Canadian .. OYSTERS! Arrived To-Otty Coal Oil.. ftauEiwo Iot. SSr?'¥'’ S1.4SG Tnjlor.SmttliACo Nomber 149. Jit ^eAillan's VOL XXV. NANAIMO, BRITISH COUTMBIA THUBSDAX^ WOVEMBBB 10. t898. Anchor Liocr ratotorin. Copt. Bmiia UCAN NEWS wiJ.kirmkhn, O. toUlO MwUiU . from N«» York, .tao far tom «d ito srs-is:s.s.sns£?.r. aplMii|toPu>Pw-■ II$P w—------drftMO——lUr.mat , ChadwickVOMawiM .ndmaa Primer.r. iBoth ttouMr* mportad to be tm- Low Sstoral other eWMen em ■UBOu. ARD------MDSJHB. mm nirraDDd.d tb« hoow wtd took i Chice«, Illinois lO-Mnider end ootatootorcw.. UwMkt tnt prc- [Water robbei7i.belieTedtobe the ex|^- pO«dtol^tlHBOOtb«ipO(.b>lt it TO THE TRADE [j^Dcny dtoitUd to pm ^ Justopened a very fine Selec­ toil. Anotbw Dccro in Ih. how tion of Chairs in Cane, Im- - lete Street end Plymouth pUoj neer : Mark. pervions and Leather Seatr. .ATlorpUce. Exeminetron .how^ th.t ell thetw pockeupvCKeu bedMMma beenimu turnedmmmw A Nice Line of iniide outt ftod------the oontenti, whetem ibe AmeriwA bwiito the la ttor pM> S SlMker KUiiml Top f-hirU 65 cU. ^ Ask to see oar 6 pieces, up­ tlK>y m.ymey been, -r. ured. Cloeer tented replie. to 8paiir.iwwpoeia. im Imported and holstered in Black Leather, iniwin.pection revealed fi .xer nutfk..oo Engiiah. and wUhout 8p>uM> IraMla- the throet end Wt l.Ule doubt Uut tio^ofdtoummtt. Thmeia m h^ .Solid O k, polished. Din (or any oomplmBt oa the llA^Mt. The Domestic .... r Set of Chairs, well worth I Preeident of the Bpeoieh OnMsriminB. Seuor Momero Bioe, and D^. I NuW* \V^ *UDderw«i»r tram j I now for Only $40. PraeideBt of the Amarieaa OoniB. . j So. 0 piur 11.00. r Alsoask tosee ourmagnificent and hSd^"a hght init ololothee. The J Every UirwE So«-gr«y-5 ’ police are eearobing for the mo THi jounr ------be apar«l reading •1) . « .S,]^*BUc« 8.xooy So., 85 cU ^ BDOAB BBK Cmif •HOW. Waahiogtou. 10-The Ai»gk>-Am- .CIGARS. for the-lebenAolSenerbewiBteiaeaer KIm WaahiDKton, D. C.. 10-The Coniral rttoan John Hig * 1 BUcrC«hra«« So.. «m a Iritun haa made a report to the began ita teahonion at Quebec, to meet aad two o membsmoithe Mpnn- . now 2.1 cenU. . JUte Department in tegard to the at waamogtoo. and aaide from the ithCuma M who do not nndw- lugar beet cultivation in Europe from imporunce attarsbiog to^tta . Beehridenp to the a Lso the following Park-Suite which it appeari that the total wti- ofUm^mmh^^lwt ad. ^ Uanalatioui, but / SiJlw Ki-iloro lUU, »1.85, 12.00 J mate of crop h>r the preaent aeaaoo I of/6 pieces, solid oak (beauti- will fall 376,000 ton. .hurt of the pro- tereat to the mtoling. Loi atone have auppliad \ luu. 2.50, s. a asa . I fill carved) npholstered in the duclibn of »ugar bei't for the lart year. former Lord Chanoellor of joint ioa.i.HU, the 1 Another Ut of ho»vyN.vy Woo 5 Holland ia the only rounlry for which Ipon them AAmerMea iHMefiewi, CIGARETTES... ‘ Wolorproof Co*U, »9. < 5, $12 linest Silk Brocatelle. Re­ an iDcreaao U ahowu. rlton. M.P.; on. Bpanieids on thatr »ideTiiMe to wide the reault in my P OUeegn, 10 Deepntehee tn thn Ae- ING OF MONEY. eliminates free a!SveTM a national tfisArehipdace. TheP^WNhea. We are to _ aoefated Piem up to 11 today from 374 marks, “ABdip- ’ ------imiiein 1900. Tbe entire tondency of out ol 377 Congreeaional dfatrieta, Slimpg Machine...