
A11D UIIIND YCIU 1 '!'hat Eut.tr Vtcatloa Dula .,..., The Glenvt e Mercury Momi,.. at I O'dock. Don't PoiPU

ENTERTAIN CHEMISTRY DAY CROWD To Speak Here LYCEUM NUMBER Student Election SniDENTS FORM SEVENTY -FIVE WGH WIU BE · HEARD In Progress Today SCHOOLS INVrrED TO ATIEND TENTH MUSINGS ANNUAL PROGRAM, SAnJRDAY, APRD. A~ol ...... MONDAY EVENING t,-· p_ ...... liME_.- ... ~ ...... JOliN T...,a. - D. wbo ~ .W be tha _.aeemtnt ...... r hen ~ 4. ... had an -llfo.Bofoa....Saato ~.._....~-·- :.u.:::r: =.: ~ :::0.: ...... a. - Ute iloWv of dte a- Alia- ...... ---llllldpia ·li!M.Bearftd-­ wta t&ilactioa ill the paenl ...... of .... -Ez. -...... _ ...... tllo Job.D T ..ple Gravea. 11. editor, Wor.ld War aU wp Jatar atiached author, lecturer, of BlnaiJlP.am, &o t.U .hace ...... C'Oarift. Ala., wOI deUTtt tb oC'OIIUIIUC..ant Bia lnt DOftl, wturia appe&.ll&d addrullllert! on JUlie 4. See Kercory lit 1110..... wu _. eontiallJ' nc.md bJ' IIIIIIDIS eohunn t.llla week for mon _ abow.t .,. __ era... .,._,...... ,jhrtM_____ ...... _ ...... ,.... ,_.._.M...... ,.edkorol~•---- ..,_ _. it - editor et tile ...... _ Aae-B...W .... of ...... ':.. !'~*~ U. UXTH YOUTH ll'ftDN'AL Y..U. , A ...... II t1r Asabny WUU... ~ ~__ tMre&..OIIo..,.. JI1'Apo._o.-,"'''le_,_.. _'1' __ __ _ ....::::::~~= ._ ___ _ ...... ,...... _ -____..·--- _-. ,___ ...... _. ...,.. o• oawt....-. vrojecta ...... ,...... • ....-- ...... 1N111T SPLUa ae Ru~er: a!eo C. D. wiU alto aim to encourap critic Larkt!y's Filling Station, destroyM "'·ork at V.P.I. Dr. Sherwood Eddy, avthor, ~acted becaQJ& of age. Readen ot Wilfong, Glenville Rirb Sehool teachf'r& to c:onsider important ele- by !ire, Thunday moming, March Mr. Chapm&n, who finished work leC'tUM' r and world travelc!', will lldpp)' han their finpn c:I'OIIed. coach, Stanley Hall, uaistant, and menta in good teschitiC'· 20, were announced tilt! JM.8t week. for )lis A.B. dt"Ctee here at the end speak in uaembly, Wr!dnesdaJ. the driver. !Mr. Clark upede to have the plan Mr. [)l)yton !Rhoades of Spencer, of the first seme-ster, is Mnployed in April 23, and apin. at 8:J5 p. 111 •• ... &OBEJI,TS WIN! IZS I.N Cor1). W. G. Wamaley, of the lo· completed tbil week and to j)Ut it owner, will inspect the grounds and Radford by the Hercules Powder at " 'hkh timt- the p_nerol puh.lk IUPD SUDS SLOGAN CONTEST cal detachment of Sbte Polic:e. In- Into ua;e immediately thereafter. proper L-y thb week. Jl wtLS al.,o lt"arn· Company, which hu opened a is invited to" bear him. The ~1- veatigsted the accident . after which Copin of the plan will be avaU- c d tbat !fr. Jackson Cochrane, super- IH,OOO,OOO p1&11t t~. Piet.une of lep e~e,. of the YlfOA and liD. Nora v . Bol>&tU, bouse dl· the b~as wu driven t.o C!:illrlcston able for atodent teachers. .UOr for lhe Tex.ato G:190linc Com• the plant appe.ar ~d in the. map.dno. YiWCA with the cooper.1tion o! -actr of Vwona M"pel Hall waa ond b(ek. p.any, -.;u ~mider buildins- a t.ta· Lite, March 81, pa,.e 37, and in tba eollo;re administn.tion will tbe w;1aner o.f • 1%6 Uniud St.atll A at.t;ip about 8 itleht:s wilic in the NEXT MERCURY APRIL ZZ tfoa if Mr. Rhudce !a.ll!l to build. Time. March 24, pq-e 21. sponaor hi.s appeannc:e here. Ocwa.mn~t SaviDc- Bond Thursday l•ody of the bua 1\o'U riJJped from the Mr. J omes H. Larkey, local manager, • Dr. Eddy, author of t'lll'enty