Architectures for Adaptive Low-Power Embedded Multimedia Systems
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Architectures for Adaptive Low-Power Embedded Multimedia Systems zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines Doktors der Ingenieurwissenschaften der Fakultät für Informatik Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) (The cooperation of the Universität Fridericiana zu Karlsruhe (TH) and the national research center of the Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft) genehmigte Dissertation von Muhammad Shafique Tag der mündlichen Prüfung: 31.01.2011 Referent: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Henkel, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Fakultät für Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Eingebettete Systeme (CES) Korreferent: Prof. Dr. Samarjit Chakraborty, Technische Universität München (TUM), Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationtechnik, Lehrstuhl für Realzeit- Computersysteme (RCS) Muhammad Shafique Adlerstr. 3a 76133 Karlsruhe Hiermit erkläre ich an Eides statt, dass ich die von mir vorgelegte Arbeit selbständig verfasst habe, dass ich die verwendeten Quellen, Internet-Quellen und Hilfsmittel vollständig angegeben habe und dass ich die Stellen der Arbeit – einschließlich Tabellen, Karten und Abbildungen – die anderen Werken oder dem Internet im Wortlaut oder dem Sinn nach entnommen sind, auf jeden Fall unter Angabe der Quelle als Entlehnung kenntlich gemacht habe. ____________________________________ Muhammad Shafique Acknowledgements I would like to present my cordial gratitude to my advisor Prof. Dr. Jörg Henkel for his erudite and invaluable supervision with sustained inspirations and incessant motivation. He guided me to explore the challenging research problems while giving me the complete flexibility, which provided the rationale to unleash my ingenuity and creativity along with an in-depth exploration of various research issues. His encouragement and meticulous feedback wrapped in constructive criticism helped me to keep the impetus and to remain streamlined on the road of research that resulted in the triumphant completion of this work. I am also grateful to my co-advisor Prof. Dr. Samarjit Chakraborty for his erudite feedback and profound discussion on my research work. Furthermore, I will present my gratitude to (in alphabetical order) Dr. Jian-Jia Chen, Prof. Dr. Ralf H. Reussner, Prof. Dr. Peter Sanders, Prof. Dr. Mehdi B. Tahoori, and Prof. Dr. Walter F. Tichy for their valuable feedback during the Professorenrunde phase. I will present my special thanks to my colleague and project partner Dr. Lars Bauer for his technical discussions on various reconfigurable computing aspects and continuous support during the paper submissions. He has always been very critical with me in scrutinizing the research issues to deliver a thorough and quality work. Without him, the work of this quality would have been exceptionally difficult. I would like to pay my thanks to all of the colleagues from the Chair for Embedded Systems (CES) for their discussions and feedback. In particular, I want to thank (in alphabetical order): Waheed Ahmed, Mohammad Abdullah Al Faruque, Lars Bauer, Talal Bonny, Thomas Ebi, Artjom Grudnitsky, Florian Kaiser, Semeen Rehman, and Bruno Zatt. In the last six months of my thesis writing, especially Semeen Rehman and Bruno Zatt provided consistent support in managing my workload and sharing their food, that was a great help in keeping me focused to timely finish my thesis. I also want to thank my Master students (especially Bastian Molkenthin and Florian Kriebel) whom I supervised in the scope of this thesis. Furthermore, I want to acknowledge the support of secretaries and technicians to provide a good working environment. I am also grateful to the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan (HEC) and Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) for financially supporting my research work. My utmost gratitude to Mr. Azeemullah who motivated and encouragement me throughout my Ph.D. studies. At the time of each failure, he was there to fuel my energies to perform and deliver even much better than earlier and to constantly improve my work. Finally, I would like to pay my deepest gratitude to my parents (Muhammad Siddique Wahlah and Razia Sultana) and my siblings (Anwar-us-Saeed, Riffat Shahid, Tasneem Kauser, Muhammad Aqeel Wahlah, Naseem Kauser) for their unconditional love, never-ending support, sincere prayers, and exceptional sacrifices throughout my Ph.D. studies and since ever. My father saw the dream of my Ph.D. and I am grateful to my ex-team lead Dr. Jamil Raza who ignited the fire inside me (during my job at Streaming Networks Pvt. Ltd.) to make this dream come true. I dedicate this thesis to all of my family members and my advisor Prof. Jörg Henkel. i “Great things cast shadows. Imagination and creativity