Working Paper 2006/01 COMMUNITY BASED FISHERIES MANAGEMENT PROJECT (CBFM-2) CASE STUDIES OF SIX CBFM-2 WATER BODIES WorldFish Center-Bangladesh and South Asia Office House 22B, Road 7, Block-F, Banani, Dhaka 1213 Bangladesh Phone: (+880-2) 8813250, 8814624, 8817300 Fax: (+880-2) 8811151 Email:
[email protected] Case Studies of Six CBFM-2 Water Bodies Dr. Ferdous Alam Susmita Choudhury Khalilur Rahman Md. Nesaruddin Abu Bakar Siddique Arif Hossain Mahadi Hassan Habib Ahmed Edited by Dr M.W.Dickson Community Based Fisheries Management Project-2 WorldFish Center October 2005 House No 22B, Road No. 7, Block-F, Banani, Dhaka, 1213, Bangladesh The case studies report on how CBFM-2 interventions have affected aquatic productivity, income, employment and livelihoods in six case study sites, Beelbhora beel cluster (Kishoreganj), Sholuar beel (Narail), Chapundaha beel (Rangpur), Hamil beel (Tangail), Kutir beel (Kishoreganj) and Dikshi beel (Pabna). LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND LOCAL TERMS ABBREVIATIONS BMC Beel Management Committee BWDB Bangladesh Water Development Board BS Banchte Shekha CBFM Community Based Fisheries Management CBO Community Based Organization CNRS Center for Natural Resources Studies DoF Department of Fisheries DFID Department for International Development FGD Focus Group Discussion GO Government Organization HYV High Yielding Variety IRRI – Boro A high yielding rice variety grown in the dry/winter season. KII Key Informants Interview NGO Non Government Organization SDO Sub Divisional Officer UP Union Parishad (Local