fttr Abmtt&.c the ~t t1t'entJ·five riKht fron.t l i{ht ba:k t,o the dGor, Deca ~&M of the Easte~ ret- laid \he Ntion would 1t.e of modern REBA LECC IN HOSPITAL vo!umeos on intemo~ion.31 erc:o­ """"' ....,,t Ia t.M. S~Jper Suds ond the two loY>·er pan.. of ria• l.n wh it"h begitu: at 1~ H, T!wnda7. type, would b.. e a luneh room and lteba Lea& lt'Hhmaa In tlle ~1- nomie, aoc:ial and rcligious ques-­ ComMt.ittoo QMJMOfOCi br t.he door were aha~red. and end& llonday at 8 a. m., the that •partments may ~ built on the leJre. y r~urio r from an ,.ppend· tioru, t:u lor yu,. bH-n vi.iit!nr ~1\W·.Peet Compan.r, Ketcu.q wib DOt be pu.bliahed nezt Heond floor. ectomy, per!o~ tlle put Tu~ad•J the natiou of £-urop~ snd Ar;ia :ft11ft ea. Winnen ta tho eC)'IIt.elt A.emblJ to.-onow w>U b• tb T•NdaJ'. Th aen laaue will appear XI'. Larkq wiU conti•uut to oper· Sb~ is a ~timt m s... F'taztci& H~ ablcfJ iral' eendltiona ther-e. - ...._..,...... U.40 of &lle J'CUlitz' cia& ~· A,..U a •te ~. atioa.. p1ta1, CbAI'Ielloa. 11·------...... :

Mercury-410408-1.jpg 'The gi~n'?IJ~ ~ ercury

STUDE.NT NEW5PAP£Jt OF CJ..ElrfV~ STATE T£ACHE&.S COI..LE.G£ Pvbli.bed ea.cb 'l'u ~, dQ.nD:a 1M acl.ool :r-r b tiN. da.aee. 10 joumaJJam.. l:DUJ'ed at tbe po.-t-­ .alce at Gle.a•ille, WeA VlJ'ClD.I&, .. -.caDd-d.aa ...... U...... ,. , &bae:n~ a JillU, ll!U c...ac. for WI.• lhmbu: w.. Vircibia b u ueoUeciate Pr.. ~ • • ,.,_, VJfC\DL& .N... apapu CoaadJ.. A. IDCalad Collq\&loa Praa.. Dw t.ri~n& ~ r ot CoU~tCL&Ioa ~ &.vr-ea&6d t or a.a Qo llal w ... ~ bt Jlal.ioaal AdYU"ba..IIC Sarriea, lae.., H.- Y-ork Cii:J. Chemistry Day Will funds are in adequat. to meet Offer Many Ideas the needs . .. No one is ulr.e4 to e:on t.rib u.to more t.h&ll 11 • , • I'JU)MlSTRY Day, ApnJ 18 and 19, will A small amount to \be ••ezwce " bnng to mmd t he m any w ays in whicb -'P- Wn.M penon ... But, as M:r, Jobn- ICience baa impr oved t he w e lfare of mao­ .son aars, thousands of them pvt t.oge~r "will pro.. kiad and. w111 s how t he s heer w onde r of Tide ctJ.re for hundreds of belplesa eripp1ea who 1t1e1aee aod the 1u t ure p08Slbllitlea in the ~~t be saved in a ny other -,-." 6eld. In the p ut f e w years m a oy discoveries han be en made wnjcb make livmg ea&er ~r:,m~~t~:DD~----- t~~a;~~~~:: ad more p Jeaa¥JJt t or alt. 'l"ne eiectnc h gbt, it appeu8 here ita a costume ~l. t.al next Mondar tilt radlo, aruga to klll germs and relieve · of tbe ~rtl:r women in ~n and t.be 1040 podmorniq alae , Mat a t. usembly each Weanesa ay or gwe ao r:~!.~ ·w;~::7~ l:;e;;wi~g a~;:~:~::: • tli:~ aud1ence, ~ bel1eve, foreot a worn by lb17 K. Smith. 111 acr-, , :::oaa ~t~~ ::t c:~l d as~e~~~re~e~c~e ~::se : lund Theater. long, 1.8zy evening at home, ean& gir- however, that •Jilarguuite li- la the auditOriu m , and the only uccountmg Mr. 3nd Mrs. Dagwood >.B ull\stead and small aon, :~~t S: :b~;;~· :U~~= ~ :~=~:! looked angelical in Mra. Fred II. for his absences was t o h ts ow n conscience. Baby Dumpling, are leaving soon for a visit to * * ,.. fashion !eatuTe took them baek t.o ~ lt~:~:e:9~:C,=dil~:e co:nz. T oo m any people wer e absen t. In the first Soulb AmeTica. If you· want a n account of their A Cola.at ol Spice AM Lth•· m' ,'w9 lh0• nbaat~lla •·'n"o~•· lla•· oto...