he oonscar


Author • Richard Pett

Cover Artist • Jorge Fares

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The Moonscar is a Pathinder Module designed fo r fo ur 16th-level characters and uses the medium XP advancement track. This module is designed fo r play in the Pathinder campaign setting, but can easily be adapted fo r use with any world.

This product makes use of the Patinder RPG Core Rulebook, Patinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide, Patinder RPG Bestiary,

Pathinder RPG Bestiary z, Pathinder RPG Bestiary 3, and Pathinder RPG GameMastery Guide. These rules can be fo und online as part oft he Pathinder Roleplaying Game Reference Document at paizo.comfprd.

This product is compliant with the Open Game License (OGL) and is suitable for use with the Pathinder Roleplaying Game and the 3·5 edition of the world's oldest roleplaying game. e e y � 3 5 � 0 s 0 3 11 r 0 1 Paizo Publishing, LLC �������: 1�T��:�J����:�I ���:���:�d�:ad��:;k s� p��������es (:h:r�����.;:s� ���)�d1a ����:. ��o�� . �:o�;li��:, 1��:����. ch·�r �=�s, �����;k ���d t�ade ��:s� a'c Elements that have previously been designated as Open Game Content or are in the public domain ar� not included in this d�claration. 7120 185th Ave NE, Ste 120 Open Content: Except for material designated as Product Identity (see above), the game mechanics of this Paizo Publishing game product are Open Game Content, as deined in the Open Game License version 1.0a Section 1(d). No portion of this work other than the material designated as Open Game Content Redmond, WA 98052-0577 may be reproduced in any form without written permission. paizo.com Pathinder _odule: The Moonscar is publish�d by Paizo P�blishing, LLC under the Op�n G�m� Licens� v�rsion t.oa > zoooWi. .zards of the Coast, Inc. Paizo �ublishing, t e 1 , t , nd m r � s a � LL ; y �;� h �de��d�e���r; P���� p�:���d��t:��a�;��e:t���� �a:h h n�:r ����� �a�hi �d�:�j���r �����i�n�!� ����fi��;; ��f�s ar� t������k; :tJ�fz� ;��� �h��: LLC. © .012, Paizo Publishing, LLC

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G aze into the Heavens in wonder. What secrets do the stars hold? What of Aballon the Horse and Castrovel the Green? What stranse creatures dance in the dark upon such worlds, and what chariot could reach them? Many have visited the planes, have hunted Elysium and dreamed in tens, yet how many have trodden the skin of other worlds? There, hansins above US, sloats Somal-thus the Azlanti called the moon­ sm1Hns down upon we who wander the surface of the Case of Golarion. What stranse creatures are watchins us as we so about our business, and what b11sllt blemishes her surface with the Moonscar?

-From the journal of Cladrann Thashkrell

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ADVENTURE BACKGROUND WHERE ON GOLARlON? Sometimes visible fr om Golarion as a dark stain located The irst part of this adventure takes place at the edge in the moon's southern hemisphere, the Moonscar is an of the Mindspin Mountains in the wilderness nation of Abyssal blight on the moon's fa ce. In their hubris, the Nirmathas. Though the adventure assumes the PCs reach arcane astronomers of Azlant accidentally released this the moon through a portal within a long-dormant volcano blight when they fa iled at an attempt to terraform the called the Growling Skald, it's possible characters of l6th entire moon with magic. For the last 12,000 years, this level will use other methods to reach the Moonscar. tangled and alien jungle of ravenous plants and horriic Most of the adventure content within this module beasts has been ruled by a powerful succubus, Izmiara the takes place on the surface ofGolarion's moon, in a region Insatiable Queen. While many demons would be satisied ofAby ssal jungle called the Moonsca r. This massive swath with rulership of an expansive jungle realm, Izmiara has of dark vegetation is so large that it can be seen from greater ambitions-a complex plan to usher in an age Golarion's surface, though few of the planet's astronomers of domination at the hands of her mistress, Nocticula. know that it is the result of ancient eforts The Insatiable Queen and her ageless daughters employ that breached the barriers between the Material Plane and magic to make the long flight through the cold, silent the Abyss. For more information about the Moonscar and vacuum of space to Golarion. Once there, they abduct adventuring on other planets, see Pathinder Campaign humanoids, carrying them home fo r use as breeding Setting: Distant Worlds, available at your local bookstore stock or to transform them into agents of the Abyss. or hobby store, or online at paizo.com. Those transformed are later returned to their homes to work sinister deeds on behalf of their seductive and manipulative mistresses. Any kidnapped specimens deemed unworthy ofbecoming breeding stock or who lack the influence to be agents are instead used simply fo r fo od, pleasure, or entertainment. The most powerful and ambitious of the Moonscar's succubi tamed shantaks as mounts to take them quickly to Golarion fo r their periodic harvests, but most of the Insatiable Queen's daughters were restricted to mundane flight between the planet and its moon-which takes 2 years-and their eforts to fu lly implement their insidious plots were ever hampered by the time required to traverse the void. Thus have a dozen millennia passed without the Abyssal hordes of the moon's surface overtaking Golarion or enslaving that world fo r their own purposes. Now all begun to move her plot fo rward at an accelerated pace. that has changed. She has started kidnapping new subjects with renewed wo months ago, a dormant volcanic ridge in the zeal, readying fo r a day soon when anarchy and chaos Mindspin Mountains known as the Growling Skald can be unleashed across Golarion, heralding the way fo r awoke fo r the irst time since before Earthfall. In the Nocticula's long overdue apotheosis. course of the eruption, a number of ancient Azlanti ruins were exposed to the sky, including what was once ADVENTURE SYNOPSIS an isolated astronomical research station. This station The demonic fo rces of the Moonscar have ramped up had once been populated by the most brilliant minds of their assault on Golarion ater a portal to the Abyssal the world's greatest civilization, and now it has become moon jungle was reactivated in a seismic event. A number partially fu nctional once more. Among the strange ruins of prominent and influential individuals have recently that were uncovered by the eruption is a portal to the disappeared-among them an ally or associate of the surface of the moon; fo r millennia it was as dormant as PCs. The party is approached by a masked member of the the volcano whose geothermal energy powered it, but Pathinder Society's leadership, the Decemvirate, who with the resurgence of the volcanic vents, the portal has ofers insight into the connected disappearances. Armed sputtered back to life. with a hint of where their fr iend has been taken, the PCs In the Moons car, the succubi noticed their own dormant must ind their way to the moon in search of one or more portal-the Growling Skald's mate-flash to life. With the of the kidnapped NPCs; they likely travel through the journey time fr om the Moonscar to Golarion suddenly ancient Azlanti portal known as the Somal Gate, which lies reduced fr om years to moments, the Insatiable Queen has deep in a long-dormant volcano in western Nirmathas.

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Once on the moon's surface, the PCs fa ce the harsh acquaintance's beauty and charm. Reports in most cases place environment and inhabitants of the Moonscar jungle. the missing individual in the company of the same stranger They eventually reach Dominax Annuli, bastion of the in the Nirmathi city of Skelt, from whence the party is said to Insatiable Queen Izmiara, whose plan fo r dominion over have traveled south toward a recently active volcanic ridge called Golarion has motivated her daughters fo r over 12,ooo the Growling Skald. Your missing friend is among those whose years. In Dominax Annuli, the PCs must progress through disappearance matches this pattern. fo ur deadly levels ofthe queen's most dangerous servants "Our divinations have located several of those who vanished to rescue the captured prisoners, inally coming fa ce to on the moon. Long have reports spoken of a demon-tainted fa ce with the queen hersel, before their task is complete. jungle on the surface of the moon-what we on Golarion see as the Moonscar. It is there that I believe those abducted have BEGINNING THE ADVENTURE been taken, though fo r what sinister succubus plot I know not. As some of the most powerful adventurers in the Inner Few have the means to venture into such a realm, which is why Sea region, the PCs doubtlessly have a number of powerful I am here, now, with you. There is little I can ofer you beyond fr iends and allies, possibly including an influential noble pointing you in what I hope is the right direction. Yet if you can or the head of a worldwide organization. Select one such ind a way to the Moonscar and retrieve not only my missing associate fr om the party's network of fr iendly NPCs to agent and your friend, but any other captives of the demons be the catalyst fo r their involvement in this adventure there, then my fa ith in you has not been misguided. Whatever and inform the PCs that their fr iend has disappeared, plan the Moonscar's Insatiable Queen and her servants have in seemingly without a trace. The only initial lead is that the works, it has sped up drastically, and I fe ar fo r us all should the missing individual was last seen with an attractive they not be stopped." individual in a local tavern. Allow the PCs a fe w minutes to start their investigation If the PCs inquire fu rther, the masked man ofers before one of them is contacted with a sendinJ spell. As the them a list of the missing individuals whom he believes PC receives the message, read the fo llowing aloud. have been abducted. Feel fr ee to alter this list to provide a deeper sense of impending dread among your players; "I believe we share a common goal. I have information about drop the names of people the PCs have fo rmed bonds the individual you seek. Meet me at midnight in the Dancing with, or of prominent leaders of regions the PCs are Lancer tavern." invested in, to motivate the PCs to take up the masked man's proposed journey. The Dancing Lancer should be a tavern within a The list ofkidnapped victims whose circumstances all distance the PCs can reach by midnight of the day they lead them to the Growling Skald includes the fo llowing: receive the message. If there's another tavern or location the PCs' kidnapped acquaintance; the Pathinder agent that will better it your campaign (and if its name will it Osprey (N male human druid n); Commander Andabar within the 25-word limit of the sendinJ spell), fe el fr ee to Ceroban (LG male human cavalier 13) of the Knights change the meeting place to somewhere already fa miliar of Ozem in Lastwall; the Nexian golemcrater Pendrel to your PCs. Zarafari (CN male half-elf wizard w) ofOenopion; Druman At the appointed time, the PCs meet a man in an eyeless, Kalistocrat Obenna Sirara (LN fe male human aristocrat red leather mask who motions fo r them to sit down before 6/rogue 6); Garrin Levoye (CG male human ighter 9) of speaking in a hushed voice that sounds as though it might Andoran's People's Council; professor Zembe Utomo (NG be disguised with magic. male human wizard 12) of the Magaambya; and Chelish noble and fa med opera librettist Enlina Charthagnion (LE "I apologize fo r my rudeness in contacting you so suddenly and fe male human aristocrat 3/bard 8). briely, and thank you fo r meeting me here. I cannot tell you my name, fo r I am a member of the Decemvirate, and my ability to A TRtP To THE MooN guide the Pathinder Society hinges on my anonymity. What is There are several ways fo r a 16th-level party to get to the doubtlessly more important to you than my name is how I can moon. Note that traditional does not work help you. between planets, so the PCs' will need to employ more "In recent months, I have been investigating the disappearance powerful magical means to reach the Moonscar or take of a high-ranking Pathinder agent named Osprey, and have one ofthe other possible courses of action listed below. discovered a series of similar disappearances throughout The adventure assumes the PCs, like the succubi and the Inner Sea region, all of which occurred under similar their prisoners, use the Somal Gate located within the circumstances. In each case, the missing person was last seen Growling Skald. For details on this location and the with an attractive stranger, and appeared to be rapt with the new challenges the PCs might fa ce there, refer to Appendix II

