Submitted in Partial of the Requirements For the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) English Education Program




A a


Reza Permana. 1502050088. Transitivity and Ideological Construction of Sandiaga Uno’s Utterances In The Third Debate of Presidential Election. Skripsi. English Department of Faculty Teacher Training and Education, University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara. Medan. 2019 This research deal with the types of transitivity process applied by Sandiaga Uno in the third debate of presidential election. The objectives of this research were to identify the elements of transitivity process used in the Sandiaga Uno’s Utterances, to describe the transitivity elements realized by Sandiaga Uno to reveal the ideological construction and to investigate why the trnsitivity elements realized the way they are. Descriptive qualitative method was used in this research. Source of the data was acquired from the Sandiaga Uno’s utterances in the third debate of presidential election. In collecting the data, the researcher used the documentation method where it was implementated by making the transcription of text then selecting and identifying types of transitivity process used by Sandiaga Uno in the third debate of presidential elecion. The data were analyzed by some steps such as, data reduction, counting the percentage and using the study of the Fairclough’s Framework. The finding showed six types of transitivity process used by Sandiaga Uno where they were Material, Mental, Relational, Behavioural, Verbal and Exisential. The material process was placed as the first dominant process that reached 54,5% while the behavioural process was counted as the small number of process that reached 1,2%. Moreover, Sandiaga Uno attempted to gave the ideology to the audience where it was inclined to the socialism as the persuading way to convince the audience or the people in Indonesia.

Keywords : transitivity, ideology, Sandiaga Uno, the third debate of presidential election


Assalammu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Firstly in the name of Allah SWT the most beneficent, the most merciful and all the praise to Allah SWT which he already gave us healthy and mercy, so that the researcher was able to finish this research. The second, shalawat and salam to our prophet Rasullullah SAW which has brought us from the darkness until the brightness era. The third, the researcher would like to thanks for my beloved mother, Ernawati for her love, prayer and great support both in material and moral before, during and after her study.

The aim of doing this research was to fulfill the requirements for the degree of the Sarjana

Pendidikan. In completing this study entitle “Transitivity and Ideological Construction of Sandiaga

Uno’s Utterances In The Third Debate of Presidential Election”, the researcher faced so many difficulties and problem but those did not stop the efforts to make a better one. And it was seemed impossible to be done without helps from the others.

The researcher is sure that this thesis would not be completed without the help, supports and suggestion from several sides. Thus, the researcher would like to express her deepest thanks to all of those who had helped, supported, and suggested her during the process of writing this thesis. This goes to:

ii 1. Dr. Agussani, M.AP, the rector of University Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara

2. Dr. Elfrianto Nst, S.Pd, M.PD the Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara who has given recommendation her to carry out

this research.

3. Drs. Hj Syamsyurita, M.Pd as vise Dean 1 of FKIP UMSU, who has encourage her edication


4. Mandra Saragih, S.Pd, M.Hum the Head of English Education Program and Pirman Ginting,

S.Pd. M.Hum the secretary of English Education Program for their suggestion and

administrative help in process of completing the necessary requirements.

5. the supervisor Pirman Ginting S.Pd,M,hum who has given suggestion, idea and guidance in

writing this study.

6. All the lecturer of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education who had given their valuable

thought in English teaching to her during her academic years at University of Muhammadiyah

Sumatera Utara .

7. Thanks to all the students of English A evening (2015) who spend time together in completing

the study.

Finally the researcher hopes that her research will be used full for the readers, especially

the student of English Education Program and other researcher. May Allah always be with us.

Medan, September 2019

Reza Permana


ABSTRACT ...... i





A. The Background of the Study ...... 1

B. The Identification of the Problem ...... 3

C. The Scope and Limitaion ...... 3

D. The Formulation of the Problem ...... 4

E The Objectives of the Problem ...... 4

F. The Significant of the Problem ...... 5


A. Theoretical Framework ...... 6

1. Transitivity ...... 6

2. Process In Transitivity ...... 6

3. Types of Process ...... 7

3.1 Material Clauses ...... 7

3.2 Mental Clauses ...... 8

3.3 Relational Clauses ...... 9

iv 3.4 Behavioural Clauses ...... 10

3.5 Verbal Clauses ...... 11

3.6 Exisential Clauses ...... 12

4. Circumstance In Transitivity ...... 12

5. Types of Circumstance ...... 13

5.1 Extent and Location ...... 13

5.2 Manner ...... 14

5.3 Cause ...... 15

5.4 Contigency ...... 16

5.5 Accompaniment ...... 16

5.6 . Role ...... 17

5.7 Matter ...... 18

5.8 Angle ...... 18

6. Ideology ...... 18

7. Types of Ideology ...... 18

7.1 Capitalism ...... 18

7.2 Liberalism ...... 19

7.3 Conservatism ...... 19

7.4 Socialism ...... 19

7.5 Nationalism ...... 20

7.6 Anarchism ...... 20

v 7.7 Environmentalism ...... 20

7.8 Communism ...... 21

7.9 Democracy ...... 21

8. Utterance ...... 21

9. Sandiaga Uno ...... 22

10. Sandiaga Uno’s Utterances ...... 22

B. Previous Relevant Studies ...... 23

C. Conceptual Framework ...... 25


A. Research Design ...... 27

B. Source of the Data ...... 27

C. The Technique of Data Collection ...... 27

D. Technique of Data Analysis ...... 28


A. Finding ...... 31

B. Discussion ...... 32


A. Conclusion ...... 60

B. Suggestion ...... 61




Appendix 1 Table analysis of transitivity process by Sandiaga Uno

Appendix 2 Transcription text

Appendix 3 Form K-1

Appendix 4 Form K-2

Appendix 5 Form K-3

Appendix 6 Surat keterangan seminar proposal

Appendix 7 Surat pernyataan bukan plagiat

Appendix 8 Surat izin riset

Appendix 9 Surat balasan riset

Appendix 10 Berita acara bimbingan proposal

Appendix 10 Berita acara bimbingan skripsi

Appendix 11 Curriculum Vitae


1. The Background of the Study

Linguistics was one of the study that was able to interprate the implicit meaning either in terms of the constructive sentences from the spoken or written discourse. The patterns of grammar uttered would create the processed development of meaning where it would deduce the function of context that was being delivered. because in each the built grammar from one sentence, it could apply a relationship in terms of function, form and context. every sentence formed in a statement always had a concept that was well conceptualized so that it could deliver messages clearly to the hearers. It was intended that the message in a speech could be easily infused and understood.

Therefore, word or sentence options would always be applied before declaring something to audience.

Language generally had various functions. In terms of politics, language was built into argumentation used as a means of approach to persuade someone so that the statement uttered could be well received by the person who listens to it with the particular interests (Silvana, 2014).

As a social practice, it would always be associated as a result of the conclusions from some of the speakers' perceptions and experiences and then utilized as the persuasive way for the audience.

Then it must be concerned how the speaker’s way to construct the meaning in his/her utterances in order to the audience understood it. When the speaker started to do speech in front of public, it was needed the choice words or sentences that were based on the pieces of experience which they must be composed correctly so that every utterances were organized neatly. Such thing was useful in order to the message delivered could reach understanding that would be accepted by the audience. According to Yuqiong and Fengjie (2018) argued that the speaker must be very careful

1 2 to design his/her speech from its lexical choice to sentence organization and content arrangement to make people be in consonance with the spirits which were extracted from the speech. Therefore, the transitivity system was necessary in building the context so that the thoroughly content from what it was uttered can achieve conclusion to the people who listened to his/her speech until constructed the ideology would be become assumpstion to the object. Moreover, According to

Matthiesen (2014) stated that The transitivity system construed the world of experience into a manageable set of process types. Each process type provided its own model or schema for construing a particular domain of experience as a figure of a particular kind a model such as the one illustrated above for construing signification: Token (usually), Process (means), Value

(mostly). This theory was useful to analyze the clause to see how language was implemented from the results of a collection of experiences that had been chosen to form a good communication in speech. It also should be used as knowledge so that one could find out the reason for the participant why the utterance was spoken in certain situations, especially at the time of political debate.

However, many of the audience especially for the students who were learning linguistics, they did not understand about the relationship between the process of transitivity used by speaker to catch his/her ideology in the crucial forums like the political debate especially for those who did not come from linguist or political expert. Because the language was just not be seen from textual alone but in terms of contextual as well. It was needed a critical view or done the macro- analysis such as looking over the power, dominance and inequality (Tanneen, heidi and schiffin,

2015) . In the view of Andrew (2003), claimed that to examine the ideology was to consider a particular type of political thought, distinct from political science or political philosophy.

Therefore, there was an approach to examine the statements utterd as discourse analysis in order to people could comprehend every the meaning of the speaker. But mostly of them just listened 3 what the participant said without investigating every sentences delivered by speaker first., As the result, the participant would attempt to bring his/her ideology into reality coming from the speaker’s perspective through some policies that would be made due to the power had been obtained. Such thing certainly had to be concerned more conscientious and critical caused it would become the thing could affect the circumstance of environment and society either positive or negative.

Then, in selecting the object that had been analyzed, the reseacher’s choice appointed to

Sandiaga Uno in the debate of presidential election in 2019 as the source data. where the debate had four themes which they were about education, health, employment, social-culture. He had the entrepeneur ‘s background and he also ever be the former of vice governor in . These factors could be mentioned as the base of research to observe his approach and rhetoric how did an entrepeneur utter the statement about politics.

B. The Identification of the Problem

Based on the background of the study, the research problems were identified as follows:

1. some of the audience were still not comprehend what kind of process in transtivity given in the


2. many people got difficult to comprehend relationship between sentences uttered and the


C. The Scope and Limitation

This research was focused on Critical Discourse Analysis. In this study, the reseacher was associated with Systemic Functional Grammar appointing transitivity system in the part of clause 4 as representation. Moreover, this research uncovered the ideologial construction by analyzing the patterns of sentence argued by Sandiaga Uno by using the Fairclough’s framework that had any stages such as description stage, interpretation stage and explanation stage as the limitation in this scope.

D. The Formulation of the Problem

From all explanation of background above, then the problems of the study were formulated

as follows:

1. what elements of transitivity process were used in Sandiaga Uno’s utterances in the third debate

of presidential election ?

2. how were the transitivity elements realized by Sandiaga Uno to reveal the ideological

construction in the third debate of presidential eletion ?

3. why were the trsnsitivity elements realized the way they are ?

E. The Objectives of the Study

In the list the problems of the study, the objectives of the study as follows:

1. to identify the elements of transitivity process were used in Sandiaga Uno’s utterances in the

third debate of presidential election.

2. to describe the transitivity elements realized by Sandiaga Uno to reveal the ideological

construction in the third debate of presidential elements.

3. to investigate the transitivity elements realized in using their ways.


F. The Significant of the Study

This research was expected to have contribution theoretically and practically.

1. Theoretically, this research could be utilized as knowledge and become information to readers.

Especially in transitivity as the part of systemic functional grammar (SFG). Moreover, this

research was expected it could be used by other researchers in the different object or field.

2. Practically, it could give knowledge to the people in order to understand how did arrange the

sentence in speech correctly. Or it could also give advantages to the inhabitants who were

attracted with the meaning of a plan showed to make audience got interested. Especially

Sandiaga Uno’s utterances.



A. Theoretical Framework

1. Transitivity

Transitivity system is a theory found by M.A.K Halliday to presentate the meaning in clause showed. The system that strands the clause expressed to review menaings can reach out by stages in the structural sentence. (Halliday, 2004) also said that transitivity system construes the world of experience into a managable set of process types. By using this method to analyze the utterance, it will be related as the system can construe the event or experience faced and reveal the aspect of ideology influenced by the speaker’s opinion about the participant’s view for every incident occured.

He also argued that transitivity has three important components offered in this theory, namely : (a) the process itself, (b) participants in the process, (c) circumstances associated with the process. these concepts will conjugate the experiences brought by speaker in his/her utterances.

For the process in transitivity, it has the kinds of process that operate to identify the clause.

2. Process in Transitivity

Process can be called with verbal group in the transitivity system that has function to identify using of verb on the user (Matthiesen, 2014). This will analyze what verbs used in the sentence then they will be classififed to find the types of verb itself. The process in transitivity has some types such as material, mental and other types that will be explained below.

6 7

3. Types of Process

3.1 Material Clauses: Processes of Doing and Happening

According to Matthiessen (2014), material clauses are clauses of doing and happening.

Material clause construes a quantum of change in the flow of events as taking place through some input of energy. This process is called with act of doing where the participant put some actions to do something so that it can produce the yield. It can be concluded that material process is the constructed clause because of there is a deed in physically activities. it also can be associated for the abstract thing and the event.

In the material clauses, the participant is named with ‘actor’, actor has a role as a subject in doing something while the outcome from the event is ‘goal’. From this part of process will confirm that the actor always connect with goal in acting or the cause is going on. To know the function of material clauses, let us see for its example:


The Lion Sprang

Actor Process

Nominal Group Verbal Group


The Lion Caught The Tourist

Actor Process Goal

Nominal Group Verbal Group Nominal Group


3.2. Mental Clauses: Processes of Sensing

Mental clauses is the process that has the differences with material clauses in the process to identify the clause. It is concerned with our experience of the world of our own consciousness

(Halliday, 2004). This stage usually to know how the participant can percieve the situation seen or faced. So the participant will use ‘sense’ to express what his/her is feeling. It is different instead of material clause that identically with act of doing. In this process, there are two participants used and classified as senser and phenomenon. Then the process in mental clauses are consisted of sub- types such as perception, affection and cognition. In the table will display the clauses of three sub- types.

1. Perception (seeing,hearing and so on). For example:

If there was anything out there We ‘d hear It coming

Senser Process: Phenomenon


2. Affection (liking, fearing and so on). For example:

I Don’t like It

Senser Process: Affection Phenomenon

3. Cognition (thinking, believing, understanding and so on). For example:

I Believe You

Senser Process: Cognition Phenomenon


3.3. Relational Clauses: Processes of Being and Having

Relation clauses will identify the participants that they have identity as something can be described. (Halliday, 2004) claimed that relational clauses is being set up between two separate entities. This process connects between the participants with appearing the description about them either the status or character. Relational clauses has three system construction in the process itself, namely:

1. Intensive: ‘x is a’ (establishes a relationship of sameness between two entities)

2. Circumstantial: ‘x is at a’ (defines the enitity in terms of location, time and manner

3. Posessive: ‘x has a’ (indicate that one entitiy owns another)

Each of these come in two distinct modes: (a). Attributive that has the mode ‘a is an attributive of x’, (b). Identifying that has the mode ‘a is the identify of x’.

This gives the principal categories of relational clause as set out in the folllowing table:

(i) Attributive (ii) Identifying

1. Intensive’x is a’ Brian is wise Brian is the manager;

The manager is Brian

2. Posessive ‘x has a’ Anna has a guitar The guitar is Anna’s;

Anna’s is the guitar

3. Circumstantial ‘x is at a’ The concert is on Tuesday Tommorow is the 15th;

The 15th is tommorow


3.4. Behaviour Clauses: Processes of Behaving

Behavioural clauses is a process that involves the aspect of psychological to the participants, they are usually called with ‘behaver’ and ‘behavioural’ as the process showed in the clause. (Halliday, 2004) explained about behaviour clauses that ii is processes of (typically human) physiological and psychological behaviour like breathing, coughing, smiling, dreaming, and staring. This process is nearly same with material and mental process due to behaviour clause is linked with act of doing and sensing in the clause. but this process can be distuingished from the activity of the participant is based on the consciousness-self and something needed to be done.

The boundaries of behavioural procesess are indeterminate but we can recognize the following kinds as typical:

1. (near mental) Processes of consciousness represented as Look, watch,

forms of behavior listen, stare,

think, worry,


2. (near verbal) Verbal process as forms of behaviour Chatter,

grumble, talk

3. Physiological processes manifesting states Cry, laugh,

of consciousness smile, frown,

sigh, snarl,


4. Other physiological processes Breathe, cough,

faint, shit,

yawn, sleep 11

5. (near material) Bodily postures and pastimes Sing, dance,

lie(down), sit

(up, down)

3.5. Verbal Clauses: Processes of Saying

These are processes of saying. There are two identifications in the verbal process, namely: sayer and process. unlike mental clauses, verbal clauses do not require a conscious participant.

The sayer can be anything that puts out a signal. (Halliday, 2004). To give a signal in the clause, then the sayer will do the process called with verbal process in addressing the statement to receiver.

In this process is consisted of three components such as receiver, verbiage and target.

1. Receiver is the one to whom the saying is directed. For example:

Did you repeat that To Your parent


2. Verbiage is the function that corresponds to what is said. For example:

I Order a steak


3. Target is the entity that is targeted by the process of saying. For example: 12

She always Praised Him To her friends


3.6. Existential Clauses: Processes of Existing

In the opinion of Matthiesen (2014) said that existential clauses represent that something exists or happens. It can be said that existential clauses is a process to explain something entity in the event. This process always uses ‘there’ as subject in the sentence and ‘be’ as process itself to support object as ‘existent’. It also involves ‘circumstances’ as complement to explain the location.

In principle, Halliday (2004) stated that there can ‘exist’ any kind of phenomenon that can be construed as a ‘thing’: person, object, institution, abstraction. But also any action or event. For example of existential clauses in the following table:

There Was a man At the door

Process Existent: entity Circumstances

4. Circumstance in Transitivity

Matthiesen (2014) stated that circumstance that has circumstantial elements are almost always optional augmentations of the clause rather than obligatory components. Circumstance is put as complement to add information in the clause. It also has some types such as manner, extent and other kinds that will be elaborated below.


5. Types of Circumstance

5.1. Extent and Location

Extent construes the extent of the unfolding of the process in space-time: the distance in space over which the process unfolds or the duration in time during which the process unfolds

(Matthiesen, 2014:315). it explains how the process includes the distance and duration as the numberic information in the clause e.g: seven miles, ten yards, two hours and so on. The interrogative form such as how far?, how long? and how many can be used to determine the extent in the sentence. While location construes the location of the unfolding of the procee in space-time: the place where it unfolds or the time when it unfolds (Matthiesen, 2014:316). It is used to add information such as place and time in the clause so that it is known when or where the event is happened. The interrogative forms from the location are when? and where?.

There are close parallels between temporal and spatial expressions, the most significant ones being the following:

1. in both time and space, both extent and location have definite and indefinite in determinig about

spatial and temporal location. For example :

Spatial Temporal

Extent Definite five miles five years

Indefinite a long way A long time

Location Definite at home At noon

Indefinite Near Soon

2. in both spatial and temporal location, the location has the part of absolute and relative. In the

relative is divide into near and remote. For example : 14

Spatial Temporal

Location Absolute in Australia in 1985

Relative Near here, nearby now, recently

Remote there, a long then, a long

way away time ago

3. in both spatial and temporal location, there is any parts like rest and motion and within motion

between motion towards and motion away from. For example :

Spatial Temporal

Location Rest in Sydney, at on Tuesday, at

the airport noon

Motion Towards to Sydney till Tuesday

Away from from Sydney since Tuesday

5.2. Manner

The circumstantail of manner comprises three subcategories that are means, quality and comparison (Halliday, 2004). ‘Means’ refers to how the way it is done. It is typically expressed by a prepositional phrase with the preposition by or with. The interrogative forms are how ? and what with ?. Quality is showed by an adverbial group with –ly adverb as head. The interrogative is how?.‘Quality’ expressions characterize the process to make sense something so that it can be felt and seen and ‘comparison’ is expressed by a prepositional phrase with like or unlike, or an adverbial group of similarity or difference. The interrogative is what.... like ? it is aimed to compare the subject with the differnt or same things to describe its movement. 15

Some example of manner cicumstantials are given in the table below :

WH- form Example

Means how? what with? (mend it) with fusewire

Quality how? (they sat there) in

complete silence

Comparison what like? (the signs his name)


5.3. Cause

The circumstantial element of cause also comprises three subcategories that are reason, purpose and behalf (Halliday, 2004). ‘Reason’ explains how the causes is occured in the case.

Giving the reasonable thing as answer within it. It is expressed by a prepositional phrase with through or a complex preposition such as because of, as a result of, thanks to. The corresponding

WH- form are why ? or how ?. ‘Purpose’ shows when an action has function based on the intention behind it. They are expressed by a prepositional phrase with for or with a complex preposition such as in the hope of and for the purpose of. The interrogative corresponding is what for while

‘behalf’ refers to the existance or entity in the sentence, usually like a person or whose behalf or for whose sake the action is commited who it is for. They are marked by a prepositional phrase with for or with a complex preposition such as for the sake of, in favour of, on behalf of. The usual interrogative is who for ?. 16

Some examples of cause circumstantials are given in the table below :

WH- form Example

Reason why? how? (they left) because of the


Purpose what for? (it’s all done) with a view to


Behalf who for? (put in a word) on my


5.4. Contigency

There are three subtypes that are condition, concession and default in the kinds of contigency circumstantials. ‘Condition’ is expressed by in case of, in the event of. This is used as information to know the situation occured. For example in the event of a typhoon, open all windows. ‘Concession’ is expressed to see a contras in the sentence by using in the spite of or despite: e.g despite the rain the excursion was a great success, they adopted the motion in spite of popular objections and ‘default’ has in the absence of, in the default of : e.g in the absence of further evidence we shall give them benefit of the doubt.

5.5. Accompaniment

This element represents two or more subject have the particular function by using ‘and’,

‘or’, ‘not’ as circumstantial. It corresponds to the interrogatives and who/ what else ?. it is 17 expressed by prepositional phrase with prepositions such as with, without, besides, instead of.

Accompaniment is divided into comitative and additive and they also has positive and negative forms. They are set out in the table below :

WH- form Example

Comitative, positive: who/ what with? Fred come with Tom

accompanied by and also/ what else? Jane set out with her


Comitative, negative: but not also/ what? Fred came without Tom

not accompanied by I came without my key

Additive, positive: and also/ what else? Fred came as well as Tom

in addition to

Additive, negative: And not who/ what? Fred came instead of Tom

as alternative to

5.6. Role

This category includes the subcategories of guise and product (Halliday, 2004).‘Guise’ corresponds to the interrogative what as ? and construes the meaning of ‘be’ in the form of a circumstance. It is used as attribute or identity on the subject in the sentence. For example: she was installed as chancellor. ‘Product’ corresponds to the interrogative what into ? with the meaning of ‘become’ likewise as attribute or identity but it has inclination to the progress felt on the subject. For example: he grows into a big boy.


5.7. Matter

Matter is related to verbal processes. It is the circumstantial equivalent of the verbiage, which it is described, reffered to, narrated etc. The interrogative is what about ?. Matter is expressed by prepositions such as about, concerning, with reference to. it is frequent with both verbal and cognitive mental processes.

5.8 Angle

Angle is also related to verbal processed as perspective to assess something. The simple preposition used in this function is to. But like matter, it is often expressed by a more complex form such as according to, in the view/opinion of, from the standpoint of and so on.

6. Ideology

Ideology is a system of belief that is socially shared by the members of collectivity of social actors (Van Dijk, 2006). In analyzing the process of ideology by considering a particular type of political thought, distinct from political science or political philosophy. To study political ideology is analyse the nature, role and significance of this category of thought and reflect on questions such as which sets of political ideas and arguments should be classified as ideologies (Andrew, 2003).

7. Types of Ideology

7.1. Capitalism

Capitalism is an economic system that it characterized private owned means of production and distribution (andrew, 2003). The system makes the political condition as an oppurtinity to arrange the operational of government. The owner has advantages as the highest economical status 19 to give away in terms of value or nominal amid of the systemic government to reach the certain aims. Capitalism has the important roles instead of government because they just operate as the controller.

7.2. Liberalism

Liberalism demand their political rights to be protected and everyone is free to do anything.

In the view of Andrew (2003) stated that Liberalism also came to be inreasingly associated with ideas of freedom and choice. Every resident in the country have the right in aspirating what they want to express as a prove their identity in the country. This political system prohibits in limiting inhabitants to do something. Freedom from the tying rules become the features of this ideology.

Liberalism believes that people have to be protected and they also strive to deserve the same right as the national.

7.3. Conservatism

Conservatism is a view and attitude that preserve structure and system in society, economy, politic, culture, ethic, morality, or religious that exist, and resist sudden and radical change. Therefore, conservatism as the ideology where the traditional value is choose as the base of system and norms in regulating the country.

7.4. Socialism

According to Andrew (2003) states that socialism emerged as a critique of liberal market society and was defined by its attempt to offer an alternative to industrial capitalism. This system tends to demand the justice for any groups caused they do not receive their rights in terms of 20 economy. This ideology appears due to the development of capitalism widely. As the result, inequity comes out in the uneven output of production accepted to them. Socialism is emphasized for the common interest and avoiding the individual principle in reaching the aim.

7.5. Nationalism

Nationalism is an ideology that emphasizes to maintain the sovereignity of country. It is also portrayed as an essentially psychological phenomenon that it is usually as loyality towards one’s nation or dislike of other nations instead of as a theoritical construct (Andrew, 2003). This system possess the concept which people and government have the same purpose and aspire in preserving the power of country and the national affairs. This ideology must refers to the strong mindset to create the values of nationalism to protect the state either internal or external factors.

7.6. Anarchism

Anarchism is a system has been defined as the rejection of rule, of govrnment, of the state, of authority, of society, or of domination (Paul, 2007). Anarchism is usually grounded in moral claims about the importance of individual liberty by making self-decision to reach freedom in a particular aims. It appears caused by dissapoinment or unbalance the hopes either between people or government until it can give a bad effect even be able to achieve the radical stage.

7.7. Environmentalism

Environmentalism is a social movement concerned in purpose to the environmental issues.

According to Marcel and Yoram (2004) claimed that environmentalism could mean the theoritical 21 realm that addresses the moral, normaative and philosophical issues steeming from ecological awareness. This ideology is concerned how to maintain the balance between the human being and nature as the way of enpowerment to protect the realm. It preesures in the condition of people to be taking care about environment around them. It also indicates to people how they attempt to defend the existence of nature itsself.

7.8. Communism

Communism is known as the political system made by ‘communist party’. It has purpose to overtake means of production through roles of government to save people in terms of the social justice. This ideology is also called as anti-capitalism. It does not differ the social status in developing the country and citizen. Communism has a role in controlling the economy thoruoghly without the interference of financial ownership. Therefore, communism believes that as the way to erase the pyramid structure of society because they deserve the same right and obigation.

7.9. Democracy

Abraham lincoln ‘ex-president of USA’ quotes that democracy is government of the people, by the people and for the people. This system is concepted to create the purpose and outcome together. It is applied to make how the society can help the country by expressing their aspirations and acceding in election. In this ideology, governmernt are ordered to collaborate with their citizen to set up the state better.

8. Utterance

Utterance is the smallest unit of speech. It is a continuous piece of speech beginning and ending with a clear pause. Utterance usually contain a simple word to make communication and 22 having a message in the sentence. It can come from the spontaneity or the intentionally arranged sentence. It depends on how is the portion in using utterance itself. According to Talley and Hui- ling (2017) who cited the statement from Khail Bakthin that utterance has four features, namely:

(a) boundaries as a bounder by a charge of speech subject in the utterance. (b) Responsitivity that the utterance must be either responding or following a previous utterance or generating dialogue.

(c) Finalization is an utterance must have clear ending and occurs if the speaker has said everything he or she wishes to say. (d) generic from is the choice of the speech genre is determined based on the spesific circumstances and scope in which the dialogue occurs.

9. Sandiaga Uno

Sandiaga Uno was born in Pekanbaru, Riau, june 28, 1969. He is an entrepeneur and politician in Indonesia. Sandiaga Uno established .a company ‘PT Saratoga Advisor’ that operates in financial. This bussiness was succesful and has taken over some other companies. In 2009, he was selected as the richest man which he was the 29th position according to the Forbes’s magazine.

In years 2017. Sandiaga Uno was chosen as the vice governor in jakarta after defeating his opposite in the election of governor. He had ever lead from october 17, 2017 – September 18, 2018 after finally he decided to enroll as the candidate of vice president with as the candidate of president to the period 2019-2024.

10. Sandiaga Uno’s Utterances

When the debate was going on, he said that he has invited about 1500 in visiting of society nearly 7 months in the beggining of statement. In his trip, many complains of them during the current government lead in Indonesia and they hope any significant changes future. He took their aspirations as his experiences to make solution in order to the audience believed to him. With his 23 entrepeneur’s background and the wealth got by him, Sandiaga Uno will help to do the development of characteristic human, technology and economics as the part of his approach to convince them.

B. Previous Relevant Studies

Either transitivity or CDA (Critical Discourse Analysis), they had been used by many reseachers to solve the language in political issues. So the reseacher presented three previous studies to support this research. The first one was the journal made by Zhu Yujie and Li Fengjie

(2018) namely, Transitivity Analysis of American President Donald Trump’s Inaugural Address.

Their journal was aimed to analyze the process verbal showed by Donald Trump as the participant in this journal. By applying Transitivity System as the method to give the answer in terms of ideational function. Moreover, it was also refered to find the political motivation and explore its deep social significance. This journal used descriptive-qualitative analysis and using the systemic functional grammar’s theory in the part of clause as representation. From the result had been achieved from this paper, the material process as the most frequenlty used by Donald trump. The relational process and mental process took the second and the third. The reseachers of this journal stated that material process waas strongly involved in transferring power to the people while the relational process was used in advocating for U.S interests in international contacts-america first and the last mental process was often seen in recovering the audience’s confidence.

The second one was Transitivity Analysis of Hillary Clinton’s and Donald Trump’s First

Television Debate written in the journal by Yichao Zhang (2017). This journal refered to explain the simmilarities or differences from the distribution of six processes used by two candidates and also described the reasons of such distributions and their functions in helping the speakers to convey their intentions. This research utilized the transitivity’s theory as the method presented by 24

Halliday to find out its answer. According to Zhang in the yield of this journal, he claimed that material process, relational process and mental process were relatively dominate in both candidates’ speeches. while compared with Hillary, Trump tended to use more exisential process. in political discourse, the speaker measured their words with special caution to interact with people, to express their atitiudes and judgements and to influence the viewpoints and behaviour of the audience, which was mainly the realization of interpersonal function.

And the last for supporting the research was the journal that had been published by Nova

Anggraini and Murni Fidiyanti (2018) namely, ‘Transitivity Process and Ideological Construction of Donald Trump Speeches’. This research utilised association between transitivity and CDA as the primary method. For the CDA’s method, the reseachers took the fairclough’s framework to determine what his ideology constructed in the Donald Trump’s speeches. The type of analysis was descriptive-qualitative method. This paper was aimed to reveal the ideology happened in the variety types of Donald Trump’s sppech that they were about campaign speech in Charlotte, victory speech and inauguration speech. The findings in this journal is concluded that the material process was dominant in campaign speech in Charlotte and inauguration speech while for inauguration speech, the relation process was often used in his statements. Moreover, Donald

Trump also tried to construct democratic view in his speeches to as the persuasive strategy to convince the public of American.

From the research above had shown that the method between transitivity and ideology by using CDA were successful applied in the political situation especailly for sppech or argumentaion.

By all means, from the result of this study could be expected to be sucessful with the research analyzed in the Sandiaga Uno’s utterances as the object. It was also hoped that the obtained yield 25 could be knowledge to look his point of view, advantage or disadvantage from his speech and ideology carried by him through the message of his speech.

C. Conceptual Framework

Transitivity is a method to find out the answers in each spoken statement. This method is commonly used to analyze the strctural sentence and the experiental value. Transitivity is used to identify the verbal processes used in a sentence. This method is also associated with the influence of his experience or view occured in the particular situation so that an option appears in the sentence that come from the result of the relationship between the view and the perception of the speaker. Transitivity is consisted of three components in classifying a sentence, namely participants, process and circumstances. In the process component, there are 6 types of processes, namely, material, mental, relation, behavior, verbal, existential. It also has the types of circumstances such as extent, location, manner. cause, contigency, accompaniment, role, matter and angle. This method will be used to see what the processes are used in the sentence spoken by

Sandiaga Uno as the speaker. Moreover, it also has the function to see what the processes are dominant in the speech.

Transitivity also constitutes as the part of description stage in Fairclough’s framework. It will support this research to uncover the ideology such as liberalism, democracy, capitalism and so on. How the society can construct an ideology through the transitivity process applied by the speaker. It will detect to express the ideology as the main purpose from Sandiaga Uno which it is displayed in each of the addresed arguments. Therefore,. this theory will interpret the discourse to produce the results that will be elaborated to find out the speaker’s perception in convincing the audience. 26

Figure 1. Transitivity process in collecting the result



Mental SFG Transitivity Process Relational

Behavioural l Verbal Exisential

Extent and Location



Circumstance Contigency e Accompaniment






A. Research Design

The reseacher used descriptive- qualtitative analysis in this research. It was designed with more naration or explanation to find the answer and conclusion in this matters. This research focused on the patterns of sentences in utterances by reviewing every statements to representate the meaning with transitivity system as the part of SFL (Systemic Functional Grammar ) collaborated by applying the CDA’s study (critical discourse analysis) where it was committed with the fairclough’s framework as an approach of analysis to find the ideology constructed by speaker. Then the video was analyzed to fulfil the criteria from the issue of this research by choosing the video of debate on Sandiaga Uno in the third debate of vice presidential election. The statement of video was turned into the transcription of text to give a prove in the answer of problems.

B. Source of the Data

The source data in this research was taken and seen from the third debate of presidential election in youtube. The video had four themes about education, employment, social-culture and health. It had been held march 14th, 2019.

C. The Technique of Data Collection

In collecting the data for this research, the reseacher used the documentation method to see the content uttered. It was applied to obtain the data from the source of video.

There were some steps to collect the data:

27 28

1. Searching and then downloading the the third debate of vice presidential election’ videos from


2. Watching the video in order to understand what the statement was, and to make observation


3. taking notes to make the transcription of text..

4. indentifying the text and categorizing to find the answer of the problem.

D. The Technique of Data Analysis

There were two steps in the technique of data analysis after the data were collected as follows:

1. identifying the data

The first step of data analysis was the data identified to get result from each clauses of transitivity by presentating the percentage of them. Therefore, the reseacher counted all utterances to show how was percentage in each process occured in six segments of the debate and what were the types of transitivity that dominated in the utterance.

2. describing the data

The second step of data analysis was describing some findings in the data by doing CDA

(Critical Discourse Analysis). It constituted a theory and method of analyzing the way individuals and institutions use language (Richardson, 2007). Moreover, the research took the Fairclough’s framework from CDA as the technique to analyze the data in this research to interprate the context.

It had three dimensional model to give explanation from the spoken utterances. These steps of the framework were classified below:

29 a. description

This steps was concerned with the composition of the text that depended on the linguistic’study. It had the kind of features in the text which it was found out to solve the problem of the text, transitivity system was applied as the represenation from grammatically sentences. In this system, there were three measures used to be analyzed as follows:

1. what types of prominent process?

the process was taken based on the verb process that came out from the utterances. It was included from verb phrase where it may dominated in each the pattern of sentences. The result was discovered and defined as the coherent yield classified with the transitivity process of clauses. The data was displayed by using the table and it was arranged into the parts of transitivity process and then the sentence was indicated to the kinds of them.

2. what types of participant?

After finishing the category of transitivity process in each clause or sentence that had been investigated, the following step was discovering what the type of participant was. It was found out by looking over the available noun phrase in each utterance then linked with the types of transitivity process

3. what types of circumstantial element that are appeared?

The last step was figuring out the circumstance that appeared in a clause by marking the adverbial or preposition phrase inserted in the sentences. This showed the circumstances involved to give the obvious information such as place, time and so on. b. interpretation

Interpretation used the fairclough’s framework to see deeper the sense from the utterances.

This observed the utterance based on the grammatical structure into macro-analysis. Therefore, 30 the process was related with the participant’s background and the reason of why the participant put out the sentences that could enable gaining the meaning. c. explanation

In the final stage, explanation was connected with the context as a sosial practice and interaction. It was collaborated with the process of production and interpretation that had been done before. Then all of them elaborated the discourse that affected the social effect.



A. Finding

The data of this research were taken from the script of Sandiaga Uno’s utterances in the third debate of presidential election held on 14th april 2019. It was analyzed from sentences in the list of segments consisted from six segments. The sentences contained the transitivity process would be the first analysis in this research. The process resulted in this research would be marked by using the coding to know what types of the sentence. It would be made for instance (MaP) was meant as material process, (MeP) was categorized as mental process, (ReP) was indicated as relational process, (BeP) was made to identify behavioural process, (VeP) was made as the sign from verbal process and (ExP).was used as exisential process. Moreover, the use of coding (D) and (M) also would be used in this research where (D) was definition and (M) was meaning.

Furthemore, interpretation and explanation would be the next analysis to find out in each sentences on the script and related with the aspects of ideology implied by Sandiaga Uno in his utterances.

In this research, there were three questions that must be answered. The first one was about the prominent process of transitivity, the second one was about the revelation of the types ideology, and the last one was about the reason in using the transitivity.

From the result of the data that had been composed, there were 394 of transitivity process found in the Sandiaga Uno’s utterances where the material process was excessively uttered until this process was dominated by other processes. The result counted based on the entire utterances consisting of six segments. The material process was placed as the first dominant process that reached 54,5% then followed by the relational process as the second dominant process as much as

31 32

24,1% in his utterances. The mental process was placed in the third dominant process that obtained

13.7%t. Moreover, The verbal, exisential and behavioural processes were counted as a small number of processes used by speaker that reached any 4,8% for verbal, 1,5% for exisential and

1,2% for behavioural. These results proved that Sandiaga Uno tried to apply the material process more than the other processes as the way to persuade the audience in the third debate of presidential election.

