Canadian .. OYSTERS! Arrived To-Otty Coal Oil.. ftauEiwo Iot. SSr?'¥'’ S1.4SG Tnjlor.SmttliACo Nomber149. NANAIMO, BRITISH COUTMBIA THUBSDAX^ WOVEMBBB 10. t898. Jit ^eAillan's VOL XXV. Anchor Liocr ratotorin. Copt. Bmiia UCAN NEWS wiJ.kirmkhn, O. toUlO MwUiU . from N«» York, .tao far tom «d ito srs-is:s.s.sns£?.r. aplMii|toPu>Pw-■ II$P w—- ------- drftMO——lUr.mat , ChadwickVOMawiM .ndmaa Primer.r. iBoth ttouMr* mportad to be tm- Low Sstoral other eWMen em ■UBOu. ARD---------------- MDSJHB. mm nirraDDd.d tb« hoow wtd took i Chice«, Illinois lO-Mnider end ootatootorcw.. UwMkt tnt prc- [Water robbei7i.belieTedtobe the ex|^- pO«dtol^tlHBOOtb«ipO(.b>lt it TO THE TRADE [j^Dcny dtoitUd to pm ^ Justopened a very fine Selec­ toil. Anotbw Dccro in Ih. how : Mark. tion of Chairs in Cane, Im- - lete Street end Plymouth pUoj neer pervions and Leather Seatr. .ATlorpUce. Exeminetron .how^ th.t ell thetw pockeupvCKeu bedMMma beenimu turnedmmmw A Nice Line of iniide outt ftod--------------------- the oontenti, whetem ibe AmeriwA bwiito the la ttor pM> tented replie. to 8paiir.iwwpoeia. im S SlMker KUiiml Top f-hirU 65 cU. ^ Ask to see oar 6 pieces, up­ tlK>y m.ymey been, -r. ured. Cloeer iniwin.pection revealed fi .xer nutfk..oo Engiiah. and wUhout 8p>uM> IraMla- Imported and holstered in Black Leather, the throet end Wt l.Ule doubt Uut tio^ofdtoummtt. Thmeia m h^ .Solid O k, polished. Din (or any oomplmBt oa the llA^Mt. The Preeident of the Bpeoieh OnMsriminB. Domestic .... r Set of Chairs, well worth I I NuW* \V^ *UDderw«i»r tram j Seuor Momero Bioe, and Jute D^. I now for Only $40. PraeideBt of the Amarieaa OoniB. j So. 0 piur 11.00. r and hSd^"a hght init ololothee. The J Every UirwE Wool So«-gr«y-5 ’ Also ask to see our magnificent police are eearobing for the mo THi jounr --------------- be apar«l reading •1) . « .S,]^*BUc« 8.xooy So., 85 cU ^ BDOAB BBK Cmif •HOW. Waahiogtou. 10-The Ai»gk>-Am- .CIGARS. for the-lebenAolSenerbewiBteiaeaer KIm WaahiDKton, D. C.. 10-The Coniral rttoan John Hig * 1 BUcrC«hra«« So.. «m a Iritun haa made a report to the began ita teahonion at Quebec, to meet aad two o membsmoithe Mpnn- . now 2.1 cenU. JUte Department in tegard to the at waamogtoo. and aaide from the ithCuma M who do not nndw- lugar beet cultivation in Europe from imporunce attarsbiog to^tta . Beehridenp to the a Lso the following Park-Suite which it appeari that the total wti- mate of crop h>r the preaent aeaaoo ofUm^mmh^^lwt ad. ^ Uanalatioui, but / SiJlw Ki-iloro lUU, »1.85, 12.00 J atone have auppliad I of/6 pieces, solid oak (beauti- will fall 376,000 ton. .hurt of the pro- tereat to the mtoling. Loi \ luu. 2.50, s. a asa . duclibn of »ugar bei't for the lart year. former Lord Chanoellor of joint ioa.i.HU, the I fill carved) npholstered in the m AmerMea iHMefiewi, 1 Another Ut of ho»vyN.vy Woo 5 Holland ia the only rounlry for which Ipon the A CIGARETTES... ‘ Wolorproof Co*U, »9. < 5, $12 linest Silk Brocatelle. Re­ rlton. M.P.; an iDcreaao U ahowu. on<l $16.50. ,M.avea of Oreat gular Price ^90.00.' Oar rSTOt AT HOHOLULV. are preaent aa mpreeenUti. Britain and Canada. The «.o,.r»-. _ _____ d to do. Tbe Amwinili Inter­ ATHLETES, Price Only $65. ira of the oommimion preaen preter i. Mr Arthur Kmineon. and torihU^ith whi^he«d hie work. VANITY FAIR, JH600D, Aoelioneererable aickneea ----- Mr John A. Maaon. In view of the facts in tbe enee, eeate Honolulu but the p of the refeieooee in the Perie newapn- SWEET SIXTEEN, The early raaatinn at Quebec The City AnotUm B a mild type. littoda ----- IA—.V pera this morning are intuieMing . DBMOOUT MATOBK»-«lACr«D. THB PBBJrca VBBBIOB. ‘ SWEET CAPORAL mmmi HARRY J. ROGERS San Franciaco, 10.—laiAea D. Phel­ although it ia stated positively that Paria, ID— an, Democrat, baa been re-elected DO ooBcluaiou haa been raaehed oo neetit^i^PrnKgaromya: ' Mayor oC Ban Franciiooaltera oonteat any one aobjact or set of lubjecto. Tbe The DRUGGIST principal topica are llxad by a proto ­ JCSnstok bux * ... , VICTOBT FOB H’KlBUrt. col and eompriae Behring See Seal IriL'^townuen in’ t^ufuma,E^^fato^Aftet |ckk $w harhMXu »v «u , AfoUlto.ol|SPOKOEa Lincoln, Neb.. lO.-On ef K^^Aj^tie BDd PBciHc Coaat posited this upon the thay liB A.Ft.JOHimN&CO. election, U.8. Senator John Thurston, «,ya: “Sweeping victory in the west, MASON BROS. including Nebraska, meani the un- ■Ij lor the length aj^ lh* difflcul- of tbe Bqxihltaea wmfreeetoomi toom- Mtnnalatioo. They than letir- i AS A SUGGESTION TO .^^DENTISTS ley ’t adminUtxation mitUee.beUevee today, that the Be- Tbeai-maitoaUon •' at------------- preasnt--- fa------ aa UUBV ai the war and hii foratgu i««i- pubUemn mejority In tke next house loy.ia.. Th.l-.u.iovj ^ aid IN THE SAV­ itraight gold itan. andmmettbe e—inn of PhUni^ naroBUCAn i.bai >. Bpanieids on thatr »ideTiiMe to wide the reault in my P OUeegn, 10 Deepntehee tn thn Ae- ING OF MONEY. eliminates free a!SveTM a national tfisArehipdace. TheP^WNhea. We are to _ aoefated Piem up to 11 today from 374 imiiein 1900. Tbe entire tondency of marks, “ABdip- ’ ------- Slimpg Machine...( out ol 377 Congreeaional dfatrieta, show that BepubUesot have elected lb* 189, DemoenU and Fudoniats, 184. The Front Again. manent eaint of tb. Bepublican Party .. For Sale Cheap. Tbare ate stOl ten doubUol diatriete. from the beat element of Democracy To-Morrow Morning our Store will and Populiata. ThU ia largely due to At Taylor ’a c«mmcrci.i si ------- 1 with throwm* it, be opened with a complete new ro»perou. coouihou u. agricul Ohoioe Glover Hay for ture anoand OU.limbuiineea gwn»rwi.y.generally. The MHkOowBatiuR-John- Bngtiab upon the t^ StockofStaple and Fancy Dry the Petit Bleu i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.' people are mtU6ed with tbe preeent ^nditiona Eton fc Oo ’a Goods. No old (goods to show NOTIOB In Nebraska, tbe PnaionUU. ewl] Call and examine the Stock. in the campaign pracUc^y abandon A. I am Itavinii .N.uaiwo next week, any CABLE DISPATCHES ^ nil. Ii ivliu ulaiuu agaiiMt