Street Texas State 1th treet 1 11th S s s e r Navasota t g 7 th Stree n o C Cemetery 5 3 . H . I The cemetery is located at 909 Navasota Street in Austin. Hours of Operation State Cemetery Visitors Center 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday-Saturday State Cemetery Grounds 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Everyday Phone Numbers Cemetery (512) 463-0605 Tour Reservations (512) 463-6600 Superintendent (512) 463-6023 (512) 415-4901 Web Site
[email protected] The Texas State Cemetery Committee Scott Sayers Chairman Coley Cowden Member Harry Bradley, Superintendent HistoricHistoric WalkingWalking TourTour TTexasexas SStatetate CCemeteryemetery Located approximately one mile east of the State Capitol, between 7th and 11th Streets, the Texas State Cemetery is the final resting-place for individuals who have made a significant contribution to Texas history, government, and culture. Stephen F. Austin, 12 governors, numerous legislators, judges, and various other important individuals throughout Texas history are only some of the people buried here. The Cemetery maintains its own archives, where staff historians will assist visitors with genealogical and historical research. The archives are open Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The Cemetery also hosts its own comprehensive website,, which provides photographs, biographical sketches, and a complete listing of those who are buried here, as well as those who have made plot selections. HISTORY TEXAS STATE CEMETERY The Texas State Cemetery is located approximately one mile east of the State Capitol, between 7th and The Texas State Cemetery serves as the burial ground 11th Streets, and provides a final resting-place for for some of Texas’ most notable citizens.