr. E. J. Morris, the Senate amendments to the bill (H. B. No. 19) entitled "An act incorporating the Rehoboth Beach Association," Were read, as follows : Amend bill by striking out the words " City of Rehoboth" wherever they occur in said act and insert in lieu thereof the words "Cape Henlopen City." Amend Section 4 of said act by striking out the word "Wednesday" wherever the same occurs in said section and insert in lieu thereof" Saturday." Amend said section further by striking out the word '' two'! in the sixth line thereof and insert in lieu thereof the word "four," and also the word "four" in the seventh line thereof .and insert the word ''eight.'' Amend Section 3 of said acl: by striking out the words "John D. Marshall" in the second line thereof and insert in · lieu thereof "John W. Hall," and er amel)d s; section by striking out the words "Samuel Reiley" in the said second line thereof, and insert in lieu thereof the words " E. J. Morris." Amend Section 3 of said act by adding after the word '' State'' i.n the sixteenth line thereof and before the word "provided" in the seventeenth line, the following: "Immediately after the organ­ ization of the commissioners, as provided for in Section 6 of this act, all books, .. p;3.pers and effects which belong to the Rehoboth Beach Association shall be at once delivered to the said commis­ sioners or their proper agent by the officer or officers of the said The Rehoboth Beach Association having the same in his or their .custody.''

IN SENATE, March 20, 1891. · Extract from Journal. For concurrence. EDWARD D. HEARNE, Clerk of the Senate." 534 Mr. E. J. Morris moved that the amendments be concurred in .. On the question, "Shall the amendments be concurred in ?" The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as. follows: Yeas-Messrs. Attix, Chipman, Eisenbrey, Hickman, Hut-­ son, Jackson, Marvel, Morris, E. J., Morris, R. R., Rickards,. Ridgely, Smith, Thomas, Tindall, West and Mr. Speaker-16. .Nays-None. So the question was decided in the affirmative, And the motion Prevai"led. Ordered that the Senate be informed thereof.

On motion of Mr. Smith, the bill (H. B. No. 300) entitled "An acl: to amend Chapter SSS, Volume 18, Laws of Dela­ ware,". Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, '' Shall this bill pass the House?'' It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed tke House .. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Hickman, the bill (H. B. No. 79) entitled "An acl: to divorce Levia A. Moore from her husband, Harbe· H. Moore,'' Was taken up for consideration, . And, on his further motion, the amendment proposed by the: Committee on Divorce was read. 535 Mr. Hickman moved that the amendment be adopted, Which motion Prevailed, And, on the further motion of Mr. Hickman, the bill under consideration was read, as .amended, a third time, by para­ graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Jackson, the bill (H. B. No. 152) entitled "An act for the protection of food fish in St. Jones' River, in Kent county,'' Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Smith, the bill (H. B. No. 41) entitled "An act to amend the charter of the Front and Union Street Railway Company," Was recommitted to the Committee on Private Corporations. On motion of Mr. Hickman, the bill (S. B. No. 35) entitled "An act for the benefit of creditors and stockholders of insol- vent corporations,'' Was taken up for consideration, 536

And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para­ graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: Yeas-Messrs. Attix, Eisenbrey, Hickman, Higgins, Hutson, Jackson, Marvel, Morris, E. J., Morris, R. R., . Rickards, Ridgely, Smith, Thomas, Tindall, Walton, West and Mr. Speaker-17. Nays-'-None. So the question was decided in the affirmative, And the bill; having received the required majority, Passed the House. Ordered that the Senate be informed thereof and the bill re­ turned to that body. On motion of Mr. R. R. Morris, the bill (H. B. No. 197) en- titled . · • "An act to lay· out a new public road in Broadkiln hundred, Sussex county,'' Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. Mr. E. J. Morris, oti behalf of the Committee on Education, to whom had been referred the following bills, viz: The bill (H. B. No. 272) entitled 537 "An act for the relief of School District No. 75, in Sussex county;'' The bUl (H•. B. No. 13·1) entitled "An act to repeal Chapter 75, Volume 18, Laws of Delaware, in relation to School District No. 173, in Sussex county;" The bill (H. B. No. 283) entitled "An act to amend Chapter 48, Volume 18, Laws· of Dela­ ware;'' The bill (H. B. No. 270) entitled "A bill in aid of the Ferris Industrial School;" The bill (H. B. No. 220) entitled "An act to divide, consolidate, and incorporate School Dis­ tricts Nos. 28 and 28~, in Sussex county;" The bill (H. B. No. 322) entitled "An act to transfer certain real estate from certain school dis.:. tricts in Kent county, and for other purposes,'' Reported the same back to the House wit~ the recommenda­ 'tion that they pass. On motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, the bill (H. B. No. 322) entitled "An act to transfer certain real estate from certain school dis­ tricts to certain other school districts in Kent county, and for other purposes,'' Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs, in order to pass the. House. On the question, "Shalt this bill pass th'e House?" · It was decided in the affirmative, And the 'bill, having receiv.ed the required majority, Passed the· House; Ordered' to the Senate for concurr'eilce. 538

