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Presentación De Powerpoint Marrakech, 1 December 2015 Aclimas achievements Demonstration and implementation trials COMPARATIVE PERFORMANCE OF WHEAT AND ALTERNATIVE CROPS IN MEDITERRANEAN AGRICULTURAL SYSTEMS Nicolas Gualano, Roxana Savin, Hassan Ouabbou, Gustavo A. Slafer Morocco Introduction Likely Rainfed dominated by < sustainability Mediterranean Cereals (wheat < soil fertility agricultural systems and barley) in > pests pressure monoculture < water & nutrient use efficiency Alternative crops < yield performance than Food legumes & Canola cereals · Farmers are reluctant to include them in crop rotation. · Area grown with these crops in the region is still very small. Crops rotation (traditional cereals & alternative crops) Morocco Location: Chaouia Ourdigha region, Central Morocco (31°15’N, 07°30’W). Morocco Morocco First growing season (2012-2013): Comparison of wheat with alternative crops Three durum wheat varieties (Carioca, Marzak, Vitrico), canola, and food legumes (lentil, chickpea, and vicia) grown at Sidi el Aidi experimental station and farmer’s fields (some species) at ‘high’ N fertilization rate (150 kgN ha-1 of total soil N availability). Rainfed conditions. Second growing season (2013-2014): Effect of the preceding crop on wheat performance Same 3 durum wheat varieties cropped at Sidi el Aidi experimental station, and farmer’s fields, over all different previous crops (including themselves) and under two contrasting N fertilization rates (50 and 174 kgN ha-1 of total soil N availability). Rainfed conditions. ACLIMAS Morocco 2012-2013 Season Morocco Genotype Site Crop species cultivar Experimental design Demonstration Sidi el Aidi Durum wheat Carioca Rainfed. Large field plots Trial experimental (Triticum durum L.) Marzak (20x45m), conducted under station Vitrico zero-tillage and following Canola (Brassica napus L.) Seven typical agronomic management Lentil (Lens culinaris Bakria in the region. Soil nitrogen Med.) availability=150 kgN ha-1. Chickpea (Cicer arietinum Moubarak CRBD (3 replicates). L.) Vicia (Vicia sativa L.) Guich Implementation Ben Rahal Durum wheat Carioca Rainfed production fields, Trial Canola Seven following typical agronomic management in the region. Soil (Farmer’s Fields) Layout Durum wheat Carioca Canola Seven nitrogen availability=150 kgN ha-1. Souaka Durum wheat Carioca (3 replicates). Canola Seven Hamid Gdana Durum wheat Carioca Oulad Said Durum wheat Carioca Chickpea Jmaa Riah Durum wheat Marzak? Sidi Boumehdi Durum wheat Carioca? Tamadroust Durum wheat Carioca? ACLIMAS Morocco 2013-2014 Season Morocco Site Experimental Treatments design Durum Previous Soil N wheat crops* availability -1 Demonstration Sidi el Aidi Rainfed field plots Carioca Carioca N0 (50 kgN ha ) -1 Trial experiment (15x10m), conducted under Marzak Marzak N1 (174 kgN ha ) al station zero-tillage and following Vitrico Vitrico typical agronomic Canola management in the region. Lentil CRBD (3 replicates). Chickpea Vicia -1 Implementation Ben Rahal Rainfed field plots Carioca Canola N0 (50 kgN ha ) -1 Trial (10x10m), following typical Marzak D. wheat N1 (174 kgN ha ) agronomic management in Vitrico (Farmer’s Fields) the region. (3 replicates). Layout Souaka Gdana Chickpea D. wheat Tamdroust D. wheat *Durum wheat (Triticum durum L.); Canola (Brassica napus L.): cv. Seven; Lentil (Lens culinaris