Prospec Or Four Key Things to Look out for This Competition ENT

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Prospec Or Four Key Things to Look out for This Competition ENT University of Texas at El Paso DigitalCommons@UTEP The rP ospector Special Collections Department 1-17-2012 The rP ospector, January 17, 2012 UTEP Student Publications Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Journalism Studies Commons, and the Mass Communication Commons Comments: This file is rather large, with many images, so it may take a few minutes to download. Please be patient. Recommended Citation UTEP Student Publications, "The rP ospector, January 17, 2012" (2012). The Prospector. Paper 67. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections Department at DigitalCommons@UTEP. It has been accepted for inclusion in The rP ospector by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UTEP. For more information, please contact The University of Texas at El Paso · January 17, 2012 theassayer of student opinion Student design wins Orbit Gum prospec or Four key things to look out for this competition ENT. 9 semester SPORTS 13 CHEWING ON $5000 Welcome back Miners! WHAT TO WATCH FOR Students struggle with financial burden As debt mounts, grad school seems to be a distant option BY JASMINE AGUILERA consideration credit card, mortgage “It’s quite upsetting when I meet The Prospector or car payments or any other debt someone who gets everything paid when awarding financial aid. for but slacks off and doesn’t appre- According to the Project on Stu- “Last semester, we paid for my ciate it,” De Leon said. “There are dent Debt, two-thirds of college classes with my mom’s credit card,” plenty of other people that actually graduates take out student loans and De Leon said. “That seems bad, want a future for themselves that have an average of $25,000 worth but at least this way we’ll pay it would gladly use that money on of debt. Oftentimes, students do not off little by little. It was taken out their education.” qualify for free financial aid from of my mother’s credit card because Roxan Hernandez, sophomore pre- the government because their par- she didn’t want it to affect me. I’m nursing major, is also in a similar ents make more than the specified guessing by the time I graduate, I’ll situation. income level, but at the same time, be about $20,000 in debt, but it de- “I didn’t get free financial aid they do not have the resources to pends because I plan on getting a because my dad made about $250 pay for school and must take out part-time job to help at least a little more than he usually did year student loans or find other means. bit.” round,” Hernandez said. “So I had “My step dad earns about a De Leon originally wanted to be- to take two loans to pay for school $100,000 a year, so I don’t qualify come a doctor, but because of her and then I still had to pay another for free financial aid,” said Zuzim financial situation she has decided $650 out of pocket because the loan De Leon, junior biology major. “But to change her plans. wasn’t enough. For the academic it’s not like we keep it all. There are “Because of the money, I switched year, I ended up taking out about bills to pay. He’s still in debt from to nursing,” she said. “It takes so $18,500 in both subsidized and un- what he was paying for his sons’ much less time to graduate than go- subsidized loans and this just has to cars so a lot of what he earns goes ing straight for a Ph.D.” continue for another two years until towards that. Also, the house pay- De Leon plans to graduate next I finish my requirements.” ment is huge, not to mention credit year and hopes to start working Hernandez said the financial bur- cards and our cars.” right away so that she can save den will be a deciding factor in FAFSA (Free Application for Fed- money and then go back to school Photo by Bob Corral / The Prospector eral Student Aid) does not take into and become a doctor. see FINANCIAL on page 4 Government Despite indefinite hault, SOPA still a concern over internet censorship BY HENRY ARRAMBIDE legislation coming before the House providers (ISPs) and advertisers to for a vote.” stop doing business with whatever The Prospector Proposed October 26, 2011, by sites become blacklisted. Search en-en- Recently shelved in the U.S. House representative Lamar Smith (R-TX), gines such as Bing or Google would of Representatives, the Stop Online SOPA would have allowed the De- also be forced to block links to sites Piracy Act (SOPA) stirred up contro- partment of Justice to seek court that