( show that BepubUesot have elected The Front Again. lb* 189, DemoenU and Fudoniats, 184. .. For Sale Cheap. manent eaint of tb. Bepublican Party Tbare ate stOl ten doubUol diatriete. To-MorrowMorningourStorewill from the beat element of Democracy At Taylor ’a c«mmcrci.i si and Populiata. ThU ia largely due to be opened with a complete new ro»perou. coouihou u. agricul Ohoioe Glover Hay for ------1 with throwm* it, ture anoand OU.limbuiineea gwn»rwi.y.generally. The MHkOowBatiuR-John- Bngtiab upon the t^ StockofStaple and Fancy Dry the Petit Bleu i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.' people are mtU6ed with tbe preeent Etonfc Oo ’a Goods. No old (goods to show ^nditiona Call and examinethe Stock. NOTIOB In Nebraska, tbe PnaionUU. ewl] A. I am Itavinii .N.uaiwo next week, any in the campaign pracUc^y abandon CABLE DISPATCHES ^ nil. Ii ivliu ulaiuu agaiiMt iim .re miaaledmiomuxi ed thethefreearivW!»ue,andfora free silver laaue, and I time attemsmpted to maintain themaelvea by ^^^^ri^jiri^omtuololthe Fbilip- "i*. LOCKK, dam of the conduct of the war. •d^oFlBBr h^r^Amerieeiia DOW claim the J.S. Stannard - - "aS-SSnh SL, Nam ren from this they fall beck on tbe LOST. Oleary Bill. The Ee™blican c^- paign was very active and aggreaatve, THB rcix runoB pobob. A r.roai. Si«mtl ikw with Whit* Breaat Standard of Excellence M..1 Fore I'.w.. -Short fjir.. anawer. to the and .uccemfully metet the three imuee Faria, la —The Nation aaya at the in deUil. Above everythnigerything else,ela_, bow---- CouDcU of AdmiraU held yesterday U Will bf foutitl with us. X'l.U;i. »■.» White C«ckm\ Spaniel, ______IrioU'oU ’ determinatfon■*- “---- was decided to fit out all the French Mwwan. to Uk name ol • llR'K." Anj-on* .. jtand by theAdminiittation, wh<» war venwla available, end thirty re harhori-i- showinR a splendid SSri'’a annex territory which played no p«t rangeofUdiea Wrappem (rom $l.C5 PhiUpplne UfaodA ^diug our large stock. pi^mutomutowiUb*rr tryiis,nndseeonrHtoek-it will speak acceplrt ^ REIFLE. Manager. inded Tburwlay night 1-t. grounded last above Bowling The Naimimo, Nov. Ulh 1808. nB-Ul Iba train from Victoria today wa. for (imilily. xiaHT BBaBom evening,rg%hc when“^pwbord:"L;'^ boor fate owing to RimBl wa tbd viou.l;lusly repotted, and may hate to be| !>»R »■> Photographer S hlened before she can be floated. | lengthy A r.irl lor geocral houMwk. Apply i. lightei W. T. HBDDLB & „ i^iauly at F re* Press OfTic*. nT-tl 8Ur"rora ‘‘wii'“i"«t““* »*>•; HEART SOCIETY-JlJlij, .. ..Wn-Klim Mc HH SEE THAT YOP GET IT|Naii9iiiiii nefentaitowmOlUi K*^!i!ji=s53 FOR RENT. UcMiiiCuHFniiit- tilla i J tie SBtm , tbOBU be to a<« r»d adl hom the Sortet Tte alateMiM Unt Om Riebt ai . * H b* * 0raUim Oil llUi. hm SjM i=:.“.=Ki ^SmSow aued wah iFraPfess SS.“S itOB to Uw prMMt S^ietyHallintheFrTp,^ Moxi^in Korof*. car -xr.irplana tflat Uab. not. block IS now available for Bent Ctlt A Bi«ii« iMr Tetaoa u Ber analtnrtttiw. aadtfay n on unoccupied days. ' Biicflace ia the Ok if The pmedo. oC aort ptanl bapwe a a For^t enns, etc., apply to anthoaortheSdrtrtlnthomrtna. pfaat ■M»>a4 CoKlaod it them in tfeeaerdm and let thea am aU ?3E0. KOBBIS, itad to U» oU« ol annuar nhee the am Craa ocam. tbay The Best k;** Ba aoiri i tt Gor- will tut the ptana, t^ot bndairt L Free Press Offic*. >. OtUa;t, MC by that thk paittealar Ihetr touane and wilt Tba bert wap a >t be nfciy treated u do a a cat awm'.boot twothiidtcU the aator. vbieb l»d no phat end aake them tart new tooa and And Most Proiitahle ______rartber te Mbe' a en^Va a.on: ■ twIHii at to their haeiog beea any ■atnfctd n eyn ti^ ^ilgeario ne ■ilih lin nade were net ty the re- Mar. pot In food Blaed poia. and ptun«e mmA -Ynib.