Series C - No. 95




Lamont Lindstrom

Department of Linguistics

Research School of Pacific Studies


Lindstrom, L. Kwamera dictionary Nikukua sai nagkiariien nininife. C-95, x + 204 pages. Pacific Linguistics, The Australian National University, 1986. DOI:10.15144/PL-C95.cover ©1986 Pacific Linguistics and/or the author(s). Online edition licensed 2015 CC BY-SA 4.0, with permission of PL. A initiative. PACIFIC LINGUISTICS is issued through the Linguistic Circle of Canberra and consists of four series: SERIES A - Occasional Papers SERIES B - Monographs SERIES C - Books SERIES D - Special Publications


ASSOCIATE EDITORS: D.C. Laycock, C.L. Voorhoeve, D.T. Tryon, T.E. Dutton

EDITORIAL ADVISERS: B.W. Bender K.A. McElhanon University of Hawaii Summer Institute of Linguistics David Bradley H.P. McKaughan La Trobe University University of Hawaii A. Capell P. MUhlhiiusler University of Sydney Linacre College, Oxford Michael G. Clyne G.N. O'Grady Monash University University of Victoria, B.C. S.H. Elbert A.K. Pawley University of Hawaii University of Auckland K.J. Franklin K.L. Pike Summer Institute of Linguistics Summer Institute of Linguistics W.W. Glover E.C. Polome Summer Institute of Linguistics University of Texas G.W. Grace Malcolm Ross University of Hawaii Australian National University M.A.K. Halliday Gillian Sankoff University of Sydney University of Pennsylvania E. Haugen W.A.L. Stokhof Harvard University University of Leiden A. Healey B.K. T'sou Summer Institute of Linguistics City Polytechnic of Hong Kong L.A. Hercus E.M. Uhlenbeck Au�tralian National University University of Leiden Nguyen f>ling Liem J.W.M. Verhaar University of Hawaii Divine Word Institute, John Lynch Madang University of Papua New Guinea

All correspondence concerning PACIFIC LINGUISTICS, including orders and subscriptions, should be addressed to: The Secretary PACIFIC LINGUISTICS Department of Linguistics Research School of Pacific Studies The Australian National University G.P.O. Box 4, Canberra, A.C.T. 2601 Australia Copyright @ The Author First Published 1986 Typeset by Ling Matsay Maps drawn by Theo Baumann Printed by A. N.U. Printing Service Bound by Adriatic Bookbinders Pty Ltd The editors are indebted to the Australian National University for assistance in the production of this series This publication was made possible by an initial grant from the Hunter Douglas Fund

ISSN 0078-7558 ISBN 0 85883 340 9 TABLE OF CONTENTS







iii iv

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Kw amera is the language of approximately 2000 people who live on the south-east and south coasts of the island of Tanna , Vanuatu . Nineteenth century mission­ aries named this language after the site of an early mission station . Speakers of the language today ordinarily call it Nfninffe, or Nffe (saying what, or what). Pioneer missionary linguists produced a body of religious and educa­ tional material in Kwamera (e.g. A. watt 1890; w. Watt 1880, 1890, 1919) but never attempted a comprehensive dictionary . (Ferguson 1918:22 notes that watt published an English dictionary on Tanna in 1887 but as no copies of this work have been found , it is not known whether this was bilingual .)

Kwamera is the most different of five related Tanna languages. The language area extends from Iasur volcano in the east down and around the southern tip of the island to Karimasaga Point , immed iately to the north of Green Point . In an area characterised by dialect chains , it is often mi sleading to map linguistic boundaries . The Tannese themselves, however , concerned with the value and distinctiveness of their languages, recognise geographic bounds which separate Kw amera from White Sands language to the north , and from South-west Tanna language to the west. Tradition situates the northern boundary in the centre of Ipikil village on Sulphur Bay . Two stones lie side-by-side near the sea: the northerly named Narhak (the local name for White Sands language) ; the southerly named N�fe . Karimasaga Point simi larly marks a socially-recognised (if not actual ) linguistic boundary between Kw amera and South-west Tanna (see map ) . This dictionary is a by-product of an initial twenty-two months period of anthropological fieldwork in Vanuatu during 1978 and 1979 . I returned to Tanna in 1982 and again in 1983 for a subsequent six mo nths linguistic research . Tannese languages all subsume a number of village and area microdialects . In the main , dialectal difference is lexical rather than phonological or gramma­ tical . A set of key dialectical cognates serves to identify or situate a speaker as resident of a particular village or place within his language area. Speakers of each microdialect judge their own linguistic style to be mo st correct and pleasing. I collected the greater part of the data on which this dictionary is based from the vil lage of Samaria (Iankahar) . I include , however , those alternate forms which people ordinarily remark as having mo st symbolic value in demonstrating a person 's affiliation with one of four other regions in the language area. These are Port Resolution , Imaki , Kw amera (the southern coast) , and what is here called the 'mountain area ' (villages situated in the hills west of Samaria). The dictionary is in no sense dialectically complete , however . Because of the accident of research site selection , it must be considered Samaria-centric.

v vi

The dictionary is organised to complement the recent , more detailed and exten­ sive linguistic research and description of Tanna languages by Lynch (1977, 1978a, 1982) and Tryon (1976) . Kw amera grammar is substantially similar to that of the Lenakel and South-west Tanna languages ; this dictionary may be used in conj unction with Lynch 's grammars of these two languages .

I mean this dictionary partially to repay the welcome , friendship , and assist­ ance given me by the people of South-east Tanna . This is only a preliminary accounting of Kwamera. I expect linguistically trained Kw amera speakers, in the very near future , to record in more accurate detail the breadth and complexity of their language . I hope that this dictionary might provide them a starting point in their task .


This dictionary takes as its model Lynch 's Lenakel (1977) and South-west Tanna (1982) lexicons . As such , it contains two sections . The first lists Kw amera words with English glosses and the gross grammatical categories to which they belong . A number of phrases , idioms , and sentences illustrate range of meaning and usage for many of these words . Illustrative sentences , in so far as this was possible, were taken from everyday conversational interaction . A second section serves as an English index to the first.


The Kwamera alphabet contains the following 21 letters : a, e, f, fw, g, h, i, i, k, kw, m, mw, n, 0, p, pw, r, 5, t, U, V. Kwamera phonology is generally similar to that of South-west Tanna and Lenakel. Readers may refer to Lynch (1978a, 1982) for the details of phonological rules . The following pronunci­ ation guide , however , represents the basics of the Kwamera phonological system .

a sounds like a in English fa ther. e sounds like e in English pet . f sounds like f in English foot. fw sounds like fw in English of wh ich. 9 sounds like ng in English ring. h sounds like h in English house. When h comes after g, m, mw, n, r,

or v, the preceding sound is devoiced (whispered) . between consonants sounds like i in English win; next to a vowel sounds like y in English yet. i sounds like e in English fa ther. k at the beginning or end of a word sounds like k in English ki ll; in the middle of words sounds like 9 in English ago . kw at the beginning or end of a word sounds like kw in English back way; in the middle of words sounds like gw in English dogwood.

m sounds like m in English mother .

mw sounds like mw in English tramway . n sounds like n in English net . o sounds like 0 in English open . p at the beginning or end of a word sounds like p in English pi g; in the middle of words sounds like b in English table . vii

pw at the beginning or end of a word sounds like pw in English up wi th; in the middle of words sounds like bw in English bobwhi te. r is flapped at the beginning and middle of words and trilled at the end . s sounds like s in English sea . t at the beginning or end of a word sounds like t in English tablet; in the middle of words sounds like d in English ladder.

U between consonants sounds like u in English push; next to a vowel sounds like w in English west. v has no corresponding sound in English ; similar to w but with the lips spread rather than rounded .

The above orthographic system is based for comparison on earlier work by Lynch . A Tanna orthographic commi ttee is presently devising an alphabet to be used primarily for educational material . The committee has made a number of preli­ minary decisions and the following substitutions may be made for the above symbols : , e e + e , fw f mw m 9 ng pw p y (when next to a vowe l) u w (next to a vowel)

Stress generally occurs on the second last syllable of a word . This dictionary differs from Lynch (1977, 1982) in not representing the presence of geminate vowe l clusters which , when in a final syllable, cause that syllable to be irregularly stressed. Instead , the symbol' indicates stress falling irregularly and also marks cases where i and u are pronounced as [i) and [u) rather than the expected [y) and [w) .

Although Kw arnera basic phonological structure is similar to that presented in Lynch (1975, 1978a , 1982) , the following points should be noted .

1. Although fw is listed as a separate phoneme , in many cases it is in free or microdialectical variation with f. Thus , whereas speakers from the southern part of the language area usually say -afwaki pr ay, those to the north may pronounce this word -afaki .

2. The vowel lal becomes backed and rounded when it precedes the velarised consonants kw , pw , mw and fw and raised before the central glide v. It thus becomes similar to 101 and words represented as -akwai to weed, makwa moon, or -avrani carryon shoulder may be pronounced -okwai , mokwa and -ovrani . The vowel lal also is sometimes raised to [e) when it precedes Iii . Thus , the nominalised form of the verb -ara (naraien) may be pronounced naraien , and the neutral alienable possessive marker sa- , when followed by possessive suffix -i, is pronounced [sei) . viii


Nermama Ipare ipaka ro 2000 hamagki ari nagkiariien naghun nah Nininife . Misi me tui rinakwein naghi nagkiariien naha 'Kwamera' misiahagin kwopun naha iraha hinakure ikin . Nagkiariien Ipare iraha pam kirirum . Nininife in ropa mrai raka iraha . Nermama saramini nagkiariien Nininife hamara fwe Iasur mesi te nari Irupou, mesi te nari Imaki , mesi te nari Karimasaga . Iakrai nikukua sai nagkiariien u ianpin nah iakinara Ipare ia nuk 1978, 1979, 1982 mini 1983. Iakinara i Samaria fwe Imwai Na sipmine. Ipare nermama ia kwopun kwopun me huvsini kwopti nagkiariien me savanraha . Nakur fwe Kwamera hamini apa , nakur fwe Irupou hamini apa , nakur fwe Samaria hamini apa . Iakrai u ia nikukua u nagkiariien kamini i Samaria mata iakrai mwi nagkiariien sapa m sapa kamini ia kwopun me pam, Iasur mesi te nari Ka rimasaga .

Iakokeikei mua nikukua u ramo tai nasituien mine tai nokeikeiien nermama Ipare havahi pehe tukw iou . Ripiko mba tui mua nakur Ipare tuarai amasan nikukua me ia nagkiariien savanraha Nininife . Iakokeikei mua nikukua u trasitu iraha ia uok savanraha .

Nikukua u in ramwhen ia nikukua sai nagkiariien Nituar ri ti mini sai Huapwa ri ti pi toga ri ti naghun nah John Lynch rinrai raka . Kwanapei nikukua kiru: sarakupwin ravahi kwatia kwatia nagkiariien Nininife moseri pui muvsini pen ia Igris; sarakurira ravahi kwatia kwatia nagkiariien Igri s moseri pui muvsini pen ia Nininife .

Krai nagkiariien Nininife ia reta 21 ro ianhu i: a, e, f, fw, g, h, i, f, k, kw, m, mw, n, 0, p, pw, r, 5, t, u, v. Pwah nagkiariien fwe pirapw u rahatin niniien atukwatukw nakwai reta me .

reri a ro a rosi ia nfkava. reri e ro e rosi ia nenime- . reri f ro f rosi ia nffunu. reri fw ro fw rosi ia fwe. reri 9 ro 9 rosi ia tagarua. reri h ro h rosi ia -ahi a. Tukwa h rakurira reta apa nepwun ramwhen ia g, m, mw, n, r ua v, kini kinua kisiuan reri reta naha , rosi nenha. reri ro i rosi ia k i ri . Tukwa i rarer iankarei a, e, i, f, 0 ua u, kini kinua rerin ro i rosi ia -k i u. reri f ro f rosi ia nfkava. reri k ro k rosi ia nfkava. reri kw ro kw rosi ia nahakw.

reri m ro m rosi ia makwa. reri mw ro mw rosi ia Mwatiktiki. reri n ro n rosi ia nimwa. reri 0 ro 0 rosi ia -okeike i . reri 5 ro 5 rosi ia 5uatuk. reri t ro t rosi ia taik. reri u ro u rosi ia kuri. Tukwa u rarer iankarei a, e, i, f, 0 ua u, kini k:fnua rerin ro u rosi ia -ua. reri v ro v rosi ia nfkavc:. Tukwa nimtet ri ti , ramwhen " ramamak fwe takurei nagki ariien, r:fni minua kakeikei mini apomus reta naha . ix

Komi ti sai reta Ipare ramo uok ia reta vi sai nagkiariien me . Iraha hani irapw nakwai reta vi nepwun mini minua:

e, ramwhen ia e (ia nikukua sai nagkiariien u) f ramwhen ia fw. ng ramwhen ia g.

y ramwhen ia i (iankarei a, e, i , t, 0, u) e ramwhen ia +. , m ramwhen ia mw. , p ramwhen ia pw. w ramwhen ia u (iankarei a, e, i , t, 0, u)

Iakokeikei mua takini tanak ti nermama pam Ipare . Iraha fwe Samaria hasitu iou ia nagkiariien mhahatin iou: Naghunraha nah Vani , Nakutan , Iau, Rapi , Joel , Saki , Iapwatu, Kamti , Nari u mini Kieri . Iakokeikei mua takini mwi tagkiu ti nakur fwe KITOW, fwe Imaki , fwe vanuatu Cul tural Centre , fwe University of Tulsa mine tagkiu ti iasitu saiou , Cynthia Fraser . Iraha pam hasitu iou ia nikukua u sakitaha .


Authorship of this dictionary belongs to Samaria village . I served as recorder and organiser and thus take responsibility for all errors of transcription and grossness of translation . I would like to acknowledge the linguistic skills and work of Vani , Nakutan , rau , Rapi , Joel , Saki , Iapwatu , Kamti , Nariu and Kieri and thank them all for their interest, assistance and patience . r also appreciate very much assistance given me by the staff at the Kristian Institute of Technology at weasisi , the Imaki Catholic Mission , the Vanuatu Cultural Centre , the University of Tulsa, and Cynthia Frazer who suppo rted in many ways the completion of the dictionary . r would like also to acknowledge the help of John Lynch whose work elsewhere on Tanna provided an excellent model to follow . Finally , numerous people assisted with the often tedious work of dictionary preparation . r especially thank Eve Fingerett , Cindy Hale , Judy Kraft, Kathryn Goedicke , Geraldine Triffit, Ling Matsay and Lo is Carrington . Lindstrom, L. Kwamera dictionary Nikukua sai nagkiariien nininife. C-95, x + 204 pages. Pacific Linguistics, The Australian National University, 1986. DOI:10.15144/PL-C95.cover ©1986 Pacific Linguistics and/or the author(s). Online edition licensed 2015 CC BY-SA 4.0, with permission of PL. A initiative. KWAMERA - ENGLISH


This section presents Kw amera words in alphabetical order along with apposite semantic , grammatical and etymological information in English. Entries take the fol lowing form :

-apwas (i) v 1. lick , kiss ; -apwasi t4rhu- kiss . 2. bring together, close up ; apwasi tarini crush , smash down , pinch (as fingers in a door) (see tarini) ; -apwasi tarini n4su- bring one 's legs together .

Each lexical item, such as -apwas (i) , is followed by an abbreviated indication of its grammatical category (v = verb) . Abbreviations are defined below . The entry next provides word meaning. If a word has several related meanings , these are numerated as in the above entry . Finally , illustrative sentences , idioms , and common expressions in which a word occurs fo llow (as the typical association of verb and verbal adjunct tarini , for example). In cases where more than one word has the same pronunciation , these words are listed separately and are numbered with a subscript for cross-referencing purposes .

-uta! g directional suffix to verbs , indicating movement upwards ; -auta travel upwards ; -erukw uta throw upwards; -ati uta look up . -uta2 v intr 1. climb (as a road , or hill) , go up , ascend, (cf. -4puta , -auta , see -U); iakuta fwe ta kw4r I climb the mountain . 2. grow (for certain plants ) , come up , expand , increase ; kon sapwas4k ruta my corn has come up ; trapor truta that trouble will get worse; savani mani ruta his mo ney is increasing .


Lindstrom, L. Kwamera dictionary Nikukua sai nagkiariien nininife. C-95, x + 204 pages. Pacific Linguistics, The Australian National University, 1986. DOI:10.15144/PL-C95.1 ©1986 Pacific Linguistics and/or the author(s). Online edition licensed 2015 CC BY-SA 4.0, with permission of PL. A initiative. 2

3. copulate , mount ; pukah ruta ia savani pran the pig copulates with its mate . 4. travel inwards , or towards Tanna (as from Port Vila) (cf. -euaiu) .

Cross-references , given in parentheses , provide additional etymological and semantic information about an entry . Thus , in the entry above , -uta2 is semantically contrasted with -iputa and -euaiu, and is related morphologically to -u.

-apweua v avoid , draw back , shrink from (0 = ia) ; iou iakapweua ia naveginien reraha ma pein I avoid the rotted, stinking food .

Additional grammatical information , such as the marking of ob ject in the above example , is also given in parentheses . Finally, microdialectical information is enclosed in square brackets as indicated by the example below . -atoni v see [Imakij (cf. -ata) .

This identifies certain entries with four major microdialect areas : Port Resolution , Imaki , Kwamera , and the mountain area . The majority of entries are dialectically unmarked and are either invariable across the language area or associated with Samaria microdialect.

Readers may consult Lynch (1978a , 1982) for relevant grammatical description of Lenakel and South-west Tanna languages . This , generally , applies also to Kwamera. With regard to the Kw amera lexicon below , however, readers should note the following :

1. The dictionary includes a number of Bislama (Bisl) and Christian (Xtian ) loan words . People at one time or another make use of mo st Bislama words in speaking . Listed here is a selection of the more common .

2. The shortened form (i3) of the transitive postclitic (ial) has , in some cases , become a sedimented addition to a verb root while , in others (such as with -apwas (i) above ) is variably attached . This sometimes results from the fact that , as a postclitic, ia (or i) follows verbal adjuncts (such as tarini ). I indicate cases in which the postclitic i varies in attachment to verb root by the use of parentheses . Parentheses also signal other variations in word form which , depending on the case , may be predictable or unpredictable .

3. In the case of a few entries , I lack data to determine details of gramma­ tical category status . Some verbs characterised as v might , given additional information , be mo re specifically categorised as transitive (v tr) or intransi­ tive (v intr) . Secondly , internal evidence which determines if an entry is an adj ective (a) or intransitive verb (v intr) is often ambiguous . I indicate this by categorising a number of entries as via . In other cases , although I categorise an entry as v intr or a, these decisions should be taken as provisional . 4. Mo st Kw amera verbs and adjectives begin with a vowel although a significant minority begin with consonants . With some items , I was unable to elicit a clear consensus on the shape of verb or adj ective root . Whereas one speaker gives -rur as verb root, another cites -arur. In these cases , I list both forms as variants . ------


5. Tannese verbs , adjectives and some adjuncts are often duplicated . I list mo st in singular form (see -apwan, for example) . 6. Kw amera po ssessive structures are complex . In addition to alienably and inalienably possessed nouns , a number of items are possessively 'semi-alienable ' (see Lynch 1978a) . This dictionary combines two types of different possessive structures into the semi-alienable category (see ial, k+fuk).

7. In cases where it was difficult to determine phonemic structure (because of vowel reduction , dialectical variation , etc.), I looked for and relied upon morphological guidance (see , for example , the productive morphemes -akw(i), -arukw(i) , -OS(i)) . This reliance on morphology may have admitted some phono­ logical error. Comparative information from other Tanna languages will provide additional evidence for phonemic structure (e.g. Lenakel pukas pig and Kw amera puka (h) ) .

NAGKIARIIEN SARAKUPWIN Niperei nagkiariien u ravahi kwatia kwatia nagkiariien Nininife moseri pui muvsini pen ia Igris. Krai iankarenraha niprai nagkiariien ia Igris mine kwanage me nepwun sai nagki ariien . Niraiien naha ro ianhu i:

-apwas (i) v 1. lick , kiss ; -apwasi t4rhu- kiss . 2. bring together close up ; -apwasi tarini crush , smash down , pinch (as fingers in a door) (see tarini) ; apwasi tarini n4su- bring one 's legs together . Kakupwin mrai asori nagkiariien ri ti sai Nininife , rosi -apwas (i). Kukira krai kwa ti nagkiariien naha , rosi v ua n ua a (ata ro fwe pirapw, kini sas niprai kwa ti nagkiariien ro ianhe i naha ikin) . Kurira , krai mini sas niprai nagkiariien ia Igris. Nagkiariien me nepwun havahi nipran sapa m sapa . Tukwa nipran ripuk, krai kwa ti nampa me ianiraha . Kurira , krai nagkiariien sarapomus nepwun hamasitu nurukurinien nipran , rosi -apwas tarini . Reri nagkiariien nepwun krouamwhen . Nipran kiru mata nakwan kwatia. Ro ianha i, krai nampa ia nagkiariien asori rosi te in u:

-uta l g directional suffix to verbs , indicating movement upwards ; -auta travel upwards ; -erukw uta throw upwards ; -ati uta look up . -uta2 v intr 1. climb (as a road , or hill) , go up , ascend (cf. -4puta , -auta , see -U) ; iakuta fwe takw4r I climb the mountain . 2. grow (for certain plants) , come up , expand , increase; kon sapwas4k ruta my corn has come up ; trapor truta that trouble will get worse ; sayan; mani ruta his money is increasing. 4

3. copulate , mo unt ; pukah ruta ia savani pran the pig copulates with its mate . 4. Travel inwards or towards Tanna (as from Port Vila) (cf. -euaiu) . Na gkiariien fwe nakwai nimtet ro ianhe i ( ri ni sas mua ramasan mua tikatui mavsini mwi nagkiariien apa naha . In trasitu nurukurinien nipran .

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS - NAGH I NAGKIARI IEN SAROUIHI adjective a naghi nagkiariien ri ni sas nagkiariien apa , rosi -amasan adjective of colour a col ri ni sas kara adj ective with singular a sing ramwhen a, ma ta rini sas nari kwa ti subject only aga Bislama Bisl Bislama compare cf . ata ro adjunct d ramwhen a demonstrative adjunct d dem rosi u, naha, fwe descriptive adjunct d dsc rosi asori , itoga grammatical number marker d num rosi me , mirahar, mi quantifier d qty rosi kwatia, k�ru , kahar verbal adjunct d vb rosi ro , uahai, tarini dative dat avahi pen ti English Eng. Igri s French Fr . Frani s grammatical morpheme g nakiariien ouihi akin interjection I nagkiariien sai nakweinien , rosi pinhi k, aue kind of k.o. naghi noun n naghi nari ri ti inalienable noun n inal naghi nari ri ti kamakeikei makwtamiri locative noun n 1 naghi kwopun ri ti semi-alienable noun n semi naghi nari ri ti , rosi nakau ira temporal noun n t naghi nIpIn ob ject is marked by o = ni kwa ti nagkiariien sarakurira nimtet plural pl . ri puk singular sing. kwa ti aga unidentified unident . kreirei nagkiariien naha verb v naghi noien directional verb v di r kakeikei mi ni pen ua pehe intransitive verb v intr kipikakeikei mha mi ni naghi nari singular verb v sing iema kwa ti aga ri rukurin noien transitive verb v tr keakeikei mi ni nari variant var ipaka ramwhen ia nagkiariien apa Chri stian xtian nagki ariien sai nakarasia indicates a prefix rosi r-, ri ni mua r- rakupwi n (as r- ) or a suffix nagki ariien ri ti ; rosi -n, ri ni mua (as -n) -n rakurira nagkiariien ri ti 5

A a d dsc intensifier (verbal and -afagal v intr soar , circle (as a adjectival): very , particularly , bird) ; kiri ramafaga the flying just, only; iakav4n a I am just fox is circling. walking around ; ouihi a very -afaga2 a spindly, tall and thin small; ramasan a very good . (as a person , pig, tree , etc.) -a v 1. walk , move , be in mo tion , (see n4faga) ; -afagafaga very go , come (usually combines with thin . directional suffixes , cf. -UV, -afaki v pray , communicate with -e, -avehe , -av4n) ; -a pen walk the supernatural ; -afaki nere off, move away ; -akupw4n go engage in a first-fruit ceremony first; -akuri ra come behind ; for taro ; pwah safaki let us -auta go up ; iak4na raka ianram pray; iraha hafaki SDA they are mier men ia kwopti I went off a Seventh Day Adventists . little way from you; k4taha sarna mhamuvehe we are coming. -afakour v err , fail, make a 2. Combined with the interroga­ mistake , do incorrectly (see tive prefix -4f- , implies how , -ari pun) ; iou iakafakour ia in what manner (see -4fo) ; ik4fa nakwi ien menu I failed in mavahi r4gi nimwa? how did you shooting the bird . manage to carry the house beam? -afaprep4r a diseased, blistered ik4fa ma numwi rem4n? how can you (as skin from a burn) , dry (as eat that lemon?; ik4fa i muvehe? skin , or mouth ) . how did you come ? 3. with interrogative prefix and transi­ afi d vb denotes a singular break , tive postclitic, implies where ; separation ; -4fwi afi extinguish , ik4fa i? where are you going?; douse a fire with water; -4se afi ik4n4fa i where did you come blow out (a fire) ; -osi afi cut from? ; suatuk u r4fa i pen i? off, cut down (as a tree) ; where does this trail go? -ouini afi strike and break off. Note : Sometimes takes the -uv­ afifi d vb denotes separation into perfective tense marker strands , pieces , multiple breaks rather than -4n-: ruva he left . (see afi , fi fi); -ahi afifi bite -afa a Cooked , done , ready to be into pieces , crunch up ; -arai eaten , ripe ; kwarei nafa the afifi cut into pieces ; -osi sweet potato is cooked; napuei afi fi break into pieces . rafa hi ua? is the coconut ripe? -af4ri v paint (especially one's afafa d dsc shady , in the shade , face during ceremonial events ). hidden , secret, concealed (see -afunu v eat food after drinking fa , -ofafa) ; -aiu afafa hunt , kava ; k4taha safunu ia kiri we proceed secretly; nari afafa a eat flying fox (after drinking secret; -ni afafa tell secretly , kava ) . keep secret; k4taha sakure afafa we sit in the shade . -afwi v unwrap (as a tuber pudding) , open (as an earth -afaf�u v wear a hat , cover oven) (cf. -fi); -afwi nHar (something) (see fa) ; n4pran unwrap a tuber pudding baked in nepwun hamafafau fwe nakwa i leaves . nimwa afaki some women wear hats in church ; -afafau pehe m4 tell -afwini v var . of -fwini . a story to , give an explanation or reason (to someone). 6

aga d vb only , just , merely; -agnagien a var . of -agien. takamo aga u I'll only do that . -ahagi v shake , blow about (as -agari v bite out , scrape with the wind) ; n4matagi rahagi nimwa teeth (as coconut from a shell) ; the wind ratt les the house . -agari kesi eat out a pawpaw ; -ahakw(i) v 1. rub , rub off, -agari mt argue with , quarrel, scrub , clea� by scrubbing, wash ; row . -ahakwi n4sai nari ia sar he agero n xtian angel. rubs the meat with salt; -ahakw ater i lean one 's hand on , lean -agha via 1. glad , happy (see on one 's elbow (see ater) ; -agien) ; ik ikagha tt iapou you rahakwi n4sun ia ma kwi nari he are happy because of the baby ; rubs his leg with leaf medicine . reritaha ragha tt mani we are 2. rub against ; in rahakwi glad for the money. 2. hug, takw4r (the fog) rubs against hold (onto a person) (see the mountain . -agher) ; irau krouagha t4nirau me rouakwtami ri irau me they -ahatata v 1. lean against (see two hug each other and han.g onto -atigite); iakahatata ia nei each other. I lean against the tree . 2. believe in , depend on; -aghagha v intr call fowls, cluck iakahatata Iesu I believe in (as a fowl ). Jesus . agh�n d vb denotes uncertainty , -ahate v rub one 's backside attempting or trying something; against, wipe one 's ass . -ares aghan ask permission ; -ata aghan try to discover , inspect. -ahat4n v 1. point ; -ahattn pehe search , look about ; ik4se aghan point towards (relative to mata tapaka r4fia you tried to speaker/hearer) ; -ahattn pen smoke but the tobacco is bad point away (relative to speaker/ tasting; aghan ro try . hearer . 2. teach , instruct; in rahat4n ntkwarakwara ia nupu he -agher v hold to , hang on , grasp , teaches the chi ldren the dance ; hook , put one 's arms around ; iahattn teacher. -agher mahama ha hold on tightly; -agher tarini ho ld tightly , keep , ahaven d vb denotes covering; retain (as guests); -aghragher -osi ahaven t4pu- fast; -ni pester , bother , hang onto (as ahaven interrupt a speech or a child) . conversation . -aghi v var . of -agihi . -ahavi v plant (used with a class of cUltigens inc luding yams , -agien a happy , glad ; reri k sweet potato , corn , melon , ragien I am happy ; nari agien pumpkin) (cf. -apWe) ; ttsahavi a pleasing object (as a large , nuk trakwakwi we will plant yams healthy pig) . tomorrow . -�gi hi v bite off, pull off with -ahi v bite , chew ; mwi rahi iou teeth (as sugarcane or coconut the mo squito bites me ; -ahi husks) . atesi chew , break into pieces ; -agkiari v speak , talk , debate ; -ahi afi bite in two ; -ahi afi fi -agkiari eraha swear , curse , bite into small pieces ; -ahi insult someone ; -agkiariagkiari mas4k growl ; -ahi r4par4s chew to chatter ; iraha hagkiari tukwe soften; -ahi tarini revu- clench they are debating the question ; teeth . 2. burn , cook ; napw rahi in ragkiari Franis he speaks pranouihi the fire burns the French . 7

little girl ; -ahi amwesi cooked -aiu n4kare- stagger; -aiu dry or hard , crunchy . 3. pain , utauta trot; -aiuaiu be slack hurt; revuk ramahi my tooth (as a bow string, see -pwepweiu) . aches ; nukumha rahi pusi the cat 2. have diarrhoea; t4puk ramaiu is hungry . 4. fight , quarrel ; my belly is running. krau krouahi krau me we two fight. -aka v carry piggyback ; -akaka -ahfa a sharp (as a knife) ; carry piggyback ; mama savani -ahi ahi a prickly (as sugarcane raka i his mother gives him a or fig leaves) , sore (as a piggyback ride . tongue ) . -akahak via be daylight , dawning -ahiapw v light, illuminate , shine (as the day) (see -ran) ; -av4n as the sun) , glitter (see -hia(i), akahak walk at dawn ; -atui akahak napW) . wake at first light, leave a darkened house; meri rakahak the -ahiapwun v light up (see -hia(i) , sun rises ; r4nakahak raka it is napw, cf. -egapWUn); -ahiapwun already day . napw i light up with fire ; -ahiapwun suatuk light up a . -akaka v cluck (as a hen) , crow (as a roos ter ) . -ahupwen v hold (food) in a leaf (as do circumcised boys while in akakini d vb denotes dragging , seclusion) , shield so as not to moving parallel to ground (cf. pollute (see -spwen) . -4kakini); -4vi akakini drag . ai d vb denotes failure , lack of -akarakar v gossip, tell on , success (cf. sas , uau) ; -erukw betray , tell tales behind one 's ai shoot at and miss; -erupw ai back , inform about (see -ni have an accident with a spear iankare-) . or knife , thrust and miss ; -os -akei v 1. play with , make faces ai strike at but miss ; -uv ai at, coo at (a child) (0 = m� ); search for (as along a road) . iakakei m� kwati iakunouihi I -ai v intr swear , use bad language . cooed at the baby ; -akeiakei coo at , ado re , play with (a -aias v sweep , clear away garden child) . 2. welcome , greet . debris (see kaias) ; iakamaias 3. ask something of, beg some­ nimwa ia kaias I am sweeping the thing from (see -ariari ); iou house with the broom ; -aiasaias iakakei mi n I begged it of him. scratch (as hens) , paw the ground (as a bull) , brush , rub akeiakei d vb balanced , wob bly ; or mark the earth . -arer akeiakei stand uncertainly , wobble; -av�n akeiakei walk -ai kuas v wash (clothing, dishes , while balancing (as over a log etc.) (cf. -aru) . bridge) . -aiu v intr 1. run , proceed , go -akeikei v 1. must, have to , be off, fly (as a flag) , swim , ob ligated to , ought. 2. ask , flow (as water) ; aiu! run ! request (see -akei ); in rakei kei -aiu merupwun men t� n� kava use ianrak mua iou takavahi pen kava constantly; iou tak4maha savani iti nari iti he asks of mai u mamev4n I get up and go ; me that I give him one for trak ramaiu ia suatuk the truck himself. 3. insist on , continue is going down the road ; -aiu (in doing) , demand , do anyway , afafa hunt, operate secretly or proceed against advice , strive , with stealth ; -ai u afafa t� menu try hard; -akeikei tukw ik try hunt birds ; -aiu iva run and jump ; -aiu map run aw ay ; 8

to influence you; manumwi -akise v forbid, put a stop to ma keikei ma kei ke i drink and drink (see -nise); -akise trapor forbid and drink (drink continuously) . any trouble; tata rakise ktmi rau (cf. -okei kei, kei kei ). father forbids .u two . -akeis a crooked (as a road , tree -akit v intr hoot, screech , call trunk , speech , etc.) ; nagkiari ien (as a bat) , creak . rakeis a lie; saik rait rakure -aktk v 1. slide on , slip , strip akeis your lantern globe is off (as leaves ); -aktk irapw seated crookedly. push down (as trousers); -aktk -akeki v scrape out , spoon out uta pull up (as trousers); -aktk (see kake ki). mt kur uta ia ntpra i napuei slide down a coconut tree trunk ; -aktk -akerha v crawl, walk carefully ia mai ntnhupw i strip off fern (as on a narrow path or cliff leaves . 2. clean (as kava with edge) . coconut fibre) , clear away debris , akeser d vb denotes disjunction clear one 's throat . 3. Sober up (also amkeser) ; -tp akeser (from alcohol or kava) by clearing disjoint; -tpi akeser spear and one 's throat with food or water ; split; -tvi akeser slip, lose ranumwi nui maktk raka i he drank footing. water and sobered up . 4. massage .

-aki v push down , poke down (see -aktkfr v intr snag , catch on , hang -tki); -aki afi break with down- up on , stick fast to (see ktkir) ; ward pressure , extinguish a fire , iakvi nei mata raktki r I pulled on rub and break ; -aki afi raif the branch but it stuck fast (on savani kill ('rub out'); -aki another) . attnumw i push down under water; -aktku a small , little (see OUihi); -aki tarini push down , press iakunouihi raktku the child is (as a typewriter key) , put down , small; iakani raktku I eat a -aki tarini ntfregi pukah put a little. pig down on its head . -aktn a insufficient , too little , -akiek(i) v touch , nudge , rub , small; ntkava ramaktn not enough scratch , brush against (see kava ; iakunouihi aktn small child. -arapi); -tvi akiek pull, tug at ; akieki ro takutak! scratch my -aktr a unhealed , raw (as a wound) ; back ! ntmwapw namaktr the wound is still healing. -akirai a col multicoloured (as a fowl) (see nakirai). -akmen a plentiful , numerous (as people, animals , food) ; navegtnien -aki ri v 1. weigh , scale, measure , saim rakmen puk your feast is measure out; -akiri nagkiari ien plentiful . judge a dispute ; -akiri ntkava divide prepared kava root into -akona a poisoned , drunk , shares ; -akiri kopra weigh copra. unconscious ; -akona ntmu be 2. hook down (as a coconut with poisoned by fish ; in rakona ia a bamboo pole) (see -akt ki r) ; ntkava he is drunk on kava . -akiri (akiri ) pester , bother, -akoui v 1. curve , twist, make pull about; iakunouihi ra kiria­ crooked , stretch , fo ld (as banana kiri mama savani the child leaves for a hat) , fold back on ; pesters his mother . 9

-akoui atukwatukw straighten ; 2. do something first; ti kani -akoui takuta- stretch one 's back . ma kupw�n you eat first. 2. divert , influence , cause some­ -akUrl v di r come from (especially one or thing to act correctly or by walking, see -a, -kur, -aku, wrongly , discipline, drive or -akupw�n , -akuri ra); -akur uta lead astray , drive before one come down from above ; -akur (as a co w) , chase; -akoui kau irapw come up from below . drive a cow ; -akoui nagkiari ien twist someone 's words ; -akoui -akurz v start , be surprised by nermama turn people to (an idea) ; something. (cf. -ark�ri , kakur) . -akoui nui divert water; -akoui -akurakwera v complement , praise nupu put old words to a new song; (see -ni Vi vi) (0 = ia) ; iakakoui ik I turn you as ide . -akurakwera ia naghu- , praise (cf. -atoui ). (someone 's) name . -akres v 1. steal; -akres p�tin -akure v 1. sit, sit down (see misbutton a shirt . 2. copy , -kure) ; -akure akeser sit and take (a photograph), record slide off something; -akure uta (with a tape recorder) . squat with feet flat (see uta) ; -akul v. 1. come from , start at -akure kwopsase squat on tiptoes ; (as a place) (especially by -akurkure sit as a group . walking , see -a, -ku, -akur, 2. be at , exist at ; -akure apa paku, cf. -akupw�n); -aku pehe m� live apart from , away from . begin at (a place close to -akuri ra v 1. follow , come behind; speaker and hearer) ; -aku pen in rakuri ra pen i he follows him; begin at (a place far from sarakuri ra the succeeding one , speaker or hearer) (see the one after ; sarere rakuri ra -akupw�n); iou iaku pen fwe next Sa turday ; sarere rakuri ra Ameri ka I come from America. anan the Saturday after next . 2. in interrogative constructions : 2. do something afterwards ; which , wh ere ; keva raku? how tikakupw�n , iou ta karu ma kuri ra many?; nes�n ra ku? when , which you go first and I will bathe time?; n�fe raku? what , which later . ( see -a, kuri ra , cf. one? ; paku? where? ; raku paku? -akur, ira, -kuri ra , -akupw�n). where did he come from? ; r�fo ra ku? why , for what purpose? ; -akwag a 1. open (as a mouth , si raku? who , which person , door , store) ; -akwagakwag full where?; trak paku? which truck? of holes . 2. say , speak ; -akwag irapw nupu sing a song. -akuz g directional suffix: unknown direction; in ruvaku? -akwagase v intr yawn . where is he going? -akwahakwe in v give birth to , akunan d vb denotes cursing, bad bear (a child) (see -arahakwein, or insulting language ; -akwein -kwahi , iakwei n) . akunan call a curse upon; -ni -akwa i v 1. cut bush for a garden , akunan say a curse on . scratch (one 's head) , (see -arai ); -akunan v curse. -akwai n�ma i clear a garden ; -akwai ia mai nari clear off a -akupw�n v intr 1. precede , go garden site ; in rakwa i k�taha ia first, go before (particularly n�kava savani he makes us drunk when walking, see -aku, pen , cf. (knocks us over) with his kava . -kupw�n, -akuri ra) ; iakakupw�n 2. tw ine (by ro lling on one 's I go first; sarakupw�n the leg) , file, rub , rub out , hone ; preceding one , first of all . 10

-akwaiakwai make twine (by rolling -akweis a yellow . between one 's hands or on one 's -akwekwai v var . of -akwai (akwai). thigh) . -akwevur a greyheaded , have white akwaku n type of traditional hair. exchange ceremony . -akw (i) v 1. strike , hit -akwaku a excess, extra amount (especially with a stone or (as goods which imbalance a round ob ject) , shoot (a gun or reciprocal exchange thus insuring rifle) , have an effect on some­ its continuation) . thing (see -os (i) , -rukwi , akwakw d vb fast, quickly (see -rupwi ); napue i nakwi tina masu uahai ); in ruvehe akwakw he came pen imwa the coconut struck" the quickly . ground and buried itself in the earth ; -akw amsimwesi part, -akwakwa a thirsty . break up ; iakakw amsimwes i nima i -akwakwus v hang onto , perch (as nari auar a I shot (and broke up) a bat) , hang up (as a kerosene the tree leaves (but missed the

lantern) (see nakwus?) (0 = i a) ; bird) ; -akw amsimweris break iou iakakwakwus ia sanak taik into pieces , broken , patchy (as I hang up my bananas . hair) , bald , mangy (see -mweris); -akw amweris break (an elongated -akwararen a slippery (as a trail ob ject such as a hair) ; -akw or tree trunk) (see -imkeis) . amwesi break , snap (a single -akwas a old (as a thing or time); break of an elongated ob ject: nipin akwas period of the year string, rope , vines , yam runners , preceding the yam harvest, i.e. legs , bucket handles , etc.) ; October through March (see -akw apiris(apiri s) , shuffle (as -ivus) ; -amnakwas old (see cards) , intermix, combine , -(a)m-, n-s ). exchange (as shirts between two men) ; -akw api ris ia naveginien -akwase a be spoiled , be rotten , mix food together (in one cooking stink (as food) . pot) ; -akw aueni toss something -akwasei v 1. decorate oneself, over something else; -akw eri adorn (as for feasts) (0 = ia) . split apart , disjoin; kitaha 2. wear an ornament of leaves sakw eri mhuvin na iou iakamevin inserted into carved or woven we split up and then I went off; armlets . -akw tami ri hold on to , grasp (as an ob ject or person) , wait -akwata v intr look upwards , face on , wait for (a coming event or upwards (as a playing card) (see person) ; iakunouihi rakw tami ri -akw(i), -ata, -ati uta) . iou the child holds onto me ; -akweiai v sit on , sit astride -akw tinpin augment , add to (a (as on a horse) (cf. -akure) . collection , etc.); -akw imsimus dive , fall abruptly , descend -akwein v call, call out to , (as a bird) , disappear (see invite ; iema nah ramakwe in pehe -imsimus?); -akwi amwesi be that man is calling to (you) ; undecided , think about , be -akwein apomus call loudly , unsure of; in rakwi amwesi tukwe yell loudly ; -akwein apou call she is pondering it; -akwi atesi so ftly; -akwein nahaven decline pound (as in a mortar) , grind (something) , abandon an activity , (as between stones ); -akwi eri leave behind , avoid, not want break up , break apart ; -akwi eri (see nahaven) ; -akwein tarini i rapw go outside (of a house , etc. ); call to stay (someone ). 11

-akwi erl lrapW nari begin to -akwmhera v snack on , eat (coconut speak; -akwi irapw nari leave , wrapped in fig leaves , for go out of, go off to ; -akwiakwi example) (see -amera) ; -akwmhera tap repeatedly . 2. tie together, ia ma i nari snack on edible bring to gether; -akwi amsfmwesi leaves . (nari) , patchy , spotty , multi­ -akwmfni v 1. feed (as a child or coloured (as a Hawaiian shirt) , animal) (see -ani ?) ; in rakwmfni mixed (as a garden plantation) pen savani pukah ia nfpfn me pam (also -akwi apirfS (api rfS) ); she feeds her pigs every day . namhuien rakw amsfmwesi nari 2. fill (as a hole) • the garden is mixed ; -akwi atarini string (as a bow or -akwmwi v suck on , savor (as candy), guitar) , tie down (as a pig or keep in one 's mouth (see -ukumwi ); cow) (see atarini , cf. -arih i) ; -akwmwi nagkiari ien mutter , -akwi pen tie , put a rope around , speak unclearly . tighten (a screw or knob ) . -akwresi v pet, rub (as a dog) , -akwiei a 1. cold (cf. -apwan); tickle (see -arukwesi) . in rakwi ei ! it's cold!; tisi -akwrigi v wring , wring out (as rakwiei the sea is cold. kava from a strainer) , squeeze 2. feverish; iakakwiei fi fa by hand (see rfg i-) ; -akwri gi I am cold with fever . ia nfsei napuei squeeze coconut -akwi ri v mount , reach the summit milk (as into a pot for cooking) ; of a hill, come out on top , be rakwri gi raka nfsei nfkava he on top (see -kwiri ); makwa already wrung out the kava . nakwiri the moon is up ; sauta -akwsari v construct a yam trellis makwi ri ia takwfr we climb ed (0 = ia) (see -kusi ); -akwsari and reached the summit of the ia nig con struct a yam trellis mountain . with wild cane; -akwsari ia -akw�pahar v intr 1. explode , nfparpar construct a yam trellis . blow up , erupt (as a volcano) . -akwsen v 1. crumble, break into 2. become angry , furious ; reri ­ pieces ; -akwsenakwsen crumble; rakw4pwahar become angry ; kftaha sakwsen nere mua sani we kwankwai rfgi- rakwfpahar break up the taro so that we all (one 's) finger cracks . can eat . 2. divide , rip in half -akwfpfr a broken (elongated (as bread , biscuit, nffar) . ob jects); -akwfpfrakwfpfr -akwsfrup v weave (a basket) (see broken into pieces . Hnfrup, -akwsari , -kusi). -akwfta a shallow ; kwopun rakwfta -akwtenhi v hold on to , grasp , ikfn a shallow place . keep , retain , hoard (guests , -akwmakwmwi v gum (as one 's food) goods , an idea) (see tfni ?, akw (var. of -akwmwi ); -akwmakwmwi tami ri ) . nagkiari ien speak poorly , -(a)m- g continuative prefix to swallow one 's words . verbs marking continuous or -akwmare a ripe (as fruit) , well progression action (cf. m, m- l , cooked (see -mare) . mfne2) ; iakosi I beat it; iakamosi I am beating it; -akwmheiov a very ripe , over­ iakemha I die; iakamemha I am cooked (see -akwmare) . ill. 12

A number of verbs take the con­ -amemha v intr be sick (see tinuative prefix in all contexts ; -(a)m-, -emha) . ramran it is daylight (see -ran) . -amera a uncooked , raw , fertile When following the perfective (as land) ; naveg4nien ramera marker -4n- , signifies inceptive uncooked food ; n4pra- ramera hi (inchoate) action , or action be still young ; tuprena ramera which is complete but which unused (rich) land . continues; iak4nama pou I am tired (already) . -amesi k a scarred, scabby , sore ; Note : (1) the alternative -4ki amesik scratch a sore raw perfective marker -UV- when or bloody . followed by -(a)m- becomes Note : Continuative prefix -(a)m­ -4nam- ; (2) not generally used invariably affixed. with singular and dual conju­ -amha v intr dead (see -emha) ; gations of vowels beginning -amamha being dead . with [U) , (krau *krmuta , but krau krmi ri ). -amhaku v fight with a club , wield a club (see -apuhur) ; -ama a 1. healed , dry (as a wound); k4taha sev4n mhamhaku fwe n4mwapw r4nama the sore is healed . imwar4m we went and club-fought 2. dry , empty of liquid; nui nama , at the kava-drinking ground . the water is gone . (see -maha) . -amher a 1. clean , clear , shinY -amahan a good [Kwamera) (see 1 bright; kwopun ramher a clearing. -amaSan) . 2. calm, quiet (as the sea) ; -amak v intr stay behind , remain , t4si ramher the sea is calm. lie down (see -4mkamak) ; -ama k -amhu v intr garden , work in a pen dream ; in ramamak ia rukwanu garden (see namhuien) . he is staying in the village ; iakamak a u I am just lying -amhua v deflect an ob ject (as a here ; -ama kamak stoop , lean (as football) , cast off, shake off a tree) , bow . one 's body , abandon one 's supporters (as a leader) (0 = ia); -amame via immobile, confined to iou iakamhua ia kafafau I shake a mat or bed; iakunouihi ramame off my hat . the child cannot walk (remains in his place) . -ami v intr urinate .

-amaS l v intr suckle, nurse (see -amlpune a stinging , aching , -esis, nas, -(a)m-?) . hurt a little (see -ami sa, apune) . -amaS2 v 1. flatter , praise; iou -ami sa a 1. sore , painful; nurak iakamas tukwe I flatter him. ramami sa my shoulder is sore . 2. talk duplicitously , act 2. di fficult, strong , with effort ; hypocritically, change one 's -agkiari ami sa talk hard , try in side in a dispute; -amasamas vain to influence ; -ai u ami sa be duplicitious . run hard (to something important) ; -atui ami sa search hard for , look -amasan via good , beautiful , for a lost object in vain ; -osi acceptable, useful ; iema amasan ami sa hit hard . a good man ; ikamasan pen ia pran ouihi you make pretty the -am4g4n v intr strive , do with little girl ; pusi ramasan the effort l da t = t4) (see -amWur) ; cat is good ; ramasan ia n4pn4p4n -am4 g4n t4 kauas throw a throwing good morning ; ramasan ia club with effort ; -am4g4n t4 rukwasikar good day ; ramasan ia n4faga strive to pull back a naruvaruv good afternoon . bow string . 13

-am=i-km=i-k a crumb ly . (0 = ia) (see -skamter, -arer) ramter ia nei he lifts up the -am=i-na v work , produce, enlarge log. or improve (as one 's resources); iou iaken mam=i-na fwe namhuien amtia d dsc 1. one time , once I go to work (produce food) in only , final , com pleted (Bisl the garden ; iakam=i-na i rasori 'one time'); -amhu amtia I enlarge it, improve it; n=i-kava complete a garden ; -ev:j.n amtia ram=i-na the kava (although small) go and do not return , immigrate ; provides enough for all drinkers . -0 amtia do once , do at once . in amtia he only said it -am=i-ri v drip , leak ; -am=i-ri eri once , he said it completely . drip into ; -am=i- riam=i- ri drip 2. simultaneously , at once ; continuously ; nes:j.n rauar mam:j. ri irau krouagkiari amtia they both fwe nakwai nimwa the rain falls talked at once ; iko amtia irau and drips into the house . you do it with them two . (see

-am=i-rinu a calm , quiet (as th e m- l + -iti + a, kwatia) sea) , peaceful (see nam:j.rinuien) . -amtiv v intr smack lips (as to amkeser d vb va r. of akeser. call a dog) (see -ti V?) •

-amnam:j.n v shoot (a gun) together , -amt:j.pui v gather birds ' eggs or thro� (rock or stick) simulta­ nestlings ; n:j.kwarakwa ra neously . hamamt:j.pui mhatui kwati kei hap the children hunt for baby -amour a evil, dirty , sick (see yellow white eyes . -mour) ; reri iermama ramour a person 's heart is black . -amwhen via 1. equal , the same , similar ; irau krouamwhen the -amr:j.mer a scattered about , two are the same . 2. enough , strewn (var. of -r:j.mer with sufficient , acceptable , fitting; sedimented continuative prefix -amwhen makwaku more than enough ; -(a)m-?) ; nari m nari ramamr=i-mer -amnamwhen already enough (see ia n:j.mahan everything is strewn -(a)m-, n-s) . 3. desirous of , all over the mat; nermama needful of; iakamwhen ia pran hamamr=i-mer ia tapu people are ri ti I need a woman . scattered all about in graves . -amwhenumw via 1. drown , sink. -amr=i-mera a 1. green , light blue . 2. deep , under water ; tiki nari 2. raw , uncooked (see -amer a) . nakwan ramwhenumw the bowl is -amsami sa a ache continuously deep . (cf. -aHnumw) . ( var . vf -ami sa) ; n:j.suk ramsami sa amwesi d vb denotes separation , n:j.p:j.n me my leg hurts all the parting, cutting ; -ahi amwesi time . bite in half; -akwai amwesi rub ams:j.mwer:j. s d vb va r. of as:j.mwer:j.s and break ; -osi amwesi break (see -(a)m-, -mwer:j.S) . in to pieces , smash ; -:j.V i all1'.'leS i saw. ams:j.mwesi d vb partially , half of , pieces , bits (var . of -amweta v sneeze. as:j.mwesi) ; -rukudn ams:j.mwesi -amwur v strive , work at; k=i-taha know a little of; -vi ams:j.mwesi samw ur t:j. naveg:j. nien sak:j.taha rip into pieces . we work hard on our feas t; irau -amter v lift up , stand up (from krouamwur pen ia nah Iasur they a prone position) , arise, lift two strive (to see) the vo lcano . something which is on the ground 14

-an l v intr 1. go , walk , be in -anuanu v nod (as one 's head) . mo tion (see -a, -e, -uv, -av4n, -anumwi v drink , sip , eat (an -ev4n) ; in raman a he is just orange) ; k4taha sanumwi suka we walking about ; -an auar go alone , drink sugared tea. go for nothing; -an pen ira t4 -anunu v suckle (see -esis, -amasll; ignore (as advice), do anyway ; -anunu ia nas suckle a breast. -an takuta- walk backwards , pull one 's shoulders back . 2. be -ap v intr leave , exit, escape , unmarried; in raman a he is un­ run away ; ap! ap ! go away ! married . 3. shine (as the sun) ; d ds c 1. meri ran the sun is shining. apa different, unusual , Note : (1) May take either weird , other (see- opal; nari apa a different thing; perfective marker (-4n- or -UV-); in ro apa nari (2) Not used in imperative he acts differently; sapa m sapa constructions (cf. av4n rO ll. they are all different (see sa-) . 2. alone, only; in apa only him. -an2 v hang oneself or another (0 = ia) ; iou iakan ia kuri ia apahar d vb denotes repetition ; toura I hang the dog by the rope . -arukw apahar shoot several times ; -os apahar cut wood , hew; -anai v fish (in a group with nets) ; -os apahar talk too much , talk -ev4n manai n4mu me go net fish . to no avail (metaphorically) . an an d dsc intensifier : very , -apah6r a loose , slack (as a rope ); very much ; rasori anan it is nakwus rapahorapahor the rope is very big. loose .

-anas v intr splatter , scatter , -apakapak v gust (as the wind) ; spread , disperse; -anasanas blow n4matagi rapakapak pehe the wind in the wind , be windblown , boil gusted (towards ). over , overflow (as a liquid) ; napw ramanas nenimek the smoke -apane v use protective magic gets into my eyes ; ma i nari (dat = t4); iou iakapane tukw ik ramanasanas the leaves blow (in I protect myself magically from the wind) ; kesi r4mwei manas the you . pawpaw drops and splatters about ; -apap a swinging , vacillating, nes4n ramanas the rain splatters ; oscillating , mo ving back and ianp4n k4taha s4nanas when we are forth (as a person from one all dead (dispersed for good ) ; place to another ) (see kapap) ; sosi nanasanas miuan we struck nari rapap something swinging; (them) and dispersed them . -aiu apap look here and there -anei a barren , childless . for ; -atui apap look here and there for . -anen a husky , muscular , large 1. (as a pig , or tuber) ; -amanen -aparak a loose (as a knife ready to eat . handle) ; -aparakaparak loose . 2. tired , exhausted (from travel -anh4n v intr see -enh4n . or work ) . -ani v tr eat, consume (cf. -apar4s v intr have diarrhoea -aveg4n) ; -ani nari eat food; (see -par.:i-S) . -ani ti ki n4teta brag , boast; -apati g v grasp , keep , retain , -ani amwhen eat enough , be hold onto (as property) , be sufficient, be inclusive; k4taha faithful to (as a person) , samapeki nari m nari rani amwhen brood over (0 = ti ); iakapatig k4taha me we are carrying enough t4 safwe Irupou I hold onto that things so that we all must work. (land) at Irupou. 15 apehe d vb towards (see pehe) ; in ranumwi n�kava itoga apenapena -os apehe extend (an arm) towards . he drinks liquor anywhere .

-apein a stink , smell , have an aperaha . d vb seawards (see peraha); odour; nei u rapein ama san this -os aperaha fish (i.e. cast tree smells nice ; in rapein it seawards ) . stinks ! -api v 1. cry (see -as�k) . apeken d vb implies deviation , 2. pity ; in rapi iou he has pity failing to accomplish something on me . correctly , having an accident ; apir�s d vb denotes intermixture ; -aiu ape ken ia nes�n run and get -akw ap�r�s mix , shuffle (as wet in the rain ; -apwaha apeken cards ) . leave something unfinished ; -aru ape ken ia hanuas ia nui bathe -apitov a var . of -pitov. with one 's wristwatch on ; -avahi -apiuan v intr heal (as a sore) , apeken bump into ; -osi apeken feel better , calm , become quiet have an accident , knock against , (see iapiuan) ; reri k rapiuan � hit against accidentally; -rei calm down . ape ken napuei cut coconuts not one 's own . ap�g d vb straddle , var. of p�g, (see n�p�g) ; -os ap�g sit with -apeki v 1. carry (in one 's hands ), legs apart, straddle; -�vi ap�g carry (as does a truck) ; -apeki step over ; ap�gp�g straddling. irapw mamaraki i carry away and dump ; pran ra peki nuk the woman -ap�na v spread , spread out (see carries yams . 2. scratch , claw -araghar) ; -ap�na prenkit spread (as a cat) , scrape . 3. clear a blanket . aw ay , brush , remove (as bush -ap�ni via level , flat (as ground) from a garden; -apeki ra ka mai (see -at�nhi ); kwopun rap�ni ik�n nari clear away weeds . (also level ground ; iou iakap�ni tuprena -peki ) . I make level the ground . apen d dsc distant , away from -ap�rap�r v intr sprout (as a tree (see pen) ; t�si apen deep sea , stump ) , send up shoots (as wild far sea. cane , cf. -kwes�r) . -apena v 1. order , set in order. -ap�rhi v clean , brush or sweep 2. clean up , police, collect (as a village) , weed (as a garden), leavings of food (for fear of clean to prepare (as kava or food) ; sorcery) . -ap�rhiap�rhi sweep . -apenapen a silent , uncommunica­ -ap�ti v kick , stub one 's foot tive , unresponsive , taciturn , (0 = ia) . withdrawn; -akure mapenapen sit withdrawn from social -ap�tin v strike down , kill at a interaction; -amak mapenapen blow ; -ap�tin mua tremha strike remain silent; -arer mapenapen it so it will die . stand out of the way; iema ri ti -apomus a 1. long (in space or ra gkiari pehe mi k mata ikapenapen time) ; -ni rapomus talk a long mati ka ren a man spoke to you but time ; suatuk apomus the long you refused to answer and looked road ; suatuk rapomus the road away . is long . 2. loud ; -as�k apomus apenapena d vb haphazardly , any­ cry loudly ; -akwein apomus cry which-way , undisciplined , around , loudly . everywh ere , anywhere (see apen) ; -osi apenapena throw wildly ; 16

-apou a 1. weak , tired (see iapou) ; -apus via 1. rest; k4taha sapus -apouapou slack (as a bow string) ; kwopti let's rest a little. in napou he is dead ; reri k rapou 2. intoxicated , drunk ; in rapus I am sad. 2. easily influenced , puk ia n4 kava he 's really drunk weak-minded , prestigeless , on kava ; iakapus mapus ! I'm childish. 3. mute , speechless . really drunk !