B. Discussion

1. Material Process

Material Process became the most applied by speaker in his address delivered in the front of the public. It illustrated the situation happened when the precedessor president lead the country of Indonesia. The speaker brought utterances that referred to actions as the approach to the audience such as the speaker’s commitment to plan the policy in the future, as showed in the following the data:

( kami pastikan dalam 200 hari, akar permasalahan BPJS dan JKN akan kita selesaikan )

‘’We ascertain in 200 days, the source of the BPJS and JKN’s problems we will finish them’’


It indicated that the sentence had two material processes ‘’ascertain’’ and ‘’finish’’ and the word ‘’we’’was categorized as the actor. Moreover, the sentence ‘’the source of the BPJS and

JKN’s problems’’was showed as the goal completed by the circumstance ‘’200 days’’ as extent that referred to the duration. In this case, the utterance was implied by the speaker by using the word ‘’ we’’ pointed to Prabowo and Sandi who had the status as the candidate of president. The 33 speaker used the material process by using the word ‘’ascertain’’ interpreted as his commitment with the duration as long as 200 days to end up the problem happened between BPJS and JKN as the object direction from the word ‘’finish’’. the speaker also said the other commitments to give his promise for the audience in the next utterance as follows:

( kita pastikan defisit ditutup dengan penghitungan melibatkan putra-putri terbaik bangsa )

‘’We ascertain the deficit closed with the calculation involving the best youth of nation’’


It explained that the sentence was included in the material process where it used the word

‘’ascertain’’ committed by the word ‘’we’’identified as the actor. Moreoever, The phrase ‘’the defisit closed’’ was identified as the goal in the utterance then followed by the phrase ’’with the calculation involving the best youth nation’’ that was classified as the means type . It was one of kinds circumstance (manner). Therefore, the sentence implied that Sandiaga Uno made commitment to the audience by using the verb ‘’ascertain’’ to close the defisit of BPJS. It was also applied as the alternative that involved the human resources in Indonesia.

The speaker used the material process to criticize the implementation of BPJS operated by the precedessor president which it was displayed below as follows:

( harus menghadirkan pelayanan kesehatan yang prima bagi masyarakat )

‘’It must present the first-rate health services for people’’ (MaP72/DM72)

It showed that the word ‘’it’’ was classified as the actor and the verb ‘’present’’ was directed to ‘’the first-rate health services’’ as the goal. Moreover, the phrase ‘’for people’’ was identified for the part of circumstance (cause) as the behalf type. Therefore, the utterance construed that Sandiaga Uno criticized about the problem faced by Mrs.Lisa by using the word ‘’must present’’ as the form of criticism to the BPJS’s system. It meant that BPJS should give the first 34 health services to the people especially for the patient. Because the problem occured to the implementation of BPJS, The speaker decided to repair it which the utterance would be showed as follows:

( BPJS akan disempurnakan )

‘’BPJS will be made perfectly’’ (MaP77/DM77)

It explained that it formed the material process where the word ‘’BPJS’’ was categorized as the goal. It was connected with the verb ‘’made’’ as the process. Moreover, the word

‘’perfectly’’ was called as the circumstance (manner) which it was the quality type. It was interpreted that the speaker also involved ‘’BPJS’’ was the one of the Sandiaga Uno’s plan to develop it besides the JKN’s system so that BPJS could have the quality of perfection.

The speaker also used the material process in the theme of social and culture to spread a view over the audience that the culture could give an advantage. For instance, the utterance said by the speaker as follows:

( jika pemertintah berpihak pada pembangunan budaya, bisa mengajak banyak sekali pihak-pihak yang lain )

‘’If the government take sides to the development of culture, it can invite many other parties’’(MaP145/DM145)

It described that the sentence ‘’if the government take sides to the development of culture’’ was categorized as the circumstance (contigency) which it was the condition type. Moreover, the word ‘’It’’ was identified as the actor because the sentence formed the material process. It was marked with the verb ‘’invite’’ as the process to reach the goal ‘’many another parties’’. The utterance implied that Sandiaga Uno explained to the audience about how the way to make the other parties join with the speaker by saying ‘’the government take sides to the development of 35 culture’’ as the condition that could give the positive effect for the cuture of Indonesia. This was supported by the next utterance where the speaker elaborated the word ‘’many another parties’’ meant by him as follows:

( seperti dunia usaha, akademisi-akademisi, universitas-universitas bisa ditingkatkan dengan kurrikulum ynag mengarahkan minat untuk mencintai kebudayaan kita )

“Like the bussiness world, scolarships, universities can be increased with the curriculum directing interest to love our culture”(MaP146/DM146).

It presentated that the first part was the goal identified in the words ‘’ the bussiness world, scolarship, universities’’ and the verb ‘’increase’’ was the process which it was referred to the sentence ‘’with the curriculum directing interest to love our culture’’ identified as the circumstance

(manner) which it was the means type. Moreover, Sandiaga Uno gave examples to the audience that the participants who accepted the positive effect was the sentence ‘’the bussiness world, scolarships, and universities’’ Furthermore, the speaker also explained the way to reach the purpose by saying ‘’the curriculum directing interest to love our culture’’ as one alternative to increase them.

2. Mental Process

Mental Process referred to his pshcologycal caused by the phonemenon faced during the speaker did visitation at any regions. It was representated as the process of sense such thinking, feeling, seeing and willing. Sandiaga Uno concluded the result of his experience by using the process as the way to give a picture or view to the audience so that they could use their sense to comprehend and believe. as displayed in the following data:

( Prabowo-Sandi melihat masa depan indonesia cerah ) 36

‘’Prabowo-Sandi see that the future of Indonesia is bright’’(Mep7/DM7)

It showed that the word ‘’see’’ was categorized as the perception type where ‘’Prabowo-

Sandi’’ was the senser and the phrase ‘’ the future of Indonesia bright’’ was placed as the phenomenon. In this case, Sandiaga Uno used the word ‘’see’’ as his perspective to convince the audience where the senser ’’ Prabowo and Sandi’’ concluded that the senser believed the future of Indonesia was bright.

The process was also used to tell the desires of people which it was explained in the following data:

( mereka menginginkan lapangan kerja yang terbuka. Anak-anak muda menginginkan peluang usaha, emak-emak menginginkan harga-harga bahan pokok yang terjangkau, biaya pendidikan, biaya kesehatan dan biaya listrik yang lebih murah )

‘’They want the available vacancy jobs, the young people desire the business oppurtinites, the moms want the achievable prices of staple, the cheaper cost of education, health and electricity’’(MeP9/DM9).

It indicated that there were two mental processes in the word ‘’want’’ and ‘’desire’’ which they were categorized as the affection type. Moreover, there were three subjects ‘’they’’,

‘’the young people’’ and ‘’ the moms’’ as the senser in the utterance. Furthemore, there were also three phenomenons in the phrases ‘’ the available vacancy jobs as the first phenomenon, ‘’the bussiness oppurtiities’’ as the second phenomenon and ‘’the adequate of price of staple, the cheaper cost of education, health and electricity’’ as the third phenomenon. The utterance construed that Sandiaga Uno used the affection process consisted of the words ‘’want’’ and

‘’desire’’. The speaker involved the society that was divided into three subjects as the senser. For instance, the speaker said ‘’ they’’ that referred to the society while the second and third senser, 37 the speaker classified to the status level called with ‘’the young people’’ and ‘’the moms’’.

Sandiaga Uno used his sense to give conclusion based on what the speaker had faced or seen by applying the affection word to represent the phenomenon occured which it was adjusted with the desire of three senser.

The speaker also used the process to talk of the human resources had by the country of

Indonesia. This was supported by the utterance as follows:

( saya melihat begitu banyak anak-anak muda di Indonesia yang memiliki kemampuan untuk menciptakan terobosan-terobosan di bidang pertanian )

‘’I saw so many young people in Indonesia who had ability to create the breaktrough at agriculture field’’(MeP48/DM48).

It analyzed that the word ‘’I’’ was called as the senser because there was the mental process in the verb ‘’saw’’ as the perception type. The sentence ‘’so many young people in Indonesia who have the ability to create the breaktrough at agriculture field” was indicated as the phenomenon. It was interpreted that Sandiaga Uno explained his perception to the audience where the word ‘’I’’ was representated to the speaker itself. Moreover, he used his sense to the phenomenon then he concluded that many young people had the ability to innovate. Then the speaker narrowed from the general ability had by the young people into the agriculture field.

Additionally, the speaker applied the mental process as the way to express his feeling to the particular objects like the data below as follows:

( saya percaya anak-anak muda Indonesia itu pinter-pinter sekali )

“I believe that the children of Indonesia are very smart”(MeP65/DM65).

It clarified that the mental type was formed in this process of sentence where the word ‘’I’’ was selected as the senser. The verb ‘’believe’’ was the process that constituted the cognition type 38 and the sentence ‘’the young people in Indonesia are very smart’’ was identified as the phenomenon. It meant that Sandiaga Uno uttered the statement based on his feeling to the audience by using the word ‘’believe’’. The speaker convinced the audirnce by illustrating the phenomenon from the young people in Indonesia that they were very smart.

3. Relational Process

Relational Process was used to give information for the audience where it was representated in the attribute or the value. The speaker attempted to tell the audience about the situaton had by the subject. Sandiaga Uno applied the process by relatng between one entity thing with something offered by the speaker to the audience which it would be described below as follows:

( Prabowo-Sandi memiliki solusi di bidang pendidkan )

‘’ Prabowo-Sandi have the solution in the education affairs’’(ReP10/DM10).

It showed that the word ‘’have’’ constituted the part of the relational process classified as the attributive possession and the phrase ‘’Prabowo-Sandi’’ was determined as the carrier.

Moreover, the phrase ‘’the solution’’ was classified as the attribute then it proceed by the phrase’’

In the education affairs’’ that had position as the circumstance (matter). The utterance construed that Sandiaga Uno gave information to the audience where the speaker said ‘’Prabowo-Sandi’’ was referred to Prabowo and the speaker itself. They both had something called as solution to accomplish the matters in the education affairs implied. Furthemore, the sentence was supported by the next utterance to tell what the solution was. It would be explained below as follows:

( dua yang utama, pertama pendidikan tuntas berkualitas. Menngkatkan kualitas pendidikan adalah kualitas guru, kesejahteraan guru ) 39

‘’It is two eminent solutions, the first is the complete qualified education. Upgrading the quality of education is the quality of teacher, the prosperity of teacher’’(ReP11/DM11).

It analyzed that there were three attributive intenses which they were consctructed by using the same to be ‘’is’’. The sentence also had three tokens consisted of the subjects ‘’it’’, ‘’the first’’ and ‘’upgrading the quality of education. From three tokens and three relational process, they brought three values as the object of sentence. They were ‘’two eminent solution’’, ‘’the complete qualified education’’ and ‘’the quality of teacher, the prosperity of teacher’’. Therefore, the utterance was concluded that Sandiaga Uno elaborated his solution which one was described about the increasing of quality or value from the teacher and education.

Sandiaga Uno also used the relational process to tell the things had by the subject as the label or attribute for some of them. The speaker tried to give their definition to the audience which it would be described in the following data:

( Indonesia adalah negeri yang kaya, sumber daya alamnya melimpah, sumber daya manusianya hebat-hebat, pintar-pintar dan rajin-rajin )

‘’ Indonesia is the wealth country, the natural resources are overwhelming, the human resources are great, smart and diligent’’(ReP105/DM105).

it indicated that the sentence formed the relational process which it had three carriers such as ‘’Indonesia’’, ‘’the natural resources’’ and ‘’the human resources’’. The sentence also had two attributive intens discovered in tobe ‘’is’’ and ‘’are’’. Tobe ‘’is’’ was represented for the word

‘’Indonesia’’ and tobe ‘’are’’ was referred to the natural resources and the human resources.

Moreover, the part of attribute had three attributes in this utterance like ‘’the wealth country’’ as the first attribute, ‘’overwhelming’’ as the second attribute and ‘’great, smart and diligent’’ as the third attribute. Therefore, the utterance representated that Sandiaga Uno opened the statement in 40 the third segment by involving the component of Indonesia as the information for the audience.

The speaker involved some things in Indonesia such as ‘’the natural resources’’ and ‘’the human resources’’ as something that had the good attribute.

Sandiaga Uno also told the audience about the stunting where the speaker used the relational process to explain the status labeled over the issue, for example:

( masalah stunting sangat-sangat ada dalam tahap yang gawat darurat )

‘’ The problem of stunting is very extremely in a stage of emergency (ReP225/DM225).

It described that the utterance formed the relational process where the phrase ‘’the problem of stunting’’ was constructed as the token and tobe ‘’is’’ was marked as the identifying intens to identify ‘’ very exteremly in a stage of emergency’’ as the value. Sandiaga Uno tried to give his opinion which the context discussed was about the problem of stunting. The speaker labeled the stunting by using the sentence ‘’ very exteremely in a stage of emergency’’ as the information from its existance in Indonesia.

4. Behavioural Process

Behavioural Process was found as the most little process used by Sandiaga Uno. It was marked as the process that had the relation between the material process and the mental process.

Behavioural Process needed the pshychological action to do something. The consious movement became the thing that identified this process. It was realized as the information how the speaker or the behaver would do something which it would be described below as follows:

( kita melihat bagaimana nanti kita akan merekrut dunia usaha )

‘’We look how we will recruit the bussiness world’’(BeP115/DM115). 41

It explained that the sentence formed the behavioural process where the word ‘’we’’ was categorized as the behaver and the verb ‘’look’’ was identified as the behavioural process. It was applied to the circumstance (matter) found in the sentence ‘’how we will recruit the bussiness world’’. Moreover, the utterance representated that Sandiaga Uno used the verb ‘’look’’ as the consious behaviour where ‘’we’’ was defined as the people who did the process to give their way about the bussiness world. Therefore, the behavioural process was identified in the speaker’s utterance as the process of behaving to response something given by the object which it would be displayed in the next following data:

( kami mendengar keluhan, masukan dan harapan )

‘’We listened to the complain, suggestion and hope’’(BeP6/DM6).

It illustrated that the word ‘’listened’’ was categorized as the behavioural process snd the word ‘’we’’ as the behaver. Moreover, the words ‘’complain, suggestion and hope’’ were placed as the behaviour. The utterance representated that Sandiga Uno used the behavioural process in his argument by saying the word ‘’we’’ directed to Sandiaga Uno and his partner. The speaker tried to listened the society’s opinion that came from their process of behaviour and then it was concluded by the speaker into “complain”, suggestion, and hope implied as the conclusion of the society’s behaviour.

This process was also applied by Sandiaga Uno where the speaker appealed to ask the audience in assessing something. It would be descibed below as follows:

( jika kita melihat sesuatu dalam pandangan holistik yang komprehensif )

‘if we look something in the holistic view that is comprehensive’’ (BeP150/DM150).

It analyzed that the behavioural process was identified in the sentence where the verb

‘’look’’ was categorized as the process and the word ’ we’’ was marked as the behaver. Moreover, 42

The sentence ‘’the holistic view that is comprhensive’’ was placed as the behaviour. Therefore, the utterance representated that Sandiaga Uno attempted to invite the audience by using the word

‘’we’’ which it was representated to the speaker and the people. The speaker used the sentence

‘’look something in the holistic view’’ as the purpose of his utterance to the audience.

5. Verbal Process

Verbal Process was one of the most little process found in the Sandiaga Uno’s utterances.

It was identified as the verbal symbol that addresesed the signal for someone who called with the receiver. This process was applied to give the verbiage over his audience which it was usually used in the last utterance when the speaker broached to make the sign that the speaker had finished his argument. The example would be given in the following explanation:

( terima kasih )

‘’thank you’’(VeP35/DM35).

It indicated that the sentence constructed the verbal process where the word ‘’thank’’ was the process and the word ‘’you’’ as the receiver. The utterance construed that Sandiaga Uno said

‘’thank you’’ as the closing taddresed to the audience. The word ‘’you’’ was spread out to all of the audience.

There was also the verbal process used where the speaker appealed to the audience in doing something for example :

( jangan menyalahkan satu sama lain )

‘’do not blame one another’’(VeP74/DM74).

It described that there was the verbal process in the utterance where the verb ‘’ blame’’ was indicated as the process into the phrase ‘’one another’’ classified as the target. It was 43 interpreted as the command sentence where Sandiaga Uno asked the audience not to use their verbal ‘’blame’’ as the bad way to one another. Furthermore, the verbal process was discovered in the data as restating from the another participant or known as the sayer to give the truth was happening in Indonesia. as explained in the following data:

( menyatakan bahwa dari total 400 triliun lebih yang 60% dianggarkan ke daerah belum menghadirkan pendidikan yang berkualitas )

‘’Sri Mulyani stated that from the total of 400 billions more which 60% calculated to the territory does not present the quality of education’’(VeP196/DM196).

It classified that the sentence was realized as the verbal process where the sayer ‘’Sri

Mulyani’’ did the process ’’stated’’. The verbiage was found in the sentence ‘’from the total of

400 billions more which 60% calculated to the territory still does not present the wuality of education’’. Therefore, the utterance representated that Sandiaga Uno restated the Sri Muyani’s statement to tell the audience about the cause from the low quality of education.

6. Exisential Process

Exisential process was used to explain the existence of things consisted of the facilites or the event. This process was found in the Sandiaga Uno’s utterances aimed to tell the presence of facilities in one of his program, as described in the following data:

( disana ada co-working space, disitu ada lapangan olahraga, bermain tenis meja, bola basket maupun kegiatan-kegiatan training seperti barista coffee )

‘’ There is co-working space, there are sport venues, playing the table tennis, basketball even the training activities such as the coffee barista’’(ExP282/DM282) 44

It explained that the sentence was constructed as the exisential process . The word ‘’ there is’’ was called the process to present the existent (entity) which it was found in the sentence “co- workin space”. Then the word “there are” was implied to identify the words “sport venues, playing the table tennis, basketball even the training activities such as the coffee barista’’. Therefore, the utterance construed that Sandiaga Uno explained the facilities in the Rumah Saip Kerja’s program to the audience by saying ‘’ co-working space, sport venues, playing the table tennis, basketball even the training activities such as the coffee barista’’ as the facilties told by the speaker to the audience.

The exisential process was implied as the existance of the people’s wishes which it would be explained below as follows:

( ada yang menginginkan desain grafis, ada yang perlu mengasah keteramplanya berbahasa inggris )

‘’ There was someone who wanted the graphic design, there was someone who needed to whet the skill in english language’’(ExP120/DM120).

It showed that the sentence was formed as the exisential process where tobe ‘’was’’ was used to identify two entity existents such as the sentences ‘’someone who wanted the graphic design’’ and ‘’someone who needed to whet the skill in english language. Therefore, the utterance implied that Sandiaga Uno explained his experience to the audience where the speaker described it by using ‘’there was someone who wanted the graphic design. The sentence ‘’there was someone who needed to whet the skill in english language’’ as the existent (event) when the speaker was being there. In addition, this process was discovered to state the speaker’s hope about the trouble in the hospital which it would be described in the following data:

( tidak ada antrian yang panjang ) 45

‘’there is nothing the long queue’’(ExP21/DM21).

It showed that the sentence was formed as the exisential process. The word ‘’is’’ was defined as the process then followed by the word ‘’ the long queue’’ classified as the existent

(event). The utterance interpreted that Sandiaga Uno gave a statement that ‘’the long queue’’ was implied as the event had to be finished.

It was also identified in the utterance that would be explained below as follows:

( tidak ada lagi kekisruhan )

‘’there is no longer the chaos’’(ExP312/DM312).

It analyzed that the sentence constructed the exisential process where the word ‘’there is’’ was identified as the process to present the existent (event) found in the phrase ‘’ no longer the chaos’’. Therefore, the utterance implied that Sandiaga Uno ordered the audience about the existance of event occured by saying ‘’ There is no longer the chaos’’ as the explanation of the event.

7. Interpretation and Explanation

Interpretaion and Explanation were the stages which they were related with the sentence elements such as semantic, grammar and metaphore. These stages analyzed how the compisition of word was produced and consumed by the speaker then it would be connected with the background’s participant or the social relation and many things involved based on the interdiscplinary linguistic. Moreover, Interpretaion and Explanation would use the multidicplinary as the alternative to observe the utterance in the terms of macro-analysis so the political ideologiy could be obtained through the interdiscursive investigation. Therefore, The data would be looked through in the list of segment from one to six segments. 46

Sandiaga Uno tried to promise over the audience in the first segment, as described in the following utterances:

( kami akan meningkatkan kesejahteraan )

‘’We will enhance the prosperity’’.

( saya yakn bahwa masa depan anak muda kita bisa kita berikan kesempatan untuk lapangan kerja)

‘’I believe that our youth future can we give a chance for the job’’.

These sentences had the inclination to the socialism because they were found as the system of socalism to give the equal right for the citizens in the state. This was supported in the next utterance which it would be described as follows:

( masyarakat menginginkan lapangan kerja yang terbuka. Anak-anak muda menginginkan peluang usaha. Emak-emak menginginkan harga-harga bahan pokok yang terjangkau, biaya pendidikan, biaya kesehatan dan biaya listrik)

‘’they want the achivable vacancy jobs, the young people desire the bussiness oppurtinities, the moms want the adequate price of staple, the cheaper cost of education, health and electricity’’.

It illustrated that there were the problems where sandiaga Uno classified the first word

‘’they’’. It was representated as the society in Indonesia who were still had not got the job. Then the speaker classified the people as the object into the class of age where the word ‘’young people’’ was implied as the fresh-graduate and the word ‘’the moms’’ was referred to the dominant problems like the need of household. Moreover, the speaker also wanted to erase the descrimination of religion because he currently saw the ambience occured in Indonesia where the different religious followers was not friendly and respect one another. As showed in the following utterance: 47

( kita pastikan toleransi dan yang dimiliki bangsa ini menjadi salah satu fokus utama kita )

“we ascertain the tolerance and this country’s property to be one our main focus’’

It described that Sandiaga Uno attempted to make approach for the audience by involving the points of socialism in the first segment where the religious followers must help together and get along. Furthemore, the speakaer also said the country’s property to be our main focusin the first segment. It interpreted that the facilities in the state must be used properly for all citizens. In addition, the speaker also preferred to explain the academic research who was not utilized correctly in the discussion of the education. Therefore, the speaker tried to give solution over the audience, for example:

( kuncinya adalah kolaborasi )

‘’the key is collaboration’’.

It explained that Sandiaga Uno gave his opininon by saying ‘’collaboration” as the wayout to solve the problem of the academic research. The utterance uttered in the second segment was connected with his solution to collaborate government to manage the result of research. Therefore, moslty of his uterrances, the speaker involved the young people who were labeled as the creator of research and the government as the donors in this segment. Then Sandiaga Uno had the inclination to choose the object from the female gender for example :

( kami meyakini kalau gernerasi muda, ibu-ibu, perempuan hebat, perempuan mandiri yang terlibat di posyandu juga di tambah anggaran dan kesejahteraanya, mereka bisa menurunkan angka kematian ibu yang sekarang masih ada di atas 300) 48

‘’we believe if the young generation, the ladies, the great women, the independently women involved in the intergrated health post also are added up their budget and prosperity, they can decrease the rate of the mother’s death that it is currently still above 300’’.

It construed that Sandiaga Uno uttered the ladies, the great women, the independently women in the second segment where the speaker implied that the object was the important participants if they had the more budget. Sandiaga Uno inferred that those participants could give the effect for the mothers in Indonesia. Therefore, the speaker used the material process ‘’can decrease’’ as the ability to breakdown the rate of the mother’s death if the fulfilled condition

Additionally, Sandiaga Uno criticized the government in the second segment where it discussed about the health. The speaker used the metaphore to criticize how the way to implement of the first-rate health serviccs which it was explained below as follows:

( karena untuk pelayanan kesehatan prima, negara tidak boleh absen, negara tidak boleh pelit )

‘’because for the first-rate health services, the country must not be absence, the country must not be stingy’’.

It interpreted that Sandiaga Uno used the adjective ‘’absence’’ and ‘’stingy’’ as the attribute for the country. The phrase ‘’the country’’ was interpreted by the speaker as the government controlling the budget of BPJS. Sandiaga Uno implied to the audience that the government who managed BPJS must give the enough budget to provide the first-rate health services for the patient. Therefore, the speaker apply the ideology of socialism so that there was no one who did not get the inquity in the hospital.

Sandiaga Uno involved the other participants in the third segment about employment affairs such as the private enterprise and the state-owned corporation because the speaker 49 attempted to give a view over the audience where the approach of socialism was given for the unemployed of the vocational school which it would be explained below as follows:

( perusahaan swasta dan BUMN yang kita akan berikan insentif agar mereka menawarkan program magang dan co-op kepada para anak-anak muda )

‘’the private enterprise and the state-owned corporation which we will give the incentive so that they offer the intership’s program and co-op for the young people”.

It implied that Sandiaga Uno offered the solution for the vocational students by giving the incentive two corporations to help them. The incentive came from the national budget transfered over those participants as the mediator for the vocational school. Moreover, the speaker said the sentence ‘’we will give the incentive’’ which it was interpreted that Sandiaga Uno and Prabowo

Subianto to implement their decision if they won the election. His ideology also was supported by the next utterance in the third segment, for example:

( kita akan hadirkan di tiap kecamatan sampai ke tingkat desa )

‘’we will present in each the sub-district to the rural area’’.

It explained that Sandiaga Uno and Prabowo Subianto would use the budget from the state by spreading it out to the two areas so that the problem in the emplyoment affairs could be equal to be obtained which it was concerned to the young people or the vocational students. In addition, the speaker also gave the slogan in his utterance. It gave a view to the audience that he was implementating his ideology inclined to the socialism by using the word ‘’fair’’ and prosperous’’, for example:

( kami yakini Indonesia menang, adil, makmur bersama Prabowo-Sandi )

‘’we believe that Indonesia is victory, fair, prosperous with Prabowo-Sandi’’. 50

Sandiaga Uno tried to develop his discussion about the social and culture by stating that the culture could be developed into the thing producing the benefit.

The first thing appealed by Sandiaga Uno was his opinion to give a view over the audience that the culture was developed by involving the insitutes as the contibutors. It would be describe in the following utterance:

( kalau bicara tentang budaya, banyak sekali pihak yang ingin membantu baik dari dunia usaha )

‘’if we talk of the culture, so many parties who want to help either from the bussiness world”.

( teman-teman yang bergerak di universitas juga )

“the counterparts who work at the university as well”.

It interpreted that Sandiaga Uno told the audience that there were the parties who wanted to develop the culture of Indonesia by using the way such as the curriculum that had the function to love the culture. Sandiaga Uno tried to give his ideology to collaborate between the government and those parties to make the culture became the job oppurtinities given away to the young people in Indonesia . This was supported in the next utterances as follows:

( di bawah Prabowo-Sandi, kita akan tingkatkan bukan hanya anggarannya tapi wewenangnya juga untuk mengkolaborasi semua kekuatan yang kita miliki )

‘’with Prabowo-Sandi, we will not only increase the budget but also its authority to colaborate all powers that we have’’.

It explained that Sandiaga Uno tried to convince the audience where the utterance was said in the third segment. The speaker used the first word ‘’we’’ interpred to Sandiaga Uno and his partner, Prabowo Subianto. It implied that the speaker had the power to increase the big amount and implementation which those objects were representated to the bugdet of country. While the second word ‘’we’’ was implied as his asking over the audience to colaborate the power to 51 develope the culture of Indonesia by connecting the budget and the parties involved. Therefore, those alternatives had the beneficial function to erase the inequity for young people by creating the job oppurtinites in terms of culture, as showed in the following utterances:

( bukan hanya bisa melestarikan budaya kita tapi juga menciptakan letupan-letupan ekonomi yang akan membuka lapangan kerja untuk anak-anak muda kita)

‘’not only can preserve our culture but also create the explosition of economy that will create the job for our young people’’.

It construed that Sandiaga Uno spread his view to the audience in third segment that the alternative and solution uttered by the speaker could give the effect to finish the problem of joblessness in Indonesia which he used the metaphore ‘’the explosition of economy’’ in his utterance. It was interpreted as appearing the job created massively. Based on the conclusion, his solution could give removing the social discrepancy where the speaker more involved the young people in Indonesia as the victim from the social discrepancy.

There was also the theme found from his statement addressed to the audience in the fourth segment where Sandiaga Uno tended to discuss of UMKM. It was the operation to make bussines in the micro-scale which this policy was provided for the society who was in the mid-class level. mostly of his utterance in this session described about the explantion of UMKM. Therefore,

Sandiaga Uno attempted to give informtion about UMKM, for example:

( Prabowo-Sandi melihat bahwa UMKM adalah solusi untuk penciptaan lapangan pekerjaan )

‘’Prabowo-Sandi see that UMKM is the solution to the creating of the job’’.

( UMKM jumlahnya adalah 99,9% dari unit usaha yang dimiliki bangsa ini dari total 55 juta unit

UMKM ) 52

‘’the amount of UMKM is 99,9% from the unit works had this country from the total of 55 millions unit of UMKM”.

( padahal 97% lapangan pekerjaan diciptakan oleh sektor UMKM )

“whereas 97% of the jobs are created by the sector of UMKM”.

( UMKM adalah solusinya )

“UMKM is the soultion’’.

Those utterances interpreted that the speaker wanted to direct the audience to assess

“UMKM” which it could resolve the problem of joblessness in Indonesia. This was also supported in the next utterance as follows:

( industri berbasis pengolahan juga menjadi solusi )

“the processing based industry also become the solution”

It describred that Sandiaga Uno was trying to tell the audience about the condition that could overcome the problem of employees in the fouth segment. Therefore, the explanation could be deduced that Sandiaga Uno offered UMKM as the solution because he saw that there was injustice between the foreign employees and the local employees, as the speaker asserted for the foreign language in the following utterance:

( kami pastikan juga jumlah perbandingan antara tenaga kerja asing dan lokal terukur juga denagn memberikan aspek keadilan )

‘’we also ascertain the ratio of amount between the foreign and local employees are measured too by giving the aspect of justice”.

It implied that the word ‘’we’’ was representated to Sandiaga Uno and Prabowo Subianto as the candidate of president. They had the power to make the target ‘’the foreign and local 53 employees’’ to be the cause from the descrimination in terms of policy. Furthemore, Sandiaga Uno stated explicitly which it would described below as follows:

( untuk tenaga kerja asing, kami memiliki konsep yang sangat jelas bahwa kami akan pastikan siapa pun yang bekerja di sini harus bisa berbahasa Indonesia )

“for the foreign employees, we have the most explicit concept that we will ascertain anyone who works here must be able to speak the Indonesia language”.

It explained that Sandiaga Uno said ‘’anyone’’ that was interpreted for all foreign employees. the speaker ordered all foreign employees to follow his policy to speak by using the

Indonesia language when they worked in the country. Furthermore, Sandiaga Uno stated about his way to allocate the budget in Indonesia to give the prosperity for the young people, as described in the following utterance:

( selama Prabowo-Sandi diberikan kewenangan untuk mengalokasi jumlah, bukan hanya mendapatkan pendidikan yang berkualitas tapi juga setelah mereka lulus, mereka akan mendapatkan kesempatan kerja )

“during Prabowo-Sandi are given the authority to allocate the amount, not only getting the qualified education but also after they graduate, they will get the job oppurtinities”.

In the another part, Sandiaga Uno gave the explanation that he had two commitments in the education affairs. Increasing the quality of teacher and repairing the curriculum was his commitments for the audience. Moreover, there was the inequity of the teacher which it was uttered by Sandiaga Uno as follows:

( mereka adalah pahlawan tanpa tanda jasa,. Hari ini, mereka belum mendapatkan keadilan, belum mendapatkan kesejahteraan, belum mendapatkan status )

“they are the unsung hero. Today, they have not got the justice, prosperity and status”. 54

It explained that the speaker used the word ‘’they’’ representated to the teacher in

Indonesia. he labeled them by saying ‘’the unsung hero’’ because he argued that they did not obtain the proper salary although they were the people had made the students to be smart and useful for the nation. Nevertheless, Sandiaga Uno implied that the teacher still felt the inequity in the country.

Furthermore, the sentence “they have not got the justice, prosperity and status” was the issues said by Sandiaga Uno for the condition of teacher in Indonesia. Therefore, Sandiaga Uno made commitment to convince the audience which it would be described in the following utterance:

( kami berkomitmen kesejahteraan guru terutama guru-guru honorer yang mereka sudah belasan tahun malah sudah ada yang puluhan tahn berbakti )

“we have commitment for the prosperity of teacher especially the honorary teachers who they has worked for a dozen years even for decades”.

It interpreted that the word ‘’we’’ was used for the identity of Sandiaga Uno and Prabowo

Subianto as the candidate of president. They wanted to give the prosperity of teacher where

Sandiaga Uno focused on the honorary teachers. The speaker implied to the audience that the duration of dozen or decade years for the honorary teachers was the object who felt the inequity given by the government for them. Moreover, Sandiaga Uno tried to state over the audience to remove the national exam which it was uttered by him as follows:

( kami akan menghapuskan ujian nasional )

“we will also eliminate the national exam”.

It implied that the word ‘’we’’ was interpreted as Sandiaga Uno and Prabowo Subianto.

The speaker tried to assert over the audience that the national exam had to be replaced with the new policy. The speaker had the reason why the national exam had to be eliminate in Indonesia. as showed in the following utterances: 55

( ini adalah salah satu sumber biaya yang tinggi bagi sistem pendidikan kita )

“this is one of high source of cost for our eduction system”.

( ujian nasional tersebut sangat tidak berkeadilan )

“the national exam is very inequitable”.

Those utterances was the reason to remove the national exam. The first one was the cause of the high cost and the second one was it was very inequitable for students. Based on those reasons, Sandiaga Uno would remove and replace it by applying the exploration of interest and talents. Moreover, Sandiaga Uno also explained his program in the fifth segment to finish the problem of stunting in Indonesia, for example:

( salah satu dari aspek Indonesia Emas itu adalah gerakan untuk memastikan ibu-ibu, emak-emak mendapatkan protein yang cukup, susu maupun asupan protein yang lain )

“one of the aspect of Indonesia Emas is a movement to assure the ladies, the mothers get the enough protein, mlk even the intake of the other proteins”

It interpreted that Sandiaga Uno used the relational process to explain the definition of his program with the aspect that could be resolve the problem of stunting by giving away the protein and milk. The utterance said by the speaker in the fifth segment was implied that the speaker inferred the government also could be the solution which it was described below as follows:

( kami meyakini jika pemerintah fokus pada pengurangan masalah stunting, kita akan memiliki generasi muda adalah generasi emas bangsa kita )

“we believe if the government focus on the diminution of the problem of stunting, we will have the young generation is the golden generation of our nation”. 56

It explained that Sandiaga Uno believed that if the government focused on the problem of stunting would produce the effect to the young generation in Indonesia. The speaker used the word

‘’we’’ in the next sentence which it was representated if his hope was the audience’s hopes too.

Additionally, Sandiaga Uno gave his statement to the audience in the fifth segment where the speaker involved the citizens to be the contributors and donors. The speaker elaborated the function of the other participants, as explained in the following utterances:

( kami ingin mengajak para kontributor yang bisa menyediakan susu )

“we want to invite the conributors who can provide some milk”.

“the donors collect some money”.

( para donatur mengumpulkan uang )

Those utterances described that the contributor and the donors had two different roles but for one purpose which it would supported by the next utterance as follows:

( agar gizi ibu dan gizi anak bisa kita perhatikan dan masalah stunting itu bisa selesai )

“so that the nutrtion of mother and child we can pay attention and the problem of stunting can finish”

It deduced that Sandiaga Uno wanted the audience or the people in Indonesia to help together in resolving the problem of stunting which it was suffered by the mother and child. The speaker called the contributors and donors to give their power for the victim of stunting. The speaker also had hope to the audience which he uttered it as follows:

( mari kita fokus bagaimana menyelesaikan masalah ini karena kami yakin, bersama kita akan mampu membangun Indonesia )

“let us focus how to finish this problem together because we are sure, together we will can build the Indonesia”. 57

It interpreted that the sentence above was interpreted as the Sandiaga Uno’s hope. the speaker used the repitition ‘’we’’ to emphasize the meaning that although the speaker had the class more higher instead of the audience, he kept asking them to help together in making the country of Indonesia to be better. This constitued the feature of socialism where the government asked the people to accomplish the problem faced in the state together.

Sandiaga Uno also attempted to give his view over the audience inclined to the socialism by saying the utterances as follows:

( maka program kami adalah memastikan bahwa SMK terhubung secara sinergis dengan para penyedia kerja )

“then our program is ensuring that the vocational school was connected synergistically to the job providers”.

( kami pastikan bahwa siswa-siswi SMK kita harus mendapatkan lapangan pekerjaan begitu lulus)

“we ascertain that our students of the vocational school have to get a job when they graduate”.

