Publidlled under the authorliy of Hie E~rellencythe Governor of East Afii~3r

[Vol XXII-No 7071 NAIROBI, April 23, 1920 [PRICE25 CENTS] Registered as a Newspaper at the G P 0 Publ~shedevery Wednesday



F'roclamation No 41-The Customs Amendment Ot dinance, 1915 433

9, 9) 42-45-The Diseases of Anlmals Ord~nances,1906 Gl oyt Notices Nos 144-Courts Ordlnance, 1907-Rules

>t H J, 145-In the matter of the Trading with the Enemv Ordinance, 1915 - Order 534

YY 2, 9) 146-The Justices of the Peace Ord~nance,1610-Appointment 435

y, j; 21 147-Under Section 13 of the ilquor Ordinance 1909-Appo~ntments 435

9, 99 79 148-Legislatl~e Councll-Notice re 435

3, J, J) 149-Vice-Cousul fol United States of America at Nairobl-Recogn~tion of Mr Oscar Thomason 435

99 9J 9 9 151-The Leg~slativeConncil Ordinance, 1919-Not~ce 436-437

>J 9, Y) 152-The Legislative Council Ordinance, 1919-Appointments 437

G~hn Notlces Nos 431-451-M~scellanoous Notaces .. ..437-446 432 TH E OFFIOIA L G A ZETTE Aptll 28, 1920

H akes of S ab-cr/p tfon t.o f# o fffcfa/ G azeffe.'' R s Cts For one year 12 50 ;# s1x rnonths - 6 50 ## three months (excludlng postage) 3 25 #; three ,, jncltld.lng ,, 3 75 Smgle copy (excluthng postage) 0 25 ;> JJ (lncluchng ,, ) 0 30 R s C#s Prlce of one copy betw een 1 and 3 m onths oltl 0 30 do d.o 3 and. 6 tlo 0 50 do do 6 m onths and. 1 year old 1 00 do do 1 and. 2 years 01(i 1 50 (lo over 2 years old 2 00

lLs Cts Pmce of a bountl V olum e of .. Oë clal Gazette '' p a 12 50 do do Blae Book p a 10 00 do do Orchnances and R egulatlons 7 50 do Ozdm ances (per copy) 1 50 do Izlsertlon zn frofliclal Gazette '' (collzmn) 16 00 do (lo do (half column) 8 00 (lo do (lo (quartez column or less) 4 00 d.o Chronologlcal Index (1876-1910) 5 00 do Cezlsus Return 1 50 Cotle of R egulatlons . 3 50 Labour Com m lsmon R eport 7 50 D utxes Fees and Taxes Book 3 50 V atter for pabhcatlon shotzld reach tile Eklltor aot later thaa 3 o'ctock on M onday afternoon ln each w eek

N O T IC E .

CO PIES of O ldauances arlcl Ragalatzoas, V oltzme X X , 1018, cart be obtalne: frorn the Government Press --prlce 7/50 per copy

D E M A R Y U R E N.

N am e R ank O n leave or term lnatlon D 'kte of D epartrm 'e of appolntm ent J I

J' Lltzûsay Allan R eglstlar of D ocum ents Lea: e A prll 12th, 1920



x qtocLztMATlllx N o 11 (c) That the expoltatzon of the followlng artlcles be plohlbltecl to R ussla, G errnany Q'H E CU STOM S A M E N D AIE N T OL D IN AN CE , , Auqtma, H un- 1915 gary, B ulgalla antl - PltoccxMzu lozz A ncrafb of al1 km cls ancl thelr com ponent pa/ s and aceessozzes 'W H E R E A S lt ls expedaent that the Ploslam atxons urder the Custom s Am enclm en.t Oldlnance, 1915, G lven untlel m x hancl at N azlobz thls 27th claly prohlbltzng the exportatlon of ce' taln altlcles thereln of A plzl, 1920 z'eielled to tzom tlxe Ploteetozate to cettam oz a11 C C B O W R IN G , d6 stlnat'ons should 13e consolltlatecl AA tth am encï- m ents and. addltlons and that sueh Pzoclam atlons A citltg Gor6orKoz slnould be levol-ecl N ow therefole ln exelelse of 'rhe pou els conferrecl G OD SAV E TH E K IN G upon rne b) the Custom s Am endm ent Ozdm ance, 1.915, 1 Challes Cal: elt B ow llng, K nlgllt Com - m andel of the M ost E xcelient Oldel of the B lltlsh Pltocla-u ztTlox N o E l-nplze, Com pam on of the Albst D lstlnguashed Older of Sam t Allehael ancl Sam t G eolge, A ctm g G ovelnor TH E D ISE A SE S OF A N IAIAL S of the E ast Af3 lea Ploteetolate, heleby (leelale - OR D IN AN CE , 1906 1 That the expozvatzon of the altleles m entlonecl m the sehetlule anuexecl heleto to the destlnatlons P aOCLAM XTION znentloned be plohlblted 2 That pow el be and ls hereby reserved to the IN E X E R CISE of the poM els thereunto enabllng G ovelnol to pelm lt b'y llcenee the expoltatlon of any m e I heleby declare the follov m g Falm s ln the aztzcle or slass ol artxcles the expolfataon of sNhlch zs heleby prohlblted ol lestlleted N alvasha Plovlnce to be m fected Contaglous B ovlne Pleulo pneum onla aleas lol the purposes of the 3 That the follov 1ng Ploclam at'ons be revoked aloreqald Oldxnanee O fkczal G'azette, ' ' 1919, page 80.5- The Pro- clam atlon clated the 29th day of O ctobel , 1919, F alm N o 740, M z J'oubelt, R um urutl D lstllci Proclam atlon N o 118) F arm N o 987, M essls M ltten R oberts, ' 'O lEclal G azette, ' ' 1919, page 850- The Pro- N goblt R lvel , L alklpla clam at-ion dated the 7th daz of Novem bel , 1919, (Plocalamatzon No 120) F alm N o 5:5, A1l TT 1-1E D ugm ole, R um ulutz D lstllct Offlelal G azette, ' 1920, page 265- The Pzo- clam atlon datecl the 16th (lay of M alch, 1920, F arm N o 768, M agor E G l1ehr1st, R um urutz (Proelamailon No 25) . D lstzlet

SCH E D UL E L old D elam ere s F alm , N clalagua, R um urutl D lstzlct (# That the exportatlon of the followzng altlcles bdx plohlbltecl to all destlnatlons - G lven unclez m z hantl at N allobl thzs 16th (lay G old and sllvel com s of al1 denom lnatlons and. of A pzzl, 1920 gold and. sllvel bulllon , W K E N N E D Y ,

N otes ol the denom lnatlon ol one lupee lssaed w'lcfîng Cluef F6foktzrc/p O//ic6? by the G oveznm ent ol Izldza under the authozlty of the Tnclla Papez Cullency (Am entlm ent) Act, 1917 PRocLAM.â.llox N o 43 R tce ancl ilce floul ancl arkcles nàlxtures and. preparatlons contalnm g llce ol rlce floul TH E D ISE A SE S OF AN TM AL S Sugal , cane ancl beet, and. artlcples, m lxtures O IRD IN A N CE , 1906 and. plepazatlozls eontazn'ng sugal , cane antl beet Av/heat, q hepr flotzl aod A& heat m eal P ltclcru .v-I kTION (B) That the expoltaflon oi the follou mg altleles be prohiblted to a11 poztq and deqtznatkons othez than IN E X E R CïSE of the pon els thelounfo enabllrg ptnrfs 'and t'lestlnaflfans kz'l tne U ialf ed K m gdom azlcl m e 1 helebs t'teelale that tllat pozflon of Proclam a- 1z) B lztlell P oseesslenq ancl Pzotectolates tlon N o 31 dptecl tlle 19th day oi Afalch, 1020 Am m um tnon , zelatlng to Falm s Nos .5t,(4, 567, Jt$8 and JS8, B utter , R unluzutl D lstzlct, be 1eN olzed Cocalne , G n en undm m y hancl at N aplobl tlzls 16th day E xploqlves othel flïan lndustrlal exploslveq of Aplll, 1920 F 'realm s , V K E N N I?! 13 5 Oplum , Acilng (3/?/6j Veteîtnaky O#za/ r 4J4 T11E OFFTOTA L GA ZE TTE .A.!?; 11 2(h, 1 920

z'socc-u fwvxox x (' 44 5 Tbeze shail be pazable io the Provznczal com - nussloner ol D lstlqct Uom m lssloner ss the case m ay TH E D TSEA SE S OF A N IM AT.S be m lespeet of evelv sum m ons lssued undel these ORD TN AN CE , 1906 R ules such feeg as w1ll covel the eoqt of servlce but PRocr not less than Rs 2/- u &M ATION IN E X E R CISE of the poM ers theleunto enabllng B x com m anfl of H ls E xeellency the A etm g m e I heleby declare the Iollowlng F arm ln the G ovelnol N azvashs Provm ce ttl be an m lected Contaglous N alrobz, B ow ne Pleulo-pneum onla srea fol the purposes of The 22z1(1 daj, oi A plll , 1920 the aforesad Olthnance F alm N o 518, M l W J D aw son, N akuru W J' M ON SON , Glven under m y hancl at N alrobl thls 16th day Acttng &/u6/ Seeretaîy of A prl l , 1920 - -- W K ENNED Y , G ovsnwlu xl N oTlcl N o 143

zzlcfmg Ch%ej Fcf6?m tz'p ofllcer lx l .lyyuTyr wéx ryrps s oya A/ll.x K LE IN ,

; C ROCL YMATION X O zl 1 AXD IN f HE M XTTER OF TITE TRADING W ITH THE E NEMY TH E D ISE A SE S OF A N IM AL S (luolx txf - u, 1915, kxo osa Tuis Osm xaxccs O RD IN A N CE , 1906 xuExplzsG THh s u tyi Axo TI,IE E xEwly P ltopyzrta?v tDlsloosaLl Oaolxxxcs, 1917 PROCLAM t'rloN O ao x R IN E x E lRclsE of the pow ers theleunto enabllng w y -lygs ynx s bz oldel dated the 7th clay of A ugust, m e I hereby declare the Iollow lng F alm ln the 1919 , the G ovelnol ln exerm se of the pov ers con- N alvasha Provm ce io be an lnfeetetl Y'oot and. M outh femecl upon tile G overnor by the Tradlng wlth the D lseaqe alea 1ol the purposes of the aforesaltl flnen'ly Oldlnance, 1915, afld a11 Oldanances am end- nlg the sanle and. bz Section 3 ot the E nem y P1O-