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on page 30. This option not only allows the PCs to continue CONT1NU1NG PAT HF1NDER their investigation before leaving Golarion, perhaps in the ADVENTURE PAT HS cities fr om which the kidnapped NPCs disappeared, but One of the goals of this 16th-level Pathinder Module is to also provides some background on the Azlanti eforts to provide high-level material fo r GMs who have successfully terraform the moon. run their players through a fu ll Pathinder Adventure Path Alternatively, the PCs can purchase a scroll of and are looki ng fo r ways to continue the campaign. Below interplanetary teleport (Patinder Campagn SettinJ: The are possible N PCs from the irst 10 Pathinder Adventure Inner Sea World Guide 295) in one ofthe Inner Sea region's Paths you may wish to use as the PCs' kidnapped ally. Feel larger cities, such as Absalom or Katapesh. This is by fa r free to advance any of these NPCs in level to be appropriate the fa stest way to reach the moon, as simply knowing that targets fo r the succubi of the Moonscar to abduct fo r the Moonscar is their destination is suicient to transport breeding or brainwashing. the party instantly to the demonic jungle. If the party Rise of the Runelords: Shalelu Andosana, Ameiko Kaijitsu takes this route, they should arrive somewhere within the Curse ofthe Crimson Throne: Vencarlo Orsini, Trinia Sabor Blighted Orchard, though where in the area they appear Second Darkness: Shalelu Andosana, any allied members is up to you. of the Winter Council The party can also attempt to capture, charm, or tame Legacy of Fire: Almah Roveshki, Rayhan Xobhadi a flight of shantaks (Patinder RPG Bestiary 2 244), huge Council ofTh ieves: Arael, Ailyn Ghontasavos, Janiven winged beasts that are able to quickly travel between Kingmaker: Kesten Garess,Jhod Kavkhen, Oleg Leveton planets-flying fr om Golarion to the moon in only Serpent's Skull: the leader of the PCs' allied faction minutes, or at most, hours-and that provide their riders Carrion Crown: Judge Daramid, l

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PLANAR TRAlTS abilities ofthe charm and compulsion subschools increase Though the Moonscar is wholly located on the Material by 2, regardless of who casts them. This increase stacks Plane, the entire region shares a number of qualities with with other methods ofincreasing a spell's save DC (such as the Abyss. Unless noted otherwise, all of the fo llowing the Spell Focus fe at). planar traits are in efect fo r the remainder of the Extraplanar Natives: The Moonscar is home to many adventure. All enemy stat blocks in this adventure already extraplanar outsiders, including the succubi who rule include the heightened save DCs granted by the enhanced over the demonic jungle. Such creatures receive a +4 bonus magic quality; all other beneits and penalties should be on saving throws made to resist being banished back to applied by the GM as needed. For more information on the Abyss, as their ainity fo r the Abyssal jungles of the these and other planar traits, see pages 184-188 of the Moonscar binds them strongly to the Material Plane. Pathinder RPG GameMastery Guide. Impeded Magic: To cast a spell or use a spell-like ability Strongly Chaos-Aligned and Evil-Aligned: Nonevil or with the good or lawful descriptor, a caster must make a nonchaotic creatures take a -2 circumstance penalty on concentration check (DC 20 +the level of the spell). If the all Intelligence-, Wisdom-, and Charisma-based checks check fa ils, the spell does not fu nction but is still lost as a in the Moonscar. This penalty stacks with itself fo r prepared spell or spell slot. If the check is successful, the creatures that fa ll into both categories, resulting in a -4 spell fu nctions normally. penalty fo r creatures with alignments that are neither chaotic nor evil. THE BLIGHTED ORCHARD Enhanced Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities with Warped by the twisted energies of chaos, the Abyssal jungle the chaotic or evil descriptor are treated as if their caster of the Moons car is a nightmare realm of noise, steamy levels were 2 higher than normal. Additionally, because heat, and danger. While the jungle itself stretches across of millennia of influence by the Insatiable Queen and her hundreds of miles of Somal's surface, so large it is visible mistress Nocticula, the save DCs of spells and spell-like fr om Golarion's surface, this adventure takes place in the

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home oflzmiara, a centrally located patch of particularly DEMON NE TTLESAP dense and demon-tainted flora and fa una called the The lora in the Blighted Orchard is as deadly as the Blighted Orchard. In this region ofthe larger jungle, the fa una that makes its home beneath the leaves. Demon toxic influence of the Abyss has been particularly strong, nettles cover the ground, fo rming a vicious layer of thick and over the millennia has shaped the trees into a twisting undergrowth. Those pricked by these vile thorns are mass ofbloated flora. The colors are unnatural, changed subjected to the mind-bending sap they deliver with each somehow by the lunar light and the kiss of the Abyss. puncture. A dose of demon nettle sap is worth 1,soo gp. Pregnant ochre flowers hang fr om trees made ofwrithing, vaguely fleshy shapes. Jaundiced, ingerlike leaves hang DEMON NETTLE SAP fr om thorny growths that resemble blistered limbs a Ty pe poison, injury; Save Fortitude DC 21 dozen fe et long. Liver-colored fu ngal sacks droop flaccidly Frequency Ifro und fo r 6 rounds above a carpet of sepia rot. Efect 1d2 Wis drain Among the most notable plants in this region of the Moonscar are the melon-sized crimson fr uits that give the Blighted Orchard its name. Blightbulbs, as they are hp 154 each (12d10+88) called, grow copiously fr om the tangled vegetation during Fort +13, Ref +16, Will +10 the daytime heat. These ruby crimson orbs smell and taste DR wfcold iron or good; Immune electricity, ire, poison; incredibly sweet, but each is riddled with demon fe ver Resist acid 10, cold w; SR 18 (Core Rulebook 557). Fallen fr uit rots and produces a smell OFFENSE like that of rotting, sugary meat, and retains its sickness­ Speed 20 t., ly so t. (average) inducing taint until it completely decomposes. Melee 2 claws +18 (1d6+2) The Trailblazer (area A3) clears pathways through the Ranged +1 shock composite longbow +19/+14/+9 (1d8+3/x3 plus orchard that connect the various natural clearings in the 1d6 electricity) jungle. The pathways are at least zo fe et wide and high, and Special Attacks energy drain (DC 22), favored enemy (good fo rm tunnels through the dense fo liage. However, so proliic outsiders +2), profane git are the plants within the Moonscar that these pathways Spell-like Abilities (CL 12th; concentration +2o) soon vanish unless continually cleared by the Trailblazer. Constant-detect good, tongues At wi ll-charm monster (DC 24), detect thoughts (DC 20), Al . THE SISTERS OF VIGILANCE CCR 15) ethereal jaunt (self plus so lbs. of objects only), greater teleport (self plus so lbs. of objects only), suggestion The scent of rot is sufocating in this lush, discolored jungle, (DC 23), vampiric touch and the sounds that permeate the air have a hollow, wet tone. 1/day-dominate person (DC 2S), summon (level 3,

