

UC-4 Issued: June 1985

LA—10340 DE85 015368

Experimental Studies of in Molten Salts

James G. Reavis


This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsi- bility fcr the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents 'hat its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Refer- ence herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recom- mendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof.

Los Alamos National Laboratory Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545



J. G. Reavis


This review stresses techniques used in studies of molten salts containing multigram amounts of actinides exhibiting intense alpha activity but little or no penetrating gamma . The preponderance of studies have used because - containing compounds (other than ) are generally unstable at high temperatures. Topics discussed here include special enclosures, materials problems, preparation and purification of acticide elements and compounds, and measurements of various properties of the molten volts. Property measurements discussed are phase relationships, vapor pressure, , viscosity, absorption spectra, electromotive force, and conductance.

I. INTRODUCTION portant differences. The actinides are radioactive, and work with them requires special health protection. A A. Perspective particular hazard of working with and en- riched is that a critical may be assembled The importance of the actinides to society in the next inadvertently. 100 years can hardly be overemphasized. The com- Many of the techniques and examples discussed in munications media have publicized widely the potential this report apply equally well to work with nonactinides destmctiveness of energy release from actinides- Less and have been described elsewhere, but it is hoped thai widely known is that the useful energy derivable from there will be sufficient new material in this discussion to economically recoverable actinides (uranium and reward the reader. ) is 5 to 20 times as great as the energy derivable Although 15 elements (including ) are in the from all economically recoverable fossil fuels.1 This fact actinide series, only about 6 have been used in molten establishes the economic importance of developing effi- studies. The list of anions in molten salt studies is cient processes for preparing thorium, uranium, pluto- similarly limited. The combinations found in an ex- nium, and their compounds. Beyond that economic tensive compilation25 of phase diagrams is listed in importance, the study of the actinides is technically Table I as an example of the cation/anion combinations fascinating. The actinide series is analogous to the studied at high temperatures. In addition to the oxides, series, with similarities and differences be- , and listed, !4 other phase diagrams tween homologs and interesting and unexplained were given for , sulfates, oxychlorides, phos- changes in properties during progression through the phates, silicates, molybdates, and tungstates of the ac- respective series. tinides. These 14 other diagrams are included in the last The actinides are chemically active , only column of Table I. This distribution is typical of that of slightly less active than the alkaline-earth and rare-earth actinide-anior. combinations in other molten salt elements. Molten salt techniques in studies of actinide studies. Because oxides are not generally classified as compounds often resemble those used in studies of rare- salts, this report deals primarily with halides of the most earth and alkaline-earth compounds, but there are im- abundant actinides simply because other compounds isolated by 1950. The other five actinides were dis- TABLE I. Actinide/Anion Combinations Listed in a covered after 1950. Compilation of Phase Diagrams Actinide Total Cm 1 0 0 1 C. Availability of Actinides Np 1 0 0 3 Pu 4 3 9 16 Chemical studies (including molten salt studies) of Th 36 11 0 53 the actinides are limited by the restricted availability of U 34 30 10 80 the elements. Besides govemmentally imposed regula- tions, there are certain physical problems, such as lim- ited rate of creation and isolation of the elements, coupled with short half-lives. Only microgram quan- tities of transcalifornium elements will exist in the have not been studied at high temperatures. One reason foreseeable future. Another problem is intense radiation for this lack is that the oxyanion compounds of actinides emitted by most actinides and their daughter elements, are often unstable. requiring shielding and containment Such facilities are available in oniy a few commercial and university labo- ratories outside the small number of government labo- B. Historical Perspective ratories built specifically for studies of actinides. Order- of-magnitude values of isolated and purified supplies of Only four actinides (actinium, , the most abundant actinides and naif-lives of their most thorium, and uranium) exist in in concentrations useful are listed in Table II. The actinides not detectable without the most sophisticated techniques. listed in Table II are available only in microgram or Actinium was discovered in 1899 by Devierne and, submicrogram quantities and probably will never be apparently, independently in 1902 by Geisel but was not studied extensively by molten salt techniques. Studies of isolated in pure form until 1947, when milligram quan- actinium, , and will be limited tities were separated from -irradiated .6 because of unavailability and because of their intense Thorium, discovered by Berzelius in 1828, was used radioactivity. The radioactivity of and commercially before 1900. Protactinium was dis- discourages their study. Protactinium is unique covered in 1918 and was first isolated in milligram in that it is naturally occurring and has a long half-life amounts in 1927. Uranium, discovered in 1789, was but is very expensive to recover because the richest well known to scientists before 1900. The remaining source contains only a few parts per million of the element. About 125 g of the element was isolated actinides are all synthetic and were unknown before 7 about 1940. Plutonium was first isolated in visibu. from about 60 tons of by workers in the UK. This quantities as an oxide in September 1942. , quantity is sufficient for experimentation using ordinary amencium, curium, berkelium, and californium were techniques; however, its high cost dictates conservation.

TABLE II. Availability and Half-Lives of the Most Abundant Ac- tinides Element Quantities Available Prevalent Half-Life, Yr Ac milligrams 227 22 Th megagrams 232 1.4 X 1010 Pa grams 231 3.2 XW U megagrams 238 43 X 10» Np kilograms 237 2.1 X 10* Pa megagrams 239 2.4 X104 Am grams* 241 458 Cm grams* 244 18 Bk milligrams 249 0.86 a milligrams 249 360 *It is planned that kilograms of compounds of ameridum and enrinm will be isolated, bat batch sizes of only 10 g or less are amenable to studies of molten salts without extensive radiation shielding. n. SPECIAL ENCLOSURES REQUIRED FOR AC- Selecting the enclosure to be used for an actinide TINIDES project is mostly left to the experimenter and his em- ployer. This is not to say that the experimenter has A. Health and Safety Standards much freedom in this matter. Managers of various laboratories apparently differ widely in interpreting re- Anyone wishing to conduct experiments with ac- gulations. The nature of the enclosure required is de- tinides or actinide compounds must face governmental termined in part by regulations, in part by the nature of regulation of their possession and use. The ex- the operation, and in part by the amount of actinide perimenter may have to deal with the International involved. Aqueous experiments involving Atomic Energy Agency, the United States Nuclear Regu- micrograms of even very highly active members of the latory Commission and Department of Energy, state series are performed in chemical hoods, whereas larger agencies, and local government agencies.8"10 Some of the quantities of the same element in powder form must be regulations limit mere possession of these elements, handled in an enclosure of much higher integrity. much less their use. The various regulatory agencies will Within certain guidelines the safety of each series of insist that certain guidelines be obeyed before operating experiments must be evaluated independently to deter- licenses are issued, and these guidelines will dictate mine the enclosure or hood requirements. tradeoffs between amounts of actinides to be used and the complexity of the facility that must be constructed to handle the material. These guidelines dictate irradiation C. Gloveboxes levels allowable for various body parts of the operators; degree of environmental protection from radiological Gloveboxes have been used for much of the research, and toxic chemical release during normal operation and development, and production work with actinides. The in case of fire, explosion, tornado, and natural disasters; basic enclosure may be a cube measuring about 75 cm and other items too numerous to mention here. Among on each edge, with a window and a pair of elastomer the well-known sources of these guidelines are the Inter- gloves about 75 cm long with 20-cm-diam cuffs. Blocks national Atomic Energy Agency Safety Standards, the of this sort may be made taller, combined side by side Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radia- and back to back (omitting side or back walls from the tion of the United Nations, the (US) National Council combination as appropriate), or both to accommodate on Radiation Protection, the International Commission the equipment for the operations. An airlock or ante- on Radiation Protection, and the Advisory Committee chamber in which radioactive contamination is kept at a on the Biological Effects of of the low level should be provided to avoid escape of radioac- National Academy of National Research tive material to the environment during introduction of Council. In the US, the Nuclear Regulatory Com- laboratory equipment or chemicals. The enclosure must mission regulations appear in the Code of Federal Re- be "leak free" and must have a system to control the gulations, Title 10, Chapter 1—Energy. The regulations internal pressure at a value slightly below ambient of other US agencies such as the Environmental Protec- laboratory pressure. The construction materials must be tion Agency and the Department of Transportation also suitable for the operation and must conform with stan- govern handling of the actinides and are listed in other dards of resistance to fire, earthquake, pressure differen- titles of the code. Additional information concerning tial, radiation, and other problems. Early gloveboxes health and safety standards and practices can be found were constructed of plywood, ordinary window glass, in Refs. 8-10. and obstetrical gloves. The basic glovebox has evolved to meet the needs of various laboratories, but those facilities have retained certain design features. Unique B. Ben?htop and Chemical Hood Enclosures features have evolved from stronger emphasis on dif- ferent criteria at different facilities. For instance, one Before about 1940 little thought was given to facility may place emphasis on fire safety, another on respirator protection of workers handling massive resistance to failure at high pressure differential, another amounts of the then commonly available actinides, on operator comfort, another on extreme leak tightness, thorium and uranium. Work with these compounds was and so on. commonly performed on open benchtops without Gloveboxes used at the Los Alamos National Labora- limitation. During the 1940s, general awareness of the tory will be discussed in some depth as an example, not nature of radioactivity increased as more intensely because these gloveboxes are the best for all processes or radioactive actinides became available. Consequently, experiments, but because they meet c exceed US safety government regulations were set up in an attempt to criteria and are used for molten salt experiments and legislate safety for workers. pyrochemical processing operations. Figures 1 and 2 Fig-'. A tyuical laboratory al the Los Alamos Plutonium Facility. STAINLESS STEEL PIPE NIPPLE-







Fig. 2. Cross section of a glovebox enclosure showing some of the details of construc- tion. The glovebox shown here has work stations with 75-cm X 75-cm floors and a height of 80 cm.

show features of these enclosures. The boxes are fabri- residence time for the bulk of the material), it may cated from stainless steel Type 304 or 316 chosen for the accumulate products that often have appropriate corrosion resistance. Their welds are greater radiation energy than was emitted by the parent. polished to the smoothness of the adjacent . Floors The standard 0.25-in.-thick window is held in place have a No. 4 finish; the walls and tops have a 2B finish. by a neoprene gasket that requires a stainless steel frame Sharp comers are avoided. The radius of the inside or one that requires no frame. The stainless steel walls corners is 25 mm. These features aid in cleanliness, and floors are approximately 5 mm thick except for which helps in two ways to reduce the radiation back- stronger floors in enclosures containing very heavy ground. First, because rough surfaces are difficult to equipment. The gloves are neoprcne or a similar clean, they accumulate thin layers of the actinides that elastomer and are at least 0.38 mm thick. are handled inside the enclosure. Thin films of this sort The gloveboxes described above give adequate do not have the self-absorption that dense, massive protection for handling large quantities of thorium, samples have, so a small amount of actinide in the film , and highly . They contributes inordinate radiation to the general back- are also adequate for handling up to a kilogram of ground. Second, if the actinide film remains on the wall plutonium containing less than approximately 1% 241Pu for a long (longer than the normal glovebox and having had americium separated from it within the previous few months. If multikilograms of plutonium velops even a pinho'.e in a glove of an inert atmosphere are being processed or if the 24lAm decay product has enclosure, instrumentation for detecting oxygen and been allowed to accumulate several months from decay water leaks responds much more quickly than instru- of 241Pu present at concentrations of about 1%, the mentation for detecting escape of radioactive particles. additional radiation emission of 24lAm requires extra shielding to protect personnel. Such usage should be anticipated by including 0.25 in. of shielding in the D. Remote Handling walls of the enclosure during fabrication. The detail of Fig. 2 shows how the lead is covered by a thin layer of The actinide researcher can almost always avoid the stainless steel welded to the shell of the box to make an use of remotely operated hot cells if the proper isotopes easily cleanable outside surface. This construction are available and if the amount of actinide can be kept eliminates exposed cracks at the edge of the lead and small and repurified often to remove highly active decay makes decontamination much easier when inadvertent products. The small amounts of berkelium and heavier contamination of the laboratory occurs. Adding lead actinides that are available almost force the use of glass outside the safety glass easily provides additional microchemical techniques for their studies, so the ques- shielding for windows. Additional shielding for hands tion of using remote operation and intermediate-shield- may be provided by lead-impregnated gloves available ing facilities for research is moot. in thicknesses up to 1.65 mm. When these modifica- Separating transuranium elements from irradiated tions are made, the enclosure is safe for handling multi- sources is a different matter. Transuranium actinides gram quantities of americium, even in dilute solution are commonly produced by irradiating actinides in where self-shielding is minimized. Multigram quantities M1 2M high- reactors. Many intensely radioactive elements of Np and U may also be handled in such an are created during irradiation, so the wanted actinides enclosure if exposure times are kept short. However, must be isolated in highly shielded hot cells. Most or all more lead shielding must be added for routine opera- of these separations are done by aqueous procedures, tions with these isotopes. Plutonium-238 processing is but there are arguments" that molten salt processes routinely performed in the same type of enclosure with should be developed. The expected benefits of the addition of about 15-cm-thick hydrogenous shield- pyrochemical processing include freedom from radia- ing (either tanks of water or slabs of ). The tion damage of , extractants, or exchange hydrogenous shielding protects against resins, and production of a smaller volume of radioac- produced by alpha-neutron reactions from the intense 238 tive waste products, whose disposal is quite expensive. emission of Pu. Pyrochemical processing should be considered not only Glovebox enclosures have been used for many for preparation of research quantities of actinides, but pyrochemical experiments and processing operations should also assume great commercial importance in involving molten salts. This type of enclosure is better separating fertile and fissionable fuel from spent reactor than benchtop and open-hood enclosures when cor- fuels. rosive and hygroscopic materials are being used (even if Figure 3 illustrates the cross-section and plan views of they are not radioactive) because the atmosphere can be a typical research hot cell facility12 with four cells con- controlled to eliminate undesirable side reactions. Com- taining individual alpha containment enclosures. These mercial, regenerable air dryers using dual beds of molec- cells are separated by thick steel doors from a corridor ular sieve material can maintain air atmospheres in used for transferring highly active samples from enclosures with water concentrations of about 1 ppm. shielded shipping casks to an alpha enclosure or a Similarly, "boil off' from liquid or storage well. These are typical cells for research with can be used in a once-through flow system to maintain highly active gamma emitters. Cells of this size can also atmospheres with oxygen and water concentrations less be used for processing kilogram quantities of irradiated than 10 ppm. Recirculating purifiers use dual, re- fuel or isotope source material by pyrochemical meth- generable sorbent beds containing molecular sieves and ods where the reactants are kept in a very dense, com- molecular sieves loaded with activated or pact form. Work with manipulators is extremely time to maintain atmospheres of this quality. The enclosure consuming and maintenance of hot cells is very ex- must be virtually leak free. Very sensitive leak detection pensive. Hot cells are also expensive to construct and instruments such as a commercial mass spec- they require much space in expensive buildings that trometer leak detector must be used to ensure freedom meet criteria for actinide containment. It is usually less from leaks. The allowable leak rate of enclosures operat- expensive to set up equipment for microchemical ing at oxygen and water concentrations of 10 ppm are measurements of chemical and physical properties. orders-of-.nagnitude smaller than the allowable leak These are possible when the pure ac'inides are available rates for air atmosphere enclosures for intense alpha free from large amounts of other radioactive materials. emitters such as plutoniurn and americium. If one de- Less time is often required for hands-on microchemical MONORAB. HOIST DOOR DOCK- TRACKS EQUIPMENT ROOM \ \ STORAQE WELLS—~ oo oo oo STEEL DOORS- Fig, 3. Plan and cross-section views of four hot cells used for research and small-scale production opera- v CELL • «S&vSi tions with actinides containing intense gamma radia- EXHAUST' FILTER TT XJLJZELL EXlL tion emitters. SERVICE WINDOW CART FOR TRENCH SHIELDING CONTAINER