Med.): cv. Bakria; Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.): cv. Moubarak; Vicia (Vicia sativa L.): cv. Guich Morocco SEA_2012/2013SEA_2013/2014 146 m Rep 1 Rep 2 Rep 3 Vitrico Chickpea Lentil CARIOCA MARZAK Canola Marzak Vicia VITRICO Chickpea Vicia Canola Lentil Carioca Vitrico 146 m 146 Marzak Vitrico Chickpea Carioca Canola Carioca N0 (50Vicia kgN ha-1) Lentil Marzak 20 m 20 N1 (174 kgN ha-1) 45 m Morocco Sidi el Aidi experimental station (Demonstration Trial) 1 mL sampling Desuniformity Anthesis (14/03/2014) Different meteorological conditions between experimental years Morocco Anthesis T.durum 11/03 100 30 90 SEA_2012/13 25 80 Air Mean temp. (ºC) 70 20 60 50 15 40 10 30 Rainfall per decade Rainfall (mm) 20 5 10 0 0 100 30 90 SEA_2013/14 25 80 Air Mean temp. (ºC) 70 20 60 50 15 40 10 30 20 Rainfall per decade Rainfall (mm) 5 10 0 0 Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Anthesis T.durum 14/03 Morocco Durum wheat varieties and alternative crops performance: SEA_2012/2013 Biomass & Grain Yield Vertical bars indicate +/- SE 7000 7000 SC corrected Yield Grain corrected SC ) 6000 6000 1 - (kg glucose glucose ha (kg 5000 5000 4000 4000 3000 3000 - 1 2000 2000 ) Grain Yield Yield ha (kg Grain 1000 1000 0 0 CRC MZK VTR Clz Len Ckp Vic CRC MZK VTR Clz Len Ckp Vic 400 Carioca20000 ) 0.5 200 -1 Marzak Carioca ) Vitrico -1 15000 0.4 Marzak 60 Canola Vitrico Lentil 0.3 10000 (kg glucose ha Canola 40 Chickpea Lentil 0.2 Vicia 5000 Chickpea (mg glucose grain 20 Vicia 0.1 SC corrected Grain Weight, SC corrected Harvest Index, SC corrected 0 Total Aboveground Biomass, 0 0.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 30 60 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 (g glu grain/g glu aboveground biomass) 3 -2 Grain Number (grains 10 m ) TT from sowing (ºC d) Vicia Vitrico Lentil Carioca Marzak Canola Chickpea Durum wheat varieties and alternative crops performance: Morocco SEA_2012/2013 Relationships between8000 GY and grain number and grain weight r2=0.82 r2=0.88 6000 Carioca 8000 B.Rahal ) 2 (across T.durum only-1 ) r =0.82 Marzak r2=0.88 O.Said (Ckp)(across canola only) Vitrico B.Rahal 6000 4000 O.Said Carioca Canola B.RahalJ.Riah ) Lentil -1 J.Riah (marzak) Marzak O.Said (Ckp) Souaka Souaka (kg glucose ha Vitrico Chickpea Layout Tamadroust Layout 4000 B.Rahal O.Said 2000 Canola Vicia H.Gdana J.RiahSC corrected Grain Yield J.Riah (marzak) S. Boumehdi Lentil T.durum (farmers) Souaka Souaka Canola (farmers) (kg glucose ha Chickpea Layout 2000 Layout Tamadroust 0 Vicia Chickpea (farmers) H.Gdana SC corrected Grain Yield 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 25 45 65 T.durum (farmers) S. Boumehdi Grain number 3 -2 Canola (farmers) (grains *10 m ) 8000 0 Chickpea (farmers)r2=0.42 r2=0.34 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 25 45 65 (across T.durum only) (across canola only) Grain number (grains *103 m-2) 6000 Carioca B.Rahal ) -1 Marzak O.Said (Ckp) Vitrico O.Said B.Rahal 4000 Canola J.Riah J.Riah (marzak) Lentil Tamadroust Souaka (kg glucose ha Souaka Chickpea 2000 Layout Layout Vicia H.Gdana SC corrected Grain Yield S. Boumehdi T.durum (farmers) Canola (farmers) 0 Chickpea (farmers) 0 20 40 60 80 300 400 500 SC corrected Grain Weight (mg glucose grain-1) Morocco 5 SEA_2012/2013 ) -2 4 Carioca m 2 Marzak 3 Vitrico Canola 2 Lentil Chickpea 1 Vicia Leaf Area Index (m ) -1 0 s 600 -2 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 