Majestic trees rise from the twisted ground like strange arms, l babau so%) their almost leshy trunks covered in sinister vining nettles Ranger Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +4) and lowers unlike anything on Golarion. 1st-entangle TACTICS Creatures: A trio of succubi known as the Sisters Before Combat The sisters patrol the area around the portal of Vigilance stand watch over this recently activated from the air, circling near the edge of the Moonscar's terminal of the Somal Gate, looking fo r returning spies, atmosphere on the backs of their shantak mounts. Abyssal consorts, and intruders alike. They are mounted During Combat The sisters attack from a distance and on shantaks, creatures the succubi use not only fo r more summon babaus to ight interlopers in melee, preferring to mundane hunting or patrolling across the surface of the use their own longbows and spell-like abilities rather than Moons car, but also as mounts when traveling to Golarion, engage opponents at close quarters. as riding a shantak signiicantly shortens what would Morale The succubi are delighted if an opponent proves otherwise be a z-year voyage to Golarion. worthy of them, as this may indicate the Insatiable Queen will be pleased with a new prisoner. Once reduced below 2S

SISTERS OF VIGILANCE (3) CR 11 hit points, or if one of their kind is slain, a sister teleports XP 12,8oo each back to the Shrine of Rest and Fulillment to spread the Succubus ranger 4 (Pathinder RPG Bestiary 68) joyous news that worthy lesh is near, while any remaining CE Medium outsider (chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar) sisters remain to capture or kill the intruders. I nit +6; Senses darkvision 6o t., detect good; Perception +26 STATISTICS DEFENSE Str 14, Dex 22, Con 24, lnt 16, Wis 17, Cha 26 AC 26, touch 13, lat-footed 23 (+6 armor, +3 Dex, +7 natural) Base Atk +12; CMB +18; CMD 30

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LUNA RAOAP TATlON A2 . THE GLADE OF COPIOUS BOOMS CCR 16) Several aspects of adventuring on other planets or celestial bodies play a direct role in this adventure. Strangely colored blooms proliferate in this glade of massive Speciically, PCs will ind the relatively low gravity on the vines and leshy trees. The air is thick with a strange smell, like moon advantageous, while they may ind the extended honey boiled in pig fat. cycle of day and night makes timing the preparation of spells counterintuitive. Creatures: Several of the giant vines in this thicket are Low-gravity worlds are PC playgrounds, in which carnivorous viper vines that are sentient enough to be characters' hyperdeveloped Golarion muscles are fa r aware of the connection the Moons car's succubi have to more efective than normal. On the moon, which has the Abyssal energy that lows through the vines' grasping only a sixth of Golarion's gravity, the PCs can jump six roots. The vines thus leave the Insatiable Queen's daughters times as high and as fa r and lit six times as much as alone, but attack any creature that does not bear the taint they can on Golarion. The ranges of proj ectile weapons ofthe evil Outer Planes. also increase by a fa ctor of six. The PCs' speed stays the same, however, as moving in great bounds is awkward VIPER VINES (3) CR 13 and diicult to control. XP 25,6oo each In general, classes that depend on performing a hp 190 each (Pathinder RPG Bestiary 2 279) certain action at a given time of day should operate on the same time fra me as they do on Golarion. For A3 . THE TRAILBLAZER CCR 16) example, a cleric who prays fo r spells every day at dawn should be allowed to do so once every 24 hours as if the A twenty-foot-wide path has been cleared through the dense sun were rising on the same schedule as on Golarion. Abyssal jungle. The trail is clear, but the twisted vegetation Similarly, abilities keyed to daily uses should operate on its edges regenerates at an alarming rate, threatening to under the same time frame, as expecting PCs to go 2 overtake the roadway in the near . weeks without being able to recharge abilities or prepare new spells would signiicantly increase the diiculty of Creatures: Long ago, agents of the Insatiable Queen the adventure-likely beyond the party's ability to cope. abducted a powerfuljotund troll fr om the mountains of the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, and brainwashed the brute into serving them as a sort of groundskeeper in Feats Agile Maneuvers, Combat Relexes, Endurance, their lush jungle realm. Now the troll knows himself only Mounted Archery, Mounted Combat, Rapid Shot, Skill as the Trailblazer, and he carries out the unending task Focus (Ride), Weapon Finesse of clearing trails through the jungle's dense fo liage with Skills Bluf +31, Diplomacy +19, Disguise +19, Fly +14, his massive scythe. A path so cleared remains passable fo r Intimidate +23, Knowledge (local) +14, Perception +26, Ride 1d12 hours before the iendish vegetation grows over the +24, Sense Motive +14, Stealth +18, Use Magic Device +16; trail completely. Racial Modiiers +8 Bluf, +8 Perception Trailing behind the monstrous nine-headed troll are a Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic; tongues; nonet of giant crawling hands, each leashed with a thick telepathy 100 :. chain and dragged like a dog by the Trailblazer. Each of SQ change shape (Small or Medium humanoid; alter se), thejotund troll's heads has an ainity fo r one ofthe hands, favored terrain (jungle +2), hunter's bond (companions), though no one but the troll himselfcan tell his pets apart. track +2, wild empathy +12 Once he becomes aware of fo es, the Trailblazer releases Combat Gear wand of enervation (15 charges); Other Gear +1 his "hounds" and fo llows them into the fr ay, swinging his scale mail, +1 shock composite longbow (+2 Str), exotic saddle scythe mercilessly. (on shantak) THE TRAILBLAZER CR 15 SHANTAK (3) CR 8 XP 51,200 XP 4,8oo each Jotund troll (Pathinder RPG Bestiary 3 272) hp 104 each (Pathinder RPG Bestiary 2 244) hp 216 Melee +2 scythe +22/+17/+12 (3d6+17/x4), bite +15 (2d6+5 Development: If the Sisters of Vigilance are driven plus grab) away or defeated, the PCs may use the Somal Gate to return to Golarion as they please, but the sisters return (or are HOUNDS (9) CR 6 replaced by a new contingent of guards) ater 2d6 hours. XP 2,400 each

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Advanced giant crawling hands (Pathinder RPG Bestiary 2 N E Huge outsider (native) 59. 292) I nit +6; Senses all-around vision, blindsight 30 t., darkvision hp 66 each 6o t.; Perception +29 DEFENSE Development: The troll could be a useful ally if charmed, AC 30, touch 10, lat-footed 28 (+2 Dex, +20 natural, -2 size) as he is capable of clearing the jungle away at a rate of 12 hp 216 (16d8+l44) miles of path per day. The creature is otherwise loyal to the Fort +14, Ref +9, Will +12 succubi who have tasked him with blazing trails through DR wfmagic; Immune electricity (partial), poison; Resist the jungle, but he knows little oftheir ultimate schemes acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10, ire w; SR 27 and goals beyond those that directly afect him. Weaknesses slowed by electricity Treasure: The Trailblazer carries so pounds of raw OFFENSE meat, 123 gp, and a large lump ofval ueless crystal he fo und Speed 20 t., ly 40 t. (good), swim 30 t. in the jungle one day in a rugged leather sack. Melee bite +22 (2d6+12j19-20 plus grab), 4 tentacles +20 (1d8+6 plus grab), tongue +20 (1d4+6 plus grab) 4· THE EBONY AKE CCR 16)

The path suddenly ends at a large, round lake, its blackwater mirroring the cloudless, star­ illed sky in the heavens.

The lake's waters are calm and deep, its edges surrounded by deep bog fo r about half a mile fr om the cleared and worn path. During lunar nights, the pool quickly fr eezes, and within an hour of sunset the ice is thick enough fo r a creature the size and weight of the Trailblazer or the lake's primary inhabitant, Miglargu, to cross it. Creature: A terrible Abyssal abomination, the half-iend fr oghemoth Miglargu, calls this part of the Blighted Orchard home. The pale, winged fr oghemoth hunts the iendish gar, eels, and snapping turtles that inhabit the lake, but relishes the opportunity to fe ast upon any intelligent creatures other than the Trailblazer or the succubi who rule the Moonscar. During the day, Miglargu hides in the lake's dark water, with only its eye stalk protruding fr om the murk. At night, it alternates between circling the lake on the wing and lurking lethargically in the fo liage on the fr ozen lake's edge.

