J Form an Go Monraoutfa, 111' H Comp Read Herald Tfie Week-end Weather: For Lbcal Naws Increasing cloudiness today wttt Serving Summit for H ¥ear$ 6h

and Summit Record

64th Yt«r-~No. 45 la two Stetiaat entered it Second Claw Matter at-'tht Fortofflt* SUMMIT, M. J., THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1953 at Snmmlt N. . Under tb* Act of Mweh 3 IS7I $4 YEAR 10 CENTS Democrats to Pick Red Cross Goes Local Ticket by Garden Apartment, Widening 1 Over Top for'53 Write-In" Mettwd fund Campaign Of Four Streets Get Council OK A campaign to aecure Dcrno- rr«t.ic candidates for the offices of The 1953 Red Cross fund cam- Construction of a 55-family $180,000 garden apart- Coancilroan-at-Large and Councll- paign of the Summit chapter, ment was given the go ahead signal Tuesday night whfcn jnt-n from both Ward 1 and Ward which includes Berkeley Heights, Common'Council announced approval of the plans.' ; by "write-in" votes on Primary New Providence and Fassate The apartment will erected by the Cassam Realty' • Emotion day, April 21, wws an- Township as well -as Suntiftit, has Co., of Elizabeth,, on Morris avenue opposite Norwood again gone "over the top," H&d- nounced thls~w«ek by J. Jerome i_ .• ^ i . __ i nvejjup_ "TheMil'ding, coating $180,- don H. Smith, campaign chairaian Kiipion, prominent local Democrat. t 0'jO exclusive of land, w'M be laid, announced yesterday. Kflplon announced that hU party out In' six'auctions; Thc'imfts will'" would select three candidate* for . A substantial contribution front 33 Drivers Nabbed coni;.*t of four to six rooms. Iaa- the above office,and Instruct local employees and management of the dorc XaftaJl is the architect. Democrats to write in their neme« Bel] Labs at Murray Hill pushed in First User An ordinance authorizing tha ; the drive past its goal of'$42,954, 7 on the votlnf machines. He -, , appropriation1 of $10,000 for the ! Mr, Smith said. He- added that all c.ned to name the candidates at | . widening, grading and paving of I returns are not yet reported and th i* t:me but j>romis<*d that their Electric Timer 1 Cre.Scont ftij-d ..Woodland' urcnu.' | thnt several divisions arc ..still in- f i.lentity would be disclosed by next Olin j .^;fep vkinJty..o^,\hs.. xuw Jincala., complete v_ Tkirfy-thrce .. : ac::k f*n&.«4ije4 thai they were all eunimoaacs for apecding bi?t,wiiH"*n '' Schfx->i wfl.s~pas.»ed or. first read-' V.rongcandidates." I>itc&t reporLs from the various ; iV "X write-in " candidate haa * a speed of ftoir ctira w«w r«-giatereiJ I/iw Coni'tftltti f for study'and re- Division I, $4,133.70; Division 2, >ven-d.&y period In which" to de- on the city's new electric speed port. $3,771.65; Division 3, $4,555.75; Di- cV.rie the nomination of his party. tlmor. according to Chief Edward An ordinance appropriating $26,* vLsbn 4, : $92^71 f Division 5, K- If ho fails to file a letter of ac- K. Egan. Wo for tho-fmprovemen* of -Mor- 521.55; busineea. $3,6&5.1T; industri- 1 f-pinnce within that period the Will Conclude In addition, two tickets were ri»« anil Springfield avenues also a!, 55,876; advance gifts; S6.1S3.06; .nomination becomes void. handed to persona for driving with- was introduced, passed on 'first apartments, hotels. $4,311.73; New reading, and referred to the law . 'Mi an while, the local GOP Pri- out licenses in possession and two Providencf-, $2,550.99; Berkeit-y committee. The $20,000 to be taken mary contest continued with most others who failed to have regis- The Summit Athenaeum will | Heights, J1.42S.15; Faasaic Town-. froj» the capital fund b a portion attention being centered upon tration cards with tliem.v Us 45th «uon today (April ish'P.- $1,824.35; school* organ- of the $30,000 the city will pay aa Vincent A. Burgher and William s Chief Egan stressed that »> in the. High School auditorium ; iwition-s. $397,25; miscellaneous its share in a ?;*>0.0o0 road, im- I!. Gihwn, opponents for the throughout the city the .".peed with another musical adventure. | $131.30: Mr.* Barney's tea, $166.50. provement job. The federal govern- .'lamination for Councilman - at- limit is 25 miles an hour and ehouid Olin Dowries, famous 'music j In a prepared statement to all be respected, as it will be rigidly ment pay* $1.30 000 and the county I/'.rge. Gilaon thifl week released critic fo| the New York Times, j $100,000. The Job will be supervised division, leaders and campaign FOR' Bl"SIX"ESS~-Lea»:rs of Sumraifs r»- R. Decker. Campaign material aiich as auto stick- enforced. a statement setting forth more of will discti5rt "Ideas Behind Music" j by the stale. i workers, Mr. Smith stated: cenUy-orsaniz«t Troast-for-Govemor Clab' add the ers, hutttins and literature will be made available The easy-to-movc robot poiicc- ',,.! vie^s on recreation, city plan- j while Leonard Eisner, one of the I ' "I am sure you will join m« in final decorative to-uch of a csmjuisn bijtton to the to the p(ibli«j at the headf|Uflrtfr.s and a .scries of man started work at 7:23 am. Parking Lot Rid Accepted inig

violators. On April 4 "it" was ' road is s new strff*, in the Co!t '• >i i'lari-d thnt the meeting is '. :.o Koverninentol flRencicts. Z I i <*f*i !h.>" btiiidlng committee for the j pjaeed at Morris avenue nnd Bed- ' rctaii ?-:"tion where Winston • K. Mr. Downey |s pcrhnp.i the forc- •'i'.-iiijitciy not (»f a political n«- i 19J.3 rate lUtcd' liret nnci the : J(-.virilt Community Center of Sum- Ogdct), contractor and. builder, nio-t musical critic in tills coun- "Tho heed Jor funds t-> carry - \ ford road from 2.45 to 3:15 p.m. tr,. ' and should not be. construct! i ja.U? second arc as follow?; mit, yesterday announced that plans a 14-homc development. try today. He htfl written and.ed- , on the vital cervices of the Amer- and again there were no violations. r- .••.i-Hldftff.1 meeting The on!y I of ;ho coa-tv i, ^1 «• s.v" S'jrhmU- ; contrncl* rt&Vc been signed with ited many authoritative n6ok«»* on i ican Red Crusj Is ever urgent, and : On April 5, tho timer »M sta- The 8-d%*ertL'ing of bids for • • I'A.ura will .be members of the ; Ti* .oi.Mi tax rttv for this e*r . Berkclfy H«ght4 5,4V I the Zwigord Construction Co., for the subject. At tho age of eight he j every year sees «n expanded need tioned from i to 5:15 p.m. on Pas- new air mid firen was E'urd of Recreation. I for Red Cross services. This yc«r, •>v\'. r"» ^ ?.\ as yew Providence •8.69 aao ; the crcetisr. of the new b'ai!d>'ng vvfta declared a child" prodigy, but i fnr the ;.iar pri"»:o'^s_ Westficld 6-45 v/.t.s pointed out that the meet- , , er«tandins? j particularly,, the expanded blood 5.S0 | at the renter's pjesent site, at 67 p.m. on Baltusrol roed. it netted on April 21. hlg bpnt wns towar(1 UKl Summit and faur other t Crawford S.S5 "'•>! i« being called as a civie ges- program in which the Red Cross 5.59 i Kent Place boulevard. Work on four speeders. A*k» Zone \"ariance I and criticism rather than perform- ; Gsrwood, Moantalnside. RoseUo Springfield • 8.13 t'if'.1 to acquaint new residents of htm undertaken to .supply gam- 8.41 i the demolition of the old building | J. Jerome Kaplon, local attor- I (Continued on pt<"inber so i us, ] Th»> ne«- building-, designed by timer was then moved to Morris N"'.xt .Wi'dnivsdoy. April -13, Sum- indudvd b^caaac nertification -of : Mrs. Hni! had conducted her busi» "I urge those of you who have i Ft-nick A. "Vofiel, architect, of «nd Lowell avenues where it '•••''. Yoking R-epub!ie€»i).'» will be their 195S. badjete h&vt- not becai ! CuUl'.vell, will be of modern de- , ness at the Lincoln YMCA for !;<;J College Campaign not finished your ta.sk of colic** cheeked 25 c/trs up to 6 p.m. with- '>» nt a candidates' mcciing of received. '< many year.?. Now, boeausc her I ions to complete the job within \ siKn. and will feature two level out finding any speeders. '"iiTily candidates for office of At latf Thursday's meeting of The ctHinty tax rat* rtse about husband is confined to their home the next few day.1*." \ eonstructlons. The upper level will Chief Egan noted that moat per- '-' nih.-i-.fl f)f the General Assembly, the Summit committee for the , by illness, she desires to operate ' contain a lobby, chapel, Rabbi's sons stopped through "Robot Joe's'1 I''"'holder. Sheriff and Register. United Negro Colloso Fund, Dr. It. | i from there. Mr. Kaplon Mid that \ study, a fully equipped kitchen clocking accept "his" decision with- '!'!• meeting; will be held at 8 p.m. R. Willinni.4 wa'< nppolnted eiiair- ! • the Planning Board had okayed | nnd « spacious ull-purposc room. out argument ''*• '''*»• Coiindl chamber, City Hall. man, Stanley 0, Morgan, campaign ! HighRate¥ Roller Skating The lower level will contain class- the request. Council previously director nnd Mre. Araxy Kaval- ! A"! county candidate* haVc been rooms and klteltenettp facilities. ; turned it down. gion, treasurer. Other member.* of I !!:v;:,--d, according to Frank Curtis, Rink Donated at The oflieors of the Jewish Com- Trouble Over (We Hope) i PermLssion vca» granted to the the i:nnintit(ee nre Rev, J, G, Car- i New Building '' iMnan of the Young Republican munity Center ate Adolph Root, Twice within the last three weeks Girl Scouta to hold a bazaar on rinRton. Oscar D. Dennis, Prentice ; •'"i|i. nrnl fleceptnneesi have been president; Samuel Kcs.sier, vice- The Summit Herold haa been re- i May 9 in the park bounded hf C. Ford, .). JeroiHi1 Kaplon, I>nvid I 1 i;>'(l from many. Egch enndi- Continues in City Memorial Reid president: I)r, Philip Eckel, secrc-' ceived kite in many homes. We I Eim. Maple and Broad streeta. Th« ''•••••'.' will »poak for five minutesLudlow and Willinin MVICK. c,- . . • ttuy, And Hnrnld Reisman, trwts- deeply regret thla dday in delivery | public schools also were granted ! Building activity in Summit '" 'I i question period will follow. In ncceptitig the respoit.iibllty-of pc.i^t«it':cg rink will he placed into urcr. Tho board of trustees for but it haa been caused by a mc- permission to hold the annual iide* continued to roll Along during lieo'linjj up tliLs ymr's fund r«l»- operation ui JlfccpTk! F*irtd for tile Center nre Morton Ashman, elinniertl probfem on the press. We | walk art show at Maple street and 1 March with permits issiwd total- MorrU Hlonm, Henry Dovit, Mi- iti^ eanipjiipn, Dr. U'illiiini, * ."wtld. /thb waiftiffr'-ii .use, it waji «n* have been assured that it has been Morris avenue. It is scheduled for lnp $241,700 for new construction chael CoK«n. Simon Cohen, Philip "Tito 31 Negro coUcpi w thnt (ire noun^wf tltis itef^ by the Summit corrected and thus anticipate reg- June 5. and $2,800 for alterations. Eckel, Jacob I* Emdin, Stftnley j Gilson Expands. aided by the United Negro College Lion,* Club, dosow o€ tisc rink. ulnr deliveries In the future. In a resolution, Common Coun- In February new buildings were Finkel, Hermnn Goldstein. Samuel Fund .should iinve our wholeheart- The cJufc will not only donate cil paid tribute to Newton A. Vahie.l «t $298,500 and in January Ktssler, Jneob Levinc, Lester The pfltienee and understanding ed support. th<» necexmry fonfe for the rink Burgess, former Summit oouncil- J12S.000. Alterntiorw for the two Niii^l, Snmuel polikoff, Sflinuel of those stitxs«eriber3 who received n»n» who died April 1. A copy of Views on Civic but it* members will do a ronsid- "My dnily • work in r; the situiition. My owoeldtes «nd private dwellings lost month were ; , Rabbi Murray Ger.ihon is the spir- »; I*>i.«»t Summit civic center I huve visilcd eleven .Ne^ro t'ol- the following: Anthony Manelski. : P«dcr*o« «ad Beiwt P. Patt«ai, 1 : Hu.'il lender of the Center <\ further dkctwsion of the leK(1>* -tniouK many other* in re- 22-1 Broad .street, $13,000; A. E JJ will *up*n(» the project Mirtuwl i Tho builflinjr committee constate Summit Residents to Be : ! ''•" ' 'f « master plfin nnd" vx- oi-nt «Ti( and eleven Negro l.'nmnder Const ruettion Co., 5 If. FormlciiciM. pnmidvnt of. the, Summit Residents ' of Mr. Root, Mr. Mjintel, Joseph il| || club, 'will doMte * NIMcier f*r i t views on « jironowd jMirk "rhhooKs ore AinnttK the 300 to which Beigner, Jncob L. Emdin. Mrs. |!l| excavatioa wwrk, Honored for Veterans Work "• ;>nty to Improve banltil of the we have rn«^(l^ fji'«n(s • i" nid of Co., li nnd 1« Duioe IIr(V)k park- ' Head County j N'ornta Scligrrtiin, Morris Umamky, w«y, $10,000 each; U Bremer, Inc., . Work will tomatiKp'iaiznedlate* j Lester NflR^I, Snniuel Price, Stan- ''•>••--.'lie river for roc rent lon«! uw nreh. In grnl, the .'r, Julius uhj*Mt.«# included In thla week's iHtpporUnl Negro «chool« life mw honored for their outstanding work to lie commander, Dr. Leo Knhn Nntfllo, 185 Broad »trpot, S18.0CW;.; will be completed willu» a '»onth*# • Seholnielt, Lmilw Uaierwitein and f'"'"'ient of William R, GlUon, rpeoivinii nitieh more gcni'rott.s »p- Mental Health Drive in Philip O'Z«>linn, 1>2 Fernwoo located ! Hcnnun (joldstfin proprlfitionfl thnn formerly. How- Tv»T> 1T!< n, Wi I! kninvn \r> Rum- pllnllzed veterans. Their contribu- ranch n! hto ilvnr and money in ''•"'"li'iate.fftr the Itepubllc«n noml- I'OIKI, $!),(KH); Joint'Vnnd«>wftlter. Ifi3, i n.Mf tb« .%hi«nn Count)' tions will he marked «t a bnnquct arranging And arpoiuiorlng enter- '* " '<* f'ouiu;llnmn-«t-fjdrg<' in 1 Cnnoe BrooU imrkwity, $8,000; «nd , (UW. T1«'. rink wiB .be W feM' 1 riTcivin^ no Moti »tipport. Iinve Menta! Ift-a.th fund (irivf. ivhk'li : Four Young Boys Admit sponsored hy the Oallion-Gentiks1 tainment at the veterans hospitals '•'"' 'M'HI 21 Prlmnry ElerUon, C. R. Terry. 80 F/wsnie nvenne. | in dbmefeer. Vpm 'mmpMiaa^ it h'H tho wny in NeRro eilmxttion IM part of the iKiti-iM'il e >mjviit:n Chapter 43, of Millburn, Disabled at Lyonjt and East Orange," $10,000. i ' • j wilt he tdtned «ntr__te"tti* Board j Thefts at Two Stores 'I'ii' romplotc text of Mr. Gil- •mil ,sUII f:<'t the rtawliud.n. More that wiw opened Monday .They nre Ameriean, Veteran*. Tht nffflir Dr. Kahn and Mr. Manger h»v« (inrrta R. Hlee, 25 Robin Hood • of Rrtrefttioa ^ »nd City of Sum* j ' A Krl»ufteld avrntt*. ' pfehcngion o( four yotuiK boys I(oc«l (personj» who will be ' :' itinl »hould be related to the project at it* wpitar >iinch««i United Negro Collegia iip«»ite mnnr.lngly. Their flggreRnle '' berg, 4,n Rdgrwond road. , M.JW; i »** T^HlNif. H *m *£%*4 thtt Afikerman of 93 Whlttrcdgc rond, Bonelvengn, Row I>oylt, I^Atr r t( tive Lieut. John H. Stiyte, Tho Manger and Mr, Btncivsnga hvn '" ' l"n building in fta«t Sum- dowmrni rt|td plnnt Is equnl »tp- (*h(trlf.i tjrlll". i. !l nnd It Twom- the rink wi?l hrT(Un kwping ehil- pntUknt of tho Union County Itankii and Mnrgnret Luciano. ll! fi boys' ngn raitR'il from 12 to H. made ward visits fcctwwn two att4 ilrfii frjom rqtht A»tittg «» «idto- ; " 'il to nifrt thfl-t »c,«t. firoxlntntely to thnt of Prlneetoti bly drive, SH.nrtw, ir.'.dtm and $t«.- for Mental Henltlt, Dr. • .Th« yottth.i ndtnlt.ti'd entering Attather guw»t who will «Uo re- four tlmea a month at I«yon». Tt»«y '' j' tor Uw< rNirm that 1 », yet thry hnv« 2«,(MK) Mil- Ottfl 'reflpcetlvi-ly; M-iK"' Hrntliem. will K*rve shop on three sure ceive » jilmitip l» Paul t» TroMt* were cM^t In ttw ho^ltal i il( Mr, Storm «s roclt/itrnian in " - l the view thnt the City flii'ntu in tliflr CIIIJIW.H; hunilreilrt IOt V,''iU"i Kind, IKl.fMX); Bnturtkiy nlglif* ttnd steiilit esindidnfc for govrtnoij *nd kMKl cation "I4wu TaW ft» "1'V * p front New .(crwy nu'l *f>veml from i"oti#tructi'«i (Vi.-IK I'orilnnH ch«rf« o(f Ittdtwtrlnl of money itn»% the ra«)t register. of the Turnpike mmtm^m, tbrrapy" walfth WU 1 SiitHiiilt, Thew fwhotilx nre t mitt- I1IMW0; fltid cniiil ("«r|i. 1«, 21 '«ir .in nildltlon to .[e aratal They «!wt flrfmlltnd Mr, Troiwt hsabttm iMtrttmiMlat f«#9 IS) ing N<'Kn> Icndftw for thf future; 17 Mleic iiliiic, h entry nt Jnrls'o Chicken "'' 'i»w, whleh would 1 in i'l.ininc diJMbinl vMtfXtit l« ilcv'lori*, (l<'n(W«, lnw~ URB , pmrjuntrii itinli'ii and In- on !t«llroiif| nv|c»und of l;««!( 1| *>«r «Mnl kltfthtn, tn I hi* i\\nm who linw (utttpftrtcti -Ilk F ft AM, tMh men »fc p«#t rmn~ W Dr. Mtni-y t*. Denftfr, Summit Steml io re«ive * ieroll dr »l|l(| United Negro Oollege hind In f*«t ler» of thi« lwl|t<», or the Union •w «t*, who U» eouftty mp*t- mAm«l** HUM County cl(itJon tfrm««fl h««r 8 AJI of thla «! nn *»t I- "« tMtuml cho!« becauw? of \ht> StrfttuM of St. Dfl>tr«r«*t »vwut, buceo mm»$»t tor It* «mtrl»o- ttintid tiontrtbutc, cli^lw nifty l»f inti>mlr nation Cofnml«*lon for thrf?e~y«ar thp nmi will flumnit.' miin^r (K'rrlwik ,roM), ' on p*§» V THE SUMMIT HERALD. THURSDAr, APRIL »,_!«., I-orkcd cn.t with ^{ neun.i.»MBS e t«« of New Jersey fOr 1>5r t Mr und Mrs SaXIord QuJniwd. Mrt The players have b«en. putting on •8air.ia.-l Huiiier. Mrvanft Um Donall s y these productions for the last IS H spvalt Jtunw t PUno, WHlitm ». Servces Held for Ticker Booth Local Troast for (Utmon. Mr. w*n dim TrioaiM BreaBsri. Jr.. Mit. TUomst LeRoy Russell, Sr. Community Concert Union u u>:«! of tvvclv,' • -tinotrU apt'ciaSuo in filbert & Suiliv«n'i Governor Club Br»nn*n. Sr,. Hichola* Orwwo. Ui> work, ' , _ Krednlcic BUsell, lit. and M». CIMUTIM n all. - " ^ "Mikado" Seats W imfry.'Mr. »ntf Mrt. P. t. R*U>- • Mr.' Conant. who . U jolnt-d 911 Membership Drive J. Roger Conant, chairman of lists 114 Members Ex-Tax Board Aide the American Legion operetta the eomniittve by frr. Murray Ross, Atao. Mr ^nd Mr* H»r*id Le Roy Ru*fc>». Sr . ,»f 138 Wood-, ' At a !unHw>n <;t the No'*' Hiunp- Former Resident Honored Formation of fl Summit Troa.«t Or, '»n June.-, prequiem of for the operetta "The Mikado" aiv (or governor Committee con»iJ»t- tYfdsrtctc K. TriwJo*. Robtrt VoUt*n- mit, haid that 'The .Mikado" tng. M A. W»taon. Mr. and Mr*. Clif- ' bf*r «nd tiix cori»'i!'ant of the (!rn- : mit Caiuinun tjf, Coiu-rrU:-V-MWi-'- , i-avstroiii. In.-,, erf Kliwl'dli'MiJl no-.v on sale- at th? Ix-gi^n b'»ih ing of 114 loon I 111-71 and women 1 . ford projwt. Mr. »nd M«. Noroert I, ! era! Devel.-jpment Co.. Broad- ' linn nuirkr-d tin owning of ib of Sum- at the corner of Spnngfw'd avc- thf begin.ling of a pr W«A announced '.hU» week. The an- Btirke. Krlc Von 9i»f*rt, Mr, tud-.tln. for many y ar» « n O«org* R DteHer. Mr. »nd Mr*. Ml- : w«y. New York, City. (Wvji Sunu-iy , Hnr.iiiil otu'-wi !-k rrtnn>t!);ii '*•• ''']• ' Jersey City ~ pQter launched by th*• Kunimi'. A«>rrk-an. nouncement was ni'idp simuitan~- 1 mit bus hi'ui iwuifd "-outstanding. njt- and Bec-chwood road. i ch»*l M Formlchellft, Mr. md Mm. MM- ! in'Ovf r!-*x)ij H.w-iita! afu-r « ^liort j roll a • t-rip-.ioity aiidiiTli' !" for tMt' in eou.-Sy with the open'.rs^of a Troast On Fridav rverrrj? A"'" *"- l^'e Ijtzxtp- livhioh it is* Iiopi'd to »-ell L»stcr Jr. Mr. and Mr».' Sro«W ; llln«>s.->' Ho wa« 5s- •''.*' bring__(to tho -S't Iw-rul quarter* atf: -361 Springfield S. Hlckolc, Mayor »llf| Mrt- PtrttTfcS- Kl Bland, Mr. wid Mrs. Edwwd K ! ' Mr. KittjH'irwa.s.born in Newark M-;^O'I it; ill-' Siunmit il.gii^i}""- a ven in:-. llarhcr, Holfncs- A CUve.r, Mr. »nd Mre. . David Atwattt._ Speneef M. IWHU. . and came, to Summit Hi VHIM ago. The luncheon wn.s, Htifndrd by « *$; FRIDAY NIGHTS „„, I M ,s» ]•> •••' •••. s r, i1 at tae Ulnmi'.nt tuih ««* is demanded by Included on the-lut of Troafet 1 Kme*t P. Puttfn. R»rry W, Oo>*!«. Row: lie wm' « gtediwtt* of IViid:*.' ' US'-' grf'Up >f-volunti cr woriii!^ tho "cultural taste of rt»idfn-U. supporters' ate Mayor Pcreival M. DoyJ*. Mrs. K!»le Rind, Mr. wad Mr«. in 'i PJI. ARi 'til«/»..!/ , \nt»rn» R Skinncll. Ch*rles Schwk. • School Hightetown and New York nnd imaibrr* .of- the b<>ar«l Mr* Bland and fqrincr .Mayor Maxwell Arthur T. Dutky. Mr. »ad Mm. Tbocwa , University. He later became * Mik-olm S. Kdfjar, pl'<-.^-nt of" Ijester. Jr. Members of the Com- Armftrong. C, PhllSip D««a. Ogdtn D. \ tncuibi.'r of Thomas A. '.EdUon'j* the A.-iif>i'i;it:ti!i.. intr-.yiun.-d .the SUMMIT SHOPPING NIGHTS • C>eti*tni*T Johu O M*cKechnle. Wr v mj>'n Council are alj*o included on *nd Mm. John T CuTwnttr. Mr. and ' accounting Aait. - ••• •Ivnirmon of Uic-varinus . oinmit-.. Summit" Af»» t «nmmrr«r I the list «s well as'several member* Mm. Chartw A. Martin. Joseph *te. s.-r-.s who arc niHuiMirin? the ,iuu- 3alisL John B rorrnlchells, P»uJ R, MJw:hiH, ;' In 19?l'he joined Uie Kc'fT "• <\h,- S.lAUtM«n1 I With on.o exception there are" no : Mid Mr«. B. B. Lvneh, Mr. md lira. WINES-SPffilTS John T, Conner. Hu«o Retmer, Pr«d- j and was named JL» chut adv. r- Mre, Marjorie Lr<\ of Short fornwr Case supporters listed 1 i prick w, sehmldt. Jrt Jimm Burnt, j He left government service in 1907. :ri:^, '\\\\» rci».r»'st>nt.s tin ..Com- among the Troaat.follower*. There i W, O#rmrd Tulock. JucUon C. Travk, ; Clinton 8 V«n Cl»e, Arthur W. Smith, i Mr. Russell wta 8 member of Ca!- munity Concert Service of New •••has been no.Indication of a local i Mr, »nrbea group although it Is known Ijunella, A, T. Woodwird. RMinend H Mrii. IA'C sjioke of ,'He revival of ! H»rtl»ub. Mr. tnd Un. frank J. K«r- i LKidge No. 4, F & AM, «nd the SUMMIT COME IN that the bulk of those who had !• rigun tad Mr, and Mrt. Albtrt Lef In. KnighU Templar Comma ndery in in'ttrt'it' in music that, lu.s taken or seen supporting Congressman Case Washington. . • pi.tcein this.country, and tHat i» ** i;Uil his withdrawal favored Insurance Firm Picks Mr. Rusa.eil leave* lib wife, Mn». than 1.000 ijomnuinitit.-Ji In th^ ,4 Dependable Source OR Forbes AS a second choice. Edith McDonald Rnsscll; a son. . Unitsd Statin arid Guui-ia have The list of those who are niem- Local Man for Training Le Rpy Russell, Jr., of Tulip »tret»: '. sUL'Ce.xsfuHy adoiHeo the i-jiiuintn- -.. for ; " . • • " "• ,. nr.? of the Troasf Committee la James D. Cowan, Jr., of 3T Len- j and two grandchildren, \ ity i-onevrt plitn. Under thL ar- PHONE :s.» follows; • . '. ox ro«f a representative of the i Funeral services were held in iifii: the local Community 1 1 ' ' Mr. and Mra. Frails V. Curlouph, Penn Mutual Ufe Insurance the RobiTt D Brough FumTo U A - >i \Von i'" 1" •'" » Lumber and Building Material 1 1 f v ftn , Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 'Fahton, Mr. Company, has been honored In Ho.il" 535 Sl'r ng t'M auiw ^ •>- < :'i, 11 '< til' in > i i i i, • ft . md Mrs. Edward A. Via'.. Mr, and Mrs Robert E, Pniit Mr find Mrs, being chosen to attend an agenc> i< rdav a* '- j' m roiil w> i b\ K v. jr . W »> o I1 i I i t ,1 I SCREIHS i ; i 1 [ u c 1 i SCREEN DOOSS Herbert a .April • w,«3 in R< >t'antl M A** »I t' >i» ^ • . .. 1 '.. *.•!' * trr\ K« >• Hino\i- J ii win > to < i^ " fi i i"-

ll selected from the national .ileld Dog Training ,u\\\ n.> -hv.i_ Tiif I'K.-.i! f)i' ?'i;i! 255 Brood St. Summit 6-0525 For Vim, force of more than 2,000 repre- To Hold Graduation SQUARE • Mrs. • M'>r' ^ni: HaiiHiti U eh.iii- I scnUtives to attend the > The M-.d-Jonipy CorupanKih !*«? and Vigor ...It's week Intensive educational ni.-in; ttiS! n«i t w;tii M^ Du on jTfalnlng...Club,.Inc., will hold^ruJ- H. F. C. 494 Springfield at which methods for Im- WHISKEY r ervicos to the public will tlio .^Aniy^fljjn to 6"U-i't iirti.stti lor Avenue " - | -lisses at the YMCA in Su:un,it. v- .-tiidied. till' fiinHllRi- M'flMjn. jon April 17. f I)op3 with their h:l'uiit-r^ irtvin.^ • Storage icompieted ten weeks of trainin.. cjiisB VV;xklriis^, *?Hii"::• (tiniy v 9 Packing Ullillllllll '[o for trnpiiii-s HIHI rSr> iin'mber.|iiii> < 'iir:«rcisra will eiver the rig;ii.i! , Uining ni'w'ini'inbi.r.i ind cm- : TOVICO work ail on lensh and wili "the fact that tnr'ollnsent ol - f iv followed with an exhib'iicn iy (jfpro:'.p '-e .ivi- mnnb^r-., new an«! A blend of 25 c straight y WANTED V i-!:ib r.i'in1'! rs • of do^j with fi fir l-i'""linu'ted to this wcl; whiskey 3 and 4 years old. iiiore advanced training. ' m.:imrKTship,s will be ;u-qjited nft- 75rc grain neutral spirits. The graduation exercise wll cr .Siltard •>•, A;>ril 11- No t:;"l{''U- 806/10 proof. itarl at S p.m. ar.d the jvjblic is ; sire sf-!d f*>r individu-il ^»>n'vr s. f %«-KNTS V invited to attend. There is no-ad- i Hue to a ernn^e- in p!,in«, Mr, USED CARS : Case 12 Bottles $37.00 mission charge. Wo-i-irins Miid tha.t th,. e.impaiyn ALLIED ; Spring classes will i'onimtnce ^n h< ailquarters will be c.i>'-'|bli>hi;«i \ April 2i at the Summit YMCA, ',\i tli'? Y.M.C.A. 67 Maple street VAN LINES> 1946 to 1953 Models iSU rt-3n30t where nu> may b1 obt unt.fi, «nd any suggra- Franklin Hills l\nt\-j for future conceits moy be S MUST HE IN VERt GOOD CONDITION S :fi-ordi d. Checks. s.hpu'd. be nwileo Blackburn Road i-> II•.• 11 ry C. Tiuuiip.'on. Jr, treas- urer, G7 M.iple street, Annual. Summit N. J. inember.si.ilp fees re-mnin at-$8 fo; Excltiiire home* fin tate ,vclult.-f and S3 for students. .Mr. UMMIT EXPRESS COMPANY^ S.BAUSH&SON SMYTHE AUTO SALES UY'.dring pointed out th>i'. this is Phone SUMMIT 6-tOlO \ "musieal bargftin" . when it is fift-78 Railroad Avenue Summit, N. I WINES - SPIRITS realized that through reciprocity SUMMIT 6-0SI5 569 MORRIS AVF. or ANY KrtoKEK WE HAVE DELIVERY SERVICE SUMMIT 6-6244 :ir range men's which hftvc . been X BEECHWOOD RD. 522 MORRIS AYE. Opposite dba Open Evenings 7-9 SUMMIT 6-1162 SUMMIT 6-1910 Illllllllllllll! Illllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

LOOK BLOWOUT PREVENTION! C&r»\*tn* flmtconcret e block, then P^C- Wheel Rim Bent I ond.Whi*lrim"»b«mt~yetLIFKWALli No Blowout! V, S. Royal prornti mo»oul! How — THOUGHTS ON CHOOSING why - this mirnck of Mfety? V AN EXECUTOR Positive Proof ! The reasoning that lends a man to a lawyer, physician, or architect should turn him to The Summit Trust Company for professional work of a financial nature.

A few of the questions that come to mind when selecting an executor are: is he experienced? Does he have sufficient time to perform hii duties well? S. ROYAL TIRES Will he always be available, and never too busy? On the famous speed-run at Thytmw concrete blocks—sped over vicious Beach, before more than 10,000 steel Hpikos. Vet in every case, the Will he live to administer the estate? spoctators, L1FBWALL U. S. sensational Nylon UFEWALL—the Royals proved beyond question air container that replaces ordinary Tht final test of efficiency is results — the moit competent executor the exclusive blowout prevention tubes—doublod tire strength, gavo that is one of their superb qual- poeitivo blowout prevention I is the one who serves and conserves the interests placed in his ities! Test cars smashed into charge.

For years we have made a business of serving as executor and trustee. We shall be glad to discuss any estate pla-ns confidentially with Blowout Prevention you and your lawytri with no obligation on your parH , - ...:,.,.„.. Skid Protection life Protection MM tbi Inly IVIHASTIHG milWAUS to faap tht ipoffal Inwly of ytw Ifrtfl Ot My cum GUAM* nomrm m fo tnrf tvrh ptvff nuhcm<* and #*p«nMf SUMMIT TRUST COMPANY m m Only ROYAlTiX MAD and TRACTION ESTABLISHED 1891 —wwW'i ufmoif non-tkld rtoppfog powtfl m4 with up to miCl AS MAHY 54Ff milS -vow on. tit* mv«ifmtnf fw yeon/ if UNHID sr*rt$ nuiiit * Main PaH(de ValUy Branch SfrlnttoW Av». I IcMhwtee1 JW Siftnf Wile* Ave. nor South St. New rVevldenet OTTO SCHMIDT Jr Himbt/ Ferfertl Reierve Syitem WHOLESALE Corporitlen MM WOAD $T. SUMMIT SU, #.1665

rt1-' , ,•««•—' * ii '' THE SUMMIT HERALD. THUKSDAY, APMl 9, IW1 Slight Decline 'Mood are ut-g«j to ca» the Rcd Crosa, Su. 6-2076, 80 tfct a full Hillside; MJJton Ktthm, pM Noted in Last schedule of appointment* can \>i> Clement J. Carew, Rotary Club to field; Harry Goodiag, former !«*•- arranged. It is hoped that the ident and now en honorary mem- ySoodbank Visit local chapter can again Tm,hi or ber of the IceAl club. wm exceed, the quota of 150 pints 84, Dies April 2 Furnish Room in lyi! iupport of the lied Cross established for jj,t. ^y . With Amherst Ole« Club ...... ,,. IJ!

