Grassflies of the Subfamily Chloropinae, Except the Tribe

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Grassflies of the Subfamily Chloropinae, Except the Tribe © Entomologica Fennica. 10 June 1999 Grassflies of the subfamily Chloropinae, except the tribe Chloropini and the genus Meromyza, of Finland, Karelia and the Kola Peninsula (Diptera, Cyclorrhapha, Chloropidae) E. P. Nartshuk Nartshuk, E. P. 1999: Grassflies of the subfamily Chloropinae (except the tribe Chloropini and the genus Meromyza) of Finland, Karelia and the Kola Peninsula (Diptera, Cyclorrhapha, Chloropidae).- Entomol. Fennica 10: 7-28. 27 species of Chloropinae are recorded from Finland, 7 of them for the first time. 14 species are recorded from Karelia and 3 from the Kola Peninsula, all for the first time. The distributions of all species in the territory investigated are mapped. The type specimens of Lasiosina parvipennis Duda are examined and a lectotype designated. A key to the genera and species of Chloropinae, except for species of the genera Chlorops and Meromyza, is given. The distribution in Finland of all species of Chloropinae, including the genera Chlorops and Meromyza, is dis­ cussed. The fauna of Chloropinae of Finland is compared with the faunas of St. Petersburg Province, Estonia and Yakutia. Emilia P. Nartshuk, Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 199034 St. Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: [email protected] Received 11 June 1997, accepted 24 February 1999 1. Introduction Some ecological data on the Finnish Chloro­ pinae were published by Krogerus (1932, 1960), This paper is the third in a series of papers on the Kontkanen (1935), Kallio (1950) and Lindberg Chloropidae of Finland and adjacent territories & Saris (1952). of Russia. It deals with the species of the sub­ family Chloropinae, except the generaMeromyza Meigen, Chlorops Meigen, Melanum Becker and 2. Material Epichlorops Zetterstedt, which were discussed earlier (Nartshuk 1992c, 1998). 28 species are The present review is based on extensive material from Fin­ considered in this paper, most of them previously land, Karelia and the Kola Peninsula deposited in the Zoo­ recorded from Finland (Frey 1933, Hackman logical Museum of the University of Helsinki, and in the Zo­ 1980), seven are new records and one further spe­ ological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg, including material collected by the author in Fin­ cies is expected in southern Finland. Fourteen land near Helsinki in 1985. Some specimens from Finland species are recorded from Karelia and only three were kindly sent to me by Mr. M. Koponen (Department of on the Kola Peninsula, all these species being re­ Applied Zoology of Helsinki University). A total of 2,876 corded for the first time from their respective ter­ specimens was examined, more than 2,500 of them collected in Finland. ritories. 8 Nartshuk: Grassjlies of the subfamily Chloropinae • ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 10 The subfamily Chloropinae is characterized by the fol­ ................... ................................ L. albipila lowing peculiarites: costal vein ending at or just beyond R4+5 ; vein R2+ 3 ending near! y in the middle of costal edge of wing; Antennae and pal pi yellow in male and black ocellar bristles directed forward and divergent; femoral ogan in female. Abdomen with black hairs. Male absents, tibial organ presents in Thaumatomyia Zenker, Cryp­ genitalia fig. 4, A, B ................ 00 L. herpini tonevra Lioy, Eutropha Loew, Centorisoma Becker, and in 8. Posterior femur greatly enlarged (Fig. 2, y) Cetema Hendel. ................................. ........ ooooooOOO oo o oo oo oO ooooo 9 Posterior femur not enlarged 00 00 ............. 11 9. First flagellomere longer than deep. Frons 3. Key to the genera and some species produced anteriorly (Figs. 1, H, I). Veins R1 of Chloropinae and R2+3 straight (Fig. 2, E). Body large, reddish yellow ..... Platycephala Fallen - 10 I. One to three orbital bristles much longer than First flagellomere as long or slightly longer remainder (Fig. 1, A). Body yellow with than deep. Frons weakly produced anterior­ black stripes, fused in some species on scu- ly. Veins R1 and R2+3 curved to costa (Fig. tum ....................... .... ............ .. .. .. .. ... ........ 2 2, D). Body smaller, greenish ................... All orbital bristles even in size ( Fig.1, B - ..................................... Meromyza Meigen G). Body from yellow with black stripes on (key to species given by Nartshuk 1992c). scutum to entirely black ... ........................ 8 10. First flagellomere longer and much narrow­ 2. Crossveins of wing approximated, their sep­ er at tip than at base (Fig. 1, I). Frons with- aration not greater than dm-cu (Fig. 2, B). out punctures ............ 