Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant Spill Report 9-1 Underground Storage Tanks (Usts) 9-1

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Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant Spill Report 9-1 Underground Storage Tanks (Usts) 9-1 ES/ESH-50 POEF-3050 PORTSMOUTH GASEOUS DIFFUSION PLANT ANNUAL SITE ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT FOR 1993 Project director F. C. Kornegay Project coordinator D. C. West Technical coordinator S. C. Newman Coordinating editor C. M. Horak Date Published: November 1994 Prepared by Environmental, Safety, and Health Compliance and Environmental Management staffs MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. P.O. Box 2008 Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-6285 and the Environmental Control Department Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. P.O. Box 628 P^OMo 45661 |„ftT, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY If i§ Ofm under contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400 «t?3ff" & %M M ^ ^ and MARTIN MARIETTA UTILITY SERVICES, INC. for the UNITED STATES ENRICHMENT CORPORATION under contract No. DE-AC05-76OR00001 ^-^a*11^-'^ DISCLAIMER This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, make any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. DISCLAIMER Portions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document. Contents Page List of Figures vii List of Tables xi Executive Summary xiii Acronyms and Abbreviations xxi 1. Site and Operations Overview 1-1 Background 1-1 Description of Site Locale 1-1 Description of Site Operations and Facilities 1-2 2. Environmental Compliance \ 2-1 Background and Overview 2-1 Compliance Status 2-1 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 2-1 Federal Facilities Compliance Act 2-3 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) 2-3 Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA), Title HI 2-3 Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) 2-4 Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) 2-4 Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act 2-5 Clean Air Act and NESHAP 2-5 Clean Water Act 2-6 Safe Drinking Water Act 2-6 NEPA 2-6 Other Environmental Acts 2-7 Ohio Agreement in Principal 2-8 DOE Orders 2-8 Occurrences Reported to Regulatory Agencies 2-12 Compliance Audits of Environmental Programs 2-12 Environmental Permits : 2-12 Clean Air Act Permit Status 2-12 Clean Water Act Permit Status 2-12 Sanitary Landfill License 2-13 RCRA Permit Status 2-13 Current Issues 2-14 RCRA NOVs 2-14 Land Disposal Restriction (LDR) Waste 2-14 X-735 Sanitary Landfill 2-14 PCB-Contaminated Lubricating Oil 2-15 Ohio Permits to Operate 2-15 NESHAP 2-15 CWA Compliance 2-15 3. Environmental Program Information 3-1 Environmental Monitoring Program 3-1 Goals 1 3-1 iii Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant Rationale 3-1 Environmental Monitoring Program Changes in 1993 3-3 Environmental Quality 3-4 Waste Management Program 3-4 Environmental Restoration Program 3-5 Waste Minimization and Pollution Prevention Program 3-5 Environmental Training Program 3-6 Information Exchange Program 3-6 Public Awareness Program 3-6 Ohio Agreement in Principal 3-7 4. Effluent Monitoring 4-1 Airborne Discharges 4-1 Radiological Airborne Discharges 4-1 Nonradiological Airborne Discharges 4-4 Liquid Discharges 4-7 Background 4-7 Radiological Liquid Discharges 4-14 Nonradiological Liquid Discharges 4-17 5. Environmental Surveillance 5-1 Introduction 5-1 Applicable Regulations 5-1 External Gamma Radiation 5-1 Sample Collection and Analytical Procedure 5-1 Results 5-4 Ambient Air 5-5 Sample Collection and Analytical Procedure 5-5 Results 5-7 Meteorological Monitoring 5-10 Surface Water 5-12 Sample Collection and Analytical Procedure 5-12 Results 5-12 Sediment 5-15 Program History 5-15 Sample Collection and Analytical Procedure 5-16 Results 5-16 Soil 5-17 Sample Collection and Analytical Procedure 5-17 Results 5-19 Vegetation 5-19 Sample Collection and Analytical Procedure 5-20 Results 5-20 Food Crops 5-20 Sample Collection and Analytical Procedure 5-20 Results 5-20 Fish 5-21 Sample Collection and Analytical Procedure 5-21 Results 5-21 Terrestrial Wildlife 5-21 6. Dose 6-1 Introduction 6-1 Applicable Regulations 6-1 Radiological Regulations 6-1 iv Annual Site Environmental Report Chemical Regulations 6-1 Dose Calculation 6-2 Radiological Dose Calculation 6-2 Chemical Dose Calculation 6-4 Dose Calculation Results 6-5 Radiological Dose Results 6-5 Chemical Dose Results 6-6 7. Groundwater _. 