Snow . v White

FRESH KILLED In WMikfy 9»nr»with Angottnr*** TURKEYS 16 to 22 Ibt. avttfop

A1OMATIC »""»'

•P.9, JTiiAoul AngmtHm »» »*rrr »»« WE fill HOME FftEEZfMS fkwtt, Mt not m WhUkqt Bmtr*»m4 ihaf$ true of mmr atmthtr tpchim, ml AT LOWEST PMCfS! SUMMIT BUICK CO. Antotwm it rt# 4»tk ym fM te*W th> fimm mm ml *t«72 Franklin Flam, Summit, U. 1. SU. «-Ofll Wmnwmt P-qt 4 THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, APRILJ,Jtt? a right; and all his works *re which H* (crtatft* U good, mi Church* «ch«k>l for nursery and P. Methodist Church done In truth." ad: "All off their dl««uise. They are CJ i supper of. the Book Club at th« , members; Noo,n-F«llow»hip - Junior Boys' and* Chapel Choir at church; Mea'a Fellowship at Mm-i*y-riO a.n>.. Sewing gro-ip; .,-„::;> is in God ana.llis creation, true, because they are not «i .Richard* A. Bryan T:30 p.uC -&oy .Scout*;. 8:15 p :i., j home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry T I riod in the parish bouse and wej- rehearsal; 8:15 p.m., Chancel Choir parsonage; 11 a.m., Worship &sd li.inm'Nious «nd • fternal. That God." (p. 472) New Providence Board as«i •Truittt*.. i Reding-, Mr., and'Mrs. G Elinor? : coming of new church raenib«r»; rehearsal; Membership committee sermon, "Christ Ta&e» the '.initia- training session. "Tut&iay —' 2:« p.m.,: CherufJ Todii)-—8:15 p.m. Choir rehear- ;, Sfhulti, Mr. feed Mrs. .Frederick ! 3 to S p.m., Presbytery rally tive;" 8 p.m. MYP rally at Belle- Sunday—#.45 a. m,, Churcib sal. ' • • ' i C. Codciiisgton and Mr. afad • Mr».j at the Ridegvjew Presbyterian/ ville; car» leave church at "pa :fi ! fellowship: Devotions; Dr. Shack- ray Hi!;' wxh Bitrab^r.4' of .Cm'le for primary, junior, juriior-hl end j tees. Mrs. Henry Bender, deveftioni. temcht-d pie~vitw aii.U-iir.i lock of Drew, missionary to Japan, j s»>ri:t>r-hl department*; 11 a.ra | Tuesday—1:30 p.m., CSrcle 3 at y—2 to 3 p.m.. Palmer will *how elideld s of KKorea, j Mr* Cbauneey Horton'a honw Nursing Honw service »poi»or*d j pjrsf |v. Lutheran Chufcfi I Madron avenue, New Providence. in tumtaer of 1952; Senior Fel- by WSCSWSCS. n*rry DOST MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY! I Wedne3dey~-3:30 and 4:30 p.m., lowship will meet at the church to go. together to the youth rally at , April 19 at g p.m. Sunday—9:30 a. m., Church and Today" by Mra. Wy«ham, wifV ler of New York, apeaker. j thtrter prcaentation ••• •' ,*1 'll*Ht. limit ttf rtr'npe if ttf nefftect n> $n>at tatratlott?" achool-primary throug-h adult of a retired Peraian mkalonary; Wednflsday—1:30 p.m.., Worn- i classes; 11 a.m.', Toddlers, nursery, 7:30 p.m., Boy Scouts. i L > 1 iL ' r>L L fa'* Missionary Society i-ntertain- kindergarten and creative ac- tivity ported; worship and ser- St. John s Lutheran Gnurcn- \»g the-\vyts from Monukir ana Oakes Memorial Church Rev. W. a Hiiucnan, 1'h.O. Elisabeth, mon by Dr. Barnwell; 6 p.m., Jun- First Church of Christ, Scientist Methodic II DeForatf Awnua , ior High Fellowship; 7:30 p.m. LW Morris AVMIM Springfield Avenue Summit, Now Jersey Senior High jfe'lowship. Rrst Church ol Christ Bev. Philip 8. Wattert, it. Today—8:15 p.m., Choir rehear- A Braj.cn of The Mother Church' The First Church of Christ" "•Monday—t p.m., Sk»ut father Scientist ; son .dinner. Today—8 p.m.-, Choir rehearsal. ••••- '. ••.•••;••..,;':.--SeieM'Jst^-ji!--B<»toiJ,-'Massach.ueett3:.... .-. •:!..,:•_ .; t3* Sprinjrfifld A vrnuf, Summll: Tomorrow—8 p.m., Bow]lng';8:lS Tomorrow—8 :3fl p-m. -Wf*y?-K*£?J J?£''Hor.y department. p.t«,, Ea«t Summit " community of and Mr*, a P. Kersbsrgen. Spricg- The •g*odnc-sss"""o^'"'Cod""TC Jewish Community Center Sunday—9:45 a.m., Worship with | sat! trouble -out o* human experi- Christian Science Reading Room Itabbl Murray Gemhon Easter s«rmon on the queation. Providence- , "How Did the Disciples Recognize Saturday—it) am., Senior catech- ence. T!K3 'heme will be i-xjtiained OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, • ; 67 Kent Place Boulevard Jesus Easter Day?" 7 p.m., Youth etical class. in . \ht- IiMss on-Sermon entitled ' 810 SPRINGFIELD AV&XUE Tomorrow~4:l2 p.m., Light can- Fellowship gather* to go to *ub- Sunday—9:30 a.m., Bible school; Pur* Xrvit Juic«t for th* Punch die.1*; 8:45 p.m., Services. • wbkh will fee' given in Christian Open daJy 10:00 to 1:30 except Sundays and holiday*: also district meeting at Wealey Metfc- 9:30 and 10:48 am.. Worship and Saturday—11 a.ra., Children's • Scieec« churches Sunday. . Friday evening* 7:30 to 9:30 and after the Wednesday meet. Church, Belleville sermon, "The Three Heavenly services. ing: Literature on Chrtotian Science may be read, borrowed Witnesses." I The golden text is from Proverbs; or purchased. ' ' • ' Sunday—10 a.m, Sunday school. Calvary Episcopal Church I "In the way of righteousn^sa is Monda>'~4 p.m Hebrew school, . Rev. E. F. Francis I l;fe. and in the pathway thereof SELF - IMPOSED RESTRAINT Diamond Hill Church : Wednesday—4 p.m., tijexe is a0 death." (12:28) S5 Woodland Avenue * Berkeley Heighta school. Rfi*aing» from th« King James Rev. Leonard T. Woleott This Automobile, Airplane. Atomic Bomb World is mak- Todey—10 a.m., Holy commun- Ytaioa o! the Bilble will include: ing a demand for a hew type of human being. Many homos, Temple Sinai ion; 4 p.m., Boys' choir; 5 p.rfi., "Bkssed br the Lord God, the God Sunday — 9:45 am.. Church schools, churches, and social agencies, that should know the Summit. Reform Jewish Glrla' choir. school; 11 a,rn., Church nursery; of Israel, w.ho-oaly doeth wondrous Worshipping at Community Church truth, have boon lax in teaching, children and adults «c,f- Tomorro%'~-1 p.m., Calvary Serv- Worship and scrsnon, "AfteJ East- tlsiaf*. :;:' The word of *he Lord 8pringfield and Waldron avenuea imposed restraint. This essential power \» absolutely neces- ice Chapter. . cr"; Children's story. "!*« a-r.d the Rabbi William Kloner sary if you are to avoid some frightful pitfalls and hazard• Saturday—8:30 a.m., Conflrm*- Spring Flowers"; 7:30 p.m., YottUr Ontor Leonard Polle/ that are taking a toll of life and money, year after year, hr tion class. Fellowship. Tomorrow— 830 p.m., Sabbath greater Hum nil the wars that our people have ever fought. Sunday—8 am., Holy commun- Monday — 7:30 pm., Conarssa- Eve (services. ion; 10 am,, Choir rehearsal; 11 BUY A Sunday—10 am., Religious school tion class, a.m., Church school; Morning Tuesday—8:30pm. Annual mat- NEW CAR Be Born Again et VMCA. prayer and eermon; 7 p.m, Young W('(ir.esdtty-~3 p.m., Hebrew ing of the congregation and fourls UNTIL YOU SEE US People's Fellowship. If you want to improve the chances of'iurvlval of .VNIK« school at YWCA. quarterly conference. Our funeral IHotm at 309 Springfield Avenue Monday—3 p.m., Brownies; 7:30 self and rhildren and bu delivered from evil, you Vcd'to p.m., Boy ScouU. Central Church practice this seif-lmposed restraint in the uso of food, drink, Traditions of Courtesy Are Deeply , Tuesday—10 a,m., Woman's Aux- PrMbyterian YOUR liST DEAL work, piny, sleep, television, und fAdio-~ln other words, instead TEMPLE SINAI iliary; Junior Woman's Auxiliary; Maple St and, Morris Ave. ON A NEW 1953 of letting your body cadi the signals and direct your lifi\ turn tj Established In Our Organization ol Suntmit 3t Mary's Chapter. I* V. Bunchman, D.D. over the controls to God working through the Intellect. Wednesday ~ 10 A.m., Church lamea W. Muir Reform Jewish Worldi Service Committee. God'knows'that the habitual uso of liquor, tobacco. \c% E. P. Burroughs & Son Invitri You to Attend Today—3:15 p.m., Boys' Choir; coffee, chocolate, and coiai is prompted by freed and titat SABBATH SERVICES 7:45 p.m., Adult choir. it fills !hp body with poisons, causing premature deaths, crime, Funeral Home Friday Evenings at 8:80 Tomorrow—g p.m., Cottp!e**'cltib sickness, delinquency and Insanity. Worshipping at Community Church ANTHONY FIMIA with motion pictures of Scacd*- (UniUrlan) at BprlngfleJd EnaolUhcd 1820 mid "Wstdton Ave«,. Runimlt. '••hb(n$ Promptly Attended tu navlan lands. The pains of-a new birth may last a few days. IS>\*x' PLUMBING • HEATING Sunday—8:30 and 11 a.m., Church * Still 16 Month. To Pay and Set go, grin and hear It--you will soon be living in a »<•* . R»bbl WMUm Kloner 309 Springfield Avenue * Summit 6-0259 Cantor Lfonaril Poller SHEET METAL WORK school; Worship and sermon, "Con- For A UmlNd Time and better worid. The testimony of those, who have d>ne uing Easter"; 9:30 a.m lien's it. Is the proof and guaranteed Pt*$lon A. Burroughs Rohm B. Kokr John DrnwUsun, fr> i 7 Chestnut Avenue !t*ligtoiis School, Sunday Morning bl« cla*« at the YMCA; 20 kt 10, at T.M.O.A.. Summit. Summit 6-7424J OTTO SCHMIDT, a,rn., Women'^ Bible ekaa; «:ij M> Knulk Vnur

302-06 Brood St. SU. 6-1665 Howard R, Bishop HUMAN BNtiiNISEKlNU FOUNDATION Summit, Net* Jam; Writ* for Free Bk!«t


You need ot brave the weather to pay bills in person, nor tjo make deposits in the bank. Let your personal feheck pay the bills through the mail, and Citizens' leposit-by-mail forms bring your checks to the bank. •

Advantages of the Citizens' Budget Check Plan:

• No minimum balance requited. •*> • No charge for deposits. • No monthly service fe#. " 1 Thi Ottly rnut, $2 for 20

m m m m I'M I i H i t GIVE ^V •:.'''"': To Conquer CANCER wWrJBBRPfPRB §P JUMMIT, NIW JIlttlY ****** I* •, 'v m II J Inn OTt •'.•' .. I •* •

•» +.* • THE SUMMIT HEEALP, THURSDAY, AWUl t. Itll G*rr*rd Calvary Honors and a local prmpo«ie>{f. Gerhard were named to the Summit Officer Honored effort. •.,...' j^nceMn Convention for a term i At Army Training last Case said that he felt it nec«*> J one year. E. A. Lanjba, E. &1| Army First Lieutenant Charles sary to make wide use of tele- jjjv and Mrs. ,W. C, L Sttlea will :S. tJmv^, of the training >taff, vision and radio to eombat a i, rve as alternates. • '.. • • Tth Armored Division, received the "widespread and systematic" at- .\ resolution of appreciation ol certificate of achievement tack made upon hia Congressional Bi. h»p Ludlow was adopted at the• (torn Maj. Gen. Robert F. Sink, voting record by his opponents. 'ii.'ttmg. Other special 'guests were icomjUHndtng. genet al of Camp It had been rumoned that the Ki.-ld H Hobbos, the curate elect I Roberts, Col. popular Rahway Congressman had 'and «,w fiancee; Mw Mary Bar- I Lieutenant Graves, the son of as much &a $85,000 available for jMr. and .Mrs H. F.. Graves, 11 the race when he abruptly an- |Lorr4iiu» road, graduated from nounced his withdrawal. He denies R.ports yvore made by- John this anil charge* that the rumor CovvM, chairman of the Every ;t.h«- University of Columbia in 1M9 ;M"Uh it bachelor of arts degree. was spread by, his opponents to He was. inducted, into the armed distort the story of his withdrawal. wviuj in H«4 and attended of- If he had that sum, he declared, Be Happy'-'.. . . ficer candidate .school at Fort he could have continued. Bt-nning. (.]&.. graduating in 1945. He alao said that coupled with Go Health Foods 'Afur graduation, he was assigned the lack of finances was his feel- 494 Springfidd Ave. so tho Knropian theatre, where he ing-, that he could not, "in good conscience," allow his friends SEE AD ON PAGE 9 «ervHi wit I) the 88th DivlMon lu It4itV. throughout the state to work in hb behalf knowing that he would be able to support their efforts with j an effective campaign of his own. j The full text of Case's statement U.S. Building Products Co.Suggests: jJs -printed on Pagc.fi, .<-:?.••_• :tvi«.n National Officer NOW...a flip of your fmger finds To Address Local HERB SHELDOM ^ Women Voters k the perfect WALLPAPER for ycur home! Mm. P W. Hopkins. National PRESTO CAKE FLOUR 2-in-1 SHOE POUSH KIRSCH NOCAt SAUCE ARTDRO Iward nipuibfr'of thn I/'agup o! BUCK.SROWN, ^. Ginger Ale, Cola, Cream, A, , Women Voters, will be the speaker TAN.OXBLOOD* " Black Cherry, Root Beer •• when the League of Women Voters of Summit holds its an- nual luncheon arid meeting at thf Zx' Hotel Suburban on Monday. April 13 at 32.45 p.m. Pabst-ett Cheese TENDER 10 TIMES OUT OF 10 Thp meeting will also, /f^fpre « snrprbe .ik'it pr«t^nt.rd by I Mrs. Roger Williams and Mrs. David BONELESS TOP or BOTTOM Ludlow of Summit. A proposed state of local League officers and directors for 1353-54 will be pre- sented at the meeting, as well as the proposed' budget for 1&53-54, . KRAFT CHEESE PARADE • s ROUND ROAST Cheese Spreads . . • . -"23< Pineapple • Rttith • Olive Pim*nlo - Pimenta Cut from Corn Ftd, Gov'r. More tfion 500 styles... 2"M25* Graded U 5. St»er Beef grouped by BACKGROUND COLOR in our new From Kraft for • Ballard Biscuits '°rr*< irrs dexens of fail NANCY WARREN WALLPAPER vheett treat* Muxe Slices . . . . 8 oi. jar 16 ox. j«f American • Swui - Pimento DECORATING CENTER ALL 33' 57< Never before such a wonderful selection ... yet Cream Cheese -15:17* you'll find exactly what you want m MINUTES. Just flip to the background cobr you have in HELP mind and THERE will be a splendid choke of 69 Wonderful WALI PAPERS in VOUR PREFERRED COLOR. Conic in today. See how easy it is Win A Jolly Green Giant Doll * to buy wallpaper this exciting new way! Tfe Campaign Oettaite at Ditplay STEAK SALE! IcklcUiu IHIIHI

Dtc*t«twr bttpi »H the back Green fiant Peas . . 0cm-9IK Porterhouse Sirloin FRANKFURTERS Against Mexicom 2-39 lib. KQv you itod about In llfl, WALLPAPERS American Horn*, Bttttr Niblets . Homti CANCER Green Giant 6-99* Kounty list Pen ..... U. S. BUILDING PRODUCTS CO. Koufy Kist Cm . .... "Lumber and All Kinds of Building Materials" WELCOME Upton's Soup Mix ... AMPLE 700 Springfield Avenue Telephone WAGON SU. i-3355 Upton's Tea . . S PARKING Berkeley Heights, N. J. LARGE CALIFORNIA WflUe llM Summit 6-3105 SUNKIST NAVEL Evap. Milk msMia 2 2J N«w and different! The'53 Studebakw! ORANGES Scott Tissue Sliced Pineapple Snappy Dog Food .. . 3 25* Annlp \fiiirp Q AVOCADO Ehlers Coffee Grade*-"'** lktw87* «»««»«; «t«M»fc* Umt CmW »* mn Mr. Joe and WNIC Sugytif Order a sensational My-T-Rne Pudding H

OPEN F H I 0 A 1 N I t f Excitingly styltd sukRis, coupes and \Jhrtign (trfimr in colors golortl All down to forth in prkel I2 in 9 Mi stylti 321 NEW Amtrkan nmftri Come In and find our how little It emu Peas.. 6 HJ and to buy a Mi, dlttltictlw '53 Sttidebuker. the i%im SUMMIT NEW ktlgtr dninwt icwlly styled new Champion U one of 1 Orange Juice . .l V Aflierfcfi ! towwt price em-*nA the «up«rbly , frBKliftW txfamti tfgku powrml CtoraniiWlder V-8 to «too ^tht down t© Mirth la prio. Don't 'Wilt too long to order. Potatoes twrymm mnt* « new Stmtehilwr It •eemt. Ubby'i Froitn Swa«io«'t fmmw m turn ltifc All Stud*t»fc«ri »r« it«nd-out Ha« mnn. Sliced Stfiwlnrflis "*>**& ftym ... * .*•* Wf ,1 w, R.*.,*. tn« m$kt t* Sliced Peichts . . (^**!§< Ittf Pitfk. . . . . ***W ' f wom** GEDDIS MOTOR SALES. INC. l . . , SlHMlHt > -'•• •%• THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, APRIL t. waaon, and that reason tlon«, I of far jwater Importance, |n ter a careful appraisal of the situ- March II (which, by coincidence, city-owned land on Elm street is also subject withdrew, ,; • eral and to ate personally, ation, I felt reasonably atttired «f was tbe l«st day to withdraw) I any politloal future of my' DEATHS learned that what I had relied on H hai been «ug«e*ted that from W(L to question. Vincent De P»ul Lenti a campaign fund of appro*ln»t»ly And I *•• aritf am Convinced th»i as » guaranty of half 0! the 150,000 the itandpoint of my political fu- Vincent De Paul JUnU of 1 Lin. $50,000. Despite the advice of many for me to have continued as a catt Mr. Oilson's newest campaign issue, that could not be met *ni that I could coin avenue died Saturday (April well-intentioned person*, who felt tur« it would have been hetttf dtdate, though unable to make ^ not count on more than $25,000. of possible Ciba "influence" in city affairs if 4) in Overlook: Hospital after a that this aiiiount was wholly in- for me to have stayed In the race. effective atate-wlde can It would have been irapowible Mtakcf, Mr. Burgher, an executive of the company, illness. He WM 58. Mr. U«u sufficient. I wu firmly determintd Whether that is to or not, the would have c«ustd seriotu to conduct an effective state-wide MattoMl Edl'oriil was a janitor with Ciba Pharma- to continue my candidacy. (Continued on pag« it elected is too ridiculous for serious discus- campaign 00 that basi* For that future of the Republican Party is ceutical Products, Inc., Morris But on Wednesday afternoon, 4*>ocl»tlo» sion. avenu«, for 18 year* quality WcffcttM elNi« J«*t?, t»« Mr. Lenti wac born in Summit Audit *«»*« «f «rcnUU«B Mr. Gilson ;is<-popular, that no one will Tt>« lt jJ^ deny. He is a veteran, a local attorney and *»<* •» has a following among members of several

groups. But these do not enter into the needs w[t€i g©j>h I* of any tribunal. What we must demand is a] l^nU^ a rtep*rother, Thorns* Han- reasonably profound and proved knowledge Uon of Florham Park and two da- of city government. We dp not think he has ter*, Un, David Swain of Short HllLs an4 Mr* K4wwd Dlmmltk shown this knowledge in spite of the fact that j ojf he says ht made a study of the iubject while | The Funeral w«a from the E. P. ANNUAL at college and later taught it. < Burroughs tk Son Funeral Home, b* tubmltlsd a. tarly In th, *«#* Ja the church 1952 rate of $5.i». ties an

* .,...•...:,! As for the Elm street parking lot. Surtly A • by the Council, combined "with the »>»"1-1 Mr. GUson must be awaw of' ihe •cryinB need working men and women who serve on the of Summit for more parking. That question various city boards and the high-calibre < bis been with us for many years. Yet he is

capability of municipal employees, has dera- j oppose c t d owneto thd e city's step in using a portioi pnstrated again that Summit enjoys good ! ° • * y- property, and at a minimum of cost, to march ahead in its program for pro government. viding more off-street parking facilities. Many It is the duty of every voter to personally •of those who had opposed the original pro- see to it that this good government is con- posal of the city for the "Village Green" park- tinued and that the "team" of Council candi- ing lot now are in favor of the revised plan. dates indorsed by the Citizens' Committee for The Herald therefore hopes Mr. Burgher Continued Good Government is elected in wiU be elected. It feels that his continued the April 21 primary. presence on the Common Council would give residents a sense of greater security in mat- The reasons for their election over their ters pertaining to local government. Mr. opponents are many. But one of the best, we j Burgher offers a practical, business-like ap- think, is the 1953 tax rate. That is proof posi-s Proach to city problems whereas, we think, ttvt of good government. And that is why ! Mr> GU!*n*» aPP"»ch would tend to be more on the idealistic and impractical side. »*« coming of spring it's time again for parents to remind their bike-riding boys There are two candidates running for the f and girls that traffic laws apply to thejm as office of Councilman-at-Large. One of them is WE ENJOY SAYING "YES" the incumbent, Vincent A. Burgher, and the well as to motorists. -* other is former City Clerk William R. Gilson. •" There are local and state bicycle lawi and The Summit Herald believes Mr. Burgher Most financial problems hurt • solution* ought to be elected. a bicycle code governing use of bikes on pub- and we're'mUmy more than happy to talk with yon lic highways and thoroughfares, but too of- in the hope that our years of experience

to have the beat men who can be secured. It t0 many person9' lt'* ver? important, there- will help you find the answers to your question- should depend upon the experience which a *orc' thit P*rentsJf™** certain that their candidate possesses—plus, of course, the way : sons and daughterf realize that when riding Sound financial advice or assistance f he uses that experience. « -their bikes in traffic they are just as respon* it an important feature of our service. Ut, Burgher has behind him many yetri I **We tm tneir own P»*«y «nd that of others The First National will become of experience as a top executive of an inter. as those driving automobiles and trucks.

nationally-known concern. He is a vice-presi- u increasingly useful to our customers dent of Ciba Pharmaceutical Products, Inc. * JBike riders are required to obey all traf- fic nilJi and 0 u only by saying, "Ye*, »e'll be glad to help you fcare. During the time he has lived in Summit *'£ "I *. »« proper hand signals '\ he has been active in numerous organizations jtm iwm*> "de on »%bt •«** of highways itym as often as w« possibly ran. baa m*&i a hoit of friends. He hat also t0 c«b, park vehicle in safe place, stop and •trved for many years st a member of one of render assistance in ctse of accident and re- the more important city bodies, the Zoning port to police, assume liability for any dam- Board of Adjustment. He hat been Council- age resulting from careless and negligent »tr-*t-L«rge since his appointment to that operation of bike when other party is not office by the Common Council on January 1. guilty o| negligence, atop while passengers • f IRST NATI But it If not solely these facts that make art boarding and alighting from street can, J0MINUTI COMPAIXY Mr. Burgher the more appealing candidate. and keep bike i safe operating condition. Our Indoneintnt of Mr. Burgher is also based B mtimmnm W SUMMIT 10% te) a great upon the attitude tik«n by Bike rideri are forWddtn by law to hitch bboppM :, Mr. Oilson, toward torn* rsctnt on or hold fast to any other vehicle, carry an question!. Nam«ly# his proposal to •Jrtra passenger on the handlebara or any the Board of Recreation', carefully other part of bike, engage in any trick or program for an Kant Summit rec- iincy riding on highways, and ride bike on wjewalkt unless local ordinances direct other- antf instead locatt the projposed W1M at Ja^araon I^JttJi Mteymmt ©*• Strict observanea of these traffic laws by >•«»>» to tk^<^ncliyf^«r«tirtg an off: all Wlw mi«r, wilUo • •ft SMfer for all who t-'e* #, 1 ' ' ""'• I l"'"l«" I I. Ill I — .L..IIH THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, APRIL\ 1953 Benefit by Health Drive Head: Settlement of ,,,,!jetton tor probate of the "itf Caroline R. Gopslll ana mede <9 Charles A. Otto, Jr, 550,000 Made in : "tholtal.. Eii»Nth. William ui-odc of Jersey City is named ,ur. Tbe rwiduary estate is Drug Death Suit be sba«d by James W GopaUl, for Better A Summit resident, Auguel Z, Jersey City; T. Milbura bbew, j Schneider of j>8 Becehwood road, j]t nephew, and Thomas M. twejs warded-'$50,000 b a suit l" Jr., grandiiepbeW, both I against two Flainficld dbctoiv'and Iftown; Robert & Miller, ] Muhl*nberg Hospital, it w&a «•« Sew York City; Patricia J'vealed last we*k in paper* fHed Red Bank, and Regiaa H. j at the Union County Surrogate'* iikt rlfJi William A. Seafle*/ Jr., {office. • . •'.'•'. Caroline 0. Stark*, ail of j Mr. Schneider, who-recently re- j &ided at Funwexid, brought suit for in appreciation at her serv* flTS.OOO for the. death of his wife, > aopull dl«i.March 11 Betty, on Dcctinbcr 19, 1950. Mrs. Pork Chops m Schneider "died" a week following Loin Pork Chops ^ formerly believed trait the birth of a third child. The mil as a modiff«d form of hair, wa>eettlwl six months ago but the Top Sirloin Roast t (jianytudcnW now believe that itmouju of acttlrrncnt remained ij the simpler form and that undisclosed until last wetk when Mr. Schneider filed accountings Top Round Steak was developed from it. on his wjfe's (••.fate. .In his Superioir. Court complaint, Bf A&P's Famous "Super-Right" Qudity j trol for M>Ttk 8c aj- Mr. Mr. Schm-idcr had chared that a Boneless Brisket Beef ib 65c I Storm; eitfiau^fr". i«-§i,m of mirtake in Use. hospital .delivery Orange. is.ti^iW !> Summit room-c«uiipd his wife to be inject- Ground Beef ^ ib affairs.' iUS?: Lun-i personnel t£l w^]i "ttivrcuhydrin," a poisoft- t>ils director' c! Wh.ti Lab-oratorica, : drug, rather than it spinal Bontlsti ; Cross Rib Pot Roast Pot Roast In.;,., Keruiworia. • .' . • ' anesthetic, and he contended thia Others a:dir,g ijs» county cum-, jerror resulted in her death. Corned Beef Plsts-Dons in jwign «r.* Mr». Msnjs B. O'Connor Mulilcnborg aitd its flupt-rinten- "Super-Kight" rjiiality grain-fed dl nt wvre nan Bonalssi C ar.d I»a::ip E Powt-r *ffl Oi»."t:o-defendanta, Stewing Beef 59c Boneless of Clark Town»aj|>; u«, O'Connor i ^*" tl|e act;ountiri8 filfd with, the steer beef, cut and priced to II. ,vP% il. who j* treasurer• ol th« County !Surr °Eate showed tha settlement Lamb Chops Shoulder 69c give you maximum value. No Fat Added * • • * w4s made by the two physicians. Braasl 73 trcasurvr. Mr. In hkti accounting, Mr Schneider Stewing Lamb \ reported thiit.' it COIIIUP| fee. of dtri:,;tor v!-\Vh;'t h S1040.1.70 had been, paid to-his; at- Rib Veal Chops Short cuf-ltss wasla A&P's Famous "Super-Right" Qualify tones, is. v>ce-eb«;r:Ms m charge torney- . j of public relation^ *n4 publicity, Mr, Schneider's share of the «et- 1 Stewing Veal Bonalasi ib 49c tlcmt'iit, after the payrpent of ex- Smoked Pork Shoulders SWt cut b 45c halrdresscM at 818 prmes, amounts to $13,149.83. In Come io GLbbs udthiion, Uae.-eum. of f 8,7^.29 _wil{ eld avenue, New Provj- •14 in t'raSt" for-.each of "the Boneless Veal Roast Pork Loins in Moniclair »e. offers the lateW in • hair-j Sliced Bacon ib 69c Rib End Loin End Rib Half Fall Cat Uh Half Fill Cat Kfcthjrtce M old; Elizabeth, 4, and Mary fcent waving. Mr. Richard, thc| at pi ib 59c C >b jent of many awardl for hia' t>if*> t r ir-«" Halibut Steaks m •^ 55c > fashions, will be glad to iltus- ¥••• 39 I 49' the latest coiffeur modoa. j Sirs. Lester M French Fried Codfish b 63c "GltBS (llli* »T W tl M--.1 Eilcfn T. (Lewis) Reeve A "Natural" With R*a*t Pork,.. Sauerkraut ,^ 2&37«

ROUSEL HAIRMESSER5 • -•!•>. " of 56 Franh!in p'ace died Monday ••- v M6 Springfield Ave. KATHARINE GIBBS in Overlook Hwpital after A short Fresh California-Large Spears Llbby't . Just Drive Up and Park SCCRCTARIAL i silncyi. Sh<- was 59. She was the Cream Style 8 Flrawmk St.. UTVCLU, «. J M • wife of l.jp.itor M. R«^rvc Golden Corn 2 .Sir. 6-1988 A!H t* Him "*••*. C*-*»»t. *»«»«, »it | Mrs. Rf(\p wok tt former teacher ' :n the Sunday School of the Cen- Sunsweet qiart tral Pr^.^bytprmir Church, a Asparagus 19 Prune Juice bottle 30< hrr of the Fortnightly Club, HEADQUARTERS for nriivf in Over'ftok Ho.ipital work Sweet Yellow Corn 3 White tall find «].•*» in YWCA work. Home cans Mr.i Rei vc Ifavea rtl^n a daugh- Yellow Onions » 2 Evaporated Milk 3 40c *DO IT YOURSELF" t^rv Mr/*., Margery R. Loiter of materials Livingston; twn gronddaughtere, Yellow Bananas GOI^M,* Lindu, M. «nd Margery A. Ijeher; Florida Oranges v,w^, iw«t «r>d i^y Wheaties .» We're alflfa^ interested in help- her mothrr, Mrs. C'flm I^evvis of 35c Co^rord. N. H ; three .sifters, Mrs. String Beans f,omf\ora*hrm liab ing you with smaH projects—big Walter S. Ni-wlon, Jr., of Concord, 19c Graham Crackers - onei too. Tell us what you have K. H-: Mrs, Charl<\«t T. Schiemnn, in mind—we'll help you to start Jr, of K-ia*fl/» City AIo.. «nd Mra California Lemons ^ I.*w;,s I. Kvkliardt of Ariin^oit. Green Giant Peas 2 ..: 37* Service will be he!d today at 2 Tomatoes ^>^* uttMsui 25c HILTON SCREEN & p.m.- in the E. P. Burroughs 4"Son -:, BrOCCOli from Wwtarn tarm bunch 29^ Funvral Home, 309 Springfield ave- LUMBER CO. nue, eonducted by Rev. Leonard V. Cabbage Heinz Tomato Ketchup ^ 22« Bujchmajiri, D.D., minister of the 2170 Springfield Avt. - Van Hall Centra! Presbyterian Church. Burial will be in Fair Mount Ceme- Hormels Spam . »"42< UN. 2-710S ^n4^ tm PM tery. Chatham. Waxed Paper mi•«ciu™ ' «M 9< Armour's What Does Corned Beef Hash This famous corned I>ecf hash 16BZ.I PAUL L TROAST is price*« man who "gets things done", Paul L Troast can be dependea upon \o provide Sharp Cheddar Chees* ^.r ' 2 good government and to carry out a program ol maximum benefit to all. Tie principal Ched-O-Bit o*mi~t. ub k 49e V-8 Vegetable Juice Cocktail. . 46 ox. can' y 11 points of this program include: P g e Muenster Cheese ^cy wo^m, w»55 Brill's Spaghetti Sauce ^ < t Application of sound business principles in the administration of every Beardsley Codfish Cakes . . . , state department. Provolone Cheese f-Ho™ic b59c • A vigorous anti*crime prof ram, with a decisive crackdown on gambling Beardsley Shredded Codfish ... and rackets, and exposure and panishroent of officials who bclray deXO Pura vegetable shortening lib.can2,9^ 3lb.can77« their trust. Froien Beef Pie «*•««• 21" 65c Junket Rennet Powder . . . . • Increased state aid to school*, fowiwed in large part by relum to the *t*: 10 oi pkg. state of tax sources usurped by the New and Fair Deals. Crispo Bridge Cookies «... - • Cominuatidn of tte strong Court syrtem, with appointments to the Hoffman Beverages «»< <^>» 2Zz4$* Noxon Metal Polish . . . . bench governed solely by character, honesty, eiperience and judicial eM Stit. ttvirato,PM t ftawr. 20 Mule Team Borax M or ^18* Boraxo •*«,!?• qualifications. 2 . MA A just and equitable program of Real Estate assesstrtiiUls. Snowy Bleach 20oz.Pkg w.--.- - BkoV •«• No personal state income ia* and no general ^stale sale* tax. Old Dutch Cleanser ^—^ 9 ConUnued development of a mdtrn trtn»pori3)ion system, with new Swift's Heati for Bablei higfcwayg and an urgently needed Rapid Transit System to be financed Pric«i tHietly* lhr*u|ti Sotur- AHUPSipirllirtttiaStff.ltfvfMStirMAn d.y, April IIrh In Supw within the limits pi a sound-economy. and S«lf-S«rvk« • An honetl and scrupulously fait Labor-Management program. , »<•«•• OChlck,r,-li9hlrrwal-adpa