«doob«|» tee. that the poa a the earth Sea that good drain Adveptisieg Medinm lhe#«OSoe hat eniaiaed tibnee aaaaotaelned, potaaaaU board cm the > in all beam a keep oat tbe wonna end aboot avay two weeks tm aroaod a keep the —os Till;— I a, and that aaaUar tafabtat aotag tbtooah the boctoa of Madly eone Oder that eatapny. ' aada of Caaadiaae >wh?faml4^eBrad who baea ban ear Awaa pniMad Mt AatQnAee ^ibairaaa. One of than b IlfB. s.JTw’a.'vr: East Coast oi “I here ■ hinilfar tentyanabdUi HUDSON BAY COMP’ ^AGKNTS Ly'Sot a tr.ii.bei^teanrita caned by heart to. tL tnfhy at the yntea bn ^3i=?sH*feyr:hM nade. thoi^ do »1MM (he fiMtolAaS^beinca ______I m down and debffintad. Taneouver Island amimg to ita poaHiwt ia the dt. Law- arfa'!L>r*w^ *Srin drive u r or HBban-t Heart and Tbe red M<>a often doa aod Help Is Needed Ba beii«a naddc fiw theaa ’• . caoedAJi.Bcrjfa. harebvorekla prodoetan To pra- tonORE or THE BEST OF ALL CHABITIES hla keep the plana aolet and S2.«:-r!srirs . JO them Boibe teraa potan. ea.. SUPPORTED BY VOLURTABY CORTBIBDTIORa ■a anke anod plana tor hotnecnlma Itaat The centre of the Coal 'i: panMunrt not mot* than M diwraca at W. H MOKTON naervury % jQ«bndiree*,ai>d £^p!^:j.t5rpX'uL"r Muskoka Cottage lar far Ibt wlnar Tbep wiU Uva but Mining Industry ot not make aa pood a pfantaa Sanatorium, Gravenhurst rooledtaMarcb Wakaniow ______U- McKlXStri.u IwSiury H > Mr WaWd UniK niiig a P» the Tnmtment i British Columbia ttaglbani andera beiKb li I - Itfafideirf Mtthat the tale U Ih^ wonU pa ttek tn a tew jaH imtl to M. Mmim wm a antter ■A. High Co. MMiiM I ila nn* tha(»dhae Ootn.- ^ n'‘xri.3-rve- 1. Eng. It: Sir Wm. g 'KFt; Sacrvfa^ ■MM nal dw pntrtian. Md tint M. L KL. Toranto. M«lnhnn»nanor dlftnai ttUe orl^ i tetm latiie > i.oLxb to> abeorb their DAILY nmxiea and mo>>opolite th______r atteo- tfan. Tba iadifferenoe o( tbe Boa- aenlha pnboet Baimeot. down 'Evening Edition aiaaato what pataea beyond their 5£sS€3rr-:tMp»nd> Mharthe rtoeinaal frootier it pberoraenaL Kfteni yeaia aa a llabt draft baek aa ooe day agoaoeoftbe aidndaeamp o( the nma troa tha tkaalitp a Ink ihe tSea Emperor, tailing into eoneeraa- caa foopa Hver tbara an ,.v ii

wfanleoontry ba bekngad. - wa band tbe reba too Contains - - - _VV«.SISlI-HI.N.KofKAg ■wrtd ha Itnwm to land nmithnerother nonitioBeMf e tobTA 'Amarinr ‘AmericaP tnid tbeaide t . am. ----- Full AssociatedfIPress the artiein vndd at oon b. niaid at I the loid llaa p ; *wb aa waaonUtnad the derpa an nterk. aU Dispatches. 'Thiaiaot, loal in bia aloa aa easy wbem tbe dad l>iam.Kaa«e All the Local News a bill aa tiHp got oar •snae kofc with a hhly ao at aote d eyeapoa 3^“is32'y ‘r'SL.»e l. O. F.—<;«.art Brn»i.ri. No. T«i. will bmo. ^y aekthat qiieaaon in all good ___ And Zrtgt bat not lanat iheaaiMfav uMhn. Wba. the ia- tba ana at the wheel wee tbe only orwe IS is: sr,ii:“" hndwaentf Gnat BrUaia wee at laAoodeck. All tbe tm ot the cr«w had The Latest and Most J. &HAW, Bccrrtmij. paaea with aR the groa* powera. leidnat below Weft, tbe eternman man torned from Sibnia. gravely atsared and to thaiar blmtoH all rlcbt. but lhar Reliable Information mn that aU the war newa be noaid lind from the Great Klon ­ MomUy evening ai in the Oiaoboig pnpara were« brief re- rtkynr.Wm pnnbof ------p - ig- the war dike Gold Fields --^nangtogbetwnm •Spain "WoU. tba tabe amonto mac) lok fa. enongbaabagnnflilnlnmydlioettoi. I opened only 4 months and 4s patients have been haaid^ am bidlaa fly by moL aa. Uiluk ^^patadB but highly coltiTatad Lit'eaboat Umeto gel ODderooTi received. dldntknowwbatalmla da ao I b M! *fad the faugar groop which tonne tba ad- A number have been disclmrged, as cured or SEMI-WEEKLY Editioo ThufwUy ai »o cJ.. k, p, m. VL-lUjip l-n Ua tha lead Une eroond my “TD an-■'uidially inva.