Zht A L E N D ABatribsomanLUX UBI ORTA LIBERTAS VOLUME LXXXVI MONDAY, 27, FEBRUARY 1995 NUMBER 20 Physical Plant lays off employees Due to financialinsecurities, Bob revamps operation ~ Collins '" D.. T... Y . . . » By JayJennings A PhysicalPlant workerwho anexampleof"bettermanagement proximately 80people before the were placed elsewhere, and one Staffwriter was notlaidoff and would speak andbetteruseoftuitionbecauseof cuts andchanges weremade. Ac- positionleftbecause of "sunset," only under the condition of ano- theincreasedefficiency."Thefac- cording to whichmeansthat theworkerknew Physical nymity interprets The Plant laid off the "reasoning torsconsidered forretention were Collins, six BpH9K] theposition was temporary. workers Fridays behind [the theory skills, two ago,sparking of] layoffs to seniority,dependability,and positions Andy Brantley, the Director controversy about the operations increase fear toincrease output." potential tomeetchanges. Collins were elimi- of Human Resources, says of also says the the department. Bob Collins, The worker suggested that that most of the people who nated, two "PhysicalPlant iscurrentlyreview- the "mismanagement"ledto Directorof PhysicalPlant,made thepeople lost their jobshad been hired re- people left ingallofitsfunctions tofind the being (aid ways changesinaneffort tomakethe off. cently and thus didnot have se- because of to conserve energy, bring more Physical Plant a more efficient Collins disputes thechargeof niority with thecollege. attrition, two operation. mismanagement andbelieves itis The Physical Plant had ap- positions BobCollins See Layoff onpage5 Dean of Are students satisfied with the Court? By Mary ClareJalonick Faculty NewsEditor campus,and Kappa Sigdropped theircharter. KA,SAE, andPhi Delt Lastyearseveral studentsat- remained strong fraternities warns of oncampus. temptedtobeginamovement for Additionalco-edeat- ing a co-ed eating house. The idea houseswereFannieandMabel (named the budget hardly even got off the ground, after cooks),Random House, (for and students rejected a co-edal- PAX "give peace a chance"), ternativeforthefamiliarityoftheir and Emanon ("no cuts individual houses. This year name" spelledbackwards). Rusk,the change wasrejectedagainwhena first women's eat- By ing house, in Matthew Eirich group visited campus to inform was formed 1977. As the 80sbegan,studentsbegan AssistantNewsEditor female students about thepossi- On January 31, to tend towardsingle-sex estab- Dean ofFac- bility offorming sororities. ulty RobertWilUam.teMam.mo to an faculty memoers aboutpos- Why isthis?Thecharacterof charter, as didKagpaSigin 1986 sible budget cuts inacademic ar- PattersonCourthaschangedsince when a group of freshmen de- eas for nextyear. memo MusicDepartmentChairWilliam cided they wanted a new option the The Lawing wasa student.In thelast ontheCourt. cited "insufficient funds" as the causefor thepossiblecuts. 20years,PattersonCourthasseen In1992,Connorwasformed No finaldecisionshave been constantchange thatcanbeen at- after Spencerclosed. Sincethen, made about which cuts will be tributed tomore than just the in- little hashappenedtofundamen- made, the troduction of women into the tallychange the Court. "When but Williams described proposedcuts to as Davidson socialscene. weareinmoreconservativeperi- be "minimal." Such cutsmay include reductions Lawingfeelsthatstudentsto- ods fraternities seem tobe more faculty budgets day tendtobemore satisfied with embraced," says Lawing, "In in travel and the " eliminationofdepartmental travel the statusquo. Inaddition to this >--~r* 3_ - - someperiods [the I ... -w—^31 of time "selec- andlecture budgets. conservativenature,he also sees ,_„._,.,. „ ,._ „ , Brandon Clarke tivity"] is more condoned. The TwoSigEp brothersgazeat collegelifefrom above. By comparison,other institu- anequilibriumbetweenthemen's system has evolved at different tionssimilartoDavidsonhavehad and women'shouses that seems pledged. Lawing says, "Fraterni- suddenly on the scene, the Court periodsof time and has found a to make cuts described by Will- tobenefit mosteveryone. ties wereanecessity. Ifyou were wentfrom all-malehouses topre- different way to work with each iamsinthememo as"Draconian." Hesays,"Thatpendulumthat independent,thenyou werereally dominantly co-edhouses. Twelve class." These severe cuts include salary Ihave seenswing backand forth alone.Ina sense there was really fraternities (our current seven in So what does this mean for freezesorreductionsandtheelimi- seems to besettling, and Ithink noquestion ifIwould pledge." toSigma Chi, BetaTheta Will ourchildren see the addition 1995? nationofteachingpositionsorde- that'shealthy.Iwas [astudent at The college went to a self- Pi,Pi Kappa Phi, Sigma Nu, and samePattersonCourt that wedo? partments. Davidson]inaveryliberaltime." selection policy in 1970, when a AlphaTauOmega) three, Patterson became President of Court Williams says the school has When Lawing was a fresh- group of independents made a andsevennewhouseswere formed. "no intention of eliminating any man, theCourthad twelvefrater- strong pitch not to pledge. ATO and PiKA became co- See Party onpage4 department Otheracademicin- nities, and over 90% of men Throughoutthe70's, with women ed, FIJI and Sig Ep moved off- ... stitutionshave actuallyhad tode- crease salaries and close depart- ments and positions. We don't Experiential Programs to move have todothat." By RussTarver Why the change? twoentities. If youlook atother with Wood's replacement. "The Williams says that the AssociateEditor Director of Career Services schools, allof the servicesare to- job willbefilledbyapersonwith faculty's common budget crunch Carol Jordan explains the move: gether." a master's degree and over five is caused by animbalance in the Inaneffort toenhancecareer "SeveralyearsagoDeanWillTerry However, some worry that years of experienceand who has distributionofthe college'soper- services atDavidson,Experiential decided,at Ken Wood's request, under thisnew arrangement,non- had directexperiencein a liberal atingexpenses. Williams stresses Progamswillmovefromthebase- to split internships and summer career oriented ExperientialPro- arts setting, some very strong that "Davidson is in good shape financially" but its mentof the Union to the current jobsintoone entity and thenhave grams couldbe neglected. knowledge of experiential pro- allocation of Career Services office on Main career placement and planning in Could experiential gramsand placement, and thepo- funds to various areas of the col- Street. Anindividual willbehired anotherentity.Weshiftedstudents learningbeneglected? sitionwillbe acolleagueforme.It legeneedstobereconsidered. For instance, toreplace current director of Ex- back and forth. When Ken de- Jordan says she will divide willnotbe someonewithlessex- whilethe faculty'ssalary perientialPrograms Ken Wood, cided he wouldretire, thecollege hercurrentresponsibilitiesplusthe who will retireinMay. lookedtosee what todo with the handlingofExperientialPrograms See Career onpage 3 See Budget onpage3 Smokin' Bill Sexual overdose Oleanna Tourney time ThisWeek ChristinaRobertsmeditateson George Weldreviewsthe Women's andmen's donates marrow the broader issues raised by performanceofMamet's basketballand wrestlinghead First Class Mail SGA President'sbonemarrow Oleanna. play. to the Southern Conference U.S.PostagePaid will save a43-year-old'slife. tournaments. Permit#1 Opinions living Sports Davidson,NC28036 News 2 8 Arts & 10 13 2 THEDAVIDSONIAN NEWS MONDAY, FEBRUARY27, 1995 'esi. 4 Lightingto brighten nightlife r t Commons, Belk, Richardson, laundry walkwaysare toppriority By Patricia Evans side of Richardson "Dormitory, process,Puckettisputtingtogether Staff writer along with the entire quadrangle a masterlist ofall areasand pos- - markedby Belk, the laundry,the sible lighting options and costs; BaiiinnlliufiM^ On Feburary 13, Director of Commons, and Richardson. Sec- the list shouldbecompleteby the .herewillI |Ufe Public Safety and Police Ray ond priority is lighting the path week of February 27. he moreI ■■I Thrower, Supervisorof Electrical from Duke Dormitory to the li- In compilingthe list, he has oftheseI ■--|4^|| Maintenance Mack Puckett, and brary. Thethirdareaofimmediate had toexaminebuilding tops and oncampus.I Director of Physical Plant Bob concernis the lightingin front of sidewalks. The next step is to Collins, alongwithSGA Senators Chambers. submitaworkordertoBobCollins Jonathan Orr, BJ Rudell, and Other areasof concern,inor- and the Physical Plant who will Lucian Dervan, spent two hours derof priority, are lighting onthe takeoverinstallationand mainte- walkingaroundtheDavidsoncam- Belk side of Chambers, the long nance of the newlights. Dervan pus in search of dark, potentially sidewalk fromChambers toMain stressesthatthelights willallgoup dangerous areas with little or no StreetpassingDCPC, the area in oneat atimeinorderofimmediate lighting. Thisreviewhasoccurred front of theUnion,Martin Chem- concern. in response to numerous student istryBuilding,betweenPhiandEu Thrower has highhopes for complaints aboutpoorlighting on Halls, andthenew parkinglotbe- the lighting: "I'm excited. Each campus. Thegrouplookedatareas sidebehindtheSeniorApartments. year weupgradecampus lighting. that hadpreviously neededimme- Thegroupalsoconsideredmoving Thisyearis justanotheryearwhen diate action. the light at the library's loading we're looking at students' con- group that toa more spot. actingon The decided first dock useful cerns and thoseconcerns CaseyRogers I priority was the Vail Commons At this point in the lighting withthe appropriatefunding." Gullan to give bone marrow By Mary ClareJalonick a longseriesof tests. Next week dergone the procedure on both NewsEditor he willhave aphysical to make sides,andseemsexcitedaboutthe sure thatheis able toundergo the opportunity. Ataschoolfamousforitsbone operation,whichwillremovemar- However,he willnot be seen marrow drive,it seems onlyright row fromhiship. asahero. "Idon'tfeelcomfortable that the SGApresident givehis to "Theonlyrealriskis theanes- acceptingpraise for this. a needypatient. thesia," says Gullan. All that he The onlything thatmakesme Bill Gullan, recently elected knows at this point is that the op- feel good is that Iwaslucky tobe SGAPresident, willgivehis bone erationmust beon aTuesday and matchedwithsomeoneinneedand marrow to a 42-year-oldmale the man is in urgent need of a that he waslucky to be matched shortly after springbreak. transplant. with a willingparticipant," says Gullan wasperfectlymatched Gullan has talked to other Gullan. tothisman,arareoccurrence,after Davidson students who have un-

zydeco (n) Music. Popular music of soutnem Louisiana that combines French dance melodies, elements of Carribbean music, and the blues, played by small groups featuring the guitar,

