Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / July 27 1391

Statement on House of resentatives. I thank the bill sponsors. I thank Representatives Action on the the members of the Judiciary Committee. I ‘‘Expanding American appreciate so very much representatives of Homeownership Act of 2006’’ the Hamer family who have joined us, rep- resentatives of the Rosa and Raymond Parks July 26, 2006 Institute who have joined us, and members I am pleased the House passed the ‘‘Ex- of the King family, in particular Reverend panding American Homeownership Act of Bernice King and Martin Luther King. 2006.’’ Thank you all for coming. The Federal Housing Administration has I’m honored to be here with civil rights helped millions of Americans become home- leaders like Dr. , Julian owners in communities throughout our coun- Bond, the chairman of the NAACP. Bruce try. I appreciate the House’s efforts to mod- Gordon, thank you, Bruce. Reverend Low- ernize this important program to ensure that ery, it’s good to see you again, sir—fortu- it reflects the demands of today’s market- nately, I got the mic this time. [Laughter] place and addresses the current needs of po- I’m proud to be here with Marc Morial. tential home buyers. By providing the FHA Thanks for coming, Marc. Juanita Abernathy with increased flexibility for mortgage down- is with us today. , good to see payment requirements and the authority to you, Jesse. Al Sharpton, Dr. Benjamin Hooks tailor financing to suit a family’s unique situa- and Frances are with us. A lot of other folks tion, this bill will improve FHA’s ability to who care deeply about this issue—we wel- help lower and moderate-income families come you here. achieve the American Dream. It’s good to welcome the mayor. Mr. I encourage the Senate to join the House Mayor, good to see you. Thanks for coming— and pass this critical legislation. Tony Williams. Everything is fine in the neighborhood; I appreciate it. [Laughter] NOTE: The statement referred to H.R. 5121. And the mayor of Selma, Alabama, James Perkins, is with us. Mr. Mayor, proud you’re here. Welcome, sir. Remarks on Signing the Fannie Lou The right of ordinary men and women to Hamer, , and Coretta determine their own political future lies at Scott King Voting Rights Act the heart of the American experiment, and Reauthorization and Amendments it is a right that has been won by the sacrifice Act of 2006 of patriots. The Declaration of Independence July 27, 2006 was born on the stand for liberty taken at Lexington and Concord. The amendments to Thank you. Good morning. Welcome. our Constitution that outlawed slavery and Thanks for being here on this special day. guaranteed the right to vote came at the price Please be seated. America began with a dec- of a terrible civil war. laration that all men are created equal. This The Voting Rights Act that broke the seg- declaration marked a tremendous advance in regationist lock on the ballot box rose from the story of freedom, yet it also contained the courage shown on a Selma bridge one a contradiction: Some of the same men who Sunday afternoon in March of 1965. On that signed their names to this self-evident truth day, African Americans, including a Member owned other men as property. By reauthor- of the United States Congress, , izing this act, Congress has reaffirmed its be- marched across the Edmund Pettus Bridge lief that all men are created equal, its belief in a protest intended to highlight the unfair that the new founding started by the signing practices that kept them off the voter rolls. of the bill by President Johnson is worthy The brutal response showed America why of our great Nation to continue. a march was necessary. When the marchers I’m proud to be here with our Attorney reached the far side of the bridge, they were General, members of my Cabinet, leaders of met by State troopers and civilian posse bear- the and House of Rep- ing billy clubs and whips—weapons they did

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