___, ~~ Beach, blue ribbon winner ·in the ' eeme.ster or Ute ·~ ~- '4 U acbooJ y e a r Pres. ~ - tn p, go to the Pict'Ureland, Lile lor Coli... M.l• ...... ,. . ~ O. Rohrbough inform e d students of t h e re- cttber l'"rlday or Satyr dsy, and AIICI F.....la to do wrong oby " Litue Nell" and wu on~~~=ti~:=te~~a nc: e team quirem.euts lor a ssembly a tu:nd ance. H e yoa'U see bow •IBJondie Goes fore ~ • up t.he old apple tree by tbe of Nina Doria SnJder and Garuett warned that u nless a ttendance 1m p roved it L;mn." The "Dure.ngo Kid" sher1fr 1!1 bloCN!hound pack. H: . d'd cl kit that :o~~::l~C ~J~cre~~?,' al:d ~S:~~~o ue~~;ns:l~~:~ ~~~r~:, t;~::~e .=sm;h: t:~: ro!::~s w:e: t:~se eo;~~ =:t& e;; Ellen Willonc &n d Frankie Futti· an*:~:: ~lor:uL ever s - was jf a certaln per cen t 01 tne st.uuen t boay lng role. " hieh we are glad to acknowledge. ~:;;e/a.:~ : i~::te ;1~k ;.~:a n!~ The lad1 .. ID theu minstrel, ma.t would be present a t assemDiy d UJ.·mg the !oJ- '"Sattt:a Fe Trail" i.s nol one The ..said Speneer-Altizer twosome wa~ r pall, then danced backetage, colorlu.l ad iD tbe show, br~ ught a 1owu\g weeks, seats wou l d not ue as.stgned. ot those cowboy-.and-l ndian has not "rocked" but it as under- on..ly 14 reappear fo r 1 bne! encore. Ib tg houae to tbe edge of thett seata Too many perSOlUI were a o.sen1-. ~ 0 lt be- wbooopdeedo,, but an exciting stood thJ.t a third party (ShehllC ) Sevc.n amAteurs put on ·•He Ain't when they cracked JOkes and cavort.- came n ece~ary to d eny a cer uuu rreed om.. story of Jobn Bro'ND and hlS ia involved. ID one !tight by Nell/ under the ed ~ brough a ha.lf·hour of fun and 'l'his lDCIOCnt and ()tners 1n WOh!h students !anatkal and mis-gu.ided way Timl! w3it.li fo r no woman, and direction of 111 ~ BeMie Boyd Bell, fro li.~, go!, ~ge~e.r to harmoruu do .not pract.u:.e selt e:ontrol were mentioned of helping to free the slaves. my name is Time, says 8 Sum- 2. nd exemplilie

Mercury-410408-2.jpg PIONEERS PICK ALL-OPPONENT Chattel' I TEAM AND RATE THEMSELVES AS I CONFERENCECHAMPSNEXTYEAR ...,.. hu aeemiac17 loet A. P. RoMbou.rh for a pme bere tid; on the Wbt. Vir. nut winter ... Th• date 1.a 0 6- By Earle Spencer front, but Glea-nlle cember l8 , , , The mid-w.. u m Ten mem bers or the 1940·'41 Pioneer basketball .squ.ad were n.bjec~t.­ a cnek at taaai.&. team will also tab on Morria ed t-o a "GJllup" poll to answer quutions abo ut players and t.aam& tlM7 &aa·mate.h ae.hedule i.a B..w.rvey and )hrahall whUa In tbla met. du.rinl' \ be nuon. Ten quutiona wue asked, and he.re ue remlt.o! for what loob to atat.e . , . Follow'rn1 tbje pme the Toughest game played wn We. I &alent. Pio neer mentor .ma7 take his ~uad leyan on the home ft oor. Fairmont rear the Pioneer aet­ on an u tensive hollda7 joumey and Aldenon-Broaddua, on their NEWS BRIEFS fouT matchu before into the we.et, -provided preMnt fl oors, tied fo r the. teams 1howing ------­ ne1otiation• worlt out auocaafuUy. ."""'"'"'"'.,"'"' da7. Fred Shreve, the. ,.oat outstanding pe rfo ~ •RI : t Ooy Filtpatri:k, Collep elee.tn­ Harold Scot.t, Bob ...... m- aptnat Lh e Plo n e e ~ s . The _p;oneen /an, retur ned to his home ThQnciaJ TBE low ebb 1.n aporta ac:tlrltJ 1 Robert Joh.MOn aad ~rt;r':nea~ ~':~ u·e~:~n a ~ ~a:;;~k lt~ ~ rom the Mountain State B o ~rPiml. ne capable oC kj!epiftl' tbe I n adt1! d ·on ~e ealftpae la tba best hi!! lut few weeks h•• .,lviD Coaeb all-round team on Glearille'a Charlu.tn n, where unde."'ent - bi•h aboltld a few a11.11ny .stheduJe. ~ pea de.c.tom y , March !2. come alODI' Wore uelnl' orr Rohrbourh an opportunit)' &o aead AU~ppo n ent and all-state H IM• • tlleir opeaet April 2~ Ill Moat­ Mme of his footballe.n Ulroqh Mu Belle Ruppert., fonner at:o· tions we.re ldentiear with the fol­ f'Om•l'l'· apin.st WHt ViJWbiia In­ aome tumblinc drillt. The Pio....