>!. Jatiatioo, and tba offleert of tbe I whirled that land ao Imtbat with disease arrested. Toeaday* ami Fridayt OEu. THoJIbOSiN Kmadcr. y and of tbe navy are. ot c ihte to the evolutio•ntion.,1 wai mat Ilka 1 had a aol«l ebield m I As evidence of itnpnvement nearly all the Contains all the CKDAltT- r UllHiK. N.J. a» I. t*. O. F.- of ma ao when we got out ot ranpv I ..►.1 Nanaimo Wire. waa at Wan e pound of cvbol hwdpcoc patients have gainedin weight,and 20outofthe News ot the Dally Itnd «on .ve .-N>ltinla>inU> rveuingrvruing al ;> the ehtp ■ Wnd who* tba Imllrcp bit ' «>v didn t yoQ k»p that Mwd k Rtv. E. t:. SterS ••I hevetredMabani'a Rbn-atie FIB. entire number have shown a gain of from 15-to 28 aad fad they do aU that ie eleimea hr Hell I a poea I oupM to aV Nanaimo Farevtei then, lenanet ny too aweb fai tbeit pounds in two or three mouths of their stay. .ABliERTISIJie OTBS fcen."^ Swtfl. lie ehacoe Strait. T»- jiKX) young men ami women die each year in Uulion Wrwl.'eirry V-l ii'ij aMlftw wt lyi^t Ola »" ** HeDBEBTE...... TZir, W*om Vnaeonw. lo t ay emr^beok an kill \ Ontario from this dread disease. null. i*H. TheE. A R. Baih bnnhn Van air theteali Lives of rjOfl would be saved if the necessary IXKKKMAN I>UlXiK. No. xa, HOK80R nailal SutMCripUOB HT. liKolUtE. KnmUr miTtni)t» of tb» ad at naton ’a wbarf laat aveo- funds were forthcoming and the disease was I>AlLY-lVli..™J.»ml -- * -----”------r.with tbe mail A prlvam IM promptlydetected. or »2.60 for il.rM) montht. lurk. VuiliiiK uirwljen> an- oudially la oonote aa eatrai byoneof the p tVilt you aid in this good V'ork ? n. ALL801T. Bcrrrtaiy. _____ ..__ ___ Jonea, T J DavU, W B MeCormiek, W A If an. F Biaek ^tomlhe ipunbUngaf ■be M Your dollar may save the life of some young man. C E HalGHi, J H Good, 8 Weii beard ao much en

days DKUVEKEDISTUKCITY. EXAMINED FOR PURITY AND FREEDOM the Largest Coal Producers on the Padic Coast 0n« V PROM DISEASE GERMS.” Juneau and Skagwa; ^£su,nnr. BEWARE OF S U BS T1T UT10 NS. For FrrtEht And apply to ' Nanaimo Coal______A. R. JOHNSTON * OO. , Frimapall, for Oaa ai«l GenarmI Don>«fc Pnrpo*.: Southfield Coal AHVERTISINO RATES). SOLE AGENTS: HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY. Aonra TRA.SHIEST Al>VERTI8IN()-Klntt in- Il•.l■■ll. 1«T linr; and S erou i*r New Wellington Coal "a)>lMKlttlA 1. ADVERT18EMENTM BULBS! BULBS!! {A Brtflit ChoB ^mtof OonJ. «»d • I^rito Foal tor the open Orrt*) MarriiM.- and “^ PROTECTION ISLAND COAL-UPPER SRAM fi"- «'ntii. Uirtbaiid 1 Cut Plewersl Fruit and mil in«Tlod fur a njiKiDeil in Season - f Ornamental llnic will !<■ continued uiilil urdenid out. OucAdlng or knowing shoee. arl^totd. HOURS OF PDBLICATIOH. The dilTci '^'■'Trees, Bte. Hie alwve Coala ere Mbwd by tha New Vai apairot "SSlater .Shoe. ••andV* ---- .AT------r Coal Compnqr only. ”«”°n ^ESSTia joit THE OOMOX NOAO MOEEENY «• Die Se iii Weekly Faai Pa»—City the difTerence rrpreeei p* Bwy. BaaaitDo, and Prateetieai UMd Edilioo-m future wiU not he ieeaed anu'l «emA of wMeh F> Ipe of thed»peetdrwft «■h»d«wJUto., ■' ( p.m. on Tueedeye and Fridaye, and no ^l^Jetterandaucan opened diy dehrcry will or can he nuuU befon, JUKtiature. letter contain SJM- ROBiars, S%ip©xlxa.t©rLd.eia.t. “^Tuilv Kaaa PaiM will U inuxl ae a large cheque, or aTTilil!',iTTilil!', notice Jlotel, Nanaimo •nel el»ui -VAO P m mcli uveoinK <8un. ojiened letter - well yon know just wh The common aboea imTU?good oi.^. .... lOODGH A KVAKa: but how do you know ? ------■m Ksi.-SiiS'BartrsiQialiwl. and the Dinina B< aom Fou (,0/isuNi^iiii-x THUBSDAVi...... NOVEU1IF.R 10. 