Materials and Processes Technology. INSTITUTION Old Dominion Univ., Norfolk, Va
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 192 117 CE 026 677 AUTHOR Fitz, John M.: And Others TITLE Materials and Processes Technology. INSTITUTION Old Dominion Univ., Norfolk, Va. Dept. of Vocational and Technical Education. SPONS AGENCY Virginia State Dept. of Education, Richmond. Trade and Industrial Education Service. PUB DATE Jun BO NOTE 193p. EDES PRICE MF01/PCOB PIus Postage. EESCRIPTORS *Career Planning: Careers: * Ceramics: Course Descriptions: Course Objectives: Employment Opportunities: High Schools: *Industrial Arts: Industrial Education: Industry: Learning Activities; *Manufacturing: *Metals: *Plastics; Salety: Student Organizations: Technology: Units of Study: Work Attitudes IDENTIFIERS *Materials Technology: Virginia: Woods ABSTRACT This instructional resource guide is intended to assist the industrial arts (IA) teacher in implementing a comprehensive materials and Processes Technology program_at_the_ technical level in Virginia high schools. The course is_deSigned tc help studentsmake_informed educational and occupational choic:es and prepare them_for advanced technical or vocational programs in a related cluster of- occupations. Sectict 1 diSdusses Virginia IA curricrlua, including mission, goals, instructional objectives, and Student organization. Section 2 provides a course description, course goals, suggested outline for content/concepts and topics, and key to guide usage. Thirteen units of study comprise section 3: (1) Materials and Processes Technology,_(2)_Safety procedures, (3,__ Industrial Technology CareerS,(4) In-class IA Student Associates,, (5) Nature of Materials,(6) Classifications of tiaterialS, (7) Propertie8 of MaterialS, (8) Material8 Procetting,(9) PlasticS, (10) Metals,(111 WoodS,(12) Ceramics, and (13) Composites. Each unit. supplies thiS_informatioti tasks, topics, teacher's guide, note, student's performance guide, resources/media, equipment, and supplies. Section 4 lists the resources and supporting media used in the course.
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