r '.•* AJU U» NEWS it BED, BlM SECTION. and Sunpaadlag Towns fold Fearlessly.and Wltaoot Bias ANK REGISTER ONE .VOLUME LX, NO. 40. EED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1938. PAGES 1 TO 12, Defer Plans For Farewell Parties Combs Becomes A Mean Trick; Two Killed When Water Authority Building Theater Given For Tinton Full Partner In . A Gracious Act Train Hits Truck Hearing Will Be Bones of Dinosaur Construction of a new theater at Local Law Firm An. order to mike up 25 bam Firing Gasoline Red Bank has been deferred, Wal- Falls Principal sandwiches and 26 ham and egg Held Next Tuesday ter Raade, New York and New Jer- sandwiches was received by tele- sey theater magnate, announced to- Shrewsbury Township Show Specialist in Probate, Real Estate phone at Lew Callahan's diner Central Railroad Engineer and Assemblyman Irwin Asks Red day. Plans and specifications for\ Brought To Light the playhouse, to be erected on and Chancery Practice Joins at the railroad station Saturday Their Regard for Mn. Thorn- night. However, after the sand- Fireman Fatally Burned in Bankers to Send Letters Pro- East Front street, have been com- u H. Long, 'Who for Ten Firm of Parsons, Labrecque wiches had keen prepared no • Crash Early Monday Morning testing; Against Bill That pleted by Thomas W. Lamb, New York architect, and bids will be ft Borden. one called for them and an In- at Sewsren. Yews WM School Principal vestigation revealed that the Would Wipe Out Home Rule. asked for as soon as conditions inKeahsburgCreek call had come; from Long have improved, Mr. Reade stated. Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Announcement has been made of Branch, The' Identity of ' the The engineer of a-Central railroad A public hearing on Assembly Bill "I am writing this statement In Long moved from Soobeyvlll* to the admission of Elston F. Combs trickster could not he learned. passenger train was killed <nd the No. 273, which would create the Wa- view of the number of Inquiries Move to Vaccinate Madlaon, Vermont, when they're- of Little Silver to a full partnership The food did' not go to waste, fireman fatally burned Monday when ter Authority of new Jersey to take which I know you are receiving, Part of Skeleton of PrehU- cently bought a farm and Where in the law firm of Parsons, Labrec- however. Herman Marx, a junk the train Crashed into an oil truck charge of all potable waters In the and that we are receiving as to Shrewsbury Pupils i) •' • • • • they will engage: in dairying. The que * Borden. Mr. Combs has been dealer of West Bergen place, and trailer at the West avenue state, will be held next Tuesday be- why we do not proceed with the toric Monster It Brought resignation of Mrs. long took effect associated with the corporation since learning of the trick, purchased crossing at Sewaren, ginning at 11 a. m, at the state house erection of the new theater.on East at Trenton, under the direction of The Shrewsbury board of health Friday as principal of the Shrews- the dissolution of the firm of Quinn, the sandwiches at a very nom- The engineer, Clarence Lovelle, 81, Front street, Red Bank. at Monday night's meeting of the Up by Dredge Working bury township school, where she bad Parsons * Doremus. He,specializes ,lnal cost and distributed them of Point Pleasant, died In his cab the assembly judiciary committee. "Would say that we have deferred This measure would vest complete Shrewsbury board of education asked served ten yean. Was Bora Joffe, in probate, real estate and chancery , among several needy families in after halting the train, fired by burn- the actual construction of this build- co-operation in having the school teacher of the seventh grade, has practice. '•'. .•'•'.' . ' 'Y . the neighborhood. Ing oil' scattered over a wide area. control In a central state body for ing, .which was contemplated In the on Harbor Job. : "development" of the water re- children vaccinated against small- succeeded her. The fireman, A. F. Brysett of Man- early part of the year, owing to the pox and diphtheria. It was moved asquan, was taken to Perth Amboy sources of the state. It was Intro- unsteady financial conditions and The high regard In . •which- Mrs! duced by Assemblyman Freund of to assist the health board in every Long Is held by Shrewsbury town- | hospital, where he died several hours Bergen county. actual drop in our receipts of the possible way. It waa stated the at- ship residents is shown by the fact later. various theaters, which we are run- tendance at the school has been be- Bones On Exhibition during the past week four farewell John Major.of Hillside, driver