Extensions of Remarks
13532 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 5, 1979 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS SPECIAL OLYMPICS ACTIVITY FEA talking with ·Elvin Hayes of the Washington Speaker, I would like to take this oppor TURED IN COLMAN McCARTHY Bullets or a Special Olympian who takes two minutes for the 100-yard dash, I would go tunity to bring to the attention of my ARTICLE with the young sprinter. Last year, I ran a colleagues the impending retirement few miles with Blll Rodgers, the distance from education of Fred V. Pankow, su HON. JENNINGS RANDOLPH man who has won three Boston marathons; perintendent of Lanse Creuse School but I had more of a thrill when I did a lap District for the past 20 years. OF WEST VIRGINIA with a retarded child. Having spent the last 30 years involved IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES I call him retarded, which 1s the label in teaching and education, Mr. Pankow Tuesday, June 5, 1979 most of us use, only because his limitations are conveniently definable. The IQ scores will typically remain in education, re • Mr. RANDOLPH. Mr. President, the and reports of "the child experts" categorize tiring to continue work on his doctorate Washington Post recently published an the flaws and so let us, the seemingly healthy, degree at Wayne State University. article by Colman McCarthy on the Spe go on about our business of normalcy. Mr. Pankow's dedication to his work, cial Olympics program. Special Olympics But if the poet Wallace Stevens is right, the school district, its parents and teach that "We are all hot with the imperfect," provides to more than a million retarded then what has been happening through the ers is legendary.
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