Vestes/The Australian Universities' Review Vol. 26, No. 2
THEAU5TRAUN'J UNIVERSITIES'REVIEW J ApptOlchas to '-.'''1f'IQ .n Uo've~,!,C3 and CArs B ~ n A K;rtry 10 The p,.,vat" Dollat FoJn<I Ra"'f"19 lot CoIIeg8I 8no ~.NefS ,.. rr 'IV Jackson ... 21 The Unl~r, V :>I" A Guest from Another Age tie Ill! 29 PrcIeulQnal E;a Academ 'tJ Tt'Iefe 15 S! I a long Way to Go 16 T,. IrIshlubOnaitnJl on at I(nowledge 40 'Mty "'11 Ever ind.any1h 'IQ the ltlrary 45 Art Study ancIlhe Art ~ II If\e Role )1 -- 48 Book A.... .-ws 'is Lder.!l to me E :l!taI PUBLISHED BY FAUSA Vol. 27. 1983 No.2 ISSN 0042-4560 those to Journal of the Federation of Australian University Stall Associations ir:adwJ's Vol. 27, 1983 No.2 EDITOR Vestes IS published twice a year, in Apni and In November Mr, J, E. Anwyl, \(ildnC lor ;,1 D)ploma ut .1',(iU(atlO!i Editorial Policy Centre for the Study of Higher Education, University of Melbourne Vestes IS the journal of the Federation 01 Australian University Staff Associations, It aims to be a forum for the discussion of issues con BUSINESS MANAGER fronting Australian universities with particular referenr::e to those Miss C. P White, matters which concern FAUSA and its member associations, These CI· Federation 01 Austratian University Staff Associations, can broadly be categorised as instltutionat issues and stall issues 33 Bank Street South Metbourne, Vic 3205 The institutional Issues are those covered by such topics a~ unlve( Phone, (03) 690 1855 sHy funding and the role of funding bodies, government education policy, commonwealth/state relationships, Co-ordination and ra REVIEW EDITORIAL COMMITTEE tionalisation of tertiary education, education inquiries, recurrent and further education in universities, proposals for amalgamation of in Dr B Bessant stitutions, tuition fees, research funding, state tertiary education Dr.
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