experiments than for cumbersome operations gamma fields will not be discussed here. This subject is performed with manipulators. Some measurements in thoroughly covered in many publications, including molten salt studies, however, are extremely difficult to Refs. 8, 14, and 15. Less well known is the severity of make by microchemical techniques and may be done radiation damage by intense alpha emissions of some of more efficiently in a hot cell. Additional information the actinides. The intensity of alpha particle emission by concerning design and operation of enclosures for han- protactinium, thorium, natural uranium, and the most dling the actinides and their compounds is given in commonly used isotope of plutonium (mass 239) is low Refs.8,10,andl3. enough to cause almost negligible effects. Storage of the less active actinides, even in kilogram amounts, as solutions or dry compounds in HI. MATERIALS PROBLEMS polyethylene or glass containers presents no particular problems (subject to critical-mass limitations). Pluto- A. Degradation by Radiation nium-238 and more active actinide isotopes, however, do cause significant container degradation. Even milli- Irradiation degrading of chemicals, elastomers, and gram amounts of these actinides should be stored in glass is severe in hot cells where irradiated materials are nonreactive metal containers. are degraded handled, but because reprocessing does not extensively quickly, not only by the intense alpha irradiation, but employ molten salts or pure actinides (except as an end also because of the heat generated locally. Glass vials product), materials degradation in high-intensity containing fractional gram amounts of 238Pu crack, probably because of large thermal gradients rather than Two types of containment problems are encountered because of radiation damage. in molten salt work. One is reaction of the container The isotopes having higher intensities of alpha emis- with the contents, which contaminates the contents to sion significantly deteriorate most organic materials. make the reaction product undesirable, or changes the Although it is practical to use 0.4-mm-thick neoprene property being measured in an experiment, or both. The gloves on enclosures for H9Pu, 238Pu deteriorates these second type of problem is seepage of the liquid into gloves rapidly and requires Hypalon-coated gloves at pores or through cracks in the container, not signifi- least 0.6 mm thick. Hypalon is a modified polyethylene cantly contaminating the contents. The latter problem is manufactured by Du Pont. Silicone grease may be used often more significant in work with actinides (compared for days to weeks on ground glass joints and stopcocks of with nonactinides) because of their value and because an experimental apparatus for handling 239Fu, but 238Pu the actinide must be recovered from the container after in the same apparatus produces unacceptably rapid the operation. The effort to recover the actinide often is increases in grease viscosity. Exhaust filters on much greater than the effort to observe or prepare a enclosures used for handling multigram quantities of compound. Because absolute recovery of the actinides is powdered compounds of the more intense alpha emit- impossible, the scrap from the original container and :ers must be fabricated with radiation-resistant glues. If wastes generated during recovery will all have low-level silicone or other types of oils are used in pressure-relief contamination and must be disposed of by elaborate devices on such enclosures, they must be checked and very expensive methods. periodically to ascertain that the oil has not become so Misadventures involving container breakage and re- viscous that the device malfunctions. These effects are lease of actinides may have grave consequences. If a salt seen even in enclosures with inert atmospheres. If the or salt/metal mixture at high temperatures is released enclosure atmosphere is air containing water vapor at not only from its primary container but also from the ambient relative humidities, these effects are ac- glovebox enclosure, reaction with the atmosphere may celerated and corrosion of metals and corrosion-resis- lead to dispersal of finely divided radioactive material. tant materials becomes serious. There is speculation This may be inhaled by personnel or may contaminate that formed in air subjected to alpha radiation the building severely. If batches of hundreds of grams of may be important in accelerating corrosion. Some work- anhydrous are being handled, they must ers have attempted to remove ozone from enclosure be kept from mixing with water or other hydrogeneous atmospheres by decomposition on MnO2 to reduce the material, which event could lead to criticality. rate of corrosion. The lighter, halogenated hydrocarbons (such as freons) are similarly degraded and produce These constraints necessitate choices of materials and corrosive products. designs often more expensive and conservative than would be used for containment of nonradioactive As was mentioned, one way to keep radiation damage materials. Double containment is often specified for (either to personnel or to equipment and enclosures) to actinides where single containment would be used for a minimum is to keep actinides and their compounds other elements. Limited-volume, recirculating cooling confined to the minimum volume (within thermal and water systems prevent flooding of enclosures and criticality constraints) to provide seif-shielding. Avoid- possible criticality incidents. High-density vitrified ing thin deposits of alpha emitters on elastomers such as ceramic crucibles minimize loss of accountable material glovebox gloves is very important. Good housekeeping to crucible scrap. These elements require additional can hardly be overemphasized. design time and safety analyses. Chemical reactions with container materials must be carefully considered before starting work with molten B. Container Compatibility at High Temperatures salt systems containing actinides. Experiments with pure molten chloride systems may be performed in Problems of containing molten actinide salts are very borosilicate (Pyrex) glass at temperatures up to about similar to problems of containing salts of other active 500°C, but or Vycor (96% SiO2) affords metals such as the alkali, alkaline-earth, and rare-earth additional resistance to breakage caused by thermal elements. The radioactivity of the actinides adds little to shock or to melting if temperature control malfunctions. the experimental problems, other than the general prob- Quartz may be attacked significantly if air and water are lems of handling radioactive substances. Much informa- not rigorously excluded from the system, but these tion about container compatibility has been generated, should be excluded anyway to prevent direct reaction however, in research on actinide salts, in particular with the actinide halides to form oxides and oxyhalides. metal/salt systems and fluoride systems. The latter have All salts put into the system must be rigorously treated been studied extensively in the by well-known methods to eliminate water and ox- Experiment program.1617 yhalides. Much less work has been done with actinide ? and and they may be expected to be separate from the actinides in waste recovery opera- thermally less stable than the chlorides, but quartz is not tions. produces problems expected to contribute significantly to their decomposi- created tcc-u^e of the alpha-neutron reaction that oc- tion. Fluorides, on the other hand, are expected to react curs when this element is in intimate contact with the with siliceous materials at elevated temperatures, al- intense alpha emitters. On the other hand, magnesia and though a report18 on spectra of actinides in mixed alumina are commonly available, present no ap- fluoride/chloride molten salts did not mention reaction preciable health hazards, and have been studied for with quartz cells. and have been used as many years, so fabrication techniques for these ceramics containers for experiments with fluorides, and extensive are well known. Also, and aluminum are corrosion studies of fluoride systems containing easily separated from the actinides by traditional waste thorium and uranium fluorides were carried out in the recovery techniques. For these and other reasons, some- Molten Salt Reactor Experiment program.1617 The best thing other than the thermodynamically "best" con- containment for flowing molten fluoride salts in large tainer material is often chosen for molten actinide systems was provided by Hastelloy N(7.4% Cr, 4.5% Fe, metal/salt mixtures. 17.2% Mo, and 70% Ni) and by -modified 19 The physical properties as well as chemical properties Hastelloy N (7.3% Cr, 13.6% Mo, 77% Ni, balance Ti). must be considered in the selection of fabricated con- Molten salt studies of actinides in oxyanion systems tainers. If the time of contact with liquid phases is short have been much less extensive than in systems. and the container will be subject to thermal shock, the Pyrex optical cells showed no evidence of reaction with sintered density should be low to avoid breakage during L1NO3-KNO3 solutions of several of the actinide rapid thermal cycling. If the heating cycle is slow and the at temperatures up to 250°C. Molybdates, liquid contact time is long, the container should be tungstates, , and silicates have been studied vitrified (sintered to a density approaching 100% of the in platinum and gold containers. theoretical density). This vitrification minimizes the The choices of containers for work with metal/molten surface area available for reaction and minimizes pene- salt systems are much more difficult than the choices for tration of the wall by the liquid phase, which contains pure salts. The actinide metals react with many ordinary accountable actinides. Regardless of the density require- ceramic materials. Table III lists the approximate free ments of the container, undesirable reactions can be energies of formation (at a common observation tem- minimized by reducing roughness (and therefore reac- perature) of selected oxides used as containers for ac- tant area) of the container's interior. tinide metal/salt mixtures. The free energies of forma- Specifications for typical magnesia containers used tion of oxides that may form from the metals being for routine plutonium metal preparation by molten salt studied are also included. Examination of the values reductions (see Sees. VI-B and VI-C for process descrip- listed in Table III one to choose as containers the tions) are listed in Table IV. Only recognized significant oxides of , thorium, , , properties are specified because obviously not all beryllium, , magnesium, and aluminum, in that properties can be. One manufacturer's product might order. One must also consider other chemical, histori- meet these specifications and be satisfactory, bul an- cal, and economic factors governing the availability of other manufacturer's product made to the same speci- containers made from these materials. Calcium oxide fications might be unsatisfactory because an unknown, reacts too readily with water, thoria is radioactive, the unspecified property may be critical to the success of the rare earths are expensive, and beryllium presents health process. Thir, factor might contribute to contradictory hazards. Thorium and the rare earths are difficult to reports from' different laboratories about the suitability

TABLE III. Free Energies of Formation of Selected Oxides20 at 725°C (Stated in kcal/g- of Oxygen) Oxide -AF Oxide -AF Oxide -AF

Ac2o3 129 SrO2 118 ZrO2 108 CaO 127 MgO 118 CeO2 108 ThO2 123 BaO 111 NpO2 102 La2O3 122 HfO2 110 PaO2 101 Ce2O3 122 Li2O 110 TiO2 91 3eO 120 A12O3 109 SiO2 83 Am2O3 120 UO2 109 Ta2O5 78 Y2O3 119 Pu2O3 109 Na2O 66 TABLE IV. Partial List of Specifications for Magnesia Crucibles Used for Plutonium Metal Preparation At Los Alamos by Bomb Reduction 0/ the Fluoride and Direct PuO2 Reduction in CaCl2 Items Specified Bomb Reduction Direct Oxide Reduction MgO* 97% (min) 98.5% (min) CaO — 1.0% (max) SiO2 2.0 (max) 0.5% (max) SiOj/CaOwt. ratio 1.0 (min) — FeiO3 0.15% (max) 0.15% (max) A12O3 0.35% (max) 0.35% (max) Be 15 ppm (max) 15 ppm (max) Pb,Cu 25 ppm (max) 25 ppm (max) Ti 30 ppm (max) 30 ppm (max) Ga,C 50 ppm (max) 50 ppm (max) B,Mn,Ni,Zr,Cr 100 ppm (max) 100 ppm (max) Porosity No Open porosity; no penetration by ethanol when crucible is filled. Density 2.8g/cm3 Vitrified inside surface. (78% TD) Cracks — None detectable by dye test.

