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A B O U T I N T E G R I T Y U K Integrity UK is an organisation committed to preventing extremism through innovative approaches to promoting integration, cohesion and social reconciliation within the MENA region and the UK. S Y R I A I N T E L L I G E N C E R E P O R T 1st March 2018 At an emergency meeting of the Security Council on Wednesday evening, the officials of the United Nations issued severe criticisms of Russia's handling of the truce in East Ghouta and the continued shelling across the besieged suburb. The UN Under-Secretary for Humanitarian Affairs, Mark Lowcock, slammed the humanitarian corridors. He noted that neither the UN nor the International Committee of the Red Cross has managed to deliver aid during the five-hour window where the truce is active, remarking that such an undertaking is logistically impossible. According to Lowcock, over 580 civilians have been killed since the shelling started in earnest last weekend. Echoing Lowcock’s remarks, the United States' Deputy Ambassador to the UN, Kelley Curie, slammed Russia for selectively following the UNSC Resolution in “cynical, callous and in flagrant defiance” of its clauses. The UN's Special Envoy to Syria, Staffan de Mistura, noted that the UN is pushing for access into East Ghouta, warning that the alternative is another Aleppo. However, the general mood was one of pessimism, with Lowcock remarking that aid distribution across Syria has reduced due to refusals by Damascus to issue permissions. However, Syria's Ambassador to the UN, Bashar al-Jaafari, was concerned with a warning of a different nature.
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