RobKosicki the accordian, and a washboard. For reference see Students takeadvantageofthe warmweatherandstudy outside. SigEp fraternity TheNewKingoftheBayou receives awards from Leadership Academy By Catherine Anderson GPA out of all the fraternities on Staff writer campus for the fall 1993-spring 1994 school year, the Manpower Sigma Phi Epsilon recently Excellence Award for the spring won fivemajor awardsatthe 1995 of1994forbeinginthetopquartile Southeast Carlson Leadership of manpower on campus, and fi- AcademyConference. nally the Dean's List Award, an Simien The fraternity was awarded awardnot unfamiliar to the chap- the "Excelsior Cup" Award for ter,recognizingtheiroverallGPA ManpowerandScholarshipfor the ofover2.88 for severalsemesters fall1993- spring1994schoolyear. in arow. Billed as the "standard in excel- "[Davidson's] chapter is tre- lence" for Sigma PhiEpsilon fra- mendously successful in two op- ternities, the award recognizes erations: academics and recruit- thosechaptersshowingsignificant ment. They're a fantastic chap- improvementinthe areas ofman- ter," saidJim Lowry,theregional powerand academics. director of Sigma Phi Epsilon. The fraternity was also Lowryisresponsible forallSigEp awardedtheHarryD.KurtzMem- chaptersin the southeast. bershipRecruitment Awardforthe "Becauseofourchapter'sper- springof 1994,recognizingSigEp formance at the academy," said 2IDs BeerPeople as being in the top quartile for Sig Ep Service Coordinator Josh recruiting after they initiated 33 Gaffga, "the name of Davidson new memberslast year. Collegehasbeenbrandedinto the DAVIDSON The chapter wasawarded the minds ofthe schools oftheSouth- COLLEGE UNION ScholarshipCupforhavingthetop east." THEDAVIDSONIAN NEWS MONDAY, FEBRUARY27, 1995 3 Seniors searching L II TJIHirHHHIHiH for class gift ideas By Lindsey Beth formof scholarship, whether itis Staffwriter need-based, merit, athletic, or somethingelse."Theclassof1998 ' The Senior Class Gift Com- has 37%of itsmembersreceiving ■ w I''ill mitteehasbeenhard atworktrying need-based scholarships. todecideontheperfectsenior— class Suggestions thus far have gift for the classof 1995 a gift mainly included tangibleitems on that shows the gratitudeas aclass campus. Anewentrancesign,new for thecollectiveDavidsonexperi- carpetin the library, and benches7 ence. around campus are some sugges- The committee, advised by tions. Ryan Harper and co-chaired by Says Crawford, however, Chris Holder and Mary Beth "The PhysicalPlant canfund this Crawford, faces the difficult task typeofproject, allowingustocre- of finding something the whole atefunding for somethingelse." class agrees willdemonstrate the Another suggestionis thees- personality ofthis particularclass tablishment of a recycling pro- as wellas onethat wouldimprove gram. Funding fromthisgraduat- DavidsonCollege. ing class wouldsupport it onlyfor *°* *"' DennisBuck checks the listoflottery Gifts for the past five years a few years, at which time itrisks numbers,gladhe doesn'thave afreshman number. haveservedavarietyofneedshere falling intooblivion. on campus. Another idea is to create a Theclass of 1990established fund forpurchasingbooks for the SGA Committeereaches out a fund allocating money for the library or one that would support By Joanna Johnson replacement of trees on campus someparticular aspectof thenew Staffwriter after thedestruction of Hurricane Union in the name of theclass of - , r;: Hugo. The following year afund 1995. The SGA has established an i-;i.-yji-L ..■■■' ...... it.-.:- ''■'.■ was establishedtoaid theLove of The committee hopesto nar- Ad Hoc Communications Com- Learning Program. row down the list ofoptions and mittee in order to improve com- The class of 1992 created a reach a decision before spring munication between theSGA and studentemergencyloanfund,pro- break. theDavidsonCollegecommunity. vidinginterest-free loansfor emer- "Ourgoalis toget 100% par- TheAdHocCommunications gencysituationsin whichstudents ticipation on the funding of this Committee, composed of SGA mayneed cashquickly. gift. The fund-raising plan itself members,isessentiallyaresponse The class of 1993 funded the runstwoyearswithindividualgifts to the current Public Relations searchfor anartist whowillcreate beingpledgedthisspringandagain Committee. ThePublic Relations a workofpublic sculpture for the nextyear." Committeeinformsstudents about campus. Finally,theclassof 1994 After spring break,members happeningsinthe SGA. createdascholarship of$2500per ofthe committee will choose four Thenew committee will take ' year fora memberof theclass of class agents who willeach be re- amoreactiveroleininformingthe AsamemberoftheDavidsoncommunity, rtoft Kosicki 1998. sponsiblefor approachingfour or schoolabouttheSGA. SGA Vice Will Terry does his partat thePhone-a-thon. Theopportunities fortheclass fivepeople inthe classabout giv- President Warren Buford insists suggestions to introduce to the provecommunicationbetweenthe of 1995 are endless. Says ing adonation to theclass gift. that many students stillhave mis- committee. SGA and the Davidson College Crawford,"Scholarshipshavebeen Currently, the committeere- conceptions about what the SGA He plans to propose that SGA community willbe presented for a popularitemrecently. queststhat seniorsleave anyother doesor whatithas thepotential to meetings be taped and broadcast thefirst timeat this Wednesday's "Inmyclassalone,33%ofthe suggestions inthe box locatedin accomplish. He believes that an on DCTV. Buford also wants to SGA meeting, and will continue classhasneed-based scholarships, the Union Pit or inform someone increased understanding of the establish a flow chart so that stu- for several weeks. One meeting and 60% are recipients of some onthecommittee. SGA willarousestudentinterestin dents willknow exactly where to may be openforstudents to intro- theSGA.He states,"Wewillwork directtheirconcerns. Also,he will duce suggestions to the new Ad HELPWANTED!! Men/ Women earnup to$480 as hard as we can, butin order to suggestsendinganoutline ofSGA Hoc Committee. Anyoneis also weeklyassemblingcircuit boards/ electronic reach our full potential, we need informtion periodically through welcome toleave suggestions for components athome. Experienceunnecessary, will student support." campus e-mail. the SGA in their new e-mail sug- train. Immediate openings inyourlocal area. Buford has many personal Suggestions on how to im- gestionbox (address: @sga). Call 1-602-680-4647. Ext.102c he says. According to Williams, the Budget When asked if the athletics faculty hasresponded well to the department's 9.2% of the budget memo and reconciled itself to frompageI was too great, as Williams had tighten theirbelts. "It's not asur- ys/ei/i/ Age suggested,Sutton said it was the prise to them, and the faculty is increase willbe about 3.5% for "trustees'policy... butas w$enter veryunderstandingofthe needto HAIRDESIGNERS nextyear,thenon-salaryoperating a new era of coping with slowly befrugal." Hesays someprofes- expenses will remain frozen for increasing revenue,everythingis sorsdrivetoCharlotte tobuy sup- A full service salonfor men and women the fifth year ina row. on the table, and it shouldbe." pliesrather thanspendmoreat the If the non-salary operating Williams says that with in- campusbookstore. LASTCHANCE TO TAN YOUR funds werenot stagnant,some fu- creased funding to non-salaryar- Williams— says that the entire ture cuts would not need to be easDavidsoncouldimprove some campus— students, faculty, and BODYBEFORE made. Williams says, "The aca- areas that need attention. Such staff mustbecome budget-con- demicbudget'sshareof the whole areas arebuyingbooks for the li- scious. He says a main priority SPRINGBREAK!!! budgetneeds tobeincreased." brary and CD-ROM technology should be energy conservation, Vice President for Business which Williams calls "absolutely such as reducing the $1 million 10TANNINGSESSIONSFOR $25 OR ONE andFinance Bob Sutton says that essential." Hesays,"Davidsonis campus electricbill. only not terms SESSIONSFOR $39. the facultyisnot the group behind the times in of the Williams is confident that MONTHOFUNLIMITED toseeanincrease initsnon-salary campus network." The campus these cuts willnot becometoose- DavidsonStudents receive $1.00 off services budget. "Allnon-salaryexpenses network refers to hardwiring all vere. "By managing the budget moreorless buildings and dormitories on carefullyeveryyear,we a havebeen frozen. It's the canavoid with Student I.D. not just faculty; it's everybody," campus to connect to theInternet. a bigdisaster," hesays. Selectfroma lineofPaulMitchell,Matrix,Logic, reer development to support the theplacementarea. Byplacement Nexxus,Sebastian,andGoldwellhairstylingproducts. Careers liberal artsstudent wherehe or she we mean adding to the recruiter Manicures also available is. We wanttoencouragetheidea base." frompageI of ExperientialPrograms. Wood is concerned that the Southlake ShoppingCenter perience. Thepersonwho comes todo combination of placement and Wedonot want thecollegeto this job willcertainly know that ExperientialPrograms willplace Next to HarrisTeeter thinkthatExperientialProgramsis this is a vitalpart of what they are too many responsibilities onhis Cornelius,NC beingabandoned because it is so going todo. Thispersonwillalso 892-3067 important tomy philosophy ofca- havemorehands-onexperiencein See Careers onpage5 . 4 THEDAVIDSONIAN NEWS MONDAY,FEBRUARY 27, 1995 Order of Omega on the horizon Patterson Court Councilestablishes first honorsociety for members ofthe Court By Sarah Teachworth pate. "I think it's great that the der of Omega. Shames says, "In One ofthegroup's firstduties andparticipationincampusactivi- Sfa/f writer eatinghouses are going to be al- bringing the Order of Omega to will be to decide which students ties. The selectionprocess may lowedtobeinvolvedeven though Davidson, the Patterson Court will beallowed toapply formem- include an interview and/or rec- A brandnew studentorgani- we'renot onanational level,"says Councilisattemptingtorecognize bership this spring. Only juniors ommendation of professors, fac- zation isinitsplanning stages,but ConnorPresidentJillDyer. campus leaders and to show the and seniors can be inducted into ultyadvisors,andhousepresidents. witha targetgroupunlike anyex- Shames noticed some ofhis contributions people have been the association,but it is yet to be Membershipof the Order willbe isting campusassociations. fraternitybrothers wearingOrder making for theirhouses,Patterson determined whether or not this limitedtonomore than3% ofthe The Order of Omega is a na- ofOmegapinsat aPhiDeltaTheta Court,andthecollegecommunity." year'sgraduatingclasswillbeper- total Court membership. This tionalorganization whosepurpose generalconventioninArizonalast Afterthepetitionis approved, mittedtoapply.Theorganizersof translates into32 orfewer induct- is to recognize fraternity and so- June and was interested in what acharter groupwillbeestablished. the chapter are hoping that the ees from fraternities and eating roritymembers whohavedisplayed theyrepresented.Thisfallhespoke The executive board of the membership of Davidson's first housesthis spring. leadership,intelligence,andcom- with Dean of Students Tom Patterson Court Council will be Order of Omega chapter will be Shames is excited about the munity service qualities. Steve ShandleyandPattersonCourt Ad- included. Other members of the establishedbefore SpringConvo- organization's Davidson debut Shames,PresidentofthePatterson visorKurtHolmesaboutthepossi- Council areencouraged to apply; cation. becauseitmayhelp toimprovethe Court Council, is largelyrespon- bility offorming aDavidsonchap- Shandley and Holmes will make Applicants must be active perceptionof fraternities and eat- sible for bringing this respected ter. Both Shandley and Holmes the final decisions on whom to members of a Patterson Court ing houses. He says, "Changing organizationtocampus. liked theidea. accept to theorganization. Once house who have not only shown people'smindset about Patterson Since Davidson doesn'thost Shames made the necessary established,the chartergroup will leadershipintheir housebut who Courtis aslowprocess,but it's a any national sororities, eating phone callsandreceivedapetition convene to straighten out the lo- have also demonstrated scholar- stepintheright direction." houseswillbepermittedtopartici- to charterfrom The National Or- gistics oftheDavidsonchapter. ship, good character, and interest Lazy dayS Stuffin' the internet

:. Cw si II■ withmail for SGA By Randy Hartwell whomeverit concerns. Staffwriter SGA PresidentBillGullanis excitedabout the use of the new Davidsonstudentslooking to technologyas part of day-to-day make a pit stop while cruising the SGA business. "I feel it's part of Infobahn can nowpulloverat the theoverallschemeofgettingmore SGA. Ina movesure tobringthe people involved,"he says, "[Put- Student GovernmentAssociation ting SGA on-line] was anatural into the cyberspace-age,students step,sincesomanystudentsusee- can nowdirectly access the SGA mail." viae-mail. Says SGA Chancellor Academic Facilities and Ser- DennisSeavers,'Theideaistouse vicesCoordinatorLydiaLorenzin the medium to give students an- says greater things will come of other way togetintouch withthe the SGA's new electronicaccess. SGA, to let us know about their "Wehopeinthefuture wecangive concerns, things they'd like more mailing list-type services; changed aboutDavidson." creating this type ofusername is Students cansimply logonto aninterimstep." Lorenzinrefers Pollux and address e-mail to the toamethod similarto thatusedby username SGA as they wouldan- directmailcatalogsand voicemail RoiKosicki messagelists. "Forinstance,if the Davidsonstudentstakeadvantageofthe spring weatherby moving otherDavidson student.Mail will get to the Postmaster, and SGA would like to post minutes themselves,their friends,and theirsocializing outdoorsin front of Chambers. routed thentoSeavers attheSGA offices, thatway,studentscansubscribeto for"rightnow,butyouneverknow sororities. The possible changes where he will forward mail to it," shesays. Party whatisgoing tohappen. Wefully thatmightoccuronthecourtmight supportedtheco-ed eatinghouse, be aspark to set off change, you from page1 butwithoutthesupportofstudents never know. The impetus for Write for News. Council Steve Shames sees the there is noneed tomake adminis- changehas tocome from the stu- same kind of conservative body trativepolicy. The same goesfor dents." CallMary Clare at -2148.

Breaking and entering and larceny from motor vehicle: a pair of Ray-Ban type sunglassesvaluedat $8.00 was stolen froma1995 JeepCherokeeparkedinthe westrow of spaces inBelkparking lot. The methodof entry was anunsecured rear door.

Warning— TheDavidsonCampus Policeadvise all students whoare leavingtheir cars at Davidsonover thebreak to parktheircarsintheparkinglotsofeither Baker SportsComplex or the tennis courts. Police will bemonitoring the Baker Sports lotcarefully.

1 withanyice s. WANT TO HELP WITH THIS 1 or frozen yogurt A toOj^=^, ] purchase andthis U ! FALL'S 3 i ORIENTATION?

