Download 1966 Guide
THE 1966 OFFICIAL National Collegiate Athletic Association WRESTLING GUIDE Charles Parker, Editor The Official Rules Book AND RECORD BOOK OF Collegiate and Scholastic Wrestling NATIONALCOLLEGIATE CHAMPIONSHIPS by Bill Young . 11 COLLEGIATEREVIEWS . 17 1965-66 NCAA-WCOA OFFICERS . 21 JUNIORCOLLEGE CHAMPIONSHIPS by Geo. E. Killian . 33 1965 DUAL MEET RECORDS...................... 35 HELMSFOUNDATION HALL OF FAME . 37 SCHOLASTICREVIEWS . 4 1 RULES SECTION NCAA WRESTLINGRULES COMMITTEE. 1 MAJORRULES CHANGES . 2 COLLEGIATEAND SCHOLASTICRULES DIFFERENCES . 3 OFFICIALNCAA WRESTLINGRULES . 5 PENALTYCHART ............................... 32 REFEREES'SIGNALS............................. 38 INDEXTO RULES ............................... 47 produced and distributed by NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATl-lLETIC BUREAU NEW YORK ON THE COVER: Yojiro Uetake, Oklahoma State$ two-time National Collegiate charn- pi& at 130 pounds and winner of the 1965 Outstanding Wrestler award. Though beaten three times during high school in Gumma- ken, Japan, the fiercely aggressive Olympic gold medalist is undefeated as a collegian. The 5-foot-5 senior, a B student in educa- tion who wants to teach or go into business in Japan, likes listening to classical and folk music and dislikes one thing about his size: "I wish I could play football." PUBLISHED BY: The National Collegiate Athletic Association, under the supervision of its Executive Committee. PRODUCED AND DISTRIBUTED BY: The official service organization of the NCAA, the National Collegiate Athletic Bureau: I Homer F. Cooke, Jr., D~T~C~OT Larry Klein, General Editor Jack Waters, Business Manager Steve Sirianni, Associate Editor Marie Montana, Production Manager Larry Bortstein, Associate Editor Chris Erles, Research Editor J. Soldenwagner, Associate Editor Circulations Staff-Annette Gabrielli, Rick MacIntyre ADDRESS ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO: The National Collegiate Athletic Bureau, Box 757, Grand Central Station, New York, N.
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