Ordm anee perty tlhsposal) Ozdauanee, 1917, and. al1 othel F alnà N o 470 A1l E am es Sola', N akulu pOM esco tlieleunto enqbl ng (11c1 appom t FRvxcls D , A/ Arulxrrlxs H ooGsox E sotètup:, to be llqulclator of the lstrlei t) ot the abo, : e uslnesses - nam ed M xx K LEIN at M om - basa and at all otllel plaees m the E ast Afrlca Glven llntlel n'lp hand at N allobl thls 19th clay w otectolate and (11d . thelebs order lhat all the ob A pll) , 1920 lm m ovable ploperfy belonglng to ol vested ln the

W K E N N E D Y , abope nam ed AIANX K ralzx , sublec,t to anp subslqtm g -4 cJkng Chtef V8f8? 'K'J? !/ O//lC6l livhiv 0f 55 25 01 apparent egqel-flerlts affeclmg the qAm e but othelu lse llee jaol'za encum blanees be and the Gam e theleb'k 4: eie '$ ested ln the qalcl llquldatol F xztxczs V zkrulxrrlxpl H ooosox G OA-ERNMENT N OII(?E x o 144 And. :4 heleas Iol the pulpose of com pletlng the llquldatlon of the sald buslnesses of the above- (IO TJR TS OR D IN A N CE , 1907 nam ed AfAx K LEIN a: M om baea and at a1l other

places ln fhe E acgt A frlea Plotectolate belng and. l'tczzEs rem alnzng unsolcl at ihe date of thls order lt ls neeessalv to appolnt H owsmru PzcxM oAo, E souzR>1, IN B X E IICISE of the pow ers eonferlecl upon hlm to be ltquldatoz of the saltl buslneqses 'vzce F RAxcls

by Set-tzon 10 of the Courts Ordm ance 1907, H is Ara xxw xs H cm osox, E stw znE, and to vest the Excellency the A ctlng G ovetnqr has been please; to lm m o: able propelty bem g an4 lem am lng unsold at m ake the folloM 1ng R ules -- the clate of thzs orcler ln the saltl H bw lrwTu Pzcxq oAo , 1 These R ules m ay be clied as . . T ja e x au ve E SQUIRE, 11008 ihe saltl FRANC'IR V NLENTINE H ODGSON, Tzlbunal Rules ' ' tl hall be leatl togethel X SQYTIPE , 1920, an s w lth the N atsve Tllbunal R ules, 1913, and. al1 X OW therefole 1, Ohalles C RlA elt B ow llng, K m gllb am endm ents thezeof Oom rflanclel of the Alost E xcellent Oldel of the B rltzsh E m pu e, Com panlon of the M ost D lstm - 2 'W henevel a N atlve Tmbunal shall satlsiy a gulshetl Ozdel of Salnt M lc tlael and . Salnt G eolge, Pzopm elal Com m lsslonel , ol D lstllct Com m lssloner yketm g G overnol of the E Rst A b ,c a Plotectoraie, ln that the attlndanee oi any natlve belore a Naflve exezclse of the afolesald pou e) s confelled upon the

Trabuzzal lzawng zulisdlctlon oxez such natl: e ls (lovelnol do 'lAeleb'y appolnt the Raltl H owEruyu zequlled and. that the natlve ls leslclm g outsld.e the plcxw o ko E sly-zltl io be llqulclafol of thta saltl loc al llznlts of the juzlsdactzon of sueh Tllbunal, he bucm eqses , ol the sald AI&v 17I s'lx belng pnd . zem aln - m aj , 'n hls cllqcletlon, lssue a sum m ons tol the pul- lrlg uusold at the date of thlq older 'pkcc F R vxclq pose ol le junm g the appeal ance ol such natlve v ay uxxw xyn H oocxsox, E sot Iltyu pncl d.o heleby ozcle, befole the N atlve Tllbunal that al1 the salcl lm m ovable plopeltv bem g and ' 3 W hene: er any sum m ons ls lsqued. unclel the t'rem alnlng unsold at the date of thlg order, subqeeb laqt preeedlng R ule lt shall be sent to the D lstmet o any qgu bBtlsflng llghts of M a'v ot appalent ease- Gom m luslonet 'w lthln w hose jullsdlctlon th> sum - m ents !a ec jug the sam e laut othelu 1se free flom m ons ls to be selved e:n cum ; laywxes do vegt In the sad H ow ymru 1 Icxw o :0, sqw s,s 4 The qum m ons shall bta %elved bv dellvemng a o 1 copy theleof on the natlve w hose attendanee ls w ea uyu ey m s hancl at N allobl thls 26th day requlretl by sueh person a,s tlle Provm elal Com m ls- ol .x pr1) , ycstj sloner or D lqtmct Com m lsslonez m ay appom t ln thati O C B O W RTN G , behalf A ( f lng Gntlc? nor

I 2th, 10.20 TH E OFFICIA L G A ZETTE 4$5

G o5 EnxxsxT N ow cl N o 1l6 G OPERNXENT N oqrtcE N ,) 150 TH E JU STTCE S OF TH E PE A CE A PPOIN TM EN TS OR D IN A N CE , 1910

-YPPOINTMENT H 1S EX OELLEN CY the A ctm g Governoz has qN pulsuance of the pow els eonfelretl upon m e been pleased to m ake the follom ng appom tm ents - b'y Sectlon 2 of the Justlces of the P eace 0) dm ance, To be Secletary to the Cm lenez Com m lsslonels - 191 0, 1, Charles Calvelt B ow rm g, K nlght Com - I-ION/EI,L P lcxv o :o, u lth efect llom the 1st of m andel of the M ost E xcellent Order of the B ntlsh Apzll, 1920 E ntpzle, Com panlon oi the M ost D lstlngulshed Order of palnt Alzchael alld Salnt G eolge, A ctlng G ovelnor To be a Culrencr Com m lsslonel of the E aqt A fllca Ploteetorafe, do hereby appolnt Joux W lrxsox H ENRY P u xlNsox', w lth effect FP kNx W Alrluxs ESQLIRE, (Senlor) of Nakuru ln the fzom the 25th oî Afarch, 1920, vlce Jonx Prtpvlnce of N alvasha to be a, Justlce of the Peaee L lxosz:v ALBLAN fol the Solal A rea of the N akuru D lstrlet m the To be a lfaglstlate of the Seeoncl Class w lth N agvasha Pzo: Ince powet to holtl a Suboldm ate Coult of the Second G n en undel m y hand antl the Oë czal Seal, Class v lthln the N p ka D lstllct wh11st holdm g lus thls 24th day cd Aplll, 1920 present appom tm ent as A sslstant D lstllet Com m ls- slonel , N ylka - C B OW R IN G , W IT LIA.M SIDNEY AI&RCHANT, 55 lth e:ect from the z'lcfîw,f/ Govelnor 10th Aplll 1920 To be A sslstant Com m lsslonel of Polzce, E asti A fllea Protectorate G ovlsllx'wllix'r N oTIcE N o 147 S 0055 Fnxxcls D A.SHAA. ooo TN qqEN, w lth effeeb from N OTICE the 5th of Aplll, 1920 'UxoEu Slclqox 13 ()F THE L IQTJOR OROIN&NCE, 1909 To be Justlee of the Peaee tor fhe Songhor L oea- tlon of the K lsum u D lstllct, N yanza Provlnce, TR E follou m g gentlem en are helebv appolnted 'vtce E L STACE ALBERT PJIEIUPS E SQTJIRE, Af em belq cd the L leen%lng Coult, N yanza Plovm ce, zemgnecl fol the 5 eal endzng 3lqt D ecem ber, 1920 - E osEu'l' AlnL.tx- AAFESS, u lth efect Ilom the Cholt zy?(I?è 19t1a A plll , 1920 TzzE P acn zxtu&rw CoMMlqlsloxlxm , N y NNz & To be E x-oflzclo A gent foz Adm znlstratoz G cneral M enl !)tp?a at N allcabl - J'ol-lx D >>'k oxsultt H ztw lvEs, M 1th effeet from I1:T A Y cm xo, E qQ , J( () the 17th Apz l1, 1920 THs A crs'T D lsTnlcT CoAnllssloxElt, K IcpTJMTJ To be A sslstanf Stole'teepel , P W D , N anobz - TIIE Tltsfscltv OFFICBR, K lsLAlc E ollEu'r H yaxltv TucooouE B crxT, w lth effecb F E Colaryf &x, E sQ , IIIGIJAITJ flom A plll 1st, 1920 Aftll.l ïAIAJEI) K &s< 4Af, E so , 1(zoczlc- To be J'uqtlce of tlne Peace fol F olt Telnan and. N a ulobl, Lum bu a m the X ) anza Provm ce - zlaled thls 12t1a day ot Aplll, 1920 AIAJOR Axolu NN K NAPP O B RIEN, w zth effect C C B OW RTNG , flom the 22nd Aplll, 1920 a-lcfdnf? Goberkzol T o be A etlng D lstrlct Com m lssioner, N yell - J&A1>;c; D OTJGLAS Afc 1fE &A, , v )th effeet flom the G () $ srltzzàfcxl' N cèlqcE N () 148 17th A pzzl, 1920 L E G ISL ATIVE CO U N CIL To be A etlng Plo: lnolal Com m lsslonel, K enya TH E form al openlng of the F 11st Sesslon of the Plcolnce - N ekv L eglslatlve Councll wlll iake plaee at the S &SICEL FREDERICIX D Eclv, 4v1th effect llom the lRaLlu ay Tnstltute, N alrobl, on M ontlay m olnlng the 19th Aplll, 1920 3ld day of M av, 1920, at 10 o'clock To be A ctm g D lqtzlct Com zzuqsztm el, Em bu - k feu seats lk il1 be reselvetl for the publle, and l-ilxaot,o G xslo NR E x &xcJ, % lth efeet llom the apgllleatlons fol these qhould be naade to 14th Aplll, 1920 The Clelk io the L eglslatl'ke Counell, To be A sslstant D lstllc.t Conlm lssltm ez , K ltul - The Secletatlat, . X<THVtt OECIL K lass , M lth effeet llom the 14th N allobl Aplsl, 1920

