The Genus Hieracium (Asteraceae) in Catalonia (Northeastern Iberian Peninsula, Spain)

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The Genus Hieracium (Asteraceae) in Catalonia (Northeastern Iberian Peninsula, Spain) View metadata, citation and similar papers at brought to you by CORE provided by Repositori d'Objectes Digitals per a l'Ensenyament la Recerca i... Flora Montiberica 65: 88-121 (XI-2016). ISSN 1138-5952, edic. digital: 1988-799X THE GENUS HIERACIUM (ASTERACEAE) IN CATALONIA (NORTHEASTERN IBERIAN PENINSULA, SPAIN) Llorenç SÁEZ GOÑALONS1 & Gonzalo MATEO SANZ2 1Unitat de Botànica, Facultat de Biociències, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 08193-Bellaterra (Barcelona). [email protected] 2Jardín Botánico. Universidad de Valencia. C/ Quart, 80. 46008-Valencia. [email protected] ABSTRACT: An account of the Hieracium species of Catalonia (northeastern Spain) is presented. Comments on the distribution and the taxonomic relationships are provided for a total of 141 accepted species. Key words: Hieracium, Aste- raceae, taxonomy, northeastern Iberian Peninsula, Catalonia, Spain. RESUMEN: El género Hieracium (Asteraceae) en Cataluña. Se presenta un listado comentado de las especies actualmente conocidas en Cataluña, con refe- rencias a su distribución y relaciones taxonómicas, afectando a un total de 141 uni- dades. Palabras clave: Hieracium, Asteraceae, taxonomía, Cataluña, España. INTRODUCTION nized 279 taxa at species and subspecies level (of which only 69 are species). Later The genus Hieracium L. in the narrow new taxonomic concepts were proposed sense (Hieracium subgen. Hieracium) be- mainly by G. Mateo (MATEO, 2004, 2005, longs to one of the taxonomically most in- 2006a, 2006b, 2007a, 2007b, 2008, 2012, tricate groups of vascular plants (CHRTEK 2013, 2016a, 2016b, MATEO & ALEJAN- & al. 2004; GREUTER, 2007). Hybridiza- DRE, 2006, MATEO & EGIDO, 2014, 2015, tion, apomixis, and polyploidy are putati- MATEO & al., 2016, MATEO & SÁEZ 2016). vely key factors in the radiation of Hiera- The state of knowledge of particular cium. Apomixis is common in this genus, groups of hawkweeds in north-eastern Ibe- whereas sexual species are infrequent. rian Peninsula is not equal. Some groups Apomictic reproduction often results in (Sect. Cerinthoidea) were recently studied perpetuation of morphologic variants at and some of them were the object of more populational and regional levels. As a or less analytical taxonomic treatments. In consequence, a large number of species or contrast, other groups have not been stu- subspecies were described -around 10.000 died in detail. Progress towards a sound species names have been published in this taxonomic treatment of hawkweeds in genus (SELL & MURRELL 2006; STRO- northeastern Iberian Peninsula involves a THER, 2006)- making difficult attempts to huge work in several areas of study: field, clarify the taxonomy of the genus. BOLÒS laboratory and typification. In this paper & VIGO (1996) in their account of Catalo- we update and organize information on nian hawkweeds (French and other Spanish the genus Hieracium in Catalonia, in or- taxa and localities are not included) recog- der to make it more readily available and 88 L. SÁEZ & G. MATEO interpretable to botanists, managers and Hieracium acalephoides Arv.-Touv. & researchers. Gaut., Hieracioth. 20: Hisp. nº 390-391 (1908), in sched. ≡ H. sonchoides subsp. acalephoides (Arv.-Touv. & MATERIAL AND METHODS Gaut.) Zahn in Engler, Pflanzenr. 75: 173 (1921) Morphologically, it occupies an inter- Herbarium and literature research ca- mediate position between H. murorum rried out in recent years are surveyed he- and H. recoderi (MATEO, 2008, 2016b). re. We included all validly published na- However, H. acalephoides can be inter- mes on the genus Hieracium L. (excluding preted as murorum/nobile. The latter au- Pilosella Vaill., but including Schlagintweitia thor and GREUTER (2008) accepted it at Griseb.) at species level listed for Catalonia specific level, whereas from ZAHN (1921- (Spain, northeastern Iberian Peninsula) by BOLÒS & VIGO (1996), GREUTER (2008), 23) to BOLÒS & VIGO (1996) is treated as a MATEO, 2004, 2005, 2006a, 2006b, 2007a, subspecies within H. sonchoides. 2007b, 2008, 2012, 2013, 2016a, 2016b, MA- H. acalephoides is endemic to north- TEO & ALEJANDRE (2006), MATEO & del eastern Iberian Peninsula (mainly Pyrenees) EGIDO (2014, 2015), MATEO & al. (2016) and Southern France. In our area it was and MATEO & SÁEZ (2016). Taxa that in reported from eastern Pyrenees (Bellver de our opinion deserve recognition at speci- Cerdanya), Olositanic territory and Cata- fic rank are also included. For each taxon lanidic Mountains (Montserrat, Montseny, entry, when possible, comments concer- Alt Camp), where it grows in forests and ning the taxonomic status, relationships, rocky places between 400 and 1700 m a. chromosome numbers, ecology and distri- s.l. bution have been provided. An entry does not imply that the taxon deserves taxono- Hieracium adenodontum Arv.