![Mercury 19410408.Pdf](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
A11D UIIIND YCIU 1 '!'hat Eut.tr Vtcatloa Dula .,..., The Glenvt e Mercury Momi,.. at I O'dock. Don't PoiPU ENTERTAIN CHEMISTRY DAY CROWD To Speak Here LYCEUM NUMBER Student Election SniDENTS FORM SEVENTY -FIVE WGH WIU BE · HEARD In Progress Today SCHOOLS INVrrED TO ATIEND TENTH MUSINGS ANNUAL PROGRAM, SAnJRDAY, APRD. A~ol ......... MONDAY EVENING t,-· p_ ............. liME_.- ... ~ ........ JOliN T...,a. - D. wbo ~ .W be tha _.aeemtnt .. ......r hen ~ 4. ... had an -llfo.Bofoa....Saato ~.._....~-·- :.u.:::r: =.: ~ :::0.: ...... a. - Ute iloWv of dte a- Alia- .............. ......---llllldpia ·li!M.Bearftd-­ wta t&ilactioa ill the paenl ............ of .... -Ez. -..... ..._ ...... tllo Job.D T ..ple Gravea. 11. editor, Wor.ld War aU wp Jatar atiached author, lecturer, of BlnaiJlP.am, &o t.U .hace ....... C'Oarift. Ala., wOI deUTtt tb oC'OIIUIIUC..ant Bia lnt DOftl, wturia appe&.ll&d addrullllert! on JUlie 4. See Kercory lit 1110..... wu _. eontiallJ' nc.md bJ' IIIIIIDIS eohunn t.llla week for mon _ __ abow.t .,. era... .,._,........,jhrtM_____ .. ......._ ......................... .. ,.... ,_.._.M.......,.edkorol~•---- ..,_ _. it - editor et tile ........_ Aae-B...W .... of ........ ':.. !'~*~ U. UXTH YOUTH ll'ftDN'AL Y..U. , A .......... II t1r Asabny WUU... ~ ~__ tMre&..OIIo..,.. JI1'Apo._o.-,"'''le_, __ _ _.. _'1' __ ....::::::~~= ._ ___ _ ,..... -........_..·--- _-. ......,___ ....... ....._. ___ ...,.. o• oawt....-. vrojecta .......,........... • ....-- ...... 1N111T SPLU<S OUII Uatentepr, Americ&a Lpoet aDd c:ritic:-, told Ul.e Ollul•to.. Opea Forv.m aadlenoa tH ,.a. Tv.HdaJ' \hat America ia 6owia• ~ of co•ifta' of ... ta die laa area ud caltai'L Be aid that whenu tiM artieU of tWI coutrJ oaee bonowad from Duop., Eai'Ope&Bai are now bor· •wilt&' from Americ:L llr. Uater­ _,... if oae of U.. fo... od poet:a ttl the ace- Aut.bor of manr poema. .. U. ar.o cO'IQPiltd iDto one YOl· ... a crvsap of Amwic:u poeau fticb he betievea an o.taudiac. A CIOPJ' of tbla book ia iD tha Aob­ ert r. Iidd ~a:'-. f;&OONEa CROSBY 9la£ April '1 i.wue of Time IUC'­ J Pine haa u i r:t.tlerueitW artl­ Bus Damaged In d• on 11oUJ'WOO(I'a fonua01t. _., Bial' CroftJ. famoua a1ao Slight Accident for Ilia enr-p,...Dt pipe aud ant. l'llte aolf. cro.bJ' ia one of BoU7'­ WOcl"a be~loved, and tuput ,.W lahabitllnte. The Miele aaya tlaa\ ha n.m1 17,600 a week for ........,.. bnackMC., 17'1,000 • The Collqe bua was dama,.d to ,_, for pbo-.r-p)!. I'«''I'b aad the exteftt of about '160 J'rida7 l\ 'NMO a oplctve f-or l:hru ple­ wbtn the ril'bt fron\ aide c:aucht tha ..,._a ,..r. It b.u ben llta\ed lllaatrWe that Wa eaninp from ~~ •;,:,~·r:.,.;~~·w;:~ H. Y. Clark Works b 'IU'ioae baeine.u eaterprleea aet u mueh or mon tb.an "'- ut.. ~::;· ~:."t..:".. ~.;· a~~ Out Grading·Plan ... Pd -..r.n" .