0000 0000 P. umbraculata Body smaller ....... .. ......................... ........... First flagellomere shorter and slightly nar­ .............. ..... Pseudopachychaeta Strobl - 3 rower at tip than at base (Fig. 1, H). Frons Crossveins separated by distance greater than with black punctures .. 00 .. 00 oo.. P. planifrons dm-cu. Body larger ... Lasiosina Becker - 5 11. Head trianglular in side view. Body densely 3. Scutum with dusted black stripes fused. covered with long setae (Fig. 1, G) OOoOOOoOooo Ocellar triangle entirely darkened ............ • .. 00 .. 00 .... ...... .... .... .... • • Trichieurina Meigen .... .... ........... ....... ......................... P. ruficeps (one species- T. pubescens) Scutum yellow with 3 black stripes distinct­ Head rectangular in side view. Body with ly separated. Ocellar triangle yellow or dark- sparse short setae ............. .......... .... 00 .... 12 ened ............................................. .... ......... 4 12. Crossveins r-m and dm-cu approximated, 4. Female cerci narrower, soft and thickly pu­ their separation not greater than dm-cu (Fig. bescent (Fig. 3, A) ... P. approximatonervis 2, C) .................. 00 ............................... 00 . 13 Female cerci deeper, compressed, strongly Crossveins r-m and dm-cu separated by dis- sclerotized and with a few hairs (Fig. 3, B) tance greater than dm ........... 00 00 ......... 00. 14 ........ ....... ..... ......... .. ... .... ....... P. heleocharis 13. A row of setulae on ocellar triangle inside 5. Ocellar triangle without shining rhombic spot its lateral margin (Fig. 1, B). Surface of scu­ apically. Wings usually shorter than abdo- tum rugose and shining... Diplotoxa Loew men ..................................... L. parvipennis (one species D. messoria, male genitalia Fig. Ocellar triangle with shining rhombic spot 4, 1). apically (Fig. 1, A) . Wings normal, longer Row of setulae on frons outside lateral mar­ than abdomen ....... ............................ ...... 6 gin of ocellar triangle (Fig. 1, C). Surface of 6. Only one posterior notopleural bristle. First scutum smooth, evenly dusted .................. flagellomere and palpi in male yellow, in ........................... Diplotoxoides Andersson female black. Male genitalia fig. 4, E ........ (one species D. dalmatina) ...... oo .. oo ........................... L. brevisurstylata 14. Ocellar triangle with one or more rows of Two posterior notopleural bristles .... 00 ..... 7 setulae inside lateral margin (Figs. 1, D-F). 7. Antennae black and pal pi yellow in both sex­ 0°o00000 0 0 00 0 000 00oO OO Oo000 0000 0000 00 00 00oooo o ooo o oOooOooOo0 00 15 es. Abdomen with white hairs, only some No setulae inside lateral margin of ocellar hairs black. Male genitalia Fig. 4, C, D ..... triangle. Setulae sometimes present on frons ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 10 • Nartshuk: Grassflies of the subfamily Chloropinae 9 outside ocellar triangle (as in Fig. 1, C) 22 antenna. Setulae of body usually black . 24 15. Scutum yellow with black or red longitudi­ 23. Pleura and scutellum yellow. Scutum with nal stripes. Scutellum flattened, with apical grey dusted stripes fused in some specimens bristles approximated ........ Thaumatomyia ............................... ........ ......... E. variegata Zenker- ................................................. 16 Thorax and abdomen black, shining. Only Scutum entirely black .. ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 20 sides of scutum a little dusted ................... 16. Gena narrow, no more than 0.5 depth of first ... .. .. ....... .................................. E. fulvifrons flagellomere; ocellar triangle with two rows 24. First flagellomere longer than deep. Arista of setulae inside lateral margins (Figs. 1, D, white ..... .................. ......................... ..... 25 K). Male abdomen with two lateral membra­ First flagellomere as long as deep. Arista nous vesicula seen usually in macerated ab- black or white .. ... ....... ..... .. .... .. .. .. ...... ... 26 domen (Fig. 3, C) ........................ T. notata 25. Scutum black and rugose ...................... .. .. Gena broad, as deep or deeper than first flag­ ............... .... ............... Centorisoma Becker ellomere; ocellar triangle with one row of (one species- C. elegantulum). setulae inside lateral margins (Figs. 1, E, F, Scutum yellow, smooth, with 5 pollinose dull L , M) ................................ .. ................... 17 black stripes, lateral stripes with velvet black 17. Ocellar triangle carinate in apical part; gena spot anteriorly .. .. .. Parectecepha/a Becker very deep, deeper than first flagellomere (one species P longicornis Fallen) (Figs. 1, E, M) .. ..................... T. trifasciata 26. Scutum yellow with black or red longitudi- Ocellar triangle without carina in apical part, nal stripes .. ......... Chlorops Meigen (part). gena not deeper than first flagellomere (Fig. (key to species given
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