On motion of Mr. R. R. Morris, the bill (H. B. No. 232) en­ titled "An act transferring the farm now belonging to David B. Ben­ nett, and situated in School Districts Nos. 4 and '127, in Sussex county, to School Districts Nos. 5 and 116, in said county," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed tke House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence.

On motion, the House adjourned until 10 o'clock to-morrow morning.

THURSDAY, March 26, 1891, 10 o'clock A. M. House met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by the Chaplain. Roll called. Members present-Messrs. Attix, Chipman, Eisenbrey, Hickman, Hi~gins, Hutson, Jackson, Marvel, Morris, E. J., Morris, R. R.., Rickards, Smith, Thomas, Tindall, Wal­ ton, West and Mr. Speaker. Journal read and approved. Mr. Hutson, on behalf of the Committee on Revised Statutes, to whom had been referred the bill (H. B. No. 30) entitled 539 "An act to secure secret and independent voting, and to pre­ vent corruption, fraud and intimidation, and to provide for the use of Myers' American Voting Machine," Reported the same back to the House, with an amendment, but without recommendation. Mr. Higgins, on behalf of the Committee on Federal Rela­ tions, to whom had been referred various bills in relation to the National Guard of the State of Delaware, made the following re­ port: That inasmuch as the sum of five thousand dollars is, by gen­ eral consent of the officers of the said Guard, inadequate to meet the expenses of an encampment of the militia of Delaware; and, further, that it is apparent to members of the Legislature that no larger sum than five thousand dollars will be voted by this Legis­ lature, your committee, in order to settle this question, which has been pending for some weeks without a conclusion so far as said committee is concerned, would report favorably the bill (H. B. No. 65) to this House, and believe that its consideration will show that, better than any other bill, it will meet the views of this House. JOHN C. HIGGINS, JOHN A. TINDALL, G. D. JACKSON, Committee on Federql Relations. Mr. Hickman, on behalf of the Committee on Divorce, to whom had been referred the following bills, viz : The bill (H. B. No. 271) entitled '' An act to divorce Lemuel D. Tingle from his wife, Mahala C. Tingle;" The bill (H. B. No. 231) entitled "An act to divorce Mary Elizabeth Raymond from her hus­ band, George M. Raymond, Jr.;" The bill (H. B. No. 309) entitled "An act to change the name of Mortimer C. Phillips to Morti­ mer C. Elliott, Reported the same back to the House, with the recommenda­ tion that they pass. ' 540