• • who live~ &t Sand Fork and drive• a GUmn County tcbool bas, lasd A plu ia belq formed b7 H. Y. Coach A. F. Rohrbo11gh bu eaUed COIIIC ITUPI beea emploJe.d t.o drive the CoUe.. Clark whweby critic: t.eachen Ln tJM a meeting for t.his alt.emooa in the f'OIDC abi.. are perllaapa tha bu1 Lo Cbarlu\on and take Ruclen&l Traini._ Sebool abaU JtuSce the gymnasium to diacua,. posai billtiu \t mo1t wideiJ reed ! e1taree of and te.chen there for t.he annual proper raarb to be riven studenL Carl Chapman Moves of sponeoring intere:olleri&te b..,. 4aUt De1niJI6peiL The7 am aleo Mid-West Pbyaieal Eduation Auo- tnebe,., The pan will eet up a uni· ~~--·) hall th.i.s •priftJ'. .....-te llllrron to eu!T'Oftt tnada. 1 To Blacksburg, Va. 'o-r.-S-h_e_r_w_oo_d_E_d_d_y-. Of late, reader1 ara 10111.1W'Mt ei;:: ;~7;:: ~:~peaed &bout s:zt !::hi:;! d.;:~:n:~~·~: ~~= To Rebuild Station perpi.Ked kt tln4 t.J-,t their trror­ 1 1 tte dlancten have joined the u­ ::c':;! :!'~e:•r::;:~~: ~~~= "~ _:etth~i;ttu:;:t.:;a;_:-:;-a Destroyed By Fire fr:-: ~!;.:"·v!.: ~~: ·~-n: Will Speak Here my. Joe Palooka a nd Hap Hopper, girls, lin. Earl R. Boas. instructor uftifof111 Un of important thinp- tf ch.an,r:ed bis adcbeu to 8\aclubarg so Wedneaday, April23 &o aame a few, have yoJuateered, in women'• phyaical edueation, and be cotUiducd ib ~vin1r rrt.lfe&, bu' Plane to rebuild on ttlt 1 ite of that he may continue his uteuion ud Jl'nc:lde• Kc:Goote7' waa n-o her aon , <J>a ae Ru~er: a!eo C. D. wiU alto aim to encourap critic Larkt!y's Filling Station, destroyM "'·ork at V.P.I. Dr. Sherwood Eddy, avthor, ~acted becaQJ& of age. Readen ot Wilfong, Glenville Rirb Sehool teachf'r& to c:onsider important ele- by !ire, Thunday moming, March Mr. Chapm&n, who finished work leC'tUM' r and world travelc!', will lldpp)' han their finpn c:I'OIIed. coach, Stanley Hall, uaistant, and menta in good teschitiC'· 20, were announced tilt! JM.8t week. for )lis A.B. dt"Ctee here at the end speak in uaembly, Wr!dnesdaJ. the driver. !Mr. Clark upede to have the plan Mr. [)l)yton !Rhoades of Spencer, of the first seme-ster, is Mnployed in April 23, and apin. at 8:J5 p. 111 •• ... &OBEJI,TS WIN! IZS I.N Cor1). W. G. Wamaley, of the lo· completed tbil week and to j)Ut it owner, will inspect the grounds and Radford by the Hercules Powder at " 'hkh timt- the p_nerol puh.lk IUPD SUDS SLOGAN CONTEST cal detachment of Sbte Polic:e. In- Into ua;e immediately thereafter. proper L-y thb week. Jl wtLS al.,o lt"arn· Company, which hu opened a is invited to" bear him. The ~1- veatigsted the accident . after which Copin of the plan will be avaU- c d tbat !fr. Jackson Cochrane, super- IH,OOO,OOO