MIGLARGU CR 16 XP 76,8oo Half-iend frog he moth (Pathinder RPG Bestiary 136, 171)

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Space lS t.; Reach lS t. (30 t. with tongue) At will-dispel magic, teleport (self plus so lbs. of objects only) Special Attacks constrict (tentacle, 1d6+12), smite good, 3/day-quickened hold person (DC 17) swallow whole (3d6+12 damage, AC 20, hp 21) !/day-summon (level s. ld4 dire apes so% or ld2 girallons Spell-Like Abilities (CL 16th; concentration +18) 35%), unhoy blight (DC 17) 3/day-darkness, poison (DC 16), unhoy aura (DC 20) STATISTICS 1jday-blasphemy (DC 19), contagion (DC lS), desecrate, Str 26, Dex 19, Con 20, lnt 15, Wis 16, Cha 17 horrid wilting (DC 20), unhallow, unhoy blight (DC 16) Base Atk +16; CMB +25(+29 grapple); CMD 39 STATISTICS Feats Improved Initiative, Intimidating Prowess, Iron Will, Str 34, Dex lS, Con 28, lnt 4, Wis lS, Cha lS Multiattack, Power Attack, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (hold Base Atk +12; CMB +26 (+30 grapple); CMD 38 person), Step Up, Throw Anything Feats Cleave, Improved Critical (bite), Improved Initiative, Skills Acrobatics +14, Bluf +12, Climb +26, Diplomacy +9, Lightning Relexes, Lunge, Multiattack, Power Attack, Skill Intimidate +27, Knowledge (nature) +10, Knowledge Focus (Stealth) (planes) +13, Perception +20, Sense Motive +16, Stealth +19, Skills Perception +29, Stealth +19 (+27 in marshes), Survival Survival +19, Swim +16 +21, Swim +2o; Racial Modiiers +8 Perception, +8 Stealth Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Polyglot, in marshes telepathy 100 t. Languages Abyssal SPECIAL ABILITIES Devouring Grapple {Ex) The mouth at the center of a s· BAREGARA MBUSH CCR 15) baregara's chest automatically deals 2d8+4 points of damage per round to any creature that the demon The dense fo liage of the jungle canopy rustles as though successfully grapples. hundreds of massive creatures were moving rapidly through Monstrous Challenge (Su) As a standard action, a baregara the high branches. The hoots and hollers of bloodthirsty can make an Intimidate check to demoralize an opponent. otherworldly creatures ill the thick, humid air, and the metallic If this check is successful, the baregara surges with scent ofblood is overwhelming. power and gains the efects of buff's strength and bear's endurance. The caster level is equal to the baregara's Hit Creatures: A pack ofbaregaras-blood-colored demonic Dice. This ability is usable 3 times per day. gorillas with long twisted horns and exposed hearts One-Armed Hold (Ex) A baregara's huge arms allow it to beneath their sinewy rib cages-hunts this portion of initiate and maintain a grapple without the standard -4 the jungle, and a trio of the beasts drops fr om the trees penalty fo r not having both hands free. to ambush the PCs as they make their way along the path. A6. THE CAUNG SONE CCR 16) BAREGARAS (3) CR 12 XP 19,200 A wide clearing stands out abruptly from the dense jungle; the Pathinder Adventure Path #42 8o surrounding trees fa ce inward as though worshiping the space CE Large outsider (chaotic, evil, extraplanar) between them. In the center of the clearing, a natural stone I nit +8; Senses darkvision 6o t., scent, see invisibility ; pillar of speckled bloodstone rises. From the pillar hangs a pair Perception +20 of manacles encrusted in glowing runes. A single sigil has been DEFENSE etched into the stone above the restraints, and emanates a low AC 2S, touch 13, lat-footed 21 (+4 Dex, +12 natural, -1 size) thrumming sound when approached. hp 168 (16d10+8o) Fort HS; Ref +14; Will +lO This strange stone spire fo rmed when the Moonscar DR 10jgood; Immune electricity, poison; Resist acid 10, cold 10, burst fr om the Abyss into the Material Plane but wasn't ire 10; SR 23 used fo r its current purpose fo r several millennia. For the OFFENSE last s,ooo years, the Insatiable Queen has sacriiced those Speed 30 t., climb 40 t. daughters and servants that displease her to a powerful Melee bite +22 (1d8+4), 2 claws +21 (1d10+8 plus grab), gore +24 shemhazian demon that lives in the nearby jungle, binding (ld8+8) each sacriice in the pair of dimensional shackles embedded Space 10 t.; Reach 10 t. into the stone. The rune above the chains represents the Special Attacks devouring grapple, monstrous challenge, one­ shemhazian's true name, Gzarnarath, and when spoken armed hold aloud (requiring a successful DC 30 Knowledge (planes] Spell-Like Abilities (CL 12th) or Linguistics check decipher the runes), summons the Constant-see invisibility creature to the stone to devour its meal.

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Creature: The shemhazian demon Gzarnarath relishes SUlTABLE SPEClMENS the opportunity to kill, and takes particular pleasure in While the Insatiable Queen and her servitors are anything the chance to slaughter creatures not bound and helpless. but hospitable to the PCs, they nevertheless have a higher purpose-the manipulation and indoctrination of the GZARNARATH CR 16 most powerfu l and inl uential movers and shakers on XP 76,8oo Golarion-and the PCs likely it that bill very nicely. Shemhazian demon (Pathinder RPG Bestiary 2 8o) Thus, as much of a hindrance as the PCs may be to the hp 246 realization of lzmiara's plans, they are probably worth TACTICS more to the succubi alive than dead. As such, unless Before Combat When called to the clearing, the demon irst otherwise noted in a creature's tactics, the intelligent casts clairvoyancefclairaudience to determine the nature of villains the PCs fa ce in Dominax Annuli attempt to the sacriice, and prepares accordingly when it notices that take PCs as prisoners whenever possible. Prisoners are its prey is capable of ighting back, casting invisibility befo re stripped and caged in area C7 until the Queen decides teleporting to the stone. what to do with them. During Combat Gzarnarath immediately attacks the creature with the strongest aura of good, fo cusing the brunt of its attacks on good-aligned creatures befo re turning to spell-like abilities to take the appearance of elderly human neutral- or evil-aligned prey. shepherds without eyes or mouths, but revert to their true Morale Gzarnarath ights until reduced to so or fewer hit fo rms during combat. What bargain the Insatiable Queen points, at which time it summons 1d4 vrocks to fe nd of the and the moon-beasts worked out only they know, but fo r PCs while it lees via its greater teleport spell-like ability. the time being, their motives seem to align, and the moon­ beasts ight vigilantly to defend the Shrine of Rest and A7. THE SHRINE OF REST AND FULFILLMENT Fulillment fr om both escape and invasion.

The jungle grasps at the fe et of a great tor of black stone, MooN-BEAST GuARDIANS 3) CR 14 which towers into the sky above. As it rises toward the stars, XP 38AOO each the stone darkens and gains a glassy sheen, ending in a tall, Advanced moon-beast (Pathinder RPG Bestiary 3 195) thin tower high above-a shimmering spire of porphyry and CE Large aberration obsidian. The stars are mirrored in the glassy sides of the I nit +7; Senses blindsight 90 :.; Perception +34 spire, as though in supplication to the heavens. A winding DEFENSE stair climbs the stone, leading to the wide double doors into AC 29, touch 13, lat-footed 25 (+3 Dex, +1 dodge, +16 natural, the imposing structure. -1 size) hp 199 each (21d8+105) This obelisk-like spire is but a portion of the much Fort +12, Ref +12, Will +18 larger complex of the Insatiable Queen's lair, the bulk of DR wfpiercing or slashing; Immune cold, gaze attacks, which comprises fo ur levels beneath the moon's surface. illusions, poison; Resist electricity 30; SR 25 The Shrine of Rest and Fulillment serves as a sort of OFFENSE cover fo r the succubi's true operations, and allows newly Speed so t., climb 20 t., air walk kidnapped subjects a chance to transition fr om their Melee 2 claws +21 (1d6+6), 4 tentacles +19 (1d6+3) lives on Golarion to their ultimate position within the Space 10 t.; Reach 10 t. Insatiable Queen's plans. The interior of the shrine is Special Attacks rend (2 tentacles, 1d6+9 plus Wisdom drain) detailed in area B below. Spell-Like Abilities (CL 14th; concentration +21) The mesa supporting the tower is made up of jagged Constant-air walk moon glass and other lunar stone, and is diicult to climb At wi ll-detect thoughts (DC 19) but not impossible (Climb DC 30). 3/day-charm monster (DC 22), quickened dispel magic, Creatures: Security within the shrine is relatively dominate person (DC 24), shadow conjuration (DC 22), lax-ater all, there is nowhere fo r escaping prisoners shadow evocation (DC 22), veil (DC 23) to go in such a harsh and isolated environment as the 1jday-conjusion (DC 23), major image (DC 20), mirage Moons car. The succubi employ a trio of moon-beasts to arcana (DC 22), plane sht (self only) act as guardians of the structure. These creatures use their STATISTICS fo rmidable powers of persuasion and compulsion, honed Str 22, Dex 17, Con 20, lnt 19, Wis 18, Cha 25 in their roles as intergalactic slavers, to herd the succubi's Base Atk +15; CMB +22; CMD 36 chattel back to the shrine. They generally use their veil Feats Combat Casting, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Iron Will,

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Lightning Relexes, Mobility, Multiattack, Quicken Spell­ fr ankincense ills the air. Sumptuous pillows and veiled Like Ability (dispel magic), Skill Focus (Perception), Weapon mattresses are scattered about the shrine, painting the Focus (tentacles), Weapon Focus (claws) perfect picture of an exotic pleasure den. Skills Climb +14, Diplomacy +18, Intimidate +31, Knowledge Here the PCs are likely to irst meet the charmed, (arcana) +14, l

