RECAPITULATION. Grand Jurors, Petit Jurors and Bailiffs, Constables

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RECAPITULATION. Grand Jurors, Petit Jurors and Bailiffs, Constables RECAPITULATION. Grand jurors, petit jurors and bailiffs, 1,861 74 Constables, 90 91 Justices of the peace, 55 60 Coroner and deputy, 89 15 Attorney General, 140 80 Clerk of Sessions and Oyer and Terminer, 282 17 Witnesses, 640 74 Assessors, 163 28 Wood for gaol, court-house, &c. 152 27 Excess of tax, 25 98 Clerk to Levy Court, 877 58 Board of prisoners, 437 32 Sheriffs fees, 286 18 Prothonotary, 25 05 Court-house commisssioners, 112 52 Levy Court commissioners, 526 85 Lumber, cases and records, &c. for offices, 247 45 Counsel fees, 45 68 Sunday Schools, 169 9& Commissioners, examining records, transcribing, &c. 102 00 Crier, 68 60 Gaol commissioners, 30 00 Commissioners of weights and measures, 95 00 Court, cleaning and superintending court-house, 70 00 Surveyors and freeholders on roads, 77 00 Public bridges, 122 68 Physicians, 20 00 Miscellaneous, 69 53 $6,886 21 a 6:l~a~wmm~~ Ojtlze valuation of property and the taxes laid for collection in Sussex county,for tlie year 18'11 ·~ --- Poor l{oad re- Hundreds. Collec~ors. Valuation. Rates. Public 40 c. Road. 33f C, rates. Cedar Creek F1a. A. Warren -196,3i2 40 785 49 654 57 31:12 75 20 I, 81 Broad kiln Eli Walls 258,846 60 1,553 07 862 82 647 11 25 3, 1 · 00 Nanticoke 0. 0. Baker 147,075 60 882 45 490 25 294 15 20 I, 85 ~ ~ N. W. Fork R. Hazzard 325,165 40 1,300 66 1,083 88 650 33 20 3, ;, .. 87 B. Creek J. Matthews 176,171 50 880 85 587 24 440 43 25 l, i; 52 2 14 27 L. Creek Geo. A. Moore 216,025 50 1,080 13 720 08 540 06 25 ' Dagsboro' A. D. Johnson 156,009 50 783 05 522 03 391 52 25 I, ;9 60 Baltimore ;!\.· Long 130,157 50 650 79 433 86 ::l25 39 25 I. 'll • 04 Indian River fho. Rust 130,671 45 588 02 435 57 217 79 16f 1. ~41 38 L. and Rehoboth Geo. Parker, Sr. 149,666 40 598 66 498 88 374 17 25 1. 471 71 ---------------- -------------- - Whole amount. 1,886,757 - 9,103 17 6,289 18 4,273 70 19, G6i 05 .llmount ef delinquents allowed by the Levy Court, for the year 1839, to several collectors, March 4, 1840. Col lt,ctors. 1:-Junrlreds. Public. ----Poor. Road. David Watson Cedar Creek 40 54 22 33! 45,18 16% 21 69 Eli Walls Broarlkiln 50 86 2.'j 33! 57,50 30 45 45 Obed 0. Baker Nauticoke 61) 88 85 3:1! 49,36 20 24 73 i R. Hazzard N. W. Fork 40 107 63 33! 89,69 20 47 32 J. Matthews Br. Creek 50 70 5!.J 33! 47,06 30 32 40 Jno. James L. Creek 50 90 15 33! 60,1(1 30 54 00 A. D. Johnson Dagi;boro' 50 115 80 33! 77,20 25 50 66 A. Long B~ltimore 60 68 34 33! 37,97 25 25 76 Thus. Rust Indian River 45 41 94 33! 31,07 12i 11 14 Geo. Parker, Jr. L. and Rehoboth 40 26 94 33! 22,45 25 16 84 565 An additional tax, out of the public tax, is required to raise the road tax for 1840, in the following hundreds: Broadkiln hundred, 10 cents per $100 Nanticoke, 20 do do Dagsboro', 10 <lo do Ballimore, 10 do do Little Creek, 10 do do Broad Creek, 10 do do Indian River, 5 do do The sum of $6000 is appropriated out of the taxes of the current year, for the support of the public charges of the county, or 40 cents pm $100. This sum is appropriated out of the taxes of the current year, for the support of the poor charges of the county for 1840, $5000, or 33! cents per hundred. Cedar Creek hun., in the $100, 20 Little Creek hun., in the $100, 25 Broad kiln, " " 25 Dagsboro', " " 25 North W. Fork, " " 20 Baltimore, " " 25 Nanticoke, " " 20 Ind. River, " " 16t Broad Creek, ,, " 25 L. and Rehob., " " 25 Additional allowances and appropriations made by the Levy Court of Sussex coun.ty,for the year 1840. Resolution to S. P. Houston for purchasing ten books for the Assessors of Sussex county, $25 00 Dividing School District No. 25. To Jos. Bernard, Surveyor, 22 00 do plot and return, 30 00 Chain carriers nnd axe men, 18 00 Peter Waples, Commissioner, 2 00 Chain carriers aod axe men, 6 75 Edward Dingle, Commissioner, 4 days, 4 00 Geo. H. Ayedelot, 3 do 3 00 Benjamin Gray, 1 do 1 00 Selby Hickman, 2 do 2 00 $113 75 5t,6 A STATEMENT Showing the number <:f Schonl Districts in operation in Sussex county, in rhe year I 810, the amount raised in each district, the amount drawn .from the schuol jitnrl, the amo•wt e.cpenrlecl in each district for tuition alone, tlw amonnt e.cpmdecl in each district for other than tuition, the amount due to and from each district, the numbei· of schools, and the time each was in operation, and the number of scholars taught in said schools. --------.-..----!-'WWW ------ J o· .. 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