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Translation Series No.1561 rfflmjyrS FISHERIES RESEARCH BOARD OF CANADA Translation Series No. 1561 • Solar adtivity•and periodià fluctuations in'the ' • 'abundance of salmon • (from "Biological,foundations of the fishing - industry. and regulations of-Marine: fisheries") , By.I.B Birman . leglee - OCkUdà FISHEItiES AND eflA0TeQUE etce3 OCÉANS Original title: Periodicheskie kolebaniya chislennosti lososevykh i solnechnaya aktivnost,'("Biologicheskie osnovy rybnogo khozyaiStva i règchlirovanie morSkogo rybolovstva") From: Trudy VseSbyuznogo Nàuchno-,Issiedovatel'skogo Instituta Morskogô Rybnogo Khozyàistva i Okeanografii - (VNIRO). (Proceedings of the All-Union Research Institute of Marine - Fisheries and. Oceanography). Publ. by: Pïshchevaya PromyshlennoSt, Moscow; 67.(1):. 171-189, 1969.. t, • Translated by.the'Translation Blireau( JO) • Foreign Languages Divisicin • Department of the Secretary' of State of Canada Fisheries ReSearch Board - of Canada. Halifax Laboratory, , Halifax, N.S. .Biological . Station,. St. Andrews, N.S. .FreshWater Institute, 'Winnipeg, Manitoba ' . 1970 . • .31 pages typescript • • • DEPARTMENtOF THE SECRETARY OF STATE SECRÉTARIAT D'. ÉTAT• TRANSLATION BUREAU BUREAU DES TRADUCTIONS FOREIGN LANGUAGES DIVISION DES LANGUES CANADA • '- ÉTRANGÈRES TRANSLATED FROM — TRADUCTION DE INTO — EN Russian English AUTHOR — AUTEUR •Birman, LB. TITLE IN ENGLISH -• TITRE ANGLAIS Solar Activity and Periodic Fluctuations in the Abundance of Salmon Title in foreign language (transliterate foreign charactera) DeriodiCheskie kolebaniya chislennosti lososevykh i solnechnaya aktivnostt. RÇURENCE IN FOREIGN VANGUAGE (NAME OF BOOK OR PUBLICATION) IN'FULL. TRANSLITERATE FOREIGN CHARACTERS. REFERENCE 'EN LANGUE ETRANGàRE (NOM DU LIVRE OU. PUBLICATION), AU COMPLET.TRANSCRIRE EN CARACTàRES . PHONETIQUES. "Bioliogicheskie osnoVy-rybhogo. khozyaistva i.regulirovanie morskogo rybolovstva% . REFERENCE IN ENGLISH — RiFàRENCE EN ANGLAIS' uBiological Foundations of. the Fishing'IndustrY and Regulation of Marine FiSheries".. ••' • PUBLISH ER EDIT EUR PAGE NUMBERS IN ORIGINAL DATE OF PUBLICATION. NUMàROS DES PAGES DANS• n . DATE DE PUBLICATION L'ORIGINAL "Pishchevaya promyshlennostI • .YEAR ' ISSUE NO.' - 1 71-189 - , VOLUME ANNEE ' NUMiRO PLACE OF PUBLICATION NUMBER OF TYPED PAGES LIEU DE PUBLICATION ,NOMBRE DE PAGES . ' DACTYLOGRAPHIàES Moscow, USSR 1969 67 31 TRANSLATION BUREAU NO: ' REQUESTING DEPARTMENT Fisheries & Forestry 1216 MINISTàRE-C LIE NT , NOTRE DOSSIER N° BRANCH OR DIVISION Fisheries Research Board -.TRANSLATOR (INITIALS) J .0. DIRECTION OU DIVISION TRADUCTEUR (INITIALES) Dr. M.S. Mounib, Laboratory PERSON rEQUESTING Halifax, N.S. DATE •OMPLETED OCT - 2. 1970 DEMANDE PAR . ACHEVE LE • . , ' • , . YOUR NUMBER ' . UNEDITED DRAFT «- .1 4- " • . : ' TRANSLATION VOTRE DOSSIER N° . • '7694-8 . • On:y for information • • . TRADUCTION NON REVISÉE DATE OF REQUEST 15 .5 . 70 DATE DE LA.DEMANDE Informal ion seuloment 10 Se. 200.10.-0 ( EV. Veil , : 4 • Fea • 1541 DEPARTMENT OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE • SECRÉTARIAT D'ÉTAT TRANSLATION BUREAU BUREAU DES TRADUCTIONS FOREIGN LANGUAGES DIVISION • DIVISION DES LANGUES ÉTRANGÈRES CANADA • CLIENT'S NO. DEPARTMENT DIVISION/BRANCH CITY N° DU CLIENT MINISTERE DIVISION/DIRECTION VILLE 769- 18-14 Fisheries & Forestry Fisheries Research Board Halifax, N.S. BUREAU NO. LANGUAGE TRANSLATOR (INITIALS) DATE No DU BUREAU LANGUE TRADUCTEUR (INITIALES) 1216 Russian J.0. OCT -. 2 1970 • SOLAR ACTIV-ITY AND PERIODIC FLUCTUATIONS IN. THE ABUNDANCE OF 'SALMON (Periodicheskie kolebaniYa chislennesti losesevykh I solhechnaia aktiVnost 1 ): • • • rom Biological.FoundatiOne.of the Fishing IndUstry and Regulation of Marine Fisheries. (from 'Biologicheskie osnovy.rybnogo khezyaistva regulirovanie morskogorYbolovstVa).., Works of the.A11-Union Institute of Scientific Research en Sea- •• Fisheries and Oceanography.(VNIRO). (Trudy VsesoYuznogo.nauchno- • issledovatel , Skogo instituta morskogo.rybnogo khozyaistva i okeanografii[VNIRO]) . • Published-by '!PishelleVaya promyshlennost , (! 1 Food - Industre). Moscow, 199, Vo1.LXVII, , No. 1.: • UNEDITED DRAFT TRANSLATION • Only for information UDk 597 . - 152.6:597..553.2+639.211. TRADUCTION NON REVISÉE Birman, I.B. , • Inforffiation eculernent. • * Following the studies.made by A.N. Derzhavin. (1922), for • p.171 a long time no attention wàs*paid to the influence'of solar acti.: vity ôg fish boDulations.. Derzhavin has clearly.demonStrated the relationship between the abundance of the Kurin Ëturgeon (Acinén- • ser.stellatus stellatus natiocurensis Berg_a, and certain other • fish of the Cespian-baSin with the Changes in'solar activity. However,tvirtliallyi no further stUdies have been Madet apparently becaUsef:the:contr -oversiai problem of relations between'the eun-an the earth in general. • rromtne point of view of theprôbleMs of long-term planning an regulation of the Fish Industry, the study of the influence - of solar:rhythms on:fish : .populations inuip.iabtécily,deserves the lacs .L SerioUs attention. Until now, the long-term prognosis of these -.