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rather they give themselves over to her and her daughters as if they had defeated an encounter of a CR equal to the without conflict, but she ights as necessary ifthey refuse number of Sequestered saved, to a maximum of CR 20 if or challenge her authority. they rescue 20 or more prisoners. Feel fr ee to place the Sequestered and alu-demons in any rooms on the irst level of the shrine to create dynamic Bl. FOYER OF ANY PLEASURES encounters. The CR fo r this area assumes the PCs battle all Here the Sequestered, Euphrixia, and her daughters present demons in the case of combat, though where such welcome new visitors; this is perhaps the most lavish room combat takes place depends on the PCs' actions. in the entire shrine, to increase its efectiveness at making a good irst impression. Carvings of Shelynite iconography ALU-DEMONS (14) CR 5 abound, but a successful DC 20 Knowledge (religion) check XP 1,6oo each identiies them as subtle heresies, twisted just enough to Tome of Horrors Complete 154 deile the goddess's name while still appearing legitimate. CE Medium outsider (chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar) I nit +2; Senses darkvision 120 t.; Perception +15 B2. THE REiQUARY OF DEiGHTS DEFENSE This chamber serves as a storage fa cility fo r fo od and wine, AC 18, touch 12, lat-footed 16 (+2 Dex, +6 natural) and is richly stocked. Unlike the fo od grown in area B3, the hp 45 each (6d10+12) contents of the Reliquary ofDelights are native to Golarion. Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +4 They are brought to the moon with the Moonscar's many DR sfcold iron or good; Immune electricity, poison; Resist abductees, both fo r the pleasure of the Sequestered and to acid 10, cold 10, ire 10; SR 16 give the complex a subtle semblance ofhome. OFFENSE The fo od exhibits an incredible variety, and characters Speed 30 t., ly so t. (average) who succeed at a DC 25 Knowledge (geography) check Melee longsword +9/+4 (1d8+3/19-20) or can identify preserved Hikat pickles fr om the Mwangi 2 claws +9 (1d6+3 plus vampiric touch) Expanse, dried Katapeshi chilies, candied fr uit fr om Spell-Like Abilities (CL 8th) Tianjing, and dried ish smoked in Qadiran sandalwood. 3/day-charm person (DC 16), detect thoughts (DC 15), disguise se, suggestion (DC 18) 83. GARDEN OF PLENTY 1jday-dimension door This room provides the Sequestered with fr esh fo ods; the STATISTICS lush fo liage blooms with bright flowers and bears sumptuous Str 17, Dex 15, Con 15, lnt 15, Wis 15, Cha 16 fr uits at the same time, in disregard fo r mundane growing Base Atk +6; CMB +9; CMD 21 seasons. The fo od grown here replenishes extremely quickly, Feats Blind-Fight, Cleave, Power Attack such that the Sequestered are never hungry, but the fr uit Skills Bluf +ll, Diplomacy +12, Escape Artist +ll, Fly +6, is tainted with Abyssal energy. Anyone who eats fr om the Intimidate +12, Knowledge (planes) +ll, Perception +15, vines in the garden must succeed at a DC 17 Fortitude save or Stealth +ll, Survival +n; Racial Modiiers +4 Perception become fatigued; eating the fr uit when already fatigued does Languages Abyssal, Common; telepathy 100 :. not make a creature exhausted. Gear longsword SPECIAL ABILITIES 84. HALL OF EcHOING BEAUTY Vampiric Touch (Su) An alu-demon gains temporary Every inch of this chamber is covered in reflective glass, hit points equal to the damage dealt each time she causing those walking through it to become disoriented successfully hits with a claw attack. She cannot gain more by their own reflections appearing multiple times on every than her target's current hit points + the target's Con surface. Cushions litter the floor, surrounded by scented score (which is enough to kill the target). The temporary candles burning in ornate silver candleholders. hit points disappear in 1 hour. Bs. THE SoNG oF WANTING EUPHRIXIA CR 7 The walls of this chamber are carved with mouths, fr om XP 3,2oo which blows a constant, sot wind, creating an eerie song Succubus (Pathinder RPG Bestiary 68) of sighs. Luxurious fu rs litter the floor of this otherwise hp 84 bare chamber.

Story Award: Ifthe PCs return any of the Sequestered to 86. CHAMBER OF AROUSING MUSIC Golarion, saving them fr om whatever fate the succubi had This room is illed with hundreds of musical instruments, in store fo r them, grant the PCs an amount of experience ranging fr om simple pipes and flutes to lutes and complex

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horns. Most are rare and beautifully made, and are of 89. EUPHR1X1AS SANCTUM masterwork quality. Euphrixia's chamber is a surprisingly austere room with Treasure: In all the collection is worth 5,000 gp and fe w fu rnishings. An arcade of arches ills the room's weighs 750 pounds. outer wall, overlooking the hard, dark stone of the tower's supporting rock fo rmation. This stone, however, 87. THE PooL OF QuENCHED THIRSTS has been magically enhanced to allow those within the A large steaming marble pool lies in the center of this room to view the sky without-the dark glass blocks out room, surrounded by graceful marble pillars. The pool ambient light and provides a clear view of the stars and is very warm and heavily perfumed. Several bottles of Golarion regardless of the sun's position in the moon's perfume stand on a shelf along the north wall, below sky. An incredibly complex telescope sits by one of the which sit several clothes chests with keys. arches on a silver stand, pointing directly to Golarion in The shelves and chests along the northern curve ofthe the dark sky overhead. wall can be magically sealed to separate guests fr om their Treasure: The telescope ixed upon Golarion is the belongings while they bathe. A tiny marble trigger exists work of the master inventor Cladrann Thashkrell of at the fo ot ofthe northernmost column. A PC can locate it Absalom, and his signature is etched into the brass during a random search ofthe chamber with a successful fr ame. The telescope is worth 4,500 gp. Characters who DC 40 Perception check, although speciically searching succeed at a DC 35 Knowledge (history) check recall that this pillar lowers the DC to 35· When this button is Thashkrell was fa med fo r his innovations in optics over pressed, aforcecane efect isolates the chests and shelves in 300 years ago, and that he disappeared without a trace a windowless cell afforce (CL zoth). fr om his workshop in Absalom at the height of his A similar trigger is hidden at the base of the westernmost influence. The inventor is, in fa ct, part of the Insatiable column, which when pressed causes the floor in the area Queen's long, dark plan and is even now continuing to marked T to shit into a flight of steep stairs leading down work on his inventions (now reined to inflict pain) in into area BS. These stairs remain fo r w minutes before perpetuity on the Abyss-an eternal guest ofNocticula's they return to their starting position as the level floor of Midnight Isles. the bathing chamber. 81o. ING AccEss 88. THE UBRARY OF 1MAG1N1NG The top of this flat lunar glass outcropping fe atures a Every inch of the walls of this chamber is lined with 10-foot-wide leading straight down into the depths of bookshelves groaning with tome ater tome, most of Dominax Annuli beneath the stone pillar supporting the which seem to have been preserved here since the days of Shrine of Rest and Fulillment. A perfectly round piece of distant antiquity. Comfortable leather seats are positioned obsidian covers the entrance, blending with the reflective back to back in the center of the chamber, while reading stone of the outcropping itsel, but PCs who succeed at a desks occupy the fo ur compass points of the room. A DC zo Perception check notice it. The 5-inch-thick slab clearly limned trigger is set into the wall at the base oft he weighs 7,000 pounds, making it diicult to lit by strength stairwell to area B7; when pressed, it causes the passage to alone. Thus the demons crated a mechanism to slide the open fo r 10 minutes. slab aside, which the PCs can locate with a successful DC Treasure: Euphrixia's library contains not only books 30 Perception check. the demon herself acquired speciically, but also scores The shat beneath drops 100 fe et straight down, and its of spellbooks taken fr om the Sequestered over the course smooth sides are impossible to climb without magical aid. ofher long reign over the Shrine of Rest and Fulillment. The succubi never needed stairs or ladders, simply flying Feel fr ee to customize the speciic arcane spells available prisoners down into the depths of Dominax Annuli, or here to your campaign's needs, but fo r the most part, the teleporting there themselves, bypassing the entire access PCs should be able to ind any spell they seek out by name point altogether. A creature fa lling, flying, or climbing with enough searching. down the shat inds itself in area Cz, entering through The mundane books cover a huge range of subjects, and the hole in the top of the chamber's ceiling. many are delicately illustrated. So expansive is the library that characters making any Knowledge checks herein c. TH E ING OF AGONY and using the books as reference (adding an hour to the The irst level, called the Ring of Agony, is a series check) receive a +4 circumstance bonus on the checks. of chambers in which pain, torment, and otherwise The total value ofthe library is 15,000 gp, not including uncomfortable imprisonment break the minds and bodies the value of any excessively expensive spellbooks you may of the Insatiable Queen's subjects, leaving them supple wish to incorporate. clay fo r her minions to mold to fu lill her whims.