-apranema a old (as a woman) (see aputaha(ke) d vb denotes constancy , pranema) . continuation ; -agkiari aputahake always talk ; -anumwi aputahake -apregov v lure (as fish with n4kava drink kava everyday ; -ase magical leaves floated on the aputahake ask constantly , ask too sea) . many favours ; -av4n aputahake -apri v intr sleep , close (as walk always ; -0 aputahake do one 's eyes , or the leaves of a constantly . plant at night) , blink ; -apri -apwa a bald; k4n kapwa rapwa his enouenou sleep soundly ; -apri head is bald. iaruveruv sleep into morning; -apri t4ni sleep late; -apriapri -apwahl v 1. refuse , not want , wink , blink one 's eyes . choose not to , leave , stop (doing) , not care , give up ; -aprumun a wild, untamed, of the -apwah pwiapwia fail to divide bush (see -rumun) ; pusi aprumun completely , leave something a wild cat; in rap rumun he is behind ; -apwah aga not do , not wild. proceed with; iou takapwah aga -apsan a white , light coloured ; I won 't do anything (about it) ; pukah kapsan a white pig . in rapwah k4taha he doesn 't want us ; iakapwah no thanks . 2. with -apua a cloudy (as the sky) (see ra , denotes state of sufficiency : napUa) . plenty , enough (see -pwah) ; -apuhur v 1. trade , exchange iakapwah ra noien uok ia n4kukua (goods , blows) ; n4pran hapuhur I had enough working on the book ; mhosi iraha me the women trade iakapwah ra nanumwiien n4kava I blows (striking each other with drank sufficient kava . banana leaves before a circum­ Note : Pronounced [-apwo J before cision fea st) . 2. fight with Il'JItJ i (more , dual) or mwha (negative club s (see -amhaku) . postclitic) ; in rapwah mwi noien he do esn 't do it anymore ; apui d vb va r. of pui ; -oseri iak4napwah mwi nav4nien I post­ apuf translate , explain . poned going; in r4p4kapwah mwha apune d vb intensifier : really, he does not refuse , he is go ing very , truly, emphatically ; -emha ahead with it. apune dead; tata , ikagkiari -apwah2 g auxiliary verb in apune father , you ta lk too much ; negative constructions (see pusi ramapur apune the cat really n n, -p4k- , mha) ; iakata I plays . see; iakapwah nataien I don 't -apur a 1. play, play with ; pusi see; iakamo I do ; iakapwah noien me hamapur the cats are playing; I don 't do ; iakagkiari I speak ; -apurapur continual playing . iakapwah nagkiariien I don 't 2. spoil, ruin , cause troub le speak . for (metaphorically) ; -apur ia 4nteta spoil a group decision. 17

-apwaha v forget , leave behind , apwiri d vb denotes cutting , dis­ not take , not want (var. of junction ; -arai apwiri cut off, -apwah 1); apwa ha aga ! enough , no cut up ; -tSUa apwiri wake up ; more !; iakavahi pukah me pam -os apwi ri cut down ; -vi apwi ri mapwaha kwati aga I got my pigs pull and break off. but left one behind ; iou -apwls a unripe . iakapwaha aga I don 't want to , I've had enough . -apwlt v 1. join arms , walk

together, cleave to (0 = ia) ; -apwahi v var . of -apwaha. -apwit pen i join up with; irau -apwan a 1. hot (in temperature , kro uapwit ianrau they join arms recently also in taste , cf. together . 2. fo llow , be guided -tfia) ; -apwanapwan hot; by , ab ide by ; -apwit pen ia rapwanapwan ! It's hot ! napw nagkiari ien take advice , fo llow rapwanapwan the fire is hot. a rule; in rapwi t pehe ianrak 2. angry ; reri k rapwanapwan he follows me ; kttaha sapwi t pen I am angry. ia pati we are guided by the party . (see -tptapwit) . -apwas (i) v 1. lick , kiss; -apwasi ttrhu- kiss . 2. bring together , -apwtktr v 1. roll , push ; -apwtktr close up; -apwas tari ni crush , nagkiari ien finish a discussion; smash down , pinch (as fingers in -apwt ktr ntma i clear bush ; a door) (see tarini); -apwasi -apwt ktrapwtktr push and roll tari ni ntSU- bring one 's legs (as a large fuel drum) ; ttSi together. rapwiktr ti ki nari the sea washes/ rolls the tin can (up the beach) . -apwe v plant (certain plants 2. rattle (as a can full of small such as taro , papaya , kava , rocks ) (see nipiki r?) . sugarcane, manioc) (cf. -ahavi ). -apwo g see -apwah1• -apweua v avoid , draw back , shrink from (0 = ia) ; iou iakapweua ia -apwor v intr boil , toss (as the navegtnien reraha mapein I avoid sea) , fizz (as soda) , bubble ; the rotted , stinking food . -apworapwor continuously fizz. apwini d vb denotes doing anyway , -apwsupus v intr 1. explore , go proceeding incautiously; -ni off into the unknown, search; apwini deny falsely , perjure in rapwsupus kttaha imwataha oneself; -os apwini commit he is searching for us around perjury . our place . 2. be confused, worried ; re ri - rapwsupus -apwini v 1. strive , work at and confused . succeed, go where there is no road , beat through the bush or -apvluk v intr whine , hum , low (as heavy seas ; iakapwini ntputaien a mosquito , cow , automobile , ia napuei I succeeded in climb ing engine) , buzz . the coconut tree . 2. persevere, -apwupwu v gargle, rinse one 's go ahead with anyway , pester ; mouth . -apwini nermama bother people ; -apwini rafet go ahead with the -ara v intr live , stay at , exist party (even though it is raining) ; at ; iakamara fwe Samaria I am -apwini tapaka use tobacco (even living at Samaria village . though you know it is unhealthful) . 18

-aragaha (pukpuk) v intr move , act , -arakarak via 1. shake (as a tree) . stand or leave simultaneously 2. shaky", loose , slack ; toa (see puk? pukpuk do es not occur rarakarak the door shakes (as in elsewhere as a d vb ); k4taha the wind) ; kwanihin rarakarak saragaha pukpuk mhamen t4 uok he is impotent . we all go off together to work . -arak(i) v throw , throw away , -aragarag a loosely woven (type discard (see -ararki , -ar4k (i)); of weaving style) , spaced; revu­ -arak aueni drape , throw a cloth aragarag widely spaced teeth . or mat over , put over , cover ; -arak aueni pet ia t4nari put a -aragavus v spit. cloth over the bed; -araki ape ken -aragha v intr see -aragaha. throw aw ay by mistake; -araki irapw throw out , throw down ; -araghar v spread to dry (in the -araki irapw nagkiari ien speak sun) (see ghar) . out ; -araki pen pour into ; -arahi v 1. carry (as a baby) , -arakaraki throw all about . nurse. 2. bear , provide a aramanuk n Bisl calendar , almanac . descendent. -arap (i) v knead , mix by hand , -arai v cut , slice (see -rail; grope (see -ra p(i)); -arap fwe -arai afi fi cut into bits ; -arai nui matui iaren grope about in ahia sharpen (as a spear or the stream looking for crayfish ; pencil); -arai akeser slip while -arapi irapw reach out; -arapi cutting, cut crookedly; -arai n4kava knead kava root ; -arapi ams4mwesi cut up , cut off; -arai atesi break apart in one 's apwiri cut off, cut up ; -arai fingers ; -arapiarapi grope , feel arori cut open; -arai asis4g around. cut down (as a tree to block a road) ; -arai askri gi cut length­ -arapinha v close (as a door) wise; -arai k4tk4tki cut into (0 = ia) ; -arapinha ia tapinha pieces , slice up (as a taro close the door . pudding) ; -arai kwanare- castrate ; -arar v 1. dig (as with a spade) -arai kwara kwara cut into pieces ; (see karar) ; -arar pen m4 push -arai nagkiari ien speak , orate , dirt into ; -arar uta put earth tell one 's story or position in around , bulldoze. 2. sprout ; an argument; -arai n4ma i cut bush , tukun rarar i the sprout sprouts . clear a garden site ; -arai pen pen cut notches (as in a tree trunk) ; .�arari v 1. rotate , turn in -ara i raka cut out (as a blemish) ; circles , turn as ide , turn (some­ rarai raka tiki nere she skins thing) around ; -arari nakwus the taro ; -arai sun come to an twine rope; -arariarari spin agreement . about ; nenimen rarariarari his eyes spin , i.e. , he is dazed or ara ka d vb var . of raka . dizzy . 2. turn around at (a -araka v 1. drop , let go of, place) , come from , start from ; throw away , discard . 2. stop -arari mamev4n turn and go ; in do ing, leave , die , no longer ren marari muvehe he went , exist; -araka ra ia namhuien turned around , and came back . leave a garden . 3. dodge (as -ararki v va r. of -arak (i) . a thrown stone) , get out of the way ; ikaraka , pw ah iou iaken arasi d vb denotes incompletion , fwe imwa you move , let me go partiality : nearly , almost; inside the house . (see -a , raka) . -ani arasi fail to eat everything; 19

-anumwi arasi fail to drink all; -arfa i v drop (as a box or stone) , -emha arasi half dead ; -eua arasi let go of (see -araka) ; -sai nearly vomit , gag; savsini arasi marfa i r�mwei drop a load while n�kukua we didn't finish reading shifting its position . The the book . transitive postclitic i appears to be a sedimented part of the -arau v reach out, grab , punch at, verb root. swim the crawl, shadow box (vax. of -arou (i» . -arhanum v reflect , mirror, look in a mirror . -araver�g v 1. open (as a door , trunk) (0 = ia) . 2. begin , arhen d vb indicates a parallel ceremonially open (as a new road); or horizontal movement (see iraha haraver�g ia rafet they tarhe- , teter) ; -akwai arhen open the celebration . cut bush , clear land ; -arai arhen cut off parallel to the -are l v fast, avoid tabued foods ground , cut across ; -osi arhen ( da t = t�) ; -are t� metsin avoid cut bush , clear off land; -rukwi certain foods when taking leaf arhen shovel , lift earth with a medicines . shovel. -are2 g inland , towards the -arhi v remember, recall, think mountains , opposite from the about , ponder (see -rhi ); reri k sea; -uvare go inland ; pare rarhi I remember ; -arhi kupw�n inland . ia nagkiari ien forget a point in -arefa v cough (see karefa) . a speech , get ahead of oneself in speaking . -aregi v push aside , scoop out (as coconut meat) , dig, bulldoze; -arhiapw v warm oneself, sit near purtos ra regi tuprena the bull­ a fire (see napw , -arei ); in dozer digs the ground. rarh iapw ia napw he warms himself at the fire . -arei v tr warm, dry by fire ; napw rare i kopra the fire dries -ariari v 1. give , give out , the copra . distribute ; -ariari pen mani give aw ay money . 2. purchase , -arer v 1. stand , stand on ; -arer buy something with money . irapw go outside , go stand out­ side ; -arer kwanava stand silently , -arihi 1 v 1. tie up , attach , bind , uninvolved; ikarer kwanava wrap in leaves (as food to bake) , ianrak you stand away from me ; wear (something tied on) ; -ari hi -arer mi va jump , flow over (as ia nakwus tie with rope ; -arihi water) ; -arer p�gp�g straddle, irau marry a couple; -arihi stand with legs apart; -arer uta nimwa construct a house (by stand up . 2. remain , be like , tying together wild cane walls) ; be at, be in office (as an -ari hi nimwa i (n�)faga string a elected official) , exist (as the bow; -arihi pukah bind up a pig; wind) ; -arer �k�nek�n be strong­ -ari hi r�gi- wear an armband; minded; -arer m�pwi a be poor , -ari hi tarini tie together . weak , ineffectual ; n�matagi 2. carry on a pole with a man rarer the wind blows . 3. stop taking each end, carry on one 's at (as a bus , or truck) . back (see -arihi).

-ares v ask , inquire ; iakares -ari hi2 v whip , strike with a pehe tukw ik I ask you . rope or stick (var. of -arisi). -areuan a warm (as clothing) . -arimi v husk , skin (as a coconut) . 20

-aripun v err , make a mistake -arigin v fill, stuff (as tobacco (see -afakour) ; iou iakamari pun into a pipe) , insert (as food ia nupu I make mistakes in the into a bamboo section to bake) ; dance . ikarigin pen taik ia tiki nau you stuff bananas into the -ariri via greasy, oily, shiny bamboo . and sleek with hair pomade , grease , oil; iakariri ia napuei arigrigi d vb denotes by hand I grease myself with coconut (see rigi-, rigrigi); -os oil; nepuei rariri ia nifar the arigrigi beat down , dampen . coconut makes oily the pudding; -arik(i) v throw (more than one nifar rariri the pudding is ob ject) (var. of -arak (i) see greasy , i.e. good tasting; -erukw) ; -arik apehe throw iakahakwi iou ia napuei ma riri towards . I rub myself with coconut oil and shine . -ariku v buy , pay a salary , pay someone for something (cf. -arisi v 1. edge , weave a border -avahi nenime-); in rariku iraha (of a basket or mat ). 2. be full ti nimwa he pays them for (as a container of liquid) ,. come (building) the house,. up to the edge of a container; -arisiarisi very full; -kuar -arip v compress , tighten , close marisiarisi full to overflowing. up , weave tightly (see -erupw?) ; 3. conclude (as a discussion) , -arip ia nimwa construct tight reach an agreement . 4. whip , (wild cane ) house walls . strike with a rope or stick -arir v 1. push (as a stalled (see -arihi). truck) ; -arir pen ira push away ; -arife v roll (as a cigarette ) , -arir pen tapinha close a door . roll up (as a mat) ; (cf. -rife) ; 2. insert ; -arir pen nei insert -arife nisui trausis fold up a a stick between . trouser leg; -arife tinari fold -arirer v stand (implies more up clothing; -arifearife roll than one person ) (var. of -arer) . up (as a mat) . -ariri v braid (rope or hair) , -arig v dir sense (hear , feel , wrap with coconut leaves (see touch , taste) (var. of -regi ); -arisi). -arig pen hear over there . aririgi d vb denotes by hand arigarig d vb denotes stillness ; (var. of arigrtgl , see rigi-) ; -ipi arigarig calm, quiet (as -0 aririgi litter , toss away the weather) . scraps , sow . -arigi 1 v 1. singe , burn (as hair -arirukw a high (as the tide) . off a pig) , warm , dry by a fire (see -igh i) ; -arigi nuksepik dry -aris1 v intr laugh ; in ramaris a torch-log. 2. cook (on a fire); puk he is laughing hard . -arigiarigi cook or dry by -aris2 v 1. flow (as water) , rotating over a fire . blow , push before (as the wind) ; -arigi2 v scrub , manipulate nui nari s the water flows ; (see rigi-) ; -arigi kafete nima tagi naris irapw ia nermama smooth down a mat; -arigi ma i the wind blows the men out (to niemis ia nisun ro ll to soften sea) . 2. feel the need to leaves on his leg; -arigiarigi urinate or defecate ; nami k naris scrub , apply one 's hand to ; I need to urinate ; nihik naris -arigarig(h) i wring, squeeze I need to defecate . (as wet clothing) . 21

-arkahu v tr wear a shirt (see arouaroul d vb denotes waste , karkahu) . uselessness; -attrig arouarou -arkarektr v 1. wrestle , struggle , wait in vain for a response . throw a tantrum (as a child on arOUarOU2 d vb denotes insertion , the ground) . 2. scratch (as a penetration ; -arai arouarou cut hen) . through ; -asu arouarou go under (as a tree) ; -avahi arouarou -arkaua v mispronounce , misspeak , carry under arm; -tpi arouarou speak differently (0 = la) ; poke through . -arkaua ia Igris mi spronounce English; iakagkiari ma rkaua I -arouarou v waste , expend , use up

speak incorrectly . (0 = ia) ; -arouarou ia neta �leed , use up blood (energy) ; -arkini v 1. stir (as with a In ramarouarou ia ttnari he uses spoon) , crank . 2. swing one 's up his clothing, he changes arms (as in a nupu dance) . clothing constantly . -arktri v intr 1. start , be -arou (i) v reach out , reach in, surprised by (var. of -akur) ; extend an arm ; -arou pehe reach -arktri nari be surprised , be towards ; -arou pen insert a hand startled. 2. transplant , dig into (as to take a bird from a up (as a plant) , scrape out (as hole) ; -arou pen ia ptket put used tobacco from a pipe) ; one 's hand into a bucket; -aroui -arktri nagkiari ien bring up a eri poke a hole in , poke through problem which has been settled'· (as a piece of paper) , put an -arktri tuprena scrape the arm into ; krouarou we two shake ground as one runs . hands . 2. catch (as a ball or -arkouani v tr wear around neck other thrown ob ject) ; -arouiaroui (as a necklace , neck ornament, catch continuously , catch several or tie) ; -arkouani ttntrup objects . hang a basket around one 's neck . -aroui v 1. singe , burn slightly . -arkut v strive , work hard at , 2. have a fever ; fi fa rarouaroui work continuously at , desire · ik you are feverish . in rarkut mua truvahi raka i �au -arpaha a lazy , indolent; iarpaha he strives to carry out those lazy person . two ; -arkut pen ia tapa ka work hard to locate tobacco; -arkut arpaiov d dsc intensifier : auar a fail in a task (as to 1. quickly ; ramaiu arpa iov he reciprocate an exchange , finish runs quickly . 2. many , a lot of·' eating, etc.) . ikesi arpaiov kwanmt rhi you piCk a lot of oranges . 3. very , -armt ri a crazy , unnatural , mad really ; rtpui nari arpaiov very (usually takes the continuative large . marker - (a) m- ) . -arpakau v 1. construct, build arori d vb indicates breaking open , (a house , table , canoe), repair; bursting (see eri); -arai arori -arpakau nimwa construct a house . cut o�en; -osi arori smash open ; . 2. specialise , make well , have -OUlnl arori hit on the ground knowledge of, be wise in . and break open . -arpareti k v intr rustle , swish , -arouarau v leap , jump up to , rasp , scrape (see -retik) ; ikregi fly off (as a bird) , take off ro pusi in raiu afafa mamarparetik (as a plane) (see -arau listen to the cat hunting and -aro u(i)); reri - rarouarau rustling. anxious , hurried. 22

-arpikou v intr twitch , jerk about -arukwakwus v hang , hang up , tie (as a dying fish) , slither (as a up (see nakwus, -akwakwus) ; kiri snake) , flop about (see ikOU) . rarukwakwus ia nei the flying fox hangs on the tree . -arp4su v rinse one 's face , pour water over one 's head. -arukwanh4n v intr stop raining , clear (see -enh4n) . -arpr�p v intr jump, jump aside , leap , hop once ; -arpr4p uta jump -arukwan4pwun v warm , light a fire

up to ; -arpr4parpr4p hop . . to warm a sick person , newborn baby , or new house (see -ahiapwun , -arsin v duck , dodge , evade ; -egapwun) -arsin nakwai k4pwier dodge a bullet. -arukwapi tov v shadow , shade , eclipse, block light (see -aru v intr bathe , swim (see -rukw4fi , -pitoV) . -arau) ; iakaru fwe t4si I swim in the sea; in raru napuei she -arukwarukwa a rough , diseased oils herself in coconut oil . (as skin) , have scabies (see -rupu) . arua d vb denotes penetration (see -rua) ; aruarua through ; -arukwas a dirty , dusty .(s ee -evfn arua go through ; -os arua -akwas) . turn a backwards somersault; -arukwasan v support , hold up t4 fra hos arua the whales leap . (as a crossbar by two supporting -aruag4n v intr make war , fight posts) , shore up with supports . (as local groups ). -arukwasikar v intr be or sit in -aruai v spit, spit out (as the sun; in ren marukwasikar he chewed kava onto a leaf to wait walks in the sun . further preparation) (cf. -ruai); -arukwau v intr intersect, cross , -aruai irapw naram4- stick out lie across ; nei ra rukwau one's tongue . atukwahag ia suatuk the log lies aruarua d vb var. of arua. acros s the path and blocks it.

-aruei v go astray , lose one 's -arukwer4g v wash one 's hands way , walk off a trail (0 = ia) ; (see r4gi -) . iou iakaruei ia suatuk I miss -arukwesi v tickle . the trail. -arukwevur v tr submerge , dunk , -aruiri v var . of -ruiri . drown at sea , submerge oneself; -aruku v root (as a pig) . -arukwe vur iermama ia t4si bury a person at sea . -arukw v sprout (as kava , banana , sugarcane ) (see -4rak4rak) ; -arukwi v 1. shoot , throw tai k rarukw mwi tukun the banana (a round ob ject) , connect, tie pushed up more sprouts . or ]01n together ( var . of - rukwi , -erukw , cf. -a ruplfl i ) ; -arukwafa v bury , conceal , hide ; -arukwi tarini iraha harukwafa k4nraha ieri tie together; -arukwarukwi bind up , tie up . they buried their brother-in­ 2. comb , coif hair in traditional law (see afafa) . male fashion ; -arukwi nukwane- , -arukwahag4n v var . of -rukwahag4n . tie up one 's hair , coif one 's hair. -arukwakurira v overtake , bypass; iakarukwakurira ik ia suatuk I -arukwinhum v wear a penis wrapper overtake you on the road . (see ninhum) . 23

-arukw�pahar v intr va r. of -arupwi irapw pusi put the cat -akwipahar. out ; -arupwi ikinekin push down strongly , weigh down , support ; -arukwipin v 1. set a date , man i rarupwi ikinekin kitaha summon , send a message (about money weighs us down (we have a a debate , ceremony , etc.) ( dat kimiaha hiarupwi ti); -arukwipin ti nagkiari ien lot of money) ; ikinekin kanti tet you support pwah nermama havehe set a date strongly the candidate ; -arupwi for a meeting for people to come . nei stick a pole in the ground , 2. assemble, gather . 3. hurry , spoil the effects of kava speed , go too fast. intoxication by overeating -arukwipir v intr explode (as a (metaphorically) ; -arupwi nisu­ volcano) , pound (as the surf) , go outside , put one 's foor down ; break (var. of -akwipir) . -arupw; nimwa wall a house (by inserting wild cane stalks into -arukwo kwe v var. of -rukwokwe . the ground) ; -arupwi nipatiki -arukwun a var. of -rukwun . nei somersault , fall head first; -arupwi pen insert , stick into -arukwuvsini v var. of -rukwuvsini . (as a feather in one 's hair) ; arumwini d vb denotes covering , -arupwi pen pusi put the cat wrapping; -os (i) arumwini cover; down . 3. clap , applaud , pat , -ivi aru�vini cover; ikamakwiei ringbark (as to kill a tree) fi fa ikosi arumwini ik ia (see -rap(;)); -arupwarupwi pat kafete you are feverish, cover down (as dirt on a yam mound) ; yourself with a mat; tis i rosi -arupwarupw; takuta- pat some­ arumwini kipwier the surf flows one 's back . 4. be proud , sassy , over the rocks . disrespectful , preen (because of praise); iakamarupw; iou ia -arupwakw a inflamed , rashy , nari I show off my wealth . swollen (as skin) (see -akw(i) ); ikikihi ik marupwakw you scratch -arupwfp v stick magicallY treated yourself and become inflamed . wild cane around garden plants (see pwi p) (0 = ia) . -arupwararini v turn aside , turn back (as a person) , block ; -arupwfter v intr abut , join with , nimatagi rarupwararini fnteta stand on ; kwopun suatuk rarupwfter savani muvare the wind turned ikin the place where the road back his canoe to shore . joins (another road ) .

-arupwarupwa v intr flap (as a -arupwufi v divide , separate , cut

bird its wings ) • in half , come between (as two fighting men) ; -arupwufi -arupwasuk v intr look down , bow nagkiar; ien mislead , lie ; down , put one 's head down . -arupwufi n;mwa erect a dividing -arupwegi v see -rupwegi . wall in a house ; nakwatina rarupwufi tuprena the ravine -arupwi v 1. spear , stick , pierce , divides the land . throw (an elongated ob ject ) (var. of -erupw, -rupwi , cf. -arukwi ); -arupwun v see -erupwun . -arupwi menu spear a fowl . -arur v intr shiver (as from the 2. put down , insert, stick some­ co ld) , vibrate , buzz, flutter, thing into the ground , plant crunch , crack , snap (as the (as a tree) , join; -arupw i apomus sound of eating nuts or other delay , put off; -arupwi irapw ia crunchy food) (also -rur) ; tipu- hold against one 's belly ; -arurarur shiver ; ies ukw rarurarur the rat gnaws (as a coconut) . 24

-aruvai v peel, cut skins off -asaua v use a pillow , sleep on tubers ; -aruvai ti ki naveg4nien a traditional wooden pillow peel tubers for a feast. (see kasaua) .

-aruvareva a light (in weight) . -ase v tr 1. beg, ask for , plead for ; iermama riti ravehe ma se -aruveruv a red (cf. -) ; neai paip someone came to ask for a raruveruv red sky; -apri aruveruv pipe . 2. ask for a child to sleep into the morning . adopt ; in rase pehe iou mua -aruvn v intr ache (as a tooth takuvahi pen iakunouihi riti in after eating something co ld) . tresi savani he asks me that I give him a child he will take asai d vb denotes grazing , care for his own . skimming , brushing, slight contact (see -sai l; -ouini asai -aSenl v agree , concur , nod (once), skip (a stone across water) . raise one 's eyebrows (cf. -anUanu); irau krouasen i they two agree asai kw d vb denotes straightness; about it. -os asaikw sit with one 's legs straight out . -aSen2 v intr slide (as land) , cave in ; t4na rasen a landslide . asain d vb while in motion , while walking; -ani asain eat while -asevur v 1. open (as a door) , walking ; -anumwi asain drink open up (as a trunk or other while walking; -agkiari asain closed ob ject) . 2. c lear or talk on the way . empty out (as dirt from a hole) , reveal; napua rasevur ira na -asaku v ro ll, ro ll about ; mvegi clouds reveal it (the sun) -asakuasaku toss and turn . then conceal it . -asan4n a strong, able, healthy ; -asil v break wind , fart , squirt iou iakasan4n t4 nav4nien (as an octopus ' jet) . isupw4n I am ab le to travel far . -asi2 a deaf , blocked , closed (as -asapran v intr clear (as the an ear) ; nakwareg4n rasi he is sky) , break up (as clouds ) dawn ; napua r4nasapran ira ruvanhtn deaf. the clouds broke and it stopped -asighi v lead (as an animal ), raining. tie a rope around to lead , drive , drive on ; -asighi kau lead a cow asas d vb deno�es success (also (on a rope) ; k4taha sasighiasighi SaS); -ata asas see correctly , k4taha me we hurry ourselves be wise , find out , discover ; along . -erukw asas shoot and hit a target; -erupw asas spear -asis a deflated (as a tyre , foot­ successfully . ball, etc.).

-asas v intr drop , let drop (as asisi d vb denotes skinning , leaves or fruit) , fall ; -asasasas debarking , stripping off a drop numerous items (leaves , covering (see -SiSi); -4vi asisi etc.); n4man namasas the leaves tear off a covering . have begun to fall; napuei rasas -asisi a 1. fat , plump , sw ollen; puk the coconut drops a lot of -asisiasisi very fat ; nenimek nuts . ras isi my eye is swollen . -asasas v intr fall , drop 2. overfed , full; t4puk rasisi (numerous ob jects ) (var . of I am full. -aSaS) . 25

-asisig via close , shut , closed -askwini v var . of -skwini . (as a door) ; -arai asisig cut asmatukw d vb denotes repetition down to block (as a tree across (see -smatukw) ; -ni asmatukw a road) ; stoa rasisig the store repeat a word . is closed; iakasisig toa I shut the door . -asori a big, large , grand , important , significant , tall ; -asitu v help , assist (cf. -0 nema asori bigmen ; asori anan tukwini) ; iraha hasitu iou ia enough !; ierman rasori the man nagkiari ien they help me with is tall . the language ; in ra situ ia k4taha he helps us . -asori a v carry by hanging on an elongated ob ject , carry on a -asi vur v intr babble (as a child) . pole , carry on a finger; -asori a -asik v 1. call out , cry out , ia tinirup carry a basket on a sound , bark , neigh , ring; -ahi pole or finger . mas4k growl ; kisip ramasik sai -aspen v mix together (foods) , toka the shell trumpet calls out eat two foods at once ; -aspenpen the toka dance . 2. cry , weep . mix foods together ; -aspen nere asimweris d vb denotes patchiness ia napuei eat taro with coconut . (see -mweris). astesi d vb va r. of atesi . asimwesi d vb half , some , bits , -asu v intr dive (as in the sea) , pieces (also simwesi, amsimwesi skin dive ; -asu pen go into -ara i asimwesi nei cut wood into (through a door) , go under; -asu pieces ; -rukurin asimwesi nupu pen imwa go into a house; -asuasu know only some of the song; -4vi bend (to walk under something) . asimwesi rip into pieces . -asuke v swing , oscillate (see -asiri v succeed , win , better , kasuke , -apap) . act or interact such that one comes out ahead (imp lying another -asum v intr garden [Port Resolu­ loses) , belittle another, be tion] (see -amhu ); iakamasum lucky ; -amhu masiri garden with saiou I do my garden work . success; -ata mas4ri see luckily , asumun d vb va r. of sumun . find; -ni masiri say well; iakan masiri mata ik, kwopun ouihi a -ata v see , look , regard , under­ iako mi stim ianram I went and stand , meet ; -ata amasan look luckily saw you although I almost after , protect , check to see if missed you ; iakasiri anan kimiaha correct ; -ata amwhen be satisfied , ia naveginien I really put you choose (something over another) ; all in my debt with the feast; -ata apig look into a hole or ikiski kuri ma siri pen you really mouth (as of a fish) ; -ata as as cursed (and belittled) the dog. understand , be wise , discover; -ata ihi look after , mind , take -as kin v 1. wring , squeeze through care of; -ata irapw go out , a strainer (as kava) . 2. walk leave (as a house) ; -ata ifi a with a cane (see kaskin). glare at ; -ata pihi come eye-to­ -askirhi v var . of -skirhi . eye with , almost run into ; -ata pui discover , catch in the act, askri gi d vb var . of askrini . find out ; iakata pui ik I found askrini d vb denotes lengthwise , you out ; -ata raka sa- exhausted , in two (see askri gi ); -arai tire oneself, reach one 's limit ; askrini slice in half length­ iakata raka saiou I exhausted wise; -osi askri ni pull in half myself; -ata ro come and look , lengthwise . 26

please look; -ata uaten copy , atarini d vb denotes closure imitate; -ata uau fail to under­ (var. of tarini) ; -osi atarini stand, misperceive ; -ata ata finish (as a discussion or guard , watch over (jealously) ; ceremonial feast cycle) , cover in rata ata savani pran he guards (as a pot) . (jealously) his wife; nari -atata v see -ata . k4p4kata mha invisible being or object; ik4n4fata ira mua ri uan -atate v see -atel . you saw but didn 't understand , -ate l v intr slide , crawl on you looked but didn 't see . one 's backside , crab-walk (see -ataka v flee , become a refugee -ahate) ; -ate uta slide upwards ; (see nata ka) . -atete slide ; -atete irapw mi va slide down and jump. 2. sit -ataki v 1. prepare , make ready (as a baby who cannot yet walk) ; -ataki (implies secrecy?); iakunouihi ramatete ia nakwai naveg4nien prepare a feast, nimwa the baby sits/stays inside store up goods ; -ataki nimwa the house . make ready a house (as against high winds ). 2. act alone or -ate2 a thick , viscous (as a anti-socially , avoid agreement ; liquid) . iken ma taki fwe isupw4n you go ateg4n d vb denotes assistance , off in secret (you refuse to shelter (var. of pateg4n , see agree) . teg4-); -akure ateg4n sit in the -atakina v bathe a child ritually shade of a tree . for the first time (see -ataki ?) . ater d vb denotes supporting , -atak4r v stare , glare at (see propping , juxtapos ition (see -ata) . atere , teter) ; -ati ater stare at ; -4vi ater lean one 's foot -atamp4g v see -ata ap4g. on or against; -4vi ater pen i -atamw v intr 1. cry out , call lean or , press against; -osi out; in ratamw pehe iou he calls ater pen i lean something against out to me . 2. smack one 's lips prop against; -osi ater i pen (as to call a pig) ; -atamwatamw nagkiari ien give over responsi­ smack lips . bility to , yield the floor .

atan d dsc in the bush , of the atere d vb denotes duration over bush (cf. iarumunan , t4na2?) ; time (var . of tere) ; -agkiari -amak atan stay in the bush ; atere talk a lot; -akure atere -av4n atan walk in the bush; sit until tired ; kiri rarukwa kw us iema atan bush man , 'uncivilised' atere the bat hangs a long time . man ; nimwa atan bush house ; -0 -ateri v lead by the arm , suppo rt atan nimwa iti make a bush house . by the arm , hold up someone (see -atan a stacked , heaped (as plates , ater) . cloth, copra sacks ) . atesi d vb denotes breaking , -atapar v cheer , jeer (as a foot­ breaking up , softening , crushing ; ball team) (0 = i a) . -ahi atesi chew up ; -akwi atesi grind , break into bits ; -4pi -ataren v look off , look to th e atesi poke and break ; -4rui atesi side (see -ata , n4kare-); punch ; -4vi atesi step on and -arer ma taren refuse to look break ; -ni atesi end a discussion ; directly at , don 't turn around -osi atesi punch . when called . ateter d vb var. of teter. 27

-ateti v connect , bring together -atipa v carry on one 's back , (as two fire logs) , box (as two carry on a truck bed . men) ; -ateti napw draw together -atiri v 1. sew, weave , string a fire . beads , shuffle ; -atiri kats -ati l v var. of -ata us ed with shuffle a deck of cards . some d vb ; -ati arari look back , 2. choke , strangle. turn and look around ; -ati akeis -atlt v intr hiss (as a radio) , look around , look behind one ; buzz , chirp . -ati auapen fail to notice , not realise ; iakati auapen ia traiva -at4ga i v swallow . sai trak I failed to see the -at4gase via be brave , have truck driver; -ati irapw look courage , not fear (see out look down ; -ati karen look -atigenhen) ; in ra t4gase ia to �he side (see -ataren) ; -ati ieremha he is not afraid of pehe look towards ; -ati pen look the gho st. away ; -ati uta look up , travel from east to west on Tanna ; -at4g (i) v 1. spill (as liquid) ; k4taha sati uta fwe iankaren we -at4gi pen pour , slop (as pigs) . travel to East Tanna . 2. capsize , overturn , dump out (cf. -et4g (a) t4g) ; -at4g4 4nteta -ati2 v intr hop (on one foot) ; break an agreement (metaphorically); -atiati hop several times ; -ati -at4g(a)t4g spill or dump mo re aueni jump over , hop over , than one ob ject (as mangoes from surpass, exceed , see poorly , a bag) ; iraha hat4gi 4nteta they mi sunderstand . capsized the canoe ; iakat4g nari -atia(i) v 1. grate (tub ers); m nari I deposit the stuff; in -atia ia nere prepare a first rat4gat4g magko he drops the taro pudding from the new year's mangoe s. 3. fall , drop ; magko crop . 2. treat wi th traditional ra t4gat4g the mangoes drop (from medicine (by spitting grated or a tree) . masticated ingredients on the -at4gt4g a tired (see -at4g (i» . patient 's head) . at4kini d vb denotes stubbing , -atiamt4r v make twine , tw irl reinjuring a sore ; -osi at4kini between fingers (see -akwai) ; stub ; -ouini at4kini stub ; nei ra tiamt4r ia n4peka she twi rls r4pi at4kini n4mwapw saiou the coconut fibre . tree injured my sore . -ati genhen via not fear , fearless at4kun d vb poorly , badly (see (see -at4gase) ; in ra tigenhen -ot4kun) ; -vani at4kun half cook ; ianrak he isn't afraid of me . nimwa rarer at4kun a useless -atigite v rely on , be sure of, house. expect that someone will do , -atfmnumun a quivering , shaky , depend on , believe in (as a shivering (from the cold) ; supernatural being (0 = ia) agitated , angry (see -rur) ; (see -ahatata) ; Vani ratigite reri k rat4mnumun I am angry , ia Kasaia vani relies on Kasaia. upset , afraid . atihi d vb denotes knotting (see -at4nhi a level , flat (var. of -rukwutihi); -akwi atihi tie a -ap4ni ) . knot ; -ouini ati hi nagkiari ien hold tightly to a position (in at4ni d vb var . of t4ni . an ar ument) , re fuse to concede ; -4vi ati hi tie a knot; -rukwi atihi tie a knot . 28

at4nul11.V d vb denotes submergence, the male group enterprise (foot­ depth (see -amwhenumw) ; -aki ball game , dance , etc.). at4nul11.V ira drown (someone ); -atuatu i v var. of -atui . -ati at4numw look down on . -atui v 1. look for , search for ; -at4rig v 1. listen . 2. think -atui pukah search for the pigs . about , plan , consider; -at4ri g 2. mind , look after, take care apomus brood , mourn ; takat4ri g of (0 = t4) ; -atui t4 iakunouihi tukwe I'll think about it. mind the child; -atuiatui guard -atkahav v doubt , disbelieve , be on the alert; nerman ,

disagree (0 = mi l; irau sama tuiatui ! men , let's be on krouatkahav mi k m4nua ikapwah guard . 3. open one's eyes , be nosi apuneien pukah they two born , wake up ; -atui eraha frown , don't believe you killed the pig. give a mean look ; -atui ouihi be ashamed, abashed , look down ; atkepen d vb denotes impropriety ; -atui reraha miscarry . -agkiari atkepen speak improperly (as about sex with an opposite atu4n d vb implies straightening; sex sibling) ; -an atkepen walk -4vi atu4n stretch out (as a improperly (as between two people bark skirt) , unbend (as a leg) ; talking) ; -0 atkepen commit a iak4vi atu4n pehe I came straight socially improper act. here .

-atkou v mispronounce (0 = ia) -atuktuk v intr call for hens to (see -arkaua, -uvsuvsini) ; iraha come , cluck ; -atuktuk menu call hamatkou ia nupu they mispro­ chickens . nounce the song. atukus d vb denotes whipping, -atoni v see [Imakij (see -ata) . snapping; -ouini atukus flip , snap (as a wet towel) . -atoti v wear a belt, or lavalava (see katoti). atukw g 1. verbal reflexive marker: self; in ram4ki atukw a -atou (i) via 1. fall over, bend , in he hates himself; -os atukw push over, pull down ; -sui in stretch oneself; -4vi atukw ratoui push it over ; iraha hatoui stretch one 's body . 2. verbal iou ipwet they push me around reciprocal marker : each other, today . 2. grow crookedly, be one another; iraha hara i atukw bent (as a tree) . 3. balance , iraha me they cut each other up in balance; -an matouatou (i) (see H) . balance while walking. 4. shaky loose; revuk ratouatoui my atukwahag d vb denotes blocking tooth is loose. (see -akoui ). (var . of tukwahag) ; -ava i atukwahag squeeze shut (as a atu n Bisl trump suit in cards . padlock) . Atua n God (for Christians ) -atukwatukw a 1. straight; suatuk (borrowed from Samoan) . ratukwatukw the road is straight . -atuak4m v fast, obey a tabu, 2. correct, proper, honest; avoid tabued food , avoid sexual tafaga ratukwatukw proper relations (da t = H) (cf. -are) ; behaviour . 3. own , particular ratua k4m t4 metsin he avoids (see atukw) ; menu atukwatukw tabued foods because of taking saiou that is my own chicken . medicine; satuak4m t4 nuk we atukwe d vb denotes reflexivity don 't eat yams because of the (var . of atukw) ; -4vi atukwe yam tabu; iraha tuatuak4m t4 jerk oneself (as in one 's sleep) 4nteta they will avoid sex for 29

-atumw(i) v 1. patch , darn , draw saiou oh my mother !. together ; -atumw ia n4pun repair aueni d vb denotes mo vement of a fishing net; -atumw ia t4nari something over another object; sew up a tear in clothing; -akw aueni toss over; -araki -atumwatumw gather up (as scraps aueni throw over ; -ati aueni of kava , wild cane) . 2. pinch, surpass , exceed a mark ; -4p pluck (as fruit or leaves from a aueni spear (over) ; -4vi aueni tree) ; -atumwi amwesi pinch in jump over. two ; -atumwi afi pick off, pluck (as fruit); -atumwatumwi ache off -augal v intr eat meat , desire and on , hurt intermittently . to eat meat (see nauga) ; reri k rauga desire meat; iakamauga -atur4m v 1. hold together (as a I am hungry for meat . house by crossing timbers over I it) , uphold, maintain (as a -auga2 a bloodshot (as eyes) , group) ; iema asori ramatur4m ia ill-looking ; nenime- rauga have 4nteta the big man holds the bloodshot eyes , be hung over . group together . 2. put one 's -auiui v protect , set (as a hen arm on another 's shoulder (as on eggs) , cover (as with a in a children 's game) . blanket); iaka uiui ik I protect -auai v distribute , pass out , you (from trouble); namahakwi ien divide up , allot ; -auai k4ri k4ri rauiui takw4r the fog covers the distribute; -auai pen put into ; mountain . semha raka Atua tr4p4kauai -auke a dry (as kava root) , k4taha after we are dead , God wilted, overripe , shrivelled , will divide us . wrinkled ; -aukeauke dessicated. -auakw v intr burn (as a fire) , -aur4s a shy , diffident , ashamed be lit (var. of -uakw) . (dat = t4) ; in raur4s tukwe she auapen d vb denotes failure (see is ashamed of it. apen?, auaueni); -ati auapen fail -auru v 1. duck , lower one's head to see. (see -aru) ; k4nu rauru ia t4si auar d dsc ordinary , only, free , the canoe takes water over its unimportant ; iema auar a an bow . 2. enter, exit, pass ordinary man ; nimwa auar a bush through , go through a portal ; house; nari auar a it's nothing, -auru pehe imwa enter a house ; don 't worry about it; in ravahi -auru irapw leave a building, auar a he got it for free. go outside ; iesukw nauru pen ruei t4na the rat escaped down -auar v 1. fall (as rain) ; nes4n its hole. ra uar it is raining. 2. Concen­ trate , think hard about , desire ; -auta l v intr ascend , climb a reri k rauar I am deep in thought ; hill (especially by walking), go -auarauar continuous thinking. east (see -a, uta, cf. -4puta) . -auas (i) v var. of -os (i) (see -auta2 v intr assist, be generous

kauas) . to , be charitable (dat = t4) (see kauta , nauta) ; -auta pen auaueni d vb denotes error : m4 iata ka give land , etc . to a mistaken, incorrect; -ata auaueni refugee to establish him in misperceive ; -ni auaueni miss­ one 's place . speak ; -rei auaueni pierce incorrectly , misread , overlook . -avahag v advise , order, teach (as children) , warn , give a aue i alas , a cry of real or talking to , set straight symbolic distress ; aue mama 30

(dat = m�) ; in ravahag miou ira -avan v tr cook (except with an he warned me about it. earth oven) (used with nari as ob ject) (see -vani) ; -avan nari -avahak a dry (as clothing or ia ti ki nari cook in a pot; soil) (cf. -mhia, see -Hkavahak). iak�navan nari naveg�nien ia -avahi v 1. take , carry , have , napw I cooked food on the fire. affect or operate something -avan�s via 1. wet, dampen , make (see -a , cf. -vahi , -uvahi ); humid ; iraha hamavan�s ia n�suk -avahi napw pen light with a they treat my foot with (liquid) torch (see -ahiapwun); -avahi traditional medicine . 2. be arouarou hold , carry under one 's humid (as the weather) ; arm ; -avahi foto take a picture ; n4kwasikar ramavan�s the sun­ -avahi irapw carry out, carry shine makes it humid ; ramavan4s away , take down , humble (someone); ipwet it is humid today . -avahi k�ri k�ri share out , dis­ tribute ; -avahi nenimen buy , -avar�p v pack , fill , fill up purchase something; -avahi muru (as a container); -avar4p look after; -avahi nua- be iakunouihi ia nimwa circumcise troubled by someone or something, (i.e. put boys into a seclusion put one's arm around someone 's house) ; ravar4p pen paip savani neck ; -avahi nuai ierema surprise ia tapaka he fills his pipe with someone . catch someone in the tobacco . act; -avahi n�mrhi pukah buy a -avaru; v tr bathe someone (as a pig; -avahi n�teta lead , govern , child) , bathe a part of oneself; act as spokesman ; -avahi pehe ti kavarui tukwini iakunouihi miou bring it to me ; -avahi pehe you bathe the child (for him) . nui take water to ; -avahi pen take (to a third person) ; -avahi -aveg4n v intr eat , feast (see pen trausis take off pants ; -ani) ; pwah saveg�n let us eat ; -avahi raka take off (clothing) ; irau krouaveg4n peri ia tuprena -avahi r�fam feel bad ; -avah i kwatia they two both eat (live) reri- agree , concur with ; -avahi off the same land . uta lift up , pick up , support -avehe v intr come (especially by (as an idea or program) ; -avahi walking) (see -a , -vehe , -uvehe) uta atukw brag, build oneself [-efe , -afe , Port Resolution] . up , boast. 2. marry (male subject) ; -avah i pen nimwa give -averh�p v intr whistle . a woman in marriage to someone ; -averi v peel (as a hardboiled ierman ravahi pran th e man takes egg) , skin (as a banana or a wife . animal ), husk. -avai v 1. rub , scrub , massage . -avg4n v var . of -aveg4n . 2. squeeze , pinch , hol d tightly , look (a padlock) ; -avai afi tos -avi v intr roar (as the sea) , turn off a flashlight; -avai purr (as a cat) ; k4n t4si ravi afi fi squeeze into pieces ; -ava i the cat purrs . atukwahag squeeze shut (as a -avini via 1. unite , combine , padlock) . 3. hone , sharpen , bring together (see -os�sumun) grind down . -avi ni nagkiari ien talk two -avaka v collect, gather , pile languages at once , tell two up , heap , amass; k�taha savaka at the same time ; r�gi­ nari m nari saim ia nakwa i nimwa ravini fold one's hands (as in we heap up all your things inside prayer) . 2. close , narrow , the house . adj acent , together , packed (as fish in a tin) (see -avnavini) . 31

-avintn v intr yodel. -avri v 1. disjoint; -avri ntruk disj oint sugarcane . 2. ache at -avirtg a skinny , narrow (as a the joints , have arthritis ; tube) (cf. -tkriau) ; pukah ntsuk ramavri my leg (joints) ravi rtg a skinny pig. aches. -avisa v debate , argue; krouavisa -avriue v 1. connect , conjoin we two argue . (as two stalks of wild cane -avisau v advise, instruct, which together hold down ridge

announce (dat = mt) ; ti kavisau thatching (ntspos)) (0 = ia) . miou let me know . 2. exchange , swap (in a direct and balanced transaction , as men -avtn v go , move (see -evtn , -a , do their shirts after a fight) . -an) ; -avtn akeiakei balance oneself; -avtn mt kiukiu shake -avrumun v succeed (as a son (as does a dog) ; avtn ro go . does a father) , inherit a Note : irregular in conjugation : position , replace ; ttsi ravrumun becomes -uVtn with first person tuprena th e sea takes over the inclusive plural ; -an with first land . exclusive and second person dual . -avsan v joke , talk hum0rously, avtnati d vb denotes anger , be funny ; kttaha savsan ia Joel crossness; -agkiari avtnati we joke with Joel. speak angrily; -ni avtnati speak -avsavsini via see -uvsuvsini. crossly , challenge directly; -osi avtnati kill (someone 's -avs (i) v bring or place an pig, etc.) in anger . ob ject, one 's head , arm or other body part in proximity with -avnaiov v beckon, summon (with another object (0 = ia) ; -avs (i) one's hand) ; in ravnaiov ia apen rinse by pouring water over kttaha she is beckoning to us . one's head and face ; -avs (i) -avnavini via combined, densely apen (apehe) rtgi- put out a packed (var . of -avini) ; satin hand , reach into , grab ; -avs havnavini iraha me the sardines apen i menu put a bird into are packed together. (a cage) ; rays apehe nakwaregtn he puts his ear close (to some­ -avnihi v redo , repeat an action , thing) ; rays apen nui he rinses replace , when weaving insert a his head. new strand at th e place a previous one finishes (see -avsiak v intersect, meet with -uvnihi) ; -avnihi kwanparum ( var. of -uvsiak, see tsiak) . shoot an arrow to where a first -avsiete v 1. tease, haze (cf. has landed. -avsan) . 2. lie, let down , fool , -avrani v 1. carry (on one's fail to keep one 's word ; in shoulder) ; -avrani nagkiari ien ravsi ete iou. in rapwah naveheien lead a discussion; -avrani he fooled me , he didn't come . ntfamien be sad , be in pain ; -avsik v care for , look after , -avrani peken trapor be troubled feed (as an animal or boy during by; in ravrani kwati pukah he his period of seclusion after carries the small pig on his circumcision) (0 = tt) ; Moses shoulder (considered a masculine ravsik tt iakunoui hi savai Ntvi style of carrying) . 2. fall Moses looks after Nivi 's son . face down , fall into ; -avrani ntme i nari mtmwei fall into (a -aVSlnl v count , read (see -uvsini); pile of) leaves . in ravsini ntkukua he reads the book . 32

-avsisi v va r. of -sisi . -egiegi hanging loose ; ntSU­ regiegi leprosy of the leg. -avskrini v slice , cut in half lengthwise (see askrini). -egi s v intr 1. have mucus in sinuses . 2. blow one's nose ; -avtavta a square , cornered (as a -egis irapw blow out ; -egi s uta box, square can , box fish , etc.) . sniff up . -avttn i v overtake , pass by , come -egts v look for , search for from behind , outrun , leave behind (0 = ia) ; iakamegts ia nau I'm in a race (see ttni); me nu searching for the knife . ravttni iou the chicken outruns me . -ehev a overgrown (as a village site) , abandoned , unused (as a path) (see nari nehev) ; rtnehev ira tui long abandoned ; kttaha E sapwah suatuk rehev ira we quit using the path which became -e v intr go , move , be in motion overgrown . (usually conjoined with direc­ tional suffixes and verbal -ehi v copulate , have intercourse adjuncts) (cf. -uv, -a) ; -evtn with ; ik nehi ! fuck you!; -ehi go (cf. pen) ; -e irapw go out; ikou copulate from the rear ; tike! go !; irau troue they two -ehi nihi ignorant (figuratively). will go . -ehiari v train (as yam vines on -eai v intr 1. swim , float (in a yam trellis) [Port Resolution] the sea) ; -eai apenapen drift. (cf. -hia(i), -tviani). 2. fly, soar (in the air) . ei i implies lack of knowledge ; 3. drift , move in no set direc­ Rapi truvehe? Ei ! Is Rapi coming? tion ; narhiien rameai be Ei ! (I don't know) . undecided. -eiahag v intr breathe , pant , -eau v intr weep , cry over , cry inhale , breathe hard , have for , be sad about, sob (cf. asthma ; -eiahag fi sigh. -astk) . -eiavn v 1. cast (as a net) , use -efaiuk v fish , hunt ; krau trauen a fishing net . 2. strip off rouefaiuk fwe ttSi they two will leaves (from a taro or wild cane go fish in the sea. plant) . -ega v intr bow , incurve , pull in -eiesi v sweep (var. of -aias) . one 's stomach ; nikis rega puk the house wall is bowed . -ekua v lie , deceive , make a fool

of (0 = ia) ; in rekua ianrak he -egapwun v warm or cook insuffi­ lied to me . ciently (see -egege , cf. napw , -ahiapwun) ; -egapwun napw light -ekui v shovel, empty out (as a a heatless fire ; -egapwun ti ki hole), dig out , scratch away (as nari half cook . a hen) ; -ekui nui clear out a water hole. -egege v warm or cook insuffi­ ciently , be lukewarm (see -ekwaiuk v blow , shake , rattle -egapwun) . something (as the wind or sea) ; ntmatagi rekwaiuk ma i nari the -egi via 1. strip (as bark) , peel wind blows through the trees. (as a banana) , turn (as a book page) . 2. hanging , loose , slack -ekwestn v intr mist, rain lightly ; (as skin , or a bow string) ; in ramekwestn it is misty . 33

-ekwi v 1. blow , blow around (as -en2 v thatch (0 = ia) ; -en ia the wind) , move aside ; -ekwi afi n;mwa thatch a house ; -en blow out (as a fire) ; -ekwiekwi apiraptr fasten thatch to the shake , shiver , flutter (as leaves , ridge of a house with lengths paper, etc . in the wind) ; nimatagi of wild cane . rekwi pen nisei napw mi k the wind -enhi v var. of -inh; . blows the smoke in your face . 2. break wind noisily (cf. -asi) ; -enhtn v intr stop raining (see -ekwi nari fart . -arukwanhin); neStn renhin the rain stops . -ekwihi v take apart, destroy , rip , Note : becomes -anhtn before the tear , break up (cf. -etihi); perfective tense marker -uv- . -ekwihi napw kick over a fire ; -ekwihi nimwa take apart a house ; -enin v 1. talk in on e's sleep, -ekwihi tinari rip clothing. moan , groan (when asleep or ill); -apr; menin talk in one's sleep , -emaha a half tide (see -e, cf. have nightmares. 2. misstate , -maha); tisi remaha the sea is misrepresent , be incorrect . at half tide . -enis v intr steam ; iasur ramenis -emha v intr 1. be unconscious . the volcano steams ; narukwas 2. die ; -emha arasi half dead ; ramenis the fumerole is steaming; -emha apune dead ; -emha tini nikava rents kava intoxication leave others behind at one's decreases (sober up from kava) . death ; in remha tini pran savani he left his wi fe behind (see -enouenou v 1. forget , forget to , tin; , kemhatini) ; -amemha be neglect to do something, have sick (see -(a) m-) . 3. be ripe amnesia ; iakenouenou naghun I (as a crop) , complete , done . forget his name . 2. sleepwalk . Note : becomes -amha following -epa remha v scare , spook , pretend perfective tense marker -uv- . to be a ghost (0 = ia) ; in -emhan v pretend (as to strike or rameparemha ;a iakunouihi he throw) , go through the motions ; spooks the child. mama savani remh an iakunouih; epeiov i expression of discomfort the child 's mother pretended to (from exhaustion , astonishment , be about to strike him. etc.) ; epeiov kei me ! whoosh ! -emhemha a slack , loose ; nakwus epo i va r. of po . remhemha the rope is slack ; nipra- remhemha feel tired, -epui v break off , break apart weak . (as a leaf from a branch , a leg from a chicken) (see -osi afi , -emwi v see [mountain are al (see -itefi ); -epui ma i nari break -ata) . off a leaf; -epui rigi nt kava -enl v intr 1. proceed , go (var. break off a kava branch . of -evin) ; -en u men u con­ -epwepwi v harass, tease (as a tinually change on e's mind , child) . come and go , vacillate ; iou taken mami I will go urinate ; -epwite v amuse , distract, shush rinamen he has just left . (as a child) ; kamepwtte iakunouihi 2. exist, go on , be ; skur ramen ramasik one distracts a crying school is going on; iaken mata child . mua if (Le. , I come to see that) . -era v marry (�emale subject) Note : .becomes -an before perfec­ (0 = ti) ; pran ramera ti ierman tive tense prefix -UV- , cf. -an) . a woman marries a man . 34

-eraha l a bad , evil, wicked , no -erman a male; kerman male animal . good , useless (cf. -amaSan); -erminu v rule, lead , govern , nari eraha a bad thing; in have power over (see ierman) ; rera ha parhien he is truly no kafm4n rerminu ia kitaha the good. government has power over us . -erahaz c seawards , towards the -erukw v shoot , throw (a round sea; -os peraha throw towards ob ject) (da.t = ia) (see the sea; -uvera ha go towards -arukwi , -rukwi , cf. -erupw) ; -erukw ia the coast; pera ha seawards ; kipwier shoot with a gun ; iakamara fwe peraha I live towards the sea. -erukw pehe nau throw a knife towards ; -erukw uta shoot upwards , -erahas a disgusting, bad , wicked, rise (as smoke) . unimportant (see -eraha) . Note : becomes -arukwi when -erahaven v 1. bury , cover (with followed by an ob ject: -arukwi dirt) , fill (as a hole) ; menu ia kipwi er shoot a bird with hera haven ia nipigi tapu they a gun . fill the hole; serahaven pen pos -erukwatan v throw (a rock) , fight we place posts in their holes. with rocks or round projectiles , 2. splash (with water), throw trade thrown stones or shots dirt on , powder (as with talcum (see -erukw, cf. -erupwatan); powder) (see ahaven , -eri ). -erukwatan ia kipwier throw -eraier v slip, slip down (as stones. clothing) , slip off (as a mat or erukwi d vb denotes lifting, covering), slip into (see -ier) ; raising; -eri erukwi dig up ; iou iakapwah kasaua meraier I -eri erukwi uta dig up ; -ipi slip off my pillow ; iou iakeraier erukwi poke up ; -os erukwi irapw fwe timwei t4si I dive out bulldoze, lift up . into the sea; tipuk reraier v naveginien my stomach digests -erupw throw (an elongated ob ject) , spear , stick ( dat = (slips out) the food . ia) (see -arupwi , -rupwi , cf. -erukw); -erghara a old (as a man ) (cf. -erupw ia nitei throw a spear ; -apranema) . -erupw ai spear and miss , have -erherhi v strip off leaves (as an accident with a knife ; -erupw coconut leaves from a frond) akeser disjoint , disconnect; (0 = ia) . -erupw asas spear and hit a target; -erupw atukwahag spear eri d vb denotes opening, bursting and block (as a fish in a pool) (see arori ); -akure eri sit on -erupw aueni throw over someone , and break open ; -arou eri poke or something (as leaves over the open , burst (as a paper bag; head of a woman bathing for the -ipi eri pierce open ; -ivi eri first time after giving birth) . stand on and break open ; -osi Note : -erupw becomes -arupwi if eri break apart , reopen (as a followed by a direct object: blocked road) , clear away . -arupwi nimu ia nitei spear a -eri v dig; -eri tapu dig a grave ; fish with a spear . -eri tuprena dig the ground. -erupwa tan v throw (a spear) , -erieri v fan ; iakeri eri iou ia trade spear throws (see -erupw, keri eri I fan my self with the -erukwatan) ; -erupwatan ia nitei fan ; nimatagi reri eri naveginien throw a spear . the wind cools the food. erupwun d vb denotes conjunction; -os erupwun nagkiari ien answer . 35

