Official Gazette

Official Gazette

OFFICIAL GAZETTE Publidlled under the authorliy of Hie E~rellencythe Governor of East Afii~3r [Vol XXII-No 7071 NAIROBI, April 23, 1920 [PRICE25 CENTS] Registered as a Newspaper at the G P 0 Publ~shedevery Wednesday TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE F'roclamation No 41-The Customs Amendment Ot dinance, 1915 433 9, 9) 42-45-The Diseases of Anlmals Ord~nances,1906 Gl oyt Notices Nos 144-Courts Ordlnance, 1907-Rules >t H J, 145-In the matter of the Trading with the Enemv Ordinance, 1915 - Order 534 YY 2, 9) 146-The Justices of the Peace Ord~nance,1610-Appointment 435 y, j; 21 147-Under Section 13 of the ilquor Ordinance 1909-Appo~ntments 435 9, 99 79 148-Legislatl~e Councll-Notice re 435 3, J, J) 149-Vice-Cousul fol United States of America at Nairobl-Recogn~tion of Mr Oscar Thomason 435 99 9J 9 9 151-The Leg~slativeConncil Ordinance, 1919-Not~ce 436-437 >J 9, Y) 152-The Legislative Council Ordinance, 1919-Appointments 437 G~hn Notlces Nos 431-451-M~scellanoous Notaces .. ..437-446 432 TH E OFFIOIA L G A ZETTE Aptll 28, 1920 H akes of S ab-cr/p tfon t.o f# o fffcfa/ G azeffe.'' R s Cts For one year 12 50 ;# s1x rnonths - 6 50 ## three months (excludlng postage) 3 25 #; three ,, jncltld.lng ,, 3 75 Smgle copy (excluthng postage) 0 25 ;> JJ (lncluchng ,, ) 0 30 R s C#s Prlce of one copy betw een 1 and 3 m onths oltl 0 30 do d.o 3 and. 6 tlo 0 50 do do 6 m onths and. 1 year old 1 00 do do 1 and. 2 years 01(i 1 50 (lo over 2 years old 2 00 lLs Cts Pmce of a bountl V olum e of .. Oë clal Gazette '' p a 12 50 do do Blae Book p a 10 00 do do Orchnances and R egulatlons 7 50 do Ozdm ances (per copy) 1 50 do Izlsertlon zn frofliclal Gazette '' (collzmn) 16 00 do (lo do (half column) 8 00 (lo do (lo (quartez column or less) 4 00 d.o Chronologlcal Index (1876-1910) 5 00 do Cezlsus Return 1 50 Cotle of R egulatlons . 3 50 Labour Com m lsmon R eport 7 50 D utxes Fees and Taxes Book 3 50 V atter for pabhcatlon shotzld reach tile Eklltor aot later thaa 3 o'ctock on M onday afternoon ln each w eek N O T IC E . CO PIES of O ldauances arlcl Ragalatzoas, V oltzme X X , 1018, cart be obtalne: frorn the Government Press --prlce 7/50 per copy D E M A R Y U R E N. N am e R ank O n leave or term lnatlon D 'kte of D epartrm 'e of appolntm ent J I J' Lltzûsay Allan R eglstlar of D ocum ents Lea: e A prll 12th, 1920 l TH E OFFIUIA L GA ZETTE E A ST A F R IC A P R O T E CT OR A T L x qtocLztMATlllx N o 11 (c) That the expoltatzon of the followlng artlcles be plohlbltecl to R ussla, G errnany Q'H E CU STOM S A M E N D AIE N T OL D IN AN CE , , Auqtma, H un- 1915 gary, B ulgalla antl Turkey - PltoccxMzu lozz A ncrafb of al1 km cls ancl thelr com ponent pa/ s and aceessozzes 'W H E R E A S lt ls expedaent that the Ploslam atxons urder the Custom s Am enclm en.t Oldlnance, 1915, G lven untlel m x hancl at N azlobz thls 27th claly prohlbltzng the exportatlon of ce' taln altlcles thereln of A plzl, 1920 z'eielled to tzom tlxe Ploteetozate to cettam oz a11 C C B O W R IN G , d6 stlnat'ons should 13e consolltlatecl AA tth am encï- m ents and. addltlons and that sueh Pzoclam atlons A citltg Gor6orKoz slnould be levol-ecl N ow therefole ln exelelse of 'rhe pou els conferrecl G OD SAV E TH E K IN G upon rne b) the Custom s Am endm ent Ozdm ance, 1.915, 1 Challes Cal: elt B ow llng, K nlgllt Com - m andel of the M ost E xcelient Oldel of the B lltlsh Pltocla-u ztTlox N o E l-nplze, Com pam on of the Albst D lstlnguashed Older of Sam t Allehael ancl Sam t G eolge, A ctm g G ovelnor TH E D ISE A SE S OF A N IAIAL S of the E ast Af3 lea Ploteetolate, heleby (leelale - OR D IN AN CE , 1906 1 That the expozvatzon of the altleles m entlonecl m the sehetlule anuexecl heleto to the destlnatlons P aOCLAM XTION znentloned be plohlblted 2 That pow el be and ls hereby reserved to the IN E X E R CISE of the poM els thereunto enabllng G ovelnol to pelm lt b'y llcenee the expoltatlon of any m e I heleby