1 i t Cheer Duz Ivary Flakes Hew » • pound outline for bu»M*}ik4 b*"** . «*« « «o^wrn«nt.., to be carried "in by • pan Mwntioiwlly awalified by «ipericnee»»Mtive aHliiy, •«« integrity to Far ifw family wufi For (hi family wa»h for fin* fabric* AP do lh« job and do it well. ~mi"tii*t «n*nnt * MiiHi m Vote for Camay Soap Camay Soap Lux Tollst Siap Lux Toilet Soap Oxydol DMargoit PAUL L. TROAST For loil«1 For Mitt Of bftih / Especially for For ifw family w«h for GOVERNOR IT29« Irani Muse Of Lux Soip Flaku Splc & Spin ICAN PRIMARY-TUESDAY, APRIL 21 , For tint Ubflci All purpot* For tht Uuttdf y WttMif rf Will m\ Uwiret swtlM* it , 1 u' PULLS OPfl) 7 A.M. 10 8 P.M. flfllf 16 61 <|Jg urn tm at ttwH«- wmnt, C*MP*I«N 2^27* SUMMIT AVI,, SUMMIT IETWIIN IROAD IT. turf MORRIS AVt J 4! THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, APRlil 9. IW3 t» *fo «ny work on Mrs. ©. W n or high**)* which h*v« not been ; Aprtl 1. nn State Gives Dtl Duca accepted m stifh fcy the munici- THOMAS C. 0l*t or Homt Sohirdoy pality. A» *tat«f, . .however, New Providence Borough Education Board Vote Berkeley Height*—Mr«. Fiorpittc 1 Witeon Siegmann'of 220 Mwintain . • i ami .•'•-• Berkt-ify Heights—Two tail- I municipality pr^ow* to improve lot* ruled invalid by the fjtate avenue dkd at her home on Satur- ! a jtrect ^for« it bm 'been acce-pt- WjittJttWif Department of Edueatfon pro- day (April 4) after « short'• illness. I ed as iurli by the " Berkeley Heights , vided the approval of the elec- She wa* the wife ct O. William facts, it NOTICE IS HEREBY tion of SaKator* IJelDtH* to Siegmann. She was 71. Iwyl L W.ld, CofrtlpoxlMt, SMimll «-3»7I • the tsiwf fclt the Board «f Education. The Mrs. Siegnmnn vat born in New In th# Towlup : To*nahi[» Oummitu-f, Sk - the final voiA at approved by ike York and c*me here jl ye«r.s »«o; Dankel and CaatfSanoa.re not coa- on from the Bronx. She was a memlwr . 19SS for the Slate alter a rmiuiit, w»s re- : *o>n!i.iva«l on page .11) • |.JI«. 19SS for the fmrm«e ft ^ of the Second Presbyterian Cburch, I ing » tmmrimi «a*ctiotion for »'» J^- ceived f>> th« local board Men- f of MBditffttt* tot th« oif"J V**11*1 Mrs, Parcef/s Issues day evening mid gave DelDuea New York. • -.- f of MBditffttt* tot th« 833 and M«rk Towaseiid 332. ServiceJ w«re held *t the home According to the Township Mofld&y night, conducted by Rev. Sfafemenf in Voter Bid election board, Towmend had Richard A. Bryan, p«Mor of the election i>{ the , ignaled. ' Borough—Mrs. Jane K. Pareells, received $31, againtt DelDtwsi'* New Providence Presbytcnttn Th? followiiyt stf * 331, at the February election 1 to be /Died «i one of tht' two Republican c«h- Church. Services were '«'••-> li* ** N )ZSi I- Primary Klccttou. Xf Men 'ior thc office of.'lay col- and Towmeiuf-wM dtcwrdiufly In the Universal Funeral Ho»n. STATK or NEU seated as a member of the i ' A Goreraor, State of S lector in -the Borough, thb week Lexington avenue and 52nu >ch put) for » > ruled i nail mis sable by the local w r yrius uivslei ter, Mr». John Exner of lUt^ o i - ' * i * i Providi-ncf to return me to tlio ' One m*mb#r ut v •. i board. Height* I A ?*•' ( , 1 .« er J '9S3 office of tflx collector to which 1 * ' a din- fron) f«ch party for & • The refount was held .March yews (feai*iei, was" appointed in January. Having t I I 30 in the office of Dr. Johnson, New Advanced First Aid > , UNION Cdl'NTV worked in the Borough offices; and 1 • „ i ( f ( r« A Regiiter ot Deeds. *t.a getting a solid, foundation of the county superintendent of schools Class Set by Red Cross for « tenu Of five .years work during this year. I feel con- j and the tally wu -wet at 833 for t i A • Surrogate lor a u-ai Dt-IDuca mid 333 for Townwjid. Berkeley Heig'hts-Ptiilip t n« n I Jl N t\\ tin;M fidrnt thsi I can maintain thc ,cf- J chairman of first aid for the bum K V i * Jir.tT A i^herUf for » term or ':s-ff Tw« of the previously contested • fieleney thc town knew under Iflr. - ballots were approved and two riilt chapter, American Red fr»i>>* i j » * I, Mil:er>.-terms of office. (ED note; i 3 t a j Tliriie meinberi of were sent to the State board for announces a class In a : Parcells ' was appointed by the At the wild PrUnai) i Borough• Council to fill the. poet Local Sculptor ot the popular three-act comedy which will be held Friday and Sat-start on Thursday, April ** ar>i will be elected one Ut\' untN:l the md'of the ywir.) urday, April 1? and 18, at 8:30 p.m. at Columbia School, Berkeley wi)l be held: on succeeding Thar..- milt member « tne <"• To Address Art I Heights. Shown above are, left to right, Charlotte Church, Gustav * • » it !.\c ire lot both the; lit- "I am giving full time to thb day eveaings .for. seven \i r « - ,4,: Jand of Berkeley Heights will i dtscrl[>Uoii of the bom. ate the -tax office. In a capable iftftP certificate. For registration tail each election diwrict: and competent ninnner and eeek demonstrate and. discuas "scuJp- Red Cross "'headquarters, SU 6- U0Hi>K.M o ! F13R9T DISTRICT — ture. its tools and basic proced- Street Paving Question "^ ; t - -i ;-''•' Mi of tlirte Rescue Squad Roam 't • 2(W6. jBulWlag, P»rk Aw. the approval' AT the citizens ot ToAirYiewsat 'ur«w** on Tuesday evening, April "Sew ProvidrRce in the Primary M, at the Morristown Library. "Hie I Bcglntit&K *t « puu.i Brings Another 3-2 Vote • [ , ' »(- rffir ; line of. the DcJat program, sponsored by the Mor-i ! Wrtisrn B«tlroaa •*"»••' c;,!Boro Hall April 15 Berkeley Heights-Another' LETTERS 4^ by tiie educate! in «clwils thfn>, thpn Borough—A public meeting to. bVgiri «t 8:30 p.riT:, ariti-wriTl' %'?1 in' the Township Gomtnitt«e.L- r») to gmrtimtp from K>nt hear Repnblicon candidates for followed b.v the regular monthly j Editor, Summit Herald: mnrked the end of a verbal beltle ! thence In » .wtuerl; <„• - rvffirp ia sclwduled by the New meptsng of the Association \ Those who have watc'i*^! ''' PrMooi, \V»>!lp,»!ry, over paving i»f Euclid avenue, from ( i- ; thti center lino of s.al-1 H- • ] Proviienrp Republican Club for The speakfr will mode! a por- ! Heights Towrwhic < >!- '"tnT HI ri ir. church and April 15 flt 8:30 p.m. trait from clay during hi» demon- j Man Named Head | Park avenue tr> Cohimbus A^nuc, m\ti(,e meetings many rew«ll t o' ! SsHltin; tbencs •long '. • • >• •polit'icel affair.", in the Borough. In strewing the f«rt that the stration. Modeling tools, equip- j when the Township Committee met j the 3 to 2 vote on a miinti* r nf • of Piainiletti Aveaue r * . • , . g i pou»t to tn« e«nt*r iic«.( j :; - supervised the sale of the old j meeting is open to all residents. ment and vnnous clays w*d for iOf Sun Tube Corp. Wednwday night. The request for] ^w™ «t«rted on the *uhj»< t of j Avenue; thence along o» •••/•'•> Presbyterian manse in Springfield sculpturing will be on display. I , #11. , , I toppingvv r of new roads at To regardless of political affiliation, surfacing of the road came from • *" . . ,,„ . .. , gv^n'ip. and th* buiMinj; of the David Damon, president of the Mr Betand has studied at the j I cxpenw. In a letter tr» tl"- « *hlp of New Provldeco ,» y-.-, •present ninn«p in Po.waic street. University of Illinois and is an Bernard Tanotta, of 529 H«rvard i of ^prj| 2i '^y, \r. punl(.| Tnwiiihlp, Somerset O r Hub, HISO announced that thf meet- |> • I- . ' 'i . ! MI; •Jong tnp dliidlag ll-ie J- For many years slip ha.* hcf-n a ing will he held in Borough Hflll, industrial design graduate of Pratt Hillside, who eaid he strangply silent nn the sn!>j-1 • , - . » ' .' thf Towiuhlpjt la ft nortb*.-!r c tru(!t*n.'>ni,i •><• < J ' • T--^* F '' 'n f i?l .inally scheduled. home April 15. erly direction to • th« In his letter to the Committee, • . f- •- . -i '•» i (I -»!r « d*nc» and th« Borough rf treasurer of the church. county and Assembly tickets will York. that it had been the po'iiy r.r (Jcoce; $h*nct along th» a: Yanottn i»nid that he had pur- 1 Civic inlrrMtj include a former be preaent, the highlight of the In His instruction on fcculpturo, the Township' for 30 year* t<> to" between satd Town*hip •• ohasod three lots in Euclid avenue wuthnr!? to th* polct or presidency of the Parent Teacher meeting is expected to IK; thfc state- Mr. Delnnd will ntre&s "The desire roacb at public expenic, ont<- th- ments of Mrs. Jano K, Parcells to do a thing and the emotional (ft ixiper street) in 19&1, on the developer provided a base ' » ' >• '" ' -i I , ,i'fr- SECOND DISTRICT-P ;u> Association; chairman of Field Columbia School. PJ*}afi?:ij and Mrs. «sie Stuehler, both ac- background to work through one's assurance by the real estate agent What are the facts? rThn»u/h- Bay for two years; Red Cross Can- 1 Beginning st a point in ihe ««,• tive Republicans who' are seeking materials for a finished product. * that "whenever a person bought out thc years there liav e b. t T line of tn* Del»w*re, L»ck»wtBS» t tf€n; active in Library "campaigns; "* « l =" *^" '"- '•' l'-i* oJ Western RtUrosd (Passale A Deimi former member of the Republican the post of tax collector, left va- This program of the Morris Coun- property on a paper street, if thc eomc roads which were t'Utt.iH) Branch; where ttse t»m» l:, Scttn County Committee; end a member cant by the death of Edward G. ty Art Association Is open to the property owner cut the etreet out topped at public expense borr.t di- bf the dltldlsg line bevets «j public free of charge. A door prizes I. \ ,' ' .' a* ••• c. • "• 11 iht Towtmhlp of New ProTtdnvct »4 til of the Welfare Board, She is also 'Miller, who"'had served in that find put in a base, the Township rectly by the Township. Oficr in- BorODgt of Kew PrOTid«c«; tiesa active on the Board of Local. capacity for twelve years. Both wiJJ.bc one of the features'of thus would come in and take over the stances auch oa • Snyder la • *al«rly direction iioBg Ui meeting. street and black top it. Therefore, were improved with state ai» k f t> f Pwwslc to the CenMr lln* ol Mounula *«• Was Former Town Official R *- F- • ».»', »•- - •- • j> in. -un- au tween *ald Township of Nn Pr Mary Washington College in Vir- Mr. Kuntz came to this country I vice-president of Sun Tube Corp., cause the policies were in extat- dence *nd tho Borough of Witfi: Assisting Mr. Damon in making would have availed themseh ra of B !• ' ;. * along the jouthfii.' tn'-'H from Germany when be was 16 Hillside, has been elected president • ence when he purchased the prop- ginia, and a eon is a senior in the arrangements arc Vito Sabte, township aid if, as Mayor Swen- Summit High School. years old. He had bw*» « rariKent of that company. He succeeds R. j erty. He said further that the son stated, a general policy ex- ' B •" - II " i4) Blfnf! MKl following tftt cfcttr Mrs, Olga Zeiss, and Fwd A. of the township for 58 years and Or*en Brook tn • general *i*;»*i| •- ' For the pest two yeerD,.«nc has Smith Schenk, who has announced Veterans Administration end theisted to top new roads at public- -''i> >o --» Kr~.* - ,-. rf D:a*nond recllon sad through the atu: £ Greenley, Seelef > Pond and up Blu* flrect t» nerved in the office of Borough waa active in its afflira, being his retirement. mortgage company would not expense. However It #eein» that H I P'-T* •-.--» « ' ? n, r»n*tr chief of police, a member of the Mr. Leghorn, a native of Win- . , < Di- -•; H . !'«<• io itji in- tlx« dividing line betwwn M!J Ten- Clerk and has assisted Mr. Miller complete the closing if the street thia "policy" ^vas more a hit and < ' " '•"*- •"• " ' 'tt \A C Of ship of New Frotldenee «r.d tfef C! as tax collector. Book Club to Hove Township Committee and of thc chester, Mass, is a graduate of la not surfaced. miaa proposition "at beat.'* of Summit: thence alonjt *4!4 «."* Board of Education, until his re- Massachusetts Institute of Tech- Ing tint to » tenertl nort.n.rif fc«- Mayor A, C. Swcmon, supported On October 16 1950 the Township ..**••<"- -• -«• - * i Viur tlar> tlon the dividing line tw.utw ».' Progressive Supper tirement 25 years ago. He had also nology, where he specialized in Township of K*w ProfWcr.re tzi £. Two Chosen for Jury Duty by Commltteemen yjctor Dunkel Committee, Messrs. Proctor. Mon- i- -<-'<. i . * T ,, * Brrkf- Borittigb of New ProrJdfr:*:' t>.*w; Borough — The committees for operated the Country Hotel. engineering and business admin- and Anthony Casteilano, told the ica, Smith and Swenson, made n 3 r »!ong «»!d dtTtdlng l!n» la » f*:«' Berkeley Heighte-Silaj G. Con- the New Providence Presbyterian Mf, Ktintz leaves two daughters, istration. He joined Sun Tube in westerly and northerly d'.rrci'.cs * nett, 43 Mercier place, and Mrs. minority that "this policy has been commitment in & tetter to t^ th« point or p3*c» of " Church's County Day will be an- Mrs. Minnie H. Reed of Berkeley 1947, and has successively held the Dated: April 7, 19S3. Lillinn L- SteAte, 101 Mountain in effect for 30 years—before either trustee of the bankrupt Stony nounced at the annual progressive Heights, Mrs. May E. Woodward of positions of director of research, Corporation, that the Township w c avenue, ere among the 125 resi- Lebanon; three sons, Arthur W. assistant to the president, vice- of you ever heerd of Berkeley supper of the Book Club which would undertake to improve Apr, 9, 18 dent* ot the county who have been will be held Saturday at 6:30 p.m. and Walter E- of Irvington, and president, and executive vice-pres- Heights." Manner and Committee- Grove road, provided the corpora- ZK,TP.'CT - V, A (I,, H,,,Uf_ called for Jury duty for the term The first course will be at the Thomas G. of Plainfield; two sis-ident, man Ira Holley had opposed the approval of surfacing the street tion would undertake to complete of the county courts which begins home of Mr and Mrs. Henry T. ters. Miss Helen Kuntz and Mrs. Mr. Leghorn served' for five Beech avenue. This waa done bo this coming Monday. Fielding of Homes O«il; the sec- Minnie Geier, both of Summit. yeara in the Air Force during the contending that the townuhlp has The drawing was before- Edward no right to spend municipal funds of the unusual circumstanres, sure it's ond at Mr. end Mrs. G. Elmore The funeral will be from the past war, with overseas experi- v for such a purpose. created by thc bankruptcy How- I.I 1. - ' r A. McGrath, county judge. Schultz's, 148 Beek'man road Sum- Robert D. Broiigh Funeral Home, ence in thc China-Burma-India •5 ]-! S--. • , ty r ever it WM one of Mr. Dunk**!'* - ri> mit; the third at Mr and Mrs.535 Springfield avenue at 9 a.m. Theater. He retired with the rank 1 1 t!tr Mrs. Ana Pegano of 174 Snyder first «teps after his appointnu-nt D..^' .',/;**' * *v ' , Frederick C. Coddington's, 141 today, thence to St. Mary's Church, of major. PURE avenue, renewed her request to to the Township Committep to Oakwood drive; end the laat at Berkeley Heights, where at 10 He ia a member of the Society the Committee to force the Daniel cavue a contest of this An< >m BfKint«r«d PharmirW', completed in; about three weeks dent of Snyder avenue, complained the extension of Cornell ,iv< niie , '., ' •' ' " ' *"h hut ia not expected to be opened nt their own expense, m l}^ ro»d it cetts no BHIW to that the water wan contaminated. In fill your »oH©r'« to the public until kte Mny. Thia win take y mding Berkeley Heights, Boro chairman, A. Manner, h«II and have refused to admit ihr* need Chariine's Cut R«H Walter Behre, flwt vice nr.-«ider1t "" » " « topping of Cornell nvenur n SATURDAY tee bwtded by Joseph Ml«no is idontilt ; RM M f» on Summit. N. third wntchman, whom they record that no unimprovcl tnni\<, it,, studying lnnck<-«4)ing pl«n« for fort* to clo» in ihc. "Inkp." «nd * resolution whli h w^s While thfi book roilwtion rtrlve thcrc h bmi R rr :i|r nec ™ ' " «lso to have Ih© flt«t« Board of currlpd. It M« only two weeks ngo WHS very nuccrff*- MoNanirtram, lion t«mor, Louis MvMn ( Health makn t''»ts of thc bactertal «fter the Prlnwrlf* that Thmkrl, ful, renro book* will bo accoptwl. " . ' " dur- 1 named to the hoard of director*. Ing tJin winter qount In the water. «nd CMUflUino utiirtH to ARMORY Anyone wishing to donst* book# k PARK AVINIfl AT 34tH St. thta r«»oluLlon and %\\~ naked ten, cull a member of the "Daffodil pey" Tomorrow proved the topping of Rtitgera «vc- IVEST I PM. I* 11 Mi, rfofly • l «tn be tml chill) • Ort«niis*iUon of th« \m of tirtnccitptrit mm MOTOR co. Thn tinffexiits are bloomlnjt fn | PTA Fofhun* Proqrom now b«)n| conduotpd by ,€arl th« lh« Murray Hill wnwte und ths | btit not If your Fwl 507 - 523 SprfUfHtM Av«. and Rmll Ciittiino. tinmen wilt tw» of Mr, ^ *ff«lr will 1» hdd ruin or iihinr, 1 New I'roi-lflfMw-Morf. tlinn 2(10 Saturdity aitoi-noon* and ( fo«# anMMi, c«mplt«tly tquipptd hwt received nn «ppii- Tlnunn« Qunrtrt proviil.d #»li't|> rinya" miwlr. Ollinr kilM Summit Live Poultry Market 'M OLMMOflU. lup.r "ir*. R«d!o $ for letter* of administra- M tion on the 4>«Ut« ot Mlchfiel pill on by Kurt Ulrlih «n»* Lb« 10r*M«l PMitry Of AN Ktmtt fFENNOlLCO. Amodeo III* widow, MnrR«n»t Aft**r l\w pr th* Fnth Egg* —. Frtt Dtilmry Uneondttitmtittir Guamnlecd 78ft tfprlnifleld «v«nu4>, U Bund |iroVli|<(I for CAU,SUMMIT MS42 «dftllni«tfirtHx «nae a candidate, - appeared before ho<* otn it b« undone? my own cvasiilmney. the City (GOP) Committed and of two evils".at a general election. at West Palm Beach, Fla. to any special group, j dates for the Republican nornina- .Wherever I was able to discuis I am writing hj reference to your I like Bill because he is/the an- The am- The remainder of the-ftstate VfM questioned: or '• tiic'i«rtii-u5ara of my record or my «ent editorial with regard to the tithesis of contrenched party pow- to the Hcta'ld but I am de*ply dis- left to her daughter, Mrs. Hilde- , ...su of the people of en-imnded indi- jPJanting of trees in Summit. Toe er. Our City Council needs a appomied in that the Herald print- gard Swartout, who was alio named , d that our Party CAN intmat di.in> to question, my basic iosition hasten i thi»; in the fewPerhaps the city officials and the his Republicaj) colleague* With- The harbors of Tyre and Sldon, ATTENTION! record which, .it rnay j f«m&ining w location and I am sure that In- er's fine attributea, I think the ;'•••"• 5i Uxgti street- I times have been silted-up- FREEZER OWNERS & >j JHi'jit wiih: (h». record of our and to have p ti rested citizens would be willing Chamber,of Commerce representa- scales tip in Bill Gikon'x f«vor tion waa dominant. Voters nhould f\ UnitH ritat..vi- .Senators and a ma- throughout the *iatc a trm- pic- to contribute moderate amounts to Ijecause he has a rare quality o! QUANTITY BUYERS also'i know that in voting on 'j; j'»rity (>f our Kfpublieun Congrtas- ture.; of .rac arn my., q make gome . sort of annual tr««? candor and frankne&s 'seldom ; v Burghv* by the City Committee, found in the politician. For tho*»e 'for Lie gov«.Tji, jlaVe | i planting program a possibility. If, Thinking About" ARE YOU LOOKING for the firat ballot was nearly evenly who think otherwise let me affirm rtqutri-d the mvie : of tele- so-called or four FOR ABSOLUTILY vision, newspaper und year "transplants" are available in divided and "the-office-seeking- that Oilson la not a Democrat. I the-m«n" tactic* caused deep re wish we had him on our side. Building A New Home? TOP QUALITY MJAT? other rtivdia of communication at •Quantity at low prices both the cosf PROMPT a ca»t'far m x*e^i of the amount .of tht' treea and the labor of plant- •entment In the CJommlttce. How And now acceding to a w*U de- te are direct recdver* of f which,' at 'Ah:-. «-nd. was availableing them could be provided as a ever, to .avoid emberra&swnent, en- served admonition that I ought to If so, .: ',... »U_ji, prime arid choice gov'l in- j. lor my canvpaigu- In tliu cirtum- community project. • dorsement waa then made unani- "mind my own businesis," let me did Iowa nd Nebraska corn f ataflces, I could not hav«. expect- Your» very truly, The tfune "drafting" group urge all Democrats to mk lot their B CLEANERS had also appeared before Common | ".4 t" slew beet. Every Mon., > ed to succeed, LA WHENCE J. MacGREGOR. democratic ballot on April Ji and U.S. BUILDING PRODUCTS CO. Council «nd apparently 'Toe!' •'"J "•*''• wc °"er 'whole- w • Bui to the indieptnf all roeali at 5c PER \ defeat would ba've meant juust one Editor, Summit Herald: over six men did all thb drafting. thing—that the Republican Party primary contest for governor,too that you conw in for a copy >Lf!,'ABOVE OUR WHOLESALE \ I have noted a release which ap- Because auch ,. proceieea deserve had repudiated mt because of and for the first time in a quarter K0 All frozen fruits andJ ' SUMMIT 6-6565 peared in the April 2 lasue of the close scrutiny, the voters should of tills colorful book of Nev\ j , f«lable» at 6c per dozen pk|?..)> what I stand for and that there is century. And to those disappointed f Summit, Herald under the heading loam their names &nd real' mo- Republican*, who, after primary i|bov« dislribulor** wholesale list * no place is the Republican Party Home Designs entitled: M8ERLOU "Summit Resident Attack! Pro- tives day will find that entrenched par- J price. .Minimum' purchase $25 > for A man iike sue That my de-posed School Aid Bill." Unfortu- feet, in. the.. clrcasastanct'S," would Hi.* appointment aa Councilman ty power will deprive them of the ' ja »OT drparlntent, k MOTHPROOF nately, that headline indicates op- leadership of courageous Malcolm ^'Modern J not in fact- have been a fair indi- position to school eld legislation could hold only for 1953 30 he cation of the .'real, opinion .of the must now run for election against Forbes — they can jump party Call Sam Gordon's SERVICE which, of course, Is not the case. llnea in NovemTwr. It'« time for a Republican voters of New Jersey a very able and likable opponent. The bill under discussion was change in Trenton, gob Itfeynef ia living •,would have wade.no •difference.- Despite Burgher's advantage of Quality • Odorless purely a tax measure with no refer- well, qualified to clean home. In MADISON i The p-dkllc, ( And particularly t'hc e.n<:e in it to the. use which i» to incumbency,' hl» drafters were not : independent voter, would 'have addition, he. haa the stamp of ap- Homes be made of the reaulting revenue. content to urge iupport for their proval of Archibald Alexander aad | seen only that I had' tried for myI not only pointed thli out in myman on the basis of abilities which FOOD CENTER j Party* nomination and that my Adlai Stevenson. ' DRY CLEANING statement but emphasized "that he undoubtedly has. Instead they ,..„". - Very truly yours, 17-27 Ccnfral Avenue ' Pa-rty "the"objections of tfiUT ConuiiKtee formed the rather JU*y "Citizens trO74/ ol the~N»w*a!>k' ChembeF- oi- Com- .Good J. JEROME KAPLON ALL WORK DONI merce are not directed to a rea- is, and for niany years has been, Government" and persuaded May- Feeli Ad Is Harmful Tremendous Discount! to itreagthert the Republican Par- sonable plan of State school Aid or Bland to becjonie part of a Editor, Summit Herald. oa New Freesew ON PREMISES! ty and to reJtor* it in the confl- for education." package. This was their great vic- "deiice of a!? 'the people, not for Unfortunately, Inaccurate head- tory and I still can't understand :x In this last week's bjue of the lines such as this create confusion Summit Herald, I notice a full-page any narrow partisan reasons, but why the Mayor fronts for euch a Xo Co»t to you—No Obligation. Ju»t afrlendl> to and misunderstanding. peculiar movement. The names advertisement of liquor, whiskey because of my conviction that our acquaint you »1tn our facllitien. • Party ha» an eseantla! role to play Very truly yours, of Bknd and Kenagy were used and cordlata that in itself probably brings In much revenue. in the preservation of all that is John J. Magovern, Jr. to attract the membership of rolltM'tlon of Kamhlern—nil Many citizens will disprove of It contains a good in oar society. I could not, voter* who did not realize that the l.urt and Modern. therefor*, continue in the cam- Keplies to Editorial movement was begun only to Kurt this kind of an ad but I would like paign when I wu certain that my Editor, Summit Herald: Gllson'a chances. • to add my proteat to the heading And the convenience beauty, efficiency and individuality of the statement—"Easter calto for doing ao could have had no other May I reply publicly to your Worat of all, yoti have given hia embodied in these new deslg-n* readily ex[>I.tiiiH the best." I gee no reason for com- effect than, to cause the Party editorial of March 26 answering candidacy unethical treatment Jn have captured the buying public. bining the name of Easter, whici serious and unwarranted, harm. my letter In support of Wm. R. your nows, which has become many love because of the Hope And « further reason for my Gilson? ' ' more partisan than your edi- We hop* you can come in soon for your copy—al the and Comfort it brings, with a prod- withdrawal was that 1 could not, ! You state, "We owe our munio torial.*. Example* are the head- lime jou will have the opportunity of seeing our l»SS Home uct which degrades and brings I ip«l advantages to the men wholines "Gibon Admits'' or "Burgher Building Exhibits—present ing the latest in home designs, !' are now, and in the past, lerving Refutes Gllson." Boners by your materials and equipment. on the Cpnvmon Council. They all man are auppreascd, For example, i In one visit to these exhibit! you will lind more helpful and have one thing in common, and he seems to know almoet nothing money saving Idesji tiisn in weeks of tearchlng eltewhw-e—• that is that they did not seek the about the substandard housing R. A. Michdski : office." Mr, Whitlock wrote to the problem; ha actually stated that Builder Op»n Thurtiuv Ereniufi 7 lo 9 For Vour ConvmifHce. I -same effect, urging th«t the office the Summit Cooperatives project Sofflmer Day p is federally financed. He has Ut- General Contractor BOYS aodt GIRLS, 6-12 years old I should seek the man, instead of the men seeking the office. terly opposed renonlng for thta ALTERATIONS-REPAIRS Sip**!* Ctmps project and *> favored it, but U. S. BUILDING PRODUXTS CO. Thia "drafting" process, which J22Al4 you never publiah these items. RIMODELING Transportation, nutrition luachfoo», art you favor, has «ometime» been tnd enfts mitwiil, ia$urttscc_ ._#40. «ucce&s)ful, aa in the genuine Of cour»e, It i* understandable 121 Wnr End Avenue 700 Springfield Avenue Telephont tUtanai tu tl&tt ttyemj i tula. for you and other local business AMPLE Four *«k periods sviiUble draft of Washington for president. Summit S li However, we alao obtained a fine men to unite In support of any PARKING SU. O-3355 man or measure which you favor, BerttSoy Htiqhh. N. J. lirgt ottt foot poo! president In Lincoln, who frankly SUmmlt 6-1897 jpoitt, hikxs, tcnniK voUcjr sought office. So thla precedent of provided only that everything la ball, at(t%, irt, tfcuy telliog, sound a young lawyer openly seeking In the open. Please spare us from movies, nature stacy, dmoatks. nomination is ns old «w the Re-any more such smokescreens as CompttccJ jupemiioo by taeiabers of publicfln party and no one should the Citiienj Committee for CGO. on/ (Kultf tad apetimvi countdon. criticlie Gil»on for following It. Previously your papef h«ji 1)t*n Hunt, i&ro\lmmn limited. Moreover, the drafting ptoctM quite fair. I believe that an honest FUNERAL HOME NOW! — !ftw» OtMf presentation of the facts (in the CAtmiT tCHOOi may be v

^C 1 Ib. Sun Dried Jiunlw CALIMYRNA 39c High Protein CAUFOHNIA DATIS ...... 35c SEE Fresh NI.AIr IfMrt ^W 1' Mb iV**k l«k*d ' • • '' Wholtwheat •Mi Mi I fnM m* HewLovtly „,.„„,., „ V«l¥.Wr«*»ur« Jumbo-Drum Brak« Your Kitchen miARS 39c Natural maximum itopping pwwr wlHi maximum MM of opplitorton Cm PRUIT JUICES ikip I Chtvn>l« onmeri .. ifiM lm« cow- ill window* of wtlsm indi h th* !•/#« M Wtll •a-«My Power !MtfM|* mi Oc- M"Si tirffli &tkti m my lowprked mmf <>«h*r lwpert»ni Wfdy f««o«, ifldl Natural ear. And iwit k vw& »w^* *w w !'"s- you'll unttertUnd why owmn ritt Iht Thio Vftf Ydtf wilt AMI much gtwHHhtr, Chcvtolet Wpi. too*/. r«rt Veqetablt Juicy CHEVROLET mm m^mim hmU mim ... w H. Cwnt In'. Hi «nt! drive thin thHIHngly %%% leu Mttaf pffwure... ind • mfw, car, ami we delitvt ymi'll pirn* orttef iloW) * Optional *t tntrt tmt, KITCHEN MAU) man * Btmtiti «v<»WrtW# m Natural • •••••••••••••••••••••I a IIMtMIH ... YOU DON? Sun Dried FRUITS lUf CHIVIOUTI THAN ANY Of Mil CAM MORI I HAVITOHStCK AW • TO IUV HIA11H K>OPI V«qtt«rlan FOODS MIUIURN •••••••••••••••••••••••a YON SIEFART CHEVROLIT, Inc. KtW 1*« f!Mtt4IM«f AvtWlt mm nm nm OP A WMWt Al A 494 SPRINUFI1LD AVt, SUMMIT J«Mi&&^ WB SUMMIT HBUtP, THUftSDAY. AfftJi f, Ittt The Suburban Home Owners' Page Many Home Accidents Can Choose Bright Blending Color Remaining Usefulness of Proper Planting • . • • * *j Be Curbed by Few Rules Colors for means better ROSES Schemes Make Home Key io Depreciation In figuring depreciation lo&s on provements can be nwie by • A newspaper"story of the fatttl .LL..S.. Bureau of Standarda tests Child's Room Happy Homes his home, the homeowner's first scrvaiion and then gtiiii-.y.;, plunge of a 16-year-old boy from definitely proved that « person 1 j The family should be surrounded 1 Irt ' choosing colors for * child's j consideration should te. the. value & t5>.'«; ju room, avoid .subtle • color*. A i 1 placed on the remaining useful may Include such alTUvhirv ^ "flipped on a highly polished floor, to fall thun one wearing leather child's vision is unspphtsticftted. • Figure I them best. Basically, green is a life of the houfie, say real estate ages nm k*«ky roof, tra--i;--j wearing »lipj> <>f i accident* increase directly- . in ' owner can indulge hto own taste.*** Both physical and economic fac- falb. in the home increased. Of used in a child's room because ratio with body and. iwntii! i in vinyl floor tile, regardless of tors figure in estimating deprecia- of restoring suth rim,, tile 23,005 deaths due to home HC- of its vyashabillty. Wells of canary Figure 2 fatigue, which may explain" why 1 his color preference. Now vinyl tion. Normal life expectancy, ot $ A comparison ,»(,. i i; oidents in 1951,. 14,700'were, due yellow, leaf-green or rose can he elderly p<:«pl , rate of 3.6 per 100,000 population. contrasting color curtains arid I'laced to they will grow lieve that deaths due to- falls, can today's fcigh-etylc color palette. proper maintenance, hard or im- depreciation is uiuw,s i , • L«u*st reports show that 8 in 7 furniture trim. .-*.-., , downward at a 45 degree be sharply reduced with one-level They are: ebony; white opal; Chi- proper usage. deaths duo to home actidento •ngle. Mtke rare tbat the : nese red; Bikini blue; 'Shannan deterioration or « ono », 1 home for older people; that heart Unfinished cliairs,'' tables* «n''br bumps when swinging doors are creaaed efficiency or > About Vz of all falla in the home | left ajar; lower and wider shelves red, Marigold yellow, Binkitfi blue, keynote of home, decoration should the cost required to restore the Shannon green and other striking be variety, w-ith dynamic red ac- dwelling to.;vmaintain ita future maintenance of o (i occur in the bedroom, half of! jn kitchen and pantries, to lessen Figure 3 property. Parts of t1* due to tiraple ...faMs while j brui»ca from falling objects; and colors. Kenflcx vinyl floor tile can cessories. Here are some success- usability. This' means discounting can be rebuilt or n.i'ir. .' getting into and out of bed. Liv- j asphalt tile floors in kitclu-os to be cosily installed by the honie- When root* ire complete!} ful color combinations with Chi- the original value by physical or .ovener himself. it opji be laid* over covered, pour in half a pail nese red or -antique coral tile: , economic losses which must be in working onlt-r «,,] xoncteter isxk)-d and plyvwad tin- ol water to eliminate mil " Pewter grey, beige, chartreuse, overcome to get property back to the building may hi, n •> arc other home danger I page. pocket*. Wben the water hu ^letSctorA^nd. aver .jadJafttcftSft^ftdU white and red. For an entrance full usable condition. old. But unless ?!i,> r",r. "Some 'buila^rjs' jjres'eni:' cun be put into li\al'c . Trac« Cause of Falls floors. With guidance,. the child' of the bole will toil and loyen leaf gl^fmm^f^e <§SWR, and safety handbooks to each can choose his favorite color conx- red. For a kitchen: orange, pale ""Meae^ropalry^flT M' u <. , Serious falls are clue to varied tamp it down firmly. Prone purchaser of a new home. Many bination for his own floor. any bruised end* or weak jade green, slate gray, white, red. Wiile the deprrmt. .1 , J causes, Among the more prevalent j schools provide instruction in- stem*. should be generally h > This inexpensive new vinyl floor Friendly Green arc: tended to promote safety at home, Green is the preferred color of from full usability of covering, material Is impervious to • A\ 1, Men are injured by (a) falls cautioning pupils about existing Few Simple Shifts in most c&aea othc j ,>. chemicals, scratching and fqot- the cheerful, comfort-loving fam- from ladders; (b) skidding on a hazards. Figure 4 ily who like colore that art not scuffing; is greaseproof and ffre* intangible factors nw • , tug on. a highly polished floor; too strong. Green ifi friendly a^id resistant. Build a toil monnd from six Make Old House sifi^red. Final Judjjm« M f> l (c) falling over cheirs or other to eight iaches bijjb around has a quiet charm. Color combina- wdghed after furniture; (d) slipping on icy Cheery, Worm An older child can keep the each plant Tikis will protect tions that harmonize well with ditions. etairway. floor clean himself. It require.' them unlil growih begins and Shannon green or lime green floor Into Show Place only wiping with a damp cloth. will avoid injury to the eanea 2.- Women are injured by (a) Rooms Needed by an unseasonal freet* in tile, or white ivy (with green The problem of the old house Hardened dirt comes off easily marble-like veining) Include: For tripping on children's skates; (b) <-older cliajate*. The mound ' In the ne,w neighborhood today with e mild soap mopping. No a modern living room; chili red, tripping over ekctric extension For Elderly should be renioved carefully confronts feany thousand home waxing is necessary. afur growth is under way. smoky brown, black, white, off- cord; (c) falling off e box or stool owners. CESSPOOL Bright, cheerful rooms do won- The child who is trained to white, green. For a dining^oom: used «3 ladder; (d) being thrown ders to build morale for older 1 color-consciousness &p an early beige, olive, peach, cocoa brown, Owner.? of the new homwi look to the floor when heavy mixing members of the family, oa for CLEANING Iwwl falls from high shelf. age will enjoy an appreciation of chartreuse, green. For a. foyer: at the old one- as a threat to the other age brackets. When redecor. value" of their property. People Building • Repairing 3. Children ere Injured by (a> beauty throughout hia life. oli-ve, beige, off-white, orange, ating a room for an elderly person, in the older home envy the ncw- •lipping on a c&ke of aoap in bath- green. use plenty of color, preferably the comera and modern living con- CESSPOOLS AND SEPTIC room; tb> falling while sliding Kitchen Plays New Role Cool, Conservative Blue warm tones, in draperies, walls and veniences. TANKS CLEANEIJ, fit'ILl' down a banister; (c) falling over floor. The occupant should be con- Attached Garage Blue is apt to be the favorite AND BEI'AIUEI) furniture white racing through sulted for color tastes and.prefer- color of the family whose home Fortunately, there's a happy rooma in play; (d) falling- when ence's. Bring ample light into the As Family Center is dignified, with traditional and j solution. A little ingenuity can CRANE * fltlUDOZER •tartled by scalding water in room by hanging draperies on the antique furnishings. Here are some j give the old house a face lifting Is Space-Saver clear-through colors c&n never SERVICE turning wrong faucet. wall flanking the window casing3 The kitchen hag come Into Its color combinatione built around i that will fit its appearance to the wear off. The Slipping Hazard instead of over the glass Iteelf. own as family center of the home. Bikini blue floor tiles: off-white, style of the neighborhood. A wawt-high cabinet with a Trucks for Hire Having determined that slip- Kentlle asphalt tile on the floor For Small Plot Not eo long ago it was isolated saund, cocoa, peach, blossom pink, scratch- and water-proof plastic Get the help of an architect ping on floors is the basic cmise will add beauty and color, variety Many poM-war purchasers of from the rest of the house, in blue; slate gray, peach tan, fihi-H, counter-top can be installed next experienced in home moderniza- of many home accidents, safety and interest; and will make a great small homes did not need garages; today's*' home it ia being incor- caniution pink,- gray-green, blue. to the refrigerator, simplifying: tion. Take off a gaWe here, re-- engineers have devoted special at- contribution to safety, because of builders therefore saved costs by porated into the living area, often For a modern room, forest grt-cn, preparation of fruit juices end move some of the fancy-* cornices CARL GULICK tention to flooring. its flon-slippnig factor. Since it ie eliminating them Today, with no with scarcely a separation , be- pewter gray,-smoky brown, pink, other drinks; or the counter can that date back to the early 1900's. Mam'srown 4-2082 warm, and resilient under-foot, no many families acquiring cars, the tween kitchen and living-room, blue. For ft kitchen; p«Je piwU'] be installed without a cabinet, Put a single plate glass window} ruga are needed; the danger of majority of homeowner* do re- The change is being made pos- green, peach, grey-gret-n, white, Bernordsville 8-2032 using the Spuce beneath for a in ploce of (he three now In thnt slipping on email scatter rugs ia quire car shelter, &aya tho Con- j sible by better planning and new bilir. laundry hamper on wheels which front bay. Take off the oM porch prevented. Asphalt tile does not re- struction Research Burwa, nn- materials which . beautify the . Veliow (Jr«»t Fttvorltf can be rolled out when needed. nnd put it fn bock. quire a high-glow wax finish to re- that allows for perform different duties. All types they cmt less, but they must |>e hotwe w»n be provided at low cost homework,or playing with paint, of the light colored wingless frtrm,i conMdered temporary. by- biillding nn ftll-purp<>« room paMt and gam<\* remain within the colony. • Actually, the newt mixture that at the r«ir of the nUarhrd gflmgc, Eyp-npppa) is provided by bright, Only the dnrk colored, f^iinjr, costs the leiwt may be the moat If the house plan pfrmiLs, (Jut « pay wall and f!oof Colors. Canary winged reproductive^ fornw • fly \ Peterson nmcftn. fliraple door to provide entrance to yplkm*! a cool jsm-grwn, or a ami crawl in the open find only the adjoining room of the main holder color Accented with bright for a very brief period. This is house. ftplanhUtg of brilliant hue on when they leave the parent colony The homeowner c«n hold cost drawer pull* and cupboard to atart & new eolony. It k thwe ALUMINUM i down by installing hi* own ««- <•'<*» will give tlrwl wa!l« » lift. forms which you may now see. tilo floor in tho «ll-purp<*«j Wwhable pajxr or chwrful Their npixwanre Indicate* that COMBINATION PROTECTION roomi, Kentlle flooHHg engin€ on fhc floor w»I If.. termites .InftwtatUMii Me covering More) for laying the provide for ' twrnilty, underfoot jMutpected, Mnntl tor New Jersey Wood Combination* 35 floor, to It re#fi«ts m6!Mure «n hom*<»wn«»r enh in«t«ll It Circular No. 4*4, "The PrwntJon Windows Repaired THOUGHT TO THf 6lTW*WN,M6 floor covering which mm himiflf «t low co«t. |t rwjiilr** »nd CJonlro! of Termite Damage.*' • Of your insurance vrof.tif KNOWS THAT Hi |« AlfO MWINO Aluminum Jalousies be iftsd fuccpiisfijily on cancretft only otc«»f«nftl light mnt»plng. Thto cireutar in -ffw( on request Ut and requirements, . -| In direct contact with Uw gtmtnA Thi« m*iterUl In -tlr the Aurlcultura! Agerft, Court Porch Enclosur-tj Itn wide vmtMy of 4, N«w Jrniey, SUBURBAN tL PROTECTION. 'Ifu? ex'S Alr-Uofcinq Crocks in The Ilkuj WM brought to infurlng plan to pve fmr em Vittmptt In 1SB4 from Cotuitaii- REMODELING CO. Roor Eoty to R«poir tlrwplt, according to tb* Am*rlenn best inpumncc protectitiii of NiiMorympn, It Itmtlna Old llmm *bov<» to Auttrtca «oni»tinit In the St. at Ihr lowest cost. i'\;j^ 17th C|«ntiir*jf, dirt #nd eoSd ulr Into Ui# b«m# 3. CONTROL A HUC m|t| through crtttfc* th*t ilowfy J«* ypiop an th# bou»« of lepihff your insurartlf contract* and wo«d r •mmammmmwm M*ny homwmnprt h«v«> over- program nlways: iipi^ ? 0 oottmem • mm, corn* thl» «t low tort, At th« Is Your Cellar Floor Wet? I tlm* crMitlng morf uttractlv* My wat-prproofing prwem in nbwolutoly gu«rant«ed MADK MMKKNM rott. by applying Kentlltt ovtr Ut give you n dry cpllar floor. No charge until job the old floor. AH crarku nti- 4 haa proven -entirely nafMa-Rtory. Spencer m. m hy th* lindpriyfnir fHt «n THf SUMMirMERAtD, THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1953 voted (or the public interest «hd by'her wtot -'cheep- and questioned welfar* on tW# issue ea they have I Uiueac*. Uuder this policy tie LETTERS ray tourcc ot information. Bbe Local Musicians to Ploy art in the other Imuta which requited individuit! taxpayer or developer niicd from page 8) in the 3 to 2 vote, it>ema dear further stated that she could prove would build a road at bit own ex- Kaplon Sparks School From Tomorrow The Buildef* Fmnd ,;'.-.•• ii ;>n->var-«ld. policy, but her statement concerning the perise and the Townahlp, over the that the minority is right-In this When Summit High School stu- THE NEIGHBORSARE AS • (•staMirthlng * new ease, 4n' avenue, ia con- So that there can be no'qu«»tion sary. The result baa been many Dietrich A. " ing to tho music of "old grads." A •!i Oic approval of Euclid of doubt concerning ft statement I miles of ro^dat a. miniumin' co&t 60 Princeton Avenue Meyner Nomination •group of almnni, luyded by'Robert ,,-i •iiulountedly I* Intcnd- Berkeley Heights made in connection with our Taxto the average taxpayer. Park Ui WIN& WCIS CO. , y.t-ml'd further, This Aktxoior, Theodore C, Plumb, I "Bud" Lolatte, of 21 VVillo'w'road, [ii >" avenue waus.the only ro«d built by rats in th. ;>:trnry to public policy refer Mr*, Bennttt to the minute will furnish thr. music for tin: &o- yy in Verify Statement assessment a»id shi« Jniprovemcnt , ,i b'v' F-'ate authorities book of our Township ei*>k and ties of S.ummiL, New Providence, iial event to be held at the echool. rXpT 'led to « &etiouu {in»ncial Iws* to ,;;> questionable.' This Edltot, Summit Hentkl: cKhcr record* -maintained in our our Township. Berkeley Heights and Springfield , only n-euit in a heavy J» «fetter to the editor which Town HaJJ which u public informa- Hoinrtimc in mldttiminer * re- are combining !n an all-out drive r biirdcn on the taxpayer appeared in last weeks edition of tion available to any dti«n who qut*i ,..w.m made to p«nrtrate a in support of Robert B. Meyner, rnfiit of private interest*. may desire a review of the records. your nerapa'per, Mrs. J. Bennett portion of Oorneli and Rutgers » minority members, Hol- If the penalty of divulging a poli'.- one of the two favorite* bidding '. ALLSTATE v- Indicated that my -i-onirnent in avenues. The individuals in this M inner, I believe have lea! motive unknown to "moat citi- for Democratic nomination for ami.. answer to & previous tetter written ca*t> had cut out a street thai zens of oilr Town/ship b, jabti existed on our officia! Township i Governor on Primary Day. Sttimp- Insurance Co. of ''cheap,1' then I proudly prefer map and applied a bane far #upc- , ing thr (itate in a whirlwind cam- For Tire "BEST-DRESSED" Lawn. In Town Founded By If "neAt door' u intended to Town-'hip today. After topping the " expected that Meyner will attend mean one block away of Include- an base with 1-V road «tone entire- the joint informal SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. area of more than 50fl feet then thi* fJERTIUZE ly ot their own expense the re- residents of these ntunlc may be considered factual. How- To Give You More qucit far penetration was made. which wi;l be held on ever, If the 600 signatures on the Upon a roll cell vote Mr. Ho]ley evening; April 15 at the home of petition also referred to in . Mrs. For Your Auto 5-10-5 and Mr,. M&nn«r voted "no" and J. Jerome Kaplon, unsuccessful ASRICO Bennett's-letter m factual I must the remaining three membere Democratic candidate for State accept her challenge and ask for lor Limns, Trees, Shrulw Senator for Union County in 1951 Represented Ihj FERTILIZER her £ to ted- proof. j 51r. Holley has repeatedly classi- For the first time in over a I likewise read newspapers J»ut fied •'penetration'' as road, balld- quarter of a century the Demo- ROGER K. BROWN mid WtlODY r«-ttiindK JOB IDQIbs. Insteud of reading between the! ias..and further'iinplied.it.wa* ior cratic party is- confronted with ; that our 1953 Home Building Kihibits are now ready for your •lines, attend Township Committee ; the b<;nefit of developers. How- an intra-party contest for gov- Phone: Short Hills 7-5277 inf('lio;iee officer by action of and Mr. Manner voted "N'o" on tioned by Mr. Plumb herewith. !;i>: 'year's three nwr\ police com- the bails that there was no com- Road Penetration: Yes. 3; No. 2. mittee M> {hat in reality thefe re- petitivo examination held and the For tho past thirty year* or mained only two applicants for the remaining three committee mem- Would Sell For $30.00 mor« our Township haa never of- job. • Magnolias bem "Yea."' ficially accepted ro«rfs but eon- ; Doruld Bryan".was selected be- If Bought Separately! f I voted aflirmatively on this Japanese Cherries tinuaily provided for their main- tdisi** of his outstanding qualifi- question because conditions ob- Flowering Crab Apple viously did not warrant'a com- petitive examination. The dissi- Flowering Dogwood - Pink ' dent vote, In my opinion, was de- ! signet! more for i(a political effect and white PORTER'S PLANT CENTER j than a request for "competitive i cxAtnlnation.*' 6 Morris Turnpike, Summit SU. 6-6969 I Wry truly yours, • Has all Hie esttntial items • Rhododendrons i William V. Dunkol Complete Line for spinning fishing fun! • Aicicos (many varieties) -FEED YOUR LAWN NOW- * Andromedos Scott's Thii magnificent set will give * Japanese Hollies LAWN CARE Lawn Seed—Fertilizers—Flower and Vege- you fishing thrills unlimited! Consult Us On PRODUCTS table Seeds—Annuals and Vegetable Plants TERMITES Famous Spinster rdel is smartly Landscaping Problems -—Pot Grown end In Rots—Hardy Azaleas— streamlined and precision made! Has a high gear ratio Also Located ot 2183 Millburn AYS.. Mapltwood are flying again. Watch Evergreens—-Howering Trees and Shrubs— for fast retrieve. The 2-pc. Hardy Vines—Fruit Trees and Berry Plants— for "Swarms' of "Flying Ants" which come with bamboo rod gives you just the Insecticides—Weed Kiflers-—Peat Moss— Spring, shed their wings, firmness and flexibility you, Humus—Etc. then disappear. These wood want! for lawn that's terrific destroying insects cause much damage to property. Open Sunda/fg — Free Parking Buildings not protected be specific... Say during construction usually If* the p0$svrord to beautiful lawns require it later. everywhere... and so easily achieved Regular 14.88 Bamboo Rod Sets by feeding and seeding the Scott way! Now ... Do if yourieff. We Specialize Exclu- sively in protection Now 88 JtoS&k IAWN $KD mmm Only &*>•<***#'• *^z M of property against 10 Each pound contains millions of triple wv"^*'"^*.i-*.y-. •*&'* , H$ '^mm • S'/i-ft. rod of natural splif clean qualify seeds fairly bursting with TERMITES and bamboo — Titelock reel energy to" moke your lawn a show- w i-T , • • •* ^" ***" Z2L other Wood De- seat! place. 99.91% weedfrce. • 150-yard salt water reel is ||fe-$?.5O 5 lbs $735 stroying: Insects, preciiion mads for smoorfi using dependable engineer- action, long liftl Has star FORBES ing methods. We are not Of drag, free spool and Grows fost so it's good ' simple exterminators. Ev- chrome plated metal new lowns. Produces tough ery job is supervised by parts! ;•'••" • •',* W& •EeYtt *w\, thrives in Jun or shade ROSES an experienced, technical )l ^1H2v • Includes 100 yards of "" l m^^Hi - good soils or poor. MBMfi' ~ •* ' ly trained, licensed engi- linen line—30 pound test! neer. t~'$1.25 5fbt-$6".15 IN POTS See it! TURF BUilDf ft Lawns love this complete grossfood. If We are a New Jersey or- hoip» them grow strong, luxufianf and keep '»al winsome liX^. ... • • iiBi^^feai-J* ganization, employing New 19.88 Tubular Glass Bay Rod Set iprmqiime sparkle. .. *, .* Jersey residents, and we 25 /i>, feeds 2,500 iq f> - $2.50, ? 0,000 »q f> - *7.«5. have served New Jersey 88 Come and see them. The btft of the named property owners success 14 fully since 1JKI5. Our rep- * Durable I-piece rod has varieties, each thoroughly roofed in o 7if- utation In this field is un- double-fluted grips, inde- Summit Hardware 8 Paint Co. Burpaased. Inch pot, fully oHvt, in Itof «wl of w«»y ro pendent' spring type butt Avi, Summit SU. 4-7282 and rubber button. Screw go. AN ore 2-yww-oM No. \ grade ond field Thousand! of reference locking reel seat is chrome arc available in New Jer- plated. B'/i-ft. length, grown spteloUy for us by Hit fading qualify sey—not in some distant * Set also includes talt ™*4.., ...... „•.„..,,.,. „,,,...._ig.ij.1 ; II in irimii'niT'ii- fltate. Our work ia GUAR- water reel and line de- roM grower. Shown hi natural cater. ANTEED FOR 5 YEARS scribed above.' EVERYTHING K>* without additional charge Emily plant id wltlwut »ft-bae& and rmdu —m one-year guarantee is •*> YOUR GARDEN worthless. lo btmiUftt uour garden, them me ifUf Hn#»t f mum ever offered and greatly aupertor tit dor* War Information or Free • mm iviM#»ieMS Inspection and Advice — mant m*e* nt unfmwn vigor, Come «nrf mt • SHAOI, OUNAMIMTAL, CALL FRUIT THIS t htm, • FLOWIHIN* IH1MS Alt Pot Grown, Mm and ready to go. • PWINNIALJ TERMITE • SUDS, FWTILIZIIS, $1Jffe$!Ji HUMUS, NAT MOSS CONTROL • FINIST QUALITY I9S1 IU5HI1 Salt-casting $t««l Tackl* Box GlaM Caiting Hod IN HIT VAWITIIS BUREAU for 3. Seomltts, Waltrflfltit,1 Tray fttHmUTtlAT AM MAMMM* Forbes Garden Centers t Uctttt Strttt level Wind....,. 2Jt SOUTH MOUNTAIN Morris Tumpfce at MlWmm Am, MJBbwn Sf»tiW p'lwl WMl» otii-feoikloth «co Itst, O#M tltrt. Q#« '«l'ei 4 H> t. NURSERIES ROSILLI PARK, N. J.