It meant that Sandiaga Uno wanted to give justice for the vocational students after they graduate by giving the job oppurtinities which it was suitable with his program ‘’Link and Match’’ where their abilities acquired in the vocational school could be connected with the jobs that was match for their particular skills. Furthermore, Sandiaga Uno implied that there were two participants said by Sandiaga Uno as his main focus in the sixth segment such as the young people and the women. The speaker elaborated the problem by setting apart into the different class so that the audience could understand with his explanation, for example:

( lapangan kerja yang sulit di dapat untuk anak-anak muda )

“the job that is difficult to be acquired for the young people”.

( perempuan hebat, perempuan mandiri yang mengeluh biaya hidup yang semakin tinggi ) 58

“the great women, the independently women who complain the cost livng that is getting higher”.

Those utterance described above was the Sandiaga Uno’s way to address the information over the audience. he tried to classify into the class of society. By all means, the speaker asserted to the audience based on his phenomenon happened to convince the audience that the speaker could end up the problem in Indonesia which it was supported by the next utterance:

( Prabowo-Sandi akan fokus untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan rakyat. Bagaimana kita menghadirkan solusi agar bangsa ini menyelesaikan apa yang diungkapkan harapan rakyat untuk kita )

“Prabowo-Sandi will focus to finish the society’s problem. How do we present solution so that this country finishes what is expressed by the society’s hopes for us”.

It illustrated that Prabowo and Sandi were the actor who would the power to resolve the problem in Indonesia. They both offered the solution for instance, the Oke-Oce’s program in the employment affairs, increasing the quality of teacher and revoke the national exam in the education affairs, finishng the issue of BPJS and implementation the preventive program to exercise 22 minutes for one day in the health affairs and preserving the value of Bhineka Tunggal Ika and tolerance for the different religious followers in the social and culture affairs. these solutions created by Prabowo and Sandi were the result coming from the society’s hope. Their experiences was used as the reference to make solution because the hopes from the Indonesian reflected the solution for them. This explanation was also supported in the another utterance, for example:

( karena kami fokus untuk apa yang diinginkan rakyat )

“because we focus for what is wanted by the people”.

Additionally, Sandiaga Uno also gave his opinion to the audience which it would be explained below as follows: 59

( kita pastikan toleransi, kita pastikan Indonesia merupakan negara yang adil dan makmur di masa depan )

“we increase our tolerance, we ascertain that Indonesia constitutes the equitable and prosperous country in the future”.

It construed that Sandiaga Uno gave his ideology inclined to the socialism where Sandiaga

Uno said the equitable and proseprous country as the goal wanted to reach. It was also called as the Sandiaga Uno’s dream which the adjective ‘’equitable’’ and ‘’prosperous’’ were the components desired by the speaker to achieve. Therefore, the utterance was one of the principle of socialism where the contry had to implement the solidarity between the government and the people so that they could get the justice and prosperity in the state.



A. Conclusion

The material type was the prominently process used by Sandiaga Uno while the behavioural type identified as the most little process applied in the third debate of presdential election. it was occured because mostly of the Sandiaga Uno’s utterances consisted of six segments stated about his commitment or promise that had the purpose to bring the audience around.

Moreover, his utterance in the debate more emphasized as persuading to do action. So the material type was the process that more discovered instead of the other processes.

The analysis was also aimed to find the ideology constructed in the Sandiaga Uno’s utterances. It was implemented the theory of CDA (critical discourse analysis) called with the

Fairclough’s framework in determining the ideology had the inclination to the political ideologies influenced over the audience. based on the result had investigated, Sandiaga Uno tended to spread the socialism out where it was construed as his approach to share a view for the audience. It could be found from how Sandiaga Uno wanted to give the equal right in the terms of salary for the honorary teachers, the young people who did not get the job oppurtinities because it had been given away to the foreign employees. Furthermore, Sandiaga Uno also attempted to remove the descrimination of religion by preserving the value of Bhineka Tunggal Ika and asking the audience to help together in resolving the problem of stunting in Indonesia.

60 61

B. Suggestion

The researcher wanted to give suggestion to the other researcher that the reseacher hoped this research could be utilized as the useful reference and information to the other researchers. It also could be utilized as the knowledge to analyze by using the transitivity’s atudy as the part of systemic functional grammar (SFG) or the theory of Fairclough’s framework to the different objects or fields.


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No Utterance Description Meaning Code

1 To all of my To be ‘’am ‘’ as the it was occured as the ReP1/D honorable fellow attributive intens in first segment where M1 countrymen who I am the relational process Sandiaga Uno gave the proud where the word ‘’i’’ opening word to as the carrier, while express his respect for in the word ‘’proud’’ the fellow countrymen was categorized as that it was the society in attribute and in the Indonesia as the object sentence ’’ to all of from his utterance honorable fellow countrymen’’ was classified as behalf which it was one of kinds circumstance (cause)

2 Hopefully you keep There were two Sandiaga uno gave a MaP2/D given the health to material processes hope to his opposite by M2 carry the duty of consisted of the using the word ‘’you’’ country words ‘’keep’’ and was refered to ‘’KH. ‘’carry’’ where Ma’ruf Amin’’ where ‘’you’’ was marked the speaker used the as actor. in the part of verb ‘’keep given’’ it the goal, found two meant that it tended to goals that were the speaker’s hope so ‘’giving the health’’ that the god do the and the duty of process of doing for the country’’ actor and the phrase ‘’the health’’ as the goal from that hope. Then the speaker used the phrase ‘’to carry’ was meant as the reason he made the first material process with adding the phrase ‘’the duty of country’’ as the object from the second material process

3 I am gratefull To be ‘’am’’ had the the word ‘’I’’ was the ReP3/D relational process someone that refered to M3 which the word was Sandiaga Uno as the placed as the speaker where he attributive intens. expressed his feeling by The carrier in the the attribute ‘’grateful’’ utterance was as representing for his identified to the word feeling ‘’I’’ while the word ‘’gratefull’’ was categorized as attribute

4 I am given a good The verb word it was catgorized as the MaP4/D condition ‘’given’’ as the grateful sentence to the M4 material process with god where this part the type of passive became the Sandiaga process where the Uno’s opening before word ‘’I’’ as the doing the argument in actor that refered to the debate Sandiaga Uno while in the sentence ‘’a good conditon’’ was placed as goal to ansswere what is accepted by speaker

5 To visit at 1500 The word ‘’visit’’ it was the next sentence MaP5/D places in the last was categorized the of number 1 where M5 nearly seven months material process with Sandiaga Uno did an the sentence ‘’at action. Because the 1500 places in the sentence ‘’to visit’’ last nearly sevent refered to the purpose months’’ had a role in doing something. So the speaker did a trip as extend and where in the sentence location ‘’1500 places’’ as the purpose of location and ‘’the last nearly seven months’’ related the range of his activity before the debate started

6 We listened to the The word ‘’listened’’ Sandiga Uno used the BeP6/D complains, suggestion was defined as the behavioural process in M6 and hope behavioural process his argument by saying that did by ‘’we’’ as ‘’we’’ that directed to the behaver. While Sandiaga Uno and his ‘’complains, collegue. The speaker suggestion and hope tried to listened the were placed as the society’s opinion as that behaviour came from their process of behaviour and then it was conclude by the speaker into ‘’complain’’ , suggestion, and hope implied as the conclusion of the society’s behaviour

7 Prabowo-Sandi see In the word ‘’see’’ In the part of stating Mep7/D that the future of was categorized as vision and misison. M7 Indonesia is bright the perception Sandiaga Uno used the process where word ‘’see’’ as his ‘’Prabowo-Sandi’’ as perspective to convince the senser. While in the audience where the the phrase ‘’ the senser ’’ Prabowo and future of Indonesia Sandi’’ concluded bright’’ was placed based on their as the phenomenon experience both that the senser believed the future of Indonesia was bright

8 We focus to present There were two In the word ‘’we’’, it MaP8/D solution for people material processes, was marked as the M8 they were ‘’focus’’ plural actor. Therefore, and ‘’present’’ where ‘’we’’ was pointed for the word ‘’we’’ was Sandiaga Uno and his placed as the actor colleague to try and in the word persuading the audience ‘’solution’’ was by using the word categorized as the ‘’solution’’ for people goal and ‘’for in Indonesia. it showed people’’ as the there any problems that circumstance (cause) were uncompleted so the speaker used the sentence ‘’present solution’’ as a approach to convince the audience

9 They want the there were two Sandiaga Uno used the MeP9/D available vacancy mental processes in affection process in his M9 jobs, the young the word ‘’want’’ utterance that was people desire the and ‘’desire’’ consisted of the word business oppurtinites, where they were ‘’want’’ and ‘’desire’’ the moms want the categorized as the where the speaker achivable price of affection process. involved the society staple, the cheaper while in the part of that was divided into cost of education, senser, there were three subjects as the health and electricity three subjects senser. For the first ‘’they’’, ‘’the young senser, the speaker said people’’ and “the ‘’ they’’ the refered to moms’’. Moreover, the society and in the there were also three second and third senser, phenomenon in the the speaker classified to phrase ‘’ the the status level that available vacancy were ‘’the young jobs as the first people’’ and ‘’the phenomenon, ‘’the moms’’ Sandiaga Uno bussiness used his sense to give oppurtiities’’ as the conclusion based on second phenomenon what the speaker had and ‘’the achievable faced or seen by of price of staple, the applying the affection cheaper cost of word to represent the education, health and phenomenon occured electricity as the third that was adjusted with phenomenon the desiring of three senser

10 Prabowo-Sandi have the word ‘’have’’ Sandiaga Uno gave ReP10/D the solution in the constituted the part information to the M10 education affairs of the relational audience where the process as the speaker said ‘’Prabowo- attributive possession Sandi’’ was refered to where the phrase Prabowo as his partner ‘’Prabowo-Sandi’’ and the speaker itself. was determined as They both had the carrier. ‘’the something that was solution’’ was called as solution to classified as the accomplish the problem attribute then proceed in education affairs that by the phrase’’ In was implied as the education affairs’’ matter that would be had position as the finished by them circumstance


11 It is two eminent There were three it was the next utterance ReP11/D solution, the first is attributive intenses where Sandiaga Uno M11 the complete where they were elaborated and qualified education. consctructed by using explained his solution Upgrading the the same to be ‘’is’’. which one was quality of education is It also had three described about the the quality of teacher, tokens consisted of increasing of quality or the prosperity of the subjects ‘’it’’, value from the teacher teacher ‘’the first’’ and ‘’ and education was upgrading the quality identified as the of education. From Sandiaga Uno’s object three tokens and three relational process, they brought three values as the object of sentence. They were ‘’two eminent solution’’, ‘’the complete wualified education’’ and the quality of teacher, the prosperity of them’’

12 We will enhance This utterance had The speaker used two MaP12/ prosperity and make two material processes in the DM12 sure the status of processes in the word material type such as teachers and ‘’enhance’’ and ‘’enhance’’ and ‘’make curriculum ‘’make sure’’ where sure’’ where the verbs ‘’we’’ was known as will be acted the actor the actor. Moreover, ‘’we’’ which it was it also had two goals directed Sandiaga Uno were marked to and his collegue. In this ‘’prosperity’’ as the utterance, found the first goal and ‘’the word ‘’will’’ before the status of teachers and process of doing. It curriculum’’ as the meant that the speaker second goal did a plan to the first object ‘’prosperity’’ and the second object ‘’ the status of teachers and curriculum

13 We also ascertain that This utterance had the speaker tried to MaP13/ the national exam two material make commitment by DM13 system is stopped processes with the using the word distinct process ‘’ascertain’’ where where ‘’ascertain’’ as ‘’we’’ was someone the active process would the process of and ‘’ is stopped’’ as doing. The word ‘’we’’ the passive process. was refered to Sandiaga for the actor, found Uno and his collegue to in the word ‘’We’’ do something over the with the goal pointed object ‘’the national to ‘’the national exam’’ the speaker also exam’’ used the second process in the material type with the word ‘’stopped’’ after the object which it was the explanation from his commitment to the object ‘’the national exam’’

14 We also have the link In the word ‘’have’’ Then the speaker ReP14/D and match concept of was positioned as the elaborated his argument M14 school attributive posession by the possession word in the relation ‘’have’’. In the word process where ‘’we’’ ‘’we’’ was meant to the had a role as the same previously carrier. While in the utterance that was phrase ‘’the link and Sandiaga Uno and his match concept of collegue. The sepaker school’’ was explained that besides constructed for he had the solution, he attribute also owned the concept for the object that was found in the word ‘’school’’

15 Where we present the The material process Sandiaga uno tried to MaP15/ provider and creator was occured in this offer something for the DM15 of job connected with utterance by using audience by using the the education system two verbs such as material process ‘’present’’ and ‘’present’’ where the ‘’create’’ where in word ‘’we’’ was the word ‘’we’’ was someone would do it. placed as the actor. While in the phrase Moreover, there were ‘’the provider and two goals consisted creator of job was one of the phrase ’’the of the Sandiaga Uno’ provision’’ and ‘’the vacancy job connected with the solution in the education system’’ employment affairs

16 I was remebered the Using the word Sandiaga Uno used the MeP16/ story of Mrs. Lisa in ‘’remembered’’ was word ‘’remebered’’ in DM16 Sragen categorized as the part of cognitive as cognitive in the the process of thinking mental process where where ‘’i’’ was the one ‘’I’’ was involved as who did the process. the the senser. While in word ‘’I’’ was pointed the sentence ‘’the to Sandiaga Uno as the story of Mrs. Lisa senser. So the speaker was determined as rewind to give phenomenon. information to the Moreover, the audience by involving location the story of Mrs. Lisa as circumstance had by the object that was in the word ‘’in Sragen Sragen’’

17 Where her medical Occured the material it was the next piece of MaP17/ treatment must be process in the the Mrs. Lisa’s story DM17 stopped because utterance by using where this utterance BPJS did not cover the words ‘’be was the explanation of anymore stopped’’ as the first the story that was process and ‘’ caught by Sandiaga cover’’ as the second Uno. the speaker also process where there involved BPJS in his was the goal in the utterance as the cause phrase ‘’her medical of her problem treatment’’. Moreover, in the sentence ‘’because BPJS did not cover anymore’’

18 We ascertain in 200 it had two material in the word ‘’ we’’ was MaP18/ days, the source of processes pointed to Prabowo and DM18 the BPJS and JKN’s ‘’ascertain’’ and Sandi who had the problems we will ‘’finish’’ where in status as the candidate finish them the word ‘’we’’ as of president. The the actor. Moreover, speaker used the in the sentence ‘’the material process where source of the BPJS the word ‘’ascertain’’ and JKN’s interpreted as his problems’’ were commitment with the categorized as the duration as long as 200 goal and ‘’200 days’’ days to accomplish the as extent that refered problem happened to duration lately that was the problem between BPJS and JKN as the object direction from the word ‘’finish’’

19 We ascertain the it was included in the Sandiaga Uno made MaP19/ deficit closed with the material process commitment to the DM19 calculation involving where it used the audience by using the the best youth of word ‘’ascertain’’ verb ‘’ascertain’’ to nation commited by the close the defisit of word ‘’we’’ placed BPJS by applying the as the actor. The alternative that involved phrase ‘’the defisit the human resources in closed’’ was the goal Indonesia. in the utterance then followed by the phrase’’ with the calculation involving the best youth nation’’ that was classified as the means type which it was one of kinds circumstance (manner).

20 The medical There were two Sandiaga Uno had MaP20/ personnel must be material processes repetition in the verb DM20 paid on time, the happened by using ‘’paid’’ to the different medicine must be the same passive object that were the paid on time verb ‘’be paid’’ medical personnel and where in the phrase the medicine. It meant ‘’the medical that the speaker personnel’’ and ‘’the explained that there was medicine’’ as the the same trouble from goal in the utterance two objects

21 There is nothing the It had the exisential Sandiaga Uno gave a ExP21/D long queue process in the word statement that ‘’the M21 ‘’is’’ then followed long queue’’ was the by the word ‘’ the event had to be finished long queue’’ was because it was the classified as the exisential event that existent (event) according to the speaker, it was a trouble

22 We will start the There were two In the word ‘’we’’ MaP22/ promotive-preventive material processes refered to Sandiaga DM22 program, 22 minutes such as ‘’start’’ and Uno and his collegue for one day to ‘’exercise’’ where where they set a plan. It exercise ‘’we’’ was defined as could be seen from the the actor. while for material process ‘’will the part of goal, ‘’the start’’ so the speaker promotive-preventive did a plan of program program was that called with the determined for this promotive-preventive part. Moreover, in program with duration the sentence ‘’22 about 22 minutes. minutes for one day’’ While in the word ‘’ to was identifed as the exercise’’ it meant thas circumstance (extent) it was uttered as the purpose of the plan that would be made by Sandiaga Uno

23 We want the it was constructed the Sandiaga Uno used the MeP23/ physically people mental process where word ‘’want’’ as the DM23 healthy and their the use of verb speaker’s desire by spirit too ‘’want’’ that was applying his program, identified as the the people could feel affection process. the the effect that related word ‘’we’’ was with the health either marked as the senser and in the part of the physically or last sentence ‘’the psychologically physically people healthy and their spirit too’’ was the phenomenon

24 I used to be a jobless Found the relational The word ‘’I’’was used ReP24/D process in the as representation from M24 utterance that was ‘’ Sandiaga Uno to used to be’’ as the explain his profession identifying intens in the past so The where the word ‘’i’’ speaker said ‘’jobless’’ was categorized as as information from the the indentified. identity Meanwhle, in the phrase ‘’ a jobless’’ was placed in the part of identity

25 I believe that our the mental process The speaker applied the MeP25/ youth future can we was identified to the cognition process as the DM25 give a chance for the word ‘’believe’’ that process of hoping in the job it was classified as word ‘’believe’’ where the cognition ‘’i’’ was represented process. in the word Sandiaga Uno as the ‘’i’’ was placed as senser, so the speaker the senser and for the related his sense to the phenomenon was young people in marked n the Indonesia as the sentence ‘’ our youth phonemon to give the future can we give a job oppurtinities chance for the job’’

26 If we focus on our There were two Sandiaga Uno used the MaP26/ two main programs material processes word ‘’we’’ for 2 times DM26 that is ‘’Oke-Oce’’ used such as with the different which we will ‘’focus’’ and representation. In the upgrade to the ‘’upgrade’’. Then the word ‘’we’’ as the first national level word ‘’we’’ was actor, the speaker defined as the first involved himself and and second actor. the people to do the After that, the words process of doing for ‘’Oke-Oce’’ was said The Sandiaga Uno’s as the first goal and program while in the ‘’the national level’’ word ‘’we’’ as the as the second goal second actor, showed to Sandiaga Uno and his partners to do the process of doing by using the word ‘’will upgrade’’ as a plan of the process to make an achievement representated to the phrase ‘’the national level

27 We will give There were two The speaker used the MaP27/ oppurtinity to create 2 material processes material process by DM27 millions new consisted of the using the word ‘’will entrepreneurs words ‘’give’’ and give’’ as his plan to do ‘’create’’ where the offering process for ‘’we’’ was people in Indonesia. indentified as the ‘’oppurtinity’’ was his actor. it also object that the speaker constructed two goals would offer. Sandiaga after the verb ‘’ Uno also said ‘’ to give’’ and ‘’create’’ create’’as the pdocess such as in the words of doing. It meant that ‘’oppurtinity’’ and as the purpose of his ‘’2 millions new offer with the target as entrepreneurs’’ much as 2 millions new entrepreneurs

28 One Stop Service, the In the sentence’’ One Sandiaga Uno MaP28/ intergrated services Stop Service’’ was explained the matter DM28 for the young people categorized as the about one stop services to get a job until the circumstance where it was purposed rural area level (Matter) then to the young human followed by the resources and The sentence ‘’ the speaker also used the intergrated service word ‘’to get a job’’. it for young people’’ meant that it was was identified as the uttered as a role from behalf type. his program ‘’one stop Moreover, the word service’’ that it will ‘’get’’ was the reach out the distance material process until the rural area where ‘’a job’’ was defined as the goal. While ‘’ the rural area level area was the spatial form included in the part of circumstance (location)

29 The poverty will be The word ‘’be In the phrase ‘’ the MaP29/ aimed with the aimed’’ was poverty that was DM29 correct program positioned as the categorized as the goal, through the material process with showing that Sandiaga intergrated basis of the category of the Uno discussed about data passive process the problem of poverty. where the goal was The speaker tried to ‘’the poverty’’. It had give information to the two means of the audience by using the circumstance word ‘’will be aimed’’ (manner) used like as the process of doing ‘’with the correct for the poverty by program’’ and’’ applying with the through the correct program. The intergrated basis of speaker also used the data’’ sentence ‘’through the intergrated basis of data’’ as the means that was directed to the poverty

30 The culture of our ‘’preserved’’ was The speaker also MaP30/ diversity have to be placed as the material involved ‘’the culture DM30 presevered process where the of our diversity’’ as the word ‘’ the culture of another goal with the our diversity’’ was process of doing for this constructed as the object by using the verb goal in this utterance. ‘’preserved’’ to ask the audience to proctect the object

31 We ascertain the It was constructed Sandiaga Uno made MaP31/ tolerance and this the material process commitment to the DM31 country’s property to by using the verb audience by using the be one of our main ‘’ascertain’’ as the verb ‘’ascertain’’ where focus process where the the word ‘’we’’ was actor was indicated someone would do the to the word ‘’we’’. commitment. ‘’we’’ Then there were two was refered to Sandiaga goals made of the Uno and his partners phrase ‘’the that supported him. The tolerance’’ and ‘’this speaker assured for two country’s property to targets where they were be one of our main tolerance and the focus country’s property

32 Then we have so The word ‘’have’’ The word ‘’we’’ was ReP32/D many aspects of the was identified as the representated between M32 creative industry that relational process the speaker and the we can show whre it was people where the word categorized as the ‘’have’’ was used the attributive posession spekaer as the process where ‘’we’’ was the to express their carrier from this possession. It meant sentence.then in the that they have many sentence ‘’so many aspects in the creative aspect of the creative industry industry that we can show’’ was its attribute

33 So many jobs that we In the word ‘’so the phrase ‘’many MaP33/ will create many jobs’’ was jobs’’ was the other DM33 indicated as the goal possessions after many that it was connected aspects in the creative with the word ‘’ we’’ industry that wanted to as the actor and in be explained by the the word ‘create was speaker for the marked for the audience so that it was material process created by them

34 Increase in the era of The word ‘’increase’’ The sentence ‘’increase MaP34/ Prabowo-Sand was called as the in the era of Prabowo- DM34 because we focus for material process Sandi was as the what is wanted by where the goal in this persuading way the people utterance was ‘’In the speaker to the audience era of Prabowo- with the the process of Sandi’’. Then it was doing ‘’increase’’. that followed by the refered to the thing they sentence’’ because had in the previously we focus for what is utterance. The speaker wanted by people’’ had the reason to do the was idetified as the thing that pointed reason form found in toward the society’s the part of desire circumstance (cause)

35 Thank you It constructed the Sandiaga Uno said VeP35/ verbal process where ‘’thank you’’ as the DM35 the word ‘’thank’’ closing that was was the process then addresed to the the word ‘’you’’ as audience in the segment the receiver of vision and mission. The word ‘’you’’ it was spread out to all of the audience

Second Segment

First session

Theme: Education

36 To reach the fifth in the word ‘’reach’’ There were two verbs MaP36/ position in 2045, we and ‘’build’’ were used by the speaker DM36 have to build our placed as the process where in the part of human where there were two actor ‘’we’’ was uttered goals in the utterance to representate the such as ‘’the fifth speaker and the position’’ and ‘’our audience. So the human’’. While ‘’in speaker used the verb 2045’’ was ‘’reach’’ as explanation categorized as the and ‘’build’’ as absolute temporal conclusion’’ to the which it was one of sentence ‘’the fifth kinds locaton in the position’’ that refered part of circumstance to Indonesia as the first goal or aim. The speaker also said ‘’our human’’ as the second goal after the word ‘’build’’ in the sentence that was connected the productive human. Therefore, the speaker invited the audience with relating between the first goal and the second goal caused both of them would affect one another for Indonesia

37 Our education system ‘’our education Sandiaga Uno Map37/d must link with the job system’’ was explained about the m37 classified as the actor education in Indonesia where the word by using the verb ‘’link’’ was the ‘’link’’ as the process material process to of connecting between connect the word education and job must ‘’the job’’ as the goal be correct

38 The innovation, In the phrase ‘’ the The speaker involved ReP38/D research and innovation, research the other participant M38 technology become and technology’’ was such as the innovation investment that we classidied as the research and technology have to do carrier where the as the entity thing for utterance was made transformed be as the relational investment. In the process by indicating sentence ‘’that we have the verb ‘’become’’ to do’’ used by the as the attributive speaker to give intens. While information that the ‘’investment that we speaker and the have to do’’ was audience made the categorized for the other perticipants as the attribute necessity to create

39 It is not only from the It found The The word ‘’it’’ ReP39/D big amount relational process represented to the M39 where the word ‘’it’’ reference of discussion as the token then the about education. The word ‘’is ’’ as the speaker explained the identifying process relation between the and in the sentence situation with the value ‘’the big amount’’ as of budget that probably the value would be spent for education, it did not need to be worried by the audience

40 Maybe we talk one Here , in the word Sandiaga Uno involved VeP40/ percent or maybe two ‘’we’’ was identified the audience by using DM40 percents instead of as the sayer where the word ‘’we’’. the our budget the verbal process speaker used the verb was made in the ‘talk’’ that they were word ‘’talk’’. After depicted by Sandiaga that, in the sentence Uno as the someone ‘’one percent or who was discussing maybe two percent about the prediction of instead of our the expulsion budgets budget’’ was marked as the verbiage

41 That we allocate to The word ‘’we’’ had Sandiaga Uno gave Map41/ the research and a role as the actor information to the DM41 technology where the word audience by using the ‘’talk’’ was defined sentence ‘’ we as the material allocate’’ as the process process. then of doing to the goal followed by the where the word ‘’we’’ phrase ‘’ the research was the speaker and his and technology’’ as partner to place the the actor research and technology

42 But according to me, In the word ‘’but In the point of the MaP42/ we should focus according to me’’ Sandiaga Uno’s view, DM42 about how to was classified as the he invited the audience consolidate circumstance (angle), by using the word then for the actor, ‘’we’’ to pay attention there was the word the matter about the ‘’we’’ as the subject way to consolidate for the material somethng process that was indicated from the verb ‘’focus’’. While in the sentence ‘’about how to concolidate’’ was identified as the circumstance (matter)

43 The world of In the phrase ‘’ the ‘’the world of academic ReP43/D academic bussiness world of academic bussiness’’ was the M43 and the government business and the thing where it was also have one synergy government’’ was wanted by the spesker identified as the to obtain something. carrier that followed So the spekaer used the by the word ‘’ have’’ verb ‘’have’’ as the as the attributive possession marker to possesion. Then in the world of academic the phrase ‘’ one bussiness that was synergy’’ was the related with the attribute in the attribute. The speaker utterance said ‘’one synergy’’ to express the object

44 Because many results In the phrase ‘’many Sandiaga Uno also ReP44/D of research and results of research related one entity in the M44 technology apparently and technology’’ was sentence ‘’many results are not connected and indicated as the token of research and synergy. where the word technology’’ with the ‘’are’’ connected adjective as the with the identyifying function of the object. intens in the So the speaker spread relational process. information to the then the words ‘’ audience about the connected’’ and condition from the ‘’synergy’’ were lately result of research called as the value and technology

45 With Prabowo-Sandi, In the word ‘’with Prabowo and Sandi was ReP45/D it is not only the big Prabowo-Sandi’’, the people would be M45 amount from the constructed as the involved about the relevant research and circumstance expulsion of budget, so technology (accompaniment) the speaker brought while the word ‘’it’’ himself and Prabowo to was identified as the take responsibilty to token where tobe take the research and ‘’is’’ was used as the technology identifying intens so created the relational process. Moreover, the sentence ‘’the big amount from the relevant research and technology’’ was used as the value

46 But we will also The word ‘’we’’ was Sandiaga Uno tried to MaP46/ make sure its showed as the actor convince the audience DM46 allocation synergy where the material by using the sentence with the bussiness process happened ‘’we will also make world and the because there was the sure’’ where the word academic system word ‘’ascertain’’as ‘’we’’ was represented the process within, to Sandiaga Uno and while in the sentence his collegue. With the ‘’its allocation object ‘’its allocation’’ synergy with the that refered to the bussiness world and research and techology, the academic system the speaker would try to ’’ was classified as connect between the the goal result of research and technology and the bussiness world and the academic system

47 I had ever managed The word ‘’i’’ was The word ‘’I’’ was MaP47/ the donation of the actor where the represented to Sandiaga DM47 research and verb ‘’managed’’ Uno, so the speaker was technology was classified as the the someone who has material process and the experience to do the last part of something. Therefore, sentence ‘’the he used the sentence donation of research ‘’had ever managed’’ as and technology’’ was the information to determined as the explain what the goal speaker has done to the research and technology

48 I saw so many young The word ‘’I’’ was Sandiaga Uno MeP48/ people in Indonesia called as the senser explained his DM48 who have ability to because there was the perception to the create innovation at mental process by audience where the agriculture field using the verb word ‘’I’’ was ‘’saw’’ as the representated to the perception process. speaker itself, he used while for the his sense to the sentence ‘’ so many phenomenon and then young people in he concluded that many Indonesia who have young people in ability to create Indonesia who have innovation at ability in the agriculture field was innovation. Then the indicated as the speaker narrowed from phenomenon the general ability that was had by the young people into the agriculture field

49 We can increase our The word ‘’we’’ was The word ‘’we’’ was Map49/ productivity if we classified as the actor refered to Sandiaga DM49 make sure that the where the verb’’ Uno and his partner to organic manure is the increase’’ was make the process of best quality identified the doing something, so the material process speaker used the phrase while in the part of ‘’can increase’’ that the goal, there was was implied as the the phrase ‘’our Sandiaga Uno and his productivity’’. partners’ ability by Moreover, in the directing their abilties sentence ‘’if we to the object ‘’our make sure that the productivity’’ that organic manure is the refered the human best quality’’, resources. The speaker categorized as the also stated about the condition type which organic mannure as the it was the part condition that had to be ofcircumstance seen by the Speaker (contigency) before increase their productivity

50 The result of research ‘’the result of ‘’ the result of research MaP50/ and technology from research and and technology from DM50 people is given until technology from people’’ used by the our cost of staple low people’’ was speaker as the goal categorized as the because it was the next goal, while the word utterance of number 6 ‘’is given’’ was where the previuously defined as the context was about the passive process and agriculture field. The ‘’our cost of staple goal linked with the low’’ was placed as innovation did by the degree which it was indonesian. So the one of kinds manner speaker used the verb in the part of ‘’given’’ as the process circumstance of doing to transfer for the speaker as the manner to affect the price or cost of staple 51 I really believe that it was the mental Sandiaga Uno used his MeP51/ the revolution of process where the cogniton where the DM1 industry 4.0 where word ‘’i’’ as the senser ‘’I’’ was the the creative economy senser. Then the verb speaker itself. so the will also be synergy ‘’believe’’ was speaker used his sense with the hop and the identified as the to the phenomenon explosition of cognition process. about the revolution of innovation while in the sentence industry 4.0. which it ‘’ the revolution of was the creative industry 4.0 where economy as the the creative economy information to convince will also be synergy’’ the audience that the was classified as the creative economy phenomenon. After would had the good and that, in the part of useful function circumstance (manner), found in the sentence ‘’with the hop and the explosition of innovation as the means type

52 To make sure the job The word ‘’make it was the next utterance MaP52/ that will be created sure’’ was placed as where Sandiaga Uno as DM52 for young people the material process the senser explained the where ‘’the job’’ had effect if the creative a role as the goal. economy was synergy, Moreover, found also so the speaker said the the material process sentence ‘’to make sure from ‘’created’’ and the job that will be then in the phrase created for young ‘’for young people’’ people’’ to explained its was classified as the effect for the behalf of behalf type which it the youth in Indonesia was the part of circumstance (cause) 53 So in 2045, we are formed the Sandiaga Uno predicted ReP53/D just not be the 5 circumstance after illustrated his M53 biggest in the world (location) from the argument to the word ‘’in 2045’’ that audience by saying ‘’in was categorized as 2045’’ as the target of the absolute temporal his prediction. The type. After that, the spekaer said the word ‘’we’’ was sentence ‘’we are just identified as the not the 5 biggest in the identifier where this world’’ where the word utterance will ‘’we’’ was the country construct the relation of Indonesia, so the process, so from tobe speaker attempted to ‘’are’’ was indicated predict Indonesia in the as the identifying future intens which it will be followed by the identity type by the sentence ‘’the 5 biggest in the world’’

54 But we absolutely can The word ‘’we’’ was Sandiaga Uno involved MaP54/ create the job defined as the actor the people’s ability by DM54 oppurtinities for all where the sentence using the word ‘’we’’ to Inonesia citizens used the verb do the process of doing ‘’create’’ as the ‘’create’’ as the material process. explanation the then, there was the direction where the goal obtained from people’s ability was the phrase ‘’the job used. The speaker tried oppurtinities. While to explain the audience for the circumstance, that Sandiaga Uno and there was the phrase the audience can create ‘’ for all Indonesia the job oppurtinties for citizens’’’ was citizens in Indonesia categorized as the circumstance (cause) ‘’behalf form’’ 55 Adding the amount of In the word ‘’the Sandiaga Uno had MaP55/ institute that manages amount of institute’’ opinion for his opposite DM55 the research affairs constituted the actor ‘’KH. Ma’ruf Amin’’ according to us where the verb after listening to his ‘’manages’’ was respons about adding categorized as the the amount of institute material process. it was completed by the the phrase ‘’the research affairs’’ as the goal. While ‘’according to us’’ was identified as the circumstance (angle)

56 I am sorry for kyai The word ‘’I’’ was Sandiaga Uno used the ReP56/D identified as the word ‘’sorry’’ before M56 carrier. It was answering the KH. constructed the Ma’ruf Amin’s relational process response. It was caused caused there was that he was someone tobe ‘’am’’ as the respected by Sandiaga attributive intens Uno. so the word within. Then the ‘’sorry’’ as the polite word ‘’sorry’’ was word that was attributed the attribute which it to him was used by ‘’kyai’’ as the behalf type which it was one of kinds circumstance

57 That it also add the The word ‘’it’’ was Sandiaga Uno deny his MaP57/ bureaucracy marked as the actor opposite’s respons by DM57 where the verb stating ‘’add the ‘’add’’ constructed bureaucracy’’ as the the material process. speaker’s answer while the phrase ‘’ the bureaucracy ‘’ was classified as the goal 58 For Prabowo-Sandi, it was the part of In the phrase ‘’ for Rep58/D the key is relational process Prabowo- Sandi’’ was M58 collaboration where the word ‘’for implied as their views Prabowo-Sandi’’ was for something. So the categorized as the speaker involved circumstance (angle). himself and prabowo to In the word ‘’ the conclude the context key’’ was called as before by stating that the token and tobe the key is collaboration. ‘’is’’ as the ‘’collaboration’’ as the identifying intens. answer from the context While ‘’collaboraiton’’ was indicated as the value

59 We will ascertain the The word ‘’we’’ was Sandiaga Uno made MaP59/ business world if they the actor because it commitment to bring DM59 invest in the research formed the material the audience around process. in the verb where the speaker used ‘’ascertain’’ waas the word ‘’we’’ was determined as the represented to the process that was spekaer and his partner followed by ‘’the to do somethng into the business world’’ as bussiness world as the the goal. Moreover, direction from the in the sentence ‘’ if process ‘’ascertain’’. they invest in the While in the sentence research’’ was called ‘’if they invest in the with the condition research’’ was the type that consituted condition would be the part of seen by the speaker circumstance before applying the (contigency) commitment

60 If they invest in the In the sentence ‘’if Sandiaga Uno saw the MaP60/ research, we will give they invest in the condition before the DM60 fee either pyhsical or research’’ was process of doing where non-pyhsical showed as the in the sentence ‘’they condition type which invest in the research’’ it was the part of was the condition itself. circumstance the word ‘’we’’ was (contigency), the represented to Sandiaga word ‘’we’’ was Uno and his partner. It pointed as the actor meant that they will because this give fee in terms of utterance had the pyhsical or non- verb ‘’give’’ as the pyhsical material process. then, in the last sentence ‘’fee either physical or non- pyhisical’’ was categorized as the goal

61 The researches at our The phrase ‘’ the Sandiaga Uno gave MaP61/ best universities researches’’ was information to the DM61 currently, their result identified as the actor audience about the of research are not because this research at the best used utterance was the universities in category of the Indonesia. It was the material process. in topic where the speaker the phrase ‘’ at our explained that universities’’ was nowadays their result of called as the absolute research was not used spatial type where it was one of the circumstance (location). Moreover, ‘’the result of research’’ was comprehended as the goal while the verb ‘’used’’ was used as the process itself

62 They pile up and it was made as the Sandiaga Uno MaP62/ gather dust material process. continued his utterance DM62 there were two by using the word processes in the ‘’they’’ where it refered words ‘’pile up’’ and to the result of research ‘’gather’’. While for from the researches at the goal, the word the university in ‘’dust’’ was classifed Indonesia. The speaker as that type used the material process such as ‘’pile up’’ and ‘’gather dust’’ as metaphore to ‘’they’’ that depicted many their results of research was abandoned by the government

63 We ascertain that they There were three Sandiaga Uno made MaP63/ also get the good actors in this commitment to DM63 prosperity and their utterance like the convince the audience result of research and words ‘’we’’, by uing the word their result of ‘’they’’ and the ‘’ascertain’’. The research can be phrase ‘’the speaker spoke about his applied by the bussiness commitment consisted bussiness government government’’. The of two things. The first utterance used the one was about the good material process prosperity could be because it found obtained by the word three processes that ‘’they’’ that refered to were ‘’ascertain’’, the researches and the ‘’get’’ and second one was about ‘’applied’’. After that the result of research this sentence was could be useful for the followed by the bussiness government phrase ‘’the good as the actor prosperity’’, and ‘’the result of research’’ as the goal

64 Government should there were two The speaker linked the MaP64/ facilitate how this material processes government as the actor DM64 ecosystem of research such as ‘’facilitate’’ in. In the word can gain the best and ‘’ gain’’ it also ‘’should’’ was innovation at science, had two actors like categorized as the technology, ‘’government’’ and suggestion word before ‘’the ecosytem of the first process research’’. While in ‘’facilitate’’. So the engineering, arts and the sentence ‘’ the speaker criticized that mathematics too best innovation at government had to science, technology, fulfill the necessary the enggineering, arts second actor. In the and mathematics second process ‘’gain’’ too’’ was placed as as the reaction of the the goal second actor to reach the purpose where in the sentence ‘’ the best innovation’’ was the goal implied by the speaker for the field of technology, engineering, arts and mathematics

65 I believe that the The mental type was Sandiaga Uno stated MeP65/ young people in formed in this that was based on his DM65 Indonesia are very process of sentence feeling to the audience smart where the word ‘’I’’ by using the word was selected as the ‘’believe’’. The speaker senser. ‘’believe’’ convinced them by was the process that illustrating the constituted the phenomenon from the cognition type and in young people in the sentence ‘’the Indonesia that they young people in were very smart Indonesia are very smart’’ was identified as the phenomenon

66 I met at 1500 places, There were two Sandiaga Uno gave MaP66/ they radiated processes was found information by using DM66 optimism as the material ‘’I’’ as the actor. the process such as word ‘’I’’ refered to ‘’met’’ and Sandiaga Uno where he ‘’radiated’’ where the stated in the sentence actor were from the ‘’met at 1500 places’’ word ‘’I’’ as the first to share his experience actor and the word to the audience. the ‘’they’’ as the second speaker found actor. for the part of something from his trip the goal, at 1500 places by using ‘’optimism’’ was the sentence ‘’they indicated as the goal. radiated optimism’’. As While the phrase ‘’at his conclusion when 1500 places’’ was the Sandiaga Uno did absolute spatial type visitation there. The or called with the word ‘’they’’ was circumstance represented as the (location) people who had ever met or seen by the speaker

67 They wanted to be It was the mental Sandiaga Uno MeP67/ given a chance process where explained again about DM67 identified in the word his experience to the ‘’they’’ as the senser. audience. the speaker The mental process used the sentence to was formed because explain the society’s of the verb desire to get a job ‘’wanted’’ as the affection type and in the sentence ‘’to be given a chance’’ was marked as the phenomenon

68 The key is the it created the Sandiaga Uno ReP68/D oppurtinity so that relational process concluded from what he M68 they develop where the phrase ‘’ found by using the the key’’ was sentence ‘’the key is the categorized as the oppurtinity’’. It was token then followed one entity thing that by tobe ‘’is’’ as the was related as the identfying intens. solution to develop Meanwhile, in the ‘’they’’ that refered to phrase ‘’the the people who were at oppurtinity’’ was 1500 as the Sandiga identified as the Uno’s purpose value and next to the sentence ‘’so that they develop’’ was the purpose type which it was the type of circumstance (cause)

69 We believe that The word ‘’we’’ was Sandiaga Uno used his MeP69/ Indonesia will be fair classified as the cognition process to the DM69 and prosperous senser where there audience by using the was the mental word ‘’believe’’ where process found in the the word ‘’we’’ was word ‘’believe’’ as implied as the someone the cognition type. who used the sense. While for its The speaker related phenomenon, it was between his believe for marked for the the phenomenon by sentence’’ Indonesia using the sentence will be fair and ‘’Indonesia will be fair prosperous’’ . and prosperous’’

Second session

Theme: Health

70 It must not be The word ‘’it’’ was Sandiaga Uno Map70/d tolerated by us the goal because it concluded about the m70 anymore was constructed as story of Mrs. Lies by the material process using the sentence ‘’it that can be seen from must not be tolerated by the verb ‘’tolerated’’. us anymore’’ that was While the word ‘’us’’ meant as the way to was categorized as invite them for rejecting the actor the problem

71 Indonesia will be the The relational Sandiaga Uno gave ReP71/D country that its process was found in infoemation to the M71 economy is the 5 this utterance where’’ audience by connecting biggest all over the Indonesia’’ was between the economy world in 2045 defined as the token. in Indonesia and the In the word ‘’will rate of country as his be’’ was the prediction that would identifying intens be happened with the with the value phrase ‘’in 2045’’ as identified in the the target of his sentence ‘’the predictiion country that its economy is the 5 biggest all over the world’’. While ‘’in 2045’’ was the circumstance (location) which it was the absolute temporal type’’

72 It must present the the word ‘’it’’ was Sandiaga Uno criticized MaP72/ first-rate health classified as the actor about the problem that DM72 services for people where the verb was faced by Mrs.Lisa ‘’present’’ as the by using the word process that was ‘’present’’ as the directed to ‘’the first- criticism to the BPJS’s rate health services’’ system. It meant that as the goal. While in according to him, BPJS the phrase ‘’for should give the first people’’, identified health services to the for the part of people especailly for circumstance (cause) the patient as the behalf type.