­ dent. coa tino.es to imporve at the lowinc ft ve makinc both tuma: For­ adtat. of Tedutolou. ehief beiiiYI• tumblinr \o M Ute Unio n Protut:ant Hospital, Cla,..._ wud•, Crilfttb, Aldenon-B roaddus, best: of ~dilioa i nr ueft~Me for bu.rJ", where she will rerMiD ...W Peace, F8innont ; center, J. Me: tho l'ridden darinl' tiM o.,...... ,.. room is made for ber at Hope1110at ~c.- Neilb, Concord; panb, lbraYich. 1l 6111, Jrab.,--­ a ca,. .... which . •. Broob Golden a Dd lUa til Sanitarium. Uo...t Clea.W. oat ef 1M...... na· pouada. at'tM ta. Ti na a Uttle voob-. O.v il ~k i n s , Hunt, ALden on-Broad· alae botll fM1'1 M .._. Cit}' h with ...... lll.p dadar-M w. du.. Mr. and Mr. Cleo k1'1'7 wWtell -~- ...... ,eo. ... pt't.fe~~~ . . . Itbell~u:u::;.:d:~ P~:e.;.,•~i::; their home at Vjean ovtr tM _...._ Th1 .. abon, ;. bow OJI•e'l' AJg of G.ft..-.1 Eleetrie wtll look whea he . 7 end, Mr. Berry'• brother, CJu.ce., ~aatntea the U.htln• of .n. .a.ctrie luBp wl\ltoo\ ...U. .. _. ia ~e of Fairmont, for hla perfol"''Daate at aenior in Glenville Rich 9e1letrl. of Jlori<," April 18 ... U , ...... of u.. .-...... h; .:::: ...... I ''HO'use of Magic" Show to Be Given !u ·a.... Clwm...... ~ .... A~ 0 .·~ ~ · ,.L_ ' t D f t A '118 19 Dar propa& • ::.rt. ~n~ b.t.u.rcorpo~ ~~ a --- A '-lX'ml& ry ay ea ure pn , ...,., ...... , .... ,...... ;,.. Go~.~ .c~:;~ ~:".:'• .,..~ .... -; IIi.. Wm ~.... F.-• "te.\1. a~ ON THUUDAY FJV£ 'COMPANJil WDl SEND PERSONAL pN'f'td t.e&m that played GloYiU.. "POinted county road w,....,S.1' 'r .. ...WDI Be in Emeat L. BailtJ, ltate road eo..S.. ~!._M~- .,., -. ...--roa·--~~=~IA,u - _...... ~ ...... _c.AI~= - R£PDftEN'fi'TJVES1\JAJ ll oroI' CHEMISTRY DAY ;:Who ~:.-:: wW. M =~=.":~ eonference F~.:nr:t. ch.amp1 •loner, the past WHk. Geiner, o~h'"TMJ'•W a..,w- of neft eeuoal To o~t of kn ,"* Pre.. 1!!. G. Rohl"bo~ wu ...... a.ctrit'• ''B04N.., .... llr. Md lln. A:rU. GaiiMt' of c-~ At leut 8ft dur.r..at eom,...._ U4l ne ~ ..W. MBd pt:noul c.me -- muked 'PionHH. Cbar)Hton o'ler tho week.--dd ...... _ le.. • ... of tiM Wl altowa of U.. N~rW .tea Plat. aad o aJote ol ..,.... .,....,.....&au.e. here for Gka.w.t• ...u...... Che:aJitl7 O.r. Jl'nak Ellll, Wftloyaa fo~rd, he attended a part of Ute JIW..W..t Y.... WorW'e Fair aD4 of ftG7 -.. lobftaoa fruluua Ia Cite o.u..a ttl wu bateD out on three Mlection• PhJakal Edueatioa A..oc:t&Uoa ..-.. .t- ..,..."- alaee C2&kaeo"• c.a.­ '"'N J.dd ln U.. Gf'UIW.W. ~ F . B. Stein!~, dep1~~ SRNIOit CLASS DANCE HELD br a one-'lo\o> m&rlin for forward ln6 and di.cu...d edan,Uoaa1 ...,.. 1 '-7 •f ~ w:ill be pnaee,Wd i"u.t Cluart"J. tho pat 1'h-.nd67. Bw· :,~~=~~~H:::n.a: • .,.. SATU&DAY NICHT1 71 ATTEND :.~• = ~:.nt ::::r ~~~::I t.ers at t~ ttst.e capitol ..;. ~ 11 ~ ...... a,_._. of ial...,.. iD -the ll'tlaldem c-c..y, .-et J"U rdriptstor 8aturda7 afta.. 0 • taU. aauJ Ch~ .oa, . aear GrsntniUe. nooa. Will Mow ru modd, aa.. afore thaa ..