1898 I in tUicUy fint eUa^^ Goclycar Welted, fj.50, #4.50 and 15.50 per pair. Uni rf 1500 Yoosg Kan tnd A Ptaee Fop Thought. »THE SLATER SHOE.” $I Per Day and Upwards,' W«HHB may bi saved All thingi combine to picaee tlice well VTMBSTIRC STORV FRCiJ IJUS?*!"A Yon would like to see it I tro W. E. FLU.MEHFELT, Sole .\ger.t, Nanaimo, J3. C. O.K. FLOUR To the right a gra,«-vine awi DfibAUSA the BS^ in THB WORLD. ‘SSTTi^^irvr..; lU grapi-a are iweet though wild. Chemical Fertilizer. On the left creepa a clematia fair ■ptrttag *Mww Uopa - With Urge blue floweri «a lollowt O'er which the a wortnuw bring-i ■ t when yon n.i«n.iwrmi.LtaM«rj.Li nt Urwvottburei li fancy aomeone cal la. pll^, pJuLh Md^iwe® a$5r Ob, and oonkl one the language know, THE 0K^NAGAP FLOURiAIILU COlWAMy, Oreat were the pleaaurc I ween, Victoria Chemical Co. -a. For in tii« place long ugo VICTORIA Haa been many a inuulilul scene. Tha Snnntoriaia. oltbongh it hoe only baoB tnaiMd tor fonr montiu. hanotnodyban otnody So it ia aa time goes rolling i Thinga turn, return nud el ingc. Palaee Jiotel Parhap.»i in daya puat I thia for ita |>caceful range. Thd Oraad BSiel How pUcea like tlieacplenaurea nfTord. J.RATTRAYAC? MONTR6AI.. Is on Victoria Creeoent. STATUONT OF OANDlBXm To the nature loving mind, Bo may each life in awivt accord E. J. MACKAY Winnipeg Agent. Whenever there call in ~ », «*tolfllni eirrka and otherw. and be convinced that avaayaaaa.Uaaabaaaid. that -to pcacnaa haa boon aodo. A I. llKYOaos. Victoria, HC. our 6 cent Beer is A. 1. have baoa dieohorgad by tl» V Ion nnd BlUousness. They a The Liquors are the Best We have no .....• utoPnaUnbo. A'ell Famished Rooms Opera Hoorn and^^n'tiu. tomUM ” Om of the indl-ri-,. „(------Oomox-Union Not««. Axe to Grind. in connection with’ the Dining iiooin. 8un&.h,UiHa..i„,r^S Itiaataled that Mike Manaot. of In claiming eveiylhiii,: lor our hardware. Commercial Hotel Cortca laUnd, will he wharf moator at The truth 11 l«a: «t all timi-a, and tlial'i the I'll ion Colliery wharf. We carry liotioiig hut finit cloa. Wm. STEELE, Proprietor. Aniiiml meetingmtH^liiif; ol(tf thet Agri anil draw the haoUaie line at Al. ^ yy. AMd OM ymif dio. Society woaw held, and rinaueial elate- article aecoml gra don't I'lKir I one iliipled: J. J. It. Miller, Pteei- of the lie.t tiling, in the world not 10 haveI, c. Ca Mc Kenzie raovi/iCiAicqBmLELECTMiir dent; J A Ifallidav, lat Vice • let wmirl, N'h^ PmertHor. LandCAgent, Conveyancer |<«Iicy ikziit tint hvi l.nirl i. eomfoitab STATBMBNT OF lOANDfSZfn •l»o to c mMaMAtlMinM Kvery article we 1 and AcoountanL OFFICE- B.C. owaknAnaAtlMto Henry aaleanian at Simon I>ria- Orders for Plumbing, Casfitting and Tinqing promptly executed Town Lou and Forma or Sale. ar'a iaadttt dangeroiialy Money to Loon on Mo>tcacee MiaaKdilhUiia Ki Harwood, daughter o( W. H. MORTON. at Low Ratal . . . Hr. and Mra. Abram llarwiMKl, agctl Agent lor the Dnitad Fire loniranee U inoktoat ooowmd newSj wbtoh 18 yeara. died oil Sunday afternoon, Monehaetar and AtIrs Flm nnoerely regretted by all who hod the (g«.«oJ M V|-.Tm<). Oomponyo. Pl^re ol her acquaintance. Esquimau & Nanaimo Railway Coy rertl Untimi.u have returneid FARM FOR SALB. horn thet Klondike, and they a|ieak WILL YOU NOmOB. well ot the proapoota, and thattha't all the Unkmilea there are In gieal health and ■erliwd year andar cooditiona fi REACH » rigliU o • t^ntly doing well. on .lune li wrir. ___ The ateamahip Orangi ia lo.uliug a I tom ai ttf cool wharf. SEVENTY lora«o«|Uiring the tune l.y perwnol or wril- t..r f^mp^iya Und MINERAL ACT, 1896. bolls BANISHHD. The ollolitllolitl aiwn of II.A-. If you carefulireful andid p.