-erupwun v 1. exchange , swap , -esite v 1. reach , arrive at ; in trade ; -erupwunerupwun connect resite suatuk he reached the or exchange through time . road ; meri resite iou the sun 2. repay , punish , get revenge , burned me . 2. until ; tapikuvehe balance an exchange ; -erupwun mha mesite ti nipin I won't come tai nosiien revenge a beating . until dark . 3. satisfy ; 3. join together , connect, put naveginien resite iou the feast together , tie together; in satisfied me . ' rerupwun nakwus he ties the rope -esu g when facing the sea, to together; -erupwun nagkiari ien one's right, clockwise around savani finish his sentence . the island ; -uvesu go south 4. set back to back , line up . (when in East Tanna) ; pesu south 5. continue to relate , continue (in East Tanna) , north (in west in a behaviour ; -0 merupwun Tanna) . do everyday , do all the time ; mwi nahi merupwun mosquitos -esus v cultivate , prepare ground always bite (also -rUpWun) . for planting by cleaning it of roots and debris ; -esus ia titua -erupwunpwun v 1. join, connect, clean a planting bed. line up . 2. do continuously. -eta v soar , flap (wings) (see -erur V'shake , shake down (as -eiai); -etaeta fly off; kiri fruit from a tree) , fizz (see rameta the flying fox soars . -rur) ; -erur i shake it; -erurerur shake ; nikava itoga -etafa rak v spread open , reveal , ramerur ia ti ki nari alcohol expose; -etafarak mit spread fizzes in its can . open (as in half) a slab of meat ; pran retafa ra k i the woman exposes esi d vb denotes separation (see herself (her genitals) . tesi); -ipi esi stick apart, slide out. -etenhi v wait for ; pwah sametenhi trak let's wait for the truck . -esi v 1. follow ; kitaha samesi suatuk Takwarau we are following -etesi v dunk , dip in water (as the Takwarau road; ko nermama bark or leaves to soak) , clean haesi kitaha sapwah nivi ien nimu by dipping (as pig intestines) if people follow us we won't (see - i n hi) . catch any fish ; pran resi krau -etet v be jealous of, guard , a woman fo llows us [what one watch closely; irau krouetet says to explain bad luck at irau me they are jealous of fishing) ; ramesi pen sakupwin each other (accuse each other the second born . 2. marry of adultery) ; in rametet savani (female subject, cf. -iri) ; pran he watch s carefully his Rauaua resi pen Kamti Rauaua � wife . marries Kamti . 3. pick (as fruit) ; iakesi kesi I pick -etit a ache (as one's back) ; pawpaw . 4. request, ask for takutak rametit my back aches . (a substantial gift) , adopt -etig(a) tig v shake (as a tree) (a child) (cf. -aSe) . shake down (as fruit) (0 = ia) -esiesi v walk while balancing (see -atig(i)); -etigtig ia (as across a log bridge) ; kwankwa i nei iti in rasas shake -esiesi nei mamen pen balance a tree so that fruit falls . across a log . -etihi v destroy , disassemble, -esis v nurse , suckle (as on a take apart (as a house , truck ,

nipple) (see -amas 1, -anunu , canoe) , break apart, rip cf. -tumwi ). 36

(as paper) demolish (see -ekwihi , -eueuaiu v descend (var. of -euaiu) -itefi ); -etihi niteta break a eueuaiu pehe ro please come down consensus or a group ; -etfhi here . nimwa take apart an old house ; -euini v remember , recall, miss ; -etfhi tfnari rip a shirt . iou iakeuini ik I miss you ; -etktraha v harm, injure , molest, Kanhui reuini pehe krau Kanhui ruin, destroy , spoil , take remembers us two . revenge on (see -eraha l) ; ierman -eva v 1. stomp , trudge , walk riti retkfraha saiou pusi some­ through water , stand on rough one killed my cat. ground or sharp stones , step

-etumw v intr be full (as with heavily (0 = ia) ; -eva tarini liquid) , be flooded , stand (as stamp down , pack (as a filling water on the ground) ; nui retumw in a tooth) ; in reva ia tfna the water is high; tfsi retumw mo rupu he stomps the ground as high tide . he dances nupu. 2. dive into , jump down ; -eva irapw jump down ; -eua v vomi t, overflow ; -eua ia -eva maru ia tfsi dive and swim nagkiari ien talk too much , tell in the sea; -eva raka jump off a secret; -eua arasi belch , gag , (as a truck) . 3. hit , sock , almost vomit, belch air; niamaha fight; -eva ra ka ira push away , reua anger dissipates (at the get rid of; -evaeva grope , end of an argument) ; takeua ! I thrash , splash about, slap will vomit!; tfsi reua pen ia (water or earth) ; -evaeva mregi tfpwesfn the sea flows over the feel about to find ; irau kroueva tide pools . ianrau me they two hit each other . -euaiu v intr 1. descend , go 4. squeeze (as in massaging a down (as a hill) , recede (as person 's back to pop his spine) . water) , lessen, dissipate (as 5. commence (as a speech) (see trouble) ; -euaiu ia nagkiari ien -iva) ; -eva ia nagkiari ien go into details, support a engage in talk ; -eva ia trapor political position with begin trouble; -eva fwe tfsi knowledge ; menu reuaiu tukwe practice weather magic (by sub­ the bird dives for it; nfprak merging leaves in the sea) . reuaiu I become thin . 2. travel -evahi v take , bring , fetch (var. outwards (i.e. , from Tanna to of -va hi , see -e) ; i kevahi tapaka Port Vila or Aneityum) . muvahi you go fetch tobacco and -euan v intr bud, come into leaf bring it . (as some deciduous trees) ; -evi v pull, tug, deceive nasitov nfman ri uan , ia nfpfn (metaphorically) (var. of -vi , vi treuan mwi Indian Coral trees see -fvi) ; -evi apwis harvest have no leaves during planting unripe (as a taro) ; -evi nere season but then bud again . pull up a taro root; -evi tfnari -euas v strike with , kick at , hit spread out clothing , spread at (var. of -os(i)); iakeuas ia lengths of cloth to be ritually nfsuk mos i pusi I kicked (with exchanged on top of other goods my foot) and struck the cat; at an imwarfm; -evi uta pull up ; -euas ia nfSU- kick at (with -evievi tug at , jerk , tease , one's foot) ; -euas kauas throw dare ; in revi mi k he fooled me . a throwing club ; ierma n nah in -eVfn v intr 1. go (see -a , -e , rameuas kiri parhien that man -uv, -an , -en , -aVfn) ; -evfn is really hitting flying foxes. iankare- turn sideways , 37

go sideways ; -ev4n peri go -fam a 1. heavy ; -avahi r4fam together; -ev4n u mev4n u become ill , take sick ; iakunouihi vacillate , continually change u r4fam this child is heavy . one 's mind , corne and go . 2. pregnant; pran ruvfam the 2. marry (metaphorically) ; in woman is pregnant . rev4n fwe nimwa she married. Fanuatu n 1 Vanuatu. 3. wear (as pants) ; in rev4n ia trausis he wears pants . -fata v store, put away , put out Note : becomes -an in perfective of reach or out of the way (see tense conj ugations with marker n4fata) ; -fata ia kafete put -UV- , i.e. -UVan) . away the mats ; -fata pehe nagkiari ien make trouble , challenge .

fatu n vatu (monetary denomination) . F -fe v intr corne [Port Resolution] fa l d dem that (indicated , or in (see -vehe) . a place previously mentioned) (cL U, nah, naha , ha , fwe) ; fefe d dsc false , hypocritical ; iakamo a fa I am just hanging -amwur fefe act falsely ; iema around there ; in fa there it is; fefe hypocrite , liar. nari fa nah that thing or person Fek4r n 1 waterfall and pool (used if a speaker forgets a between Mt . Mer4n and Tukusmera . name ) . Mythologically, origin site of fa2 d vb implies in the dark (see Tanna greenstone pendants . afafa , ifaga) ; -av4n fa aga walk ferokokia n coconut crab . with no light after dark ; -ani fa na ri eat in the dark ; fa aga fetukwa i n morning star (see with no light. kofetatea , rukwe i ma kwa) .

-fa via 1. stop , discontinue , end , fi d vb var. of afi . run out of, be at an end ; -trak -fi v 1. open , open up ; -fi atukw raiu m4fa the truck ran and senile, bed ridden (i.e. weak , stopped ; kwanakwus savani rifa 'gone to seed' ); -fi kopwa open his family line is at an end . a corral or paddock ; -fi kua 2. extinguished (as a fire or release one 's sphincter , lamp) ; -kuri gi m4fa extinguish elimina te ; -fi nere break open a (a lamp ) by turning down the taro root , dig up a taro plant ; wick . 3. dull, blunt (as a -fi n4kukua open a book , flip knife) . through a book ; -fi revu- smile; fafa u n axe , traditionally an axe -fi ti hi- bloom , flower (as a made of a light coloured stone tree); -fi trapor solve a problem, used to carve canoes . disentangle a" dispute ; -fi trausis unzip pants ; nukwane- r4fi ex­ n spiny sea urchin (see faga plain one's thoughts or feelings , kwanfaga , n4faga). be open about one 's ideas ; fa ia n Bisl fire , strength , numwher4- r4fi stand up (as one 's potency , power; -0 fa ia powerful, hair) ; pran r4fi atukw a women impressive ; pukah ramo fa ia a are naturally open (as opposed to powerful pig; n4kava fa ia strong men who , in Tannese belief, are kava. closed , i.e. do not menstruate) . 2. untie, unstring , let loose , fa k6 k n k.o. Tahitian chestnut . reverse or abandon a practice or custom ; -fi nakwus untie a rope ; 38

-fi nimu net a fish . 3. appear , -fwam a heavy (var. of -fam) . , emerge ; -fi to ka begin fwe l d dem th is (yonder) or that a toka dance ; iag me hamifi ti (yonder), referring to an ob ject naveginien the flies appear distant from both speaker and because of the food . hearer (cf. u, nah , naha, fa 1 + iz, fi fa n Bisl fever; iakakwiei fi fa ha) ; nari fwe that over there .

I am cold with fever. fWe2 g locative preposition -fi fi v separate , rub apart, rub implying distance ; to , from , in to separate , untwine , disunite , on, at (cf. ia2); iakakupwin fwe pick out (as small rocks from Ameri ka I am from America; in an earth oven) (see afifi) ; ramen fwe tisi he is going to -fi fi rigi- open up one's hand . th e sea; fwe ikin over there. 2. marker of semi-alienable fi gka n Bisl lady finger bananas . possession (see ial) ; kanis Fi ra n 1 Port Vila. fwe iaren a lobster antenna ; kapwa fwe Nakutan Nakutan 's Fiti n 1 Fiji; taro Fiti Fiji head . taro (nipikau) ; kesi Fiti Fiji pawpaw . -fwini v wait , wait for ; iakfwini hi I am still waiting . fitkwa n sandpiper. -figfig v forswear , digress , deny responsibility, resist, frustrate ; ikares miou ti trapor mata iou G iakfigfig you question me about gata n snake (no land snakes the trouble but digress (to I exist on Tanna except in myth) frustrate your question) . (see tagarua). foto n Bisl 1. photograph . ghar n sunlight, bright sunshine 2. resemblance , likeness (as a (see nikwasikar) ; ghar asori child to a father) ; kitaha strong sunlight. tisata foto mhrukurin we will see the resemblance and know -git v intr glow (as coals) . (who th e father of the child is) .

fraik n Bisl flag; iraha hi vi uta fraik ri ti sai John Frum; H they raised a flag for John Frum. ha d dem var . of fal (see naha) ; sa u? ha in nah this? yes that 's Franis n French , France, French it; in ha imwa it's in the house. person or government . -ha- g number-marking prefix to fri n Bisl flea. verbs and adjectives indicating -futa a 1. half cooked (as a plural (more than three) (cf. tuber) , half ripe (as a banana) . -r(Ou) -, -har-) ; -ni say ; hani 2. brown , dark orange (colour they say; iraha havehe they all term limited in application) . come (the third person marker is 0) ; iraha hapuvuvehe if they all Futuna n 1 Bisl Futuna (cf. had come ; hiavehe you all come ivaronan) , a Polynesian outlier (Note : -ha- metathesises with i-, east of Tanna. second person prefix) ; iahavehe fwaga n 1. light coloured vo lcanic we (exclusive) all come ; stone used as a whetstone for sa (ha) vehe we (inclusive) all sharpening knives . 2. big man , come . Note : -ha- is deleted wise man . 39

following the first person i3 g transitive postclitic , var .

inclusive marker sa-) . of i a 1. hanuas n Bisl wristwatch . i4 n var . of in; i ramasan it' s good . -har- g number-marking prefix to verbs and adjectives indicating i-I g nominalising prefix to verbs trial (cf. -r(Ou) -, -ha-) ; indicating the doer of an action i rahar harvehe they thre.e come (plural n-3) ; iahat�n teacher ; (the third person marker here iakres thief. is �) ; hiarvehe you three come . i-2 g second person marker (Note : second person marker i­ prefixed to verbs and adjectives ; methathesises with the initial ikapri you (singular) sleep; [H] of the tr ial number marker) ; ip�kev�n when you (singular) go iaharvehe we (exclusive ) three (succeeding action) ; ip�nanumwi come ; sarvehe we (inclusive ) if you (singular) had drunk ; three come . (Note : -har­ irouapri you (dual) sleep ; becomes -ar- following the first hiarapri you (trial) sleep person inclusive marker sa-) . (Note : i- metathesises with the hi d vb var. of ihi : still, yet , initial h of the trial number in process; iakamara hi i Fira marker -har-) ; hiapri you I am still living in Port Vila. (plural) sleep (Note : i- meta­ thesises with the plural number -hia(i) v train , lead , divert , marker -ha -) . light a cigarette or fire from another, teach (see -ahiapw, -i g third person possessive -ahiapwun) ; -hiai n�sesei nui suffix attached to inalienable divert a stream of water (as nouns or possessive markers to irrigate ); -hiai n�sesei nuk which indicate possession by a train a yam ; -hiai pen noun (cf. ial) ; tek�n his skin; napw i light a fire with . teki pukah the pig's skin ; imwataha our (inclusive ) place ; hir�r n maggot (var . of ir�r) . imwai Rapi Rapi 's place ; kwanage himprera n Bisl umbrella. sai Mwatiktiki Mwatiktik 's story ; nimwa sai nerman the men 's house . hoia n marigold. ial g 1. transitive postclitic; hos n Bisl horse . s�puta we climb; s�puta ia nei hou n sound representing a dog 's we climb the tree . In some cases howl . becomes i. This has sometimes become a sedimentated part of Huapwa n name of language spoken the verb ; erukw shoot (a weapon) ; in South-west Tanna . -arukwi menu shoot a bird (a target) . Elsewhere , it is an alternate form of ira: -�hek�r I be afraid of; -�hek�r i be il g locative prefix (var. of afraid of something. Before a ia2) : at , to , in ; i Firi in Port third person singular free form Vila ; i Siui at the lake ; i pronoun (in) , becomes ira (i.e.

Kwamera at Kwamera . i has ira = ia + in) ; iakam�hek�r i, become a sedimented part of some or iakam�hek�r ira I am afraid place names ; Isini , Isaka , Ima ki , of it . ira is also part of first etc . (village site names ). and second person singular forms : iakam�hek�r ianrak (or ianirak, i2 d dem this , that (close to irak) I am afraid of myself speaker) [Imaki ] (cf. U) . (ia + n + ira + k; ira + k) (cf. -k); 40

iakam4hek4r ianram (or ianiram, (see m4ne) ; ro iam4nha ira do

iram) I am afraid of you (sing. ) thus ly , it is like this ; ikni (ia + n + ira + m; ira + m) ianha i you say thusly; in r4ni (cf. -m) . ia precedes all other iamfwe he said thusly ; iou iako free form pronouns . Before pehe ianhu ira I did it thusly. third person pronouns , becomes ianho, ianhe, ianha i, iamfwe , ia + n: ia krau, ia k4mi rahar; ianhu, ianhu i, ianfa i, iamfa i, but , ianirau, ianirahar, ianiraha . i amfa nah i , like this , than this 2. marker of semi -alienable (see -0, nah , fa , fwe , m4ne, U) . possession (see fwez , cf. k4fuk, ia-l g nominalising prefix to k4m , k4n) , n4kau ia pukah the verbs beginning with consonants, pig's ribs . As above , becomes indicates doer of action (see ira for a third person singular i-I) ; -ni say; iani spokesman . po ssessor , ianram (iram, ianiram) for a second person singular ia-z g first person exclusive possessor , and ianrak (ianirak, marker prefixed to verbs and irak) for a first person singular adjectives ; iakosi I strike ; possessor (cf. -k, -m) ; n4kau iarouosi we two (exclusive ) ianrak my ribs ; n4kau ia k4taha strike ; iaharosi we three our ribs ; n4kau ianiraha their (exclusive) strike ; iahaosi we ribs . (plural exclusive ) strike .

iaz g 1. locative preposition iafa ki n Christian (see -afaki ). (implies proximity ) (cf. fwez , iafwen4- n inal spouse (see sueru , i 1) : to , from , in , on , at; iasitu) ; iafwen4k my spouse; samara ia rukwanu we are staying iafweni ierman the man's wife . in the village ; iakarai nei ia takw4r I cut wood on the mo untain. iag n fly . Becomes i before certain loca­ iagaur n bone fish . tions ; rakupw4n i Fira he came from Port Vila; samev4n i Siui iagpu n small green fly . we are going to the lake. Like i ahaHn n teacher (see -ahaHn) . i, has become a sedimented part of certain locations ; Iapiro, iaiaia n l. lichen. 2. eczema . Iankwaneme , Iama nuapen (village iairua n outsider, alien, pagan and imwar4m site names ). (in early Christian terminology) 2. temporal preposition (see t- , (see -a , irua) . t4) ; ia n4ptn in the night; ia nuk fwe ruvehe next year ; ianp4n iakres n thief (see -akres) . nah at that time ; ia n4pn4pin iaku n turtle ; iaku manere k.o. morning, in the morning; ia turtle ; iaku meia k.o. turtle; rukwasikar noon , at noon ; ia iaku n4matau k.o. turtle (shell naruvaruv evening, in the evening. used for traditional earrings) . 3. instrumental preposition : with ; iahamo n4kava ia revumaha iakuiaku n 1. sand fly . 2. sand we (plural exclusive ) prepare crab . kava with our teeth . 4. than ; iakun n 1. child (pl . nakun) ; taik u in r4pi raka ia tai k nah iakunouihi small child ; iakun this banana is larger than that n4mtameta newborn baby (see one . 5. like , like this , like -meta) ; iakun iarumun bastard that , thusly (combines with (pl . nakun iarumun); nakun pran various demonstrative adjuncts girls ; nakun tamarua boys . the nasal stops of which often 2. taro parasite . are devoiced) : iam4nhe or iam4nhe i like this , than this 41

iakuti n inal son (of a female) iankune- n 1 inal at , on the (third person singular only , see horizon (var . of ia nukune-) ; neru- , ti-, cf. iamHi , prHi ); iakunei Usi at the sea's horizon . iakuti Sakrai Sakrai 's son . ianpaha- n 1 inal midnight (var. iakuvi n first born . of ia n4paha-); ianpahai ia n4p4n in the middle of the night . iakwein n man , male (pl . nakwein) . ianpategov n 1 at the foot of iakwier n small tubercles which hills , lower slopes , foothills grow on kava root , wart (see (var. of ia n4pategoV) . -a kw (i) , kwana kwi er) ; i akwi er rakwi n4kava tubercles attack ianp4n n t at that time (var. of kava . ia n4p4n) ; ianp+n nah then , at that time ; ianp4n apa at another iamarm4ri n madman , crazy person , time ; ianp4n neiv yesterday , the stupid person (see -(a)m-, day before ; ianp4n neis two days -arm4ri) . before . iamha n k.o. seaweed; iamha ro us iapesu n small crab . k.o. seaweed. iapiuan n flood , standing water iamhu n gardener (see -amhu) . (as on a road) , swamp (see iam4nier n k.o. coconut with -apiuan) ; iapiuan ramaiu the large 'eyes '. flood waters run . iam4ti n inal son (of a male) iap6u n 1. baby ; naghi iapou the (third person singular only) baby 's name . 2. deaf mute . (see neru- , ti -, cf. iakuti , 3. socially weak man , a person pr4ti ); iam4 ti Vani Vani 's son . without prestige . 4. insane

person , madman ; - 0 iapou ira be iamnameta n k.o. coconut with unconscious , mentally deficient reddish fibre (see -meta , pameta). (cf. -apou , pl . napOU) . iamuru n living person , living iapruhu n reef crab . thing (see -muru , cf. ieremha ).

iapwar n mythological pygmy . ianei n barren animal (as a cow or pig) (see -anei ). iapwas n 1. small coconut , coconut fruit bud . 2. type of nupu dance . iani n spokesman (cf. -ni) ; iani n4teta a traditional chiefly iapwfs n 1. squid. 2. trumpet fish . status ; the man who has inherited iapwsupus n stranger, alien, the right to speak publicly for traveller (see -apWSUpUS) . a group (cf. ierm�nu) . -iar v sink (as into soft ground) , Ian4k4r n 1 Lenakel, main centre be bogged, be stuck or fast; ri g of west Tanna . ri ar ia r4gik the ring is stuck ian4r n mullet. on my finger; trak riar ia n4mt4 gei r4rei rei nutaien the Ian4t4m n 1 Aneityum , Anatom truck is bogged in the mud and (Island south of Tanna) . can't climb out. iankare- n 1 inal beside , at the iara n resident, land owner , (Bisl : side , on the side (var. of ia man place) pl . nara (see -ara) . n4kare-) ; iankaren pehe this world, the natural world; iaran n t daytime , daylight (see iankaren pen the other world, -ran) . place of the ancestors , the iareg n duck (indigenous ) (cf. supernatural . UkUk) . 42 iaren n crayfish (fresh and salt iaviapai n k.o. sweet potato . water) , rock lobster (Panulirus iavira n small crab . sp.) . iaviris n hanger-on , parasite iarer n resident, land owner (see (see -viris) . -arer, iara) . iavtn n refugee (see -aVtn , iartku n payer , giver , exchanger i ataka) . (see -adku) . iavtnmer n fan-tailed cuckoo , iarovts n long-tailed cuckoo (Cacomantis pyrrophanus) . (Eudynamis taitensis) . ie g va r. of ial , ia2 . iarpaha n lazy person (see -arpaha) . -iek via slow , late (see -0 ttnptn) ; krau krouiek apune we iarukwanu d dsc tame (see rukwanu); two are very late . nari iarukwanu tame animal . Note : usually takes the con­ iarumun d dsc wild , of the bush tinuative marker -(a)m-. (see rumun , iarumunan , aprUmun) ; -ieki v 1. touch , nudge , kick iakun iarumun bastard . (as a ball) ; ieki ro ! kick it !

-las v 1. bail , bail out (0 = ia); 2. occupy (as a house); kttaha -ias ia nui bail out water. suvieki raka nimwa we are 2. clear off, clear away ; already living in the house . ntmatagi ramias ia napua the iekua n liar (see -ekua) . wind clears away the clouds . 3. purge (as one 's stomach) . iema n man , pl . nema (see nakurl, ierman) ; iema amasan good man ; iasa n 1 here , at this place (see iema auar ordinary man , unim­ kwopun u, Sa-) ; iakamapri iasa portant man ; iema iktnan spirit I usually sleep here . medium ; iema imagan bachelor , iasitu n helper , wife (see -asitu) . unmarried man ; iema tfia wicked person , strong person; nema tfia iasur n 1 volcano ; iasur me soldiers (Biblical): iema rakwtpahar the volcano erupts ; matui watchman , guard ; iemanmi ! nihi iasur rosi kttaha volcanic you (two ) men ! ash is falling on us . ien i traditional word used with iataka n refugee , non-land owner ipwtn in counting birds exchanged (pl . nataka ) (see -ataka) . after a hunting trip ; one iatauever n 1 rocky coast, a exchanger says ipwtn, the other coast without a beach (cf. counters with ien (see nukwanei ntptktr) . menu) .

iatir n k.o. banana . -ier v intr 1 . . exit , go out , leave , escape , emit, emerge , iattnamwerts n 1 the northern start at; -ier raka pakit fall islands (see ttna, -mwerts) ; out of a pocket ; iakier mamen iema iattnamwerts a northerner ; I am leaving; pwah saier let's Hna iaHnarTh'/eds northern island . go ; ratio rier ia nagkiari ien iauau n 1. tailed fruit bat the radio emits (carries) the (No topteris macdonaldi) . talk ; John Frum rier fwe Green 2. children 's game . Point John Frum started atl emerged at Green Point. iavegtn n feaster , eater (see 2. penetrate , poke through ; -avegtn); iavegtn puk glutton. -ierier penetrate . 43

ierema n indefinite person , used iesukwrur n type of sprouting in inalienable" possessive con­ coconut the sprout of which structions (cf. iermama , nema) ; grows along the body of the nut . nisui ierema a person 's foot, ifaga d ds c secluded , hidden, one 's foot, people's feet; reri dark (see faz , aga) ; nimwa ifaga ierema the human heart. circumcision seclusion house . ieremha n 1. ancestor , forebear ; -igis v intr splatter , spread nagkiariien sai ieremha archaic about , disperse (see -anaS) ; language ; takwu ieremha the mereni rimwei migi s the water­ first yam mound made in each melon dropped and splattered; planting season . 2. ghost (see Ameri ka haigis pehe ia nipin sai -emha) . fa it Americans were all over here ierghara n old man , elderly man during World War Two . (see -erghara) . Igri s n Bisl English language , ieri n semi 1. wife's brother , British person "(cf. Franis) . man 's sister's husband. ihi d vb denotes incompletion : 2. exchange partner , friend ; still , yet, in process ; ramagkiari kifuk ieri my wife 's brother, ihi he is still talking; iakapwah etc.; kim ieri your wife 's ihi nataien I haven 't seen it yet. brother, etc. ; kin ieri his wife's brother, etc. ; kitaha iifkamana n joker , teaser, clown ieri our (inclusive ) wives ' (see -Hkamana) . brothers . iipa n unicorn fish .

-ierig v intr roar (as the wind) . ik n you (second person singular) . iermama n person , human being, ikeiamu d dsc from or of Aneityum ; wife (male referent) husband nakur ikeiamu people of Aneityum . (female referent) , (pl . nermama) (cf. ierman, pran) . ik4n n 1 location , place ; fwe ikin there ; kwopun ra pini ikin a flat ierman n man , husband (see -erman , place. pl : nermanl ; kin ierman her hus­ band; ierman kemhatini widower ; ikinan d dsc sacred , tapu , ances­ ierman mi rahar three men . tral , spiritually infested kwopun ikinan a tapu place; nari iermapa n someone , another (see ikinan spooky item ; in ren fwe i erman, apa) . ikinan he went to a sacred place . ierminu n 1. leader , ruler , king, -ikou via 1. turn , turn aside , lord, Jesus Christ. 2. one of curve , twist, bend , make crooked ; two traditional chiefly statuses in ri kou ia suatuk he turned at parallel to a Polynesian sacred the road ; iakikou minamevin I chief. (see i erman, -erminu; cf . turned and left . 2. crooked , iani ntteta) . twisted . 3. dishonest; -ikoui kou ierupwun n caterpillar, millipede crooked ; rerin ri kou he is a (see -erupwun) . cheat (see -akoui , -atou(i)). Iesu n 1. Jesus Ch rist, from imagan d ds c bachelor , unm arried Presbyterian sources . 2. goat­ male; iema imagan bachelor . fish . Imi r n 1 Aniwa , Polynesian outlier ies ukw n rat ; iesukw rani nari coral atoll east of Tanna . spoil something (metaphorically

= rats excrete around their food) . 44

imwa n 1 at , to , in , from the -inhi v dunk (as a teabag) , shake house (see nimwa) ; taken fwe down , tamp (as copra into a bag) ; imwa I am go ing to the house ; -inhinhi dunk repeatedly .

iou imwa I am in the house . iotukwini nari n helper , aide i mwa- 1 n inal place , house , neigh­ (see -0 tukwini). bourhood, land; imwak my place ; iou n I, me ; ripikata mha iou he imwataha our (inclusive) land ; didn't see me ; iou me nepwun we ; imwam nah ! goodbye , (releasing iou iti my friend , my kinsman ; phrase which ends social inter­ iou riti fwe pare my kinsman action) ; imwami rau nah go odbye landwards ; hares pehe tukw iou (to you two) ; imwami rahar nah they asked me . In a few con­ goodbye (to you three ); imwami aha structions , indicates possession; nah goodbye (more than three iou kaha nah nere my (mythic) interlocutors ) . grandfather is taro . No te : imwa + i is pronounced [imwei ]; imwai Iau Iau's place . i pa ka d dsc 1. near , nearby , close; rukwanu ipaka the vi llage is imwa-2 g marker of alienable close , the nearby village . place possession ; iema imwak a 2. soon ; ipaka tuagkiari they person of my place . will speak soon . 3. almost, imwarara n minor kava-drinking nearly; ipaka krouemha the two ground or meeting place (un­ of them almost died (cf. isupwin) . available for major ceremonial Ipare n 1 Tanna (see pare) . events , cf. imwarim) . -ipin a dusk , twi light; ruvi pin imwarim n ritually important it is dusk . circular clearing in the forest where men prepare and drink kava , i pwa i n 1 the supernatural world, ho ld important decision-making underground ; nari ipwa i spirit, meetings , prepare and carry out culture hero , dream . exchanges and feasts defined to ipwet n t today . be traditional in character , and stage traditional dances . -ipwi v request , ask for (see -aSe); In the past, circumcised boys iou iakvehe mipwi sanmwum ti I and men lived at the imwarim in come to ask for your tea. men 's houses while their wives ipwin i traditional word used in and families slept in encircling exchanging birds after a hunting hamlets ; nimwarim imwarim house . trip . One exchanger says ipwin Imweinei n 1 legendary island while the other counters with home of Mwati ktiki (see imwa-2). ien (see nukwanei menu) .

in n he , him, she , her , it; in ira g transitive postclitic , naha that 's it; in ihi nah that 's marker of semi-alienable pos­ all; in u this is it ; in i this session , var. of ial; nagkiari ien is it [Imaki ]; in nah ia kwopun ira his speech ; in rihekir ira u it's over here ; in nah in nah he is afraid of it; tira kahar those there , these in particular ; three days from now (see ti ) ; pukah kerman in nah in nah those ira kahar three days ago ; tira are male pigs only . kefa four days from now . inherip n 1 below , down (in spatial iraha n 1. they all, them all relation to a referent) (cf. (third person plural ); iraha irenha) ; in rama ra fwe inheri p huvamha they all died. 2. with , he is living below (i.e. in the and (incorporating a group of valley) . more than three others ); iraha 45

m�nrau they with those two , they -irin v intr be numb , have pins and those two . (see ira, -ha-) . and needles (in leg, etc.) . Usually takes the continuative frahar n 1. they three, them three verbal infix -(a)m-; rev4k (third person trial) ; irahar rami rin my tooth aches . haramarm�ri they three are crazy . 2. with , and (referring to the ir�r n maggot ; ir4r ap4g type of association of two others with a maggot which lives in holes . third person) ; irahar mi n they irua n 1 outside ; fwe irua outside . three (and him, i.e. two others and the referent) (see ira, -irua g directional suffix : out­ -har-) . side ; -uvirua go out .

iraku n stonefish. -iruk v sniff, snort , breathe in (as to bacco smoke) ; in ri ruk Iramaga n 1 Erromango , island to pehe i he breathed it in. the north of Tanna . Irupou n 1 Port Resolution area. iramanien n spirit, culture hero (in myth) ; iraman ien ram�sua is n octopus . apwi ri iou th e spirit (dream) isa d dsc where , which (cf. paku, wakes me . iasa) ; iakunouihi isa? where is -irapw l v intr corne out, go out , the child? ; nari isa? which thing? emerge at ; -irapw fwe irua go -isias a broad , outspread (as a outside ; -irapwi rapw emerge , go tree) ; nei risias a short , broad out , corne and go ; ikirapw fwe tree . ia t�si you emerge at the sea. isouni n k.o. sweet potato with -irapw2 g directional suffix : dark flesh. downwards , outwards ; -ata irapw go outside , leave ; -ate (te) isupw�n d dsc far , far away , irapw slide out; -�p irapw distant (in space or time ) (cf. reach, connect with ; -sui irapw ipaka) ; Fira ipaka mata Amerika chase away , run off; -uvirapw isupw�n Port Vila is near but corne down , corne oun. America is far away ; isupw4n paku? how far? isupw�nisupw4n i rau n 1. they two , them two very far away , or (in a different (third person dual) ; irau tone of voice) not very far . krouvehe they two corne ; -osi irau ! hit them two ! 2. with , ita i all right. and (re ferring to a person 's Itau n 1 submerged reef between association with one other) ; Tanna and Aneityurn . irau min with him (one other and the referent) (see -r(ou) -) . -iti a sing one , a, an , something, a certain (see kwatia) ; kuri iti irenha n 1 up , above (in relation a dog ; nari riti one thing, some­ to a speaker) (cf. i nhedp) ; thing; pran ri ti one woman . r�ku fwe irenha he came from above ; kiri ri va fwe irenha the itoga d ds c foreign , imported , bat soars high up . alien (from the East, see uri toga) ; kusan itoga green -iri v 1. lead , guide ; in ri ri snail; nari itoga imported iakunouihi he leads the child . ob ject; nau itoga machete ; 2. marry (male subject) (cf . n4kava itoga alcohol; pitoga -esi ); -iri pehe pran marry a foreigner. woman . 46

iua i implies previous knowledge : ira? what about it?; rifo nema so , so what , you don 't say , what Iapiro? how are the Iapiro did I tell you? what did you people?; rifo ra ka? what about expect? it?; rifo ra ku? what about it? ; rifo mi fo how is it? how long -iuan v intr not exist, not be , (big, etc.) is it? (when not be any ; sikaret ua? ri uan measuring an ob ject) . are there any cigarettes? none ; nari riuan none , nothing; kiuan -ifaraka v drop , let go of, nobody ; iuan u miuan u twenty leave off (see -if- , araka ?) .

(archaic d qty - when people -ifarara v pitch , cast up , leave count , they retract their (as the sea casts driftwood on fingers : no fingers and toes the beach) ; tisi ramifarara i left to be counted, Le. twenty); the sea is casting it up . iakuvuvehe mata ikiuan I came but you weren 't here . -ifial a 1. strong , fierce , tough ; iema ifia strong man , tough man ; Iuea n 1 Port Resolution , South­ -ifi a uta ia brag , boast; nenimei east Tanna (also Irupo u) . Atua rifia God 's eye is fierce ; iuka n Bisl ukulele . revum rifia your teeth are strong. 2. bitter , sour , too salty , bad -iva v intr 1. fly , soar; meri tasting, unsavoury (cf. -isien, riva the sun go es down . 2. jump -siu, -mimis) ; -ifiaifia very (cL -arprip), move (as a baby in bitter; pima rifia the chili the womb) ; -iva ia nakwus jump pepper is hot. rope ; -iva aueni jump over; fly over ; -ivaiva jump repeatedly . -ifiaz v intr engage in sexual 3. end (as a ridge of land in a intercourse (see -ehi) ; in cliff) ; tina reuaiu mi va the . ramifia puk he engages in a lot ridge descends and ends . of sexual intercourse. 4. begin, commence , broach (see -ifiafia a itch; kifiafi a -eva) ; -iva pen ia stori begin scabies . a story (as to make a claim on a plot of land in a dispute) . -ifi ri v 1. make a nest (as a bird or pig) . 2. hide onesel f, cover up . Ivaronan n 1 Futuna , Po lynesian outlier east of Tanna . -HHkai a dry (as overcooked tar o , or one 's mouth ) (see -Hkavahak) . -ivus a old , shrivelled (as a tuber), dirty (see -arukwas) ; -ifkamana v tease, embarrass, sari vus the old one; nipin ivus jeer, laugh at , make a joke of. time after harvest when yam -ifkavahak a hoarse , dry (as one 's gardens are gradually consumed throat) (see -avahak) ; nakwa­ and replanted , roughly July rifkavahak hoarse. through December (cf. nipin vi ); -uvivus raka already old. -ifo v see -if- .

-�fuku v recount a story , legend , or history .

-ifwi v tr sprinkle (water or powder) , rinse , douse , baptise; -if- g interrogative prefix; -0 -ifwi afi napw douse, baptise; do ; rifo what is it doing? ikifa -ifwi ni kava ia nui rinse kava i? where are you going? ; ikifo? in water ; -if wi nikwarakwara what are you doing? ; rifini i? baptise children ; -ifwi ifwi what did he say about it?; rifo sprinkle. 47

-�ge�ge a thin (as a slice of tobacco) ; -tkihi n�far cut up a meat or worn rubber sandal) (cf. tuber pudding; -tkihi numrhi -kumkum) . ttrhu- shave one 's beard . -�ghi v warm , dry (see -�nhi , -tktnektn via 1. difficult, hard , -arei ); napw r�ghi kttaha the strong , tough (in material or fire warms us . complexity) ; k�n kapwa rtktnektn he is stubborn ; nari tktnektn �ghien d. vb denotes lack of something hard , something diffi­ duration , smallness ; -amenh�n cult. 2. strive , try hard ; �ghien stop raining briefly; iaktktnek�n ma iu I run hard . -ata tghien see at the moment ; n�kwasi kar �ghien a short burst -tktrakiri a 1. tousled (as of sunlight; n�ptn tghien a short feathers , particularly of a type time ; si karet tghien only a few of introduced fowl with erect cigarettes ; in ruvehe �ghien , plumage) , thin (as European hair , k�taha sares pen nagkiari ien compared with Tannese hair) . naha he is only corning for a 2. thin, bony (see ntkakri-) ; short time , (so) we should ask -ni rtktrakiri say only a few him that question. words .

-tgntgni v praise, compliment, -�k�t�n v cook tubers and greens speak well of (see -agien) ; with meat ; -4k�t�n nere mtne k�taha stgntgni Atua we praise ntpikau cook taro and Fiji taro God ; -�gntgni atukw a brag. (with greens and meat) .

-�hek�r v fear , be afraid of, -tkm�ktn a hard , difficult, tough

fear that (0 = fa) ; iakam�hektr [mountain areal (see -tktnektn) . ieremha I am afraid of ghosts ; -tkraha v dispute , argue , row , iakamthektr ianram I am afraid fight (as two roosters ) (see of you; in rthek�r mua ntteta -avi Sa) . ramwhenumw he is afraid that the boat sank . -tkrahi v leave unfinished , in- complete , leave behind ; -tkrahi -�hipus a sated, full ; -apri nosiien nimwa not finish taking mthipus sleep enough ; -aru down a house ; kttaha stkrahi pen m�hipus bathe until tired; nuk fwe ianmei namhuien we leave -aveg�n mthipus eat until full; some yams in the garden. iaktnani puk nari m�n�hipus I ate until I was full. -tkri v growl , howl (as a dog, cat, etc.) , be hoarse ; reri ­ -�kakini v veer , turn (as a rtkri growl , sound hoarse . steering wheel) , change direc­ tions (see kakini) ; -tkakini -tkriau a bony , thin , skinny . pen toa ia nimwa push the door -tkukua a scarred , marked; rtgik shut to the house ; -tkakini stia rtkukua my hand is scarred . turn a steering wheel (of a truck) ; me ri r�kakini the sun -tkwahi v tr give birth to , bear turns (in the sky) ; nui rtkakini fruit, bear (as an animal , cf. the stream changes directions . -kwahi) .

-tki v scratch, rub ; -�ki ames ik -tma ha v strive , work hard scratch a sore until it bleeds together , work or do vigorous ly; (see kums kames ik) ; -tki n�su­ -tmaha ma iu mamen run hard away ; scratch one 's leg. - tmaha makwein cry out loudly; - tmaha mapi cry hard (as a child) ; -tkihi v shave (as one's beard) , - tmaha mehi copulate vigorously; cut up , dice (as cabbage , 48

kitaha simaha marar i in ri rakirak -imrakw a col grey (restricted we work hard digging (the garden) to fowl ) (see nimrakw , karato); so that it grows fast; simaha -imrakwimrakw grey. mavahi uta nei ripui nari we -imramir v intr drizzle , rain strive to lift the gigantic log. lightly, mi st (cf. -ekwesin) . imahan n semi bed, friend (var. -imramwur v strive , work hard , of nimahan) ; kifuk imahan my bed. work continuously (var. of

-�mehe v intr go first , go before , -amwur) . lead (see pehe, -a?) ; ikuvehe -imri v put down , set down , place, mimehe come and go first. set in place; -imri irapw put out; -4mi ki v 1. dislike , hate , detest; come out; -imri nagkiari ien make iakimi ki kuri I don't like dogs a decision ; -imri uta nari lie; 2. fear , be shy of, be afraid of; -imri uta nagkiariien ira lie to ; -imiki nari be afraid of things . iakimri pusi I put down the cat.

-imfkraha v dream; kitaha sapri -imsirup v intr flash (as light­ mhamikraha we sleep and dream. ) , flare , light (as a match) , explode with light (as dynamite) ; -imitit v force , strain to accom­ prisekune rimsirup the forked plish (dat = ti) ; -imitit ti lightning flashes . nuta ien push oneself up a hill; -imitit ti niviahaien strain to -fms 4musl v prevaricate , forswear , excrete (if constipated) ; pran pretend innocence ; -ims4mus rimitit ti tini the woman nagkiari ien speak inappropriately. strains to give birth . -4msimus2 a mangy . -imkama k via stoop , bow , lean -imskare a dawn , first light ; down (see -ama k) ; nei rimkamak nukuranien rimskare the day a leaning tree; ikimkamak you breaks , dawn . bow down ; ramen imkama k walk with a stoop . -imta v slacken , decline (as the wind) . -imkeis a slippery, greasy, oily (see -akeis) ; suatuk rimkeis -fmtaha v ensorcel , use love magic the path is slippery . on , spoil or destroy magically; kimtaha ierman riti in remha -imkemi k a dirty , unclean , cloudy they ensorceled a man who died (as water or the sea) ; nui u rimkemi k the water here is un­ imtameta d dsc denotes overaction clean . (see -meta) ; �osi imtameta i hit too much ; -irui imtameta i strike -imkiimki v intr be confused , repeatedly (without success ). ignorant , uncertain , unable , try but fail; -imki imki no ien -imtameta a pink , reddish (as dry be uncertain how to accomplish ; sugarcane) (see -meta) (eating -imkiimki uok be unable to work ; dry cane of this sort is thought ikavahi mimkiimki you try to to cause bladder illnesses (see pick something up but fail . nami irakirak» ; meri nimtameta setting sun . -imkinip a cloudy , dirty (as liquid) var . of -imkemi k. -fmtimi t a wet , soaked , damp (see -iputig) . -fmnamun v intr hum , murmur . -imtipu v intr remain silent , impei n description of the sound don 't answer or re ply (see -ripu) ; of sheep and goats . iakares kwi stin mi n mata in 49

rimtipu I asked him a question intamarua n 1. circumcised boys , but he refused to answer. youths , unmarried young men (plural of tamarua, also -imwisi a soft , ripe (as some nitamarua). 2. circumcision fruits) ; nitumwi fimwisi the ceremonial feast cycle . nHumwi is ripe . inteta n 1. canoe , boat , ship ; in- g var. of sedimented article inteta nivin sail boat ; inteta n(i)-, before some noun roots ramaiu ia nivin sail boat . beginning with alveolar stop [t] 2. social group (metaphorically). inteta (niteta) canoe ; intamarua 3. assistance , aide , solidarity ; (nitamarua) youths . -avahi pen inteta min give him -in- g perfective tense marker for assistance or group protection ; verbs and adjectives beginning in ruvahi inteta tu kutaha he with [a] , [i] , [0] and , in most helped us . 4. crop ; inteta cases , [e] (see n-s, cf. -UV-) ; ruvare the crops are ripe . iakinani raka I already ate ; -(i) p- g see -p-. in r4nosi iraha he beat them . . , When preceding the continuative -iparUa a torn , ripped , broken , marker -(a)m-, indicates that an smashed , sore , injured (see action or state has just begun -ip(i), arua, cf. -paris, -eHhi); (marker of inceptive (inchoate )): -iparuaparua very sore , ripped iaki namapou I am tired (I've just up ; kuvivo niparua the boil become tired) ; iakinamarefa I've broke upen . just begun to cough ; rinamier he -ip(i) v 1. stick , spear , sting , is just leaving; sinamirai nahakw pierce , penetrate ; -ipiipi pound ; we 've just begun to climb the -4p akeser disjoint , di sconnect , hill; tata rinamo ma ta ruvamha slip, mi sstep , fail to connect; father began to do it but he died ; nagkiari ien rip akeser taim nah r4namevin kitaha sorupu the message failed to arrive , the at the time she was leaving , we talk failed to reach consensus ; danced. When succeeding the -ip aueni throw over something continuative marker -(a)m-, (as leaves over a new mother indicates that a state or action go ing to bathe for the first has been achieved and continues; time) ; -ip sumun gather, join -amnakwas already and still old together as a group ; -ip sumun (see -akwas) ; -amnamwhen already ford , cross a ravine or creek , enough (see -amwhen) . connect (with' an ob ject or -inhi v burn , or dry (as the sun) , another side) ; -ipi afi break warm , heat up (see -ighi); by poking apart ; -ipi amwesi nikwasikar rinhi nimai the sun nagkiari ien interrupt; -ipi dries the bush . arori poke open ; -ipi ategin help, seek shelter with , ask for -inhiap4nha v collide ; trak permission; -ipi atesi poke and krouinhiap4nha irau me the two break (as something hard) ; -ipi trucks collided. eri poke open ; -ipi esi skin , -iniese v antagonise, challenge pull back (as a foreskin) (see foolishly (someone stronger) kipiese) ; -ipi irapw connect with , (cf. -nise) ; -iniese nemhaien arrive at (as a place) , reach ; risk death ; -iniese pori s -ipi nenime- speak directly to , antagonise the police . don 't use an intermediary ; -ipi raka pass by (spatially or -inis (i) v smoke (see -anas) ; temporally) , later , after , napw rinis ik the fire smokes afterwards ; kipi raka tu aua, you out . 50

tit trasik after two hours have -irahatik v encourage , cheer , sic passed , the locusts will sing; (as a dog on someone ), influence Iau ripi raka iou ia suatuk Iau by yelling. passed me on the road ; kipi ra ka -irakirak v 1. growl , grind , purr , nikava, taken mo rupu after kava , rumble (as an engine) . 2. grow I will go dance ; kinipi raka rapidly ; nikava rirakirak the later; -ipi sim bisect, place kava grows fast. something between two other ob jects ; -ipi sim nei ia nimwa -irfapwft v obey , follow [archaic] place supporting posts in a (see -apwit) . house; -ipi tarini spear into -irhi l v send , send to do ; -irhi the ground , stomp down (as copra irapw send out , chase away , in a bag) ; -ipi teter kick acci­ discharge (as from the hospital); dently (as a log or rock) ; -ipi -irhi irau send two people to do ; teter ia trapor make troub le (as -irhi kupwin put in the wrong with a woman , commit adultery ; order , get ahead of oneself; nau ripi nisuk the knife pierces -irhi pen nagkiari ien send a my leg . 2. resemble , take after message to . (as a parent); -ip tis i salty ; in ripi mama savani he takes after -irhi 2 v weigh down , poke down his mother. (as a coconut or pawpaw with a long pole) (see -rhh); -irhi araka -(i)pik- g .see -pik- . poke down ; -irhi arori poke open ; -ipis a diseased , discoloured (as -irhi nifar pile oven rocks on a taro root) . top of tuber puddings for cooking; -irhi ro us soak bark skirts in -ipkenin v puckering (as the taste water under rocks ; -irhi takwu ia of bitter kava) , chalky tasting riti ia nakau i plant a second and puckering (as unripe bananas , yam beside the first in a mound . etc . ), acrid; nisakwak ripkenin my mouth is puckered . -4rhiani v share , give to others goods one has received (see -ani?); -ipdpre v strip (as leaves) , pinch Nivi ravahi pen naveg4nien m4ne off (see -akik) ; -ipripre ia ma i Kauke k4ni Kauke rirhiani k4taha tapaka strip off tobacco leaves . i Nivi gave a feast to Kauke and - �ptaha v intr smell, stink ; i erman Kauke shares it with us . ri ti rasi riptaha someone farted . -iriapomus a tall (var . of -apOmUS ). -iptapwft via sti cky , gluey , tacky -irieki v lead , train , educate , (see -apwit) ; kitaha siptapwit ia carry (see -apeki ); kau ramirieki kitaha we all go /act together . nupunitin the cow leads its calf; -�pukis a tired, exhausted , irau krouirieki rouavin they two troubled, worried; - ipuki s ia uok lead them off; t4si r4rieki tired of working; ko iakipukis m4maha the tide ebbs; trak anan i I'm sick of it , I've had ri ri eki nermama the truck too much of it. carries the people.