were found to be in violation of versy throughout the Internet. As of orders against websites outside of the act. Jan. 13, House Majority Leader Eric U.S. jurisdiction accused of breaking “It’s an act that wants to start crack-crack- Cantor (R-VA) has made a promise to copyright law. ing down on what they call Internet House Oversight Chairman Darrell “There is a vast virtual market on- piracy,” said Barbara Evans, junior Issa (R-CA) that the house will not be line run by criminals who steal prod- dance major. “However, I don’t see it voting on the controversial bill until a ucts and profits that rightly belong to that way. I see it as a way for Holly-Holly- consensus is reached. American innovators,” said Smith in a wood and other bigwig executives to “While I remain concerned about statement. “These foreign rogue web- control what goes through the Inter-Inter- Senate action on the Protect IP Act, sites not only steal movies and music, net and how we share things.” I am confident that flawed legislation they offer counterfeit medicine, au- SOPA’s biggest supporters includ-includ- will not be taken up by this House,” tomobile parts and even baby food, ed various large and traditional Issa said in a statement. “Majority which harm American industries and media organizations such as Leader Cantor has assured me that we put American lives at risk.” the Motion Picture As- will continue to work to address out- Once the orders had been delivered, sociation of America, Re- standing concerns and work to build the U.S. Attorney General would be cording Industry Associa- consensus prior to any anti-piracy able to demand U.S. Internet service see CENSORSHIP on page 3 PAGE 2 you think? THE PROSPECTOR This week’s poll question: January 17, 2012 PAGE3NEWS Do you think the way financial aid is awarded is fair? January 17, 2012 DO WHAT editor-in-chief vote at WWW.UTEPPROSPECTOR.COM perspectivesAaron Martinez, 747-7477 Memorial archiveSEARCH High 60 High 63, High 65, High 66, High 63, High 59, High 62, Visit to Low 35 Low 37 Low 38 Low 39 Low 36 Low 33 Low 34 search the archives for your favor-favor Sunny Sunny Sunny Sunny Mostly Partly Mostly ite articles and multimedia projects Sunny Cloudy Clear In memory of Elsa Aguilar since 2007. Elsa Aguilar, former Minero Magazine editor-in-chief (2004-2005) and Spanish copy editor of The Prospec- tor (2005-2006), passed away unexpectedly Jan. 12 at the age of 32. She graduated with a master of linguistics CENSORSHIP from page 1 from UTEP in May 2006. Visitation will be from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Jan. 17 at Hillcrest Funeral Home, located at “This treads the line of censorship and it’s 1060 Carolina Dr., with a vigil service at 7 p.m. The mass of Christian Burial will be at 9:30 a.m. Jan. 18 at San ACCURACY WATCH tion of America, Viacom, ABC, CBS, The Prospector is committed to accuracy. Comcast/NBC Universal, Marvel and Stop Online Piracy Act Antonio de Padua Catholic Church with the rite of committal to follow at Mount Carmel Cemetery. Augilar is almost like a big brother type of control If you think we have made an error of Warner entertainment. survived by her parents Jose Alfredo and Maria del Refugio, sisters Sarah and Irais, and her maternal grand- fact, e-mail us at “Because the U.S. produces the thing.” For: Against: mother Guadalupe. most intellectual property, our nation has the most to lose if we fail to ad- - Jaime Lupercio, sophomore cellular and molecular biochemistry major Column dress the problem of rogue sites. The Motion Picture Association Google Stop Online Piracy Act stops foreign reer choices in the near future,” said further examine the issues surround- of America rogue websites from taking jobs and Ryan Venegas, senior digital media ing this provision,” Smith said. “We Yahoo profits away from America’s innova- production major. “I turn to social will continue to look for ways to en- tors,” Smith said. “The bill’s broad Comcast Dropping the Pickaxe media to put my name and work out sure that foreign websites cannot sell Facebook bipartisan support shows Congress’s there. If SOPA goes into play, it will and distribute illegal content to U.S. commitment to combating rogue BY JUSTIN STENE palooza is used to kick off another definitely dwindle the job market in consumers.” NBC Universal school year and is a pep rally for sites and ensuring that profits go to my field. I think people need to wake In the senate, six GOP senators, Twitter The Prospector the first football game of the season.
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