Mr. Jackson presented the claim of A. R. Boyle against the State for $5.00, Which, on motion of Mr. Jackson, was read, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Claims. Mr. Ridgely presented a petition frqm the members of the bar of Kent county. signed by C. H. B. Day and sixteen others, in relation to recognizances in the Orphans' Court of the State of Delaware in and for Kent county, Which, on motion of Mr. Ridgely, was read, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. Mr. Jackson presented a remonstrance from Robert W. Rey~ nolds, and eighty-four other citizens of Kent county, against the· passage of the bill authorizing a drawbridge across Murderkill river,· between Frederica and Delaware bay, Whi~h, on motion of Mr. Jackson, was read, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Ways and Means. Mr. Hickman offered '.1 joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution in relation to the report of the Insurance Commissioner,'' Which, on his motion, was read. Mr. Eisenbrey moved that the joint resolution be laid on the table. On the question, .'' Shall the joint resolution be laid on the table?" . , The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: Yeas-Messrs. Attix, Day, Eisenbrey, Elkinton, Higgins, Hutson, Jackson, Rickards, Smith, Thomas, Walton and Mr. Speaker-12. 541 Na,1s-Messrs. Chipman, Hickman, Marvel, Morris, E. J., Morns, R .. R., Ridgely, Tindall and West-8. So, the question was decided in the affirmative, And the motion Prevailed. Mr. Higgins moved that a special committee of three be ap- pointed to confer with the Insurance Commissioner in regard to his report, Which motion Prevailed, Whereupon the Speaker appointed Messrs. Higgins, Hutson and Hickman, as such committee . .Mr. R,iqgely, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Jackson, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 346) entitled "An' act in relation to the taxation of investments," Which, on motion of Ml'., Ridgely, was read. Mr; '.E, J. Morris, ·in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Marvel, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No .. 347) en~it\ed "An act to further ame.nd the act entitled 'An act to incorpo­ rate the Town of Lewes, and for other purposes,' passed at Dover, March 2, 1871," Which, on-motion of Mr. E. J. Morris, was read. Mr. West, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Marvel, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 348} entitled · "An act for the protection of game in Assawaman Bay," Which, on. motion of Mr. West, was read. 'Mr: West, in pursuance 'of previous. notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Hickman, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 349) entitled · "An act to lay out a public road in Sussex county," 542

Which, on motion of Mr. West, was read. Mr. Attix, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on mo­ tion of Mr. Rickards, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 350) entitled "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act to incorporate the Town of Kenton," Which, on motion of Mr. Attix, was read. Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, informed the House that the Senate had concurred, with an amendment, in the House joint resolution entitled •'Joint resolution in relation to the Delaware State Hospital for the Insane,'' And returned the same to the House, with the request that the Senate amendment be concurred in. He also informed the House that the Senate had passed, and requested the concurrence of the House in a bill (S. B. No. 22) entitled · "An act to amend the charter of the City of Wilmington," And presented the same to the House. Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, reported to the House, as duly and correctly enrolled. and signed by the Speaker of _the Senate, (S. B. No. II) entitled "An act to incorporate the Brandywine Land Company," And presented the same for the signature of the Speaker of the House. Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, returned to the House the following duly and correctly enrolled House. bills, viz: The bill (H. B. 'No. 86) entitled 543 "An act entitled 'A further supplement to an act to incorporate the Peninsular A.e;ricultural and Pomological Association,' passed at Dover, January 22, 1875;" The bill (I{. B. No. 107) entitled "An act to incorporate Reynold's Encampment, No. 3, I. O. 0. F., of Wilmington, Delaware;" The bill (H. B. No. 133) entitled '' An act to revive, reenact and amend the act entitled ' An act to incorporate Harrington Library Association;'"·

The bill (H. B. No. 21) entitled "An act to incorporate the Laurel and Roaring Point Railroad Company;" The bill (H. B. No. 156) en~itled "An act to incorporate the Wilmington Wheel Club;" The bill (H. B. No. 14) entitled "An act entitled 'An act to amend the act entitled 'An act to incorporate the Stone and Hudson Suppl,Y Company,'" The same having received the signature bf the Speaker of the Senate. On motion of Mr. Smith, the bill (H. B. No. 327) entitled "An act to incorporate the Chandler Trustee Company," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was ,referred to the Committee on Private Corporations. On motion of Mr. Smith, the bill (H. B. No. 330) entitled ''An act to incorporate the Brandywine Springs Railway Com­ pany," Was read a second time, by its title, And, on his further motion, was referred to the Committee on Private Corporations. ' 5.44

On motion of Mr. Hutson, the bill (H. B. _No. 339) entitled "An act to amend Chapter I, Volume I3, Laws of Dela­ ware,'' Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes.

On. motion of Mr. Smith, the bill (H. B. No. 332) entitled "An act entitled 'An act to extend the time for recording private statutes,' '' Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. On motion of Mr; Hutson, the pill (H. B. No. 345) entitled "An act to incorporate The Peninsular Printing Company," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Private Corporations,

On motion of Mr. Ridgely, the bill (H. B. No. 335) entitled "An acl to authorize the Clerk of the Orphans' Court of the State of Delaware, in and for Kent county, to note on the record of all satisfied recognizances in said Orphans' Court the fact of such satisfaction, and for other purposes,'' Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, ,w,as referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. On motion of Mr. Ridgely, the bill (H. B. No. 338) entitled "An act to rept>al an act entitled 'An act to transfer the lands, houses and premises of Anna Voshell from United School Dis­ tricts Nos. 22 and 99 to United School Districrs Nos. 27 and 122, in Kent county," 545

Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Education.