'Direct substitution of 3 wt% Y2O3 for MgO is permissible. of containers. For instance, Los Alamos National Labo- except by aqueous dissolution, an undesirable proce- ratory experience shows that magnesia crucibles dure. A long-term goal for actinide pyroprocessing is perform better than alumina crucibles in preparation of transfer of molten salt and metal products from metal Plutonium,21 whereas experiments at the Atomic Weap- reaction containers as liquids,23 but success of efforts to ons Research Establishment found the opposite.22 With achieve this goal has been limited. the state of the art, one may select a container material for molten salt/metal systems based on thermodynamic and special chemical considerations, write specifica- IV. MICROTECHNIQUES tions of physical properties expected to best fit the use, try samples from several fabricators, and finally select For this discussion, the term "microtechnique" will the one that gives the best performance. be expanded to include techniques for handling micro- Refractory metal containers should not be over- gram to milligram quantities of the element being looked as containers for molten actinide salt/metal mix- studied because an apparatus bvilt to study microgram tures. The ones most often used have been , samples can often be easily me lified for study of milli- , , and alloys of these elements. gram quantities. Microtechniques are well suited to The of these elements in molten actinide studies of the actinides. Except for thorium, uranium, metal is low, and freedom from anion contamination, neptunium, plutonium, americium, and curium, world often contributed by ceramics, is a significant advantage supplies of actinides are very small, and a laboratory of metal containers. The most serious problem with may not be able to procure even milligram amounts. these containers is removal of the metal phase from the Except for natural thorium and uranium, the actinides container after the experimental measurement or reac- are all very expensive. Health, safety, and security reg- tion. Sometimes surface treatments such as oxidation of ulations may allow work with milligram quantities of tantalum crucible surfaces prevent wetting of the con- some of the elements in a specific laboratory, but tainer by the pure actinide metals, but molten salts often possession of gram or multigram quantities in that break down such interfaces, so the actinide metal wets laboratory may be forbidden. Even if available quan- the crucible and cannot be removed after solidification tities of actinides were not limited by these external

10 factors, there are other reasons for minimizing their WIRE quantity. The intense radioactivity of many of the ac- SUPPORTS tinides creates problems of personnel irradiation, equip- ment degradation, and generation of heat that can cause QUARTZ difficulties in control of the sample temperature. VACUUM Despite many reasons for using microtechniques in TUBE molten salt studies of the actinides, their application has INDUCTION been limited. This is probably because such work FIELD COIL (particularly with the most highly radioactive and least available elements) is very expensive in terms of mcney and time, and the rewards are limited to extending OUTER knowledge with few perceived industrial applications. CRUCIBLE.- Microtechniques using molten salts have been applied SUSCEPTOR almost exclusively in preparative chemistry and almost WiRE SPIRAL not at all in studying properties of the molten salts SAMPLE themselves. SUPPORT Study of actinide compounds by microtechniques began in about 1942 because only micrograin quantities of the synthetic elements were available. One of the OPTICAL pioneers was B. B. Cunningham, whose 1961 article24 is PYROMETER a valuable reference, as are later reviews.25-26 The earliest SIGHT PORT work was a study of both aqueous and dry chemistry of Plutonium and its compounds. Since then, trans- INNE plutonium metals up to and including californium have CRUCIBLE been prepared by microtechniques. Two generalized reactions have been employed to prepare these metals: SUPPORT STAND h—10 mm—i 0) Fig. 4. Cross section of a typical induction-heated double-wall and microfurnace.


where An is an actinide, M is a volatile active metal actinide often emerges from aqueous purification ab- (generally or ), and M' is a nonvolatile sorbed on beads. These beads can be metal (generally lanthanum or thorium). Figure 4 shows calcined in the same type of furnace, except that the a furnace for reducing actinide compounds to metals. construction material must be platinum. Treatment When lithium is the reductant, it vaporizes at the tem- with HF-H2 converts the resulting oxide to fluoride in a perature of reduction and reacts as a gas with the similar monel furnace. Other halides may be prepared (molten) fluoride supported by the wire spiral (or cup), similarly with other halides. Such experi- producing volatile and a bead of ac- ments with small samples must be carefully planned to tinide metal that sticks to the wire spiral or cup. The minimize sample transfers, thus avoiding a lost or con- lithium fluoride emerges as a gas from the hole in the taminated sample. Unfortunately, transfers may be re- top of the crucible lid. The operator removes the cooled quired because few container materials are suitable for metal from its support by peeling away the refractory both reducing and oxidizing conditions at high wire or foil. When barium is the gas-phase reductant, the temperatures. siag (barium fluoride) is chipped away from the metal. Physical properties of molten salts that may be When a nonvolatile reductant (lanthanum or thorium measured in very small samples include vapor metal) is used to reduce oxides, the actinide oxide and pressures, melting points, and absorption spectra. the reductant are mixed in the bottom of the crucible, Measuring these properties by conventional techniques the susceptor shown by Fig. 4 is omitted, and the will be discussed later in this report, but app'ying micro- volatile actinide metal product vaporizes and is col- techniques to melting-point and absorption spectra lected on a target suspended above the effusion hole in measurements will be discussed here. The operator can the crucible lid. easily estimate melting points of high-melting (above Figure 4 can be considered to represent a general 750°C), high-purity, irregularly shaped salt crystals as apparatus for preparing and reducing actinide salts. The small as 1 mm3 if he simultaneously views slumping

11 during heating and measures the sample's temperature Another problem with microchemical work at high by using a hot-wire telemicroscope optical pyrometer. temperatures is accurate measurement of temperatures. This technique has two major faults. The first is that the When the double-container technique is used (Fig. 4). it crystal and its background must be at different is easy to measure temperatures accurately with the temperatures to provide contrast making the crystal optical pyrometer, but if the sample is suspended in an visible, thereby violating a primary rule of optical unshielded position, unknown emissivity corrections pyrometry that exact temperatures can be measured cause significant in values of sample only under blackbody conditions. The other problem is temperatures. When thermocouples are used to measure encountered with relatively volatile compounds, which temperatures of unshielded samples, it may be im- appear to slump when the sharp corners are sublimed. possible to attach the thermocouple junction to the Nevertheless, reasonably accurate (often within a few apparatus in sufficient proximity to the sample to degrees) determinations of may be made measure temperature accurately. This is because tem- simply with a properly designed oven and a good peraure gradients are often high in small furnaces with telemicroscope pyrometer. Another method of melting minimal radiation reflection, so heat conduction from point determination that has been used on microsam- the junction by the thermocouple leads may cause sig- ples of metals is observation of the temperature at the nificant errors. instant of collapse of a bead compressed between the 27 Despite these limitations, many measurements are arms of a tungsten wire dip. This technique should surprisingly accurate. For instance, it was reported27 in work equally well for determining melting points of 19S1 that the melting point of neptunium metal de- pure salts. termined by observing two samples weighing 200 ug Absorption spectra of molten salts may also be each was 640 ± 1°C. Later multigram measurements measured by microtechniques.28-29 Light from a source indicated a melting point of 637°C. On the other hand, is focused by a microscope objective lens on the sample the melting point of two samples of atnericium metal ik a quartz capillary or other suitable microsample weighing about 1 mg each was observed31 to be 994 ± holder. The transmitted light then passes through an- 7°C. Later determinations of the melting point using other microscope objective or condensing lens and is multigram samples32 indicate the correct mehiiig point focused on the aperture of a monochromator, which is 1175 ± 3°C. These examples illustrate that micro- transmits the spectrum to a suitable detector. Systems of techniques can be very useful and can produce accurate this type have been built from components on optical data but that extra caution may be required in their use. benches or have been used in the sample compartments of commercial spectrophotometers. In the only report of molten salt observation, the sample was in a quartz V. TECHNIQUES FOR PURIFYING MULTI- 29 caDillary heated by a coil of platinum wire. Converting GRAM QUANTITIES OF ACTINIDES AND other types of sample holders, such as thin metal sample THEIR SALTS holders on which the sample is mounted in a pinhole of an electrically heated sample holder, should be re- 30 The actinides used on the scale familiar to most latively easy. Recently introduced spectropbotometers in universities and are thorium, that use fiber optics to direct the analyzing light beam uranium, and plutonrum. Intermediate quantities of might further simplify measurement of absorption spec- protactinium and neptunium are available, and smaller tra because the analyzing beam can be conducted amounts of americium and curium are used, not through a furnace in any position in an enclosure while necessarily because the supply is small, but because of the light supply, dispersion, and detecting systems re- their intense radioactivity. These seven elements are main outside. discussed in this section; the remaining actinides are Although microtechniques have some advantages best studied by the microtechniques of Sec. IV. over larger-scale work, they also have some drawbacks. Microsamples must be kept scrupulously clean. Unseen bits of impurities added to microsamples may produce A. Aqueous Methods mixtures with significant mole fractions of unwanted elements in the sample. Although corrosion of a sample The traditional aqueous separation and purification support may not be visible, even with optical aids, methods of ion exchange, extraction, and microscopic corrosion may have introduced significant precipitation are used to separate actinides from anionic impurities. Microsamples are so small as to defy ac- and caticnic impurities. As was pointed out in the curate analyses after the preparation or experimental discussion of microtechniques, the product of micro- measurement so that one can seldom prove that the chemical-scale purification of actinides was often one or material used was really pure.

12 a few ion exchange beads loaded with the desired ele- to be the best way to begin preparing compounds for ment. Aqueous actinide preparation and purification on molten salt studies. the multigram scale have as their predominating end product an oxide or a compound readily converted to an 3. Uranium. The uranium content in the earth's oxide by calcination. Compounds for molten salt work crust is about 3 ppm. Many contain economi- are then prepared by pyrochemical techniques. Among cally recoverable uranium; therefore, there are many the limited exceptions are nitrates and some fluorides. varied extraction processes.38-40 The crushed mineral Very brief discussions of aqueous purification tech- may be leached within sulfuric and purified by ion niques are presented here. exchange or solvent extraction, followed by precipita- tion as a peroxide or diuranate. Other processes involve 1. Thorium. Thorium content in the earth's crust is leaching the ore with solution. about 10 ppm. The most important commercial source Products of these processes are usually uranyl is a rare-earth mineral called . Two hexahydrate, ammonium diuranate, or oxide. Uranium processes have been used to recover and purify , which may be formed by heating the higher on the scale of tons per year.33-34 Ore consists of diges- oxides under flowing hydrogen, is often the feed mate- tion in H2SO4, dissolution with H2O, selective precipita- rial for preparing uranium compounds for molten salt tion by NH4OH, dissolution in acid, purification by work. solvent extraction, and precipitation as a . The second involves digestion in NaOH, dissolution by 4. Neptunium. Neptunium is a HC1, and selective hydroxide precipitation. Additional prepared in nuclear reactors by the n,2n reaction with solvent extraction may be required for complete separa- •^U, forming 237U, which decays by beta emission to tion of thorium from uranium and rare earths. The final 237Np (Fig. 5). Because almost all reactors contain 238U, product from aqueous processing is usually thorium many kilograms of neptunium have been created in nitrate tetrahydrate, thorium hydroxide, or thorium reactors all around the world. Another source is alpha oxalate depending on the intended use. Thorium decay of 241Am. The major use of neptunium is irradia- tetrafluoride suiiabi: for molten salt operations has tion in reactors to make 238Pu for heat sources. The effort been prepared by precipitation from aqueous solution, expended to recover neptunium during processing of drying, and heating to 400°C in an HF atmosphere. Care irradiated reactor fuels depends on the perceived de- is required to prevent double salt formation during mand for 23SPu. Parameters of the solvent-extraction precipitation of the fluoride if or ammonium and ion-exchange processes normally used in processing ere present. irradiated fuels can be changed to divert neptunium to the waste stream or to the uranium stream, where the 2, Protactinium. Protactirinm-231 occurs naturally neptunium is separated jf.d recovered. The product of 235 separation and purification is a solution from which as a member of the actinium series that has U as the 41 parent isotope. Because the iialf-hfe of 23lPa is shorter neptunium(rV) oxalate is usually precipitated. This 235 oxalate is calcined at about 500°C for target fabrication than that of U by £ factor of 2 X 10*, the equilibrium 238 concentration of this element in uranium is ex- in the generation of Pu or for neptunium metal or tremely small. Nevertheless, in 1961 workers in the UK compound preparation. recovered over 100 g of protactinium compounds from about 60 tons of uranium-processing sludge.7 After 5. Plutonian). Plutonium-239, the most commonly much research and development, the sequential re- encountered isotope of plutonium, is a synthetic isotope covery steps finally adopted were formed in reactors by by a8U to form »leaching the sludge with HNO3-HF, 23*U. As shown in Fig. 5, plutonium formed by neutron • separating uranium by solvent extraction, absorption will always consist of a mixture of isotopes • coprecipitating by adding A1C13, whose composition depends on the time and flux of • removing aluminum by dissolution with NaOH, irradiation. Plutonium-239 is the most desirable isotope • dissolving the remaining solid in HC1, and (with the exception of 244Pu, whose formation in macro • • recovering the protactinium by solvent extraction. amounts is impractical) for chemical studies because it The aqueous chemistry of protactinium appears com- has a long half-life and decays by alpha emission to 23SU, plex,35-37 with hydrolysis playing a major role. The a virtually innocuous daughter element because "'Pu is chemical behavior seems more similar to that of the first long-lived isotope formed during neutron ir- and tantalum than to protactinium's actinide radiation of 238U, plutonium formed by short-term ir- neighbors thorium and uranium. Protactinium assumes of uranium is the most desirable. valences of 4 and 5 in various complex compounds with Many pyrochemical schemes have been proposed for other metals and nonmetak Precipitation as the iodate, processing irradiated reactor fuels, but almost all reproc- which can be thermally decomposed to Pa2O5, appears essing is b sed on solvent extraction and ion exchange.

13 U239



Fig. 5. Modes of formation and decay of some of the transuranium elements.

