Reagan Teiis Judge Bork

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Reagan Teiis Judge Bork «0 — M ANCH ESTER H ER ALD. Tuesday. Oct. », 1987 N0IIIE8 NaPWiMTEO FOR SALE FUaONTCOAL/ CM» I R M S M i Fair rent; Vete unlikely befere electicn / page 3 R o m p s : M H S girls PERSON Wonttd to cart M ANCHESTER. Colonial BUSINESS-^ SERVICE MRECTORY I^Sm iance^iUI milts, tor 3 cMIdrtfl In mv on nicg doop lot, on o FIREWOOD SALE A/C. AA4-FM Cassette. unbeaten after toppling homo. W ttk d o yttvtrv qulot Cul-do-Soc In con- *S3 per eetd. 8 R. tangMia, 82200. or best offer. ^ t r Saturday. AAuit ygnlgnt locatton. Front grsen, deNveieA 8 oord 871-4451 after 4pm. navt own trontporta- to bock Mostgr plus up minimum. MC/VISA DODGE Mirada 1^2. D o w d ro p ; Analysts unfazed by tumble / p a ge 21 Rockville / p a g e 9 tton. M7-7043. to 3 morg bodrooms. NartiMni FIrgwiaR Good condition, A/C, Dining room, flro- CHILDCora, RGoponsIblg Power windows and part timt, small family ploced living room, full warm parson for 1 locks, cruise, AM -FM THOSE 8UY8 WHO MW REf TREE SERVICE 77E-W16 oporotlon, no prttsurt. baths, garage. $147,900. small cbllp in our M.T.8. Bucket, truck * ch^tper. catsefte.$2S00.447-7045. Will aceomodote scht- D.W. Fish, 443-1591.0 homo. 20-25 hours- PAIHT Stump removBl. dult and ptrtonal con- /WOOk. Days. 444-3974. BUILDERS Interior sfid exterior sldoratlons. Andoytr HIGH Collbrg. Now peinting. Cell today for a consldsrstlon for eldofty RECREATIDNAL free estimate. Tom or Ed 743-TMt, wttkdoyt of- Raised Ranch of mas- 646-2787 and handicapped. EQUIPiniT NEW 1987 Mercury Lynx tor 7pm, anytime slve proportion..built 0 4 0 -2 7 1 5 0 4 7 -7 S S 3 GS. 3 door hatchback, weekends. with your best Interest •CUSTOM HOMES CATlDE-Mohowk. Red fl- auto, fronsmlatlon. beratoss, 17* 4", with 2 PbsiTION Open In Man­ In mind. All qualify e e a e e e < e e e e d 'e 'e 'e % . •A00ITI0H8 paddles. $ ^ . 449-9361 power steering, chester. Take charoe materials and work­ broket, AM -FM stereo manship. 7 rooms, 7'/i CLEANING Services. •BABA8E8 HH8CELLAHHNI8 DELIVERING after 5pm weeknlghts. Bookkeeper/Office Heme or office. Reoso- SERVICES Rich form loam# 5 yards. cosMtte. New car war­ Manager, full time du­ baths, fireplace, 2 cor ranty. Sticker price '■ \ A garage and a beautiful noble prices. 742-8388 •DECKS $75 plus tax. Sand, gravel, ties Include at a min­ or 742-8471. ODD lobs. Trucking. MUSICAL 88224. Asking 7,000,449- imum; AP Quarterly lot with old stone walls. •COHCRETE WORK and decorativecore stone. Located only 8 minutes Home repairs. You ITEM S taxes, preparation of C l Aa n i NOS a must but aurlirstrr) Manchfistcr A City ol Villann Ch,irm HrralJi •FRAMIH8 CREW name It, we do It. Free 0 4 3 - 9 5 0 4 FORD 1975 Maverick. flnonclol statements. from the center of Manchester! 8189,900. no time to dust? Coll AVAIURLE estimates. Insured. 443- USED full sized Violin. Running condition. Experience In general Undo 443-4229. 0304. $150. 449-8111. Excel­ $150. Phone 449-4420. accounting required. Call 444-2482. “ Were • KMCRTUU. S G8BKMML lent condition. Selling Housesl"Blan- A x t ERIOR P ointing DATSUN 1tii2 Pickup. 4 Familiarity with com­ • C M n E T f EXCAMTUR NM Wednesday, Oct. 7,1687 puterized systeips and chord & Rossetto. f m m / done. Trees and brush 8 speed with stereo tape 30 Cents on applicable degree of CARPEHTRY/ PAPERHI6 cut and hauled away. allPTfCSySTERS P E T8A R D deck. 52,400 miles, runs benefit. Flexible hours, B EA U TIFU L. Bolton. 3 Stockade fences In- SUPPLIER good. Good mechani­ pleasant enyironment, bedroom Raised Ranch stalled. Fully Insured. • HciBSlIllaR a FsssisMsBS cal condition. Needs comdetitive salary. > In 0 quiet area of 1 ^ ' a 4 e e e 4 4434)743 after 5pm. GOLDEN Retriever, slight body work. 444- Tow n-8th Send resume with sa- Bolton. Home Includes cUKimn a Hang Tape and Male. AKC papers, 4 8700 for more details. living room, dining GAGNE 0 J o r y requirements to: • H JE m UWN SERVieE months. $100 or best DODGE 1977 Aspen President, General room, 1st floor 12x24 JSSKhome W lecilfs JSK at IK . spray Sheet Rock. “Far All Yaur U r n tt offer. 444-1304. Wagon. 4 cylinder au­ ‘Stay in it,’ Dlgltol Corporation, family room os well os moCallaG WatpeclaltwinWe EXCAVATION tomatic, power steer­ pact attack a 19x23 recreation roomaandkisI klMMiit. SmaSSSm David Slivinsky R.R. tiet,j)lantlng, ing and brakes. AM - P.O. Box 1457, Man­ eommarDlal wetk. Raglaitrgd, In- MKCELLAMEDU8 chester, C T 04040. room and 12x24 den on Trap work. CO. F M . Best offer. the lower level. Energy swed, ratfraneaa. FOR SALE NURSERY School - Call 228-9153 - CALL ' RTE. 85 • BOLTON 443-4411. features Include south­ •4GB1M 847-7186 short-lived Teacher for a co­ ern exposure skylights, T E E Shirt transfers. Ap­ DATSUN 1972 240Z. Car operative nursery For Free Estimate 646-2614 proximately 3000, also runs. Good for parts. Reagan teiis 2 wood/cool stoves and school. Effective Janu­ 0 thermostatically con- 50 to 100k numerals and Best offer. 