-Touv. & mic recognition nor that exists in the stu- Gaut., Hieracioth. 1: Gall. nº 32- 34 (1897), died area. Taxa are alphabetically arran- in sched. ≡ H. subsericeum subsp. adenodontum (Arv.-Touv. ged. & Gaut.) Zahn in Engler, Pflanzenr. 75: 158 (1921); H. cryptanthum subsp. adenodontum RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (Arv.-Touv. & Gaut.) Greuter in Willdenowia 37: 150 (2007) Hieracium abellense Mateo & Alejandre in This Pyrenean endemic was treated as Fl. Montiber. 34: 29 (2006) subspecies of H. subsericeum (cf. ZAHN, This Pyrenean endemic was regarded 1921-23; BOLÒS & VIGO, 1996, etc.) al- as morpologically intermediate between though it was accepted at species level by H. candidum and H. cerinthoides (MA- GREUTER (2008) and MATEO (2016b). The TEO & ALEJANDRE, 2006). It was repor- latter author regarded it as an intermediate ted from Boumort massif (Central Pre- between H. erosulum and H. cerinthoides. Pyrenees) and Navarra province (MATEO Hieracium adenodontum was reported & ALEJANDRE, 2006; LORDA, 2013). Ho- from central and eastern Pyrenees and wever, if this taxon is interpreted as inter- Baix Ebre (BOLÒS & VIGO, 1996). Howe- mediate between H. lanatoaragonense ver, its presence in southern Catalonia and H. ramondii it is likely to be endemic (Baix Ebre) is questionable. to central Pyrenees. It usually grows in rocky places between 960 and 1130 m a. Hieracium adraenicum Mateo in Fl. s.l. See also comments under H. serraca- Montib. 54: 85 (2013) diense. Known only from the type locality (Cadi Range, eastern Pre-pyrenees: “pr. um- bría de Adraén ... 1395 m”). It shows a close resemblance to H. argyreum from which 89 Flora Montiberica 65: 88-121 (XI-2016) ISSN 1138-5952 – eISSN 1988-799X The genus Hieracium in Catalonia differs by the following characters: broa- laries (simple hairs are usually absent and der and less attenuate leaves, floccose ca- stellate hairs are scanty). pitula and peduncles, besides the amost This is a triploid species (2n = 27) (SÁ- dichotomous branching system (which EZ & al., unpublished data) endemic to mas- might suggest influence of H. bifidum). sís del Port (Castellón, Teruel and Tarragona provinces). It usually occurs in stony Hieracium aemulum Arv.-Touv. & Gaut. slopes, at elevations of 900 to 1400 m. in Bull. Soc. Bot. France 41: 331 (1894) ≡ H. aemuliflorum Sudre in Bull. Acad. Int. Geogr. Hieracium alatum Lapeyr., Hist. Pl. Bot. 26: 145 (1916), nom. illeg.; H. lawsonii Pyrénées: 478 (1813) subsp. aemuliflorum Zahn in Engler, Pflanzer. 75: This is a species well characterized 150 (1916) = H. briziflorum Arv.-Touv., Hier. Gall. Hisp. Cat.: morphologically, which shows close affi- 143 (1913) nities with H. gymnocerinthe and H. mu- MATEO (2016b) accepted H. aemulum at rorum (MATEO, 2005). Hieracium alatum species level, and regarded it as mor- is endemic to western Europe (GREUTER, phologically intermediate between H. ero- 2008). In our area it is found scattered in sulum and H. lawsonii. Since H. briziflorum central and eastern Pyrenees and northern Arv.-Touv. was also regarded as intermediate Catalanidic Mountains, where it usually between H. erosulum and H. lawsonii grows in forests and rocky places between (MATEO, 2008), in our treatment is included 500 and 1700 m. Ancient reports from within the synonymy of H. aemulum. Catalanidic Mountains (Montserrat massif) H. aemulum is endemic to Pyrenees. In are in all probability erroneous. our area it is known for Alt Urgell, BOLÒS & VIGO (1996) and GREUTER Cerdanya and Ripollès, where it usually (2008) recognize several subspecies in our grows in rocky places in the montane belt; area, some of them of uncertain taxono- its presence in southern Catalanidic Moun- mic value. See comments under H. oliva- tains (Baix Ebre and Montsianès) (BOLÒS & ceum and SÁEZ & al. (2010) for informa- VIGO, 1996) is unclear. The concrete loca- tion about alleged endemic taxa. lities known of this species are scanty. In our opinion its distribution is probably Hieracium altaneuense Mateo & Egido in overestimated due to taxonomic confusion, Fl. Montiber. 60: 116 (2015) mainly with the closely H. flocciferum (see It was described on the basis of plants comments under this species). collected in Alòs d’Isil (Central Pyrenees) by MATEO & EGIDO (2015). The population Hieracium aguilari Pau in Bol. Soc. Esp. was found close to a stream, at 1410 m a.s.l. Hist. Nat. 21: 148 (1921) This species shows morphological affinities = H. fredesianum Mateo in Monogr., Inst. Pir. Ecol. with H. lachenalii and H. ramondi or H. (Jaca): 256 (1988) cerinthoides (MATEO & EGIDO, 2015). This species, which was described on According to these authors H. altaneuense the basis of specimens collected in nor- is close to H. pyrenaeojurassicum (see thern Castellón province,
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