Zht A L E N D ABatribsomanLUX UBI ORTA LIBERTAS VOLUME LXXXVI MONDAY, 27, FEBRUARY 1995 NUMBER 20 Physical Plant lays off employees Due to financialinsecurities, Bob revamps operation ~ Collins '" D.. T... Y . » By JayJennings A PhysicalPlant workerwho anexampleof"bettermanagement proximately 80people before the were placed elsewhere, and one Staffwriter was notlaidoff and would speak andbetteruseoftuitionbecauseof cuts andchanges weremade. Ac- positionleftbecause of "sunset," only under the condition of ano- theincreasedefficiency."Thefac- cording to whichmeansthat theworkerknew Physical nymity interprets The Plant laid off the "reasoning torsconsidered forretention were Collins, six BpH9K] theposition was temporary. workers Fridays behind [the theory skills, two ago,sparking of] layoffs to seniority,dependability,and positions Andy Brantley, the Director controversy about the operations increase fear toincrease output." potential tomeetchanges. Collins were elimi- of Human Resources, says of also says the the department. Bob Collins, The worker suggested that that most of the people who nated, two "PhysicalPlant iscurrentlyreview- the "mismanagement"ledto Directorof PhysicalPlant,made thepeople lost their jobshad been hired re- people left ingallofitsfunctions tofind the being (aid ways changesinaneffort tomakethe off. cently and thus didnot have se- because of to conserve energy, bring more Physical Plant a more efficient Collins disputes thechargeof niority with thecollege. attrition, two operation. mismanagement andbelieves itis The Physical Plant had ap- positions BobCollins See Layoff onpage5 Dean of Are students satisfied with the Court? By Mary ClareJalonick Faculty NewsEditor campus,and Kappa Sigdropped theircharter. KA,SAE, andPhi Delt Lastyearseveral studentsat- remained strong fraternities warns of oncampus. temptedtobeginamovement for Additionalco-edeat- ing a co-ed eating house. The idea houseswereFannieandMabel (named the budget hardly even got off the ground, after cooks),Random House, (for and students rejected a co-edal- PAX "give peace a chance"), ternativeforthefamiliarityoftheir and Emanon ("no cuts individual houses. This year name" spelledbackwards). Rusk,the change wasrejectedagainwhena first women's eat- By ing house, in Matthew Eirich group visited campus to inform was formed 1977. As the 80sbegan,studentsbegan AssistantNewsEditor female students about thepossi- On January 31, to tend towardsingle-sex estab- Dean ofFac- bility offorming sororities. ulty RobertWilUam.teMam.mo to an faculty memoers aboutpos- Why isthis?Thecharacterof charter, as didKagpaSigin 1986 sible budget cuts inacademic ar- PattersonCourthaschangedsince when a group of freshmen de- eas for nextyear. memo MusicDepartmentChairWilliam cided they wanted a new option the The Lawing wasa student.In thelast ontheCourt. cited "insufficient funds" as the causefor thepossiblecuts. 20years,PattersonCourthasseen In1992,Connorwasformed No finaldecisionshave been constantchange thatcanbeen at- after Spencerclosed. Sincethen, made about which cuts will be tributed tomore than just the in- little hashappenedtofundamen- made, the troduction of women into the tallychange the Court. "When but Williams described proposedcuts to as Davidson socialscene. weareinmoreconservativeperi- be "minimal." Such cutsmay include reductions Lawingfeelsthatstudentsto- ods fraternities seem tobe more faculty budgets day tendtobemore satisfied with embraced," says Lawing, "In in travel and the " eliminationofdepartmental travel the statusquo. Inaddition to this >--~r* 3_ - - someperiods [the I ... -w—^31 of time "selec- andlecture budgets. conservativenature,he also sees ,_„._,.,. „ ,._ „ , Brandon Clarke tivity"] is more condoned. The TwoSigEp brothersgazeat collegelifefrom above. By comparison,other institu- anequilibriumbetweenthemen's system has evolved at different tionssimilartoDavidsonhavehad and women'shouses that seems pledged. Lawing says, "Fraterni- suddenly on the scene, the Court periodsof time and has found a to make cuts described by Will- tobenefit mosteveryone. ties wereanecessity. Ifyou were wentfrom all-malehouses topre- different way to work with each iamsinthememo as"Draconian." Hesays,"Thatpendulumthat independent,thenyou werereally dominantly co-edhouses. Twelve class." These severe cuts include salary Ihave seenswing backand forth alone.Ina sense there was really fraternities (our current seven in So what does this mean for freezesorreductionsandtheelimi- seems to besettling, and Ithink noquestion ifIwould pledge." toSigma Chi, BetaTheta Will ourchildren see the addition 1995? nationofteachingpositionsorde- that'shealthy.Iwas [astudent at The college went to a self- Pi,Pi Kappa Phi, Sigma Nu, and samePattersonCourt that wedo? partments. Davidson]inaveryliberaltime." selection