289-2138. ary 19W. Four year C trolled fan system. letters for shirts, caps, CHEVY 1948 Belalr. 2 Bv Alex GIrelll degree In Education Deck and a 2 cor gar­ etc. Best offeR. 649-3642 door, runs excellent. Associate Editor c required. Approxi­ age. $189,900. D.W. after 5:30pr $425. Call 449-92S7. mately 25 hours- Fish. 443-4040.O HOMES HOMES RESORT APARTMENTS weekly. Salary negoti­ FOR RALE K ITCH EN Wodd Stove. An attempt to call a special HO FOR SALE PERTY FOR RENT TAKE A LOOK meeting of Eighth District voters Ju d ge Bork able, $7000 to 14000. CONTEMPORARY Parlor Wood stove, 1 Gas stove, 2 sofas, 2 over four questions on the Nov. S Send resume and two Ranch. Manchester. 4 3 Bedroom coionlol, for­ SUDDENLY Back on the FOR Sale. Fully furnished FOR Rent. 2 bedroom 85 Line. Town Car $AVE recommendations to: bedroom custom Con­ refrigerators, 3 beds, ballot ended shortly after It began, mal dining room, eot In market. Immaculate 7 Mobile home, Vero apartment close to bus­ 81 Merc. Marquis Cooperative Nursery temporary Ranch with assorted choirs, old the Manchester Herald has kitchen. 2 car garage. plus room Full- Beach, Florida. 1 bed­ line. Monthly rent $535. ’ Brougham SAVE WASHINGTON (AP) - Presi­ Shortly before Breaux’s Senate School, P.O. Box 48, 15x20 stone fireplaced farm machinery. Col­ learned. dent Reagan held a surprise I'/i baths. Front porch. Oormered Cape In Red­ room, Florida Room,’ Call 449-9254. 78 Buick Century floor speech. Sen. Patrick J. Leahy, Andoyer, C T 04232- living room. Cathedral Oak floors and trim. chester area. 537-1474 A legal notice submitted to the meeting today with embattled T T wood Farms. 3 bed­ screened porch. $9,000. Wg.. Em . Cond. SAVE 0040. Application clos- celling In living room. or 247-4188. D-Vt., a Bork opponent, said on Redecorated Inside rooms, fireplace, new 4444)243 or 444-7420. 86 Mazda RX7 Manchester Herald this morning Supreme Court nominee Robert H. NBC-TV’s "Today" show, " I think Ing date, October 31. Cathedral ceilings In and out. $142,900. 528- CONDOMINIUMS LoQdBd plush carpet, large s a v e was withdrawn shortly before noon. Bork at the White House and urged xthe president ought to ... allow V^LEPHONE-toke mes- living room, dining 0305. Florida room. Mint FOR RENT CARR 87 Line. Continental room ond kitchen. The legal notice called for a Oct. him to "stay in it," his spokesman ^Judge Bork to withdraw his name sages, no soles. Flexi­ TWO Family. TImetested condition I $209,000. FDR SALE dMttwr, Sunroof SAVE said. ble schedule, paid Heoted greenhouse, MORTRARES 2 Bedroom. Woodmere, 14 meeting at which, according to for the sake of the judge and his building with 13 rooms. Jackson 8, Jockson E l 82 Mazda 426 the legal notice, an attempt would The two men met for 25 minutes. training. Professional screened porch, patio 2. modern kltchen- Real Estate. 447-8400.O Vernon. 1 16 baths. 1977 BUICK Apollo. Good j 1 Dr.. WKNa SAVE family but also for the sake of the and stone BBQ Central Garage, pool, tennis. be made to remove the four White House spokesman Marlin office atmosphere, with private sun BRAND New listing. This NO PAYMENTS engine, new tires, ra­ BSNIesan Stanza country. Until this is out of the way, convenient location air, appliances and a 2 life breakfast room. Club House. $950 In­ diator and water pump. 4 Or. SAVE questions on the proposed district- Fitzwater said. we can’t even start confirming car garooe. $229,900. charming older Colon' Up to 2 years. Kiss your fi­ cluding utilities. 449- near W. Hortford town New roof, triple glazed nancial difficultlas goodbye. $300. 449-0331. 86 Line. Town Car town agreement from the ballot. Asked if Bork had asked that his another nominee." D.W. Fish. 443-1591.D lal on ScarborouGli 9004. lIBChOOM SAVE line. 523-2777. windows, steel siding. Road In Manchestie/*rs Avoid foraclosura. Catch up 1978 OLDS Omega 4 door, The meeting was called after name be withdrawn in the face of And one day earlier, after the Lots of mature plant­ bursting at the seams on Iota payments such os first 305 V-8, 107K mll4s. 84 Merc. Marquis District Clerk Helen Warrington the Tuesday’s negative vote by the Senate Judiciary Committee voted G R EA T Family home.
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