-4puta v 1. climb (as a tree) ; -4r4ka v var. of -araka . -iputa ia nei climb a tree . -4r4ki v trouble , bother, pester 2. put something on top of some­ (as does a chi ld , the wind , thing else; -iputa tarini stack ; tedious politics , etc. ); -4r4ki in riputa tinirup i she puts the meta harass , overwork , trouble basket on it (see -ip(i) , -uta) . severely ; nimatagi r4r4ki meta -�putig a wet , damp ; iakiputig! iou the wind perturbs me ; I'm all wet ! -irikiriki bother continuously . 51

-frtmtn v fill, pour into ; -trtmtn request; -4rui4rui rap , knock k4rasin saiou ia pat4r pour my repeatedly. kerosine into the bottle. -4sakwatupw4regar(egar) a blis­ -4r4si v grate (as coconut meat tered , have blisters (see on a kotuai), scrape (as ash from n4sakwa-?) . a tuber baked in coals ), scrape -4se v blow (as a shell trumpet), or sand smooth (as the wood of blow on , smoke (as a cigarette) an axe handle ). (cf. -asi); -4se aruveruv blow -4rko v intr 1. crawl (as a baby) , on coals so that they glow; -4se creep , spread (as yam or sweet afi napw blow out (as a fire , or potato vines ); -4rko muta climb match) ; -4se kis4p blow a shell (as a tree) . 2. lust, chase trumpet; -4se napw light a fire ; after women (metaphorical ly) . -4se tapaka smoke tobacco ; pia ram4se ik beer bloats you. --irmwihi v 1. pluck (as feathers ); -4rmwihi ar4gr4gi mo ult . -4siahag4n v give one 's name to , 2. insult , curse . 3. specialise name a namesake (see nahag) . in, excel at, &ucceed , be profi­ 4siak d vb intersecting, crossinq cient; in r4rmwihi n4kava he (see p4siak, -uvsiak) ; rukw(i) grows a lot of kava ; in r4rmwihi 4siak i intersect, conjoin . nimwa he built a good house; in r4rmwi hi t4n4rup she is an expert -4siari v beware , take care , look at baskets ; k4taha s4rmwihi out fo r, dodge , get out of the pa rh ien we really succeed . way of something (see -araka) ; ik4siari ia pukah tikamo rahi ik -4rpwa a underdone , uncooked (as watch out for the pig, if you do a baked taro) . (that) it will bite you . -4ruapen v intr 1. flash (as -4sien a savoury , tasty , properly lightning) , shine , flicker , sweet, properly salty , we ll­ appear fleetingly ; iermama seasoned (cL -4fi a, -m4mi s, -si u): r4ruapen a person flashes by ; nari 4sien meat ; nenimenrau karuarua r4ruapen the thunder r4sien they two are fond of one flashes (lightning) . 2. shiver , another. quake , quiver (as a person or tree) ; -4ruapen4ruapen quiver . -4siuan v wh isper , talk secretly. (see -rua) . -4s4k4r v 1. wave goodbye , wave

-4rui v strike , beat , clap, rap , at , greet (dat = m4 ); iakunouihi knock (see -os (i)) ; -4rui kauas r4 s4k4r pehe mi k the child is dance kauas, wield a club; -4rui waving at you . 2. take formal kwanaren hatch out (as chicks ); leave (by weeping, etc. ) from -4rui kopwa build an enclosure , the relatives of a deceased complete a circle in a dance ; after his funeral . -4rui nagkiari ien disobey an -4s4sau v intr blow (as the wind ) , order, spo il an agreement, ignore be blown by the wind , beat (as someone 's advice ; -4rui nuk the sea) (see -4se) . plant yams ; -4rui nupu dance (clap hands and stomp feet) ; -4skamter v va r. of -skamter. -4rui ra ka open , begin , commence -4ski v tr swear at , scold , curse , (as a new store); -4rui ra ka toa insult, yell at ; in r4ski iou he open a door ; -4rui takwu make a insulted me . yam mound ; -4rui tarini pound down , nail closed , beat down ; -4skiari v tr swear at , use bad -4rui tesi punch , hit, beat up ; language to -4rui t4ni forget, ignore a 52

-tskise v knock over, bump into , ntkava mix kava with water by blow down (as the wind ) , blow hand (metaphori cally 'paddling ' around (see -tSe) ; ntmatagi water in an ntteta) ; irau rtskis e nimwa the wind blew down kroutsua peri ia ma i nari kwatia, the house . ntkava ouihi they both use kava on the same leaf since there is -tsktrtg a broken off, broken but only a little kava . 2. be wise , still hanging together (as a have knowledge of the world, bent tw ig) (see -rei a) . stay awake , be alert; -tSua -tskun v go to inspect , vi sit, or amtia stay awake all night . search and then return (cf. -tsuapur v -tspau); iaktskun pen fwe namhuien frighten , scare off (0 = ia) (see -tsuad ; -tsuapur I went to inspect the garden ; ia men u sanak frighten off the iraha htskun pen pukah savanraha fowl I plan to eat; -tsuapur ia they went off to look for their ntka va sakttaha spoil our kava pig. intoxication . -tsmaha v intr reef gather , hunt -tSuattn v wean (a child) , turn for shellfish on a reef (see -maha2); irau kroue routsmaha ia one 's attention from one child to his younger sibling. ntmaha they two go gather on the reef. -tsui v wear (as an ear or nose ornament ); -tsui ti ki iaku ia -tsmwemwe a swollen (as a sore or ntfregt- wear an earring. wound) . -ttefi v break (an elongated -tSP.1u v tour , visit, .search or ob ject), snap ; -Hefi irapw break look around (without a specific by bending down ; -ttefi nui place in mind , cf. -tskun) ; spoil the benefits of traditional kttaha savtn mtSpau fwe Fira we medicine by breaking a food or are go ing to look around Port other tabu . Vi la .. -ttkari ri v intr hiss (as cooking -tSua l v push , shove ; -tsia apui food , or a primus stove) . spread open , spread apart (as a

split log) ; -tSua apui ntsu­ -tVi 1 v pull, pul l up , tug , stretch , spread apart one 's legs ; -tsua yank (var . of -vi , -evi) ; -tvi apwiri wake up , rouse ; -tsua i afi break an elongated ob ject push, push over ; -tsua pehe push by stepping on it and pulling , towards ; -tsua pen push away , break up (as a group of people); shove (as a door ); -tsua raka toa -tvi afi nupu end a dance open a door ; -tsua uta impoverish, performance with a traditional make poor, use up goods ; kastam shout ; -tvi akakini pull and rtsua uta kttaha custom (i.e. drag on the ground , pull behind feasts , exchange ceremonies ) (as a cart , or cow on a rope) , makes us poor; -tSutSua jiggle , drag ; -tvi akiek(i) pull, tug at ; shake ; iaktsutsua revuk I jiggle -tvi amstmwesi pull into pieces ; my (loose) tooth ; in rtsua pen -tvi amwesi saw; -tvi amwhen ktpwier ia ntptgin he pushes a measure , find the size of; -tvi stone into the hole ; ntmatagi apomus lengthen ; Atua rtvi apomus rtsua i nei the wind blows the ntptn savani God lengthened his trees ; nuk rtSua retthi ttna the life; -tvi apwi ri pull and break ; yam expands and cracks the earth . -tvi artgrtgi take apart to repair (as a truck , tape player, -tSua2 v 1. travel by watercraft , etc. ); -tvi artgrtgi scatter paddle a canoe ; -tsua ia ntteta (as seeds) , to ss (as food to be travel by canoe or ship ; -tsua 53

cooked into a pot); -4vi aruarua sea comes ashore and makes a tear , rip (as clothing) ; -4vi swirl . asisi tear , pull off covering; -4vfaha v defecate , shit. -4vi atukw stretch (one 's body) ; -4vi atukw i threaten , talk -4viani v lead , train (see wildly or heatedly, boast; -4vi -hia (i» . atu4n straighten , stretch out -4viesi v excrete on , beshit (as bark skirts in the sun) , something (as clothing) (see unbend (as a leg) ; -4vi aueni -4viaha) . nagkiari ien ignore an agreement ; -4vi esi pull down , pull back?; -4vi si v tr wear a bark skirt; -4vi h4mprera pull open an -4visi rous wear a bark skirt . umbrella; -4vi irapw pull down -4v4se v snap off, break off (as (as a flag) ; -4vi nenha pull kava branches ) (imp lies breaking open a kava strainer ; -4vi nep at a joint) (see -v4Si). dance with a dancing implement , wield a club ; -4vi pare pull towards shore (as in a canoe) ; -4vi pen pen postpone , delay ; K -4vi p4 k4rp4k4r amas s, collect k-l g first person inclusive mark­ a large numbers of goods (as ing prefix in dual constructions for an exchange ); iraha h4vi (cf. s(a )-) ; krau krouev4n we p4k4rp4k4r ia nari m nari me they two go ; pwa h krouanumwi let us amass a lot of goods ; -4vi tarini two drink ; kr4navehe we two carne . pinch closed , hold tightly to­ gether ; -4vi uta fraik raise a k-z g third person marking prefix flag ; -4vi uta uta pull upwards ; in dual constructions (in trial -4vi4vi pull apart , unroll (as and plural constructions the immature taro leaves ), play third person marker is )J,cf. r-); tug-o f-war. irau krouev4n· they two went ; krouanumw i they two drink ; -4vi2 v mo ve , walk , be in mo tion kr4navehe they two carne . (var. of -UV, see -a , -e) ; -4vi afifi walk on to break into k- 3 g prefix to certain colour pieces ; -4vi akeser slip , slide and gender adjectives indicating (as on a muddy path) , backslide that the subject is an animal ; (as into sin) ; -4vi amkeser slip , pukah kerman a male pig (see slide ; -4vi ap4g step over , -erman ); pukah kapran a female ierm4nu r4vi ap4g ia pukah ia pig (see -pran) ; pukah kapsan a nakwiari the chief steps over white pig (see -apsan) ; pukah the pigs at the nakwiari ; -4vi k4pitov a black pig (see -pitov) . apehe corne towards ; -4vi apen k-.. g nominalising prefix to verbs , leave , go off to ; -4vi asumun indicating the instrument with cross over , go across a ravine ; which the action is performed; -4vi aueni jump over , cover up ; kakeki spoon (see -akeki ); karar -4vi katite slide on one 's back- digging stick , spade (see -arar) ; side ; -4vi n4su- shuffle one 's kasaua pillow (see -aSaua) ; feet; -4vi teter i walk on level kauas stick , club (see -auas (i» . ground , reach the top of a climb or the bottom of a descent ; k- s g verbal prefix marking third seuaiu m4vi teter i we descend person subject of indefinite to the flat ground ; -4vi 4mkeis number , i.e. one , someone , some­ slip , lose one' s footing; -4vi 4p body ; k4ni one says ; kosi pukah sumun cross over , ford (a creek) ; naha ramasan it would be good if t4si r4vi pehe ro keioun i the one kills that pig. 54

-k g inalienable first person ka harkahar n type of arrowhead singular possessive suffix; made of three prongs , used for nisuk my foot; imwak my home ; spearing fish . rerik rapou I (my heart) am sad. kahimaregi n stage in the develop­ -k- g marker of concurrent ment of coconuts , meat is well (indefinite past/present) tense developed and hard , after in first and second person nafweruk(fam) and before napui singular constructions (else­ mh ia (see -ahi , -aregi , napuei ). where it is �); iou iakata I see , ka i apomus n 1. an especially tall I saw; ik ikata you see , you coconut tree . 2. k.o. shellfish saw. But rata he sees , he saw. (see kiSip) (see -apOmUS ). Note : 1. may be deleted in a few cases with first person construc­ kaias n broom (see -aias) . tions ; iou iaata I see , I saw. ka io n feather plume made of chicken 2. -k- also appears with the and swamp harrier feathers sewn continuative marker -(a)m- in to a coconut frond spine ; kaio first and second singular con­ apomus long feathered po le (6 to structions and with the future 12 feet in length) carried by a tense marker t- ; iakamokei kei team of dancers during nakwiari I am liking; takokeikei I will ceremony . like . kaka n person of first ascending ka g introduces conjunctions : if generation , opposite marital (see k- 5, -a , cf. tika , ko , -ua); moiety : uncle , aunt (see mare- , ka ikua tiko nimwa asori iti fwe , cf . kuSi-) . ikua ti ko nife mi nife if you say you will build a large house over ka keki n spoon , ladle , scraper there , you are just talking; (see -akeki ). ruvsini mua ka ierman iti she ka kini d vb denotes dragging turned because (she thought that) (also akakini , see -ikakini); it was a man. -0 kakini drag , pull behind ; kafafau n 1. hat , cover (see -vi kakini drag . -afafa u ). 2. k.o. taro . kakir n hoe , adze ; nimwa i kakir kafeta n var . of kafete. adze handle . kafete n mat (woven of pandanus kakur n surprise, fart ; -0 kakur leaves ) . fart (see -akUr2) . kafmin n Bisl government , govern­ ka kurea kurai n longtailed triller ment agent . (Lalage leucopyga) (see -akure) . kafwa n cone shell . kakurenihf- n semi lower back , hips , buttocks (see -akure, kagi hi n k.o. Barringtonia edulis nihi-) . with soft hull . kakwasei n in circumcision kaha n person of second ascending exchanges , the supporters and generation : grandparent (term of dance team of the boy's father address , cf. ripu-) ; kaha amasan (see -akwasei). Th is group grandparent ; kaha reraha person exchanges goods with the sup­ of third or greater ascending porters of the boy's mother 's generations . brothers (tamafa) . kahag n k.o. banana . kakwasia n white collared king­ kahar d qty three (see -har- , fisher (Halcyon chloris) irahar) . 55

Ka kwsariakwsari n month roughly kanfafau n hat , cover (var. of corresponding to October kafafau) . (archaic) (see -akwsari ). kanha n female of first ascending kamarukwau d dsc crossed, inter­ generation (cf. mama , kaka?) . secting (see -arukwau) ; nei kanhfruan n k.o. edible grass­ kamarukwau the cross (Christian hopper . texts) . kanhui n 1. stick bug. kameru n k. o. basket made of coco­ 2. personal name . nut leaves; kameru mai napuei kfru two baskets of coconut kanhur n semi side of neck, cut leaves . of neck meat (as from a cow) : kanhur ianrak side of my neck . kameta a col reddish brown (as a

pig) (see k- 3 , -meta) . kanfm n 1. pile , heap , stack ; -0 kanfm stack up . 2. k.o. tuber kamhakun n k.o. shellfish. pudding containing meat or kamhari n vulva (also kanari ). greens (see nffar) ; kanfm pukah tuber pudding with pork . kamfnemf r a col patchy colouring

(of a fowl) (k- 3 + -amfnemfr kanfpati- n inal horn , tusk , pincer unident) . (var. of nfpati-) ; kanfpati iaren crayfish pincer; kanfpati kamfni n brother (of a woman , cf. kau cow's horn ; kanfpati katutu) . nfpkinkehiap earwig pincers ; kamkfri n 1. wo lf spider. kanfpati pukah pig tusk . 2. personal name . kanfS (kanfS) n semi antenna (as kamosmwherfn n semi gooseflesh , of an insect) ; kanfS fwe iaren goosebumps (see -osmwherfn , crayfish antenna . numw herf-) . kanfSpein n k.o. stick bug (see kampani n Bisl company , any kanhui) . organised social group with kantari n k.o. locust. some purpose (see tim) . kantrak n Bisl payment for kams iui n dragonfly (cf. siui). plantation labour , wages . kamt i n 1. k.o. taro . 2. personal kaotfkun d vb denotes unsteadi­ name . ness (see -a , -otfkun) ; -anumwi kamumu n 1. k.o. tuber pudding koatikun maman drink until baked with edible leaves (nuvaS) unsteady then go ; ikapus mo uini inserted. 2. cup made from rolled kaotf kun mama you are drunk and young banana leaves ; mai kamumu stagger off. banana leaf cup . 3. respect, kapap n testicle (see -apap) . friendship , fellowship (dat = tf , mf ); iou iakavahi kamumu tukwe kapari en n longest tail feathers I have good relations with him of a fowl (see kapsenhi-) . (i.e. give him a cup of kava) . kaparfS n diarrhoea (see -aparf S); : kamwerfs n obstinacy , stubbo rnnes, nihi kapads diarrhetic excrement. perverseness (see -mwerfS?) ; -0 ka pen n cricket ; ka pen kapen cricket. kamwerfs be stubborn ; iakunouihi ramo kamwerfs mamapurapur the kapenapen n style of weaving in child refuses to stop playing. which every strand is intertwined (see -apenapen , cf. kwanfkukua ). kamwimwi n k.o. high prestige yarn. kapi n k.o. shell fish . kanari n vulva (var. of kamhari ). 56

kapiamwesi narau n see kapuapu n k.o. tree with edible karapiamwesinarau. leaves . kapipi n semi muscle and meat kapwa n semi head ; ktfuk kapwa along backbone (as of a pig) . my head; ktn kapwa rtstkai he is stupid , he is a blockhead ; ktn kaptna n group of feast partici­ kapwa rtmtru he is intelligent , pants which receives goods he learns easily; kapwa fwe during nieri exchanges . The Nakutan Nakutan 's head ; kapwa name may refer to the spreading kwanihi- glans penis. of mats and other goods in a heap in th e center of an imwartm , kapweris n small sea snail . (see -aptna) . karaga n digging stick , taro kaptraptra n basket made of a planting stick . woven coconut frond (see karai n steer , castrated bull -aptraptr) ; kaptraptra imwartm (see -arai ). k.o. coconut leaf basket usually woven and used by men . karaisun n 1 volcanic vent in Iasur crater . kapkapeki n stage in the develop­ ment of coconuts , after kwatigts Karapenumtn n name of a culture and before tafa (see napuei ). hero who resides on Mt . Mertn. kapnumnum n mushroom . karapiamwesinarau n sphinx moth . kapofe- n inal head , intellect, karapu n k.o. tuber pudding with behaviour (see kapwa) ; kapofei edible leaf wrapping , nuvas iema naha rtstkai he is stupid (Hibiscus sp .) (see ntfar) . (hard headed) ; ko irouapwah ka rar n mattock (see -arar) . noien kapofei nermama harmtri if they don 't do it they are karari n k.o. shell fish crazy . (Littorinidae sp .) . Note : does not take possessive karasari n clam, bivalve shell suffixes other than -i . used as a grating instrument. kapomusapomus n k.o. long, narrow ka rato a col grey speckled (as a tuber pudding (see -apOmUS) . pig) (see k -3) . kap6v n slate-like stone . ka refa n cough , coughing (see kaprankerman n hermaphrodite pig . -arefa) . kaprarau n name of a legendary kareia n k.o. shellfish. social group (canoe) before the karei ktpwier n stone wall (see 'prehistoric ' era of ntprou. ktpwier) . kapriapri n 1. cassias (Lucaena karen d vb laterally , to the side sp.) (see -apri ). 2. small (see ntkare-); -ati karen look introduced shrub . to the side ; -auasi karen kick kapsan a col white (as an animal ) crookedly (as a footLall) , push

(see k- 3, -apSan) . aside , interrupt; -osi karen kick crookedly ; -vi karen pull kapsanapsan n blotchy skin to the side . disease . kareti n fertile animal (pig or kapsenhi- n inal tail feathers cow) , new mother . (of a fowl) (see kaparien , nihi-); kapsenhi menu a chicken 's tail karhanum n glass (window , mirror , feathers . etc .) (see -arhanum) . 57 ka rharh i n 1. small taro roots kasen n children 's game ; -0 kase n (see nukfwe-) . 2. garden , to play kasen . plantation (metaphorically) . kasenime- n inal eyebrow (see kari g n 1. name pf a power stone . nenime- , -aSenl) ' 2. disease which causes paralysis kasis4g n door , gate (see -asis4g) . in pigs ; karig rama kure raka ia pukah paralysis has affected kasitu n vertical roofing poles (sits on) the pig. onto which is attached a second level of vertical poles to ka r4mkar4m n large nectar sucking support thatching (kwan4tan) insect. (see -as itu) . karkahu n shirt, piece of clothing Kas4mkasaive n local spirit, (see -arkahu) . associated with a powerful set karkaren d vb var. of karen . of sorcery stones . karkarepa n 1. thick liana used kas4rasfrl n semi muscle and meat as rope in thatching houses . along backbone (as of a pig) . 2. name of a traditional road kas4rasfrz n collared fantail (see suatuk) . (Rhipi dura fuliginosa). Karkaua n 1 creek and ravine kas4rasfr3 a col colouring of a flowing into Lake Siui which fowl (see k- 3) . people recognise as separating speakers of the N4nin4fe kas4ru n semi muscle and meat (Kwamera) language from those around pelvic region (as of a who speak Naha (Nalpaimene) to pig) ; kas4ru ira its pelvic meat. the north (see -arkaua) . kask4n n cane , crutch , staff ka rouase n dwarf bush spirit. (see -ask4n) . karperi n semi fourth finger kasoria n k.o. sweet potato . (see p4soui hi) . Ka soso n local culture hero . Karpwapin n name of local spirit kastam n Bisl custom , tradition , living atop Mt . Tukwusmera . traditional law and practices , kars6g n Bisl underwear , short ancestral power ; kastam trosi pants (French : caleyon) . k4taha 'kastam' will punish us ; iraha hora ha kastam they spoil karuarua n 1. thunder (see -rua) ; kastam . karuarua r4ruapen it thunders . 2. k.o. plant. kasuke n swing (as a rope swing on a tree) (see -asuke) . ka rukwahag4nui n k.o. water plant (see -arukwahag4n, nui) . kat n Bi sl 1. God . 2. guard ; kat sai John Frum a group of karukwau n 1. lintel (as of a armed men which enforces the door) . 2. main horizontal executive decrees of John Frum supports of a house roof frame ; Movement leaders . karukwau apomus ridge pole (which lies beneath the kwanapatu); kataga n body oil , coconut oil karukwau fwe iesukw secondary used for adornment; -0 kataga horizontal roof po les which wash , oil oneself. support thatching (see -arukwau). katarauia n k.o. shellfish kasakuasaku n long cylindrical (abalone?) . throwing stone (see -asaku) . kataren n 1 name of a rock kasaua n pillow (see -aSaua) . formation on the summit of Yasur (I asur) volcano (see -ataren) . 58 katia n k.o. taro (see -atia(i)). kaugavisim n style of woven coco­ nut frond mat used as walling in kat iaitukr6s n k.o. sugarcane temporary houses (see -visim) . (see -atia(i) , tukros) . kauiehe n k.o. high prestige yam . kati ham n 1. traditional dance , repetitive song coda ; -0 katiham kaumeg n coconut which has been repeat a song, sing an encore . shelled leaving intact its meat , 2. firs t step in a material also a peeled hard-boiled egg exchange (opening gift) or (see -ukumeg) ; -0 ka umeg ira linguistic exchange (warning) ; shell a coconut without cutting -0 kati ham warn of future open the meat. consequences; -0 kati ham mt tt kaun n Bisl account, loan; tapu give a gift for a purpose, over­ kaun no accounts (as at a store) . give in an exchange ; ro katiham mi k tukwe he gave you a gift (to kaunaun n 1 middle vent in Iasur be sure that you do as he asks) . crater . kati"pa n basket (carried on a kauraptg n k.o. tree , variety of woman 's back) , carrier (see niemts . -ati pal . kaustrtp n k.o. spider . kati ri n 1. sewer , weaver (see kauta n patronage , assistance , -atiri) . 2. personal name . support, gifts given to incoming katite d vb implies sliding (see refugees (land , women , titles) -ate) ; -vi katite slide on one 's (see nauta) ; -avahi kauta mt backside . give patronage to . kat4mnumun n long-legged spider kavahikeihap n birdtrap . (see -attmnumun) . kaviahapurtgpurtg n wattled katoti n belt, lavalava , tradi­ honeyeater . tional tapa belt which holds up kaviameta n (see koiameta) . penis wrappers (see -atoti ). kaviamtameta n cardinal honey­ katumwi n 1. type of tuber pudding eater (Myzomela cardinalis) (ntfar) stuffed with crab or (see -tmtameta). other meat . 2. k.o. shellfish (limpet) (see -atumw(i)). kavitnavit n broadbilled fly catcher (Myiagra ca ledonica) . katutu n a man 's sister (cf. kttirimwa- , kamtni) . kavnavini l n k.o. plant with sticky seed pods (see -avnavini). kau n Bi sl cow , bull, cattle. kavnavini2 d vb denotes conjunc­ kauas n 1. cylindrical throwing tion ; -0 kavnavini be entwined, club , throwing stick (see twisted together (as a liana, -auas (i) ); kauas i toga rifle. problems , etc. ). 2. kava (metaphorically) , kava root which is to be or has been ke g conjunction (?) used in quan­ ceremonially exchanged . 3. men's titative constructions (see -e? , dance during the night preceding cf. ka , ko) ; ktri rum mt ke riti a nakwiari exchange . six; ktrirum mt ke ktru seven ; ktru ke ktru ke two by two . kauga n semi 1. jaw; kauga ianram your jaw. 2. door frame . kefa d qty four . 3. gate . kegis n a sinus cold, mucus (see -egis) . 59

-kehiap a forked (as a tree) , kesiesi n fresh water crab . doub led (as a tooth) . ket n Bisl gate , doorway . kei d ds c beloved, dear , darling, keva d qty how many , how much ; favourite ; keikei dear (see n4ptn keva? how many days ?; -okei kei ) . ti kani nuk keva ? how many yams .keiahag n asthma, 'short wind' will you eat? (see -eiahag) . kieri n 1. Pacific pigeon (Ducula keihap n yellow white eye pacifica) . 2. personal name . (Zosterops sp.) . -kihi v pick , cut , hew (see -arai , keioun n whirlpool , whirlwind; -tkihi); -kihi ntmai cut branches -0 keioun swirl , circle . off trees in a future garden site ; -ki hi ntma i nari t4 ntfar pick kekwau n lizard , gecko . leaves for wrapped tuber pudding. kemhatini n 1. surviving spouse; kikouikou n 1. mosquito larva pran kemhat4ni widow ; ierman (see -ikou) . 2. twisting, kemhatini widower. 2. orphan contortion; -0 kikouikou go (see -emha , tini) . crookedly. ken n 1. section of house thatch­ kinha n k.o. grasshopper . ing: a coconut frond with its halves interwoven into which kipori n beche-de-mer , sea slug , wild cane stalks are inserted; sea cucumber. sectiOn of coconut leaf thatching kiri n 1. flying fox (fruit bat) made by tying leaves onto a (Pteropus tongan us) . 2. moorish length. of pole (see ktpktrktren) . idol fish . 3. k.o. beetle. 2. copra drying bed (see -en2 ). 4. personal name . kenhienhi n repetition , harping kirian6u n k.o. yam . (see -enhi); -uini kenhienhi ia nagkiari ien repeatedly bring up kirikap6u n glossy swiftlet the same problem. (Collocalia sp .) . keno n k.o. cicada . kiriot n large , black supernatural fowl which crows at the end of kenouenou n idiot, ignorant the day . person , child (see -enouenOu) . kistp n 1. triton shell. 2. shell kepui n type of traditional nupu trumpet , horn (as of a truck) ; dance (see -epui ). kistp rastk the horn sounds . kera n semi skull (cf. kwera) . kisum i sic (command to dogs) . kerieri n fan (see -erieri). kitkit n Bisl a tie, equal , kermes n Bisl bazaar , fair balance ; -0 kitkit tie (as a (French : kermesse). football match) , balance (as an exchange) . kerupwun n type of mat made up of two narrow mats woven together -kiu via shake , quiver , be loose , (see -erupwun) . be moveable; -kiukiu quiver , wag; reri - rtkiukiu worry , think much kesa n type of traditional nupu about; revuk rtkiukiu my tooth dance consisting of lateral is loose; kwanakwus savani ramkiu rather than circular movements . he is tired , slack . kesakwesa n k.o. breadfruit.

kesi n pawpaw , papaya (see -esi) . 60

kivus n semi spouse (see -ivus , later date ; k�kir reraha the time sueru , iasitu) ; kHuk kivus, my during which circumcised boys are (male speaker) wife ; k�m kivus secluded; ktkir amasan the point your (a woman 's) husband. at which seclusion ends and goods are exchanged between a boy's kHiaffa n scab ies (see -�fiafia) . father and his mother 's brother k�fuk g first person singular (prototypically) (see -ak�kir, possessive marker for certain -akiri) . semi -alienable nouns . It option­ k�k�rakiri a col type of fowl with ally serves to mark possession feathers which do not lay flat of alienable ob jects governed by (see -�k�rakiri , k- 3) . other possessive constructions (see k�m, k�n , cf. ial, sa- , kOk). kfk�t�n n baked vegetable food Other non-singular semi-alienable eaten along with meat , food baked possessive markers are the free in an ear th oven (other than form pronouns except in the case tub er puddings) (see -�kH�n) . of third person ; k�fuk kapwa my k�m g second person singular head (see kapwa) ; k�fuk kua my marker of semi-alienable pos­ anus (see kua) ; k�fuk napuei my session for certain nouns . It coconut; napuei saiou my coconut; optionally serves to mark k�fuk ieri my wife's brother ; possession of alienable ob jects k�m kap wa your (singular) head ; governed by other possessive k�n kapwa his head ; k�rau kapwa constructions (also kamh , see our two (inclusive) heads ; k�mrau k�fuk, cf. ial , Sa-) ; k�m kapwa kapwa our two (exclusive) heads ; your (singular head) ; k�m napuei k�mi rau kapwa your two heads ; your coconut ; saim napue i your k�nrau kapwa their two heads ; coconut . kttahar ka pwa our three (inclu­ sive ) heads ; k�mrahar kapwa our kfmaha n 1. first person exclusive three (exclusive) heads ; plural : we all , us all ; k�maha ktmi rahar kapwa your three heads ; iahaekua we lie; in rermtnu ia ktnrahar kapwa their three heads ; k�maha he leads us . 2. with kttaha ieri our (inclusive) and (re ferring to speaker and sister's husband ; ktmaha ieri at last three others) ; k�maha our (exclusive) sister's husband ; m�nraha we and they , we with ktmi aha ieri your (plural) they . sister 's husband ; k�nraha ieri ktmh g va r. of k�m; k�mh ieri their sister's husband . your (singular) brother-in-law; k�kir n 1. hook . 2. the woman a k�mh rahar ieri your (trial) man exchanges in return for his brother-in-law ; k�mhraha ieri wife in a reciprocal marriage your (plural) brother-in-law . exchange . 3. sharpened post k�miaha n 1. second person plural : set in th e ground and used to you all; k�miaha hiaekua you all husk coconuts . 4. pole erected lie; iako kei kei k�mi aha I like at an imwar�m during preparations you all. 2. with , and (referring for a circumcision exchange . If to hearer and at least three a group desires to engage in an others ); k�miaha m�nrau you all initial exchange with the and they two . circumcising imwartm, it brings kava and fowl to this imwartm k�mi ahaga n a secondary sprout or and hangs representatives of shoot (of a plant) . these from the k�kir. The k�mirahar n 1. second person circumcising group may reci­ trial : you three ; k�mi rahar procate immediately or at a hiarekua you three lie . 61

2. with , and (referring to hearer (two ) heads ; ktnhrahar kapwa and two others); ktmirahar min their (three) heads ; ktnhraha you two with him (i. e. , you kapwa their (plural) heads .

three) • kfnhraha g var . of ktnraha. ktmirau n 1. second person dual : k4nhrahar g va r. of ktnrahar. you two ; ktmi rau irouekua you two lie . 2. with , and (referring ktnhrau g var . of ktnrau. to hearer and one oth er); ktmi ra u ktni g coordinating conjunction : min you and he , you with him and (see k- s , -ni) ; in rauta ia (Le. , you two) . Iasur ktni rati i rapw fwe vJ hite k4mi sak n 1. golden whistler. Sands he climbed the volcano 2. personal name . and arrived at White Sands . Note : used only between verbs ktmt r n tardiness , slowness; - 0 or sentences , not to join two ktmtr proceed, work or do slowly ; nouns , cf. mtne. saim ktmt r asori you are always slow. ktniktni n k.o. weed. ktmktn n Bisl purnkin . -ktnktn via tense, restrained , held in; iaktktnktn tt nami saien k4mrahar n 1. first person I tense myself because of the exclus ive trial : we three , us pain ; iktktnktn mtma ha mamo you three ; ktmrahar iaharekua we tense yourself up and do it three lie . 2. with , and vigorously. (referring to speaker with two others ); ktmrahar mtnrau I and k4nraha g third person plural those two , I with those two marker of semi-alienable (i.e. , we (exclus ive ) three ). possession for certain nouns . It optionally se rves to mark ktmrakw a col grey (of a fowl) possession of alienable ob jects (see -tmrakw, k- 3); ktmrakwtmrakw governed by other possessive grey . constructions (see ktfuk, cf. ktmrau n 1. first person exclusive ial, sa- , iraha) ; ktnraha ieri dual : we two , us two ; ktmrau their sister 's husband. iarouekua we two lie ; in rosi k4nrahar g third person trial ktmra u he hit us two . 2. with marker of semi-alienable and (referring to speaker and possession for certain nouns . one other); ktmrau Sinti Sinti It optionally serves to mark and I (Le. , we two) . possession of alienable ob jects ktmwapwmwapw n sores , scratches governed by other possessive (plural) (see ntmwapW) . constructions (see ktfuk, cf. ial, sa- , irahar) ; ktnrahar ktn g third person singular marker kapwa their three heads . of semi-alienable possession for certain nouns . It optionally ktnrau g third person dual marker serves to mark possession of of semi-alienable possession for alienable ob j ects governed by certain nouns . It optionally other possessive constructions serves to mark possession of see ktfuk, cf. ial, 'Sa-) ; ktn alienable ob jects governed by ieri his wife's brother; ktn other possessive constructions napuei his coconut ; ktn pukah (see ktfuk, cf. ial , sa- , irau) ; his pig. ktnrau kua their two anuses . ktnh g var. of ktn; ktnh kapwa ktnu n Bi sl canoe (see ntteta) . his head; ktnhrau kapwa their 62

k4pa n Bisl corrugated metal k4riavavo n k.o. shellfish sheets , sheet iron ; nimwa k4pa (Strombidae sp . ?) , a house built of corrugated k4ri kau n k.o. shellfish metal; ma i k4pa corrugated sheet (Trochidae sp .). (Eng: cover , copper?). k4ri k4ri d vb denotes a k4piesi n teasing name for an un­ progression : one by one ; -auai circumcised boy (see -4p(i) es i). k4ri k4ri ramhwen distribute k4pitov a col black (as an animal) enough for everyone ; -avahi (see -pitov, k-3) . k4ri k4ri distribute ; -rukwi k4ri k4ri plant in a row , plant k4pk4r n thicket warbler? one by one ; sap k4rik4ri we all k4pk4rk4ren n a coconut frond the leave one by one . two sides of which are woven -k4rik4ri v intr shout , call out , together. This , with wild cane make noise (see uvruguvrug) . stalks inserted, forms the basis of a section of house thatching. k4ri rum d qty five ; k4rirum kwatia six; k4ri rum raka six· k4pwfal n k.o. beetle (Histeridae k4ri rum m4 ke riti six; k4ri�um sp .) (see -pw ia) . � k r� seven ; k4ri rum kahar eight; k4pwfa2 a col hairless (as a pig) ktrl rum kefa nine ; k4ri rum (see k- 3, -pwia) ; pukah k4pwia k4ri rum ten . the hairless pig. k4rHe n pocket knife (see -rHe)·' k4pwier n 1. rock , stone (smooth nau k4r4fe pocket knife . as water polished) (cf. k4ruatere , k4r4ma n grater (for grating kwaneis, kweiai); k4pwier apen tubers ) made from a tree fern an especially hard stone . (n4kweto) branch . 2. rifle , gun ; n4kwa i k4pwi er bullet. k4r4r4g1 n 1. k.o. luminous lichen , fungus , mushroom. k4raghen n surprise , shock ; -0 2. sea sponge . 3. soft corals. kiraghen ia surprise , sneak up on . k4r4r4g2 n semi comb and wattle k4rate n insomnia, stare ; nenime­ (of a fowl) ; k4n k4r4r4g menu ro k4rate i be insomniac , stare a rooster 's comb , wattle . with wide eyes . k4rk4r n k.o. plant with edible k4rau g first person inclusive leaves ; ma i k4rk4r , k4rk4r dual marker of semi-alienable leaves . po ssession for certain nouns . It optionally serves to mark . k4rorat n k.o. vine with edible possession of alienable ob jects fruit. governed by other possessive k4ru d qty two ; k4ru k4ru two by constructions (see krau, k4fuk, two ; k4ru ke k4ru ke two by two cf. ial, sa-) ; k4rau ieri our [Imakil . two brother-in-law. k4ruatere n smooth , basaltic k4rha n 1. k.o. tree . 2. ladder volcanic rock (cf. k4pwier, made from a tree branch . kwanei s, kwei ai) . 3. personal name . k4ruk4ru n type of arrowhead with k4rh4r n upraised coral ridges . two barbs (used in hunting fish) k4ri n Bisl type of manioc with (see k4ru) . a yellowish flesh (i.e. , curry) (see mantO) . 63

k4s (a) - g first person inclusive ko g introduces conditions : if, ma"rking prefix in trial and lest (see -0, t4 , tukwo , tukwamo , plural constructions [Kwamera] cf. ka , -ua) ; ko iak4puk4s anan i (var. of S (a) - , see k- 1); kHaha (that) I'm really tired of it, k4savehe we come . I'm sick of it all; ko iapua, in trosi savani pran if I should k�sumwi n barn owl (Tyto alba) . say it, he will beat his wife . k4sumwi arhen n 1 name of vent kofe- n inal vulva (see kanari ); within Iasur crater. kofe i pran woman 's vagina. k4ta n horsefly. No te : do es not take possessive suffixes other than -i. k4taha n 1. first person inclusive plural : we , us ; k4taha sanumwi kofetatea n morning star (see n4kava we drink kava ; hasitu ia fetukwa i) . k4taha they help us . 2. with , kohi n semi colon , large intestine ; and (referring to a relationship kohi rier haemorrhoids . between speaker , hearer and at least two others ); k4taha miou koiameta n one of two traditional us (you all with me ) ; k4taha mi k social moieties which today have us (we all with yo u) . no marital or residential signi­ ficance (cf. numrukwen ). k4tahar n 1. first person inclu­ sive trial : we three , us three ; kok g var . of k4fuk [Imaki] . k4tahar saranumwi n4kava we koko n 1. daughter (affectionately) three are drinking kava . 2. with , 2. affectionate name for a and (referring to a relationship female loved one , i.e. girl­ between speaker , hearer and one friend. 3. trigger fish . other); k4tahar m4 k4mra u we three (you and we two) ; k4tahar kon n Bisl corn , maize. m4 k4mi rau we three (we two and kopra n Bisl copra, dried coconut . you) . kopwa n 1. k.o. tree used for k4tfr n one , a person , someone , fence posts . 2. paddock, corral , anyone ; k4tir asori a large enclosure , fence (see kwankopwa). person , important person . kos4mainari n k.o. wild yam (see k4tirimwa- n inal opposite sex namhu, -OS(i) , ma - nari) . sibling , own generation , own marital mo iety , i.e. brother ko su b Bisl rubber strap, rubber (of a woman) , sister (of a man) band , condom (French : caoutchouc). (see kHir, imwa -) ; kHirimwak kosusiva n 1. index (first) finger my (as a ma le) sister ; k4tirimwak (see p4sesa). 2. dance performed my (as a female) brother; by the hosts in a nakwiari k4tirimwani her/his opposite exchange . sex sibling. kotuai n Bisl coconut grater made k4tk4tki n 1. pieces ; -arai of a serrated piece of wire or k4tk4tki slice into pieces . metal mounted on a wood base. 2. k.o. tuber pudding. kour n myna bird (Acridotheres k4vfap4g n stoop , log placed at tristis) . the bottom of a doorway (to keep pigs , etc. out of a house) kout k4sua n 1. traditional social (see -4vi , ap4g) . identity usually possessed by one or two men in a locality (i.e. , k4vinuan n mantis (see -vi , nua-2). in an imwar4m group) . These men k4vitarig n k.o. locust. mediated disputes between two 64

traditional non-residential , (see -kupwin); -ku pesu corne non-marital social moieties from the 'south' ; -ku prihi numrukwen and koi ameta by ' ;oing corne from the 'north' . between the canoes ' (see -iSUa2). kua n semi buttocks , anus , rear 2. a mediator between disputing base ; kin kua his buttocks · ki� local groups . 3. spy , someone kua rait base of a hurrica�e who informs the enemies of a lantern . group of its plans . -kua a fruited , bearing fruit; kova n 1. baby , small child, kesi rikua the pawpaw has plenty infant . 2. final shout at the of fruit. end of a traditional nupu dance performance. Nupu dance teams kuapa n Bisl guava . end their performances with a -kua a full (of liquid) ; kip long, rising shout : ueeee ! � rfkuar the cup is full ; -kuarkuar -avahi kova ia nupu sampam end very full. a dance/song performance by shouting. kufe n 1. forked stick used to remove hot food or rocks from a kovakova n babble , humming (as fire or earth oven , tongs . of chi1dren) ; iakunouihi ramo 2. a constellation near Taurus . kovakova the child babbles . kukikuki n sound representing kragki n Bisl madness , craziness · ' that made by flying foxes . -0 kragki act inappropriately .

kuku n son (affectionately) . krau n 1. first person inclusive

dual : we two , us two ; krau kukusi n basket (see -kusi ' . . kraoukei kei we two like ; rosi tfnHUp) . krau he beat us two . 2. with , kumeta n sea anemone . and (relating speaker and hearer); krau mi k we two . kumhar n cat's cradle (game) ; -0 kumhar play cat's cradle . krefi n k.o. breadfruit. kumhaUl n star; kumha u ianitim kreirai n 1. traditional star­ weaving design ; kumhau rami va headed club. 2. weaving design. meteor .

krepa n Bisl spirit-medium , curer kumhau2 n semi eyeball. (i.e. , clever) (see uvrumun) . kumkamasan d vb well , properly kri n Bisl agreement , consensus '· (see -amaSan). kitaha so kri we agree . kumkE�raha d vb badly , wrongly kri ri n Bisl greed. (see -eraha) ; iakini kumkamasan

kros n Bisl carton (as of ma ta ikinua kumkera ha I speak cigarettes ) (Eng: gross). properly but you say it is wrong. krun n sweet plantain . -kumkum a thick (as a slice of krup n Bisl group , any organised meat) , toned (as a body ), tightly social group with a purpose packed (as objects in a box or (see kampani, tim) . bag) , taut (as a bow string) , -ku v dir corne from , start at firm, steady ; nipran rikumkum (as a place) (var. of -aku) ; he is muscular . -ku paku? corne from where?; -ku kumskames ik n scab , sore (usually pehe corne from a nearby place ; several) (see nimwapw , -amesik) . -ku pen corne from a far place 65

kumwer n semi 1. shin , ankle ; -kurau v 1. circle, go around , kumwerkumwer shin , ankle . de tour , pass by; ramtkurau ia 2. wrist. suatuk sai ntpran he is going around by the women's trail. o-kumwiri v remove , take out of 2. finish , pass (as a radio (a container , pocket , basket program) ; tu aua trtkurau , tit etc.) ; in dkumwiri ma ni ia trastk in two hours the locusts pakit savani he takes money out will sing; nagkiari ien ia ratio of his pocket. ruvkurau raka the radio talk -kune v 1. manipulate , handle , finished (also -urkurau) . mix by hand (as kava) , stub out -kure v set, place , put down (see (as a cigarette) , put out (as a -akure) ; -kure uta rait hang up fire by hand) . 2. poison , use a lantern. poison (see -akona) ; -kune ntmu poison fish (with vegetable -kuregar a mouldy . poisons) . kuri n dog. kuni n a woman 's brother 's wife , -ku rigi via 1. turn , rotate, go husband 's sister . in a circle , lock (a padlock) , kunimwa n semi small of one's open (a spigot by turning) , back (see pOki). twist; -kurigi nagkiari ien end a discussion , close a meeting; kupuapen n 1. blue sky , clear sky -kuri gi ntSu- twist a leg; (see ntmagouagoU) . 2. k.o. hard -kurigi tarini drill , tighten a soil. screw , end a discussion; kupwtn d dsc first, before , ° iktkurigi raka paip nui ramarts preceding (see -kupwtn) ; nari you opened the water pipe and kupwtn the firs t one; ianptn water is flowing. 2. twisted , kupwtn the time before ; nuk stunted (as a person or tree , kupwtn the year before ; ma kwa cf. -ivuS) . kupwtn last month ; kupwtn takaru , kurimatau n Bisl cow , bullock kuri ra takapri first I will bathe [archaic] . then go to sleep. kurira d dsc after , behind , second -kupwtn v precede , lead (var . of (of two) , next , last (of a -akupwtn, see -ku) ; iaktkupwtn series) (see -kuri ra ) ; ramarer meuaiu I go down first. kuri ra iou he stands behind me ; -kur v di r originate , corne from taken fwe Fira, kurira takevtn (see -ku, -aku, -kuri ra , var. of fwe imwak iktn I will first go -akur) ; -kur iktn corne from a to Port Vila, then to my country ; place; -kur irapw corne up from nari kuri ra the one behind ; nuk below ; -kur uta corne down from kuri ra next year . above . -kuri ra v follow , corne behind Kuramai n month roughly equivalent (var. of -akurira, see -kur, ira) . to August (archaic). kuri ranatuiien n afterbirth (see -kuran a light, sunlit, clear -atui) . (also -urkuran , see -ran) ; -kurise v shift , move (as a child kwopun rtkuran clearing. in the womb) ; tini rtkurise ia kurapu n snapper fish . mama savani the child moves in his mother . Kurarurar n month roughly equivalent to September kurtgen n scorpion fish. (archaic) . 66

kurin n purple swamp hen (Porphyrio kut d dsc hornless, dehorned ; kau porphyrio) . kut hornless cow ; nini kut horn­ less goat . -kurin v know , understand (var . of -rukudn) [Imaki j. kutaha n var . of kitaha : we all , us all ; tu kutaha to us (see ti) . kurkurau n type of traditional nupu dance (see -kurau) . kutfo n small roach .

kurkurukwi a col black and white kutkut n parrot finch (Erythrura spotted (as a pig) (see k- 3, trichroa) (also kwarumin) . -rukw(i)) . kuvahlvahi n name of one of the kurkweruk n chicken feed , small vents in Iasur crater . insects ; menu rirakirak matui kuveio n sea snail . kurkweruk the hen scratches for its food. kuvlpehe n traditional style house (often serving today as cooking kurpas n senti heel ; kurpas ia houses) . nisu- heel . kuvi vo n boil , sore (see nimwapw) ; kurukuru n small stones , gravel. kuvnihi n image , likeness (see kuru kwa - n inal 1. middle, centre ; -uvnihi) ; -arai kuvnihi iermama ia kurukwa- in the centre of; ia nikweto carve a human likeness kurukwa i tina central Tanna in a black palm stump . (Middle Bush) ; kurukwai tis; offshore , sea away from lan"d. kuvnpaha n pearl shell. 2. waist, hips . kwa-l g sedimented article? kurukwanpusir a col colouring of Necessarily a part of some nouns pig , black with a white stripe but alternately added or deleted around its belly . from others (see n(i)-) . Some nouns optionally are n(i) - + root kurukwutihi n knot (see -rukwutihi) . or kwa- + n(i)- + root . kwa- may kusan n k.o. shellfish ; kusan be derived from k-s + -ua (to say), itoga green snail . i.e., 'one says '; nakwus, kwanakwus rope ; nimahan, kwanmahan kuse- n inal classifier of cane exchange partner ; nepwun , (bundle), also of paper (ream) ; kwanepwun a few , some . kusei nermama a bundle (meta­ phorically) of people ; kusei nig kwa-2 n inal fruit , var. of nikwa- ; one bundle of wild cane ; kusei kwanmirhi orange . niruk kahar three bundles of kwaganei n twin apple (Ochrosia sugarcane; kusei pepa stack of oppositifolia) paper . -kwah il v give birth to , bear kusenpwi n type of impromtu (used of humans , cf. -ikwahi); basket made of fern leaves . -apwah nikwahi iakwein barren. -kusi v weave , twine (as a mat, -kwahi 2 v ladle , bring water , basket , house wall , yam trellis) scoop ; -kwahi tisi bring sea (see -akwsirup) ; -kusi niparpar water . make a yam trellis. kwainain n Bisl any pill , proto­ kusi- n inal woman of ascending typically malaria prophylactics ; generation , opposite mo iety : -atigai kwainain take a pill . father 's sister , husband 's mother , mother 's brother 's wife -kwakw a short-sighted , doub le (see kaka) ; kusi Iapwatu sighted (as when drunk) ; nenime­ Iapwatu 's aunt . kwakw short-sighted. 67

-kwakwa a 1. short, small, little kwanapatu n ridge pole of a house (cf. -apOmuS); nipran rikwakwa supporting the kwanitan to which he is short. 2. unintelligent; thatching is attached (see nukwanen rikwakwa he is stupid . kwanitan, karukwau). kwamwopi- n inal half, part of, kwanape- n inal subject , topic, portion , piece , bit; kwamwopin part (of a speech act) (see ra ku? how many pieces?; kwamwopi nape-) ; kwanapei nagkiari ien nagkiariien a short talk, a por­ section of a speech , subject in tion of a discussion; kwamwopi discourse ; kwanapei nupu verse

nari a piece of something; ikani (of a song) • nere mapwah kwamwopin you ate kwanapena d vb implies berevity : the taro and left a piece . briefly , over a short time (see kWanal d dem see kwara nal . nape-) ; hamosi iraha kwanapena they only fought a short while; kwana2 d dsc see kwarana2 sorupu kwanapena we dance kwanaffri ien n paint, face paint briefly. (see naHri ien) . kwanapuga n 1. brain coral (see kwanage n story, tale , legend napuga) . 2. topknot, wh ite head (cL nHukuien) . feathers (of a fowl) . kwanagen n small tuber pudding kwanapuirahakw n coconut fruit wrapped in greens (nifar) . bud (see napuei ). kwanakau n semi rib (var. of kwanapw4r n va r. of napw4r. nakau) . kwanaragarag n clearing, aperture , kwanakur n 1. k.o. tree (bark opening (as through the forest) used for rope) . 2. cool season ; (see -aragarag, kwa rigeri g) . taim sai kwanakur kima ha iahamhu kwanare- n inal 1. egg ; kwanarei ira we garden in the cool season . menu egg ; kwanarei menu meta­ (var. of nakur) . phorically', land enclosed wi thin kwanakurakura n secondary fore st a larger plot . 2. testicle, growth (e.g. over a garden site) . scrotum ; kwanaren nara bull , uncastrated pig, a man ...,i th kwanakwevur n semi grey hair children (see -ara) . (head or facial) (see -akwevur) . kwanare iaku n k. o. taro (see kwanakwi er n semi blister , callus , iaku) . corn , wart (see iakwier) ; kwanakwier ia is octopus foot kwanari n 1. bead, pendant (as sucker . a greenstone ). 2. go itre 3. lymph gland . 4. larynx , kwanakwus n rope , vine , genea­ Adam's app le . logical line (see nakwus) . kwanariapa n k.o. sugarcane (see kwaname d vb full (as liquid) ; apa) . -etumw kwaname full; -kuar kwaname full; nui nikuar kwaname kwanaroti n 1. type of club . amtia filled completely. 2. serrated diamond design painted on traditional tapa kwanamrig n silence , void, belts (toti) signifying social absence of people, no one ; revin identity of ierm4nu or iani fwe rukwanu mana kwanamrig he niteta . 3. mother hubbard dress went to the village but no one with serrated hem. (Also naroti ). was there . naruarua n blowhole (of the sea) (see rua) . 68

kwanarukwas n k.o. taro (see kwanfetatea n mo rning star (var. nere , -arukwas). of kofetatea) . kwanaruru n k.o. tree ; its loss kwanian4k4r n hawkfish . of leaves signifies the begin­ kwaniapwlt n 1. seedpod of niapwit. ning of. the cool season. 2. glue , tree sap, sticky kwanasitov n magically treated substances. 3. tag (children 's stalk of wild cane used in kava game) . fertility spells or to tabu a kwanien n semi first descending garden, road , etc . (see generation, opposite marital kwatiuvti uv, pW ip) . moiety (male ego) : a man 's kwanastn n aroid flower ; ntpikau sister 's children , niece , nephew ro kwanastm the Fi ji taro is in (cf. pr4si -) ; k4fuk kwanien my flower . nephew . kwanasuaprana n k.o. fungus .­ kwaniere n 1. Garcinia pancheri 2. k.o. introduced fruit tree kwanava d· vb silent, socially with elongated , green fruit . inactive ; -akure kwanava i sit but don 't interact; ikarer kwanlg n semi backbone, spine kwanava ianram you stand aside , (see nig) ; kwanig ira his back­ stand silently. bone . kwanaviktr n lungfish . kwanihl- n inal penis; kwan ihi t4na point of land . kwanei n 1. section of roof thatching made by tying coconut kwanimwein4mer n semi spleen leaves onto a pole . 2. garden , (see nimwa) . kava garden (metaphorically) kwanipw4t n hive , beeswax ; (see nei) . kwanipw4t ia sukapak beeswax . kwaneis n rough basaltic rock kwaniv4n n secondary tree-trunk (cf. kweiai , ktpwier, k4ruatere) . (as of the n4m4ri tree) (see kwanemt r n classifier of rolled niv4n) . or coiled ob jects : roll , coil ; kwan4kukua n weaving style (see kwanem4r tapaka a roll of tobacco n4kukua) ; kwan4kukua ierman leaves ; kwanem4r ia toura a coil style in which every two strands of rope. of a mat are interwoven; kwanepwun d dsc some , a few , kwan4kukua pran style in which several (see nepwun) ; every three strands of a mat are kwankwanepwun some , several ; interwoven . pukah kwanepwun some pigs . kwan4m4kl n semi egg yolk . kwanevtr n greenstone pendant. kwan4m4k2 n k.o. plant (ginger) ? (The source of these pendants is now unknown; mythologically , kwan4mrek4- n inal fringe (as on they originate in a pool at the a basket or mat) (see n4mrek 4-) ; base of Fek4r waterfall .) kwan4mrek4n weaving design . kwanfaga n semi helper , disciple, kwan4mrit n k.o. vine . follower , crew (as of a canoe) , kwan4pati n k.o. wood-boring worm. supporter (see ntfaga) . kwan4p4n n time , period of time kwanfara n pandanus fruit (see (see n4p4n) ; kwan4p4n r4 kwakwa n4kwa- , ntfara) . a short time ; -vi a kwan4p4n ia 69

nikava stretch one 's kava out of a child 's first solid foods ). over time (several days) . 2. babyfood in general . kwanirieri n raindrops (see kwankurkur n 1. arrow shaft . -amiri , eri) ; kwaniri eri ramiri 2. canoe stanchion. 3. wild cane fwe nakwa i nimwa the drops drip stalk used in the construction into the house . of yam trellises ; mereni sapwai kwankurkur crop (of watermelons , kwanisesei kwanmatuak n 1. type of etc. ) planted in a yam garden square stone pendant. 2. k.o. after the completion of yam yam (see nisese- , nimituak) . trellises . This ripens and is kwanitan n 1. nutmeg. 2. plank harvested along with yams . (of a house, boat , etc . ). (var . of nikurkur) . 3. cross po les in a house roof kwankuru n 1. bird trap (pyramidal which support the thatching. structure made of wild cane ) . kwanitara n semi strip of coconut 2. any enclosure built of wild , frond used as rope (also nitara) . cane (nig) , such as a grave site . kwankamun n Abraham 's tears . kwankurukufe n double talk , lie (see nukuru- , kufe) ; -0 kwankuru­ kwankanhe- n inal gall bladder. kufe dissemble. kwankase- n inal 1. old taro kwankwa- n inal 1. fruit, off­ tuber (at the base of a harvested spring (var. of nikwa-); kwankwa i taro root) (see nikinhi-) . nikava small kava roots which 2. bump underneath the bowl of grow off lateral branches ; a clay pipe . kwankwai nisuk �y toes ; kwankwai kwankikiapesu n 1 traditional na re- testicles . 2. smallness or road (Le. exchange relationship) fewness of something; kwankwai linking localities around south nermama only a few people . Tanna (see peSu) . kwankwanei n 1. almond tree kwankinhi- n inal the remnant of (Termi nalia catappa ) 2. term the planted taro from which a of reference used by a person 's new tuber has developed (at the mother 's relatives . base of a harvested taro root) kwankwasikar n sunlight, sunshine (see kwankase- , nikinhi-, time- ). (see nikwasikar, -arukwasikar) . kwankopwa n paddock , corral (var. kwankweri- n inal kidney . of kopwa) . kwankwesi n k.o. taro . kwankumheiov n charcoal . kwankwikwa n lava bomb . kwankunhi- n inal tip, secretion (see nukunhi-) ; kwan kunhi- skin kwankwun n k.o. banana with small secretion , smegma ; kwankunhi fruit. napuei acne ; kwankunhi rait a kwanmahan n 1. exchange partner , tiny flame on a lantern wick . friend , exchange relationship . kwankupwe- n inal small side 2. sexual partner. 3. bed , tubers off a main root tuber bedding, place to sleep. (see nukfwe-); kwankupwei nuk 4. storage place . 5. space , small yam tubers . nothingness , an opening between clouds . 6. small thing, bits kwankureker n 1. young taro leaves , and pieces , rubbish , shred. taro leaf shoots (customarily one (var. of nimahan). 70

kwanmasivur n k.o. tree . kwanpwenh�- n inal chest, meat between rib cage (as of a pig) kwanmat�u n fishhook (see (var. of n�pwenh�-) ; kwanpwenhi kwaruvinari ) . hos horse 's chest. kwanm�k�rm�k�r n small stones , kwanpwfr n k.o. vine , used as gravel, sand , beach (see n�m�k�r). rope . kwanm�rhi n orange (fruit) (see kwansusuipuka n mussel. n�m�rhi); kwanm�rh i sai manuaua type of inedib le orange . kwansuvas n k.o. edible seed in a hairy pod (see n�SUVaS) . kwanoka n string, fishing line (see toura , nakwus). kwantemi sis n small, introduced plant with red berries (see kwanpapa n fruit of the niemi s mi sis) . tree . kwanua- n inal root (see nua-) ; kwanparum l n blunt arrowhead (for kwanuai nip�k banyan (surface) killing birds ) . root. kwanparUm2 n semi shoulder-blade . kwanuain�fweiag n k.o. yam . kwanpat�k�- n inal stump , base kwanuakw n grouper , lorch? (fish) . . (var . of n�pat�k�-); kwanpat�k� nua- neck; kwanpat�ki t�nari kwanuaris n k.o. vine . shirt, blouse; kwanpat�ki trausis kwanuasi kum n k.o. tree (bark short pan ts . used in the production of tapa kwanpi ki- n inal tail (see cloth) . nipiki-) ; kwanpi ki pukah a pig 's kwanumwhi - n inal skin , wrapping tail . (var . of numwhi-, cf. numwher�-); kwanp�sivur n semi nail (see kwanumwhi nari medicine (tradi­ pis i vur) ; kwanpis i vurpis i vur tionally wrapped in leaves of nail; kwanpispisivur nail; the n�fweiag tree) ; kwanumwhi kwanpisivur ia rigi - fingernail; n�far a small tuber pudding kwanpisi vur ia nisu- toenail. (baked in leaves) . kwanp�sp�sir�gi - n inal finger kwanuni- n seed (var. of nuni-) . (see p�sasori , etc.). kwanuvek�r n Barringtonia edulis. kwanp�sp�sitaik n k.o. shell bead . kwanuvo a col black (as a fowl ). kwanpri- n inal body , bit of kwara l d dem near (var. of (see n�pra-); kwanpri nei spool kwarahal) ; iankwara near (see (of thread) , ma gically treated -�n-) ; iamkwara near (see twig; kwanpri nei length of - (a)m-) . wood inserted in hole in one 's earlobe or nasal septum , earring , kwara2 d dsc a little , some , nose decoration ; kwanpri n�kava insignificant , small (var. of small kava branch (set aside for kwaraha2 ); t� iankwara nari replanting) ; kwanpri nahakw ouihi akin anan something small rise , hill . insignificant; fwe Iankiri pesu pehe iamkara i a little 'south ' kwanpr�taha (me) n one 's side , in th is direction from Iankiri . faction , group (as in a recipro­ cal exchange) (see n�pra-, -taha) . kwarahal d dem near , nearby , close , in proximity ; (see kwaral , kwanpun�ti- n inal var. of kwaranah1) ; nari kwaraha this nupunHi -. 71

thing here ; saiou kwaraha kau! kwarua n door , doorway , entryway , here is my cow ! gate , aperture , ho le (see rua , n�fukarua kwarue-); -0 kwarua kwarahaz d dsc a little , small, put a hole in , break apart; -0 some ; iakani kwaraha nari I eat kwa rua ia nagkiari ien break an a little food . agreement ; -0 kwarua ia Iesu kwarakwara d vb denotes in pieces , lose faith in Jesus . a plurality , smallness and multi­ kwarue- n inal aperture , hole , plicity (see n�kwarakwara ); slit (see rue-) ; kwaruei kamhari -arai kwarakwara cut into small vagina; kwaruei kua anus ; kwaruei pieces . ma i napuei slits in a woven kwaranah 1 d dem near (var . of coconut frond ; kwaruei nare­ kwa raha l) ; nari kwaranah that urethra slit; kwaruei nihi­ thing here . urethra slit ; kwaruei t�puk slits in a woven house wall; kwaranahz d dsc a little , small kwaruei tra usis a hole in a pair (var. of kwarahaz) . of pants , pants fly . kwarei n sweet potato ; kwarei fwe kwaruenh�- n inal handle (var . of takta k.o. sweet potato (i.e. ruenh�-) . doctor); kwarei fwe napw�s k.o. sweet potato ; kwa rei atakwu k.o. kwa rukwarua n semi qooseflesh , yam (Dioscorea esculenta) (see qoosebumps (see kamosmwher�n) . takwu) . kwarumah�kw n stage in the develop­ Kwareiuapomus n Mars? planet which ment of coconuts ; when a fallen rises alongside the mo rning star nut has begun to sprout (after during certain months . napui mhia and before nuvera) . kwarerin n hot stones used to bake kwarUmrUml n gossip, chatter ; -0 foods in earth ovens (see rerin) . kwarumrum chatter . kwa resa n louse egg case . kwa rumrumz n k.o. small plant with fragrant leaves . kwa revu- n inal 1. canine tooth (see reVU- ); kwarevui pukah kwarumu n n parrot finch . pig's eye tooth . 2. fishhook , kwaruvinari n 1. fishhook (see dancing implement (var . of -vi , nari) . 2. carved , wooden kwaruvinari ) . dancing implement wielded by kwar�ger�g n 1. garden clearing male kosusiva dancers (see (marked by dead , leafless trees ). t�naprau) . 3. mimed action 2. nest (of the larger species during nakwiari dances . of birds , i.e. , muapen , ma k, kwaruviru n k.o. banyan tree kieri , cf. kwatma ghe-) ; (var . of ruviru) . kwar�ger�g sai p�nharov fruit dove nest. 3. small , dead tree kwasave n spear becket , cord branches (as at the crown of a becket used to throw wild cane , tree) (see dgi-) . and other spears ; -ouini kwa save to throw a spear with a becket. kwar�s n semi largest member of a group (as of power stones , -kwas ikar v intr be midday , be yams on a vine , fruit, etc . ). sunny (see n�kwasikar, -arukwas ikar) ; ruvkwasi kar it kwarltu n barnacle . is midday . kw�rnaha d dsc see kwaraha . kw�s4r4s n red pepper, hot pepper. 72

kwasmweiov n abalone . kwatikinapuei n armband (made of a carved coconut shell, or woven kwasuahi n oath , pledge (often from various fibres) (see teki-) . taken on the name of one 's sister) ; -ni kwasuahi take an kwatikinimer n unicorn fish (also oath, tell the truth . i ipa) . kwatafa n 1. k.o. club . kwatini n 1. small child , small 2. magical preparation (brewed ob ject (see ti-) ; 2. initial in a tafa stage coconut) . drink of kava which men occa­ 3. lymph node swelling (see tina). sionally prepare during the day and which precedes the main kava kwataikwataik n half beak fish . (the mother) session of late kwataparip n single length o·f afternoon . kwatini 'opens ' one 's bamboo (as a fishing pole) (see stomach to facilitate later ti ki nau) . intoxication. kwatapasina n hide-and-seek , kwatinivirakw n k.o. seaweed (see children 's game . nivi rakw) . kwatapige- n inal nest of small kwatiuvtiuv n 1. drinking straw birds (var. of kwatmaghe-) (made from immature banana [Imaki j. leaves ). 2. magically treated stalk of wild cane used (a) for kwataratara n 1. bamboo flute kava fertility (inser ted into a (made by burning small holes growing kava plant) or (b) to into a length of bamboo) , tabu a road , garden, or other 2. small scars which children place (see pwip) ; -0 kwati uvtiuv burn in a pattern on th eir arms tabu or bespell with a treated for adornment . stalk of wild cane . kwataur n rope , bow string (as kwatikirkirl n whip , rope or made from the inner bark of the stick used as a whip. aerial roots of banyan trees) (see toura) . kwatikirkir2 d vb denotes vigour , strength ; -osi kwatikirkir kwategi- n inal container (of strike with all one's might. liquid) , bowl , hollow, depression (see tegi -) ; kwategi nui water­ kwatikirupu d vb denotes assem­ hole , puddle. blage : in a heap ; -akure kwatikirupu sit together ; pukah kwaterhen n traditional road me hapri kwatikirupu the pigs linking seaboard localities . sleep in a heap . kwati d ds c small , little ; kwati kwatimhien n va r. of timhien. pukah a small pig. kwatipisi n sea worm (var. of kwatia d qty one , only one (see tipisi) . -iti , a) ; takanumwi pia kwatia aga I will only drink one beer. kwatipun n lungfish (see kwanavi kir) . kwatigis n stage in the develop­ ment of coconut : small , about kwatipunaruveruv n robin four inches in diameter (succeeds (Petroica mul ticolour) (see kwanapuirahakw and precedes tipu- , -aruveruv) . kapkapeki) . kwatiriv n sling (often made from kwatihf- n inal flower (var. of woven pandanus fibre) (see tiriv) . tihi-) . 73

kwat4si- n inal aerial root (see kwfahi n hermit crab . t4si-) ; kwat4sin cord , rope (as kwisten n Bisl question , debating used to wrap tuber puddings for point ; iou iako kwi sten mik I baking in an earth oven) . question you (challenge you on a kwatmaghe- n inal nest (of smaller point) . species of birds) (cf. kwar4ger4g); -kwiri v intr complete , reach the kwatmaghei keihap nest of the end of an activity (as a dis­ yellow white-eye ; kwatmaghei cussion ; ikregi miva m4kwi ri you kiri kapou nest of the glossy listened until the end (see swiftlet . -akwi ri ) . kwatmar n 1. wasp . 2. variety of -kwito v intr convulse , writhe , cat 's cradle figure . thrash about; -kwitokwito have a kwatmaseka n 1. central spine of tantrum; iakunouihi ramo niamaha a coconut frond . 2. fly whisk , ma kwitokwito the child is angry broom. and throws a tantrum . kwatpi- n inal extremi ty ; kwatpi kw ivur n 1. greenstone , stone nami- urethra and bladder (as of a pendant. 2. magical stone (see pig), football ; kwatpi n4su- calf, nukwe-). lower leg muscles ; kwatpi nuva­ kw 4mtakahau n k.o. edible legume . thigh ; kwatpi r4gi- lower arm. kwop4- n inal var. of kwamwop4-; kwatpiavik4r n k.o. sugarcane . kwopi nari a piece of something. kwatukr6s n type of nupu dance kwopsase d vb denotes on one 's (see tukro s) . toes ; -akure kwopsase squat on kwatuku- n inal sprout , shoot, small one 's toes (cf. -akure uta) ; branch (var. of tuku-) ; kwatukui -av4n kwopsase walk on tiptoes . n4kava kava branch , sprout . kwopti d dsc a little , some (see kweiai n 1. pumice (cL kwaneis kwopun , -iti); iakokei kei kwopti k4ruatere, k4pwier) ; kweiaikweiai I want some ; in rani a kwopti pumice (see -eiai ). 2. file nari he only ate a little ; in (stone used to sharpen knives) . ramen ia kwopti he walked on a 3. big man , important man . little.