- populations, in the sphere . of.ap'plieu ichthyological studies; . has been the weakest point . , *Numberà in the right. margin indicate the corresponding pages in the 2 • ' At present the sun - earth relationship is being widely, • studied, as is. thé influence of solar rhythms on biological pro- cesses. In conneCtion With this, the question of the influence • - of Solar activity on-fish_population . .dynamics becomes of very ' , great interest. In his preVique works, the author (Birman, 1954,• 1 96 4) . has shàwn that solar activity has à great influence on the stocks of hliMpbacked salmon of the Far- East. The aim of . the • • presènt article . shOw the existence of a relationship . between •y-clical veriationS of solar,activity and thé pOpulation dynamics of other species of salmon.. We will once more .mention' the humpbacked salMon and correlate . actual data pertaining to . thia'problem. ' . • Semgale -( .Salmo Salar 4,2 • L.S. Berg (1935, 1936) and the fjanàdian scientists Calder- • - Wood (1930) and HuntsMan (1931) (quoted . froM L.5. Berg), noted • a periodicity in the'•atchée - Of the Atlantic salmon genus Selmo. • • • ..As Berg:points out (1935), a-periodicity of 8 - 11 years . can be:Observed, in the catches of semga in the northern :uuesian besin . of the Barents And the White Seaà. Approximately the same • periodicity' (9.6 yearsaccording to Huntsman) has aleo been obserVed in Canada. It has.also been nOted that the periods* of minimal and maximal Catches•coincide on both sides.ofAtlantic. Berg„'llowèver, did, not venture:to connect this:periodicity with the 11 -...year solar cycles for the following reasons..-, - • If the years of-Minimal and maximal catches are*matched p-. 172 with the extremum periods of the 11 Year solardycles, the folio-. • - wing pictureis obtainedt Pad years.for . Semga•. in northern- Russia Werè'1912 ., 1922, 1932, 191i.2 and1951; They came • .to 5 years-after • • *periods. of maximum solar . activity and the bad years of 1882, 1894.. - and. 1928 came 4. to 5 years after periods of minimumeolar The good years of 1974 and 1898 were notéd 4 years after maximum eolar aCtivity and the good year of 1883 was years after. the 'minimal. Thus, it fevery :difficult to establish whether the ' Trannatorts •Semga: Ae.there ie no English equivalent•for. the Seimo. salar- L. note. 1 . specieS of salmon, the Éussian name nselean will pe used through- - out the article.. 3 Minimum or the maXimumdegree of. solar activity is s the most favorable for semga.Iield. The 8-to 11-year recurrencè . of gocid and bed catches'of semga is a well established -fact. These catches follow the extremum periods of solar Cycles or immediately after the years preceding them. The difference in the number of years corresponds approxi- 'mately to the age of trie first mass maturation of semga (in-most rivers usually 4 + . to 5 + years). On . thiS basis one is forced to aknowledge the existence of.the influence of solar activity on - semga Population.dynamics. it'is,not yet oléar why. the Opposite - • , extrema of solar activity influence the catches of_semga in the same way;howeVer;the'f011owing explanation is possible: : • In the opinion •(1935 a, b, v), E.B. Kuchina.. (1935).and 'others, a low water level injrivers and-frequent .drying up of .estuarieS during . drought Years are extremely • unfavorable factors fOr the reproduction Of semga.:, himiers •• 'the passageof seMga tO the sPawning grounds.:Thus, Kuchina for • 'instance notes that . "the entry of semga intà the ',aka River (tri- . butàry of the Kuloy RiVer, diàcharging into . Mezen Bay on the White Sea,: I.B.) is made difficult through loweringof the water. -level in the estliary during the summer". The saine author•points - . out that in the.Soyana. Riyer - :(also a tributary of.the Kuloy semga spawns nearly . a1ong the whole length . of the river from ' the situated - 27 ..28- km 'from the estizary, right . up . •to the. source..Kuchina Centinues that "the locations of.the . spawning grounds change depending"on the- water.level in the dutumn. M.P. ViroIainen,(1946), who stlidied the spawning grounds - of.seMga on the'Kemi River, notes the following: "the size .of . spaw-.- geeatly . : ning grounds also: changes/with the variations of the water leveln the river: - Inyears in which the . water level. Was low, ,as in l97, - most of the sPawninggrounciS:Were Situated.above'the water ],e-Vel, • and in many. places SeMga , werenot• spaWning .because . of the
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