The HarmonyCommittee is currently consideringusinga play as the focalpoint for the 1995Orientation Diversity Program (formerly the 'Book Discussion1). If you have specific suggesttions for plays thatdeal with themesof diversity, transition,or YOGURT, power, thatyou think you wouldhave enjoyedreading the summer before your . VERU3NnFINESr«ICECREAMffFROZEN T:^^^j^ 507 ProvidenceRd." 333- 1003 JP" freshmanyear,please give the title,along with a synopsis to theResidenceLife 1 The Aboretum"543-8333 g^i Hfe!A Office byMarch 15. I 202 S. MainSL " Davidson" V' I_Valid Untlh 2/28/95 W^L- THEDAVIDSONIAN 1>DW O MONDAY, FEBRUARY27, 1995 5 Dougherty starts PET for "educated gossip" By Ashlyn Dannelly mation needs to become the new nent information topass along to Staff writer form ofgossip." their peers. Dougherty sees peer educa- Dougherty says, "I want L^dlHIE E1til |H Senior Hal Dougherty works tion as "innovative. Itis themod- peopleto walk away maybe with Dougherty,Co-I atadrugeducationcenterinChar- em, effective way of spreading five practical pieces of informa- lotte, Chairof FLAG, wherehe seeseffective peer educationalinformation. Itisused tion and two sources of referral, I continues to raiseI educationprogramsat work.Those by some of theforemost universi- not just facts and figures for ... awareness atI programs encouragedDougherty tiesacross thenation." instance,peopleshouldknow that Davidson withhis tostart theDavidsonCollege Peer Dougherty realizesthatother if they are going to have unpro- I Team, initiative toI Education whichwilltackle sources ofinformation are avail- tected oral sex, they should not a variety of issues ranging from able on campus through various brushtheir establishaI teethbefore andshould number ofPeer substanceabuse toHIVeducation. organizations. But, hesays, "this notswallow,thusreducing I therisk Education Teams.I In arecent meeting attended program will augment the efforts ofHIVinfection. We don'thave by students, faculty, and staff, ofPE 101andalltheotherstudent themediumtogetinformationlike Doughertyoutlinedhis ideas con- programs. Most student efforts thatout. Weneedpeople who can cerningtheprogram. Hehopesthe focus on a specific issue and a say stuff like that." team will use word of mouth to specificgroup. PET will workon Doughertywaspleasedby the spread"educated gossip." manyissues andcater toeveryone responsetothemeeting. Hesays, I « I He says,"WhenMuffy getsa ... youlisten toyourco-workeror "I wanted toapproachagroup of Quips andCranks newSaab,thewholecampusknows your friend and take it to heart people with the idea and see ifit \. within threedays.But,whenMuffy morethanyou wouldwithaformal was something they would find programafterotheruniversitiesand March 16at 4:30p.m. feelslike herroommatehasadrink- speaker.Theissuebecomes more intheCon- interesting...Ifeltencouragedthat colleges, deciding pertinent is- ferenceRoomofthe Union. ing problem, what are the steps personal." there enough to pro- sues." was interest Doughertysays,"Weneed to Muffyneedstoknow? Mypointis Doughertyhopesthattheedu- voke questions." Dougherty wantsalargebase gettheotherfolks,peoplethat work thatMuffyknows she couldprob- cationeffort will benefit students, organizing group is But the a ofpeoplefor the team. "Anyone inmaintenance,painters,cooks— ably go to the CounselingCenter. faculty,andstaffalike. Heaimsto task. This daunting semester the who people get along with and peoplelike Rosemary, whoworks Buthow canMuffy learn tocom- haverepresentationfromall those group will work primarily with listen to is welcome." Since in the Cafe" and talks many municate with this person while groups. issues, to so organization and training Dougherty willgraduate inMay, people about different issues. It takingcareofherself? Wouldn'tit Theteam wouldparticipatein sessions begin he will in the fall. particularly encouragesunder- would begreat toeducate people be greatifMuffycouldbe able to a monthly training session on a Doughertysays,"Now thereis that classmen toattend thenextmeet- likethatabout theseissuesso they approacha friend about the specific issue. As a result of issue the demonstrated interest,wehave to ing, which willbe on Thursday, canpass italong." and know that friend could give training sessions, team members work on structure, statement of her practicaladvice? This infor- wouldbearmed withuseful,perti- purpose, possibly modeling our year. This forced him to make maintainsthiscompetiveness."He Layoff changes. He said that the cost of believes those workers who "are supplies and materialsis "higher workingaharddayswork"should frompage I than the Consumer Price Index" feel secure. Collins does not "an- OLDE,America'sFullServiceDiscountBroker*'is lookingfor and these are costs that must be ticipate" anychangesintheimme- motivatedpeopletoestablish acareer in thebrokerage business. resources together, and to work met. Collins says, "More money diate future. Brantley says, "I OLDE offers: I togetherwithotherdepartmentsof had been going to the personnel wouldhope thatthis wouldnever 12-18- monthpaid trainingprogram Potentialsix-figure income ■_ \ thecollegetobetterutilizethefunds area[of the Physical Plant] in the happenagain." Excellentbenefits and resources thatare available." lastcoupleofyears,"andhehad to Collins "wants toensurethat If excellent skills, Duringthisprocess,Mr.Brantley shiftmoremoney forsuppliesand wedon'thavefluff andthusfeels you possess communication generalmarket knowledge andthedesire toexcel,sign up for anon-campus says that "Part of the review in- materials. changesaresometimesnecessary." interview onMarch23, 1995inthe CareerCenter. cluded a review of the positions The anonymous source says, Hedoes not want tobe a"Maytag within thePhysical Plant. It was "We alwaysfelt jobsecurity tobe repairman," meaning thathedoes Ifyou areunable toarrangeaninterviewcall: concluded thatthe PhysicalPlant good at the college. We never not wanttohavepeoplewhodo not 1800 937-0606 could work without those posi- expecteda layoff. Peoplearestill have a job todo. He says, "We or send resume to: tions." a little scared here. The whole want to be herebecause have OLDEDiscount Stockbrokers we NationalRecruiting Collins said that some posi- aspect of our jobs has changed. work todo." 751 Griswold Street tions wereeliminatedbecause he We are doing things differently Collins says that he got rec- Detroit, MI48226 realizedthatpeoplewerenot work- herenow than wewerelastweek." ommendationsfrompeople in all ing full time withtheir skills. To The source also says that "Mr levelsof thePhysicalPlant tofind accommodatethis,Collinsdecided Collinshinted thatmorelayoffs in ways to become more efficient. JiOLDE tohirepeopleout onacontracting thelarger communitycould come Brantley says Physical DISCOUNT STOCKBROKERS that the MemberNYSEandSIPC basis instead of having full time inthe future." Plant"triedtospreadout thepeople An Equal OpportunityEmployer positions. He says that this is a Collins says he "wants for beinglaid off, so onearea would process thatanycontracting busi- workers to feel secure, but they not be impacted." Collins says, ness has togothrough. shouldalwaysbeconcernediftheir "Most of the employees felt that C UPS B FAX Collinssaidthattheoperating position is essential. We must re- the right decision was made, but EJCOPmsQSTAMPSJ budgetofthePhysicalPlant is go- maincompetitive with theoutside just had a question of who was COPIES ing to remain the same for next market and good management fired." I CLEAJ^RJSP

like thatthat have a career focus. son whohad a richer background Careers But experience-basedlearning is than Ihave in pedagogy, then I justtoobig andtoo powerful tobe think that that person help frompage 3 could " confined toCareer Services." serviceprograms,theBonnerpro- replacement. Ithinkthattheplace- What aboutthe future? gram, Reach-Out, faculty mem- ment function ofthisperson who's need Wood sees the forExpe- bers,and thiswholeinstitution in- When youneedcopies fast,come toMailBoxesEtc. supposed to replaceme in theca- riential Programs to have an in- corporate experience more fully YourMooresville MBECenter hasstate-of-the-art reersoffice is going tosuckup so creasing academic role as the intothedevelopmentalmissionof much of that person's time and twenty-first century approaches. thisinstitution. photocopying equipment Whether youneedone copy or energythatthatpersonisn'tgoing He explains that if Experiential Iam not leavingthis institu- 5000, youcanmake them at MBE. Youcan alsohave tobe as freeas Ihavebeen forthe Programs were to strengthen its tion with any feelingof loss, lam 24-houraccess to the copy machine. So,if youneedto, four years to last work with indi- role in this arena, then it would very muchexcited by the careers youcan copyround-the-clock. That'sconvenience! viduals onindividualizedplansof need an organizer. "Academic office continuing tohave experi- experience. departments such as biology and ential an part learningas important 1MAILBOTISETC* There is no question in my politicalsciencehaveexperiential of their mission, but Ifeel like mind that Experiential Programs programs, are but they scattered that's onlypart of the power and Port VillageShoppingCenter 10 % OFF ought tobecentral to thefunction and sometimes not well coordi- thepotentialofexperienced-based Hwy CUSTOM of Career Services. Ithink that's nated. Iwouldliketoseeaperson learning,anditcouldbemuchmore 150 Westof 1-77 | PACKING | the direction Career Services is pull them together. The person widelyutilizedonthiscampus,but Mooresville,NC28115 |SERVICEORPACKING I goingthesedays,andIthink that's hiredatcareerservicesisnotgoing itmaynotbemorewidelyutilized (704) 663-8833;Fax:(704) 663-7193 i SUPPLIES be as it exactly where it should to have time* to work with those ifthis officeis allowedtodieandif Mon-Fri 9-6;Sat 10-2 OneCouponPtt Customer i to career developmentin relates departments. Iam not replacedby somebody I UPSAuthorizedShippingOutlet i OfferExpires 5-31-95 termsof internships, externships, Iftherewasanoffice ofexpe- who has the background to work mentoring programs, and things by per- ***^ ****"'* ' *^** rientialprogramsstaffed a with faculty." BSTJPP* I J|t w# i^[ IJX^|^ TF^ 6 THEDAVIDSONIAN NEWS MONDAY,FEBRUARY27, 1995 Week in Washington House Republicans unveil spending cuts in budget By Andrea Short proposed,however, would elimi- ers." The school lunch program Washington Week correspondent nate certain education programs alone serves nutritionally sound entirely. Programs that provide breakfastsandlunches tomorethan House Republicans an- immigrants with high school 25 millionchildren daily. Under nounced on Wednesday their first equivalencydegreesandfinancial the block grant, the federal gov- substantial proposals to reduce aidforcollege,educationforhome- ernment would not require free governmentspending. Fifty days less youth, and the drug-free lunchprograms orensure anynu- Notes after the Republicans stormed schools initiatives would be dis- trition standards. Representative SC attorney general supports battle flag Capitol Hill with their Contract carded. Gooding, traditionally a strong — Columbia,SC Theconfederate battle flag shouldremain withAmerica,HouseRepublicans One of the most controver- advocateofthe schoollunch pro- atop the South Carolina Statehouse the legislature unveiledtheir first detailedbudget sialchangesdemandedbyRepub- gram,defendedthe newplan,say- unless down, cuts. A formofmid-year review, licans involves the school lunch ing,"bycuttingoutlayersofregu- takesit thenewAttorneyGeneral saidFriday,revers- the cuts, known as recessions, are program. Educational and Eco- lations andpaperwork,and byal- ingtheopinionofhispredecessor.AttorneyGeneralCharlie anin-progress review of the cur- nomicOpportunitiesChairmanBill lowingstates farmoreflexibility," Condon asked the stateSupreme Court todismissa lawsuit rentbudgetyear. Republicans are Gooding of Pennsylvania is ex- the program could be run more challenging the flag or allow him to prepare a new brief challenging President Clinton's pectedtoannouncehiscommittee's efficiently. outlining thestate's revampedposition. $1.1 — billion cuts with a plan that recommendationto end federally Clear progressin cutting the excerptfromtheDallas MorningNews,February18, would shave government spend- supervisedschoollunch programs federal budgetisparamounttoes- 1995 ing by $10-15 billion. in favor of a block grant to the tablishing Republican credibility. Five House committees an- states. UndertheRepublicanplan, Amajortenet with oftheContract Dole drives mayorbananas nounced their recommendations federallysubsidizedschoollunches America, spending cuts form the — last week, and more cuts are ex- andtheSpecialSupplementalNu- backboneoftheGOP'spromiseto Izmir,Turkey A Turkishmayor whodoesn'tlike Senate pected when the remaining com- trition Program for Women, In- lower taxes. Most politicalana- MajorityLeader BobDolebanned the saleof Dolebananas mittees finish their deliberations. fants,and Children (WIC), would lysts predict that the Republican inhis town,claimingFriday that theSenator owns the fruit Programs and agencies affected becollapsedintoone blockgrant. majority will be enough to push company. by the Republicans' proposals The states then would decide how the recissions through the House Turks accuseDole, R-Kan.,of beinganti-Turkish and wouldinclude: certain education to allocate the funding; the only easily. Surviving the Senate will blame for anattempt inCongresstodenyU.S.aid toTurkey programs,HeadStart,jobtraining, mandate wouldstate that 80 per- prove a more difficult fight, but for refusing to allow reliefsupplies for refugees and aid to homelesschildren and cent of the moniesbenefit impov- success is also expectedthere. If Armenian to pass veterans. Although the Republi- erishedchildren's nutrition. neither house makesa substantial through the country. cans'suggestions wouldhit social The committee's ranking changeinthedrastic educationcuts, DoleFoodCo.has noconnection to the Senatemajority programs the hardest, they also Democrat, WilliamClay of Mis- however,President Clinton seems leader,said company spokespersonTomPernice. targetedaid tonewlyindependent souri, however, believes this likelyto veto the legislation. —excerpt from the Charlotte Observer, February 25, Soviet republics and the United change could "potentially starve 1995 Nations peacekeepingforce. hundredsofthousands ofchildren Sourcesinclude: The February The most drastic measures andimperil thehealthoftheirmoth- 23 issue ofTheNew YorkTimes. NashvilleArenatoo close DeanRusk to church— to serve alcohol Economy, Chechnya, Nashville City officials inNashvillehave just found out health tarnish that "BibleBelt"is more than justaname.After oneyearof Russian construction,officials have recently discovered a horrific President BorisYeltsin truth that will halt work on the city's new $120 million moderatehis By GrahamErnst consumption. entertainment and sports arena. Yeltsin chronic Dean has backprob- Thearena is15 feet toclose totheFirstBaptist Church Rusk adjunct reporter ems and cirrhosis oftheliver. foralcoholic beveragesto be soldin thearena,according to Eventhoughthenextpresiden- Inhis annual on acity ordinance thatrequiresestablishments that sellbeer to address the ial election is not scheduled stateof the week, be atleast 100 feet from church nationlast Rus- until1996,AlexanderRutskoi a or school. sian President Boris Yeltsin pre- The and Vladimir Zhirinovsky are city issearching for ways to getaround therestric- senteda strong for defense invad- campaigning toposition them- tions. ing the breakaway republic of selves as frontrunners should —from the AtlantaConstitution,February 19, 1995 Chechnya and promised po- that Yeltsinbeunableto serve out litical andeconomic reforms would his term. Write for TheDavidsonian. continue as planned. However, Yeltsin's state of the nation Yeltsin faces problems that reach address was significantinthat Call-2148. deepinto hispolitical policies and he assuredthe world that heis personallife. in goodhealth for the timebe- First,theRussian economy * is ing, and that parliamentary CheckUs Out! m struggling to compete in interna- elections will take place in tional markets an with extremely December of 1995 as sched- weak ruble and COLLECTIONS! is aninformation and social relentless infla- uled. Furthermore, he prom- tion. Yeltin's horrendous approval ised not toimpose onthe free- resource center for Charlotte's gay andlesbian rating of 6 percent is often attrib- dom of the press despite the community. Inourrelaxed,friendly setting, you'llfind... uted to thefloundering economy. sketchy reportsthatleaked out Second, the war in civil of Chechnya in the opening Chechnya has games,periodicals and over1,000BOOKSavailable strained Yeltsin's daysofthe war. relations with military to borrow;DELICIOUS coffees, teas,anddesserts; hisown and Yeltsin stands on shaky withWestern nations. During speculate his that accurate figures of groundinRussia. He is running weekendENTERTAINMENTand special events; address to Parliament, casualties Yeltsin civilian easily exceed out of allies and responds by re- informalGROUPSlike abridge cluband "twenty- calledfor "resolute measures" to 30,000. vertingtoaninnercircleofsuspect something talk;" nicePEOPLEofallages who enjoy reformthemilitary. Defense Finally, Boris Min- Yeltsin'salco- advisors. As a result, it will be agreat ister Pavel Grachev and hol abuse ALTERNATIVE tothe bar scene;plus a whole Yeltsin and health have been extremelyimportant for the world at odds lotMORE! have been since the scrutinized since he was filmed to monitor in Chechen developments Rus- invasionbeganresulting exiting his limosine staggering, sia the nextyear in in with concern largenumbers of Russian sol- clinging ontoaids for support,and and vigilance. COLLECTIONS!extends a warminvitation for you dier casualties. slurring speech. his Thisisnotthe to us anytime. us to out While the United States and visit Justcall find our hoursand first occasion where Yeltsin has Sources include 2-17-95 is- otherNATO urge what's goingon.We couldbe just whatyou've been countries Yeltsin arrived intoxicated toa function. sue of WashingtonPost, 2-22-95 tonegotiatea peace looking for. settlement in Last year he slept through a issueofNewYorkTimes, -14-95, Chechnya, 1 areportreleasedbythe meeting with Irish government 4-9-94,1-7-95,and 10-8-94issues President's Commission Hu- on officialsbecausehehadcelebrated of The Economist, 1-9-95 and 1- COLLECTIONS! man Rights this week said that abirthdaypartyonhisplane.There 23-95issueofU.S.NewsandWorld (704) 333-SEEK 24,000Chechen died are civilianshave reportsthatYeltsin's alcohol- Report, 1-23-95issueof Time, 1- 226 BaldwinAvenue inthe twomonthwarwithgovern- ismhasgottenworserecently as he 16-95 issueof Business Week, 4- Charlotte,NC ment forces. Unfortunately,many has removedaides whoattempt to 4-94 issueof Newsweek. 28204 THEDAVIDSONIAN MONDAY, FEBRUARY27, 1995 7