G c vyuxzly:x t N ollcE N o 149 To be A sslstazlt E state D utv Ccm lnlœsxoner for the Plovznces of be) ltlle, J-ubalanfl, Tanaland and. N OTICE N oltlzm zl Fzonflel D zqtllct RE COG N ITIO N ls heleby apcolded to AfR O qc VIt I'Tou FLL P lt. Ivm oxo, M lth effeet flom the lst THOMJ qoN aq V zce-consul for the U m tecl States of A plzl, 1920 Az àezlea at N anobl dkovelnm ent N otlce N o 127, publlshetl on page 311 T o be Assld azlt E state D uts Com m lqslonel fol tLe of the ' ' Ofllelal G azette' ' ol the 14th of A plll, 1920, P lovznce,s d U kam ba anfl K en) a - lB hereby caneezled P kTulclt C &MPBELL AI&eD OtlG4LIu W ATSON. N auobl, M 1th effect fzom the 13th J'anuary, 1920 $36th Apzzl, 1920 To be D eputy R egistrar G enelal ol Txtles G A S N O R TH CO TE , W rLFItEO ARTHI-R B ovxrroN P AILTHORPE, w lth /t)?- zl ctl??l Ohlej Scc? etaî !/ effect from 20th O ctobel, 1919 43G TH E OFFIG A L G A ZEW E A llrll 28, 1920

To be a R eglstlar of Tztles, Inland D lstrlct - Suypovter.u W CLFREO ARTHTJR B oyxTox PAILTHORPE, wlth Jocelm e Challes H enry G rant effect from 7th O ctober, 1919 M ary Cunlngham e To be a E eglstrar of Tltles, Coast D lstrzct - E rnest W alkez L y SLIE LEA, * 1th efect lrom 7th October, 1919 H braee C D au son To be A ctlng D eputy R eeortler of T-tles - B eznartl Cazenaz PlllxlAs E RNEST W oruF':'s, w lth effect from 1st Af ervyn A ltltlley A pml, 1920 Francis Cunn ngham A llsopp To be A ctlng Statlstlclan, A grlcultural D epart- M ACI-IA K O S PO LLTN G AR E A N o 5 znent, under sectxon 3 (k2 ) of the Statlstlcs Ordlnance, 1918 Polltng Sftzfko?z N o 1 ,--slacltalvon B tl?p,tz L-kwrtExcl D xum cx Cwurzxu a, w lth elect P oztlon oi E lectoral Area irom the 9th oi A prll, 1920 Com m encm g at the Junctzon of N allobl and Athz l'tlvelu , tllenee bounded by the Southerly boundary

of Pollzng Area N o 4 to K ltula on 1k.(54 em Sw am p on G ovFzvxlu x:r N oltclw N o 151 South-w esterl, boundaly of Tanaland Plovm ce thenee bz that Plovm olal boundary to ltB m ter-, TH E L E GISL A TIA'E 6O U N CIL OR D IN A N CE , sectzon M tth the Sep che Plovlnce , thence by the 1919 genezally N oltherlz bountlaly ot that Provm ce to zts m terqeetlon M 1th the boundary of the Tanganp ka

N oTlcl Telrttory , thenee by that Telmtorlal boundaly N orth- &: esterly to tile Southetn E U aso Nylzo ltlver thenee by a llne N orth-easterly to the South, U N D E R the pou ezq vestecl ln the G overner by - w esterly poznt on L ake Afagadl Sectlon 13, Scheclule 111, of the L eglslatlve Councll , thence by the W estelly shores of that Lake to 1ts m ost N ortherly Ordm ance, 1919, .f, Chatles Calvel't B oM zm g, polnt , thence by a llne E asterly to M agach Iunctlon K nlght Com m ander of the M ost E xcellent Ordel oi Statzon , ilaence by U ganda R allway to A thl R w er the B 1 ltlsh E m plre, Com pam on of the M ost D lstm - fhence by that T'llvel to fhe polnt of com m enc , e - guzshefl Oldel of Sam t Aflehael and. Sam t G eolge, m ent Actlng G e; elnor of tlle E aqt A frlea Plotectolate, hereby glve noflce that a P oll v zll take plaee ln the undelm entlonetl E lectoral Alea on the 29th day of D O N YO SA B U K POL L IN G AR E A N o 4 M ay, 1920 Pollbng Sftzfzon N o 2 .-m onyo Sabnk The nam es of the Canthdates and. of thelr Pro- PoruLlxo S'rxTlox Fztznf L O N o 269 posers Seconders, antl Sux orters, the places at , w hlch a Poll ::111 be taken and. the portlon of the Slu N oltrrHttup M CM ILLAN E lectolal A rea allottecl to each Polllng Statlon are Com m enelng at the gunetlon of N alzobz anâ A thz set Iol-th belov - R zvers , thence bounded by the A thl lllver down- stLeam to the N olth-easterly cotnet oi L O N o 279 thence by the N orthelly and . E LE CTOR M U AR E A N o 10 . E asterly boundm les of L O N os 279, 278 to Thlka R n ez , thence by tha: Rlvgz down stream to lts gunctlon m th the Tana U XMM BA ltlvez , thence by that R lvel dow n stleam to the North-v eyterly ( ozner of Tanalanâ Provm ce , thence CandLdafe by the South-ls estelly boundazy of that Provm ce to 1 Si) 'W llllam N orilzlup M cAfzllan, K nlght K ltula on M w enl Sw am p , thence by a lm e N orth- v esterly to E ntlau , thence by a lm e stlll N orth- Pt opost''r M esterly to K om a Itock , thence by the generally N orth-easterly bountlalles of L O N os 23b0 , 2359, Cllffortl A rthul H pll 2711 to Athl R lver, thence by that R lver to tlle Seocndeî pom t of eom m encem ent Jam es Fzeclellck Af anley FORT I-TALL POLLIN G AEE A N o 1 Suppoîteîu Pollkng Sf/flo?z N o 3 - F ozf H alk B om a J'ohn W lham Francls B engam ln L obban Com m enelng at the junctlon of the N orthern Chanal R lver v lth the A berdare F orest boundary, Flancls H am tlton W llson thence boundetl bv that lhver down-stream to lts M abel M anley zunetlon 4 4t1z the Tana ol N alrobl R lvers provltled J'oseph M lles that the vhole of the Nsrell Townshlp shall be lncluded ln the K enya E lectolal Area N o 9 , thence B eatlzce M a) Flancqq by a llne N orth-easterlz to fhe South-eaqtelly corner I-lerlv Tholne of L O N o 2823 , on the M aram a or Slolo R lver , thence by that 1R15 er (low n stream to 1ts lunctlon Candldafe % lth the N orthern E U aso N p ro R lver , thence by fhat Rlver up-stream io the m ost E asterly corner of 2 Allan R llodeq L'unlngham e L O N o 2379 thence bv the N orth-easterly boundarv of thal Tu O N o to lts m ost N o/ herlN Proponer eorner , tllence bv a flne 'W eqterly to the m outh 01 A E K nowles Arabel E lver on L ake B arlngo , thence by a llne South-w eBterly to the N orth-w esterly corner of- Seconder E lclam a Ilavm e Tow nqhlp thence by a llne N orth- v egterly to the South-easterlv corner ol Tu O N o R oy W hlttet 908 , thence by the E asterly sn4 N od herly bound- 1920 TH E OFFICTA L G A ZEW E arles of L O N os 908, 907 to the N orth-v esterlz thence by that R lver up-qtream to the m ost corner of L O N o 907 , thence by the generally Southellv bountlary of L O N o 314 , thenee by the E .ksterly and. N orthelly boundarzes oi the Uasln genelally E asterly and. N ortherly bounclarles of L 0 Gjshu and. Tlans Nzola Falm s to the Su an R lver , N os 313, 312, 808, 310, 320 to the N olth-v esterly thenee by the genezalll W estezly and N orthezly eorner ot L O N o 320 , thence by a lm e 'W estelly bcuntlalles of the Plotectorate to the Jubalantl Pro- to fhe Fort H all-Thlka Roatl , thenee by that Roatl 'vlaolal boundaly , thence by the W estezly bountlaly N orthelly to ihe M utoho R lver, thence by that R lver of that Pzovlnce to the m ost N ozthell, eorner of down-stream to 1ts gunetlon w lth the Thala R lver, Tanalantl Plovm ce , thence by the Nolth-westerly thence by that R w er to the pom t of com rnence- bcundary of that Plovm ee to Tana R lver, thence by m ent thab R lvel up-stleazn to lts juncLlon w-th the Thara lkver , thence ))y that R lver to 1ts gunetlon w lth the Af utoho R lver , thence by fhat R lvel up-stream to lts TIU K A P OL LTN G A R E A N o 3 Juastzon M lth Fort H all-Th-ka R oad , thence by that 1)()ad. Southelly io the Alaklnch R lver, thenee by the P OLLING STATION N o 5, Trllx: Pcmlcx STATION N tlrtherly and W esterly boundarles of L O N os 298 2955 to the Southeln Cham a E lver, thence by that IRIA el up-siream to the Abeldare F orest Com m enclng at the m ost W estelly colner of L O Ili'serve , thence N oltherlv bv that F orest R eselve N o 2955 on Southern Cham a T'tlver thence botluclecl to the pom t of eom m encem ent by the Soufherly Boundalles ol Polllng Areaq Nos 1 and 2 to Thllta R zver , thence bv that Rn er up- M AK U Y U POL L TN G A R E A N O 2 stream to the Southeln Chanla Rzver, tllence by that R zvel to the pom t ol com m encem ent Pozm lxG STaTlox N o 4, FARM 317, R ESIDENCE OF IR Arucsolap, E sQ N altobl, Com m enclng at the gunctlon of the Thara and. The 28th day of A prll, 1920 cTloluqk na- stRrlevaemzs to th1tesn cjue nbcolluonnd eqscl 1 thb l thteh eT hTlaknaa RRlvnele r, C C B OW RTNG , A oilng G orc'nor