Uranium and plutonium are first separated from fission 6. Americium. Americium is being created at the products (which go to a waste stream) and are finally rate of hundreds of kilograms per year, but its rate of separated from each other. The plutonium usually separation and purification is considerably lower be- emerges from separating and purification in cause of lack of demand. Figure 5 shows that several solution in the tetravalent state, although some will be created in power reactors, processes deliver the product in the trivalent state. The but careful consideration of neutron cross sections, half- tetravalent plutonium may be precipitated, dried, and lives, and decay modes reveals that the most abundant calcined to PuO2 for further processing. Another com- americium isotopes in spent fuel for reprocessing are mon treatment of the product solution is reduction of 241Am and 243Am. Only a small fraction of the the plutonium to the trivalent state and precipitation of americium created in this way is separated and purified the oralate, which may be calcined to form reactive because very little power reactor fuel is being processed, PuO2. The only common treatment of solutions for and much of the americium in that is diverted into direct conversion to a salt useful in molten salt work is waste streams. Plans have been made to separate kilo- reduction of the plutonium to the trivalent state, fol- gram amounts of americium from a was'3 by combined lowed by precipitation of the trifluoride, which may be solvent extraction, oxalate precipitation, and ion ex- dried by being carefully heated under flowing argon or change.42 The practicality of this process will depend on helium to 600°C. Direct precipitation of the tetravalent the demand for americium and on perceived advantages oxalate or fluoride is almost never done because of of separating long-lived 243Am from high-level wastes filtration problems with these compounds if precipita- before disposal. tion conditions are not closely controlled. The oxide Plutonium from spent reactor fuel contains about 1% formed on calcination of the peroxide and oxalate is 241Pu, which decays by beta emission (Fig. 5) to 24lAm. reactive and can be used in most preparative work, During plutonium recycling, this americium is sepa- unlike the nonreactive refractory oxide formed by ox- rated and either purified or discarded to waste. Several idation of the metal or by heating reactive oxide to 43 45 241 laboratories ' are separating and purifying Am from temperatures above 1000°C for extended periods.

14 this source in multigram to kilogram quantities an- 1. Halide Preparation. Over 90% of the physical nually. The aqueous methods vary somewhat from lab- properties studies of actinide salts involve halides. The oratory to laboratory, depending on previous ex- predominant method for preparing these halides is perience, the availability of equipment, and the compo- treatment of oxides (or oxalates or that sition of the americium source. The separation and decompose to oxides during the early stages of heating) purification schemes use combinations of solvent ex- with halogens or hydrohalogens at elevated traction, anion exchange, cation exchange, peroxide temperatures (Table V). Other useful methods of precipitation, and oxalate precipitation. In all aqueous preparing halides shown in Table V include converting schemes the final step is precipitation of the oxalate, one halide composition to another (either different which is calcined to AmO2. This oxide is the feed states of a given halide or from one halide to material for preparation of compounds used in molten another). Other preparations start with the actinide as salt studies. One pyrochemical process46-47 will be dis- metal or . cussed in a later section. Except for the compounds of actinium and curium, most of the preparatory reactions in Table V have been 7. C"—imn. Aqueous preparation of curium generally performed on the multigram scale. An effort was made involves separation from americium because the two to select those methods applicable to multigram common uses of curium use a combination of the two preparations most useful to the experimenter, but the elements. A popular method48 of preparing medical- referenced publications deal with the entire range of grade 238Pu is neutron irradiation of 24lAm to form micrograms to multikilograms. 242Am, which undergo~s to 242Cm, which in Figure 6 shows a simple, but also effective, apparatus 238 49 turn forms pure Pu by alpha decay. Another use of used for preparing fluorides. Nickel is the preferred 243 244 curium is in mixed targets of Am/ Cm, which are furnace tube material; however, monel (an alloy of 2S2 irradiated for the production of Cf neutron sources nickel, copper, and small concentrations of other ele- widely used in industry. Curium is also found in high- ments) fittings, valves, and connecting tubing are satis- level wastes from reactor fuel reprocessing. Curium is, factory and are more readily available. Platinum closely associated with americium in these systems. The "boats" or trays have served hundreds of hours in chemistry of the two is very similar, and curium follows hydrofluorination reactions, but nickel has been americium through the processing outlined in Sec. 50 preferred for use with hot . Excess hydrogen V.A.6. Mixtures of the two are separated by oxidation fluoride may be sparged from the furnace exhaust with cf americium to the pentavalent state with ozone or aqueous potassium hydroxide. Fluorine is often diluted similar oxidant so that it can be precipitated as with an inert gas tc prevent excessive temperature rise KsAmO2(CO3)3, while the curium remains in solution in from the heat of reaction. This gas mixture may be the trivalent state. Curium is finally precipitated as the pumped in a closed loop to fluorinate some oxides oxalate and calcfned to the oxide. The oxide is used as because several percent of oxygen in the gas does not the starting point for preparing curium salts. appear to affect reaction rates significsaitly. This recy- cling procedure alleviates problems of fluorine supply 8. Other Actinides. The transcurium elements are and disposal. Large quantities of fluorine may be dis- processed by highly specialized techniques involving posed of by charcoal trapping8586 (there may be an solvent extraction and ion exchange in a hot-cell explosion hazard!) and smaller quantities may be dis- facility.51 The products are isolated in milligram or posed of by trapping in beds of molecular sieve or soda smaller amounts in special forms. lime (plugging problems to be expected). All apparatus components and trapping material must be closely monitored for alpha activity before disposal because B. Pyrochemical Preparative Chemistry fine powders or volatile actinide fluorides may be trans- ported in the gas stream. For this discussion, oxides are not considered salts Halides other than the fluorides may be prepared in and will be referred to only incidentally. As mentioned quartz or borosilicate glass apparatus, thus eliminating previously, most of the •sctinide compounds of interest the risk of contamination by metallic impurities from in molten salt chemistry are halides and, as discussed in the trays or furnace tubes of metal systems. Another the preceding section, reactive oxides are the prevalent advantage of glass apparatus is its transparency, which product of aqueous actinide separation and purification allows observation of progress of a reaction. Figure 7 procedures. It will be seen in this section that prep- shows an apparatus used on the 100-g scale for prep- aration of most anhydrous actinide salts used in molten aration of actinide halides. This design has been used salt work starts with a reactive oxide or an oxalate that (with halogenating agents other than fluorides) for decomposes to cxide during early stages of heating. preparing halides by reaction of oxides, oxalates, metal, TABLE V. Pyrochemical Methods of Preparation of Actinide Compounds Used in Molten Salt Work Comp. Method Of Preparation Reference Comp. Method of Preparation Reference o AcF3 Ac(OH)j+HF,700 C 52 NpF3 NpO2 4- H2 + HF, 500°C 70 +3 AcF3 Ac + HF(Bf), 25°C 52 NpF4 NpF3 + O2 + HF, 500°C 70 AcC!3 Ac^OH^ 1 CCLi(g) 52 NpF4 NpO2 + O2 + HF, 50fl°C 70 AcCl3 Ac2(C2O4)3 1 Nr^ CI 6 NpF6 NpF4 + F2(BrFj, 71 AcBr3 Ac2O3 + AlBr3 52 BrFs),240-400°C AcBr3 Ac^C^fe + AlBr3 52 NpCl3 NpCI4 + H2,450"C 70 Acl3 Ac2O3 or Ac2F4 + F2,700°C 60 PuF6 PuF4 + F2,100-600 C 73 1> Pad. PaO2 + CCU,300'C 60 FuClj PnH2.7 + HCl,450 C 72 0 PaCl, PaCls + Ai + H2,45«> C 61,62 PuBr3 PaH2.7 + HBr,600°C 72 PaCIj Pa«O3 + SOCl2,400°C 62,63 Pnl3 Pn + ffl,450°C 74 PaBr4 PaBrj + Al, 450°C 6! AmF3 AmO2 + HF,650°C 75 o PaBrs PaCI5 + BBi3,25 C 64 AmF4 AiaO2 + F2.100-400°C 76 PaBrs Pa2 05 + C + Bri, 700°C 65 AmClj Am + HgCl2,300°C 77 3 o Pa^ PaI5 + Al,45© C 61 AmCl3 AmO2 + HCI,850 C 75 Pals Pa + I2,450"C 66 AmCl3 AmO2 + CC1* 550°C 78 Pals PaCl5 + Sil* 600°C 66 AmBr2 Am+HgBr2,300°C 77 AmBr3 75,79 UF3 UF4 + H2,1000°C 67 AmBr3 Ama3 + NH4Br,450°C 80 UF4 UOj + HF,550°C 68,69 o Aml2 Am + HgI2,?00 C 81 UF5 UF6 + UF4,100-200°C 67 Aml3 AmO + AlIj,500°C UF6 UO2 + F2,500°C 67 2 79 Aml3 AmO + AI + I UFS UO2 + BrF3, CIF^ 25°C 67 2 2 75 o Ami, AmQ] + NH4,400-900° 80,82 ua3 UH3 + HCl,250^300 C 67 Am2(Mo04)3 MoO + AmO ,900°C 83 ucu uo2+co* coa2, soa2 67 3 2 ucis 67 Ani2W3O,2 WO3 + AmO2,900°C 83 UC1« uas+ol^so'c 67 Am(VO4) AmO2 + V2Os,1000°C 83 CmFj UBr3 UH3 + HBr,300"C 67 80 CmF CmF3 + F2,400°C UBr4 UH3 + Br2,300"C 67 4 84 UI3 UI4 thermal decomp. 67 CmCl3 Cmaw + NH.C1,400-C 80 UI4 U +12,525°C 67 CmBr3 Cma3 + NH4Br,400°C 80 Cml3 Cma3 + NHJ,400°C 80




25 cm

Fig. 6. Apparatus used for preparing up to 100-g batches of actinide fluorides.



Fig. 7. Apparatus used for preparing actinide halides other than fluorides in batches of up to 100 g.


17 72 and . The system should be set up to allow stance, the Np02-Li20-Mo0i system is treated as the either upflow or downflow through the furnace tube, Li2MoO4-Np(MoO4)2 system." These compounds have although downflow is preferred to reduce channeling been prepared by sealing such combination- as Li2O, and to give more rapid and complete removal of reac- MOO3, and NpO2 in platinum tubes and holding them at tion products (such as water) from the reaction zone. A elevated temperatures for extended periods. major advantage of this design over that of the horizon- tal tube and tray is much more efficient use of the halogenating agent, thereby reducing the excess reagent C. Final S»ers of Purification disposal problem. In some instances, the actinide was introduced into the furnace tube as metal and was Even though care is exercised to use the purest re- converted to hydride, which was then thermally decom- agents available in the actinide salt preparation and salts posed and converted to the halide. Hydride procedures of the highest purity available are used as diluents, small are undesirable because of the hazards of handling amounts of impurities that may affect experimental hydrogen and the irreproducibility of hydride forma- measurements often remain with the molten salt. Some tion, but the halide produced may have lower concen- of these can be removed by chemical or physical treat- trations of and oxygen impurities, often present ment (such as sparging with a hydrohalogen gas), even in halidcs prepared from oxalates or oxides. after they have been introduced into the apparatus for the observation. 2. Oxyhalide Preparation. Oxyhalides of actinides may have been present as impurities in many molten 1. Distillation Methods. Purification by distillation salt studies or applications, bin intentional studies of is easily applied to many of the halides prepared on the oxyhalides in molten systems aie very limited.87 These microgram-to-gram scale. An apparatus of the size used compounds can be prepared by several methods88"90 and for these small batches is easily evacuated to very low have been characterized by techniques such as x-ray pressures and is easily heated to the temperatures re- diffraction, although without complete chemical analy- quired for distillation. These distillations (or sublima- sis to determine the purity rigorously. Pure oxyhalides tions) are often accomplished by heating the salt in the probably are best prepared by treating pure powdered furnace where it was formed and condensing it as a solid halides at controlled elevated temperatures with a reac- or liquid on the cooler walls of the furnace tube just taat such as :. Nydrohalogen crfrying a known ^cnucn- outside the furnace. This method was used in the prep- tration of water vapor. Protactinium seems to tend arat on of the protactinium halides and oxyhalides,61 the more toward oxyhalide formation90 than the other ac- *nore volatile halides being distilled away from the tinides do, and many of its oxyhalides have been id( nti- oxyhaiides. However, distillation is not limited to small fied. batches. The simple apparatus shown by Fig. 8 was used to distill plutonium halide batches as large as 100 g. The distillation tube was quartz, closed at one end, with an 3. Preparation of Other Oxycompounds. Other ac- indentation halfway up the side of the tube to form a tinide oxycompounds such as sulfates and nitrates have dam to contain the liquid product of distillation. The been prepared by precipitation from or evaporation of pool at the bottom of the furnace was maintained at aqueous solution. It is generally difficult to remove about 900"C and the collected pool was at about 800°C. water of hydration from these compounds without de- Volatile impurities collected on the walls of the tube composing them. One alternative to preparing these outside the furnace. Even It^ger quantities of more pure compounds for molteu salt studies is dissolution of volatile halides can be punned by distillation. Kilogram small amounts of other compounds (such as halides) in quantities of uranium b.exafluoride are purified by molten salts such as nitrate eutectics. The effect of the vacuum distillation between traps alternately cooled by foreign anion may be negligible if the required actinide liquid nitrogen (or dry ice) and warmed to temperatures concentration is low. This may be true for studies such near ambient. Nickel, monel, graphite, and precious as observation of absorption spectra. metals are used in constructing apparatus for handling Another small of oxygen-containing actinides the fluorides. has been prepared during phase diagram studies/"3 Ap- parently, iittle has been done with these compounds, other than preparation and characterization by applying 2. Sparging with Halogens or Hydrohalogens. The x-ray diffraction techniques and microscopy. This group favored methods of preparing actinide halides often includes tungstates, molybdates, and silicates of leave traces of oxide and oxyhalide in the product. Even thorium, neptunium, and uranium. Not all members of if these compounds are absent during preparation, they this cation/anion matrix have been prepared, and they may be introduced by exposure of the salt to air and are often considered part of pseudobinary systems with water vapor. Diluent salts, including those that are not the corresponding compounds. For in- hygroscopic and do not have waters of hydration,