of The mayor and council of Red ning, not alone in Red Bank, but In low normal the paBt two months. Poppy Pay Safe Of Bank would be shorn of all authority parties were held for her in addition the oil truck, also was taken to the other places. Principal Fred C. England gave to a farewell tea given' by Mrs. hospital, with burns, but his con- over the publicly-owned water sys- "We shall construct this theater At Register Office : Red Bank Veterans tem at Red Bank by the proposed his monthly report and stated that Georgle Hanklnson, a member ot the dition was not considered serious. as soon as conditions warrant." the new flre alarm system is now In board of education, which "was re- Several other persona In other cars new bureau. The borough • officials at a reoent meeting went on record operation at the school. Bills ported In The Register last week. Saturday, May 31, Fixed as Date at the crossing were burned by flam- amounting to $600 were ordered A portion of an enormous bone i as being opposed to this legislation. that was apparently once part of the '^ : I*at week the board of education, for Annual Event to be Held Ing, oil scattered in all directions by Assemblyman Joseph C. Irwln of paid. the' township committee, 'the school the crash. vertebrae of a dinosaur or some oth- J by Veman A. Brown Post— Red Bank, in a letter to Tho Regis- Style Show To . bus drivers and various' employees of The north-bound train struck the er prehistoric monster was unearthed "^ ter, urges Red Banks residents to at Waycake creek, Keansburg, Fri- '<! the school gave a party for Mrs. line New Members. truck, between its rear end and -the send letters protesting agalmt the Be Held Tuesday tong at the home ol Mrs. Hankln- trailer, mitslng the cab.. The truck Budget Adopted*^ day and is now on exhibition at The n measure. The letters should be Register office, together with a sec- J son. The board and the committee' Vernon A. Brown post of Veterans burst into flames, Igniting the train mailed to Assemblyman Oscar Wl- made gifts of table cloths and nap- ; Latest Creations to be Displayed Uon of a smaller bone which prob- .! of Foreign Wars of Red Sank has locomotive aa it plowed through. • lensky of Fassaic, chairman of the At Sea Bright ably formed part of the same skele- - kins, the bus drivers gave a lunch- fixed Saturday, May 21, as the date The engineer apparently had set judiciary committee, and addressed eon cloth and the eighth grade pu- • at Schulte-United Store on ton. Thousands of years ago, ac- for its annual sale of popples.".This his brakes.as the train came to a to the state house at Trenton. Amount to be Raised by Taxa- cording to scientists who are author- % pils gave an electric lamp. halt about 200 feet beyond the cross- Broad Street — Styles More action was taken'at a. meeting of Assemblyman Irwln's letter. Is as tion is $45,113—Unemploy- Itles on the subject, these creatures, r The teachers of the school gave the post last Thursday night at its ing. • follows: Feminine. some of them 70 feet In length, i a farewell surprise party for Mrs. new home at the corner of Mount Several other vehicles were at the ment Situation Discussed— roamed the earth, but were evenUJ- £ Long at her home and gave a set of and Mechanio streets, with • Com- March- 30, 1938. crossing and were scorched by the Editor, Red Bank Register: Men will like women's clothes Constable. ally wiped out by smaller and more '| dishes to her. mander James Glendlnjilng presid- burning oil. One of their passengers this spring." active animals and by mankind. «i . .The pupils of (he school held a ing. A committee to take this matter Unclosed find notice of public : was taken to the, hospital and others hearing on Assembly BUI 273, Intro- R. V. DeGolyer, manager of Schulte- The Sea Bright mayor and coun- The discovery, of the bones came _,'£ farewell. party and made gifts of a up with the mayor and -council' was received treatment for burns at the United store on Broad street, is cil adopted the 1938 budget Tuesday about In an unusual way. The creek | appointed, consisting of Harry. Sand- duced by Assemblyman Freund of lamp, kitchen utensils and a cas- scene. authority for that statement. He night after making several changes was being deepend and widened at { serole to Mrs. Long. era. James Kaufmann,. Webster Lin- Bergen county, ELSTON F. COMBS Spectators pulled Major from the I am doing everything possible to continues: as directed by the state auditor. Its entrance to the bay by means of '- .Mrs.;May Gibson, helping teacher, son, Joaquln A.
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