~..1\n lltudqta bMt aport. Robert· c . Bo.n:hiftal, arehltAet of A _... -..Jki• awar fro1D llia Kia GeiM1' ... a Jl1'pil In the ke?OMM model, and 1riU be aftO- atteftdod a dante ~red b,. the Wb.eelial', is upeoc:Ud to be hete \o- =:~.:::~~:;..;3:7.~ E- ...::.~:::~~~ ~~ ob~ . f;_: '::::.ol~~=~• .. lm ::~·;.:=:•.:::;:~= ~7t T:OU7 SCHOOL :OT:S ~: ~~ ~ :..~ ·~: ·::, ,::/'::~. : ..&ac• aDd wtU be aeea here bJ A==~·~ ~· ~ ' ~rd in llr. of Denoy~ r Geppert CompanJ, C'Jii· ~~~c-~ :r:~ ::e::n;:::d:7... ~~ CoUA:J ~:,::~• c~!.. ;,a~~~~ cording to Prea. E. G. Rohrboqh. .,....,...ent wlth the J't~ei&Kh tt.b= Boas' ofBce she ia the ~ papll ID caco. will display m•.~ eha.rta. lent for tbe e•eniDI' by William announced Marvin Cooper, auperin- To the Mercury c.ame a COP7 ot eNt.o:f7 of t.h & Gent!Nl Electric ~'~- ~hi•l,; ..,.h,... ..l~-~ ... "',.·.. ~.. ' • . " ;:;s:,:;:. ;!~;.;:Yc~a~: ,!.-;'0 R1lgbu. tcndent, yesterday. Onl r high .:boots The Ring-tum Phi, Wuhinctoa aad e-pu,, The -prUentatioa will be ...... -..- = wilt observe FAster holidays where Lee UniYUSity •~ ·WMklJ. foU'· ...... bJ OU• er Ajar o.f the GeDI'ral The child died of head illjurles Barry L. Ban, of Ua Spenur L N b it will not d l ~n~pt bu1 a&rvicc. These page n ew~peT . Tb.is copy w .. M Dlrct:rie laboratory st.aJr. received whea she feU !tom- auto- Lens .CO mpany, Butrato, N, Y., will fCtUM UM er schools, where commencement ucr· April 1 editton and was teat b7laek ,..n; 0::::~, 0~.!ac:" t!'a !~ ~:rb~:th:~.lch waa being dri.. a by =~s:U~t i~ne ~:it!r;:::_ope and Monday~ Evening :::: u~:1 ;:Y •::'!;";!: wiU not ~:!i.!:r;:c~e';.~erL.•~n~ .-roeb laboratory of the ~atft'l , Co~pa!';., ~-:-:r~:~ ..~~ite.!nt ca;:;~ (Contlnaecl f~lft PIC'e 1) :-::e. ~.:;~n!'O:.,~~=~ W. Cl. ~y HMCNS pl"'due.t.s made by tii1 companJ al!oll viola ..d llbla d'amour; Aaron ~.tao _,rk tbeu . From the iW. P . Qu.Jey, wbo .u beN the may tfemonstrate manube.tu.re of Leiter, pt.no; Aatoa Janowicr:, ban; .-I'd labln-atory eome the efrectalpa.st week sa cllairma.n of the .-f«Y =~~ b~:!'n:~ LorJ:;t£P~: ==~r ,A~:~~ . accordion; and Ador After a stiff bout aact ia:toaat"tiona of u.e, "'Boue educatiOJt eonfueDe.;e, hu eu.Omitted here for t.b e pa.st ftve or aU: yun. Tbe .Ensemble will al)pear in coa· r.::::~:::~:.. ~;- ..:l ~.~:.:" ~::.:':: ~:oc~ ~:~~~~;.~~~::~~~ :~~2 EE !::~!~::::;; A ]lhOIJ)boruunt screeo enables I ~--T-H_U_T_R_E_OF_S_T_.US_l_.....;· ;e::\,~~ - aU::i.;';d i ~~y. \he put ~ i~~ :, e L~~~~an:::~~r.n~u~ :;. ~~ o!:, :!~e •:::dJ f:~b ~ 1L A. Hucbon, Kyle Compe.ny, &pee"ial n U of S4t plus lc tax will ...... and roU it up int.o a boL Picture)and Theat:re Cl.srkaburr. a.nd the Bell 6: Howell !>e ciftn to hia'b school students, .Mute: '- Kilt acrou the at.ace on Company, Cbica,co, will abo'tlf and and 68c plu.1 ~ tax wiU be c.haTc-ed a beam of lll'bt with t.b e aid of a La.t Ti•• T ..r .W.I de.mon1t:re.t.e visual edu~tio n eqoip. towupeopl& and othen.. .,.ec.1&1 Lamp ud a photot"Dbe, or, u Im enl tucb as tbe motion pic.ture pro- i& it eommonly called, an " eJectrlc JEAN ARTHUR Ia jedor aad the DelHleasoopt. Will Lord I I wo nder what fool it ~ · " The ll!Mial la.rn p .ends a "ARIZONA'' alto show a picture "A New World waa tMt first invented kissing.- ~ of IIcht which chll. ngea with Through Chemistry," &tu.rday mol"D - SwifL all the muslal vibration• o1 a With Wm. Holden, Wanea ing . .q' h~ pictun will be co lored u d .