declare the follov m g Falm s ln the aztzcle or slass ol artxcles the expolfataon of sNhlch zs heleby prohlblted ol lestlleted N alvasha Plovlnce to be m fected Contaglous B ovlne Pleulo pneum onla aleas lol the purposes of the 3 That the follov 1ng Ploclam at'ons be revoked aloreqald Oldxnanee O fkczal G'azette, ' ' 1919, page 80.5- The Pro- clam atlon clated the 29th day of O ctobel , 1919, F alm N o 740, M z J'oubelt, R um urutl D lstllci Proclam atlon N o 118) F arm N o 987, M essls M ltten R oberts, ' 'O lEclal G azette, ' ' 1919, page 850- The Pro- N goblt R lvel , L alklpla clam at-ion dated the 7th daz of Novem bel , 1919, (Plocalamatzon No 120) F alm N o 5:5, A1l TT 1-1E D ugm ole, R um ulutz D lstllct Offlelal G azette, ' 1920, page 265- The Pzo- clam atlon datecl the 16th (lay of M alch, 1920, F arm N o 768, M agor E G l1ehr1st, R um urutz (Proelamailon No 25) . D lstzlet SCH E D UL E L old D elam ere s F alm , N clalagua, R um urutl D lstzlct (# That the exportatlon of the followzng altlcles bdx plohlbltecl to all destlnatlons - G lven unclez m z hantl at N allobl thzs 16th (lay G old and sllvel com s of al1 denom lnatlons and. of A pzzl, 1920 gold and. sllvel bulllon , W K E N N E D Y , N otes ol the denom lnatlon ol one lupee lssaed w'lcfîng Cluef F6foktzrc/p O//ic6? by the G oveznm ent ol Izldza under the authozlty of the Tnclla Papez Cullency (Am entlm ent) Act, 1917 PRocLAM.â.llox N o 43 R tce ancl ilce floul ancl arkcles nàlxtures and. preparatlons contalnm g llce ol rlce floul TH E D ISE A SE S OF AN TM AL S Sugal , cane ancl beet, and. artlcples, m lxtures O IRD IN A N CE , 1906 and. plepazatlozls eontazn'ng sugal , cane antl beet Av/heat, q hepr flotzl aod A& heat m eal P ltclcru .v-I kTION (B) That the expoltaflon oi the follou mg altleles be prohiblted to a11 poztq and deqtznatkons othez than IN E X E R CïSE of the pon els thelounfo enabllrg ptnrfs 'and t'lestlnaflfans kz'l tne U ialf ed K m gdom azlcl m e 1 helebs t'teelale that tllat pozflon of Proclam a- 1z) B lztlell P oseesslenq ancl Pzotectolates tlon N o 31 dptecl tlle 19th day oi Afalch, 1020 Am m um tnon , zelatlng to Falm s Nos .5t,(4, 567, Jt$8 and JS8, B utter , R unluzutl D lstzlct, be 1eN olzed Cocalne , G n en undm m y hancl at N aplobl tlzls 16th day E xploqlves othel flïan lndustrlal exploslveq of Aplll, 1920 F 'realm s , V K E N N I?! 13 5 Oplum , Acilng (3/?/6j Veteîtnaky O#za/ r 4J4 T11E OFFTOTA L GA ZE TTE .A.!?; 11 2(h, 1 920 z'socc-u fwvxox x (' 44 5 Tbeze shail be pazable io the Provznczal com - nussloner ol D lstlqct Uom m lssloner ss the case m ay TH E D TSEA SE S OF A N IM AT.S be m lespeet of evelv sum m ons lssued undel these ORD TN AN CE , 1906 R ules such feeg as w1ll covel the eoqt of servlce but PRocr not less than Rs 2/- u &M ATION IN E X E R CISE of the poM ers theleunto enabllng B x com m anfl of H ls E xeellency the A etm g m e I heleby declare the Iollowlng F arm ln the G ovelnol N azvashs Provm ce ttl be an m lected Contaglous N alrobz, B ow ne Pleulo-pneum onla srea fol the purposes of The 22z1(1 daj, oi A plll , 1920 the aforesad Olthnance F alm N o 518, M l W J D aw son, N akuru W J' M ON SON , Glven under m y hancl at N alrobl thls 16th day Acttng &/u6/ Seeretaîy of A prl l , 1920 - -- W K ENNED Y , G ovsnwlu xl N oTlcl N o 143 zzlcfmg Ch%ej Fcf6?m tz'p ofllcer lx l .lyyuTyr wéx ryrps s oya A/ll.x K LE IN , ; C ROCL YMATION X O zl 1 AXD IN f HE M XTTER OF TITE TRADING W ITH THE E NEMY TH E D ISE A SE S OF A N IM AL S (luolx txf - u, 1915, kxo osa Tuis Osm xaxccs O RD IN A N CE , 1906 xuExplzsG THh s u tyi Axo TI,IE E xEwly P ltopyzrta?v tDlsloosaLl Oaolxxxcs, 1917 PROCLAM t'rloN O ao x R IN E x E lRclsE of the pow ers theleunto enabllng w y -lygs ynx s bz oldel dated the 7th clay of A ugust, m e I hereby declare the Iollow lng F alm ln the 1919 , the G ovelnol ln exerm se of the pov ers con- N alvasha Provm ce io be an lnfeetetl Y'oot and.

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