Ave. M«< 14, "SatMortUm guaranteed PfWiyNI^UnWt m , or your mimcy back? MB FARKIN& ftlAI O» ftOif t IIIKt»Af« THi SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, Aj>ftn

ter plan ha* not been kept up-to- ham, looking; to»r i t date, nor followed. A new one^lon- term develop me 11 . Democrats to Pick stantly brought up to date, is es- of the Ba«.xiic Kiv r (Continued from page i) sential. Ferhapa It ts better to Morris and Union '\ think ot It as a "Pilot Plan," a be brought m S i>> •, be when actual bids are received guide which with constant re- ed some land a , llA &nd the building furnished. vision, will help ua attain our goal. through tin J.J;., I do not feel that my basic Contrary to reports, our City at- to at-quirv m-u. ,-• thesi* of the dual use of athoola torney has not been asked to rule hlbitiyc a prm jt for XM» purpose has been an- upon a master plan. It vs pi course Bourd j*werVd, let alone refuted,' My op- provided for by l«.w and should ect, a ponent appears to h«ve been par- v be a planning matter and deter- for this pur|)tj.*» , ried awmy by the roJ^ projjwcU of mined '. planning bottjd,. which Is durable. alley*, and so place the Board of property ccmfrfin1 Its role is not'sufficiently recog- Recreation in busine** — on land arid unused, it K nised and It is at tlmw disre- not ssoned for mich * bttaincj* Any well-heing of t\- garded. Changes which affect the bwalness U * gamble. It would be City." moat embarMtssirtg if th*» al'.# city vitally, such "as the recent UNION became'-a burden to the city fonvrrsiftn of a part of the civic I'oliir our center for parking, should first be FOOD MARKETS rather than an asset. For some Polar exploit!., reason, private business htm notreferred to that body which b tain frrhh w,«t. j located . alleys in Summit. The charged with the development ot that has been iu: PRODUCE DEPARTMENT the City, the parks, and undevel- rceson given is that you have to water. Th:s ht\. operate seven days a week and oped areas. The existence of a mas- tant fa* tor :n > r, ter plan would require that the have «. Uquor Jicense, licithor of merous i r.- which Is possible in Summit, I am .matter be .studied from the long-. Tuna Fish ^^"" « 2:::55r sure, Th€r<5 would aLso be themnge viewpoint before any ac- problem of absentee management tion is taken. —the alleys and concomitant busi- Finally, one of the potential Remember. ., You Tomato Paste sr 3;: 25/ ness would have to have a super- beautiful assets of Summit ts the have to be'sick to buy ' The wideVariety of top-guai- visor, rt'liich would further .tat into P«ssaic lyrt^r^But potential.only. any profits. On the whole this end Summit's Planning Board, if it hai ity fruits and vegetables feat- of it raisc-a. tsfcrlous doabta and Health Foods ured at your Grand Union store the time, should consult with the Lorna Doone .&& 35 question* It .ia certain!y not theBorough and Township of Chat- SEE OUR AD—PAGE make it easy for you to plan strong ergumunt far the Building interesting, healthful meals • JAA Chocolate iOoi Qfl ilbd ' Weston Pig. UW Now as to Uie ''fantaMic" maln- ill Vour old, worn, unsafe ti res ar: j Tf ••H CAtlFORNIA, GREEN, TENDER tenance chargea. Light, heatr*a- ter, insurance, building upkeep, «««» janitorial fees, mipervitsion and worth Aerowax r45* programs might be expected to be far more than $8,000 to $10,000 a year—the figures given me. This Ajax Cleanser - comes to 5 {>er ceijt or leas of in- l vestment. The real percentage mjght v.'el] be subatantifllly hightr, l2oz.bot$. 07^ as I believe any busineas man MONEY Sweet Corn Tender, CaMen Kernels tt'ear^.9Q^ Pepsi-Cola e plus deposit W I * would agree. The only overhead that can be saved is taxes. The price we'll pay will When exposed to the cold light go a long way to buy Jumbo Size / 29^ of reason, the fantastic figure ap- Pineapples each Quaker Oats pears to be the $13,000 annual net Ijrnttfft profit and lot the annual main- GENERAL Vanilla Extract Lentil Soup tenance charged ~~ Escarofe • Southern Farms Jolly Tim! For the record I should like to Kosher Dill Pickles 2 25^ Pop Corn state that while a knowledge of TIRES Scbimmti the specific plans for the separate i , b hs Grape Jelly building would seem irrelevant Hcme Grown Pickled Beets K«rr"" Scallions Krttuhmtr pij. when" one Is not attacking them 2 13^ Butterscotch but the propo.'^al itself, I .saw those Wheat Germ I j / plans ** year ngo «nd they have Tossed Salad 1;::9 *:-j\ 0 Bf'll'i Sht! not changed, as I luul a.sc*umcd Grass Seed rr, .;;^ 1.89 Torirp Moriess Pasta Fazool "°-u" Facial Tissue when the question wu flaked me— ^.^.Uvk or elf?e why ask the question? I chose to answer In that fashion FRESHPAK so that the main Issue would not JOHN L DIETCHE MOTORS, Inc. be lost. Morever, nt i.*nc is in- 80-82 Franklin Place Summit 6-7996 door -jsye rent ion facilities, not a stadium in, North Summit which WKfl would be built on Board of Educa- tion ground. CREAM Both Mr. Wrlr in a Intor re- PINTS 29s port and the Lny Comnutl^r «Br(v M M2 AMOUR'S STAR and USCHOICE-PACKER'S BEST that the chief recr*6& POT ROAST most efficient arrangement, dem- COSTS onstrated to be surh In Mvcral Waffles c,-,.s. 2 iv 29/ u ib HSS Ground Beef SiiQualityrTLi ControlleMd 2 cities, w to make after-school me 'Ohp » 49' of school facilities for community Uan Me»ty-Bra'«e or Boil Ib. activities. On the basis of thia h major premise, both Jefferson and *TlC Strawberry Jan 37/ Extra Lean lk,, BUY OF THE WEEK Roosevelt school buildings would Stewing Beef J,r^ 55< Custom Cut and Wrapped at No Extra Cost have to' bs adopted for such uses." .*' Black Currant Jan 35/ 1 > The present consultants on our Chiytr't Frankfurters ."w**-*"" * -69< Swift's Premium & Armour's Star—Packer's Best United Campaign survey, Bradley Hf4T/N Orange Marmalade ib Buell'and Associates, are in ac- ^ s WHOLE or cord with this general principle. Smoked Liverwurst P :l 49< HALF LWHBr5^rti' 49^ Recreation facilities should be developed In the light of this and French Crumb Coffee Cake Seafood Special of the immediate needs of the Ipscisl 00 v community. If we fall In this we PrtMd 49» NOW N 03? Haddock Fillets fancy Frtih may find ourselves with rompMe .Change now to a Donuts S'c.^'-i. .wr recreation facilities In Jefferson nnd RoWvelt Schools and in the Golden Fudge Ring -43/ separate building! This is a part of long-range com- munity planning In which I am WINKLER a firm believer. Al] of us T am aure want Summit to continue to nowmssun Oil BURNEF Swift's Prem r45* be a good place to live In, We are faced with growth with- in the community and around m *M» THIII •INUINI HEINnCIIN£Z. TONAATIU«iniOv .• Peanut Butter •*. ^"37/ It would seem wise to take stock, f^> T9ITIM0NU1* MOM 14 ox. determine the course we want and Intend the City to develop along, nopit now mm and on the basis of data and fore- A Asparagus »<« r 45^ cast* chart that course along line* WINKUl IP* KETCHUP Snrrn 183.00 1 m which will retain what la best lend HEINZ'S-VEGETARIANor "^ ' to Improvement. •» «r.|.roxiimm.iy tnaa.oo. wtt Cheese Links ,;,:;„ ;2V l&oz To this |.nd, I feel that our Wlnklrr 1.1" nurnrr «. tn,m"l 9UAKANTtn? Planning Board should be in- structed and empowered to pro- Duz *»***»* 'TYI* rB^ BAKED pare « master plan. The JB28 mus- Cuta healing ton ,1tt?» -'rf AlHJ\ toim «j 1121 «m- pint irf> Heinz corrt of wood ...S.Z.Z, U.m '«* f "' * ' ' " Wilbert's • Ideal boltlti wrnr out for l<1 Cider Vinegar OH ce RlftslFlHrWix qutrfetntf* Olf FMf ^ AMtmbly 8 r»*f

Nl Fob Silicon Wax 12 or em 49* til Hi/b Glass Wix pint can 35 r li tiiiW IMH - Bite cam immmmmmmmw Hi. Wlnkfcr U* Moktt T1..M 3^43/ Tin. Spaghetti LIDO DINER !/: :J 'pnof nnmif, mmn permitu !>*«<*' * ' "',^r

9m t*« Cffmplf «te« Mkkt Hot. On the tfland WMAirytMi ROUTE 29 WrtM*n'« ' Tomato l for imoll |Mrtt«t c j|, *m% jrniir««ir why th« Soip 3- -22/ Tattlipnta "«7 "«»? uJl All Baking Dan* I Ivory Rakes Rinso Spic & Span Tide on UMO 30 MONTHS TO PAY! In —Dlrt'i Out" It r«tfctft ft H* I*»f» CM d 2 R«ful«» e» 1 Gl» Oritn taktn for " flianl I W.ddln, Cikti STEPHENS MILLER CO. tk§. 27/ •lit 79/ plfl. 29< litt / miMm

i BAND UNION SUPER MARKETS OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. •nd • In ;Thli Ar«» •^m CrtnVn PU. For livtng «— Vftt f^ H DtForttt Avtnut UNION, 1046 Sfuyvtsont AVMIM Open AU Dap and iiw WVNJ-flW) 0» f «*»ir I THE SUMMIT HERALD. THURSDAY, APRIL 9, ffSt April Showtrs Danct Dolores DeMaio Louise Kohler All. J. Stromsted, fit YWCA Saturday Night To Give Art daises * • -. • l showers will be the theme Engagedlo Wed v 'he WK'W dance on April .11, Engaged to A spring term of tight Saturday ,,,„ y j, m. to 12:30 em. at the Korean Veteran morning lessons will utart . -\.M YWCA. Mr. and Mrs, Alexander DeMaio Naval Officer Vj et the Summit Art •1!.. tudent. Hobart avenue, a student at the Coc ktail Sandwiches Church April 16 at 2:15 p.m. A Engaged to Set for Si. Teresa's University of, Pennsylvania has program of hook review will be h Married SUMMIT 6-6663-R been pledged to the Beta Theta a Sunday,. April 19, Is the date set given by Mra. Ray Boedeckcr of PI fraternity, ' Yale Student To Texas Girl for another cana conference to Short Hills. The engagement of Miss Patricia 3°° peper 100 be-conducted by Rev. John Meyer The hostesses will be Mrs. A, Mendenhall, daughter of H. E. On Sunday, March 22, at Hous- Ham Cresc^rifs F, .Wotring and Mrs, Gilbert .J. Mendenhail of Oakitdje. evenae ton, Tcxaa, Mlas Selma "perjstein, at St. Teresa's auditorium at 2:30 Barenborgr. The chairman of the and the late Mra. MendenhaU, to daughter of Mr. end Mra. David p.m. These conferences have be'tn tea ccftnmittec will be Mra. Charles Harry Spencer, Jr., son of Mr. and enthusiastically- received by the W. Rippte, assisting her will be Mrs. Harry H. .-Spencer of Prospect PerLsU-4n of Houston, became {he married couples of the parish and 1 Mra. James E, Bryan,' Mra. Ha-iley place, Springfield, haa been an- bride of Herbert'Irving Mantel, have bw-n Found to b?'an inspira- per doz. Kent," Mrs. Robent tgn Mare and tional and practical help to ton.- aaunced by .her iather* son of' Mrs." Maurice Mantel (of Cell Millbilra 6-0228 Mrs. Gerald H. Young. Miss Mendenhall, a graduate of Ashland rood and the" late Mr. plea. regard]pBg:.o.f: th years they have been married. Jo Order From Thursday, April 9, at .Mrs. Aido student at Hood Oalkge, Frede-: ., „.;,„,.„, „ ,, , M.De Bellis' home on Edgemont rick, Maryland. Mr. Spencer , formed by Rabbi William S. Malev •ferencc may be made by calling ', Rev. Harold A. Murray, at the rcc- 21 TAYLOR STH SHI.LBIKN I avenue at 9:30 a.m. received his B.S. degree from in the home of the bride's uncle and 1 Rutgers is aow a member of the tory, Summit 6-0318, or Mr. find : aiint, Mr. and Mm Thomas I. Hut- Ojip. VVashlngton School graduate school at Yale Universi- I Mrs. Joseph F. • Myles, Summit ty. ' ' < ton of Houston. .\ - I 6-803G-J. • • A June wedding Is being planned. j The bride, given in marriage by j her father, wore a gown of ChantH- Miss Bnrbnrn J. Domaloski Births at Overlookj ly lace and nylon tulle over satin. Dri»w Pi tcrs StudlfW To Mr. ajnd Mra. Frederick Mmd j The gown was designed with a of Kendrick road. Tall Oaks, a i sculptured bodice fastened with Barbara Domaleski son, born March £?, . : satin-covered buttons, a high neck- Announcing FREE To Mr, and Mra. Graham Green ! line with a small etand-up collar, of 46 Weaver street, a daughter, j glove fitting sleeves and a buffant Betrothed to We are now eauipped io do all types of fine born March 23. ] skirt. Her fingertip veil of French To Mr. and Mrs. Soflo Piraaeo Albert E. Spencer watch and clock repairing and allied servicing (if 24"Chestnut avenue, a daughter, ; iilosion w»s held by a satin half- In our own shop through the ability of a • hat embroidered with seed pearls. born March 28. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph V. Doma!c- European watch and clock master. j To Mr. and Mm Wiiikm An- j She carried a white camellia and ski of 256 Morris ovenue announce nclli of 3 South street, a son, born lily of the valley bouquet. the engagement of their daughter, March 27, The matron of honor was Mrs. Miss Barbara J. Domal«»»ki, to Estimates given while you wait. All work To Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hal- Joe Briden. The best man wasAlbert E. Spencer, Jr., son of Mr, guaranteed satisfactory to you. lock of ft- Iris road, a daughter. Jacob -R. Mantel, an uncle of theand Mra. Albert E. Spencer of 336 born March 27. bridegroom. Joe Belden and Les- Strathmore road, Havcrtown, Pa. Work completed and ready for delivery within To Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kim- ter Einbcnder served as ushers. Miss Domaleski; is a graduate one week to 10 daw from the time order is given. brougb of 1191: Morris avenue, a Mr*. Mantel ettendcd the Uni- of Clifford J. Scott High School '•• ttoughtcr, born March 27. versity of Texas and graduated and' Berkeley Secretarial School, To Mr. and Mra Paul Lawrence from the University of Houston. both in East Orange. She is now of 168 Canoe Brook parkway, n She was a member of Delta Phi employed os a (secretary by the .vfnti«> (Gate House>. sors University and wn» a mem- Mr, Spencer was graduated from Jeweler a daughter, born March 29. ber of Phi Epsilon Pi fraternity. Drexei Institute of Technology To Mr. and Mr*. Frederick After a wedding trip to* New after serving with the Army oc- 28 Beechwood Road Summi;, N. J. Genauldi of 52 Kent P'tace bouie- York City, during which time they cupation forces in Korw. Ho is \mrd, a *

UNDEM, FHAIY t CUM, MEW IIIUIN. CONK. ham High School end attended Stafford-Hall, Summit. She b em- CLIANS BSTTtl, FASTIR, MSUK WITH 5ft% MOKE JET POWIl! HILMA JOHNSON ployed by the Jersey Central Pow- er & Light Company in Morris- Keep your home spotlessly clean ... and have more leisure Millinery time for yourself. Jet 99 give* you more power . . . Jet power! Creates a super-suction that gets dust, lint and hair Hars Made to Order... Mr. Glogolich Is an alumnus of Morristown High School and with one easy sweep of the Jet 99 "Floating Brush. You Remodeling served with the U. S. Navy in the pick up twice as much dirt, In half the time I NEWLOCATWN South Pacific during World" War 5P^ If Jef 99 sounds marvelous, jus* 1 WOODLAND AVE II. Mr. GlogoHch fa associated wait'III you fry it! And you can, formrrly with- Ciba Pharmaceutical Prod- right now, with absolutely no 14 Shadyside Are. ucts, Inc., Summit. obligation to buy. Keep Jet 99 Phone eonnfction fclavrd. No date has been nel for the Only at Bom's •for 10 days ... If you're not wedding. . delighted, we'll whisk it right out of your home . . . and you 54" Kinzee porcelain sink Ireep the wonderful Spring Cleaning Kit! Sound good? Phone your Jet 99 dealer, or mall coupon today. holds cutlery, soap powders