Fig. 8. Apparatus used fur distilling actinide halides other than fluorides. 2in.-diam QUARTZ TUBE

almost always adsorb some water, which will form appears to be more effective than oxyhalidrs when heated with actinide halides. The hal- phosgene. In another study,94 it was reported that ides of calcium, lithium, magnesium, and are often was more effective than hydrogen chloride for used as dil jent or reactant in actinide molten salt work, preparing pure lithium/ eutectic for and all 01" these are difficult to prepare in truly electrochemical studies when the salt mixture was anhydrous ibrm. treated at 450°C but that the treatment with chlorine One example of rigorous purification is the method was not effective at 740°C. When halogens are used for rsed for preparing salts for phase diagram experiments this purpose, the experimenter must avoid unwanted with plutonhi-n trichloride, , and so- higher oxidation states of actinides because these have dium chloride.12 Figure 9 shows the apparatus used for more volatile halides. Care must also be exercised to removing water, oxychloride, hydroxide, oxide, and any avoid container materials that will react and contribute material insoluble in the molten salt. The salt to be cationic impurities to the molten salts. purified was in s quartz crucible in a quartz furnace tube. At the'top was a neoprene stopper through which passed a quartz thermocouple well, a quartz filtration assembly, and a small tube for evacuating ihe furnace CONNECTIONS tube. The most hygrcscopic salt (lithium chloride) was TO VACUUM. Ar.AND HC£ vacuum

19 VI. METAL PREPARATION AND PURIFICA- energies of formation of these elements' fluorides and TION chlorides at 725°C are listed in Table VI. These tabula- tions can be a guide in selecting the actinide compound Actinide metals are prepared by active metal reduc- and its reductant. For instance, potassium vapor re- 6 tion of oxides or salts and by electrorefining. The three duced actinium trichloride, but it would not have general methods of active metal reduction are (1) reduc- reduced actinium oxide. As was pointed out in Sec. IV tion by metal vapor in a vacuum system, (2) reduction of this report, lithium vapor can reduce fluorides of in a closed pressure vessel ("bomb" reduction), and (3) nonvolatile curium and the resulting lithium fluoride reduction in a closed vessel at ambient pressure. As can be volatilized away from the products. More vol- normally performed for high yields, the reductions pro- atile californium, however, may be lost when reduced 96 duce almost no separation of the actinide from metallic by the same technique. Particular care must be ex- impurities, although the third method can be operated ercised when working with micrograms of materials at to produce low yield and some separation from im- high temperatures lest the entire sample be lost by purities. Metals may sometimes be purified further by a alloying with the support or by vaporization during the process called molten salt extraction wherein the molten experiment. metal is equilibrated with a molten salt and the metal is purifkd b> transfer of impurities to the salt phase. B. Pressure Vessel or "Bomb" Redaction

A. Reduction by Metal Vapor In the pressure vessel, or "bomb," reduction tech- nique, a compound (usually an oxide or halide) of the Originally, experimenters using microtechniques em- actinide is mixed with a metal (usually an alkali or ployed metal vapors to reduce oxides or salts to prepare alkaline-earth metal) that will react to form a compound all actinide metals except uranium and thorium.95 These with a more negative free energy of formation than the techniques are still used for preparing actinium and the actinide compound has. This technique is prominent in transcurium elements.96 The selection of the reductant preparing actinides from their compounds, on both to be used for these reactions is based on the free commercial and laboratory scales. The choice of ac- energies of formation of the compounds involved and tinide compound and reductant is based in part on the the vapor pressures and melting points of the reactants free energies of formation listed in Tables m and VI, but and products. The free energies of formation of the also important are the melting points, phase rela- candidate oxides at 725°C are listed in Table III. Free tionships, viscosities, and vapor pressures of the feed

TABLE VI. Approximate Free Energies of Formation of Selected Fluorides and Chlorides at 725°C (in kcal/g-atom of Halogen)20 Halide -AF Halide -AF Halide -AF

CaF2 125 ZrF4 93 CeCl3 66 BaF2 123 NpF< 90 AcCl3 63 LiF 122 A1F3 89 PaCl3 63 LaF3 121 PKF, 88 PuCl3 59 CeF3 120 SiF4 84 ThCl3 59 NaF 112 TaF5 75 MgCl, 58 AcF3 112 UF6 69 ZrCl2 56 PaF3 111 ZnF2 68 NpCl3 55 MgF2 111 HF 65 UC13 53 KF 110 PnF6 65 ThCl, 53 AmF3 110 BaCl2 84 UCU 46 PuF3 107 KC1 81 A1C13 46 NpF3 102 LiCl 79 ZnCl2 35 ThF« 101 CaCl2 78 TaCi2 28 ThF3 100 NaCl 76 SiCl, 28 UF3 95 LaCl3 67 HC1 24 UF4 94 AmCl3 67

20 salts put into the charge and the product salts that form zinc is distilled away from the thorium. This reduction the slag. The latter must be separated from the metal reaction must be conducted by the bomb technique to product. The bomb consists of a metal container prevent escape of zinc and zinc chloride, whose boiling (usually steel) to withstand pressure and of a refractory points are exceeded during the reaction. liner (such as magnesium oxide, , or A similar bomb reduction method is used com- fused dolomite) to resist chemical attack. The liner also mercially to produce uranium on the 100-kg scale. furnishes both thermal and chemical protection from Uranium tetr^^onae is blended with 5% excess attack on the metal container. Excess reductant (about magnesium and loaded into a pressure vessel with a 25% above the theoretical amount required) is added to fijseJ dolomite liner. The sealed bomb is put into a gas- the mixture of salt and reductant to increase the rr.:-i-i! fired furnace preheated to 600°C. The heat of reaction yield. This excess ensures good contact with the com- melts the magnesium chloride and uranium products, pound being reduced (no stirring is provided other than so they coalesce, making mechanical separation of the that produced by the reac'Lu itself) and reacts with cooled products feasible. The pressure vessel is required traces of impurities such as water and oxygen. A because of the high vapor pressures of magnesium and "booster," an element or compound that reacts just magnesium chloride. 'wi^f-w or during the early stages of the actinide reduc- For molten salt studies it is probably more practical tion, is often added to the reactants. The mechanism of to obtain thorium and natural uranium metal and salts the booster in improving reduction yields is a con- from a laboratory that produces these items com- troversial subject. One theory is that energy released mercially than to set up equipment for bomb reduction. from the booster reaction simply heats the products of On the other hand, much research is needed before the reaction to a higher temperature at which the slag and chemical mechanisms of boosted bomb reduction are metal are less viscous and flow more rapidly to allow understood. Because of many fewer health, safety, and better consolidation of the metal product. Another the- security problems in work with thorium and natural ory is that products of the booster reaction produce slag uranium than in work with other actinides, these two with a lower melting point, which provides more time elements are good candidates for such research. for the metal to coalesce before the slag freezes. A third A much smaller scale of bomb reduction is used in theory is that the booster triggers the reduction reaction preparing plutonium, neptunium, americium, and at a lower overall system temperature than would be the highly enriched uranium. Because of the intense radio- case without it, so the maximum system temperature activity and the crilicality constraints, bomb reductions during reduction is lower, and less spattering and less of these elements are restricted to the 1- or 2-kg scale, reaction with the bomb liner occurs, thus producing except for americium, whose reduction has been limited higher yields. Any one, two, or none of these effects may to 25-g batches because of the gamm? and neutron occur during a reduction reaction. Many questions radiation levels of americium tetrafluoride. The labora- about the behavior of mohen salt/metal systems during tory-scale (as contrasted to the commercial-scale) bomb bomb reduction remain unanswered. It appears that reduction technique developed rapidly from 1943 performance of such reductions is an art rather than a through 1946 and has evolved less rapidly since then. . Figure 10 contains sketches of the pressure vessels used 98 The actinide metals commonly produced by bomb up to ) 945 compared with one of a pressure vessel reduction are thorium, uranium, neptunium, pluto- currently used for preparing 2-kg batches of plutonium. nium, and americium. Other actinide metals are usually The bomb reduction procedure of the tetrafluorides has produced by microtechniques because of the limited not changed greatly. The pressure vessels are steel and availability of the elements or because of radiation the lining crucibles are low-density magnesium oxide. problems in handling larger quantities. The tetrafluoride is mixed with (iodine-to-metal Bomb reduction on the 100-kg scale is used com- mole ratio is 0.15-0.30) anr granular calcium 25% in mercially for thorium and uranium metal production, excess of the amount required to react with the fluoride although both metals have bee A produced commercially and iodine. This mixture is loaded into the pressure by reduction at ambient pressure in open containers. vessel, a magnesia lid is placed on the crucible, and the One method of producing thorium on the 1 OO-kg scale is pressure vessel lid is firmly sealed to the body, using a reduction of by 25% excess cal- copper gasket. The bomb is next evacuated and cium. Zinc chloride equal to 10% of the weight of the backfilled with argun to a pressure significantly above fluoride is added as a booster. The pressure vessel is ambient for a leak check. The pressure is then reduced steel with a fused dolomite liner. The charged and sealed to ambient and the connecting orifice is closed. The bomb is put into a furnace preheated to 660°C. The slag integrity of the seal is important because high pressures 97 (greater than 100 psi) are generated at the instant of is reported to be CaCl2/CaF2/ZnF2 and the metal phase an alloy of thorium containing 4 to 7% zinc. After reaction. If the argon escapes through a leak at the gasket mechanical separation of the metal and salt phases, the at that instant, it is followed by a mixture of volatile






Fig. \f,. Containers used for preparing actinidc metals by "bomb" reduction of halidcs. All four containers are shown on the same scale. The three small containers were used before 1945. The larger container is currently used for 2-kg batch reductions. calcium, iodine, and magnesium (from the magnesia reductions heating must be continued to about i000°C crucible) that instantly reacts to enlarge the leak and to attain good separation of metal and salt. After reac- release large quantities of actinide to the surroundings tion, the bomb is cooled and the dense metal regulus is with explosive force. It can be seen from Fig. 10 that the mechanically separated from the slag. earlier pressure vessels had lids held on by threads. A threaded plug closed a hole in the lid. In this design, after the bomb was loaded and sealed, the plug was C. Ambient Pressure Reduction of Actinide Salts removed and replaced by a threaded tube for evacuation • nd argon filling. The tube was then removed and The distinction between bomb reduction and am- replaced by the plug before the bomb was heated. A bient pressure reduction of salts to form metals is often hydraulic ram holds the lid of the modern large-scale questionable. The major difference in the equipment is bomb on the assembly. A valve for gas transfer control is that the bomb reduction pressure vessel is always built mounted permanently in the lid. The bomb is heated by sturdily and is sealed during the reaction, whereas am- direct coupling of the induction field with the wall of the bient pressure reductions may be performed in fragile pressure vessel. Reaction of the mixture is detected by closed containers or even in open containers. monitoring the drop in neutron emission from the Ambient pressure rer'-ftions use reactions with either fljorine alpha-neutron reaction that diminishes when lower total energy reiease or a lower rate of energy intimate mixing of the actinide and fluorine is dis- release governed by the combination rate of reactants. rupted. Heating is discontinued when the mixture reacts No booster is necessary, although a small "ignitor" may if the charge is greater than 100 g, but for smaller-scale be used. Neither volatile salts nor volatile metals are