-miJent all y. Mr. 0. J. Murray. Charlottetown, P.E.I., e of your cl•hlldren or dc,K iidetit. an- j ,FR£E. •ntoa : "Aliout a a monthi ago I woa ZOertifloatelof Ignproremwit likely to nulTer Victoria, June 1898. youro. But iin .ure"“?ei„y TRESPASS ..MOnCES, Bav.J men are af il and pmvidmi / rNOTIOB. . aiafalw.fakaMt A. R. HEYLAND, M.E Th* Putae of New York. timely'deaih might briilg u Mining Diviaion, Nanoim. ______The pulaea ol tliuae who ------liona 111 hit wife and f.imily or looaUd: Blooka lands, Taanda iortunal o .U.-.I..C. '.imiit/i.Ln CLAIMS REPORTED ON .... noUce that John Jaokaold Pmhnar, W."».uTSSs"‘b:‘ CANADIAN ORDER OF Fr«o Min«'a OartiSenU No. -UBSt. famad 8AMUKLM.ROB»A ■JfMnely low thia morning, ^on.o of NANAIM^d.KASLO. at Uloovt, RC., April SO. 1898, iatando. Jh» ihowt that have not been up FORESTERS, 1 Joa. RiTriiia, Hooter. "uncial Uenefila NorelUeg at Sa;apson's. '» -"rmbera. Sanoimo at 7 a. m. and Vancoover after »naenu oroertrude Hancock. the arrival ol C. P. R. train. For infor ­ mation regarding freight and poaaenger The funeral o! liertrmlc Hancock t. ELUOTT. THOS. WllirE. .V.nrimo.iun.Tth,1ii““^i5°"- Jwshterof Mr. «ml Mra. Richard H.C.K., fafvrW/. Hiek Sn y. flm,(/,rd. AOOO dM last yew In Oatotfetr “W«ock, of Kennivly Street, Uwk m ER.NST OAltTt'NO. Brant/ord. WK^ A. Di-simiPresident, Uao. u CoeKTsav, r«-h, h'reighl 'rii-' decea..ed POWDER end I'oawnger Agent Choked up with • bad cold-find it 1 tliriK' iii-inth. ol hard to breathe —feeling of weight ANAIMO SAW MIlLi in tha chest. Vpf -A.N'D— ] want prompt reUef. Sand for » botUe of Sa SH and door factory —Wholaaale and RatoD- Mr. Wood's Norway Syrot BTTTCHEIBS1 Your dealer keepa IL You'll Nanaimo R g. Aagurt Salt M Ladies'Kid ; 7- find the first few doses doing jrou Rug^ elm-k of Rough W. PELLEW HARVEY, F.C.S...... jlwaye on hni.i.. Meata Delivered you breathe tasy^ lirigle.., Ijvtha, I'ii-lu l*. Doora. \i.n- I m City and District free Aall mi the lirt ami !lnl Satnrdav of each live ami Itlinda. .Moulding. Scroll .«aw- B^T'elephone 78. relieve the terrible sense of suffoca ­ Buttoh Boots -~“ruay afternoon at 2:30 oclock. g. Turning, and nil kimU ol WihhI ALL KINDS or ORB BOUGHT tion. Nothing equal to '^’""feldn^urni Dr. Wood's Norway Pile Symp Towing dona at Ste^ar.'Alart,- and MU) Twu for all kinds of WANTlfD, - SEVERAL TROSTTWOR- sSH~r.a f . O. II. IIADWEN, coughs,colds, lung thy perwina In thia proriaee to moiMge our $1.26a.Paip bnainaaa ia their own and aear^^^tiaa A. HASLA'm, j Proprietor Ihmcan Station and bronchial P.O. Itiii .Vi. Teleid one 1». LOST troubles of ehil- BlJsSl id 85 bUI, between the Filling in drea or adults. ______Jit Rugfie's uon'a. SuiUble reword. A^ly ___ asc . g bottle or five for $1.00. oiaaa work. LoweBt Price. o-.T 3i VANCOUVER.B.C. si^mea-ia Unot thet; i» fart I •» This Will be the Rls^ht HaiadiiioFree Press. ■DS the trip mjeelt" The ol h» mdaoce wee con«or»U»e o( thU ol WE NOW BEGIN , end CempbeU. Place for You to do Your T.fssl ths chiDy diaaghu tbroagk tb. 'DR; far. boots dipprr-a pair ol oar asw foot 0^!^^fteU^iL**Ba^ogaUow«d is .a grier- „ >,,1^,------Tboy are ooll. warm sad Do«a^ Tradings on Saturday. l,«.s»d.r~«rrii««.tthsbo.y' to„ timiiptramp af the day. This CANAMAH NBWS barns ahppw baa boea Teey popafar is the east lor many We weald SI „metb.#rmu,i-ued«.ib.r»d.fa*bis------" We have now one of the largest and best selections of rimcnrAn (UuraAM- Mfb iaapactioa. wbkh we foal oectaia will leaie. - - r—------Aoa. «,,«( tbe a«y aboea lor wiatar wear we are DOW abowmg. WHITFIILD’S Shoe Store on the Crescent, Nanaimo. and Rubbers.