73 The key is repairing In the phrase ‘’the it was the conclusion ReP73/D key’’ was the token from Sandiaga Uno in M73 where tobe ‘’is’’ was the set of problems the process forming about BPJS. The the relational process speaker explained in the as the identifying word ‘’repairing’’ as intens. Then, the one of the solution for word ‘’repairing’’ BPJS was categorized as the value 74 Do not blame one There was the verbal It was the command VeP74/ another process in the sentence where Sandiga DM74 utterance where the Uno asked the audience verb ‘’ blame’’ was not to use their verbal indicated as the ‘’blame’’ with the bad process into the way to one another phrase ‘’one another’’ that was classified as the target

75 I want to remind us The word ‘’I’’ was the word ‘’I’’ was MeP75/ the actor because the representated as the DM75 utterance was someone who used the processed as the sense. So Sandiaga uno mental type, from the used his affection sense verb ‘’want’’, it was to invite the audience classified as the by using the sentence affection type that ‘’remind us’’ connected the phenomenon from ‘’to remind us’’

76 JKN led by Prabowo- ‘’JKN’’ was the goal Sandiaga Uno gave MaP76/ Sandi will be carried of this utterance. information to the DM76 on From the verb audience by using the ‘’carried on’’, it was sentence ‘’JKN led by identifed as the Prabowo-Sandi will be material process carried on’’ where JKN where it was refered was the system of to the actor assurance health. The ‘’Prabowo-Sandi’’ speaker meant to try developing the system if he won in the election

77 BPJS will be made formed the material Beside the JKN’s MaP77/ perfectly process within where system, it also involved DM77 ‘’BPJS’’ was ‘’BPJS’’ was the one of categorized as the the Sandiaga Uno’s goal and it was plan to develop it until connected with the it could have the quality verb ‘’made’’ as the ‘’perfectly’’ if he won process. in the word in the presidential ‘’perfectly’’, it was election. called as the circumstance (manner) which it was the quality type

78 We call the best The verb ‘’call’’ was Sandiaga Uno tried to MaP78/ actuaries from the material process give the alternative by DM78 Hongkong or the best that it was done the using the sentence ‘’call nstional youth actor ‘’we’’, while the best actuaries’’. He for the goal, there targeted Hongkong as were two goals such the first location to seek as ‘’ the best the actuaries and actuaries as the first Indonesia as the second goal and ‘’ the best alternative location national youth’’ as the second goal. Moreover, for the word ‘’ from hongkong’’ was categorized as the absolute spatial type in the part of circumstance (location)

79 I have ever met, we There were two In the word ‘’i’’ was MaP79/ count their amount actors in this represented as the DM79 correctly how many is utterance where the someone who did needed words’’I’’ and ‘’we’’ something and it was did the material refered to Sandiaga process by using the Uno. so the spekaer verb ‘’met’’ and involved himself to ‘’count’’. The goal show his experience by was ‘’their amount’’ using the sentence and for the word ‘’have ever met’’. it ‘’correctly’’ was meant that Sandiaga classified as the Uno pointed toward quality type in the human resources in part of circumstance Indonesia as the object (manner). After that, that he has ever found. there was another The speaker also one which the invited the audinece to sentence ‘’how many check the amount of is needed’’ was the budget that would be circumstance needed to finish the (matter) problem of BPJS and JKN

80 The country must not ‘’the country’’ was Sandiaga Uno gave ReP80/D be absence, the marked as the carrier criticism for the country M80 country must not be where the word that actually it was stingy ‘’must not be’’ refered to the national constructed the government as the relational process parties who manages was categorized as the BPJS’s system by the attributive intens using the attribute such to put the attribute in as ‘’absence’’ and the words ‘’absence’’ ‘’stingy’’ as desciption as the first attribute from Sandiaga Uno to and ‘’stingy’’ as the them second attribute

81 The medicine is also The relational ‘’the medicine’’ also ReP81/D not available because process was formed become the thing M81 of its imerfect in this utterance brought by Sandiaga management where the phrase Uno as the critical thing ‘’the medicine’’ was by using the attribute the carrier and tobe ‘’not available’’ as ‘’is’’ as the description to the attributive type. medicine. The speaker Whille the word said its reason that the ‘’available’’ was event occured because called as the attribute the management that and the sentence ‘’ was bad enough because of its imperfect management’’ as the reason type which it was the part of circumstance (cause)

82 In the first 200 days, In the phrase ‘’ in the Sandiaga Uno stated MaP82/ we find out the source first 200 days’’, it ‘’we find out the source DM82 of problem was indicated as the problem’’ as the definite temporal ‘’ sentence to convince which this type was the audience where the the part of word ‘’we’’ refered to circumstance Sandiaga Uno and (extent). While for Prabowo, his partner. the word ‘’we’’ was The speaker also categorized as the uttered ‘’in the first 200 actor where the days’’. It meant that it verb’’ find’’ was was implied as the used so constructing target of duration to the material process finish the problem to be connected with when they were the goal in the phrase selected in the election ‘’the source of then problem

83 Count the amount The verb ‘’count’’ as Sandiaga Uno MaP83/ how many do we give the material process explained the matter DM83 the first-rate health and in the phrase about the quantity from services ‘’the amount’’ was BPJS by saying ‘’how classified as the goal. many do we give the Then followed by the first-rate health sentence ‘’how many services. In the sentence do we give the first- ‘’count the amount’’ rate health services’’ was representated by was called as the Sandiaga Uno as the circumstance alternative way to find (matter) the solution

84 The medical ‘’the medical Sandiaga Uno involved MaP84/ personnel must be personnel’’ was the the other participants in DM84 paid on time goal caused there the list of problem was the passive about the health like processes from the ‘’the medical personnel phrase ‘’must be ‘’ that had the payment paid’’ as the material problems. So the process . while ‘’on speaker tied to criticize time’’ was the the thing by using the indefinite temporal sentence ‘’ the medical which it constituted personnel must be paid the part of on time’’ circumstance (extent)

85 They certainly must The word ‘’they’’ Sandiaga Uno gave the MaP85/ not be given a debt by was identified as the next explanation where DM85 the hospital client when the ‘’they’’ was represented material process was to the medical done with the passive personnel. The Speaker process by the verb deemed that the ‘’given’’ to be medical personnel as completed by the the victim because they goal ‘’ a debt’’ and were given a debt by for the actor was the hospital. from the phrase ‘’the hospital’’

86 The health services is ‘’the health services’’ Sandiaga Uno gave a ReP86/D down because they was the carrier statement about the M86 are not given salary because it formed the condition the health on time relational process. so services, so the speaker tobe ‘’is’’ was called described that by saying as the attributive ‘’the health services is intens which it was down’’ and he gave the linked with the reason why the event attribute ‘’down’’. happened. therefore the Moreover, there were speaker told an answer two circumstances in by saying ‘’because this utterance. They they are not given were consisted of the salary on time’’ the sentence ‘’because word ‘’they’’ was they are not given representated as the salary’’ as the cause parties who did not get (reason type) and the salary properly phrase ‘’on time’’ as the extent (indefinite temporal)

87 BPJS will be better ‘’BPJS’’ was Sandiaga Uno tried to ReP87/D with Prabowo-Sandi categorized as the convince the audience M87 because we carrier because the by changing the value understand the source word from ‘’will be’’ of BPJS into a good of problem formed this utterance level with Prabowo and to be the relational Sandi as the people who process. ‘’will be’’ helped the problem of was called as the BPJS. The speaker also attributive intens to gave the reason by put the attribute in stating the sentence the word ‘’better’’. ‘’we understand the Meanwhile, the source of problem’’ as phrase ‘’with the reason of Prabowo Prabowo-Sandi’’ was and Sandi to fix the classified as the BPJS’’s system circumstance (accompaniment) and the sentence ‘’because we understand the source of problem’’ was categorized as the reason type

88 I also happen to have It was formed as the Sandiaga Uno related ReP88/D the background in relational process the problem with his M88 financial where ‘’i’’ as the status so the speaker carrier then linked described with the with the word sentence ’’I also happen ‘’have’’ as the to have the backgound attributive posession. in financial’’ the word While for the phrase ‘’I’’ was represented as ‘’the background in the someone who had financial’’ was this attribute. Therefore, identified as the Sandiaga Uno tried to attribute explain himself to the audience by telling his background

89 I see that this is a There was the verb Sandiaga Uno used his MeP89/ challenge of ‘’see’’ displayed that perception where the DM89 Indonesia to advance it was categorized as word ‘’I’’ refered to the develop its human the mental process. wpeaker as the senser. being the word ‘’see’’ was He used his perception the perception type by using the verb where the senser ‘’see’’ to be connected from this sentence the problem was going was ‘’I’’. Then on. So the speaker followed by the concluded it to be a sentence ‘’this is a phenomenon by challenge to advance saying’’ this is a develop its human challange of Indonesa being’’ was classified to advance develop its as the phenomenon human being’’

90 We repair the health ‘’we’’ in this Sandiaga Uno gave an MaP90/ services utterance was marked alternative to convince DM90 as the actor where the the audience by using verb ‘’repair’’ was the verb ‘’repair’’ known as the which it was directed to material process. it the health services as was refered to the the object that had to be phrase ‘’the health repaired services’’ as the goal

91 We hope the health The word ‘’we’’ was With the alternative that MeP91/ services get better to the senser where the was said by Sandiaga DM91 the future verb ‘’hope’’ made Uno to the audience, this utterance as the the speaker used his mental process. it cognition sense in the was called as the word ‘’hope’’ as his affection type that believing to the way in was directed to ‘’the the future that would be health services get given for the health better’’ that services so that it identified as the became better than phenomenon. While before the phrase ‘’to the future’’ was the absolute temporal in the part of circumstance (location)

92 We will also fix the The word ‘’we’’ was Sandiaga Uno gave the MaP92/ referral system identified as the actor another alternative was DM92 because the verb directed to the other ‘’fix’’ was the verb objects like ‘’the that processed the referral system’’ as the utterance to be the way to convince the material process then audience there was the goal from the phrase ‘’the referral system’’

93 We certainly look that It formed the Sandiaga Uno and his BeP93/D the referral system behavioural process partner would do M93 prefers to the health where ‘’we’’ had a something for the services so that they role as the behaver refferal system by using do not wait for hours and the verb ‘’look’’ the behavioural process in the hospital as the process that ‘’look’’ that was meant was refered to the oversee consciously for sentence ‘’ the the referral system as referral system the thing to be looked. prefers to the health The speaker had the services’’. Moreover, aim to carry out in there were three order that the family’s circumstances such patient representated by as in the sentence the word ‘’they’’ did ‘’so that they do not not need to wait long in wait’’ as the cause the hospital (purpose type), in the phrase ‘’for hours’’ as the extente (definite temporal) and the last ‘’in hospital as the location (absolute spatial)

94 Because the referral The phrase ‘’the Sandiaga Uno ReP94/D system is complicated referral system was explained the reason M94 classified as the why it had to be carrier where tobe executed. So the ‘’is’’ was marked as speaker described that the relational process by using the sentence in the part of the ‘’because the refferal attributive intens. system is complicated Then in the word ‘’complicated’’ was called as the attribut in this utterance

95 We see that the duty The word ‘’we’’ was Sandiaa Uno used his MeP95/ of government is also identified as the perception to the DM95 present the poilicy senser where it phenomenon which it can prevent the formed the mental was about the duty of promotive-preventive process. the verb government as the ‘’see’ was called as object of his perception. the perception type The speaker described that was refered to it by arguing ‘’that the the sentence ‘’the duty of government is duty of government also present the policy is also present the can prevent the policy can prevent promotive-preventive’’ the promotive – as the conclusion what preventive’’ as the the speaker saw phenomenon

96 That we call as the It was called as the Sandiaga Uno defined MaP96/d movement in 22 material process about the promotive- m96 minutes to exercise where the word preventive program to everday ‘’we’’ was identified the audience by stating as the actor to make that the program was as the process by using movement to exercise the verb ‘’call’’. In everyday with the the phrase ‘’the duration about 22 movement’’ was minutes indicated as the goal and ‘’in 22 mnutes’’ was categorized as the definite temporal which it was the type of circumstance (extent). Then the actor also used the verb ‘’exercise’’ as the second process

97 I do everyday The word ‘’I’’ was Sandiaga Uno made a MaP97/ the actor where the statement where the DM97 material type word ‘’I’’ refered to appeared n the verb himself. It meant that ‘’do’’ as the process the speaker explained that he had done the program everyday

98 I see how the positive It was made as the Sandiaga Uno as the MeP98/ effect to the decrease mental process where senser used his DM98 of healthcare costs the word ‘’I’’ as the perception to his senser and the verb program that could give ‘’see’’ was classified the effect, so the as the perception speaker tried to type. While in the describe it by saying sentence ‘’how the ‘’how the positive efect positive effect to the to the decrease of decrease of healthcore costs’’ helathcare costs’’ was called as the phenomenon

99 We are sure if the The word ‘’we’’ was Sandiaga Uno believed young genereation, defined as the carrier by seeing the condition ReP99/D the ladies, the great which it gained the which he involved four M99 women, the realtional process. objects such as ‘’the idependently women tobe ‘’are’’ was young generation’’, involved in the categorized as the ‘’the great women’’, intergrated healh post attributive intens ‘’the ladies’’ and ‘’the folowed by the independenly women’’ also added up their adjective ‘’sure’’ as those objects were budget and prosperity the attribute. While dominated by women in this utterance had because the speaker the condition type brought the context which it was the part about the budget and of circumstance prosperity for women in (contigency) in the the intergrated health sentence ‘’if the post as the context of young generation, the location ladies, the great women, the independently women involved in the intergrated health post also added up their budget and prosperity

100 They can decrease the The word ‘’they’’ Sandiaga Uno involved MaP100/ death rate was categorized as the participant ‘’they’’ DM100 the actor becuse there that was refered to the was the verb young generation, the ‘’decrease’’ was the ladies, the great women material process and the independently while for the goal, women. The speaker formed in the phrase described with the ‘’the death rate’’ sentence ‘’can decrease’’ as their ability to give the effect over the death rate

101 That nowadays it is The relational Sandiaga Uno ReP101/ still above 300 process was explained something to DM101 constructed in this the audience where the sentence where ‘’it’’ subject ‘’it’’ refered to was identified as the the death rate in token. While tobe Indonesia. The speaker ‘’is’’ was called as said that the death rate the identifying intens had the rather high rate to indentify the as much as aboe 300 sentence ‘’above 300’’ as the value in the utterance

102 We also believe that The senser was Snadiaga Uno used the MeP102/ the nutrient of described in the word cognition process with DM102 children will also be ‘’we’’. While the the verb ‘’believe’’ better if we give a verb ‘’believe’’ was where the senser ‘’we’’ synergy program classified as the represented Sandiaga cognition type that Uno and his partner to processed into the explain their hope to the phenomenon that was audience about the found in the sentence nutritien of children ‘’the nutrient of will develop better that children will also be it would be connected better. Moreover, with the effect from a there was the part of synergy program circumstance (contigency) which it was placed in the sentence ‘’if we give a synergy program’’

103 The kindergarten and There were two Sandiaga Uno MaP103/ primry school provide actors in the sentence suggested the other DM103 milk or the milk that constituted the participants such as the tablets and green bean form of the material kindergarten and as well like in Jakarta process such as ‘’the primary school by using that we did kindergarten and the verb ‘’provide’’ primary school’’ and that the verb was ‘’we’’. While the directed to the word material process was ‘’milk or the milk the identified in the tablets and greean verbs ‘’provide’’ and bean’’ as the thing that ‘’did’’. After that, in will be consumed for the sentence ‘’milk the students there or the milk tablets and green bean’’ was categorized as the goal and the last in the phrase ‘’in Jakarta’’ was indicated as the circumstance (location) which it was called as the absolute spatial

104 So the problem of It formed the The suggegstion from MaP104/ stunting can we material process Sandiaga Uno by giving DM104 diminish to the future where the phrase‘’the milk, or green bean had of the victorious problem of stunting’’ the purpose to diminish Indonesia was categorized as the problem of stunting the goal. Moreover, which it was the trouble the word ‘’we’’ was in the health affairs the actor who did according to him ‘’diminish’’ as the process to the goal.

Third segment

Theme : Employment

105 Indonesia is the It formed the Sandiaga Uno opened ReP105/ wealth country, the relational process the statement in the DM105 natural resources are where it had three third segment by overwhelming, the carriers such as involving the human resources are ‘’Indonesia’’, ‘’the component of Indonesia great, smart and natural resources’’ as the information to diligent and ‘’the human the audience. the resources’’. In this speaker involved some sentence also had things in Indonesia such two attributive intens as ‘’the natural that were ‘’is’’ and resources’’ and ‘’the ‘’are’’ where tobe human resources’’ as ‘’is’’ for Indonesia, something that had the ‘’are’’ for the natural good attribute resources and the human resources. For the attribute, it had three attributes in this utterance like ‘’the wealth country’’ as the first attribute, ‘’overwhelming’’ as the second attribute and ‘’great, smart and diligent’’ as the third attribute

106 I met with the human The verb ‘’met’’ was Then Sandiaga Uno MaP106/ resources all over the categorized as the take one of two DM106 region of Indonesia material process components like in the where the word ‘’i’’ phrase ‘’the human was the actor in this resources’’ that he had sentence, in the said before. The phrase ‘’the human speaker gave an resources’’ was information about the known as the goal experience by using the and for the sentence clause ‘’I met’’ which ‘’all over the region the word ‘I’’ was of Indonesa’’ was identified as the speaker classified as the itself and ‘’met’’ as the absolute spatial process of word to which it was the part share his experience of circumstance about the human (location) resources

107 They radiated the In the word ‘’they’’ Sandiaga Uno tried to MaP107/ optimistic face was called as the explain over the DM107 actor where the verb audience about the ‘’radiated’’ was the human resources by word that formed the using the reference sentence into the word ‘’they’’. The material process. and spekaer described the goal from this something had by the sentence was word ‘’they’’ by using described in the the clause ‘’radiated phrase ‘’the otimistic optimistic face’’ as the face’’ representation of them

108 Rumah Siap Kerja ‘’Rumah Siap Kerja’’ Sandiaga Uno gave MaP108/ just have been was identified as the information about his DM108 launched goal and the verb ‘’ program that was launched was the ‘’Rumah Siap Kerja’’. material process in The speaker explained this sentence it by using the clause ‘’just have been launched’ that one of his planning had been created currently

109 Prabowo-Sandi offer It constructed the Sandiaga Uno involved MaP109/ to our young people material process himself and Prabowo DM109 where the word who was known as his ‘’Prabowo-Sandi’’ as partner to the audience the actor and the verb that he did the process ‘’offer’’ as the ‘’offer’’ which it process. while in the refered to his program. phrase ‘’to our young So the speaker tried to people’’ was explain the direction of identified as the his program given that client focused on the young people in Indonesia

110 Because it is irony The word ‘’it’’ was Sandiaga Uno carried ReP110/ categorized as the on his utterance by DM110 token where tobe relating the problem ‘’is’’ formed this with the label ‘’irony’’ sentence into the relational process and ‘’it’’ was called as the identifying intens. While the word ‘’irony’’, indicated as the value

111 That the currently Int the sentence, ‘’the Sandiaga Uno Map111/ vocational students currently vocational explained the reason DM111 dominte the amount students’’ was why it was called as of our joblesness categorized as the irony by using the actor where the verb sentence ‘’the currently ‘’dominate’’ formed vocational students this sentence to be dominate the amount of the material process. our joblessness’’ as one and the phrase ‘’the amount of our problem in employment joblesness ws affairs identified as the goal

112 61% of our joblesness it was constructed as Sandiga Uno explained ReP112/ is our young people the relational process to the audience about DM112 where in the sentence the dominantly ‘’61% of our percentage of jobless joblesness’’ was that occured in classified as the empoymen affiars token. Tobe ‘’is’’ was the identifying type to identify ‘’our young people’’ that was categorized as the value

113 They enroll the In the word ‘’they’’ Sandiaga Uno MaP113/ vocational school was marked as the explained something to DM113 because they want to actor where the the audience where the get a job quickly verb’’ enroll’’ word ‘’they’’ was formed this sentence represented to the to be the material students who registrated process to connected in the vocational school the goal in the phrase with the reason to ‘’the vocational acquire the job quickly. school. Moreover, The sentence ‘’to get a there were two the job quickly’’ was circumstances sucah implied as the first as (cause) that was reason the students found in the sentence studied there according ‘’because they want to Sandiaga Uno to get a job’’ as the reason type and (manner) that was described in the word ‘’quickly’’ as the quality type 114 We are launching The word ‘’we’’ was Sandiaga Uno promoted MaP114/ Rumah Siap Kerja for categorized as the his program ‘’Rumah DM114 the young people actor where the verb Siap Kerja’’ to the ‘’launching’’ audience. there was the constructed this clause ‘’ are sentence to be the launching’’ showed that material process and the event was giong on the goal found in the which his program word ‘’Rumah Siap given by the speaker for Kerja’’. Then there the young people as the was the circumstance solution (cause) in the phrase (for the young people) as the behalf type

115 We look how we will It formed the There was the BeP115/ recruit the bussiness behavioural process behavioural process in DM115 world where the word the utterance. Sandiaga ‘’we’’ as the behaver Uno used the verb and the verb ‘’look’’ ‘’look’’ as the as the behavioural consiously behaviour process that was used where ‘’we’’ was the to the circumstance people who did the matter in the process to give their sentence ‘’how we way about the bussiness will recruit the world bussiness world’’

116 The private enterprise ‘’the private Sandiaga Uno involved MaP116/ and the state-owned enterprise and the the private entreprise DM116 corporation that we state-owned and the stated-owned will give the incentive corporation’’ was corporation in this so that they offer the identified as the segment as the media to internship’s program client where it had sucessed his program and co-op to the connection between by using the phrase ‘’ young people who ‘’we’’ as the actor give incentive’’ as the come over Rumah and ‘’give’’ as the speaker’s way in Siap Kerja material process. applying his program while for the goal, for the young people found in the phrase ‘’ the incentive’’. Then in this sentence, there were two part of circumstances (cause) such as the reason type that was classified in the sentence ‘’so that they offer the internship’s program and co-op’’ and the behalf type in the sentence ‘’the young people who come over Rumah Siap Kerja

117 We will present in It formed the The word ‘’we’’ refered MaP117/ each thesub-district to material process to Sandiaga Uno and DM117 the rural area where the word his partner where the ‘’we’’ as the actor speaker used the and the verb sentence ‘’will present ‘’present’’ was in sub-district to rural identified as the area’’ was implied as process. while in the their plan to offer their phrases ‘’ the sub program to the small district’’ and the area location in rural area’’ was Indonesia as the target called as of their program

118 They will get the In the word ‘’they’’ Sandiaga Uno MaP118/ appropriate skill that was indicated as the explained the purpose DM118 is needed by the actor because this of his program that was revolution of industry sentence was offered to the sub- 4.0 contruscted as the district and the rural material process with area by using the caluse the verb ‘’ get’’ as ‘’get the appropriate the sign to make the skill’’ for the word process. After that, ‘’they’’ that was there was the represented to the circumstance (matter) was people accepting the identified in the program. sentence ‘’that is needed by the revoltion of industry 4.0

119 I came yesterday The word ‘’I’’ was The verb ‘’came’’ MaP119/ the actor who did the showed that the process DM119 material process happened in the past ‘’came’’ in the where ‘’i’’ was utterance represented to Sandiaga Uno. so the speaker was trying to share his experience

120 There was someone It formed the Sandiaga Uno ExP120/ who wanted the exisential process explained his DM120 graphic design, there where tobe ‘’was’’ as experience to the was someone who the exisential audience where the needed to whet the process. there were speaker described it by skill in english two entity existents using ‘’there was language such as int the someone who wanted sentence ‘’someone the graphic design. who wanted the There was someone graphic design’’ and who needed to whet the also ‘’someone who skill in english needed to whet the language’’ as the skill in english existent situation language occured when the speaker was being there

121 This is a future The word ‘’this’’ was Sandiaga Uno tried to ReP121/ identified as the convince the audience DM121 token where tobe by using the sentence ‘’ ‘’is’’ indicated that this is a future’’ as the this sentence was the conclusion from his relational process. utterances before while the token came from the phrase ‘’a future’’ 122 Prabowo-Sandi will It constructed the It was the answer of the MeP122/ believe to erase the mental process where word ‘’ a future’’ where DM122 amount of joblesness the senser came from Prabowo and Sandiaga at the young age as the word ‘’Prabowo- Uno convinced the much as 2 millions in Sandi. In the verb audience by using 5 years ‘’believe’’ was ‘’believe’’. The speaker categorized as the believed that he can cognition type to be finish the problem of connected with the joblessness as much as phenomenon that was 2 millions which in the found in the sentence phrase ‘’in 5 years’’ ‘’erase the amount of refered to the duration joblesness at the of the presidential young age’’. The periode in Indonesia sentence also had two different circumstances such as (manner) that was found in the sentence ‘’as much as 2 millions as the degree type and (location) that was found in the phrase ‘’in 5 years’’ as the absolute temporal

123 We believe that The word ‘’we’’ was Sandiaga Uno also used MeP123/ Indonesia will be called as the senser the cognition process to DM123 victory, fair, where ‘’we’’ used convince the audience prosperous with the verb ‘’believe’’ by using the verb Prabowo-Sandi as the cognition type ‘’believe’’. It meant in the mental process. that the speaker then followed by the believed the Indonesia phenomenon placed will be better when in the sentence Prabowo and Sandi led ‘’Indonesia is Indonesia in the future victory, fair,prosperous with Prabowo-Sandi’’ 124 How does the It formed the Sandiaga Uno gave ReP124/ Indonesia can become relational process criticism about the rate DM124 the number 7 of the where the word of Indonesia in the biggest economy all ‘’Indonesia’’ was future. In the sentence over in the world in identified as the ‘’if the young people the years of 2030- token and the verb can not be given away a 2035 if the young ‘’become’’ as the capable job’’ was people can not be identifying intens. meant as the condition given away a capable while in the phrase can gave the effect to job ‘’the number 7 of the the rate of Indonesia. biggest economy all According to him, if over the world in the Indonesia wanted to get years of 2030-2035’’ the 7th position then the was categorized as young people had to be the value. Moreover, offered the capable job the sentence had the for them circumstance (contigency) where it was found in the sentence ‘’if the young people can not be given away a capable job’’ as the condition type

125 I have ever felt be a The word ‘’I’’ was The word ‘’I’’ was MeP125/ jobless called as the senser represented to Sandiaga DM125 where the verb ‘’ Uno where he felt’’ was categorized explained his feelings as the perception as a jobless in the past type n the mental to the audience process to be connected with the phrase ‘’ a jobless’’ as the phenomenon from the actor

126 Rumah Siap Kerja for ‘’Rumah Siap Kerja’’ Sandiaga Uno ReP126/ the young people is was called as the explained his program DM126 token in the to the audience that was relational process ’’Rumah Siap Kerja’’ the intergrated where tobe ‘’is’’ was as the program for the services of one door identified as the young people in identifying intens to Indonesia identify the value that was found in the phrase ‘’the intergrated services of one door’’

127 They probably can be The verb ‘’guided’’ Sandiaga Uno MaP127/ guided to be an was called as the explained the use of his DM127 entrepreneur material process program to the audience where it was done by where the word ‘’they’’ the actor that was was the young people found in the word who joined in his ‘’they’’. While in the program ‘’Rumah Siap sentence ‘’to be an Kerja’’/ the speaker entrepreneur’’ was said the sentence categorized as the ‘’guided to be an product type entrepreneur’’ in his utterance. It meant that the program could help the young people to be the proffession that they needed. One of them was entrepreneur

128 If only they became There was the Sandiaga Uno used the MaP128/ the entrepreneur, they circumstance assumption sentence DM128 can join with the (contigency) in where the speaker Oke-Oce’s program sentence ‘’if only connected between the they became the young people and his entrpreneur’’ that another program. So the was called as the speaker said ‘’if only condition type. The they became the actor was placed in entrepreneur’’ as the the word ‘’they’’ assumption from because it formed the Sandiaga Uno. if it was material process happened than the which it was found in speaker involved them the verb ‘’join’’. to his another program After that, in the called with the Oke- phrase ‘’the Oke- Oce’s program Oce’s program’’ was classified as the goal

129 In Jakarta, Oke-Oce there were two Sandiaga Uno MaP129/ has decreased the circumstances explained his another DM129 joblessness as much (location) with the program and the as 20,000 in 2018 different types. In the speaker tried to link his phrase ‘’in Jakarta’’ program to the jakarta was categorized as which it was the first the absolute spatial location of his program while in the phrase applied. The speaker ‘’in 2018’’ was also explained the categorized as the effect of his program by absolute temporal. saying ’’has decreased For the word ‘’Oke- as much as 20,000 in Oce’’ was called as 2018’’ as the result the actor that did the occured that had material process implentated in 2018 ‘’decreased’’ with the goal ‘’the joblessness’’ in the utterance. Moreover, there was also the another circumstance which it was the circumstance (manner) in the sentence ‘’as much as 20,000’’ as the degree type

130 I have looked the real The word ‘’I’’ was The word ‘’I’’ was BeP130/ result identified as the represented as Sandiaga DM130 behaver where the Uno where he utterance formed the explained to the behavioural process. audience that the this was showed in speaker look himself the verb ‘’look’’ as the result of his the process that program In Jakarta identified ‘’the real during he had the result’’ as the position as the vice behaviour governour

131 It has got the positive The word ‘’it’’ was Sandiaga Uno MaP131/ review indicated as the actor explained to the DM131 where the material audience by saying ‘’it process identified the has got the positive verb ‘’got’’ as the review’’ where ‘’it’’ process to the goal refered to the Oke- categorized in the Oce’s program that got phrase ‘’the positive the positive result given review’’ in the by the people in Jakarta utterance

132 In the future, we The word ‘’we’’ was Sandiaga Uno hoped to MeP132/ believe with the the senser where it the program that would DM132 education in Rumah did the cognition be offered to the Siap Kerja just not to process ‘’believe’’ to audience. the speaker increase the skill but the phenomenon that believed that his open an opportunity was constructed in program that had made the sentence ‘’the with his partner education in Rumah ‘’Praowo Subianto’’, it Siap Kerja just not to could the good effect increase the skill but for the young people. open an opportunity’’ The speaker said two aims in his program such as ‘’to increase the skill’’ as the first aim and ‘’open an oppurtinity’’ as the second aim

133 Because the jobless There was the Sandiaga Uno MaP133/ does not need material process explained the reason DM133 compassion where the word ‘’ the why the jobless had to jobless’’ was the be given the program actor and the verb like that in his argument ‘’need’’ as the before. Therefore, the process. while the speaker said ‘’ because word ‘’compassion’’ the jobless does not was classified as the need commpassion’’ as goal the answer for the reason

134 They need a chance It formed the mental The sentence ‘’they MeP134/ process where the need a chance’’ was the DM134 word ‘’they’’ as the second reason that senser who did the given by Sandiaga Uno affection process to the audience ‘’need’’ to the phrase ‘’a chance’’ that was categorized as the phenomenon

135 Allah opened the way The word ‘’Allah’’ Sandiaga Uno storied MaP135/ was the actor where his past when the DM135 it did the process speaker was a jobless. ‘’opened’’ as the So the speaker involved material process’’ to the god ‘’Allah’’ as the the goal in the participant involved in phrase ‘’the way’’ his experience until he could be success as the entrepreneur

136 From the small In the phrase ‘’the Sandiaga Uno storied MaP136/ bussiness, I built with small bussiness’’, his chronology to the DM136 my partners who have identified as the goal audience by using the given the job for where the actor ‘’I’’ sentence ‘’ From the 30,000 employees in did the verb ‘’built’’ small bussiness, I built Indonesia as the material with my partners that process. Moreover, in has given the job for the utterance had 30,000 employees in three circumstances Inonesia’’ which the first one was (accompaniment) in the phrase ‘’with my partners’’, then the second one was (manner) in the phrase ‘’for 30,000 employees’’ that was classified as the behalf type and the last one was (location) in the phrase ‘’ in Indonesia’’ that was classified as the absolute spatial