On motion of Mr. Day, the bill (H. B. No. 337) entitled "An act to amend the charter of the River Front Railroad Company,'' Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on· his motion, was referred to the Committee on Private Corporations.

On motion of Mr. Hickman, the bill (H. B. No. 329) entitled "An act to enable Isaac Wootten, late Sheriff of Sussex county, to amend his return on execution No. 269 to April term, 1883," · Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes.

On motion of Mr. Day, the bill (H. B. No. 341) entitled "An act to incorporate Eureka Council, No. r, Junior Order United American Mechanics,'' Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Private Corporations. On motion.of Mr. Day, the bill (S. B. No, 25) entitled "An act to vacate a portion of an old road in the City of Wil­ mington,'' Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Roads and Vacant Lands. On motion of Mr. Smi~h, the bill (H. B. No. 336) entitled 35 546

"An act in relation to public roads and highways in New Cas­ tle county," Was read a second time, by its title,

And further1 on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Roads and Vacant Lands. On motion of Mr. Day, the bill (H. B. No. 334) entitled "An act to incorporate Washington Camp, No. I, Patriotic Order Sons of America, of Seaford, Del.,'' Was read a second time, by its title. And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Private Corporations.

On motion of Mr. 'tindall, the bill (H. B. No. ~92) entitled '• An act transferring the farm of G. W. Willen and John W. Short from School Distri8 No. 61, in Sussex county, to School District No. 65~, in Sussex county," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Education. On motion of Mr. Smith, the bill (H.B. No. 342) entitled "An act to incorporate the North Side Improvement Com­ pany,'' Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Private Corporations. On motion of Mr. Smith, the bill (H. B. No. 340) entitled "An act to revive, reenact and reestablish an act passed by the General Assembly of this State, January 22, 1831, entitled 'A further supplement to an act entitled 'An act to enable the owners and possessors of the marsh-meadow on the north side of Christiana river, called Brandywine Marsh, and tract ot meadow, marsh and cripple on the south side of the said river 547 -called Holland's Creek Marsh, and also the tracl: of marsh­ meadow near Newport, called Conrad's Cri'pple, to keep the banks, dams and sluices in repair and raise a fund to defray the expenses thereof, so far as the same relates to the said Holland's Creek Marsh,'' Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. On motion of Mr. Day, the bill (H. B. No. 343) entitled "An acl: requiring the placing of safety gates at a certain cross­ .ing in Brandywine hundred," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Private Corporations. On motion of Mr. Smith, the bill (H. B. No. 344) entitled ''An act to reincorporate the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument Association of the State of Delaware,'' Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to thE! Committee on Federal Relations. On motion of Mr. Day, the bitl (S. B. No. 37) entitled "An act to incorporate the John T. Oickey Company," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Private Corporations. On motion of Mr. EisenbreJ, the bill (H. B. No. 328) entitled "An acl: to divorce Mary E. Reed from her husband, William M. Reed,'' Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Divorce. • On motion of Mr. Elkinton, the bill (H. B. No. 326) entitled · "An act to further amend the charter of the City of New Castle,"· Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Municipal Corporations. On motion, the House adjourned until 3 o'clock P. M.

SAME DAY, 3 o'clock P. M. House met pursuant to adjournment. On motion of Mr. Cranston, the bill (H. B. No. 333) entitled "An act for the erection of a drawbridge over the Brandywine creek or river_ in New Castle county," Was read a second time, by its title, And further,. on his motion, was referred to the Committee on · Municipal Corporations. On motion of Mr. Cranston, the bill (H. B. No. 331) entitled "An act limiting the lien of judgments, and for other pur­ poses," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Judiciary. · 549

On motion of Mr. Tindall, the bill (H. B. No. 298) entitled "An act authorizing School District N&. 179, in Sussex .county, to use the surplus money now in hand, or as much of -said money as is required to pay for the new schoolhouse in :Said district," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Education. On motion of Mr. Tindall, the bill (H. B. No. 271) entitled "An act to divorce Lemuel D. Tingle from his wife, Mahala C. 'Tingle,'' Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para- :graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed the House. Ordered to the· Senate for concurrence. · On motion of Mr. Walton, the bill (H. B. No. 189) entitled "An act to divorce Annie M. Clark from her husband, George H. Clark,'' · Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. 550