7-1 Introduction 7-1 Groundwater Hydrology 7-1 Geological and Hydrogeological Setting 7-2 Topography 7-3 Stratigraphy 7-4 Geologic History 7-5 Groundwater Hydrogeology 7-5 Uses of Groundwater in the Vicinity 7-7 Applicable Monitoring Standards 7-7 State and Federal Laws and Regulations 7-7 DOE Orders 7-9 Consent Decree and Consent Order 7-11 Guidance Documents 7-11 Groundwater Monitoring at Portsmouth 7-11 Detection Monitoring 7-15 Assessment Monitoring 7-18 Groundwater Surveillance Monitoring 7-29 Other Investigations 7-32 RFI Quadrant Investigations 7-38 Groundwater Treatment Units 7-39 Background Sampling 7-40 Groundwater Monitoring Results 7-40 RCRA Units 7-40 Surface Water 7-42 8. Quality Assurance 8-1 Introduction 8-1 Field Sampling and Monitoring 8-2 Basic Concepts and Practices 8-2 External Gamma Monitoring 8-2 Air Monitoring 8-2 Surface Water Monitoring 8-2 Groundwater Monitoring 8-3 Biological Monitoring 8-3 Soil and Sediment Sampling 8-3 Analytical Quality Assurance 8-3 Internal QC 8-3 External QC 8-4 Performance Summary 8-5 9. Unusual Occurrences and Special Studies 9-1 Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant Spill Report 9-1 Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) 9-1 v Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Treatment Bypass at the X-624 Groundwater Treatment Facility 9-2 Special Studies 9-2 Ecological Risk Assessment 9-2 Aerial Radiological Survey 9-3 Appendix A: Radiation A-l Appendix B: Environmental Permits B-l Appendix C: Chemical Release Data C-l Appendix D: Radionuclide and Chemical Nomenclature D-l Appendix E: Errata for the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant Environmental Report for 1992 E-l References R-l Glossary G-l vi List of Figures Figure Page 1 Airborne radionuclides discharged at Portsmouth, 1989-1993 xiv 2 Waterborne radionuclides discharged at Portsmouth, 1989-1993 xv 3 NPDES compliance at Portsmouth, 1989-1993 xv 4 Maximum predicted individual EDEs from airborne radionuclides, 1989-1993 xix 5 Maximum predicted individual EDEs from waterborne radionuclides, 1989-1993 xix 1.1 Location of the Portsmouth site within the state of Ohio 1-1 1.2 Location of the Portsmouth site in relation to the geographic region 1-2 4.1 Total curies of uranium discharged to air 4-4 4.2 Total kilograms of uranium discharged to air 4-4 4.3 Total curies of technetium discharged to air 4-5 4.4 Major wastewater sources and systems at Portsmouth 4-8 4.5 NPDES water sampling locations at Portsmouth 4-9 4.6 Flow diagram for outfall 001 (X-230J-7 east holding pond) 4-10 4.7 Flow diagram for outfalls 002 and 602 (X-230K south holding pond and X-621 coal-pile treatment plant) 4-11 4.8 Flow diagram for outfalls 003, 604, and 605 (X-6619 sewage treatment plant, X-700 biodenitrification plant, and X-705 waste treatment facility) 4-12 4.9 Flow diagram for outfall 004 (X-616 chromate treatment facility and RCW system) 4-13 4.10 Flow diagram for outfalls 005, 006, 007, and 008 (X-611B sludge lagoon and X-611A north, middle, and south sludge lagoons) 4-13 4.11 Flow diagram for outfall 009 (X-230L north holding pond) 4-14 4.12 Flow diagram for outfall 010 (X-230J-5 northwest holding pond) 4-14 4.13 Flow diagram for outfall 011 (X-230J-6 northeast holding pond) 4-14 4.14 Flow diagram for outfalls 012 and 013 (X-2230M holding pond and X-2230N holding pond) and the drainage sector designated as outfall 014 4-15 4.15 Total curies of uranium discharged to surface water 4-16 4.16 Total kilograms of uranium discharged to surface water 4-16 vii Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant 4.17 Total curies of technetium discharged to surface water 4-16 4.18 Total curies of uranium daughters ("'Th, 234Th, and ^Ta) discharged to surface water 4-16 5.1 Off-site TLD locations (Site Group II) at Portsmouth 5-2 5.2 On-site TLD locations (Site Group I) at Portsmouth 5-3 5.3 Average annual external gamma exposure on and around the Portsmouth site, for the state of Ohio, and for the United States as a whole 5-5 5.4 External cosmic, terrestrial, and total gamma exposure for several states and the United States as a whole 5-5 5.5 On-site monitoring and meteorological tower locations at Portsmouth 5-6 5.6 Off-site air monitoring locations at Portsmouth 5-7 5.7 Wind rose (10-m level) showing wind speed frequency distribution data (with 90.2% of possible data) used for 1993 estimates 5-11 5.8 Wind rose (40-m level) showing wind speed frequency distribution data (with 90.9% of possible data) used for 1993 estimates 5-11 5.9 Routine surface water sampling locations (non-NPDES) at Portsmouth 5-12 5.10 Stream sediment sampling locations at Portsmouth 5-15
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