kweiei n rudder fish . kwopun n place , area, site; kwopun amasan a good place; kwek4r n box fish . kwopun r4kuran a clearing (in -kwena v abandon , ignore , leave , the forest) ; kwopun ouihi soon , not want; in r4kwena ia savani in a short time , near (in time) ; pran he left his wife . kwopun ouihi takeua I will vomit soon ; kwopun ruvnimwa ik4n door ; kwenakwa n k.o. fruit dove with U ia kwopun u here . red head and belly (see pinharov). kwumwesin n 1. God (in Christian kwera n brain (cf. kera) . sources ). 2. infinity , eternity kweria n swamp harrier (Circus (either past or future) . 3. the aeruginosus) . ancestors , the supernatural in general . 4. any inexplicable -kwesa v intr be infected, exude natural event (such as a mushroom pus (as a wound) ; n4mwapw which grows abnormally fast or r4 kwesa the wound is pussy . an oddly shaped cloud). 5. birth­ -kwes4r v sprout , send up shoots mark , wart , mole , tubercle (as (as a fence po st) . on kava root) (see kwanakwier) 74

M 2. sheet ; mai pepa a sheet of paper . m g abbreviated form of m�ne2 (and) ; used especially with nouns closely Mafe n planet (Mars?) . inte r.related (see m�) ; nes�n m magko n Bi sl mango . n�matagi rain and wind ; nari sapa m sapa all different (see -apa) ; magouagou n blue sky , heavens , nari m nari everything. (also n�ma gouagoU); ia magouagou in the air , in the sky. m- l g person-marking prefix to verbs (in singular constructions) -mahal g pronominal suffix, first indicating that the subject of person exclusive plural : ours ; the verb is either the same as t�pumaha our bellies ; pia the subject of th e previous verb sanmwuma ha our beer . or is an otherwise identifiable -maha2 v intr be at low tide , ebb NP (cf. mh (a) -, rou-, mhar-) ; tide , by dry (of liquid) ; t�si ravehe makure mapus he came , sat r�ma ha the tide is out . down and rested. mahamaha d vb implies striving , m- 2 g case-marking preposition, attempting , with vigour (see marking dative or benefactive -�maha) ; -arari mahamaha turn (see m�ne2 ' m� l' ti ); ravahi pen something with strength ; -agher mi k he gave it to you ; rasitu ma hamaha hang on tightly ; -eri pehe miou he helped me ; k�maha mahamaha dig vigorously. m�nrau we (exclusive) with they two . Becomes m� before a free ma inapuiramaga n type of woven form pronoun or a noun; in coconut frond mat (see ma -) . ragki ari pehe m� k�taha he spoke ma in�fregies ukw n k.o. shellfish , to us . Before third person mother-of-pearl (see n�freg�- , pronouns , becomes m�n ; m�nrau , i esukw) . m�nrahar, m�nraha , ik ikasi tu m�nraha you help them . main4nhupwi n 1. k.o. fern (var. of n4nhupwi ). 2. traditional -m g pronominal suffix, second road linking mountain villages . person singular : yours ; n�sum your foot; saim yours (cf. Ma ipOl n 1 Maevo (Aurora) , island sa- + ik) ; takutam your back . in the northern part of Vanuatu. m(a)- g var. of mh (a) -; iraha ma ip02 n k.o. sweet potato . hanosi pukah maveg�n they killed mak n generic term for pigeon, the pig and feasted . dove ; mak afuman green winged ma - n inal 1. leaf (var. of n�ma-) ; ground pigeon (Chalcophaps sp.) ; ma i napuei iramaga type of woven ma k apOmUS brown pheasant dove coconut frond mat; ma i nari (M acropygi a mackinlayi); ma k forest, bush ; ma i n�rfwer�g apwasiteg brown pigeon (Col umba dried banana leaf used for vi tiensis) ; mak inher4p k.o. rolling cigarettes ; ma i tam�p ground dove ; ma k irenha Tanna banana-like leaf used to wrap fruit dove (Ptilinopus tannensis) . tuber puddings (n�far) for makopu n k.o. breadfruit (see baking in an earth oven; ma i nemer) . tam�p ceremony and dance at the end of a cycle of circumcision ma kwa n 1. moon; ma kwa pwiapwi a exchanges during which oven full moon; ma kua vi new moon ; leaves and other refuse from the ma kua tarev�n quarter moon (see preceding principal exchange are tarev4-) : 2. month ; ia ma kwa burned; mai napuei kukusi type keva? in how many months?; n4fe of woven coconut frond . 75

makwa takwtakwnu? what month is marau n soldier fish . it now? mara uta n squirrel fish. ma kwrur n dust , dirt, volcanic ash mare- n inal man of first ascend­ (var. of ntmakwrur) . ing generation , opposite marital mama n woman of first ascending mo iety : mother 's brother , wife's generation, own marital moiety : father , etc . (see kaka) ; marak mo ther. Usually a term of my mother 's brother ; ma reni his address but occasionally a term father 's sister 's husband . of reference (cf. rinh t-, kanha) . -mare a ripe , ready to eat, ma ni n Bisl money . yellow (as leaves) (cf. -amera) ; -amramare ripe ; kesi rtmare the maniato n manioc (var. of mantO) . pawpaw is ripe . manfg n children's game , a form ma ret n Bisl marriage ; -0 maret of tag; -ai u ia ma nig play man ig. marry ; in ro maret i he married ma nkwakw a col dark brown (as a her . pig) . ma ri veia n butterfly fish . Mankwi ri n 1 small hill hear Mt . marmeri n Bisl mulberry . Medn (see -akwi ri ) . masis n Bisl match . manman n fruit fly , gnat . mata g but (see m- , -ata , cf. manmanu n neglect , forgetfulness ; mregi); i akokei kei manumwi ntkava -0 manmanu forget , neglect, mata iaptkokei kei mha nregi ien I ignore orders or advice ; in ro like to drink kava but I don 't manmanu he didn't listen to like the taste ; iakagkiari mata reason . iraha hapwah ntniien nari I manpeken n style of woven pandanus spoke but they didn 't say any­ mats with th ick strands (see ma -, th ing. peken) . matakimwa n swelling, inflamation manto n manioc . (see imwa) ; -0 matakimwa be swollen. mantres n mandarin orange , tangerine. me d num plural marker placed optionally after nouns (cf. mi , manuaua n Bisl 1. man-of-war mirahar, mtne) ; kuri me dogs (early naval ships which (i.e. , more than three) ; ntstme? periodically called at Tanna) . who are they? ; rosi kiri me hapuk 2. a historical political moiety he killed a lot of flying foxes . which developed on Tanna in the 19th century (see Sipi) . This -megi v drop , let fall (see has little current political and -araka) ; iema na ravrani nei no marital or residential mtmegi ira that man shouldered significance . the log then dropped it. ma pur n damsel fish . me i napuei n coconut plantation (see ntme-) . mapwar n mythological pygmy (see iapwar) . menu n 1. bird, prototypically fowl (cf. rei a) ; menu aprumun a mar- g va r. of mhar- . wild hen or rooster. 2. a return

-mar a harvested , fruitless (as exchange of pigs and kava in a tree or garden) ; kwanei ruvmar which those who received goods a kava garden is depleted . at a preceding nakwiari ceremony 76

(those who danced toka ) (cf. -apwah , n n) ; iap�kata reciprocate their former hosts mha I didn't see ; k�taha (those who danced nau) ; -0 me nu sap�kagkiari mha we all didn't ira hold a menu exchange . talk .

-mer v intr shine (as the moon) . -mha v intr tired , fatigued, weary (see -apou) ; iou iakmha mereni n Bi sl melon, watermelon, aga tukwe mapwah me v�n I am too etc . tired to go ; k�taha samha aga me ri n the sun (cf. n�kwasikar) ; t� nagkiari ien ia n�p�n me we meri reuaiu the sun goes down ; are weary of talking all the meri r�nhi iou the sun burns me . time .

Mer�n n 1 Mt. Melen, second mhar- g person-marking prefix to highest mountain on Tanna . verbs in trial constructions indicating that the subject of mes fa n Xtian me ssiah , Jesus the verb is either the same as Christ. the subject of the previous verb meta d vb denotes harmfulness , or is an otherwise identifiable force , vigour (see �mtameta); NP (see m(a)-, mh (a) -, rou- , -�r�ki meta bother persistently; -har-) ; irahar har�skamter -0 meta make trouble for, derange ; mharev�n they three stood up -osi meta strike to harm . and went; k�tahar saruveraha mhararu we three went to the -meta via 1. red , raw (as meat) , sea and swam ; tiro mharuta you undercooked; -�mtameta reddish three try to go up . In sequen­ (as some coconuts) . 2. bleed , tial constructions , becomes bloody ; n�suk r�meta my leg mharp- , mharpuv- , or mharp�n-; bleeds . ko sarpuvav�n mh arp�naru if we metsin n Bisl medicine ; ri f metsin three had gone , we would have leaf medicine , i.e., traditional swam . herbal medicine . -mhia a dry , dried out (see mh (a) - g person-marking prefix to -avahak) ; nei mh ia firewood verbs in plural constructions dry wood ; t�na r�mhia the ground indicating that the subject of is dry . the verb is either the same as -mh�nmha v intr sprout (as weeds , the subject of the previous verb carrots , tomatoes , cabbage , etc.); or is an otherwise identifiable mai nurh i ruvmhtnmha the grass NP (see m(a)-, rou- , mhar- , came up . -ha-) ; hati uta mhata kiri they looked up and saw the flying mi d num dual marker placed fox; hiav�n mhauta you all go optionally after nouns ; pukah mi and climb . In sequential con­ two pigs (cf. mwi , mirahar, me ) ; structions , becomes mhap�k-; stmtmi ? who are those two? SaVtn mhaptkaru let 's go and -mi aha g pronominal suffix, swim. In conditional construc­ second person plural : your all ; tions , becomes mhap-, mhaptn­ rtgimiaha your (plural) hands ; or mhapuv; ko sapuvavtn , nere san�mi aha your taro (to eat) . mhap�naru if we had gone , we would have swam . mimi n 1. general term for bugs Note : for some speakers is m(a) -. (excepting spiders) if specific name is unknown . 2. tooth mha g negative postclitic, with caries . 3. sea cucumber . -ptk- forms one of two alter­ native negative constructions 77

miminau n 1. Pele 's hair (volcanic -m�mi s a 1. bland (as water) , glass shards) . 2. name of one tasteless (in a po sitive sense , of a series of kava exchanges cf. -siu) ; iema rim4mi s a good involving communication with man . 2. friendly , helpful , on ancestors (tamafa ) during a good terms ; irau kro um�mi s pen circumcision cycle when wounds t�nrau they two are friends . are rebandaged . m�nel g case-marking preposition , minh in n rabbit fish . marking dative or benefactive (see m- 2, m� l) ; iakavahi pen mfrahar d num trial marker placed pukah riti mine Iau I gave a optionally after nouns (cf. mi , pig to Iau. me , irahar) ; ierman mi rahar three men ; s�m�mi rahar? who are those m�ne2 g 1. and , JOlnlng coordinate three? nouns or NPs (cf. kini) ; iakvahi nimrh i suka m�ne nikava m�ne rais -mfrahar g pronominal suffix, I bought sugar , kava and rice ; second person trial : your three ; iakata Rapi m�ne Iati I saw Rapi nisumi rahar your three legs ; and Iati ; iak�nanumwi pia mine kes i sapw�mi rahar your three iakinapri I drank beer and slept . pawpaw (to plant) . 2. and followers , family members , -mi rau g pronominal suffix, etc. ; Iau m�ne Iau and (his second person dual : your two ; people) ; N asipm�ne the Nasipmine nenimemi rau your two eyes ; areal group . imwami rau your two place . Note : often abbreviated to m or mL misi n Bisl missionary (term of address and reference) . minua g 1. introduces complements (see -ua , -�n-) ; in rokeikei misis n Bisl a European woman minua iou takvehe he would like (i.e. , missus ) (term of address me to corne ; k�taha t�sav�n m�nua and reference). hiapwah kimaha iahamo we will go mitig n Bisl meeting , especially together but if you don't want a po litical discussion (cf. to , we will do it (ourselves). nagkiari ien) . 2. introduces purpose clauses ; ti ko uahai a minua krau trouen mi l g va r. of mine l, m- 2; in rtnl do it quickly so that we two can pehe mi krau he said it to us leave . two . Note : often abbreviated to mua . m�2 g abbreviated form of mine2 mirar�n n rainbow . (and) , used especially with

nouns closely related (see m) ; -mirieri a cracked , fractured mi kiru twice ; in ro mi kiru he (see -mir4r, eri) ; nenime­ did it two times ; mi kahar ramirieri ill , hung over ; nimwa thrice ; iak inapus mi kaha r I was ramirieri a rotted house ; drunk three times . tuprena ram�rieri cracked earth . miginouihi n child (archaic , see -mirir a rotten , decayed ; nei iakunouihi ) . rimirir rotten wood ; nere ruvmimir decayed taro (left too mik�m n blue fish . long in the ground) .

-mikir v bother , pester (0 = mt) ; miriris n k.o. fish. ikmikir mi nari n�pin me you are bothersome all the time . 78

-m�ru a denotes ease of action , Muna n 1 Nguna , island in the carefulness , simplicity , slow­ central part of vanuatu . ness , gentleness or softness ; munmun n bluster , bombast (see -at�ri g m�ru a consider carefully; mumu) ; -akwein munmun bluster ; iakosi m�ru iakunouihi I strike -ni munmun talk off the point . the child lightly ; n�teta r�sua m�ru a the ship is sailing slowly; murieki n k.o. skink ; in raman m�ru a he proceeds care­ muriekimuri eki skink . fully (as on a narrow trail) ; -muru a alive , healthy , ripe (as -m�rum�ru soft; tuprena m�rum�ru fruit or cultigens) ; nari muru soft earth; nari r�m�ru an easy animal ; nari muru goods which task; tiken m�ru a! go carefully ! open an exchange relationship m�ruro d vb a little , some (see (cf. nari emha) ; nuk n�muru the -m�ru , rO) ; -ata m�ruro glance yams are ripe ; iakmuru I feel at; -osi m�ruro strike lightly ; well (not sick) . -regi m�ruro hear poorly. murukmuruk n wood-boring insect. mo ripako n k.o. wild yam (see murup n peregrin falcon (Falco namhu) . peregrin us ) . mour d dsc left (side) ; n�suk , -muruv a var. of -muru [Imaki j. mour my left leg. musmus n bluster , insult, slander , -mour a 1. wrong, incorrect , socially inappropriate talk (see wicked (see -amour) ; nari mo ur mumu , munmun) . a bad thing. 2. difficult, hard ; mari r�mour a difficult mwanipi tare n semi dorsal fin ; task . 3. bad , evil; nari mo ur kin mwanipitare its dorsal fin . an evil thing. Mwatiktiki n 1. culture hero , -mrahar g pronominal suffix , responsible for yam growth , etc . first person exclusive trial : He punishes those who break we three; t�rhumrahar our three various tabus pertaining to mouths ; nikava sanmumrahar our gardens , particularly with three kava (to drink) . migrane headaches . 2. highest rising lava bomb in a volcanic -mrau g pronominal suffix, first explosion. person exclusive dual : we two ; n�sumrau our two legs ; kiri mwatuk1 d dsc 1. right (side) ; san�mrau our two flying fox rigik mwatuk my right hand . (to eat) . 2. correct , good ; tafaga mwatuk correct behaviour . mregi g but (see m- l, -regi ); (see -atukwatukw) . iakvehe mregi ikiuan I came but you weren 't here . mwatuk2 n penis . Note : this is an infrequent -mwei v fall , fall over , drop alternative to mata . down ; -mwei ikou lean , bend mua g indefinite past/present before the wind (as a tree) , form of m�nua (see -ua) ; in stagger ; -mwei irapw descend , ro keikei mua niteta truvehe he -mwe i uta ascend , climb ; suatuk wants that the ship arrive . r�mwe i uta pare the path reaches the top ; ma i nari rimwei a leaf muapen n Baker 's pigeon . falls. mumu n bluster , bombast, slander , digression ; iermama sai mumu a person who talks big. 79

-mweris a 1. broken (especially N elongated objects) , separated : n- l g general nominalising prefix -akw mweris broken , broken up , to certain verbs and adjectives patchy ; nuk rimweris a yarn (cf. n n) ; nahaven interrup­ which has separated from its tion (see ahaven) ; namhu wild vine; tina rimweris a piece of yarn (see -amhu) ; napua cloud land cut off by surrounding (see -apua) . ravines (see tinamweris) . 2. dry (and broken) as yarn n-2 g nominalising prefix to verbs vines , thin (as after a fast) ; indicating the doer of the action , nuk kefa rimweris i a yarn left plural of i-I; nakres thieves ; four years in the ground . nahatin teachers ; nara land owners, residents . mwha g var . of mha . n-3 g plural prefix to certain mwh i g var . of mwi2' nouns (see n4-) ; iema man ; nema mw i 1 n mo squito ; mw i nahi iou men; iermama person; nermama a mo squito bit me . people ; ierman man ; nerman men; ierm4nu leader; nerm4nu leaders . mw i2 d dsc 1. again , back ; in rirerig mwi he has corne back , n-4 g prefix to a few colour he has returned again. 2. also , adjectives restricted to too ; iou mwi me too ; iou mwi descriptions of animals (cf. k-3); taken I too will go ; in mwi nakirai dark brown (as a pig) . r4ski iou she too swore at me . n-s g perfective tense marker 3. more ; takanumwi mwi n4kava (var . of -4n- , cf. -uv-) (person/ I'll drink more kava (cf. mi ). number prefixes deleted) ; napou mwi 3 g and (see m4ne2) ; pusi mwi he is dead ; napw nahi iou the kuri the cat and the dog. fire burned me ; nikava namwhen enough kava ; n4mwapw nama k4r mwfahi n large , biting black ant the sore is raw ; nui nama the (see -ahi ?) . water is dry ; nuk nafa the yarn mwipwu- n inal person of second is cooked ; tata namapus father decending generation : grand­ is drunk . child, descendent ; mw ipwui Vani -n g pronominal possessive suffix, Vani 's grandchild; my mwipwuk third person singular : his, her , grandchild; mw ipwuk amasan my its (cf. -ni) ; nenimen her eyes ; grandchild ; mwipwuk rera ha my t4rhun his mouth great-grandchild, descendents past the second descending n n g general nominalising generation . pl . n4mwi pwu- ; discontinuous affix; -ni say , nimwipwiNoka the descendents talk ; n4ni ien talking; -osi of Noka . Names of lineage-like strike ; nosiien striking; -0 do , groups localised at imwarim make ; noien doing, making; this often take this fo rm. affix is used with -apwah2 in one of two negative construc­ mw irmwir n twins , double yolked tions (cL -p4k- , mha) ; iakapwa h eggs . n4niien I didn 't say; iraha mw4 ramw4ra n ant. hapwah nosiien they didn 't strike ; k4taha sapwah noien we mw4tikaro n worm . don 't do . The suffix -ien follows any verbal qualifiers ; 80

iakapwah nregi amasanien I didn't naghu- n inal name (cf. nahag); hear well; iakapwah navahi pukien si naghum? what (i.e. , who ) is I pidn't get many ; krau krouapwah your name? si naghi iakunouihi? no amasan peri peri rakaien nari what is the child name? we tWb together didn 't do well. nagienien n gladness , happiness na g 1. verbal marker of intention; (see -agien) . or probable future action ; iakregi nagkiariien n 1. word , utterance , iakua na takemha I feel like I speech , language (see -agkiari ); will die ; na ruvehe irapw he nagkiari ien amasan good talk , intends to take it out; na tahani proper talk ; nagkiari ien reraha nuk we intend to eat yam. swearing, bad talk ; nagkiari ien 2. introducer of complements of ia nimagouagou empty talk ; succeeding action : thus , then ; nagkiariien sai ieremha ancestral kitaha sakw eri mhav4n na iou speech , archaic or semantically iakamevin we all break up and opaque language ; nagkiari ien then I go off; Iati rinua ruvsini parable, metaphor; iraha takavin na mata in Iati said I hani nHe nagkiari ien? what lang­ will go then see her . (see n-s, uage do they speak?; nagkiari ien -a, - (a)m-) . rifini? what is the meaning of nafaki ien n 1. prayer . 2. week ; the word (or utterance )?; -osi ia nafakiien kupwin last week ; askrini nagkiari ien explain , ia nafaki ien u this week ; ia define a word . 2. decision-making nafaki ien fwe rivehe next week . meeting, dispute-settlement (see -afaki ). meeting (usually convened at an imwarim) . nafau n kava bowl (shaped like a canoe) . nah d dem this or that , referring to an ob ject physically or meta­ naffri ien n paint , dye (tradi­ phorically closer to the hearer tional or imported colouring than the speaker (var. of nahal used to dye fibre baskets , mats cf. u, fa , fwe) ; takesi kes i nah and skirts , and as face paint) I will pick that pawpaw (close (see -afiri , kwanafi ri ien) . to you) ; in nah that 's it; in nafunu n food eaten immediately ihi nah that 's it; nah ikin after drinking kava (see -afunu) . there , that place . nafweruk n stage in the develop­ nahal d dem this, that , referring ment of coconuts , drinking nut to an ob ject closer to the hearer (with soft meat and effervescent than to the speaker (see nah , cf. water). Succeeds tafa , precedes u, fa , fwe) ; naha ikin there , kahimaregi . that place . sanaha those , that (see Sa-) ; osi pukah naha (you) nafweruk fam. n var. of naf\v eruk beat off that pig. (see -fam) . Naha2 n name of language spoken nage n almond , Canarium indicum; by the Nalpaimene people west nage ma hu k.o. nage . of Lake Siui . n inal cluster , hand (as naghe- nahag n name (cf. naghu-); nahag of bananas ); naghei taik hand asor; local group name ; s; nahag? of bananas . what (i.e. , who ) is its name? naghragherien n hanging on , nahak n 1. dirt , mote , scrap, pestering (as by a child) , food scrap ; nahak fwe ne�imek annoyance (see -agher) . a mote in my eye. 81

2. traditional sorcery , a mixture nakanmapwu- n inal 1. liver. of sympathetic and contagious 2. loved one (metaphorically) . magic in which some bodily nakaras ia n Bisl the church (in material (nails , urine , dust Presbyterian translations); from a footprint) or other item iakarasia a Christian; nakur ia closely associated with a victim nakarasia Christians . is wrapped together with sorcery power stones and heated, as a nakau n semi 1. rib ; nakauakau bundle , over fire ; nukwei nahak ribs , ribcage ; nakau ia nimwa sorcery stone. house roof po le . 2. side of body , flank ; nakau ianram my nahakw n incline , rise , steep side . 3. cliff; ia nakau i at place ; fwe nahakw ikin at the the cliff. rise (as in the trail); suatuk ro naha kw the road is steep . nakei Fi ti n k.o. banana . nahapau n k.o. fish with thick nakeiv n k.o. banana . skin. nakirai a col dark brown (as a nahatinien n teaching , learning pig) (see -aki rai ); nakirai meta (see -ahaHn) . reddish brown with black stripes (as a pig) . nahaven n interruption (in speech or other activity) (see ahaven) ; nakogar n k.o. tree . -akwein nahaven abandon (an nakresien n stealing , theft (see activity ) decline (something) ; -akres) . -ni (n) ahaven interrupt (someone talking) . nakua l n 1. sp�rit which appears in the guise of a friend or nahavi n k.o. yam (see -ahavi ). relative, or in the guise of a nahe d dem var. of nahal [Port woman or man who initiates Re solution] . sexual intercourse. Such spirits are encountered in the bush and nahevi n va r. of nahavi . in one's dreams . 2. wet dream .

nah6r n reddish clay used as face nakua2 n 1. an especially rich paint , imported from Aneityum. plot of land , especially one on N ahua n traditional name of a which strong kava grows ; nikava month roughly corresponding to ia nakua strong kava . 2. fish January . trap made by piling rocks up to create a walled enclosure in naiuaiu n gust (of wind) . which fish are trapped as the nak g var. of sana-, -k : my food, tide recedes . first person singular valued nakumwhe- n inal fruit stalk and alienable possession ; nak nari fruit (of coconut , Barringtonia my food . edulis)

nakurz n 1. k.o. tree (bark used dance of the guests followed by as rope) . 2. cold season ; taim nau (and sometimes kosusiva, and sai kwanakur kimaha iahamhu ira other dance styles) performed by we garden during the time of the the hosts . Each dance team nakur fruit. enters the dancing grounds (imwarim) carrying a long , nakurakweri - n inal 1. upper end , feathered pole (kaio apOmus) . tip (of an elongated ob ject such Every host dancer ki lls a pig as a post, bow , tree) ; which he presents to a guest nakurakweri nifaga tip of a bow . along with a large head of kava . 2. end (as of a song, discussion The guests , within a month or so , etc. ) (see nisuvenh i-, cf . reciprocate (-0 men u i) these nukunhi -) . goods at a home imwarim. They , nakuriraien n fo l lowing , act of in future , will reverse the succession (see -akuri ra) . exchange and become hosts in turn . Several generations may nakwa n will, desire , wish , order , pass before nakwiari is reversed . demand ; nakwa sai Atua God 's Depending on the plans of various will; -0 nakwa sai kastam obey local groups , several nakwiari tradition . may occur in a single year . nakwa- n inal 1. mouth (inner , cf. Generally , however , years may tirhu-) ; nakwa i nimwapw ab scess; pass between nakwiari ceremonies . nakwai nui pool , well. 2. vo ice nakwsakweien n death , final ill­ (see reri-) ; nakwa i karagapahar ness (-akws akwe unident .) . foolish talk . 3. inside of, within; nakwai namhuien garden 's nakweinien n calling out , shouting centre , garden's heart; nakwai (see -akwein) . nimwa inside the house . 4. will , nakwus n 1. vine (generic taxon desire , wish , order , demand (see name) ; nakwus sai Amerika k.o. nakwa) . vine . 2. rope . 3. genealogical nakwanumun n earth oven (see line . nakwa- , numun) . nama n mouthfu l (as of chewed nakwaregi- n inal 1. inner ear kava) ; tikanumwi nama keva ? how (cf. nHregi-) . 2. gill (of a many mouthfuls will you drink? fish ) . (a usual number is three) . nakwatina n 1. valley , ravine ; namahakwien n fog (see -ahakw (i» . ia nakwatina in the valley . namakahak n dawn , daybreak (var. 2. creek , stream (see nakwa- , of nakahak, see -(a)m-) . tina) . namakpenien n seclusion , hiding nakweiaiien n semi fish roe (see (particularly of newly circum­ -akweiai?) cised boys) (see -amak, pen) . nakwiari n exchange of dances , nama s n 1. tapa belt (used to pigs , kava and food which hold up penis wrappers, exchanged periodically take s place between during nakwiari dances ) (see two local groups and their toti). 2. k.o. sugarcane . supporters . Six months of dance 3. type of traditional medicine . and song practice and associated

minor exchanges precede the main namasamasien n guile , untruth , event . Women dance nirup and flattery , double-talk (see young men kauas during the night -amaSz) . before the main exchange . This namasanien n goodness , utility begins at dawn , with the toka (see -amaSan). 83

namhakuien n clubbing , hitting naninha n.semi guts , intestines ; with a club (see -amhaku) . naninha ia pukah pig intestines . namh u n small, round wild yam nanin n k.o. tree . (D ioscorea bulbi tera) ; namhu nanumu- n inal 1. spirit , ghost; itoga k.o. namhu . nanumu- riuan be astonished , namhuien n garden , farm plot (see dumb founded . 2. shadow , image , -amhu) ; namhuien sapwasik my photograph , reflection ; nanumui garden; in fwe ia namhuien he is pukah a photograph of the pig; at the garden . nanumui nupu chorus (of a song) . 3. likeness , partial similarity nami - n inal urine (also nami ) (as in biological classification (see -ami); nami k my urine ; and nomenclature); nanumui iaku nami saiou my urine ; nami k.o. shellfish ; nanumui irakirak painful urination, a kwaniapwit clover ; nanumui nifara bladder infection . a plant like pandanus (without namio n k.o. yam. its useful qualities ). namip n k.o. tree , leaf used as a Nanumun Ikinan n Holy Ghost (for penis wrapper, also warmed on Christians) . fire and rubbed on stomach to napa n k.o. tree Alphitonia facilitate kava intoxication . zi zyphoides (bark used as namirinuien n peace , calmness , medicine to encourage the growth quietude , absence of war or of pigs) . hostilities (see -amirinu) . napaneien n protective magic (see namnamhu n k.o. fern . -a pane) .

nams ukamsukien n dawn , early nape n k.o. tree (var . of napa ) . morning (see -(a) m-, -suk) ; nape- n inal section , length wake early -atui nams ukams ukien (area between two joints or other in the morning. boundaries) (see kwanape-) ; napei namur n k.o. tree , Bi sl : nameli. nig section of wild cane stalk ; nape i nikava section of kava namwhen n enough , state of stem ; nape i niruk length of sufficiency (see -amwhen); sugarcane ; nape i nisu- lower leg, iakinani namwhen I ate enough . calf; napei nupu section , verse nanas n small plant with red of a song ; napei rigi- lower arm. flowers . napi ien n 1. crying , sobbing. nanes n 1. k.o. tree . 2. small 2. care , concern , pity , consi­ plant with red flowers (var. of deration (see -api ). nanaS) . napiso n k.o. cane with edible nanhi- n inal breast; nanhin her inflorescence . breast; nanhi tinifup corner napirapire n k.o. grass (see pi re) . point of a basket. napirapomus n k.o. fern . nani- n inal 1. flesh , internal parts , meat (as of a nut or napis d vb inappropriate or fruit) ; nani napuei coconut disruptive speech interaction ; meat ; nani nuk yam flesh ; nani -akwein napis bring up a past nere taro flesh ; nani kesi dispute , continue to argue after papaya flesh . 2. the part of a social consensus ;. -osi napis tuber which is set aside to be bring up past disputes ; -uasi replanted (cf. nuni -) . napis bring up past disputes , speak indirectly , or metaphori­ cally . 84

naptti n k.o. tree . napupu n k.o. tree , used in canoe construction . napregovi en n fish lure (leaves tossed onto water to attract napurapurien n trouble, disorder , fish to a line) (see -apregoV) . dispute (see -apur) . napri ien n sleep, sleepiness; napurien n play , game (see -apur) . napri ien ravahi iou I am sleepy; napw n fire ; -rai napw start a napri ien resite ik you feel fire by rubbing together two sleepy . pieces of wood ; napw sai iasur naprtge- n inal ink (of an octo­ volcanic fire . pus) ; naprtgei is octopus ink . napw fwe ieremha n puffball . napse- n inal person of own napwahien n inaction , lack of generation and opposite sex, doing or mak ing (see -apwah 1) ; possible spouse (see ieri) . iakapwa h napwahien I refuse to napua n cloud (see -apua) ; napua not do , i.e. , I will act or make. ierman stratus , cirrostratus napwesen n k.o. tree with small cloud ; napua pran cumulus , white flowers . cirrocumulus cloud .

napwi si � var. of sanmwu- + -i ; napuei n 1. coconut ; napue i napue i napwisi Tau Iau's coconut pamrtmera species of coconut (to drink) . with green nuts (see -amrtmera); napuei pame ta species of coconut napwtnhi n inal see napwtnhisu-. with reddish nuts (see -meta) ; napwtnhisu- n inal namesake (term napuei mh ia stage in the develop­ of reference and address , see ment of coconuts , a ripe nut ttpti ); napwtnhisuk my namesake . with developed flesh which falls Note : becomes napwtnhi when the from the tree (see napui mhia) ; possessor is a noun , or third napuei sanmwuk my drinking person singular pronoun ; napwtnhi coconut ; -arei napuei cut copra . his namesake; napwtnhi Ta imwertn 2. eggwhite . feast for a 3. Taimwerin 's namesake . girl 's first menstruation; -0 napuei tt pran hold a menstrua­ napwtr n house wall (made of tion feast. woven bamboo) , garden fence (cf. ntpai , Hpuk, nikis) ; -osi napwtr napuei kurukwutihi n raft (see tukwe isupwtn fail to achieve -rukwuti hi ). consensus , refuse to agree napuga n 1. brain coral , non­ (metaphorically) . branching corals , coral naraien n 1. life , living , outcropping (cf. ntfwi ri ). existence . 2. custom , customs , 2. bald head. tradition (see -ara , kastam) . napugen n fruit (in general) naramt- n inal 1. tongue . (see ntkwa-) ; napugen nei fruit; 2. flame ; narami napw flame . napugen raiu kttaha sani the fruit is ripe , we eat. nare- n inal testicle , egg (var . of kwanare-) . napugov n palm , Vei tchia sp. narerafafaien n ambush (see -arer , napui n coconut (var . of napuei) ; afafa) . napui mhia stage in the develop­ ment of coconuts , ripe nut with nares ien n ques tion , query (see developed flesh (var. of napuei -areS) . mh ia) ; napui ttna variety of coconut tree with short trunk . 85

Narhak n name of the language nartku n payment , wage (see spoken in East Tanna (White -artku) ; -avahi nartku get paid . Sands ) . nartp n 1. slipknot . 2. k.o. narhiien n thought , thinking (see sugarcane . -arhi) . narneiv n t yesterday (var. of narhtg n k.o. tree, fruit eaten nari nei v) ; iaktrhi pehe narneiv by flying foxes . I sent it yesterday . na rhuatov n k.o. large fern. narofenua n k.o. yam (high prestige) . nari n thing , object, being; nari afafa secret; nari aprumun wild naroti n va r. of kwanaroti . thing, untamed animal ; nari apa naruag4nien n war , warfare , fight different thing; nari fa nah (see -aruagtn) . 'whachamacallit' , used to replace the name of an ob ject or person narukwas n 1. fumerole , volcanic a speaker is unable to recall ; steam vent (cf. tukwuS). nari emha goods which complete 2. coloured volcanic clay an exchange by restoring balance ; (traditionally used as face nari ia rukwanu tame animal ; and body paint) (see -arukwas?) . nari ia rukwanu woman ; nari ipwa i narukwasikar n sunshine , daylight spirit , supernatural being , (see ntkwasikar) . dream ; nari tsien meat; nari kwa raha this th ing; nari m nari naruru n k.o. tree ; naruru things , everything; nari m nari ramaptrhi nere , naruru signals me everything , all things ; nari the taro harvest. m nari me ramasan fwe Ameri ka naruvaruv n t evening , afternoon; everything is good in America; ia naruvaruv in the afternoon ; nari muru animal ; nari muru ramasan ia naruvaruv good after­ goods which initiate an exchange noon . (see -muru) ; nar(i) nah that thing ; nari nehev valley , (over­ nas n 1. breast; -anunu ia nas grown) ravine ; nari nehev i suckle . 2. milk ; nas riva milk something abandoned , overgrown flows . 3. type of coconut leaf site ; nari nei v yesterday ; nari sheath (nenha) with thick fibres pen spirit; nari ri ti something; used as a strainer in kava iakata nari ri ti I saw some thing; preparation . nari saiou my genitals; nari u nasar n k.o. fern . this thing; -ani nari eat ; rtpui nari large , huge ; -rukurtn nari nase n 1. adopted child (see understand , know , be wise . -aSe) . 2. personal name . nari tsien n small white spider nasitov n Indian coral tree. (signals that one will eat well nasituien n help , assistance , if it crawls across one) . aide (see -asitu) . nari ram n k.o. banana; nari ram nastptr n ridge (see ntpopou) . mttameta k.o. banana (see -tmtameta) ; nari ram pusir k.o. nasuer n souvenir , memory , ob ject banana . which once belonged to a dead friend or relative . nari s n sea current ; naris ravahi kttaha we get off the subject (in a discussion) . 86

n�tahi n 1. k.o. plant , the fire­ navahagien n advice , warning (see warmed leaves of which men apply -avahag) . to th eir bellies to facilitate naVan n k.o. tree used for house kava intoxication. 2. k.o. tree posts . Bi sl : milk tree . navegtnien n feast, food (see nata ien n idea, thought , thinking -avegtn) ; -0 navegtnien stage a (see -ata) ; nataien riti saiou feast; navegtnien asori final my idea . marriage exchange . nataka" n refugees (see -ataka) . navisaien n fight, row , argument nataktr n glare , stare , scowl (see -avi Sa) . (see -ata ktr) ; -0 nataktr i navtnien n travelling, coming and stare at ; ntmrhitaha ro nataktr going, walking (see -avtn) ; ia kttaha we glare at each other. nav4nien asori a long trip . nata tau n tattoo . navsi eteien n trick , prank , lie natigamera n 1. moss, algae . (see -avsi ete) . 2. k.o. seaweed (see -amera) . neai n sky , heavens ; ia neai in natfriien n sewing (see -ati ri) . the sky , up , at the top ; fwe puta ia neai in the sky . natfs n k.o. plant with small purple flowers . neganega n semi internal membrane (as of a pig) (see -ega) . natoga n east wind (see itoga) ; uri toga natoga south-east wind . nehev n valley , overgrown ravine (see -ehev) ; ia nehev in the nau n 1. knife ; nau nisa machete ; valley . nau itoga machete ; nau k4rtfe pocket knife . 2. bamboo (see nei n tree , bush , log , timber , ti ki nau) . 3. dance performed wood ; nei amera green wood ; nei by the hosts of a nakwiari akona poison ; nei asori a tall ceremony ; -rei nau dance nau . tree , a large piece of wood ; nei kama rukwau cross (Christian ) nauait n k.o. plant (leaves used (see -arukwau); nei mh ia fire­ in medical preparations ) . wood ; nei peken medicinal leaves nauaU n 1. opening gi ft (usually applied to circumcision wounds , kava or fowl) of an exchange (as name of minor feast during a to a rainmaker to request that circumcision cycle which alter­ he prevent rain) ; -vahi pen nates with ntperei nei ; nei nauau gift . 2. personal name . pw iapwia see nei peken . nauga n piece or slice of meat nei ia n4su- n inal tibia.

(of any animal) (see -auga 1) • nei pwasi Nouanptko n poinsettia, nauoua n va r. of nououa . (see pwas i) . naur�m n k.o. namhu (wild yam) . neiahagien n 1. breathing, panting , breath . 2. asthma ; neiahagien naurtsien n shame , shyness, reraha asthma (see -eiahag) . embarrassment (see -aur4s). neik n Coleus sp . nauta n possessions , goods , cargo , stored food ; in ro t4 nauta neirapin n leaf bundle or concoc­ saiou he desires my goods ; saiou tion used in n4kem4s sorcery . nauta rouihi I have few pos­ Specifically , allows a persons to sessions (I am poor) . become invisible , to sense the presence of enemy warriors in the veins of one 's arms , etc . 87

neis1 n t two days away from the nenis n 1. steam , condensation of present; kini neis i in two days ; one 's breath (in cold weather) . nar(i) nei s two days ago ; ti nei s 2. ground fog , steam which rises two days from now . from wet earth at morning (see -en4s) . neis2 n basalt (var. of kwaneis) . nep n club . neiy n t yesterday ; nar(i) nei y yesterday . nepwun d dsc some , a few , several (see kwanepwUn); napuei nepwun nekua ien n lie , untruth (see some coconuts ; nepwun r4yehe -ekua) . some (people) come . nema n people , men (see iema) ; nerahaien n sin, bad behaviour , nema asori big men ; nema naha wrong (see -eraha) . those people . nere n taro (Colocasia) ; iakapwe nemer n breadfruit; nemer itoga nere I plant taro ; nere sai soursop . ieremha Ca ladi um sp . nemhaien n sickness , illness , nermama n people (pl . of iermama) . disease (see -emha) ; nemhaien rosi kitaha we are sick . nerman n men (pl . of ierman) . nenha n coconut fibrous leaf nerm4nuien n 1. power, strength sheath (used to strain kava) . (other than physical), leadership . 2. genital organs (see -erm4nu) . nenhtnien n dry season (see

-enh4n) . ner4g n k.o. tree with stinging leaves . neni n Bi sl goat (in particular , female goat) . neru- n inal person of first descending generation , own nenime- n inal 1. eye , face (by marital moiety : child (used in extension) ; nenime- rapsan first and second person singular unconscious , knocked out; nenime­ constructions (cf. ti -» ; neruk ra ra ira see clearly; nenime­ my child; nerum your child . rifi a stubborn, stupid , bad , crazy ; nenime- r4pitoy uncon­ nerupwunien n 1. joint , joining, scious , in a faint ; nenime- r4Yera intersection , exchange . blind (if eye is clouded with 2. punishment , revenge (see cataracts) ; nenime- ruku blind -erupWun) . (if eye is shut) ; nenimei napuei nes4n l n rain ; nes4n trenh4n the the blunt end of a coconut; rain will stop ; nes4n ruyanh4n nenimei pukah pig's eye , pig' s the rain stopped ; nes4n rauar face . 2. sprout , growing tip of it is raining . a plant , 'eye' , point; nenimei nuk yam runner tip ; nenimei neS4n2 n t when? (past) ; in p4tete potato eye. 3. worth , r4natui nes4n? when was he born?; value , price ; -ayahi nenimen t4 nes4n? when? (future) ; t4 buy something; -ayahi nenimei nes4n tikrerig when are you pukah buy a pig; ntmrh i pukah coming back? the value , price of a pig. neta n blood (unpossessed, cf. 4. a pig exchanged with a n4te-) ; neta reraha bad feelings , deceased person 's mother 's disrupted social relationship; family about a month after a neta kwatia one blood , one death ; nenimen funeral gift, family line. ' i.e. , a person 's worth (see ntmrhi ) . neuaien n vomit, vomiting (see -eua) . 88

nevo n 1. hibiscus tree (Hibiscus to an agreement ; -ni tinpin tiliaceus) , inner bark fibre ignore , disparage , vilify; -ni used to make women's skirts . vivi complement , speak well of, Bi sl : burau . 2. algae (in. the welcome ; iani spokesman ; iakamini sea) ; nevo rirei ierema algae tukw ik I am saying to you ; in sticks to people . rini mua pukah iti ruvamha he said that a pig is dead ; iema u nevo ikirakiri n 1. name of rini puk this man talks too much traditional road linking inland Note : used to introduce comple­ villages (see suatu k) . 2. k.o. ments , etc . (see -p- , -ua) ; Hi biscus tiliace us . ripini minua krau kripuvavin fwe -nhi g var. of -ni ; sapwinhi his tisi ko kripinosi peraha if we to plant. two had gone to the sea , we would have fished . -ni l g pronominal possessive suffix, third person singular : n i a 9 n termi te . his , her , its (var. of -n) ; niagin n primary forest , land tinirup savani her basket ; uncleared for many years . napuei sanrnwuni his coconut .( to drink) ; nere sapwini his taro niamaha n anger , ire , fury ; (to plant) ; fwe irnwani at his niamaha rahi iou I am angry ; place . niamaha rirei in he is angry ; -0 niamaha be angry . -ni 2 v say , tell, speak (something) (cf. -agkiari) (dat = ti) ; -ni niapen n cryptocarya turb inata , ahaven interrupt; -ni amtia say Bi sl : wild natongtong . only once , say at the same time ; niapwft n plant with sticky leaves -ni apeken be mistaken in saying ; and seed pods . -ni apwini deny falsely , perjure oneself, conceal , keep secret; nfas n bailer (see -ias) . -ni aruvareva disrespect , dis­ niau n sound representing that regard ; -ni asori orate , use made by ca ts . metaphor and figures of speech confusing to women and children niauri n Bi sl? half-caste (see -us apeken) ; -ni fi fi tell (a person of mixed European and only part of; -ni iankare- speak Ni-Vanuatu ancestry) . behind one 's back , go ssip; -ni niemi s n k.o. tree with edible kupwin predict ; -ni kwa kwa aga leaves and fruit (species of fig) . nagkiari ien only know a little of a language ; -ni nikare- talk niepi n 1. palm , Me troxylon behind one's back ; -ni nipran warburgii. 2. type of spear . explain; -ni nupu sing; -ni niepur n Croton sp. ouihi disrespect , disregard ; -ni pen swear , use bad language ; nier n casuarina . -ni pen ti inform ; -ni pen pen nieri n 1. an exchange of pigs delay , pos tpone (a planned and agricultural produce between action) ; -ni pui betray , inform two local villages . 2. friend , on ; -ni raka aga speak quickly exchange partner (see ieri) . so as to slur or shorten one's words ; -ni rikirakiri talk nig n 1. wild cane . 2. arrow foolishly , talk foolhardily; shaft. -ni sas explain , tell about; nfgaha- n inal gums , roo f of -ni sas i tukw iou explain it mouth . to me ; -ni sumun agree; -ni tesi end a speech or discussion , come 89

nihl- n inal excrement , shit nirup n 1. dance performed by (also nihi) ; nihi iasur vo lcanic women the night preceding the ash ; nihi kusan diatomaceous major nakwiari exchange . remains deposited on the beach ; 2. basket-drum struck by women nihi nenime- eye exudate ; nihi as they dance nirup. ntpasegi- snot ; nihi nui bog; nisa n bush knife , nau nisa bush nihi saiou my excrement; nihi knife , machete . ttna earth , soil , clay; nihi k my excrement. -nise v forbid, ban (see -nil ; kafmin rtnise trapor the govern­ nikis n rear wall of a traditional ment forbids any trouble. house (cf. Hpuk) ; nirnwa nikis house with bamboo and cane walls . nisei n aromatic shrub (Evodia?) the leaves of which men and nikur n royal palm tree . women wear during ceremonial nirnwa n 1. house , building ; fw e events ; ma i nisei nisei leaf. irnwa to the house (see irnwa-) ; nistp n 1. k.o. tree (from which nirnwa afaki church ; nirnwa auar combs are carved) . 2. comb . traditional styled house , ordinary house ; nirnwa ifaga nitei n 1. spear . 2. k.o. tree . secluded circumcision house ; niuas n oleander . nirnwa imwartm house or shelter which kava drinkers use at a nivaronan n people of Futuna (see kava-drinking ground during ivaronan) . rainy weather ; nimwa itoga house niveia n paddle, oar . with walls (cf. kuvipehe) ; nimwa ktpa house made with sheet iron; nivtn n sail ; ntteta ia nivtn nirnwa opwe menstrual house ; sail canoe , sail boat. nirnwa rumun village , residence n(t)- g sedimented article? area encircling kava-drinking Necessarily a part of some nouns grounds (see rumun) ; nirnwa skur but alternately added or deleted school house ; nimwa stoa store ; from others (see kwa-) . Certain nirnwa ttpuk flat-roofed European nouns optionally take either of styled house ; nirnwa urur circum­ the following constructions : cision house . 2. handle, shaft, n(t) + root ; kwa + n(t) + root; housing; nimwa i paha axe handle; ptsagi , ntpasagi tree fork ; nimwa i nau knife handle; nimwa nakwus , kwanakwus rope ; ntkwa- , bow . i nHaga kwankwa- fruit of. nirnwa iakwei n n semi uterus (see nt- g plural prefix to certain iakwein) . nouns (var. of n-3) ; pitoga nirnwarara n meeting places , fore igner ; ntpitoga foreigners ; crossroads (pl . of irnwarara) . pran woman ; ntpran women . Note : n(t) - becomes tn- before n ninhum 1. penis wrapper (see [t] ; tamarua circumc ised boy , -arukwinhum) . 2. meat around unmarried man , youth ; tntamarua the base of the spine (as of a youths . pig) . ntfaga n 1. bow . 2. fibres in n i r n Bi sl nail . coconut leaf sheath . 3. k.o. nirts n k.o. tree with stinging cone shell. 4. spiny sea leaves , Seme carpus vi tiensis urchin. (see nedg) . ntfamera n k.o. banana . 90

n4fami en n pain� sadness (see nHki ien n value , worth, excellence , -fam) . goodness (-4fki unident.) ; -0 nHki ien be valuable, worthwhile ; n4far n traditional festive nHki ien the worth of pudding made from grated yam , ia n4kava kava . taro , manioc , sweet potato or banana mixed with coconut milk nHregi iesukwiesu'kw n k.o. vine and occasionally stuffed with (see nHreg4-) . meat and/or edible leaves , baked n4freg4- n inal outer ear (cf. in an earth oven . nakwareg4-) ; n4fregi n4teta hole n4fara n pandanus ; n4fara irota in canoe outrigger float in which k.o. pandanus ; n4fara itoga stanchion (n4kiatu) is inserted . pineapple; kwan4fara itoga pine­ n4fua n 1. k.o. parasitic plant . apple fruit; n4fara k4sk4s k.o. 2. k.o. beach vine with yellow, economically useless pandanus . trumpet-shaped flowers . n4fata n 1. bed , copra bed. 3. digging stick , gardening 2. area on the circumference of stick. a kava-drinking ground where n4fukarua n 1. door , doorway , tama fa (final sip of kava entryway , gate , passageway . succeeded by a prayer) is spit; 2. feast in marriage exchange place closest to ancestral cycle (see kwarua) . presence . 3. place where nukwe i nari (power stones) are hidden . n4fukuien n history , story of the 4. altar (for, Christians) (see past , legend (thought to be true -fatal . as opposed to mythological , cf. kwanage , see -4fuku) . n4fel n what? (see -4f- , -e) ; ikua n4fe? what did you say? n4fweiag n k.o. tree , Bi sl : navenu . n4fe i? what is this?; n4fe nah? nHwedg n va r. of n4rfwedg. what is that?

n k.o. flat coral (cf. n4fe2 d dsc what? , which?; in ri ri n4fwi ri napuga) . n4fe pran? which girl did he

marry?; n4fe nupu k4miaha hiam4ni? n4gai n see nage . which song are you (plural) n4gar n sea salt. singing? n4gse- n ina 1 strength , power , n4fefeien n lie, untruth , decep­ tion (see fefe) . ab ility , efficacy ; n4gsei nari magical bundle of leaves used n4feiafe n reef passage , channel, in rain making ; n4gsei n4kava canoe or boat launching place ; the efficacy of kava ; -0 n4gsen n4teta ruvare fwe ia n4feiafe be strong , powerful . the canoe came ashore at th e passage . n4gsi n what? [Port Resolution] (see nHel , nahag, si) ; n4gsi n4ferinfwemamas n k.o. Tahitian nari ? what is it? chestnut. n4kafai n k.o. parasitic vine , n4fetafata n shelf, yam bed , philodendron? platform (see n4fata) . n4kafwerug n k.o. plant , leaf n4fi ien n undoing, untying (see used for penis wrapper . -fi ) . n4kaki- n inal fruit stem (as of n4fi ri ien n nest (of a pig or dog) an orange , mango , pumpkin, etc.) ; (see -Hi ri ) . n4kaki ma gko mango stem . 91 ntkakiser n semi coconut fruit ntkava pitov black kava ; ntkava stalk , spathe and inflorescence. pusir k.o. kava with smooth outer bark ; ntkava pwia k.o. kava with ntkakrf- n inal bone ; ntkakri smooth outer bark ; ntkava riki kau cow bone ; ntkakrik my bone . k.o. kava with variegated leaves ; ntkapau n semi 1. leaf stalk (of ntkava tapuga k.o. kava artifi­ a coconut , banana, etc.) . cially sprouted at an upper node 2. leaf stalk scar (on coconut of a planted cutting. Large tree trunk) (var. of ntpakau) . tapuga are exchanged during circumcision feasts ; ntkava tute , ntkapnaiva n k.o. tree , used in 'two day ' kava , i.e. , one stays traditional medicine. intoxicated for two days . ntkapu- n inal cheek , jowl ; ntkeghup n wild kava . ntkapui pukah pig jowls . ntkehiap n tree fork (see -kehiap). ntkaraka n k.o. nut bearing tree . ntkemts n k.o. sorcery imported ntkare- n inal 1. side , half; from northern islands (cf. nahak); ntkarei rukwanu village group nukwei ntkemts sorcery stone . (i.e. , half the village) ; takani ntkaren pehe I will eat the ntkenaku n semi heart (the organ , close half. 2. flank , side , cf. reri-) . edge ; iankarei rukwanu at the ntkenhi- n inal occiput , back of side of th e village ; iankarei head (see ntktnhi-) ; -en ntkenhi­ ttna on the next ridge ; iankarei somersault backwards ; ntkenhi put ttsi at the beach , on shore ; heel of a rubber sandal ; ntmatagi ntkarei nari cliff; ntkarei ttSi rarupwi ntkenhitaha the wind seaside , shore ; ntkarek my side ; blows from behind , i.e. , on the ntkaren pirapw underside , bottom . backs of our heads . 3. classificatory , on the side , (as a kin relationship) ; ntkarei ntkiatu n outrigger spar , boom . ierema a person 's family; tata ntkinhapus n k.o. tree (used for iankaren my classifi catory bows , traditional medicine) . father , i.e. father 's brother , father 's father's brother 's son , ntkiriavrfs n scraping, rasping etc . (as sound made by tree branches in the wind) (see -tki). ntkaritig n k.o. tree , Cerbera odol lam (with poisonous fruit?) . ntkiskis n mistletoe . ntkarkare- n inal side , edge , ntktm i no , var . of rektm flank , va r. of ntkare- . [mountain areal . ntkati roy n hibiscus . ntktnhi- n inal planting tuber (as of a taro from which a new nHauvkauv n k.o. liana . tuber has grown , cf. ttme- , ntkava n kava (Piper methysticum) ; ntkenhi-) ; ntktnhi nere taro ntkava apsan white kava ; ntkava corm . auar ordinary kava ; ntkava Fira ntktnktnien n 1. rigor mortis , Vila kava ; ntkava kamiaram kava clenching (as of muscles) , shoot with a double sprout ; holding in or back . 2. faith , ntkava maregmartg k.o. kava faithfulness (see -ktnktn) . with short branches ; ntkava mtsinsinier k.o. kava with ntktpisi n sandalwood , var . of variegated leaves ; ntkava ntptkisi) . ntkovrariki k.o. kava with thick ntktrakiri n branched coral (see branches; ntkava Pama Paama kava ; -tktrakiri , cf. napuga , ntfwiri). 92

n4k4rha n k.o. tree (var. of ntkurkur n shaft , arrow , stanchion k4rha) . (see kwankurkur) ; n4kurkur outrigger float stanchion; n4k4rhanek4n n traditional medi­ outrigger spar . cine , cure for illness caused by nikurkur nasori Mwatikti ki . nikwa- n inal 1. fruit, offspring; n4kwai kesi papaya ; ntkwai napuei n4k4rikfri ien n shouting , calling, coconut ; ntkwa i nig wild cane noise (see -k4ri k4ri). stalk or shoot ; ntkwa i nisu- toe ; n4k4si- n inal small offshoot nikwai rfgl - finger . 2. Product; tubers (see nukfwe-); n4k4si ntkwa i ktpwier bullet, shot ; nere small taro tubers . nikwai ntfaga arrow ; ntkwa i n4koko n sea hearse tree ttmtkum cannon ball (see kwankwa- ). (Hernandia pel tata) , Bisl : ntkwanaha n fruit of nukwesi . napiripiri . nikwankwer4- n inal kidney (var . n4kora ku n small plant with of kwankwert-) ; ntkwankweri variegated leaves . pukah pig's kidney . n4kori n dragon plum (Dracontomela n4kwarakwara n children (see vi tiense) , Bisl : nakatambol . kwarakwara ); nikwarakwara hamvani nuk the Pleiades . n4kotufe n blue water tree (Pterocarpus indicus) . n4kwarueinari n 1. rough ground . 2. an ob ject with holes in it n4kouirum n coconut spathe (see nukwirum) . (see kwarue-). ntkwaruvinari n fishhook (var . of n4koukau n copra bed, bridge , kwaruvi nari) . platform , bed, logs lashed together on which to carry a ntkwasikar n sunshine , sunlight , pig. daylight (see -kwasi kar, n4kovahaien n fork (as in a tree) ; rukwas ikar) . ntkovahaien ia ma gko mango tree n4kwerig n fish poison tree fork . (Barringtonia asiatica) .