G 'IVBRNAIENT N OTICE X O 152 G ovelnot of the E ast Afllca P roteetorate, do hereby appolnt the follow lng otficers to perform the dutles T'H E LEGISLATW E COU NCIL ORD INA-N CE , of Pleqithng O fftcers under the R ules contam ed ln 1919 Sehetlule U T, ol fhe sald Ordlnance at the gevzeral Polllng Statlons of the Electoral Alea of the Protee- APPOINTMENTS torate specifiecl below - IN E XER CISE of the powels conferred on the G overnor by the L eg.slatn e Councll Ordanance, N m robà, 1919, Sectlon 7, 1, Charles Calvert B owrlng, K nlght The 28th day of Aplll, 1920 Com m andel of the M ost E xcellent Older of the B cltlsh Em plle, Com panlon the M ost D lstzngulshecl C B OW R IX G , O t der of Salnt M lehael and. Sam t G eorge, A ctlng A ctkng tporczwo?.

Electoral area Polllng Statlon Presldlng Officer

N o 10 U karnba M acllakos Bom o Clarenee Edward V zctor Buxton, Esq D onyo Sabuk Farm 269 D ollglas Ohver Blum age, Esq Ft)z t H all Bom a Jblln W heler Colllngton, Esq M aknyu, Farm 317 M aqor Erlc Lltchfleld Brooke A nderson, Thlka Pollce Court Llewellyn A rchzbalcl Fleld Jones, Esq

G ENERAL N ollcE N 0 1,11 post of B zssll extendlng to a M 14th of 220 zalds on elthel oank of the rzver and m ore paltlcularly TH E AIIN IN G OR D IN AN CE , 1912 tlellneatetl on a plan deposltecl at m y ofhce I hereb, glant to S AV COLLIER oi B rltlsh E ast The llcence does nob apply to any prlvate land or Afrlca, llcenee and. authollty to seareh and. m lne foz to land lzeld under a elalm ot lease ior m m m g g )1d., pleelous gtones, m lnerals, eoal and. oll, subjeeu ; puzposes Thls llpence ls io rem aln ln folce for tq elve tl(o) ntsh e thperroevulsnldoners ofof l 6hteh eO rtclmlnea nbce lnagn tll nt hfeo lRcee, gutlhae- g calendat m onths from the (late hereof unless for- lclncl em blacecl 'w lthln an area of approxlm ately 21. ,1 felted or determ m ecl ln lhe m eantlm e

s4luare m lles situate ln the Southern M asal R esezve ' D ateçl at N alrobl thls 2nd. day of Aplll, 1920 ainout 5 nalles up stream ln a cllreet lm e and a slm llal dlstance (lov n-stream m easured from the drlft over Ff T M AR TTN , 411e B lssll R lver on the :4 aggon track at the old. out- l Acttnq Co?llznkddloncr oj 311.6: TH E OFFTOTA L G A ZETTE 28, 1020

G ENRRAL N olqcp N o 432 N OTIOE Puovzsloxwt Cakcss LlsT ola CAsxs laolt Af.à.'f (1920) HIGU Cocr'r Szssloxs I:TTS H onotzz the ztctlng Chlef Tastlce w 'll pi ocoetl ort Ott ctllt and. hottl slbtlngs og gl13 H'lgh Court at the places on the clates hetem below m entloned K iqu m u , Il th H ay, 19 2* . lbgh Coul b Czlrnlnal Case Nb 78/19 Rex' 'tzs Kltubo Nyagltlzla J7 ;) J# 92/19 Otanga s/o ylmbouu 93/19 Osura q/o Anyona 4/20 ,, Ohemoba Arap M alttlmtt 10/2û ,, Ola1 dal s/o Nambasn 21/20 1 Kaclenya s/o Chogeya 2 Omanyo s/o Omeya 9 M ukull s/o Emokotll 32/20 ,, ,, J'uma bln M amnda 'J J# 23/20 1 W anduassl s/o Nambala 2 W aslruwa s/o M awongo 24/20 Otpeno wa Ougo 34/20 No 1 Onlulu :/o Klnaga IflslrMc D JSTRICT R EGISI'UY CTVIL Cwsxs - N o 23/17 Ismall Sllamgl 'ns K assam Premgl 82/19 (Obzectlon Pl oceecllngs) Gorflhanbhal K hushalbhal & Co ,, Slazvablzal G Patel 7: 7/20 Jalal D1n Narshl H ansla! & Co 8/20 Sallm bln A btlalrellm at) M ana bluti Abdulla *J 14/20 Hasllam J'amal & Co ,, M ahomed bln Sayad '# 15/20 Kangl Dharamshl & Co Halllal Dewshz atlmtnlstrator of Purshottan D ewshl, deceased 1/20 Tmamtlzn Mahomecl M ahomed D1u Nooldm N AIROBI D lsq alc:r R Eolsq?sv Czvllz Cwsx - No 597/19 Shelkh Noordln Goolmohametl oe M agan Jetha 577/19 Awaflan ,, M ahbabgul arld M amalgul The date of slttlng at N akulu w'1ll be notlfiecl later High Court Cllmlnal Case No 13/20 Rex ,t8 K zllma K1u J# ,, ,, 31/20 ,, ,, Tolwecl'l svero lWtuzo M om basa, b STON F

17th A pml, 1920 D epldy J/pzrsfrtzr, H %qiv tlowaf, L' .4 .P

GENIY AL N oTzcE N o 435 GFISE: ïx NOTIGE N O 435 IN H M H IGH COU R T OF EA ST A FP ICA , PP OBA TE A N D A D M IN ISTR A TION AT N A IROBI x sxzxvsaaxxvoa Gsxyy 'L s CNusyr N o 224 oln 1919 IN SOLV EN CY JU RISD ICTION Ix Tyrsi anw yza op E 14 M ccruuss, s cczxszo CAtrsE N o 12 o:n 1920 To al1 whol lt m ay concezn IN TriE MATTER olm K AssAwr M , IloM>m z ALLIBHAI M / I.IOAIED NlsI) K ERMALI M Aaowt'y:o TILADING AS, H ASS&M TAK E N OTICE that on ol afie. the 13*h day of M av, 1920, I lntend to applz to the H lgh Court of East A frzca at M AROMED & CO M om basa f oz an ozdez wlth 'W l11 annexed to admzntster the Ex P &RTE THE CPEDITOP, E SMAIL N ATHU estate of tlle above nam ed E T4 M CCLURE, who dzed at N OTICE zs hereby glNen bhat the appllcatzon of the N alrobt on the 27th day of Jtm e, 1919 above nam ed czedltoz for an otder 'that K AssA:M M AMOM>m , M om basq ALLIBHAI M tlurovs:o and K sI M :L1 M AznrOMED, tradlng as 21st Aprll 1920 I'IAss&lr M AHOMID & Co , the above named debtors, be deolazed m solyelats undel the Pzovm czal Inlolvency A ct, J W H P ARK IN SON , (No III of 1907) w1ll be heaz d at Nalrobl on tbe 7th day Admam et:ator Je- rfzl of M a f, 1920, at 10 a m N alzobl, (Im œlaac N oTzcr N o 456 D pted thls 19th d y of .A.prll 1920 IN f-1 M H IG H COU R T OF EA ST AFR ICA, T F ST A FAW CETT, AT N A IROBI lîegba rar PE OBATF A N D AD M IN ISTRA TION GSNERAL N ow cE N o 434 CAtiss N o 16 ()F' 1920 Ty H M H TG H COU R T OF E AST AFR TCA , N OTIt,S o:a APPLICATION FoR ADMINISTP KTION op E STATE A T N AIROBI or IBRAI.IIM xkyuu SOMALI, L&TE OF' N &Iposl CAv sE N o 1 8 o:a 1920 DECEASED