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Natural stone caverns ranging in width fr om 10 to 30 unlikely given that most teleport within the complex), fe et link the series of perfectly cylindrical chambers that the Insatiable Queen's servants rid their mistress's realm make up the ring itsel. The cavern floors are natural of the primeval pests. stone, while those in the carved chambers are smooth stone floors. The cavern walls are rough stone and require SOMALCYGOTS 3) CR 12 a successful DC 15 Climb check to scale, while the smooth XP 19,200 each walls of the carved chambers are impossible to climb hp 189 each (see page 29) using mundane methods. Cavern ceilings are uneven and range fr om 15 fe et to 30 fe et in height unless otherwise c3. THE LIBRARY OF ToRMENT noted, with periodic shelves 5 to 10 fe et ofthe ground. The heights of cylindrical chambers and of their entry and Two doorways open into a huge cylindrical chamber. Above exit points are noted in their respective entries. rises an arched ceiling, while runes are etched into the lunar A light breeze echoes around the caverns, the rocks glass loor below. A set of porphyry steps carved with obscene of which are riddled with deep pores. The sound of air acts spirals along the inner wall of the room, granting access to passing through them creates the illusion of a nearby the northern egress and the loor below. Books ill every inch of invisible creature sighing sensually. All chambers are, the walls from loor to ceiling. unless otherwise noted, completely dark, as Izmiara's servants are all capable of seeing in the pitch black. The southern doorway leading toward area Cz is not connected to the spiral stair, and stands 20 fe et above the C1. DEAD END CCR 17) flight passing beneath it. The bookshelves, however, are This corridor leads nowhere, except perhaps to an easy to scale (Climb DC w), allowing a PC to climb down unfortunate intruder's demise. to the stairs, and fr om there to simply walk to the floor 30 Trap: The entirety of the passage is warded with the fe et below or the northern exit at the top of the stairs (6o alarm spell that triggers a blast of electrical energy, meant fe et fr om the floor). to eliminate prisoners attempting to escape through the Treasure: The succubi have deliberately defaced the dark, unfamiliar tunnels or unwelcome intruders who turn pages of the books in this library, rendering the contents the wrong way ater entering the Ring ofAgony fr om above. illegible and leaving only the spines as tantalizing hints of what the succubi have wantonly destroyed. LIGHTNING BOLT PASSAGE TAP CR 17 Among the almost countless tomes, a successful DC 30 Ty pe magic; Perception DC 29; Disable Device DC 34 Knowledge (arcana or history) check identiies the spines EFFECTS of several high-level spellbooks fr om the Arcanamirium Trigger proximity (alarm); Duration 1d6 rounds; Reset none in Absalom and other prominent arcane institutions, Efect spell efect (heightened widened lightning bolt, 8d6 including Unknown Spells of Great Mght, a treatise on electricity damage, DC 16 Relex save fo r half); multiple the true meaning of love, and the Philosophies of the targets (all targets in 6o-t. stretch of passage) Whispering Ty rant, as well as a totally efaced and soiled copy of the Pnakotic Manuscripts. Feel fr ee to add books on C2. CAVERN OF WANTING CCR 15) other subjects or with other titles whose destruction will fr ustrate your speciic PCs. A natural cavern opens up here, its ceiling stretching to a height of over ity fe et. A wide circular hole occupies the center of the c+ THE BREAKING oF HEAV EN ccR 16) ceiling, surrounded by a ring of fa nglike stalactites. Two shorter, narrower passages lead away from the cavern to the northwest Manacles and chains hang from the ceiling of this cylindrical and southwest, and a iteen-foot-tall shelf lies on the eastern wall. chamber at varying heights, though each set is at least thirty feet of the ground. Two doorways exit the room, one to the Creatures: Driven by desperation, a trio of hungry south and the other the northwest; each is placed high in the somalcygots have ventured deep into the Moonscar, walls and shaped like an open demonic mouth. Three balconies traveling underground to the edge of this chamber. at varying heights look down upon the scene, while embedded Normally incredibly territorial, these moon worms in the loor is a great metal cage with a human-sized opening currently cooperate to make a meal of any living creatures shaped like a hungry mouth with a lolling tongue. that pass their way, bursting fr om the ground or walls of the chamber should their tremorsense alert them In this chamber, the Insatiable Queen's fo rces torture to a creature's presence. Should any of the demons and ultimately kill any celestials who are captured while inhabiting Dominax Annuli encounter them (which is trying to iniltrate or invade the Moonscar or whom

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Izmiara speciically targeted fo r abduction fr om Heaven, demon queen has been known to change the password Nirvana, Elysium, or Golarion's surface. Five of the six unannounced when a servant she knows will be in this sets of cold iron manacles hold imprisoned celestial room raises her ire. The cage's tongue can animate and creatures-three dead hound archons, one live lillend draw victims into the cage via the lone opening in its top. named Vintari, and a decapitated leonal. The corpses Once fu ll, the cage constricts and twists to crush and have all been horribly mutilated, many of their wounds disigure the creature within. A successful DC 36 Escape taking the fo rm of vile insults or defamations scrawled Artist check allows a trapped creature to escape the cage, in Abyssal. but the tongue automatically targets the escaping creature The balconies are decked in comfortable seating fr om the fo llowing round. which the demons ofDominax Annuli observe their hated enemies' torment, but these may only be conventionally DEVOURING (AGE TRAP CR 16 reached by scaling the walls (Climb DC 25). The southern Ty pe magic; Perception DC 32; Disable Device DC 32 doorway into the chamber is located 40 fe et above the EFFECTS floor, while the door to area Cs is level with the floor. The Trigger proximity (a/arm); Reset automatic ceiling rises an additional 3o fe et above the height of the Efect Grapple (CMB +26, pulls target into cage, dealing 9d6 southern door. bludgeoning damage per round until creature is dead, Creature: Prior to her capture, the lillend Vintari Relex DC 24 fo r half); multiple targets (all creatures within served as a muse and advisor to an influential aasimar 30 t., one randomly selected creature at a time) poet in Tianjing named Himotae. When succubi fr om the Moonscar arrived one warm, clear aternoon to take Treasure: Amid the fu rnishings on the northernmost Himotae away, they capitalized on the opportunity to balcony, the PCs may ind the captured celestials' equipment abduct Vintari as well, fo r any azata brought to Izmiara in in a bag ofholding, type II: a +1 demonbane composite longbow chains brings great rewards to its captor. She now hangs, [+s Str], three +1 greatswords, a phylactery of positive channeling, suspended by her wrists, fr om the ceiling at a height of 40 an adamantine breastplate, a masterwork harp, a gold-and­ fe et. As with all celestials imprisoned and tortured here, she ruby holy symbol ofSarenrae worth 1,ooo gp, and 227 pp. was targeted with afeeblemind spell before being suspended Story Award: If the PCs rescue Vintari and remove her fr om the ceiling, reducing her Intelligence and Wisdom fe ebleminded condition, award them an amount ofXP as scores to 1 and preventing her fr om using any ofher spell­ ifthey had defeated her in combat. like abilities. She now has the mental acuity of a mere beast, so the concept of escape is beyond her reckoning. All she Cs. THE PooL oF S1N CCR 15) knows is pain. If the PCs remove her condition, she can explain how Water cascades from a quartet of demonic mouths that open she came to be a prisoner here but little more. She doesn't near the ceiling of this cylindrical chamber. The water fa lls sixty know Himotae's fa te (see area F3), though she volunteers feet, passing fo ur dark lunar glass pools on sporadic balconies, to accompany them should they want her help, hoping before descending into a whirlpool. both to ind what became ofher fr iend and to vanquish the demons who have caused so much destruction. The water in this room is warm and generates a thick layer of mist covering the bottom half of the room that VINTARI CR 7 obscures all sight beyond 5 fe et, including darkvision, XP 3,200 and grants concealment to creatures more than 5 fe et Feebleminded Iii lend (Pathinder RPG Bestiary 26) away (2o% miss chance). Along the rounded walls of hp 73 (currently 7) the barrel-like chamber are fo ur s-foot-deep pools suspended above the waters below, used fo r bathing above Trap: The cage imbedded in the floor is actually a the maelstrom. A creature passing under the cascading complex trap designed to imprison anyone attempting waters must succeed at a DC 15 Reflex save or be drawn to fr ee Izmiara's valuable prisoners. Despite its Is-foot­ into the whirlpool below. diameter size, the cage can hold only one creature at a The 30-foot-diameter pool is 20 fe et deep, and fu ll of time, and can never hold a Huge or larger creature. The rough water along its outer 10 fe et and stormy water at its 2-inch-thick cold iron bars (hardness 10, hp 6o, Break center, where a powerful whirlpool sucks anything that DC 24) are positioned 6 inches apart, save fo r an opening fa lls into it into a vent at the base of the chamber 20 fe et in the cage's center that acts as a door, resizing to it the below the water's roiling surface. Any creature caught in creature being placed within. All the demons in Izmiara's the whirlpool that fa ils the requisite DC 20 Swim check service know the password to avoid this trap, though the to navigate the strong current is drawn down 10 fe et per

