Incest in Ballads: the Availability of Cultural Meaning EBEOGU, AFAM N
Lore and Language The Journal of the Centre for English Cultural Tradition and Language Editor J.D.A. Widdowson Centre for English Cultural Tradition and Language, University of Sheffield Editorial Board N .F . Blake, University of Sheffield D.O. Buchan, Memorial University of Newfoundland G . Cox, University of Reading D .G. Hey, University of Sheffield J.M. Kirk, The Queen ·s University of Belfast R . L e ith, Leamington Spa C. Neilands, The Queen's University of Belfast P .S. Smith, Memorial University of Newfoundland © 1993 Hisarlik Press. Apart fro1n any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or criticis1n or review, as pennitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, or where reproduction is required for classroon1 use or coursework by students, this publication 1nay only be reproduced, stored or trans1nitted, in any fonn or by any tneans, with the prior pennission in writing of the publishers. US copyright law applicable to users in the USA. Lore and Language is published twice annually, in January and July. Volutne 11 is a single vol mne ( cotnprising two issues) covering two years, 1992-1993; Volutne 12 will cover 1994. Subscription rates for Volutne 11 are: Institutional, £50.00; Personal, £12 (all prices in Sterling). Send pay1nent to Hisarlik Press, 4 Catisfield Road, Enfield Lock, Middlesex EN3 6BD, UK, or credit card details to Vine House Distribution, Waldenbury, North Cointnon, Chailey, East Sussex BNg 4DR, UK. All other business correspondence concerning Volutne 11 and later volutnes should be addressed to Hisarlik Press, 4 Catisfield Road, Enfield Lock, Middlesex EN3 6BD, UK; tel.
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