SUMMOWMt 56% mor« Ifcon Ihe ovtrafl* ol the 4 oth«r ttad- ing American cttoiwi. •—even pots and lid covers CAMUS IMH1T oi o portobl* radio . . • g'id" w'* y°u * you '"'" on^ down. IMPTIO IN * IKONM. >VU P««h Compares with 149.95 »inki on our floor V V« tht bulton. Nothing »o rtmovt or (ok* i THKOW W Every feature in wrll thought out lo help give you more No duit bog«, com or 9\\*n •mpty. utoragc arfn in niiiiiinuni npncp!, '1 lie ltip lrfl-lmnd rabjnet , holds a J<)-pot »li«l<*'<»Ht rack . . , in the-center tlicrc'a a , EXTRA I wire bnskrt for «oap, powder, nnotlirr spr«ia!ly for pot our gift to you! covers. Tim llint, you get « ilivitta! cutlery drawer on 24.95 CHIST-A-S1AT nylon hearing* that glide* out even when it's }«n»pncked! for your ©W fImmtmr Juit 10% down paymont on UamV Inferred Payment when you buy Account. I'lu'ti t«k« month* lo pay the baUpeo, Hov« Kid spoet wvlnfl "Chett A-Stot" for your .,. you'll tMOiur* It I HomHoiw and procticoi, * ' i. honock with a top that flipi open to fljw V«J •*'ra .«. itorogt ipow for your J«t 99, and for oddi r~* «"«• tnjoy J«t 99, plui tW* for only $99.95, To titnounea rh» dappl«*t dl*y of your ltf» .., btautlful w 4tm wedding Invilatlon* dbn« wijfH llawttlt t««t»l W* will UNivtMtt m n *i«w» ttf^f*** ™!'1:IMT;IT'" ' '-—~- * Z--m.mmmmm ll 1 1 1 — ^^*.«"|*W*.HII. »no»-- " ' ' """ Ill"" "'"" ^ t m^^^__± jjm [in -r"-—- ••«••«•«••"»••"••••""'" •dv||f you on pl»ttl«*i «ndr«vlnf, printing ... to fi* your vi-eddirtq bodq«H W« hav* fhank-you notit to MAIL COUPON TODAY »natch your wedding tt«f!onory. S«« ui now I rod JIT w tiui AKO TWILL HARKING DEVICES ritlt CLEANING KITI lit toil ft, *•"« 14 THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, APRIL 9. 1953 Miss Ruth Tom!> *»» Planning Committees Set [ Charlofte Cabrera Becomes Bride of \ Chairmen Listed of Broach Play Topic for Club Group ; p Calvary Bride-elect A/, the weekly I William Pattison^at Central Church " For Arts and DiMtiug at Uws Y.W.C.A, on'Z|| The members of the American; * 15, Mr*. Juhn S. Ttnnant, 2ij.| -.-n ' The marriage of. Miss Charlotte Treble Cabrera, daughter of Ml. Of Ohio Man review the plays "Hie" l,(,v«-*of home department of the Fort-; f^/jOZf Benefit and Mri. Ramon Jonea Cabrera of it Beckman road, to William Barker Animal Sale Mr. and Hr#. Edmund R, Tomb nightly .Club will hear Miss Nancy Pilttlswn son of Mr and Mrs of Tulip Street have announced Four Colonels" starring Hex ^ttN i Mra Alfred G Parker Aainrmii ' - HenrKOlin Pattison, Jr., of, I!B Hobart I The Summit Art Association risen and his .wife .Lllli V i\ < Dillon tomorrow mottling on tfie «,[*the hospitality committee of tin- ««"«<". took place Saturday at 3:30 pan, at Central.Presbyterian Cliiircfl-j the Anlrn*! Welfare League will the engagement of their daughter, A m r v ar»d * Dial M for Murder• ^itil £uil~j~ nii.nov.-Leonard'V. Busehiniui, U.D., performed the ceremony and «hold their semi-annual rummag« . Ruth Eleanor, to fc£Eugen e 3Davi§, subject of "Sound Invrstjnrni Calvary Church Cnoir Maurice Evans in the pram^'i wtta held at the Fort- ' •ale in the istudlae of trie Art A*- { eon of Mr, and Mrs. Emery 'Davis Planning for Women." Miss Dillon:annOunct'd' the names of a reception role. was formerly associated with , , j g on her eommitt»v nightly Club, eociation at W Springfield ave- \ of Columbus, Ohio. An Aug-uat who art g( rv n Both of. these jilays arc i-urrfn* Mr, Cabrira gave has daughter nue on Thursday, kpril 30, from i wedding -ia planned. Hayden, Stone and Compuiv' an{lfor tnt. benefit dessert bridge an'i hits on Broadway and Mrt. 'j l in marriage. She wore a. gown of I a.m. to I p.m. and on Friday; Miss Tomb, % fradute of Sum- (r now operates her own 'Investment (C)tna4tR party wh!ch will be held nairt will review them "f white silk organsie with a portrait from 9 *.m, to 5 p.m. jtfra. Roger ; mit Htgh School, U a member of rOni Ule firm. •Friday evening, April IT, at ?:« viewpoint of staging, Oharacuri. Coffee will br- served prior - to! pmi al tnc Calvary parish .-home necjtline edged with eppllqued Jon«, chairman of the eale, will • the graduating class of Otterbein station, and the past hittory of the the Iecti4ta,«t with Mra.J The are Mr.". French imported lac?. Her Illu- be assisted by Mrs. Alf J. Strom- Collage, vel actors and actresses. Fred C. Kuc-h a.« chairman "v:i^onar">«• l- wa«.fl:t«d to a cup «ted, Mra George E. Watson and Mr. Davis, a graduate of Otter- ioneid d off thth e tetect SShh l Mr& Frank L Hughe*. slvted by Mrs. G. MerrilM l BrownB, -bUtrij ni Mrs. Charles P. darkd , Jr;|| *' ? S"icd | btin College, y now attending Son Mrs. Harold K. I>strr and Mr.*, Frederick S. Sohuberi, Miss eucharlst lilies and Mephanotis, Mrs. J. Zouch assisted by Mra. Bonebrakc Thwl<^jical Seminary . Lewis Saclcs Joseph U Slur HI. I>roratif*ns wii! Constance Crawford, Mrs, Ernest Mi«jj Mary Jonot Cabrera w&a her Roger Jones end Mre, Roberta- at Dayton. Ohio. •''A son was born March 9 \<{ u]t N«w York 'Hospital t.-j iir; stij be under the supervision'of Mrs.j jt. ' jfaV( jjrs< Robert F. Sargent sister's maid of honor. The bride- Currant, Jr., will be in charge of antique* and china. At the kitchen- | Mrs. Lewis Davk Sactu' of Mor- Ciriton M, Le-.uw. ; an{j jIrg, Edmund 0. von Duhn. maid* were- the Mbsea Thyrza Day Hedatsah Chapter to See with Mrs. John If. Wisner serving j and Kiuhryn White of Short Millar ware table will be Mrs. H. D- Latest in Hair Styles rb avenue. Ht> Is to be mn,,i ,;,, co-chairman. The committee' Betsey ChskxKt of Winchester, Hagstram with Mrs. Carl J. Ah- j Mivs Xancj E. I Davitj Louis. Mrs. Ricka win the 1 A "dessert'and hair-styling p*rty Bennett of lera assisted by Mr*. John P. Mur- j I former Emmy Lou Finger, " > Jeanne* Beauty Shop, will demon- 494 5prir.gfie!d Ave. Hill provide funds for the 19531 Pattlson, another brother; John Trench, rui^inery by Madam Ear* ; Ballentyne;; pictured and furru-j f Fernwood road announce the j strate on several members today'* SUMMIT 6-6510 summer season of the Calvary Bauhan, New Hope, Pa.; Glenn, Mr*. Williajii B. Pattison Ballentyne;; pictured and furru-jOf Fernwood road announce the SEE AD ON PAGE 9 new hair stylee. Church choir camp- at Beach Jackson, Bernard Thole, George Jules A. Wolln • ture, Mrs. Mf. J. Strom*ted; shoes,,; eng,1gcinent.. of. tn«ir d&aehter.; M. Suonopone Mrs. Etonald J. Mercer; jewelry, i - ... , „ Haven, j'Ragati and James Naylor, Sum- Pattlson was graduated from Dar- Xanc ' rait...... I TOW School, New Lebanon, N. Y.,Mr*Mr* . M. N.-FJ«kN-FJ«kc listed by MM.|MM y ^both; to A,.bvr, H T. Slonczcws'kl.: ALso ih caarggt Mager, Jr., eon .of \p. «nd Mr.-, Parfy, to Bertfilit .'.; The bride 19" nil alumna of Kent'arid attended Dartmouth College. : Pkce" School lenti-is in- her jurtforVHe is jcrving with ilje 364th In- of tables of gifts jtnd notions are Alberij flunry Msg.r cf Englc-w.ood., ^^^ fantry Regiment at Fort DixT "•"."' Mra. Edward S. Gilsoni: &.,,Wil-i.y, a arsaua?:e of \ f V V i U ;: i; . " - *'*'' * ' "<' **'-""^*'".-V.'»l1VtJ..'-1w.,«,.-»... *, R. Hugn Mrs. Arthur N'evius '•* \ ' ' ' I WATCHES street has announced that the fifth anniversary dc«sert card pnrty of *Ir; Ma»t:r' a graduate of REPAIRED r The College Corner . . . Treasurer for the sale is Mr». the \\ ORien'fl Auxiliary of the Chil- Harry Hamilton, aeaisted by Mrs. it .Morrow High Sc-ho dren's Aid and Adoption, Society On List mittee of the student government wood t\r.d the Enjrlewc-ori and a member of the college Chest Nathaniel Day and Mrs -Samuel.. will be held on Thursday, April 16, \ *4 Mndge C. Evans, daughter Hunter, Arrangements for receiv-"-. School, lor Bov.'v U now « at 8 p.m. at the Women's Club of.:. Committee and social service com- of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas J. Evans, ing merchandise the week o the • at •£•:. Lswrence University the Oranges.-Proceeds will be used ; mittee of the YWCA. 307 Summit avenue, h&s been sale will be announcd later. How- A June wedding U planned. for the society's adoption cas*s. s named to the dean* lhA of theHome for Vacation ever, those wishing to donate ar- College of Home Economics of Mi*s Joanne C. Lsermann of 90tides to the sale before then are MADORA PAnON Syracuse- University, according to: Nw Eng,and av.ruCi a atudent ^ asked to 'call Mra. Stromsted. SU. RESTAURANT Dean M. Eunice Hilton. Penn Hall Junior College, Cham- 6-6H3 or Mrs. Frank Hughes, SU PgygQ^C lOf —All Year Elected bersburg, Pa., is spending the Easter vacation at home. (Except Sat.) M;.'>. Kilcfn Traynor. 'daughter Summer Wedding of Sir. and Mra Robert Tmynor, Uias VVarsity Letter Mrs. Alexander Keller <>[ the Luncheon -r 11:30 to 2 of 22 Crescent avenue, was elected Mr. cvnd Mri. W'iStfr A. Mn;- Supply mt eh Alirctf-i (Sonny) Dcnnia, former Summit Story Leagu? will present bands and m«- Xair, formerly of Ashland road tais. Dinner — 5:30 to 7:30 secrtiary of the Student Govern- ;Summl t Hi,,h Scho0i sports star the story program in the chil- ment «t Virginia Intcrmont Col- now.afe'udent at Mlddltbury Col- and no".v of Aib;;querque, N. M-, Sundayt and Holidays dren's room of the Summit public fashion has a passion (or the new, • lege recently. Miss Tray nor U» «lege, was ©warded his varaity bas- Library on Saturday morning, anrjour.cid lr.Vt wc-k the engage- slim waist . bewitching'* shaped Repair tnd re- 12:30 TO 6:30 graduate'of Summit High School. ketball letter for the 1952-53 sea-,April 11 at 10:30 a.m. Mra. Keller ni"nt of their daughter, CaTic-M;i*\ v . design jewelry. She has taken an active part In all son last week. He resides at 40 by this sheath of nylon and Except During will tell of Susanna's Auction and l0 RoDert jLeiount, eon of Mr campus activities thb year and ;, Russell place. R«d Riding Hood. Children in the covered elastic... knit-in waistline June, July, August and Mrs. C, L. Blount of Artt*>ia, will return >.o Virginia Intermont community are invited to attend. clings with an hourjiiss curve! In New Cornell Program and September nest year aa a member of the New' Mexico. S ML, white w^. Eugene Jung senior class. ! Joel B. Peterson, son of the iate Watch A ItKelry 414 North Broad St. land road, a .^phomorc at Kno< Miss MacXrtir vvfl»s graduated in ! Dr. Joel B Peterson ftnd JArs. 19*0 from {."oiK'brr CoJ'cgr. Bal- Style* 711 pinly $5.f5 I Beechwood Koad. Elizabeth 3-9872 Get* College Honor* Peterson of 40 Oakland place, was ; College, is a candidate for th.' joffice of" treai-irer of tin- Kmrtlnsurf; , with a bachelor of arts ^ZlOmatcrungprdie $5.95 Suinmit «*ISM Durward I. Hulbcrt of ti La- one of three Cornell University ' fayetttc avenue has been named ; engineering students selected for Student Council. Jones wits noin- degree in economics. Her sororit) : for academic honors for th:e new study-work plan which will jinated by a petition firculatcd «?.s pi Beta Phi. For the kit t*o .; semester which ended in January | begin with summer session* thia | among the student body. Vf!irs .sli-c has been employed at ' at Newark College of Engineering, I year. I Appointed Psychology n;i!Hi''> Newark, where she 1J telf er studios lit wa» announced yesterday .by • IJnder the program ajternate director of training. She his been PEGGY ABBOTT ! Dcen of Students Frank A. Grata- I Miss Marguerite Ford, daughter | four-month periods will be spent . voting her "parrnta during the : mer. Hulbert, a senior, ia major | in study at Cornet! and actual re- of Mr. and. Mra. Prentice C. Ford TROUSSEAUX SHOP last month during a leave of ab- ing in mechanical engineering. search at the Cornell Aeronautical j"of'178 Canoe Brook Parkway, who Laboratory, Inc., at Buffalo. i will graduate from Sarah Law- Twtnty-six Bctchwood Rood Summif 6-1893 Join Upsala Frat«roiti#H I rence College next month, has Mr. BJuunt wa.s graduated fr.om ^.JFwflTJicw Providence students Elected Fraternity Chairman ' been appointed a st-holar in psy-tile fnjversity'of New Mexico and Open Friday Evenings! I at Upsala College were recently John W. Fako of this city has jehology at Clark University grad- , holds a ckgree in business admin- 'initiated into fraternities. Ronald been elected social chairman of j "^ *chool. : Istration. He was a member of ! F, More^u of 15 Gales drive was the Ithaca College chapter of Alpha Kappa P«, phi Kappa Phi, ^ • BEAUTIFUL INTERIORS I made a member of Tau Knppa Gamma P«i. He is a studeal , . Florida Phi Slsnia , and Beta Alpha, I I Alpha and Gordon A. Robins of Robert Skillful guidance in planning in the music department ond the i Kenagy, ion of Mr. andprof.vs:ona! and honorary frater- I 65 Union avenue was made ft eon of Mr. and Mre. John Kako Mrs- «• G-Kena «y °f Manor Hill , nitii's. He has been 'employed at and selecting home decoration member of Eta Delta.,. road, and a classmate. Jame^ S:mdia Corp. since his graduation. Moreau, a freshman. Is major- Wlthey of Weatcheet«r, are driv- '•• Mr. MacNair, the bride-elect1* ing in business administration Pledged to Theta Chi ing to Dayton* Beach. F!a., to f.ithor, K is vice-president of re- 521 MIlllUBN AVENUE spend the epring holidays. Kresge-Newark and Robins, aleo a freshman, k John S. MacDeniela, eoii of Mr. : search at the Sandia Corporation. SHORT HIU5, N. J. SH 7-2440 an economics major. and Mrs. Clarence MacDaniela of • Ti'.n engagement and approach- 8 Valley View avenue, has been With College Group in Bermuda A , ing marriage which will take place Honored at Hood pledged to the Colgate University Lucy Bonn, daughter of Mr. end • in :he summer was told to some 1A\s& Jean McCarty, daughter MM. Robert M. Boon of Lenox chapter of Theta Chi fraternity ; fifty friend» of the couple at the of Mr. and Mra. James W. Mc- road, is spending the holiday in MatXair's new home at Sandia Carty of 7 Sherman avenue, wm •Gets Rifle Unit Office Bermuda with a group from En- i B-i.se. Albuquerque. elected vice president of the Co- Theodore E. Mathlson, son ofdicott Junior College where she operative Government Associa- Mr. and Mre. D. W. Matbiaon of is a student tion at Hood College, Frederick, this city, Is public information of- Visitor* from Western College Md.* A junior, Miss MeCarty is ficer of Perahing Rifles et Purdue Beauty Hints Unlv«raity. Pershing Riflea is « Elizabeth Hanson of Windsor chairman of the World Student national honorary society for fresh- road is home for the holidays. By Mr. Richard LIT Service Fund, handbook com- men and eophomore atudente en- Her house gue.it is Mim Judith XLuiU-r Hair S'yiui, Sumratt. N. 1. US rolled in ROTC program*. Hazelton of Indiana her roommate Mathison la a graduate of Sum- j et Western College, Oxford, Ohio, DO YOU KNOW THE TAKE SUMMIT ANIMAL mit High School and is studying where they are sophomores. MLsa FACTS AEOUT WELFARE LEAGUE Inc. Agriculture. He to active In theSue Rlley of Cotumbun also a stu- CARE Purdue Forestry club. dent at Western College, will be a PERMANENT*? FOUND fdr the week-end. OF Fem»lf, part Htoitle, 1 year old. Bermuda Vacation HTfl* EVERYONE IS Put Shetland She*p dog, Malt, 4 William W. Koerner of 18 Col-Radio Announcer SO PLEASED? yean old, Brown aid black. YOUR ony drive, a etudent at Nkhola Ronald Oopaey of New Prov-J Part Terrier, m»1«, 2 y»rs old, Rich Whenever a now batch of' dark bWwn rout. V»ry nice dog. Junior College, la spending hi» idence, a member of the class of L'arrtnsptl'rrniancnUs arr made .and PRECIOUS Gertrnn shrphtrO, mult, 1 year old, spring vacation at the home of hi* 1954 At Afflherat College, ia uports weiring red pUsttc collar. before it is bottled, it is always Reupholstering announcer for the (student radio ! roommate, Th«mas . Vescy, who tested with standardized Jiair. tot POSSESSIONS LOST: •tation, the coltege has «n- ilives In Bermuda. Us ability to produce a permanent Bfaulf, H months eld, male, wmrlnf nounced. He alflo is & member ol collar with Hctnie attached. Candidate c.irl of a definite size when pei- the vanity track team and the Airformed nt a certain temperature Summit i.2941 Harrison Jotiea, ion of Mr. Force ROTG Mrs. Anbrpy H. Jones of 125 A»h- ••ni for II cf rtfiln length of tlm« Special MaoDuflle Student Home •l '-1("r<' •» no guc^work" In the l*v Dortnda Viehmann of Ridgevkw \md fVery Mn(i of 'otlon^wc use is pia tiuough thi mc nMn / . The Summit Pottery Shop ftvtnMwillbe home for the spring : * " *- JwHdayi. Dorinda U a student at j Jfs our* and !C» making mor- Any tola or chair, r&qardless of ccndlrion, tl Crmtiwt Avt. SV, 4-281I MapDuffle School at Springfield, j friends , , , our entirely different CeramJci Supplki — t uitom ririm Ma»«. k Junior, ahe Is active on {kind of ciiitom permiin^nt look.? compUMy rebuilt and reupholit«r«il of these th« achool |>*per and B member noft and natural from the vfrv Our modern vaults give CUtma — rinhhtd gift! to oHtf — R«flltln| of th* dramatic olub. start. A special technique f|v*>« moMy-icrvlng prlctt I you the best 5-way protection. Houri *;3»-S:30 Hall* hotly to your hair where It la net.'- On ffaw K99R A^ip. Renumber, while protecting your ed, m flfxiole you mny have a ncv«.> J»n«t M. Doughty of III Hickory style with each «—$50 $ .50 $ which t§ convivial " ' VOIHOHOII, mhimwfn ehorgt $1.50. Tils li»- CNMOt lift flN tllOff IfltllfQR6#. and ntlmuiaUnff LEARN TO TYPE IN 36 HOURS 44 89 ' MM , Thtit pricts tfftctiv* for a limited tinif. PHONE: SUMMIT 6-3100 THI STIRRUP CUP HOUR Hmmk -INt • lri.C«lltft • Pr«.S«rvl«« will find the fabric* you prefer In nur Prompt Call and IMimry Service INCREASE YOUR EARNING POWER (M< p.m. km nt prim that tvlll Inf^r^i yml Thf ««»*» II Saturday Momln?* • f A.M. to II Noon Mclr »*h" "Midi an rhatinVl and pillow |»flpkP*, «v<-r- Cocktall$ with varied AptM \\*hm 17. InrollmMt LlmlNd •lit $mn anil even our;exclusive "SMitl Emtu RtQhtrathn Obligatory. Vail w VUUtf -!MaiUN mtvim am imui^ wltliwwi extm «wi- iecr<»iftriiil Srhool Come in w phone, Am| our rrprf*rnffi(lvr will mfl 101 MAIN ST., ORANGE, N. J. ^ your home with wrnplw., Dgfemd p»ymp»l» GUANO! ^Wl^^^iwPw^^W™ IP^WIWBpF AVi., SUMMT tu. t-iooo mmmmmm, mmn THI SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1953 Newcomers' Club Plans Cord Party Lunch PERSONALS p April Luncheon An Engagement or Mrs. Prank R. Middleton will and Mrs. John J. Hunthigton ot, Hobby Hall danc« to be held at south. Their trip Included a visit vided by Bud Lolatte'a Rhythm- committee of the with.their daughter and son-in- •j-.,, To Be Held at entertain at luncheon today at tier Carmel, N. Y, Prior to that they! the Masonic Hull, Friday, April airea. Co-cheirmen for the dutett • !» rs' Club met foFUmeheoa home on Cromwell parkway. Her spent several days in New Yoris; 10. Miss Jessie Dotterer will re- law, Lieut. Col. Frederick V, Harris are Mr. and Mr«. Jobs J. Forjal- ceive the eighth grade in the eve- who are stationed at the Univer- chella of Orchid lane and Mr, ted rt-k at the horn? of the vice- Fortnightly Club guest* wiU Include Mrs. Wegtley City attending the theater. .Among! the productions they saw were! ning and on Monday, April 13, sity of Mississippi. Mrs. Nicholas P. Mosio of G«t«« ..i. Mrs. Robert A. Boyd, OR Thursday, April 30. and Frl- W. Marple, Mra. Gordon Iddles, i "Regina," "Misalliance'' and "Tn»' Mrs. Dttiia'.d VV. Johnston of Moun- avenue. 12 Clcarview. drive Plan* , at 12:4,1 p.m. the Fort- Mra. Wlilard T. Johna, Mrs. John tainvifw avenue and Mrs. Gustav Tomorrow at 8:15 p.m. the AUY 1 of Four Colonels". 'p.uit- for the club luncheon will fiKain hold its V. Wright* Mrs. John N. Blegen, Bittrich of I/iurel avenue «nd of the Community Church will hold Mr. and Mra, C W. Kalchthalwf Vutt ... held at 12:« p.m. Tuesday, annul)! luncheon,; curd party- and MM. Charles M. Mbtah, Mrs. Mrs. Harold B, Lance after six Mrs. Ralph E. Blank of Dogwood « benefit square dance and card of Birmingham, Mich., are BOW at lingerie show sponsored by the ape- the Hotel Suburban for as indsfi* i 21, at the Condor on North- Charles B. Kane, Mrs. Joseph Ur- months of traveling In Canada and drive will be hostesses for the fifth party at tins YWCA. . cial events committee. The show ban, Mrs. J. E. North, Mrs. George the West is returning to this city grade. -,• nite stay Mr. Kalchthaler Is with "road''in Livingston. Notices will toe preswnU'ii by the }Vggy Ab- Mrs. Loi« Nelroy.of Gftles drive ,A. Carlson, Mrs. George B. Larkin and will be temjMjrarily at 43 Nor- General Motors Corp, bieri matted to all active bott Trouh^cyux Shop. Models-are wood avenue. Mr. and Mrs Kdward Quirk of who is leaving h<-r position at- being 3( It dvd from the member- ;and' Mrs. C. H. Richardson. Bell Laboratories was honored at Roger Zerwcck, aon of Mr. a&d ,„ rs of the club and any West Newton, Miuss,, and their fillip. Alethe Lafrd, daughter of Mr luncheon Tuesday afternoon by Mra. J. W. Zerveck of High street, ,,r.!S in the Summit area may Mrs. John G. Killian of Aahwood flve »tjrus are visiting Mrs. Quirk's Invitations are beinjr mailed thlfr and Mra. A. G. Laird of Windsor thirty of her co-workers. and Donald Kinley, aon of Dr. and ,,j by calling the reservations mother, Mrs. Lxiuis Mouquin of Mm J. W. Kinley of Aahtand wts-k to member* of the club. Rea- ivenue entertained her canasta road, entertained 100 guesta after riii;tn, Mrs. Lincoln H. Wil- Oak Ridge avenue Mr. and Mrs; H. F. Ford of At- road, were hosU at a dinner party ervatiom. may n(> m it the end of April. Oak Itidge avenue rvtunuMl lajjt geni/ral personnel , manager • of later attended the Hobby HaU -' m odditioii to Misw-Rog- Kdgewood road entertained at a ineluitf Mrs! Gt-orfce" >i. Wil- Thursday from a two months stay Western Union, New York, dance, Mr. and Mra. Morris H. Cook dance at hk home 5'riday after ,.,.<• attending the luncheon at i. MB: Ivt.T 11 Dunnfkr,Mrs. at Siesta Key, Sarasota, Fla, the GO. show, Between a hundred The Couple's Club of St. Tereaa's Mr. and Mra. Jean Gentil* of Bovd's home were Mrs. Lout• Bradford Buehrach siatod Mr. and Mrs. Sehwurr. «« reation hall. Music will be pro- Petersburg, Bla, in 1* Prof tor,' membership bi-rt. Mr*, [ij-ibfit A. I^wis, Mrs. of his 68th birthday on Easter Sun- The third annual dance for the daV. The party, arranged by h.s hostess. Ronald Brown wa« at the t;try; Mrs, Fred C, KinsU'r- •Arnold R Union, Mr*. D. Dougl«ig »'-•-I' Playhouse Association members piano. . . ,_• treasurer:' .Mrs. John J. MK Alpiiif, Mr.s. Henry J, PetcrH, Former Resident wife, was attended by his daughter and guests will be held Saturday and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Stan- vv hospitality chairman; Mrs. Mrs. Will?am 'p.' R;u> «nd Mrs! Betrothed to night, April 11 at' Canoe Brook ley J. MeGrath; their children, Mr. end Mrs. W T- Carpenter •IT P. .Smith, publicity chuir- Jam>t» VV. Wt iaii. Country Club. Chairman for the Peter Bennett, Sherrill Ann and of the Hotel Suburb^ have re- ,);.,:i. anc! MY*. "William F.'. Satter- Brown Senior event will be Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wendell Goodheart McGratli; Mr. turned to tht; hr>tel wfter a two- 600D-LO0KIN6 SLASSiS •.,., sponsor of the club. | Hickoks Dine Summit and Mr. and Mrs. Henry' Wart1, Jr., A. Anderson, Jr., assisting them nn<\ Mrs. Reginald S. Hughes and month varatiou at Ctwirwater, Fla, will be Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dederer Area GOP Committees of Marit-mont, Ohio, formerly of their daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Kou- Mr. and Mrs. John A. Bullock ASK YOUR EYE PHYSICIAN Summit, have announced, the en- and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ratichek. crt E. White of Ramsey; Mr. and A "thp.nSt you gesture" by. Free- of Sunset drive spent the week- gagement of their daughter, J«ne Mrs. Walter R. S. Dickinson'oi holder Ernest V. Hiekok and'Mre. end at Washington, D. C. Noel •Banck«r, to George A. Bray, Jr., Mrs. Edwin T., Layng of Gleri Florham Park and Mr. and Mrs. Hickok of ..Summit for the GOP son of Mr. and Mrs. 'George A. Oalt avenue has returned from u Richard W,. Venn of Wliippany and j CoiTiiiiiit.-'-) uf Siiinmit, N,. Vrttv-. .• Colonel and Mm • Walter B. Coward's iV Bruyof WmiK'tka/.IU,- stay at Bristol, Tenn, where she children, . 1 : iiicntv ttini Berkeley Height* took FarS&s and 'daughter,* CliarlotU , of Mws Wurc i«a graduate of Kent vteited her sjeter, Mrs. E. R. Man- Blftekbiiru road lire now at home : th(. fxpref.sion.of a buffet eupper 1 Place School, class of 1950, and ia ney, • Mra Peter" V. GoldsehmiCt of "Brief giv.-n for fifty JJUCHU; in the Audu- after a month's vacation in the now a junior et Pembroke College, Morris avenue entertained twclvr : ban rootn-of the Hotel Suburban, 613 Centra! Ave. Springfield Ave Mr: Bray i«j a 'Senior at Brown Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Shartz of guegts for lunchi*on and bridge *n ; Summit. ji week'ago Monday. .... East Orange, N j Summit. M. I. Encounter" •University iiiid after*^graduation Oahridgc avende returned last the Silver room of the Hold Sua- CORSETIERE& SALESLADY i ^ - AdiUtKHiai -gut's-Ls aftho-.^arty SU, M84« r T->- 4»1IUUL . ta;,-*»ier,- Harvard.^Medical week froava three week- afttrnoon. ; included Ffceho:'i.vr Allh-rt J. lion- r WITH School. • cruise. , For Exctuthe Specially Shop. I Trevor Howard j er George W. Hrrlich of Hillside we<)dii)g. « 3 . Mr. and Mrs. John Charles Sacco Hobiirt avenue and Mra James H,' 5 l>ay Week, Excellent Salary. cilia Johnson 1 and Domth] M. Poarsnll of Wciil- of Kent PJac« boulevard spent the Maroney of Fcrnwood drive will Summit Q-tm, Kv<-,. 0145 Fortnightly Club week-end as house guests of Mr bo hostesses to the fourth grade • AT THE Postpones Welfare Sale mi; v \iu;v MIOP BoL-auso the store at 361 Spring- II. I). PRATT field avenue i» not available for Strand KEW HJlt.NITWRK the month of April, the welfare Nationally artvrtllsprt and custom ehtrtj furnituif OUT speclaltj. department of the _JEflrtnightrr Summit J-S90O . — ANTIQUES — Club has been conipelled to past- Visit Our Show Room— Open Kvery Day poni; its annual spring house ITUES. APRIL 14 Rd,, VVatcliutiR fL 8-7623 cleaning sale for one month.. • It will be Md at the above address on May 7, 8 and B, and the collection dates will be Mon- day, Tuesday and Wednesday, May IT'S i, 5, and 6. Friday Guild Meets Tomorrow at I p.m. The Friday Guild of the first Baptist" Churrh will hold its April meeting; tomorrow at the home of .PATENTED Mrs. C. T. HdsJtew, 315 Summit avenue. Dessert will be served at 1 p.m. Following a aliort business meet StaNu ing. MUSB Edna Dawaon, former DRYCLEANERS member of the church staff, will FINISHING PROCESS present the program, "Glimpses of Norway, Sweden, and Oberammer- dry cleaning at its finest Kau." MM. Haskew will be as sistod by Mrs. W. I,. Bond, Miss You'll be thrilled with the new beauty Madeline Buzzell, Mrs. Roberta V in every garment. Clothes look S. Rwd, and Mrs. E. A. Vcazie. new longer. Not-so-new clothes LOOK NEW again! Try STA*Ntl TODAY! REPAIR SERVICE Watch Rfepain $1A*NU COSTS NOTHING EXTRA Pearls Restrung Engraving Plafing CORBY'S LAUNDRY Crystals Fitted Immediately SU. 6-1000 CARLANS Four Community' Jeweler '<•. Open Frl. Fves. til 9 P.M. «! 119 Springfield Ave. SU. 6-1440 •* DINE OUT at the * Holly House

A date for two .. . family

dinner ... business lunch- Investors Savings & Loan, Mill Ki burn beckons you to consider their eon ... whatever the occa- Vacation Club. Each year about sion, you'll enjoy a meal Ilila time.'flc-nds of . wise people receive nice fat checks toward at tlio Holly House. vacation days ahead. Join the .happy throng! • • * Finest Foods Tastily Prepared Don't diet' If ynu look healthy • and Courlt'omlti Served and feel well. If Mils i.<*n't your present state, perhaps the Ann Dehifield method could aid. The 1 'I i OPPOSITE MILLBURN R.R. STATION only oonr.se wo know where you 'J' '4 can "wt. your cake and have IT ESSEX STRliT, M1UBURN Ml. 6-0089 too." ROGERS Pharmacy! Rexall wile- April 15-18th. Print blouses Whatever the occasion for partying — The Trout Bake Shop FUWINGTON FU^ CO. will come tip with just the right 1 Opt» SUNDAY & E**ry thing. Trost'n |><'!it fours and doc orated party rakes assure success- ^and something more f ful entertaining, * • * Don't be In a toy If your Iri'.isfvi are (ffttlnR un Ouilrt be tlnir for a new por- rnnnr-nt Tliftt IX'Ing the cnuw, eon- (net The I>3»ntifl Beauty Salon They excel In M>tt,

Pnlrwny Oh>nm>M offer a fair Wny fd parking probU*m». When The most decorative addition to Meromr-cosr men !

»- $119 » $1795 R help In fl crowtJi'd city! winter1 ctrapefl «lcnnfld,,no a flip of purt illk «• •»>• ntckllnt- Chlnwo-ArncrS- em , to fold or tie with an imaginatfv© Family Dinners pervwl at , liouro. For thin upecinlty, eoniiult \nwk of menu, Make frlojtida with colors meant for everyohe's spring. t . thl# ch«rnil«i| J>i«e whore the food Ifl Owl Sizes 10 to 18, I4.95 linvhl J. t * • thud for Iniitntllntf nlr rUMIH0T0H.il. I, lug Top fh«« torrid monthi Lord *T«ylor, Millburn Aft«r !«»t yesr'" wpefUncp, why "*« #«Mty't fur IMJI nuwuro mitnmer comfort? Mr. KJOIHI. THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, APRIL. •..1953. m, m, Council wpre^ed keen dU»pnpint. ln£m 137, itj, ment when one of the Key | .', 832, 1017—am State Provides a Hilltop Nine Will Play Bill's Shell Ties Pulverizing Cuts Charline Lwrry* ipwt Sliop owners on Jatf year's a(,ftl.h '^J J, PbtUippl i«T, 19S, I«3-J44; 0*1- that for commercial wt^m J, b*ny 102. lf» 191—518: Petrosa* 21*. For Additional would lw unable to go (ii,,,, y Tomorrow Lead in Men's Pin League 182, 162—55«; B»um 133, 1®, 17«—#M; K { At Cranford For First Place O«et 188, HI, 173—««; T»t&k 864. 8«8, Summit High School's baseball I Su»i,:nit U. the defending Subur- 83t—35M. year with fly fishing <-,„!>• ()>1 j,. Pulverizing Machinery, bowling Pat P<4rc>£za's opening 214 w«a the property. "* followers wil! hit ye in -wait until j ban J!a*obni! Gt>nfi-r^ncv Ch»m- Fly Fishing '(•-throe good 900 games, and a three only 200 game. Hugh Williams 197 York 191, im, 1«7—SM; Keni S18. next week in order to set Coach ! pions, with thf dark horse passihi"'- in Women's League ' Consequently, the su K . i iie total of 2788 won two of three was high for Tracsdell'*, but Bobby U7, IH—417: Oarno l», !». I5l~»; The State Fish »nd»Oani« Coun- Elwood ' Cornog'a 1953 Maroon and i ity nearby Millburn. The question r 1«. and Game Council 'h' p' A photo finish is in prospect for j from Charlinea in last we«k's ec- York, still hitting-well over his Tsylor 1S3, 168,^37—468; Wllli cil, Department of Conservation White diamond aggregation in ac-j mark throughout the entiie Subsir- 1S1, 197-523; TotsU 7St, 7W, 80fr-a3«S announce- that the -fly the NVw .Providence Womeii'a j tion in the City Bowling League average every week had a 664 three PuIvwUinc Marb. Corp. and Economic Development, last tion on the holmrfiffld, ] ban' L'oiifiTi'iic? v»' pitching.- with tnd week announced negotiations have stretch now'under eoiihW,r, * Bwlmg Lciguc a»-.'Bill's Shell j < chopped one Isuiae o« the game total. J*rowy 168 !7i, 24a-5ei; WWy 1J4. ,r,lU ' iiktiiy y\n\is tidying "v^t *'•*»«* in \wy 1®. l*6~mi 8ulliv»n IM, »l." 5ilr- ,b«en completed for a new »tr«Heh commence^ iinniedMti-Jy \iV fishing water on the popu- year's area and |nclu.i«s. ,}vet\ • opener with 'Regional High School • . • ; Shop. All of the Pulverising in a row for them as they swept QueKion aff7. 113, 179—3*); Tot*Si 930, ' reeded U? make a Champion. , 9m, W0--3788. lar Muaconetcwig River. mile of excseilent water on thu ev«r en Tuesday afternoon, with the with Chiovarou and Son hut j Machinery bowlers hit well over Ciba, going, over the 900 mark in Tin- strrtch. starts at the bridge poputar Musconfeteong |>>Vtr Hiiltoppera achfduird to face Wednesday night by winning ] their average, with the exception their lest two gamea. Hubie Ged- Hunt J37. 153, 171-483; on Schoolrys MoUBtoin road, cs> When the fly'-fiahln« s, m., .^ Cranford «way tomorrow (Friday) three points-from the lkmo Well of Ed Ril*y. Bill MacQueirtlon was dis' 210 single game and 565 series 213. 180, *176~.S69; Klvlen IM. 1«. IM— : h u |4»1; P*i*ll 188, tee. 182-536; -Deiirleb ti-nduig tiuwnBtreuin approximate- followed-by garaw with- Pingry Tennis Club Has higtl man with 5 w under way at sunrise Ull sa[ "Ull C!.«ni-r»•*Uih> Chiovarou and Son i "' *«U° e4 close- were high in. the match. Don ! tW, IM. Ul— SM; ToUia 642. 841. W- Prep on Tut-aday at Eiiznbvth, and ' 2835. ly one niUi' to the entrance of the May 9, it will continue unihtrrriin!' ; .. ..•••„.. mt My by Ralph TuthUi's 50? and Al Coomb's waa high in both depart- playing Regional.in the postponed • • Roots Men-i Shop river into the Cook Chemical «dly to and including »i.uWb,r •wit three points to Ivigros.-The ! i .' .,- , „• *• • u -' J ment* for Ctba'wlth 209 and 556. on Wednesday afternoon, April Good Turnout u 1 W. Paul IM. 188. 807^551; T. Reyn- Work* Pond, opposite, Ocdar 30. Daily JWiing hour.s v.ni (,e «. *«^ Jarossy* 5b5. Johnny Dietrich and Only five more night* of bowling 15th! 6 ! olda 1T9, 17V, 1*8—506; H. OedcSU 210, Oastie from sunrise to 9 p.m .%-,„ (1,f)ft. remain with at least five teama still I 177, • 178—HI5; O, aetotraer 140, 190, icea was,, rather costly to Done j jaek Lawrence with 586 and 868 1 At th«' aanic time, the State than four trout muy hi- t<-.k, ,j i,, Indications arc that Coiicli Cor- in the running for top honor*. The 202—541: 3. Yams 166. IKS, in--3»; n m nog will agwin field another bet- For Opening Day YVeli a* it not only coat them top j \me high for Charltne's.' Al- Jar- 800, 930. 912-2702. Flsii tj, „' ^,!d ln the be "bump" and ahould be the de- Behn- 13". 183, 196—465, \ van'.a-.of the n«'«r perfect tveaih- tn:ntelwurt k l #j.ot ,thrm a &in«l, to eth<> runm-r-up ! »»teh as well the League accordance with law at 8 p.m., except artificial flies .Ahi,n ,„, n cially if the pitching holds up as • •• f \ (or the night, ciding matches to determine the 157, 183, 101—S01: Coomb* 148, 1W the Hi!l!oppers should muster suf- ] er last' weekend, with constant, ac- Bl.is onf I. 2f®-53«; Burgfr 191, 181, l«--438. April 28 in the Ciyl! Defense Hear- presfily limited to dry il-,..., ,M[ point behind j „ . • , _, , „,. ... 1953 winner. '"' Plshw 191. 160. 1»—50»; ToMiU 824, tivity on a!I five clay courU at the ing Room, first floor, State Hou«* flies, bucktails, nyni-ii.-s mi ficient hatting strength to get the j Squirea Men a Shop hit a hew SUMMIT CITY needed runs to win ball games. cia&sy Sunset Drive racquet club. I high single gam*" for themselves (ME.V'S BOWLING LEAGUE Annex. Trenton, to pass upon the Btrearncrs, Expressly i.!yon'« M«r- [for the season" in the .league when' 'Squire Men'* Shop 48Vi 311^, R8842 To Release Schedules Three other fly flshing stretches Also expressly prohibit.',) nn- «:ij. Ssvagfl E»»o 8#rvle« 47 37^ 895.«895«2 ning reel or any type nf ingHn. j amount of play-on thb early Holi- 'n.-t \v«--ti ;hr-(- i»;nt.s from Seco- j they' totalled ?9ai, a» they won l*rry'» Sport Shop 47 37 " 883.T8 The Summit Recreation Depart- will also be opened on Saturday, ! day weekend. The courts were in Pulvcrlfing Mfccli. 45 36 881.6 May 9,. at eunrise. These, already whereby the fly la cawt dir^]* rr.H. Botlr Warry'4 Esso Service j tw0. games from Sava«e Ewo Root's Men's Shop 42H 41H 8*0.27 ment City Softball League will excellent condition with mftr.y. and VUe—S«v&ge BSBO Service in^ continental United KUi.-jt, -bu» WIn;n the Summit Tennis Club v.i:;m:;Hh Kitt: th*y - "Hlglf'kiv!!)i Cmme"of J. K o,f Smi172t. {k-aguo for night, with Al Koby- 1st (High Game)' ing will start at 8 p.m. sharp, with Roy Tract; on the South. Branch the University of Sani^) Tumai «•«» founded in 190S. the member- E:;;".•> She" had the "High Game" larz second high with 600. Gus (1030)—Pulverizing Machinery all teajn Manager*, requested to of the Raritan River, Hunterdon •->? 714. and the "Higli Serifs" of (10201—SftVig* EssG Ser»lc« attend aa the League schedule County, in the stretch of water Manila, Phillppituvlstomly, jj fa ship was limited to hvo hundr.-ci Kalleasee hit 596 and. sponsor (1013)—L&rTT's Sport Shop ohlivjt under former, juriwlirtlon' players. Following World \Var II. Nick Ruisl 574 for Squire'*. Jim 1st (High. 3 CtemAs) will be released as well as rulfs known as tha "Ken Ijockwood WOMKN'S 10811—W. KfacQutfttlon ' of this.country. It was established' the membership h«lVI.IN«.|.£-AfiL'K Str«n«ihan ainicurt hit hb average In 1633. twenty-two. At the present (T — April JstV (M8)—J. Preyb«rg*r . League will probably ollow use of Fly Stretch, from Vail's Bridge on the nose with a 530 series. Sav- 1st (High Oume) 1 __ i Polnti ten player*, t&et pitching, with no on the county road leading from- 4 the membership for' a!! 'da . 1 H~i age managed to salvage one game (261)—P. InmcolA .- an4 pattwistwo. 74 (248)—J. Vtina bunting or ateiHng baaea per- Route $ to Vail, downstream to a 74 of the set when they finished with ^258)—J. I*wen«. '" ' •• C e> t s mitted. point approximately 200 yard» f"ou depend upon " a etfing of .strike* to win by 40 TOP XE.V ISJlIVIDUAl- JlVEKAGES MAKING HISTORY Board of TrustWs adopting'alvrSi> Name -•------••<}•.... --^AWr ; A -ien team League 1« p^nriifi. above Crtstnen'a Bridge on the tor'* di»Kno«is ant! prescrip- pin* %'ft*'f %eij*g ;/dpwp<. .fey... five .... ;..' 81 180.29 with tion to protect your health. lutlon raising the permissi-bU 54'j rnarka in he seventh frame."1 Both- with gamt's to be played 'on "ill" liniit.'The' Summit Tennis CSub 50 •.— 81 181M tlifee Merntittai Fidd B(Ja-«n- .-The .at*tc.Ti.«h.;«nd..o Sfrvlcp 34.1 Oosdlft 240. \n, 1M-«S1; Rulsl 182. Bell Labs Wins Table appreciation of "the necessity tat Prescription Center •luni'ir Cinic, with *ixi> of •he:- i I two games on first place when \I«rket '. -\W 210. 182—574;. Kallensee 1«9. 192, 215— outdoor recreation In modern liv- ninety-three junior** taking part ("par,t»r» . 142 they swept their match with Trues- 596; Str»nah»n 205, !4«, 17»—530; Tennis Championship SO Maple St. Summir II - F •• ••'rvlce 17!) Koblarz 195, 133. 113—900; ToUla 1011, ing. The Clinic for this year is sehed H deli's in the lowest scoring match The B^Il Labs recently gained J K s i 937, 983—2931. The proposed new fly-fishing SU. £-7171 ulfid to be held during May and X- - !) ] «. Service 135 of. the- night, Larry's middle game S.tvate two the Summit Industrial Table Ten- June. c 'imers . 135 of 888 waa high in th« match as Moults 176, 181, 223—560; Preyberg- nto Championship nipping Ciba stretch starts Immediately below I) 11 Cleaners 135 or 312, 139, 182—533; 8. Pnillippl 158. Pharmaceutical in a close finish, last year's fly fishing stretch on with only two games leparatlng the Muftconetcong River. Tbo the first and second place clubs. SUMMIT INDUSTRIAL Doraey'a hand. Bud ha* had his •; TABLE-TENKIS tEAGl'K orchestra for tl>o last five years ! (Kln*l SUndlnis) W. t. Pel. and also luis a eix piece combo I Bell Lai* 32 13 .800, as well. He will feature th« com- j cib» ;. so !5 rro CeUn«s« 4| 24 .630 binntlon unit at' tomorrow's prom, j Public B«rHc« 30 43 .308 Bud, when not producing musk, i J. K. 8mlt 11 M .169 is employed at Ciba. He la the son., Questions and of Mr. and Mra, Michael Lolatte. more.. Answers fo Veteran Problems Q—I meet all the eligibility re- quirement* for training under the Korean GI^Bi!!. However, I've recently gone back on ac- tive duty. May I take a cor- respondence course under the Have You f vor Had program, even though I'm now in uniform? a Mod on A—No. Even though you nwt nil the eligibility requirement^ Ihe Phoebe Snow? for i the law requires that you be Some of our epicurean friends beauty a civilian when you taKe your have been gracious enough to training. Veterenj-lmck on ac- •ty that it's worth taking a h tive duty may not train under trip on ti« Lackawanna jutt to e the law. nave one of tho»e delicious Q—1» there any time limit I have home-style meals served in tho look..,) to meet, In starting training Phoebe Snow diner. under the Korean OI Bill? I Here, amid the surroundinp of have juM received my dis- Thore's an old saying that a thing is worth a smart, intimita restaurant, charge. •killed chefs delight in pamper, what someone is willing to pay for it. Well, if A—You must begin your training ing your appetite with a wide within two ye«ra of the date you could tour the wholesale and retail used car variety of delicacies...Lus- ' of your discharge, Veterans cious, light-crusted apple-pie, auctions around the country, if you could survey discharged before August 20, oozing with juice... thick SUE- 1952, however, miut begin by hundreds of used car lot* you would discover that used aling «teaks...kru8ty korn August 20, 1954. kobs... and marvelous cofleel Fords bring higher prices than any competitive Q—I have quite a large nuirtber of Beit of all, the, prices are right! make—and by substantial amounts. '-, bills I'm trying to pay. One of A complete dinner from «oup to my creditor* It getting Jmpa- dessert-costs m little M $2,15. tient, and haa threatened to the 10CAI buying qMe take over my dlwbHity com- offer is called Fordomatic. tt it the most versatile (or 9 out of 10 f | ^HATS WHY ire fe«l oor *5$ can should •o good, both in durability and tppe«rtnc«, (hat pensation, until hia bill i* paid 1 not be compared with cam in the same price on the market, it represents the most profound you probably could not tell the difference. You off. Can he do thb? New Jersey Shoppers range. Not because our competitors don't do consideration of engitic-to-wheel power transfer— might even prefer it, because of itt better design A—No. Disability compensation r payment»~iu» well aa all other a good job—obviously they do—but because we and that it docs the best job for our engines isn't and more pleasing appearance. New Jffsty M Telephone 1 VA benefit payments—are ex- feel Ford Cars have more in common with the even open to question. It "shift* ' better than you empt from the claJma of cred- liitminii highest priced automobiles. The limilaritiea are could shift by hand. Then there's the question of sheet metal. If you itors, under the law. far greater than the differences. were to me*«ure and analyse the sheet metal O—L» a service - connected disa- What you ran $m in ahi» imjporlant. Here structure in the most expensive car, you most bility, incurred since Korea, For example. Today, the most expensive cars in again Ford Cars lead not only in their price field likely would find it identical in thickness to the enough in Itself to entitle me to vocational training under ^his country have V-typef 8-cylitwler engines. Ford but in the medium and upper brackets as well. corresponding panels in Ford. Public Law 13? I have an Can have had thb exact same type of engine for Ford visibility ii Full-Circle Visibility. This means huge, curved unobstructed jz;l;tss area, front and After all, efam, what h the difference honorable discharge, Over 20 years. A—No. In addition, you must have rear, }>hi» side windows that allow all passengers between a Ford and the contluntt earn? « need for training to l What's more astounding, the current Strato-Star what the hotels rail ''room with a view." - come the handicap of VS sells for hundreds of dollars less than several In our opinion, the difference is largely a matter diMbillty. ©ther makers charge for a six-cylinder car. Now Appmranm? A higher price, of course, doe« not of dimeniioni, weight (and the power required there's nothing wrong with a Six but they do cost The National Geographic lo- make a far more beautiful. Conversely, beauty in a to move it) plus the distinction of owning a car clety «ayt baletrla, a aport played lew to make, ford makes a Six—the most modern Ford comes "for free.11 Ford lias found that it tiiat not so many other people own. The denirc by Indians In Panama, is on* of overhead valve Six in the industry. And if it'» a costs no tnorc to develop a beautiful car tlian one for thctc things in understandable,.. and probably the world's roughest gamea object six-cylinder car you want, Ford hai it and for lew that is less pleating in appearance. You can drive justified for people who are willing to pay the of the game k to disable an oppo- nent by hurling a heavy six-foot tnonty than the V-8, which is ai it should be. price to satisfy it. up to the most exclusive doorway* in the world pole at hla legj. and fed perfectly at home in your Ford. Fords What about rW#? Here's another.Ford similarity "belong",. . , in exactly1 the same social category An to owflpstinf! Ford with dtbjf em in its When large g«m« animals In- wrth high'pfieed cars -.. * , MtAmg (lemferL Qm of iW'tb* finest, .«n«-of-kiriy all mean* ik> so if you wish, Hut, habit a eountry, tliey Make trails Which; are oft»n "followed fey ttim», the misconceptions for many years has been that Ford it a custom creation multiplied. a« we said before, you'll get a better picture of and/feany roadi follow what one* weight—sheer weight—is whit it lakes to male a Ford value by comparing with curs that are most we're game tmlla, car ride well. Ford ha§ found that you can make i What about running mnUf Here's one pUoe like Fords—tho»« that are priced up to twice as 3000-pound car ride softer and hold the road that Ford's advantage* are ohvioun. For nil and gas much, In fact, we think you'll quickly begin com- better by Jar than many can that weigh a ftill 1000 economy Kojrd \nn the l>i$ cars whip|»cd. Ford paiiriK (Jie other cars with Ford-^-becauiw the 1953 pounds more. In the *53 Ford, for example, front ptrti cost lew, Ford service charges arc less. Ford Ford km rcilly c-iiablinhed die New Standard of U«s end road shock has been reduced up to 80%. We tirt mileage is thouwiruls of miles greater. And, American Rcwd. mmmwh i Compftrt Selection of my it compare* moat favorably with tlw heaviest Ford depreciation ii th« lowest of any car on (he ACCOUNT eati sold today. nbrket—bar none, 1 NUMItltS •T«nni$ Raelwti Wk*t *b