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round, and is pulled through the drain ater 2 rounds. In key on the ring hidden in a secret compartment in the the narrow passage beneath the drain, the water (and any succubus statue's let thigh, which the PCs can locate creatures it carries) is propelled quickly down a shat, over with a successful DC 35 Perception check. An identical jagged lunar glass and stone. Creatures propelled down compartment in the statue's right thigh holds a rolled-up this shat take ud6 points of damage (a DC 25 Reflex save portable hole containing all of the prisoners' belongings. halves this damage). The creatures are deposited 3 rounds The mist along the chamber's floor is dark and thick, later in area Dz (see page 20). and acts as natural fo g (Core Rulebook 439) to a height of The floor here is level with the floor in area C4 and 10 fe et fr om the floor. The mist returns ater 1 minute if connected by a floor-level door. To the west, a door 40 fe et dissipated with a magical efect such as gust ofwind. of the loor leads to area C6. At the end of the so-foot passage beneath the statue's Creatures: Four hezrous, ranking among the Insatiable legs is a 10-foot wide hole in the ground, leading down to Queen's best torturers, occupy this room. Each hezrou the Ring of Obedience 100 fe et below. lounges in one of the half-dozen balcony pools along the Creatures: The shadow demon Thastrakna is among walls. When the PCs enter the room, the demons use their Izmiara's favored servants, an impressive paragon of his gaseous fo rm spell-like abilities to blend with the room's kind. When the Somal Gate opened, the Insatiable Queen natural mist and position themselves fo r an attack. During tasked Thastrakna with traveling to Golarion to bring her combat, they try to push, pull, or throw opponents into the an adult gold dragon so that she could harvest its heart fo r whirlpool. If a creature is pulled through the drain, one an unspeciied purpose. She promised Thastrakna that he hezrou teleports to area Dz to eliminate the lone creature could possess the dragon's body fo r as long as he wanted so being washed out into the pool there. long as before he abandons it, he allows her to harvest its heart while the beast itselfis helpless. HEZROUS (4) CR 11 Thastrakna spent weeks hunting Maurinaxian, who XP 12,8oo laired on the open savanna in the southern reaches of hp 145 (Pathinder RPG Bestiary 62) the Mwangi Expanse. Ater making countless attempts to overtake the dragon and tormenting her relentlessly, C6. CORRIDOR OF PAl N the shadow demon inally succeeded. He immediately teleported back to the Somal Gate in Nirmathas, returned to This ceiling of this long corridor is littered with hanging the moon, and then teleported here, where he has spent the chains, most of which are fu ll of broken prisoners wearing last day enjoying his new body. Because his magicjar efect sharp, seven-pointed crowns of iron, their wails of sufering lasts over 24 hours, Thastrakna can attempt to repossess echoing in the tight space. Other rent bodies cover the loor, Maurinaxian while still in her body. Unfortunately fo r their fo rms torn limb from limb and le: to rot slowly. Thastrakna, the dragon successfully made her saving throw this morning, and he knows that his time in her Although some of the prisoners here are still alive, all powerful and majestic body will soon come to an end. have been driven insane by their treatment and are of While in Maurinaxian's body, Thastrakna cannot use little help to any intruders. many of the dragon's primary ofenses, but he employs a combination of natural attacks, spell-like abilities, and hit­ c7. THE CAGES OF CoNTEMPlATION CCR 18) and-run tactics to weaken the PCs. PCs who succeed at a DC 25 Sense Motive check identify Maurinaxian's behavior Hanging gibbets sway from the ceiling of this massive and limited abilities as being the result of possession. cylindrical chamber above the mist-covered ground ity fe et If the PCs knock Maurinaxian unconscious while below. On the chamber's north wall, an uneven hole breaches Thastrakna still possesses her, the demon too fa lls the wall thirty feet above the mist, while an enormous unconscious. Aware that Izmiara only needs the dragon's succubus statue straddles a triangular doorway at ground heart, the shadow demon teleports away fr om combat level to the south. when the dragon is reduced to 6o or fe wer hit points, appearing outside the atmosphere pocket ofthe Moonscar. Here Izmiara and her fo llowers keep their prisoners The demon abandons the body there, leaving Maurinaxian between bouts of torture, encouraging them to meditate to sufocate in the vacuum, and teleports back to fa ce the on their sufering and the agonizing fates that inevitably PCs in his true fo rm. Should the demon be fo rced fr om await them. Prisoners are kept naked within the cold Maurinaxian's body while the dragon remains conscious, iron gibbets, all of which have superior locks augmented Thastrakna fo cuses all his attacks on her until she is dead, with arcane lock (Disable Device DC so). Each gibbet's fe aring her escape and Izmiara's punishment fo r letting lock fe atures an Abyssal symbol that corresponds to a her heart slip away.

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MAURI NAXIAN CR- OFFENSE Female possessed adult gold dragon (Pathinder RPG Speed 6o t., ly 250 t. (poor), swim 6o t. Bestiary 108) Melee bite +29 (2d8+15), 2 claws +29 (2d6+1o) CE Huge dragon (i re) Space 15 t.; Reach 10 t. (15 t. with bite) I nit +4; Senses dragon senses; Perception +25 Spell-like Abilities (CL 18th; concentration +23) Aura frightfu l presence (180 t., DC 24) At wi ll-deeper darkness,fear (DC 19), greater teleport (self DEFENSE only), telekinesis (DC 20) AC 30, touch 8, lat-footed 30 (+22 natural, -2 size) 3jday-shadow conjuration (DC 19), shadow evocation (DC 20) hp 243 (l8dl2+126) 1jday-extended magicjar(DC 20), summon (level 3, 1 shadow Fort +14, Ref +14, Will +16 demon so%) DR sfmagic; Immune dragon traits, ire, magic paralysis, STATISTICS sleep; SR 29 Str 31, Dex 10, Con 23, Weaknesses sunlight powerlessness, vulnerable to cold lnt 14, Wis 14, Cha 20 Base Atk +2o; CMB +32; CMD 42 (46 vs. trip) Feats Blind-Fight, Combat Relexes, Flyby Attack, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Relexes, To ughness, Weapon Focus (bite), Weapon Focus (claws) Skills Acrobatics +23 (+35 when jumping), Bluf +28, Fly +15, l

THASTRAKNA CR 18 XP 153,6oo Male advanced shadow demon (Pathinder RPG

CE Colossal outsider (chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar, incorporeal) I nit +7; Senses darkvision 6o t.; Perception +33 DEFENSE AC 10, touch 10, lat-footed 7 (+s delection, +3 Dex, -8 size) hp 350 (2od10+240) Fort +19, Ref +17, Will +16 Defensive Abilities incorporeal; DR wfcold iron or good; Immune cold, electricity, poison; Resist acid 10, ire w; SR 29

Speed ly 40 t. (perfect) Melee bite +16 touch (6d6 plus 4d6 cold), 2 claw +16 touch (4d6 plus 4d6 cold)

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Space 30 t.; Reach 30 t. and Commander Andabar Ceroban. The captives can Special Attacks pounce, shadow blend, sprint recount the details of their abductions: how attractive Spell-Like Abilities (CL 18th; concentration +23) and charming men seduced them and whisked them away At wi ll-deeper darkness,fear (DC 19), greater teleport (self to Nirmathas and through a strange portal in a volcano. only), telekinesis (DC 20) Only ater arriving in this strange jungle did their captors 3jday-shadow conjuration (DC 19), shadow evocation (DC 20) reveal their true fo rms-and then they brought the 1jday-extended magicjar(DC 20), summon (level 3, 1 shadow prisoners here fo r weeks of seemingly endless torture. The demon so%) NPCs beg to be fr eed and refuse to help the PCs out of fe ar, STATISTICS exhaustion, and an overpowering desire to return home Str -, Dex 17, Con 33, lnt 14, Wis 14, Cha 20 to safety. Base Atk +2o; CMB +31; CMD 46 Treasure: The key ring in the succubus statue's let leg Feats Blind-Fight, Combat Relexes, Flyby Attack, Great contains a key fo r each of the gibbets in this chamber, as Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Relexes, well as all locks and manacles in the Ring ofAgon y. Within To ughness, Weapon Focus (claw), Weapon Focus (bite) the portable hole in the let thigh's compartment, the PCs Skills Acrobatics +26, Bluf +28, Fly +26, l

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Crumpled in fr ont of one of the statues, the PCs ind the body ofPendrel Zarafari, who a successful DC 20 Heal check reveals died of energy and ability drain. Four alcoves lank the end of this corridor, which terminates in a ten-foot-wide hole plummeting down and out ofsight. d12 Supplication Ta ke 1d4 points of Strength damage Here, at the exit fr om the Ring of Obedience, those

2 Gain 1d3 negative levels (Fort DC 25 to remove) who were placed within and instructed to engage in

3 Ta ke 1d4 points of Dexterity damage supplication before the Insatiable Queen are tested 4 Gain the blinded condition before they are allowed pass on to the Ring of Seduction Ta ke 1d4 points of Constitution damage 100 fe et below. 6 Gain the fatigued condition Creatures: Four vrocks serve Izmiara as guardians 7 Ta ke 1d4 points of Intelligence damage of the lone egress fr om the Ring of Obedience. The 8 Become sickened fo r 24 hours vile demons stand vigil in the fo ur alcoves leading to 9 Ta ke 1d4 points ofWisdom damage the passage's end awaiting passing prisoners. When a 10 Gain the deafened condition creature earns Izmiara's profane git, the Insatiable Queen 11 Ta ke 1d4 points of Charisma damage telepathically imparts upon her servant the password that 12 Ta ke 6d6 points of damage will allow it to pass between the vrocks unharmed. The guardians set quickly upon any creature that approaches Dl. THE CALL TO SUPPLICATION without irst uttering the password.