137 I still believe that The word ‘’I’’was The word ‘’I’’ was MeP137/ many young people the senser who used represented as the DM137 who can work in the the cognition process someone who used the sake of the victorious in the verb senser where it was Indonesia ‘’believe’’. While in Sandiaga Uno. the the sentence ‘’many speaker used the verb young people who ‘’believe’’ as the word can work’’ was to convince himself and identified as the the audience. the phenomenon. Then speaker said ‘’many in the phrase ‘’ in the young people who can sake of the victorius work in the sake of the Indonesia’’, victorious Indonesia’’ identifying that it was implied as the was the circumstance situation that made him (manner) which one believe to the young was the behalf type people in Indonesia

Theme: Social and Culture

138 Sir Karno met with The word ‘’Sir Sandiaga Uno opened MaP138/ the defence minister Karno’’ was the actor the statement in the DM138 of united states where the verb theme about social and ‘’met’’ was identified culture by involving the as the material story of Soekarno when process and the goal he met the defence was found in the minister in United phrase ‘’the defence States minister of united states’’ 139 He stated and I am It formed the verbal Sandiaga Uno took the VeP139/ going to quote ‘’you process where the soekarno’s statement DM139 may have the atomic word ‘’he’’ and ‘’I’’ ‘’you may have the bomb, but we have as the sayer. There atomic bomb, but we the high art of were two verbal have the high art of cuture’’ processes in the culture’’ as the pre- utterance such as explanation about social ‘’stated’’ and and culture to the ‘’quote’’ which the audience verbiage was described in the sentence ‘’you may have the atomic bomb, but we have the high art of culture’’

140 UNESCO crowned The actor was Sandiaga Uno gave the MaP140/ Indonesia as the super identified in the word information by saying DM140 power country ‘’UNESCO’’ where the another participant it did the material ‘’UNESCO’’ as the process ‘’crowned’’ orgenixation that ever to the word labeled for Indonesia to ‘’indonesia’’ that was be the super power categorized as the country goal. While in the sentence ‘’ as the super power country’’ was called as the circumstance (role) which it was the guise type

141 The powerful country In the phrase ‘’the The speaker gave the ReP141/ that had the high of powerful country’’ reason why the DM141 culture was categoized as the Indonesia was crowned carrier where the as the super power by verb ‘’ had’’ as the stating ‘’the powerful word that made the country that we had the sentence be the relational process. ‘’had’’ was the high of culture’’ as the attributive possession answer of reason to put the carrier’s attribute over the phrase ‘’the high of culture’’

142 Indeed I see the It identified the word Sandiaga Uno tried to MeP142/ budget and ‘’I’’ as the senser answer the response DM142 infrastructure are still where the senser from his opposite less used the perception ‘’KH. Ma’ruf Amin’’ process that it was about the budget and marked to the verb infrastructure. The ‘’see’’. While for the speaker put the attribute phenomenon, it was ‘’still less’’ as the word found in the sentence to explain the status of ‘’ the budget and them infrastructure are still less’’

143 But we must see from The verb ‘’see’’, Sandiaga Uno MeP143/ the side of partnership marked as the verb persuaded his oppenent DM143 that made the and the audience to see sentence to be the in the another side mental process which where ‘’the side of the senser was the partnership’’ was the word ‘’we’’. Than in another side meant by the phrase ‘’ from the the speaker side of partnership’’ was classified as the phenomenon

144 Because I am very The word ‘’I’’ was Sandiaga Uno felt sure ReP144/ sure categorized as the where his feeling was DM144 carrier where tobe linked with the side of ‘’am’’ made the partnership relational process in the sentence as the attributive intens. While the attribute for the carrier, classified in the word ‘’very sure’’

145 If the government In the sentence ‘’if Sandiaga Uno MaP145/ take sides to the the government take explained to the DM145 development of sides to the audience about the way culture, it can invite development of to make the other many another parties culture’’ was the parties join with the circumstance speaker by saying ‘’the (contigency) as the government take sides condition type where to the development of the word ‘’It’’ was culture’’ as the identified as the actor condition that could because the sentence give the positive effect formed the material for the cuture of process. it was Indonesia marked with the verb ‘’invite’’ as the process to reach the goal ‘’many another parties’’

146 Like the bussiness it formed the material Sandiaga Uno gave MaP146/ world, scolarships, process where in the examples that accepted DM146 universities can be first part was the goal the positive effect in the increased with the identified in the sentence ‘’the bussiness curriculum directing sentence ‘’ the world, scolarships, and interest to love our bussiness world, universities’’ and the culture scolarship, speaker also explained universities’’. The the way to reach the verb for the process purpose by saying ‘’the was ‘’increase’’ curriculum directing which it was refered interest to love our to the sentence ‘’with culture’’ as one the curriculum alternative to increase directing interest to them love our culture’’ identified as the circumstance (manner) which it was the means type

147 from the cultural side, It was the mental Sandiaga Uno tried to MeP147/ I believe that it will process where the convince the audience DM147 appear the economic senser ‘’I’’ used the where ‘’it’’ refered to oppurtinities based on cognition process the culture. The speaker the culture that will that was found in the also said ‘’will appear create so many jobs verb ‘’believe’’. It the economic of the creative was used for the oppurtinities based on economy sentence ‘’it will the culture’’ as one appear the economic process that gave oppurtinities based something from the on the culture that existance of culture in will create so many Indonesia. The speaker jobs of the creative uttered ‘’that will create economy’’ as the so mamy jobs of phenomenon creative economy’’ showed that Sandiaga Uno explained the effect if the economic oppurtinies based on the culture appeared

148 To colaborate all The verb Sandiaga Uno persuade MaP148/ powers that we have ‘’colaborate’’ was the audience by using DM148 identified as the the verb ‘’colaborate’’ materila process where it was used as the where the goal was way to convince them indcated to the sentence ‘’ all powers we have’’

149 Our culture are also ‘’our culture’’ was ‘’our culture’’ was ReP149/ reflected in the called as the goal representated as the dm149 potention of tourism where the process culture of Indonesia had by Indonesia appeared the verb where Sandiaga Uno ‘’reflected’’ tried to explain that the culture of Indonesia had the potention. The verb ‘’reflected’’ was implied as the way the speaker to describe something that it could be used in the particular thing

150 If we look something The behavioural Sandiaga Uno tried to BeP150/ in the holistic view process occured in invite the audience by DM150 that is comprehensive the sentence where using the word ‘’we’’ the verb ‘’look’’ as where it was the process for the representated between word ’ we’’ was the speaker and the identified as the people. The speaker behaver. Whiile in used the sentence ‘’look the sentence ‘’the something in the holistic view that is holistic view’’ as his comprhensive’’ was purpose to the audience categorized as the behaviour

151 Where we place the The utterance made Sandiaga Uno MaP151/ construction of the material process explained about the DM151 culture as a priority where it was marked construction of culture in the word ‘’place’. where he used the verb The word ‘’we’’ was ‘’place’’ to describe the indicated as the actor process to show the role that did the process from the construction of to the goal in the culture which it will sentece ‘’the became the priority construction of culture’’. While in the phrase ‘’as a priority’’ was the circumstance (role) or the guise type

152 I really believe the The senser ‘’I’’ used Sandiaga Uno MeP152/ Indonesia victory in the verb ‘’believe’’ convinced the audience DM152 the lead of Prabowo- as the cognition where the phrase ‘’the Sandi process that was Indonesia victory’’ wes directed to the said as the result when sentence ‘’ the the speaker lead the Indonesia victory in Indonesia with his the lead of Prabowo- partner, Prabowo Sandi’’ as the phenomenon

153 Not only can preserve There were two Sandiaga Uno MaP153/ our culture but it also material processes explained that there DM153 create the hop and which they were were two advantages explosition of ‘’preserve’’ and for the young people economy that will ‘’create’’. The first after his program create the job for our process ‘’preserve’’ implementated by using young people was used to the goal the sentence ‘’can ‘’our culture while preserve our culture’’ the second process as the first advantage ‘’create’’ was used to and ‘’it also create the the first goal ‘’the hop and explosition of hop and explosition economy that will of economy’’ and create the job for our the second goal ‘’the young people’’ as the job’’. Moreover, in second advantage. In the phrase ‘’for our the phrase ‘’the hop and young people’’ was explosition of identified as the economy’’ was refered behalf type in the as many benefits that part of circumstance came out from his (cause) program in terms of the culture

154 Building our culture, In the first sentence, Sandiaga Uno VeP154/ we are not talking of classifiying there was explained to the DM154 the budget and the circustance audience where in the infrastructure (manner) as the sentence ‘’we are not means type. And the talking of the budget second sentence and infrastructure’’ was formed the verbal implied that there were process where the the other things needed senser ‘’we’’ used to be concerned except the verb ‘’talking’’ as budget and the process. infrastructure. Moreover, in the sentence ‘’the budget and infrastrucutre’’ was identified as the circumstance (matter)

155 But seen from The verb ‘’seen’’ as In the sentence ‘’from MeP155/ involving all elements the perception involving all elements’’ DM155 that can support so process in the mental as the alternative to that this culture process with the reach the purpose becomes one trigger phenomenon that was wanted by the speaker of power for the placed to the to be delivered over the advacement of sentence ‘’from audience where all Indonesia in the involving all elements could gave the future elements that can result to make the support’’ there was culture became one the circumstance trigger of power for (cause) in the Indonesia sentence’’ so that this culture becomes one trigger of power for the advancement of Indonesia in the future’’ as the reason type

156 I see the legacy of The senser ‘’I’’ The word ‘’i’’ was MeP156/ culture had by us is applied the represented as the DM156 very diserve perception type senser who used the ‘’see’’ for the perception to view phenomenon that was something. So the marked in the speaker used his sentence ‘’the legacy perceprion that was of culture had by us aimed to the legacy of is very diserve’’ culture by saying ‘’very diserve’’ as the attribute for the legacy of culture in Indonesia

157 Bhineka Tunggal Ika ‘’Bhineka Tunggal Sandiaga Uno involved ReP157/ and tolerance are one Ika and tolerance’’ the context the DM157 of the legacy from was identified as the relationship among the our culture token in the mankind by saying relational process ‘’Bhineka Tunggal Ika which tobe ‘’are’’ and tolerance’’ as the was classified as the components in the identifying intens to legacy of culture in identify the sentence Indonesia ‘’one of the legacy from our culture’’ as the value

158 We can see how the It formed the mental Sandiaga Uno invited MeP158/ best works from our process where the the audience to use their DM158 young people in word ‘’ we’’ as the sense to see the Indonesia have been senser. It used the phenomenon where in worldwide verb ‘’see’’ as the the sentence ‘’the best perception type. works from our young After that, in the people in Indonesia sentence ‘’how the have been worldwide’’ besst works from our was implied as the young people in situation about the Indonesia have been production from the worldwide’’ was best works that made by identified as the the young people in phenomenon Indonesia had been famous in the world

159 Now we just The actor ‘’we’’ did Sandiaga Uno tried to MaP159/ colaborate them the material process persuade the audience DM159 by using the verb by using the verb ‘’colaborate’’ to the ‘’colaborate’’ as the goal ‘’them’’ process to work together with the young people

160 Do not make The material process Sandiaga Uno invited MaP160/ everything to be the was found in the verb the audience by using DM160 responsibility of ‘’make’’ to do the the sentence ‘’ Do not government process that it was make everything to be dircted to the object the responsibility of ‘’everything’’ as the government’’ as the goal. While in the interdiction wanted by sentence ‘’to be the the speaker to be responsibility of showed over the government’’ was audience placed as the circumstance (role) which it was the product type

161 if we talk of the In the first sentence Sandiaga Uno gave MeP161/ culture, so many formed the information to the dm161 parties who want to circumstance audience that there help either from the (contigency) that it were many parties who bussiness world was the condition wanted to help type while in the developing the culture second sentence formed the mental process where the senser ‘’many parties’’ used the verb ‘’want’’ as the affection type. It was used for the sentence ‘’ to help either from the bussiness world’’ as the phenomenon

162 Thank you It constructed the Sandiaga Uno said VeP162/ verbal process where ‘’thank you’’ as the DM162 the word ‘’thank’’ closing that was was the process then addresed to the the word ‘’you’’ as audience in the segment the receiver of vision and mission. The word ‘’you’’ it was spread out to all of the audience

163 In the institute of The verb ‘’want’’ Sandiaga Uno involved MeP163/ society, they want to made it to be the “the institute of DM163 contibute mental process where society’’ as the the word ‘’they’’ as participant that they had the senser used the the desire to did the affection process to process that was connected the “contribute” to develop sentence ‘’to the culture in Indonesia contribute’’ as the phenomenon. Moreover, in the phrase ‘’in the institute of country’’ was called as the circumstance (location). It was classified as the absolute spatial

164 The duty of It formed the Sandiaga Uno ReP164/ government is relational process explained about the DM164 constructing the where the phrase duty of government that strong government ‘’the duty of should be done for the with the firm government’’ was culture become as the aligments so that the categorized as the priority of building the culture becomes the token. Tobe ‘’is’’ speaker said main priority of was indicated as the ‘’constructing the building identifying intens to strong government with identify ‘’ ‘’the the firm alligments” as constructing the the explanation of duty strong government that was identified for with the firm the government alligments’’ as the value. While in the sentence ‘’so that the culture becomes the main priority of building’’ was called as the circumstance (cause) whice one was the purpose type 165 Now we see that our The senser ‘’we’’ Sandiaga Uno MeP165/ priority are on the used the verb ‘’see’’ persuaded the audience DM165 infrastructure as the perception to use their perception type in the mental to view about the process that was priority. So the speaker linked with the explained in the phrase phenomenon ‘’our “on the infrastructure” priority are on the as the direction the infrastructure’’ prority currently that was meant by Sandiaga Uno

166 We will balance the It formed the The word “we” was MaP166/ building human material process representated as DM166 where the actor someone who did the ‘’we’’ did the process of doing. process ‘’balance’’ to Therefore, ‘’we’’ was thegoal that was linked by the speaker marked in the phrase into Sandiaga Uno and ‘’the human his partner to do the development process “balance” the building human where “the building human” was implied as the human resources

167 and the culture also ‘’the culture’’ was Sandiaga Uno ReP167/ must be the priority categorized in the explained the other DM167 of the Prabowo- material process as priorities to the Sandi’s development the token which in audience that his the word ‘’must be’’ priority with Prabowo as the identifying was identified in the intens to identify the word “the value that was found development” that was in the phrase ‘’the directed to the culture priority of the Prabowo-Sandi’s development

Fourth Segment 168 For KH. Ma’ruf Formed the relational Sandiaga Uno gave his ReP168/ Amin who I am process in the respect to his opposite, DM168 respectful utterance where the KH. Ma’ruf Amin word ‘’I’’ was before he made a identified as the statement carrier and tobe ‘’am’’ as the attributive intens to put the attribute in the word ‘’respectful’’. Moreover, there was the circumstance (cause) in the phrase ‘’for KH.Ma’ruf Amin’’ as the behalf type

169 When our joblesness there were two Sandiaga Uno raised ReP169/ are still 7 millions realtional processes the topic about the DM169 and the qualty of job occured. In the first joblessness where the is still not optimal phrase ‘’our speaker used the word jobelesness’’ was ‘’still 7 millions” as the called as the token value to explan the where tobe ‘’are’’ amount that had not was categorized as changed until now. The the identifying intens speaker also told about to identify ‘’still 7 the quality of job by millions’’ as the saying ‘’still not value. While in the optimal”. It meant that second phrase ‘’the it still did not give the quality of job’’ was positive result called as the carrier where tobe ‘’is’’ was identify as the attributive intens that was directed to the sentence ‘’still not optimal’’ as tha attribute 170 The government The actor ‘’the Sandiaga Uno gave MaP170/ revoke some government’’ did the criticism about the DM170 necessities for the material process policy of government foreign employees ‘’revoke’’ for the by saying “revoke some like their obligations goal that was necessities for the to master the identified in the foreign employess. The ndonesia language phrase ‘’some speaker deemed that the necessities’’. While foreign employees were in the phrase ‘’for the given a free foreign employess’’ requirement. Then it was called as the was proceed by circumstance (cause) Sandiaga Uno in the which one was the sentence ”like their behalf type. obligations to master the Indonesia language

171 Especially for the The relational Sandiaga Uno refered ReP171/ labors who are in the process was in the sentence “the DM171 lowest level constructed in the labors who are in the utterance where the lowest level” to the phrase ‘’the labors’’ foreign employees that was identified as the they did not have the carrier. While tobe ability to use the ‘’is’ was classified as Indonesia language the attributive intens and the phrase ‘’the lowest level’’ was called as the attribute

172 We see that so many The senser ‘’we’’ Sandiaga Uno tried to MeP172/ our brothers have not used the mental explain over the DM172 got the job process ‘’see’’ as the audience about the opportunites perception type that effect from the policy it wadirected to the revoked by the phenomenon in the government for the sentence ‘’so many foreign employees. The our brothers have not speaker persuade them got the job to use their perception opportunities’’ to view the effect about it that could affect the local employees to get a job

173 But at the another It formed the Sandiaga Uno tried to MaP173/ side, the job is given material process convince the audience DM173 to the foreign where the phrase with their perception to residents ‘’the job’’ was the stare from the other goal. It was side. The speaker said processed by the verb “the job is given to the ‘’given’’. For the foreign residents” phrase ‘’the foreign which it meant that it residents’’ was was told as the situation identified as the from the other side client which it was contradiction for the local employees in the point of the Sandiaga Uno’s view

174 The lately honorary In the first sentence Sandiaga Uno MaP174/ staff still have not got ‘’the honorary staff’’ mentioned one of DM174 a justice, they have was defined as the parties that felt not been upgraded actor where the verb complicated by the their status and their ‘’got’’ was the policy by saying “the prosperity too material process to honorary staff”. be done over the Moreover, in the phrase ‘’a justice’’ sentence “have been called as the goal. upgraded their status furthemore in the and their prosperity” as second sentence, the the reason for the material process honorary staff identified to the verb ‘’upgraded’’ where it directed to the goal that was found in the phrase ‘’their status’’ and ‘’their prosperity

The currently system ‘’the system of Sandiaga Uno also ReP175/ 175 of ousorching outsorching’’ was involved “the system of dm175 identified as the outsourching” as the complicates for the actor. it was did the other participant that bussiness world process the policy was going ‘’complicates’’ to the on. The speaker used circumstance (cause) “complicates” as the that identified the word to describe the phrase ‘’for the system of outsourching. bussiness world’’ as It meant that the system the behalf type gave difficulties for the business world

176 it is also very unfair It formed the Sandiaga Uno gave the ReP176/ for the employees relational process conclusion to the DM176 complaining that where the word ‘’it’’ audience by saying “it there is nothing their was indicated as the is also very unfair for affirmation works carrier. Tobe ‘’is’’ the employees” where was placed as the the word “it” refered to attributive intens than the system of it was proceed by the outsourching word ‘’very unfair’’ as the attribute. Moreover, there was the part of sentence ‘’for the employees complaining ‘’ that was categorized as the circumstance (cause), the behalf type and in the part of sentence ‘’that there is nothing their affirmation work’’ was called as the circumstance (matter)

177 The wage system also It constituted the part Sandiaga Uno also MaP177/ oppresses the worker of the material involved the other DM177 unions, the brothers process where the problems in from the online actor ‘’the wage employment affairs by transportation drivers system’’ did the saying ‘’the wage process ‘’oppresses’’ system’’. The speaker do not get the safety that was refered to described the wage of work properly the goal ‘’the worker system with the verb unions. There was “oppresses” that was also the second actor interprated as the thing in the sentence ‘’the that gave difficulties for brothers from the the worker unions and online transportation the online drivers’’ which it did transportration drivers the process ‘’get’’ then followed by the goal from the phrase ‘’the safety of work’’ while ‘the word ‘’properly’’ was called as the quality type in the part of circumstance (manner)

178 Prabowo-Sandi see the senser was Sandiaga Uno involved MeP178/ that UMKM is the known in the word himself and Prabowo to DM178 solution to create the ‘’Pravowo-Sandi’’ use the perception to job which it used the assess UMKM. in the verb ‘’see’ as the sentence “the solution perception type’’. to create the job” was After that, in the interprated as the sentence ‘’UMKM is conclusion from the the solution to create UMKM’s policy that it the job’’ was had applied in classified as the Indonesia phenomenon

179 The amount is 99,99 Tobe ‘’is’’ that was Sandiaga Uno tried to ReP179/ from the unit works categorized as the explain over the DM179 had this country identifying intens, audience with the ‘’the constructing the amount is 99,99% from relational process the unit works had this where the token was country’’ was implied ‘’the amount’’ and as the result given by the value was UMKM ‘’99,9% from the unit works had this country’’

180 They have not got the it had two material Sandiaga Uno MaP180/ partisan in terms of processes such as explained the issue DM180 policy whereas 97% ‘’got’’ as the first about the employment of the jobs are process and affairs where the word created by the ‘’created’’ as the “they” refered to the UMKM’s sector second process with local employees. The the passive type. The speaker also said the first process that was aspect to the audience aimed to ‘’they’’ as by saying the sentence the actor which the ‘’ 97% of the jobs are goal was created by the ‘’partisanship’’. UMKM’s sector’’ While in the second process that aimed to the goal ‘’the jobs’’ that was done by ‘’the UMKM’s sector’’ as the actor

181 For the foreign ‘’for the foreign Sandiaga Uno ReP181/ empolyees, we have employees’’ was the explained that he meant DM181 the most explicit circumstance (cause) to replace the policy concept which it was the with his concept for the behalf type. The foreign employees. The carrier ‘’we’’ used speaker told to the the relational process audience the status of ‘’have’’ as the his concept by using the attributive possession phrase “the incridibly to put the attribute in clear concept” the phrase ‘’the incridibly clear concept’’

182 That we will ascertain The actor ‘’we’’ did Sandiaga Uno gave his MaP182/ anyone who works the process commitment by using DM182 must be able to ‘’ascertain’’ as the the verb ‘’ascertain’’ to master the Indonesia material process tell the audience that in language where the goal was the word ‘’anyone’’ anyone who works’’. represented as the There was also the foreign employees must second material master the Indonesia process in the language utterance in the verb ‘’master’’ which the goal was ‘’the Indonesia language’’

183 As our empolyees in It constructed the Sandiaga Uno MaP183/ abroad have to material process compared his argument DM183 increase their skill where the actor ‘’ our before with the phrase employess in ‘’our employees’’ abroad’’ did the representated as the process ‘’increase’’ local employees that that it was directed to according to him, ithey the phrase ‘’their acquired the same skill’’ as the goal requirement to master the foreign language

184 We also ascertain the The actor ‘’we’’ did Sandiga Uno used the MaP184/ ratio of amount the process word ‘’we’’ was DM184 between the foreign ‘’ascertain’’ to make represented as his way and local employees the utterance to be to invite the audience to measured too by the material process did the process giving the aspect of where the goal was evaluating about the justice ‘’the ratio of amount ratio of amount. The between the foreign speaker tried to tell the and local audience to compare employees’’ while in something by saying the sentence ‘’by the sentence ‘’between giving the aspect of the foreign and local justice’’ was employees’’ as the identified as the things to be compared. means ttpe in the part Moreover, Sandiaga of circumstance Uno also told the way (manner) to make the solved problem for those employees by saying ‘’by giving the aspect of justice”

185 UMKM is the ‘’UMKM’’ was the Sandiaga Uno tried to ReP185/ solution token where tobe strength his statement DM185 ‘’is’’ was called as again about UMKM by the identifying intens telling the audience that to identify the phrase UMKM is the solution ‘’the solution’’ as the value

185 The processing based It formed the Sandiaga Uno also ReP185/ industry also become relational process explained the other DM185 the solution if we take where the phrase solution that was ‘’the sides to the job ‘’the processing processing based creation through based industry’’ was industry’’. But in the UMKM around 97% identified as the utterance, the speaker from the job creation carrier and the verb linked the solution ‘’become’’ was the where the spekaer process. while in the nvolved himself and the phrase ‘’the audience to choose the solution’’ was job creation through the categorized as the percentage of UMKM goal. Moreover. There was the circumstance (contigency) in the sentence ‘’if we take sides to the job creation’’ as the condition type and the circumstance (manner) in the sentence ‘’ through around UMKM around 97% from the job creation

186 and 60% from our The actor in the Sandiaga Uno MaP186/ gross domestic sentence that explained to the DM186 constructed the audience that besides production will be material process was from the percentage of funded by UMKM ‘’UMKM’’ where it UMKM around 67%, did the process the speaker told to them ‘’funded’’ for the that the gross domestic goal that was production also be identified in the involved asround 60% sentence ‘’60% from which it would be our gross domestic directed to UMKM production’’

187 Because we will give The actor ‘’we’’ did Sandiaga Uno MaP187/ about the first is the material process explained his reason DM187 practice, the second is ‘’give’’ as the from why he involved acompaniment, the process that refered the Oke’Oce’s program third is we will give to the sentence ‘’the for UMKM which in the marketing first is practice, the the word ‘’practice’’ as assistance to ease the second is the first step. then liscense accompaniment, ‘’accompaniment’’ as thethird is we will the second step and give the marketing ‘’the marketing assistance to eaase assistance to ease the the liscense’’ as the liscense’’ as the last circumstance step (matter)

188 The financial access The material process Sandiaga Uno said MaP188/ either the was marked in the ‘’increase’’ for the DM188 administration or verb ‘’increase’’ that financial access as the capital will increase it was done by the thing that gave the the bussiness world actor ‘’the financial positive effect to the access’’. While for bussiness world the goal, identifying in the phrase ‘’the bussiness word’’

189 One day we have to The word ‘’take Sandiaga Uno said in MaP189/ take sides if there is sides’’ was the form of command DM189 the vacancy job, give categorized as the sentence ‘’give to to employees in our materila process employees in our own own country where the actor country’’ as one of his ‘’we’’ did the way to make the process to the audience or people help condition type or the together so that the circumstance local employees could (contigency) in the acquire the job sentence ‘’if there is vacancy job’’. Moreover, in the utterance, there was the second process like the verb ‘’give’’ that was directed over the goal ‘’employees’’ and in the phrase ‘’in our own country’’ was categorized as the circumstance (location) which one was the absolute spatial

190 Do not let them The word ‘’them’’ Sandiaga Uno tried to MaP190/ removed and was placed as the gave suggestion for the DM190 abandoned because goal where it was the audience about keeping of any foreign object for the verb the job for the local employees ‘’removed and employees by saying abandoned’’ as the ‘’do not let them material process, removed and while in the sentence abandoned because of ‘’because of any any foreign employees foreign employees’’ was called as the circumstance (cause) or the reason type

191 I had an oppurtinity The word ‘’I’’ as the Sandiaga Uno tried to ReP191/ carrier where the answer the KH.Ma’ruf DM191 verb ‘’had’’ formed Amin’s question by the utterance to be saying ‘’I had an the relational oppurtinity’’ where the process. it was speaker shared his categorized as the experience to his attributive possession opposite than followed by the phrase ‘’an opportunity’’ as the attribute

192 to work in the It formed the Sandiaga Uno tried to MaP192/ pronvicial material process give his experience DM192 government of where the word where the word Jakarta ‘’work’’ as the ‘’work’’ was the process that it was process that was ever add the complement done by the speaker. sentence ‘’in the While in the phrase provincial ‘’the pronvicial government of goverment of Jakarta’’ Jakarta’’ was as the location where he identified as the worked absolute spatial which it was one of the circumstancial types (Location)

193 Where we had the The verb ‘’had’’ Sandiaga Uno storied ReP193/ enough budget marked that the his experience during DM193 sentence was the working as the vice relational process where ‘’had’’ was where the word ‘’we’’ categorized as the was represented as the attributive possession parties who worked in that was brought by the provincial the carrier ‘’we’’. government of Jakarta While in the sentence that they had the ‘’the budget that was enough budget enough’’ as the attribute

194 We had the program The carrier ‘’we’’ Sandiaga Uno ReP194/ of the Jakarta Pintar used the verb ’’had’’ mentioned the example DM194 Plus’s card where it to made the relational to explain one of his was not only the process in the program when the education system sentence. ‘’had’’ was speaker lead in Jakarta covered by the the attributive by telling about the national government possession for the Jakarta Pintar Plus’s phrase ‘’the program card to his opponent of of the Jakarta Pintar debate Plus’s card’’ was called as the attribute. Moreover, the relational process also happened in the word ‘’it’’ as the token where tobe ‘’was’’ identified as the identifying intens to identify ‘’the education system covered by the national government’’ as the value

195 But it also added by The material process Sandiaga Uno MaP195/ the policy giving indicated the verb explained the other DM195 nutrition better to ‘’added as the advantages from his receiver the use of passive process to the program ‘ the Jakarta KJP plus word ‘’it’’ as the goal Pintar Plus’s card’’ by where the actor was saying ‘’the policy ‘’the policy giving giving nutrition better’’ nutrition’’. While in which the advantage the word ‘’better’’ was given to the society was the part of in Jakarta circumstance as the quality type and the word ‘’receiver the use of KJP Plus’’ was placed as the client

196 Sri Mulyani stated It formed the verbal Sandiaga Uno restated VeP196/ that from the total of process where the the Sri Muyani’s DM196 400 billions more sayer ‘’Sri Mulyani’’ statement to tell the which 60% is did the process in the audience about the calculated to the verb’’stated’’. The cause from the low territory still does not verbiage was found quality of education present the quality of in the sentence education ‘’from the total of 400 billions more which 60% calculated to the territory still does not present the wuality of education’’

197 Many instruments are The phrase ‘’many Sandiaga Uno gave MaP197/ used by the central instruments’’ was criticism about the use DM197 government which indicated as the goal of instruments where in they can be used for that was processed the phrase ‘’many monitoring either by the actor ‘’the instruments’’ refered to from the quality of central government’’. the facilities that could education apart While in the sentence be develop the quality through the index or ‘’for monitoring of education. It meant the efectivity of either from the qualty that the speaker budget delivered of education apart’’ concluded that the was categorized as instruments should be the circumstance used as the way to (cause), the behalf monitor the quality of type and in the education sentence ‘’through the index or the efectivity of budget delivered’’ was categorized as the circumstance (manner), the means type

198 I see that the focus to It constructed the Sandiaga Uno used his MeP198/ increase the quality of menatal process perception for DM198 education is how the where the word ‘’I’’ increasing the quality. output of education is was the senser who The speaker attempted not only to educate used the perception to explain his view to process in the verb the audience by saying the students be smart ‘’see’’. For the part ‘’ the focus to increase and clever of phenomenon, the quality of education placed in the is how the output of sentence ‘’the focus education is not only to to increase the educate the smart quality of education students’’ is how the output of education is not only to educate the smart students’’

199 But they also have the The relational Sandiaga Uno ReP199/ strong, ethcal, and process identified the explained that there was DM199 exalted characters word ‘’they’’ as the the other thing to carrier which it used increase the quality the verb ‘’have’’ as education by involving the attributive the strong, ethcal and possession to put the exalted characters as attribute in the phrase the other thing ‘’the strong, ethical concerned that refered and exalted to the development of characters character for students

200 So many instruments The word ‘’many In the word ‘’applied’’ MaP200/ can be applied instruments’’ was implied by Sandiaga DM200 identified as the goal Uno as the process to that was processed use those instruments to by the verb develop the quality of ‘’applied’’ as the education material process

201 The Oke-Oce’s It formed the Sandiaga Uno MaP201/ program that we push material process explained to the DM201 to take sides over where it had two audience about his UMKM goals such as the program named with phrase ‘’the Oke- the Oke-Oce’s program. Oce’s program’’ as The spekaer used the the first goal to the verb ‘’take sides’’ that actor ‘’we’’ that did was interpreted by the the process ‘’push’’ speaker to explain the and the phrase colaboration between ‘’UMKM’’ as the the Oke’Oce’s program second goal which it and UMKM. Whle the was processed by the word ‘’we’’ that was word ‘’take sides’’ used by Sandiaga Uno as the reference word refered to the parties who was involved in the Oke-Oce’s program

202 During Prabowo- There were three Sandiaga Uno MaP202/ Sandi are given the material processes in explained to the DM202 authority to allocate the sentence where audience by saying ‘’ the amount, we the verb ‘’given’’ as During Prabowo-Sandi ascertain ‘’link and the passive process are given the authority match’’ and ‘’allocate’’ as the to allocate the amount’’ second processa and which it was meant as a ‘’ascertain’’ as the view to convince the third process. The audience. while in the first one did the sentence ‘’ we ascertain process for ‘’the ‘’link and match’’ was authority’’ as the construed as his recipent then it was commitment to offer directed to the goal the system Link and ‘’Prabowo-Sandi’’. Match to the audience While in the second one was did to be directed over the goal ‘’the amount’’ and in the third one was did by the actor ‘’we’’ for the goal ‘’Link and Match’’

203 That the students The phrase ‘’the Sandiaga Uno involved ReP203/ have a chance students’’ was the other participants DM203 categorized as the such as the students in carrier that it the utterance’’ the identified the verb speaker intended to ‘’have’’ as the give a view to the attributive possession audience that the and put the phrase ‘’a students focused the on chance’’ as the the students of attribute vocational school had a chance to get a job

204 Not only to get the The verb ‘’get’’ The utterance ‘’ Not MaP204/ qualified education identified the only to get the qualified DM204 utterance as the education’’ was material process construed by Sandiaga where the process did Uno to give explanation for the goal was for the audience that the marked in the phrase qualified education was ‘’the qualified not the only one education’’ purpose for the students in the vocational school

205 But after they There were two Sandiaga Uno MaP205/ graduate. They will processes that explained the another DM205 get the job identified the aim for the students in opportunities sentence to be the the vocational school to material process such the audience by saying as ‘’graduate’’ and ‘’ ‘’ They will get the job get’’. These opportunities’’ as the processes were done answer from the by the same actor another aim itself ‘’they’’. In the process ‘’get’’, it was used for the goal ‘’the job opportunities’’

206 We believe that this The senser was found Sandiaga Uno used the MeP206/ becomes a priority in the word ‘’we’’ word ‘’we’’ as the DM206 that will bring the used the verb representation hmself Indonesia victory ‘’believe’’ as the and his partner in his cogniton process to utterance. The speaker connect the tried to convince the phenomenon that was audience by saying ‘’ identified in the believe that this sentence ‘’this becomes a priority that become a priority will bring the Indonesia victory’’ where the that will bring the word ‘’this’’ was Indonesia victory’’ representated to the system of Link and Match that could give the effect for Indonesia to be better

207 The focus of The phrase ‘’ The Sandiaga Uno ReP207/ Prabowo-Sandi is focus of Prabowo- explained to the DM207 raising the quality of Sandi’’ was the token audience about his teachers which it made the priority if Prabowo and sentence to be the Sandi won the election relational process. by saying ‘’ is raising while tobe ‘’is’’ was the quality of teachers’’ called as identifying as one of the intens to identify the explanation about his sentence ’’ raising priority the quality of teachers’’ as the value

208 If the teachers are In the sentence ‘’ If Sandiaga Uno gave the ReP208/ qualified, competence the teachers are reason from his priority DM208 then our future of qualified, with Prabowo by saying education becomes competence’’ was ‘’ If the teachers are better called as the qualified, competence’’ condition type which as the condition from it was in the part of the teachers that could circumstance give the effect for (contigency). Then something. So the the verb ‘’becomes’’ speaker said ‘’ then our made the relational future of education process in the becomes better’’ as the sentence as the result that would be identifying intens occured that was done by the token ‘’ our future of education’’ to identify ‘’better’’ as the value 209 We have commitment The word ‘’we’’ was Sandiaga Uno tried to ReP209/ for the prosperity of indicated as the strength his argument to DM209 teacher especially the carrier because the convince the audience honorary teachers verb ‘’have’’ was by saying ‘’have who has been for a marked as the commitment’’ where dozen years even for attributive the speaker dirceted it decades to work possessiion to direct to the prosperity of in the word teacher as the purpose ‘’commitment’’ as of his commitment. the attribute. While in the sentence ‘’ Moreover, in the for a dozen years even sentence had two for decades to work’’ circumstances where was implied by the the first one was speaker as the focus of (cause) that identified his commitment that the sentence ‘’ for the refered to the duration prosperity of teacher of the teachers during especially the they worked honorary teachers’’ as the behalf type and the second one was (location) that identified ‘’ for a dozen years even for decades to work’’ as the absolute temporal

210 today they have not The material process Sandiaga Uno MaP210/ got their justice, was constructed in explained the situation DM210 prosperity and status the sentence where of the teacher recently the actor ‘’they’’ and to the audience by ‘’got’’ was saying ‘’ they have not categorized as the got their justice, process which it prosperity and status’’ refered to the phrase as the description from ‘’ their justice, the situation prosperity and status’’ as the goal 211 We increase their The actor ‘’we’’ did Because the event MaP211/ competence, we the process of doing happened to the DM211 ascertain their that identified the teachers, Sandiaga Uno prosperity words ‘’increase’’ as made some decisions so the first process for that the audience could the goal know what the speaker ‘’competence’’ and would do by saying ‘’ ‘’ascertain’’ as the increase their second process for competence’’ and ‘’ the goal ‘’their ascertain their prosperity’’ prosperity’’ as his decisions to finish the problem of the teachers

