Whole Food -Based Resources

Recipe Websites Whole food plant-based ("WFPB") information is so prevalent on the internet. The challenge is finding The Vegan 8 information that is factual and relevant. Brand New Vegan I use all of the resources on this cheat sheet, and Monkey and Me I've done my homework in making sure the Mind Body Green information is solid and reliable. Plant Based Cooking Show Oh She Glows So many resources means we are increasingly accountable for knowing how to take care of our Rachel Carr bodies. Gone are the days when we depended on Faithful Plateful healthcare professionals to tell us what is right. Black Fig Food Pick Up Limes As you become more familiar with WFPB living, you'll come across more sources -- and some will become Avantgarde Vegan your faves. Consider this cheat sheet a starting point for your investigation.

Books Cookbooks Experts

Forks Over Knives Cookbook Dr. How Not to Die PlantPureNation Cookbook Dr. China Study Family Cookbook by MIchael Greger, M.D. Dr. John McDougall Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease Dr. T. Colin Campbell Cookbook by T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D. Dr. Neal Barnard The Starch Solution How Not to Die Cookbook by John McDougall, M.D. China Study Family Cookbook Dr. The Spectrum by , M.D. How Not to Diet by Michael Greger, M.D. Apps Documentaries Whole by T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D. Forks Over Knives Forks Over Knives Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease PlantPure Nation by Caldwell Esselstyn, M.D. Food Monster Forks Over Knives by Food, Inc. K i n d l y C a f e KINDLYCAFE.COM