ALENDA LUX UBI ORTA LIBERTAS N * l>rotu«rei. TWe u^h Hyh.iMi \ ExecutiveEditors OpinionsEditor CopyEditors — — — MANDY CURTIS f*r so JEFFKENT DAVIDSANTSCHI s^"" * /*■ n ) y'"/ v» u ROBERTRAMSAY £"H m"}t bc TERESA WHITE ) / at Arts &LivingEditors Yv fc^ J AssociateEditors JACOB ABRAHAM Business Manager WILLIAMROBERT JOHNCOPENHAVER KATHERINEHASH RUSS TARVER SportsEditor AdvertisingManagers News Editor MATTPITZER WALT BARRON MARYCLARE JALONICK CAROLINE BYNUM Photography Editor AssistantNews Editor ROBKOSICKI CirculationManager MATTHEW EIRICH CRAIG MURPHY

Founded in1914 "TheSmith's- Foremost College Weekly"

I THE livF|K*/\rV/ Satisfies /»notwe£ t»w\EK T^"**~*-^ The virtue of curiosity Letters Asstudents,weoftenloseourselvesina worldofpapers,tests,athletics,socializing, and extra-curricular activities. Webecome so lost,in fact, that we lose—sight of the institution whichfosters our growthand feeds usinto the outsideworld the same ProjectLife gives thanks institution which we.fund as parents,students, andalumni. Staff, faculty, and student service adjustments constantly occur as we bury our TotheEditors: bringing our five year total donate after spring break. heads in books,build friendships, and plan our lives. Students,parents,faculty, and OnbehalfoftheProject to approximately 1800. Thisis what the drive is all alumni arepoorlyinformed about suchadjustments, anditis disturbing that it takesa LifeCommittee,Iwouldlike Davidson canstill boast of about—giving severely ill distortedrumor oran anonymous tip in order togenerateinterest insuchchanges. toextendour utmost grati- having the most successful patientshope and a chance Thequestionsremain. As students,parents,andalumni,howmuchshouldweknow tude to the current editorial student-run bone marrow to live. Project Life could about what goeson at Davidson? Should subtle "adjustments"be disregarded orleft staffand tothe formerstaff. driveinthe nation. not be this successful with- unknown? Whatreally doesgo onbehind the scenes? How much dowereallyknow? Your eagerness to support Although these num- outthegenuineconcern and Itis soeasytodismiss thelaying-offofPhysicalPlant employees,theconsolidation ourbone marrowdrivewith bersareimpressive,oursuc- supportof the studentbody of Career Services and Experiential Programs, or academic budget cuts as entirely publicityand youroutstand- cess can be measured an- and the Davidson commu- outside therealmofour concern. But shouldsuchoccurrences beso intangible? Dowe ingcoverageof our various other way. TheRed Cross nity. Ourdeepestthanksare as students,parents,andalumnihaveanyrighttopryintoexecutivedecisions tofindout events helped us reach our recently contacted another extended toyouas well. what'sgoingon? financial goalsandresulted student typed atone ofour Welearn in ourclasses todigdeepand to askprobingquestions, toanalyzeand inplacinganother295names previous drives and asked Sincerely, todiscover answers. SometimesContradictions and mysteries willexist,but itis our on the Red Cross National— him to donatehis marrow. JohnRamey &the responsibilityas free thinkers to explorethe less thanlucid side of the entities which iBone Marrow Registry The student agreed andwill Project LifeCommittee embraceus. Senior Senior Champagne Party: the facts Testing curiosity To theEditors: On February 5, Isent many have asked is, "Why Ithasfinallycomedown out memos toall house so- does the BSC, adry house, Davidson has a way of smotheringyou. The small community wehave hereis to writing to The cialchairs,KurtHolmes,and wanttohost aparty that in- nurturing, to be sure; we are cradled in its arms of common drive and common Davidsonian to make sure DeanShandley whichserved volvesalcohol?" TheBSC however, experience. Sometimes, those— arms canprovecrushinglyprotective. thatnoneofthe"facts"about as a written explanation is a dry house and ourby- We must push thosearms away notspurnthem,— mind you,butmake them relax this party and why BSC is. about "The First Annual lawsstatethat wecannotuse their grip. Collegeisourchance toindividualize to startrunningandseehow far we participating donot become Senior Senior Champagne any of out monies to pur- can gowithout collapsing. Just as weneed toappreciatetheaccessibility ofprofessors, misconstrued. Many have Party ." Itstated that BSC chase anyalcohol. Asinthe service, theconvenienceofPatterson Court,andtheprivilegeofthelaundry wecannot questions about the BSC's wouldloveforeachhouseto past, the BSC monies will allow them tobecomeourartificial lungs,pumping theoxygeninto us as westudy on trying tohost this event,es- co-sponsorthisevent,which pay for the DJ, alternative withadmirable Davidsontunnel-vision. pecially sinceitinvolvesal- is to takeplaceon April29. drinks and food. To make Thereissomuchout there that wemust takeadvantageofnow. We havenot been cohol.Therefore,thisarticle Inthepast,theBSChasspon- surethatthispartygoeswell, plungedintothereal world,astheorientation committee wouldlikeparentsoffreshmen servesasanexplanationfor sored many parties with all allhouses will voteon their to believe. We are ina microcosmof quasi-reality,and after college we'll be in for thepartysothattherewillbe of the houses on the court commitment by March IS. anotherculture shock if wedon't dosomething to widen theperspective. nodoubtofitspurpose.And andFiji. AndiftheBSCcan Thiswayifthereisany need clear, For example,here's springbreak. The dooris open,the skyis and theroad hopefully after reading this get allhousestosupportthis for are-calculation,itwon't isbeforeus. We shouldn'tspend theweekcomplainingabouttherigorsofDavidsonor article, there willbe a full event, no one group would be lastminute. thinkinghow much work the next week will— bring; wespendenoughtime copingwith participation from all the feeltheheavy financialbur- Inconclusion,the"First thatwhile we'rehere.Let'sforgetaboutit pretendExit30does notexist.Let'sleave housesonthe courtandFiji. den ofpulling this party off AnnualSeniorSeniorCham- thisinstitutiontoitself forafew days,andgohaveourselvesagood visceralexperience. "The First Annual Se- alone. pagne Party" should suc- Whether wego to the beach,tothe mountains,orhome,there is dirt,and weneed toput nior Senior Champagne There have been sev- ceed. The "Class of1995" ourhandsinit. Party"is aneventhostedby eral questions concerning has worked very hard tofi- We willreturn totheselovingarms. Wewillclimbbackinthecradleandcontinue the BSC and sponsored by thispartyalready: nally reach thatlight at the with our studies and our search for the elusive A. Hopefully, though, we will have every house on the Court, -"Whyshould theyhave endofthetunnel.Before the widened our tunnel-vision. We will have gained some insight into a frustrating including Fiji. At the last aparty that theentirehouse seniors come into contact delineation: whendoes community become isolation? When doesaservicebecomea senior champagne party, sponsors when all in the with that light, however, I crutch? When does anembracebecomea stronghold? hostedbyWarnerHall,only house cannotgo?" wouldjustlovefor allofthe Theinsight wegain mayshow thatDavidsonis not smotheringus,butkeepingus senior men and the women -"Why should wehave seniors to get togetherbe- frombeingsmothered. Itmayshow thatthecrutchesarekeepingusfrom falling down. ofWarnerHallwereinvited. expensive beer instead of fore finals and reminisce Butit willmostlikely show thatonce westartrunningonour own, we won'tever Earlier in the year, PiKA cheapbeer,suchasthe same overthepastthree years.But want tostop. hosted a similar party, ex- beerthat wehave atregular at the same time Iwould cept the onlypeople invited parties?" love forallstudents tohave wereall senior womenand -"Howmuch willitcost agreatpartyafterwards. The onlyPiKAmen. Byhaving my house?" "First AnnualSenior Senior TheDavidsonian is published weeklyonMondayduringthe spring termby the students andhosting the partyat one Right now, the calcu- ChampagneParty"couldact ofDavidsonCollege.Pleaseaddressfanmailandcorrespondencesto: TheDavidsonian, house,allseniorscannotgo. latedpriceis only $135 per as that narrowbeam oflight P.O.Box 219, Davidson,NorthCarolina28036. Phone(704) 892-2148 or -2149. Our Thesole purpose ofhaving house (if alljoin in). This that all seniors are begin- offices are located on the third floor of the Grey Student Union building. Opinions BSC host this party is to will covertwocasesofcham- ning to see. expressedinletters to theeditor orcommentaries donotnecessarilyreflectthe views of bring together all seniors, pagne and $60 for part ofa theEditorialBoardof TheDavidsonian. Subscriptionscost $32.50peryear. Advertising regardless ofsexand social $75 keg. Sincerely, ratesareavailable upon request. Copyrightisheldby theTrustees ofDavidsonCollege. affiliation. The final question Jason Burt'95 Opinions 8 MONDAY,FEBRUARY 27,1995 Christina Thomas Society's overdose on sexualharassment