ntkovakava n 1. k.o. kava with ntkwesa n semi pus (see -kwesa) . strong root fibres . 2. drift­ n 1. fern tree (black wood . nikweto palm) . 2. barbed arrow (made of ntkovarh lg n k.o. kava with nikweto wood) . 3. k.o. cone crinkled leaves . shell. ntkri ak�i n k.o. tree . n4ma - n inal 1. leaf, foliage , n4kukua n 1. mark , scar , tattoo , hair (see ma- , riime- ); nimai cicatrix . 2. book , letter , nari bush , forest; n4mai nei newspaper , writing, any tree leaf; n4mai nifreg4- ear ; printed or written item ; ntkukua ntma i nukwane- head hair (cf. sai nagkiariien dictionary ; numrh4-) ; -0 ntma n prepare 2. ntkukua iktnan Bible. (see traditional medicine . sheet, -tkukua) . leaf; ntma i pepa sheet of paper . n nfkumu- n inal chin and upper nima gouagou air, space ; ia throat; ntkumui kwanihi- under­ nfmagouagou suspended ; -agher side of penis. ia ntmagouagou hang in the air; nagkiari ien ia ntma gouagou empty talk . 93

nimaha n reef, growinq coral (see nirnerupwun n Mimosa sp . , Bisl -maha) . 'Christmas tree ' (Eng: Melbourne?). nima han n semi 1. bed , bedding, nimha kwa n place where one sleeps , place to sleep ; kifuk nimahan home . my bed . 2. exchange partner , nimhiro n k.o. tree used for house friend, exchange relationship ; posts . nipigi nima han exchange partner. 3. sexual partner. 4. afterbirth nimi raia n k.o. thick grass . (see kwanmahan) . nirni uvi en n earthquake (see nima i n garden , garden spot (see ninumwnurnwien) . nima-) ; -akwa i nimai cut bush nirnigi- n inal handle , stem, for a garden ; -rai nima i clear braided edge (as of a basket) ; a garden . nirnigi ma i napuei coconut frond nima keke n k.o. coral . stem; nimigi nep club handle ; nimigi ninhum penis; nimigi revu­ nima kwinari n traditional 'leaf ' rier buck teeth ; nimigi revu­ medicine (see -akw(i)). erukw irapw buck teeth ; nimigi nimakwrur n vo lcanic ash , dust, rous braided edge of a bark fine sand . skirt ; nimigi rous vulva (metaphorically) . nirnan i- n inal plurality , multi­ tude of ; nimani menu plenty of nirnik n cinders , hot ashes , coals . chickens ; niman i nerrnarna lots nimi kir n beach , sand (see of people . kwanmikirmikir, nipikir) . nima tagi n 1. wind , air ; nimatagi nirnikmi ki - n inal bits and pieces asori hurricane , cyclone . of something , remnant , left­ 2. breath , exhaust; nima tagi sai overs ; nimikmi ki napw cinders , trak truck exhaust; savani coals ; nimikmiki Sinti ia tinari nima tagi riuan he isn't breathing . Cindy 's odour on the clothing . nime- n inal leaves (usually nimikraha ien n dream (see indicates plurality : plants , -imikraha) . plantation , trees , etc. , var . of nima - ); nirnei nahak plant nimimi s n k.o. sugarcane (see

scraps , leaf sweepings , also -mimi S) • food scraps ; nimei namhuien nimir n bog, marsh , soft mud (see garden , garden plants ; nime i nimtigei ) . napuei coconut plantation ; nime i nari trees . nfmirhi n orange (tree) ; kwanmirhi orange (fruit) ; tisi nimirhi nirneiei n k.o. fern (used as orange thorn . chicken feed) . nimiri n Acacia sp . (wood used nimeikinanien n 1. spirit. for bows ) . 2. spirit medium, Bisl : kreva (i .e. 'clever'). 3. spiritual nim4 ru n soft dirt , soil (see power , ability to communicate -miru) . with ancestors , diagnose nimisi- n inal last, final (of a disease, etc ; nirneikinanien series ) (see numrhi-) ; nimisi savani risikai his power is ierman a man 's last child ; strong (see iema , ikinan) . nim4si ta ik last and smallest nimer n Tahitian chestnut bananas which develop on a stalk ; (Inocarpus edulis) , Bisl : nimisi ta ik last born child in a namambe. fami ly (metaphorically) . 94

n�m4t�k n 1. k.o. reddish soil n�mr�g n relic , inherited ob ject (characteristic of south Tanna) . stale news . 2. dirt , dregs , grounds ; -ani n4mtet n trace , mark , sign , omen , n�m�t�k ia n�kwa i nari eat the indication ; -0 n�mtet leave a seeds of a fruit. mark (as on a trail ). n�m�tuak n k.o. high prestige yam. n�mtetien n trace , indication , n�mkem� k n dirt , scraps , leavings , mark , sign, omen (var. of n�mtet) . cuttings (as hair) (see -�mkem� k) . n�mti karo n wo rm (var. of mwHikaro). n�mkin�p n murk , cloudiness , dirt nimt�gei n soft mud , swamp , bog. (in liquid) , stagnant pool (see -�mkin�p) . n�mu n fish; n�mu m�ru wrasses fish . n�mkwan n term of address or n�muruien n life (see -murU) . reference for a generous man , n�muruvien n life [Imaki j (see friend, exchange partner. Request n�muruien) . for understanding, assistance or pi ty appended to the beginning or n�musukwe- n inal decayed tree end of a statement , i.e. , please stump , remnant stump ; kastam (see n�mkwan ihin, cf. pranimwa-); ramwhen ia n�musukwei nei custom iakenouenou nui , n�mkwan I is very old (metaphorically) . forgot the water (please forgive n4muti - n inal scrap , piece , bit me ) ; vahi pehe sika ret n�mkwan of; n�muti kafete bit of mat ; please give me a cigarette , good n�muti t�nari scrap of cloth . friend . n�mwapw n sore , wound , injury ; n�mkwanih;n n term of reference in ro n�mwapw ianrak it gave me for a generous man , friend or a wound ; n�mwapw nama the sore exchange partner (val.' . of n�mkwan). is healed. n�mn�mu n coconut parasite . n�mwatakeiv n 1 name of a n�mrakw n 1. ash , cinders . 2. sweet traditional road linking inland potato bed (mound) (see -�mra kw) . villages of South-east Tanna . n4mrek�- n inal fringe , small root n�mwei ien n fall, dive , plunge fibre (see kwan�mrek�-) ; n�mreki (see -mwei ). kwa rei sweet potato fibre ; n�mwheiov n k.o. tree (used for n�mreki n�kava kava fibre . house po sts ) . n4mre k�n n k.o. fern . n�mwinahak n dirt, rubbish (see n�mrhi- n inal 1. eye , face (var. nahak) ; n�mwinahak ia nimwa of nenime- , used optionally with house dirt . non-singular pronominal or any n�mwi pwu- n inal descendents nominal possessor ); n�mrhitaha (see mwi PWU-) . our (inclusive) eyes or faces ;

(nenimetaha, our (inclusive) n4nhupwi n k.o. fern (var. of eyes or faces) ; n4pran hapwah ma in�nhupwi) . nagkiari ien ia n�mrh i nerman, n4niien n 1. talk , speech , wo rd . women don 't talk in the faces of 2. opinion , decision (see -ni) . men. 2. cost, price , value , equivalent , debt , revenge , N�nin�fe n 1. Kwamera language , punishment for; n�mrhi neta SE Tanna , sometimes shortened to blood debt, i.e. , an uncompen­ N �fe (see -ni , n�fe) . 2. The sated injury or murder; n�mrhi people who speak N�nin�fe. pret the price of bread; n�mrhi n�numwn umwien n earthquake (var. pukah the value of a pig. of numwn umwien) . 95

nipaha- n inal · midpoint of the n4peka n coconut fibre , coir o night ; ianpahai ia nipin midnight . nipeki n cuttings , scraps (cut nipa i n 1. wall , particularly of off tubers) (see -peki ); n4peki stone . 2. fish-trap . sai nuk yam tu ber scraps . nipakare- n inal side , flank , edge n4peki- n inal smell , stink , (var . of nikare-) ; nipa karei odour of; n4peki napuei coconut nimwa house eav es . odour ; nipeki pran woman 's odour (particularly menstrual , thought nipakau n semi leaf stem (as of to be dangerous to men) ; n4pe kin a coconut , banana) (var . of rarei n it stinks . nikapau) . n4penapenaien n preparation, nipakwpakwe- n inal bits , waste making ready (see penapena) . (var. of nipukpuki-) ; nipakwpakwei iasur volcanic ash ; nipere- n inal half, portion of; nipakwpakwei tikuraka k (plucked) niperei napuei half coconut ; mutton bird feathers . n4perei nei small feast held during circumcision cycle nipapwi rha n k.o. tree with small alternately with nei peken ; green fruit . takanumwi niperen a I'll only niparapu n west wind (roughly drink half of it. west-north-west) . n4per4m n k.o. liana . niparh ien n truth (see parhien) . n4piesi n abuse , foul play , n4parhienien n truth (var . of misdoing , villainy (see -4p(i) , n4parhi en) . esi) ; -0 n4piesi i take advantage of , wrong (someone) . n4parpar n yam tr ellis . n4pihfn n k.o. banana ; n4pihin nipas n k.o. vine with edible sar4pusir k.o. banana ; n4pihin leaves . sai rauaua k.o. banana . n4pasegi - n inal 1. nose ; nihi nipi ien n 1. injection , stabb ing n4pasegi- snot. 2. tip, edge , (see -4p(i)). 2. fish bait. point ; nipasegi kanari clitoris ; nipasegi pet edge of a bed; nipi kau n Xanthosperma , Bisl : n4pasegi tak w4r mountain peak ; Fiji taro . n4pasegi tina land point. nipiki- n inal tail (see nipategov n semi 1. pubic area; kwanpiki-) ; nipiki pukah pig's 2. foothills . tail . n4pati- n inal tusk , horn (see nipikinkehiap n earwig, kanipati-) ; nipati kau cow horn; Dermapteres beetle (see kehiap) . n4pati pukah pig tusk . nipitoga n foreigners , Europeans n4patik4- n inal stump , base (see pitoga) . (see kwanpatiki-) ; nipatiki nei nipitovien n darkness , blackness tree stump ; n4patiki nei final (see -pitOV) ; nipin sai nipitovien feast following a death ; n4pat4ki the time before the arrival of nua- neck ; n4patiki nuai nuk yam Christian miss ionaries (cf. neck . nukuranien) . n4patu n cliff edge , brink ; ia nipig n hole, cave (var . of nipatu at the cliff , on the edge . nipigi - , see apig) ; n4p4g sa i n4pavi - n inal leaf stalk (as of iesukw rat hole. taro , banana , etc.) (see nipakau); nipigapiga n semi ribcage , chest n4pavi taik banana frond . (see nakauakau). 96

nipigi - n inal hole , indentation , when I was in Vila, my pig ran empty space in something ; nipigi aw ay ; ti nipin ikavehe when you ies ukw hole in the rat ; nipigi come . · nakwan hole , i.e., space within nipipas n var . of nipas . a hole; nipigi neis hole in a lava flow , lava cave ; nipigi nipisagi n semi fork (of a tree) nenime- pupil (of the eye) , tip (see pisagi); nipisagi nei tree (as of a club) ; nipigi nenime­ fork . exchange partner ; nipigi nimrhi nipisivur n see pisivur. niteta middleman , a person who facilitates an exchange or nipispis n semi nail , hoof (see interaction ; nipigi nimrhi pisivur) ; nipispis i nisui pukah nimahan exchange partner ; nipigi pig's hoof. pet underneath a bed ; nipigi nipkinihl- n inal semen (see tapu hole, empty space . nipik i-(?) , nihi -) . nipik n banyan tree; nipik anan nipkinkehiap n var . of k.o. banyan tree ; nipik reri n nipi kinkehiap. k.o. banyan tree with large leaves and fruit. nipkipki n Pisonia umbrellifera . nipik iaruaru n k.o. sweet potato . nipneiov n 1. spider web ; nipneiov riviri s spider webs nipiki si n sandalwood tree (also hang . 2. eye exudate . nik:i-pisi) . nipnipin n t morning; ia nipnipin nipikir n sand , sandy beach (see in the morning; ramasan ia nimikir) ; ia nipikir at the nipnipin good morning. beach . nipokpoka i n semi fruit stalk (as nipinl n t 1. night ; ia nipin of a banana) (see nua-) . in the night , after dark ; nipin ripitov the night is dark . nipop6u n semi 1. buttress root 2. measure of time (24 hours) ; (as of a banyan) ; nipopou i ia nipin kahar in three days ; nipik banyan tree buttress root . nipin riti one day . 3. point 2. ridge of land ; nipopou ia in time ; ia nipin iti sometime , tina revin miva the ridge ends once ; ianpin nah then , at that abruptly. time (in the past) ; nipin akwas n4popu- n inal stump (of a tree (or nipin ivuS) , period of th e limb , amputated limb) ; nipopui year succeeding the harvest of nisuk my amputated leg's stump . the annual yam crop , i.e. , April through September; nipin rakwiei nipra- n inal 1. body ; iako cold , dry season; nipin kataga niprak ia napuei I oil rapwanapwan hot , rainy season; myself with coconut oil ; niprai nipin vi period of the year nei tree trunk ; niprai nupu song preceding harvest when yams are verse (cf. nanumu-); niprak growing, i.e. , October through ramami sa my body aches . March ; ti nipin iti sometime 2. meaning , sense of, substance; (in future) ; ti nipin iti niprai nagkiari ien meaning of a takrerig I will return someday ; word . tin pin nah at that time in niprakwarakwara n small girls future . (see nipran , kwarakwara) . nipin2 g introducer of complex nipran n women (see pran) . temporal phrases : when ; ianpin iou fwe Fi ra, saiou pukah rinap 97 ntpran kamhirov n spooks who cry ntpwar n semi waste , chaff, out at night when someone has scraps , dross , fibres remaining died . after liquid has been squeezed out such as kava root fibre ntpregi - n inal navel , var . of after kava preparation (see ntpuregi-. ntpwa re- ); takanum\'/ i ntpwar I ntpri - n inal body , bit of , piece will make a second cup of kava of (var. of ntpra-, see kwanpri -) ; with already used root fibre . ntpri �tkava small piece of kava ; Bisl : makas . ntpri nari trouble, dispute , n:i-pware- n inal waste , chaff, argument , bad behaviour , sorcery , scraps , dross ; ntpwa rei napuei sin (in Christian translations ) ; the remains of grated coconut ikamo ntpri nari you engage in meat after the milk has been sorcery ; ntpri nei length of squeezed out; ntpwa rei nei wood inserted into a pierced ear , sawdus t; ntpwa rei ntruk chewed earring ; ntpri nei tree trunk . sugarcane scraps . ntpr6u n mythological era (meta­ ntpwei n semi vegetable oil ; phorically I canoe I, i.e. , ntteta) ntpwei ia napuei coconut oil. before the onset of warfare , group land ownership , marriage ntpwenht- n inal chest (see exchange , etc . all of which are kwanpwent-) ; numrh i ntpwenht­ associated with the two canoes chest hair. (i.e. political moieties) ntpwesin n wh ite wood , bark used numrukwen and koiameta ; ianptn to wrap tuber puddings for sai ntprO u the time of ntprou. baking (Alphi tonia zizphoides) . ntpti n namesake (var . of ttpti ). ntpwevur n 1 rocky coast south of ntpukpeki- n inal var . of Port Resolution . ntpukpuki-. ntpwts ien n goods , possessions , ntpukpuki- n inal effluvium , cargo (-tpwts unident.) ; saim waste , scraps of (see ntmtkmtki -); n4pw4sien ra sori you have a lot ntpukpuki napuei coconut oil of goods . deposit within a dry nut; n4rai n k.o. tree with sticky n=i-pukpuki napw ash , cinder . fruit. ntpun n fish net ; ntpuntpun ntre n ginger . spider web (see ntpneiov) , internal membrane . n:i-ren n seaborn pumice . ntpuregi- n inal navel . ntrfwertg n dry banana leaf (used to roll tobacco) ; ma i ntrfwertg ntpurimaga n Erromangans , people dry banana leaf. of Erromanga Island , see Iramaga . n:i-rhtr n k.o. tree (used for ntpusien n embarrassment, shame house posts) . (see -PUS) ; -avahi n:i-pus ien be embarrassed . ntrien n k.o. tree with white bark , used for bows . ntputtg n dampness, wetness (see -:i-puHg). ntrigpuorien n belch , burp (see -rigpuor) . ntpwana- n inal forehead ; ntpwana­ r:i-pwia empty headed ; ntpwana­ ntrigre- n inal sea salt, deposits rtpwia bald , stringless (as a on skin after diving ; n4ri grei guitar or ukulele) . ttsi sea salt deposits . 98

n4r4sfien n grating, preparation -n4si2 v grind (as one's teeth) . of tuber puddings (n4far) by n4sik4r n plaited bird or fish trap . grating tubers (see -4r4si). ntS1Ul n lake ; i siui at the lake ; n4rpwa n semi fat (see -trpwa) ; n4siui ou ihi small pond near Port ntrpwa ia pukah pig fat . Resolution ; n4siui retumw the ntruapenien n 1. speed , quickness , lake is full. rapidity . 2. lightning (see n4sivur n semi 1. body fluids -4ruapen) . (thought to be po lluting) , ntruk n sugarcane . vaginal secretions , circumcision wound secretions , fluids from a ntrukwtfi ien n eclipse (see decaying corpse (cf. p4sivur) . -rukwHi ) . 2. po lluting ob jects , such as ntsa- n inal meat (as opposed to coconuts from a tree the fronds fat , in particular) , flesh ; of which have been used to wrap n4sai nari meat. a corpse. ntsakwa- n inal spittle , foam , n4s4kaiien n strength , power (see suds , froth (see n4se- , nakwa-) ; -s4 ka i) . ntsakwai ttSi whitecaps , sea n�stme n who (plural) (var. of foam ; ntsakwai SOp soap suds ; s4me , see si , me) ; n4s4me u who ntsakwak my spittle. are these here? n4se- n inal body fluid , pus , n4s4ms4me n who (plural) (var. of liquid , essence , sap, juice , n4s4me) . water of (cf. nestn) ; n4sei nanht- breast milk ; n4sei napuei n4s4sauien n storm (see -4sfsau) . coconut milk; n4sei napw smoke ; n4sko n 1. k.o. tree . 2. dancing n4sei nenime- tears ; ntsei ua in implement used by toka dancers . wine . n4soro n type of large tuber pudding. ntserserien n 1. glow , glimmer . 2. phosphorescent algae and n4spos n specially woven coconut fungi (see -Ser2) . frond mat used as thatching along the ridge of a house roof. ntSeSa n k.o. tree (bark used for tapa cloth) . n4su- n inal leg and foot , lower limb; n4sui namhuien foot of a n4sesatakw n k.o. tree (bark used as rope in house construction) garden; n4sui nimwa house founda­ (see -akw(i)). tion , house walls ; n4sui paip pipe stem ; n4sui pukah one of the ntsese- n inal sprout , vine runner , dances of the nakwiari ceremonial outgrowth ; n4sesei nei growing cycle; n4sui t4na bottom of a sprout , eye (as of a potato) ; hill ; n4sutaha our feet. ntsesei nui waterfall ; n4sesei n4suaio n k.o. banyan , bark used nuk yam runner ; ntsesei nuvera coconut sprout. for tapa cloth . n4sumun ien n 1. unity (used also n4sese n sweat , perspiration (see -Sese) . to refer to the National Consti­ tution) (see -Sumun) . 2. kind -n�si l v insert, stuff; -n4si of tuber pudding without meat nukwane- tie bands of leaves filling. around one 's head ; -n4si nurha n4sunhi- n inal var . of n4suvenhi-. stuff rolls of nurha bark for baking on a fire ; -ntSl pukah n4suvas n k.o. tree with edible bake pig (in lengths of bamboo) . seed in a hairy pod ; kwansuvas, n4suvas seed . 99

ntsuvenhi- n inal upper end , tip noien n doing , making , action, (of an elongated ob ject) (see activity , act, process , behaviour nakurakweri-, cf. nukunhi-) ; (see -0) ; noien amasan savani his ntsuvenhi ma i napuei end of a good acts . coconut leaf; ntsuvenhi nopi n k.o. yam. nagkiari ien last words (of a discussion or a person) ; nopweien n 1. menstruation. ntsuvenhi nei tip of a tree; 2. rust (see -OpWe) . ntsuvenhi ttnari hem of a piece nore- n inal piece , bit, section , of cloth. part; norei nei tree branch , nttan n nutmeg tree , Myristica piece of wood ; norei ierman fa tua ; kwanttan nutmeg. penis . nttara n semi strip of coconut norerahaien n badness, evil act frond used as rope . (see -0 , -eraha) . ntte- n inal blood (see neta) ; nortrupwien n bundle of leaves , nHek my blood . traditional gift to a songsmith to request that he provide a new ntteipranmi n k.o. tree (used for song. Each man in the purchasing house rafters) (see ntte- , pran , group provides one leaf (see mi ) . -Ortrupw) . ntteta n canoe (see tnteta) ; n6roptg n k.o. tree , leaves used ntteta sai iapw is cuttlebone . to set chewed kava on , bark nttiro n k.o. fish . infus ions for treatment of coughs . nttuan n k.o. tree with scented bark . nororipen n k.o. vine . Nttuar n name of the language n6siien n fight , fighting , spoken in West Tanna , Lenakel striking (see -os (i)) ; -erupwun area . tai nosiien revenge a beating . nftumw i n Pometia pinnata, Bisl : nOStsumunien n collection , nantao . gathering (of ob jects or people) , crowd , togetherness (see ntvegi ien n wrapping , covering -ostSumun) . (see -vegi ).

nosu n small kava root . ntviani n semi runner , outgrowth (see -tviani , ntsese-) ; ntviani notupwaien n delay , lateness (see i nui stream of water ; ntviani -0 , tupwa Jl . i nuk yam runner . nOUa l n 1. vein, artery ; nouanoua ntvfr n k.o. liana . veins . 2. sinew , ligament , tendon. 3. small cord , line , ntvi rakw n devil nettle , tree string. with stinging leaves (Dendrocnide sp . ), Bisl : nangalat (see nOua 2 n k.o. tree , leaves used -akw (i) ) . for penis wrapper . nohiar n 1. gift (particularly Nouanouan n 1 small mountain peak kava) which ob ligates someone near Mt . Mertn . to dance at an exchange ceremony . noueis n Indian mulberry (Morinda 2. opening gi ft in an exchange ci trifolia) . relationship (especially with a stranger , or new partner) (see noui hiien n childhood , smallness naUaU) . (see -oui hi ) . 100

noui pinien n dew (see -ouipin) . nui n 1. fresh water , body of fresh water ; nui aris permanent creek , nououa n k.o. tree with spiky water source . 2. food and kava red flowers . gifts to dancers at an exchange nova n Malay apple (Syzygium ceremony . In this sense , nui is ma laccensis) (Bisl : nakafika). eaten rather than drunk ; iraha hani nui they consume the gifts . novatiepik n grey volcanic subsoil. 3. traditional medical infusions novri n k.o. tree with fragrant of leaves and bark. bark (used as house posts) . nuk1 n 1. yarn; nuk suka k.o. yam -nraha g pronominal suffix , third (i.e. , 'sugar') . 2. year , person plural : theirs ; nisunraha annual cycle ; nuk keva how many their legs ; sanmw unraha nikava years? nuknuk me year after year , their kava to drink . forever , constantly .

-nrahar g pronominal suffix , third nukz n semi fat ; nuk ia pukah pig person trial : their three ; fat . tipunrahar their three stomachs ; nukfwe- n inal offshoot , as from nere san inrahar their three taro a tuber root (see kwankupwe- , to eat . nikisi-) ; nukfwei nere small -nrau g pronominal suffix , third taro tuber . person dual : their two ; nisunrau nuksepi k1 n semi backbone , spine ; their two feet; kwanmirh i nuksepik ianrak my spine. sanmwunrau their two orange to drink . nuksepikz n burning log used as a torch ; in ranumwi ra ka nikava nregi ien n sensation , taste , rahiapw pen suatuk ia nukseptk feeling (see -regi) . after drinking kava , he lit up nUa- l n inal root ; nuai taik the path with his torch . banana root; nuai taik small nuktegt- n inal pubic area , (see kava root (metaphorically) . nipategov) ; nuktegin rtmStmuS nua-2 n inal 1. neck ; nipatiki her crotch is mangy (an insult) ; nua- neck ; uok ren ia nuai tif numrh i nuktegt- pubic hair ; work (i.e. planning) is on the numrhi nuktegi pran woman 's chief's shoulder (neck) . pubic hair. 2. fruit stern , stalk ; nuai tai k nukuk n k.o. parasitic orchid . banana fruit stalk , bunch of bananas . nukumh a n famine , hunger ; nukumha Imi r disease causing the body to nuahakirien n delayed transactional waste away ; nukumha rahi hanuas return of nonidentical exchange the watch needs winding; nukumha items (see -uahakir) . rahi iou I am hungry . nuai reia n 1. tail feather (of a nukune n po ison , especially fish fowl) . 2. feather headdress po ison (see -kune) . (cf. ka io) . nukune- n inal 1. stump , trunk , nuakw n morning glory . lower body , base (as of a post) nuamera n k.o. vine . (see ntpra-) ; nukunei napw burning stick or log , faggot; nuapupu n k.o. beach vine . nukunei nei tree trunk ; nukunei nuhua n rubber tree? , bark used nenime- corner of one's eye ; in tapa production . nukunei ntkava main kava root. 10 1

2. foundation , basis , cause , nukwane- n inal 1. head , intellect , horizon; nukunei nari the origin opinion; nukwane- rapomus wise , of something; nukunei trapo r th e intelligent ; nukwane- r�k�nek�n cause of the trouble. stupid; nukwane- r�m�ru smart, ab le to learn; nukwane- r�puk nukunhi- n inal 1. point , bottom be undecided ; nukwane- r�s�kai tip , lower end , edge ; nukunhi stupid , stubborn (as a small napuei pointed end of a coconut ; child) . 2. mountain peak ; nukunhi nenime- corner of one's nukwanei Nupum Mt . NUpum . eye; nukunhi n�faga lower tip of 3. stump (of a tree or bush) , a bow; nukunhi numwher�- goose­ 'head ' (as of kava) ; nukwanei flesh ; nukunhi nupu last of a n�kava head of kava . 4. cause , line of dancers ; nukunhi t�n�rup reason, basis; nukwanei fa it point of a basket . 2. secretion ; cause of the fight. nukunhi napuei secretion from one's skin , smegma . nukwanei menu n exchange of wild birds . nukupwe- n inal 1. fist; nukupwei n�kava a kava plant the branches nukwe- n inal power stone , magic of which have all been cut off; stone ; nukwei nahak sorcery nukupwenukupwe- fist, plant, stone ; nukwei nari power stone ; tree with branches amputated . nukwei nere stone which governs 2. glans penis . 2. knot , bulge taro fertility used in taro (as in a tree trunk) , joint; magic ; nukwei nes �n stone which nUkupwei r�gi - knuckle ; nukupwei controls rainfall. n�su- ankle bone; nukupwei n�su­ nukwena n loneliness , loss of toe joints ; nukupwei kua anus . efficacy of tobacco or kava nukupw�nien n group of men which placed in the 'cold' house of a leads a circumcised boy onto a person recently dead or in the kava drinking ground , carrying vacant house of a person during kava tapuga , at th e end of his the first two days of his ab sence period of seclusion (see kupw�n , (see -kwena) ; iakier mo nukwena kakwasei ) . ianiram I leave and make you feel lonely ; iako nukwena ia nukurani en n light, whiteness (see nimwa saiou I cause nukwena in -kuran) ; n�p=tn sai nukuranien my house (by leaving) ; nukwena th e time after Christian rosi n�kava , nukwena spoils the missionaries arrived on Tanna strength of the kava . (cL n�pitovien) . nukwes i n k.o. fig tree with nukuregari en n mo uld (see -kuregan . edible leaves . nukuru- n inal limb joint ; nukwi hapw n torch (burning coconut nukurui kufe a lie , double talk ; frond) , unburnt wood , wood left nukurui nimwa house corner ; in a dead fire (see -ahiapw, nukurui n�su- knee; nukurui r�gi­ napw) . elbow ; nukurun ran rain heavily, pour . nukwi rum n coconut spathe (see ntkoui rUm) . nukurua n major traditional road linking Lenakel and Wh ite Sands numpein n smelly herb , basil and (see suatuk) . other imported herbs (see -apein) . nukwanaha n k.o. tree (k.o. numrenhi- n inal space between two nukwesi) . ob jects ; numrenhi n�suk between my legs ; numrenhi r�gi- between one's fingers ; numrenh irau be­ tween the two of us . 102

numrhi iesukw n k.o. sugarcane nunu n 1. milk . 2. breast (see (see numrh4-) . -anunu , naS) . numrh4- n inal hair , fringe , fur , nupu n 1. traditional dance ; nupu feathers , appendage (var . of ikou type of traditional dance. numwher4-) ; numrhi kasenime­ 2. song; -akoui nupu put new eyebrow ; numrhi kwanpwenh4- words to an old song; n4kukua chest hair ; numrhi ma k k.o. sai nupu hymnal . 3. dance group grass; numrhi menu feather ; (see -Orupll) . numrhi nakwareg4- ear hair ; nupun4ti - n inal children , off­ numrhi nanh4- nipple ; numrhi spring (see neru- , ti-) ; nupun4ti n4pasegi- nose hair; numrhi n4kwarakwara small children ; nukteg4- pubic hair ; numrhi nupun4titaha me our descendents ; nukwane- head hair; numrh i nupun4ti Tihoua children of God . pategov pubic hair; numrh i taik firs t-born child (cf. n4m4si-) ; nupw4n n head band , leg band numrh i t4k4rkov4- armpit hair ; (used by dancers for adornment) . numrh i t4rhu- beard , mo ustache ; nura- n inal shoulder . numrh 4taha our (inclusive ) hair . nurapw n rose apple (?) . numrukwen n one of two traditional political mo ieties which today nurepa n clay. have no marital or residential nurha n 1. k.o. tree . 2. bark significance (cf. koi ameta) . container used to wrap baked numti- n inal var . of n4muti­ food . numtumut n scrap , leftover pieces nurhi n grass , small plants ; ma i (as of kava) ; -anumwi mtumunu t nurhi grass; nurh i pitov k.o. drink kava scraps . grass . numun n earth oven ; nakwanumun nurkakunien n beginning, onset earth oven . (of an activity) (see -urka kun) . numwher4- n inal body hair , fur , nurkumegien n beginning, opening feathers , bristles ; numwher4n (as of a debate) (see -urkumeg) . its body hair. nurkumenien n var . of nurkumegien . Note : nouns and non-singular pronouns take the variant numrh4-; nurkuranien n clearing , light numrh i pusi cat fur . (var . of nukuranien, see -urkuran) . numwhi- n inal skin , wrapping (cf. teki -, kwanumwh i-) numwhi nurukur4nien n knowledge , under­ n4far large tuber pudding. standing (see -rukur4n) .

-numwi v bury ; -numwi nenime­ nuruse n enemy , foe (as in turn a somersault; -numwi nuk warfare) ; nuruse havehe ipaka plant a yam ; -numwi nukuru­ tu kutaha tuakwi k4taha the kneel ; -numwi nukwane- turn a enemy comes close to shoot us . somersault . nur4gri n k.o. tree , wood used numwnumwien n earthquake (see for pierced ear and septum n4mi uvien) . ornaments . nuni- n inal seed , internal nurur n seclus ion , hiding (see portion , inside of, heart (see -UrUr) ; ia nurur in seclusion kwanuni-, nani-) ; nuni kOn maize (as newly circumcised boys ) seed; nuni n4kwa i nei fruit seed ; nuni tapaka heart of a roll of tobacco. 103

nusen n war , warfare , fight , -0 kakur break wind , fart ; -0 battle; k�taha sara i sun nusen kan�m stack in layers (as plates), we call a truce ; ravahi uta stack up ; -0 kataga oil one 's nusen he began a fight. body or hair (with coconut oil) , cleanse oneself with oil ; -0 nuva- n inal thigh ; nuvai mi sis kati ham repeat , or perform an k.o. Chinese cabbage (with wh ite encore (as a song chorus) , add leaf stalks) (Bisl : wait bun , a second , augment ; -0 kavnavini i.e. white bone) . be entwined , be tw isted together nuvaren n ob struction , impediment , (as liana , problems , etc.) ; -0 trash (in the way) ; -0 nuvaren keioun circle , swirl ; -0 kikoui kou

ia suatuk block a road with trash . move crookedly ; - 0 k�m�r dawdle , lag behind ; -0 k�raghen ia nuvas n Hibiscus sp. with edible startle, surprise , sneak up on; leaves , 'is land cabbage '. -0 k�rate stare , have insomnia; nuvera n 1. final stage in the -0 kumhar play cat 's cradle ; development of a coconut, -0 kwarua ia break , weaken ; -0 sprouted nut. 2. edible sub­ kwarua ia nagkiari ien m�nraha stance inside sprouted coconut . break an agreement ; -0 kwarua ia Iesu lose faith in Jesus ; -0 nuvia n Crytosperma , Bisl : 'wild kwarumrum gossip, talk behind taro ' . someone 's back ; -0 manmanu nuviavi a n decorative plant forget , neglect , ignore advice ; (Crinum sp.) Bisl : white lily. -0 ma takimwa be swollen, have a swelling or sore ; -0 menu i nuvivi- n inal sterns with leaves stage the return exchange of a of plants such as cane or banana; nakwiari ceremony ; -0 meta cause nuvivi taik banana leaf , frond ; trouble , punish , refuse to help , nuvi vi nig wild cane leaf stern . be ungenerous; ho meta in ia nuvre n k.o. taro with yellow savani n"imwa they didn't help flesh. him with his house; so meta n�kwarakwa ra we distress the nuvruguvrugien n noise , shouting children (e.g. , by being slow (see uvruguvrug) . to prepare dinner) ; -0 nakwa i follow someone 's orders , obey ; -0 napuei t� pran hold a feas t marking a girl 's first menstrua­ o tion ; -0 nes�n make rain ; -0 -0 v 1. do , make , build , create ; niamaha be angry ; -0 n�gsen be -0 amasan repair, make good , strong , have power (see n�gse-) ; (objects or social relationships ) , trak ro n�gsen the truck is rectify, heal (an illness ); in ro powerful ; -0 n�mwapw (i) have amasan k4n ieri he made up with sores , have scabies; -0 n�mtet his wife 's brother; -0 aruvareva leave a mark , leave a sign, mark ; disobey, disrespect ; -0 atukwatukw -0 n�mtetien mark , make a mark do correctly, act morally (see or sign; -0 n�sakwa- spit, bubble -o tukwatukw) ; -0 ia use, make (as boiling water) , fizz (as soda with ; in ro nimwa ia ma i k�pa pop ) ; -0 pehe make or perform an he builds his house with sheet action towards speaker or hearer; iron ; -0 ikou act wrongly, mis­ -0 pehe assist, help, do for behave ; -0 kakini drag , pull, (the speaker or hearer) ; iraha pull behind something (as a ho pehe they helped us ; -0 pen trailer behind a truck) ; make or perform an action away from speaker and hearer , put 104

something into a container, e.g. , -0 kwatia first; -0 + name -0 insert; pen naveginien give of -the game = to play that game ; a feast to ; -0 pen hurt , make ramo nimwa he builds a house; trouble for , annoy , harass , be t i kamo ! do it ! insolent, be too demanding, 2. make like , cause to be, become , wrong , dishonour , refuse to become like, be like; -0 iaminhe, reciprocate ; Misiuaren ro pen -0 ianhe, -0 ianha i thusly, be a Ki eri mine nema asori mhavi sa like , like this (see ia2) ; iko Misiuaren made trouble for Kieri iaminhe do it thusly; nipitoga and the big men (met and) argued; ho ianhe Europeans are like that ; -0 penapena see -0 pen ; -0 kamo neruk ierminu they made my penapena prepare , make ready , son a chief. with interrogative gather all that is necessary (as prefix -if- : what about , how go es , for an upcoming feast) ; -0 penpen how are , what is it like?; rifo notch , make notches in (as a tree ira? what about it? what does it trunk for ease of climb ing) ; -0 mean? ; rifo nema Iapiro? how are piri piri spoil, ruin; -0 popemha the Iapiro people?; rifo raka? mis carry , have a still-born what about it? ; rifo raku? what child; -0 pui discover , find a about it? (see -aku) ; ikavehe lost ob ject; -0 raka complete an rifo? how did you come here? ; action ; -0 ra ka niputig dry one­ in rifo what is it like? ; kuri self, shake off water; -0 reraha rifo? what kind of dog is that? act bad , cause to be bad ; in ro 3. remain (at a place) , stay nerahaien it causes evil; 0 ro ! behind , stay or stop at ; iakamo try it!; -0 ri (g) rigi scatter , fwe rukwanu I'm staying in the crush or roll between one 's vi llage . fingers , litter , throw away 4. affect (as a disease or scraps (see rigi-) ; -0 sampam illness) ; purpokis ro nikava the finish , complete an action ; -0 bark disease affects the kava . slllatukw repeat , do over; -0 5. desire , fancy , wish for , be tafaga reraha sin, commit a bad bent on (0 = ti) ; -0 ti want , act; -0 tarini rekindle (as a hope to accomplish; iou iakamo fire); re--encounter (as a person) , ti nagkiari ien I am working to meet again, feed regularly (as learn the language ; kimaha a pig) ; -0 tegrategra do in iahamo ti kimaha me we are having sequence , perform in order; -0 at each other (we fight amongst tegrategra ia nimai garden ourselves); nikwara kwara ho pen according to a fallow cycle; ti niruk sapwasim the children -0 ti do for (see ti) ; -0 have an eye on the sugarcane timiramiri n fly , flap wings ; (which you planted) . -0 tinpin delay , retard , hold on 6. copular verb in some negative to (as a person) , refuse to let and imperative sentences ; in go of, be late , be slow with ; ripiko mha iara he is not a land­ in ro tinpin tukwe he is late owner ; iapiko mha noien I didn't with it; -0 tisi be overly do it; ik tiko men you go away ; persistent, refuse to quit ; -0 kimi rau tiro rouen you two go tukwahag block , prevent, impede away ; "kimi ra har tiaro mharen you something's movement; -0 tukwini three go away ; kimiaha tio mhavin do for (see ti) ; -0 tupwa wait you all go away . go slow , be late ; -0 ihi tupwa 7. prefixed to borrowed verbs as no t yet arrived; -0 uvruguvrug part of the nativisation process; make noise , babble , hum tune­ -0 fo t vo te ; -0 kras i stare into + lessly; -0 numb er = ordinal , the distance (i.e. , kras = mirror , Bisl.) ; -0 kriri be greedy , fail 105

to share ; -0 mekim control (as -oremha v intr shake water from children), punish , revenge oneself (one's hair) , duck one's head on (mekim = make , Bisl.) ; -0 mi ke (see -avin ma kiukiu) ; kuri show a film , especially animated roremhaoremha the dog shakes . cartoons (mi ke = Mickey Mouse? -oreruvi v decorate , dress up , Bisl?) ; -0 niu ia celebrate the beautify (0 = mi) ; ikoreruvi mi New Year (with modern style dance pran ouihi iti saim you dress up performances and itinerating song your little girl . groups) ; -0 rus lose; -0 srak loose (as a belt) ; -0 stia drive ; -oreuan v 1. heat up , keep warm. -0 uin win, succeed , come out on 2. do continuously ; ikanumwi top of an argument or competition. nikava ia nipin pam mamoreuan nimwarim you drink kava every -ofafa v hide , prepare for a day and keep warm the kava­ feast (metaphorically) , hide in drinking ground house (see preparation for (see fa , afafa) . -areuan , var . of -0 rareUan?) . -ofefe v lie , deceive (see fefe) . -oriai v commit incest, marry -okeikei v like , love , want , need , incestuously; roriai pinin he wish , desire (see -0 , kei) ; in commi ts incest with his sister . rokei kei pran naha he likes that -orirupw v 1. gather , join woman ; iakokei kei minua ti kasitu together , come together for a iou ia namhuien vi sapwasik I'd task (as a group of people) ; like you to help me in my new kitaha sorirupw ti naveginien garden ; trak rokeikei ma ni asori we gather for the feast. the price of a truck is high 2. collect , prepare and exchange (the truck needs lots of money) . a bundle of leaves as a request okren n k.o. watermelon (Auckland? ). that a songsmith provide a new song ; -orirupw ti nupu send a -okwakw v intr hurry , act quickly request to a songsmith . (see -0 , akwa kw) . -or6ur a bad , evil , no good (var. -onouini v strike , smash against, of -amOUr) . slam (var. of -ouini) ; ikonouini tipum you upset (smash) your -6rumun v intr bake (in an earth stomach (by working immediately oven) (see numun) . after eating) . -orupu v 1. dance (and also sing) ; -opa a different, odd , strange , kitaha sorupu ti intamarua we alien (see -0 , ara) ; in ropa iti dance for the circumcised boys . he 's a strange one ; ropa mopa be 2. boil (as water) ; ra is namorupu entirely different . the rice has begun to boil . 3. bounce (as one's hair when -opwe v intr 1. menstruate ; nimwa running) , billow (as the sea or opwe menstrual hut . 2. rust; a mat blowing in the wind) (see nau ropwe th e knife is rusty ; nupu) . nimatagi ropwe red sky . -osako v 1. detour , go out of -6raha v spoil , ruin , destroy one 's way . 2. stall, reveal (see -0 , -eraha) ; -oraha nura­ information slowly; -osako ti shrug one's shoulders ; -oraha nagkiari ien refuse to speak to riuan lose , misplace ; iakunouihi the point ; iken mosako isupwin roraha savana tinari the child anan you really get off the ruined his clothing. point . lOG

-osama v lick one 's lips , smack (i.e. cast seawards ); -os arua lips ; -osamasama smack lips . penetrate , turn a backwards somersault; tifra hos arua the -osaman v cover , cover up (as whales leap; -os asas hit with soil) (see -auiu i) ; -osama n directly , hit squarely, knock nagkiari ien talk when someone unconscious ; -os asas ia nikava else is speaking; napua rosaman knocked out by kava ; -os asas takwir clouds cover the mountain. tell the truth , predict correctly; -osari v 1. strive at , work hard -os ater i set against , place on ,

to accomplish , work at (dat = ti); lean (as a ladder against a tree) ; kitaha sosari tukwe we work hard -os atukw stretch oneself, at it. 2. argue , debate at straighten one's body , unbend

length (dat = mi) ; krau krouosari (as a leg) , unroll ; -os atukwahag mi krau me we argue . block (as a person 's progress) , block by throwing something , -oserahagin v exchange goods , shade , block the sun (as a tree) ; reciprocate , swap (implies repay , join , connect; simultaneous balanced exchange , -os erupwun -os erupwun nagkiari ien answer ; cf. -uahakir) . -osi afi turn off (as a radio) , -oseri v unwind , unroll (as a cut off (as a tree branch) , break roll of tobacco) , open (as a (as an arm) ; -osi ahaven tipu­ pocket knife) , untie (as a knot) , fast; -osi ahia sharpen (as a free (as an animal caught in a pencil or spear) ; -osi apune tree) ; -oseri apui translate , kill , strike and kill dead , beat explain , solve ; -oseri apui ia with finality ; -osi apwini hide nagkiari ien mi k translate the an emotion , hold back one 's real language for you ; -oseri ia feelings (as pain , hunger , etc.), nagkiari ien judge a talk, decide refuse to discuss a problem (cf. a debate , resolve ; -oseri ia -regi ahaven) ; -osi arigdgi trapor discover who is at fault, beat down , dampen, discourage , figure out the cause of a dispute . take apart (as a house) (see delay , -os (i) v 1. beat , hit, strike, rigi-) ; -osi arigrigi change a date , postpone (as a have an effect on (see -auas (i) , ceremony , feast, etc.) ; -osi -euas , -uasi , -US , -akw(i)); arori break open , cut open (as -os ai strike at but miss ; -os a coconut) ; -osi askri gi cut ai lie, misstate something; -os lengthwise ; cut ai meta lie , misstate something; -osi askrini lengthwise ; -osi askrini -os akeser slip, drop , let fall nagkiari ien explain , define a (as a carried ob ject) , fall word ; -osi atarini finish (as a from (as off a tree) , remove , ceremonial cycle) , end (as a take off (as clothing) ; meri discussion or feast) , cover (as ros akeser th e sun turns in the one 's head with cloth) , cover up sky (and begins to go down) ; -os akeser amasan nagkiari ien (as a pot) , roof (as a house) ; judge , discuss and solve a -osi ates i cut in two , break up , break apart (as dirt clods) , dispute ; -os amwesi break into beat soft; -osi aueni throw pieces , cut down , cut off, cut something over something (as into two pieces ; -os amsimwesi medicinal leaves over a new break into pieces , cut off, cut mother going to bathe for the into many pieces ; -os apig first time) ; -osi ma sis strike straddle, spread one 's legs ; a match ; -osi napwir tukwe -os apahar cut wood , hew , chop ; isupwin refuse a consensus , fail -os apahar talk too much , talk to agree ; -osi nimwa roof , thatch uselessly ; -os aperaha fish 107

a house; -osi rtpusir beat naked , OU d dsc small, insignificant , flay . 2. exchange against, be ordinary (see auar) ; pusi ou a worth ; -osi auaueni repay only riti an ordinary cat ; nari ou part of a debt , give an initial riti something insignifi cant . payment to ; pukah rosi nuk ouah i yes , also used to end an narofenua a pig is worth a interaction : ti kevtn! ouah ! you narofenua (high prestige yarn) . go ! (L e. goodbye ); yes ! 3. resemble , be like , be simi lar to ; ikastk rosi kuri you howl -ouas (i) v see -os (i) . like a do g; in rosi tata savani -oueavtn v intr pace , walk back he is like his father. 4. be and forth (see -avt n) ; iou possible (implies uncertainty): iakari hi iakunouihi rououeavtn perhaps , maybe ; rosi takevtn I carry the child and we pace tra kwa kw i perhaps I will go back and forth . tomorrow ; rosi mua neStn trauar perhaps it will rain . -ouete v collect , pile up (as No te : third person singular coconuts in a heap) , gather; construction only . kttaha souete napuei we heap up coconuts . -osi rup v dance nirup, use a nirup basket as a drum (as in -�Ui v intr shed skin (as a women 's nakwiari dances (see lobster or lizard) . -os (i), nirup) . -6uihi a small (in size or number), -ostsumun v gather , gather short , few , little (as a person , together , heap up , collect (see ob ject , space or time period) ; sumun) ; in rostsumun ntkwa i iakunouihi rou ihi the child is napuei he heaps up coconuts ; little ; iakunouihi ouihi the kttaha SOStSumun kttaha me we small child; ia ntptn ouihi a gather together in a group . in a short time ; iakokei kei sarouihi I want the small one ; -oskafa v sing (cf. -ni nupu) . ianptn iakamou ihi ihi when I -oskrigi v split lengthwise (see was still small. -os(i) , askrigi). -ouini v hit off , bounce off , -osmwhertn v intr have gooseflesh strike against , skim, slam into , (see numwhed-) . whip , beat against (cf. -os (i) , -onouini); -ouini afi break by -ottkigi v hurt an existing wound striking against the ground , etc.; (var . of -ottkini) . -ouini artgrtg (n) i scatter by -ottkini v hurt an existing wound hand (as seeds wh ile planting) ; (see attkini). -ouini arori smash and break open ; -ouini asai skim (as an -ottkottkun v va r. of. -ottkun . arrow over the ground or a rock -ottkun v wrong someone , do badly , skipping on water ); -ouini be ungenerous ; in rottkun iou he attkini injure an existing wound , wronged me . copulate vigorously ; -ouini atukus flip , shake out , whip -otorertn v string (as a bow) , (as a piece of cloth) ; -ouini tie up (as an animal ) (0 = i a) ; kwa save throw a spear or cane ikotorertn ia pukah you tie up stalk with a spear becket ; the pig; saim nimwa ifaga -ouini nagkiariien refuse to iakotorertn i I string your bow . agree , spoil a consensus ; -ouini -otukwatukw v do properly , make to ura jump rope , wh ip a rope ; correctly (var . of -0 atukwatukw). 108

-ouiniouini beat against the like this , I would buy it. Often ground ; -ouiniouini n4kava beat combines with the perfective kava on the ground (to shake tense markers -4n- and -UV- ; loose dirt) ; in rouini afi nei r4pua kr4p4no uok ko r4p4namasan r4tefi he strikes and breaks the if they had worked , it would tree branch ; in rouini ia suatuk have been well; r4p4nua iap4nata he bounces off the road ; 4nteta ko iapuvahi if I had seen it, I rouini ia k4pwi er the canoe would have got it; kr4p4nani crashed into the rocks ; napua nari if we two had eaten ; ramouini ia takw4r the clouds kr4puvni nagkiari ien if we two shroud the mountain. had said something; sap4nata akwakw menu sap4nosi apune, mata -ouip4n v intr 1. condense (as k4taha sapwah nata ien if we had dew) ; in rouip4n there is dew . seen the bird in time , we would 2. dampen, wet; nes4n rouip4n have killed it but we didn't see ia tapaka the rain wet th e it. tobacco . paha n 1. axe , adze . 2. tooth . -ovi v 1. renew , cure , make new (see vi ) ; -ovi raka born again pahai n wind direction , approxi­ (in traditional and Biblical mately North-north-west.

texts) i -ovivi renew , cure . pahasua n 1. clam. 2. vulva 2. please , make happy , smooth (metaphorically) . hurt feelings , convince. pai p n Bisl pipe .

pakau n barracuda . p paku n 1 where? which? (see -aku) ; ikamev4n paku? where are you p- g nominal ising prefix to going? ; pran paku? which woman? directional verbs , verbal suffixes , and descriptive -pakw a powerless, weak (as kava) , adjuncts ; -eraha towards the unsuccessful (as hunters); pran sea; peraha seaward , th e area r4fam rata iou, iaken mos towards the sea ; iakev4n fwe aperaha m4pakw mapwah n4viien

peraha I am going seawards ; n4mu a pregnant woman saw me as paku? where? (see -aku) ; pare I was going to fish and I was inland (see -are2); pesu clock­ unsuccessful and didn 't hook any wise direction (see -esu) ; fish . pitoga foreigner (see itoga) ; pam d dsc all, every; iakani pam pirapw downwards , below (see I ate all of it; in rosi pam -irapw) ; pr4hi counterclockwise savani pukah he killed all his direction (see -r4hi ); puta pigs ; nermama pam everyone . upwards , above (see -uta) . See Note : modified words which end also pen (P- + -en) , pehe in a vowel may reflect the final (P- + -vehe) . nasal consonant of pam: k4taha (m) -p- g marker of conditional pam all of us ; sa (m) pam the last (suppositional , Bisl : spos) one (see sa-) . (also -4p-) ; ko iapev4n if I go ; -pam a heavy [Imaki j (see -fam) ; ko iou iapev4n trakwa kwi ma ta -pampam heavy . Kauke , mata iou iak4napwah if I were to go tomorrow to see Kauke pameta n k.o. reddish coconut but I've decided not to ; r4pua (see -meta) ; napuei pameta suppose, if (see -ua) ; r4pua in reddish coconut. u iapuvahi nenimen if it was 109

pampu n Bisl bamboo (used to pateg4n d vb implies assistance , refer to several introduced helpfulness (see ategin, tegi-) ; species , cf. ti ki nau) . -ara pateg4n live with a patron ; -arer pateg4n nei stand in the pamrimera n k.o. green coconut shade of a tree; -arer pategin (see -amrimera ); napuei pamrimera ia be protected by ; -asik pategin green coconut . ask for help ; -0 pateg4n help , pamteraha n k.o. green and reddish assist, do for ; in rapi pategin coconut . iou he asks me for help . pan n reef heron (Egretta sacra) . pategov n pubic area, foothill (var . of n4pategov, cf. nukteg4-). panis n Bisl fine , retribution,

punishment . pati n Bisl po litical party ; tako fo t ia Fanuaku Pati I will vote papa n Bisl father (cf. tata) ; for the Vanuaaku Party . papa kat father God . paun n Bisl pound ; measure of paragi n surgeon fish. money which , until 1981 , pare n 1 inland , away from the denotated either $2.00 Australian sea, towards the mountains , or 200 French Pacific Francs mountainward ; Pare Tanna (also (see also sirig, sikspens) . Ipare) ; fwe pare inland ; in paupauk n 1. butterfly, mo th . revin fwe pare he goes inland ; 2. personal name . -uta pare climb mountainwards; puta pare inland , mountainwards . pavegtn n shark (see -aveg4n) . parhien d dsc true (see niparhien) ; pavisi n k.o. coconut which is nari parhien something true ; long and narrow . iakni parhien I speak truly. peau n wave , surf . -paris a 1. smashed , crushed ; -peghi v tr smell (some thing) , -parts parts very smashed , broken sniff; peghi ro t sniff !; iraha up . 2. soft (as food) , tender , hapeghi senta rapein amasan ripe (as a yam or taro ) (see they smell the good smelling -apar4s) . perfume . parov i please , sorry (used with pehe d dsc indicates movement a request or po lite order, also towards either the speaker or as a term of address to one of hearer (also apehe , see p- + which a favour is requested) ; -vehe, cf . pen) ; -avahi pehe pehe ro tapaka, parov please bring; -irhi pehe send (towards ); give me some tobacco ; parov krau iakamtni pehe tukw ik I am kr4pav4n ro up4nata Ka uke please saying to you; iankaren pehe let us two go see Kauke . the natural world . paru n swordfish. Note : occurs optionally without a verb in some imperatives: pas n Bisl boss, employer , leader pehe ro nau give me the knife . of a modern enterprise or group . -pein a var . of -apein. pasa n Bisl bazaar , fair (typically staged to raise money peken d vb var . of apeken; n4p4n for some group goal) . peken an entire day . pasis n Bisl 1. passage , harbour . -peki v carry, remove (var . of 2. payment for services (as for -apeki ); -peki irapw mama raki a seamstress) . carry out and discard ; -peki tarini take , lead off , lead away ; 110

in ripeki tari ni nikwarakwara pi n Bisl marble ; -arukwi pi play mua tuarupwi menu he takes the marbles (French : bille) . children off to hunt birds . pia n Bisl beer . pen d dsc indicates movement away piav- n inal same sex sibling from either speaker and/or hearer unmarked for relative age (cf. (also apen, see p- + en , cf . prisi-, prea-); piak my brother pehe) ; -avahi pen take , take (male ego) ; piavni her sister away ; -irhi pen send (away) ; (female referent) . iakavahi pen pukah ri ti mine Iau I gave a pig to Iau; iankaren pi k n Bisl spade suit in cards . pen the supernatural realm. pima n Bisl red pepper, chili penapena d vb indicat�s plentitude , pepper . completion , fullness; -0 penapena pinhi k i joking interjection of prepare , make ready , gather goods disdain , response to a joke or for a feast. insult (my sister? see pin i-) . pen pen n notch (as cut into a pini- n inal sister (male ego) ; tree trunk for ease of climb ing pinitaha our (inclusive ) or for counting), sequence ; sister (s) ; pini Nakutan Nakutan 's -avahi penpen postpone ; -kure sister . penpen ratio move the radio over a little ; -0 pen pen notch . pirapw n I downwards , down , under , below (see -irapW2) ; iakevin fwe pepa n Bisl paper; ma i pepa sheet pirapw I am going down . of paper ; kusei pepa some paper . piraspiras n puffer fish . peraha n I seawards , towards or at the sea (see -eraha2); iakevin pire n banded rail (Rallus fwe peraha I am go ing seawards . philippensis) .

