The 17th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD-2011) June 20-24, 2011, Budapest, Hungary SONIFYING THE COSMIC MICROWAVE BACKGROUND Ryan McGee1, Jatila van der Veen2, Matthew Wright1, JoAnn Kuchera-Morin1, Basak Alper1, Philip Lubin2 1Media Arts and Technology, 2Department of Physics University of California, Santa Barbara
[email protected],
[email protected] ABSTRACT CMB with an angular resolution of up to 5 arc minutes and tem- µK We present a new technique to sonify the power spectrum perature sensitivity of a few microkelvin ( ), in nine frequency of the map of temperature anisotropy in the Cosmic Microwave bands, from 30 to 857 Gigahertz. Thus, in a few years we will be Background (CMB), the oldest observable light of the universe. able to derive the most sensitive temperature power spectrum of According to the Standard Cosmological Model, the universe be- the CMB to date, from which many of the cosmological parame- gan in a hot, dense state, and the first 380,000 years of its ex- ters that characterize our universe can be derived. istence were dominated by a tightly coupled plasma of baryons and photons, which was permeated by gravity-driven pressure os- 1.1. Formation of the CMB cillations - sound waves. The imprint of these primordial sound waves remains as light echoes in the CMB, which we measure as As we understand today, for the first 380,000 years of its exis- small-amplitude red and blue shifts in the black body radiation of tence the young expanding universe was filled with a plasma of the universe, with a typical angular scale of one degree.