. Funer*! service* wer* held In the tfl-ox. can E. P. Burroughs tt Son Funeral Pork & Beans Home. 309 Springfield avenue, at 11 o'clock yesterday morning, con- Kaylan Stainless Steel Ladle ducted by Rev, Jesse H. Lyona, More Pillsbulry Values Dae to mnent temporary conditions in the iteel indus- PRICED BELOW pastor of, the Summit Methodist try beyond oat control, it is impossible to obtain the Church. Burial was In St. Johns- Pillsbury Pancake Flour not.ot. , i m complete number ol ladles necessary, on time! bury/Vt. _ f- 17C MANY MODELS IM THE LOWEST PRICED HELD! Hot Roll Mix If yolir store Is sold out of Its supply of ladles, you will U\%-n. receive a certificate with your $10 purchase entitling WB1T* you to the ladle for 39c without additional purchases. Mental Health Cake Mix •r GOLDEN, IJ-«. pkf- OiC llrt It may be redeemed in the Acme Market shown on the Unit Hears Chocolate Fudge Cake Mix « -'t *n« back by May 29.1953. Ideal Crushed Pineapple *£• 25c Talk on Crime MEAT Tht Importance of the roles Butter Cookies » WALBECK played by the family, the school and. Dill Gherkins 17c Mkklse* OK- the community In crime prevention Ritz Crackers I6-»t. pkf. Pickles "*s^ni* 33c was pointed out In a talk by Dr. Cheez-It Jr. Sonibln* David Dreasler, crlmlnologlst end Sweet Pickles Jl»r Cer»I Round Roast author, who spoke to members and Fig Bars Cream of Rice II-.I. pit. guests of the Union County As- isu-«>. Ditk«« <-••• 17r Cookies c™ Pkf. 33c Cocoanut sociation for Mental Health at «n r Shrtiies pif. open meeting of the Association Apple Juice «<>»« 2 »2L 45c Bon Olive Oil held kut Tuesday evening in the 25c or Steak sow **«•'„, 69' Westfield Presbyterian Church Orange Juice '&£ 2 Q-T Frosting parish house. Prune Juice IDEAL 29c Cocoa Marsh Cat from Acme's top quality beef. Solid meat, no fat added. At all Acmes! COMPAM DODGI Q««l Bottle 16-91. J*t In discussing the subject, "Crime 27c 37c FOI VAIU1 ui Your Problem," Dr. Dressier said Tomato Juice r.M, «2 «2*,„£, Marshnt&llows ol Fresh All New that the pattern fot crime begins CORONATION SALAD Cabbage "r^' Jan 07* Ib. You can buy a big n«w Dodge in Infancy when emotional securi- Shoulder FEATURES! Borax Soap KDWHAHS^ 23c with all the features that only ty is more important than at any Picnics 35 other time in life. Any Influence, Ry-Krisp ,*, 23c Kirkman Flakes 'Si*:27c A delicious, economical change for dinner. Dodge can give you at a price he said, which helps to strengthen Cling Peaches 31c jwrf above the fowestf See for family life, to better our educa- Rib Roast Beef ». 63c Beef Liver m. 59C COLORED MARGARINE yourwlf a|| tht comfort, roortil- tional objectives and to make our Granulated u. 67c Plate Beef i5 Smoked Tongues n>. 53c community a better place in which Ideal Margarine 23c B il nou and handling ease that to live—is a crime preventive. He Ib. Cleanser 5S25* 2 »S;l!>c. Ground Beef 39C V-BGHT OR SIX 5S25r Fresh Frosted Fish only Dodga provides at such cited mental health associations Princess 22c R»KMAN Mnty Ik. e»ri«a Scrapple pkf. 9OC 5M "t'mmf twtn fawwt- as good examples of this type of »-tinie !««•• 7- Fillet of Haddock o low pricel Houn" Monday Itvru fritfcsr, influence. Schools, he said, should Good Luck ,/,:„* 2 47c Cat Fnnri 6«PMWflXTVC>«wJI1 Chucks Lamb In O». •* Fillet of Pollock «;. 25c teach that knowledge \a merely a \uai rooa 55C ** 55c tool for living and not en end in All Acmes Open Every Friday To 9 Cold Cuts Shrimp p ALWAYS Sii YOUI DODGI DEALER FOR TKf KST VALUE All WAYS I itself. Dr. Dre*sleer s&id that In moat All Advertised Prices Effective thru Sat., April 11 -COME IN TODAY! correctional institutions In our "We Know your DODGE and PLYMOUTH best" country where criminals are now being "rehabilitated," the odds are that a criminal will come out much worse than when he was com- OTTO SCHMIDT, Jr., Inc. mitted, that only about two per cent of our prisons supply the IDEAL [304.306 BROAD STREET SUMMIT, N. J. needed mental health program, California Fancy vocational training and help re- PEAS SUMMIT 4-U65 quired by Individuals for rehabili- Sptdal! Etch package equate Vh n». fresh peas in pod. tation. II. 1 ASPARAGUS 19 Beans 20c French Fries"- U.S. No. 1 Maine Broccoli 23c Vegetables rS 19c POTATOES 10 £33 SEABROOK BABY UMAS Special! 10-oz. pkg. 21 New Cabbage 5c Florida Seedless Grapefruit 4 for 29C Chilean Spanish Onions etch 5 LOUISIANA DAIRY Where Your Savings GROW Ring Cake 45 Delicious crunch foM ctkt, enriched with frtsh crushed orange*. COIORED Niw lavtrt often till ui they are turpriitd to find how rapidly th»ir monty Cmnchy Pecan Sticky Buns $t %\ SHARP Ik mount* hirt. Wi »r* not. Thtr* «• d«finH« r*«oni why your living. 65 Ag«d oftr one year for raptrb fltvor. Supreme Seeded Rye Bread g£f 15c grow ffittr, rtiioni that ar« « part of helpful Summit Ftdtril Provolone Salami ». Pabgt-Ett Blue Cheese Gruyere •itfM*< • Syifimitlc«av|ngi tarn ft % to IT. 41c Velveeta , » 59c Snappy Sh.ff.r4 Supremo • Mwiiyiavtd iy th« I Of h of any month ttrni dMdindi White from tht I if of that month. Sheffield Cottage Cheese Bread • Y©y iav« ai eonv#nl«nt—any amount at any timt, Sliced Colored American 1*.«. 4 • Yen IMW your tavingi art iaft, ,. iniurtd up *« $10,000. 59c C«fM In and open an account mw with $$ SNOWY Educator Crisco B&M Oven Baked Listcrinr Beans Antiseptic CRAX ••• ode o * SUMMIT FEDERAL SAVINGS %** 23c Hunt Club Kirkman Burnetts Llfltcrine Cold Seal Detergent i? Instant Pudding Tooth Paste Glass Wai Dog Food *««#, £jM**tftt«. f 52a fewfn* mmm mmm • ^mmM^^ * 49-51 Maple St Summit SpHngfieM Ave. ud South SLMew THE SUMMIT HERALD. THURSDAY. AHIl t. Iffl LEGAL ADVEBTMEMENT LE(*AL ADVERTISEMENT thenaeum County Cancer FENDING ORDINANCE Bridft Dest., wa* ©a roll e*U unaai- AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC APPLIANCES lAoualy adopted, (Costiatted from p*f« t) AN ORDINANCE to Authorize the Freeholder Carr for Public Property , Widening, Grading and Paving of Oomxnlttte, "accepting bid of Douii- knee. He wu more lnter«Acd in Clinics Treated Cr«*cent Avenue and Woodland las Valentine, lowctt bidder for con- A*«uif in tn* Vicinity of the New struction of *n extension to the Vot- music itself than in b«coming a Lincoln School and Authorizing tne ing Machln* Building in tocorJiace Appropriation. Therefor. with plans and •ptciftcttioai it tiie virtuoso. 575 New Patients County Yard, South Ave, Seot«h , BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Wiles Richard Aidrich of the The eaiwtr dttectlon cliaic* j- CouneU' of tb* City of Summit, In PUin* «t tfc* bid of W.&M.O0, tu tht County of Union, State of Hew on roll ctll uninimoxuly adopted. ' New York Time* die4 In 1924 Olln tponaored by the New Je-«ey r,,. Freeholder Carr for Public Property Jersey, as follow: vision K)t the American Can«:r &. Section i, The widening, grading Committee, accepting bid of irvlag- Downes Who had «lnwdy won * and paving of Crescent Avenue and ton Steel & Iron Work*, lowest bid- wide audience (or hi» writing was ctety h*ve In the pspastt year set« Woodland Avenue in the vicinity of der, for furnishing and erecting a record for the.gre&teet ppercente s»c EASTERN FUEL the New Lincoln School,'all tn ac- new st**l building at the Countr offered his place and took it He 233 BROAD STREET FREE PARKING cordance with the plan now on tile, Ifwd, South Ave., Scotch Pttltw, find of pr©v*n malignant cancercancerss ) In the City Engineer's Office is here- N, J, for $5,908.00, ttM OB toU call WM in time to b« the discoverer of SUmmit ft-0006 l dpted at petlente vkitlhg the clinic* f0. OPEN EVENINGS by authorised. unanimously adopted, both Tibbett and Menuiin. Section 2. Tor the purpose* stated Freeholder Herlich f o f KKn*nee diagnosis and treatment, ««y* In Section 1 of this ordmacc* there *ppra»tn| three per»on William O WuenUsr,.,., _ , chair. nel action* Ul i varioutuas „.,d»partmtu„ _.„u, Leonard Earner wu playing the I* hereby *ppoprt»ted the sum of man of the Society's New 110,000.00, which turn is estimated to was on roll call unanimously adopted. piano by ear «t Utte«; »t eix had f to Si be necet&try to finance and pay for Freeholder Herlieh tor Plnanc* begun the ctudy of music; six division. th* cost of the Improvement Committee, authorizing the Director • The Conccf Society feeling tj Section 3. The appropriation of to sign In th* tthienct of fhe County nwnth* later had given hi* first $10,000.00 «bali be charged to and Treaaurer, all document* and itutru* need for adequate cancer ^', t*k*n out of the Capital Implement roents requiring th* County Treas- recital at the Brooklyn Academy noaia and treatment fund. urer'* signature, vu on roll e»!l of Miuic; and two year* kittr was va {}{ Section 4. This ordlnanc* shall unanimously adopted, paUentJi.and doctors provide t- take effect immediately Hi the man- Prteholdtr HIckuk for Sutt-CotmtJ- enrolled at the Jyilliard School of naaeial aid for «ervic« rendered ner provided by law. Munielpal Affair* Committee, tcerpt- Miwic. Later Eisner studied with I, Harry C. Kates, City Clerk of Ing bid of Automatic Voting Machine to-cahcer patients in hospital clit. the City of Summit, do hereby certify Corp, for furttiihlng' 20 Automatic the great Australian pianist Ernest 1«. Und«r this p!an flie «ute d1- that the foregoing Ordinance WM in- Machine*, for t net coat of I38.170.4O Huch«on. vWon qf the Society contributed troduced for first reading at a regu- and authorlting Director and Clerk .f. l»lar meeting of the Common CCounciu il to execute agreement* for tain* wla He gave his ftrwt major recital last ywr $48,708.78 to the 35 Cin. h«id on Tuesday erenlng,, ApriApril 7; on roll call unanimously adopted. . cer. cl(Bi«a In New Jersey. 19519533, andd thatht Mid Ordinance will be Freeholder Valentine for Purchas- at New York Town Hail irt 1M6 submitted for consideration and final ing Committee, accepting bid of after leaving the Army. He re- Of .the • 1,871 new -pati.r.u ."M. p»j>agc att the next regular meetinmeetig HOB. Motor*. Inc., of PUl&field, for ferr«d to the clinics, 1,1m «•.„ of the Common CounciCil l t o be helheld furnishing three 1933 Chevrolet* for ceived v«ry high critical acclaim on TueMlny evening, April 21, 1953, »t a total cost of M,118.ta, waa on roll then and eince. proven malignant caac* the Ctty Hall, at 8:J0 o'clock at which call unanimously adopted. In closing its 45th leason the the per patient coat of ^miti time and place any person who may There being no further butine** to be Interested therein will b« given be corutdertd. and on motion of Athenaeum took* back on a pro* dlagnoaia and treatment down t« an' opportunity to be heard concern- Freeholder' Benninger, duly seconded lea than $*o per person. Dr, Wu«|. ing such Ordinance, gram which has included James by Freeholder Merllch, Director Dud- tor attribute* thia record lo* 1, Dated: April 1, 1&3. ley declared the Bowd adjourned. Michencr, Paul Englc, Erniyn Wil- ' • HARRT C KATES, Nest regular mating — Thiirsdar. hairu, HexWing Carter and Dr.per patient cost to the tflkw. City Clerk, April I. 19J3, at 10:30 A.M. screening process by phyalclasj u. April 9 Henry P. Van Duseh, MICHAEL F. KEALY, letting patient* to the clinics. SYNOPSIS OF MINUTES OF Clerk of the Board. LEGAL AUVEBTIHIOJUCNT MEETING OF THE UNION Apr. 9 A large contributor to New Je,. COUNTY BOARD OF CHOSEN AN ORDINAL CK •ey*a record to* per patient c«: FREEHOLDERS, HKLII ON luminou* p»Tem«nv tb*no&, 36 fe*« in THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1953 ; width;- toge*h«r with coner*t* curbs, waa mad* by Union County's Gr«r, T AM ORDINANCE to Amend An Ordt itorm *ew«rs. sWewslka, and n«c*s- Regular Meeting of the Umon .> vnuisin.^t*Etitled ; «w"A -•"•"--,,"-n Ordinanc•e tn norm *ew«rs. swniH, >u*i »ee«*- tumor clinic at Elizabeth Gcne.i',, County Board of Chosen Freeholders n'ance Entitled: "An Ordinance to j eltl*nial work in connection 5 brings you nil this ch rge n Hoapital. This clinic .receiver,! waa held at the Court House, Y.'A/.A- Fis and EstablUh a 4 * -Jf there*1th. liav* l«*n (wepsied by the tieth, N. J., on Thursday, March 2«, Application* or app«tf* to tn» «»; county Bnglnwr and approved by the 317 in financial aid from tr.e &• ing Ordinance Board ««rAilJu*U»«nt „, .summit: and 1933; at ten thirty A;J1 Director Dud- of the City c-f Sunvmit CJj ciety'a Union County chapter, it (and greater economy, too!) ley presiding. ",.'.,.. Marc.. .,.h_ 5th„!.„, 1948 ^t .Hnmmi • t adoDtea WHEREAS,, tbe Oouuaty ot tteion, Roll call showed nine members Approved: April 8, 1953. through th* Bets* iilfhway Depart- processed Ml new patientJ tn fo ment, ha* nude a request foe Jtal* : *ii,4^S'v«i^;&irif«-«ij| erai AJdtw-«Wir9m yp .--•te-f.c-> •^•...u-:~iK.i.^X^'!JU^ •SFe^fdf^^rffch^nuire.i Mayor. of this lrnp.-i>remect; and that the rninutss of J'tbiimry Mth, WHH*BASHh01* f tunm(t he* nant e«»ei,_»nd[jprovided, witk ft; and March* "I i\ I&53V'" be approved;• WHH*BAS City of SiirnnUt, do hereby certify lodtc«ted Its ocdiaborate' Society's financial assistance, 4M which WM duly seconded and unani- that the foregoing Ordinance was in the lmprovetaect and bos net up MM Sat: i PF3 mously .carried. duly piised by the Common Council fundi for thU purpose in it* 1M3 subaequent treatment visits (0: /6 At this time Freeholder Benninger of said cfey at a regular meeting held Budge!; these cancer patient* welcomed Colonel Dudlty bacit after on Ttieeday evening, April 1. i9$3. NOW, TKBREarOR£. The Fhriles # his long absence on betmlf of all the BARRT C. KATKS, ertlu do mutually hereby a«r«e us Green clinle, togeth«r with 0 «r- -4M Freeholders. City Clerks;, follow*: Io6R~ Hoipltal and Muhlenberj Freeisoldcr Beanlnger made a mo- April » TOS CITT OP SUiOUT AGREES: Hospital cilnica, reccivoU over t\i- ,tjon that we tuspend the regular 1. At Its own cost and expense to » birder of buslu*e«a and permit Mrs. ~AV ORDINANCE provide th* ae«ea**ry' ttHhV4&-v*r 000 in- financial aid last year. Thn Armstrong and the members of the ted *!ope right* for tbe oonctruetlon processed 314 new patient* fisi- Executive Committee of the Homo AN ORDINANCE to Vacate a Certain of the »forf*ald roads; Street Designated as Main Street, Extension Council to speak at this 3. To cauie kli necestary under- Ing and treating a tot*! of 1;* time. The members of the Council Sltu&ted in the City of Summit. ground co&stnwUan within the llrrjts proven malignancies. were introduced by Mr*. Armstrong, Union County. New Jersey, and to of the new pavement to be installed and praised highly the vork of the Releue all Public Rights and Inter- prior to the laying of the pavement. Hoove Demonstration Agent, her as- est Therein Resulting from any This Include* water, gu. »*r.iury AUTOMATIC C00KW6 AUTOMATIC HATH lUIMt sistants and those employees in her Dedication Thereof. •ewer, telephone. eJeotrlc mains, and office. Dated: April T; 1953. oonneetion*. Nature Club Will Freeholder Benninger made a mo- Approved: April I, 1853. 3. To reimbon* the County of tion that we proceed with the regu- Mayor, Union as follow*: lar ordei. of butinetss, which motion H the coat of ail curb*, tldewa] j*. waa duly seconded and unanimoualy I, Harry C. JUtea, City Clerk W driveways, reovovaj of trt*». and In- Conclude Audubon carried. the City of Summit, do hereby certify cident*! work behind curb line*; Resolution that all bills presented that the foregoing Ordinance wu duly passed by the Common Council H the eoat of aanltary cewer con- for p»yment,- was on motion of of add city at a regular meeting held •tructions at Station t plus M to Freeholder Herllch; duly teconded by i plu* 73; and suuon 4» plus 74, Talks Thursday on TMe*d»r evening, April T, 1(33. Freeholder Hlckok, unanimously or- more or tea*. HARRY C. XATKJ. J. D'Arcy Northwood, curator of lered paid. City Cleric. 4, To hoid ts« County harm>«i The following communication* were from »»y ot>ltg4t!on <* ilabiuty re- the Audubon bird «anctuary tt 'ecelred and ordered filed. April 9 •utttag from tit* change la grade or Robert L. Psacoe, expressing drep n«M**rr *lop« rlghu. Konrlstown, Pa., .will lecture « appreciation for the expression of NOTICE TO BIDDERS •• }. Upon th* compMion of th* work, Ialaad Bench *nd the pine Bir- sympathy in the form of a resolu- to assume retpontibUlty for the main- tion on the passing of his father. SEALED PROPOSALS will b« ie. tenance of all curbs, sidewalk!, drive- rens Thur*day evening, April if County Cleric, enclosing Ositlus of ceived br fhe Common Council of the way*, and any other oonttruetion be- in the auditorium of the Summu Office of Nell C. Hetsel and Msurlce city of Summit %% the City Hall ur.til hind curb line*. D, McBrld* as member* of the Coun- 1:30 P.M. Tuesday, April II, !ftS3 for THE C7OUNTT OP TOON AORBB8: YUCk «t 8:19 p.m. The U'k »-r.l ty Board of Elections. bur <*.) Air Raid Blr*ns M b* fur- 1. To oaos* Uorrl* Avftiu* and b» Uluatrated by Kodo-ehwir.' State Highway Dept., adding that iished for Installation by othen. tn Springfield Avenue, from Ol*n»ide REfRWBATIOi he State Highway Commissioner ap- i> City of Summit. Kew Jer*!?. Avenue to ta# Summit-%»tngtieW ilide* made by Mr. Northa-ood»'. AVTOMATK CLOTHES BtVHM proved spwlflc&tlon* for traffic paint; Propc«*Js for the above Item, must Township Lin*, to be Improved la ac- this neweist of our State r«rk* i4 manhole castings complete, includ- ie enclosed Vn a sealed enveiop*. ad- cordance »jth th* Pi*ns prepared ing cover and 24 catch basin h»ad tressed U> the Common Oouncti. Ctty therefor and approved by th* City of Island Beach, our only sould* C&stlngs Including grate, frame, head if Summit. N. 3,, and marked in *uch Summit, by the eowkruetlon of all park, *nd the Pine Barrow, «r« and curb pieces, complete and the manner M to indicate it* content*. curt*, pavement*, *tera drain*. «id«. Jomnilasloner also approved specifica- Mid pTopoedla will then be opened walk*, driveways, and other iwm* of well known for the unlgucnc-* C tion* for reinforced concrete culvert and DO propcwtvl* tendered upon tht their plant and bird life and no f«P«*|» SeiiJed *lt*r UK °°»»tnKaio f n or rwotytoJctioB u*ce«- pipe, bell and spigot In accordance same o»n wm •" •••«•— ... . full and complete Mr. Northwood, who hw epolci with detailed list, was referred to ^prevloujl^ 5? !EJ*t*t«d? ,mUfa*,f ^/"aad nSo biMdd ••w«? ou*ft W>X.of the improvement "« ««P5«t.« carry- Roads and Bridges Committee. wm be allowed to be withdrawn. for 2. To permit the Installation of all before the Summit Nature O.ui City of Bahway, enclosing resolu- my resioa wh*tem, after H h*« been utu3;rgroucd coraatmction as may be several tlmei in the pa-u. «?j tion adopted by the Common Council lepostted. required by the City of Summit, 07 giving approval to the proposal that AU prapc»»l« will be eowMered In- other GUUty OomparUt*Companies; without &b-ob- formerly a warden at Lake Ok wow ...... price* 1 the; nave made an interim audit of paid for by tbe County of Colon, the oonclude the 1953 lecture seria o! th* financial records in the office of plainly la ink. in both words and right being reserved, however, by the the Summit Nature Club, At ' oonstruettng « modified bitumlntnis „ tht jpmUf who' h«v^' City of Linden, oalllnf attention p*vem«Bt t nor eon, it fert In width, to a **rim» condition which k Be^ ATTDBT. their tntentiona ''" by the ottf ooff Summit andd nm mm Mr. and Mr*. JtMeph Chwohlo of fll« in tn* Oily mitnMr'i Offle« b« *nd menvbpr* of SiinifflU'* Beotoh Plains, o*]llRg Attention to fll« in tn* Oily Offle«, b« „ ,™ «• nicim mam •#• the storm pip* on front of tnelr prop* and intfc* Mftttjtm li hereby mrthorl«*dthtdi . liver m% e0flin«»| In the m»* "' WwW War I Voluntwr tmim J, The City of (nimmlt is th* otti «r ittmwit, trty on Fetr**t Road WM referred to Riwti laiKSt Okirpa No. Si. Roads * Bridge* Committee. hereby authority to (fltet Into a In Bwrtktlit*m 9, Pm Ib* pUrpo*** »l***J oontraot with th* Ooutit? of tlnlon J1S-W7 MILUUIN RADIO SALES CORIfttUHftM A*41PM Director of Local Orty of Bummlt «hall tie M folltyw* n*Ai*t*ly, in th* manner rvmo. Br. Olerk Bookkeeper, returned ThU *gfitttMst, mad* Mi* «** ot AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC APPLIANCES (0 work on M*roh W, i»b. Hltiet««n Hundred fifty. MW. Sheriff, *4vUln» Ylnoent Osrolan, 1, ««nry C, ltat«#. fi to Jail Keeper, returning to duty from t>f*J,,.,;... titty of SiimmH At .fek UmTmtmtt n, IMI, tb* few* • ' ' that Aid CICHW• awed fw mm wnMnf »i a Ommty

LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT ' LEGAL, ADVERTISEMENT A»*uu#; B*lie«t» Avenue to It-)- l4«lUoad7~ltahwi7"valleyll8*Ur0wl ELECTION NOTICE Avenue; is diaud Avenue southt-rl> to 'tit point or place of b«- NOTICE IS liKKEBX OiV-EN vuutbrrly to the t Of lull MI the District Board* of Electb>u wilatl IID.I) N\.\ltD NIMH DISfBICTP ni\, In tile heriiimftcr designated pliers F1RST WAKI IK.riMi UISlHU'l Mn ll I4I d M2 ttlnia tn the City of Summit between the -fr»ah:fl£toa i . V uL M, I l Venus, Couft'cil Chafldbt DIRECTORY hours of 7 A.M. and 8 F M EST ott u. mi lit liu r tii- NINTH ELECTION DISTRICT: Se- I Tu«wl»y, Ajirll 21st, 1053 for the pur- ranct- oc l*;,i' nutiig at tiir tiuersertloa of the i pose of conducting a Primary EIK-'UJII. KUiHTH ELfcCTJON" STRICT: Be- |center lines' uf Springfield AVenue RAPID REFERENCE TQ.RELIABLE BUSINESS HOUSES- ] tot the election of candidate'* ior :JK of Morris and the Ddnwure, Lackawanni and 'i lie office hercitiiiftrr dusigiiutrd. tiitaes-uiuu'g Wt-jjteru • lialldta^j-hrace nloujt'.'.'.th*.. Maid ^c-^rcts will alto nji.'rt IJI tht-'iwttu'e • btrtct la a following ctnu-r Umis: in a nrivterly ItllMIIMi pUix-ii, on Tuesday, .November 'i. 1943, i-nd of E-Jgm direction along Springfield Avenue to I11L OIL IMHEII* for the' purpose of ecmdiR'tuitj a Om- .; -noft Invent- Blackburn Rted; thence la ft eml't'ltctlop lor the el< euou cf the. i ) r in Madison- t-rlv direction along Bluekbum , oitici.ils herein dtjigimtcd. tlu»on Avenue j to Prospect Strti-t; tlit-uct U» »; GEORGE'S i IA1 n PWBY^TAl rn ! The IOJIOWIUK are the public offk.a » frt i) :, in tije ly dUfctlon from l'rcKpvut' jjtreet; Eastern Fuel Company 3alisL I ii LI iV rj ) Pice' Orove Avenue; tiiettce' m a STEPHENS - MILLER CO. ^frly l (tnlir >li e AUCTION ROOMS FUEL OIL •: PLUMBING & HEATING -" . '^TAn w ^ jm^ (Imnphte line Of LIQLOKS, WINES * BEEKS ila ; M ^ A-i 1 ' A 1 ) S;r ijf.f d Av £ ue>; thaCC» , 24 Hour Delivery' SHEET METAL WORK ' * Governor. State ol N«* Jersey, ' L t '< r * 1 / ( Ktl II a' nig 0OrlCg- Antique* l'iiiiii)it Di-livcritl of Be ' t it • BUILDING MATERIALS !or a lt-nii of Sour year*'. . - 1 t (11 iiv A.I 11 ; tbeuc* m Bought and Sola • COAL • FURL OIL WILLIAMS OIL-O-MAflC or.Wei t,. '. >\ ' j i. rn'i £i nloi.,4 1 if-Oakle? SB Russell PL SUMMIT 6 0029 ttedar 8 .County fur tt-rma of tWu year* 1 i M HI li 1! 1 'ii Delaware. .Complete Estates Bought Oil Burners. I Beechwood lioad Bumniil " t««* Summit On., iiiitiibt-r of sua.- Ouiumute* j i i r I la « f 1 ifti v > •• n- Hatire^il*, *•— I iroiii each iJ.irty for * ittui ot Jour jt- lire--Jc !;'d5r.i Av* ' SUMMIT+MN Sales & Service ...... ,...... — i your* (nuiU"). Jl I ' Itittl 1 1 , 1 ! n i's diracttion nf Cino* Bi S. I'a KW,1> l>t i 1 be] .'A,a. I 11 .Viitiiui and 233-330 Broad St. SUMMIT *-08©* One member of State Coniroltu-e •il Co Nuibural f to TI i suriy fJr of ftur li i i t ' i int K 1 1 J lj 1! 1 |> in' or plac# M& MUPMQR STORE John I. Croot s!o;;i; Nuihur. H i 1 "I1 »r \ 110 DEALERS III' . -, t Jl l»Ul- Si-;COKO WAfiD, TENTH DISTRICT Complete Stock* ot Plumbing, Heating & " • • A HP*1 i if h'Ui miJ Mortf * ijv in i 'i> I'II In —Hrayion Scli.xii, room in biuienienr.''- STEPHENS - MILLER CO. i t mm (f u> ji rr , A.< . Hi N )i (i:rL:,' I'i.i.vrtRHit— i-uttrr from Myttlp- . i ,' tin < 11- FUEL OIL Wines, Liquors & Beers Sheet 'Metal Work A faunu^itti lor d U '»i of (he t t t J'I ' Avrime Plsygrouud, twond door oft Camera Shop of Summit . it it, '- •lf-ft 'a: fo'jt ol biuseini-nt stairs, lOillon Motors Inc. WE-DELIVER "SVri/ce Siru« 1901" i A bhtnff for a t* rtn . if TKS'IH fXECTION DISTRICT: Be- Hit e I oi 1 i> t li MI* of jir i t tt ' L 'i c >i in j 'IJ I '1 uUp btrt-f-t thi-r.i'e- along the follow- * ,\mm . Bell&HoweJl Sal.-a & Service VI South Si New Providence lit >i u h >ld n> f f t i;;s dii-.t-ribtd center lliirs: ' in a "Everything Photographic" --M-RiKwli PL SUMMIT MID HK'il foutlu-ily direction alons Tulip Street cn\ m si\f\iir 1 . I . J) Hd ill. !tj Ma'uijtalli AVfiiUi:; Stouutaiu A»«- : • HEAL ESTATI • A Mi,or t" l» t mil i* 1 irt,e for I,, Ik' i-iiS'rrly to Primr;,;;e I'lftd:; Print' 457 Springfield Avo, SU. 6-7127 i s I raol hull i. x, ) li • LUNCHEONETTES • i. l.UN Dl-sIKloT He r./se I'lutw siul Friuu..K.e Place pro- (Strand Theatre Bldg.) A CountuiKjui lu U» (lc(.t«ve Avenue to lilttckburn .J.JJ., .,- Mountain Avenue; REAL ESTATE tlintcil for , j,,,(i ^hland K^id IRONS & CONNELL !' McNAMARA A Specialty INSURANCE At the ;i,i!(| I'limuj U-P f.,t,',!friy to Ashlard Road: A. A McNarnara G. R. Ippollto 381 Springfield Ave. ~ : : ™_^ f" NOTICE. 13 HKHBBY (HVEN that iU(m-*' •• lauti Itoaa r:ortli,".uiti-rly to the t!li; ion Avenue to Hie Delaware, point Chrysler-Ptymouih Dealer 76'lWaIc Ave. gUMMIT *-26tt ,''••' following pliicw hiwe been chosen ttrftr'*- •' or pWee of 1 Summit Ave. SUMMIT SUMMIT 6-«18a » aiui \Vfi,:rrii IJiillroiul;, 1 i; h ti a southerly and materly j tgt>j'i-y d ,'\' h'Jimiu V. J. April 7th,' - Sales—Service JAS. R. MORRIS AGENCYiiU'S & feKh"'! ci.'L-ciMa uloiijs the D'.'luware. Laeku- 'I Sum mil Realtor } brt<>f (iK-iciiptlon of the boundary lluw w»!iha ar-d Weatera Itallroad to.* HARRY C KAtEB. i of i ,vfh cl(<-tiim dLitrlft p-ilnt npivsiilte..thp-center Hue ot OitK- , ,^p, • ' ' City -Clerk, (III i» HEN'S II It III CHS HMSON • • APPRAISALS -" INSORAMCB | FIRST WARD, FJKST D1STOICT- U-y Avps.tn produced:-, thence in • ;1_1 9 '.ft 100% GUARANTEED 1 Pnllliiji Place: Summit'Art Aooc!*tlon ,-. in'heily direction a!dn« tho said pro- i H'EAII •IM Springfield Ave. (JBoom 608 irooJii. 4»7 SpflngCf-W Avenue. •rufcii rf-iiSiT line of OakJey A«enu« - NOTICE TO CREDITORS USED'CARS •! KIKaT'-ELEC'l'ION U1STH1CT:' Bi»- sr.sJ ' O.ijt;<-v Avcuu? to Springfield ' a-T.» i F T...{ . ... -. B IMOMJSIOWWJaWRIERSL- _ „ , ,..,„,.„, ::imniiH' at tlu* lnt • •y^" Knit •Ploc»».Baulcvatilv...*Ji"'" .i.i.. —,- -, _.... .,.,.».•••• t to t!i# erti'--r of CHARLES running westerly along tlio 17 SprinjrifW Ave. . 8U' Children's Sizes 7-M Cleaninlinge ' • . tlit- 'J'"rid -Wjise 'yyrtr« Avehiie—Waifa !^?' ot't?ul!)a/ iivacl.:- on \ko thlrUrth t're-Tet'iis Sizes 10-H Guy Soccodato, Prop, era Hallroatl; Delaware, I. joni ' - »-d»>' of March A. D., 3SS3, upon th» 3H Sprfngiield Ave. 1STATE and Western Hallroad to Mt. Vernon : SECOND ELECTION DISTRICT: He- ! .ftitplic.itloa cf the undesigned, a» . Chubbles V^-iiW New Construction & Alteration* '•___ ! Avetnif. Mt.. Vprnon Avenue to th« , i unUig it a point in the center line ^Exi-rutrix of th>- «tate of said de- J5i':r» KlECTHICAitt Teens 10H-l6% SUMMIT 6-1157 Phone: 8Ununlt 6-W71 | I City Line In Pifcaaic Hlver: thence ; o'r Pitispfct aturt aufl tlit* center line 1 <-cis.=,cd, noslo? l.s hereby plvea to the | Jiurthcrly, r-,u;terly «n>\ aonthrrly alone • °' *Tulip Str«-'..,.aud niur.ij-.the follow- cif-dHor« of nMrlnKricli-l M Ashland !!rm;i'ion tfafir cViitiw nnd demands snurn 6-30GO : Morris Avenue; Morris Avenue to \ H•• REALTOR Madtsoi* Avenue; Maclteon Avenue to . aionsc ' AshUiii Road to Colony Drive; vvr iila r,ix montia Iroru the date of • m I:IIIOH : ,t point 300 lect norUuvusterly from . tb ii. a "westerly dlrvrtlon aloug ; K.iid nrdpr, ur :h«y, will ba forever Estate • Insurance ' the center line of Kent Place Boulc- ' Cu '.o Giro Oali» Avfiuip, \ b.irrtd from prosecuting or recover-" fhomason Brothers l»lXOIMTOEtS J. DE LUCA : vnrd; rontinulriK (southeiisterly on an i tiji Ir a j^ii'liwivsti-rly direction ! 1:1^, t.ii- <-.ii:ne amtitvsl the tuKsertiiw. • COIL Mortgages j tmfiKinary line to tnt! end of Kdcur : ult Cii*-n OnU Avenilf to Pine j . MARIE B.\KJBPPEL.' UNITED SERVICE MOTORS M Ktirnmft Ava. HUMMIT tUUTWl Htrept; Etli'nr fitret't "to Morris Avi-nm' Vi>niif. tticJuc In a fttmttierly !'. • ' Executrls. General Repairs — TO Mimiiilt ivo. , StJ.MMIl 0-c)O37| M a Avrnue to Norwood Avenue Mrrl0r!la Avue t a .»lon< PI"'" <*rove Aveuue to .WILLIAM B. GANNON. Attorney Alterations Norwood Avenue to Kent Place Bo Hi ' " ••• "• ••- In a westerly•! Mntit«l Bid »., 15 Maple Street, EASTERN L H. NOLTE CO, vnril- Kent Plafn Boulevard to tic to Dlvl- t, N, J tl t-(» lu northerly Apr. fl, 16.' 2.1 O ,1 W 4 W Pews— $9 00 Member of All Kinds of Mmonry \ • itiiitii.i:irvniR • iton Avenue, to j FUEL COMPANY & Of SETTLEMENT " American Institute of Decorator! Michigan AVQ. Summit 6-426C, I—l'ollltii; Vlncn: WftBliiHKton Hchool, ' Bltckburn H nee in & east- j AUTO - LITE UlGtl QUALITY'COALS si: IIVH i; I Mr.vr'.a Ave. Hoom -In buswni-nt—Hret ; erlv" dirwtioi Collaboration With Architect I floor on rltfh',—cntrunce oft Parking O " Klir O tliejit-e in a NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVE.V. That Sales & Service Kor Prompt-Deliveries Complete Interior Design & i Lot nnd on f Thid Itdlt Electrical For Th« call SUMMIT «-% Rroiul Canoe Brook SUMMIT se riact Prii'iirwr ! JAMES T KIRK. Attorney, people owning well-maintained ts;- Hue of Woodland Avenue to 1U irnnr».t , ,R w JfH(4y ST ^ AMOCO Kussdl I'l. SUMMIT ft-OOW 11 with WiilUcc Raid: thrncc nv.:\ I*riwro*f Piucc produced rli' nlung the cciittr line of -,i»r!j tn lifl {eel -norlh of the KiU'ii!i"tli N J. "• " SERVICE STATION property need not pay the in- i aU;« line of (iiemuie Avenue. M»r I!>. 26. ^p: 3. 9-n a w *W $S.7O Wii'.'.yv IfniKl to t.'.r crutfr lini» of ; (. IMIU.MnO & SON MtirrLi ,-*_";« I Ew.t'X Tunijuke: UitUiff '.r, ;.or:h .-' sun p.iia!ii-l to lh» surance losses of the Irrespon- LARRY MAY ".nvtliwcitTly iilon^ tli» renter lln? nt : sliit U:i>.- "if (''leiis'.ile Avrnue I.K(i\l, ADVERTISEMENT riv t;i M.'trU Avenue: Morrl* Budy and Fender Work Uiifi-Is nnd Eflficx Turnj>!Kr to tho I'HJ 1 sible and careless. Call us for ROOFING il.no 1» llu: Pi)i-i»ic Rivet; thm-:e ue iiMj:Ui"iy '.'J Mousitalu Avs - TO A1A CUKOITOIta AND OTHERS and Spraying \if Mcuti'.fiin Avenue ww,r/ly to H.NVIXO CLAIMS OK DEMANDS SIDINa — GUTTERS .iciilthfi-ly ruitl westerly alunij the em- ACfAINHT THE BEECHW'OOD HO- Oneral Automotive rates. :rr line of PuMiiio Hlvcr to Rl^er Head; ! Wl am Street; W'lUum Street north- SUMMIT 'li-'iu-c s-.iuihfrly i\nd fastfrly alon^ ] ?T\ to jiuyre S'jfi-:; S.ivre Btricl 1TJ, COMPANY: , Repairing BRENNAN'S LEADERS [lie wMti'r line of Hl\«r Hiiacl to th» j fi»:erl» y l-j Morris Avenue; Morru Ave- TAKE NOTICE Mint by an orrjer • '.-.iti-r lint? of Morru) Avprnie, thfnc<* ' Jiuue iisjr'.fcetly to E!:n Sitett; Elm duiy Hindi1 b- the Superior Court ot Ml Work Guaranteed r DAIRY FARM BUTLER AGENCY Wallpaper & Paint Co. call SU.MMTTS-MSa HrmMierly nkiiig thn center llnp of S!!:rf: t r.MttnTly to Linden Place, New Jer.sey, C'himeery Dlvisiiin, limi- 414 Springfield Aye. . M--.irrl» Avnnue to the point or place 1 Liiiiitn u Place *e»teiiy to the point 01 eon Comity, hearing date the 6th dfny Golden DEVOE & SAPOLIN • rear Sfi Maple Street of hr:;lmilna. itr of tje|l:,r.ll.i;j. of March, iS.W, the 17th cl ly of April. BERKELEY HEIGHTS, N. J. it* F1HST WARD. THIRD DISTRICT— SECOND WARD, FOURTH DIB- 1P53 i.i Used i« thf time wlihla which (iuernipy Paints & Varnlshe* Mntoln School, 22 DcForUt Avenue. UCT — Jr-tfi-reon School; Aishwood alt rrcclltora or others having claims Auditorium on tlret door. ;*Bue—Ho;.irH in b-Mi-ment. Activity , or cleitwnrte agaiiut The BffChwood V3ui at fvot of Btiilr. to left off i Hotel Company ih«!l bring In th» SUMMIT 6-0115 Washablo Wall Paperi • SII5VHK « THIRD ELECTION DISTHICT: Be- ;R Vitnmln "W JEWELERS filrmln;; nt tfic lutcrsi'rtSon of HIP 'e . I JOC Riitl 1: Is provided In an^ by 455 Springfield Ave. SO. S-ttt» I'fntcr llmvi of Wootllsr.il Avenue and FOURTH EL! MOV DISTRICT: lie- • the «nld order that all claim* or de- MILK STATIONS .Slirlntttield Avenue; thence Along the intrrwctlon uf the j nmntti ghnil be broughg t In or prepre- IIAIIIATOII C1 MI 1 Avenue Mid ti»e following renter Uui'n: f3pringf!cld 1 within the time aforrja'd !o "Let Ifmiimn'a Dairy Serre, Yon Avcimw westerly t.) the Delaware, Vali-- tidlroati; them ? niom: ot t!»p Rrthway V.illry the undffalBaccl Trtutfos on DUu^'u- Larknwniin;i and \Yi\iteTti }d no:id- northerly to !U 1 if the I 2, u-:-w Jersey; thnt all claims or &t- TYDOL STATION f.outt)»rly Int. rsH'tiori wl'ii Hawthorne <,l Oleu New Providence j ,„ uu!., so presented «ha!l he In wrlt- I'lai't-, lluwthorni* I'lnce ctuitrriy. f and t*. ll1 EDWARD CHIOVAROU of GliTitide Avenue I -.' "P"-">-'. ^ the. .mouNt rlalmtd SUMMIT'6-1113 TYDOL Gas • Oil Lubrication northerly nnd westerly to Hftn-nwcod nrtimhiM of tho claim and Road; BeiH-liwood Hoad •wmtrrly to Ma 1. t»ni,.. oi»,t>i, (h0 •mhia the AND SON Prompt Pick-Up & Delivery Hellenic Avenue; llollevun Avenue •rtit-r lln- u « ._>. ?•°h il"l i"n" vnmed under oath; «nd o the (Wli 1 1 the lillna in the office of wwterly to Woodland Avenue; Wood- UJ ,,.,,..v ol betti«iiln«, I J'th'-e ' V,'Cler"k of the Superior Court of KMI. 1880 Painting Contractors call SUMMIT 8-307S land Avenue wnltht-rly to the point SECOND tRD, yjrrn DISTRICT [ •'"• \lci NNt-wv Jerseyer , Chance:y Division, Hud- • mm IO(MI Decorators Broad * Walnut Street* »r plii.'-o of bertlnnliK -iv~ a-H School, 73 I'-Mk Av.-mte. ! su'jn CountyJ , of proof by nTfldfuit of Complete Automotive Service Specialists In Plating , J-'IKBT WARD, FOURTH I>1 STRICT : K >:: on fir?.t flcior. th» giving of notice In the said order Rttimatei Furnbhed -Cii'drtis jlo|.»r Sa!«>*. Itic , 313 1 Fl!- I EUXTION D1KTB1CT: B*- Wo Pick-Up & Deliver 1 provided, null upon -expinttlsn of tha Of Household Gold, Silver, Brass BpHtit!fiild Avenue, Show Rmmv • .:;iu:! s . the lnterseotton of the time IHUUP<- *"iid, all creditors or others having 11 Union PL Sumrnit nrtsliinlng at the Interseetlon of the V iff. I.i«*lu\wiuiia and Western rlslm* or ,i!ct "» Springfield Ava. MEAT MARKET rpntpr line* of Summit Avenue and ; l !,-< nee Along tho following TH* Depchwood Hotel Company who • Watch Repairing • Jeweffy Delaware, t,Bck»wttnn& and We«t*rn .f-z UBWJ. Morris Turnpike »outh- have not brought in their c!afim» or U.S. Inspection Horse Meat ! Hallrosd, thence along the follawlnj to \ht CV,y line; City line south- demand* within tho time »o limited, 366 Springfield Ave. SU. 6-2125 center lines: Summit Avenue northerly aortritrljr »nd westerly to a point shall t»« forever barred train «ny ac- • > feet wi«t of the w«t slcio line of tion therefor or on accoomt thereof Dog Foods & Dog Equipment ; to eprlngfleld Avtmie.; "k"'"^''" * ghnnpUe ROMJ; thence along 1 line «(taln«t the Raid Trustees on DlMOlu- Gas - Oil - Lubrication Avenue easterly* to Waldron *"""?• ,i.>iri joo !e*t w*»t o! *nd par»lk-l tOVEllS I . Kennels Supplied | Waklron Avenun northerly ««.«ii»- i.,. the *"«»t »»n and against the said The. Beech- For Prompt Service wood llo-.d Company. HI Dnlnn I'l. Stirnmlt 8-81MJ erly to - ...... PARAKEETS • ncrth cf th? north »lde liitp of Mor- Wn,IJAM H, HKINEKE. call SUMMIT 6-W21 Ro»d northerly to Rltttse Ro»d: Rldi;e ris Avenu-e; thtpce Rlonu » line drnwn fl.IPFOHD A KTRACOrE. Frank Brenn Co. Horn) ttlld niilce Roart proclurcd west- 100 ti-*t north of »nECT1Ol OhambrN DWTMCTf : Be- Purdviant to the order of Household Wiring 1 center ~ llnra (if PernwoiKl Road and Luggago & Zl|)[i(>r Hcpnirlng . JrinliiK »( She fntem-ction of th* A OTTO, .Til., Surrogate of the Cbun- MAJESTIC BAKERY* Prompt 3ervic« BIRD CAGES i the Morritlisc untfnlliiwlnil RWCK: cTuriiplki* tenter ; tbenclint*:* jcr:itpr liac* of Em Street *n Springfield Avf. BU. 61378 Roftil wuilherly fn HIORe \ Ufi*ww-e. l*cK*«-»nn« *nd Wmtcrn day of Marti) A.IX, 19*3. -iiposii the 361 Springfield Ave. o( the uncltrnlgnp^ •SpeclnilKlng In HORSE MEAT Himtl; HlilKi- Hoad i>:istirly to Hotiiir"• " -'—••-••-t • thenc* alonic tt)i* following SWEET - KLEEN center Ills'*: Elm Street iiouthffly to | Executrix of the Mta,te of «altl* de- SUMMll V. S. Govt. Avenuf; Hulmrt Avetme and Hobart notice I* hereby given ta the ^•iddinB • Party • Birthday produced wutherly to th* Lltwlen PUee; Linden Place westerly " *"" " "" to Tulip Strwt: Tulip Strwt northerly crnlitof* of a&id de««w»ed to exhibit CAKES Inspected Delaware. tknnI,iM-kaw«»na a »nund Wr«teriWwterft to thp eut»crllj*r under o»th of af- LAUNDRY litillro.id; Delaw.ire, l.iiekMW«iiiii\ untl. to Ptt»p«t Street; Prospect Street we»t-t5y to BlatkSwrn Itoad; mark* firmation their clalrtM *atf clenjuuls Ciinnt Qrdm A«c*pt*d Vr>irt*rn Bdllrond eiwtrrljr to Morris np,il;«l the est»te of said declMKd • *XE< TKH II, • for Excellent laundry 8«rvie« CHATHAM mil 1>*SPX Turnpike; MorrWi and Kssr* burn B KfMliwt the suiwffiber. IS Indtiitrbl 11. SUmmlt ,.. Ul Main St. Von Hlefnrt OhevrolH, Inc. 315 , - Prompt, nep*n«*«>!» ! HANNAH K. K* "•irlnKflHil Avtluif, Blww Kooni. I«« ^« polot or place of Exwutrls. Eastern Fusil Company SUMMIT *\Jg (Wn'thftitt I-8W torrlp* SIXTH KUBCTtO!* PISTIUCT: Bt- \ SECOND WARD, SEVENTH DIS- Cull nrilUK at th« Intenretton of'theiTRICT — Roosevflt School, 73 Ptrk 9CKENPK. PnlCK. flMITM \l IY SlMIPS *" Parking In rwwr Jtudtforiuin on llrRt tloor. * KINU At!oni»V8, of biilMlnif. I rcntfr line* of the l>«l»wnre, HJECTION DJ6TRICT; Be- in Wvthuutnn Strcrt. , Tuur wanua ftiul Rdllrdnd »ntl , nttin h Morrlston. N. J. off lf(ll«l# Av*. ©L A WRII (S««»H Hiimtntt »!dri«r the fol- 0 $ •' * « laterieCtJon Ot th« g Apr. 2. f>. !fl, U OKteiw iwirthntis ZOKINO OKUINANCF. ' J" " CAHOUSfeL BOARD or AimmTMtot' Traefor & Lawn Mower u; wmrtron A*«in/nwth.rl» NOTICE Whlttretlw !toMl; Whtttwdge 'B HAIRDRESSERS SALES & SERVICE • I»IIOTOr.ll APBKRS • «Mt«rly. to renip d; # guiir monthly mtftt&i of tli» itoad northerly fo RldRf BMd; Kouing Ordinance Bonn of A Walk OM S Tractor* - Plow* • Chain Saw* SUMMIT RAOIO I AdJ«*tm*ut -wlil l>» h«W SfeJUtifcf t*»« April 13, 1953, »t «lint otkwk «lfl Pcmcr Tool* Chell Frantzen APPLIANCE CO. Urkuwmitm »«d \V«t«rn BMlrort: j In thu City Hall. | Auih»tl**\ ttnA«i D«1*w»r«, Uck»watton of th# i»«»t»r «IB*# *i ManUt Awmii »nd 1 A. V. Maixucco WALLPAPER CO., Inc. t ¥•««* IMUrtMUl: Aar/ Jt. Morrtt OnPont - ntifp . LARRY'S Lager & Hurrell Uin JH'sftn*; MftiiBl»lii A*P«U« »««- g 0««r Pratt A Umb«rt StntM CYCLE & SPORT SHOP SXWlliww' «W«""r&fr^! .rtr towu«« Mi » iw«ti w.ui« »t«-t omnww WBRJI B«r By Th« Ktf TATNTfl in R#hn!it; kimiu Hftiry Hftt-rUon r«r Prompt D»Uv*rl« Vitn Uur*r. Mi»foH 4, MII mmm 1 •It |prlnfff1«UI ifft JTHE SUMMIT^HERALO, THUIRSDAY, APRIL 9, LOST An. MALE AND FEMALE J FOI SALE , SERVICES OFflRIO Rentals EXCELLENT rett-renti* PASSBOOK #10»30. The SunMnlt Trust tenant*. Couple with a *i aoJd work, Ai-Jj.v E J K>jtr»! »—MJM LlLA.Sf.OUji Co tinder pk»«e r«tura, f»ym«ut Ml JlU.bura Ms M..- FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT CLA§SIFIED WUKTINO—PLASTERING stopped, Thompson. »id 4 PAJPERHAA'OISO "yoUHO professlonal/nuii *:, LOCAI, IV. «e so First National Ban.* »»«• l^uirt In M Held Ave.. Summit -l-:«w-J need 3 or 4 brdiouiti i-j. " 8t»« Uatwlal* — Wort Ouwmt«ed Co Summit- \ -.. , _ aud Take »4*»nsage of off season siSoTiij »ud double rooms, gentlemen PASSBOOK sr5iO90. The Summit Trust phune Spring V-'inoo i >" f'* price* caw preferred. 9 IVrmU'y W»ce, Summit^ writ* PruJ Piujity, J,, iv :• , .'id S fcLAJV, MM'HlNfcsi lo lit BOB FABltlCATOHE Co. Kinder pU'«M re'.unv. IVym*nt ( -'. =<1 L" - ,1.8 sl_d poriibl tf PtlRNISBEU ra>iin for Kei;tl(-m»n. Ifork UulvrJty, Vi., '• Ctll 0' iiinvtl.i- i( oS« (Vntrally located tO Defortwt Avt. : EMPLOYMENT WANTED . (3-Paper Classified Combination) flclr *ork itt ii~irable t rt APARTMENT WANTED i£.. _ri. AH.'.II M. .nurt MlL- ROOMJVITH At BO tdaitiona4tti) l *h»r-«.,.fouh r clMsifirlMifidd ad I* inttttti !n all thr«e ol COl'PL t r 1 H the community aew*pa$»m tfwNl' below for only ,16c a word. flW K J Mil iiurii ft- >r '4 J euni:. IMH« IK. N i No hlp'uT l!un tMMi-j r, til if*!.* -,.-,( 1 TOP S.-IL—*.!-.' !» >d H,m_i.i> t- / MM).UII1I UN. 2-'ii#:ri J. MINIMUM CHARGE 10 WORDS $1.00 for f - TAKEN .UiRKHi - l'iv;>!ii. Shrff meals dally, M5 weekly "~2'v W 3 KOOMS r.,, i .Caah With Order * wltn >J •.* -•> •. i> .*f. ( '.d'.T fc , J ] Write i>r Apply Itfi.OO. Ctli .itfi f-U 1 . In li : . i'. ' ... ' hi.J • .. - Ir.tt . \ JOHN H VAN WINKLE HOMP COUl'LK dwlie m.j ,.- • it Hereto MtUburn-Short Hills Item UGHI UJ.. I v «i d .:* li Uutr St. North PUlnUt'ld, N. J, | roytli h'^Uii1 with %•• .2 32-\—PUSO II MM. Swnmit 64300 Millburn 6-1200 1 i ' mouth ltrutlfrs u ..'-»• r ir" i •- fir- plANO tro i i. ' C.J f V^e- 1 ,.•. > OFFICE SPACE FOR JUEMN ii liy Miv 1 Springfield Sun at iv f;yi') teclinicl i a l li > i t M .ro 1 1*': Aveuur 5» n o « » - - ' I1 . -I i " ATTORNEY- APARTMENT OR HOUSE Millbum 6-1276 if. ,!' ,| , ( '•' I'O'fi 1'IAHO .11 i ttjMTlr 'I!J>M lib- 1 1 ijllIKT. rcoijoiiAStili' .,i.,!. , , Notirr of errors )n fop* roust b- given after f«r*t inwMlon. Tjpo- K Si|i"i',r »ad -ri'li-'il' HnlJ H^uir j ACCOUNTANT f u'.'A.'f. lU'lbi- <.•; , • 'V' jiaphKil errors' not the faull of tbt advertiser will he adju$tt>ti by d> I. O .',,.„„ i UNlutivii ' il , Mt tite Irut'inun. I 1 I I hi- uiiturnLsht-d. He.;. j ', ''', -) bud! II ' I MANACJKMWT COUNSKI. AR Copy Must Be Submitted by 5 P. M. Tuesday al.'l j. - t WANTED TO BUY !l EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 1 < ) I 1 I1 i i'C per? y:sn. pJthi'r iiSoue or. jointly O ' ^ ,v BOOK.S «aii i, I'it tie ui tu lie- ' - I L I h ;i ai!iui«r iirm. c»il Suunnit 6- HOUSE WANTED HELP WANTED FEMALE HBJ> WANTED FEMALE SCOII KlU'U)V\ti M Al"iiN..'Tt 4J1 IK. tails P M •in k b". y I'lV if't'-: * ( i hi. ' lU- x S M< -I. r-v. 1 J' • t.oi.lt.I. 3900 :'• ' IIU.1'1 .ii.ii OL'N "eollei.li ' htmyid »>> tlr. V . . Mid r«i ht * m nitre oi u' 'Ique lll'v ;'l< f I' "'H -','., < O])i 'I i ii GIRLS WORK IN THE SUBURBS FOR SALE fair prl<(» <1 1 4 Ml'I 6 *>-' i I 1st Floor . i ' I'M KJ:1*S Mllll-iirii t-l'W K ru y\ HOOK I I1 I i—i 'A 4-:, ?* hv il WHERE YOU LIVE 600Sq.Ft. ROOM WANTED CUAiK.S - < .1 It u - STK1NWA1 » n.ir'iiU' tinH't flitnuicr. iiiiiitjfa fur- UII>ULK lady •;U wa .u' ill III 1) '.I \\ I I ii'im RECENT HIGH & SECRETARIAL nut I".'.I i tied Exri-Hodt Suninslt iv.iaiii-^ J ' ^ 6 ( price; tu '1 I v r - \ Mi «„••_•. 1. .iiir locuiioii., Call fsUniiiitt -li-yiHi tUnte si",ill ii|>.iruui'[i* SCHOOL GRADUATES by IJ; ' ii. I'K j Wft I'AY CASH Im tllUI llSKl flI-»ltU'r r Uitly soon. May 1 ur __sir k hi . it t, j kntlqui-t. I K-r b X)K.J trie a line 0-84KS-M. Jiff* have » Tsriety of interring position* in such diversified fields' It.!' iiliitiiifi v, i 1 >f ar' ttc 1 GARAGE FOR RENT "'**•»;• li'eMerriW Service, Fi;<«. Technical library.'".Blueprint and Mlmeo- 6-SiW-J. GEUK.UL •} \L^1IOS KUOUS FOUND GARAGE WANTED ; graph ,.QP.«.raUo,ra,'P&tem Cfpt as well tut DraJUiag '<& Stenographic I.\STKl'MXNTS ILi faUlLMU AVt-NUK l,AHA»"«K' lor rt'Jit Inijiilrf. Z8 Taylor ;, *ervje-8, ' -••••• • • ...... Antiques Sale! lpi Suinjnit 8 1.W0 lX)r-,s - CATS - S»f An1m»! .:•>'. ,• Mlilbum. Ml 6-iilS. We *U1 O'JV >n ir AtU' r>n'.piit4 i 2 ' I A nr d \vvir*r» -l*««ru*..,nnr.l«- Smi - I1- ' 4 i Com* in »r.d'talk-virh- us about where YOU fit In. any week- 1 A . fi I n K I) i II -> .'i i Bnmmit H<*ral3."ll smir do* 2-'JM8-J !' day includiti S.;turd..y 9 AM. !.;. 4 I'M i.i.-d M(/:u)a> evening Jo AI I'I >ii li < \ \ Rentals Wanted 8PM t'in t 11 A d 1 ij i i i | I- s J r MONDAY EVENING AND SATURDAY INTERVIEWS, - i i" i T> UNFURNISHED APT. WANTED *v. - ." COLLECT'CAfcLS ACCEPT^B1 TO r . uik 1 USED CARS FOR SALE -•Fl.UNO • 1* i ' J - •• ' WHIPPANY 8 ."> B\ UNFURNISHED APT FOR SlfttKtlT 6-6OC»0 Ext ii—not.* \MJ l>* IS U.I Hi M>> l.M r Ii t , i I I I, , 1 f _£„ »i d r-. 1(1 U.L W r r IK) M't' » I ' m 'd ilttnmt" I m I I GIRL a 1- 5 4 TA H. SELL IT THRU .THE ti J- i ' Ar it il BLACK a \\ ^ ^ i c! dr ti • > | ! m f 1 i i'l lull sit .i ( di'loi 1'OS 1HC I in i \i ' i 1>_ i*i BELL TELEPHONE I R - ~i TJ 'la"*' 1 t u' t • i I Vt i it line i *\i i ' f H iJ i- i h i i l' * f ' Kt J • WANfADS • IJOTi S i fc'i r 1 i-'-T -* 1^ ^4 »" H i I s> H i > * ». i I i" ' i i Jt.• \' NlAR SUMMIT On Wblppany-MorrlatoWn Road i co:iu. () I" good I .; StU-ct fc!W "f-rvlff ...... mil* from Bout* 10, De Camp biw jacket ui'i conUit >i. 6 'i * 1 ' ! fif«a Summit RasSroad sutler., du.'-. Ko. 145 & 146 from MorrUtown & Short 11:11.. Jtli-dajlight hours. Llmitfd service Newarls. . . • DOG TRAINING iiMS 15MC • w • I ' < i " ORDER YOUR On Saturday , ' BOY'ti size 16 top coat, ziy-ir.-lir^ii: - .' i pr?f v . • - - v f ' - i V tan spring suit. Ir-Micy t'.ze it I 408S J Sfion Kills 7-23 'A CLASSES 1940 C*H>' I1 HIGH SCHOOL STENO-CLERK Tfrif"ltOBiN~~hr< a ra-p 2 ~Ti- - \ M Col (lit (il ^ FURNISHED APARTMENT Typing, dictation, computation and Street. MlUburi t-.^ *r;;;m)2a:Kin. Pleasant workinn con- 1937 Will 4. t- triQtts Kirl who !lk.-« Il«ur all day Wfdnpgdaj U'i i^-n ~-i . T ditloiw. Moving into Summtt-Mo.-ris- j <• - bocl v f i > t r I y of work Exprrlrnce not IH TUs Sierry-Cn-R u 3 C, ^. 1 t H Oil Burner Sunun'.t 6-7220. t;>wn area. Orange 2-9347. \ I' ut hp 4'i L :Sjrc-i P.--e r ^. d 6- WANTED, part time houseworker. MUlburn 8-1003 H 5 xrs I~-13 J-* M-- A 19J6 I'OMIM ~r , " Fi?eid»y ft'wk 9 tlil 2,'or can arrange coiu din (< M l f (i 1 4C--*Lt».UK> \t ; A For Immediate Delivery . TYPIST-CLERK hours. Clean and chwrful. Kind em- 1934 ti>lll> (.i l\ i*i I ployer KuaraJitMd. Write particular*. S»VICES OFFERED Kt « V" Ml '1 Riant no J jii'. i r JI >» F classified department of Sum* P.O. Box 283. Short Hi Us your tlower box«.^. SU:TUT;:- H;'.U 1 i' Only FlorLst, 3 Beech wood Rrf Q.» *J Asb- \ m 'Herald. 35-hour week. ra]i: EXECUTIVE spcretarr, stenwrraphcr-, i I«Ral - Industrial, comptometer-oper- wood Avc, Summit fi-:o'™. FRED STENGEL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Mrt' Forbc.% Summit ators, clerk typists, blllem. p&yr(?ll Ctrptntry. repam. ai't'eritloni, Immediate placement. Morrlsto-en 'J •- •i r iCTMra. cabinets, porches, etc. Let me Wi 'a' I' HOUSE TO RENT BEAUTIKUL r»..-r.\ :r.ii« :•••- ;* do your 3t>5«— Inrgr or smiill Onlon^llle •> IN *>t>?.'Kca&^ 'AiTj * i.rl V'i ciw:' :t CULOI I u t i-mn, :i«8 .Msgno;i> place. D 8t»'( i 1 f 1 ' U nx OLERK - BOOKKEEPER Cnll fl to 3 pm O'»".-,» :-=--J;: I f I ,339 COUNTER GHIL AT W KCTIITS •M' I I ' < V Fr.r B il St. ' 6-Jnunit N J VVr>'i> 1 H )MI\ 1G (." IT 1 MORTGAOE DEPAHTMQiT for dry cleaning store. Steady work. UP-TO-DATE PERSONNEL POLICIES good condir..!.!, rfisi.:vis> SCmmlt 8-8093 Rd I* (I *0 HOUR, 5 DAY WORK WEEK. ?ood pay. 40 hour week. • 6-0J*5-W. alterations . rep«lr» SALARY BASED ON EXPERIENCE B L SCHLOSSEH LOC1S MELLVSO DIAMOND APPRAISERS COMPLETELY INSTALLED EXPEBIESCE PREFKRHED BUT NOT 9x!3 tux. mlsrr-l!in Cirpen iTT-5-Rlteritlocs REQUIRED. All very reasonable OFFICIAL I) m ir' Apr Art at on«-c to -juamn- 1 Walnut Street, Summit 6-3200 C»b!a*t war It. Frf* c*im»tt» T| Holt K' SU \1\ Call 6-3973 Ire inmudhttr in»tallai- HRiST NATIONAL IRON BANK i LIVING ROOM »« and covers: Broirt TIC. ( M_.re(" I OF MORRZ3TOWN ! tfirse-mlrror drts*i:;g table Oc- I wax take care of your 'sticking i nln li ( i ' lion. Paynit-nt at -our Here's What You Gd! Or LABORATORY glsas waaher. Employee I caslonsl cha'.r. vs'iirtfrobe FURNJSHFO ROOM TO RENT WR.ITF, .OIVINO RSHVitE OF benefits. Jive days. 8:30-3 p m , pleasant Summit 6-OM5-F or 45 r-fi-.ifris-f 'and -ntd joYib'.n •• clone. ! ronvrnit'tice — Cath ut Ave., Aot. ?£. SCRAP METAL EXPERIENCE. working conditions. Interviews Tues- • 550 GAL STORAGE WE "BUY" scrap ir,i SALESLADY" four""".«lrt Millburn 6-2:yJ weeK. In china mid sillvsr fiiop So CARPKS'TRY • Thermostat experience nwjefciary. Box T92, Sum- AIR REDUCTION LABORATORIES L'SKI) Quality gas ranee $«. 8*ari«lfciiaK. Rppalrlng. Cabinn mit Herald house 7' refrigerator. $60- Hot-poin! Heertatiasi R••.>;)no* and Bar* ~ INSTRUCTIONS pi* i b )' • Protecto Relay MURRAY HILL SUMMIT 6-870O atitomallc washing m*fhfue, I jrt II ' I I UNionvilfe AdcJittau EKfERUTTCBD ti-arhrr tutor In • Pressuretrol For Retail Appliance Business: ___ __ „ old, $120. MtKburri 6-li33 Young lady, expert«nc«l or willing ; GENERAL" hous^orker. 'mTJuil^r grade and hlifli school IK>f)M -nrt Eastern Fael Co., 233 Broad Strttt, 456, Short Hi::* • Dmft Regulator to I«rn switchboard. Pleasant p*r- i two !la]f davs 70 hm , t Sumirtit 6-O0OI. _• »nd contr^tnr. tndits __ .._ _ •onalltjr. Sales txperiencc nrrntary. , . . summl- 6-1939.J 2-9400 il b 1 J trJjl.comrr.«rf.a! at;d botnea Novaeo, ] 8PBINOHELD Nurstry M»l- T - • Futflo Oil Filter Hours dally-fvenlnK* 5-9. Ss-urtlay (..-.™L. i_?._l;.. -i '. ^: 5 6-2247-R. 1 8-5 pm. Apply Box 763, Summit I WOMAN wanted lor general hoiue- Street. Sprlnctlfld. Weekday. * 9-12 • Subject to Local Ck>JU. a.m. 8O. 2-B1M Ml 'i -t Herald. ' i ckanirn!; erery other Thursday. MI. 8PECIMAK Hemloclu foforr «*». *J- 2»—CONTRACTORS 6 1I7 M ACCORDION and {Innailan Guitar r 1 10" •1ffo6sBWolfKHr^lvr~n^7arr^i;s^"l_ _'^ ' ' ; - i ATC, Sammi: tLECTlON FI1ALI, SIT A >MTIY •nit niter 5 p in Saturtiajs. at your bmiif If di^lretJ A wefk. Mtist be ru-at &i;d cxptrl'-nced, '•——"• "' "-"-•';•."•." .: • ----— CARPENTRY - AI/TERA'IIONH Millburn fi-1789-J alto ablr u. cook oriU snv,. oc- ] HELP WANTED MALE 8—HOUSEHOLD GOODS rcoi'inc. in/i&oiiry. j>a;:r.i:.%, I'J t " ! : pSw*.*rlag- pInrnM'iig. hi-atinn. A'-firu Mil •l 6- caslonal dlnneni; . Summit 6-0243. - _.. LOST nTGf m-rai Clerici] wo.-if- BENDIX Automatic Crtlan Ca, Summit 6-42:9-J. ers. Ealftrira jxikl art* competitive Public Schools of the 24-4—URESSMAKINC. " ' "~ QREKK Parakeet. Saturday. i wilii local Indus::;.'. Tlvp day wfj-k. BOnOUCHI OF BKRNAHD8VIL.LE excellent condition. $5C; a'JW pneu- ' h 1 % cr(.v;t CJrrle. Name SHIjijier. !!'' Ill' I'JI 1 plcwant working conditions Apply 2 j«)sltions available July 1, 1953 matic tired garden srijeelSMu-roir, n inn Federal Oil Sun i in pwson at the1 First Natiotml Bank Miiintenunce Janitor $8. Cill Saturtiay and Sunday oslj. D8ESSMAKISO and »!tpntton.« at MI. B-5151-J. & Trust Co. of Summit. Attractive fularks, j)fU;5ion and t>nurp Summit 6-J231, feonse or in private hoiup XJNlnn- PASSBOOK t . TM» Suii 9 Goi Biinge. short HiiU 1- \ l!ll*__?**.: .' :...,..., . . I Co. FlnilM e ret-itrn P.iymetit \> l In n v 'f'i'n Apply by l.H'-r or in ptrson to stupped. t' '' imml' Company SALESLADY Mr. W. Roes Andre, Women's Bhoe Shop Supt. of tSchooli, 4-4818-B. FtrRNlSHKD room, re-lrt-ntlal 495 LEHIGH AVE. UNION, N. J. rerm»nent or part time position Ut-rnard* High School, Venetian blinds (69 x 49t »I0, Grm» Co. Finder please return. Payment n»mr all trnnnprtrtntlon. Summit 8- Apply in person. fk-rnardsville, N. J. drspeiB $10. Excellent coedtttaa. »—CLECTRICALTWORK stopped. Summit 6-9145. 1OCT1RICAL work . of all kinds.' FOOTWEAR, Inc. "MAPLE dinette, lib- ttew, refectorr ipt *trvlcf. Summit C-!ii:-;5. 354 Bprliiatlclfl Avt. Summit DRIVER table. 4 chairs, hutch. 175. ito «!*:- (OpjKiSite S H. Krft'A hf.wetn I en. Summit fi-359« or 7200. Ul tlme Ior \ SII Beech wood Rd. ami fiumm'lt Ave.i | " suburban d< livery. '4 9 x 12 OLD oriental rug. very %•>?& toU panel and 2 lon nf! A condition; for a collector, a Cntp- Skort H1U I»»ni3scapiag Con tract« "W0iSAN71p?efe7«Wy"l)«PthlrtyTlor' i ^ »* - PVl'J Tetepuonf, Short Hills 7-31«5 lntf-r«?«tlng position In newly p.s'.;ir> in pendaie mirror and ot.fi'-r ttnm of REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Hsiied dectimtor'* office; inuit be , interest. Butnmlt 6-52«3-J. TOP SOIL Tractor for Hire able to type; Kood »!>lary. Ilv;-d»y i rORBLS GARDEN CENTER X12 Domestic .Orw Plnwlnc All Ormmd- 1-SUMMIT SUMMIT 1 SUMMIT ft-CHATHAM TOWNSHIP •vetk. Rspiy in own hir.dwrltln-^, i StTBfRBAS TREE SKIVICB Mllihurn, N. J. Inexpensive; New Map'e ttatirijj eiluratlon, previous fxp»'ri- j C'Bblnet. Call evenlnits b«tw®?c 4-4 Tr*« Trtmanrt and Hemmed T-ENTRAU.T tOCATED fiice and salary desired. Box 193, p.m. or all day Sat. ur Sun. South ; Summit 6-2911-M. 9 ROOMS, 3 balh-, oW houst MJllbura Item. MEN to do light landscape work~arui Orange 2-7H4. large ground*. In wntitlcrfu! condi- Tofs OF LOTS ma!ntcnanf(>. MUlbura 8-1284. JUST RIGHT SINfVER elfrctric round bobbin port- e!--»rin?. bsek fiUlnR Bear,onsbie • NeW Multiple Listing tion throughout, Own«r In rt-Ri- MAN wanted for converting opcr- able, full get ot •tachm^nts. p*r- b'rjriy r»t*e. WecJc-eud work tpec)- •' 1 • A rrta) fipacio.u- ranch house In onp dence. Stimmlt 6-St>«3-j CLARENCE D. LONG H'.ion. small plant now feot condition, fully jju*ri-*«* imnkcrln;.' ;tlr emj>loy«y. bt-neflts, air roruiiiloiied AV(»., Siiiinnlt. N., J Suniml: ft-CTi > S'.maju fi-S50Z. Freci L V;»ti W'ert SECLUSION I ojic-floor HVIIIK iintl ajiprerliitfi n nice A RARE FIND! FILING AND GENERAL working fipitcc. Summit 8-7216. j hi'ii". f.f? this todaj-, v CLERICAL WORK DJUVKH -"POUTKH." Yotm;;" rn«n"To mateiirifc — aU» whit., foioiiin, -lit- -oof only 6-1)7114. THE STAFFOilD AGENCY 12 r« old. h"V. of mat.Th^' wnd work in rarp. t -ami ilrioi'-iini storf. ._ * tiaai" sr.d bflgium bir^k? -~ IAJTH, a, P, A. », C. t> V. II I J Pleasant Modern Office ; IR.'j>. 98 Mviltt St., Sptliiisrield. N"J., i-onutniftloM. 3 twm-nii-.. OittroorrsK 2 Steady. Apply in pt-mm E. h. Fit- VSKD B cu. ft. FrlgldJUrea, ta voiir." ThU$ English home on its ! Realtors •uc!>«nic 6t., Mlllbum, •'•— irre, l»-rn care, laL' prlcrs. Mj'l- roorna, lirtth and studio room. " MA-MILUNfiTON Opportunity for Advancement, 9—MISCELLAfitOUS we gnr»Ke. Low taxra. Priced Bt PRIVATE $2C,000, 7 acrwi extra l«nd »v«i.uble. QUICKLY y0" lntu>k**;e »nd MAN, for wash room itnd extraruon* utsf! r Sflw ' nuxlrru kitchen, (IISIIWIWIHT, " ii Station nU-ndRiH Kitli^r" M«w.m,-oonti«etoi on dHlRhtlul Int. tmril^iTfl with yrsir N t»»ltw. Mlmol !IU' H Summit 6-7117 or Wn1i)r.>;t)iiy- !rmn 7 00 ) All round grfwirrv . . pHchy/wmdra. rvcr- I)UI1.m, Call' MI. 6-1745 2 Cents a square foot! [ JS£*tej»wi _ Kreens, nvmntalii liinrel. nnd till! porrh. ,0||M. ,r, rp!!iU, ^ ^ l 1- square feet, approximate- j "^^^S tloii. Thlfi h«m-p 1« Jiwit ion perfect to £'i«a!w 1"ratrd- w«»««' YOUNG MKN tiw|*B,.jft->i|!-ac»fl, ALL BRICK ()f«cribf fully. A Um d^tallf; — ly 7-aere tract near Satitmlt I C«H itiriitt fHro Si den) 2i ft. IIVIHK room with nrtlstio flrf- 2 SUMMIT »rftf Hill Ideal rwldrntli'l ."oX 1 — RfrolvlnB Clerk (ll.B. |?nut(i»t») with 2 bittlii), mi|>er kltehwi,.14 ; p!ne(». plcotrlc kltchol i with high class district 1 —• to lc»rn duplicating machine. !•—MtSCCLtAKEOVS _jSummu Herald t for expansion Of estate. i ji 25 living room, massive gtone flr<"- ; «r. ferrestWn room with fl 24 p Oood workiiiR «omil{i(m«. Interview place, fiorrh, 2-cur nnnmp. (mill Jr4 , ft. m««t.r-r hrdrr>oin. /ptn-*d J« SKK IT NOW! ~HED BANK Ag« no barrier ir char»«er and t 4riv«r*»y» Mid psirlttnB lot* In f|iilet »iectton flo»« to now Lincoln i yard (or roinjilne prlvnrv, »un Tucsdny and Thnmdny only, 9-12. C. Aim stop lealtlnir eel- Thte 12 ym (lk, frftfJ) background are Mttofnctory. Writ* Frank P. Culijm, Broker School, »OW I'llH/'KO BlOUT lit < with (-oiRpruw vlfIWP on 11 flh,i(ly Jot jtwt M)Ma MttblUbrrf, proiltiitil'- ;| 32lW0 Hiimmlt t P.OPO. BoB x 72 MllMmrnMllMJ MOJOtAY Mthh SUMMIT 8-67O0 15 Union Ave., New Providenc* Gall Panifood a-M77 -«r * ' I DON'T MtSS THI8 ONE room, kltchnt »nd K linn on l*t hedfl nnd tile twth on hoyjiiw, pseklnK hiniKc. ' h.y Summit «-M*7 HOLMES AGENCY, Realtor) 3nd, Attivli tp, for inUicelhineotu tench OARMEMUB wutted. 1 d»y 11 Veik" IMBT *tt*«r own M^l^iftfr f?firn}4«*. A*Klng $2i0yy through -uiriitwr, «1 Kiln- A:: d»y 8st'ird»y and Hutjdny E»ta.bti»!l«i 1806 1 New York and s :1( It.' Libcrkl cniployee benefit*. Bkl . HiIMgJit*h . off SprlnifliPld Bttl «Sfl?SH BYSTRAK BROS. THE HIGHLAND CO. erty approxlmfttcly l i " Onion A»e. C*U at night. Siinuplt l7T.' i roqt» ipotten dwi' n B0OK« ftouitht. sold OJd Boo)- Blwp MofttfiWtli' County, U. S. INTRUMENT CO. TS !«p-J»(t SlOrrhtw 4li1)' Realtors CAR wwhw and noltahw; s«')ii | nvioii nKUni", ouMoor <*«r,nt n< .r. -aoariKN worlslnft condition*; Wneflm Aj>p!v ' ».tJ f 9 Mapl« 8t; Bummit Bumnili 9-7060 VM'ti COW, 5 Mro-4 Street, 8hre>»!)iiry, 40B Broatl St. Bummit 8p»dy wmk with Mp . AND VIEWS IilMCX>tN lj y k pp nt Nun-* oifrtlmp. flood hourly r»(i» iA pay. r .. .. I CAM. nWTKll ftPIVKy, 10 y«mr nkl white CuhmM, Immodlftle ACJRKS o Motrw, Oforkxik >l"i|iiini Api>ly Hillside Mivhlnp 0. 30? CX>W or twnw m»rmr«>, mt»«J. frc« ^i1il rwtm, rlliiJii* room, BASKIHO Attractively dwwntwi •U#r 10 a m frlilay. A-h t»J f 4-'l7ll-^' ft IIANDVVOKK Hmsd fit.. Nnmml'.. , from rtrnw, lor floWr b*«U, tmt* \ j |iil ati»| li«g f) Acres TOOirr twAOB Brown T*l fl-'Jwn rttirt K«rd--iM Trip sfrtl t5 ' i «*,«m»(l tmirt on flmt'tlcpot. Snd floor buth, Unlit rlif'-ry pp Two ur OljiNit rni». Parnw fTnlonvltlr ODD JOBS It ml (or IIM 3 twin *li»*! bprtrotrtrwt »nrt 'lt«« t lump Mviiii; MKTER RKADIOU ' (nmtroon) «rifj Working COIlrtltlon-, Ajifly 3D Mid ihrt ifin'iu. r»llnni llatll Ofi* I'M ntUWtvd KMlWf. 6(W iirntij with Moorish • frrt A*i-, HH |75 Summit «-*0W-M 'if»Fi»i )|lr<>C-.l| fl '|!i h#)*t, t»fleed »t M0,0(W for » Youir li'in for i»(wl't'>j> of Tncf(T pm -IS j> rn Mm kit J-'/ri?! •nil- own property, I'll':'' ••'' 1 an ' hu-ii--, - tinn ' 4 on* day ». wc'H, fnun 0 tu ;, j"«fl«"i w,i iif lilijh *i*hao\ tfimUm'i HIT.NrKJl M. MAltKfl. It-Allot ' 'li>'irt •(, iiii{ suliirf, periodic ndvum'i" huttimi fhnirn V, H Herrzck. OVrRHKKtt «J*RA«i: IXXlltS AS ORDERED Hunnrilt. N. J Hiiiiimli «-!(KM> 'W. A. McNnmnra rmitui, rwiulr-*!, T->i*i>h'i- -l« KMIIII CoUniliit *u lint - - ItR H-IWW Inn A*-Ut»nt, full t>r 311 fiprlriKfiWd Av*>, Uru« >r»F Hliwt Hill* 7-7W3 ' SI»I ** Wt*nt Bfrwlf"*- MlllUutit 2 p»r j-i»fi»if"' — lfcrg high tl lor r h 10 YKAR YOUNG h Ra ,!KI JL ..!.riV;. H}**lI AirmMomi* 9-riF'f'F: wnlrutt vnxnf (Jlr,|rn'~r«fini <-•*• - »ns(o In id y wi>"vi]»>i r rtwm on l»t — f II nnri n-cttoiiH'tfrriirp BAY-WIN DOWICI) crthw »ul) f»td down - Inrt? Un itml J/o* turn >((>-ttln|t. IKrwt P'.irnmlt, fldnunlt «• IXOIUBHT » , «ff> thro mm Wft^HiWMI Ptltf Miller ()i>. m KUM«| CXhftt fr«Kii Sit MUlirarn AfWIHS, MOUNTAIN, WIIITMORE __ Mtllbnrn thrtiugh B»ti»rd»y, 9 to 46 ' work. UntvUmmUt W.l ft. V rt>itWlHrr(_J!Pg.„. ft JOHNSON S.E. & E.G. Houston CHATHAM IK. Summit. tK»r«l m'ltrjf, «-fll-ftr rntmn- I VKTHtUt}! «r 4 I W* "*•*•• I Otttut Runi ttmtm "P'Saas*•!# THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, APRIL 9 1953 *->• eome American folit Mielodlei „.* NUe*r«. J:OJ, 7*0. iO:J3. April )1. 11, ft to a*Jl. 2M «:J3 7:25, 10:4fl, April 12. Dr«ert LegJon, ORANGE and tbt 8»»utlful. 6:*0, 10:15. fbd, I found thrqujhout the colorful Local Cuttom-StyW Ford Black EuW,. 1:3*. Aattroclw tad the dtntry, *;ii, 1M. 10:33. AsrU 11, 3:2i, J:U. |:tO, 11:05. A * C Go<* U 5^0 8 50. Aptll IS. Tht B«» UH tb» f Your foes" score of "On Your To*»" which 6U p 151. &M. Uv&, 1:05, 3:55, 8:50. 9,45. April 13. EMBASSY B**>4UIul. J:4», «:», 10:00. "TUl, 10. | In National Auto Exhibit !0:i';. April 12 AadroclM *cd tbe HOD. t;41. Ju« BSDger, 3:00. 3S. 10:10. 14. Often UgJon H CO, 2:00, 5:00, April » Jick »nd the B««n*t*lk 1:40. ! S«$, »:«. April 13. 14 The B»d tMid i, goes into the final two weeks of 135. 4 M. t:ll. K»ifW*» 3:iO, «35, 9M, April 13, 14 stun »n4 6trJ; 7:£S U :W, A U C UWfi to Mm, 12:40, The Ltcpurd Man. 3 03 The But It;%he B»uUM, 1:3$, »:40. Ttol. 3M|' a highly successful engagement Summit; Is represented in theAjftiJ is, ii Androclt* tad th* Men, I'M, 7:00, 10:3«. J*M SI«er, 3:U, 3:40. 6:35. S>:41>. | the Beautiful, 8:40. T»*l, 7:00, 10:34. {7 m. 10:35. April IS. Tht Stooge, !:3jfiri lies Provoke 1:49. 1:33. ftUtw*. S*5. 1M, 10:18. 8:49, April 10. Jack and the Beanstalk, 1:«.. j 7:94. 10:i0. Tht SUvtr Whip, 3:50, *Wf'W. beginning Monday, April 13 titcurrent lS-day National Hot Rod April 15. Th« Bttwfe, VAi, SM.'Vhe i LOEWS • TJ/tt Uoptxd Man, 3;W, Tbe 0«4 & the Paper Mill Playhouse, Mill- and Sport Car show now. being Siw| 3:10, 7:00, 16 3S. MOLLYWOOO | April 9. Abov*- »nd Beyond. 11:25, ; the BtiutUul,- 1:00, !0:25. Tal. i;O5IPALAC, E •,*«!* held et Palisades Amusement ' AprU 8, 10. fh« Star. 1:40. |J :0Q, 10:00. '2:55. 6:25, 9:58. COKftdmtiAJly Count*, '. April U. On 'the St&%e-Ttit Merry April 9, 10, 13, 24. B'Wan« Oertl. |ji% h nd Memories burn, LIVINGSTON Thief ot Venice, 3:10, 8:25April 11, 10:05, 1:40, 5:!(L 8:4'J. Aprtl 10: 11.M»tlnian, 4:00. Blond It Ooea to Col-7:27. 16:ie. April 11, 12, B'Wan* XmB* ¥ Park by the entry of a custom- 12. Tb* Si*!-. 1:00. <:(»7 10. \0M I Above »ntf BfvSnd. 10:C0.-!:2O. 4:40,Jege. J:l«. Owtoon*. 1JS. The Badt:M. 4:43, 1:U, MM. ** - i [|lV ,,f ihe familiar Itodgsrs •There's A Small Hotel" is prob-. built car owned by Robert V. Pirr- April i, 16. The Stooge, 7:00, ,10:05. Thle' of Venice, 2:33. 5:40. -.50. April y ably the' beat known of all tta i T»ttgier Incident, S.48. April 11. The13, 14. This Star, 1:40, T:00. ;0O. Thief IM, HM, 6:50, 10:10. April 12 AOOVP fj'irt JIH-lodlea which have be- spn, 18, of Bwkman road, Stooft. 3.10, «:55, I0:OJ. Twgt« In- ot Venice. 3:10, 8:35. Mid Beyond. 12:40. 4:00. 7:20. IO;48, melodies and It J» sung by George Plerson, a 8«nior at Pingry cidmt, 1«. J:3«, 8 « April 12. City Ccnftcl>utl(>llj'-fo!in|p, 2:45, «:05, 9:30. Tapps and Mary Heche an a duet BeneMh &*. J:O0. 4:00. 6 53, 10:00. ELIZABETH April 13 14. 15, Abovt- mid Beyond. Schooi, is showing his "Amethyst," 6emlnoU t:J5. 5:30. 8:3S. April 13, 11 11:15, 2:35, 6:25 8:58 Confidentially 447 Springfield Avt. which Is litter reprised by lUith a, royal purple individually styled Clly Btuefcth 8ea 7:00, iO:9O. BemlncU. NEW 'Connie. 10:05. 1:40..' 5:10, 8:*Q. Webb and Robert Eertes. .Mta1830 Ford convertible. The car »M. April IS. B»d ted the BwulUfui, April 8. 10, 11. NJ*««r«T 'fie 4 8.30 0«*.pcme Smrch. 7:18, 10:2i. finder, April -M, 13, )*. y Cou/.ln IPROCTOU Summit 6-3900 Webb loins with Tapps ta present botuta juch imu&wl feature* a* « / Strand FUN and FOOD lUchsJ. Androcles icit Ljie .011. Ocore i April 9. 3^ 'lS.,H. Peter P*u. J:SU. » tricky- number, 'The Heart Is three-quarter race Ford motor CRANFORD Open Dtily: 8:45 AM', i 13:JI. 2:&8. 5:44, 8:J«. 11:13. 8eer«t ^l the N«wljf-Opi«t4 RKGENT T Bh»r*r, 11:23, 2:00. 4:55. 7:37. 10.23. 'Quicker Than The Eye" Another estimated to conservatively reach CRAXl-PKO April II. Prter J'an, 10:52. 1:38, 4:24, April 9 Scmtaoie, 1:29, 8 W. Th' Thru MON., APRIL 13 great favorite is the haunting mu-, a tfpeed of 40 mph in first gear and i April 9. !0, 12, 13, 14. 7:00/0:S'. 12:?». Reerrt Bturer. !0:O5, Clown, 3-50.1.00; 10:10 April 10. The[Little Bliebi, 1:05. 4:00,:C0 9:55. 12-49. 3:15, 8:17. 8:5» - 1U.43. April 12. ialo of "Quiet Night" which is of-'80 mph in second. S;*r. 1:20, 8:40. Th* Stooge. 2:50, 7.0O. T«rget lloiig Kong 2:50, :».. 8:45. t RATHSKELLER 1 Peter Pan, 2:22, 5:16, 8:10, 11:04, Secret fered by the famed. Paper Mill! Pleroon spent more th«n a ypar !0:!6. Ajwii O, Th» at»r. 3:13, 7:00.April It, Com« B#ck LI a Shebi. Sharer, 1:33* 4:27, 7:21, 10:14. or 1030 Th. SUX^e 1 «. 5:». 1:40. April 1 1:0.5. 5:05, 8:0O. 11:00.T+grt DEAN Singing Ensemble. In rejrtyliftg his car and removed 12. The Star. 1:20, J.0J, «:3O, theKoti|{. 2:50, fi:5<3.8:W . l,i,,,,rr & Bance Music Stooge. 2:5S. 6:33, »:5S. April 13, The Miss Roche, who carries the bur-;all chrome work, installed « newly St*r. 1:20. 7:00, 10:20. the 8«K!?e, |Kv«ry Saturday NEWARK den of th« vocal work in the pro-designed grille in the radiator and 2 55 8:40. April 11 Tbe Star, 2:20, 1 V.M. to 2 A.M, ; upholstered the interior in an egg- 7:W :0:J0, The Stooge, 2:W, 8.W. BRANFORD iBiii»t«'''t * l>om«Uc Btwt* duction, is heard in thrw* othf>r EAST ORANGE . April H. 10. D«tfttt UeiflonJ •l:O0, 2:00. Authentic tierm*a idiell leather with a padded dash 5:0O. 7;&5, 11:00. A & C Ooi to KUra. aBI1 numbers. 81m sings with vC1wlt>s OPENS WED. Cuisine of the mme shade material. HeBEAOON 12:40, 3:49. S:J5, 9:40. April 11. D«*ert Asehmann in "Glad To Be Un- Irfflon, 12:15, 3:10. 6:00,:55. 13:00. On iifsir* tinder the was assisted in the job by Di- At«11 ». 10. nott to Bill. 3:0«, 7:00, Uirtctloa Of :0 09 Ruby Otntry, !:««, 8:«. April A & C Ooee ta K(&r& 11:00 1:50. 4:40. happy" and joins with Tapps again Biasse Custom -Garage of 2ltb,'! County Drug Firms Aid Dancing charts honors with i singing In the musical whiofi 1J^' li" leolth Campaign MIKADO burlcaqur? of the activities of e The.first era sjrirs of rcgioria! ' "* As Done bullet "-company,- Tapps who ismeetings being\falled by the THE RIDGEWOOD GILBERT & SULLIVAN OPERA CO. even more'at home,when on his pharmaceutica( l hou^qs of Union _ ,, . ti «•• A IA _» Summit III " fret 'shares the Aineing honors; * pount.y to - acquaint, loc«T industry Friday. April 17,8:30 p.m. at ^ |•ium wi|h .Patricia Bowman and Itevidf with the purposes, prog«Krja «nd hM] Aud!to DINE AS YOU ENJOY Tihrrmr, 'particularly in the two! Amen Legion Homo, Elm St, SU. needs of the Union Com Dr. Murray- Ross, Optometrfai THE RACES major btilh-t ^.numbers, "Princes*"; Jersey Association for TICKETS AT Thrill to th« racing from your club .COWARD'S.. Zcnobia" and '".SldiiRlitc-r on Tenth j Rd., SU- «4Mfl house table. For table rcserrationa Hwilth wt-rf held on April 2 Zusl'n Sweet Shoppe. Sprlnffleld Ave. phone YOnken 3-4787. \v**niio.-" • David Winters, one of8! at tht» Canoe Brook Country "BRIEF ENCOUNTER" i both '.i'leviiflon'8 best known child ac-j Club. • .... 8 RACES NIGHTLY •e him "ors, ."cores with both sinking and (except Suniley). For tic tct inquiries or the Thesp( luncheon meetings were' phone YOnkers 8-4200. Children not dancing routines In tht* early,parti admitted. called together by Norman.... F. STARTS WED, AfRIL IS •i ' • ' of "On Your Tors' when hc-ap-j Storm, executive vice-president'of EASY TO GET TO •wars as the boy who grows Into | \CjniMk fd that Ciba Pharmaceutical Products, adc ot the man played by Tapps in theInc.' , and co-chairman in -charge of A SHORT DRIVIs tunnels or Bridge latter part of the show, to West Side Jl'wuy to Saw Mill to le was "The Aristocrat Indti"try solicitation for the Men- Mosque Th«itr«s 1020 Broad Street, Newark, Cross-County, Ample parking. e tect area of Formo.v-i i.s slightly tal Health fund campaign commit- •T SUIWAYi Independent "L>" tr»in HOPEUWOOR ng the too for Union County. Monday, April 13th, 8:40 P.-MJ lo Btdfonl J'k.; 7(h Av.-V'an Cort. to of CHINESE! more than that of Massachusetts 242nd; Lex.-Jeroma to Woodlawn. and Connecticut combined. In addition to representatives of Express buses at stations. ROAD TO BALI local industrial concern*, those PHILADELPHIA ORCHESTRA ADMISSION (I.5O, tixl. tow "-""TfCNMICOMR a the MtiMC'ANCooking" present included Mr. Storm, Dr. ORMANDY, Conducting j R<>x Itffle* Opi-n ttilly III a.m.-lit |i,io. Beverly L. Clarke, Summit, director recrca- of control for Merck & Co.. Inc. fl.Nl, $2.10, $149, MM, |34O »," Van Luncheons PAPER MILL it the Rahway, chairman of the Union 409 Brtwrf ••••I* fwwp S.M.J, Dinners MILI.BLRN 6-JIOO County Mental Heelth fund cam- MAiM UIU.I. I U.«4 >M|« "PETER PAN". • • soomn Frank rarrlnjlon- paign committee, Matthew Shaw, RACEWAY (end Family Dinmrs) Dlrrcior Wcstfidd, staff member of the Kv«i'8:au iKxc. Bum Mat W*