peri d dsc denotes accompaniment piri n Bisl male introduced or concerted action : both , both animal (as a cow , goat or cat) . of them , altogether ; in rasitu -piri v skewer (as on a spit) . irau peri he helped them both ; iakinos i irau peri I hit both pisket n Bisl biscuit, cabin of them; iraha peri all of them; biscuit . peri peri both , altogether ; irau pisnis n Bisl business , any peri peri krouap they two ran off enterprise organised to earn together; irau krouagkiari mo ney , western economic pe ri peri they two talk at the knowledge ; in rirukurin pis nis same time ; sani peri peri a he understands commercial naveginien we eat together. activity or money-making. pesu n I if facing the sea , to -pi su a dented , rough ; -pisupisu one's right (i.e. , south when pitted ; nenimei iema nah in East Tanna, north in West r4pisupisu that man has acne . Tanna, clockwise around the island ) (see -eSu) ; iema pesu pi toga n foreigner, European a man from the south . (see itoga , pl . n4pitoga) ; nari sai pitoga foreign object or peuaiu n I below , downwards custom . [mountain areal (see pirapw , p- , -euaiu) . -pitov a black , dark blue , dark in colour ; -pitov anan very dark ; peva n Coleopteris moth . -pitovpitov very black , or covered with dark spots; 111

k4pitov a black animal '' n4kava it isn't dark ; iak4n4p4karahi mha pi tov k.o. kava ; n4p4n r4pi tov ik t4 tafaga reraha I didn't raise the night is dark . you for bad behaviour ; iap4kata mha I haven 't seen it . ptgl n sound of a gunshot. ptktrp4k4rl d vb denotes plenti­ ptg2 d vb indicates a crossing or tude , richness , completion (see s�r ddling movement (see aptg, c; penapena); -ani p4k4rp4k4r eat nlptg) ; -arer ptg (ptg) straddle ' lots of food ; -4vi ptk4rp4ktr -akure ptgptg sit astride . amas s, gather together lots of -ptg a holed, punctured , concave goods . (see n4p4g, aptg) ; reri k rtp4g P tktrptktr2 n name of a traditional hoarse (in voice) ; revuk r4ptg month , mo re-or-less corresponding gap toothed; trak r4p4g a door­ to May . less truck . p4n- g person-marking prefix to pthi d vb denotes conjunction of verbs (in singular conditional two objects ; -arukwi p4hi knock (suppositional ) constructions ) together; -arupwi pthi hit some­ indicating that the subject of t� i g with a thrown ob ject; -ata � the verb is either the same as plhl come eye-to-eye with , almost the subject of the previous verb run into ; -trui p4hi knock over ' or is an otherwise identifiable -trui pthi rtgi - nudge someone ' � NP (see -p- , -4n- , m- l, rou- , arm by accident (as when he is mhar- mha-) ; ko iapuvan p4naru writing) ; -ni p4hi agree , second if I had gone to swim . a point , support someone 's

debating position ; -osi pthi run p4nharov n red bellied fruit dove into by accident ; -rei p4hi prop (Ptilinopus sp . ). open or closed (as a door with a p4nuas n variety of red bellied bra�e stuck into the ground ); fruit dove . -rel pthi nagki ari ien witness, support someone 's statement · pfpehe d dsc close , near , recent iakapwah ntni p4hi ien ik I �on 't (in relation to an understood agree with you. person , place , time , etc. ) (see ipaka, pehe) ; -aiu p4pehe run ptk- g person-marking prefix to close by ; -arer p4pehe stand verbs (in singular sequential close (to someone ); k4ni p4pehe constructions) indicating that one speaks of recent practices the subject of the verb is or events (as opposed to tradi­ either the same as the subject tional custom) . of th e previous verb or is an

otherwise identifiable NP (see p4p4g n k.o. Tahitian ches tnut . m- l, p4 -, ro u- , mhar- , mha-) ; � p4pip4ri d vb denotes disorder , taken plkaru I will go and swim . mess, misdoing, trouble ; in ro -p4k- g tense marker prefix to p4ri p4ri nari he causes trouble . verbs : sequential tense (also p4sagi n semi 1. fork of a tree -tptk-) ; ttptkvehe I'll come (see n4p4sagi ); p4sagi nei tree (afterwards ); iou iaptkara u fork . 2. person controlling narneiv I just started to live right of pas sage (of goods, here yesterday . people and information ) along a Note : -ptk- along with the traditional road (see suatuk , negative po stclitic mha is one sapa g) ; nagkiari ien ramak ia of two varieties of negative p4sagi ia suatuk the me ssage is construction (cf. -apwah2, being carried by the road 's n ... ien) ; r4p4ko mha ntpitovien owner . 112

p:j.saiov n semi middle finger. -pran a female; kapran female animal ; pukah kapran sow . ptsasori n semi thumb . pranema n 1. old woman (pl . ptseruk n milk fish. n:j.pranema , see -emha?) 2. k.o. ptsesa n semi first (index) finger sugarcane . 3. k.o. caterpillar . (see kosus iva) . pranimwa- n inal generous woman , p:j.setum n semi third (ring) finger. helpful woman (woman of one 's place , see imwa-, cf. n:j.mkwan) . ptsiak d dsc crossing, inter­ secting (see :j.siak, -uvsiak) ; pranramap n katydid (see -ap) . suatuk p:j.siak crossroads , pranramok:j.ris n k.o. mandarin junction . orange . p:j.sivur n semi nail, hoo f (see prasta n Bisl bandage . kwanptsivur) ; pfS1VUr ia­ toenail; p:j.sivur ia ntsui kau prea- n inal same sex older cow's hoof; ptsivur ia rtgi ­ sibling (cf. prtsi-, piav-) ; fingernail. prea k my older sister (female ego) ; preai Kauke Kauke 's older p:j.s6uihi n semi fourth (little) brother (male referent) ; preani finger (see karperi ). his olde r brother, her older pttete n Bisl potato (cf. kwarei). sister . pO i sound of agreement, or prei nhap n 1. woman who tradi­ response (as to a self-evident tionally sexually initiated statement) (see epO) ; iakua pO , young men (see pran vi ) . Uiuai dno uin I say pO , (of 2. unmarried woman . 3. k.o. course) Uiuai won (the debate) . sea snail.

poi sin n Bisl poison , sorcery. pren n Bisl airplane ; pren rami va fwe puta anan the plane is flying poki n semi small of one 's back , very high . back of a turtle (cf. takuta-, takure-) ; poki ia iaku turtle's prenkit n Bisl blanket. back . pret n Bisl bread . pokpoki n k.o. cone shell . pretresa n Bisl razor blade , razor . poksig n Bisl boxing; Saki ramo ivur n surgeon fish . poks ig Saki boxes . pr:j.hi n 1 if facing the sea, to popemha n miscarriage , still­ one's left (i.e. , north when in birth , infant death ; -0 popemha East Tanna, south when in West miscarry . Tanna) (see -dhi) ; iema pdhi p�rfs n Bisl police , policeman . a man from the North (especially Wh ite Sands area) . prais n Bisl salary , wage . pr:j.sekune n forked lightning; pran n woman , wife (pl . n:j.pra n) ; pr:j.sekune rtms irup the lightning k:j.n pran his wife ; n:j.pran keva? flashes . how many women?; pran asori old woman , important woman ; pran n inal 1. same sex younger ouihi small girl (cf. iakunoui hi); sibling (cf. prea- , piav-) ; pran mha unmarried woman , pr:j.sik my younger brother (male spinster; pran pen ancestral ego) ; Kasaia Kasaia 's woman , wet dream; pran vi young younger sister (female referent) ; woman , woman who traditionally pr:j.sini his younger brother, her sexually initiated young men ; younger sister . savani pran his wife . 113

2. person of first descending -ata pune find after searching generation, oppo site marital (as a person along a road , or moiety (female ego , cf. kwanien) : an appropriate marriage partner); nephew , niece ; pr�sik my nephew/ -vi pune pull slowly (as a bow niece (female ego) . string) ; -vi pune nagkiari ien speak extensively. pr�ti n inal daughter of (male or female third person singular punes u n k.o. fish (with large referent , cf . iamHi , iakuti ); mo uth) . prHi Neporo Neporo 's daughter. punuar n k.o. tree with small, pu n sound representing that made compound leaves . by cow . -pUp a amputated , cut off, cut pugaifi n k.o. fish with large short; nfSUn rfpup his leg is mouth . cut off.

pu; d vb denotes conjunction , or -pupum via wait, later , in awhile; knowledge by discovery (also pupum later ; tf pupum later , in apui ); -ata pui discover in the awhile ; ik ti kpupum you wait a act , find out ; -�sua pui spread bit (for something); in ro pupum apart; -ni pui betray , tattle on ; nari he does things late . -0 pui be caught at , show oneself puri t n Bisl 1. bullet. inadvertently . 2. insult, challenge ; kwopun -puk a very , very much , a lot , ouihi iou iako puri t min soon I many , a plurality; in rani puk will challenge him. nari he eats a lot; iou purfga kw n semi 1. small tumour . iakokei kei puk n�kava I like 2. growth of a secondary orange kava very much ; -p�kpuk mha not or papaya within a mature fruit. a lot; k�taha sapuk we are many ; napuei r�puk there are a lot of purfk n Bisl cow , bull, cattle coconuts . (see kurimatau) . pukah n pig; pukah kerman boar ; purkumu- n inal woman of same pukah kapran sow ; pukah kapsan generation, oppo site marital white pig; pukah k�pwia hairless mo iety (female ego , see kuni , pig; pukan kermankapran herma­ ieri): husband 's sister, brother's phrodite pig. wife ; purkumuk my sister-in-law (female ego) ; purkumui Sati g -pukpeki v fail , be unsuccessful, Sating's brother 's wife ; fall short of (see -siai); in purkumuni her sister-in-law. r�pukpeki iou he tried but failed (to heal me ) ; ierman ri ti purpokis n skin disease , kava ro uok mfpukpeki, in ramarpaha disease (see iakw ier) ; purpokis the man worked unsuccessfully, ro nfkava disease spoils the he is lazy . kava . pukuri n Ficus sp. (k .o. nukwesi) . pursln n larval stage of peva (sub sists on tree bark) . pumani - n inal brother (of a female, cf. pini-) ; pumani k my purtos n bulldozer . brother (female ego) ; pumani puruan n 1. scarab beetle . rati Iati 's brother (female 2. dung beetle . referent) . -purupu a round , spherical (var . pumha n mul let . of -rupU) . pune d vb denotes extension in time or space (var . of apune) ; 114

purupuru n me asure of coconuts -pwaha v var . of -apwaha . consisting of five ruenhi napuei , -pwam a heavy (var. of -pam) . i.e., ten nuts . pwas i g var . of sapwini , plant of -pus a ashamed , shy (see -aur4 s) . (see sapw4-) ; n4kava pwasi pusanpusan n k.o. fish . Ma rireg Marireg 's kava (refers to kava planted by the descendents pusi n Bisl cat; pusi ouihi kitten . of the ancestor Marireg, i.e. , -puslr a speckled, spotted , kava claimed to be powerful ); variegated , scarred (as skin) ; ta ik pwas i Iapwatu Iapwatu 's nere pusi r k.o. taro ; taik pusir planted banana . k.o. banana . pwei n spiny pu ffer. put n Bisl shoe , boot , slipper, -pwepweiu a slack , loose , not rubber sandal ; n4kenhi put heel taut (as a bow string) ; nakwus of a shoe . ripwepweiu the rope is slack . puta n 1 upwards, up , on top of, -pwia a 1. naked, uncovered, above (see -uta) ; iakevin fwe clear (of bush) , bare (of le aves , puta I am go ing to the top ; puta as a tree ), hairless (as a pig) ; atukwatukw the zenith ; puta pa re -pwiapwia naked; -aman pwi apwia inland , mountainwards . go about naked ; pukah k4pwi a putaha(ke) d vb va r. of hairless pig. 2. smooth . aputaha (ke) . 3. entire , all , whole, complete ; -apwah pwiapwi a fail to use up , puti d dsc small , tiny (see kwati ); fail to complete ; pa t4r pw iapw ia puti pusi tiny kitten; puti mani the entire bottle . 4. innocent , small money , five Vatu . without sin . 5. childless, putia n Bisl sale of meat or kava ; without descendents; pran kastam putia butchery of a cow , r4pwiapwia childless woman . pig or large kava and sale of pwiav- n inal va r. of piav­ pieces at a uniform price . [Imaki j. putikputik d vb denotes speed, pwip n magically treated wild rapidity, quick succession : cane (nig) used in garden magic -anumwi nikava putikput4k drink and to tabu use of a trai l, a down the kava all at once ; -0 garden , kava -drinking ground , put4kput4k work quickly ; -ni etc . (see -arupwip, kwatiuvti uv) ; putikputik speak rapidly ; -uta in ro pen pw ip ia nikava he puts putikputik climb fast . a ma gically treated cane in the -pwah v 1. stop , let alone , leave , (growing ) kava plant . give up ; nesin ripwah the rain -pwip v quiet, hush , stop crying stops . 2. let, allow (used in or talking, hold back tears ; imperative statements to indicate pwip ra j, be quiet !; iakunouihi po liteness) ; ani eat; pwah ti kani r4pwip the child stopped crying. please eat; pwah n4teta saim ruvehe 'let your kingdom come' ; pwi r n large grub , edible locust pwah truvehe let him come . larva . 3. wait, wait until; pwah pw irahakw n large inedible grub . trakwakwi let's (wait until) tomorrow . 4. enough (wi th ra j pWinl g va r. of sapw4ni plant of (used as an interjection ); pwah (valued po ssession) (see sapwi-, ra kei ! enough , thanks ! (var. of pwasi); kwarei pwini Tio Tio's -apwah 1) . planted sweet potato . 115

R my kava ; in ro ra ka 9:00 it is past nine o'clock ; ti karai raka r- g third person marking prefix cut it (now) ! ra karaka in singular constructions (cf. (intensified) ; in rakupw4n mev4n k-2 ; in trial and plural rakaraka fwe Iapiro he already constructions , the third person went (long preceded us ) to marker is �) ; ramasan it is good ; Iapiro ; iak4n4mri ra karaka nari ripinamasan , if it were good ; I put it away (already , long ago ) . in tren trakwakwi he will go tomorrow . -rakrak v intr ro ll, toss, thrash about (as a ch ild having a ra d vb denotes trying or tantrum) , take a dust bath (as attempting, optionally follows a bird) (see -arakarak) . an imperative (less po lite than rO ) (see -a) ; 0 ra do it; pwah ra kwakwi n t the next day , the ra enough !; ho ra nesin pwah fo llowing day (cf. trakwa kwi ); ra ris let them make it rain (let sanumwi n4kava rakwakwi , them make rain let it flow) ; ra kwa kwi we drink kava day by kitaha so ra uok let us work . day . ra fet n Bisl ceremony , party -rakwan v purge , make vomit . (with western dancing and Rameto n culture hero , trickster imported foods ) (Fr: la fete) . in a number of tales . rahua d dsc wh ich? why? [Imaki , -ran a sing daytime , light ; iaran Kw ameral (see -ua (?) , -4f-, si) ; daytime ; namran it is just light; iema ra hua? which man?; rahua ramran ihi it is still daylight ; ikamo nari nah? why are you sapri ruvran ia n4pn4p4n we do ing that? sleep into the mo rning light. ra i n Bisl garlic (Fr. l'ail) . rantana n Bisl lantana, introduced -rai v 1. rub , rub out , erase ; hearty flowering shrub . -rai napw start a fire (with raparapa n Bisl lavalava [Imak i l. friction) ; -rai raka n4puti9 dry oneself, rub off wetness. -rap (i) v 1. touch , feel, contact, 2. write , draw ; -rai n4kukua connect; -rap sumun ho ld both , write a letter . 3. pass, over­ or in both hands ; -rapi tapi take , exceed , better ; -rai ra ka reciprocate (as a woman in a 6:00 it's past six o'clock ; marriage exchange relationship); -rai ra ka be fine , beautiful , -rapi tarini press (as a button great, surpassing . 4. climb or typewriter key) . (as a steep hill) ; -rai nahakw 2. overindulge , experience , mauta climb up a steep grade connect with ; -rapi nanumwi ien (see -arai ). overindulge in drinking; -rapi n4kwahiien have a lot of fruit rai f n Bisl life. (as a tree) (see -arap (i» . ra is n Bi sl rice . rarar n Bisl lavalava (see ra it n Bisl ligh t, hurricane lamp . ra varaVa) . raka d vb denotes completion , rasi d vb va r. of ara si . perfection of action : already , ratio n Bisl radio . completely, finished , now (with imperatives) ; -ni raka speak -rau g pronominal suffix, first rapidly , slur ; iakani ra ka I person inclus ive dual : our two , already ate ; iakanumwi ra ka we two (cf. -mrau, -mi rau, -nrau); sanmwuk nikava I already drank nisurau our two (inclusive ) legs ; imwarau our two place . 116

-r(au)- g see -r(OU) -. shoot ; ;akre; kre; ;ema naha I don 't know that man . ravarava n Bisl lavalava . rek:j.m i no (cf. ouah) ; used also ravera n k.o. taro (see -Vera) ; in response to misdirected ravera ;a; ro k.o. taro ; questions ; ;kua rtfo? what are ravera ;a nukwes; k.o. taro . you thinking? ; rek:j.m! no (i.e. , -reg; v 1. sense (feel , hear , nothing , your question misinter­ smell , taste , perceive) (cf. -ata); prets my actions) . -reg; ahaven hide an emotion, remtn n Bisl lemon . don 't reveal one 's true feelings (see -os; apw;n;); -reg; sas remu- n inal male of first understand , hear correctly; ascending generation , own marital -reg; sas nagk; ar; ;en r; t; learn mo iety : father (term of reference) a word . 2. feel (emotionally or see tata) ; remun; his father; physically) ; -reg; reraha feel remum your father . bad , be ill; -reg; ro ;am:j.nha rer;- n inal 1. internal portion , feel like (something) . heart , insides ; ;a rer;- inside ; -rei v 1. poke , spear , inject, fwe rer; tuprena inside the press on with a sharp ob ject ; earth , underground ; rer; taha our -rei auauen; mistake, misread , hearts . 2. feeling , emotion , mlshear ; -rei ;a st;k give an heart , mind (the seat of one 's injection; -rei nau dance nau; emotions and reactions to one's -rei spear a fish ; -rei situation and context) ; rer;­ p:j.h; lean on (as a cane) , put a rag;en be happy , glad ; rer;­ finger on ; -rei uta have asthma , rakwt ptr be heartbroken ; rer;­ experience painful breathing, ra pwanapwan be angry , ups et; poke upwards ; n;ama ha dre;· ;OU rer; - rap; uan be calm, calm down ; I am angry . 2. scoop out (as re r;- rapou be sad, depressed ; coconut meat) ; -rei napue; rer;- ra pou tt be sorry about or scrape out coconut meat . for (something or someone ); 3. reserve , hold for (as a good -rer; ra rh ; remember, recall; for a future exchange ); -rei rer;- rarh ; afafa consider tar;n; hold down , reserve ; Nou;o privately; re r;- ra vsavs;n; be; tar; n; Ke;aga mavah; sayan; confused ; rer; - ren want , desire ; Nouio reserved Keiaga for himself rer; - reraha be sad , upset , un­ (to adopt) . 4. resemble, take happy ; re r; - rtmtk; dislike , after (as a child does a parent) . not want (someone or something) ; rer;- rtmt rU kind-hearted ; rer;­ re;a n fowl (see menU) . r:j.rhi remember , recall; rer; ­ -re;a a fractured (as a limb ) , r:j.rh; apenapena be unsure of, snapped, broken in two such that forget; rer; - rts:j.ka; be stubborn , the pieces are not completely strong-minded ; rer;- rtttk hiccup ; separated (see ; n:j.ptk rer; - roke;ke; want, desire r:j.reia the banyan tree limb is (something). 3. vo ice , customary fractured (a mark of local sound of; reri - r;uan mute , dumb ; hostilities) . rer; - ro speak , be voiced like ; rer; pUS; ro n;au a cat goes re;a; n tang fish . 'meow ' .

-re;re; v not know , be ignorant -rer; v bank (dirt on) , make a of, don 't understand , not be garden mound; k:j.taha sar er; acquainted with ; ;OU ;akre;rei takwu we make yam mo unds . no;en I don't know how ; ;akarukw; mre; re i I don 't know how to shoot; 117

reri n d dsc forever, all times, rhig n k.o. tree . everyday , always , constantly rh i gom n k.o. tree with photo­ (see reri-); -okei kei reri n sensitive leaves. like/need forever ; kwumwes in rerin God (is) forever ; iakamara -rhirhi v use an agent , employ reri n I am staying for good ; too ensorcel, send to do wrong ; iakapri reri n iktn I always Rapi ri uan. Iou iakrhirhi ik ik sleep there ; in resi rerin tik4 pi menu iti sai Rapi , krau suatuk u he always fo llows this krouani Rapi is gone . I send path . you to spear one of his chickens for us two to eat. -rertg v intr return , corne back ; ikrertg ra ia rerim consider -rh4kin v 1. build , make , your faults ; taken mrertg construct , put together (as a trakwakwi I will go and corne house, canoe, arrow , or social back tomorrow . agreement) ; -rh4kin nagkiari ien agree , make an agreement ; in -resi ) v slide along or against, r4rh4kin kwanparum he makes an slip into ; -resi nei strip leaves arrowhead . 2. improve , repair, or branches from a stern of stalk ; fix ; mani r4rh4kin k4taha money -res i apeken nau slide one's hand helps/improves us (our life) . along a knife blade and cut one­ self; ntma tagi r4resi uta napua rhun n ho le dug underneath the ia ta kwtr the wind slides the planting mounds (takwu) of clouds up across the mountain . special yarns to encourage the growth of long tubers ; -eri rh un -resiz v dunk (var . of -etesi). dig a yarn bed hole . ret n k.o. mollusk . rhurhu n k.o. green skink (see -rete v snag, stick , hang on , UapU) . catch on (as an arrow in a tree) ; ri�maha n anger (var . of niamaha) . ikmwei mrete ira you fall and catch up on something. rifti n Bisl tea (i.e., leaf tea) . -retik v intr rustle, startle ri gi n inal see r4gi-. prey (var. of -arpareti k) ; pusi riginimwa n k.o. sweet potato r4reti k ia ma i nari the cat (see r4 9 i -) . rustles in the bush . -ri gpuor v intr belch , burp , revu- n inal tooth (particular bring up cud (as a cow) . incisors , cf . ruapah) , thorn ; revuk ra ruvn my tooth aches -rihi v tie up (var . of -arihi )) . (from eating some thing cold) ; riki- n inal banana sprout , revui n4mtrhi orange tree thorn . sucker (see tukU-) ; ri ki ta ik -rhi l v remember, think about banana sprout . (var. of -arhi) ; reri - rtrhi rinh4- n inal 1. woman of first afafa consider privately, worry ascending generation , own marital silently; reri- r4rhi apenapena mo iety : mother (term of reference); be unsure of, be uncertain ; ri nhin his mother; rinh4taha our reri - r4rhi eraha think bad mo thers . about ; reri k r4rh i imwak ik4n Note : the first person singular I'm thinking about my homeland . construction is impolite. -rhiz v stick in one's hair , 2. quality of largeness or wear a feather ; -rhi kaio wear substantiality (see r4pu-, cf . a feather plume . kwati ); ri nhi mani lots of money ; rinhi pusi a very large cat . 118

ri p6t n Bisl report , message to island ; -uvr4hi go north (when authorities (such as the police , in East Tanna) , go south (when John Frum Movement leaders , etc .) . in West Tanna) ; pr4hi north (the White Sands area, in particular) . ris n 1. ancestor ; noien sai ri s traditional custom, ancestral r4 kar4k n kava sprout , trans­ ways . 2. seed yam. planted from one garden to another (see -4ra k4rak) . -ritini v spoil one 's mi lk (as a nursing mo ther ), get pregnant rtk4ku i no [Port Resolution] too soon after giving birth , (see rek4m) . have intercourse with one 's wife -r4mer via spread , scattered (var. if she is nursing; pran rtritini of -amrtmer) ; naveg4nien saiou rera ha iakunouihi the woman ruvr4mer ra ka ia kafete my feast spoiled her mi lk for her child. is already spread on the mat . -dfe v bend , tw ist pl iable ob jects , -r4mur a hairy, bristly; kwi ahi fold (as a pocket kni fe ) (see ramr4mur the hermit crab is -ar4fe) ; -r4fe nagkiari ien lie , bristly; numwher4k ramr4mur exaggerate , misrepresent; -r4fe I am hairy . n4su- bend one 's leg, sprain an Note : used generally with ankle; nau k4r4fe pocket knife . continuative marker -(a)m-. r4gi- n inal arm and hand , upper -rtpi v corrbine , mix, add to (see limb, branch , handle (see -rap(i)? ) ; -r4pi pen nagkiari ien t4r4gi-) ; r4gi- apomus disease, mix up two messages ; -r4pi pen tuberculosis?; rtgi- mo ur one' s ma i kafete use two mats ; sartpi left arm (including hand) ; r4gi­ pen rais mtne nere ia tiki pat mwatuk one 's right arm ; rtgitaha kwatia we combine rice and taro our arms . in one pot . Note : r4gi variously become s rigi ; rigi menu bird wing; ri gi r4pis d dsc Bisl worthless , menu side shoots of a yam runner; useless, no good (Eng : rubbish ); ri gi nei tree branch ; ri gi nimwa rt pis kuri no good dog. house post; ri gi pat pot handle; r4pu- n inal 1. person of second rigi pren airplane wing. ascending generation : grandparent r4gkai n frigate bird? (see (see kaha) ; r4putaha our grand­ ro gorogO) . parents ; r4puni his grandparent . 2. quality of largeness or r4gdgi d vb denotes accomplishing substantiality : big, important , by hand (var. of artgr4gi , see large (see rinht-) ; r4pui pusi r4gi-) ; -4vi rtgr4gi scatter (as a gigantic cat (i.e. , an old seeds) ; -0 r4gr4gi litter, strew ; cat) ; r4pui ierema a very large , -osi r4gr4ri take apart , cancel impo rtant thing; rtpui nari big (as an event) . (wide , large , fat , substantial , r4 gr4gi- n inal arm and hand , important) ob ject. branch (denotes plurality) (var. -r4pu via withdraw , silent , of r4gi-) ; rtgr4gi nei tree uncooperative (see -4mt4pu) ; branches . kttaha so niamaha ruvrei pam r4hi n 1. k.o. thorny beach vine . k4taha sar4pu mhr4pu we were 3. bougainvillea. angry so we refused to speak (cooperate) . -r4hi g directional suffix : when facing the sea, to one's left , r4pua g introduces conditions : if counter clockwise around the (see -p- , -ua) ; dpua in u if th is . 119

r4revu- n inal scales (of a fish ) go to sw im. In conditional (see reVU-) ; -4r4si r4revun (suppositional) conj ugations scrape off fish scales ; r4revui becomes roup4n- ; ko kr4puvav4n n4mu fish scales . roup4naru if they two had gone they would have swam. -r4revun v scrape off fish scales (see r4revu-); -r4revun n4mu -r (OU) - g number-marking prefix to take the scales off a fish; i pwet verbs and adjectives indicating m4ne k4taha samr4revun nari today dual (cf. -har- , -ha-) ; irau we live well (without dispute ) krou4ki they two scratch ; k4mrau (metaphorically) . iaroueri we two (exclusive ) dig; krau krouoke ikei we two -r4se v appear, come in sight ; (inclusive) like ; k4mi rau -r4se apehe emerge ; -r4se irapw irouanumwi you two drink . appear suddenly out of nowhere . Note : (1) becomes -r(au) - before -r4su v stalk , sneak up on (as a some verbs with an initial cat) , sneak by , evade ; pus i r4r4su consonant; krau krauvehe we two t4 menu the cat stalks for the (inclusive) come ; k4mirau irauvehe bird ; iou iakr4su t4 k4miaha you two come ; krau kraukusi we ma iu ianme i nari I avoided you two weave . (2) becomes -r- in all by wal king in the bush . perfective , sequential , and conditional constructions ; krau rO I d vb denotes trying or kr4navehe we two came ; krau attempting, optionally follows kr4p4kavehe then we two came ; an imperative to indicate krau kr4p4navehe if we two had po liteness (see ra , -0) ; ata ro come . (you) look (please) ; iakata ro? may I look? vehe ro please come rous n traditional woman 's bark (try to come) . skirt made from the nevo tree (Hibiscus tiliaceus) ; -4visi r02 n Bisl law, metaphorically the rous wear a bark skirt . government and non-traditional authority ; ro sai John Frum John rua n hole (see rue- , arua) ; -asu Frum's orders . pen ia rua dive into a cave ; -ev4n ia rua go through an rogorogo n frigate bird? opening. rori n Bisl candy , lolly; -tumwi -rua via 1. explode , pop , bang rori suck a lolly. (as a gun , or popcorn), torn , rosi v resemb le (see -os (i» . (as clothing) , diseased (as skin), scarred , blister; -ruarua explode ; roto n Bisl automobile, car. -4vi aruarua rip (as clothing) . rou- g person-marking prefix to 2. sprout (as seeds) . verbs in dual constructions -ruai v lay (as an egg) (see indicating that the subject of -aruai) . the verb is either the same as the subject of the previous verb ruapah n semi mo lars , especially or is an otherwise identifiable wisdom teeth (cf. revu-). NP (see -r(OU) -, m- , mhar- , -ruase v fai l in a task (also mha-) ; irau krauskamter rouev4n -uaSe) ; -agkiari m4ruase speak they two stood up and left ; po orly , mi stell a story; -en irau krouakure roukusi they two m4 ruase go for nothing (as to sat down to weave ; k4mi rau hunt where there is no game) . irouveraha rouaru you two go seawards and sw im. In sequential ruatu n wind direction , roughly conjugations becomes roupi k- ; north . trouen roup4karu they two will 120

ruatu amrai n wind direction , -rukwahag4n v block , dam (as roughly north-east (see -rai ). water) , stop up (as a stove flue) (also -arukwahag4n) ; -arapinha rue- n inal hole, empty space in r4rukwahag4n pukah close a gate something, inside (as of a house , to block out pigs . basket, etc. ) (see rua , a rua , kwa rue-); ruei kanari vagina; -rukwakwe v coif hair by winding ruei kua anus ; ruei tapu hole strands in fibre , prepare the (i.e. , emptiness within a hole) ; traditional male hair style. ruei t4na cave ; ruen cave ; ia rukwanu n home , residence , house , ruei nimwa inside a house. village , hamlet; nau naha fwe ruenhi- n inal 1. loop (of rope) , rukwanu that kni fe is in the handle, vine , yam runner; ruenhi village ; nari ia rukwanu tame nakwus loop of rope ; ruenhi animal , woman . napuei two coconuts tied together rukwasi kar n t midday , noon , day­ (a measure of coconuts , see time (see -arukwas ikar) ; ramasan purupuru); ruenhi t4n4rup basket ia rukwasikar good day . handle. 2. scrotum , bag; ruenhi narek my scrotum; ruenhi narei kau rukwe- n inal woman of own bull's scrotum (see kwaruenhi-) . generation , opp osite marital mo iety (male ego) : wife , term of -rufi v select, choose from among reference (cf. pran) ; rukwa ik my a set, reserve , ask to be given wife ; rukwetaha our wiv es ; in a future exchange (Bisl : rukwei ma kwa evening star ; promise) ; iakrufi pukah sai Tom rukweni his wife . I selected (to receive ) one of Note : use of this term improper Tom's pigs . in communications with one 's -ruiri v carry by a handle , carry classificatory or real brothers over one's shoulder (as a basket, and sisters . or a bunch of bananas ) (also rukweni n name of initial dance -aruiri ); -avahi ar uiri carry by exchange in the nakwi ari cycle . a handle ; -ruiri t4pu- eat plenty , The group which received pigs carry a full stomach . and danced toka during the

-rukak v i n tr cluck (as a hen) previous ceremony changes (see -akaka) . position to become exchange host .

-rukumeg via va r. of -urkumeg. rukwi - g locative prefix to nouns : place , site , plot (particularly -rukunkun v tap , knock (as on a one in which a person has rights ); door) . rukwinamhuien garden site ; -rukur4n v 1. know , understand , rukwin4p4k4r beach , fishing site ; be ab le to , know how to ; in rukwi t4na plot of land; rukwit4si r4rukur4n nari he is clever; in beach , fishing site . r4rukur4n noien traif he knows -rukwi v 1. shoot , throw (a round how to drive ; harukur4n mhavehe ob ject) ; -rukwi menu ia k4pwier rakwa kw i they are ab le to come shoot a bird with a gun ; -rukwi tomorrow . 2. know someone or t4mwheki- shoot some thing's something, be acquainted with ; footprint , i.e. , hit the place iakrukur4n kwopun naha fwe Fira a target was ; -rukwirukwi tap I know that place in Port Vila. (as with one 's fingers ). -rukuvn v carry (under one 's arm ) 2. connect, join together , (see -ava hi , -avrani) . intersect; -rukwi irapw come out at , find the road , find one 's -rukwafa v tr hide oneself (see way ; -rukwi irapw nagkiari ien -arukwafa ) . 121

begin a discussion ; -rukwi �siak but was lazy (and didn't plant) i intersect, join ; -rukwi n�p�n so the bush took over again . set a date ; -rukwi pen trapor rumunan n bush , wilderness, forest; cause a problem; -rukwi tarini ia rumunan in the bush . tie together, shut (as a box) ; -rukwirukwi nagkiari ien bring up -rupaskun v cover , shut (as a pot , a settled issue . 3. plant (as or large petrol drum) . seeds) ; -rukwi k�ri k�ri plant -rupesu v erect a house or copra seeds one-by-one . 4. scoop (as bed frame . water in a cup) , ladle , spoon out, scrape out, evict ; -rukwi -rupu via 1. swell , round , develop arhen shovel ; -rukwi irapw chase (as a girl 's breasts) . 2. round , away , evict (as a man off land spherical ; -rupurupu round . not his own) ; -rukwi mai nurhi 3. clotted , congealed, hardened scrape off grass. 5. hang up (as sap) ; -rupurupu diseased (as (as a basket, or photograph ); skin or kava) , have scab ies ; -rukwi foto hang up a photograph ; neta rupu clotted blood . -rukwi t�n�rup hang up a basket. -ruputa ki v intr sing set (as the 6. dig kava [Imaki ) (see -arukwi , sun) [archaic) . -erukw) . -rupwegi v 1. turn pages (of a rukwikohi n large intestine (var. book) , shuffle cards . 2. lift of kOhi ). up , turn up (as a dress or shirt). rukwinau n semi throat, gullet, 3. fold or roll up ; -rupwegi windpipe (see nau) ; rukwinau n�mahan roll up sleeping mats or ianrak my throat. bedding (also -arupwegi ). ruk\l/in�mu n eel (see n�mu) . -rupwi v 1. throw (an elongated ob ject) , spear , stick ; -rupwi -rukw�fi v shade , block (as light, nagkiari ien reply , fol low on a or a road) , eclipse (see preceding comment; -rupwi n�mrhi -arukwafa , -arukwapi tov) . nupu lead in a dance group ; -rukwun a deserted , abandoned , -rupwi rus uin judge the merits overgrown (as an unused village of competing claims , decide the or kava-drinking ground site ) winner of a dispute . 2. chase (also -arukwun ). (as fowl , or metaphorically women ), investigate ; -rupwi pran -rukwutihi v knot , tie a knot chase women (see -arupwi , -erupw) . (see atihi) ; -rukwutihi t�nari wrap a length of cloth around -rupwun v var. of -erupwun . oneself; napuei kurukwutihi -rur v intr vibrate , buzz , flutter , coconut log raft . crack (also -arur) ; -rurur vibrate -rukvluvsini v twist, turn around , hiss; k�sumw i r�rurur the owl turn oneself at the waist (see hisses . -uvsini , -arukwuvsini). rus n Bisl loss , failure to win a -rumun a wild , overgrown , of the dispute ; pati savani tro rus his bush ; iakun ia rumun bastard ; (political ) party will lose . nimwa rumun village area ruvero n k.o. orchid. surrounding a kava drinking ground where women and children ruvi ru n k.o. banyan with small traditionally lived ; iak�nakwa i leaves, Ficus sp . pam saiou n�ma i nari mata iakarpaha i, ruvrumun ruta pam I cleared all my garden land 122

s nimwa savi the new house (as opposed to other houses) ; sampam s(a)- g first person inclus ive the last one (of a series), (see marking prefix in trial and pam) ; nari sampam the last· plural constructions (cf. k-l ' sino sampam ia mai namhuie� we kis (a)-) . finished the last of the garden ; Note : combines with the trial sapa m sapa al l different (see marker -har- to become sar- , and - pa , m) ; ik ikni a sapaku mua with the plural marker -ha- to � rtfo? why did you say that? become sa-; kitahar saragkiari Note : mo difies verbs and adjec­ we three talk ; kitaha sagkiari tives in third person singular we (plural) talk ; kitaha tisavin form : sa- + r- + verb/adjective we (plural ) will go . root) ; sarakupwin the first, sa- g 1. marker of neutral alien­ first of all ; sarouihi the smal l able possession (cf. sapwi-, one, the one that is small· sanmwu- , Sana-) . Pronounced sarakwas the old one , the �irty [Se-] before [i ]; saiou my , mine one ; pehe ro nau sarasori give (first person singular) ; saim me the biggest knife . your (second person singular) -sai v 1. shift position (as of (see -m, var. of sai k) ; saik a load on on e's back) ; -sai uta your (second person singular) adjust a load upwards ; -sai (see ik) ; savani his , hers , its marfa i rimwei shi ft and let drop . (third person singular) ; savai 2. buoy up , hold up , keep float­ of an object or person ; ing, skip (as a stone on water ) '. naveginien savai pukah the pig's -ouini risai slip and loose food ; sai of an ob ject of person balance ; tisi r4sai nei the sea (var. of savai , see -i) ; sakrau floats the log . ours (first person dual inclu­ sive) ; sakimrau ours (first sampam n the last, the final (see person dual exclusive) ; sakimi rau sa- , pam) . yours (second person dual) ; sana- q marker of edible alienable savanrau theirs (third person possession (cf . sa-, sapwi-, dual ); sak4tahar ours (first sanmwu- , also -ani ); nuk sanak person trial inclusive) ; my yam (to eat) ; nuk sanam your sakimrahar ours (first person yam (to eat) ; nuk sanini his , trial exclusive) ; sak4mi rahar hers , its yam (to eat) ; nuk yours (second person trial) ; sanai Iau Iau's yam (to eat) '· savanrahar theirs (third person san4rau first person dual trial); sak4taha ours (first inclus ive ; sanimrau first person per on plural inclusive) ; � dual exclusive ; sanimi rau second saktmaha ours (first person person dual ; san4nrau third plural exclusive) ; sakimiaha person dual ; san4tahar first yours (second person plural); person trial inclusive ; savanraha theirs (third person sanimrahar first person trial plural ). 2. marker of bene­ exclusive ; san4mirahar second factive (see also t4 ) ; 0 sai person trial ; saninrahar third kaha do it for grandmother'· person trial ; sanitaha first kisip ramas4k sai to ka the person plural inclusive · shell trumpet cries out for sanimaha first person p�ural the toka . 3. nominalising , exclusive ; san4miaha second demonstrative marker (modifies person plural ; san4nraha third verbs , adjectives and de scrip­ person plural . tive and other adjuncts) (also si-) ; safwe that over there ; 123

-sani v 1. hold in one 's hand , sapw4mrau first person dual hand to ; -sani pehe receive exclus ive ; sapw:i-mirau second something by hand . 2. exhibit, person dual ; sapvl4nrau third show , make public, ho ld up for person dual ; sapw4tahar first view; -sansani hold up for person trial inclusive ; public view ; -avahi uta m4sansani sapw4mrahar first person trial lift up and show . exclusive ; sapw4mirahar second person trial ; sapw4nrahar third sanmwu- g marker of drinkable person trial; sapw4taha first alienable possession (cf. sa- , person plural inclus ive ; sana- , sapw:i--, also -anumwi ); sapw4ma ha first person plural kwanm4rhi sanmwuk my orange (to exclusive ; sapw4miaha second drink) ; kwanm4 rhi sanmwum your person plural ; sapw4nraha third orange (to drink) ; kwanm:i-rh i person plural . sanmwuni his , hers , or its

orange (to drink ) (also sanmwun); sar n Bisl salt. kwanm:i-rhi sanmwi Rauaua Rauaua 's sarat n Bi sl green onions , onions orange (to drink) ; sanmwurau with sm all tubers , leeks (Eng: first person dual inclusive ; shallot) . sanmwumrau first person dual

exclusive ; sanmwumirau second sarmit n Bisl prostitute . person dual ; sanmwunrau third sarouei n k.o. banana . person dual ; sanmwutahar first person trial inclus ive ; sas d vb directly, correctly, sanmwumrahar first person trial with understanding (var. of aSaS); exclusive ; sanmwumi rahar second -ni sas i explain something , person trial ; sanmw unrahar third report . person trial ; sanmwutaha first sasave n k.o. sugarcane . person plural inclusive ; sanmwumaha first person plural sauet n Bisl stup id person exclusive ; sanmwumi aha second (Fr : salaud ? ). person plural ; sanmwunraha third sava- g va r. of sa- . person plural . Shortened to si­ to indicate valued po ssession; -sefu v shed skin (as lobster or sik napuei my favourite coconut lizard) (see -oui ). to drink ; sim napuei your -segi v 1. cover , put over , favourite coconut. shelter under , wear (as a ha t) ; sapa g n semi fork (as in a tree ) -segi kafafau wear a hat ; -segi (see tapwag, p:i-sagi , tapakova , pat cover a pot ; -segi prenkit n:i-kovahaien) . kwatia sleep with one blanket; iaksegi h4mprera t4 nes4n I sapro ua it n k.o. introduced shel ter under the umbrella legume with hairy beanpod , because of the rain . 2. protect , Bisl : sour plum? shelter , help others ; -segi sapw�- g marker of pla ntable iraha ia k4nu lead or guide a alienable possession (cf. sa- , group ; -segi nermama ia n4kava sana- , sanmwu-, also -apwe) . provide kava for others to drink; nere sapwas4k my taro (to plant) ; iou iaksegi ik ia nHeta saiou I nere sapwas:i-m your taro (to protect you in my social group . plant); nere sapw4n (h) i his , 3. name (takes descriptive hers , or its taro (to plant) ; adjuncts); in dsegi pen iakunouihi nere sapwai Kamti Kamti 's taro he names the baby ; hasegi pare (to plant); sapw:i-rau first iou fwe Iakweiau they named me person dual inclusive ; (inland) at Iakwe iau . 124

senta n Bisl perfume . the truck was unable to climb (the hill) . -Serl v transfer (goods ), convey , move from place to place ; -ser -sigfn v enclose , confine , close ia tfnfrup move the basket ; -ser up , make tight , repair leaks saik rami er mo ve out your things . (see -asisfg) ; -sigfn nfkava cover kava with water ; -sigfn -Ser2 v glow , shine ; -ser ro napw nui dam up a spring; -sigfn pen make the fire shine , -serser iakunouihi ia nurur circumcise a glow (as a firefly) . boy (and put him into seclusion) . ser6 i Bisl ahoy (from sail ho I). sfgkfri n Bisl unmarried man or serser n 1. firefly . woman . 2. phosphorescent sea algae or sigrit n Bisl T-shirt, shirt fungus (see -ser2 ) . (Eng: singlet) . -sese v intr 1. sweat , perspire . -sigsigfn v enclose (var. of 2. float, immerse , baptise (as -sigfn) . do Seventh Day Adventists) (see

-amwhenumw) ; iakamsese ia Hsi sikaret n Bisl cigarette . I immerse myself in the sea. siksiki n k.o. fern . si l n who , whom (see sin, Sf-) ; sikspens n Bisl be fore 1981, five si naha? who is that? ; Sfmfmi ? cents Australian or 5 Francs who are those two:; Sfmfmi rahar Nouvelles Hebrides (see paun , who are those three?; Sfme? who sirig) . are those (plural)? (also nfSfmel; nfSfme havehe? who (plural ) sim d vb denotes bisection (see comes?; ikavahi tf si? whom did sumun , -visim) ; -fpi sim bisect , you give it to?; rata si? who pierce apart . did he see? sin n var . of si . si2 d dsc which? what? (humans sfnfma n Bisl film, movie , cinema . and personal names) ; pran si ravehe? which woman came? ; si sipi n a historical political naghum? what is your name ? mo iety which developed during the 19th century (see manuaua) si- g marker of valued drinkable primarily linking seabord local possession (var . of sanmwu-) ; groups (Eng: ship, trading/ sik magko my favourite mango to recruiting ship) . drink . Note : the initial n- of

some possessed nouns is dropped ; sipsip n Bisl sheep . sik apuei my valued coconut to sirig n Bisl before 1981, ten drink . cents Australian or 10 Francs -siai v 1. respect, honour , be in Nouvelles Hebrides (see paun, awe of , obey ; iksiai tata saik sikspens) . you obey your father ; ramasan sirosiro n 1. whirlwind . mua kfSiai nfkava it is good 2. whirlpool . that one respects kava (maintains traditional usage) . 2. be unable -sisi v separate , tease apart to , be afraid of, leave off (see -uvsisi , asisi). do ing, be mystified by ; -siai -siu a bland , unseasoned (as nari incompetent , senile ; in food which ought to have rfputa mfsiai neuaiuien he flavour ) (cf. -mfmi s). climbed the tree but couldn 't come down ; trak rauta mfsiai Siui n 1 see n4siui . 125

sivur n coconut lorry -ski ri n v sort , pick through , ,(Trichoglossus haema todus) . pick out (as good copra from the bad) , eat around (as around -si'vUS a stunted , slow-growing bones or fat ) (see -Spwen); iou (see -iVUS) . iakskirin raka mi t I ate only si- g va r. of sa- : nominalising/ the meat (leaving the fat , etc.) . demonstrative marker; sinah that ; -skirhi v slide (as something sinaha that, those things ; SOU over a table top) , skim (across (Si- + U) , this , these; sime the ground or water) , push ma fa ki tho se who worship; siro across; -skirhi futpar pass a kiru that makes two , two times; football. siro kahar the third time ; ti kosi nife pukah? which pigs skru n Bisl metal scoop used to will you kill? sinaha those . scrape meat from coconuts .

-sikai a difficult, hard , strong skur n Bisl school , church ; iema (see -ikinekin) ; nari sikai a skur Christian . difficult or hard thing; nukwanen -skwi ni v 1. loose , free (from risikai he is stupid, block­ confinement), untie , let go , headed. release , drop , set down ; -skwini sikiramant6u n var. of sikinrnantou. hos ramevin let a horse go ; -skwini mapwah let go of some­ sikinmant6u n k.o. large taro . thing; -skwini nagkiari ien reveal, sikweia n Bisl an oval addition send a me ssage , tell a secret; at either end of a rectangular -skwini nikava let drop a kava house (Eng: square) . one is carrying . 2. emplace , distribute , situate , discard , simaha n type of disease , dry throw away , abandon ; -skwini throat (see -maha2 ). nikava plant kava ; kwumwesin simanu n k.o. yam . riskwi ni kipwier God distributed the (power) stones . Stme n who , which (plural) (see S i) . -smatukw v repeat, do over ; -ni mwi m4smatukw repeat a word ; simHe n k.o. clam. -smatukw mwi do again . simimi n who (dual ) (see Si ). soiu n Bisl soy sauce . silllimfrahar n who (trial) (see somsom n Bisl revelation ;-O S i) . somsom reveal , be overly simwesi d vb va r. of as4mwesi . generous , give away one 's goods recklessly . -s4regin v light one fire from another (see -hia(i)); iou sori n Bisl compassion , generosity , iaksiregin nuksepik saiou I pity, helpfulness (Eng : sorry) . light my log torch from another. sot n Bisl shirt . -SfSumun v va r. of -sumun . -spwen v pick out (as meat from -skamter v 1. stand up (from a a pot of boiled food), eat around sitting or prone po sition ) , (as bones) (see -skirin) . arise (cf. -arer, -amter) . stoa n Bisl store ; nimwa sai stoa 2. begin an action as a group ; store building , store house . kitaha saskamter neri ien we all begin to dig; kitaha saskamter strag n Bisl lime Eng : strong , mho fa it we all begin to fight . Fr : citron) . 126

suatuk n 1. road , path , trail; -sui tarini understand , suatuk reraha u the road is bad comprehend , follow (as a road) ; here . 2. exchange relationship. -sui sui trapo r investigate the These may be created throughout cause of trouble ; hirir hasui one's lifetime or be inherited mi t the maggots appear in the from one's father or the person meat . who gives one a name . The latter -sutr v shelter , take shelter; link kava-drinking (and residence -suir himprera shelter under an groups ). If a message which umbrella; iakvehe mi suir fwe involves a traditional exchange nakwai nimwa I corne to take or ceremony need pass between shelter inside the house . groups , the man or men who control the linking suatuk have -suk a deserted , silent , abandoned the right to carry the message (as a house site or village ) ; and will receive goods from the rukwanu nams uk the village is subsequent exchange (for example , de serted ; kwanamrig misuk abso­ goods gathered for a marriage lute silence , absence of people ; exchange when husband and bride k.o. hide-and-seek children 's corne from different residence game . groups ). suatuk is sometimes suka n Bisl sugared tea or other a metaphorical spatial exchange drink (Eng : sugar) . relationship but often refers Note : takes the verb -anumwi to an actual trail through the (drink) ; sanumwi suka we drink forest linking kava-drinking sweet tea . grounds . The most important suatuk link kava-drinking groups sukapak n Bisl 1. honey bee across the island into extended (Eng: sugar bug) . 2. honey . exchange networks (kwaterhen suksuki n Bisl mo torcycle . nimwatakeiv, ma ininhupwi , takwarau) ; John Frum ro suatuk sums umun d vb var. of sumun . ramen pen fwe Ameri ka John Frurn sumun d vb denotes duality, makes the road to America; karai togetherness, interconnection asisig suatuk one blocks the of two objects or parts (also road (to symbo lise a break in sums umun , see -sumun, -osisumun); relations between two groups ). -arihi sumun tie together; -ni 3. way , manner , fashion , course ; sumun corne to an agreement , suatuk sai nipitoga ripikamasan agree ; -ivi sumun cross (as a mha the fashions of the Europeans road or valley) , ford (as a are no good . creek) ; -rapi sumun hold both suefa n sea urchin . parts of something ; -vi sumun punish both sides . suei uei n hunger , famine , dizzi­ ness (from hunger) ; sueiuei -sumun v bring together , close ; rosi iou I am hungry . sumun ro r4gim bring your hands together ; iaksumun t4rhuk I sueru n semi spouse ; kin sueru close my mo uth . his wife , her husband ; kifuk sueru ruvamha raka my wife is sun d vb denotes agreement , dead . consensus ; -arai sun nagkiari ien conclude a debate ; -arai sun nei -sui v chase , run after, follow , agree on a date (for an event) ; occur as a consequence of (see -arai sun tuprena agree on land -isua l l ; -sui irapw menu chase ownership . the chickens out; -sui napri ien wake up ; -sui nikava spoil the effects of kava intoxication ; 127

sup n Bisl soup , refers to any the existence of the sea and the boiled dish of tubers which dispersal of mankind . 4. striped contains meat . colouring (as of a sea snake ) ; pusi ro tagarua tiger cat. -supen v prate , talk nonsense , babble , ask continuous questions tagkiu i Bisl thank you . after having received an answer; -taha g pronominal suffix, first -supensupen chatter ; in risupen person plural inclus ive imwataha , mis upen kimaha iahanapou he keeps our place ; nipasegitaha our noses . asking and asking and we are sick of it. tahapwar n plant with large banana­ like leaves used to wrap tuber susap n Bisl Jew's Harp (made puddings for baking (Heliconia locally with a piece of coconut sp . ); tahapwa r itoga k.o. leaf and a length of coconut tahapwa r. leaf spine) ; -osi susap play the Jew's Harp . -tahar g pronominal suffix, first person trial inclusive ; suvirpig n type of traditional tirhutahar our three mouths ; nupu dance . nikava sanmwutahar our three kava (to drink) . tai - n inal replacement , return T fo r, reciprocal gift; iakavahi pen tain tukwe I gave him a t- g prefix to verbs marking return (its return) gi ft; tai future tense (see til ; ik iko pukah a pig given to repay a you do ; ti ko you will do ; in ro previous gift of a pig; ta i he does; tro he will do . nimwa a new house (a replacement t- + ia- becomes ta- ; iako I do ; for an older house) . tako I will do . t- + hi- becomes ti -; kimi aha tiap you al l will taik n banana (general term) .

leave . t- + h- becomes tu- ; takai n sanctuary , assistance , iraha tuosi they will strike . aide (see inteta) ; kitaha savahi First person inclusive and third ta ka i tukwe we gave him sanctuary. person dual forms become t- + -rau; krau krouen we two go ; takis n Bisl tax. krau trouen we two will go . takta n Bisl do ctor . Note : is optionally omitted before first person trial and takta k n Bisl duck (introduced plural inclus ive constructions ; species , cf. iareg) . kitaha sata we will see; kitaha takure- n inal topside , top of , tisata we will see. shoulder , surface (cf. takuta- , ta fa n stage in the development -akure(? )); takurek on top of me ; of coconuts , a young nut before takurei kin kapwa top of his meat has begun to form , succeeds head ; takurei nimwa top of a kapkapeki and precedes nafweruk . house; takurei nima ha coral reef which extends above the water tafaga n behaviour , actions , level ; takurei takwir mountain demeanor, character; tafaga crest; takurei tisi the surface amasan good behaviour ; tafaga of the sea; takurei trak truck reraha bad behaviour . bed ; -ama k ia takurei pran lie tagarua n 1. sea snake (cf. gata) . on a woman . 2. illness thought to be caused takureinarua n 1 reddish vo lcanic by sea snakes . 3. legendary sediment hills near Iasur volcano . culture hero responsible for 128

takuretan n semi dorsal fin (see age (pl . intamarua , nitamarua) mwanipi tare) . 2. ceremonial circumcision exchange cycle . takuta- n inal back , backside (cf. takure-) ; -agkiari ta kutai tamtam n Bisl drum . ierema talk secretly , behind Tamtamku n name of a traditional one's back ; takutai ierema month which roughly corresponds behind someone 's back ; takutai to November . nagkiari ien main portion of a speech; takutai nikukua book tamip n k.o. plant with large cover; takutai nupu encore , leaves used to wrap tuber final dance . puddings for baking; ma i tamip, tamip leaves . takwanapwir n enclosed space , inner space (as of a corral , Tana n Tanna (see Tina , Ipare) . garden , etc. ) (see napwir) . tanak i thank you (from Christian takwarau n 1. wind direction , sources?) ; kitaha sani tanak ti roughly south-south-east. Atua we all say thank you to God . 2. traditional road linking tani kou n ant lion (see -ikou) . loc�lities near Iasur volcano (see suatuk) . tanis n Bisl dance ; tanis asori type of nupu dance . takw�r n mountain , hill ; takwir­ takwir rolling hills, ridges . tanpitov n small shrub with red sap used in war magic for takwta kwnu n now , the present , invisibility (see -pitov) . immediately; takwtakwin now [mountain areal ; takwtakwn i now tanpwia n type of tuber pudding [Imaki l; in ravehe takwta kwnu with no greens (see -pwia) . he is corning right now . tapahan n tabu, interdiction (of takwu n yarn mo und ; -irui takwu a garden , trail, fruit tree , etc . make a yarn mo und . marked with magically treated wild cane stalks , or twists of tamafa n 1. prayer , communication particular leaves) . If such a with ancestors which consists of tabu is broken , the transgressor spitting out one 's last mouthful becomes ill ; tapahan imwa ia of kava and softly uttering filariasis of the scrotum , one of commands , prayers , wishes , many various diseases caused by orders , etc . to surrounding transgressing particular tapahan . ancestors present at the kava­ drinking ground ; -avahi tamafa tapa ka n Bisl tobacco ; -rife ma i ti 'take ' tamafa, pray fo r. tapaka roll a tobacco leaf 2. in circumcision exchanges , cigarette . the supporters and dance team tapakova n semi fork (of a tree , of the boy 's mother 's brother or of a stick) (see sapag , or other man in simi lar exchange tapwag, nikovahaien, pisagi ). relationship with his father (cf. kakwasei) . -tapar v va r. of -atapar. tamampwir n archaic term for tapi l d vb denotes reciprocity , European vehicles : horse-drawn interconnection ; -rapi tapi cart , mo torcycle , automobile, reciprocate (as by exchanging truck , wheelbarrow . women in marital exchanges ). tamarua n 1. youth , circumcised tapi2 n planting hole (for banana , boy up to the age of marriage , taro ) (see tapu) ; -0 tapi make a i.e. approx 5 to 18 years of hole in which to plant. 129

tapinha n door; arapinha ia ta rhe- n inal 1. line , row , string ; tapinha! shut the door ! tarhei kwanari string of beads ; tarhei nimwa row of houses ; tapiresi n semi 1. small, surface rukwanu ia tarhen villages in a root (see nUa- l) . 2. centipede , row . 2. collecti vi ty of places , mi llipede . 3. sea slug (see anywhere ; tarhei rukwanu all kipori ) . villages; tarhei t4na me every­ tapisi n vo lcanic gas and smoke , where , al l lands . vo lcanic ash ; Iasur ro tapisi ira tarheinau n panpipes (see tarhe- , the volcano is putting out ash . nau) . taporoka n kava bowl (see 4nteta) . tarhen d vb enotes lineality : tapul n semi 1. ho le (volcanic series in a row , in a line (cf. fume role, etc. ); tapu ia kua arhen) ; -ama k tarhen be in a anus ; tapu ia napuei place where line ; -arupwi nei tarhen plant a coconut once stood , ho llow in a line ; -ni tarhen tarhen stump . 2. grave ; -eri tapu make a series of points . savani dig his grave . 3. sexual tari giavan n k.o. seaweed . organs (metaphorically) . tarini d vb denotes closure by tapu2 i Bisl don't touch , stop , the appl ication of force keep away (instruction to small (particularly from above) : on children) . top of, over, on the back of tapuap4g n hole, indentation (in (also atarini); -agher tarini the ground , a stone , etc.) (see ho ld tightly , ho ld onto (as tapu, ap4g) . visitors or guests ), keep; -aiu ta ri ni run on top of (as over tapuga n k.o. kava artificial ly the tracks of the person ahead) ; sprouted at an upper node of a -aki atarini press down ; -akure planted cutting. tapuga stripped tarini sit on top of; -arupwi of their own leaves and decorated tarini push down (on the ground); with leaves of other plant species -avai tarini pinch together; are exchanged during circumcision -4vi tarini pull tight, raise ceremonies. (as a flag by pulling its rope) , tapwag n semi area at the base of step on ; -kurigi tarini close a appendages, crotch , fork (with discussion , lock a door , turn a more than two branches , cf. knob (as of a radio) ; -0 tarini sapag); tapwag ia r4gi- palm (of retain , hold back (as someone hand) ; tapwag i a n4 su- sole , toe who wants to leave) ; -rapi area (of foot) ; tapwag ia nei tarini ho ld tightly in one's fork of a tree , the base of a hand , press (as a button , or tree fork . typewriter key) ; -rukwi tarini tie up together; -sui tarini n va r. tapwar of tahapwar. understand , know , comprehend. tara n father [Imaki , Port taro n Bisl taro . Resolution] (see tata) . tarukwa- n inal waist . tarakini n type of traditional nupu dance . tata n man of first ascending generation , own marital moiety: tarev4- n inal co re , heart, remnant father (term of address or core of fruit after a bird or reference ) (see remU-) ; aue rat has eaten away the body of tata saiou! oh my father ! it; tarevi kesi pawpaw core ; ma kwa tarev4n quarter moon . tataua n sawfish . 130

taui n Bisl brother-in-law tek4n raruveruv his skin is sun­ (sister's husband , wife's brother) burned; ti ki kuar coconut shell Bisl : tauwien . (kuar unident .); tiki kwanihi­ foreskin ; tiki napuei coconut taurkava n kava bowl (see 4nteta , shell; tiki nari can , tin , dish , taporoka) . plate, drum (container of western tavtavn n cornered , boxy , manufacture ); ti ki n4mrhi square (see -avtavta); -0 tavtavn operculum (of a shellfish); tiki have corners . n4mu turtle shell (see n4mu) ; ti ki nui water cup ; tiki saspan tel d vb see te (te) . saucepan ; tiktik4- peelings (of te2 d dem this , that , these , tubers , etc.); tiktiki nere taro those (see t4 + i); iou te me peelings . here ; te fwe that over there ; tem4n n 1. outrigger float . te in u this , these; pukah paku? 2. seaside people (metaphori­ te in u which pigs ? these here ; cally) opposed to mo untain te in i this these [Imaki j; te people (n4mwatakeiv) ; -agkiari in nah that , those; te in naha ia tem4n send word along the that , those . sea road . teaure n k.o. taro . tena n Bisl person who sings tegi- n inal water ho le , puddle, counterpoint in modern and container of water, bowl (see traditional songs (Eng : tenor). kwategi-) ; tegi nui container tere d vb denotes duration in of water; tegi t4si tide pool . time (see atere , te (te) ); napw teg4· n inal shelter of , lee of, ruakw tere the fire burns a underside (as of a tree) (see long time . pateg4n, ateg4n) ; -aiu teg4n ter4g n k.o. tree . sail on the lee side (of an island) ; -akure teg4n sit in tesi d vb va r. of atesi. shelter; ikaiu men ma rer tegi te (te) d vb denotes failure to nei you run and stand (take complete , duration , continuity shelter) under the tree . of action (see tere) ; -ahi tete tegra n 1. step , stair; tegrategra n4kava be still chewing kava stairs , a sequence , stages , root , chew slowly , still have levels . 2. stage , po sition root to prepare ; -aiu tete be within a series , layer; -0 late ; -akwm4ni te feed all the tegrategra do in sequence , do time ; -aman tete be late ; -4rui one-by-one . 3. crop , generation ; tete strike several times but magko ro tegra k4ru ia nuk riti fail to break ; -0 te nari gather , mangoes have two crops a year . prepare (as food for an exchange ); -0 tete nari continue , still be teik itoga n k.o. banana, small mak ing or doing something, still ladyfingers (see taik) . be working at ; -os i tete napuei tei k 4virig n k.o. banana , large strike a coconut (several times) green plantain (see ta i k) . but fail to crack open . te k 4 - n inal skin , husk , covering, teter d vb denotes horizontal wrapping, shell , bark (Note : movement ; -4pi teter nei stub teki often becomes tik i); one 's toe against a log; -4vi iakam4 ki tek4k I scratch my skin ; teter i walk on level ground. 131