-EN 'I'ZIE MATTEU obn I-fASI l-1t ssElx BIx ALI, APAB T AK E N OTICE that apphcatlon haplng been m ade m Ex PAP'I'B l'zzy; DssTrox thzs Cotzrt by A BDULLAUI .-A-OEN of N azrobl, for the adm lnls- N OTICE zs hezeby glgen tllat tlze petltlon of the pbove tratzon of the estate of IBIU ZIIM ALLI, late of N alrobl, who nam ed debtor H AZI l-f'csszz'v BIN A Ll of N alrobl, for an dled at N alzobz on the 29th day of Afarch, 1920, thls Court ozdez adludtcatlng hlm an llzsolvent under fhe Pzovlnezal wzll proceed to m alte a decz ee ln the sam e Aznless cause be Insolvcncy Acb (No TII of 1î07) zwll be heard at Nazrobz shov n to the contrary and appeazance zn thls respect entered on the 26th day of M ay, 1920, at 10 a na on or bef ole the 15th day of M ay, 1920 N alrobl, N anobz, D tted thls 25z41 day of A pJ 1l, 1920 15th Aprll, 1920 J F ST A FA W CE TT, JOSE PH SH ER IDA N , Itegtstrar àcttng %?v#:: Aplll 28 1920 TH TJ OFW OTA L GA ZETTE 439 G l x RP NL N oTzcE N 0 437 IA H M H IGI-T CPOU E T OF EA ST AFRICA GzvcltAra N oTlcl N o 441 AT N M ROBI , PR OBA TE AN D AD M IN ISTR ATION PP OB ATE A N D &D M IN ISTRA TION CAusE A o 70 oF 1920 C&rrsE No 18 or 1920 IN TH'E MATTER OF B &CI'IU L&DITA DECEASE N oTlcs otn AptyralctTtoN qinlllt . xYn-kflwlsrxxzlo1) o:ba EsTx':B O ob M ANrJE.L AfMtIA I)EI Sotkzx To all 'whom lb m ay concern , LAT? okn N anaom , zpEcuztsz:o TA K E N OTTCE that a1l persons havzng an, clazm s TAK E N OTICE that appheatlon l'iavlng been m ade ln agatnst the estate of the above nam ed BAcutr LADIIA tllts Pourt by Clda T-yzs CoxDtlchl'r rzl SoLzzk of N alrobl ., who dled tlt , foz at M ombasa on the 30th day ûf Tanuaty 1920, are reqm red N e adm lm stlatlon of the estate of M M z)yn SovzA latw of to prove such clalm s befoze m e the undez,s zgned cm or before alrobz, who dled at G oa on or about the 4th day o,f . tlke 21st day ot Jvm e 1920 thls Court w 11 proeeed to m ake a AJ r1l , 1920, after whlch date the clalm s so , , decree ln tLe sataae pzo: ed wzll be pazd and the estate dzstzzbuted accordm g to m tless cause be shovn to the contrary and appear law tkls respect entezed tm or bef ore the 17th day of lkfa: ance 3z$ N cdlrobl, , 1S20 Afonabasa, 24th ziprll, 1920 15th Jkpli, 1920

JOSEPH SHERIDAN , W H PARK IN SON , A chng Jvtfge Adm%ntstrator Joneri G lus'am u N oqpzcr N & 438 GENERAL N oqrlcE N o 442 IN E M E IGE OOURT OF EAST AFRICA AT M OV BASA , PR OBA TE A N D AD M IN ISTR AT ION PR OBA TE A N D A DM IN ISTR AT I'ON CAtrqE N o 71 olr 1920 C Nusyn N o 49 o:iq 1920 Nbqrzcyn oyn AH LICATII)N ptlR A IIMINISTRATION OF' EST&TE 50. Tznrr AJATZZ;A or Azzzzzm Dzx s(o xu zaztzz Dzrr&, oF J'sswxrtx DZ./I>AJ, IxoI&N L &TE okm M OMBASA rlEcyu&s>m , rEzcrxsym To all whom zt m ay concetn TAK E N O% TCE that appllcatzon havlng been m ade ln TA K E N OTICE that al1 persons havlng any clazm s tftts Court by JI% IBM Dj o GORG of M ombasaz foz the agall1st the estwte of the aboye named AnM:F,:D DIx s/() A1 LA1.I ba dm lnlstlatlon of the estac,e of JSSANG D EVXAJ, lata of M om D ITAA, who dled a,t, M akm du on the 11th day of Dece 'nber tsa, who dled at M om basa on tlze 23rJ da& of Afatch 1919 ate rtqulred to prox: e such clcanlb befole m e the under-, tltls Court 'vk Tll ptoceed to m tlve a deeree , 1920, - t1 the sam e unless slgzncd on tkz bef oze the 21st d sy of June, 1920, after w lgzeh c luse be shown trl the toptt arx a) d appearance lzl th datta the elazm s so pzoved wlll be pald and the estate IE spect entered on ot bef o1e the 15th da4 of M qrch zs , 1920 dlstltbuted accordtng to lan M ombasa, M om basa, 16th Apzzl, 1920 1,5th A przl, 1920 J W H P ARK I N SO N , G H PICKKRING, A tlm gnkstrator Jenercl Judc' (A NZZRA, N ozzcl N o 443 GEZdET'AL N oxzcx N'o 439 DISSOLUTION AJIF PAETNERSHIP IN I'( M H IG.H CGU ET OF E AST AFR ICA oTlcs A T M OM B ASA , To a1l whom zt m cùy concezn PR OBATE A N D A D M IN ISTIRA TION PLFA SE take notlce that the partnershlp heretof ore U - spu N o 53 ol- 1920 exla zng between us the lznderslgned, M OHAMEDALI ESXAILII al'd IRAM TI N ATXTJ cazr&lng on Jauom ess as gezlezal m erchants Ix TIIE MATTER oz' GEolage H ORXB/ BIXLEA Dzu aszp ) at K lb'w ezl, 11c0th l 4nd K angll u urtdez the style or ftrm of AN D f M ESMAILJI & Co ' ' has been dlssolved by m utual consent as f rom the 25th M arch, 1920, and the buslness wlth 1ts l f TIIE BIA:TEP ova AN APPLTCATION FO1t SIG ING IN T.TIE E &sT AI'MICA PROTLCTIJRATS O>n PAOBA'I'E GAAXTED ::1 THE H IIII lzabllltles and assets has been taken over by the sald R AMJI OOIJPT OF J'TJSTIGE IX ENC L&ND (PRIACIPAL PROB&TXF N a'liTJ R EGIST'RS.) T0 AclsEs M ARE BIPLEY, % IDOW OF S&15) &l1 debts due to oz ow lng by the sald late flrm wzll be DECEASZD zecelped and pald l)y bhe sazd RAM II N ATIH , who wzll con To a1l whom lt m ay concern tallt e the sald buslness undez any style otller than the style of IA.Iq EszfxlI,4l & Co ' TAK E N Or1 1OE tha appllcatlon haN m g bcen m ade ln xis 5: ztl ess our laands thls ?th of da) Apml 1920 tl ls Couz t, b's At.y XAXIISR Nolra BAIL'? ,:lao (the duly M OH M IEDALI E SM A ILJI a 'thcqzsed A ttoa ze: oî ACNES M AE''t. (Brlarub:'t of 56 Elm Park R A AfJI N AT H U lload C'llelsea ln the Countv of ) for the Re seal of Ptobate of tlt,o G 1ll ot G:ilolautle H oxxs'v BIRLIA , deeessed, l te of 6 Glebe Plaee, Cllelsea, and of the U nzted U nlverszty Gs En &z, N orrlcyn N o 444 (, Ltlb, Pall M atl ln the sald County of Londol), a Captazn D ISSOL U TION OF PAR TN EE SH IP (ïtctlzed) 3n H t- Afalfasf; s AlI1l: wllo dled m the East N OTIaF .d! f rlca Pzotectolate on the 3Otlz M ay, 1919, and whlch sald 'J?o 11 whom lt m av eonceln P robate w ns grpnted bj/ the H lgh Couzt of Jnstzce zn N'OTICE Is hezebv gz& el1 that the part! ershlp heretof ole T'ngland (Prznezpal Probate zegzstrv) to the af oresazd Agzu s exls*ut g betw een tlae twzderslgned 1ç:I):1t BI.X anI I -&Hvso Al Aa'.k Bzztzav, on the 10th day of Febzlzaly 1920 tllls Court Dl'q carlylng on busm ess tulclel ihe stlzl e o! firrza of d ZK ADAP M 1!l proceed to m ake an ordez unlf-ss cause ls shown to the B ux, AHMED DlN,#' has been dlsbo/ved l)y m utu tl cta 1se zt ab c mttary pnd appearznce enti red zn thls Oo zrt on or bef ore and f rom the 17th day of Apzll, 1920 A11 assets of the tlte 20th day of Afay 1920 late partnelslup v 1ll be collected and all debts and llablhtles Alombasa, e 11 be pald and dlscharged by the sazd K &D&1a BTJ=, who w lli calzy on the sald busm ebs as snle proprletor 24th A prll, 1920 N alrobl, B STON E , 24th Aplll, 1920 D nputy S6f/zzfrcr K AD AR BU X A H M ED D IN Fliglb Conrt, # 4 P STEVEN S & K EN D A LL 4 dvorates jor, () SXEI3 &L N olrscx N o 440 K adar B uz antl -.1 hm é'f.f D1n PR OBAT E A N D A D M IN ISTRA TION t. u sl N o 68 olp 1920 GINEXAL N o'rlcE N o 145 Iv .rI.IE A: T'I'EP os- C 1aI x'k 5 Lox'o pyrcz&sEo N OTICE To k1l whom It Inay concezn To ail whom lt iz1 4 / concerl N OTIPE ls herebN glN en that the tm dels gned flrm of TA K E N OTICE that czll perstm s havzng any clazm s J'AAId.L H IPJI & Soxs have as from the 14th Febrlzaly, 1920, a 'am st tbe eqtate of the abo: e nam ed Cpru A 5 Loxg, who sold to the underslgned pnrchaser lRasm o ISVAIL of N verl, d ked at Pletolla ozk the 1st da, of A prll, 1919, are requlred al1 thell buslyless m o emals goods effi-cts and m zlls outstand t(h proxe saeh clml 'las bef o' e m e the undezslgned on ol befoli- lng at N &ezz cwnd i N 0:th and W est K enm tl'e 21st d Z-S of J'pzne 1920 aftt,z A.A hlch clate the clalm s so And take furthez llot ee tlzat all the debts dlle to the p oved wzll be patd aud tlze esta'e dzstrlblzted accordlng to sald fzlna c?f 5&M sL .TTIIRII & Soss e:th N y erl àpd at N om h and l w 'W eqt K em a wlll be Ieeelved bv tbe sald purchasel lEtAszllp M ombasaa ISMAIL and all the clebts due by the sa:d flrm w1ll be pald 14th A'oml, 1920 b, the sazd JAMAL H lF'az & Stllvs J W H P.YE K IN SON , J'-AM AL 'H )A T'I' & SON S p 2a $ RASE TD ISM AIL ndmzrtzntrator G eneral 440 TH E OFFTPIA L GA ZE W E A plll 28, 1920

G ENESA.L N olqcz N o 446 E A S T A F R IC A P R O T E C T O R A T E .