I'vejustreturned fromseeing men should be respectful of women,we'reouthereinthe work I'dclassify that as real sexualha- rible for those of us who don't theplay Oleanna withmy mother, women, open the doors for them, force,and wecan'ttakelittlecom- rassment,butif aguyis justhitting believe that every guy is a per- andIamfurious. Yes,calmChris- and bethesuitor in mostrelation- ments by men about sexually re- on you ("Why won'tyou go out vertedrapist. tina is furious. Irealize that this ships.Itaggravatesmethatwomen latedtopicsorhowwelook? Stop! withme,babe?")thatisno/grounds Someguys thatIworkwith won't play (Ihope)wasanexaggeration seemtobetryingtoprovethatthey Beforeyougo offonme,yes, for a suit. I'm sure if you were give me ahand with my rescue of the waveof sexualharassment aremen. I'msorry folks,butthis Iknow thatthereisdefinitely seri- interestedinthatguy,you wouldn't gear justbecausethey'reafraidI'll cries flooding our country,but it is planet earth and there are only ous, real sexual harassment out beoffended. cry "sexual harassment"— if they was agood, symbolic representa- two gendershere, not one. They there.Ifanyoneshouldknowabout Besides, let's face it,being a accidentallytouchme andwe're tionofour times. are different— just open an it,Ishould. Iworkwith themale- littlemoreopenabouttheirsexual supposedtobe a team! And what about our times? anatomybookorstudyalittleabout dominatedworkforceofEMS,Fire, desiresis aguy thing.Doguyssue Ladies, if you want to be That is, after all, whatI'm really hormones. and Rescue in this county. I've us fordoingthatfemalePMS thing treated like men, and/or are writingabout. Iam a woman, I The worst thing about this stood in the middle of an emer- and treating themlike dirtonce a "Oleannas," tatooabigequalssign enjoymyfemininity, andIambe- equalityfightis that women, yesI gency roomandhad a paramedic month? No, but why not? Itmay onyourforeheadand startwearing hind the traditionalwomen'srole said WOMEN, are making the tellmein frontofGodandevery- offend them. I'm sorrygirls, you apatchwiththeletter"S"onit,like insociety. Bysayingthis Idonot worlda landmine for men. This oneelseexactly what he'dlike to are female, and guys don't shut inThe ScarletLetter (tostand for mean that Ithink womenshould sexualharassmentthinghas gone do to severalof my body parts, theirhormonesoff whenyouenter Sexually Harassed), so that guys always be at home cooking. I way toofar, most especially with after he'dripped open my outer theroom. Guys arebecoming so willknow whichonesofus wantto meantosay thatIstill believethat womeninthe workplace. Allright coat togetabetter look atme. Yes, paranoid thatit's making life ter- betreatedlikeladies. KenMay What a cryin' shame First of all, let me begin by ers,andcoachesis completely un- saying that I'm not entirely sure acceptable and unbecoming of how I'm writingthis article. Ap- Davidson College students. De- parently, I'm thoroughly deaf, spitenotsharinga seatonthebench dumb,andblindasthenewlychris- with the team,my extremelylim- tened Helen Keller of Davidson. ited experiencereminds me that, MaybeI'm just thinking all these fairly ornot, entire communities words,and none ofyou arereally are judgedon the sportsmanship hearinganything Isay. At least oftheir teamsandfans. Malicious that's thedistinct impressionIget fanscanforeverblemishaschool's r % ilBim WM I \ WVlRoNMEHr-DEGRAOlM& i from the recent response to my prized reputation. Supporting "Wildcat" article. one's teamisexactlythat,support- M-"WHEEL I>RIV£ / team, 'JM J WJ§[7wHMBjjjf||iS \ I Let'sget thisstraight. Inever ing one's not nailing the once said, or even hinted, that opposingteam.Derisionandtaunt- Davidson fans should not cheer inghaveabsolutelynoplaceinthe whole-heartedlyfor themen'sbas- game ofbasketball. ketballteam.NordidIsaythatone Solisten,there'sonemorehome shouldnot invest"one'sheart,soul, gamefor themen'sbasketballteam lungs, voices, and hands to that this year. Youhavemy unequivo- very vital support." Nor didIsay calblessing to goand cheer your Holt Vaughan we shouldn't "display the same hearts out. That's what I'llbe wildenthusiasmandspiritthat our doing(despitemy"whitegloves"). everywhere playersandcoachesdisplay." For Butif youare amongthe few who We are those who wrote responses and stillinsistonberatingtheopposing We areeverywhere. Wehide class for a tennis match. Ifeel something that welovedoingvery anyone else whodoesn't believe team, so be it. You are the ones behindourscholarlyglassestofool intimidated toeven share this in- much,and it is something that we me, pleasereread my article thor- thatwillhavetolivewiththerepu- you. We camouflage our muscles formation at all with them, be- all work veryhardat. Butitnever oughly this time. Calm yourhos- tationyoumake for yourself! withpreppieclothes and dull our cause Iam scared of the stereo- should, never has, and never will tile emotionsfor a secondandac- Bythe way,much thanks tothe smell with fashionable cologne. type. "He'sanathlete,"theymight beprioritizedoveroureducation.I tually listen to whatIdo have to dozens of people who read and We arein yourclasses. We write think. don't think you willfind one stu- say. supported myarticle. It'sgoodto did, thesamepapersyoudo. Weeat at No,I'm sorry,that'snot true. dent-athleteatthis schoolthatwill I and still do, say that know thatsomebody stillreadsfor the same places as you, and we You see,Iam astudent first who do so. If they do. they typically berating referees, opposing plav- comprehensionthese days. study just like you. Many times just happens tobe an athlete. In aren'therevery long. we surround you, and you don't fact, Ithink that all the student- Iam a firm believer that the evenknow it. Areyouscaredyet? athletes on campus are students true student-athletehas anadvan- Iwouldtellyou whatweare,but I first whojusthappentobeathletes tage over the non-student-athlete. amtooafraid.Iamafraid you will competing at a Division Ilevel. Wearebetter preparedfor life af- 1 giveus astigma. Youwillperhaps TerryHolland,ourAthleticDirec- ter graduation. We are competi- /p&TTfft^ kid. -w ~\ isolate usfromyournormalactivi- tor (the best in the nationby the tive. We are disciplined. We ties. Youmightavoidus. Whoare way), preaches many times in handlepressurewell. Wecangive we? Allright,IguessIshouldtell speeches: "Division Ineeds andreceive criticism. And, most you. We are, well... we areath- Davidson more than Davidson importantly, we are pursuing an c W**> letes.No,that'snotquiteright,we needs Division I." Ican't agree education with justas muchdrive 3^. arestudent-athletes.Ahyes,that's withthis statement more. as every one else at this college. better,Igotitoffof my chest. Davidsonstudent-athletes per- People cannot afford to criticize Yousee,it'snot thatI'mem- sonify the original intentions of theathletesherebecausethereare barrassed. No,that'snotquiteit.I the NCAA. The Davidson stu- toomany of us. think it'sjustthat I'mscared. I'm dent-athlete is different thanmany Criticizing us wouldbecriti- scared that this knowledgemight other schools. We came here for cizing close to one-third of the fall into the minds of the wrong aneducation first. studentbody.Isitreallyplausible, people.Itcouldfallinto theminds Ithink many times, at other oralegitimate argumenttosay that of theignorant, naive,and conde- schools, the athletes are athletes a Davidson student-athleteis not scendingprofessoror student. firstandhope togetaneducationif the student the rest of the non- Okay fine,Ihaveaslightchip possible. Itis unfairtocategorize student-athletes are? Ithink not. on my shoulder. My problem is theseathleteswiththe student-ath- We are an integral part of this thatIthinkDavidsonstudent-ath- letesof Davidson. studentbody. Weareeverywhere. letes do not get the respectthey Our participation in sports Andthescary thingis,mostpeople deserve. Perhapsitis justme,but should be considered no differ- don't even know who we are. sometimes Isense disapproval ently than a hobby of any other That's fine. You don't have to when Igointoaprofessor'soffice student. Because—essentiallythat's know. Ina way,that's kind of a to tell her/him that Iwill miss a what a sport is a hobby. It's compliment. THEDAVIDSONIAN Ux 1JN1vJJNO MONDAY,FEBRUARY27, 1995 9 opinionsbeingexpressed "The Ike Bailey want tobeblackfirst,butnotblack are not necessarilythe viewsof..." only. CharlesBarms We have all heard this disclaimer Ifseeingmystruggleforiden- usedby radio and television sta- Undifferentiated tity helps you see the bigger pic- tions alike. The editors of The ture, then this process is worth- Davidsonianhaveprintedasimilar while. Ifseeingmeas theAfrican- No one concerning the Opinions sec- American editorial writer allows tion. Ioftenwonderif this Blob would youtoseeourstrugglemoreclearly, be a goodopening tomy articles. terminationoftheindividualwithin because it makes African-Ameri- then Ican accept this. But you woman, We live ina time whenbeing the general or universal." Being can life here easier. Does Bill must always remember, to know black forfeits your right to indi- placedinthepublic eyeis apecu- GullanorKenMayhavethesame me is toknow an African-Ameri- Ablack viduality. personcommit- liar spot for most African-Ameri- problem? Are they seen as the can; toknowmeis not toknowan ting a crime is just that, a black cans. The moment something is whiteeditorialwriters? Orarethey entirerace. no cry criminal. Heis not seen as Jeffrey saidordone,youareseenasablack seen as the boisterous editorial W..E. B. Dubois' notion of Dahmer orDavidKoresh,the sick person firstandalmostneveras an writers? double-consciousness saysitquite Overthe pastcoupleofyears individual whokilledmanypeople. individual. This doesnotmean Iwant to clearly: 'The Negro is a sort of Ihave noticed a very disturbing Clarence Thomas is the black Su- My greatest difficulty lies in forfeit my blackness in order to seventh son,born with a veil,and trend in my life; Ipretty much premeCourtjustice. Simpson to outspoken O.J. trying be an writer becomeanindividual. Ishould not gifted with second-sight in this never hook up. At first,Ithought is theblack, ex-footballplayerac- and not to as aspokesper- haveto a be seen makesuch choice. Iwant American world, a world which itmight havesomethingtodo with cused ofmurder. J.C. Watts is the son. am be tobe as an I forcedto Africanand seen African-American yields himno true self-conscious- me,butafter talking withsomeof black Republican.IkeBailey is the American. Iam forced to be Ike student who writes,and not as the ness, butonly letshimsee himself my friends Irealized they were black editorial writer. Simply put, Bailey the black man and not Ike African-American representative. through therevelationof theother havingsimilar troubles. So,forthe if you areblack, you Bailey When Iget thisisnot possible. areblack. If theindividual. YetIknow that world. goodofusall,Isetabout tofind out you are white, you are far more responsestomy articlestheyseem Irealizemy needforindividu- Itis apeculiarsensation, this just whatinthe worldis goingon. individualized. ality, tobemore focusedontheAfrican- yetIknow Iama partof the double-consciousness, this sense Istarted at the beginning of "Theactorpro- Individuation: Americanraceandlessonmyindi- "Undifferentiated Blob" (a term of always looking at one's self the hook process. Court parties. cess of individuating, especially vidual position. Peoplehave told usedbyCornelWest). Myfriends throughtheeyesofothers,ofmea- This hasbeen thestalkingground the process by which social indi- metoshut-upabout allthat "racial urgemenot toturnwhite,andIam suring one's soul by the tape of a of guys like myself in search of vidualsbecome no one wants hear, not tobe too black. What can differentiatedfrom stuff that to told worldthatlooks oninamusedcon- young, drunken co-eds to bring another; and one the distinction orde- Ihave been told to continue anyone do in such a situation? I tempt andpity." back to "the cave." The parties, though, haven't changed a bit. David Santschi They're as lame asusual, but not really any worse: And,believeit Building Community ornot,enticingwomenback tomy roomhasn'tbeenmyproblem. The William Raspberry's speech todiscussissues they encounterin difficulties occuronceweget there. wasarefreshing,non-partisanlook theirschools. Ahighschoolmight Imean,Icanbringgirlshome,but at America's problems.Insteadof agree tostart anexchangeprogram Ican'tclose the deal. Ican hook demonizing either politicalparty, with aschoolfrom anotherpartof the fish,but Ican'tget herin the Raspberryspokeaboutthepolitics acommunity. boat. Ican get my ball on the of victimization and how special Urgesuburbanchurches whohave green,but Ican't sink my putt. I benefits accorded to various pro- abandoned their outreachrolesto can...oh, youget thepicture. tected groups divide society. He put theirresources inpoorerareas So the troublecomes in the commented on how public offi- ofthe community. Achurchfrom room.Whatchangesthere?That's cials, insteadof focusing theirat- oneareacan"adopt"achurchfrom easy,it's the music. In the good tention onproblems,portray their anotherarea. Thisinstantlybrings ole' days we'd get back to my opponentsas enemies. Raspberry twonetworks together. place,siton the couch, andI'dhit identified thebasicproblemfacing These solutions areideas that playon my alreadyprogrammed public life: how people villanize Ihavepersonallyseenaddresscom- CDchanger. those who disagree with them to munity needsand bringpeopleto- Here's asample. We'd start avoid meaningful dialogue. His gether. Many of these solutions ofwithsomethinglike "we've got diagnosis wasonthemark butpre- are institutional. Byusing effec- tonight,whoneedstomorrow,we'11 scriptions forbuildingcommunity tivepublicpolicyand their"bully makeit last,whydon'tyoustay.. were lacking. pulpit"tocall forchangeandpraise ."(whocan arguewiththe wisdom Howdoesonebuildaliveable thosewhobuildcommunity,lead- oofBobSeager?).Thenmy stereo neighborhood? Thisis adifficult ers canpromoteconditions where MatthewEirich wouldbreakintoalittle 'Tonight's question,one Raspberry avoided community matters to people. the Night." It worked for Rod answeringdirectly.Certainlythere Clean,safestreets,drug-freeneigh- Rappaz kan bring Stewart, and it worked for me. is not aprecise formula orrecipe borhoods,economicdevelopment, Follow that up with some Joe for building community. But by and parks are all the results of da werld tagetha Cocker,preferably"LoveLiftsUs taking actions, Up Belong" loft), certain a commu- institutionalchange. Butforallits Just like any other musical the sameprinciples ofspelling' as Where We (my nity canbringitself together: virtues,mereinstitutional compe- genre,somerappersproduce gar- Eazy-E,sometimestheycan teven andits adone deal. Nomore. Acknowledge that government tencedoes notbuildcommunity. bage and others produce worth- findthe spacebaronthekeyboard. Nowadays when Iget a girl must notplay anartificial,central What is most important in whilemusic. It'sequivalenttothe Take the title track back,all they want tolisten toare role; institutions do not make a buildingcommunityisachangein difference between MilliVanilli "BACDAFU*UP,"or the second bandslikePearl Jam,Nirvana,or close community. attitude.Familiesandlocalgroups (What did that name ever mean, ,"BICHASNIGUZ."Orother anything with "rage, anger, and Rather than stress differences determinetheirown strength;gov- anyway?)andBoyz IIMen. But spellings to rival Dan Quayle: emotion." SincemyCDcollection among groups, show how these ernment determines only the con- lookat thespellingofthat:BoyzII "ATAK OF DA BAL-HEDZ." hasn'tgrownsince thetenthgrade, differences areunimportant when ditions inwhich thesegroupsex- Men. What gives? Why do some Reallyit'sveryoriginal,especially Idon'thave anyof that stuff. It's buildingcommunity. ist. Community arises not from rappers,like Boyz IIMen, mis- theno-spacespart,whichreminds afact. I'vemissed theboaton90s Use thepowerofelectedoffice to leaders andprogramsbutfrom the spell their names and songtitles? meofthelastchapterfromJoyce's musicsomuchthatIcouldn'tcatch articulate values that have been selflessactions ofordinarypeople What does itprove? Are they in Ulysses. Certainly that's what upif IwereMark Spitz. Beingthe lostinideologicalstruggles:trust, actinglocally. This is whybuild-— need of copy editors? Do they Onyx meantalso. desperateguy thatIam, however, respect, self-control, responsibil- ing community is so difficult simply needa seventh-gradetyp- On second thought, Ifind Itry tocompensate. Badidea. ity. Policies shoulduphold these thislocalinitiative cannotbegen- ing course? myself wondering if I'm simply Ifit'srageandangerthey want, values. eratedatwill.Solutions proposed FromEazy-E'salbumIt'son being too bitter. Maybe rappers it's rage and anger they will get. Promote a climate where small, by the business community and (Dr. Dm)187um Killa come the have a greater purpose for their My usual selection is Michael Jackson's It." He locally owned businesses can government are only successful followingsongtitles:"ExxtraSpe- spellingmistakes. Ormaybe they "Beat seems' thrive. Thismeansreducing taxes when peoplewanr to build com- cial Thankz," "AnyLast Werdz," arejusthuman.Everyone,rappers prettyangryatsomething, wouldn t orregulations whenpossible. Lo- munity, when therecitizenleader- "BoyzNThaHood(G-Mix),"and andnon-rappersalike,hastheabil- youagree? Unfortunately,Ihave calbusinessesarethebackboneof shipalong withattemptstochange "Down 2Tha LastRoach." Per- ity tomisspell. When webeginto nevergottenmorethan15 seconds any healthycommunity, for these conditions. hapsEazy wasconcerned that the searchfor those thingswesharein into the songbefore my compan- merchants knowtheircustomers. AsCarlHolman,formerpresi- letter"z"simply receivestoolittle common rather than dwell on ion informs me thatIam the big- Designcommunities tomaximize dent ofthe NationalUrbanCoali- use. PerhapsEazy thoughthe was things likegrammar and spelling gestloser northof theSouthPole. interaction among residents. An tion,said,"Cityservicesand strat- being more creative than all the whicharedivisive,onlythen will Then sheleaves. article intheSundayObserver ad- egies can prevent decay only in otherrappersbyspelling"the"with weexperienceharmonyandunity. PatBenatarwasrightallalong. dressedthisurbanplanningincon- neighborhoods that have confi- an "a." PerhapsEazy findsitdif- Eazy,Onyx and their fellow Loveisa battlefield. Iguessthat siderable detail. dencein their own future." Real ficult to distinguish between let- rappers are not bad spellers — makes me France. Oh well,I'm Have corporations provide seed communityis possibleonly when ters and numbers. theyare visionaries. Theyaretry- getting used to it. All you guys money forcommunity initiatives, a sense ofplacemattersenoughto Finally,mytourofrap'sgreat- ing tobringaboutunderstanding. who 'are still spelling "fish" with such as programs to bring high residents that they take actionon est grammariansconcludes with Ormaybe,justmaybe,rappaz an"f hadbetter getusedtoittoo. schoolstudentsfromaroundacity their own. Onyx.NotonlydoesOnyx follow kant spel. RTS & LIVING A MONDAY, 27, m^^L FEBRUARY 1995 Hoop O LEA N N A Flatperformance exposes sexist scandal Dreams By George Weld Staff writer