------.1 pbonocnph record. While lhe bu· Wil li am have tound effoc t. Mr. Hudson allo For Excellent au eye ia t.oo slow to see the light ~~~ :e available !or per~onal in· t.e r - ~ Barber Service ::::~·. :~e. r ~:.~:c lte .v.: ~~.;:~ W.d ,, N-r:;r\v~~~ t -IO The B. Breiser Compan y, Cl\arlea-· Come to ta 110und on t.h e lo u.d .-pNker. This Fonner Vocali1t With Ht l Kemp't Lon, will tie in an exhib it wit.h other Stalnaker'a B arb. Shop ..,e upen ment oC urrying sound Orchu lra, Staninl' in Produ cts which it distributes. MaiD Street •• a btam of light h•• bee.a per- fftmed In Sc::hne-ctsdy for a distance .t more tll::.o 26 miles, (ro m ainl.hip .. earth and f rom a moY ing train to stallion pl,tfonn. While ihe electrfe eye is maki ng Fri.. &L, Apil Jl-12 it poa lb1a to "heAr" lil'ht. a cathode z-Great F eat\lrc- 1 1'17 o~illO if't'SJth at Ute aame time " B!.ONDIE GOES !.ATIN '' aakea It pou1ble t4 "see." sound in 111,e form of wa,·H rfforded on the' - 41lJ ­ till be. CHARLES STARRET'I' lhDJ ot.he.r lnte. ru tlng demonstra­ - in- tio~ will be. seen ip the " House oi " DURANGO KID" of Coca·Cola to your lipe, you • ctc" pruent.:alion. including a. •iniature • k ctric locomot'ive. con· con taat• Its quality and feel In trolled by comm anrls of lh et voice., a .E ~tte r Sun.. Mon., Tu u ., refr•ahmont. Thirst aslca nathW. "'burtrlar det-octor," tl nd ~eau t i ful April 13·14· 16 mor•. So when you pause eba__ne:e .. • produced under "bla ck ERRO L F I ~ Y~'N OLIVIA do ItA Vli..LANO throughout th• day, make It -in - lito pova• tltcrt rolrotltoa with YOU TASTE ITS QUALITY k-.ld Coco-Colo. Thlrty·one Gilmer County young "SANTA FE TRAIL" • ., are now tervtnc tn the regular United St.otea Arr1y and N:. vy ser­ - v.ith- a-w ..... ~of '11M Con-Col6 eoa.,..,., ftfe, auordlnl' 1.o i llfo ~ .Jt.tl o n whie:h P.A YMON O MASSEY T HE SPENCE R COCA-COI.A BOTTI.ING CO, ~ *' GlerrriUe Dtml'crn re.c:e iv c::d RONALD REACA.N hm SelecUv• ServJce Hu dqu:ut e ra AlAN HALE !pe,c:Cr, W«* Vir~ • C:Urle.ton.

You can't fo t.ol a lit1le fezibered friend abcut sr rintmi3'r.ltions I Tb~ ...... The Best lnaurance Pol­ ·t FOR YOUR SPRING CLEANING &P LANTING amart bird k:) Q-ws that GTeybcwnd a.uM·r•, ,.,. is the c::e: siC3t wav t ('l fl it home to the \\' c-tto n , .• • • • . $ 1.10 icy Ia a Savinga Accoaat f~m ll y nest and ':J;:;ck to coller,e Du colo.il anoon • , , 2 .10 We have it a ~ai n wh e.n v:oe-,t:hn ti m~ 's over. Cl.rlubur-.- , .• 2.10 Ip Our Bank. Th ~ saving is ni.::., ty big- in bo\h M u ra•totown • • 3 .90 GARDEN SEEDS, BUILDING SUPPLIES Pi tt ti~Qr-ab , . . • 7.05 time nnd monev - .:'lnd the: tr i o'~ ,\L.-on • ...... 9.75 A Growing lnatitutioD 1D PAINT, ENAMELS more fun !n 3 S uper -Coach full or" w ..... h itoaton , • , l O, , 'l friends. T heye'!' an e :~~: trn f>l! vlnr.. 3S D• ltiroore , , , • 10.00 a Growing <;:ommUDity •• usual, on roun c'l ~tri p ticlr. e ~ . So be f p r n l:·e,. .••• , • I.7 5 kind to you r f)Otk -: t',ook- and to P arker,burlf , , 3.70 Cle n,Jr n in . • . • 3. 15 ~ 1-i. endly, Courteau• Ser­ HARDMAN HARDWARE CO. yourself- g o (" · o:· ·hound., Cbarletto" , . . • 3.ftr'l Cte.Y hound St.tioa '-I• '' l'n: ,.....,. . • . ~.7 "' vice, Now and Alwaya. O.ert Hardman, Owner TH£ GRILL U£twL.it FEDERAL DEPOSIT IN.SUUNCE CORPORA nON ODly Home Owned Hardware in Gilmer County