212 Ananda Salsabila ‘’ Ananda Salsabila Sandiaga Uno VeP212/ Umar in Pamekasan Umar in Pamekasan’’ attempted to involve the DM212 stated that our was called sayer in another participant curriculum is too hard the verbal process ‘’Ananda Salsabila and so many subjects where the verb Umar’’ to convince the that she is not ‘’stated’’ was done audience about the interested and it will as the process to do dsadvantage of the never be used by her the statement like in national exam.the the sentence ‘’ that speaker restated what our curriculum is too she told to the speaker hard and so many by saying ‘’ our subjects that she is curriculum is too hard not interested and it and so many subjects will never be used by that she is not interested her’’ which it was and it will never be categorized as the used by her’’ verbiage

213 We ascertain our it constructed the Sandiaga Uno gave MaP213/ curriculum focused material process conclusion by as using DM213 on the essential thing where the actor the verb ‘’ascertain’’ to and it will build the ‘’we’’ did the make commitment. The ethical characters process ‘’ascertain to speaker intended to the phrase ‘’our give a view to the curriculum focused audience by changing on the essential the national exam thing’’ as the goal. Moreover, there was sytem with the other also the material thing process that occured by identifying the verb ‘’build’’ as the process refered to the phrase ‘’the ethical building’’ as the goal

214 It certainly also build The material process Sandiaga Uno MaP214/ the students who have was identified in the mentioned the other DM214 the exalted morals utterance where the advantages to the word ‘’it’’ was audience from his indicated as the actor. policy to replace the then the verb national exam with the ‘’build’’ was curriculum focused on categorized as the the bulding characters process that refered to the sentence ‘’the students who have the exalted morals’’ as the goal

215 We will also The material process Sandiaga Uno tried to MaP215/ eliminate the national was marked in the make the policy by DM215 exam verb ‘’eliminate’’ saying ‘’ We will also where the process eliminate the national was done by the actor exam’’ as the target ‘’we’’ that aimed to wanted by the speaker the goal ‘’the to be showed over the national exam’’ audience

216 This is one of the The relational Sandiaga Uno ReP216/ high source of cost process was explained the reason DM216 for our education constructed in the why the speaker tried to system utterance where the erase the national exam word ‘’this’’ was by saying ‘’ This is one classifeid as the of the high source of token. While tobe cost for our education ‘’is’’ was the system’’ as the identifying intens to identify the token description from the which it was found in speaker’s reason the phrase ‘’ one of the high source of cost’’. Furthemore, in the phrase ‘’ for our education system’’ was called as the behalf type in the part of circumstance (cause)

217 For children at home, ‘’for children at Sandiaga Uno gave the ReP217/ the national exam is home’’ was classified another reason from the DM217 very inequitable as the circumstance implementation of the (cause) which it was national exam by using the behalf type. This the phrase ‘’very circumstance was inquitable’’ as the bad used as the attribute that was complement in the related with the national relational process exam for the children where ‘’the national exam’’ was identified as the carrier. Then it was followed by tobe ‘’is’’ as the attributive intens to put the attribute in the phrase ‘’very inequitable’’

218 We will remove it, we There weere two Sandiaga Uno made MaP218/ will replace it by material processes two decisions as the DM218 searching for interests was identified such conclusion wanted to be and talens as ‘’remove’’ and give over the audience ‘’replace’’. These by saying ‘’ We will processes was used remove it’’ as the first by the actor ‘’we’’ decision where the which the first and word ‘’it’’ was second process was representated to the done to the same goal national exam. And ‘we that was the word will replace it by ‘’it’’. while in the searching for interests sentence ‘’ by and talens’’ as the searching for second desicion interests and talens’’ was categorized as the circumstance (manner) which one was the means type

219 It is very applicative The worf ‘’it’’ was Sandiaga Uno ReP219/ for the students called as the carrier explained to the DM219 where tobe ‘’is’’ audience about his marked as the policy focused on the attributive intens interest and talents by used the phrase saying ‘’ It is very ‘’very applicative’’ applicative for the as the attribute for students’’ where the the carrier. Then the phrase ‘’very phrase ‘’for the applicative’’ was students’’ followed interpreted by the this relational process speaker that the policy as the circumstance gave the good and (cause) or the behalf match effect for the type students

220 They will be able to It formed the Sandiaga Uno MaP220/ be guided If at the material process explained to the DM220 creative economy or where the process audience about the use at the other fields that ‘’guided’’ was of his policy that are match with their applied by the actor wanted to be applied by ability ‘’they’’. While in the the speaker by saying ‘’ sentence ‘’ If at the They will be able to be creative economy or guided’’ where the at the other fields that word ‘’they’’ refered to are match with their the students who ability’’ was followed the Sandiaga categorized as the Uno’s policy. The circumstance speaker also gave (contigency) which examples so that the audience understood one was the about his policy by condition type using the sentence ‘’ at the creative economy or at the other fields that are match with their ability’’ as the explanation of examples

221 We indeed see the The senser ‘’we’’ Sandiaga Uno tried to MeP221/ instrument applied used the perception answer the question CM221 type ‘’see’’ in the from his opposite in the mental process to debate. The speaker view ‘’the instrument used his perception to applied’’ that was view ‘’the instrument indicated as the applied’’ as the phenomenon phenomenon happened this time. In his answer, he used the word ‘’we’’ was meant as his way to persuade his opposite and the audience to see the phenomenon

222 But that we need to The mental process Sandiaga Uno MeP222/ listen is the complain was constructed in concluded from the DM222 of people the utterance where instrument applied by the senser ‘’we’’ saying ‘’ is the used the affection complain of people’’ as type ‘’need’’ to be the result of his connected to the conclusion that wanted sentence ‘’to listen is to be told over the the complain of audience and his people’’ was called opposite as the phenomenon

223 They want the The word ‘’they’’ Sandiaga Uno tried to MeP223/ qualified education was the senser where elaborated from the DM223 it used the menatal society’s complains so process ‘’want’’ as that the audience by the affection type for saying ‘’ They want the the phenomenon that qualified education’’. was ‘’the qualified The sentence was education’’ meant by the speaker as the description of their desire for the education

224 If we just see the The sentence ‘’If we Sandiaga Uno MaP224 instrument, we will just see the accomplished his DM224 never can present one instrument’’ was answer for his opposite solution for the called the condition in the debate where the people type where it affected sentence ‘’ we will to the actor ‘’we’’ to never can present one do the material solution for the people’’ process that was as the conclusion of his identified in the verb answer based on the ’’ present’’. The condition from the process of doing instrument applied ‘’present’’ would recently refer to the phrase ‘’one solution’’ as the goal then followed by the circumstance (cause) in the phrase ‘’for the people’’ which it was the behalf type

Fifth Segment

225 The problem of Formed the relational Sandiaga Uno tried to ReP225/ stunting is in a stage process in the give his opinion whch DM225 of emergency utterance where the the context about the phrase ‘’the problem stunting. The speaker of stunting’’ was labeled the stunting by constructed as the using the sentence ‘’ in token. While tobe a stage of emergency’’ ‘’is’’ was marked as as the information from the identifying intens its existance in to identify ‘’ a stage Indonesia of emergency’’ as the value 226 Where one third of The material process Sandiaga Uno MaP226/ our children lacks the ‘’lacks’’ refered to explained the reason DM226 nutrition the actor which it from the stage of was found in the stunting to the audience sentence ‘’one third by saying ‘’ one third of of our children. our children’’ as the While in the phrase object and ‘’ lacks the ‘’the nutrition’’ was nutrition’’ as the cause the goal as the explanation from the process ‘’lacks’’

227 Prabowo-Sandi The actor ‘’Prabowo- Sandiaga Uno MaP227/ launched the program Sandi’’ did the concluded the situation DM227 of Indonesia Emas process of doing that by offering a policy to was identified in the the audience by saying verb ‘’launched’’. ‘’ the program of While the phrase ‘’ Indonesia Emas’’ as the the program of name of his program Indonesia Emas’’ was called as the goal from the process ‘’launched’’

228 One of the aspect of The utterance formed Sandiaga Uno described ReP228/ Indonesia Emas is a the relational process his policy or the DM228 movement to make where the sentence program of Indonesia sure the mothers get ‘’one of the aspect of Emas by saying ‘’ a the enough protein, Indonesia Emas’’ movement to make sure milk even the other was called as the the mothers get the protein token. Moreover, enough protein, milk tobe ‘’is’’ was even the other protein, categorized as the fish’’ as the function of identifying intens to his policy identify the sentence ‘’ a movement to make sure the mothers get the enough protein, milk even the other protein, fish’’ as the value

229 We can decrease the The actor ‘’we’’ did Sandiaga Uno MaP229/ stunting significantly the process explained the effect that DM229 for 5 next years ‘’decrease’’ so would be happened to making the utterance the audience by using became the material the verb ‘’decrease’’ as process. the verb the result of his policy ‘’decrease’’ was applied and the applied by the actor sentence ‘’ the stunting to the phrase ‘’the significantly for 5 next stunting’’ as the goal. years’’ as the target Furthermore, in the from the result where sentence, there were the phrase ‘’ for 5 next two circumstances years’’was meant by such as the word the speaker as the ‘’significantly’’ as duration of the occured the circumstance result (manner) which it was formed as the quality type and the phrase ‘’for 5 next years’’ as the circumstance (location) which it was formed as the absolute temporal

230 Which it is suitable The word ‘’it’’ was The word ‘’it’’ ReP230/ with the target that identified in the representated by DM230 we have planned relational process as Sandiaga Uno was the the carrier where result of the Indonesia tobe ‘’is’’ was the Emas’s program where attributive intens to the speaker tried to put the attribute for explain over the the word ‘’suitable’’. audience that the result While in the sentence of the Indonesia Emas’s ‘’ with the target that program would be we have planned’’ was the circumstance match with his another (accompaniment) target

231 We believe if the It was made as the Sandiaga Uno tried to MeP231/ government focus on mental process where convince the audience DM231 the problem of the senser ‘’we’’ by saying the sentence stunting, we will have used the cognition ‘’we believe’’ where the young generation type that was the word ‘’we’’was is the golden identified in the verb representated to generation of our ‘’believe’’. The Sandiaga Uno and his nation cognition process partner. In the sentence was connected with ‘’ if the government the circumstance focus on the problem of (contigency) in the stunting’’ was sentence ‘’ if the wxpressed as the government focus on critical for the the problem of government where the stunting, we will conditon could be affect have the young the young generation to generation is the be the golden golden generation of generation in the future our nation’’ which it was constructed as the consition type

232 I am also sure that the It had two relational Sandiaga Uno acceded ReP232/ white alms meant by processes where the the statement from KH. DM232 KH, Ma’ruf Amin is first one was Ma’aruf Amin about giving one support to identified in The the white alms that by the brothers who want word ‘’ I’’ was saying ‘’ I am also sure to contribute categorized as the that the white alms carrier where tobe meant by KH, Ma’ruf ‘’am’’ was identified Amin is giving one as the attributive support to the brothers intens to put the who want to attrbute for the word contribute’’ ‘’sure’’. While the second one was identified in the sentence ‘’the white alms meant by KH, Ma’ruf Amin’’ was included as the token. It was related with tobe ‘’is’’ as the identifying intens to identify ‘’giving one support to the brothers who want to contribute’’ as the value

233 White is milk The word ‘’white’’ Sandiaga Uno tried to ReP233/ was categorized as relate the KH.Ma’ruf DM233 the carrier where Amin’s policy called tobe ‘’is’’ was with the white alms by identified as the using the sentence ‘’ attributive intens that White is milk’’ as his it would put the way to guess that the attribute for the word program about the ‘’milk’’ white alms related with the milk

234 We become it as the It formed the Sandiaga Uno accepted MaP234/ part of the golden relational process and supported from the DM234 Indonesia where the word white alms. The speaker ‘’we’’ as the involved it to be the identifier and the part of his policy by verb ‘’become’’ as saying ‘’ We become it the identifying intens as the part of the golden to identify the word Indonesia’’ ‘’it’’ as the identity. Moreover, in the sentence ‘’ as the part of the golden Indonesia’’ was classified as the circumstance (role) which one was the guise type 235 Our main program is The phrase ‘’our In the sentence ‘’ Our ReP235/ Indonesia Emas main program’’ was main program is DM235 indicated as the token Indonesia Emas’’ was in the relational as the confirmation process where tobe from Sandiaga Uno to ‘’is’’ was the the audience that the identifying intens to program of Indonesia identify the phrase Emas became his main ‘’Indonesia Emas’’ program that would be as the value applied for Indonesia

236 Who wants to give It identified the verb Sandiaga Uno intended MeP236/ away the milk, ‘’wants’’ as the to ask the audience to dm236 tablets, green beans, material process contribute in his please! which it was the program by saying ‘’ affection type Who wants to give connected to the away the milk, tablets, sentence ‘’ to give green beans, please!’’ away the milk, as his request to the tablets, green beans, audience please!’’ as the phenomenon

237 This constitutes the It formed the Sandiaga Uno gave the ReP237/ colaborative relational process reason why the speaker DM237 participatory’s where the word offered the audience to program ‘’this’’ as the token contribute by saying and the word ‘’This constitutes the ‘’constitutes’’ as the colaborative identifying intens participatory’s that it would identify program’’ where the the phrase ‘’ the word ‘’this’’ refered to colaborative the program of participatory’s Indonesia Emas program’’ as the value

238 That we want to The senser ‘’we’’ Sandiaga Uno MeP238/ present for Indonesia used the cognition explained his desire in DM238 because it can not be type ‘’want’’ to be his program to the conneted with the audience by saying ‘’ finished by the sentence ‘’to present That we want to present government alone for Indonesia’’ as the for Indonesia’’ as the phenomenon. Then it expression to give his was also followed by reason. the spekaer also the circumstance made the second reason (cause) that was why the speaker wanted identified in the to implement his sentence ‘’ because it program by saying ‘’ can not be finished because it can not be by the government finished by the alone’’ as the reason government alone’’ as type his decription from the reason by involving the government

239 It also has to involve The material process Sandiaga Uno MaP239/ the other parties ‘’involve’’ that was explained the solution DM239 included the parties of done by the actor for the government who the bussiness world ‘’it’’ which it refered could not finish those to the sentence ‘’ the problems by involving other parties included the bussiness world as the parties of the the other parties bussiness world’’ as the goal

240 This is Mpok Nur The word ‘’this’’ was Sandiaga Uno pointed ReP240/ Aisyah, my beloved categorized as the toward his wife by DM240 wife token in the saying ‘’ This is Mpok relational process Nur Aisyah, my where tobe ‘’is’’ was beloved wife’’ where the identifying intens she was watching her to identify ‘’Mpok husband debate in the Nur Aisyah’’ as the forum value

241 She borne at the age The actor ‘’she’’ did Sandiaga Uno tried to MaP241/ of 42 years the process that was answer the KH.Ma’ruf DM241 identified in the verb Amin response about ‘’borne’’ and the advise to give the phrase ‘’the age of 42 mother’s milk for years’’ as the goal children by saying ‘’ She borne at the age of 42 years’’. The speaker involved his wife because she had the problem about giving the mother’s milk for his child

242 Our last child was It formed the Sandiaga Uno told the ReP242/ Sulaiman relational process name of his last child to DM242 that was indicated in the audience and his the phrase ‘’our last opposite by saying ‘’ child’’ as the Our last child was identifer. While tobe Sulaiman’’ ‘’was’’ that marked as the identifying intens to identify ‘’Sulaiman’’ as the identity

243 We were like the The word ‘’we’’ that Sandiaga Uno related ReP243/ lesson from the was dlassified as the himself with his DM243 teachers or parents identifier where tobe experiences in the past ‘’were’’ was by saying ‘’ We were categorized as the like the lesson from the identifying intens to teachers or parents’’ as identify ‘’ the lesson his confession that he from the teachers or learned by his teachers parents’’ as the and parents in his past identity

244 To give the mother’s It formed the ‘’ To give the mother’s MaP244/ milk material process milk’’ as the DM244 where the verb explanation from what ‘’give’’ as the was learned by his process that refered teachers and parents. to the phrase ‘’the mother’s milk’’ as the goal 245 But suddenly in the The phrase’’ in the In the sentence ‘’ it MaP245/ sixth monts, it six month’’ was stopped not to come out DM245 stopped not to come identified as the anymore’’ was the out anymore circumstance (extent) explanaton from which it was the Sandiaga Uno about his definite temporal. wife’s past to be shared After that, the word over the audience ‘’it’’ was categorized where the word ‘’it’’ as the actor where it refered to the phrase did the first process ‘’the mother’s milk’’ in the verb and the process ‘’stopped’’ and then ‘’stopped’’ was used by did the second the speaker as the process in the verb description to explain ‘’come out’’ the problem occured to his wife

246 Maybe it was caused Formed the material Sandiaga Uno did the MaP246/ by the factor of age or process in the assumption from the DM246 the other factors sentence where the problem of his wife by word ‘’it’’ was saying ‘’ Maybe it was classified as the goal caused by the factor of who was processed age or the other by the verb factors’’ where the ‘’caused’’. While in phrase ‘’ the factor of the sentence ‘’ the age’’ was used by the factor of age or the speaker as the main other factors’’ was assumption marked as the actor

247 So many children like In the sentence ‘’ So Sandiaga Uno tried to MaP247/ Sulaiman and the many children like conclude by relating his DM247 other mothers Sulaiman and the wife’s past and the experience the similar other mothers’’ was situation occured case categorized as the recently by saying ‘’ So actor in the material many children like process. the actor did Sulaiman and the other the process mothers experience the ‘’experience’’ that similar case’’. Inthe refered to the phrase phrase ‘’ the similar ‘’the similar case’’ as case’’ was used by the the goal from the speaker as the verb ‘’experience represenation about the problem of the mother’s milk

248 We want to invite the The senser ‘’we’’ did Sandiaga Uno had the MeP248/ contributors who can the affection type in desire to the someone DM248 provide some milk mental process by who could support to using the verb finish the problem by ‘’want’’. The process saying ‘’ We want to was connected with invite the contributors the phenomenon who can provide some which it was found in milk’’. Therefore, it the sentence ‘’ to meant that The speaker invite the tried to persuade the contributors who can audience or the people provide some milk’’ in Indonesia as the contributor in his program

249 The donors collect There were two Beside the contributor, MaP249/ some money to help material processes Sandiaga Uno also DM249 so that the nutrition of like ‘’collect’’ and involved the other mother and child can ‘’help’’. The phrase participants called with we pay attention and ‘’the donors’’ was the donors. The speaker the problem of identified as the tried to persuade the stunting can finish actor. while for the audience by saying ‘’ goal was found in the The donors collect phrase ‘’some some money to help so money’’. Moreover, that the nutrition of in the sentence ‘’ so mother and child can that the nutrition of we pay attention and mother and child can the problem of stunting we pay attention and can finish’’ where the the problem of phrase ‘’the nutrition of stunting can finish’’ mother and child’’ as was called as the his purpose in his circumstance (cause) invitation which one was the purpose type 250 Giving is good The word ‘’giving’’ ‘’ Giving is good ReP250/ according to me was categorized as according to me’’ was DM250 the token where tobe the Sandiaga Uno’s ‘’is’’was the opinion that was given identfying intens to to the audience where identify the word the word ‘’giving’’ ‘’good’’ as the value. related with the white Then in the sentence alms from KH. Ma’ruf ‘’according to me’’ Amin was called as the circumstance (angle)

251 Anything given away It formed as the Sandiaga Uno described MaP251/ either in the form of material process his opinion by saying ‘’ DM251 milk or the other where the actor was Anything given away forms will help just identified in the either in the form of not for the sentence ‘’ Anything milk or the other government who given away either in forms’’ while in the handle it, but also for the form of milk or sentence ‘’ will help all people the other forms’’ just not for the which it would the government who handle process of doing it, but also for all ‘’help’’ for the people’’ was interpreted circumstance (cause) as the effect resulted by as the behalf type his opinon where the was classified in the words such as the sentence ‘’ for the government and all government who people was used by the handle it, but also for speaker as the target all people’’ that was connected with the effect

252 We want a program The senser ‘’we’’ Sandiaga Uno tried to MeP252/ that is the used the affection tell the audience about DM252 colaborative type in the material his desire by saying ‘’ participatory, inviting process by using the We want a program that all people to join a verb ‘’want’’. The is the colaborative movement senser connected its participatory’’ as the affection to the first desire and ‘’ sentence ‘’a program inviting all people to that is the colaborative join a movement’’ as participatory, inviting the second desire all people to join a movement’’ that called as the phenomenon

253 This is not about There were there Sandiaga Uno asserted ReP253/ Prabowo-Sandi, this relational processes something to the DM253 is not about the occured in the audience where the presidential election, uterance where from speaker related his but this is bigger three processes were confession with the instead of them represented by the debate was going on in word ‘’this’’ as the the forum. In the token and tobe ‘’is’’ sentence ‘’ but this is as the identifying bigger instead of them’’ intens to identify the was implied as the core sentences such as from what the speaker ‘’not about Prabowo- related about his debate Sandi’’ as the first circumstance (matter), ‘’ not about the presidential election’’ as the second circumstance (matter) and ‘’bigger instead of them’’ as the value

254 We speak of the Formed the verbal Sandiaga Uno tried to VeP254/ golden generation in process in the invite the audience to DM254 the future utterance where the discuss about the word ‘’we’’ was golden generation categorized as the sayer that said ‘’speak’’ as the verbal process. while in the sentence ‘’ of the golden generation in the future’’ was identified as the circumstance (matter)

255 We will be gone if The word ‘’we’’ was Sandiaga Uno gave the MaP255/ one third of them do categorized as the reason to the audience DM255 not get protein actor in the material by saying ‘’ We will be process which it gone’’ where it was experienced implied by the speaker something that was as the effect from the described in the verb condition if the third of ‘’gone’’. Then in the them do not get protein. sentence ‘’ if one The word ‘’them’’ was third of them do not used by Sandiaga Uno get protein’’ was as the reference word sorted as the for the golden circumstance generation (contigency) with the condition type

256 So I want to invite all The word ‘’I’’ was Sandiaga Uno told his MeP256/ of us called as the senser in desire to the audience DM256 the mental process by saying ‘’ So I want where it used the to invite all of us’’ as affection type his desire to the ‘’want’’ and audience conneted with the sentence ‘’ to invite all of us’’ as the phenomenon

257 to think a big thing The verb ‘’think’’ The utterance ‘’ to think MaP257/ for our country was known as the a big thing for our DM257 material process country’’ was meant the where the phrase ‘’a purpose of his desire big thing’’ was the where the verb ‘’think’’ goal and the phrase as the process of doing ‘’for our country’’ that was used by the was indicated as the speaker to persuade the circumstance (cause) audience which one was the behalf type 258 Let us not to blame There was the verbal Sandiaga Uno gave the VeP258/ with one term to each process happened by first suggestion to the DM258 other using the verb audience by saying ‘’ ‘’blame’’ that was Let us not to blame identified for the with one term to each sayer ‘’us’’ while in other’’. The verb the sentence with one ‘’blame’’ was the term to each other’’ verbal expression was called as the concerned by the verbiage speaker to be stopped over the audience or the people in Indonesia

259 Let us focus how to There was the Sandiaga Uno gave the MaP259/ finish this problem material process second suggestion to DM259 because we believe if happened by using the audience where the we are together, we the verb ‘’focus’’ verb ‘’finish’’ as the will can build the that was done by the process of doing that Indonesia actor ‘’us’’. Then was wanted by the followed by the speaker to the audience. sentence ‘’ how to the speaker explained finish this problem’’ the reason by saying ‘’ as the circumstance because we believe if (matter), after that, we are together, we will the sentence ‘’ can build the because we believe if Indonesia’’ we are together, we will can build the Indonesia’’ as the circumstance (cause) called with the reason type

260 Before we give a The actor ‘’we’’ did The sentence ‘’Before MaP260/ trigger of debate the material process we give a trigger of DM260 by using the verb debate’’ was used by ‘’give’’ where the the speaker as the phrase ‘’ a trigger of foreword before we debate’’ was gave a question to his identified as the goal opposite 261 I would like to say The verbal process Sandiaga Uno VeP261/ my condolences to was constructed in expressed the DM261 the Indonesian the utterance where condolences before he citizens and all people the verb ‘’say’’ was gave a question to his hit by a terrorist categorized as the opposite. Where the attack in Christchurch process that was phrase such as ‘the done by the sayer Indonesia citizens’’ was ‘’I’’. Then in the meant the people who phrase ‘’my suffered the disaster condolences’’ was Indonesia and the identified as the sentence ‘’ all people verbiage and the hit by a terrorist attack sentence ‘’ to the in Christchurch’’ that Indonesian citizens was representated to the and all people hit by incident occured in new a terrorist attack in zealand Christchurch’’ was sorted as the receiver

262 We also just have got The verb ‘’got’’ Sandiaga Uno delivered MaP262/ the news that there identified it as the the information to the DM262 was the flood in material process audience. the speaker Papua and also the where the word tried to told there were earthquake in NTB ‘’we’’was the actor two natural disasters and the phrase ‘’the happened in Indonesia news’’ as the goal. by saying ‘’ there was Moreover, in the the flood in Papua’’ as sentence ‘’ that there the first natural disaster was the flood’’ and where the phrase ‘’in ‘’also the Papua’’ as the location earthquake’’ was of disaster and the classified as the sentence‘’ also the circumstance earthquake in NTB’’ as (matter) then in the the second disaster phrases such as ‘’in where the phrase ‘’in Papua’’ and in NTB’’ as the location NTB’’ was the of disaster circumstance (location) which both were the absolute spatial types

263 Let us say istighfar The sayer ‘’us’’ was Sandiaga Uno asked the VeP263/ and pray so that our identified to do the audience to help the DM263 friends and brothers verbal process ‘’say’’ victims by using the in our country can where it was directed verbal process such as face this disaster to the word istighfar or ask the ‘’istighfar and pray’’ god’s mercy and pray. as the verbiage. The speaker also gave While in the sentence the reason from his ‘’ so that our friends invitation by saying ‘’ and brothers in our so that our friends and country can face this brothers in our country disaster’’ was called can face this disaster’’ as the circumstance (cause) which one was the purpose type

264 And everyone The material process Sandiaga Uno hoped MaP264/ inshaallah can save was constructed in where the word DM264 and recover as usual the utterance where ‘’everyone’’ was the word representated as the ‘’everyone’’ was people who experience indicated as the actor both of those disasters. and the verbs such as The verb such as ‘’save’’ and ‘’save’’ and recover’’ ‘’recover’’ as the was construed as the process part of the Sandiaga Uno’s pray for the victims

265 I want to ask little bit Thw senser ‘’I’’ used Sandiaga Uno started to MeP265/ of joblessness at the the affection type give a question for his DM265 young age ‘’want’’ that was opposite where the linked with the phrase ‘’ joblessness at sentence ‘’ to ask the young age’’ was little bit of joblesness meant by the speaker as at the young age’’ the main topic from his that was categorized question as the phenomenon 266 Especially for the In the phrase ‘’ for Then Sandiaga Uno MaP266/ graduates of the graduates of classified from the DM266 vocational school vocational school’’ joblessness at the young who can not get a job was identified as the age by using the phrase circumstance (cause) ‘’ the graduates of which it was the vocational school’’ behalf type. while in the sentence ‘’ Furthemore, the verb who can not get a job’’ ‘’get’’ was the as the sentence that process that made it explained the graduates to be the material of the vocational school process. while the phrase ‘’a job’’ was clssified as the goal

267 I see there is any The senser ‘’I’’ used The word ‘’I’’ was MeP267/ system unappropiate the perception type representated as the DM267 ‘’see’’ which it was senser who used the connected with the perception. So the sentence ‘’ there is speaker used the verb any system ‘’see’’ to explain over unappropiate’’ was the audience by saying called as the ‘’ any system phenomenon unappropiate’’ as one phenomenon that was happened

268 Because the students The senser ‘’ the Snadiaga Uno gave the MeP268/ who study in students who study in reason why the system DM268 vocational school vocational school’’ was unappropiate by hope to get a job used the cognition involving the students type ‘’hope’’ which of vocational school as it was connected with the senser who had the the sentence ‘’hope will to aqcuire the job to get a job’’ as the phenomenon

269 I want to ask your The senser ‘’I’’ used The utterance was the MeP269/ vision so that we can the affection type last part of the DM269 decrease 61% from ‘’want’’ which it was speaker’s question the amount of our connected with the where the senser ‘’I’’ joblesness at the sentence ‘’to ask was representated as young age, 15 to 24 your vision’’ as the Sandiaga Uno tried to ages so that we phenomenon. While know the KH. Ma’ruf ascertain the target of in the part of Amin’s vision. In the the growth of country circumstance ‘’ so sentence ‘’ so that we forward that we can decrease can decrease 61% from 61% from the the amount of our amount of our joblesness at the young joblesness at the age, 15 to 24 ages’’ was young age, 15 to 24 the first purpose that ages’’ as the first was explained by the purpose type and ‘’ speaker and the so that we ascertain sentence ‘’ so that we the target of the ascertain the target of growth of country the growth of country forward’’ as the forward’’ as the second second purpose type purpose that was explained by the speaker

270 So irony the country The phrase ‘’ the Sandiaga Uno gave the ReP270/ with the 15th largest country with the 15th information to the DM270 economy in the world largest economy in audience about the is still difficult the world’’ was country with the 15th called as the carrier largest economy in the in the relational world implied by the process where tobe speaker was Indonesia ‘’is’’ was attributive where the speaker intens to put the related it with the attribute in the phrase phrase ‘’still difficult’’ ‘’still difficult’’ as the attribute from the first sentence explaining that it was the situation happened to the Indonesia this time

271 to create a job for the The verb ‘’create’’ The verb’’ create’’ was MaP271/ young people was identified as the used by Sandiaga Uno DM271 material process as the effect was given where it refered to from the phrase ‘’still the phrase ‘’a job’’ as difficult’’ it affected the the goal. While in the process of doing phrase ‘’for the ‘’create a job’’ that young people’’ was could not be done for marked as the the young people circumstance (cause) which one was the behalf type

272 We must import the the process had by Sandiaga Uno gave a MaP272/ foreign employees, the word ‘’import’’ question to his opposit, DM272 export our local and ‘’export’’ where KH.Ma’aruf Amin employees to ‘’we’’ was placed as about the difficulties in Malaysia, to the the actor within it. It creating the vacancy Middle East also had two goals job in Indonesia. The that were ‘’the speaker used the word foreign emplyees’’ ‘’we’’ as the actor that and ‘’our local showed he involved his employees’’. opponet in this Moreover, in the question. The word sentence ‘’to ‘’import’’ as the first Malaysia, to the process and ‘’foreign Middle East’’ was employees’’ as the first placed as the location goal’’ used by the circumstance speaker, meant that ‘’import’’ was a policy that caused the problem happened and in the word ‘’export’’ as the second process and ‘’our local employees’’ as the second goal were defined as the effect from the previously policy where it was directed to the phrase ‘’our local employees’’ which it was the labors from Indonesia. While from the sentence ‘’to Malaysia and to Middle East’’ used by the speaker as the complement to explain the location where the object was exported

273 Please give The verb ‘’give’’ was Sandiaga Uno closed MaP273/ explanation from identifeid as the his question to his DM273 Kyai so we can finish material process in opposite the big problem the utterance which it together in this would did by the discussion forum actor ‘’Kyai’’. While the word ‘’explanation’’ as the goal and in the sentence ‘’ so we can finish the big problem together in this discussion forum’’ was called as the circumstance (cause) with the purpose type

274 We see the main issue The senser ‘’we’’ The sentence ‘’ We see ReP274/ is the absence of Link used the perception the main issue’’ was DM274 and Match type ‘’ see’’ to make used by Sandiaga Uno the mental process to ask the audience to which it was use their perception connected with the where the phrase ‘’the sentence ‘’ the main main issue was the issue is the absence phenomenon of Link and Match’’ as the phenomenon

275 What is needed the The verb ‘’needed’’ Sandiaga Uno MeP275/ job provider by was the affection explained about the DM275 resulted the education type to make the desire of the job system mental process which provider to the audience it was connected with where the sentence ‘’ the sentence ‘’ by resulted the needed the job education system’’ as provider by resulted the explanation from the education the job provider’s system’’ as the desire phenomenon

276 Then our program is The phrase ‘’our Sandiaga Uno ReP276/ ensuring that the program’’ was concluded from his DM276 vocational school identified as the argument before by connected token in the making the program synergistically to the relational process where the sentence ‘’ job provider where tobe ‘’is’’ was ensuring that the the identifying intens vocational school to identify ‘’ connected ensuring that the synergistically to the vocational school job provider’’ as the connected definition from his synergistically to the program job provider’’ as the value

277 We ascertain that our Formed the material Sandiaga Uno made MaP277/ students of the process in the commitment for the DM277 vocational school sentence where the young people that must get a job when actor ‘’we’’ did the focused on the students they graduate process ‘’ascertain’’ of vocational school to that refered to the get a job after they circumstance graduate (matter) was identified in the sentence ‘’ that our students of the vocational school must get a job’’ After that, formed the second material process was identified in the verb ‘’ graduate’’ where the actor was the word ‘’they’’

278 and Rumah Siap The sentence Sandiaga Uno also MaP278/ Kerja for the young ‘’Rumah Siap Kerja explained about the DM278 people can be come for the young other programs over that we launched people’’ was ‘’Rumah Siap Kerja’’ two days ago to be a classified as the goal for the young people permanently solution which it refered to where the sentence ‘’ to the process ‘’come be a permanently over’’. Then there solution’’ was implied was also the material as his hope for the process by program when it had identifying the verb been applied ‘’launched’’ that was done by the actor ‘’we’’ by adding the phrase ‘’two days ago’’ as the circumstance (extent) called as the definite temporal’’ and the phrase ‘’ to be a permanently solution’’ as the circumstance (role) called with the product type

279 To be an entrpreneur, In the sentence ‘’ To Sandiaga Uno told to ExP279/ there has been the be an entrpreneur’’ the audience if the DM279 Oke-Oce was called as the young people wanted to product type in the be an entrpreneur, the part of circumstance speaker offered his (role). It was the program to the audience complement sentence by saying ‘’ To be an to complete the entrpreneur, there has exsential process been the Oke-Oce’’ as which the word ‘’has one of his program that been’’ as the exsential process to present the phrase would be applied in ‘’the Oke-Oce’’ was Indonesia categorized as the existent (entity)

280 It has been upgraded The verb Sandiaga Uno MaP280/ to the national level ‘’upgraded’’ was explained about the DM280 called as the material status of the Oke-Oce’s process which it did program to the audience the passive process by saying ‘’ It has been that became the word upgraded to the national ‘’it’’ as the goal. level’’ Moreover, in the phrase ‘’ to the national level’’ was categorized as the circumstance (manner) which one was the quality type

281 But about Rumah In the sentence ‘’ Sandiaga Uno MaP281/ Siap Kerja where the about Rumah Siap attempted to offer his DM281 young people can Kerja’’ was program to the audience come over it identified as the that the Rumah Siap circumstance Kerja’s program can be (matter) to explain used by the young the material process people in Indonesia where the actor ‘’the young people’’ did the process ‘’come over’’ whch it refered to the word ‘’it’’ that was categorized as the goal

282 There is co-working Formed the exisential Sandiaga Uno ExP282/ space, sport venues, process in the explained the facilities DM282 playing the table sentence where the in the Rumah Saip tennis, basketball word ‘’ there is’’ was Kerja’s program to the even the training called the process to audience by saying ‘’ activities such as the present the existent co-working space, sport coffee barista (entity). It was found venues, playing the in the sentence ‘’ co- table tennis, basketball workin space, sport even the training venues, playing the activities such as the table tennis, coffee barista’’ as the basketball even the facilties wanted by the training activities speaker to be told for such as the coffee the audience barista’’

283 We provide them It formed the Sandiaga Uno intended MaP283/ there in Rumah Siap material process to offer the facilites in DM283 Kerja, we also will where the actor the Rumah Siap Kerja’s make sure if the ‘’we’’ did the program to the graduate of the process ‘’provide’’ audience. in the vocational school’s that refered to the sentence ‘’ we also will students want a word ‘’them’’ as the make sure’’ as the scolarship, it can be goal and in the commitment from the accessed by approach sentence that was speaker where he to get ready picking sorted as the promised to the the ball circumstance students of the (location) ‘’ there in vocational school to Rumah Siap Kerja’’, give a scolarship. So it was called as the the speaker told the way remote spatial. After to the audience by that, the actor ‘’we’’ saying ‘’ by approach to was identified to do get ready picking the the process by using ball’’ as his way so that the verb ‘’make the audience knew sure’’ where it was about his program directed to the sentence ‘’ if the graduate of the vocational school’s students want a scolarship, it can be accessed by approach to get ready picking the ball’’ was categorized as the circumstance (contigeny) or called with the condition type

284 We also provide the There were two Sandiaga Uno also the MaP284/ car to get ready processes found that other alternative in his DM284 working made the material program to the audience type in the utterance by saying ‘’ We also such as ‘’provide’’ provide the car to get and ‘’get ready’’ ready working’’ as the which the actor explanation from his ‘’we’’ did the way for the students of process directed to the vocational school the first goal ’’ the car’’ and also the word ‘’working’’ as the second goal