C IJR R E N G R @ KR I). (a) A BSTRAG''.P OP N OTES IN OIROULATtON. Toial am otm t of Culrency N otes ln clrculatlon on the tenth day of A pm l, 1920 1ls 120,13,000 Average dally am ount ol Clzrrencv N otes In clrculatlon tlumng the m onth endotl G e tentll tlay Of A Pr11, 1920 R% 107,67,032 (b) JkssTsAcT o, Owsll R EslnvE

? clold R s 6,30 000 (J0 cts Amount of the com portlon of the Note Guamntee Funcl onj Sllver Rs 4,34,057 31 p (t1) tlle tenth (Iay of Aprll, 1920 Rs 10,64,097 31 cf,s Average âaaly am ount of the coln portlon of the N ote Guarantee Funtl, cluzzng tlle Inonth encleâ the tenth (lay ol A prll, 1920 1ls 10,77,846 $)tJ ct,s (e) U). A'BSTI,AC.T oF Slculuqqls FOSMING THM INVESTED PORTION OF THB NOTII G'UAItANTXX Fr'xp ox 'I'HB TEN'I'H D.u oF A plura, 1920

N ature of Secumt Nom 4nal Valu.e Prloe paxd Latest known m arket value ..E g d ,'E & d 2 s f.l Tmnsvaal 3% Guaranteeë Siock 56,263 8 10 53,338 2 4 34,320 14 0 Indm 3J7J Stock 45,641 0 4 43,000 0 0 25,330 1 5 3 Stzmats Settlements 3!$ lnscmbe: Stock 80,634 15 6 73,253 8 9 52,412 12 1 Southern Nlgema 3J% Inscmbed Stock 60,552 9 6 58,746 11 3 39,661 17 5 Qaeenslancl 4$ Stock 15,098 4 4 15,000 0 0 10,870 14 4 Jarnaàca 4$ Stock 2,969 6 7 2,895 7 11 2,375 9 3 W ar Loan 5% Stock 1929/47 42,799 8 9 40,000 0 0 37,877 10 1 Total .Q . 303,958 13 10 281,233 10 3 202,849 12 5 (1:) Ars'rM cT ()F OTHER SxcvmrlEs H EI,D IN Loxoox Crown A gents D eposlts 1435,000 0 0 Jaondon County W esim lnster azltl Parr's B ank Lttl ,, 2 178,333 6 8

2613,833 6 8 Gnwxp Tolur ():a SEccfll'rlEs H ELD ox A ecogx'r ()F N o'rs Ggwaatxzrxx Fgwo (z) 1202,849 12 5 (z1) 2613,3:13 6 8 :816,182 19 1


Natxzre of Seom lty Nom m al Y alue Pmce pazd Latest known m arket value 8 : d 2 e (f 2 : t2 Transvaal 13% Guazanteed Stock 8,278 11 10 l 7,693 12 6 5,049 18 9 Stralts Settlements 13à$ (Inscllbed Stock 2,783 2 1 2,325 11 8 1,809 0 4 Jamalca 4$ Stock 2O8 13 2 173 4 9 1b6 18 6 .5$ W ar Loan 1929/47 1,288 17 8 1,197 17 6 1,140 13 19 5% N atzonal W ar Bonds 1959 700 0 0 700 0 0 658 0 0 4% Fundlng Loan 80,128 1:.) 10 ) 24,102 19 1 20,939 8 10 ! ToGl 2 43 381 18 7 j 13i . . . . - - . .) ), 193 5 6 29,763 1 9 8 (J) Includes Rs 1,44,6* , o/a Deprematzon Flznd N B - 1n addztlon to the Seclzmtles held zrz London as shown m 0 (11) f 50000 are held by the Crown A geuts ol behalf of the Cuzrenc, Com m lssloners , OE ces of the Cm rency Board ., J W H . P AR K IN SON , M om basa, 10th iprll, 1920 0n,6 of fh8 Cuvvency tltnnwue.woweo A alhtetl autl founcl correct H C E BA RN E S, J %l.d%ier Aplll 28, 1920 TH E (IFFIIJIA L GA ZETTE 441

G 11 NERAL N OCICE N O 360 10 Each Lessee shall suztably connect hzs m e- j I'H E CR OW N L AN D S OR D TN AN CE m lses w lth any town X am age slstem WheL m G e 1915 ow m on oj the M , edlcal Om cer of H ealth such dram - age schem e ls so 1ar com plete; as to enable the N olqcE L essee Ieasonably so to connect 11 The G overnm ent or such person as m sy be SAIE okn L EASES Ix IIESPECT ola E IJROPEAX 6P POIl1ted fOr the purpose shall have the rlght to enter upon any plot antl lay and have access i B rslxEss PLoTs NAIROBI water m am s and ,o , . serw ce pp es, telegraph or tele- phoue w zres and. electzzc m am s of all descmptzous VOTICE ls hereby gtven that leases ln respect ol M hether overhead or underground ancl the L essee thla B usm ess Plots speclfied zn the sehedule hereto Sllall not elect any bulldlng m such a w ay as to w1l1 be sol; by auctlon at Nalrobl zn the Rallway cover or m terlere wzth any exzstlng routes m azn or Tn Rtlf ute on Thul qtlay tlze 10th Jnne, 1920, (-om - Servlce plpes or the telegraplz or telephone v, zres aazd m tinem g at 10 a m electrlc m am s aforem entlone; Iq 12 Every purchaser shall bear the cos: of ans of the sltes m ay be seen at the Publlc M ap deeds , stam p duty, reglstzatlon and survey fees ojgce, attached to the Sulvey D epartm ent, N alrobl, ancl all other expenses , or m ay be hatl on appllcatlon to the above oflzee cm purchase of the plot zf any counected wzth the payment of l'tg 2/- post flee 1a Each purchaser shall erect on hl: plot m thm

The rzght to u ithdrao an, plots lrom the auctlon B CVOJFS Of the com m encem ent oz hls lease a bulld-

ls reserved to G overnm ent 1nï Consiructetl of stone, brlck or concrete 14 A t no tlm e dumng the term ol the lease shall any bulldlng erected on the plot be used for the Coxolqqoxs purpose of a pzlvate dw ellm g hous 15 A t e no tzm e dumng the term ol the lease shall 1 E uropeans only m ay bld any plot or any portlon thereof or any bulldlng . and. pulchase (Non-Brltlsh sublects wlll requzre the consent of ereetetl on the plot be used lor the purpose ol carrp tlle G'ovelnor zn wrltmg ) IhIV Oll 6mX Of the trades speclfetl zn the sehedule ereto : E acù plot shall be auctzoned Beparately s cussuy,s usyasuusp vo zx coxm w ox N o 15 1$ The lnghest blddm shall be the purchaser, s u ard, 11 any cllspute arlse as to any blo lng, the ol-boller P1ot shall be put up agaln at the last undlsputetl B tm e-boller blddlng Fellm onger 4 The am ount ol ihe aivance of each blddlng Soap-boller sltall be regulatecl by the auctloneer and no blddlng Tallop m elter sèlall be retracted Trlpe-boller 5 E aeh purehaser shall pay to the auctloneer B lood-drler m tm echately on the fall of the ham m er a deposlt of L eather tlresser 20% of h1s pulchase m oney In default ol such Tazmer plym ent the plot m ay be lm m edlately re-oferetl F ïot sale and. any subsequent bld by the person w ho at-m elter or extraefzor ha s m ade (lefault m ay be lgnorecl or refusecl Glue-m aker 6 The balance of the purchase m oney m ay be Slze serapor paatl ln full on the lssue of the 1 ease or m ay be paltl C'Y t-soraper b2, four equal annual znstalm ents payable on the Knacker fu st day of January m eaeh year, the first of Buch slaughterer of anlm als m gtalm ents lo be pald on the ftrst (lay of January, sj 1921 The pulehasel shall also pay lnterest at the orage of hldes rate of 8 per centunl per annum on the unpald B acon ctm ng Pcrtlon (?f the purehase m oney, such m terest to be Artlficlal m anure-m akm g ' pald on the ftrqt tlay oi J'uly, 1 920, ancl subsequently 011 5 . 4:0t,h ancl lm oleum -m aklng cm the first day of January zn each year U nless ea cla such lnstalm ent anç1 the m terest on the lhdla N bber m akm g m tpaltl portlon of the purchase m one'y ls pald on V arnlsh-m aklng autl oll-bollm g t ty e date on vhlch lt falls due they shall be (leem ecl Iaaper- m akm g tq be atlcletl to the annual rent reserved m the lease M ard shall be payable antl recoverable as such anulacttzre ol alkall Trades assoelatetl Blfh the generatlon of 7 The lease shall be for 99 years and. shall uzesp rable gases com m ence from tlle 1st (lay of July, 1920, antl the M rent shall be payable lrom that clate anufaeture of horse halr W ool sortlng 8 N o bulldlng shall be erectetl on any plob Trades assoelated w zth the use of polsonous ulïless plsns, draM m gs, eles atlons ancl speelflcailons m êtals tkereol shall havq been plevlously subm ztte; to and alpprove(1 by the Lantl Oflleez or such other person 0r anv other trade or busm ess whlch m ay be 1l6 he m ay appoznt declared to be dangerous or osensw e bz notzce m the ( g O / clal G azette . , : The L essee shall further subm lt a block plan (;jl of the plot w lth the posltlon of the bulldlng clearly G eneral N otlces N o 270 da.ietl the yj x arclls definetl antl show lng a system of (lralnage, whlch 1920 and. N o 343 dated the 22nd M arc l , jtjztj, slall safzsfy the M edleal Oë cer ol H ealth are hereby cancelled , Jor pro- perly (lealm g :: lth the surlaee w ater on the plot N alrobl sxtd, belore any bullchng m ay be occupzei, the upjj , Lessee shall satlsfy the M edlcal OE cer of H ealth l x arch, 1g2() H T M wuw x tltat such system of dralnage has been properly con- C , lknxeted ommuatonet ol o ld#.