are the essence of research.” Jörg Henkel iii List of Own Publications Included in This Thesis Transactions/Journals (blind peer reviewed) [T.1] M. Shafique, L. Bauer, J. Henkel, “Optimizing the H.264/AVC Video Encoder Application Structure for Reconfigurable and Application-Specific Platforms”, Journal of Signal Processing Systems (JSPS), volume 60, issue 2, pp. 183-210, August 2010 (online-published November 2008). Conferences (double-blind/blind peer reviewed) [C.1] M. Shafique, L. Bauer, J. Henkel, “Selective Instruction Set Muting for Energy-Aware Adaptive Processors”, IEEE/ACM 28th International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD´10), San Jose, California, USA, November 2010. Nominated for the IEEE/ACM WILLIAM J. MCCALLA ICCAD Best Paper Award 2010. [C.2] M. Shafique, L. Bauer, J. Henkel, “enBudget: A Run-Time Adaptive Predictive Energy- Budgeting Scheme for Energy-Aware Motion Estimation in H.264/MPEG-4 AVC Video Encoder”, IEEE/ACM 13th Design Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE´10), Dresden, Germany, pp. 1725-1730, March 2010. [C.3] M. Shafique, B. Molkenthin, J. Henkel, “An HVS-based Adaptive Computational Complexity Reduction Scheme for H.264/AVC Video Encoder using Prognostic Early Mode Exclusion”, IEEE/ACM 13th Design Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE´10), Dresden, Germany, pp. 1713-1718, March 2010. [C.4] M. Shafique, L. Bauer, J. Henkel, “REMiS: Run-time Energy Minimization Scheme in a Reconfigurable Processor with Dynamic Power-Gated Instruction Set”, IEEE/ACM 27th International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD´09), San Jose, California, USA, pp. 55-62, November 2009. [C.5] M. Shafique, B. Molkenthin, J. Henkel, “Non-Linear Rate Control for H.264/AVC Video Encoder with Multiple Picture Types using Image-Statistics and Motion-Based Macroblock Prioritization”, IEEE 16th International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP´09), Cairo, Egypt, pp. 3429-3432, November 2009. [C.6] M. Shafique, L. Bauer, J. Henkel, “A Parallel Approach for High Performance Hardware Design of Intra Prediction in H.264/AVC Video Codec”, IEEE/ACM 12th Design Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE´09), Nice, France, pp. 1434-1439, April 2009. [C.7] M. Shafique, L. Bauer, J. Henkel, “3-Tier Dynamically Adaptive Power-Aware Motion Estimator for H.264/AVC Video Encoding”, ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED´08), Bangalore, India, pp. 147-152, August 2008. Workshops (blind peer reviewed) [W.1] M. Shafique, L. Bauer, J. Henkel, “An Optimized Application Architecture of the H.264 Video Encoder for Application Specific Platforms”, 5th IEEE Workshop on Embedded Systems for Real- Time Multimedia (ESTIMedia´07), Salzburg, Austria, pp. 119-124, October 2007. v List of Supervised Student Projects that Contributed to the Simulation, Prototype, and Encoder Demonstration Master Theses (Diplomarbeiten) [D.1] Bastian Molkenthin “Development of a Power-Aware Rate Controller for H.264 Video Encoder”. (Received the Forschungszentrum Informatik Award for Best Master Thesis) [D.2] Weiwei Cheng “Simulation und Messung des Energieverbrauchs eines Rekonfigurierbaren Eingebetteten Prozessors”. Semester Theses (Studienarbeiten) [S.1] Orcun Tüfek, “Developing Entropy Coding Framework and Optimized Hardware Accelerators for CAVLC in H.264 Video Encoder”. [S.2] Saraswathi Devi Thupakula “Porting and Optimizing the Functional Blocks of H.264 Video Encoder on a VLIW-based Digital Signal Processor”. [S.3] Florian Kriebel “Developing Special Instructions and Hardware Accelerators for Multimedia and Communication Application Suites Targeting Dynamically Reconfigurable Processors”. vii Abstract The continuously increasing user demands for advanced services lead to the evolution of new multimedia standards. As a result the next generation mobile multimedia applications exhibit high complexity and consume high energy to fulfill the end-user requirements. This stimulates the need for high-performance embedded multimedia systems with low power/energy consumption. Besides the context-aware processing in the emerging multimedia standards, the need for user-interactivity introduces a new dimension of run- time adaptivity to the overall system requirements in order to react to the run-time changing scenarios (e.g., quality and performance constraints). State-of-the-art multimedia solutions typically employ heterogeneous multimedia Multi-Processor System-on-Chip (MPSoC) that integrate several programmable processors, domain-specific weakly programmable co-processors, and application-specific hardware accelerators. The selection of cores in an MPSoC is determined at design time depending upon the requirements of a certain set of applications. Therefore, such an MPSoC does not provide the demanded efficiency when executing applications from different domains. Moreover, with a change in the application