285 We can decrease It was constructed as The phrase ‘’can MaP285/ 2,000,000 young the material process, decrease’’ was used by DM285 unemployed for the word ‘’we’’ was Sandiaga Uno as his Indonesia identified as the actor way to convince the and the verb audiene where the ‘’decrease’’ as the phrase was implied as process where in the the use of his program phrase ‘’ 2,000,000 that was connected with young unemployed’’ the sentence ‘’ was categorized as 2,000,000 young the goal. Moreover, unemployed for the phrase ‘’for Indonesia’’ which it Indonesia’’ was was categorized as the called as the target from his program circumstance (cause) which it was the behalf type

286 This is needed for us The senser in the Sandiaga Uno closed MeP286/ to be the victorious mental process was the statement by saying DM286 Indonesia identified in the word ‘’ This is needed for us ‘’us’’ where the to be the victorious senser used the verb Indonesia’’ as the ‘’needed’’ as the conclusion from his affection type that program that his was connected eith programs offered to the the sentence ‘’ to be audience was the the victorious program that was Indonesia’’ as the needed for Indonesia phenomenon

287 Creating a job at the It formed the Sandiaga Uno ReP287/ young age constitutes relational process explained about the job DM287 one spirit from our where the sentence ‘’ to the audience where millenials Creating a job at the the sentence ‘’ young age’’ was constitutes one spirit called as the token from our millenials’’ while the word was used by the speaker ‘’constitutes’’ was as the definition that indicated as the was related with the identifying intens to sentence ‘’ Creating a identfy the sentence job at the young age’’ ‘’ one spirit from our millenials’’ as the value

288 The last research In the word Sandiaga Uno told the MeP288/ data, the millenials ‘’millenials’’ was last research data as his DM288 want to be an categorized as the reference to the entrepreneur senser who used the audience where the affection type speaker concluded from ‘’want’’ in the the research of data that mental process. it the millenials had the was connected with desire to be an the sentence ‘’to be entrpreneur an entrepreneur’’ that was classified as the phenomenon

289 69 percents from our It constructed the Sandiaga Uno tried to MeP289/ young millenials want mental process where classified about the DM289 the flexible system the sentence ‘’ 69 millenials’ data by percents from our saying ‘’ 69 percents young millenials’’ from our young was categorized as millenials want the the senser who used flexible system’’ as the the affection type average which the ‘’want’’ in the speaker tried to tell the mental process which audience that they it was connected with wanted the flexible the phrase ‘’the system flexible system’’ that was identified as the phenomenon

290 Prabowo-Sandi The material process Sandiaga Uno tried to MaP290/ design our policy to was constructed in tell the audience that DM290 ascertain our the utterance where the speaker has made a millenials get a the actor ‘’Prabowo- decision with his chance Sandi’’ did the partner, Prabowo process ‘’design’’ Subianto from the that refered to the situation was being phrase ‘’our policy’’ faced by the millenials as the goal. by saying ‘’ Prabowo- Moreover, there was Sandi design our policy the process in the to ascertain our verb ‘’ascertain’’ millenials get a where the goal was chance’’ the sentence ‘’ our millenials get a chance’’

291 To create the job at The verb ‘’create’’ Sandiaga Uno told what MaP291/ any fields started was categorized as the design was done by DM291 from the creative the material process the speaker and his economy until the which it refered to partner by saying ‘’ To digital economy the sentence ‘’ the create the job at any job at any fields fields started from the started from the creative economy until creative economy the digital economy’’ as until the digital the explanation of their economy’’ as the design goal Sixth segment

292 This country is There were four Sandiaga Uno opened ReP292/ plentiful, the natural relational processes the statement in the last DM292 resources are affluent, in the utterance segment by relating the the ground is fertile, where they identified country, the natural the human resources the phrases such as resources, the ground are great ‘’this country’’ for and the hman resources. the first carrier, ‘’the The speaker tried to tell natural resources’’ the audience so that the for the second audience could know carrier, ‘’the about the condition of ground’’ for the third Indonesia carrier and ‘’the human resources’’ for the fourth carrier. For the phrases ‘’this country’’ and ‘’the ground’’ used tobe ‘’is’’ as the attributive intens where the word ‘’plentiful’’ was categorized as the attribute for ‘’this country’’ and ‘’fertile’’ as the attribute for ‘’the ground. While for the phrases ‘’the natural resources’’ and ‘’the human resources’’ used tobe ‘’are’’ as the attributive intens to put the attribute ‘’affluent’’ for ‘’the natural resources’’ then the attribute ‘’great’’ for the human resources 293 But they still leave It formed the It was the contradiction MaP293/ some problems for material process sentence from the DM293 instance, the job that where the word previously sentence is difficult to be ‘’they’’ was where the speaker told acquired for the categorized as the the audience that there young people and the actor’’ who did the was the problem behind mothers too process by using the the good facilities in verb ‘’leave’’ that Indonesia. The speaker refered to the phrase said ‘’ the job that is ‘’some problems’’ as difficult to be acquired the goal. Moreover, for the young people in the sentence ‘’ , and the mothers too’’ as the job that is the explanation from difficult to be the problem that was acquired’’ was left by Indonesia marked as the circumstance (matter) and the sentence ‘’ for the young people and the mothers too’’ was indicated as the circumstance (cause) or called with the behal type

294 The great women, the The verb Sandiaga Uno tried to VeP294 independently women ‘’complain’’ was tell that there was the DM294 who complain the identified as the other parties who felt cost living that is verbal process that lost out by saying ‘’ getting higher was done by ‘’the The great women, the great women, the independently women’’ idependently as the people who was women’’ as the sayer explained by the while in the sentence speaker to the audience. ‘’ the cost living’’ the speaker tried to was called as the describe from the other verbiage and then in parties by the verb the phrase ‘’ getting ‘’complain’’ as the higher’’ was verbal process to depict indicated as the circumstance the anxiety from them (manner) which it about the cost living was the quality type

295 Prabowo-Sandi will It formed the In the last segment of MaP295/ focus to finish the material process debate, Sandiaga Uno DM295 society’s problem where the word gave conclusion from ‘’Prabowo-Sandi’’ the formerly segemnt was identified as the by using the word actor and the verb ‘’focus’’ as the first ‘’focus’’ as the process where the word process. then it was intransitive word followed by the with prepostion ‘’to’’ in process ‘’finish’’ that his utterance and also refered to the phrase the word ‘’will’’ before ‘’ the society’s the first process showed problem’’ as the goal that the first clause was defined as the plan of the actor, Prabowo and Sandiaga Uno. while in the second process ‘’finish’’ showed the action that would be done by the actor with ‘’the societies’ problem’’ as the purpose from the material process in his utterance

296 How do we present It formed the Sandiaga Uno told his MaP296/ solution so that this material process opinion about the DM296 country finshes what where the word problem occured to the is expressed by the ‘’we’’ was identified audience by saying’’ society’s hopes for us as the actor and the How do we present verb ‘’present’’ as solution so that this the process that country finshes what is refered to the expressed by the circumstance (cause) society’s hopes for us’’ which it was the sentence ‘’ so that this country finshes what is expressed by the society’s hopes’’ as the purpose type and the phrase ‘’ for us’’ as the behalf type

297 The Oke-Oce’s In the sentence ‘’ The Sandiaga Uno ReP276/ program that we are Oke-Oce’s program convinced the audience DM276 launching and Rumah that we are launching about his programs Siap Kerja are and Rumah Siap where the verb capable Kerja’’ was called as ‘’capable’’ was meant the carrier in the by the spekaer that his relatiional process programs were the where tobe ‘’are’’ suitable program to was the attributive finish the problem was intens to put the going on in Indonesia word ‘’capable’’ as the attribute

298 To create 2,000,000 The verb ‘’create’’ Sandiaga Uno told the MaP298/ new jobs was categorized as effect that would be DM298 the material process given by his programs that refered to the to the audience by phrase ‘’ 2,000,000 saying ‘’ To create new jobs ‘’ as the 2,000,000 new jobs ‘’ goal

299 We also will decrease Constructed the Sandiaga Uno tried to MaP299/ the joblessness at the material process convinced the audience DM299 young age as much as where the word by telling the 2,000,000 ‘’we’’ as the actor advantange of his and the verb programs where the ‘’decrease’’ as the verb ‘’will decrease’’ process that refered was the explanation to the phrase ‘’ the from the advantage was joblessness at the given by his programs young age’’ as the and the sentence ‘’ the goal and then joblessness at the young followed by the age as much as sentence ‘’ as much 2,000,000’’ as the as 2,000,000’’ was object that would felt indicated as the the effect circumstance (manner) or called with the degree type

300 I was born from the The word ‘’I’’ was Sandiaga Uno tried to MaP300/ education world identified as the goal tell his background to DM300 where ‘’I’’ was the the audience where the object to the passive phrase ‘’ the education process ‘’born’’ world’’ was said as his while in the phrase ‘’ identity from the education world’’ was called as the circumstance (location) which it was the remote spatial

301 My mother was a There were three Sandiaga Uno started to ReP301/ teacher, my uncle was relational processes describe his family to DM301 an education expert, happened in the make the audience my grand father was a utterance where the knew by involving his headmaster phrases such as ‘’my mother, his uncle and mother’’, ‘’my his grand father who uncle’’ and ‘’my had the background of grand father’’ were the education world classified as the identifier. These subjects had tobe ‘’was’’ as the identifying intens to identify ‘’a teacher’’ as the identity from the phrase ‘’my mother’’, ‘’an education expert’’ as the identity from the phrase ‘’my uncle’’ and ‘’a headmaster’’ as the identity from the phrase ‘’my grandfather’’

302 We ascertain the The word ‘’we’’ was Because Sandiaga Uno MaP281/ prosperity teacher identified as the actor was born with the DM281 increased in the material background of the process where the education world, the verb ‘’ ascertain’’ as spekaer tried to involve the process that that by making the refered to the phrase commitment about the ‘’ the prosperity problem of teacher teacher increased’’ as the goal

303 Especially for the The sentence ‘’ for Sandiaga Uno focused MaP303/ honorary teachers, we the honorary about the prosperity of DM303 will increase their teachers’’ was teacher on the honorary status categorized as the teachers. The speaker circumstance (cause) asserted to the audience or called with the by saying ‘’ we will behalf type to be the increase their status’’ complement in the utterance that was formed as the material process where the word ‘’we’’ was indicated as the actor and the verb ‘’increase’’ as the process that refered to the phrase ‘’their status as the goal

304 We also ascertain that It formed the Sandiaga Uno also MaP304/ the education system material process make commitment to DM304 that is qualified where the word the education system ‘’Link and Match’’ ‘’we’’ as the actor where the word ‘’link and the verb and match’’ was used ‘’ascertain’’ as the as the purpose of his process that refered commitment for the to the sentence ‘’ that education system the education system that is qualified ‘’Link and Match’’ as the circumstance (matter)

305 Building the ethical It constructed the Sandiaga Uno ReP305/ characters that has the relational process explained the meaning DM305 strong morals to be where the sentence ‘’ of Link and match to our focus in the future Building the ethical the audience by characters’’ as saying’’ Building the identified as the ethical characters that carrier and the verb has the strong morals to ‘’has’’ as the be our focus in the attributive possession future’’ that refered to the phrase ‘’the strong morals’’ as the attribute and then followed by the sentence ‘’ to be our focus in the future’’ as the circumstance (role) or called with the product type

306 Giving a holiday in It formed the Sandiaga Uno also MaP306/ the Ramadhan’s material process offered the policy to the DM306 month as continuing where the sentence ‘’ audience where the the program that has Giving a holiday in sentence ‘’ Giving a ever applied by Gus the Ramadhan’s holiday in the Dur month as continuing Ramadhan’s month’’ as the program’’ was the policy that wanted called as the goal and to be given for the the verb ‘’applied’’ audience as the passive process which it was done by the actor ‘’Gus Dur’’

307 The Ramadhan’s Formed the relational Sandiaga Uno ReP307/ month is the tolerance process in the explained the reason DM307 month of Bhineka utterance where the from the policy that was Tunggal Ika phrase ‘’ The offered by relating the Ramadhan’s month’’ phrase ‘’ the tolerance was classifie as the month of Bhineka token. While tobe Tunggal Ika’’ as the ‘’is’’ was categorized thing that had the same as the identifying definition with the intens to identify the Ramadhan’s month phrase ‘’ the tolerance month of Bhineka Tunggal Ika’’ as the value

308 We call moslems and The word ‘’we’’ was Sandiaga Uno tried to MaP308/ the other religious identified as the actor order the audience by DM308 followers to give one which it did the saying ‘’ We call comprehension process ‘’call’’ that moslems and the other refered to the religious followers to sentence ‘’ moslems give one and the other comprehension’’ as the religious followers’’ order that had to be as the goal. After done together between that, the verb ‘’give’’ the speaker and the was indicated as the audience second process that refered to the phrase ‘’one comprehension’’ as the goal

309 We increase our Constructed the Sandiaga Uno gave MaP309/ tolerance, we material process in suggestion to the DM309 ascertain that the uttterance where audience by saying ‘’ Indonesia constitutes the word ‘’ we’’ was We increase our the equitable and identified as the actor tolerance’’ and the and the verb speaker ordered the prosperous country in ‘’increase’’ as the audience to promise the future process that refered preserving that by to the phrase ‘’our saying ‘’ we ascertain tolerance” as the that Indonesia goal. Furthermore, constitutes the equitable the actor ‘’we’’ also and prosperous country used the material in the future’’ process ‘’ascertain’’ that refered to the sentence ‘’ that Indonesia constitutes the equitable and prosperous country in the future ’’ as the circumstance (matter)

310 Indonesia constitutes The word Sandiaga Uno ReP310/ the fair and ‘’Indonesia’’ was explained about DM310 prosperous country identified as the Indonesia where the token where the verb speaker used the phrase ‘’constitutes’’ was ‘’ the fair and the identifying intens prosperous country’’ as to identify the the status of Indonesia sentence ‘’ the fair and prosperous country’’ as the value

311 We will finish BPJS The word ‘’we’’ was Sandiaga Uno promised MaP311/ in 200 first days called as the actor in to the audience in DM311 the utterance and the finishing BPJS where verb ‘’finish’’ as the the phrase ‘’200 first material process. days’’ was meant as the while in the word duration of target that ‘’BPJS’’ was was told by the speaker classified as the goal and the phrase ‘’in 200 first days’’ as the circumstance (extent) which one was the definite temporal

312 There is no longer It constructed the Sandiaga Uno ordered ExP312/ chaos exisential process the audience about the DM312 where the word existance of event ‘’there is’’ was occured by saying ‘’ identified as the There is no longer process to present the chaos’’ existent (event) that was found in the phrase ‘’ no longer chaos’’

313 I will intervene alone It formed the Sandiaga Uno tried to MaP313/ with sir Prabowo to material process make the audience DM313 make sure there is no where the word ‘’I’’ believe by saying ‘’ I public health services was identified as the will intervene alone left actor and the verb with sir Prabowo to ‘’intervene’’ as the make sure there is no process that was public health services completed with the left’’ the sentence ‘’ to phrase ‘’ with sir make sure there is no Prabowo’’ as the public health services circumstance left’’ was used by the (accompaniment). speaker to explain the Then there was also reason from the verb the second process in ‘’intervene’’ the verb ‘’make sure’’ that was followed by the sentence ‘’ there is no public health services left’’ as the circumstance (matter)

314 For The medical In the phrase ‘’ For Sandiaga Uno make the MaP314/ personnel also we The medical commitment where the DM314 will ascertain to get personnel’’ was phrase ‘’ The medical honorarium on time identified as the personnel’’ as the and the medicines are circumstance (cause) object of his also provided or called with the commitment to finish behalf type. While the problem of the word ‘’we’’ was honorarium and the called as the actor speaker also involved and the verb the medicine as the ‘’ascertain’’ as the object of his material process that commitment refered to the second process ‘’get’’ and ‘’honorarium’’ identified as the goal. While in the phrase ‘’on time’’ was categorized as the circumstance (extent) which it was the indefinite temporal. Moreover, found also the material process after the previously sentence where the medicine was identified as the goal and the verb ‘’provide’’ as the process

315 We want the Bhineka The senser ‘’we’’ Sandiaga Uno had the MeP315/ Tunggal Ika’s culture used the affection desire where the DM315 and tolerance to be type ‘’want’’ in the sentence ‘’ the Bhineka our legacy and mental process that Tunggal Ika’s culture creating the job as refered to the and tolerance to be our wide as possible wentence ‘’ the legacy and creating the Bhineka Tunggal job as wide as Ika’s culture and possible’’ as the tolerance’’ as the phenomenon wanted phenomenon and by the speaker then completed by the sentence ‘’ tolerance to be our legacy and creating the job as wide as possible’’ as the circumstance (role) which it was the product type

316 For all services from It formed the mental Sandiaga Uno gave MeP316/ the government, we process where the suggestion for the DM316 do not want to make sentence ‘’ For all government by saying difficulties and services from the ‘’ we do not want to burden the country by government’’ was make difficulties and publishing the other identified as the burden the country by cards circumstance (cause) publishing the other or called with the cards’’ as his critical for behalf type. After the government that, the word ‘’we’’ was classified as the senser who used the affection type ‘’want’’ that was connected with the sentence ‘’ to make difficulties and burden the country’’as the phenomenon then followed by the sentence ‘’ by publishing the other cards’’ as the circumstance (manner) which it was the means type

317 Let us take our The verb ’’take’’ was Sandiaga Uno ordered MaP317/ wallets, every wallets indicated as the the audience in the DM317 are pull out material process forum to take out their where the word ‘’us’’ wallets was the actor to be directed in the phrase ‘’our wallets’’ as the goal. Then there was the second process by identfying the word ‘’every wallets’’ as the goal that was processed by the verb ‘’pull out’’

318 The ladies who are in It constructed the Sandiaga Uno also MaP318/ their home especially material process ordered the audience at DM318 for the gentlemen, all where the sentence the home to pull out young people to take ‘’The ladies who are their wallets and take out one card that all in their home the identity card we have especially for the gentlemen, all young people’’ was categorized as the actor and the verb ‘’take’’ as the process that refered to the sentence ‘’ one card that all we have’’ as the goal

319 This is very Formed the relational Sandiaga Uno ReP319/ sophisticated because process in the explained about the DM319 of it has the utterance where the identity card to the technology chip word ‘’this’’ was audience where the within identified as the sentence ‘’ This is very token and tobe ‘’is’’ sophisticated because of was categorized as it has the technology the identifying intens chip within’’ as the to identify the explanation from the sentence ‘’very advantage of the sophisticated’’ as the identity card value. While the sentence ‘’ because of it has the technology chip within’’ was called as the circumsance (cause) which it was the reason type

320 The revolution of The phrase ‘’ The Sandiaga Uno MaP320/ industry 4.0 eases revolution of explained to the DM320 with the big data and industry’’ was audience about the use single identification categorized as the from the hig data and number actor where the verb single identification ‘’eases’’ was called number that gave the as the material effect to the revolution process that refered of industry 4.0 to the sentence ‘’ with the big data and single identification number’’ as the circumstance (manner) or called with the means type

321 All facilities services The sentence ‘’ All Sandiaga Uno gave MaP321/ such as employment, facilities services example from the DM321 education, health and such as employment, advantage by saying Rumah Siap Kerja education, health and ‘’employment, can be given Rumah Siap Kerja’’ education, health and was indicated as the Rumah Siap Kerja can goal where it was be given’’ processed by the material process ‘’given’’

322 For PKH, we will add The phrase ‘’for Sandiaga Uno made the MaP322/ to be PKH plus PKH’’ was identified policy about PKH by DM322 as the circumstance saying ‘’ we will add to (case) which it iwas be PKH plus’’ as the the behalf type. explanation of his While the word policy for the audience ‘’we’’ was called as the actor and the verb ‘’add’’ as the material process that refered to the sentence ‘’ to be PKH plus’’ as the circumstance (role) or called with the product type

323 In the program that In the sentence ‘’ In Sandiaga Uno closed ReP323/ only need this the program that only the statement by DM323 identitiy card, this need this identitiy concluding that from all becomes our card card’’ was identified problems in terms of as the circumstance employment, education (matter) . while the and health could be word ‘’this’’ was finished with the card categorized as the that had been add eith token and the verb the system of big data ‘’become’’ as the and single identification identifying intens in number’’ the relational process to identify the phrase ‘’our card’’ as the value

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Bagian Penyampaian visi dan misi

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, salam sejahtera bagi kita semua. Saudara-saudara sebangsa setanah air di manapun berada yang saya banggakan. Saya muliakan Kyai Haji Ma’ruf Amin, Abah selamat ulang tahun ke-76. Semoga abah tetap sehat walafiat mengemban tugas negara. Saya bersyukur, syukur alhamdulillah bahwa, diberi kesempatan kesehatan berkunjung di 1.500 kunjungan masyarakat dalam hampir tujuh bulan terakhir.

Kami mendengar keluhan masukan harapan. Prabowo-Sandi melihat masa depan Indonesia cerah jika kita fokus kepada hadirkan solusi bagi masyarakat. Masyarakat menginginkan lapangan kerja yang terbuka. Anak anak muda menginginkan peluang usaha. Ibu-ibu, emak-emak menginginkan harga-harga bahan pokok yang terjangkau, biaya pendidikan, biaya kesehatan, dan biaya listrik yang lebih murah. Oleh karena itu Prabowo-Sandi memiliki solusi di bidang pendidikan. Dua yang utama, pertama pendidikan tuntas berkualitas. Meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan adalah kualitas guru, kesejahteraan guru, terutama guru honorer.

Kita akan tingkatkan kesejahteraan dan pastikan status guru kurikulum kita perbaiki agar memiliki fokus pada pembangunan karakter dan akhlakul karimah. Kita juga pastikan bahwa sistem Ujian

Nasional dihentikan, diganti dengan penerusan minat dan bakat. Kami juga memiliki konsep sekolah link and match di mana kita hadirkan penyedia lapangan kerja dan pencipta lapangan kerja tersambung dengan sistem pendidikan. Kepada kesehatan, saya teringat kisah Ibu Lisa di Sragen dan di mana pengobatannya harus disetop karena BPJS tidak lagi meng-cover. Di bawah Prabowo-Sandi, kami pastikan dalam 200 hari pertama, akar permasalahan BPJS dan JKN kita selesaikan. Kita pastikan defisit ditutup dengan penghitungan melibatkan putra putri terbaik bangsa. Tenaga kesehatan harus dibayar tepat waktu.

Obat harus dibayar tepat waktu. Tidak boleh ada antrean panjang dan kami akan memulai program promotif preventif 22 menit per hari berolahraga. Kita ingin masyarakat badan yang sehat dan jiwanya juga sehat Di bidang ketenagakerjaan, saya ini pengangguran dulu, saya yakin bahwa masa depan anak muda kita bisa kita berikan kesempatan untuk lapangan kerja. Kalau kita fokus pada dua program utama kita, yaitu Oke-Oce yang akan kita angkat ke level nasional.

Kita akan berikan kesempatan membuka dua juta wirausaha baru dan juga program rumah siap kerja untuk anak muda, one stop service pelayanan terpadu untuk para anak anak muda mendapatkan pekerjaan sampai tingkat pedesaan.

Di bidang sosial, kemiskinan akan bidik dengan program yang tepat melalui basis data terpadu.

Dan kebudayaan kebinekaan kita haruslah kita jaga. Kita pastikan toleransi dan yang dimiliki bangsa ini menjadi salah satu fokus utama kita dan kemudian kita memiliki banyak sekali aspek industri kreatif yang bisa kita angkat. Banyak sekali lapangan pekerjaan yang akan kita ciptakan, tingkatkan di era Prabowo-Sandi karena kita fokus untuk apa yang diinginkan oleh masyarakat.

Terima kasih

Segmen kedua

Sesi Pertama

Tema: Pendidikan

Untuk mencapai posisi lima besar di 2045, kita harus membangun manusia kita. Sistem pendidikan kita harus menyambung dengan lapangan pekerjaan. Inovasi, riset, dan teknologi menjadi investasi yang harus kita lakukan. Bukan hanya saja dari besarannya, kita bicara mungkinsatu persen atau mungkin dua persen daripada anggaran kita yang kita alokasikan kepada riset dan teknologi.

Tapi menurut saya, yang harus kita fokuskan adalah bagaimana mengkonsolidasikan agar dunia usaha akademik dan juga pemerintah memiliki satu sinergi. Karena banyaknya hasil riset dan teknologi ternyata tidak bersambung atau tidak sinergi dengan apa yang dibutuhkan oleh dunia usaha.

Di bawah Prabowo-Sandi bukan hanya besaran jumlah daripada riset dan teknologi relevan, tapi kita akan pastikan juga pengalokasiannya sinergis dengan dunia usaha juga dengan sistem akademisi, saya pernah mengelola dana riset dan teknologi. Dan saya melihat begitu banyak anak- anak muda indonesia yang memiliki kemamopuan untuk menciptakan terobosan-terobosan di bidang pertanian.

Kita bisa meningkatkan produktivitas kita jika kita memastikan bahwa pupuk organik dengan kualitas terbaik. Hasil riset dan teknologi anak bangsa diberikan sehingga harga bahan pokok kita akan turun. Saya semakin yakin bahwa revolusi industri 4.0, dimana ekonomi kreatif akan bersnergi juga dengan loncatan-loncatan letupan inovasi memastikan lapangan kerja akan tercipta untuk anak muda.

Jadi 2045, bukan hanya kita menjadi lima besar dunia tapi kita betul-betul bisa menciptakan peluang kerja untuk seluruh warga negara indonesia.

Bagian menjawab tanggapan dari KH. Ma’aruf Amin

Menambah jumlah lembaga yang menangani bidang riset menurut hemat kami nuwun sewu Pak

Kyai, menambah juga birokrasi.

Bagi Prabowo-Sandi, kuncinya adalah di kolaborasi. Kami akan memastikan dunia usaha mendapat insentif jika mereka berinvestasi di research. Kalau mereka berinvestasi di research kita akan berikan insentif baik fisikal maupun non-fisikal. Juga para peniliti di universitas-unoversitas terbaik kita sekarang ini risetnya hasilnya hanya tidak digunakan, malah menumpuk dan mengumpulian debu.

Kita pastikan mereka juga mendapatkan kesejahteraan yang baik dan hasil risetnya bisa dipakai oleh dunia usaha pemerintah. Pemerintah mestinya juga memfasilitasi bagaimana ekosistem- ekosistem research ini bisa menghaslkan inovasi-inovasi terbaik di bidang sains, technology, engineering, arts dan juga mathematics.

Dan saya yakin anak-anak indonesia itu pinter-pinter sekali. saya bertemu di 1.500 titik, mereka memancaran optimisme, mereka ingin diberikan peluang. Kuncinya adalah peluang untuk mereka maju dan kami yakin indonesia adil makmur bersama Prabowo-Sandi Sesi kedua

Tema: Kesehatan.

Kisah yang dihadapi ibu Lies di mana program pengobatannya harus terhenti karena tidak di-cover oleh BPJS. Itu tidak boleh lagi kita tolerir. Indonesia apalagi akan menjadi negara-negara yang ekonominya nomor lima terbesar di dunia pada 2045 harus menghadirkan pelayanan kesehatan yang prima bagi masyarakat.

Kuncinya adalah pembenahan, jangan saling menyalahkan. Saya ingin mengingatkan kita, JKN dibawah Prabowo-Sandi akan diteruskan, BPJS akan disempurnakan, kita panggil aktuaria- aktuaria terbaik dari Hongkong. Putra-putri terbaik bangsa.

Saya pernah ketemu. Kita hitung betul-betul jumlahnya berapa sih yang diperlukan. Karena untuk pelayanan kesehatan prima negara tidak boleh absen. Negara tidak boleh pelit, jangan sampai antrean berekor-ekor atau juga obat tidak tersedia karena pengelolaan yang belum sempurna.

Di bawah Prabowo-Sandi, dalam 200 hari pertama, kita cari akar permasalahan hitung jumlahnya berapa kita berikan layanan kesehatan yang prima obat-obatan yang tersedia tenaga medis harus dibyar tepat waktu.

Tentu mereka tidak boleh diutangin rumah sakit. Rumah sakit jangan sampai layanan kesehatannya turun karena tidak dibayar tepat waktu. BPJS akan lebih baik di bawah Prabowo-Sandi karena kita mengerti akar permasalahannya, kebetulan saya juga latar belakangnya keuangan.Saya melihat bahwa ini adalah tantangan indonesia untuk maju membangun manusianya. Kita benahi layanan kesehatan, tingkatkan kualitasnya, tingkatkan kesejahteraan guru, kesejahteraan peran tenaga medis, dan kita harapkan layanan kesehatan lebih baik lagi ke depan. Terima kasih.

Bagian menanggapi jawaban dari KH. Ma’ruf Amin

Kami juga akan membenahi sistem rujukan. Kami pasti melihat bahwa pola rujukan yang lebih mengutamakan layanan kesehatan masyarakat agar mereka tidak menunggu berjam-jam di rumah sakit. Karena sistem rujukannya berbelit-belit, kami melihat bahwa tugas pemerintah juga adalah menghadirkan kebijakan-kebijakan yang bisa mencegah promotif preventif yang kami sebut sebagai gerakan 22 menit tiap hari berolahraga.

Saya alhamdulillah menjalakannya setiap hari dan saya melihat bagaimana dampaknya positif terhadap pengurangan biaya kesehatan. Kami meyakini kalau generasi muda, ibu-ibu, perempuan hebat, perempuan mandiri yang terlibat di posyandu juga di tambah anggaran dan kesejahteraanya.

Mereka bisa menurunkan angka kematian ibu yang sekarang masih ada di atas tingkat 300

Kami juga yakin gizi anak-anak juga akan lebih baik kalau kita berikan sebuah program yang sinergi antara sistem pendidikan dimana TK dan SD menyediakan susu atau tablet susu dan juga kacang hijau seperti di jakarta yang kami jalankan sehingga permasalahan stunting bisa kita turunkan semakin cepat untuk masa depan indonesia menang. Terima Kasih.

Segmen Ketiga

Sesi Pertama

Tema: Ketenagakerjaan

Indonesia negara yang kaya raya. Sumber daya alamnya melimpah. sumber daya manusianya hebat-hebat, pintar-pintar dan rajin-rajin. Saya bertemu dengan sumber daya manusia di seluruh wilayah pelosok indonesia. Mereka memancarkan wajah yang optimis. Rumah siap kerja baru saja diluncurkan. Prabowo-Sandi menawarkan untuk anak muda kita ‘Link and Match’. Karena sangat ironis siswa-siswa SMK sekarang ini mendominasi jumlah pengangguran kita. 61% persen dari pengangguran kita adalah anak muda. Mereka masuk SMK karena ingin cepat dapat kerja tapi justru mereka susah mencari lapangan pekerjaan. Oleh karena itu, kami launching rumah siap kerja untuk anak muda. One stop service, meningkatkan keterampilan mereka. melink and match, apa yang dihasilkan oleh sistem pendidikan kita. Kita melihat bagaimana nanti kita akan merekrut dunia usaha. Perusahaan swasta dan BUMN yang kita akan berikan insentiif agar mereka menawarkan program magang dan co-op kepada para anak-anak muda yang datang di rumah siap kerja. Kita akan hadirkan di tiap kecamatan sampai ke tingkat desa. Mereka akan mendapatkan keterampilan yang sesuai, yang dibutuhkan oleh revolusi industri 4.0. Kemarin saya datang, ada yang menginginkan desain grafis. Ada yang perlu mengasah keterampilannya berbahasa inggris.

Ini adalah sebuah masa depan yang Prabowo-Sandi yakini akan mengikis jumlah pengangguran di uisa muda sebanyak 2 juta dalam 5 tahun kami memerintah dan kami yakini Indonesia menang, adil, makmur bersama Prabowo-Sandi.

Bagian memberikan tanggapan kepada KH. Ma’ruf Amin

Bagaimana Indonesia bisa masuk menjadi ekonomi nomor 7 terbesar di dunia di tahun 2030-2035, jika anak-anak mudanya tidak bisa diberikan pekerjaan yang layak. Saya pernah merasakan menjadi pengangguran. Yang dibutuhkan oleh masa depan anak-anak muda kita adalah kesempatan. Oleh karena itu, rumah siap kerja untuk anak muda kita adalah pelayanan terpadu 1 pintu. Mereka mungkin bisa diarahkan menjadi wirausaha. Seandainya mereka menjadi wirausaha, mereka bisa bergabung dengan program Oke-Oce. Di Jakarta Oke-Oce sudah bisa menurunkan pengangguran sebanyak 20,000 di tahun 2018.

Kami melihat hasil yang nyata dan sudah dapat review yang positif. Ke depan kami yakin dengan pendidikan di rumah siap kerja bukan hanya meningkatkan keterampilan, tapi membuka peluang.

Karena seorang pengangguran itu tidak butuh belas kasihan. Yang dibutuhkan adalah peluang.

Saya alhamdulillah, Allah bukakan jalan. Dari usaha yang kecil, saya bangun bersama rekan-rekan sudah membuka lapangan kerja bagi 30,000 karyawan di seluruh Indonesia. Saya yakin banyak lagi anak-anak muda yang mampu berkarya demi indonesia menang. Terima kasih.

Sesi Kedua

Tema: Sosial dan Budaya

Di tahun 1961, Bung Karno bertemu dengan menteri pertahanan amerika serikat. Beliau menyatakan dan saya quote “tuan mungkin memiliki bom atom, tapi kami memiliki seni budaya yang tinggi. Tepat 60 setelah itu, UNESCO menobatkan Indonesia sebagai negara super power.

Adidaya yang memiliki budaya yang tinggi. Saya melihat memang anggaran dan infrastruktur masih kurang. Tapi kita harus melihat dari sisi kemitraan karena sangat yakin jika pemerintahannya berpihak pada pembangunan budaya, bisa mengajak banyak sekali pihak-pihak yang lain. Seperti dunia usaha, akademisi-akademisi, unversitas-universitas bisa ditingkatkan kurikulum yang mengarahkan minat untuk mencintai kebudayaan kita. Dari sisi kebudayaan, saya yakin akan muncul peluang-peluang ekonomi berbasis kebudayaan yang akan menciptakan begitu banyak lapangan pekerjaan ekonomi kreatif. Di bawah Prabowo-Sandi kita akan tingkatkan bukan hanya anggaranya tapi juga wewenangnya untuk mengkolaborasi semua kekuatan yang kita miliki.

Budaya kita juga tercermin dalam potensi pariwisata yang dimiliki oleh Indonesia. Jika kita melihat sesuatu dalam pandangan holistik yang komprehensif dimana kita tempatkan pembangunan budaya sebagai prioritas. Saya semakin yakin Indonesia menang di bawah Prabowo-

Sandi, bukan hanya bisa melestarikan budaya kita tapi juga menciptakan letupan-letupan ekonomi yang akan membuka lapangan kerja untuk anak-anak muda kita.

Bagian memberikan tanggapan kepada KH.Ma’ruf Amin

Membangun kebudayaan kita bukan hanya kita bicarakan anggaran dan infrastruktur. Tapi dilihat daripada pelibatan semua elemen yang bisa mendukung agar budaya ini menjadi satu daya picu untuk kemajuan Indonesia ke depan. Saya melihat warisan budaya yang dimiliki kita begitu beragam. Bhineka tunggal ika dan toleransi itu adalah salah satu juga warisan daripada budaya kita. Kita bisa melihat bagaimana karya-karya terbaik anak-anak bangsa kita sudah mendunia.

Tinggal kita sekarang mengkolaborasikannya. Jangan semuanya menjadi beban pemerintah tapi saya yakin kalau bicara tentang budaya, banyak sekali pihak yang ingin membantu baik dari dunia usaha. Teman-teman yang bergerak di universitas-unversitas juga. Di lembaga swadaya masyarakat, mereka ingin berkontribusi. Tugas pemerintah adalah membentuk pemerintahan yang kuat dengan keberpihakan yang tegas agar budaya menjadi prioritas utama pembangunan.

Sekarang memang kita melihat prioritas kita ada di infrastruktur. Kedepan di bawah Prabowo-

Sandi, kita akan seimbangkan pembangunan manusia dan budaya juga harus menjadi prioritas pembangunan Prabowo-Sandi.

Segmen keempat.

Sesi Pertama

Bapak KH.Ma’ruf Amin yang saya muliakan, di saat pengangguran kita masih ada tujuh juta dan kualitas lapangan pekerjaan kita masih belum optimal, pemerintah mencabut beberapa keharusan bagi tenaga kerja asing. Seperti keharusan mereka bisa berbahasa indonesia. Perbandingan jumlah tenaga kerja asing dan tenaga kerja lokal dan juga berkaitan dengan visa, khususnya untuk tenaga kerja tenaga kerja yang ada pada strata terbawah.

Kita melihat banyak sekali saudara saudara kita belum mendapatkan kesempatan kerja. Tapi pada satu sisi yang lain, justru lapangann kerja tersebut diberikan kepada warga negara asing. Tenaga honorer per hari ini belum mendapatkan keadilan, mereka belum ditingkatkan statusnya dan kesejahteraannya juga masih belum.

