July 1920) James Francis Cooke

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July 1920) James Francis Cooke Gardner-Webb University Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 John R. Dover Memorial Library 7-1-1920 Volume 38, Number 07 (July 1920) James Francis Cooke Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude Part of the Composition Commons, Ethnomusicology Commons, Fine Arts Commons, History Commons, Liturgy and Worship Commons, Music Education Commons, Musicology Commons, Music Pedagogy Commons, Music Performance Commons, Music Practice Commons, and the Music Theory Commons Recommended Citation Cooke, James Francis. "Volume 38, Number 07 (July 1920)." , (1920). https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude/670 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the John R. Dover Memorial Library at Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE ETUDE PRICE 25 CENTS JULY 1920 $2.00 A YEAR <• h JULY 1920 Page 488 THE ETUDE IN THE COUNTRY, AT THE SHORE MUSICAL AMERICA —GROVE’S-i The Best Plantation The leading International Musical This Summer Song Written in Years I Weekly Newspaper Devoted to the Musical activities of the world. DICTIONARY Profusely Illustrated OF Ol’ Car’lina Subscription Price; for One Year: Music Lovers Will Find One or WORDS AND MUSIC BY Domestic . $3.00 James Francis Cooke Canada . 4.00 More of These Books an Enjoyable MUSIC Price, 6oce Foreign . 5.00 AND A , Chorus-s/oicer and Profitable Companion Tte MUSIC TRADES MUSICIANS The Leading Weekly Paper devoted to every branch of the Musical In¬ FIVE LARGE VOLUMES dustries. Contains all the News. Low Cash Prices are Quoted and Since the BOUND IN RED CLOTH AND Is Constructive and Educational. Books will be Sent Postpaid the Cost is STAMPED IN GOLD : : : A BEAUTIFUL SONG Profusely Illustrated ^ in a Beautiful Edi¬ Further Lowered on this Cash Offer There are 4,000 pages and over tion. The title page pre¬ “musical INSTRUMENTS 5,000,000 words from great USE THE ORDER BLANK ON PAGE 433 Subscription Price; for One Year: authorities upon all phases of sents an excellent four- musical learning. The books color portrait of Domestic . $3.00 are liberall y illustrated with Theodore Presser Co. Canada . 4.00 Great Piantsts on Piano Playing Mme.Amelita Galli-Curci Foreign . 5.00 By James Francis Cooke Price, $2.25 cuts, half-tones and notation 1710-1712-1714 Chestnut Street Summer Cash Price, $1.£0 Postpaid examples. Thousands of subjects ■jo whom the song is dedicated. PHILADELPHIA, PA. are discussed: Biography, His¬ THE tory, Musical Science, Theory, Musical Industries, Instrumenta¬ Purchaser’s Guide tion, Aesthetics, Musical Terms, etc., etc. The work is the most, LMusic Industries notable musical compendium in (INCORPORATING THE PIANO AND any language. ORGAN PURCHASER’S GUIDE) Have these splendid musical For 1920 books in your own home. What The Twenty-fourth Annual Edition the Encyclopedia Britannica is Now Ready. Contains complete to General Information the authenic list and grading of Pianos Grove Dictionary is to Music. At the age of thirty-two Carrie read and one which will prove and Organs manufactured in the United States. Also some account There is no better Musical Refer¬ Jacobs Bond turned her atten¬ of immense encourage¬ ence Library at any price in any of the leading Phonograph and tion to music seriously for the ment to thousands of people Talking Machine Manufacturers, language. Unabridged inany way. who are beginning their fight Music Roll Makers, Supply Houses first time. The Early Editions Sold For $25.00 & Musical Merchandise Concerns. Becoming a widow, with a for success later in life. We mention this particular Price 25 cents per copy The Price of this $ *| -7.^0 son to bring up she found her¬ Invaluable to the Dealer in Protect in, Standard Latest Edition is * • self in Chicago with the grim article but it is only one of Make, oi Pianos and Plajera in Competition. certainty that her only assets several of the kind that fairly -Special Offers. Notwithstanding the low price were her artistic abilities and compel the reader to do more made for cash we accept orders subject and better work by both inspir¬ to part payments. Write for terms. a certain gift for making mel¬ TRADES end one copy of the 1920 ing him and instructing him lesue of THE PURCHASER’S GUIDE $C.OO The set is also given as a premium odies that everybody seemed TO THE MUSIC INDUSTRIES » through the experiences of for obtaining subscriptions to The to love. How she attained success others who have really suc¬ THE MUSICAL AMERICA CO. THE MUSIC TRADES CO. REMEMBER ceeded. will be told for the first time in 501 Fifth Avenue. New York THE HOUSE OF THEO. PRESSER CO. Mrs. Bond’s own words in the THE ETUDE for the next six STANDS BEHIND THIS TRANSACTION September issue of The Etude. months will be exceptionally Pack One