p1&11t t~. Piet.une of lep e~e,. of the YlfOA and liD. Nora v . Bol>&tU, bouse dl· the b~as wu driven t.o C!:illrlcston able for atodent teachers. .UOr for lhe Tex.ato G:190linc Com• the plant appe.ar ~d in the. map.dno. YiWCA with the cooper.1tion o! -actr of Vwona M"pel Hall waa ond b(ek. p.any, -.;u ~mider buildins- a t.ta· Lite, March 81, pa,.e 37, and in tba eollo;re administn.tion will tbe w;1aner o.f • 1%6 Uniud St.atll A at.t;ip about 8 itleht:s wilic in the NEXT MERCURY APRIL ZZ tfoa if Mr. Rhudce !a.ll!l to build. Time. March 24, pq-e 21. sponaor hi.s appeannc:e here. Ocwa.mn~t SaviDc- Bond Thursday l•ody of the bua 1\o'U riJJped from the Mr. J omes H. Larkey, local manager, • Dr. Eddy, author of t'lll'enty fttr Abmtt&.c the ~t t1t'entJ·five riKht fron.t l i{ht ba:k t,o the dGor, Deca ~&M of the Easte~ ret- laid \he Ntion would 1t.e of modern REBA LECC IN HOSPITAL vo!umeos on intemo~ion.31 erc:o­ """"' ....,,t Ia t.M. S~Jper Suds ond the two loY>·er pan.. of ria• l.n wh it"h begitu: at 1~ H, T!wnda7. type, would b.. e a luneh room and lteba Lea& lt'Hhmaa In tlle ~1- nomie, aoc:ial and rcligious ques-­ ComMt.ittoo QMJMOfOCi br t.he door were aha~red. and end& llonday at 8 a. m., the that •partments may ~ built on the leJre. y r~urio r from an ,.ppend· tioru, t:u lor yu,. bH-n vi.iit!nr ~1\W·.Peet Compan.r, Ketcu.q wib DOt be pu.bliahed nezt Heond floor. ectomy, per!o~ tlle put Tu~ad•J the natiou of £-urop~ snd Ar;ia :ft11ft ea. Winnen ta tho eC)'IIt.elt A.emblJ to.-onow w>U b• tb T•NdaJ'. Th aen laaue will appear XI'. Larkq wiU conti•uut to oper· Sb~ is a ~timt m s... F'taztci& H~ ablcfJ iral' eendltiona ther-e. - ...._..,......... U.40 of &lle J'CUlitz' cia& ~· A,..U a •te ~. atioa.. p1ta1, CbAI'Ielloa. 11·---------......: Mercury-410408-1.jpg 'The gi~n'?IJ~ ~ ercury STUDE.NT NEW5PAP£Jt OF CJ..ElrfV~ STATE T£ACHE&.S COI..LE.G£ Pvbli.bed ea.cb 'l'u ~, dQ.nD:a 1M acl.ool :r-r b tiN. da.aee. 10 joumaJJam.. l:DUJ'ed at tbe po.-t-­ .alce at Gle.a•ille, WeA VlJ'ClD.I&, .. -.caDd-d.aa ......U. ..........,. , &bae:n~ a JillU, ll!U c...ac. for WI.• lhmbu: w.. Vircibia b u ueoUeciate Pr.. ~ • • ,.,_, VJfC\DL& .N... apapu CoaadJ.. A. IDCalad Collq\&loa Praa.. Dw t.ri~n& ~ r ot CoU~tCL&Ioa ~ &.vr-ea&6d t or a.a Qo llal w ... ~ bt Jlal.ioaal AdYU"ba..IIC Sarriea, lae.., H.- Y-ork Cii:J. Chemistry Day Will funds are in adequat. to meet Offer Many Ideas the needs . .. No one is ulr.e4 to e:on t.rib u.to more t.h&ll 11 • , • I'JU)MlSTRY Day, ApnJ 18 and 19, will A small amount to \be ••ezwce " bnng to mmd t he m any w ays in whicb -'P- Wn.M penon ... But, as M:r, Jobn- ICience baa impr oved t he w e lfare of mao­ .son aars, thousands of them pvt t.oge~r "will pro.
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