Occasionally(Iassumethis scores is a commonexperience)Ireada playbefore Igo toseeit and feel certain that itis a disaster: the By Tammy Tiska script seems filled withcliches;it Davidsonian moviecritic seems reductiveand simplistic, toouninterestinglydidactic. But TheAcademyAwardnomi- whenIsee theplay my experi- nations were announced last ence isentirely different. Lines week,and mostof theexpected— that had seemed slack and names werementioned John hackneyedin thescript are Travolta,Forrest Gump,Woody brilliantly illuminatedby the Allen,Forrest Gump. But there actors, and themovement of the wasone particularlyglaringab- whole playis seamlessly sence. by inspired *' orchestrated an and El_ j NotonlywasHoopDreams keendirector. Myenjoyment of HUH EbI Em^ 41 slighted from the Best Picture theplayis enhanced by my category, it wasn't evennomi- earlier skepticismaboutit,as it natedforBestDocumentary.The was whenIsaw Equus orAngels chairmanof thecommitteethat inAmerica afterreading those screens the documentaries said plays.. something like, "We watched Oleanna wasfor mean Mary Gerry Goodstein over five hundred documenta- entirely different sortof experi- McCann asCarolandJimFrangioneas Johnin Oleanna. ries. And we foundfive that we ence. Ididn'tread the script actors toone or twoemotional youfeelat first youought todo. and mostludicrously acted scene likedbetterthanHoopDreams." beforeseeing theplay onthe 21st registersfor this performance. For thisplay tobe effective, intheplay, John (whoseonly That may be how the sys- in Love Auditorium. Frankly, Whatever nuance that Mamet Carolshould havecome across consistency hasbeeninhis tem works, but theomission of I'mgladIdidn't spendthe time hadn't whitewashedout of the asa strong woman standing upto unevenness) slaps, punches,and HoopDreams isan outragethat todo so;it'sclear enough tome scriptisdrainedby this perfor- injustice;instead sheseems a generally throwsaroundpoor go history. will downincinema fromseeingtheperformance that manceso that,in the end,the demented and dangerousDonna Carol. This issupposed tobe the £i rt\Tee-hour-\ong movie has Iwouldhavethrownthe script whole thingsags withadepress- Quixote,tiltingat awindbag. grandconflagration, neverflownbyso fast. Much of the scene asideand foundsomeother way ingdullness. She rotatesin the three scenesof we'lltalk weeks; the thepowerofthisfilmstemsfrom about for to spendmy evening. And if the Theplay isostensiblyan the play frombeing a submis- audienceat this performance had thesimple fact thatit is a docu- script itself hadn'tbeenbad important dramaabout sexual sive,patheticwhiner toan ahard timemuffling itslaughter. mentary. From the moment I enoughto turn meoff before I politics; infact,it's merely a apparentlyinsane ideologue to IfDavidMametthought that saw William Gates and Arthur saw theplay,theabysmal misogynist polemic thatmight thepowerful (butstill,Mamet Oleanna wouldprovide an Ageeplayingbasketballontheir production thata packedhouse have beenpoignantten years ago wouldhave us seeclearly, quite interestingtake onthe sexual neighborhoodcourt,Iwas mes- endured onTuesday surely was. butnow appears as nothingother out of her mind) wielderof all dilemma thatmuchof America merized. This was real. It was Oleanna is a reprehensible thanposturing,ranting, anddated control at theend. feels itself tobe in,he was somebody'slife. play, and theperformancesby men's-movementpropaganda. Oralmost at theend: with wrong. Ofcourse it'seasy to forget MonicaKoskey and Jim Thefemale character inthe onlyminutes togountilthe final Ifhe thought there is somebody behind the . thathe would Frangioneandthedirection of drama,Carol,appears in the first curtain, Mamet'splay takes the provideamale'spointof view camera,askingthequestions,de- ScottZigler donothing to scene tobe anutteridiot;inthe turn we've been waiting for it to on the ascension a cidingwhattofilm,whattoomit, of feminist salvage it. FromFrangione's second scene she'sacardboard take since the very beginning. consciousness,he was wrong- andwhatto zoominon. Nofilm first tinny line toKoskey's version ofevery insecuremale's Themuch-put-uponprofessor, headed. To this male, Oleanna canescapethebiasandpurposes laughableclosingincantation,the nightmare. She spouts cliche John,finally blowshis stackina and themindset behind of thedirector ashemanipulates itare an playis astudy in monochrome, after cliche so that you feel 1990s versionof vigilante reality.Still,thisfilmisrefresh- embarrassment. asif the directorhadlimited the foolish sympathizing withher, as justice. Intheleast believable inglyfree ofsentimentality. No blaring music telling me to get emotionalduring thesadscenes. No struggle toconvince myself They plot realistic, Might the was because Be Giants there was noplot. Just life for two boys struggling to follow (In their ownoriginal way) theirdreamsofmakingit out of By James Berry thatpeopleassociate with theband leaseof thenewalbum,theTMBG opening band) finished their set, inner-city Chicago to the NBA. writer Staff and so quickly dismiss them as a soundhas taken ona new person- the crowd flocked to the stage as No onedies, there are no fatal dull but quirky fluke that some- ality. The live drums must have two clean cut, rather mousy guys illnessesandnounrequitedloves, With therelease oftheir fifth how gotarecord deal. Butthere is inspired some jamming sessions took theirplaces. yet Ifound myselfon the verge album, John Henry,They Might because, much more to theirmusic than an while on earlier albums BehindJohn andJohn were a of tears at seeminglyinsignifi- BeGiantshaveagain popu- twisted odd and somewhat pointlesscol- the guitar took a back seat, it's bassist(wholaterhumoredJohnF. cant moments. larmusic totheir whim. Originally lection ofrandomthoughts. They beenmovedto the front andgiven by playing "the wah thing"), a HoopDreams issurprising. a duo,JohnFlansburg(vocals — and have a knack for singing intelli- themusicamuchheaviersound drummer (whose renowned skill The best writerscouldn'thave guitar) and John (vocals, Linell gently about mostly unintelligent aperfectblendtotake ontheroad. with the glockenspiel wasbased workedmorestartlingeventsinto ,keyboard,andbasssax) things. Theseboyshavesurpassed Lastsummer attheHordecon- on soundingone note during the the script. The film follows haveaddedadrummer cert, andbassist cleverandhavecreatedanewlevel Ialmost fell asleep because song,"ShoehornWith Teeth"),and Arthur and William as they are to their place line-up,takingthe of of weird. Studying the lyrics re- Blues Traveller wouldn'tstop so- two horn players (trumpet outofgrammar the and recruited school drummachines andcomputer veals much more sense than a ca- loing. At Smashing Pumpkins I trombone). toplaybasketball untiltheyleave sequencers that wereformerly the sual listening of the music. In fearedformylife. TMBGwasjust Theshow startedwiththe first forcollege.ButHoopDreamsis sources of group'smusic. Also addition, the alotof theirsongshave a right. track off John Henry, "Sublimi- not justabout basketball;it ex- amothernew element arethe horn them, When mocking quality to and the they performed at the nal." By the endof the next three ploresthe expectations of fam- players which offer essential ac- subjects of this mockery include Pterodactyl last Wednesday, they ("A.K.A." "Driver," and ily,the innocence of youth,and companimentonmany ofthenew much a much as as anyone attracted stranger crowd "Sleeping in the Flowers") the the powertoachievedreams. songs. Theseadditionsarerespon- else. than Iever would have guessed. crowdsurged withenergy,sway- Althoughthe film exposes sible for the live sound thatJohn They BeGiants' The (as Might music Davidsoncontingent was ing back and forth in the early the poverty of theinner-city, it Henrycarriesthroughout and, al- has usual) alwaysbeencaughtsomewhere thecleanest cut of thebunch, stages of moshing. As the per- thoughunfamiliar, it doesn't dis- at extreme, between , pop, and lounge, even its when thenorm formers delved into their earlier tract from theclassic TMBGstyle. extralong See Shaftedonpage12 but don'tletthatscareyou.It truly was hair and 17 ear- "ParticleMan"istheonlysong can't be defined,and with re- rings. When the (the the Dambuilders See Giants onpage11 THEDAVIDSONIAN Arts & living MONDAY, FEBRUARY27, 1995 11

Kudos to Costa for bringing subtlety to HodsonHall By Robert Ramsay theperformances weregreat,it is themusic ExecutiveEditor that lingersin mymind. Kathryn— Schlee's costume design was The DavidsonCollege Department of subtle neverdid theactors'clothesscream Theater and Speech's production of The outthe era;rather,the costumesallowedthe Heidi Chronicles by Wendy Wasserstein script and the actors to establish the time. ended its six performance run yesterday, The set, as well, wasnot reflective of any andAnnMarie Costacanrelax. Chronicles certaindecade. It'sorange-peachtonesand was her directorial debutat Davidson,and angularconstructiongave thecastaneutral as anew professor,shesurely felt thepres- area that theycouldmanipulate as needed. sure ofexpectedexcellence. Well,Profes- Set designer Joe Gardner did surprise us sor Costa,it wasgood. witharevolvingstage,though. (Perhaps he The HeidiChronicles tells the storyof alsocould have designeda waytoconceal a womannamedHeidi Holland andher 25- thestagehands manuallyrotatingit.)Ronnie yearsearchforhappinessandhow thatdefi- Higdon'slighting wassimple yeteffective, pi ■ < nitionof happinesschanges as she and the and againallowed the castand thescript to v^3 times change. craft something oftheirown. Li Br^^llSS^S More thananythingelse,themusichad WhattheycraftedwasashowDavidson ahandinshapingtheexperience.Beforethe is notusedto: aquietexplorationofhuman- showbegan,CaroleKingwasbelting out "I ity. No French bourgeois, no cracked-up FeeltheEarth Move,"whichcunningly re- bishops,noburied children,nonudity. Just flectedthemesintheplay.ArethaFranklin's people like you and me who feel like their "Respect"playedbehinda1970s women's "worldgetsnarrower and narrower,"asone supportgroupmeeting.Thecharacterspaid character says. The cast did a fine job of respects to JohnLennon in a 1980s scene filling this narrow space,and never let the Rob Kosicki with"Imagine"onthehi-fi. AndHeidi sung normalcyof thescript depriveit ofenergy. Heidibrings gift to herfoilcharacter, the wifeofher first love,Scoop. Sam "You Heidi, Cooke's Send Me"toherinfant As juniorAmandaDavis wascharm- alwaysallowing the othercharacterstoup- meaningaltogether. daughterin1989,justasherloverScoophad ingly stand-offish,alwaysremainingsome- stageher when theyshouldhave. A lesser sungittoherathis wedding in1977. While what bitchy without losing her heart, and actress wouldhave stolen the show and its SeeDebut onpage12 SchoolDaze are here: Drama gives insightintoDavidson'sAfrican-American community

