1029 Hon. Vernon J. Ehlers
January 11, 2007 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 153, Pt. 1 1029 Mr. and Mrs. Werten Bellamy, Sr., Dr. Flower Bearers: Great Lakes Chapter of holding states and schools accountable for en- Lerone Bennett, Dave Bing, Black Judges the Links, Inc. and friends. suring that our students are learning. How- Association of Michigan, Alberta Blackburn, Final Arrangements Entrusted to: Swan- ever, with more than 50 different sets of aca- Catherine Carter Blackwell, Raymond H. son Funeral Home, Inc., 14751 W. McNichols Boone, Charles Boyce, Joe Brown, Dr. Waldo Road, Detroit, Michigan, (313) 272–9000. demic standards, state assessments and defi- Cain. Interment: Roseland Park Cemetery, Berk- nitions of proficiency, there is tremendous vari- Dr. Benjamin A. Carson, Marvel Cheeks, ley, Michigan. ability across our nation in the subject matter Hon. Carolyn Cheeks-Kilpatrick, Dr. Aram Fellowship and Repast: Tabernacle Mis- our students are learning. V. Chobanian, Dr. June Christmas, Hon. Erie sionary Baptist Church (Following the Inter- I might add that there also is considerable L. Clay, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, ment). variation across states and even school dis- Pres. William Jefferson Clinton, Hon. R. Guy Acknowledgment: The family of Dr. Rachel tricts in the sequencing of math and science Cole, Jr., Prof. James Coleman, William Boone Keith, deeply appreciates your expres- courses, which is problematic for our increas- Coleman, Jr. sions of sympathy and acts of kindness. Your Pres. Mary Sue Coleman, Dr. Julius V. love and support have been a great comfort. ingly mobile student population. Our students Combs, Congressman John Conyers, Nathan Contributions can be made to: The Dr.
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