22 heated to high temperatures (above their boiling points) ally. The crucibles were quartz, magnesia/10% titania, during these reactions. and tantalum. The salt was placed in a crucible that had been previously baked out in vacuo. The loaded crucible 1. Reductions by Active Metals. The procedures in was quickly put into the furnace tube, which was evacu- commercial production of thorium and uranium at ated briefly and then filled with argon. The rotatable ambient pressure can hardly be distinguished from the side arm was removed, loaded with reductant, and re- bomb reductions discussed in Sec. VLB. Natural turned to the position shown in Fig. 11. Furnace tube uranium is produced on the 100-kg scale by adding a evacuation was resumed and the tube was put into the burning pellet of potassium nitrate/lactose (no booster furnace, where evacuation continued during heating is used) to ignite a mixture of and until the salt melted. The apparatus was then filled with excess calcium." Large-scale reductions of thorium argon while heating continued to the desired reaction tetrachloride by magnesium produce a temperature (up to 850°C); the side arm was then thorium/magnesium alloy from which the magnesium rotated to gradually introduce the reductant. The salt is separated by distillation. Because these salt/metal studied most extensively was a plutonium systems oxidize badly at high temperatures in air, the chloride/ mixture. Severe spattering oc- reactants and products are blanketed with an inert gas curred if calcium addition was too rapid, but the total until they are cooled. charge of other reductants such as lanthanum and Research- and development-scale (10 g of actinide) cerium did not produce spattering even if combined reduction can be conducted simply. Extensive experi- with the salt before heating. Thus, the reductant addi- ments that resulted in the development of the tion tube is unnecessary for some reductants. This ap- "pyroredox" process100 for purifying plutonium were paratus was used to study the conversion of plutonium conducted with simple apparatus (Fig. 11), which con- metal to plutonium chloride/alkali chloride combina- sisted of a quartz furnace tube closed at the top by a tions and reduction of the salt by several metals to form neoprene stopper through which passed a quartz plutonium metal and alloys. thermocouple well, a tube for evacuating the tube and Some of the plutonium reactions studied in the sim- backfilling with argon, and a quartz tube for reductant ple quartz apparatus described above have been scaled introduction. The granular reductant was in a rotatable up to the level of hundreds of grams101 with simple but arm of the latter tube, so it could be introduced gradu- sturdy containers. The design of an apparatus is shown in Fig. 12. The same general design has been used in various sizes, the largest having a crucible diameter of QROUNO GLASS JOINT about 77 mm and a plutonium capacity for metal/salt reactions to about 1 kg, the practical capacity for each VACUUM CONNECTION reaction depending on the energy release during reac- REDUCTANT tion. No reactant introduction tube has been provided, although such an addition would be rather easy. The NEOPRENE STOPPER stirrer is tantalum or tantalum/10% tungsten. The HEAT SHIELDS thermocouple well is a closed-end nickel tube inside a tantalum well. This combination resists oxidation on QUARTZ QUARTZ the inside and attack by the salt on the outside. Triple THERMOCOUPLE FURNACE TUBE WELL containment (in addition to the primary crucible) pre- QUARTZ TUBE vents release of molten plutonium to the air of the glovebox enclosure. The secondary containment is a tantalum can nested inside a stainless steel container. The furnace tube is an oxidation-resistant alloy such as FURNACE- Inconel or Hastelloy. Various supports, baffles, and insulators are used to reduce temperature gradients near CRUCIBLE the end of the furnace. The lower end of the furnace tube LID extends beyond the end of the resistance-heated furnace CRUCIBLE to a cooler region, so molten plutonium reaching this point would immediately freeze and not alloy with the metal of the tube. Ceramic crucibles often leak small SALT amounts of molten salts and occasionally leak small amounts of molten metal, but the tantalum secondary containment has never been breached.

Fig. 11. Apparatus used for research and development studies of The reactants and diluent salt are put into the crucible reduction of plutonium chloride. at room temperature. The crucible is then put into the

23 VACUUM / ARGON the calcium chloride/calcium oxide product has a re- BEARINGS CONNECTION latively low melting point compared to the usual max- AND SEALS imum temperature of 875°C. Another reduction procedure that does not have as its GLOVEBOX goal the preparation of a specific metal, but rather the THERMOCOUPLE FLOOR WELL removal of all actinides from a given batch of salt, is "salt stripping." The impetus for such a procedure is peculiar to the actinides because of the discard limits and disposal expense for radioactive wastes. Examining the free energies of formation of the chlorides listed in Table VI leads one to predict that actinides could be _ CONTAINMENT stripped from salts such as calcium chloride or sodium CANS chloride/potcssium chloride by calcium meta'. One could also predict that sodium would also be reduced, _L CERAMIC CRUCIBLE but the uncertainties of the values listed in Table VI do not justify a definite prediction of the extent of sodium -REACTANTS reduction. Sodium reduction can be restricted by limit- ing the amount of added calcium. The salt-stripping . CERAMIC _J DISC process and the apparatus shown in Fig. 12 have been used successfully to strip plutonium and amerieium SUPPORT from chloride processing salts. STAND 2. . Thorium,102 uranium,103 and pluto- luum'* metals have been prepared by electrolysis of Fig. 12. Apparatub for ambient pressure oxidation and reduction molten salts on various scales up to multikilograms. The reactions of up to I-kg batches of actinides in molten salt systems. The diameter of the outer containment can is about 15 cm. most common procedure is electrolysis of the actinide chloride or fluoride in a mixed-chloride bath contained in a graphite crucible anode. The metal is deposited on a molybdenum cathode. Molten salt bath compositions nested cans of the furnace tube, and the lid of the include sodium chloride/potassium chloride and so- furnace tube (with the thermocouple well and the stirrer dium chloride/calcium chloride. Thorium ard uranium in a raised position) is bolted into place. The tube is have been added as KThF5 and KUF5 prepared by evacuated and checked for leaks, :hen filled and aqueous means. All three actinides have been in- pressurized with argon. The furnace is heated to the troduced as pure anhydrous chlorides and fluorides. melting point of the salt. The thermocouple well and The cell must be designed so that chlorine gas produced stirrer are pushed into the molten salt and the desired at the anode does not contact the metal deposit on the heating and stirring are completed. The stirrer and the cathode. The metals are deposited as dendrites, which thermocouple well are then retracted to a level above the must be leached free of salt by aqueous means to recover surface of the molten salt before the salt is cooled to the possibly pyrophoric metal powders. This method of solidification temperature. The cooled products are sep- metal production may significantly separate the actinide arated mechanically. from active metals, such as the rare earths, but it has not The apparatus in Fig. 12 has been used for several become a popular process. different metal/salt reactions. Plutonium metal is re- acted with zinc chloride containing potassium chloride as a diluent to lower the melting point of the plutoniurn D. Pyrochemical Purification of Actinide Metals trichloride that is formed. This reaction is performed in a tantalum crucible from which the products can be The pyrochemical purifications discussed here apply removed mechanically. It has also been shown that this to removal of impurities when the feed material is a 100 reaction proceeds satisfactorily in quartz containers. metal and when the desired product is metal of higher The plutonium chloride/potassium chloride is then re- purity. These methods can remove virtually all of cer- duced by calcium metal in a vitrified magnesia crucible tain impurities from actinide metals. in the same apparatus to form plutonium metal. An- other reaction conducted in a vitrified magnesia 1. Electrorefining. In molten salt electrorefining, an crucible in this apparatus is reduction of plutonium impure metal is oxidized at an anode, transported dioxide by granular calcium metal in molten calcium through a molten salt electrolyte, and deposited as a chloride. The amount of calcium chloride is such that pure metal (> 99.95%) at a cathode. Figure 13 shows the

24 such as or . The pure metal deposits on the cathode as a solid that can be recovered by dissolving away the salt electrolyte or by melting the ANODE metal so the salt floats to the top. CONNECTOR CERAMIC 2. Molten Salt Extraction. The process referred to as SLEEVE molten salt .extraction here has been called halide slag- ging, chloride slagging, and molten salt/metal equilibra- MOLTEN 106 108 CATHODE SALT tion. " It consists simply of agitating molten salt and molten metal together in a container until an equi- STIRRER librium distribution of the elements of interest is estab- MgO lished. The system is then cooled and the metal and salt 7 CRUCIBLE phases are separated mechanically. The apparatus is the same as that shown in Fig. 12. The crucible and stirrer materials are selected for the combination of physical PURE and chemical properties that best satisfy the purposes of METAL •he procedure. For instance, ceramic crucibles will probably participate in chemical reactions more readily than do tantalum crucibles, but the reaction products IMPURE METAL generally can be more easily removed mechanically ANODE from ceramic crucibles. Molten salt extraction is used mostly for removing Fig. 13. Molten salt electrorefining cell. small amounts of active metal impurities from selected actinide metals. The capabilities of the technique may be predicted by using the free energies of formation of cross section of a cell that has been used to produce high- halides listed in Table VI. Elements having haiides with purity plutonium on a multikilogram scale.105 The con- more negative free energies of formation than those of tainer is a cylindrical vitrified magnesia crucible with a the m?jor component of the metal phase should be smaller anode "cup" in the center. A vitrified magnesia extracted into a salt phase containing an excess of the stirrer stirs both the impure molten plutonium anode major metal halide. For example, it would be predicted and the sodium chloride/potassium chloride/plutonium initially that rare earths, actinium, protactinium, chloride electrolyte. A magnesia-insulated tungsten rod americium, plutonium, neptunium, and thorium would dipping into the anode pool provides electrical contact. be extracted from uranium metal equilibrated with a Pure liquid plutonium deposits on the cylindri ~nl tung- molten fluoride eutectic containing a few mole per cent sten cathode and drips into the ring-shaped space be- of uranium fluoride. This process might be impractical, neath it. The cell is operated at 740°C in a furnace tube however, because the high melting point of uranium with nested containers similar to those shown in Fig. 12. would require a high operating temperature, which Loading, closing, evacuating, argon filling, and stirrer, might not be tolerated by any available compatible electrode, and thermocouple well manipulating are container material. One way to avoid the problem similar to those for the furnace in Fig. 12. Stirring the caused by high temperatures is to dissolve the metal in a anode and electrolyte -•nd providing a large cathode low-melting metal such as cadmium during processing surface area minimizes polarization effects. The cell and to distill away the volatile cadmium after extrac- current is automatically interrupted momentarily at tion. Predictions of extraction behavior become even preset time intervals to measure the back electromotive more uncertain when the alloying technique is used force (EMF, which is an indication of polarization because one must deal with not only the uncertainties in and/or excessive impurity concentration in the anode), the free energy of formation values but also activity and the current is discontinued if this EMF rises above a coefficients in the molten salt and in the alloy. preselected value. This procedure maintains high purity Molten salt extraction is important in the removal of of the product. 46 47 americium from plutonium. - Kilogram amounts of The higher melting points of the other actinide metals plutonium containing (typically) 3000 ppm americium probably make electrorefining, as described above, prac- are contacted with low-melting potassium tical only for plutonium and neptunium. Good purifica- chloride/sodium chloride/plutonium trichloride in a tion of high-melting metals can be attained in a molten magnesia crucible in the apparatus shown by Fig. 12. salt electrolyte system using an anode that is an alloy of The plutonium halide is either added as plutonium the high-melting metal dissolved in a low-melting metal tetrafluoride or trichloride or is generated from the

25 me'al by addition of magnesium chloride. Approx- experiment.9 The halides studied were primarily those imately 90% of the americium is transferred from the of uranium"1112 and/or thorium "3"4 mixed with hal- metal to the salt phase. ides of alkali and alkaline-earth metals. For thermal During development of the americium extraction analysis, the fluoride salts were typically contained in process, Mullins et al. developed an interesting sam- nickel or graphite crucibles with as many as four pling tec^rque106 for sampling molten salt and metal crucibles in a single furnace tube.1" Nickel stirrers phases to determine the americium distribution. Tan- whose vertical shafts passed through close-fitting talum dippers were lowered individually into the metal graphite sleeves in the lid of the assembly were used to phase to retrieve multiple metal samples at different homogenize the molten salts. A slight positive pressure times and temperatures without cooling the furnace. of helium was maintained inside the furnace tube to Similarly, the experiments took multiple salt samples by prevent reaction of the contents with air. Salt lowering nickel capsules having a sintered nickel filter in temperatures were zrieasured by chromel/alumel the bottom end (the top end was sealed) into the salt and thermocouples in nickel thermocouple wells and re- pressurizing the space above the salt to force molten salt corded by strip chart recorders. Typical samples through the filter into the capsule. Salt and metal sam- weighed 50 g and cooling rates were 3°C to 4°C/min. ples were withdrawn into the cooler upper part of the Little use was made of differential thermal analysis. furnace to solidify them immediately after sampling. All Phases in quenched samples were identified by ex- samples were removed from the cool apparatus for amination with a polarizing microscope and x-ray dif- analysis after the experiment. fraction. As many as 20 to 30 quenched samples were Measurements of actinide distributions between prepared at one time by loading the crushed powders molten magnesium chloride and zinc/magnesium alloys into a thin-walled nickel tube 0.10 in. diameter by 5 to 6 were made in a somewhat similar fashion to develop in. long. The tube was crimped at about 0.2-in. intervals molten salt extraction methods for separating actinides while being loaded, and the ends of the tube were sealed from each other and from fission products.107110 to protect the samples. Tubes were then heated in a furna'v* with a thermal gradient and dropped into an oil- quenching bath. The tube was retrieved and samples VII. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES MEASURE- were recovered after the compartments were cut open. MENTS Different techniques were developed at Los Alamos for study of phase relationships of plutonium trichloride New instalments for measuring physical properties of in binary combinations with alkali and alkaline-earth molten salt systems are increasingly available. New chlorides.91115""7 Much greater effort was expended to methods of data acquisition and analysis are being remove traces of water and oxygen species from the salts developed and implemented. No attempt has been and to prevent contamination by these species during made by this author to survey catalogs of scientific observations. The purification method was described in supply companies to obtain descriptions of new physi- Section V.C.2; the apparatus is shown in Fig. 9. The cal-properties-measuring equipment that might succeed apparatus for thermal analysis and differential thermal (but have not been proved) in measurements on ac- analysis (Fig. 14) consisted of a 50-mm-diam, 38-cm- tinide salts. Some of the techniques discussed here may deep quartz furnace tube, closed at the top by a have been applied as many as 40 years ago. This ap- neoprene stopper that supported two 16-mm-diam, 45- proach may make the discussion seem outdated, but one cm-deep quartz tubes. One of the quartz tubes contained defense of the approach is that the techniques suc- the salt; the second contained either a similar amount of cessfully generated reliable data in almost all cases. lithium chloride/potassium chloride or an empty ceramic crucible with a similar heat capacity and in- sulating effect. These smaller tubes were closed at the A. Melting Points and Phase Relationships top by neoprene stoppers penetrated by quartz tubes that acted as thermocouple wells, gas sparging tubes, It was pointed out in Section 1 and Table I that one evacuation ports, and salt addition tubes. The salts were compilation2'5 included phase diagrams of approx- sparged with anhydrous hydrogen chloride during imately 76 actinide oxide systems and 77 actinide salt measurements (test measurements showed that thermal systems. No attempt will be made to discuss all of those arrest temperatures were the same for hydrogen systems here; techniques and container materials used chloride-sparged and argon-sparged salts) to mix in typical studies will be described briefly. thoroughly during freezing and to prevent formation of One of the most comprehensive programs for de- traces of oxychloride. Nc etching of the quartz was termining phase relationships in molten salts was the observed even after several Jays of operation at 450°C Oak Ridge study of binary and ternary fluoride and to 65O°C with hydrogen chloride sparging. Inadequately chloride systems, in support of the Molter. Salt Reactor dried salts containing a high concentration of lithium