By Katharine Laidlaw they would form such asmallper- byhowshe feltotherstudents had Staff Writer centageofthecollegecommunity. tended to"hurry past,walknext to Jenkins pointedout thatDavidson the wall,and [not]makeeye-con- MKT' m li HUH S SchoolDaze,aparody onthe providedafantastic academic op- tact" withher. Other studentson experiences of black students at portunity, which should nothave the panel agreed with this senti- Davidson,provedtobeaninsight- been overlooked in favor of at- ment and voiced the feettngs of ful and provocative presentation tendingan institution wherethere segregationandexclusiontheyhad for those who attended the Thurs- wouldbemoreof aracialbalance. felt since comingtoDavidson,all day night show in the 900Room. She also argued that it's difficult which seem to culminate in the The short skits, performed mostly when applying toa school torec- universalquestion: "AmItheonly by membersof the BSC, gave its ognize whata 4% minority actu- person who feels isolatedhere?" audienceaglimpse into whatwas allytranslatesintowhenappliedto Towards the end of the dis- like to be a minority on a small thenumberofblackstudents.The cussion,Dr.Fairleyexpressedher collegecampus. course catalogue, she demon- theory thatwhitestudentsare"sub- |Br^^ What wasparticularlysignifi- strated, wasmisleading,makingit tly pressured" byother whitestu- 1 cant intheSchoolDaze presenta- seem as ifthere was moreof di- dents when they gethere, so that BrandonClarke tionwasthediscussion whichfol- verse mixof studentsat Davidson evenwhites who are"comfortable lowedtheperformance.Foroneof actually being aroundpeopleofcolor"are From L toR:JasonBurt,IkeBailey,RheaChase,CaraFinley, than are present. thefirst timesinmy experienceat Burt that wasa so. Dr. KaronaSanders,RenuBhatt,AdrianneNixon,Mecie Beachem, Jason argued it discouraged from doing Davidson,I anopenfo- to types Lummie Allen. Notshown: Marcus Williams. witnessed challenge for a black person Fairleybelieves thatthese of rumin whichracialrelationscould come to Davidson, but it was a attitudescause Davidson students be discussed, with amazing can- challenge that wasto beappreci- to"miss outonaninformaleduca- KnowsMyPlan" which, he said, dor,by both white and black stu- ated. He added that if "a black tion," which included "gettingto was"alotmorefun whenitworks. dents. person can make it through know people as they are." Giants Also, those of you in the back The conversation began de- Davidson," he could make it Inclosing,Dr.Fairleystressed beinthe front bytheendof term "Afro-Ameri- from page10 might bating the of throughanything.Nixondeclared thattheracialsituationatDavidson thesong." Thecrowdwas willing can" as a means torefer toblack that in coming here, she hadn't wasnotunique,butwasa national although thelinedidn't tocomply students. Many of them felt the made sociallifeherpriority. ""It's issue, with which we willhave to improveitspositionmuch. term was inappropriate and mis- the education,"she declared, it's face eventually. As EthanMcCutchen (oneof leading,andIfelt JoySparks took theexperienceyoucansharebeing Indeed,ourshelteredcommu- albums such as Lincoln, Flood, the people Iwent with) pointed theedge off when shepointedout surrounded by other intelligent nity here is only abubblethrough and Apollo 18, whole clusters of out,it was refreshing to watch a that "intryingnot tobeoffensive," people. It's not who you party whichweperceivethe world,and peoplejumpedinrhythm, knock- band that didn't take themselves many people were, in fact, "of- with onthe weekends." inordertofulfill theexpectations ingtheirneighborsaboutinoblivi- very seriously. Howcould they? fending."TashaJenkinssupported When asked as tohow black ofourgeneration,eachandevery- ous abandonment. Their style of music is fun and this statement when she advised students werereceivedatthis col- one of us should strive towards In between songs John F. entertaining. Ican't think of a people to"curbtheir sensitivity," lege, Karona Sanders replied greaterunderstanding of one an- talked aboutlife,the universe,and songthat isn'tperformedwiththis whichAdrienneNixonresponded frankly,"alotofpeopledon'tknow other. whateverelsecame tomind.When inmind.Ilovethis band,andIwas that "the differences [between how toreact tome. So theyignore Rather than fear what makes the grouppromised a new song, not disappointedintheleastwhen blackstudentsand whitestudents] me," to which Joy Sparks added usintodifferent people,weshould they had ashort discussion about Isawthemlive.Evenpeople who'd are there, and they should becel- that shehadcometoDavidsonan explorehowourindividualitiescan music theory("Is the fourthmajor neverheardTheyMightBeGiants ebrated." outgoingperson,andwassurprised bring us together. orminor?")before launchinginto before enjoyed the show and I'm Thequestionwasposedtothe "Particle Man" "with the collec- not surprised. Itis anindication of panelas towhy theyhadchosen to Daytime andEvening Childcare tivesorrowofeverybandonearth" greatness. come to Davidson,knowing that provided intheLakeNorman andsurrounding areas. since they'd decided to play it in "Flexible hours theminor key.JohnL.didn'thave MASSAGE AT THE DUCHESS correcting his "GoodPay any qualms about Give yourselfa welldeserved treat! band-mate during the song by "Car needed $20.00 with pointingout,"fifthismajor"which SPECIAL OFFER: per1/2 hour INC. 332-5386 "oh." Call GRANDMOTHER'S : wasreceivedwithasheepish, DavidsonStudent I.D. Charlotteandsurrounding One of JohnF.'ssuggestions Serving Located at the Chair Factory, 20700N.MainSt. areas 18 years. wastostartacongalinetogoalong for - with the horn-driven "No One Call Jerry at892-8577 for moreinformation. Mon.-Fri.9 5 12 THEDAVIDSONIAN /\JvTo & LIVING MONDAY, FEBRUARY27, 1994 Past her prime: Joni Mitchell's TurbulentIndigo By TomBavis day,"mostsongs onTurbulentIn- lostall tasteforlife /I'mall com- ONTHE SCENE Staff writer digo exude a chilling attitude of plaints." intense dread. Ostensibly speak- Despite the bluntness of Joni Mitchell's latest al- ingof theO.J.Simpson case,"Not someof thelyrics,Joni cannothide bum.TurbulentIndigo,is ahighly to Blame"begins, "The story hit the factthatherheartis notintothe respectablebut tiring setofsongs. thenewsfrom coasttocoast/ They musiclikeitusedtobe.Theinstru- The relatively brief "Sunny Sun- saidyoubeatthegirlyouloved the mentationrecallsbutdoesnotcap- Ansel Adams "The Man Who Captured Exhibition. the Earth's day"opensthealbumandreveals most." ture theexperimental spirit of her Beauty." Open 10 a.m.-4p.m.inWilliam H.VanEvery, Gallery Jr. most of its secrets. Over a slow "The Sire of Sorrow late 70s albums. at the VAC. acoustic groove,asaxophone lets (Job's Sad Song)," the album's Thoughthelyricsdisplay out anoccasionalflurry ofnotesas finaltrack,servesasakindofanti- undeniable talent and thorough Women's Symposium. "Tomorrow'sWomen: IssuesofConcern Joni begins an vague story of a anthem.Jonireassertsthealbum's writing,onecantelltheyareforced. toMenand Womenas theNew Century Approaches." 7-9p.m.in lonely pulls heavy-mindedthemesofdeathand In a few songs, "How Do You HodsonHall. woman: "She the shade,it'sjustanothersunny Sun- suffering while playingacompli- Stop" among them, Joni subtly day / She dodges the light like cated acoustic guitar rhythm. In admitsthatsheknowsherbestand Blanche DuBois." Noticeably the background, anicy keyboard most passionate work is behind wornfromage andcigarettes,her sounddrifts throughthe songlike her: "One day you'retooyoung / voice still quiversbeautifully awinterbreeze.Unlikemost sum- Thenyou'reinyourprime / Then Despite the bright prom- mations,"TheSireofSorrow"does you're lookingback /At thehands Ansel Adams "The Man Who Captured the Earth's Exhibition. iseimplicit inthetitle"Sunny Sun- little to rouse the listener: "I've of time." Beauty." Open10 a.m.-4p.m.inWilliamH. VanEvery,Jr.Gallery at theVAC. Ifyouhaven'tseenthisbreathtakingexhibityet,today's course, and after separating her- York"scene. yourlast chance! self fromsociety fora time,came If Iwere to complain about Debut torevel in the system she used to anythinginTheHeidiChronicles, frontpage 11 Coffeehouse. 8:30-11 a.m. inthe900 Room. abhor.— Neale playedSusan hon- it would be its inaccessibility. The two men inHeidi's life. estly as a woman who really Wasserstein wonaPulitzerforher .I.C.S.II.JazzBandEnsemble.Drop byVail Commons from5:30- Scoop and Peter, were playedby didn't know what she was doing, handling oflate-80sangst among 6:30p.m.tohear this widelyacclaimed jazzensemble playfor your freshmenBenjaminSummersand what she believed in, or whoher American adults, especially' diningpleasure. Ben Lukey, respectively. Sum- friends were. women,andnowsomeoftheplay s mers, who was so radiantin The The supporting cast was ex- themes are outdated. This is al- EstillCurtisPennington. "ForsakingAllOthers: TheUnfortunate LearnedLadies,grew a beardand ceptionallystrong. AsFran,afoul- most the late 90s, and wehave a MarriageofElvisPresleyandMrs.JeffersonDavis." 8-9:30p.m.in losthis radiance,butfound afocus mouthed militant— lesbian, Sarah wholenew set ofproblems. the Chambers Gallery. Followed by an autograph session with andpersonalitythat filledthevoid. Hankins was"f ing" great. Car- However,theplay contains a Michaeland Lisa Marie(12 andunder only). Lukey jokedhis way through the rieVanDeestplayedLisa,Scoop's great deal that is universal. The script like an adorable puppy, unfortunateandspurnedwife,with script teachesthat"allpeople de- Twenty-one-year-old night. 10:30-midnight in the 900 Room. searchingadmirablyforsomesub- sweet naivete, but with an edge servetofulfilltheirpotential,"and Bring yourcollegeI.D.,driver'slicense, social security card, birth stance;he neverfoundit,although that made you suspect how wise that,as Scoop pointsout,"Weare certificate,and visa. Or, justbring your mother. hecameclose. Hisenergyandhis shereally was. Sarah Zogby was all awaiting the rebirth of won- face were thepillarsofthe"Hello, sexy and idealistic as Denise, al- der." It is Scoop, in fact, who New York"scene. thoughno one could everbelieve discovers whatthis play is really Jennifer Neale, playing ZogbyandVanDeest weresisters. about. At his wedding,he tells Heidi's friend Susan, created the Kay Walraven hammed itup ef- Heidi that whenyouaim for a six mostinterestingfemale character. fectively as Jill, a women's sup- and get a six, you canbe secure. Early intheplay,Susan constantly— port group member, and Valerie By the end of the play, he has JuniorRecital: JonathanPieslak,Bassist. 8-9:30p.m.inHodson talkedaboutchangingthesystem Whitlock brought her nervous changed,as they allhave,and he Hall. sheseemed tomeapotentialrevo- grace to two substantial roles. says, "Ifyouaimfor asixand get lutionary. Yet, she acceptedjobs Another standout wasLauraSeib asix,then that's theball game,so What'sLoveGot to It. Acritically who, Do with acclaimed film about withinthe "malepowerstructure," with her saccharine flirta- youmight aswell'goforaten."By the life of TinaTurner. 9:30-11:30 p.m.inthe 900Room. saying thatonceinside,she would tions and bubbly voice,added to thelookonHeidi s face,youknow changethe system. Shedidnot,of the humor of the "Hello, New she agrees. graspingforgreatness,SteveJames to forget aboutme?'" It is in the reminds us that life,every life,is midstof the everyday dreariness Shafted worthpayingattention to. of two kids, in the place where ■ frompage10 Williamputsit this way:"Ev- failure and hope intersect, that erybodyalways said, 'Don't for- Hoop CROP Lunch. 11 a.m.-2p.m.in the900 Room. Dreamsreveals alittleofthe avoids being preachy or conde- get aboutme when you get to the mystery of what it means to be scending. It is not meant to be a NBA.' said,'ButifIdon't human, of EatingDisordersProgramandDiscussion withMimi Weich. 7- AndI what it means to be socialcritique. The goals makeit totheNBA,areyou 8:30p.m.in 900 of the going remembered. the Room. film are much broader than that. DirectorSteveJamesbreathesnew "Sculptured life into the old "follow your Nails dreams" cliche. Hoop Dreams "French Manicures carriesanunexpectedand univer- &"Sj^nC* sal appeal. 3" 'Pedicures I myself l^Tp LycomingCollegeChoirConcert. 8-9:30 intheDCPCSanctuary. found bothfrustrated andamazedbyWilliamGatesand 'Tanning Booth Arthur Agee. In short, they are human. But Iguess that's why documentaries are not always ar- tisticallypleasing;realpeopledon't alwaysmakesense. Istartedwon- dering what my life would look Cappelia. Presented by the Children's Ballet. 7-9 p.m. inLove TANNING SPECIAL: Auditorium. like ifsomeonemadeadocumen- tary about it. Would people be $33.00 abletositthroughthreehoursofit? 10 visits for Idon'tknow. But by chronicling the lives of two ordinary boys CONNIE AND GINA: Pearl Jam Concert. 10 p.m.-l a.m. in the 900 Room. Call Students Needed! Ticketmasterfor details. Earn up to $2,000+ per month Full Set ofNails for only working for Cruise Ships or Land-Tour companies. World $40.00 (thru Travel (Hawaii, Mexico, the Febuary) Caribbean, etc.). Seasonal and Full-Time employmentavailable. No experiencenecessary. For Located at The Chair Factory Senior Exhibition: GeoffLove. Open weekdays10a.m.-4p.m.and moreinformationcall: 20700N.Main St., weekends2-5 p.m. inEdward M.SmithGallery at theVAC. Cornelius Cruise EmploymentServices (704) 892-7030 (206)634-0468 ext. C53631 Sports MONDAY,FEBRUARY 27,1995 13 Tournament Time, Baby! 9 Women s March Madness hits Wildcats b-ball Davidson men's and women's basketball teams attempt toface and wrestling squad this to string week as allthree compete in tough their Southern Conference together opposition tournaments. Today, The Davidsonian takes a look at 3 wins By MattPitzer what to expect from By MattPitzer SportsEditor Sports each team. Editor The schedule maker The men's basketball was not very nice to the team's search for consis- Davidson women's basket- tency reachesits most criti- ball team. cal stage this weekend as Davidson heads into the Southern Conference tour- nament inAsheville.

