P e r r y s c o p e 10 Perryscope 10 PERRYSCOPE 10, May 2021, is an issue of the personalzine published, whenever the mood takes him, by Perry Middlemiss, 32 Elphin Grove, Hawthorn, Victoria, AUSTRALIA 3122. E:
[email protected] Produced initially for ANZAPA (the Australian and New Zealand Amateur Publishing Association) and then whoever else unlucky enough to receive it. Also available for download at efanzines.com with thanks to Bill Burns and FANAC.org with thanks to Joe Siclari and Edie Stern. Unless otherwise specified all material is written by me. Cover photo by Brian or Nan Middlemiss, Tailem Bend, South Australia, circa 1957. INTRODUCTION In a recent review of this zine Nic Farey notes in This Here… 41 that “It might be considered solipsistic that this [personal zine] is all about him, including the cover illo”. To which I plead guilty as charged. The way I look at it is this: nobody else is going to talk about me so I might as well. Which is true though only part of the story. The covers come about due to my total lack of graphic layout skills: I can’t draw, and haven’t spent enough time with any graphics application to get all the spiffy effects figured out. It’s not something that particularly interests me, though I certainly appreciate a good cover when I see one. So cover photos of me it is, interspersed with the occasional cover by Chong, who really does know what he’s doing. I trust you will have noticed the stark difference between the two.