policy in 1970, when a AlphaTauOmega) three, Patterson became President of Court Williams says the school has When Lawing was a fresh- group of independents made a andsevennewhouseswere formed. "no intention of eliminating any man, theCourthad twelvefrater- strong pitch not to pledge. ATO and PiKA became co- See Party onpage4 department Otheracademicin- nities, and over 90% of men Throughoutthe70's, with women ed, FIJI and Sig Ep moved off- ... stitutionshave actuallyhad tode- crease salaries and close depart- ments and positions. We don't Experiential Programs to move have todothat." By RussTarver Why the change? twoentities. If youlook atother with Wood's replacement. "The Williams says that the AssociateEditor Director of Career Services schools, allof the servicesare to- job willbefilledbyapersonwith faculty's common budget crunch Carol Jordan explains the move: gether." a master's degree and over five is caused by animbalance in the Inaneffort toenhancecareer "SeveralyearsagoDeanWillTerry However, some worry that years of experienceand who has distributionofthe college'soper- services atDavidson,Experiential decided,at Ken Wood's request, under thisnew arrangement,non- had directexperiencein a liberal atingexpenses. Williams stresses Progamswillmovefromthebase- to split internships and summer career oriented ExperientialPro- arts setting, some very strong that "Davidson is in good shape financially" but its mentof the Union to the current jobsintoone entity and thenhave grams couldbe neglected. knowledge of experiential pro- allocation of Career Services office on Main career placement and planning in Could experiential gramsand placement, and thepo- funds to various areas of the col- Street. Anindividual willbehired anotherentity.Weshiftedstudents learningbeneglected? sitionwillbe acolleagueforme.It legeneedstobereconsidered. For instance, toreplace current director of Ex- back and forth. When Ken de- Jordan says she will divide willnotbe someonewithlessex- whilethe faculty'ssalary perientialPrograms Ken Wood, cided he wouldretire, thecollege hercurrentresponsibilitiesplusthe who will retireinMay. lookedtosee what todo with the handlingofExperientialPrograms See Career onpage 3 See Budget onpage3 Smokin' Bill Sexual overdose Oleanna Tourney time ThisWeek ChristinaRobertsmeditateson George Weldreviewsthe Women's andmen's donates marrow the broader issues raised by performanceofMamet's basketballand wrestlinghead First Class Mail SGA President'sbonemarrow Oleanna. play. to the Southern Conference U.S.PostagePaid will save a43-year-old'slife. tournaments. Permit#1 Opinions living Sports Davidson,NC28036 News 2 8 Arts & 10 13 2 THEDAVIDSONIAN NEWS MONDAY, FEBRUARY27, 1995 'esi. 4 Lightingto brighten nightlife r t Commons, Belk, Richardson, laundry walkwaysare toppriority By Patricia Evans side of Richardson "Dormitory, process,Puckettisputtingtogether Staff writer along with the entire quadrangle a masterlist ofall areasand pos- - markedby Belk, the laundry,the sible lighting options and costs; BaiiinnlliufiM^ On Feburary 13, Director of Commons, and Richardson. Sec- the list shouldbecompleteby the .herewillI |Ufe Public Safety and Police Ray ond priority is lighting the path week of February 27. he moreI ■■I Thrower, Supervisorof Electrical from Duke Dormitory to the li- In compilingthe list, he has oftheseI ■--|4^|| Maintenance Mack Puckett, and brary. Thethirdareaofimmediate had toexaminebuilding tops and oncampus.I Director of Physical Plant Bob concernis the lightingin front of sidewalks. The next step is to Collins, alongwithSGA Senators Chambers. submitaworkordertoBobCollins Jonathan Orr, BJ Rudell, and Other areasof concern,inor- and the Physical Plant who will Lucian Dervan, spent two hours derof priority, are lighting onthe takeoverinstallationand mainte- walkingaroundtheDavidsoncam- Belk side of Chambers, the long nance of the newlights. Dervan pus in search of dark, potentially sidewalk fromChambers toMain stressesthatthelights willallgoup dangerous areas with little or no StreetpassingDCPC, the area in oneat atimeinorderofimmediate lighting. Thisreviewhasoccurred front of theUnion,Martin Chem- concern. in response to numerous student istryBuilding,betweenPhiandEu Thrower has highhopes for complaints aboutpoorlighting on Halls, andthenew parkinglotbe- the lighting: "I'm excited. Each campus. Thegrouplookedatareas sidebehindtheSeniorApartments. year weupgradecampus lighting. that hadpreviously neededimme- Thegroupalsoconsideredmoving Thisyearis justanotheryearwhen diate action. the light at the library's loading we're looking at students' con- group that toa more spot. actingon The decided first dock useful cerns and thoseconcerns CaseyRogers I priority
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