Mercury-410408-3.jpg ·- of th~ W~~K SOCIRL {VfNTS onmeaL (C.I::iaa.-1 :r.,_ ,... J) 126 li3U:d ins!J tftcient tninins- in Sixbd nenrl~ $tudeata at Pre.abyterian Canterbury Pilarimal'e CiYic Club ate in the dormitory, ud the foUowing $pe-cifie subj«ts: ae, RaDy in Cltarle1ton. Will Be Made April 22 Talk on bic a pp b6twae11 JUab" I Self-<:<~ntrol, wit.b respect to both English gramm1r; 20, K icnce: 19, colle'e W"'r''t. P'ive. ba:!l•n Siv: Nj)reMntati't'ea from Glenville .Members of thP Cant.erbury Club governments and individuals, wall' music.; 19, hhs tory; 14, ma thc.-malics: complta-. •ttended the tw6.day Spring Rally and Lhe.ir aponsor, Miss Willa Br-and, dise: u&aed M4olyn Popularit-y,'' said that lack of self- Thirty lhougbt they should ha'"-e a Country." BleaJJ,erh.....et r. "Place for the one.-day !aU rally of Beall, aenior; a.nd the readiq of control is indicated ·by goinJ to the wol'k~ h.at'dn in higb aehooL laDd. (3 ) Ne..-., Old next J'MI'· Oha..Uncohowa Enjo,- Seriea several aeleetiona of contftnponry extreme in order i.o •1>6 noticed. Thi1 Twenty-eiebt felt a need for more {4) Ohio sta\e UrUYer~~~ift'. ( Of Skits by Members poets, by Olivo Myers, •eaior. may be observe-d, he added, in loud ~odal development. WWiaD! ~~ . author of Heater, Mc.Ciai:n, Seal 0.. ~lk. conspicuous dres.s, aei.Mhn us1 mo~e~:.e. f~:!td tobe ":!!:et.ed tha~ Name Was Arurl.'' (6) il._,. Epwortk t..cue Provam ·Ohnimcobow Players were eater- Dauahter Born .to Mr. ,ove-r·eating and loud lauch tv. Fo,rd.'• 1:21,000,000 airu&ft _. tained Wednesday evening in Room ADd Mn. Robert Combs In a businesa meetinJ follo,'ing study ln college than is n~sury in ~De f&ct.ory, about com ...... FoW' white can.dlea glowed be- 204 by a number of "ald\1'' preNIIt- ___ the program, the club declded to higb sebool. has beeb.• housecd ill a board ... ne&&h a "'riiite c.ross while tbe EP.- ed b~ members o! the club. Mr. :!.nd Mn, .Robert T. Combs, of een~ threE . :epresentath~ to the Sixteen felt bandP.c:a.pped because tar J*'Per' ~&ted boa: 'Whidt .... worth Leasue silently liatened to a . ~ 1lli am Hu.ghes was kept ~oppi111 Clarksburg, announce the birth of • Spl"\ng Tra1n1_~ Conferen~e of the they h4d n ~ver leamed to earry re- tends ~~~ feet beroo4 t:Jle ... procram repreeenting the way of 1ft ' mpel"50nahng a convenat1on be- d hter Karen March 26. Mr. Student 1Ghnstian Movem en ~ •t l! ponaij>ility or develOP: initi.ati v~ tory'a 110 x 1000 fut d~ 4 lift.. 'Th6 CroN," -at the Trinity tween Miss Kathleen Robertson attd ~~ A:B.. 35 'rs e mP~O yed by the Jackso n'~ Mill, Aoril 27 a n-d 28. It not able to enter into cla.u .. (7) RaYel'a ·~..to for dte lht.hodiat Church. Sunday eve nin~ , Dr-. Eugene H. B.i:lm, critic at the Person~! Fin&IIc~ Corporation. Mn. _was abo dedded that student.'J who aions or del:atee. Ldt. Band ' '~ for a f.riearlt Readinp of the Cross and scnp- State lntere.olle!riate Speec-h Festi- Combs .before. her maniage, wa11 are non-membcn of the club ma -y Ten &aid it doesn't pay to be too who Md lost hb rilbt hand. (eJ 'tlue we.re by ·Helen Beater, procram val at_Huntin.gton . Miss A~na Mae Beall. S he is a !im use the J)ing pong equipment for • "coc:ky"; thought they had never A device ioYented bJ" Solan a l eader. Geraldine Mc-Clain assisted Agnes Wri1'ht and Robert St&lna· eousin (){ Gwendolyn Beall, Col· r-ental d'ee of ten ceRia per hour, or learned to thi"D-k. CroweD ue4 in !am~ pri- wi(b two re~nae r ~dill.g!l from be- ke.r bad ~r lu~k fish i ng-p~hapa lege senior, and is a d:u.1g hter of Mr. fiv t--Cents per play.i'r. E\l'bt c:tted indeftnit.enes, on the mary fticbt atudeMI with airp&&ae lai)ld tlle c:hotr drapenes. beuuae Mt.Sa Wn.ght was afn.1d of and Mrs. Roy Beall, ()( Ola:rla!.bu r&' , Ipart of the tead:l.en' ••irt'lM'nL coatJoola. (t) GnDd Coulee ._ Palll Beal led aonp of the CroD wornu Olp Young'a and Deuel fo nner student. 1n the College Forefl, White, Hobart. McMillian &Ym • •d they bad lacked tnter- in tbe Co1t11Dbia Rinr, stde fl. • iatenals thrG116bout the P~ Bf:'tb' fishtng calm1nated wtt.b a nal land Wa1tm.n Bailes were home oveJ' J.rt m the1r work, had !:ailed to ad- Waahin,c:ton . (10) All afiW. · ~ Abo11t th1rty per.ou attended bite when · ~. skeeter btt 'er on the SOCIAL COMMITTEE HOLDS Yl,e week--end JUst tbe:zuehrea to the!r new etiunl"f: Friday even· t--J'OCIAf- UK PAM E'a&'lllh in the CoUece, entedrta~~ed n,.•. '"' , ',.·u~r'.'.•,•.• · ,to.-•,:d. •600te's neat ing ~rom 8 till 10 o'clock.' womu fac:u.lty menben an OWler '" • Miss Marwaret Delores Kenny, art 1rlftcU with 41ft inf()nnal d.inner at instructor in the College, was eh&P" ••• you'll see the clean wltite Qe Wlliti"'' Tea RoGD'I , Thursday Wmlfred Stalnaker Will erqn at this. social event civen bJ fteDIDC' at &:30 o'~lock . Be Married Friday the CoUep sooial e0111J!litt.ee. PreMI:at ware: lin. OWl G. Wil- Social <::ommlttH members ill Chesterfield paclc --.. of Run\inctoa, Mitt Grace Lor- Tho Jl.eY. and Mn. L. Ralph Stal- eharge were Hel~en Beater and G.r- .a.,. KiM .Aliu Arbuckle, ll~ naker, of Orton, aanounee the ••· ~ldine McClain, tenion. on every side 11 ::.·~:u~t ;'.;.,~;,.~~: ga,.ement of their dau~hter, Eli... = 1 ..._, .,._ WWanne W'4Jte, llias ~et.h 11~ ~~~~Sta~";!~ · t~i~ ·•:; Do~e ~:~;~un;-~ "":ce alu.tt;~ni ., of Zona. ae..&e Bo.rd BeU, and tJ,e bol\eas, Richmond, 0 . The .m.•t·H·~ bin

Wed., Thurs., April 9·10 Fruita "DULCY" Sturin~ Ann Sothorn, Ian Huntu Vegetables and Roland Young AtYoqr }'rl., April 11, One Day Only "R.ICHARD A.RalJEN - and- ANDY DEHNE - in ­ R. B. STORE - "BIACK DIAMONDS"

Saturday, April 12 'RAGTIME COWBOY JOE' Welcome Chemistry Day Visitors With J ohnny M:&(:k Brown, F"uuy Kn il'ht and NeU O'Day ... E.....,o4e of 'Kina of the Ror•l MOUDted' CO. !:pi.•M• •f "THE GREEN HORNET"' EASTER Sun., Moo ., April 13·H Is Coming and So Are the Current "THIRD FINGER, LEFT HAND" IIAGAZDIES Featuring Time, Life, •Look, Esquire, Outdoor .MYRNA LOY Life, Field a.Dd Stream . ... A Maaa­ ••d M&LVYN DOUGLAS zine for Every Reader , •. Here They Are Each Week for you, at at:=.·i s h,o::: ~fge~:n:e.wc~~e:i~ !!"--·------. cipel building. T he W PA hu rc· Shinaleton Bros. THE GRILL leaaed $1 9,885 Jor the proj~t. Thi! will be matched by $17,367 f-rom College Student& Can't Afford to the town. WHOLESALE FEED Overlook Their Leisure Reading ...• Get a Magazine and Make Everyday & FRUITS a Reading Day. SHOES Also Coming Ia "JtOBLEE" Good Fruita are CHEMISTRY DAlY, APRIL 19 For Men Good Health Our Fountain Will Be Prepared to "AIRSTEP" Take Care of All. For W·omen lnaurance · ENOUGH SArD , THE GRILL GlenYille Midland C l>trk~ b urg, W.Va. Students' Off-the-Campua Rendenoue Compaay