On metion of Mr. Hutson, the bill (H. It No. 241) entitled "An ad: granting to William A. Atkinson the title of this State to a certain tract of salt marsh het'ein mentioned, 11 Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his moti<>n, was read a third tinw, by para- graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" It was d~cided in the affirmative, A~d the bill, having received the required m;1jority, Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Chipman, the bill (H. B. No. 309) entitled "An act to change the name of Mortimer C. Phillips to Morti­ mer C. Elliott,'' Was taken up for consideration, And furthe-r, on his motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, '' Shall this bill pass the House?'' It was decided in the affirmativ,, And the bill, having received- the requiri:d majority, Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senat~, being admit~, r~turneq to­ the House the following duly and correctly enrolled House bills, viz: The bill (H. B. No. 45) entitled "An act to incorporate the Deadwood and Delaware Smelting Company;" The bill (H. B. No. 126) entitled '' An act to incorporate the :E;liza.1:>~th Curt1' Widows' &ylum A$soeiati«>n ;" . The bill (H. B. No. 1n) entitled "An act to establish a public road in Little Creek hundred, Sussex county;'' . The bill (H. B. No. 54) entitled "An aa: to renew, extend and continue the act entitled 'An act to incorporate Washington Lodge, No. 5, of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows of the State of Delaware;'" The bill (H. B. No. 61) entitled '' An act to amend Sections 8 and 21 of Chapter 568, Volume •7, of the Laws of Delaware;" · The bill (H. B. No. 96) entitled "An act to reincorporate the Wilmington Mill" Manufacturing Company," · The same having received the signature of the Speaker of th~ Senate. · On motion of Mr. Smith, the bill (H. B. No. 176) entitled "An act to incorporate the New Castle Manufacturing Com­ pany," Was taken up for consideration, And, on his further motion, the amendments proposed by the Committee on Private Corporations were read. Mr. Smith moved that the amendments be adopted, Which motion hevai1ed, And, on the further motion of Mr. Smith, the biil under con- sideration W.a$ read, a$ arnenc!e

Yeas-Messrs. Attix, Chipman, Cranston, Day, Eisenbrey, Elkinton, Higgins, Hutson, Jackson, Morris, E. J., Morris, R. R., Rickards, Smith, Thomas, Tindall, Walton, West, and Mr. Speaker-18. Nays-None. So the question was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required constitutional majority, Passed the House; Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Chipman, the bill (H. B. No. 202) entitled "An acl: to amend Section 2, Chapter 47, Volume 17, Laws of Delaware,'' Was taken up for consideration, And further, on. his motion, was read a third time, by para· graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, ''Shall this bill pass the House?'' It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Smith, the bill (H. B. No. 227) entitled "An acl: to renew the charter of the Equitable Loan Associa­ tion, of Wilmington," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para· graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: 553 Yeas-Messrs. Attix, Chipman, Cranston, Day, Eisenbrey, Elkintort, Higgins, Hutson, Jackson, Marvel, Morris, E. J., Morris, R. R., Rickards, _Ridgely, Smith, Thomas, Tindall, Walton and Mr. Speaker-19. Nays-None. So the question was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required constitutional majority, Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, _the bill (H. B. No. 272) entitled "An act for the relief of School District No. 75, in Sussex county," Was taken up for consideration; And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" It was decided in the affirmative, A~d the bill, having received the required majority, Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Smith, the bill (H. B. No. 229) entitled "An act to incorporate the Peninsular Land and Loan Com­ pany," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his· motion, was read a third time, by para­ graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, '' Shall this bill pass the House?'' The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: 554 Y~'.MC13$,-.. Chipm1m, Cra~ton, ~isenbrey, Ellt,Dton, ttick­ min. H~giM,$on, Marvel, Morris, ~- J., Morris, R, R. 1 a.iekards, Ridgely, Sm.ith, Thomas, Tindall, WaltQn, West anCI Mr. Speaker-18. Nays-None. So the questioQ waa c:t~ided ip the affinnative, AO.d tM bill, havi11g re~ived the requireq constitutiQnal majority, Passed tke House. Ordered to the Senate for co~currence. On motion of Mr. Cranston, the bill (H. B. No. 242) entitled "An aet to divorce Ellen Powell from the bonds of matri­ mony,'' Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a thit'd time, by para- graphs, in order to pass the House. · On the question, '' Shall this bill pass the House?'' It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed tke House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, informed the Hou.e that the Senate had concurred, with an amendment, in the the bill (H. B. No. 13) entitled "A further supplement to an ad: entitled 'An act to incor­ Jl()~te the Wihnin~on City Railway Company.' passe(l at Dover. February 4, 1864,' · And returned. the same ~o the Houi,e with the reque:.t that the Senate amendment be concurred in. On motion of Mr. Higgins, the bill (H. B. No. 67) entitled 553 "An act to divorce Richard T. Loe}{wood and Annie M. Lock­ wood, his wife, a vz'nculo matn"monz'z', Was taken up for consideration,

