248 Ordered that the Senate be informed thereof. The Senate bill, entitled, "An Act to amend an Act, entitled, ' An Act to establish a State Board of Health for the State of Delaware,' " Was taken up for consideration ; . And, on motion of Mr. Watson, the bill under considera­ tion was read a 1hird time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, " Shall this bill p,{ss the House ?" It was decided in the affirmative, And, the bill Passed the House. Ordered that the Senate be informed thereof and the. bill returned to that b9dy. The House bill, entitled, "An Act .iri. Relation to Requisition of 'Fugitives from Justice,''.' Was, on motion of Mr. Justis, read, --, And, on his further motion, was laid on the table. Mr. Justis, on behalf of the committee on Claims and Accounts, to whom was referred the Joint Resolution, entitled, Joint resolution concerning Vol. 16, Laws of Delaware, Reported the same back to the house with a favorable recommendation; · On motion of Mr. Justis the ·Joint Resolution just reported was read; Pending the consideration of· which, on motion, The House adjourned. 244 SAME DAv,_:_3 o'clock, P. M. The consideration of Joint Resolution, entitled, Joint Resolution concerning Vol. 16, Laws of Delaware, Being the unfinished business, was resumed. Mr. Watson moved that the Joint Resolution be laid on the table, which motion '' Prevailed. The House bill, entitled, " An Act to further amend the act, entitled 'An Act to re-incorporate the town of Dover, passed at Dover, February 27th, 1879,'" . Was taken up for copsideration, · And, on motion of Mr. Cooch, was laid on the table. The Senate bill, entitled, "A Supplement to the Act, entitled, 'An Act to Consoli­ date the Public Schools of the town of Smyrna,' '' Was taken up for consideration,. And, on motion of .Mr. Frazer, ·the bill under considera­ tion was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. · On the question, " shall this bill pass the House? " The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: Yeas, Messrs. Barlow, Cooch, Crawford, Frazer, Jacobs, Justis, Lewis, Lowe, Messick, Perry, Rawlins, Sutton, Temple,. Watson, Wheatley, Williams and Mr. Speaker-i7. Nays-none. So the 'bill, having received· the required co11stitutional majority, Passed the House. 245 Ordered the Senate be inform~d ,thereof, ancl the bill re­ turned to that body. The.Senate bill, entitled, "An Act to incorporate 'The Philadelphia and Smyrna T~ansportation Company,'!' Was taken up for consideration, And, on motion of Mr. Temple, the bill under consideration was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. The yeas and nays were ordered, which; being taken, were 1 as follows: Yeas, Messrs. Barlow, Cooch, Crawford, Frazer, Jacobs, Justis, Lewis, Lowe, Messick, Perry, Rawlins, Sutton, Temple, Watson, Wheatley, Williams and Mr. Speaker~17. Nays-none. So the bill, having received· the required constitutional majority, Passed tlte House. Ordered the Senate be informed thereof, and the bill returned to that body. The Senate bill, entitled, "An Act to incorporate 'The Johnson Forge Company,' " Was ta~en up for consideration ; · On motion of Mr. Barlow, the bill under consideration was read a third time, ,by paragraphs, in order t.o pass the House. On the question, "shall this bill pass the H,ouse? " The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: . Yeas, Messrs. Barlow, Cooch, Crawford, Frazer, Jacobs, Justis, Lewis, Lowe, Messick, Perry, Rawlins, Sutton; Temple, Watson, Wheatley, Williams and Mr. Speaker-17. Nays-none. So the bill, having received the required constitutional majority, Passed the House. 246 Ordered· that . the Senate be informed thereof, and the bill r.eturned to that body. On motion of Mr. Frazer, the House bill, entitled·, " An Act to prevent Live Stock from running at large, m School District, No. 68, Sussex County," Was read. On motion of Mr. Perry, the Senate bill, entitled; "An Act to prevent Live Stock from running at large, in - School District, Nq. 89, in Sussex County," Was read. Mr. Justis gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill, entitled, · " An Act to authorize and direct the Levy Court of New Castle County to repay certain monies to Benjamin F. Townsend, and others. " On motion of Mr. Wheatley, the Senate bill, entitled, " An Act to prevent Live .stock from running at large, in , School District, No. 41, in Sussex County,'.' Was read. Four o'clock having arrived, the ord~r of business was to take into consideration the Senate bill, entitled, " An Ad for the encouragement of Immigra\ion, and to foster the Agricultural Interests of the State." · Mr. Justis moved, the House resolve itself into a· Committee of the Whole to consider the bill ; . Which motion Prevailed. The ·speaker named Mr. Justis as Chairman of the Com­ mittee. After some time spent in Committee of the Whole, The Committee rose-and the Speaker resumed the Chair. 