Ron Eyerman | 232 pages | 28 Aug 2008 | Duke University Press | 9780822344063 | English | North Carolina, United States The Assassination of Theo van Gogh : From Social Drama to Cultural Trauma PDF Book Defunct political parties in the . The LPF supported tougher measures against immigration and crime, opposition to multiculturalism , greater political reform, a reduction in state bureaucracy and endorsed some eurosceptic positions but differed somewhat from other European right-wing or nationalist parties by taking a liberal stance on social issues and sought to describe its ideology as pragmatic and not populistic. It enabled them to identify with the umma and suffering of Muslims elsewhere in Iraq, Chechnya or Palestine , whose plight, in their view, mirrored their own discriminated position in the Netherlands. Indeed, all historians agree that WW II has finally replaced the sixteenth-century revolt against Spain as the principal point of reference for the Dutch we-image. Gay Politics and Community in San Francisco. In the January general election , the LPF shrank to 5. Turner, Victor W. Vermeulen, H. What explains this concern with getting punishment right? Theory and Society — This is an important book. All rights reserved. Smelser, University Professor of Sociology Emeritus, University of California, Berkeley "Political assassinations can be deep cultural traumas, and as Ron Eyerman shows, analyzing them can yield important insights into national cultures. N4A77 Dewey Decimal Classification The theory of cultural trauma has evolved into a core research interest and framework under the rubric of cultural sociology. The killer, Mohammed Bouyeri, was a second-generation Moroccan immigrant who had been in contact with other Islamic radicals. Observers variously saw him as a political protest targeting the alleged elitism and bureaucratic style of the Dutch purple coalitions or as offering an appealing political style. Spaanse Kubus Vlaardingweg 62 . The Johns Hopkins University Press. McFarland, Daniel A. Please have the accessibility coordinator at your school fill out this form. Chicago: Aldine. Building on the established research The contribution of the theory of cultural trauma is to begin only after this. Jeffrey Alexander, Philip Smith. His previous publications deal with a wide range of subjects; this book is about a recent event with repercussions throughout the world. Download citation. In late to early , the AIVD began monitoring Salafist centers, such as the al-Fourqaan mosque in Eindhoven that was suspected of recruiting young Muslims for the international jihad. Jeffrey Alexander. Eyerman also gives much room, and rightly so, to the cultural transformations of the rebellious s. Moreover, in the Islamic Foundation for Culture and Welfare in Tilburg, headed by the apolitical Selefie imam Bouchta, published a booklet in which it condemned suicide attacks, warned against preachers of hate and accused Salafists who turned to violence of sinful aberrations. Sahlins, Marshall D. The Saudi non-governmental missionary organization al-Haramain was responsible for the creation of the El Tawheed Foundation in Amsterdam in led since the mids by the Egyptian imam Mahmoud Shershaby , thereby laying the foundations of the Salafist infrastructure in the Netherlands as a whole. This article examines the theory of cultural trauma and contrasts it to the classical notion of trauma by considering the case of political assassination. These theories are used to assess the long-term effects of a series of dramatic events, such as the assassinations of and Theo van Gogh, and the screening of the controversial film Submission by van Gogh and Hirsi Ali. Show next xx. We argue, counterintuitively, that these limitations build cooperation and They support local and sometimes national economies and help create and solidify cultural Politics of Netherlands Political parties Elections. Download as PDF Printable version. To this trauma was added the loss of the colonies after the war, the atrocities committed by Dutch soldiers in Indonesia and the arrival of refugees from that country. Berkeley: University of California Press. Schrijf een review. The Assassination of Theo van Gogh : From Social Drama to Cultural Trauma Writer

These included Marco Pastors , leader of the One NL , and Hilbrand Nawijn , leader of the Party for the Netherlands —none of which managed to win a seat in the election. RTL Nieuws in Dutch. PAGE 1. Theory and Society — The LPF supported tougher measures against immigration and crime, opposition to multiculturalism , greater political reform, a reduction in state bureaucracy and endorsed some eurosceptic positions but differed somewhat from other European right-wing or nationalist parties by taking a liberal stance on social issues and sought to describe its ideology as pragmatic and not populistic. Search Cart. In , the Dutch population listed it as the most important issue facing the country. Show next xx. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Critical Inquiry 7 1 : — Password Please enter your Password. Eyerman also gives much room, and rightly so, to the cultural transformations of the rebellious s. Capital felonies, such as murder, usually result in sentences of years. One of the central arguments is about cultural trauma, dealt with in the last chapter. Mudde, Cas May Binder, D. These groups differ, for example, regarding the status of Islamic clerics, attitudes toward parliamentary democracy and the desirability of the resurrection of a caliphate. The second group includes more politically-oriented Salafists who are non-violent as well, but engage more in local and international politics. In an interesting twist, Eyerman lends much discussion as to whether to classify the murder as a hate crime or as a media performance, moral panic or an artistic transgression on account of the sheer media attention and coverage generated. The New York Times. Linda Garnets and Douglas Kimmel. American Journal of Sociology 6 : — So there is not one simple or single conclusion, but there are some central arguments. Movements of exclusion: radical right-wing populism in the Western world. The increasing resilience against jihadist-thinking within the Salafist movement was supported by a decreasing fear of homegrown terrorism within the broader Dutch society that felt more at ease since there had been no further jihadist attacks since November and no other substantial homegrown networks uncovered. After meticulously analyzing the actions and reputations of van Gogh and others in his milieu, the motives of the murderer, and the details of the assassination itself, Eyerman considers the various narrative frames the mass media used to characterize the killing. Rene Almeling. The contribution of the theory of cultural trauma is to begin only after this. Don't have an account? In this election, Paul van Buitenen surprisingly won two seats with his anti-corruption Europe Transparent although it was not successful in the long term. University of Pittsburgh Pre. The Assassination of Theo van Gogh : From Social Drama to Cultural Trauma Reviews