And further, on his motion, Wa$ ~ad a third time, by para- graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House ?11 It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, />(l.$$fd t~ l{t111,se, Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Smith, the bill (H. B. No. 261) entitled ''An acl: to incorporate the Banking House Corporation of Wil­ mington," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para­ graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?'' Thtt yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: Yeas-Messrs. Chipman, Cranston, Eisenbrey, Elkinton, Hig­ gins, Jackson, Marvel, Morris, E. J., Morris, R. R., Rickards, Ridgely, Smith, Thomas, Tindalt Walton, West and Mr. Speaker-I 7. Nays-None. So the question was decided in the affirmative, ;\nd the bill, having received the required constituti(mal m;ljority,

Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, the bill (H. B. No. 2i3) eQtitled 556

"An act to amend Chapter 48, Volume 18, Laws of Dela­ ware;" Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para­ graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" The yeas and nays were ordered,. which, being taken, were as follows: Yeas_:Messrs. Cranston, Eisenbrey, Elkinton, Higgins, Hut­ son, Marvel, Morris, E. J., Morris, R. R., Rickards, Smith, Thomas, Tindall, Walton, West and Mr. Speaker-15. Nays-None. So the question was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required constitutional majority, Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Hickman, the bill (H. B. No. 220) entitled . "An act to divide, consolidate and incorporate School Districts Nos. 28 and 28~, in Sussex county," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para­ graphs, in order to pass the House.

On the question, i, Shall this bill pass the House?" The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: Yeas - Messrs. Chipman, Cranston, Eisenbrey, Elkinton, Hickman, Higgins, Hutson, Marvel, Morris, E. J., Morris, R. R., Rickards, Ridgely, Smith, Tindall, Walton, West and Mr. Speaker-I 7. Nays-None. 557 So the question was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required constitutional majority, Passed Ike House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Smith, the bill (H. B. No. 267) entitled "An act to incorporate the Minquadale Home," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para­ graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, '' Shall this bill pass the House?'' The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were~ as follows'. Yeas-Messrs. Cranston, Eisenbrey, Elkinton, Hickman, Hig­ gins, Hutson, Marvel, Morris, E. J., Morris, R. R., Rick­ ards, Ridgely, Smith, Thomas, Tindall, Walton, West and Mr. Speaker-18. Nay-None. So the question was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required constitutional ma­ jority, Passed Ike House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence.

Mr. West, on behalf of the Committee on Crimes and Punish­ ments, to whom had been referred the bill (S. B. No. 28) en­ titled "An act to provide ~mployment at hard labor for certain classes of persons in New Castle county jail,'' Reported the same back to the House with a recommendation that it pass. 558

On motion of Mr. Cranston, the bill (S. B. No. 28) entitled "An act to provide employment at hard labor for certain classes of persons in New Castle county jail," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed tke House. Ordered that the Senate be informed thereof and the bill returned to that body. Mr. Rickards, on behalf of the Committee on Private Cor­ porations, to whom had been referred the bill (H. B. No. 41) -entitldd "An aa: to amend the charter of the Front and Union Street Railway Company," Reported the same back, with amendments, and with the re­ <:ommendation that the bill, as amended, pass the House. Mr. Rickards, on behalf of the Committee on Private Corpo- rations, to whom had been referred the following bills, viz: The bill (H. B. No. 2.¢). entitled "An act to incorporate the Guarantee Real Estate Company;" The bill (H. B. No. 273) entitled '' An act to incorporate the Grand Lodge, Shield of Honor, of Delaware;" · The bill (H. B. No. 'l.79) entitled "An act to incorporate the New Castle Loan Association, No. 2, of New Castle, Del.;" .