247 _Mr. Justis, as ChS:irman, reported that the Committee of the Whole had concluded the consideration of the bill referred to it, and reported back the same to the House, with the following amendments : 1. Amend first section by striking out the word "some" in line four, and inserting in lieu thereof, the word '' three ; '' also, by making the word "person" plural in same line, and inserting after said word, the words "one from each county;" also by making the word '' resident'' in line five, plural; also by striking out the word " commissioner'' in line seven, and inserting in lieu - thereof the words '' a Board.'' 2. Amend by striking out section 2 ~nd inserting in lieu thereof the following: Section 2. The said commission~rs shall receive no· compensation for their services, but may re-imburse themselves their necessary expenses out of the funds hereafter provided for, to be expended by them. 3. Amend by striking out section 6 and inserting in lieu thereof, the following : Section 6. That the sum of three thous­ and dollars, annually, is hereby appropriated but of any money in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated, for the purpose of. carrying out the provisions of this act, and the Auditor is hereby directed, at the discretion of the Governor, to issue his warrant on ' the State Treasurer for the sum hereby appropriated, or so much thereof as shall be necessary, from time to time. 4. Amend by adding the following : . Section 7. This acf shall remain in force for two years and no longer. 5. Amend the Preamble by striking out the words," largely exceed that of any .and all others in importance,'' and inserting_ in' lieu thereof, the words" are regarded ~y the~General. Assembly as of primary importance.'' . Mr. Justis moved, The adoption ,of the Amendments, And the question being taken separately upon the same, they· were all, severally, adopted, . · _ And, on his further motion; 248 The bill under consideration, wa~ laid on the' table. On motion of Mr. Cooch, 150 copies of the bill as amended, just laid upon t~e table, were ordered to be printed. On motion, the House adjourned until to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock. · THURSDAY, February 8, 1883.-10 o'clock A. M. House met pursuant to adjournn1ent. Prayer by the Chaplain of the Senate, Rev. L. W. Gibscm. Roll calle,d_. Journal read and apprnved. Mr. Crawford, on behalf of the Committee on Judiciary, to whom was referr.ed the Senate bill, entitled, " An Act to vest the title of. a certain Jot of ground, with the buildings thereon erected, in the city of New Castle, in Tru~tees, for the use and purposes therein mentioned ; " j. Reported the same back to the House, with the recommen- dation that it pass, · · · · Mr. Justis, on behalf of the Committee on Revised Statutes, to whom was referred the House bill, entitled, "An Act to amend Chapter 1i7, of Volume 13, Laws of .Delaware," Reported the same back to the House, recommending that it do not pass. 249 He also reported the following House bills, recommending · that they pass, as follows : .. · "An Act to amend Section 2, of Chapter 354, of Volume 16, of the Laws of Delaware, entitled,' An. Act in relation to the collection of Taxes for School purposes,' " "·An Act in. relation to the powers of the Levy Cot1rt," "An Act to amend Chapter 16, Section 1, of the Revised· Statutes, of the State of Delaware.'' . Mr. Barlow, on behalf of the Com1i1ittee on Private Corpo- rations, to whom was referred the House bill, entitled, . " An Act to amend the Act, entitled, ' An Act to incorporate ' The Capelle Hardware Company,' " Reported the same favorably, with a recommendation that , it pass. · · · Mr. Comegys, on behalf of the Committee 011 Enrollment, reported the following duly and correctly enrolled House Bills and Jomt Resolutions, viz. : · "An Act to authorize the United School Districts, Nos. 39 and 41, in New .. Castle County, to borrow money for the purpose of building a new school house therein, and also to sell the school property belonging to said District,'' " An Act to re-enact the Act of incorporation of the Kent County Mutual Insuran~e .. Company,'' "An Act concernmg 'The George P. Whitaker Company,'" " An Act to vacate a part of Lake A venue, as laid out on a plot of lots by the Rehoboth Beach Association," "An Act to extend the public road leading from the town of Milford, in Kent County, to the new wharf on Mispillion Creek,'' · · · " An Act to incorporate ' The Montifiore Mutual Benefit Society, of Wilmington,' " · "Joint Resolution concerning Stationery, for use of Legisla- ture," · · .
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