Euroscepticism and European Integration. In The Assassination of Theo van Gogh, Ron Eyerman explores the multiple meanings of the murder and the different reactions it elicited: among the Amsterdam-based artistic and intellectual subculture, the wider Dutch public, the local and international Muslim communities, the radical Islamic movement, and the broader international community. Kjeller: Norwegian Defence Research Establishment, , pp. In the Netherlands, Salafi-jihadism is a latecomer compared to the other Salafist communities in Europe, where political refugees from the Middle East and veterans from the wars in Afghanistan, Bosnia and Chechnya imported militant experiences to the West as early as the late s, such as in France and in the United Kingdom. Palgrave Macmillan. Cruel Optimism. To conclude, this book is useful in some respects, but it also has definite shortcomings. Then, on the early morning of November 2, , Mohammed Bouyeri, a year-old Dutch Moroccan, born and raised in Amsterdam, awaited publicist Theo van Gogh in an Amsterdam street, shot him off his bicycle and slaughtered him with a ritual knife in the street in front of many witnesses. The increasing resilience against jihadist-thinking within the Salafist movement was supported by a decreasing fear of homegrown terrorism within the broader Dutch society that felt more at ease since there had been no further jihadist attacks since November and no other substantial homegrown networks uncovered. These theories are used to assess the long-term effects of a series of dramatic events, such as the assassinations of Pim Fortuyn and Theo van Gogh, and the screening of the controversial film Submission by van Gogh and Hirsi Ali. After the Post—Cold War. Samenvatting In November , the controversial Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh was killed on a busy street in Amsterdam. Some are minor, such as in the case of the s writer Jan Cremer whose name is given first p. PAGE 1. A social drama is triggered by a public transgression of taken-for-granted norms; one that threatens the collective identity of a society may develop into a cultural trauma. Armstrong, Elizabeth A. Eyerman does not mention that it has long been a voluntary custom in the Dutch media to name suspects and convicts only by initials and that this is considered part of their human rights to privacy. Together with the CDA and the VVD, the party formed part of the governing coalition, and supplied several members for the Balkenende cabinet. For most, the answers to these questions are tied to struggles for power or resources and the The Salafist movement, however, was still a minor current within the Muslim community in the Netherlands during this time period, according to an AIVD report from Sharia Law for Non-Muslims 0. Let me recall, for readers not living in the Netherlands: Theo van Gogh, a well-known film maker, tv host and publicist, was murdered on November 2, , while riding his bike in the early morning. The author develops his arguments in the following order. Taal: Engels. He utilizes three perspectives: a performative approach focusing on the prediscursive performance of action, discourse theory used especially in the analysis of how events like the murder of Theo van Gogh are represented in the media and theories of social drama and cultural trauma. Rene Almeling. This book helpfully broadens thinking about political culture and also shows why certain political events matter beyond the limits of politics narrowly understood. Het is echter in een enkel geval mogelijk dat door omstandigheden de bezorging vertraagd is. Jeffrey Alexander, Philip Smith. They had also hardly protested against the abduction of the Jewish population. Politics of Netherlands Political parties Elections. Views Read Edit View history. Primetime Propaganda 2. To this trauma was added the loss of the colonies after the war, the atrocities committed by Dutch soldiers in Indonesia and the arrival of refugees from that country. Author: Ron Eyerman. Turner, Victor W. San Francisco Chronicle , November 26, p. Spaanse Kubus Vlaardingweg 62 Rotterdam. Subscriber sign in You could not be signed in, please check and try again. Thanks to Dennis de Widt for these references. Kies je bindwijze. ENW EndNote. Eyerman partly acknowledges this, but he wavers between this interpretation and Huntington. Sign In. Sociological Theory 25 3 :

The Assassination of Theo van Gogh : From Social Drama to Cultural Trauma Read Online

The party held onto its support, and went on to become the second-largest party in the election. Very early on he maintains that it is the Second World War. Eyerman does not mention that it has long been a voluntary custom in the Dutch media to name suspects and convicts only by initials and that this is considered part of their human rights to privacy. The New York Times , December 16, p. In After the Post—Cold War eminent Chinese cultural critic Dai Jinhua interrogates history, memory, and the future of China as a global economic power Europe for the Europeans: the foreign and security policy of the populist radical right. Archived from the original PDF on Publications Pages Publications Pages. In , the Dutch population listed it as the most important issue facing the country. Mast eds. Indeed, all historians agree that WW II has finally replaced the sixteenth-century revolt against Spain as the principal point of reference for the Dutch we-image. This authoritative and comprehensive collection of essays re-examines the impact of Durkheim Helped by the many speeches and interviews given by Fortuyn, immigration issues became the major topic of the national political agenda, thereby forcing other parties to react. Emerald Group Publishing. University of Pittsburgh Pre. A masterly study of one of the most neuralgic phenomena in contemporary culture, bound to inform and direct our efforts to comprehend its dynamics. Even the chapter devoted to the biographies of the three main protagonists contains digressions about tourism in Amsterdam, the Rushdie affair or globalization. This would include Europe into the geographic area where extremists feel legitimated in killing prominent opponents. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author s and source are credited. Conclusion Pages Eyerman, Ron. After the attack, it became clear that Bouyeri sought legitimacy for his atrocity in religious arguments. It appears to be available in a full version and a censored one with images of nude breasts and men kissing left out. Why do nations choose to fight certain wars and not others? The book jumps from one aspect of Dutch society to another, then to a third and back again.