Egypt Daily Update-December 5: Activists Maher, Douma Referred to Court; Parties Split over Constitutional Referendum Top Stories December 5, 2013 • Activisits Maher, Douma Referred to Court • Referendum Support, Opposition Continues from Political Groups • Political Cartoon of the Day

Maher, Douma Referred to Criminal Court Ahmed Maher, the founder of the 6 April Movement; Mohamed Adil, a leading member of 6 Also of Interest: April; and activist Ahmed Douma were referred to a criminal court on Thursday, with the first session to take place this upcoming Sunday. Maher and Douma are currently in prison, 29 things you need to while Adil remains free. All three are facing a number of accusations, including organizing know about Egypt’s protests without a permit, illegal assembly, blocking roads, assault on police officers, and draft constitution inciting violence. The prosecution claims that these crimes were committed during protests outside the Shura Council and Abdeeen courthouse last week. Meanwhile, a judicial source Part 3: New denied rumors that an arrest warrant had been issued for labor lawyer and activist constitution expands Haitham Mohamadein, as well as several other activists including singer Ramy Essam. social and economic rights, but grey areas “Prosecution refers three prominent activists to court,” Daily News (English) 12/5/2013 remain “UPDATE | Egypt activists referred to trial for violating protest law,” Aswat Masriya (English) 12/5/2013 Sisi ranks first in Time “Egyptian activist Haitham Mohamadein not wanted for now: judicial source,” Ahram magazine poll Online (English) 12/5/2013 “Activists’ trial for breaking protest law to begin Sunday,” Ahram Online (English) Bassem Youssef: I want 12/5/2013 to continue “Egypt prosecutors send Douma and Maher to criminal court,” Ahram Online (English) broadcasting my show 12/4/2013 from Egypt “Referral of activists Ahmed Bouma, Ahmed Maher, and Mohamed Adel to court on accusations including protesting without a license,” Aswat Masriya (Arabic) 12/5/2013 Iron and steel workers’ grievances to be resolved soon: Ministry Referendum Support,Opposition from Political Groups of Manpower Political parties and movements continue to organize campaigns calling for their members to follow the official party stance in the upcoming constitutional referendum. The Coptic Universities consider church, Salafist Nour party, Tamarrod movement, and workers union all support a yes vote. applying new protest Bishop Paula of the Coptic church praised the document as one of the best constitutions in law to campuses Egypt’s history, adding, “the article on equality between men and women took us a long time. Women will gain in this constitution what they have never even dreamt of. Virtuous women who took part in creating its articles obtained great rights for women.” The chairman of the Nour party also said that supporting the constitution was a way to “take an important step towards fulfilling stability in the country.” The Conference Party voiced its support of the new constitution as well, adding that it preferred an individual system in the upcoming elections. Opposing these forces, the 6 April movement has called for a no vote on the constitution over the powers granted to the military and the allowance of military trials for civilians. In addition, the Secretary General of the party affiliated with Islamic Jihad announced the party’s rejection of the constitution, stating that a member of the pro- Morsi National Alliance in Support of Legitimacy could not support the document. Dar al- Ifta, a body responsible for issuing religious recommendations, has encouraged Egyptians to participate in the referendum process, but stated that it would not attempt to sway votes in either direction.

“Draft constitution is one of the best in Egypt’s history: Bishop Paula,” Egypt Independent (English) 12/5/2013 “Jihad vow to thwart referendum, Jama’a al-Islamiya hasn’t made a decision,” Egypt Independent (English) 12/5/2013 “Al-Nour party to vote ‘yes’ on constitutional amendments,” Daily News (English) 12/5/2013 “Egypt’s Nour Party says backs new constitution,” Aswat Masriya (English) 12/5/2013 “Dar al-Iftaa won’t guide voters in constitution referendum,” Aswat Masriya (English) 12/4/2013 “ launches constitution referendum campaign,” Ahram Online (English) 12/5/2013 “Conference party calls for a vote of yes on the constitution and supports individuals in the elections,” al-Masry al-Youm (Arabic) 12/5/2013 “Nour party: we will vote yes on the constitution, focusing on the supreme interests of the country and protection from chaos,” al-Watan (Arabic) 12/5/2013 “Battle of the referendum: Tamarrod, Nour, and workers say yes, the Brotherhood and 6 April say no,” al-Watan (Arabic) 12/5/2013

Political Cartoon of the Day

Top label: Referendums… Signs: Yes Artist: Sherif Arafa, via EgyptCaricature Facebook

– Eric Spioch (Any questions, comments, or suggestions can be sent to [email protected])