CHINESE-AMERICAN •Slaughter on Ttatb AT*." SUMMIT • ••• -*- Starring STRAND •pectaculsr action iron the [RESTAURANT April 9. 10. Tlic Stc,3ge 2:55, 7:25. out George Tapps & Patrida Bowman 9::;5. Ap.il II. 12. The K-toogf. 2:30, with a mightieat "Rocket" Engine of 348 Springfield A«. 4:50, 7:15, 9:^3, AprH 13, Thf Etcoff, TICKETS: Kresges B»nis, 3:53 ?:U 9:35. AprU H. Brief En- ill tine! You go. with tilken SU. i-0278 All Agencies. MUllOrderi eour>t(r, 3:00, 7:30, 9:30. Apr!! 15 Rotd *1 jnir- to Ball. 3:C5, 7:35, 9:*0, Th< Hoaxtcrs, •moothncis—with a trc- 2:30 7 00. 9-10. "rocket 8*1 !RIVE IN THEATRES Jl'15! 8:45 Th,' NarkPd Spur, 3:20. 7:00. 9:50 April 11. No Ho!,s B;\ners«. lo sale »Of TO 10 A 107 of Aide' n,r Ic 1:30. April 12. Mo Holes Etorred, 3:4S. delightfully easy—make* park- 6:25, 6:10. The Nacked Spur, 2:00, #;», 0 Cr-la- A me thru Saturday Fri.-Sol., April 19-U 7:30, 10:20. ing • pleasure! And with wl-.icJi MILLBURN Ynnnjt Jeff C'handller POWII llalll', feather* ?lantse "Abbott and CocttKo mu.mjRS 1 pr.r- April 9, 10, 13, 14* The Stooge. 1*J Mccf Captain KicM" "BECAUSE OF YOU" H-.S5* 10:05. AndroclM and the tlOn. light pedal pressure is all that't ttnount 3:C0, B:45. Apr!! 11. The Stooge, 3:30. "'V,.«on« Wiwt" Color! I'lii!., "CnJIlr Town" 4:50, 1C: 10. AndroclM and the Lion. needed to bring tha big. 1:15, 5:10, 8:4}. AprU 12. The Stooge, ion of 3:13. «:«. 10:10, Androclw »nd the powerful car to a qukk^ rare nt for s»« -Wed.. April 1215 Sun..?Ted.. April 12-15 Lion, 1:40, 5:9S, 8:40. April 15. Tbe Star. 3.W, 7:00 10:00. City BfM»th the •topt Betywi^on't care t* y, c-on- Miir'mni Suoan Jlavwnnl Alan inrM Virginia M«v» 8*». 3:0O, 8:40. nrchi- 11 MADISON •top farlong . The Super "88" i civic "T:T:;;E LUSTY MEN "The 'iron Mistress" MADISON Ap'll 9. 10. Com? Back Uttle Sh«!», it designed for action! Iff Me trt Hw Mr*' 7.:IP, »:?«'. April 11. COIPP Back !.{«!« tt nny AUo—"Mv Pd Qm" Shrbn. 5:0D, 7:27. 0:44. Apr!! 13 Mwt cr«a »«W1I firil*, with above ,,MP nt tin' Fair, 2:30. 5:28, 8:». Cmttle »d by Town. 3:5". 6:55. 9:53, April 13. Me*« FREE PLAYGROUNDS Me At The Pair, 7:00, 9.48. C«ttlt sparkling new beauty to match Town. B:37. April 14. Thp S.vcirh V, 11. 7.00. 9:13. its Cabuloua perfornaancet Stop AprU 15. The Seventh Vi!!. 2:W. 7:00, 0:13. is today for a demoi»trationt UNION COMMUNITY UNION •Tial* F«Mr futarti ant (V«» Imp to April 9. My Couttn n»chfl. I 23, i;4O omidls Road ta Bull, 3:lio Held ) , With Over . ,fc3fi*p- IOIWS '-G1e BOB- It M-G-M't

,;-:,-1' . Wif [TAYLOR • PARKER; James



Ttaktt* Now 1 On 'llOCKIT INOIMI O B I L

»~mL*mmmmm**mmm'$tt YOUI NIAHIT OLDIMOIUI tiltlt •'•' , , n B «S A18

IN 1- The Colonial Little Symphony A dinner at which the entire epeetion tour of (h. It-jo. ' , • | gate's office, Mrs. Spindler died ceutical Products, Inc., waa th« vise operations at Suminit. Jogc loan fund, tho Nt-wark School announced yesterday that the pro- afalt of the Prudential Insurance 1 March 4 at West Palm Beach, speaker on Tuesday at the Old T' > 8H Htnry B. Drake. Jr., of Busings Studi-nt Aid Fund and gram to be offered at the concert Co's Summit .sale* office were Fla. '••'•• ~ Guard meeting in the YMCA. He fiv.' i. :.).td Till Oaks, class of j a contribution toward a proposed at Summit High School, April 15. personally commended by high will (mtute the Beethoven Choral The remainder of the estate was introduced by J. M. Buchanan, company official* was held at the , • : \\i '.mil S Sterns. 3 Brook j Alumni Hou.sf on the New Bruns- program chairman for the month. Fantasy and will include Bach's w«m left to her daughter, Mrs. •ttitehin'" Post'inn -last Thursday. >.-'. . u-- o! 1934; Alfffd A.; w\ck campus.' Hildegard Swartout, who was also His subject w&a "XTodern Pharma- Brandenburg Concerto No, 4, Mo- The event formalized presentation named executrix. The value- of the ceutical Research." for zart's Quartette Coneertante for of a company award, earned by Aiding School Project estate was not disclosed. ' CRANE ITou Never Had Wind and Oroh««tm, and Proko- The speaker traced the science the district for iti outstanding ac- Mns, Francis Cameron of 10 fiev's Classical Symphony. of medicine from 250O B.C. when complish merits among Prudential' goil drivt* w a member of Leon Barzin will conduct. The the Egyptians were active In its district' office during 19S2- It So "Healthy"! th<> mothers' comtnitN'K of Pingry practice, as is shown by "docu- Summit Community Chorus will Kent Place and Known as the pr«-aid<-nt> cita- ASSEMBLY 494 Springfield Ave. School who have opened the an- sing the Choral Fantasy, with Dr. ments in stone" showing their UNO riua! drive for funds for the school of such vegetable products a.- tion, the award is conferred an- SEE AD ON PAGE 9 Diha Newlin, pianist and compo- nually on 46 districts which are- Mayor of Plainfield. Experienced, Cap obis library. ser, as piano soloUt, Lawrenceville acacla, figs, garlic, juniper, ek\ and such minerals ar alum, cop- not only sak« Ifttders but whose PD.ton. B¥ CAMPAIGN CUMM Mr. Barzin, who Is making hie pen Iron, sodium chloride, etc. lit- superiority in other phases of un- first appearance with the Colonial To Give Concert added that beer, milk, wine atul derwriting la outstanding. To win MUTUAL FUNDS. Little Symphony, has been activ* Kent Place, and Lawrenceville honey were also employed. the. citation, the Union dUtrfct in musical circle* in this country Schflol glee eiuba will .aing' jn a ,Mj, Cooper referred to the caa«; staff outranked more than 400 and abroad for many years, fte hfta joint concert in the Kent Place of Charles II of England who. in Prudential district officesthrough- .INVESTMENT TRUSTS conducted the New York Philhar- Phraner gymnasium , at S p.m., the 17th century, was bled with a out the U. S. and Canada. This monic, the Minneapolis, Hartford, Saturday, April 11, Theodore Kei- pocket knife and in whose ca^i1 ts the fifth -consecutive time that NATION-WIDE Information Available Buffalo and St. Louis Symphonies, ler of the Lawreneeville music de- they used .so.much in the way of the Union organization won this the National Symphony In Wash- partment will lead the Lawrenee- emetics and purges that. "it is! award. ington and the NBC Symphony, ville group, and MLss Ellen Rlch- strange that he died." W. L Ccmady & Co., Inc. and has been .musical director of In presenting the award, Joseph ter, supervisor of the Kent Place Synthetic Medicine F*. Kilejv Prudential director of Manager The National Orchestral Associa- music department, will direct the In the 19th century, the speaker MOV INC Summit 6«6£66. agencies for the New Jersey nrcfl. tion since Ita inception, in 1930. Kent ^lace club. Mrs, Ralph said, such remedies as mercury, i 40 Beechwood Road E. Paul Emert Since 19*9 he has been musical di- praised the entire Summit staff PJurrucy. will provide the. piano quinine and ipecac came into com--; for contributing to the district's rector of the N«w York 'City Biil- accompaniment for the.Kent Ploxe rnon use but. by 1900, the produv-i achievement. He pointed qut. th».t let, and during the summer of group end also for the joint se- tion at * •synthetic.- chemicals- came; RIMBACK STORAGE CO. 1932 conducted 13 major symphony lection.?. After the concert the to be accepted by the medical pro- j in sales but stood high ,in, all, ssJori'-"' xach- m aspirin, --for «x-1 countries where 137 performances aspects of nolicyhotders servit-o. li: : in the new lunch room building on ample, and the extfact of the! FIREPROOF •••'-• "COCD "FUR In™. "«HJf»-;,-giv«ft -by- th-e- Ballctr - • the Norwood nv ?nuo campus, . The Summit Community Cnorue, trict, also comniendet) the Summit The concert will open with a se- I in diphtheria and typhoid. The. WAREHOUSE STORAGE making its first appearance with pemuuy.'!: REPAIRS lection by the joint gke clubs, (speaker asserted that, fn the last I the Symphony, traces its history "Without the help of the Sum- "The Promisee" by Panchenko- 50 years,, so many * improvements I back to 1909 when it waa founded mit staff, we could not have Wilhousky The Kent Place glee have been miide- In synthetic chem-! by Misa Esther White, of Summit, ; achieved thfa high honor," Mr, MILLBURN 6-2000 club will sing "Sheep Stay; Safely istry that the life span has been i as a 70 voice female chorus, di- Bedell snid. "Each member de- Graze" by Johann Sebastian Bach; increased to about 70 years. I SERVICE rected by .Or,.Arthur Woodruff. In "How* Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Sir, Cooper told of the "guinea- .°erves credit, not only for filling 1919 it was merged with a men's Piece" by Johannes Brahms; a j pig group" composed of volunteer.? • iasuranee needs throughout hL^ AT FAIR PRICES singing group also directed by Dr. Portuguese folk Jwng, "The Pitch- ! in his own company (of which he ]area but H!E-O for providing the Woodruff, and made Its first ap- Mi 6-4552 Opposite Reg er"; "Father William" by Irving i was one* who submitted themselves jtype of policyholder service that See Your Local Office Machine Dealer pearance es a mixed chorus in | Fine; and ''Clap ' Hands" by to chemical investigation and how Complete Service on All Makes of Typewriters December of that year. Under the | Gershwin - Wornoek. The sclec- this, method was of inrotirhablo j and Adding Machines direction of Ralph Burrier of I tions of the Lawreneeville Glee , value since the "skiu effects" could Westminster Choir College since FleadquarteKS For . F. H. STRUBBt JR. [Club «re: 'Trumpet Song" by be told by humans Carry a Full Line of Men\ Bartholomew; 'Gambler, Don't Teeth in the Law Candies and Lunches Mass in c Minor, and major works | Lose Your Place" by Niles; "Doc- Early in the 20th Century, the ' Ladies', and Boys' Levi's. for choral groups by Bach, Han- in a beautiful new location tor Foster" by Hughes; "The Star" speaker said, the "Food & Drug del, Haydn, Mozart and Schubert. 1 by Rogers; ami "Russian Picnic' i Administration" came into being at Although ahe la only 27 years SALZMAN by Sander*. Th-e concert will close 'but it was not until 1937 when a old, Dr. Newlin'e musical back- with « joint glee club selection, • great error costing the lives of OFFICIAL ARMY & 130 FUME* AVENUE ground ia ah extensive one. She "Hallelujah Chorus from the Mes- some hundred persons, caused the has studied piano with Artur NAVY OEPT STORE SPRINGFIELD, N. J. siah" by Handel, inclusion in the law of sow Schnabel and Rudolf Serkln, and iOl Main St OIUinRe S-719J ,"teeth." Mon. ii-9 Turs & «>d. *~t Store Open Daily Until II P.M. holds degrees in music from the Interspersed between the selec- Thurs fl-!t Irl. 9-9, j The speaker described how both 1 Sal. 9-3:('O Ample Parking flo^.t >i University of California and Co- tions by the glee clubs will be fra- j cortisone and insulin tire to Iv lumbia University. Her composi- j tured The Kent Place Triple Trio j found in the human system, nrvi tions have been performed by the j find The Lawrentinns, an octet. hence* why both the.se drugs' miut Cincinnati Symphony, the Los An-j The Kent PIJICP Triple Trio in- I be most carefully administered so getes Philharmonic and the NBC eludes the following: Susan Arm- •as to have enough, but not too- Symphony, among others, and she strong1. Kflte Burke, Nadja Burn.* I much. HART has performed her own works as j and Patricia Macdonald, all of | Prior to the speech, Director well e» other compositions for | Summit; Louise McCarthy, Madi- i Manser presided with "Al" Dcven-; 24 Hr. Laundry Service SCHAFFiNER piano with major musical groups | son; Ann Dunham, Morristown; jney at the pinao. John J. Hatd- and on radio. As Associate Profes- | Cornelia Crce, Short Hi1!»; Betsey jand Albert Williams were welcomed sor of Music at Drew University in Free & Easy Parking Shaffer, Orange; and Sarah Cooke, ja3 visitors and H«>nry E. Reed of. Madiaon she la establishing « new New York City. They will sing: Short Hills was elected to member-' undergraduate department of mu- "Dona Nob is Pacem," composer ship. The deaths of Messra Care v I sic there, and has given several Kingman and Fairehikl were re-! SUMMIT DRIVE-IN LAUNDRY piano concerts at the University unknown; "Nymphs and Shep- 235 BROAD ST., IN THE EASTERN FUEL UDG. I herds" by Purcell; an ISth century ported and a moment of .silence; this past winter. jwas held in their memories. j glee, "Nothing Fairer Have I SUMMIT (.7313 A limited number of tickets for I Forty-six had luncheon at the j Seen"; "Now 1» trw Month of May- the concert are available and may Suburban Hotel. Open Dally liKludiag Saturday 8 to * be obtained from the Society's of- | ing" by Morley; on American folk fice at Drew or at the door. The mng, "Lonesome Dove": « Negro Society in at present making final spiritual "Little David Play on plans for its 1953-1954 season, which Your Harp": "Sophonioric Philos- plans will be announced about ophy" by Dvorak-Howarth; and April 15. "Adam and Eve" by Eaton. The Lawrentiftm) will sing songs of a Fpn DOLLAR YOU CAATT BEAT A 91 Widow Is Executrix light nature and some popular Charlea A. Otto, Jr, surrogate, pieces. This glee club concert is open i Elizabeth, haa received an appli- M cation for probate of the will of to all Kent Place alurtioc, Law- t n Howard H. Brown. Miriam C. renceville alumni, and parents and I Brown, widow, 69 Blackburn road, friends of both achoolfi. A cordial i i is named executrix and beneficiary invitation Is extended to all these •i Mr. Brown died March 26. groups. i Poniiac NOMINATE! BRING BACK A GEWEMtAL MOTOMCS MMTERI*! lO Flortnce P. DWYER for ASSEMBLY Vote Lever 16-A, April 21 (Pule! for by Campaign Committee) LOOK ahead... ahead inrwmk

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