Sistem outsourcing yang sekarang ini memberatkan baik bagi dunia usaha maupun juga sistem outsourcing sangat tidak adil bagi tenaga kerja yang sekarang mengeluhkan tidak ada kepastian kerjanya sistem upah juga yang menekan teman-teman serikat pekerja. Teman-teman dari pengemudi transportasi online belum mendapatkan perlindungan kerja yang selayaknya. Strategi apa yang bapak kiai miliki untuk memastikan kita memiliki keadilan dalam menyediakan tenaga kerja untuk anak-anak negeri kita. Terima kasih.

Bagian menjawab tanggapan dari KH. Ma’ruf Amin

Prabowo-Sandi melihat bahwa UMKM adalah solusi untuk penciptaan lapangan pekerjaan.

UMKM jumlahnya adalah 99.9 % dari unit usaha yang dimiliki bangsa ini dari total 55 juta unit usaha UMKM, mereka belum mendapatkan keberpihakan dari segi kebijakan. Padahal 97% lapangan pekerjaan diciptakan oleh sektor UMKM. Untuk tenaga kerja asing kami memiliki konsep yang sangat jelas, bahwa kami akan pastikan siapa pun yang bekerja di sini harus bisa berbahasa indonesia seperti para tenaga kerja kita yang ada ke luar negeri harus mengasah keterampilannya.

Kami pastikan juga jumlah perbandingan antara tenaga kerja asing dan lokal terukur dengan baik dengan memberikan aspek keadilan. UMKM adalh solusinya. Industri berbasis pengolahan juga menjadi solusi. Jika kita berpihak kepada penciptaan lapangan kerja melalui UMKM 97% daripada penciptaan lapangan kerja dan 60% daripada produk domestik bruto kita akan disumbangkan oleh

UMKM program oke-oce yang kami dorong berpihak kepada UMKM.

Karena kita akan memberikan pelatihan langkah pertama, kedua pendampingan, ketiga kami akan memberikan bantuan pemasaran kemudahan perizinan. akses keuangan baik administrasi maupun akses permodalan akan meningkatkan dunia usaha. Pada suatu saat kita harus berpihak kalau ada lowongan kerja berikanlah kepada tenaga kerja anak anak negeri kita sendiri. Jangan sampai mereka disingkirkan dan terasing karena adanya tenaga kerja asing. Terima kasih. Sesi Kedua

Bagian menjawab pertanyaan dari KH.Ma’ruf Amin

Terima kasih Pak Kyai. Saya berkesempatan untuk berbakti di pemprov DKI dimana kami memiliki anggaran yang cukup. Kami memiliki program kartu jakarta pintar plus dimana bukan hanya sistem pendidikan yang dicover oleh pemerintah provinsi, tapi juga ditambah dengan kebijakan memberikan asupan makanan yang lebih baik kepada penerima manfaat KJP plus.

Ibu Sri Mulyani menyatakan bahwa dari total 400 triliun lebih yang 60% dianggarkan ke daerah belum menghadirkan pendidikan yang berkualitas. Instrumen instrumen banyak yang dipakai oleh pemerintah pusat yang bisa digunakan untuk memantau baik daripada kualitas pendidikan tersendiri melalui index-index yabg ada maupun efektifitas daripada anggaran yang disampaikan.

Saya justru melihat bahwa fokus untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan itu adalah bagaimana hasil daripada pendidikan itu bukan hanya mendidik masyarakat peserta didik cerdas, pintar tapi juga memiliki karakter yang kuat, berbudi pekerti, dan berakhluk karimah.

Instrumen-instrumen tersebut banyak sekali yang bisa dipakai. Dan saya yakin selama Prabowo-

Sandi diberikan kewenangan untuk mengalokasi jumlah, kita pastikan link and match bahwa peserta didik memilik kesempatan. Bukan hanya mendapatkan pendidikan yang berkualitas tapi setelah mereka lulus mereka mendapatkan kesempatan kerja. Kami yakin ini menjadi prioritas yang akan membawa Indonesia menang.

Bagian menjawab tanggapan dari KH.Ma’ruf Amin

Selain daripada pembangunan infrastruktur fasilitas pendidikan, fokus Prabowo-Sandi adalah peningkatan kualitas guru. Kalau guru berkualitas, berkompetensi, maka masa depan pendidikan kita lebih baik. kami berkomitmen kesejahteraan guru terutama guru-guru honorer yang mereka sudah belasan tahun. Malah sudah ada yang puluhan tahun berbakti dan mereka adalah pahlawan tanpa tanda jasa. Per hari ini mereka belum mendapatkan keadilan, belum mendapatkan kesejahteraan, belum mendapatkan status.

Prabowo-Sandi berkomitmen PR terbesar kita adalah meningkatkan kualitas guru, kita tingkatkan kompetensinya, kita pastikan kesejahteraannya. Kurikulum, Ananda Salsabila Umar di

Pamekasan, menyatakan kurikulum kita terlalu berat dan banyak sekali mata pelajaran yang dia tidak minati dan tidak akan dia pernah pakai. Dibawah Prabowo-Sandi kita pastikan kurikulum kita fokus kepada hal esensi dan akan membangun karakter budi pekerti, tentunya juga membangun peserta didik yang memiliki akhlak yang karimah.

Kami juga akan menghapus Ujian Nasional. Ini adalah salah satu sumber biaya yang tinggi bagi sistem pendidikan kita. Untuk anak-anak di rumah, Ujian Nasional tersebut sangat tidak berkeadilan. Kami akan menghapuskan. Kami akan gantikan dengan penelesuran minat dan bakat.

Penelesuran minat dan bakat sangatlah aplikatif kepada para peserta didik. Mereka akan mampu untuk diarahkan kemana mereka kalau ke ekonomi kreatif atau ke bidang lain sesuai dengan kemampuannya. Terima kasih.

Bagian menjawab pertanyaan dari KH. Ma’ruf Amin

Ya, memang kita lihat instrumen itu dipakai. Tapi yang perlu kita dengar adalah keluhan daripada masyarakat. Masyarakat menginginkan pendidikan berkualitas. Kalau kita hanya melihat instrumen, kita tidak akan mampu menghadirkan satu solusi bagi masyarakat.

Segmen kelima

Sesi pertama

Bagian menjawab pertanyaan dari KH. Ma’ruf Amin

Terima kasih kepada Pak Kyai. Masalah stunting sangat-sangat ada dalam tahap yang gawat darurat. Di mana sepertiga dari anak-anak kita kekurangan asupan gizi. Prabowo-Sandi meluncurkan program indonesia emas dan salah satu dari aspek indonesia emas itu adalah gerakan untuk memastikan ibu-ibu, emak-emak mendapatkan protein yang cukup, susu maupun asupan protein yang lain, ikan dan lain sebagainya juga anak-anaknya dan dengan program tersebut, diharapkan kta bisa mengurangi stunting secara signifikan 5 tahun ke depan sesuai dengan target yang sudah kita canangkan. Kami meyakini jika pemerintah fokus pada pengurangan masalah stunting, kita akan memilki generasi muda adalah generasi emas bangsa kita.

Saya yakin juga sedekah putih yang dimaksud oleh Kyai Ma’ruf Amin tadi apa memberikan satu dorongan kepada teman-teman yang ingin berkontribusi. putih itu adalah susu dan kita menjadikan bagian dari pada indonesia emas. Program utama kami adalah indonesia emas. Siapa yang ingin mrnyumbangkan susu, tablet, kacang ijo silahkan. Dan ini merupakan bagian daripada program partisipatif kolaboratif yang kita ingin hadirkan untuk Indonesia karena tidak bisa diselesaikan pemerintah sendiri. Harus melibatkan juga pihak-pihak lain termasuk pihak-pihak dunia usaha.

Bagian menjawab tanggapan dari KH. Ma’ruf Amin

Ini yang ada Mpok Nur Aisyah istri saya tercinta beliau melahirkan di usia 42 tahun, anak terakhir kami si bungsu Sulaiman. Kami seperti ajaran dari guru-guru maupun orang tua memberikan air susu ibu tapi mendadak di bulan ke enam berhenti tidak keluar lagi mungkin karena faktor usia, mungkin faktor yang lain.

Nah, banyak sekali anak-anak seperti Sulaiman, dan ibu-ibu yang lain juga mengalam kasus serupa. dan disitulah kami ingin mengajak para kontributor yang bisa menyediakan susu. Para donatur mengumpulkan uang untuk membantu agar gizi ibu dan gizi anak bisa kita perhatikan dan masalah stunting itu bisa selesai. Memberi itu baik menurut saya dan apapun yang disedekahkan baik itu dalam bentuk susu atau dalam bentuk yang lain akan membantu bukan hanya pemerintah yang menangani, tapi juga seluruh masyarakat. Dan kita menginginkan sebuah program yang partisipatif kolaboratif, mengajak seluruh masyarakat mengikuti sebuah gerakan.

Ini bukan tentang Prabowo Sandi, ini bukan tentang pilpres, tapi ini lebih besar dari pilpres. Ini kita bicara generasi emas ke depan. Kita akan hilang kalau sepertiganya tidak mendapatkan asupan protein, tidak mendapatkan susu. Jadi saya ingin mengajak kita semua untuk berpikir yang besar untuk bangsa kita. Mari kita jangan saling menyalahkan dengan satu istilah satu sama lain, mari kita fokus bagaimana menyelesakan permasalahan ini bersama-sama karena kami yakin bersama kita akan mampu membangun indonesia. Sesi kedua


Sebelum kami memberikan pemicu untuk debat, izinkan saya mengucapkan belasungkawa kepada warga negara Indonesia dan seluruh warga yang terkena serangan teroris di Christchurch. Dan kami juga baru saja mendapat kabar ada banjir di Papua dan juga gempa di NTB. Mari kita sama sama beristigfar dan berdoa agar rekan-rekan kita saudara-saudara se tanah air bisa menghadapi bencana ini dan semuanya insyaallah bisa selamat pulih sedia kala.

Saya ingin bertanya sedikit mengenai pengangguran di usia muda khususnya lulusan-lulusan SMK yang tidak bisa mendapatkan pekerjaan. Saya melihat ada sesuatu sistem yang tidak nyambung.

Karena siswa yang masuk SMK itu berharap mendapatkan lapangan pekerjaan. Saya ingin bertanya bagaimana visi Pak Kyai agar kita bisa menurunkan jumlah 61% daripada pengangguran kita di usia muda , usia 15 sampai 24 tahun agar kita pastikan target pertumbuhan bangsa ibni ke depan bisa kita capai. Alangkah ironisnya negeri dengan ekonomi nomor 15 16 terbesar di dunia, masih kesulitan membuka lapangan kerja bagi anak-anak mudanya.

Kita harus mengimpor tenaga kerja asing, mengekspor tenaga kerja kita ke Malaysia, ke Timur

Tengah dan lain sebagainya. Mohon penjelasan dari Pak Kyai sehingga kita bisa menyelesaikan masalah besar bersama dalam forum diskusi ini.

Bagian menanggapi jawaban dari KH. Ma’ruf Amin

Kami melihat isu utama adalah tidak adanya link and match, apa yang dibutuhkan penyedia kerja dengan yang dihasilkan sistem pendidikan, maka program kami adalah memastikan bahwa SMK terhubung secara sinergis dengan para penyedia kerja baik itu di dunia usaha maupun di sektor lainnya termasuk pemerintahan. Kita pastikan bahwa siswa-siswi SMK kita harus mendapatkan lapangan kerja begitu lulus, dan rumah siap kerja untuk anak muda yang kami luncurkan. Jadi bukan akan tapi telah kami luncurkan dua hari yang lalu menjadi solusi permanen terhadap masalah pengangguran di usia mudauntuk yang menjadi wirausaha sudah ada OKE OCE.

Alhamdulillah, 90.000 penggiat OKE OCE yang ada di Jakarta dan sekarang sudah diangkat ke level nasional. Tapi mengenai rumah siap kerja di mana anak-anak muda bisa datang di situ ada co-working space. Di situ ada tempat berolahraga, main tenis meja, bola basket, maupun kegiatan- kegiatan training baik itu barista coffee. Kita sediakan disana rumah siap kerja juga akan memastikan jika anak-anak lulusan SMK menginginkan beasiswa bisa diakses melalui pendekatan siap jemput bola kita siapkan juga mobil siap kerja. Harapan kami dalam 5 tahun Prabowo Sandi memimpin, kita bisa mengurangi 2.000.000 pengangguran muda untuk Indonesia. Ini yang dibutuhkan untuk kita menjadi indonesia yang menang, indonesia adil dan makmur.

Bagian memberikan tanggapan untuk KH. Ma’ruf Amin

Menciptakan lapangan kerja di usia muda merupakan satu semangat daripada millenial. Data riset terakhir millenial menginginkan menjadi entrepeneur 69 persen daripada millenial anak-anak mudakita ingin sistem yang fleksibel. Prabowo-Sandi mendesain kebijakan kita untuk memastikan millenial kita mendapatkan kesempatan membuka lapangan kerja di berbagai bidang mulai dari ekonomi kreatif sampai kepada teknologi digital.

Segmen keenam

Negeri ini sangat kaya raya, sumber daya alamnya melimpah, tanahnya subur, sumber daya manusianya hebat-hebat. Namun masih menyisakan beberapa masalah an tara lain, lapangan kerja yang sulit di dapat untuk anak-anak muda, juga untuk emak-emak, para ibu-ibu, perempuan hebat, perempuan mandiri yang mengeluhkan biaya hidup semakin tinggi. Biaya pangan, biaya listrik, biaya pendidikan dan biaya kesehatan.

Prabowo-Sandi akan fokus untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan rakyat. Bagaimana kita menghadirkan solusi agar bangsa ini menyelesaikan apa yang diungkapkan harapan rakyat untuk kita hadirkan Indonesia yang menang, Indonesia yang adil dan makmur.

Dalam ketenagakerjaan, jelas program OKE OCE yang kami launching beserta rumah siap kerja, sanggup untuk menciptakan 2.000.000 lapangan kerja baru. melalui penciptaan-penciptaan

2.000.000 wirausaha baru. Kami juga akan mengurangkan pengangguran di usia muda sebanyak

2.000.000. Saya lahir dari dunia pendidikan. Ibu saya guru, Paman saya pakar pendidikan, kakek saya Kepala Sekolah.

Kami pastikan guru-guru kesejahteraannya ditingkatkan, guru honorer terutama akan kita tingkatkan status. Kita pastikan juga bahwa sistem pendidikan yang berkualitas link and match membangun budi pekerti karakter yang kuat berakhlakul karimah menjadi fokus kita ke depan.

Mencabut Ujian Nasional, memberikan liburan di bulan ramadhan sebagai meneruskan program yang pernah dijalankan oleh Gus Dur. Bulan ramadhan bulan toleransi Bhineka Tunggal Ika. Kita kumandangkan umat islam dan umat-umat pemeluk agama lain memberikan satu pemahaman. Kita tingkatkan toleransi kita, kita pastikan bahwa ke depan Indonesia merupakan negara adil makmur baldatun thoyyibatun warobun ghafur.

Di bidang kesehatan, kami akan bereskan BPJS 200 hari pertama. Tdak ada lagi kekisruhan, saya akan turun tangan sendiri bersama pak Prabowo pastikan tidak ada layanan kessehatan masyarakat yang ditinggalkan. Tenaga medis juga kita akan pastikan mendapatkan honor tepat waktu juga obat-obatan disediakan. Kita ingin budaya Bhineka Tunggal Ika dan toleransi menjadi warisan kita dan membuka lapangan kerja seluas-luasnya.

Untuk semua layanan daripada pemerintah kita tidak ingin merepotkan dan membebani negara dengan menerbitkan kartu-kartu yang lain. Mari kita ambil dompet kita, masing-masing dompet kita keluarkan. Ibu-ibu yang di rumah terutama bapak-bapak semua anak muda keluarkan satu kartu yang sudah semua kita miliki yaitu Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP). Ini super canggih sudah memiliki chip teknologi di dalamnya revolusi industri 4.0 memudahkan dengan big data dan single identification number.

Semua fasilitas layanan baik ketenagakerjaan, pendidikan, kesehatan, semua rumah siap kerja bisa diberikan. PKH kita akan tambah jadi PKH Plus. Di dalam program yang hanya membutuhkan

KTP ini, ini menjadikan kartu kami, terima kasih. Khasiat hasbunallah wanikmal wakil nikmal maula wanikman nasir la haula wala quwwata illa billahi adzhm wallahul muwafiq ila aqwamith thariq nasrun min wa patun qorib. Terima kasih.

First segment

Stating the vision and mission

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabaraatuh

Peace for all of us. To all of my honorable fellow countrymen who I am proud. The honorable is

Kyai Haji Ma’ruf Amin, happy 76th birthday, Abah. Hopefully you keep given a health to carry the duty of country. I’m so grateful, Alhamdulillah, I am given a good condition to visit at 1500 places in nearly the last seven months.

We heard the complaint, suggestion and hope. Prabowo-Sandi see that the future of Indonesia is bright, if we focus to present solution for the people. They want the available vacancy jobs. The young people desire the bussines oppurtunities. The adult women want the achievable price of staple, The cheaper cost of education, health and electricity. Therefore, Prabowo-Sandi have the solution in the educational affairs. It is two eminent solutions, the first is the complete qualified education. Upgrading the quality of education is the quality of teacher, the prosperity of them especially for honorary teachers.

We will enhance prosperity and make sure the status of teachers and curriculum we fix so that having the focus to the development of character and the exalted morals. We also ascertain that the national exam system is stopped. Replaced with the exploration of interest and talent. We also have the link and match concept of school where we present the provision and create of vacancy job connected with the education system. For health, I was remembered the story of Mrs. Lies in Sragen where her medical treatment must be stopped because BPJS did not cover again. With Prabowo-Sandi, we ascertain in 200 days, the source of problem of BPJS and JKN we will finish them. We ascertain the deficit closed with the calculation involving the best youth citizens. The medical personnel must be paid on time. The medicine must be paid on time. There is nothing the long queue and we will start the promotive- preventive program, 22 minutes for one day to exercise. We want the pyhsical people is healthy and their sprits too. In employment affairs, I used to be a jobless. I believe that our youth future can we give a chance for the jo. If we focus on our two main programs that is “Oke-oce” which we will upgrade to the national level. We will give the opportunity to create 2 millions new entrepreneurs and also the Rumah siap kerja’s program for the young people. One stop service, the integrated services for the young people to get a job until the rural area level.

In social affairs, the poverty will be aimed with the correct program through the intergrated basis of data and the culture of our diversity have to be preserved. We ascertain the tolerance and this country’s property to be one of our main focus and then we have so many aspects of the creative industry that we can show. So many jobs that we will create. Increase in the Prabowo-Sandi’s era because we focus for what it is wanted by the people. Thank you.

Second Segment.

First Session

Theme: Education

To reach the fifth position in 2045, we have to build our human. Our educataional system must link with the job. The inovation, research and technology become investment that we have to do.

It is not only from the big amount, maybe we talk one or two percents instead of our budget that we alocate to the research and technology.

But according to me, we should focus on how to consolidate in order to the world of academic bussiness and the government also have one synergy for what is needed by the bussiness world.

With Prabowo-Sandi, it is not only the big amount from the relevant research and technology, but we will also ascertain its allocation synergy with the bussiness world and the academic system. I have ever managed the donation of research and technology. And I saw so many young Indonesian who have abilty to create breakthrough at agriculture field.

We can increase our productivity if we make sure that the organic manure is the best quality. The result of research and technology from people is given until our cost of staple low. I am really believe that the revolution of industry 4.0 where the creative economy will also be synergy with the hop and expolosion of inovation to make sure the job that will be created for the young people.

So in 2045, we are just not be the 5 biggest in the world but we absolutely can create the job oppurtinities for all citizens of Indonesia. The part of Sandiaga Uno gives statements after the KH, Ma’ruf Amin’s reaction.

Adding the amount of institute that manages the research affairs, according to us, i’m sorry for

Kyai, it also add the bureaucracy. For Prabowo-Sandi, the key is collaboration. We will ascertain the bussiness world obtaining fee if they invest in research. If they invest in research, we will give fee either pyshical or non-pyhsical. The researchers at our best universities currently, their result of research are not used. They are pile and gather dust.

We ascertain that they also get the good prosperity and their result of research can be applied by the bussiness government. Government should facilitate how this ecosystem of research can gains the best innovation at science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics too. And I believe that the young people in Indonesia are very smart.

I met at 1,500 places, they radiated optimism, they wanted to be given a chance. the key is oppurtinity so that they develop and we believe that Indonesia will be fair and prosperous by


Second Sessions

Theme: health

The story that is faced by Mrs Lies where her medical treatment must be stopped because it was not covered by BPJS. It must not be tolerated by us anymore. Especially Indonesia will be the country that its economy is the biggest five all over the world in 2045. It must present the first-rate health services for people The key is repairing. Do not blame one another. I want to remind us , JKN led by Prabowo-Sandi will be carried on. BPJS will be made perfectly. We call the best actuaries from Hongkong or the best national youth. I have ever met, we count their amount correctly how many is needed. Because for the first-rate health services, the country must not be absence. The country must not be stingy.

Do not queue until long or the medicine is also not available because of its imperfect management.

With Prabowo-Sandi, in the first 200 days, we find out the source of problem. Count the amount how many do we give the first-rate health services, the available medicines. The medical personnel must be given a salary on time.

They certainly must not be given a debt by the hospital. the health services is down because they are not given a salary on time. BPJS will be better with Prabowo-Sandi because we understand the source of problem. I also happen to have the background in financial. I see that this is a challange of Indonesia to advance develop its human being. We repair the health services, increasing the prosperity of teacher, the prosperity of medical personnel and we hope the health services get better to the future. Thank you.

The part of Sandiaga Uno receives the answer of KH. Ma’ruf Amin

We also repair the referral system. We certainly look that the referral system prefers the health of society so they do not wait for hours in the hospital. Because the referral system is complicated.

We see that the duty of government also present the policy that can prevent the promotive- prefentive that we call as the movement in 22 minutes to exercise everyday. Alhamdulillah, I do everyday and I see how the positive effect to the decrease of healthcare costs.

We are sure if the young generatiion, the ladies, the great women, the independently women involved in integrated health post are also added up their budget and prosperity. They can decrease the death rate that nowadays it is still above 300.

We also believe that the nutrient of children also will be better if we give a synergy ptogram between the education system where the kindergarten and primary school provide milk or the milk tablets and also green bean as well like in Jakarta that we did. so the problem of stunting can we diminish to the future of the victorious Indonesia. Thank you.

Third Segment

First Session

Theme: Employment

Indonesia is the wealth country. The natural resources are overwhelming. The human resources are great, smart and diligent. I met with the human resources all over the region of Indonesia. They radiated the optimistic face. Rumah siap kerja just have been launched.. Prabowo-Sandi offer to our young people. Link and match. Becauase it is irony that the vocational students currently dominate the amount of our joblessness. 61% of our joblessness is our young people. They enroll the vocational school because they want to get a job quickly but they feel difficult to seek a vacancy job. Therefore. We are launching Rumah Siap Kerja for the young people. One stop service, increasing their skills. link and match for what it is resulted by our educational system. We look how we willl recruit the business world. The private enterprise and the state-owned corporation that we will give the incentive so that they offer the program of internship and co-op to the young people who come over Rumah Siap Kerja. We will present in each sub-district to the rural area. They will get the appropiate skill that is needed by the revolution of industry 4.0. I came yesterday, there was someone who wanted the graphic design. There was someone who needed to whet the skill in english language. This is a future that Prabowo-Sandi will believe to erase the amount of joblessness at the young age as much as 2 millions in 5 years we lead and we believe

Indonesia is victory, fair, prosperous with Prabowo-Sandi.

The part of Sandiaga Uno gives response to KH. Ma’ruf Amin

How does the Indonesia can go into the number 7 of the biggest economy all over the world in the years of 2030-2035, if the young people can not be given away a capable job. I have ever felt be a jobless. It is needed by our youth future is chance. Therefore, Rumah Siap Kerja For our young people is the integrated services of one door. They probably can be guided to be an entrepreneur.

If only they became the entrepreneur, they can join with the Oke-Oce’s program. In Jakarta, the

Oke-Oce has decreased the joblessness as much as 20,000 in 2018.

I have looked the real result and it has got the positive review, in the future, we believe with the education in the rumah siap kerja just not to increase the skill but create an oppurtunity. Because a jobless does not need compassion. They need a chance. Alhamdulillah, Allah opened the way.

From the small bussiness, I built with my counterparts that had given job for 30,000 empolyees in

Indonesia. I still believe many young people who can work in the sake of the victorious Indonesia.

Second Session

Theme: Social and Culture

In 1961, sir Karno met with the defence minister of united states. He stated and I am going to quote

“you may have the atomic bomb, but we have the high art of culture”. Exactly 60 years after that,

UNESCO crowned the Indonesia as the super power country. The powerful country that had the high culture. Indeed I see the budget and infrastructure are still less. But we must see from the side of partnership because I am very sure if the government take sides to the development of culture, it can invite many other parties. Like the business world, scholarships, univerisities can be increased the curriculum that directs interest to love our culture. From the cultural side, I believe that it will appear the economic oppurtinities based on the culture that will create so many jobs of the creative economy. With Prabowo-Sandi, we will not only the budget but also its authority to colaborate all powers that we have. Our culture are also reflected in the potention of tourism had by Indonesia. If we look something in the holistic view that is comprehensive where we place the construction of culture as a priority. I really believe the Indonesia victory in the lead of Prabowo-

Sandi. It is not only can preserve our culture but also create the hop and explosition of economy that will create the job for our young people.

The part of Sandiaga Uno gives response to KH. Ma’ruf Amin

Building our culture, we are not talking of the budget and infrastructure. But seen from involving all elements that can support so that this culture becomes one trigger of power for the advancement of Indonesia in the future. I see the legacy of culture had by us is very diverse. Bhineka Tunggal

Ika and tolerance are one of legacy from our culture. We can see how the best works from our young people in Indonesia have been worldwide. Now we just colaborate them. Do not make everyhting to be the responsibility of government but I believe if we talk of the culture, so many parties who want to help from the business world. Counterparts who work at university as well. In the institute of society, they want to contribute. The duty of government is constructing the strong government with the firm allignments so that the culture becomes the main priority of building.

Now we see that our priority are in the infrastructure. In the future with Prabowo-Sandi, we will balance the building human and the culture also must be the priority of development Prabowo-


Fourth Segment

First Session

For KH. Ma’ruf Amin that I am respectful, when our joblessness are still 7 millions and the quality of job is still not optimal, the government revoke some necessities for the foreign employees to master the indonesia language. Especially for the labors who are in the lowest level.

We see that so many our brothers have not got the job oppurtinities. But at the another side, the job is given to the foreign residents. The honorary staff for still lately have not got a justice, they have not been upgraded their status and their prosperity too.

The current system of outsourching complicates for the business world and also the system of outsourching is also very unfair for the employees who complain nothing their affirmation works.

The wage system also oppresses the worker unions. The brothers from the online transportation drivers do not get the safety of work properly. What is the strategy that you have to ascertain we have justice in providing the employees to our young people ?. Thank you.

The part of Sandiaga Uno gives response to KH, Ma’ruf Amin

Prabowo-Sandi see that UMKM is solution to create the job. the amount is 99.9% from the unit works had this country from the total of 55 milions unit works of UMKM. They have not got the partisan in terms of the policy whereas 97% of the jobs are created by the sector of UMKM. For the foreign employees, we have the most explicit concept that we will ascertain anyone who works must be able to speak the indonesia language here, as our employees in abroad must increase their skill.

We also ascertain the ratio of amount between the foreign and local employees are measured too by giving the aspect of justice. UMKM is the solution. The processing based industry also becomes the solution. If we take sides to the job creation through UMKM for about 97% from the job creation and 60% from the gross domestic production that we will be funded by UMKM. The Oke-

Oce’s program that we push to take sides to UMKM

Because we will give about the first is practice, the second is accompaniment, the third is we will give the marketing assistance to ease the license. The financial access either the administration or capital will increase the business world. One day we have to take sides if there is the vacancy job, give to the employees in our own country. Do not let them removed and abandoned because of any foreign employees. Thank you.

Second Session

The part of Sandiaga Uno answers the KH.Ma’ruf Amin’s question

Thank you. I had an oppurtinity to work in the provincial government of Jakarta where we had budget that was enough. We had the program of Jakarta Pintar Plus’s card where it was not only the education system covered by the national government, but it was also added by the policy giving nutrition better to receiver the use of KJP pius.

Sri Mulyani stated that from totally 400 billions more which 60% is calculated to the territory still does not present the quality of education. Many instruments are used by the central government which they can be used for monitoring either from the quality of education apart through the index or the efectivity of budget delivered.

I see that the focus to increase the quality of education is how the outcome of education is not only to educate the smart students but also has the strong, ethical, and exalted characters. So many instruments can be applied. And I believe during Prabowo-Sandi are given the authority to colaborate the amount. We ascertain “Link and Match” that the students have a chance. Not only to get the qualified education but after they graduate, they get the job oppurtinities. We believe that this becomes a priority that will bring the Indonesia victory.

The Part of Sandiaga Uno answers response from the KH. Ma’ruf Amin

Besides from the building of the infrastrucutre of educational facilities, the focus of Prabowo-

Sandi is raising the quality of teachers. if the teachers are qualified, competence, then our future of education becomes better. We have commitment for the propeerity of teacher especially the honorary teachers who has been for a dozen years even for decades to work. Today they have not got their justice, prosperity and status.

Prabowo-Sandi have commitment that our biggest assignment is increasing the quality of teachers.We increase their competence, we ascertain their prosperity. The curriculum, Ananda

Salsabila Umar in Pamekasan stated that our curriculum is too hard and so many subjects that she is not interested and it will never be used by her. In the lead of Prabowo-Sandi, we ascertain our curriculum focused on the essential thing and it will build the ethical characters, it certainly also build the students who have the exalted morals.

We will also elliminate the national exam, this is one of the high source of cost for our education system. For children at home, the national exam is very inequitable. We will remove it. We will replace it by searching for intersts and talents. It is very applicative for the students. They will be able to be guided where they if at the creative economy or the other fields that are match with their ability. Thank you.

The part of Sandiaga Uno answers the question from KH. Ma’ruf Amin

Yes, we indeed see the instrument applied. But that we need to listen is the complain of people.

They want the qualified education. If we just see the instrument, we will never can present one solution for the people.

Fifth Segment

First Session

Thank you for Kyai. The problem of stunting is in a stage of emergency. Where one third of our children lacks the nutrition. Prabowo-Sandi launched the program of Indonesia Emas and one of the aspect of Indonesia Emas is a movement to make sure the mothers get the enough protein, milk even the other proteins, fish and so on, the children as well and with the program, hoped we can decrease the stunting significantly for 5 next years which it is suitable with the target that we have planned. We believe if government focus on the problem of stunting, we will have the young generation is the golden generation of our nation.

I am also sure that the white alms meant by KH, Ma’ruf Amin is giving one support to brothers who want to contribute. White is milk and we become it as the part of the golden Indonesia. Our main program is Indonesia Emas. who wants to give away the milk, tablets, green beans, please!, and this constitutes the colaborative participatory’s program that we want to present for Indonesia because it can not be finished by the government alone. It also has to involve the other parties included the parties of the bussiness world.

The part of Sandiaga Uno answers response from KH. Ma’ruf Amin

This is Mpok Nur Aisyah, my beloved wfe. She borne at the age of 42 years, our last child was

Sulaiman. We were like the lesson from the teachers or parents to give the mother’s milk. But suddenly in the sixth months, it stopped not to come out anymore. Maybe it was caused the factor of age or the other factors. So many children like Sulaiman and the other mothers also experience the similar case and we want to invite the contributors that can provide some milk. The donors collect some money to help so that the nutrition of mother and child can we pay attention and the problem of stunting can finish. Giving is good according to me and anything given away either in the form of milk or the other forms will help just not for the government who handle it, but also for all people. And we want a program that is collaborative participatory, inviting all people to join a movement.

This is not about Prabowo-Sandi, this is not about the presidential election, but this is bigger instead of both. We speak of the golden generation in the future. We will be gone if one third of them do not get protein. So I want to invite all of us to think a big thing for our country. Let us not to blame with one term to each other. Let us focus how to finish this problem because we believe if we are together, we will can build the Indonesia.

Second Session

Before we give a trigger to debate. I would like to say my condolences to the indonesian citizens and all people hit by a terrorist attack in Christchurch. And we also just have got the news that there was the flood in Papua and also the earthquake in NTB. let us say istighfar and pray so that our friends and brothers in our country can face this disaster and everyone insyaallah can save and recover as usaul.

I want to ask a little bit of joblesness at the young age especially for the graduates of the vocational school who can not get a job. I see there is any system unappropriate. Because the students who study in the vocational school hope to get a job. I want to ask your vision so that we can decrease

61% from the amount of our joblesness at the young age, 15 to 24 ages so that we asceratin the target of this growth of country forward. So irony the country with the 15th largest economy in the world is still be difficult to create a job for the young people.

We must import the foreign employees, export our local employees to Malaysia, to the middle east and so on. Please give explanation from Kyai so we can finish the big problem together in this discussion forum.

The part of Sandiaga Uno responds the answer from KH. Ma’ruf Amin

We see that the main issue is the absence of Link and Match. What is needed the job provider by resulted the education system., then our program is ensuring that the vocational school connected synergistically to the job provider either in the bussiness world or the other sectors included the government. We ascertain that our students of the vocational school must get a job when they graduate and Rumah Siap Kerja for the young people can be come over that we launched two days ago to be a permanently solution for the problem of joblessness at the young age. To be an entrepreneur, there has been the Oke-Oce.

Alhamdulillah, 20,000 the Oke-Oce’s participants who are in Jakarta and now it has been upgraded to the national level. but about Rumah Siap Kerja where the young people can come over, There is co-working space, sport venues, playing table tennis, basketball even the training activities such as the cofee barista. We provide them in Rumah Siap Kerja, we also will make sure if the graduate of the vocational school’s students want a scolarship, it can be accessed by approach to get ready picking the ball. We also provide the car to get ready working. Our hope in 5 years of the Prabowo-

Sandi’s lead, we can decrease 2,000,000 young unemployed for Indonesia. This is needed for us be the victorious Indonesia , the Indonesia that is fair and prosperous.

The part of Sandiaga Uno gives response for KH. Ma’ruf Amin

Creating a job at the young age constitutes one spirit from our millenials. The last research data of millenials want to be an entrepreneur. 69 percents from our young millenials want the flexible system. Prabowo-Sandi design our policy to ascertain our millenialls get a chance to create the job at any fields started from the creative economy until the digital economy.

Sixth Segment

This country is plentiful. the nature resources are affluent. the ground is fertile. the human resources are great. But they still leave some problems for instance, the job that is difficult to be acquired for the young people. For the mothers too. The great women, the independently women who complain the cost of living that is getting higher. The food, electricity, education costs and the health costs.

Prabowo-Sandi will focus to finish the society’s problem. How do we present solution so that this country finishes what is expressed by the society’s hopes for us to present the Indonesia victory, the Indonesia that is fair and prosperous. for employment, it is clear that the Oke-Oce’s program that we are launcihng and Rumah Siap

Kerja are capable to create 2,000,000 new jobs. By creating 2,000,000 new entrepreneurs. We also will decrease the joblessness at the young age as much as 2,000,000. I was born from the education world. My mother was a teacher. My uncle was an education expert, my grand father was a headmaster. We ascertain the prosperity of teacher increased, especially for the honorary teachers, we will increase their status. We also ascertain that the education system that is qualified “link and match”, building the ethical characters that has the strong morals to be our focus in the future.

Revoking the national exam, giving a holiday in the Ramadhan month as continuing the program that has ever applied by Gus Dur. The Ramadhan’s month is the tolerance month of Bhineka

Tunggal Ika. We call moslems and the other religious followers to give one comprehension. We increase our tolernce. We ascertain our tolerance, we ascertain that Indonesia constitutes the equitable and prosperous country in the future baldatun thoyyibatun warobun ghafur.

For health, we will finish BPJS in 200 first days. There is no longer chaos, I will intervene alone with sir Prabowo to make sure there is no the public health services left. For the medical personnel also we will ascertain to get honorarium on time and the medicines are also provided. We want the

Bhineka Tunggal Ika’s culture and tolerance to be our legacy and creating the job as wide as possible.

For all services from the government, we do not want to make difficulties and burden the country by publishng the other cards. Let us take our wallets, every wallets we pull out. The ladies who are in their home especially for the gentlemen, all young people to take out one card that all we have that named as the identity card. This is very sophisticated because it has the technology chip within. The revolution of industry 4.0 eases with the big data and single identification number.

All facilties services such as employment, education, health, all Rumah Siap Kerja can be given.

For PKH, we will add to be PKH plus. In the program that only need this identitiy card, this becomes our cards. Thank you.



1. Name : Reza Permana

2. Place/ date of birth : Medan. 10 Oktober 1993

3. Register Number : 1502050088

4. Sex : Male

5. Religion : Moslem

6. Maritial Status : Single

7. Address : jl.kl yosudarso glugur kota medan

8. Parents :

a. Fathers Name : Syafril

b. Mothers Name : Ernawati

9. Address : jl.kl yosudarso glugur kota medan


1. Elementary School at SD Alwasliyah No.37 (1999-2004)

2. Junior High School at SMP Laksamana Martadinata Medan (2005-2007)

3. Senoir High School at SMA Negeri 1 Padang Pariaman (2008-2010)

4. Students of University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara of English Deapartment