. - ..- ...... ------. t-...l I ! f .1 ! j P l 0PO1t1O1latO 1Ol1t&1 W ot NO Sectlon fu O Slttlatlol'l A1 ea U pset pl lcle Rent pel Tel m of Cost of Sarvey fl om 1st July, 1920, X O WO arlllltm LeaE$e D eed Vees to 81St D ecelnbel, 1920

XVIII 209/ 771 Government Road 3750 sq ft Rs Es 99 yeals Rs 10 Rs 42/50 Es iy 209/ '772 ,, ,, 6733 ,, ,, ,, Xtv 209/ 1320 Stewalt Stl eer, 5000 ,, ,, ,, 209/1321 ,, ,, 5000 ,, 209/1322 Seventh Avenue 4000 ,, ,, .1, 209/1823 ,, ,, 4000 ,, ,, , ,, ,, 209/1324 Sadlel Stleet 5000 I ,, s.a 1. 209/1825 ,, ,, 5000 ,, 1::1 IX 209/1311 Stewazt Street 6500 ,, t.t )3 209/1312 ,, 6500 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, & z, 209/1313 ,, 6500 MF. X 209/1314 ..t ,, ,, 7132 ,, ,, g ;# 209/1815 Ellot Stleet 7132 ,, ,, ,, ,, g ,y 209/131 6 Stewazt Street 7132 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, s , 209/1317 Elzot Stleet 7132 ,, ,, ,, o 209/1318 Stewalt Stleet 7132 ,, s ,, 209/1319 Ellot Stleet 71,32 ,, :..7 1 209/ 554 Vlctozla St1 eet 37,50 , ,, ,, ,, ,, n ,) à...a ll1 209/1283 Flfth Avenue (lplty Squale) 5057 ,, Fxd 209/ (284 ,, 4403 I I ! IV 209/ 901 Slxth Avenue 7350 ,, ,, 1) 2 () 9 / 9 ()() ,, ,, Sr t$ () () ,, t ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ), J7 209/ 99; 7500 ,, 17 209/ 91 5 ,, 7500 ,, ,, ,, ), 209/ 916 ,, 7500 ,, ,, ; ï2! (0) 9f) / 1(2) 81 5lr Y ,,M O .A, Stl eet '52 $1; (5) (5) ,, , ,, ,, ,, ,, j ,, 209/1286 ,, ,, 5155 209/1287 lulazdlnge Street 7808 ,, 209/1288 ,, ,? 6255 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, a 209/ 1289 Y M O .A. S'tzeet 4848 ,, ) x. 'J 209/1290 Flfth Avonue (Clty Square) 6465 ,, ,, y :7 209/1291 ,, ,, 5000 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, - 209/1 292 ,, ,, 7500 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, F )# 209/1294 g. zz ,, ,, 7369 ,, j ,, ,, ,, ,, tx; 1 l > SCHEDULE -.- (conrd ) ,=

* = . . . ! ) propozuonate Aental - rlot No Sectlon L O Sltuatlon Alea Upset pllce l'tent pex ,1 elm of Oost of Stuvey flom 1st July, 1920, tz No No annum Lease Deed Fees to 81st Decembel , c''j 1920 1 IV 209/1 296 Flftlz Avezzue (Clty Squale) 9746 sq f t lls 4.332 lts 12 l 2 99 yeals Rs 10 lts 42/,50 Rs 606/- V 209/1098 Stewal t Stleet 9878 ,, ,, 3293 ,, 92: ,, ,, ,, 461/- i ,, 209/1299 Ellot Stleet 7225 2410 ,, 675 ,, ,, ,, ,, 937/,50 11 209/1300 ,, ,, 7225 ,, 2410 675 ,, ,, ,, 337/50 13 209/1,.301 Flfth Avenue (Clty Squale) 7875 ,, ,, 3.:00 980 ,, ,, ,, ,, 490/- :1 209/1302 , ,, 7875 ,, :$00 980 ,, ,, ,, ,, 490/- F..d V1 209/1303 Stewalt Stleet 9525 ,, ,, 3175 ,, 889 ,, ,, ,, ,, 444/50 X 209/130 1 Sadlel Stz eet 60 )t.) ,, ,, 2685 ,, 752 ,, ,, ,, ,, 376/- 209/1 105 ,, 6023 ,, 2615 ,, 730 ,, ,, ,, ,, 375/- &

7) 209/1306 6023 ,, 2675 ,, 750 ,, ,, ,, ,, 3815/- Frz.j ), 209/ 1307 6006 ,, 2670 ,, 748 ,, ,, ,, ,, 314/- X V IJ 2 0 9 / 1 ,3 (.) 8 , , , , 4 9 5 2 , , 1 (.) 50 , , 4 6 2 ,, , , , , ,, 2 3 1 / - sio f2.109/1,é31(1.)90 ,, ,, 4952 ,, , ,, 1 b50 ,, 462 ,, ,: ,, l ,: 271/- l t-a 'J ,, ,, 4152 ,, 1 184 ,, 416 ,, ,, ,, ,, 208/- o X X'IX 209/ 1261 Qovez nluent Road 61 20 ,, 1630 ,, 456 ,, ,, ,, 228/- >.. 7) 2 (..)9 / 12 6 5 , , , , 6 1. 2 0 ,, J b .-J 0 ,, 4 5 6 ,, , , ,, 2 2 8/- xM ,, 20$.)/1266 ,, ,, 6120 ,, 1b30 , 456 ,, ,, ,, ,, 228/- F..a ,, 2(09/1267 6120 ,, ,, 1630 ,, 456 ,, ,, ,, ,, 228/- $ xF-l .49/ 1268 ,, .. 6120 ,, ,, 1630 ,, 456 ,, ,, ,, ,, 228/- 6 ,, 209/ 1269 6120 ,, 1630 ,, 456 ,, ,, ,) ,, 228/- 7 ,, 209/1:70 6120 ,, ,, 1630 ,, 456 ,) ,, ,, ,, 228/- 8 ,, 209/1271 ,, 6120 ,, ,, 1680 ,, 456 ,, ,, ,, ,, 228/- 9 ,, 209,/1272 , 10 , ,, j 6120 ,, ,, 1630 ,, 456 ,, ,, ,, ,, 228/- ,, 209/1273 ,, i( 6120 ,, ,, 1630 ,, 456 ,, ,, ,, ,, 228/- J 1 ,, 209/ ) 274 ,, ), 6120 ,, ,, 1630 ,, 456 ,, ,, ,, ,, 228/-



j cp . U - 444 TH E O FFTOIA L GA ZETTE .A.plll 28, 1920

G EwEISAL N oqrlcs N o 210 4 The L essees to covenant to expend :50,000 upon cultlvatlon, bullthngs and plant fol the pro- N OTICE ductlon of sugar to the satlsfactlon ol the L and INVITATION FOR TENDERS FOR AN A REA O%n LAND Oë cer CON SIDERED SUITABLE FoIt TH E PRODU CTION 5 Prlor to the fulfllm ent of condltlon N o 4 above the L essees shall not asszgn or sub-lease the OF SUGVR CANE whole or any part of the prem lgeq w lihout Grst obtaznlng the consent ln w rltlng ol the G overnor of U N D E R m structlons from the Secretary of State, ihe E ast Afllca P rotectorate tenders are m vltecl untler the follow lng condltlons 6 U pon the fulfilm ent of the conchtlon N o 4 for the purchase of the leaBe of an area of 6716 acres hereof the L essees shall have the optlon of exchang- oj lantl consldm ed sultable for the productlon of 1ng thell lease lor a,n ozdanaly lease lol a term of sugar cane descllbed ln the schedule hereto and 999 yeals under the usual condltlons ol the Crown sltuate on the U ganda R allw ay betw een K lblgozl L sndq Oldlnance, 1915, lespeeflng use, developm ent and K lbos at an altltude of about 4000 leet and transfer 1 The lease wzll be 1ol a telm of 99 years flom 7 N o tender of less than 416,790 payable elther the 1st Septem ber, 1920, at an annual rental o:z zn L ondon or N tulobl w 1ll bo consldered :44-15-4 payable elther at the ofhce of the Clow n 8 Tenders to be lecelved bv tlae L and Oë cer, Agents fo1 the Colom es m Lontlon or the Lantl N alrobl, or the U nder Secretary ol State for the Oë ce, N alzobi, on the 1st of J'anuazy m each year Colom es on or belore the 1st J'ulv, 1920 2 Ten pel cent of the pulchase prlce together The hlghesf or any other tendel vs ll1 not neces- w lth pzopoztlonaie rental to the 31sf D ecem bel , qarllv be accepted a420, m ust be paltl 1011hM,1th by ihe Buccessful Plans of fhe area m av be seen at the oë ces of tenleror and the rem am der by 9 equal yearly znstal- fhe Clow n Agents for the Colrm leq or at the L and m ents on the 1st January ln each zeal D epartm ent, N allobl. B rltlBh E aqt M llca, or m ay Sam ey Iees, reglstratlon fee and. stam p (luty as be obtam ed on appllcatlon to the latter at a cost ol state ' ln the schetlule hereto m ust be pad at the L antl Ofllce, N alrobl, upon the lssue of the lease Tte 1/- poqt free 3 The plem lses to be used fo1 the purpose of N ois - The above notlce ls subject to corzectlon glow lng, eultlvatm g and m anufacturlng sugal and on lecelpt of copy of a notlce w hlch zcg belng purposes anczllary thereto publlshed ln L ondon by the Secretaly ol State


Sltuatlon- .M ea R ent per annum Term Stlrve) fees Reg Fee

its R s Nos11559983, 1594, 1596, 1597, 6716 244-15-4 99 'vea' s from 1st Sept , / 1,130 10 , 1599 betw eeu aezes 1920, v ltll optlon of K lblgom and. K lbos extenslon to 9p9 vears t Ploportlonate R ental 1st Septem ber, 1920 to 31st Decem ber, 1920 2 14-18-6 N allolx, H T M A E TTN , Febluary 12th ,1920 Com m znmono of z tuztfs G lxElt-&.lu N oTlclc N o .182 G ENER-î.L X'ollclc N o 38 l N OTICE X OTTOE

