(Smyrna, Del.), 1897-10-13
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. I T< . i I& t 4 cy ■ VOLUME XLII1.-N0. 20 SMYRNA, DEL.. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. OCTOBER 13. 1897. WHOLE NO. 2.220. ONE OF TWO WAYS. NEW YORK FASHIONS. For the Smyrna Times. DELAWARE ITEMS. unaccustomed to it. The fruit while i CHARACTRIST1C BOATS. on the tree looks as though the twig | The bladder was created for one pur Blouses, Jackets and Capes: Millinery: Ma Small & Elliot are erecting a mattress was stuck into the side of the fruit, pose, namely, receptacle for the urine, terials: Styles in Making: While great ships can venture more, factory at Laurel. different from any fruit that grows in New Whea:! and as such it is not liable to any form Notes: Answers. Little boats should keep near the shore. this climate. of disease except by one of two ways. The truth of the couplet lies not in Elliott Bros, are converting the The first way is from imperfect action For the Smyrna Times. the inability of little boats venturing Hearn factory, at Laural, into a grist S. P. Woodcock, Salisbury, bought (OY/ Flour will run in the oven. Doit use it. of the kidneys. The second way is mill. from a careless local treatment of other The fancy for jackets has not en from the shore, but in the tenacity with at the trustee’s sale of Martin Has diseases. tirely passed away, but fancies of every which they cling to their native shore In 1856 it took 04 hours to go by rai- tings’ real estate a farm of 230 acres nature fade before the fury for entire with an almost racial distinctiveness for $1800. It is estimated that there lUG CHIEF CAUSE from Seaford to Philadelphia. The run Russian blouses or blouse fronts on that while not evolving their genesis, are 500,000 feet of pine lumber on the Unhealthy urine from unhealthy is made now in less than half that LEA’.§ kidneys is the chief cause of bladder waists otherwise more conventional. certainly gives a pronounced national time. tract. troubles. So the womb, like the blad- The craze is phenomenal and more trait that unconciously portrays the Henry Hill, a breeder of rabbits, der, was created for one purpose, and physical activity of the people they Father Waldron,of Holy Cross church surprising, since ingenuity could guiuaepigs audpigeons at Chestertown, if not doctored too much is not liable hardly devise more unsightly outlines represent. Dover, baptized William Jennings POWDER to weakness or disease, except in rare received from York, Pa., a pair of Absolutely Pure than a bagging at the waist line. Belts Thus it is the quick, tireless, money Bryan McCaffrey at Milford the other FLOUR. 14 cases. It is situated back of and very day. golden fawn lop-eared rabbits that are near to the bladder, therefore any in metal or ribbon finished by ornate getting American, reproduces in the a curiosity. Their ears drag the ground [V ! pain, disease or inconvenience mani Is Ground from OLD buckles, keep pace with blouses, since trim, swift, clinker-built cutter, the G. W. Gray, of Bridgeville, has measuring twenty-one inches from A TIGERISH TURKISH MOB. fested in the kidneys, back, bladder or they are a necessary consequence and national trait to forge ahead in every bought the trotting horse Skipjack » urinary passage is often, by mistake, tip to tip and live inches in width each. form displays in windows and show undertaking. from John D. Hawkins, of Dover, for Murderous Bludgeon Men In the Streets attributed to female weakness or womb of Constantinople. cases, which attract attention and sur The slow, thorough-going Britisher A Youthful (?) Couple.—On Tues trouble of some sort. The error is $400. Such men us tho bludgeon men one easily made and may be easily avoided. prise from the most indifferent passers in the heavy long boat of the surf. day last a marriage license was issued Chester C. Baum,formerly of Dover, does not often see in tho streets of Con To find out correctly, set your urine by. Even The dreamy languor of Italian skies in to Mr. Thomas Taylor and Miss Mollie a 1 aside for twenty four hours; a sedi will be married at Herkimer,N. Y., on stantinople. Of the better class of Turks the Venetian Gondola, the almost un- Fields. They are both of Queen Anne there were none among them. They ment or settling indicates kidney or FUR GARMENTS. October 18th to Miss Ida Florence I bladder trouble. The mild and extra sinkable Kyak of the Eskimo, the Cat county. Mr. Taylor has attained the were of a class like tho wharf rats and Fiske. ordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp are affected by the madness of the hour venerable age of <9 years. His bride is longshoremen of western lands. They ♦ I amaran of South America, and the CATCH IT AS II FLIES. Hoot, the great kidney, and bladder and hang in loose, ungraceful contour. Canoe of the North American Indians, The Richardson & Robbins factory forty-two. Miss Fields has been Mr. were of all shades of color, from tho « remedy is soon realized. If you need Out door garments in cloth or velvet will be run on full time with the full Taylor’s housekeeper for ten years. white skinned Laz and Circassian to tho a medicine you should have the best. are all plainly the creations of expe are devised in like manner, but a fav force of hands after this week. They brow'll and hook nosed Kurd and tho At druggists fifty cents and one dollar. diency rather than of fancy. Well Attended Sale. The sale of coal black Nubian from Africa. Their orite idea is to combine material and are making plum pudding at present. You may have a sample bottle and Of lonely drifts in Artie wastes, and the late Gen. William McKenuey, took faces wero a study of fearful passions. phamphlet, both sent free by mail. fur, so as to render the garment more the sweep across glassy seas, and the D. L. Rockwell has sold his 50 acre place on the Needwood farm, near There were faces seamed and scarred If you want a. Mention The Smyrna Times and send pliable. Yet the real attraction of a ripple through primitive forest streams Centreville, Monday week and was like tho head of a fighting bulldog ; faces your aedress to Dr. Kilmer & Co., jaunty, well-fitting jacket assert them farm situated in St. Jones’ Neck to Strong, Durable anil Cheap Binghamton, N. Y. The proprietors alike attest the one unmistakable trait Mr. Campbell, of Brooklyn, who has well attended. Persons came from distorted by malice and greed; faces of this paper guarantee the genuine selves to some extent, in spite of tran of the unwritten law of tradition that Kent, Talbot, Caroline and some from seared, as by fire, vase hardened in ig ness of this offer. sitory fancies and there are shapes already taken possession. norance of all except vice and ferocious impresses character upon inanimate Delaware and Baltimore. The prop Si- either close or half-fitting and in The Rev. J. A. B. Wilson, D. D., us an angry tiger. Some of those faces things. erty brought good prices, especially lengths, from twenty-seven to thirty- formerly of the Wilmington Confer burned their way into my memory and 14 Buyers of Oraiu. Sellers of Coal I saw the other day a Cartoon that the sheep and cattle. Sheep sold from I three inches. Capes are still to be ence, has been appointed pastor of the remained for days, a haunting revela m. 1897. was intended to amuse but which $2.70 to $4.55 per head for stock affec tion of brutal instincts and beastly de 1897. worn and bave a conventional flare or Howard street church San Francisco. OCTOBER. struck me more as a satire against ted with scab. The cattle sold from sires which made one wonder how it come tight-fitting at the waist, either that will furnish water for both those whom it had pleased Providence $20 to $42.25 per head, one yoke of oxen was possible to have lived in safety for at the back only or both back and front, Fifty men worked night and day House and. Stable, grind your to frown upon. It represented the from Saturday until Thursday clearing bringing $151, another yoke $140.50. weeks in a city containing such men. HOHE LINE. in such case, there being opportunity These men wero not armed, in the American genius, Uncle Sam, seated up the freight wreck of armor plate The sale was well advertised,and cattle Corn and Cut your Hay, for the inevitable belt. In common sense of tho word. Some of in a pile of bread stuffs,and surrounded near Felton, and two or three of armor were good and commanded good lig them had revolvers, and tho most of Three Trips a Week. MILLINERY. with loaves and barrels of beef and / Call or Write to plates that weighed 35 tons each have ures. them hud knives. But they seldom used the use of audacious metal ornaments pork. In the distance John Bull is been reloaded. either, for awkward questions might bo ’ and immense imitations stones, cor approaching, carrying under each arm raised if tho police wore called to ac For Admission to the Bar.—The The Lawyers and Sunday School Con Smyrna and Philadelphia, a bag of money. The inference is eas count for failing to arrest armed civil \ respond with the run on belts made in candidates for admission to the liar of test.