Brandon Clarke As if the Wildcats hadn't had enough trouble withotherSouthernConfer- enceteams this season,they had togoupagainst regular Despite Saturday seasonchampionEast Ten- night's 81-76 loss at nessee State Sunday on the Marshall,the Wildcats (13- Wildcats' senior day. 12, 6-7) have practically InKristinSolsrud'slast lockedup the third seed in game at Belk Arena, the theNorthernDivisionofthe Buccaneers beat Davidson, conference.Theycan guar- 89-71. anteethemselvesofthatspot Now,the Wildcats will by beatingFurman tonight, have toface ETSUagainin which is theregular season thefirst roundofthe South- finale and senior night for ern Conference tournament George Spain and Tim WednesdayinJohnsonCity, Caldwell. Tenn. By finishing third, the Sunday, Kristen Wildcats setupa first-round Ferrucci scored 18 points, Brandon Clarke gameagainstWesternCaro- Tonya Sharpe went for 13 their owntoclose within23- linaFriday at 9:30p.m. and Carolyn Kirsch added 22.ButtheBuccaneerscame The Catamounts beat 12points. back to finish the first half Wrestlers look for edge DavidsoninBelkArenaFeb. League-leading ETSU strong and take a 13-point intensity 4, 69-68, as Anquell (18-6,1l-3)gotagame-high leadinto thebreak. Team strives formental McCollum nailed a three- 30 points from DeShawne In the second half, By JohnRoe sity,"coachTomOddosaid. practicehardtogetintopeak point shot with eight sec- Blocker, 16 from Amy Davidson couldn't get any Sports writer JasonDeatonprovided mentaland physical shape. ondsremainingfor the win. Engle, 15 from Justina closer than 11, and ETSU the only highlight of the Mental toughnessis thekey Saturday night, Bran- McClellanand12eachfrom ran awaytothe finalmargin. WiththeSouthernCon- match when he turned his to winning those tough don Williams ledDavidson Sharon Jones and Wendi Thelossendsafrustrat- ference championships fast opponent over with a matches, and the teams against Marshall with 19 Reed. ing regular season for the approaching, the Davidson petersonmove andhungon seems to be regaining their points,Quinn Harwoodhad That loss came on the Wildcats (4-22, 0-14). It wrestling team is trying to for a 5-3 victory. mentalconfidence. IS and Chris Alpert tossed heels ofFriday's tough68- ends aseason thatsaw them find the winningcombina- Theteamdidnothave a "We arepumpedupfor in13.TheWildcats shot60% 65 defeat at home to comeoh-so-closetonabbing tionagain. matchoverthe weekend,so this weekend,"190-pounder fromthe field,including10 Marshall. In that game, a conference win several the much needed rest will BarrettRosesaid,"andwith three-pointers,easilyoneof Kirsch played very well, times intheir first full sea- help the Wildcats prepare a good week of practice,I theirbest shootingnightsof coming up with 20 points sonof conference play. for this weekend's confer- think wecan do very well." theyear. and 20 rebounds, but the Italsoendsaseasonthat ence tournament in Every match will be The number that hurt ThunderingHerd wentona points to the future. While Asheville. tough, so the wrestlers will them,though,was 25— asin 17-2 run toopenthesecond the squad will obviously SaysOddo,"We willbe approacheach match asif it 25 turnovers. Down, the half. missSolsrud nextseason,it able to rest and recuperate weretheirlastoftheseason. stretch,theThunderingHerd Earlier inthe week,the has everyone elsereturning Theteam was wrestling from our injuries and very A large crowd would defi- scored nine straight points Wildcats traveled to Geor- andalso hasanexcellentre- as wellas they hadall year toughschedule." TheWild- nitely help the Wildcats to take control of the game giaSouthernandcamehome cruitingclasscoming in. justacouple weeksago,but cats should have Seth achieve their goals this inthe finalminute. witha 86-68 defeat.Kirsch Rightnow,however,the recently the Wildcats have Herman and Jesse Kenner weekend. That loss followed an againledthesquadwith14. future for Davidson is on suffered a couple losses. back in the lineup,but Ben If you want to go, the equally frustratinglossMon- On Sunday, Davidson Wednesdaynight,when the Coming off losses to Ten- Wall willlikelybeforcedto wrestlingwillbefrom8a.m.- day night at VMI, which shot a solid50.9%, but was team must try to do some- nessee-Chattanooga and sitout once again. 12 p.m.Saturdayand8 a.m.- came just two days after a out-rebounded byeightand thing it failed to —do twice AppalachianState,thesquad The toughest competi- 1p.m. Sunday. Ticketscan brilliant effort at The Cita- committed27 turnovers to already this year knock was stunned by Campbell tion will come from VMI be purchased through the del.Buttheentireseasonfor ETSU's 14. off thepowerfulBuccaneers. last week,43-3. and AppalachianState, but Davidson ticket office or at theWildcatshasbeenmarred ETSUopenedthegame Should theWildcats be able "Although we were the Wildcats hope to chal- the gate. A ticket package, byupsanddowns. Thehigh by jumping out to an early to do that, they wouldad- bangedupandtired,wewere lenge the other teams for including basketball and points have included wins 14-2 lead,but the Wildcats vancetothe semifinalsSat- not mentally prepared and thirdplace. wrestlingpasses,canbepur- responded with a spurt of urdayandSunday. we wrestledwithout inten- Thisweektheteam will chasedas well. See B-ball onpage15 14 THEDAVIDSONIAN Sports MONDAY, FEBRUARY27, 1995 Men's tennis rips W&L Women lose close match to ECU By Scott Tonidandel& more transfer Derek Schulze to andLynneHall wontheirmatches. AshleyManer face off againsthis former team. ECUfought back,however,in the Sports writer Schulze teamed up with junior remaining singlesmatchestoeven Scott Tonidandel for an8-6 win at the scoreat3-3. TheWildcats fell . Despite playing without its thenumberthreedoublesspot,and short in the doubles and ECU two top players, the Davidson he thenproceededtodefeatoneof clinched thematch. men's tennis team routed Wash- his former teammates, 6-4,6-3,at "Even though we lost, Ifelt the numberfour singles spot. everyoneplayedreally well,"se- "It wasstrangetohave toplay nior co-captain Kimberly Nance against many of my old friends," said. "It was a good start for the Schulzesaid,"but it feltgoodtogo season." out there and beatthem 7-0." Saturday,Davidson facedoff Davidson's next match is against twooftheirtoughestoppo- ington&Lee7-0Saturday athome. Tuesday againstPfeiffer at 2p.m. nents of the season, South Caro- SeniorcaptainHoltVaughan at home. lina and College of Charleston. andfreshmanJohnPastelhadtosit Friday, the women's tennis Despite a quickloss tonationally out the match because they had team came up a little short inits ranked USC, the Wildcats fared playedinanextramatchinthefall. first dual match of the season much better against Charleston. Even without them, though, the againstEast Carolina,4-3. Theyplayedtough,but ultimately Wildcats swept all thematches. Davidson jumped out to a fell just shortagain4-2. The match marked the first quick 3-1 leadin the singles after DavidsonnextplaysTuesday Rob Kosicki Nance, opportunity for Davidson sopho- Kimberly Ashley Maner at 2p.m.at Winthrop. Men's tennis shotan aceright through theheartof W&L. Baseball finally steps to plate; loses first four By Bryan Allison tough Wake Forest team, which giving up sevenruns, only three Davidsonmanagedninehits inthe The Wildcats look to get on Sports writer boasts several proprospects. The earned. game,all singles. For the day, track onWednesdayatUNCCina Wildcats lost big, 19-1. Brian Inthesecondgame,Davidson Rhett Ingerick went three for six, makeup game. On Friday, they Afterseveralabortedattempts Pennyprovidedalltheoffense with led2-1untilthebottomofthe sixth and both Gus Quattlebaum and travelbacktoWakeForest,hoping to start their season because of a solo home run. Preparing for when Western Carolina hit two BradEdwards wentthreeforseven to avenge lastpeek's loss. Next inclement weather, the baseball ACC conference play, the Dea- home runs and took a 5-2 lead. ontheday. weekend, Davidsonfaces ASU. team finally began their season cons tossed seven pitchers at lastTuesdayatUNC-Greensboro. Davidson,six of whomthrew the Unfortunately, after four games, ballbetween 88and91M.P.H.. Check out theNew '95Models!!! the Wildcats are still lookingfor "We ranintopossiblythebest their first victory. pitching staffI'veseeninmy five Come See Our NEW Selection ofBoots and Equipment years here," coach Dick Cooke said. "It'sagood test for us. We are unexperiencedat some spots. Some guys are still getting their feet wet." Saturday, Davidson traveled After leading4-1throughsix to Western Carolinafor a double- innings Tuesday, the Spartans headerandweresweptbytheCata- scored sixruns inthe seventh and mounts, 7-0 and 5-2. In the first two intheeighth to win9-4. Chris game,Davidson had 12 hits but Pollard pitchedsix stronginnings, couldnot getarun. WesternCaro- givingupjustonerunonthreehits. lina helpedout theircause out by Defense was abright spotfor the turning threedouble plays. Mark MOUNTAIN Wildcats, as they turned three Reillyled thewayfor the Wildcats HH| doubleplays. JeffAndrews,Mark with four hits in four at-bats. Reilly and Brian Krehmeyer also Davidson committedfour errors, had solidperformances. whichledto three unearnedruns. The following day in Win- JonathanCoulombe took theloss ston-Salem, Davidson ran into a forthe Wildcats,going sevenruns Shops on the Green: Exit 28,Past McDonald's and the Comfort Inn Women's lax takes show on the road By PaolaLeal Sports writer

The women's lacrosse team has begun to reach out into the community tointroduce the sport of StartingMarch lacrosse to localmiddleschool 1st... athletes. Recently, women's coach Nancy Billger and lacrosse team DiningRoom open for lunch. members traveled to Mount Mourne School inMooresvilleto hold clinics for fifth grade physi- cal education classes. 11:30 to 2 p.m. "Formost of theyoung girls, thiswasanewexperience,"Billger said. "They learned basic skills " like catching and throwing while /ffCIILEKISTRA8|\ DRIVE THRUWINDOW NOW interaction with Davidson play- c OPENFOR :30-4pm ers." Vl ~Jtt&,M,~ fJ LUNCH.11 The women'steam willopen ' its spring season Mar. 4-5 at the CALLINYOUR ORDER: William&Mary tournament. Liverpool Parkway across from Movies atthe Lake. 896-9980 THEDAVIDSONIAN Sports MONDAY, FEBRUARY27, 1995 15 Track trips at tourney By Mary-Elise Brumfield senior captains Erik McMichael sophomore jumper and sprinter Sports writer and JoeBeach, whoareboth dis- Lara Burkholder, senior distance tancerunners. runner Carolyn Meadows and The men's and women's in- Other teammembersinclude Sims. doortrack teams cameback from sophomore distancerunner Dave Both themen'sand women's theSouthern Conference champi- Foss, hurdler IvarKiigemagi and teams practice six days a week, onships at East Tennessee State Cookson. andManson agrees Andrew this with weekendwithfinishesofeighth Says Andrew, "Wehad a lot that the hardworkis payingoff. places, and seventh respectively. ofgoodperformancesonthemen's In regards to the last Sophomore Venessa Sims team[thisweekend],andI'mlook- weekend's results,Manson says, placedfifthin for thehighjump the ing forward to improving during "The teamsranreally well...We women's team,and freshmanJosh the outdoorseason." hadalotofpersonalrecords. The Cookson seventh, .. took overall,for The women'ssquadis ledby teams are small, but everyone is themen's5000-meter run. juniorcaptainMarieGrisez,also a doingagoodjobandrunninghard." AppalachianState ran away distance runner,andiscoached by Mosesisalso veryenthusias- title, withthemen's while thehost BethManson.Therest ofthe team tic aboutthe team'soverallperfor- Buccaneers nabbed the women's includes freshman distancerunner mances. She says, "We have a crown. JessicaRoy,hurdlerJaimeMoore, wonderfulteamcaptainwhokeeps Davidson's men's team, sophomore distance runners usallinline,and"everyoneis work- coachedbyGary Andrew,isledby StephanieMoses andErin Roach, ins reallv hard On acoldafternoon,atrack star practices hurdling. RobKosicki B-ball frompage13 overUNCC,East TennesseeState on the road, a shellacking of Marshallathome y and TheCitadel ■ Ia p-i a ■ ■ 1 M n tm. /■ ■ game. M !■ I I !». IllHB^B !■ ■ / The lower points, however, ■ —J^^— haveincluded a24-point defeat at the hands of UNCC and losses to Furman, Georgia Southern and VMI. 11 lI1 II 11I fll -iL.^1 ■/ "Obviously ifIhadmyfinger on theanswer,Iwouldhavepulled thatlever along timeago,"coach BobMcKillopsaid. "Thesandsof time aresuchthat this willserveas dramaticawake-upcallas wecould have." Coaches and players have talkeda lotthisseasonabout con- fidenceandaboutreachingjustthe right level of it to find success. Obviously,thatwillbeahugefac- torgoinginto the tournament. With it, the Wildcats could easilyrunthroughthe threegames andlock up theautomatic berthin theNCAA tournament thatcomes with winning the championship. Without that confidence,though, the Wildcats stay could easily be muchshorter. After Saturday's toughloss, the Wildcats willtry to avengethe earlier loss to the Paladins and createthatconfidence andmomen- tum tocarry into the weekend. "If you look at our season," McKillop said,"it'sjustthe subtle things that have differentiated us from lastyear. When welose,its justalittle thinghere,a littlething there that are making the differ- <: ence." Bff H0^^l^ ''^^B Lastyear,ofcourse,theWild- catswon12oftheirlast 13regular seasongames, sweptintothe tour- nament final andcame withinone pointofreachingtheNCAAs.They Bj then received anNIT bid,before «l-MN^HHSSiSB^ H Ji losing to West Virginia. Thisseason,they'vestumbled and staggered toward the end of theyear,withthe bigJanuary win over Marshall followed by three straight losses, then an exciting last-second win against Appala- chian State. A week later, it was thebig winoverTheCitadelcom- ingjustbefore losses to VMIand Marshall. We've been just aplay ortwoawayallseason,"McKillop said. "We are that close. We've had some good spurts where we lookedlikeouroldselves...These are matureguys.Iexpectthem to respond withconfidence." ' .;■.;.'..;.;.;.:■;■;.;.:■:.;.;.;.;.; .:■;.;.;■:■:■; i --1-'- '' ' '- *''' 1vvyvfl^^^; -^"^^^^^^^-:-: ]^^| HB'' ■ '■■ :^h0Ht '"■'SIB^^K-^F ''■'"'"''■\

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Monday, February 27,1995 Davidson vs. Tip-off at 7:30 Furman Be sure to bring your Frequent Fan Plan Cards!!!!