iim .re miaaledmiomuxi ed thethefreearivW!»ue,andforafree silver laaue, and I time smpted to maintain themaelvea by attem ^^^^ri^jiri^omtuololthe Fbilip- "i*. LOCKK, dam of the conduct of the war. •d^oFlBBr h^r^Amerieeiia DOW claim the J.S. Stannard - - "aS-SSnh SL, Nam ren from this they fall beck on tbe LOST. Oleary Bill. The Ee™blican c^- paign was very active and aggreaatve, THB rcix runoB pobob. A r.roai. Si«mtl ikw with Whit* Breaat Standard of Excellence M..1 Fore I'.w.. -Short fjir.. anawer. to the and .uccemfully metet the three imuee Faria, la —The Nation aaya at the in deUil. Above everythnigerything else,ela_,bow---- CouDcU of AdmiraU held yesterday U X'l.U;i. »■.» White C«ckm\Spaniel, _ ___ _ ___IrioU'oU ’ determinatfon■*- “---- Will bf foutitl with us. was decided to fit out all the French Mwwan. to Uk name ol • llR'K." Anj-on* .. jtand by theAdminiittation, wh<» war venwla available, end thirty re harhori-i- <h«■ «.l<.g. <t lOi.-i Ihui uotica will victorim in war, fai^rM^ ihipe have been ordered into Ladies Dress Skirts beproMC* Speniarda wiU yieid mUy fe faM ta ’.sow Shoos just opcnod up tba question of The.-u-Gariiu-nta are well „| Crrtovni Pharmacy on*thVito^tion ol*Ch™iemlom. I that it ...J.&T. Bell's iiiaUo. THBT HAY CAtWB A „n.l .ill Tailor made. You will find PortfaBd, Oregon, 10-Practically AMia., “tfauKW prewwf • iMif ^RBS TO LBT. iplete returna from 14 'out of 34 argument in faror of Spsniah reteo- .1,c Ur*, commcliou. an.l crelrally to UntiesntieaintheSUte in the Bute ol -Waahingtoo. which rtmJte^ as f Uberator Ladies and (tontloinon catcl prcmiww at prew- it occupi*d »ij5. N.vj ,r Uack ^^r”thtogflhat%e'^pMUh tefuM will find some very choice si7.;:'-R;S3,s;«S“c‘sr.: alwoluUly to mlmit eyeu the.principle at , ,,, and nobby Koods amongst We are aU> showinR a splendid SSri'’a annex territory which played no p«t rangeofUdiea Wrappem (rom $l.C5 PhiUpplne UfaodA ^diug our large stock. pi^mutomutowiUb*r<wiU b. reocivwl up ... - ■ 10-Ute.t teturni rthltoc«l«.l898..t0^.u..^^.^ Seattle, Wa«.raah. 10-Ute.t teturni outcomeUUkely to be ► rupture of in bringing on the wer. •how Bepublican majoritity in Legu- tbe necotistiona, followed by tbe oocu- Jual opened up a new lot of Jack- Uture on joint ballot will be ». eta and Cap.-, in Ladies and Muam W. E. Flumerfelt WHJTB CmiBKB ATTACK BBOBOia Our L«liea lUin CoaU are the best toStS^mpromlS^abeth of Anatria, 1h-l.a.1 in the city, ranging from Nanaimo Building Society Wilmington,Vilmington, N.C..N.C., lO.-The10.—The negr^negroes t having complied with the d^ waa plaoad on trial . LuodJ .jot hi ' •* • - - intorvention. although it donbu this, haa beenMnlentenced to ngorous im- mand.ndt ol buaineaa men by 7:» this ^ ’we iiave no nee.1 to aiherti* Tlu-litlh1 Drawing. ol the Nanaimo Build- in view ol the difiereooee whieh div­ .Millim-ry, we have the trade a. ^r* irning, tbe lime fixed, a column of ide France, Great Britain and Boisia.
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