of These Reasonably Priced Albums in Your Bag SEND YOUR ORDER TO It is one of the most stim¬ fine. Kindly tell your mu¬ NO TEACHER SSSE&fSSSS desired without first writing our Serv ice Department. THEO. PRESSER CO. ulating articles we have ever sical friends. THEO. PRESSER CO., Philadelphia, Pa. Sole Agents PHILADELPHIA, PENNA. Singers ! Why Not Enjoy At No Expense pleasur able moments playing and singing specimens of new songs that are shown on our Thematic Give Your Pupils-* Vocal Circulars? Send for them. THEODORE PRESSER CO., Philadelphia, Pa. Special Three Months’ Summer Subscriptions . *-To The Etude Keep pupils’ interest alive during the Summer, overcome their THEODORE PRESSER CO. ORDER BLANK 1710-1712-1714 Chestnut St., Hula.. Pa. I-^ Stamps 1 tendency to consider their musical studies completed with the Spring recital, awaken their interest at a time when you are not in cbsetouchw'th GeEnclosed you will find $_LMoney Order] wrs|S|k,"r..,rtie them, bridge over the vacation interval, by having each pupil take advantage of for which send me POSTPAID AT SUMMER CASH PRICES _oweili uar;e#VaH: selected' eons* that are suitable *?nr The Etude Special Summer Offer Sappellnikoff, Debussy and others are recital, concert or vocal diversion, Waclis, Dubois. Egselinsr. Fontaine, among- the latter. Lovers of good THREE ISSUES FOR 40 CENTS Gottschalk, Poldini, Peabodv, Huerter, nusic should h most of them in medium voice. There r etc., are included in this album. ' excellent com- have also been included eight sacred $2.00 WILL SUPPLY 5 PUPILS numbers of special merit. In the three copies sent them, pupils will get at least fifty pleasing and instructive pieces of music, as well as many interesting articles by leading musicians and teachers USE THE ORDER BLAHK F0R TH,S I THEODORE PRESSER CO. I CSE THE ORDER BLANK I | 1710-1712-1714 CHESTNUT ST. Thousands of teachers donate a three months’ subscription to each student, PHILADELPHIA, PA. thus showing their interest in the pupil and more readily gaming the attention of the parents at the beginning of the new season. It is an excellent business investment. The Etude, "““WHSS? “ Philadelphia. Pa. THE ETUDE Page IjSJf JULY 1920 Worth While Works Preparation For Use In Summer is A Music Classes SUCCESSFUL FIRST INSTRUCTION BOOKS Strong INSURING INTEREST AND THOROUGHNESS Beginner’s Book Support SCHOOL OF THE PIANOFORTE—VOL. ONE By Theo. Presser, Price, $1.00 This elementary piano instructor has had an unprecedented success, being welcomed by teachers everywhere as just the thing for the young beginner; the next thing to a kindergarten method. The publishers know TO A SUCCESSFUL and SAT¬ of no elementary instructor used more extensively. The rudiments of music, notation and elementary work are thoroughly covered in a most delightful manner. The first grade of study up to, but not including, the ISFACTORY OPENING of scales, is the scope of this work. NEXT TEACHING SEASON Student’s Book SCHOOL OF THE PIANOFORTE—VOL. TWO By Theo. Presser, Price, $1.00 Intended to follow The Beginner’s Book or any other first instructor, this volume has met with a flattering reception. It bridges the gap between the instruction book and the graded course or the conventional series of A Most Vital Point studies and exercises, including four sharps and are given. in Preparing is to A PIANO COURSE OFFERING MATERIAL FOR CLASSES OF EVERY GRADE Order Teaching The Standard Graded Course of Studies Material Early FOR THE PIANOFORTE TEN GRADES—Price, $1.00 each—TEN VOLUMES Abundant Reasons and Convincing Argu¬ By W. S. B. Mathews ments can be Advanced in Favor of this The Standard Graded Course is to Music like a keel to a ship. With this carefully selected “keel” all other material may be added as needed and the whole musical training will be well balanced and progressive. The ORDER EARLY PLAN course comes in ten grades—one dollar for each grade. With special work during the summer the student should be able to master an entire grade in But the thinking teacher has long realized two months; the wisdom of ordering next season’s sup¬ plies well in advance, and therefore to most A HARMONY CLASS APPEALS WHEN A teachers nothing more than a reminder is CLEAR, CONCISE BOOK IS USED \ necessary at this time. Harmony Book for Beginners DRIEFL Y, the plan Is to book "On Sale’’ orders durian the early summer months subject to delivery on or before a date By Preston Ware Orem, Price, $1.25 QUICKEST MAIL ■specified by the teacher. Orders received up to August First are Lays a strong foundation for future musicianship by giving the main ORDER MUSIC -»shined■>-■-> _i-I____m.,-- prepaid to central distributing points and from there forwarded small expense to the several essentials of the subject in such simple, understandable and interesting man¬ SUPPLY HOUSE consignees.
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