A ive-foot-wide ledge fo llows the wall of this tall, cylindrical ADVANCED VROCKS (4) CR 10 room, and connects fo ur identical iron archways. In the open XP 9,6oo each arches of these passages are carved the images of shackled hp 130 each (Pathinder RPG Bestiary 69, 294) angels. A ten-foot-wide catwalk extends from the wall into the center of the room, ending directly below a ten-foot diameter Story Award: If the PCs bypass the vrocks by earning hole in the high, domed ceiling. A ring of rune-etched iron is Izmiara's profane git, award them XP as if they had embedded in the edge of the encircling ledge, and is completely defeated the demons in combat. legible from the end of the catwalk. E. THE ING OF SEDUION Creatures descending the wo-foot drop fr om the Ring Guests ofDominax Annuli who cannot be swayed through of Agony enter this chamber fr om the hole in the center physical or mental torment and who are willful enough of the ceiling. Midway down the 150-foot-tall chamber is not to blindly obey Izmiara's commands are brought to the a level platform granting egress fr om the room in the fo ur Ring ofSeduction, where they are tempted with the powers cardinal directions. A creature standing on the catwalk and eternal existence of undeath. Lorded over by the extending over the middle of the room can clearly read vampire succubus Betcezia, the Ring of Seduction serves the Abyssal words etched into the cold iron edge of the to create slaves bound to Moons car through their demonic encircling ledge: "Lay your hands upon me. Sufer at my sires-an army of vampires upon Golarion serving the command. Your Supplications earn my favor, and bring whims oft he demon lord oflust and darkness. glory to the Shadow." El. THE SLEEPING SERVANTS CCR 15) 02. THE MIRE A ive-foot-wide ledge fo llows the wall of this tall cylindrical Water cascades from an open demonic mouth some ten fe et room, connecting three identical iron archways. In the open above the cavern loor. The waters here steam gently and pour arches of these passages are carved images of intertwined away through small vents in the loor. humanoid fo rms engaged in erotic acts. A ten-foot-wide catwalk extends from the wall into the center of the room, Creatures that are drawn into the whirlpool in area Cs ending directly below a ten-foot-diameter hole in the high emerge here. domed ceiling. A ring of rune-etched iron is embedded in the Treasure: Amid the detritus floating on and submerged in edge of the encircling ledge, and is completely legible from the the pool ofwater here, the PCs can ind a rotting corpse with end of the catwalk. a successful DC 25 Perception check. On the body are a +2 cold iron warhammer, a headband fallurin J charisma +2, 4 oils ofbless Creatures descending the 100-foot drop fr om the Ring of weapon, a potion ofneutralize poison, and a set of celestial armor. Obedience enter this chamber fr om the hole in the center

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ofthe ceiling. Midway down the 150-foot-tall chamber is Izmiara in exchange fo r her own level ofDominax Annuli. a level platform granting egress fr om the room in three Betcezia brings slaves under the Insatiable Queen's directions. A creature standing on the catwalk that leans control by turning them into vampire spawn and other over the edge can clearly read the Abyssal words etched controllable undead. She has thus fa r fe nded of all the into the cold iron edge ofthe encircling ledge: "Give in to demons and retrievers Zura has sent to collect her, and it your deepest urges. Let your lust and desires control you. has been decades since the Vampire Queen attempted to Sleep here with me and I will enter you, and bring glory to bring her back to Nesh. Nevertheless, Betcezia maintains a the Shadow." constant fo rce of eight loyal vampires spread throughout Creatures: At each dead end in the Ring of Seduction the Ring of Seduction to defend her should anything (marked with aVon the map) stands a stone sarcophagus threaten her. embedded in the wall. Within each sleeps one of the Corpulent Mistress's vampiric servitors. Each has a BETCEZIA, THE CORPULENT MISTRESS CR 17 telepathic link to Betcezia, and at her command they XP 102,400 awaken and obey her instructions. Each vampire awakens Female succubus vampire sorcerer n (Pathinder RPG Bestiary when its sarcophagus is opened and immediately 68, 270) communicates to its mistress that interlopers have deiled CE Medium undead (augmented outsider, chaotic, demon, its resting place. At this point, Betcezia awakens the rest of evil, extra planar) her minions and sends them to aid her disturbed servant. I nit +n; Senses darkvision 6o t., detect good; Perception +37 The male and fe male vampires are statistically identical DEFENSE and use the stats presented on page 270 of the Bestiary, AC 31, touch 18, lat-footed 23 (+7 Dex, +1 dodge, +13 natural) except they know dimension door instead ogreater invisibility hp 313 (19 H D; 8d8+nd6+239); fa st healing 5 as their 4th-level spell. Fort +18, Ref +18, Will +18 Defensive Abilities channel resistance +4; DR 10jgood, magic, VAMPIRES (8) CR 9 and silver; Immune electricity, ire, poison, undead traits; XP 6,400 each Resist acid 10, cold 10; SR 28 hp 102 each (Pathinder RPG Bestiary 270) Weaknesses vampire weaknesses OFFENSE E2. THE CoRPULENT isSs CCR 17 oR CR 18) Speed 30 t., ly so t. (average) Melee 2 claws +21 (1d6+7/19-20 plus vampire energy drain), This expansive rectangular chamber is illed with bones, piles slam +20 (1d4+7 plus vampire energy drain) of rotting lesh, and pools of stagnant blood. A great mound Special Attacks blood drain, children of the night, create of twisted, half-devoured corpses rises from an alcove in the spawn, dominate (DC 26), profane git, succubus energy northeast corner, stretching over halfway to the ity-foot­ drain (2 levels, DC 2S), vampire energy drain (2 levels, tall ceiling. Two open passages lead out from the room's DC 30) northeastern and southeastern corners, while a single cold iron Spell-Like Abilities (CL 12th; concentration +23) door provides egress along the south wall. Constant-detect good, tongues At wi ll-charm monster (DC 27), detect thoughts (DC 23), The ilth that ills this room is so thick and so vile that etherealjaunt (self plus so lbs. of objects only), greater the entire area is considered diicult terrain. Any living teleport (self plus so lbs. of objects only), suggestion (DC 26), creature that enters the room must succeed at a DC 18 vampiric touch Fortitude save or become nauseated fo r 1d6 rounds fr om 1jday-dominate person (DC 28), summon (level 3, the stench of ofal and decay. l babau so%) The open passages on the eastern edge of the room Bloodline Spell-Like Abilities (CL nth; concentration +22) connect to one another via a doorless hallway. In the corner 14/day-touch of destiny (+s) where the passage turns north, the stone floor contains Sorcerer Spells Known (CL nth; concentration +22) a series of small holes leading to a hollow space 10 fe et sth (6/day) -break enchantment, hold monster (DC 28), below, in which the Corpulent Mistress keeps her coin, waves offa tigue discoverable with a successful DC 30 Perception check. 4th (8/day)-bestow curse (DC 2s), crushing despair (DC 27), Betcezia accesses her sanctum via teleportation or through fr eedom of movement, greater invisibility the air holes in gaseous fo rm. Aside fr om her coin, the 3rd (9/day)-dispel magic, displacement, haste, lightning bolt chamber below is empty. (DC 24), protection rom enery Creatures: Once a powerful servant of the demon lord 2nd (9/day)-acid arrow, blur, darkness, eagle's splendor, Zura, Betcezia betrayed her mistress and swore fe alty to protection rom arrows, scorching ray

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1st (9/day)-alarm, mage armor, magic missile, ray of STATISTICS enfeeblement (DC 22), shield, true strike Str 24, Dex 24, Con -, lnt 23, Wis 16, Cha 33 o (at will)-bleed (DC 21), detect magic, ghost sound (DC 21), Base Atk +13; CMB +2o; CMD 38 mage hand, prestidigitation, read magic, ray of fr ost, Feats Agile Maneuvers, Alertnesss, Bleeding Critical, Combat resistance, touch of fa tigue (DC 21) Casting, Combat Relexes, Critical Focus, Dodges, Eschew Bloodline destined Materials, Great Fortitude, Improved Critical (claws), Improved Initiatives, Iron Will, Lightning Relexess, Maximize Spell, To ughnesss, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (claws) Skills Bluf +40, Diplomacy +22, Disguise +22, Escape Artist +15, Fly +22, Intimidate +22, Knowledge (arcana) +28, Knowledge (local) +17, Knowledge (planes) +25, Perception +37, Sense Motive +37, Stealth +37, Use Magic Device +33 Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic; tongues; telepathy 100 t. SQ bloodline arcana (gain luck bonus on saving throws when casting personal-range spells), change shape (dire bat or wol, beast shape II; or Small or Medium humanoid, alter se), fated (+3), gaseous fo rm, shadowless, spider climb Gear staf of necromancy, wand of inlict serious wounds (CL 9th, so charges)

VAMPIRES {8) CR 9 XP 6,400 each hp 102 each (Pathinder RPG Bestiary 270)

Treasure: In her midden nest, the mistress hides precious objects taken fr om those given over to her. Searching the midden is unpleasant, and a successful DC 25 Perception check is required to locate each item amid the gore. In the nest are 265 pp, a Tian fa n decorated with black fe athers and opals worth 700 gp, a hand of]lory wearing a rinJ of animal fr iendship and the distinctive fu ll-length white glove of a member oft he Kalistocracy of Druma, a Nexian wizard's robe embroidered with gold thread and bearing ruby clasps worth 450 gp, and a Vudrani prayer wheel of gold worth 250 gp.

The loor of this wide, round room is carved with seven­ pointed crowns and ghastly igures of lust, misery, and pain. Heady franki ncense smolders in incense burners shaped like seven-pointed crowns, and everywhere the sound of tiny invisible bells chimes in the still subterranean air. Votive lights are embedded in the honeycombed walls, casting fa int illumination on a pair of tall arched doorways in the eastern

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