26 DIFFERENTIAL Only limited descriptions of the techniques have been THERMOCOUPLE 91 8 120 LEADS published. " - 21 MEASURING A simple differential thermal analysis apparatus' .THERMOCOUPLE LEADS using optical sensors has been used for determining phase relationships of the more refractory compounds CONNECTION TO Ar AND of actinides at 800°C to 3200°C. Figure 15 shows the VACUUM apparatus. An induction heating unit supplies power to CONNECTION TO VACUUM. Ar. AND heat the furnace susceptor, which acts as an oven for TRAPS heating the crucible containing the sample. The powe.- supply can be programmed to increase or decrease its QUARTZ output at selected rates. A simple optical system delivers FURNACE TUBE light from the incandescent furnace to an optical QUARTZ TUBES pyrometer and to two photodiodes. Light from the Ar AND HC/ SPARGING TUBES blackbody hole in the sample container is focused on THERMOCOUPLE one diode; light from a nearby part of the oven is WELLS focused on the other. Electrical signals proportional to temperature and to the difference in temperatures are amplified and recorded on a dual trace recorder. The SALT SAMPLE experimenter uses the manual optical pyrometer to calibrate the recorder temperature trace during each heating and cooling cycle. Five materials whose melting REFERENCE points are well known (copper at 1083°C, platinum at 1770°C, at 1960°C, alumina at 2050°C, and at 2440°C) were used to check calibration of the system.

B. Other Physical Properties of Actinide Salts

Fig. 14. Apparatus for differential thermal analysis of molten salts. 1.Vapor Pressure. Numerous techniques have been applied in determining vapor pressures of solid and liquid actinides and their salts. The general methods are chloride etched quartz severely within a few hours at use of a direct-reading gauge, boiling at reduced pres- 650°C with argon sparging. Temperatures measured by sure, transpiration, and Knudsen effusion. In many chromel/alumel thermocouples and temperature dif- measurements on actinides, the apparatus was set up as ferences between the two salt containers as measured by in observations of nonactinides except for being opposite chromel/alumel thermocouples were recorded partially or totally enclosed in a hood or glovebox. by synchronized strip chart recorders. Differential Support electronics such as amplifiers and power sup- thermal analysis indications were extremely helpful. plies are often separated from the sensing units for Sample sizes were about 20 g and linear heating rates glovebox worlc, even though the supplier of a com- varied from TC/min to 8"C/min. Microscopy and x-ray mercially available unit may package the entire ap- diffraction techniques identified species in various mix- paratus in a single cabinet. Special feedthroughs may be tures. In one of the systems, part of the liquidus curve required to connect the sensor inside the glovebox to the was too steep to be determined reliably by differential amplifier outside the glovebox, but this extra effort may thermal analysis.87 Chemical analyses of samples taken pay rich dividends in reduced maintenance problems of through a sintered tantalum filter were used to deter- the electronics units. mine liquidus compositions at selected temperatures. The simplest apparatus for vapor pressure measure- In other techniques used for determination of phase ments is the direct-reading gauge, which may be of the relationships in actinide oxyanion systems, the com- Bourdon type, a diaphragm gauge whose output is read pounds are often prepared by mixing the actinide oxide electronically by change in strain or capacitance, a null- with oxides of tungsten or molybdenum and an alkali diaphragm gauge with automatic or manual balancing metal oxide, sealing the mixtures in platinum tubes, and gauge, or a null-type sickle gauge with manual balanc- annealing them at elevated temperatures. The products ing. All of these direct-reading gauges have been used in of annealing are studied by microscopy, x-ray diffrac- measuring the relatively high (at ambient temperatures) tion, absorption spectra, and thermal analysis to deter- vapor pressures of the of uranium, pluto- mine phase diagrams of molybdates and tungstates. nium, and neptunium.122-'24 The major constraint is that







Fig. 15. Apparatus for differential thermal analysis of actinide compound? at temperatures up to 32OTC.

the gauge or null diaphragm must be held at a tempera- differential thermocouple system. When the vapor pres- ture higher than that of the sample to avoid condensa- sure is reached, boiling will be initiated and the temper- tion in the sensing element. An additional complication ature will decrease slightly. The valve to the vacuum in the study of plutonium is its thermal system is quickly closed (manually or automatically by and radiolytic instability. Buildup of fluorine pressure actuation of a solenoid valve) and the pressure and introduces errors in the measurement, and plutonium temperature are noted. This procedure is repeated for all deposits on all interior surfaces contaminate the sensor. temperatures of interest To avoid "bumping" of the Observation of boiling points under a reduced pres- liquid, a very slow flow of inert gas can be introduced by sure of inert gas is another method for determining a capillary or porous tube dipping into the liquid. A vapor pressures at high pressures (above about 25 ton) variation of this method, called "quasi-static,"126 uses a and at temperatures harmful to the direct-reading heated salt reservoir with two restricted tubing connec- gauges described in the preceding paragraph.125 The salt tions at its top, a rather limited free volume inside the is heated in a reservoir of a system containing an inert reservoir, and a large liquid surface. A significant length gas at a pressure higher than the vapor pressure at the of the connecting tubes must be inside the furnace to temperature of interest. The reservoir is held at the reduce condensation of the sample. One of these tubes given temperature as the inert gas is very slowly pumped leads to a manometer or sensitive pressure gauge and out of the system. Temperature variations of the liquid the other leads to a vacuum system through a needle are observed with a very sensitive null instrument or valve. Somewhere outside the furnace the two tubes are

28 connected by a sensitive differential manometer. are much more rapid methods for measuring rates of Similarly to the operation of the reduced-pressure, boil- effusion. One of these is measurement of the sample ing-point apparatus, the system is filled with inert gas deposited on a target within precisely controlled and heated to the desired temperature, and small ali- geometrical constraints. Several targets are loaded into a quots of gas are removed. The differential manometer bolder in the vacuum system. A target-changing mecha- will show temporary differences in pressure as the ali- nism enables collection of several samples during a run quots of gas are removed but will return to the null point without opening the vacuum system or cooling the until the pressure reaches the vapor pressure of the salt. furnace. Liquid nitrogen or chilled water often cools the Then the differential u anometer will show a "perma- target holder to ensure that the condensation coefficient nent" differential pressure, and the pressure indicated is unity. by the gauge is taken as the vapor pressure at the Radioactive materials are uniquely suited for vapor temperature of the liquid. It is claimed that this method pressure studies by target collection" because submicro- is more sensitive than the reduced-pressure, boiling- 126 gram quantities of samples collected on targets can be point method for vapor pressures below about 30 torn measured quantitatively by applying counting methods. The quasi-static and boiling-point methods have been Inherent in this method is the assumption that the used for measuring vapor pressures of uranium identity of effusing species is known. This can be as- tetrafluoride,127 thorium tetrafluoride,128 and other salts 129 sured by adding a mass spectrometer to the system to of interest to the Molten Salt Reactor program. identify species . A mass spectrometer can determine The transpiration or flow method of measuring vapor vapor pressures by ion current measurement without a pressures probably requires the simplest equipment. It target collection system if an elaborate calibration consists simply of flowing a carrier gas over the surface scheme involving multiplier gain, isotopic abundance, of the sample contained in a "boat" or crucible in a ionization cross sections, and threshold energies is (generally horizontal) furnace tube. It is important that used.132 the carrier gas flow be slow enough for saturation and Vapor pressures for plutonium halides, plutonium rapid enough that back and sample loss are not oxide, and americium metal determined by target col- allowed. The transported sample must be measured lection and counting were published in 1950.133"135 The accurately, either by weight loss or by complete recovery same method, but quite different apparatus, has been of the condensed product. This method was used for used for determining vapor pressures of the fluorides of determining vapor pressures of uranium plutonium and americium.136 Excellent discussions of tetrachloride 13° and of thermodynamic quantities for 131 the technique are given in articles describing vapor Plutonium tetrachloride, which exists only under a pressure determinations for several actinide metals by chlorine atmosphere at elevated temperatures. Knudsen effusion.137139 Knudsen effusion has been applied widely in vapor pressure studies of actinide compounds and elements. 2. Surface Tension and Density. The two most Tantalum and tungsten have been used for effusion popular techniques for measuring surface tension of ovens heated by either induction or resistance methods molten salts can be modified slightly to measure density in high vacuum. The effusion orifices have been made in the same apparatus. Over 80% of the measurements by machining of thin sheets or larger blocks of metal. of surface tension are by the maximum gas bubble The ovens have been used both with and without inner pressure technique,140"142 in which a capillary tube with a cups, which have been tungsten, tantalum, or ceramic, precisely formed tip is immersed to an accurately de- with and without chemical vapor-deposited tungsten termined depth in the molten salt and pressurized with a coatings. The greatest advantage of using the inner cup very slow gas flow to form bubbles at the rate of is limiting creep by the liquid samples. Creep may lead < 5/min. The inside diameter of the capillary is about 1 to change of orifice diameter and cause sealing of the lid mm and must be very nearly a perfect circle. The end on the oven, thus preventing reuse. The inner cup must be flat and perpendicular to the axis of the should have a sharp lip at the top to prevent or reduce capillary. Opinions differ as to whether the edge of the creep of the liquid to the outside of the cup. The oven orifice should be a "knife edge" or a "small flat." These and its heater should be designed so that the orifice and capillaries have been made of precious metals and re- lid operate at temperatures slightly higher than those at fractory oxides such as beryllium oxide. The surface the bottom of the crucible so the sample does not tension is calculated from the depth of immersion, the redeposit on the lid and orifice. inside diameter of the tube, the maximum pressure The vapor pressure is determined from calculations observed during bubble growth, and the density of the based on the rate of effusion from the orifice. This is, in liquid. The liquid density can be measured by noting the theory, most simply determined by measuring the change in maximum pressure with an accurately weight lost in heating the oven and contents for a measured change in immersion depth of a single specific time at a specific temperature. However, there capillary, or by difference in maximum pressures for

29 two capillaries with accurately known differences in . ABSORPTION SPECTRA immersion depth in the same liquid. This technique appears to be most popular in the USSR, where many This discussion is limited to measurement techniques .measurements143'145 have been made with uranium of the ultraviolet-visible, and near-infrared absorption chlorides in binary and ternary molten salts used in spectra of molten actinide salts. The general topic of uranium electrowinning and electrorefining ceils. molten salt is discussed in much greater The second most popular method146 for meas'uring depth by T. R. Griffiths in a recent publication.153 surface tension and density in a single apparatus is Early work with the intense alpha emitters pluto- based on a slight modification of the Archimedes float nium, neptunium, and americium used essentially bob. The bob commonly used to measure density of a "benchtop" techniques. The risks were acceptable for liquid by buoyancy is modified by adding an accurately several reasons. The quantities of actinides were small machined rod-like protrusion on its bottom. The den- (milligrams) so that escape of a small fraction of a sity of the molten salt can then be determined by sample would be serious but not catastrophic, although measuring the buoyant force on the bob in the usual one must remember that one milligram of plutonium is fashion. The container is lowered and the discontinuity about 1000 body burdens. Quartz or borosilicate glass of the indicated weight is noted at the instant of break- cells were primary containers for the salts, with the ing contact between the bob and the liquid. The spectrophotometer furnace as a secondary container. preferred geometry of the bob is a double cone (base to The spectrophotometers were used in laboratories with base), with a rod about 5 mm long by 1 mm diam favorable air flow to protect personnel from airborne extending from the base. The rod must be accurately radioactive particles. These conditions made possible machined with the face perpendicular to the axis, and many successful studies of highly radioactive molten the diameter must be known accurately. The material salts. from which the bob is machined must be resistant to 154 corrosion by molten salts and its coefficient of thermal The earliest studies of uranium, plutonium, and expansion must be known. Oak Ridge has used the neptunium in molten salts were performed with a Archimedean float for measuring of molten Beckman DU spectrophotometer in which the cell com- salts containing thorium tetrafluoride, but surface ten- partment was replaced by a cooling and a furnace sions were not determined in that work.147 block, which could be heated to 240X by recirculated silicone oil. The solvents were lithium nitrate/potassium nitrate eutectic (mp 132°C) and 3. Viscosity. Only limited viscosity measurements pyridinium chloride (mp 144°C). have been made with molten salts containing actinides. The next evolutionary step was introduction of a Researchers in the USSR have measured viscosities of higher-temperature (700°C) furnace155156 and inter- uranium chlorides in molten chloride mixtures148 and 149 change of the positions of the light source and detector thorium fluorides in molten fluoride mixtures in sup- of the Beckman DU, so only a small portion of the port of uranium extraction and electrorefining programs thermal radiation from the furnace passed through the and in support of the USSR's fluoride-based reactor monochromator to the detector. The list of molten salt program, respectively. The molten salts were contained solvents was then expanded to include lithium in cylindrical crucibles suspended in furnaces by torsion chloride/potassium chloride, which was purified by dry- wires. No other experimental details were given except ing in vacuo and sparging wit jydrogen chloride gas. that the "torsional vibration" method was used. This The liquid eutectic was then dripped into carbon apparently is the oscillating container method, which is tetrachloride to form pellets. Lithium to be compared with the method of oscillations of an chloride/potassium chloride thus prepared did not etch immersed cylinder150 and with capillary flow 151 quartz optical cells or the attached quartz reservoirs that methods. It is unclear which method is most accurate. were filled, evacuated, and sealed for observation of the Experiments in the Molten Salt Reactor program at Oak spectra. Ridge152 have used a commercially available coaxial cylinder viscometer for measuring viscosities in molten I took a different approach to modifying a. Beckman fluorides. This instrument indicates the torque on the DU spectrophotometer for observation of plutonium in drive shaft of a cylinder immersed in the molten salt molten salt systems. As is illustrated in Fig, 16, I re- when the cylinder is rotated at constant speed on the moved the light source from the monochromator case axis of the cylindrical container. A set of viscosity and attached it to a furnace containing the optical cells standards was used to calibrate the apparatus. inside a glovebox. Light from the source was trans- mitted through the furnace containing the optical cells, a