500 Carioca TT from sowing (ºC d) Marzak 400 Vitrico 300 Canola Lentil 200 Chickpea 70 100 Vicia Carioca 20000 60 0 ) Marzak 1000 1100 1200 -1 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 Stomatal conductance (mmol m 50 Carioca Vitrico TT from15000 sowing (ºCd) Marzak Canola 300 40 Vitrico Lentil 10000 Carioca 250 (kg glucose ha Canola Chickpea SPAD (CCISPAD units) ) -1 30 Marzak Lentil Vicia 200 5000 Vitrico Chickpea 20 150 Canola 1000 Vicia1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 SC corrected g leaf DM Total Aboveground Biomass, Lentil 2 100 0 TT from sowing (ºCd) 1000 1200 1400 1600 Chickpea1800 2000 (cm Specific Leaf Area 50 TT from sowing (ºCVicia d) 0 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 TT from sowing (ºCd) Morocco Durum wheat varieties and alternative crops performance: FARMERS_2012/2013 Farmers Fields 7000 7000 SC correctedGrain Yield glucose(kg ha Layout_y1 6000 6000 ) 1 5000 5000 - 4000 4000 3000 3000 Grain Yield (kg ha (kg Yield Grain 2000 2000 1000 1000 - 1 ) 0 0 7000 7000 correctedGrain Yield SC glucose (kg ha Ben Rahal_y1 6000 6000 ) 5000 1 5000 - 4000 4000 3000 3000 Grain Yield (kg ha (kg Yield Grain 2000 2000 - 1000 1000 1 ) 0 0 7000 7000 Souaka_y1 SC correctedGrain Yield glucose(kg ha 6000 6000 ) 5000 5000 1 - 4000 4000 3000 3000 2000 2000 Grain Yield (kg ha (kg Yield Grain 1000 1000 - 1 ) 0 0 durum wheat canola durum wheat canola Durum wheat varieties and alternative crops performance: Morocco Nitrogen SEA_2012/2013 7000 y = 43.51x - 387.14 SEA Marzak SEA Vitrico R² = 0.8955 6000 SEA Carioca ) 5000 1 - SEA canola 4000 SEA Chickpea 3000 SEA lentil SEA vicia (kg glucose ha glucose (kg 2000 SC corrected Grain Yield Grain corrected SC 1000 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 Total crop N uptake at maturity (kg N ha-1) Crop Evapotranspiration and Water Use Efficiency Morocco Frontier concept FrontierRESULTSconcept 6000 -1 -1 8000 -1 -1 GY (SEA) = 20.988*ET - 2104.7 22 kg grain ha mmET SC GY (SEA) = 30.142*ET - 2976.2 30 kg glucose ha mmET (French & Schultz 1984) R² = 0.8379 (French &2012/2013 Schultz 1984) R² = 0.6299 ) 1 - 7000 5000 SC GY (Farmers) = 15.805*ET - 171.6 GY (Farmers) = 4.7454*ET + 807.69 SEA Vitrico R² = 0.5148 SEA Vitrico R² = 0.1674 6000 SEA Marzak Ben Rahal.Clz SEA Marzak ) 1 - 4000 5000 Ben Rahal.Td O.Said.Td Ben Rahal.Td SEA Canola 3000 ( ) 4000 ( ) O.Said.Td Ben Rahal.Clz ( ) ( ) J.Riah.Td SEA Chickpea J.Riah.Td SEA Chickpea 3000 Grain Yield (kg ha (kg Yield Grain Layout.Clz 2000 SEA Canola Souaka.Td Souaka.Clz Souaka.Td Layout.Td SEA Vicia Layout.Td( ) SEA Lentil SEA Vicia ( ) SEA Lentil Tamadroust.Td 2000 Tamadroust.Td H.Gdana.Td Souaka.Clz H.Gdana.Td 1000 S.Boumehdi.Td S.Boumehdi.Td Layout.Clz ha glucose (kg Yield Grain Corrected SC 1000 (•): data points excluded from regression lines 0 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Evapotranspiration during whole crop cycle (mm) Evapotranspiration during whole crop cycle (mm) 25 25 SEA_y1 SEA_y1 ) ) 1 1 - - 20 20 mm mm ET mm ETmm 15 15 1 1 - - 10 10 5 5 WUE (kg grain ha (kg WUE grain 0 ha (kg WUE glucose 0 Vicia Vicia Lentil Lentil Vitrico Vitrico Canola Canola Marzak Marzak Carioca Carioca Chickpea Chickpea Year 1 (2012-2013) Morocco • There were no significant differences in grain yield between the three durum wheat cultivars studied.
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