BUtranAooapUd. We expect another large lot of goods from the aa^.^ HOTBS non. TUB OAPITAIa soon, we must make room, so we will slash the knifp The mual mcntbly mertin* ol the through the prices of many lines of goods without How Trial Orantnd to Sonyor any consideration as to cost

V MnwsTiomaoMr. [From our Own Correspoooentl This will be a giKid opportunity to buy now as yon HiSfaart tfarten. World's Fair The B. C. IntennedUte League will borne, the last one bring adn cannot do without heavier clothing. November will V lO-Hoo. D. C. Pf^ joneoue in the Y.M.C.A Koom« at btaOtUkvsMi hkiwvtotbe Ccirt ri Ap^l! MnaUting o| Cbiel nip hard. •aees. He «»»go u lar north me Justice, Justices Wslkem, Irving ami Ospi. OWSM OoBaetttsdfitr TrtsL eomcdian* had netted the tom ol {nnsn*. Martin, heard the application ol 8«ii- ■ You may look where you will, we have tested the The trial of Cept. Owens,rt the City yer lor leave to appeal from the rer- A meetiiwol the Thistles will be question and know that our valueslues are not paralleled olKaBriiBO.(ureMeaU npoo s pe»- Tbebnisdue to the tradeepeople it^lO-^N«r To held in tbe Meehanica InstituU rooms neaed Thomas, on Um iwT snpplies were now nearly lour anywhere, Test us and you will be convinced of It SOB of hue ntbs in a tbiseeeniDgatS o'clock to di^usa eirfJaoly ^Uet from Port Anfriee,^ a i what wti fi business, ro tbe entering ol the Inter­ “‘ii.rc^i:Sn%';'^:n%v.ri^“rifr mediate Lmgoe thU aeason. crossing, otberwi..e known as W«t- All menian ol tbe clubaio iwjoost- asu-jn bolme, before Judge Hsrrwon and the excellent matron, tobeonhMd. Exception was taken n in lull < ,Ont, lO-Oen. 8 W. denee was oontinoed and be teatt&ed who lor 11 years had h< ____ lin tlinn inn uf tl . given by to the fart thrt the men ' satisfactory charge o( t„ B Orphaiii_ _ CniiaUble Msi-.faiid ill and slier LRobinson, The Clothier could not be inouced to reconsider her the cvklenee■ h«l b«n riven and determination to take a well earned HcAdie Block. Victoria Crescent, Nanaimo. capUin was eridenUy under ohje. ttuns made, the Learned Jiludge ' onK,nor,.A^^t rest. It was themlore, with much re­ next .lay struck this evidence out..ami gret that the committee adriaed riisketheeridenoeolthei e ol her resignation. clnnglohiesUtoinenUhat Uw o NEW COAL trio was the aggtesBOr. and t^ IS ol nut coal from the New Van- was the only one ol the two under I r Co al Company . the suggest ;i.wi m o! lb, t’liief Jii'tice iaCu£~oe ol liqaoi. was ordeieil I bat llibrlv-^bulilll fc^ISSltieHonormy C^lcy SKW WA.,SCT8 Just off the tree. H. l-islla^ llcl- ml rSSwalei' Pnriheys o l Mop trw tiial bad. Mr. Mg| mcken, Q.C., with Mr. Pott*, Mr. Thomas mplied that be i Tii Stove J.&MoUa».biOoamaiido{Ziise-"- P. "bS“^not been “shooting off his jaw ” to A eery handsome stone M to be One word led ' - - erecud to the memory ol the fate 8tr ake Karl's fhirer It-e John Thompson in Holy-- • Cross Ceme- I Purifter. irr» ll™l. tery. Hi Kraptiuns Phillipe H PiniUuy A Cu., the dnuotiaU. Canadian s< .All kinds of Suivea in Slock. ;r wUl be a msssire affair, and Hotol Arrtwalff D a solid block ol granite made from Wilso .splits weighing erightjt >na>»na Tbe oontract W. H. MORTON. Ca^Owena then went below lor Miss Barr, ____ . i‘^ •etby tender. The tomb will ^^'^rs: ir. W Worden, N E Ross, W A ■he had bean tan faw minntea, and upon retorningSoon ol crucilorm shape. It was the in­ e, Wro Blackmore, Vancouver; died kast night. ■■uniii^ aboaiog Mr. Tbomaa again, tention to hare plaecd at one of the M E C Lane, New Jermiy: C E him to eomm down below, that ends. Urge bronm medallion ol the I has bosa a hsoonld “lWthim.”ete., and ended iaon, Victoria. C anadian^ I YOUR immtkm, if the fintUor-C E MeUUh, W E Mc­ ioond that tbe green mould from t^ Cormick, Vancouver: Earl C Way and > "Pacific K\ •Sd ha hmiKU behind broom would deface the polished gihaotaiohat 8t- lin Li ibe and SOO PACIFIC AMMI. HoadmIttsdhfagBiU. bat OOWrUBBD UJBP BPSSHI.Ia. NEW aXdrtao rieo that tmr mao^ MwfaitIwsMilawtiafyavriaga two Whendi a Lord OhUf JuaUc. H^a an ?n;J Martin, Seattle; 1 The Only TriBSCMtiDental Uor ed it will weigh abont seven tons. It Hnoaoatar With a lluxsh Texada; G Foster, City; and thookhm a little, and again aak- will be eight leet long and B»e feet IVaxad Woman. Between AUanUe&Faeilie |FALL wide. The entire tomb will ed with tbe exm ClMhii.*, Our styfaaaai pirn I «n,"anSowens then sat There will be a it lireoroes cut from Yia. Direet Bail or STsrSsri.n ne Irnm oue eod olthetombtotbeotW. The struc- venture in court recently. Hi ___ jipanied Thomas off tore will be abont lour feet high, sitting intently listening to tbe argu- dmliaa SUIT the boat. Wttne-...- ( menta ol a young barrister, when an eluding bast. tha mot Ji

T W'itbers and Jas

PBBSONALa Annivepsapy H3?»s£irsj: Ths Analvsrmry Serviem nf ibc WalUt. JHemans returned to Victoria ri^,'^iu*a torther token [of the good thU morning's train. street Malhodial Church will l« held un -.‘sTSirf'Ei.'ii will and esteem ol tlie Protection . BnglMoonrta soqnfaid all Wm Brydson, of Toronto, wenl Islanders. Mr. Morgan was highly Saturday, Sunday and Monday, 8bop-Vict.ri.k. tha tion or Death if you ne­ ria this morning. glect that Cough, Cold at 8:30, Coacart at 8 p.m 91210 Mrs BsbUton arrived on i Unskilled, and l,lW injured by AdmlMioa to Tee aod Concert M cenUg or LaGr^.-use tiainiiain from Victoria. niilway socidento in tbe Un Childm heU pric*. ended on J Bryden,MBryden, M P P, arrived on ...... ;he killed 66 were ^ j^CTlVE SOLICITORS Sanaimo. Nov. ;ub. I**!- , _ MMm xin» tramtrain today on a risU to this Jssss-inj.'sa Lambert ’s Syrup city. by Marat Halttead. commiuioned by the G7A. SMITH. C.E. - aiOftcialHirtorir ...... Douglas Pine. -, ■ Oanardl atrsat ^OKTO*LOW'B “ bork ants, and S46 other perwiu. In tbe l_fcincl cand “Ws have triad a good aaay warMhiad- Your Druggist has it at surveyor. isiiiai Iml daring the post five ysen lisve the popular Price of 26 2--JS a - irenebe. at Manila, in the inMirgent cam cents a bottle. ^ERm. B. C. with Agninaldo. on tbe deck of Ibc Olyi ------ave in pia with Dewey, and in the roar ofltelile thoroughbred Williams Was arrested ------, the fall of Manila. Bonanra for agen lor stealing a seventy-five cent ham- Brimfal of original picture, taken by go BUTTieg,^ j^m D. Taylor, and telling it lor bull 'W d 1^p‘’Iii ‘ tr«hr5n' FopI: 8«rvlc*.Sorvico. K.T. Barber, 'Sec'y., 356 Dearborn St. tiesase “£w''*'SS;R5Sir&. D. RIOHARDS, S-Acro Biks HotelBoeve,;