Tlllsl!lt CUTTING R IGHTS, TIMBOROA F OREST G RAZING Ix L AXGATX Fonlss:r A PPL IOA TIO N S a1e m vlted for the tlm ber cuttlng TE N D E R S ate m vltecl for the glazm g llghts on llghts m an alea ol the Tlndelet Forest R eserve neal the glass glades m the Southczn palt of tlle Ngong Tlm boloa apploxlm atelz 6300 acles ln extent and Folest l'teselve (Langata Folesk and estlmated to bounded on the N 01th bz L O N o 18,58 on tne E ast covez an alea ol 600 acles Ior 3 ) ears from the 1st by L O N o 1859 and on the South bz L O N o 1860 J'urze, 1920 2 The successful appllcant u 1l1 recelve a lleence 2 The sueeessful tencleler v 1ll be gw en a llcenee the teèm s and. condqtlons o ! p hlclt m ay be obtmned the telm q of :5 hlch m ay be seen at the oflice ol the from tlle unclezslgned undelslgnecl The glades m ay be m spected by 3 ln the e'kent of thele bezng tv o or m ore a1x angem ent V 1tl1 the Folestek Ngong Road appllcatlons of equal m ellt the cuttlng llghts m ay be , put up to tendtal ol auetlon, ln v Llch case the loyalty 3 The basls of iencler to be an m nual llcence (tee to be pald pe1 cublc foot ozl trees m easured standlng parable ln a.clvance on the date of lsspe of the lleence :5 1ll be the basxs oi tender ol auctlon pnd thezeaftei on the flzst day of June ln the tw o suceeecllng years 4 Appllcatsons 'r$N lll be recen ecl up t1ll the 15L1'1 July, 1920 4 Tendezs 4: 1ll be opened on the 15th Alay, 1920 5 The underslgnetl does not bm d hzm sell to 5 The hlghest or an5 tencla' u, ;11 not necessaz )ly enteltazn any apphcatlon be aeceptetl N allobl, N allobl, 7th Aprll, 1920 7th A pzil, 1920 E B ATTISCO M B E , E BATTISCOM B E , Connerraior oj Forcélf: Conserrator oj Fozcafa.


I Aplll 28y 1920 TH E O FFICIA L GA ZETTE 445

G 1 XERA.L N oTlcE N o 447 G EN: uztru N oqlcyc N o 451 NOTICE N O TICE U xoEa THE LIQVOR OaolxAxcE, 1909 S S G oracoxlu '' U/vtzozstr P'rqrtnoe 1 heleby glve notice that uncler the poM e1s glven m e by law , 1 hape glantetl an extenslon of tlm e for NOTICE ls heleby glven that the next m eetm g ilee stozage of goods landed at K tllndlnl ex the of the U ltam ba L leensltng Ooult w lll be heltl at the abol e nam ecl steam er, V hleh arrlvecl hele on the 5th 1lpll:: ay Tnstltute, N allobl, on Afonclay the 14th A pml , 1920, from 8 to 15 clays Jl-ne, 1920, at 10 o'elock ln the forenoon N anobl, Custom H ouqe, 22nd A plll, 1.920 M om basa, 19th Aplll, 1920 F TR A IL L , G W AL SH , Plortnclaï (loznpzîg8loz?cr .4cfl?lg Ckkej oj C'dufowzd, E .4 and U gandq G I!xE1l.&L N orlcE N o 448 Gœxslu s N orrzcz N o 452 TT-IE LIQUOR OKDTNANCE, 1909 N OTICE

11ExvA P Ro=INcE TNEATRE R OyAL L:rD N OTICE ls heleby glven that the L leenslng Court N O ozders foz goods or other purchases wzll be recognlsed w 11 s1t on Alonday the 14th June, 1920, a,t the by the Theatre R oval Co , Tutd , unless such are slgned by lh ovlnclal Com m lsslonel 's Offlce, N jell, at 10 o'clock the M anager '' 1fl the lolenoon Bv ordez of the Boazd N fell, F M EN K IN , 22nd A plll, 1920 becretaqy S F D E CK , A cttîzg PT()'n??lc?tzI Connnttsszonel G IINBRAL N OTICE N o 453 U GAN DA RAILW &Y. 'G ENISRAL N oxlch N o !40 P O ST OFFICE N OTICE TE N D E R S TE N D E IRS ale lnvltetl for the supplv of the TH 11 attentlen of the publle ls draw n to the lollon lng Alushazagl Sleepers tlelzveled at any t'llpalbm ental xequlrem ents (custom azz m a1l statlon on the U ganda Itall'w ay --. ctluntzles M he, e the Post Ofllce box system -s m vtlgue) tha.t eolzespondenee mtendecl Ioz a prlvate N o b'lx holdez shotlld have the num bet of the pllvate 10,000 b feet 9 m ehes 41. lnches bflx lzzcluded ul tlle acldzess 100 12 ,, x 12 x 6 So m any pzz: afe boxes are noM m use at N anobl 2O0 1 0 x 12 6 tltat lt ls lm posslble fol the Soltlng Staff tcl 300 7 10 5 1( m em bel the num bel of the boxes allottetl to the ,, rt ntels, and unless the adtllessee's pllvate box num 300 8 , , x 10 5 ber 1:, 'ncluded ln the aclch ess delay m dellvel, m ust 300 9 x 10 5 nepessallly oecui Tendels m ust leacll the oflic.e of the undelslgned A lalge am ount of collecm onclence posted ln the on ol befole Satuldav Alay 15th The loM est or anJ Frotectorate fol clellvel'k ln N anobl ls m sutûezentlx telatlel v 11l not zteeessallly be accepted atldzessed, m o e eppee ally is thls so m flae case of Speclficatlon and cenclltlons w lll be sent on appll- c lzlespontlenc.e poeted ln N anobl fol (lellvery m eatlon 5 atlobl, and the publlc ale requested to lnsert ln tlle address tlle nunïbel of the addlessee's pzlvate N allobz, box 23z d A prll, 1920 5: allobl 'W M G RTE SS, zflth A plil, 1920 Actzng Oltlej Engtneer, L E D E N CH ., Uganda S tzîlztlc,g Pon'tm an'ter G cxlsztlu N orlcE N 0 454 (IENERAL N oqrlcE N o 450 U GA ND A E AILW A Y TTTE D TSE A SE S OF AN TAIA L S OR D IN A N CE , 1906 TwallF Boox N () 9 A plaolxrrvEx'rs P age 211 To be H onotaly Perm lt Tssuer - Specaal Goods Tarlfl N o i 3 Als L E CHolcE, L ondlam , vlce AlR 14 tv Beans, M alze, Peas antl svlzeat for export LETcI-lE1t, u ho has left the countly Statlon T o To be P ezm xi Tssuet K lzulxolxt PILR Tem polals Stock Inspectol A A uzlsTlaoxo, zt(l(l Tluzzzuzutu K zrulxozsrl SqrwTzox l'iallobl, N altobl, 21st A plll, 1920 AA' 1f>1?I1(5(l7?f ztpt 11 20tl) , l 920 W M CTTAR DY , , Tl JA c Manale, . lcf tllq Cltlej Fcftr? ??d q? y O#lc8'r 446 TH E OFFIOTA L G AZETTE A plll 28, 1920,

Llcenceq and. Petm tts lssued. at Lam u (larm g the quatter euttetl 3lsb D ecam ber, 1919

N o To whom lssued D ate of zssue R esld.e ce R em arks

W lxE M ylltcuwxl''s ou Gltocp:lt s Lw k-folt Llclxcs 515 I Messrs 5m1th Maekenzle & Oo I Dee 29, 1919 I Lamu I For one year from 1-1-20 S'rocx Tltztp:n 's Llcaxcss ' j Abd 1919 ulazak blrl M barak and. Oct 4 M om basa For one year A bclnlla bm A wath & Co A shako D aca & Co D ec 29 ,, K ulawa d.o

# Lam u, A. O LU CK M A N , CwrT /' January 23rd, 1920 LW ntrtet Powzwzsyts-lowdz


R XTIJRN t):n LAsotm A glxrrs ' Pzuxlq?s IssytiElo otrltfho Tn:E EILF Y IA.R xxolo 31sT D Ec1:xBEa, 1919

N o To w llom lssue; D ate of Issue Date of explry

1919 19 1 9 73 E A Fontalne Octobez 8 74 Y' M aclcey ,, 5 ,, 4 75 J H A nch ew ,, 24 ,, . 23 76 S V Adsm s ,, 25 ,, 24 77 M lss M P M aclean ,, 2,5 ,, 24 78 J' M axwell A ugust 2 N ovem ber 1 79 D D Banks ,, 2 ,, 1 80 Lal Sm gh Septem ber 6 D ecem bez 5 81 Lachm lchand R am D ass ,, 23 ,, 22 82 Ahmed K han ,, 24 ,, 23 83 P W Savage ,, 27 ,, 26 1920 84 K hutla Bux October 6 January 5 85 Y' M ackey ,, 4 ,, 3 86 K aram Chantl l ,, 8 ,, 7 87 E A. Fontazne ,, 3 ,, 2 88 M ansaram s/o Lal Slngh ,, 8 ,, 7 89 S V A dam s ,, 24 ,, 23 90 M zss M P M aclean ,, 24 ,. 23 91 H E H ttâson ,, 25 ,, 24 92 J H A ndlew ,, 23 ,, 22 93 J M axwell N ovem ber 8 ,, 81 94 G W Ross ,, 10 February 9 95 A. W H endren Frost ,, 10 ,, 9 96 Y' E Yates ,, 26 ,, 25 97 G C 51111th Decem ber 8 M arch 7 98 K hud.a B tu ,, 20 A pml 5 99 G. R E M cclelland , 22 M arch 21 100 G. M ackenzle ,, 22 ,, 21 1/19 Ahmed Khan ,, 23 ,, 22

K lsum u, C R W LAN E, February 19th, 1920 Prom naal Com m %satoner