Fig. 16. Spectrophotometer used for studies of molten plutonium salts.

simple lens system in a brass tube, a quartz window in termined accurately. A graphite cell with diamond win- the brass tube at the plane of the glovebox wall, the dows164 has been developed for observing fluorides. The monochromator, and finally through the original cell diamond windows (nominally 5X5X1 mm) are very compartment to the detector. I maintained the integrity expensive and darken unacceptably at 800°C. The win- of the alpha enclosure by sealing a flange of the brass dows are not required to fit tightly because molten tube to the glovebox wall. This technique allowed keep- fluorides do not wet graphite and, in the absence of a ing the fragile plutonium-containing optical cells in the large pressure differential, will not run out through a glovebox enclosure. Other techniques have been de- small orifice because of surface tension. veloped at Los Alamos to accomplish the same objec- Other systems for studies of absorption spectra of tive. The simplest of these is the use of wells (approx- actinides have used commercial monochromators with imately 15 cm square by 30 cm deep, with appropriate supporting optics, choppers, light sources, and detectors windows sealed to the sides) attached to the floor of the set up on optical tables.14-28 A new concept in com- glovebox in a location such that the cell compartment of mercial spectrophotometers that may offer versatility the spectrometer can be positioned to enclose it. Heaters needed for observing molten actinide salts is being sold and optical cells are placed in the well v/ith their optical by a new company, Guided Wave, Inc., of Rancho path aligned with the windows. Cordova, Califon ja.30 This instrument uses fiber optic As more modern spectrophotometers became avail- light pipes to transmit light to and from the sample, able, Argonne National Laboratory, Oak Ridge Na- which may be located at some distance (more than tional Laboratory, and Hanford Laboratory replaced the 10 m) from the spectrophotometer. Other developments Beckman DU spectrophotometer with the double-beam in computerized data acquisition and analysis and more (Varian) Cary Model 14 H spectrophotometer, which intense broad-spectrum light sources should make has a lamp-sample-monochromator-detector arrange- possible more rapid and accurate measurement of ment that virtually eliminates interference from furnace absorption spectra with even smaller furnaces and sam- thermal radiation. Various furnace designs157160 have ples than have been required in the past. been developed, one of which permits operation at up to 1450°C. Silica optical cells are still the most popular for molten salts except fluorides and metal/salt systems, IX. ELFCTROCHEMISTRY which are incompatible with silica. Windowless cells, 161 such as the "captive liquid" cells described by Young, Studies of the of actinide molten were developed fir these corrosive liquids. Other win- 162 163 salts have been limited. Electrorefining and electrolysis dowless cells - used to support corrosive liquids of thorium, uranium, and plutonium in molten salt have been platinum screens, loops, spirals, and tube systems on the multikilogram scale have already been segments. The major fault of most of these windowless discussed in Sec. VI.D.1. These processes seem to have cells is that the effective path length cannot be de- been developed with very little basic research.

31 Techniques for studying electrochemistry of actinide give very little information concerning the techniques. molten salts are not significantly different from those for The technique most often cited is the capillary cell studying nonactinides. The general techniques have method142-169-'72 described by Janz. Because of the use of been described often and much more comprehensively the plural "capillaries," one may infer that the capillary than in this short treatment.165-'68 Gloveboxes are re- technique used is that which employs two capillary quired for studying the actinides (with the exception of tubes (Fig. 17). The portion of the capillaries that dips uranium and thorium), but these enclosures are not into the molten salts is about 1-mm i.d. and about 25 unique to actinide study. Traces of oxygen and water mm long. The upper portion has a larger inside diameter interfere so severely with electrochemical studies that to accommodate electrical connectors. When in use, the glovebox enclosures have been used for studies of hy- bottom of this upper portion must be at a level just groscopic nonactinide salts. Cells for studies of actinide beneath the surface of the salt in its crucible. For ac- systems employ the usual materials such as quartz, curate measurements the capillaries must be held rigidly borosilicate glass, tantalum, and tungsten. The very in a reproducible position. Rods or tubes made of reactive molten metals cannot be allowed direct contact precious or refractory met-Us maintain electrical con- with quartz or glass and must be contained by tantalum, tact. The cell constant is determined by observing tungsten, molybdenum, beryllium oxide, thorium ox- aqueous or molten salt standards.173 The best descrip- ide, or other nonreactive material. The fluorides are tions of this type of cell recommend that the capillaries often studied in containers made of platinum, graphite, be fabricated from single crystal magnesium oxide, but nickel, or molybdenum and the oxides of thorium, they may also be made of glass, quartz, nitride beryllium, or magnesium. and polycrystalline magnesium oxide, or beryllium ox- Only conductance and EMF studies will be reported ide. Alternating current frequencies of 1-50 kHz have here. Recent conductance measurements have been been used for measurements. made almost exclusively on fluorides that may be used Typical studies that have been reported are (1) in molten sa't reactors." EMF measurements have been thorium tetrafluoride with lithium and sodium made on only a small number of the actinides in fluorides using magnesia capillaries and nickel con- chloride systems. tainer and electrodes up to 950°C,171 (2) uranium, thorium, beryllium, and lithium term ry and quaternary fluoride systems using beryllia capillaries and A. Conductance Measurements molybdenum electrodes up to 1000°C,172 and (3) uranium and using polycrystalline Almost all of the conductance measurements of ac- magnesia capillaries up to 1170°C.17* tinide salts that are reported in the technical journals were made in the USSR. The reports present data but B. Electromotive Force Measurements

CAPILLARIES The reported EMF measurements of actinide molten SUPPORT ELECTRODES salt systems have been for the determination of BLOCK thermodynamic quantities such as free energies of for- mation and activities and for the elucidation of elec- trode processes and measurement of current efficien- DEPTH cies. Most of the EMF studies at Los Alamos have been PROBE for determination of free energies of formation of pluto- nium compounds. The free energy of formation of plutonium trichloride was determined by using the cell175'176

Pu(liq)/PuClrMCl(liq)/Cl2(g) (3)

where M was sodium and potassium. The molten pluto- — MOLTEN SALT_— nium was contained in a porous thoria crucible and x: J chlorine gas was introduced through a graphite elec- trode. Another study of plutonium trichloride was made M by using the cell177

Fig. 17. Capillary cell used for measuring conductance of Pu-PuCl3(s)/BaCl2(s)/(NaCl-AgCl,Ag(s) . (4) molten salts.

32 Cells with lithium chloride/potassium chloride eutectic compounds were calculated, as were activity coefficients as electrolyte were used to study PuM, Pu2C3,PuC(i - *>, of the actinides in these alloys. These might be valuable PuRu2> and PuFe2 (Ref. 175). One of the unique tech- in predicting separations from impurities by use of such niques developed during this work178 was formation of a alloys as anodes during electrorefining. "temporary" liquid plutonium electrode by elec- trodepositing plutonium from the electrolyte onto a mngsten microelectrode, measuring the EMF, and im- X. SUMMARY mediately stripping off the plutonium by electrolysis. This technique alleviates the active metal-container The study of actinides in molten salt systems is corrosion problem. It was also extended to the uses of a interesting and challenging. Many areas remain to be controlled potential to generate a concentration gradient explored. The techniques are in many ways similar to 179 near the electrode surface. This gradient was then those used in studies of other active metal elements such allowed to relax under open circuit conditions and the as the alkaline earths and rare earths, but new and potential versus time curves were treated theoretically modified techniques have been introduced to meet the to calculate parameters for describing the system. The challenge of intense radioactivity of most of them. method wa3 applied in determining thermodynamic Many of the challenges in this field are regulatory, that properties of binary laves phase compounds of pluto- 180 is, there are regulations concerning security, accoun- nium with , , and . tability, personnel safety, and environmental protection Among the many electrochemical studies by Inman at imposed by many regulatory agencies, but it should be Imperial College (London) are EMF studies of uranium recognized that these regulatory agencies and their and thorium in molten chloride systems. During studies parent governments (rather than private corporations) of the cell181182 have supported work with the actinides. Indeed, many of the techniques now applied to work with nonac- U/UCl3,LiCl-KCl/LiCl-KCl,AgCl/Ag (5) tinides in private industries were developed in laborato- ries established to study actinides. and the analogous thorium cell,183 activities in the salt phase were determined and mechanisms of electrode reactions were elucidated. Unique techniques in this REFERENCES work included preparation and addition of hygroscopic salts to the cell without exposure to the atmosphere, and 1. National Research Council Committee on Nu- use of a / reference electrode clear and Alternative Energy Systems, Energy in enclosed by a quartz diaphragm. Transition, 1985-2010 (W. H. Freeman and Co., Workers at Argonne have reported on two series of San Francisco, 1980), pp. 128-160. EMF studies of molten actinide salts. In one of these184 the cell was 2. E. M. Levin, C. R. Robbins, and H. F. McMurdie, Phase Diagrams for Ceramists, M. K. Reser, Ed. U/UCl3)LiCl-KCl//LiCl-KCl,AgCl/Ag (6) (The American Ceramic Society Inc., Columbus, Ohio, 1964). Silver chloride/silver electrodes were formed in situ by electrolysis using a silver wire anode and auxiliary 3. E. M. Levin, C. R. Robbins, and H. F. McMurdie, platinum cathode. During this work, uranium wire cor- Phase Diagrams for Ceramists, 1969 Supplement, roded slowly in molten lithium/potassium chloride M. K. Reser, Ed. (The American Ceramic Society, eutectic contained in Pyrex, whereas corrosion did not Inc., Columbus, Ohio, 1969). occur when the container was sapphire. The other work reported from Argonne was de- 4. E. M. Levin and H. F. McMurdie, Phase Diagrams termination of thermodynamic quantities of a series of for Ceramists, 1975 Supplement, M. K. Reser, Ed. actinide metal alloys. A typical cell used in this series (The American Ceramic Society, Inc., Columbus, was Ohio, 1975).

U(s)/UCl3,LiCl-KCl(liq)/U-Cd(liq) (7) 5. R. S. Roth, T. Negas, and L. P. Cook, Phase where the uranium electrode was a solid rod and the Diagrams for Ceramists. Volume IV, G. S. Smith, uranium/cadmium was a liquid in an alumina or tan- Ed. (The American Ceramic Society, Inc., Colum- talum crucible. The alloys were uranium/cadmium,185 bus, Ohio, 1981). plutonium/zinc,186 plutonium/cadminum,18' tunium/cadmium.188 The free energies of formation and 6. J. D. Farr, A. L. Giorgi, M. G. Bowman, and R. K. other thermodynamic quantities of several intermetallic Money, /. Inorg. Nucl. Chem. 18,42-47 (1961).

33 7. D. A. Collins, J. Hillary, J. S. Nairn, and G. M. 18. D. M. Gruen, R. L. McBeth, J. Kooi, and W. T. Phillips, J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem. 'IA, 441-459 (1962). Carnall, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 79,941-949 (1960).

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11. United Nations, Second United Nations Interna- 22. G. S. Perry, L. G. Macdonald, and S. D. Wilcox, tional Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic "Contamination of Molten Salts by Crucible Energy, Vol. 17, Processing Irradiated Fuels and Materials," HCTD technical memorandum 1/84, Radioactive Materials (United Nations, Geneva, Atomic Weapons Research Establishment, 1958), pp. 352-494. Aldermaston, England (June 1984).

12. P. J. Peterson, R. L. Thomas, and J. L. Green, 23. C. E. Baldwin, "Pyrochemical Development at "Hot Cells for Plutonium Reactor Fuel Research," Rocky Flats for Recovery and Purification of Plu- Second United Nations Conference on the Peaceful tonium," in Actinide Recovery from Waste and Uses of Atomic Energy, Vol. 17, Processing Ir- Low-Grade Sources, J. D. Navratil and W. W. radiated Fuels and Radioactive Materials (United Schulz, Eds. (Harwood Academic Publishers, New Nations, Geneva, 1958), pp. 664-667. York, 1982), pp. 56-60.

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