-teuta v slide or rise up (var. -tiv v choke , gag; -tiv ia of -ate) ; me ri ramteuta the sun nagkiari ien choke on one 's words , rises . remain silent from shame ; kanumwi nui uahai a m4ti v ira if one ti- n inal person of first drinks water quickly , one chokes descending generation , own on it. marital mo iety : child (see tihi-?) . Note : first and second t4 g 1. dative preposition : to ; person singular person use n4ru­ iakavahi pen t4 n4pran I give it rather than ti-; tini savani his to the women ; t4 si? to whom? , child; tini Iau Iau's child; for whom? 2. purposive or tinrau their (two ) child ; causative preposition ; iag reuai u tin(i)rahar their (three) child; t4 naveg4nien the fly descends tin(i)raha their (plural ) child; for the food ; ramen t4 n4fe? titaha our child . what is he going for? t4 nari nah m4nua because ; in ro niamaha tiapin n jack. fish , wahoo . t4 nari nah mua hanosi savani Tiaporo n Xtian satan (for pukah he is angry because they Christians) . killed his pig. 3. prefix to some temporal nouns expressing tieksis n Bisl type of introduced future ; ianp4n then (in the past); dance in which the sexes dance t4 n4p4n then (in the future) ; together (considered risqu� ). rakwakwi the day after (an ti fu n Bisl Brahman cow . understood day) ; t(4)rakwakwi tomorrow ; neis the day before ti hf- n inal flower (see ti-?) ; yesterday ; t4 neis the day after tihi ma gko mango flower; tomorrow ; ti ra kahar three days r4fi tihin the tree is in hence (see ira) ; tira kefa four flower . days hence ; tian4pn4p4n in the ti hinatfs a col purple (contex­ (upcoming) mo rning; tiarukwasi kar tual ly limited) (see natis) . in the (upcoming) midday ; tianaruvaruv in the (upcoming) Tihoua n God (for Christians , evening ; tian4p4n in the (up­ Eng : Jehovah) . coming) night . 4. marker of tiki n inal see tek4-. benefactive (also tukw ini); -0 t4 tata sakrau do it for our ti kinau n bamboo (native species ) father ; iou tukw ik I help you , (see tek4-, nau) . we are allies . 5. with -a and ti ki tagarua n nautilus shell -0 , introduces conditional (see tek4-) . sentences and future time­ phrases (see tukwo , tukwa) . tim n Bisl team , any organised 6. prefix of address when calling social group (see kampani, krup) . out to people ; t4 mama ! mama ! tinfi s n Bisl tinned fish , Note : (1 ) becomes tukw before sardines, mackerel, etc . singular pronouns ; tukw iou to me ; tukw ik to you ; tukwe (or tipat n Bisl teapot . tukw in) , to him ; iakni pehe ti ra n semi mast; tira ia n4teta tukw ik I say to you ; rasitu boat 's mast . tukwe he helped him (with it) . (2) t4 k4taha usually becomes tit n locust, cricket (?) which tu kutaha ; r4rh i pehe tu kutaha sings at dusk (see kantari , keno , he sent it to us . (3) third k4vi tari g) . person dual , trial and plural forms become t4n(i)rau , 132

ttn(i)rahar, ttn (i)raha; sakwein t�me- n inal 1. cutting, leaves pen t�nrau we call out to them and top portion of a taro tuber , (two ) . sugarcane stalk , etc. set aside for replanting (see n�k�nhi -) . ttfi to a col grey , colouring of Note : irregularly becomes t�mri fowl (see k�mrakw) . rather than ttmei-; t�mri nere tHra n whale . taro corm and leaves (set aside for replanting when the root is ttgkare- n inal slice (see harvested) ; t�men (its) head , n�kare-) ; t�gkarei kesi slice of set aside for replanting. Third pawpaw ; t�gkarei nei plank ; person trial and plural optionally t�gkarei nere slice of taro ; become t�mrinrahar, t�mrinraha t�gkarei timpa plank of wood; (or may remain t�menra har, t�gkaren m�ne tigkaren slices . t�menraha). 2. temple (see -ttk v intr hiccup; reri- rtt�k Hnme-) . hiccup . t�mh ien n 1. k.o. tree . t�ka g 1. lest, for fear that 2. personal name . (see H, ka) ; iou iak�hek�r ttm�kum n k.o. p�nharov red­ naruien ttka iakamwhenumw I am bellied fruit dove . afraid of swimming because I might drown ; iou takapwah t�m�ram�ri- n inal wing, wing nare ri en fwe ia nukunei napue i feathers (of a bird or flying ttka napuei ra kwi iou I will not fox) (see Hr�garigi-) ; -0 stand at the base of a coconut t�m�ram�rin fly, soar ; rami va tree lest a nut strike me . ia t�m� ramtrin fly . 2. denotes misunderstanding , t�mk i n inal see t�mwheki-. lack of certainty ; iakua t�ka trak mata n�teta I thought it t�mk�mi - n inal shade , shadow of; was a truck but it was a ship . t�mk�mi nei tree shade . t�kiov n slug , snail. t�mk�mk�mi - n inal shade (var. of Hmk�mi -) . ttktmi r n enemy , foe ; kuri ro ttk�mi r ia pusi dogs are enemies t�mpua n Bisl plant with wh ite of cats . trumpet-shaped flowers , night­ shade ? ttktrkov�- n inal armpit ; numrh i Hktrkov�- armpit hair . t�mri n inal 1. temple , side of head ; t�mri ierma n a man's t�k�rupu d vb va r. of kwattk�rupu. temple . 2. upper tuber with tHo g see ko . leaves attached for planting (of taro ) (var . of Hme- , t�kttk n sound representing that t�nme- ); t�mri nere taro tuber made by fowl . and leaves (to plant) . ttkurakak n mutton bird . t�mwe- n inal body (of water) , ttkuvhuv n indirect speech , mis­ bowl (as the body of a canoe ) , leading speech ; iakamo ttkuvhuv group (of people ); Hmwei· �nteta t� saiou trapor I speak indirectly body of a canoe , group (meta­ because of the trouble (so as not phorically) ; t�mwei napuei water to admit guilt) . standing in a coconut tree stump ; Hmwei nermama a body of people , ttmat n Bisl tomato (also ttmatas) . group , crowd ; t�mwei n�kava a ttmatas n Bisl tomato . drink of kava ; t�mwe i nui a body of water, a lake , puddle; t�mwei Hsi the ocean . 133

timwheki - n inal 1. footprint , ttnirup n 1. basket . 2. family, track , traces , trail of; household ; tinirup kwatia one timwheki k my footprint . fami ly. 3. one of a series of Note : irregularly becomes timki marriage exchange feasts (see rather than timwh eki if a noun nifukarua , naveginien asori ). is the possessor ; timki nui dry 4. womb . water bed ; timki trak a truck 's tinkare- n inal var. of tigkare- . tyre tracks . 2. scar , mark , blister, bruise ; timki napw tinme- n inal temple , side of scar or blisters (from a fire forehead (var. of time-). burn) ; timki nau scar (made tinpin d dsc 1. denotes slowness , from a knife cut) . 3. position , lateness (see ti, nipin) ; -arai place ; Leymang ra'va hi Hmki tinpin strike (wit h a knife) too Kal sakau Father Leymang took the late, mi ss (as when trying to hit place of Mr . Kalsakau . a mo ving target with a bush Hnal n cyst. knife) ; -0 tinpin be late with , be slow ; -os ai mo si tinpin miss tina2 n earth , ground , land, because one strikes too slowly . island , country ; tina asori a 2. denotes insignificance , un­ large island , a large country ; importance , smallness (a polite tina meta red subsoil; tina rejoinder to praise) ; nari tinpin mweris island , land cut off by something unimportant; saim nari ravines ; tina vi new land , land m nari rasori ! e, tinpin a you taken in warfare ; Imi r tina have a lot ! oh , it's nothing. ouihi Aniwa is a small island . t�paha n boiled coconut mi lk ; -0 tinafa n point of land located tipaha i cook with coconut mi lk . between the convergence of two ravines (see -fa) . tiparuvareva n semi lung (see -aruvareva) . tinamweris n· island (see tina , -mweris); ia tinamweris the tipisi n k.o. seaworm . northern islands of Vanuatu . tipatipa n slipper lobster Hnani g IDilcker of third person (Parribacus caledonicus) singular edible possession for (Fr: pompinee) . valued ob jects (var. of sanai , tiptapu n grooves (as in a road) see Sana-) ; nuk tinani Iau 1au's small holes or indentations valued yam (to eat) . (see tapu) . tinaprau n dancing implement used tipti n namesake (term of address by kosusiva dancers . cf. napwinhisu- ). ttnari n cloth , clothing (see tipu- n inal belly , stomach ; H + nari?) ; in ratiri Hnari tipuk ras isi I am full (I ate she is sewing . too much) ; tipu- rikinekin be tineis n t the day after tomorrow constipated. (see neis, H) . tipuk n semi side wall of a house ttnfia n semi house eaves ; ttnfi a (often made of wild cane and ia nimwa house eaves . lengths of split bamboo ), fence (cf. nikis) . tini d vb implies continuation in time , or in an activity (also tipunaku n fish trap (sometimes aHni ); -apri Hni sleep late ; made of piled stone) , good -irui ttni forget; kemhattni fishing hole. surviving spouse. 134

HpuHm n 1. k.o. lizard. 2. echo ; tree) ; t4si nttan nutmeg aerial -0 t4put4m call out to hear an roots . 2. thorn (see revu-) ; echo ; t4put4m kwanarem keva? t4si n4m4 rhi orange tree thorn. lizard , how many testicles do t4si n4fara n traditional road you have? (traditional call for linking mo untain localities an echo) . (see suatuk) . t4pwes4n n tide pool , salt t4tefa fa u n semi heart wood , hard evaporation pool ; tegi t4pwes4n wood remaining after softer tide pool. portions have rotted away . t4pweua n semi large intestine t4t4pu- n inal meat in stomach (cf. naninha) , crop of a fowl ; region (of a pig, cow , etc. ) t4pweua amr4mur intestine . (see Hpu-) . t4rhu- n inal mouth (outer parts , t4tua n garden planting bed . cf. nakwa-) lips ; t4rhui men u bird beak ; t4rhu- rts4kai speak Hvr d vb denotes continuity : still, harshly, scold, speak directly ; for a long time ; -atui t4vr con­ -apwasi t4rhu- kiss . tinue to search ; in rati pen t4vr he is constantly staring off into t4rhugaru n noise, clamour which the distance ; in ragkiari t4vr causes an interruption or dis­ he talks too much , he is still junction in thought or activity; talking. -0 t4rhuga ru make noise, interrupt ; n4kwarakwara ho puk toka n 1. dance performed by those t4rhugaru the children make a who will receive pigs during the lot of no ise and interrupt us . main exchange of the nakwiari ceremony ; -fi toka dance toka . t4ri g d vb implies concentration ; 2. a group of men which dances thinking (see -at4rig) ; -arupwi toka (cf. nau) . t4rig be single minded , concen­ trate on. tomu n mangrove . t4ri v n sling, slingshot (see tonu n grouper (?) , k.o. fish with kwatiriv) . large mouth . t4r4gar4gi- n inal wing (var. of tos n Bisl torch , flashlight. t4r4gi-) ; tir4gar4gi menu bird toti l n tapa belt (which tradi­ wing. tionally held up men 's penis Hdgi- n inal wing (also Hdgari gi- , wrappers ) (var . of katoti , see see dgi-); t4r4 gi pren plane wing. -atoti , namaS) . t4si l n the sea , salt water; t4si toti2 n Bisl garbage , trash . apen deep , blue sea, beyond the totouenht- n inal tallness, slim­ reef; t4si ipare sea near land , ness ; -0 totouenh4- be tall and within the fringing reef; -4p Hs i thin , unmuscular . salty; -0 t4si be persistent , refuse to agree or compromise , touareka n k.o. yam . continue to speak or in an action toue- n inal classifier of people (metaphorically), pester, bother ; and animals; touei pukah a herd in ro t4si miou he bothers me of pigs ; touei menu a flock of with it. chickens ; touei kau a herd of t4sh n semi purr (of a cat , truck); cattle ; touei nermama a crowd of k4n Hsi ra vi (the cat) is purring. people. t4si- n inal 1. supporting aerial tour n semi aerial root (see toura ); roots (as of a banyan , nutme g tour i n4p4k banyan aerial root. 135

toura n rope (cf. nakwus). 2. marker of dative , purposive , causative and benefactive (see tout6u n small bat (Miniopterus sp.). t4 ) . n tovri rua (n) k. o. flowering shrub tukwa g 1. introducer of condi­ with prickly seed pods . tional sentences : if, shall, trak n Bisl truck , automobile , car . lest (see tukw, -a , tukwo) ; tukwa ikev4n if you go ; tukwa trakwa kw i n t tomorrow (see ikev4n , rerimaha rapou tukw ik rakwakwi); samuv4n tra kwa kwi we if you go , our hearts will be will go torrorrow . sad (from this); tukwa Ka tig r4rukur4n parhien poksig, in ramsum4s n legendary ogre . T tr4ru i iema Fiti if Kating truly tra por n Bisl trouble, dispute , knows boxing, he will knock out argument, fight; kava hi uta the Fijian . With interrogative trapor one begins a fight. prefix -4f-, denotes 'how might, how can' ; tukw4fa kani a pam n Bisl trausis pants , trousers . naveg4nien how can one eat all tres n Bisl dress; tres asori thi s food?; tukw4fa kavsini nuk mother hubbard . me how might one count all these yams ? 2. introducer of future trot4ri a n snapper fish . time-phrases : when ; tukwa nes4n tu g var . of t4 . trenh4n , iakev4n fwe ia stoa when the rain stops , I will go tui d dsc old , previous, of the to the store . past, ago , long ago ; nari tui something of the past; in r4no tukwahag d vb denotes blocking , tui he did it a long time ago . preventing movement (also atukwahag) ; -arer tukwahag stand tuitui n castor bean tree . in the way; -agher tuk wa hag hang tukr6s n cordyline . and block (as a tree limb) ; -mwei tukwahag fall and block tuksi g third person singular (as a fallen tree) ; -4pi tukwahag marker for valued possession of interrupt (as a speech) ; -0 sugarcane ; n4ruk tuksi Iau Iau's tukwahag block . sugarcane (to eat) ; tuksi nuvavu napwupwu i k.o. sugarcane (named tukwama g see tukwa . after the ancestor Nuvavu , (see tukwamo g va r. of tukwo : if, lest -apWupWu) . (see tukw, -(a)m-, -0 , ko) ; tuku- n inal sprout , shoot (of a iakam4hek4r t4si tukwamo paveg4n plant which sends up multiple trahi iou I am afraid of the sea sprouts such as kava , banana , lest a shark eat me . bamboo , etc .) (see ri ki -) ; tukui tukwe g see t4 . n4kava kava shoot . tukwini g marker of benefactive tukw g 1. introducer of condi­ (var . of t4) ; -0 tukwini do for , tional sentences (see t4) ; do instead of, help (cf. -asitu); tukwasitu ianrak ko uok saiou ramo tukwini nui tukw iou (or if they help me one wi ll do my saiou) he gets my water for me work ; tukwo nimwa mua ramasan (as opposed to me ge tting it for it will be good should the house myself) ; in ramo tukwini saik be built . iti kopra he makes copra for you; Note : tukw combines with -a in rahi tukwini raka n4kava (tukwa) and -0 (tukwO) . The sanmwuk he already chewed my continuative marker -(a)m- may kava for me . also be used (tukwamo , tukwama) . 136

tukwo g introducer of conditional u ia kwopun u here , at this place phrases : if, shall, lest (see (cf. i, nah, naha, fa , fw e) ; nuk tukw, -0 , kO) ; tukwo iakakure u this year ; iakimiki kuri u I ma kwiei if I sit down , I will don 't like this dog ; nari u this be cold; tukwo krau kroueuaiu, th ing . ua rekim? shall we two go down , -u v dir see -uv. or not? tukwo nesin trenhin, takevin fwe prihi trakwakwi if ua g or; tikosi pukah u ua pukah the rain will stop , I will go naha ? will you kill this pig or North tomorrow; in tukwo ripikni that one? ikata ieremha ua kuri mha nagh i iermama if it doesn 't ia mai nari? did you see a spirit tel'l the name of the person . or a dog in the bush? Also used as a question tag ; trivehe ua tukwus n hot spring (cf. na rukwas) . (rekim) ? will he come , or (not) ? Tukwusmera n 1 highest mountain ikokei kei ua? do you like it on Tanna . (or no t) ?

. -tumwi v suck on , savour in one's -ua v 1. state that , aver, intend mouth (see -esi s) ; -tumwi rori that , desire that ; ikua rifo? . suck on a candy ; -tumwi tapaka what did you say? iakua ta kani smoke a cigarette . a pukah I only want to eat pig meat ; kua nere ! why it's taro ! tuprena n earth , ground , soil, Rapi rinua mua in rapwah iraha land (see tina) ; tuprena ramasan Rapi said that he didn 't want ti nuk good soil for (growing) them; nagkiariien riti rivehe yams . tu kutaha kinua tra kwa kw i kitaha tupwa l d dsc denotes delay , savin a message came to us say­ waiting, slowness; -0 tupwa go ing that we will go tomorrow ; slow ; -amo hi tupwa still be ko iakipua , in trosi savani pran waiting ; noien tupwa delay . if I should say it, he will beat his wife ; Sinti ramua takavin na tUpwa2 n k.o. land crab . mata Cindy is wanting that I go tupwe- n inal fruit stalk (of to see (her) . 2. think , believe plants with multiple fruit that (as opposed to believe in , growing on a single stalk) ; cf. -atigite) ; iakua I say/ tupwei napuei coconut stalk) ; believe ; iakua rosi I say that , tupwei ma gko mango fruit stalk ; I think that . tupwei kwanuvekir Barringtonia This verb in various conj ugations edulis fruit stalk . serves as a grammatical marker which introduces conditions , turis n Bisl tourist; in ro turi s time-phrases , purpose clauses , he is travelling about . and complements : 1. mua (see m- 1) tutu n cross-sex sibling , va r. of in ro kei kei mua Vanuaaku Pati katutu. tro uin he wants the Vanuaaku Party to win ; iakrukurin mua in tuva i n k.o. tree (used for bows ) . ramevin I know that he is go ing; tuve n what? Port Resolution ik iken mata mua iraha horumun , (see nHe) ; tuve nahe? what is ua you go to see if they are that? baking or not. 2. minua (see m- l , -in-) ; in ro keikei minua

he wants that . . . ; iakokeikei minua ti krhikin nimwa vi saiou U I want you to build me a new U d dem this (referring to an house . 3. ramua (see -(a)m-) object near speaker) , here ; (also tramua ); tramua kitaha 137

sav�n ia rafet tukwo k�taha uain n Bisl wine ; nisei uain wine . sanumwi pia if we go to the uais n Bisl wisdom , knowledge ; in party we then should drink beer . ro uais he is wise . 4. r�nua (see -in-) (also tdnua) ; r�nua sapinatui pukah, k�taha -uakw v intr be lit, be burning sap�nani nari isien if we had (as fire , or a lamp ) (also hunted a pig, we would have eaten -auakw) ; napw ruakw the fire is meat ; rinua iapinata Taimwerin, lit. iapuvni pen tukwe if I had seen uapu n 1. kind of skink ; uapuapu Taimwerin , I would have told it sk ink . 2. personal name . to him. 5. dpua (see -p- , also r�pinua) ; r4 pua k4taha sav4n fwe -uase v var . of -uruase . ipwet ramasan, mata r4nua -uasi v var . of -os ( i ) . trakwav.Ji if we go there today it would be good , but he said Uasipwa n name of dialect of tomorrow ; ripua iapinata iaposi South-west Tannese language if I had seen it, I would have (see Huapwa) . struck it; r4pua tap�nata taposi uaten d vb imitate ; -ata uaten if I will see it, I will strike copy another's actions . it; r�pua iakata Taimwer�n, tukwo iakni pen tukwe if I should see uau d vb denotes failure to Taimwerin , I will tell him; connect or understand ; -ata uau dp�nua ikua tiko nari iti, iko misunderstand , be stupid or if you said you will do some­ unknowing (as a.small child) ; thing, do it. 6. k4nua (see k- s, -erukw uau shoot at and miss. -in-) (also tiktnua , see ti); kini u€uaha (i) d vb quickly (var . of kinua one says that; tikinua uahai ) . rakwa kwi k�taha sav4n mhatui pukah ramasan kitaha sata sani -ug�n v remain at , hang on to should we go look for pigs the (as a person , or place) , stay following day , good , we (will) at or by (generally takes the find some and eat (them) . continuative marker -(a)m-) ; Note : Irregularly takes perfec­ iakamugin tik�mi aha , kitaha tive marker -4n. samara I stay with you all so that we all can live (together). uahai d dsc quickly , rapidly (see ueuaha (i) , arpaiov, akwakw) ; -0 ui knis n Bisl var . of uitnis. uaha i a do it speedily ; r�vehe -uini v 1. scatter , roll (as a uahai he is coming quickly . stone on the ground) (cf. -ou ini ); -uahakir v repay , reciprocate an -uini n�kwa i kapis scatter exchange after time has passed cabbage seed . 2. twirl , wave (exchange of dissimi lar goods , (as cloth , or rope above one's

cf. -oserahag4n , -avri ue) (0 = head) ; -uini t�nari tw irl a ia) ; -uahakir ia n4mu reciprocate piece of cloth ; -uiniuini tw irl a gift of fish (over time) . repeatedly .

-uahar v intr 1. crack , snap, begin uipin n dolphin. to break (as a tree which begins -ui ri a woody , tough , fibrous , to fall). 2. be wise , be intelli­ overripe (as a yam or taro ) . gent , understand , explore , think about (as an idea) ; nukwane­ uitnis n Bisl witness (to an ruahar be smart; reri - ruahar be agreement made between parties wise . at a dispute settlement meeting ) , uninvolved participant at a uaia n Bisl barbed wire , barbed wire fence . 138

debate ; -0 uitnis judge both -urkuran a va r. of -kuran , see sides of a debate , attend a -ran . debate as an impartial observer . -urkurau v var . of -kurau . -ukregi v tr place (something) urumun n spirit medium , a person under something, slip under (by with good communicative links lifting up ) ; -ukregi kafete put with ancestors (Bisl : Kreva) . (something) under a mat; -ukregi ma i nurhi hide in the grass . -urur a secluded , out of sight (as circumcised boys) ; ia nurur -uku a blind (as an eye ) , empty in seclusion ; nimwa urur circum­ (as a nut or seedpod ); nenime­ cision house (where boys remain ruku blind ; nuk ruku a tuberless secluded until their wound heals). yam plant. -us v strike (var. of -os (i)); -ukumeg via cracked (as glass , or -us apeken use metaphor , speak a coconut shell), commence (as a indirectly , speak so as to hide talk or event) (see -urkumeg) . one's real feelings , use opaque -ukumwi v tr gag, choke ; nimu language , send a message via an rukumw i iou the fish gagged me . intermediary ; -us apeken nagkiari ien speak metaphorically ; ume n k.o. fish . -us auaueni fail to reciprocate -un v intr cry out (as to let properly, return less than one someone know one 's presence), has received ; -us skrigi split moan . lengthwise , cut lengthwise (see askrigi ); -us skrini split uok n Bisl work , a job; iakapwah lengthwise (see askrini ); -us noien uok I don't have a job; karkare- cut around , cut out the in ramo uok sai John Frum he is anus area (as when butchering a doing John Frum's work . pig) , circumcise . ur n louse . -usapa a wonderful , out of the -urka kun v begin , commence , start ordinary , different (in a good a task , get going on; -urkakun way ) (see apa) ; takta rusapa trapor begin a fight ; iou wonderful doctor (Christian iakurkakun uok riti saiou I reference to Jesus Christ) . begin one of my tasks . -usrere v upend , turn ups ide down , ureiov n semi uvula . turn over (in one 's bed) , turn head down (as a baby about to be -urhap v summon , rouse ; kitaha born ) (see -US) . surhap ia nermama mua iraha tuavehe ueuaha i we summo n the -Uta l g directional suffix to people to come qui ckly . verbs , indicating movement upwards ; -auta travel upwards ; uri toga n south wind . -eru kw uta throw upwards ; -ati uri toga natoga n wind direction , uta look up . roughly south-east. -uta2 v i n tr 1. climb (as a road , uri v n tick . or hill) , go up , ascend (cf. -iputa , -auta , see -U) ; iakuta -urkumeg via commence , begin , fwe takwir I climb the mountain , crack open , cracked (var. of 2. grow (for certain plants ) , -ukumeg); -urkumeg nagkiari ien come up , expand , increase ; kon begin a talk . sapwasik ruta my corn has come -urkumen via va r. of -urkumeg. up ; trapor truta that trouble will get worse ; savani mani ruta -urkun v var . off -rukurin [Imakij . his money is increasing . 139

3. copulate , mount; pukah ruta -uve v dir give to , bring, carry ia savani pran the pig copulates (usually from speaker to second with his mate . 4. travel or third person) , get , obtain, inwards , or towards Tanna (as take (var . of -va hi , see -avahi); from Port Vila) (cf. -euai u) . iakuve pehe mi k I give it to you ; iakuve pen tukwe I gave it to him. utauta d· vb denotes an up-and­ him. down motion (see uta) ; -ai u utauta trot; -av�n utauta walk -uvehe v intr corne , move , in the quickly ; -�vi utauta tug up (as direction of speaker (var. of trousers) . -vehe, see -UV, pehe) . ut�ti n k.o. fish . -UVfn v intr see -avfn, -evfn, -uv, pen) . -uv v dir corne , proceed or move towards speaker or hearer (cf. -uvn v dir corne , go (var. of -a, -e , -�vi , -uvehe) . Usually -aVfn, -uvfn, see -UV) ; -uvn takes a directional suffix; arua walk under; -uvn pitov go -uvaku? go where? -uvare corne in the dark , feel around in the inland , go ashore , land ; dark . -uveraha corne seawards ; -uvesu uvne n cockroach . corne 'southwards '; -uvirapw corne down , corne out ; -uvr�hi -uvnhan v turn inside out ; corne 'northwards ' (see -r�hi ); -uvnhan menu pull the guts out -uv ai look for , search about ; of a fowl . -uv ai suatuk search the road -uvnihi v copy , imitate , ape , (for someone); -uv nimwa corne pretend at ; kftaha suvnihi a into a house ; -uv nimwar�m corne kastam we only play at our onto a kava-drinking ground . traditions ; in ruvnihi menu Before certain suffixes , becomes rakaka he imitates the hen's -U ; -uirua go out , go outside ; cackling. meri rui rua the sun goes down ; -uta go up (-U + uta?) . -uvntihi v knot , tie a knot (see -rukwutihi , atihi). -uv- g perfective tense marker for verbs which begin with high -uvrisi v tr eat sugarcane ; vowels [i ] and [U] , a few verbs -uvrisi nfruk eat sugarcane . beginning with [e] , and all uvruguvrug n noise , commotion , verbs beginning with consonants shouting (see tfrhugaru) ; -0 (cf. -�n -) ; iou iakuvi ri pran uvruguvrug make a lot of noise . I married a woman ; in ruvkusi kafete she wove a ma t; r�puvamha uvrumun n var. of urumun. if he had died ; iakuvni I said -uvsiak v cross, intersect, join, (cL iakfnani , I ate) ; ruvfi it meet (as two paths) (see -UV, opened (cL rfn�fwi he sprinkled); fsiak) ; suatuk ruvsiak cross­ ruvuvsini he turned (cL rfnavsini, roads ; in ren muvsiak it go es he read) ; ruvnumwi he buried and joins . (cf . rfnanumwi , he drank) . In a few cases , -uv- + e-, -uvsini v turn , turn over , tw ist, becomes -uva; -uvamha dead (see change (cf. -avsini ); -uv sini -emha); -uvanh�n stopped raining irapw ia dump out , overturn ; (see -enhfn) ; -UVaVfn went (see -uvsini marupwa suk i turn upside -eV�n) . down ; -uvsini ma kwa ta i turn rightside up ; nagkiari ien -uva i v intr search (see -uv + a i). ruvsini parable , metaphor . 140

-uvsisi v strip skin from , rip or fwe rivehe next week; tu aua pull back (as a coconut leaf trivehe men , tit trasik in two from its central spine)


-vi resi v intr grow tall, grow up happy (as a crying child) , cure (as a child) . (as an illness).

-viris v spread , extend , hang vivisi n k.o. introduced dance . upon , climb on (as a vine on a -v�n v intr var . of -av�n, -uv�n, tree) ; -vi ri s ia nagkiari ien -ev�n . give out (conflicting multiple) versions of a story; navisauien v�nis n flying fish. n�viris advice or a warning v�raku n stingray . circulates . -v�si v 1. drill, poke a hole in -visim a shut , closed (as a (as a coconut by poking in its container , door , store , school) eye ), pierce ; -v�si arori nHreg�­ (see -vi , sim, -asis�g) ; nenimek pierce an ear . 2. prune , pinch r�visim my eyes are shut; stoa off (as leaves or a growing r�visim the store is closed . sprout) (see -�v�Se) . vivi d vb denotes doing something vova d vb denotes slurring , positively: pleasing (see vi ); mumbling, inarticulateness; -ata vivi look after, take good -agkiari vova slur one's words ; care of; -ni vivi complement, -ni vova mumble . speak well of; -0 vivi make



This index is no t a dictionary . It is provided to facilitate use of the preceding Kw arnera-to-English dictionary. Indexed are English words with Kw amera glosses . The reader should refer to the Kw amera-to-English section for the semantic details of the Kwamera term or terms in question .

NAGKIARIIEN SARAKUPWfN Ia niperei nikukua u kamoseri apui nagki ariien Igris ia nagki ariien Ninin4fe . Krai kwatia kwa tia nagkiariien me ia Igri s, kini krai iankarenraha nipran ia nagkiariien Nininife . Tukwa kitir rokeikei mua trukurin niprai nagkiariien ri ti ia Nife , niperei nikukua u mua trasi tu ira . 142


adjective adj naghi nagki ariien r±n� sas nagkiariien apa , rosi -asori adverb adv naghi nagkiariien r±ni sas noien ri ti , rosi uaha i conjunction conj nagkiariien ramerupwun , rosi m4ne interjection int nagkiariien sai nakweinien, rosi pinhi k! kind of k.o. ramwhen ia nari ri ti noun n naghi nari ri ti verb v naghi noien intransitive verb v intr k±p±kakeikei mha m±n� nari ri ti transitive verb v tr kakeikei m±ni nari riti

A acne kwankunhi- napuei. have acne -pisu. a -iti . acquainted, be -rukur�n . abalone kwasmweiov. act n noien , tafaga . abandon -amh ua , -kwena, -akwe in nahaven ; -fi (a custom , etc.). act v -0 . act anti -social ly -ataki . abandoned -ehev, -suk , -rukwun . Adam's appl e kwanari . abide by -apwit. add -dpi . abili ty n�gse-, nasan�nien . address terms n�mkwan , n�mkwanihin , able -asan�n . parov (amo ng men) ; koko (to a be abl e to -rukur�n . young girl by a man finding her abnormality kwumwesin . attractive ); kuku (to a young boy) ; t�pti , n�pti (to a name­ above irenha, puta . sake ) . Abraham's tears kwankamun . adopt -ase abscess nakwa- n�mwapw . adopted child nase . abuse n n�piesi. adorn -akwasei . abut -arupw�ter. adul tery tafaga reraha. acacia n�m�ri . advice navahagien . acceptable -amwhen . advise -avahag, -avisau . acci dently apeken . adze kak�r, pa ha. accompaniment peri . aeri al root t�si- ; n�popou (banyan) . account kaun .

affect -akw(i) , -avahi , -0 , -os ( i) . ache v -amipune , -amisa, -amsamisa, -etit; -aruvn (tooth) ; -avri afraid -�hek�r, -siai . (ache at joints ). 143

after kurira, -ip (i) raka. amass -avaka , �Vi l p�k�rp�k�r. afterb irth kuriranatuiien , n�mahan . ambush n narerafafaien . afternoon rukwasikar, n�kwasikar. amputated -pup . again mw i z. amuse -epw�te . agitated -at�mnumun . an -iti. ago tui . ancestor ieremha , kwumwesin, ris , kaha reraha . agree -arisi, -asenl , -avahi reri- , -niz sumun , -niz p�hi , -rh�kin , sun . Aneityum Ian�tim. agreement kri . Aneityumese ikeiamu . ahoy sero . angel agero . aide n iotukwini nari (person) ; anger niamaha , riamaha . nasituien (assistance ). angri ly av�nati . air n�magouagou , n�matagi . angry -akw�pahar, -apwan , airplane pren. -at�mnumum . alas aue . animal iamuru, nari muru . alcohol ic drink n�kava itoga . a.rUmM .6u.bjed maJtizeJr.. k- 3. barren animal ianei. al ert adj -�suaz . fertile animal kareti . al gae natigamera, nevo ; n�serserien , tame animal nari ia rukwanu. serser (phosphorescent) . wild animal nari aprumun . al ien n iairua , pitoga. An iwa Imir. peopl e of An iwa nakumwhe- . al ien adj itoga . ankl e kumwer. al ight ( of fire ) -auakw , -uakw . announce -avisau. al ive -muru. annoyance naghragherien. all pam , -pwia. another -iti mw i (thing) ; iermapa al l around apenapena . (person) ; one another atukw . al l ri ght ita . answer v -os (i) erupwun , -rupwi , al lot -auai . -un ; don 't answer -apenapen , -�mt:i:pu . al low apwah l, -pwah . ant mw�ramw�ra. almond kwankwanei . large biting ant mw iahi . almost arasi, ipaka. ant lion tanikou . alone apa. antagonize -�niese. al ready raka. antenna kan�s . al so mw iz . anus kwarue-, kua , nUkupwe- , rue- . al tar n�fata . anyone k�tir . always aputaha (ke) , rerin . anywhere apenapena . 144

apart arori , eri , sim. augment -akw(i) t±np±n , -r±p± . take apart -±vi ar±gr±gi . l August Kuramai . aperture kwarua , kwarue-. aunt kaka, kus±- (father 's sister , appear -fi , -rise ; -±ruapen (appear mother 's brother 's wife) ; mama , briefly); -sui (as a consequence ). rinh±- (m other 's sister, father 's brother 's wife) . great aunt area kwopun . kaha, r±pu- . argue -agari , -avisa, -±kraha , aver -ua. -osari. avoid -apweua . argument navisaien . awake adj -±sua2 . arise -amter , -skamter awaken v tr -±sual , -sui . arm n r±gi-. v intr -atui. armband kwatikinapuei. away apen , pen . armpit t±k±rkov±-. awhile, in -pupum . arrive -esite . axe fafau , pa ha. around apenapena. arrow n±kwa- n±faga. Varieties : kaharkahar , k±ruk±ru; kwanparum l B (blunt) ; n±kweto (barbed) . arrow shaft kwankurkur , n±kurkur , baa ±mpei . nig. babbl e n kovakova . artery noua l' babble v -asivur , -0 uvruguvrug , as -os (i) , -ua . -supen . ascend -auta l , -uta2 , -m wei uta . baby iakun n±mtameta , iapou , kova . ashamed -atui ouihi, -aur±s , -pus . babyfood kwankureker . ashes n±mrakw . bachelor iema imagan , sigk±ri . vol ca nic ash nihi- iasur . back n takuta- . ask -ares , -esi, -ipwi . back meat kapipi , kas±rasirl. ask for someth ing -akei, lower back kakurenihi- . -akeikei; -ase . small of back kunimwa , poki. asleep , be -apri . back adv . mw i 2. assemble -arukw±pin . backbone kwanig, nuksep±k l. assembly nos±sumunien , nagkiariien . backwards , go -an takuta- . assist -0 pehe , -0 tukwini , -asitu. bad -amour , -eraha l, -erahas , assistance ±nteta , kauta , nasituien, -mour , -orour . pateg±n , takai . badly at±kun , kum keraha . asthma keiahag , neiahagien . badness norerahaien . astigmatic -kwakw . bag ruenhi- . at fwe2 , iI, ia l' ba il -ias .

attach -arihi 1 (by tying) . bai ler nias . attempt see ra , r O l ' ba it n±piien . 145

bake -orumun , -vini . be -ara, -akure , -arer , -en (be engaged in) ; be like -arer , bal ance" v -erupwun , -atou (i) , -amwhen , -os (i) ; not be -iuan . -esiesi. beach n±mik±r , nip±kir , rukwi-. bal anced akeiakei. bead kwanari; kwanpispisitaik bal d -apwa, -pwia. (shell) . bal d head napuga . beak Hrhu- . bal l kwatpi- nami-. bear v -akwahakwein , -arahi, bamboo nau , pam pu , tikinau . -arahakwein ; -ikwahi (as an banana taik . Varieties : figka, animal ); -kwahil (as a human) . iatir , kahag , krun , kwankwun , beard numrh±- . nakei Fiti , nakeiv, nariram, nifamera, nipihin , sarouei , teik. beat -irui ; -±s±sau (as wind or dry banana leaf nirfwerig . sea) ; -os (i) . beat against -ouini . bandage n prasta . beating nosiien . bandage v -vegi . beautiful -amasan . bang pig. beauti fy -oreruvi . bank v -reri (dirt) . because ka, t± . banyan nipik . Varieties : kwaruviru, ruviru , nisuaio . beche-de-mer kipori , mimi , tapiresi. bapti se -ifwi , -sese. becket kwasave . barbed wire uaia. beckon -avnaiov. bare adj -pwia . become -0 . bark n teki-. bed ±mahan , kwanmahan , nifata , n±koukau , n±mahan . bark v -asik . bee sukapak . barnacle kwaritu. beeswax kwanipw±t. barracuda pakau . beer n pia . barren -anei . beetl e kiri , k±pwia l . basal t neiS2. before kupwin. base kwanpatiki-, kua , nipatiki-, begin -araverig, -eva , -iva , -irui , nukune-. -skamter , -ukumeg, -urkumeg, basis nukune-, nukwane-. -urkakun . basket kukusi, t±nirup . Varieties : beginning nurkakunien , nurkumegien . kameru, kapirapira , katipa , behave -0 . kusenpwi ; nirup (basket drum) . behave wrongly -0 ikou . bastard iakun iarumun . behaviour n noien , tafaga . bat kiri , toutou . bad behaviour nerahaien, n±pri­ tailed fruit bat iauau . nari . bathe -aru, -avarui . behind kurira . bathe chi ld -atakina . bei ng nari. kermes, pasa. bazaar bel ch n nirigpuorien . 146

belch v -rigpuor . bit kwanpri- , kwamwop±- , n±m±km±ki- , n±muti- , n±pakwpakwe-, n±pri- , bel i eve nore-. bel ieve in -ahatata , -atigite . bel i eve that -ua . bite -ahi. bite out -agari . bel ittl e -as±ri . bite off -aghi , -agihi . bel ly t±pu- . bitter -±fia l' bel oved kei. black -pitov . bel ow inher±p , peuaiu, pirapw. bladder kwatpi- nami- . bel t n katoti , toti1 , namas . bland -m±mis, -siu . bend v -atoui , -r±fe . bl anket prenkit . bene6active sa- , t± , tukw , tukwini . bleed -meta . bent adj -atou (i) , -ikou. bl ind adj -uku, -vera. beshit -±viesi. b 1 ink -apri . beside iankare-. bl i ster n kwanakwier, t±mwheki- . bespel l -apane (with protective bl i stered -afaprep±r, magic) ; -arupwip , -0 kwatiuvtiuv -±sakwatupw±regar (egar) , -rua . (with wild cane) ; -±mtaha (ensorcel) . bloat -±se . best -rai . block v -arupwararini , -0 tukwahag, -rukwahag±n. betray -akarakar , -ni2 pui. block light -arukwapitov , better -as±ri , -rai , -±rmw ihi. -rukw±fi. between numrenhi- (space between blocking atukwahag, tukwahag . things); kurukwa- (in the centre ) . blood neta , n±te- . beware -±siari . bloodshot -auga2 . Bible n±kukua ik±nan . bloody -meta. big -asori , rinh±- , r±pu-. bloom -fi . bigman fwaga , iema asori , kout blow v -ar±s2 , -ekwaiuk , -ekwi , k±sua , kweiai . -±se , -±s±sau . biggest kwar±s . blow around -ahagi . blow down -±skise . billow v -orupu . blow nose -egis . bird menu. blow hol e kwanaruarua . bird trap kavahikeihap , kwankuru; bl ue -amr±mera (light) ; -pitov n±sik±r (plaited) . (dark ) . birth , give -akwahakwein (human bl uefish m±k±m. or animal ); -±kwahi (animal ); -kwahi 1 (human) . bl ue water tree n±kotufe . bi rthma rk kwumwesin . bl unt -fa.

biscuit pisket. bl uster n mumu , munmun , musmus . bisect -±p(i) sim. boar pukah kerman . 147

boast -ivi l atukw . branch rigi-, ririgi- . dead branch kwarigerig. boat niteta . brave adj -atigenhen , -atigase . body kwanpri-, nipra- , nipri-, timwe -. bread pret. body fl uid nise-, nisivur . breadfruit nemer . Kinds : kesakwesa, bog n nihi nui , nimir , nimtigei. krefi , makopu . bog v -iar . break v -arukwipir, -itefi , ivil afi , -0 kwarua . boil n kuvivo . break agreement -atig (i) inteta . boi 1 v -apwor, -orupu . break apart -etihi . break off -epui , -ivise . bone nikakri-. break open -akw (i) eri , arori. bonefish iagaur . brea k tabu -itefi . break up -akw (i) ams imwesi, bony -ikirakiri , -ikriau . -ekwihi , -os (i) amwesi. book nikukua . breast nanhi- , nas , nunu. boom nikiatu (of outrigger) . breath n neiahagien , nimatagi . born , be -atui . breathe -eiahag . fi rst born numrhi-. breathe in -iruk . last born nimisi-. bridge nikoukau . boss pas . briefly ighien , kwanapena . both peri , sumun . bright -amher. bother v -mikir. bring -avahi , -evahi , -uve , bottom nikare- pirapw , n±su- . -uvahi , -vahi . bougainv illea rihi . bring together -apwas (i) , -ateti , -avini , -sumun . bounce -orupu . bounce off -ouini . brink nipatu . bow n. nifaga . bristl e n numrhi- , numwheri- . bowstring kwataur . bristly -rimur . bow v -arupwasuk , -imkamak ; -ega broad -isias . (inwards) . broken -akwipir, -mweris ; -iparua bowl n kwategi-, tegi-, timwe-. (bottle , etc. ). bowwow hou . broken into pieces afifi . broken off afi . box v -arau , -ateti . broken open arori , eri . box fish kwekir. broken partially off -iskirig, -reia. broken up atesi. boxing poksig.

brood v intr -apatig. boxy tavtavn . broom n kaias , kwatmaseka. boy iakunouihi , tamarua; kipiesi (uncircumcised) . brother kamini , kitirimwa- , pumani- (of a woman ); piav- brag -avahi uta atukw . (of a man) ; prisi- (younger of braid v -ariri . a man ) i prea- (older of a man ) . brain kwera. brother-in-law ieri , taui . 148 brown -futa. c bruise n t�mwheki- . cal adium nere sai ieremha .

bubble v -apwor. cal endar aramanuk . bud v -euan . cal f kwatpi- n�su- (of leg) .

bug mimi . cal l v intr -as�k ; v tr -akwein. cal l fowl s -aghagha . bui 1 d -0 , -arpakau, -rh�kin , -rupesu, call out -atamw , -k�rik�ri. build fence -�rui . build yam trel iis -akwsari . cal lus n kwanakwier .

building nimwa . calm n nam�rinuien.

bul ge n nukupwe-. calm adj -amher, -am�rinu , -apiuan , ar�gar�g . bul l pur±k . can n tek�- nari bul l dozer purtos . candy rori . bul let n�kwa- k�pwier , purit. cane n nig (wild cane) ; n�ruk bump v -�skise . (sugarcane ); napiso (edible cane ); bundl e kuse- . kask�n (walking) ; pwip , kwanasitov, kwatiuvtiuv buoy v -sai . (magically treated wild cane) . burn -ahi , -auakw . wild cane stal k kwankurkur , burn off hair -ar�gi l . kwatapar�p .

burp n n�rigpuorien . cannon bal l n�kwa- t�m�kum.

burp v -rigpuor. canoe �nteta , n�teta , k�nu . canoe stanchion kwankurkur , burst arori , eri . n�kurkur . bury -arukwafa , -erahaven , -numwi . capsize -at�g (i) . bury at sea -arukwevur . car roto . bush n ma- nari , n�ma- nari ; nei (plant) ; rumunan (forest) . care n napiien.

bush adj atan , -rumun . care v -atui , -avsik . take care -�siari . bush knife nau nisa . careful ly -m�ru. bush nut (Barringtonia edul is) kwanuvek�r . Variety : kagihi . cargo n�pw�sien , nauta. business pisnis. caries n mimi . but mata , mregi . carry -avahi , -uve , -uvahi , -vahi . carry a child -arahi . butterfly paupauk . carry (as a truck) -�rieki . butterfly fish mariveia . carry by handl e -ruiri . carry in arms -apeki, -peki . buttocks kakurenihi-, kua . carry on back -atipa . buy -ariari , -ar�ku, -avahi carry on shoul der -avrani . nenime- , -vahi . carry piggyback -aka . carry under arm -avahi arouarou, buzz v -arur , -rur , -atit, -apwuk . -rukuvn . 149

carry on a pole with another chest kwanpwenhi- , nipwenhi-. -arihi l. carry on fi nger or by chew -ahi . hanging on pol e over shoul der -asoria. chicken menu, reia. cart n tamarnpwir . chicken feed kurkweruk . carton kros . chief ierrninu , iani niteta. cassias kapriapri. child iakun , iapou , kenouenou, kova , kwatini , miginouihi, cast v -eiavn (net) neru- , ti- . cast up -ifarara. childhood nouihiien. castor bean tuitui . childish -apou. castrate -arai . childless -anei, ,-pw ia. casuari na nier. children nakun , nikwarakwara ; cat pusi . niprakwarakwara (girls); cataracts , have -vera . nupuniti- . catch v -arou (i) . chin nikurnu- . catch on -akikir, -rete . chirp v -atit. caterpillar ierupwun , pranema . choke -atiri (someone ); -tiv, cat's cradl e kurnhar. -ukurnwi . cat 's cradle fi gure kwatmar. choose -ata arnwhen, -rufi . ea��ve p�epo��on ti , tukw . Christian iafaki . cause n nukune -, nukwane-. church nakarasia, skur ; nimwa cause v -0 . afaki (building) . cave nipig, rue-. cicada keno . cel i bate , be -atuakim. cicatri x nikukua . centi pede tapiresi, uvtuvt . cigarette sikaret. centre n kurukwa- . cinders nimikmiki- napw , nimrakw , nimik . ceremony see feast, type : akwaku . cinema sinima . chal ky -ipkenin . circl e v -afaga (as a bird) ; chal l enge -iniese. -kurau . change -uvsini (of customs , etc . ); circumcise -sigin (p en) . -avrurnun (replace ). circumcision exchange tarnarua , channel nifeiafe (in reef) . nipere- napuei, nei peken . character tafaga . circumcision exchange side kakwasei , nukupwinien, tamafa . charcoal kwankurnheiov. circumcis ion house nimwa ifaga , chase v -irhi l, -rupwi , -sui . nimwa urur . chatter n kwarurnrurn l. circumscribe -us . cheek nikapu- . cl am karasari , pahasua , simike . cheer v -atapar , -irahatik . clap -arupwi , -irui . 150

clay nihi- t�na , nurepa ; nahor roundhead club kwatafa. (reddish) ; narukwas (volcanic) . serrated cl ub kwanaroti . starhead cl ub kreirai . . clean v -apena , -ap�rhi . throwing club kauas . clean by rubbing -ahakw(i) , wield club -�Vil. -ak�k . clubbing namhakuien . cl ean adj -amher . cluck -aghagha , -akaka , -atuktuk , cl ear v -rukak . cl ear ( as clouds) -asapran . clear ( as rain) -arukwanh�n . cluster n naghe-. cl ear away -ias . coals n�m�k . cl ear debris -aias , -apeki . cl ear out -asevur . coast rukwit�si. rocky coast iatauever. clear adj -amher, -kuran , -pwia. cobweb n�pneiov , n�pun . cl earing kwanaragarag; kwar�ger�g (garden ); nurkuranien . cockroach uvne .

cleave to -apwit. coconut napuei, napui . coconut fibre n�peka . cl ench teeth -ahi tarini revu- . coconut fruit bud kwanapuirahakw . cl imb -auta l, -rai , -uta2 . coconut fruit stalk n�kakiser. cl imb on -v�r�s . coconut leaf sheath nas , nenha . cl imb up tree -�puta . coconut leaf shearh fibre n�faga . coconut leaf rope (kwa)n�tara . cl iff nakau , n�patu . coconut leaf spine kwatmaseka . cl itoris n�pasegi- kanari . coconut leaf stal k n�kapau , n�pakau . coconut measure close v -asis�g , -sumun . purupuru (ten) , ruenhi- (two) . close door -arapinha. coconut parasite n�mn�mu . close eyes -apri . coconut pl antation mei napuei. close together -apwas (i) . coconut scoop skru. close up -ar�p , -sig�n . coconut spathe n�kouirum , close adj apehe , pehe , p�pehe , nukwirum . boi led coconut mi lk ipaka , -avini , kwara l, kwaraha l t�paha . shel led coconut kaumeg. kwaranah l. va rieties of tree kaiapomus , napui t�na . varieties of nut closed -asis�g, -visim. iam�nier , iamnameta , pav�si , closure atarini , tarini . iesukwrur , pameta , pamr�mera , pamteraha . stages of nut cloth t�nari . devel opment iapwas , clothing t�nari . kwanapuirahakw , kwatig�s , kapkapeki , tafa , nafweruk (fam) , clotted -rupu . kahimaregi , napui mh ia , cloud n napua . kwarumahakw , nuvera . cloudiness n�mkin�p (of water) . coconut crab ferokokia . cloudy -apua , -�mkem�k ; -�mkin�p coconut lorry sivur . (as water). coif -rukwakwe . clover nanumu- kwaniapwit . coil n kwanem�r. cl ub n nep . coil v -uvsuvs ini . dancing cl ub kwaruvinari , t�naprau . coir n�peka . 151

col d n kegis (illness); nakwieiien confused -�mki�mki , -apwsupus , (weather) .. -uvsuvsini . col d adj -akwiei . congeal ed -rupu . col eus neik . connect -akw(i) , -arukwi , -rukwi , -rupwun , -erupwun , -ateti , col l ared fanta il kas�rasir2. -avriue , -�p (i) irapw , -os (i) col l ect -avaka, -o s�sumun , -ouete . erupwun , -rap(i) . col l ection nos�sumunien . consensus kri . col lide -�nhiap�nha. consi der -at�rig. colon kohL constantly aputaha (ke) , rerin . comb n k�r�r�g2 (of a fow l) ; constipated t�pu- r�k�nek�n nis�p (hair) . construct -0 , -rh�kin . comb v -arukwi . contact v -rap(i) . combine -avini , -avnavini , -r�pi . container kwategi-. come -avehe , -uvehe , -vehe , -fe , continual ly atere , tere , te (te) , -uv , -uvn . t�vr . come back -rer�g. come behind -akurira , -kurira . e.on.:tinua:tive. :te.YI..6 e. pne.61x -(a)m­ come fi rst -akupw�n . continue -erupwun , -erupwunpwun , come from -aku , -ku , -akur2 , -rupwun , -oreuan , -0 tete nari . -kur , -arari . come out -irapwl . come towards -�Vi 2 apehe. convey -serlo come up -uta2 ' convul se -kwito . compassion sori , nokeikeiien . cook v -ahi, -ar�gi l ' -avan , -vani . compl ete v -emha , -kwiri , -0 raka , cook ins ufficiently -egapwun ,

-0 sampam . -egege . cook meat with tubers -�k�t�n . compl ete adj -pwia. cooked -afa , -akwmare , -akwmheiov . completed raka . hal f cooked -futa , -�rpwa . completely amtia, penapena . cool v -erieri . compl iment v -akurakwera , copra kopra . -�gn�gni , -ni 2 vivi . copra bed ken , n�fata , n�koukau . compress v -ar�p . copulate -ehi , -�fia2 ; -uta2 concave -p�g. (animals) . :te.Y1..6 e. mMkeJt -k -. copy -akres , -ata uaten , -uvnihi . condensation nen�s . coral k�r�r�gl (soft) ; k�rh�r (upraised) ; napuga , kwanapuga condense -oup�n (as dew) . (brain); n�fwiri (flat) ; e.oncU.:Uona£ :te.YI..6 e. mMkeJt -p- , -�p- . n�k�rakiri (branched) ; n�makeke . condom kosu. coral tree nasitov . cone shel l kafwa . Kinds : n�faga , cord noual ' n�kweto , pokpoki. cordyl ine tukros . confine -sig�n . core tarev�-. 152

corn kon . creep -�rko . cornered adj -avtavta , tavtavn . crew n kwanfaga . correct adj -atukwatukw , mwatuk l. cricket kapen , tit . correctly asas , sas . �num sp. nuviavia. cost n nenime- , n�mrhi- . crooked -akeis , -ikou , kikouikou . ma ke crooked -akoui . cough n karefa. crop n tegra, �nteta (garden cough v -arefa. harvest), t�pweua (fowl) . count v -avsini . cross n nei kamarukwau . country n t�na2 . cross v -arukwau , -�Vi2 asumun , courageous -atigenhen , -at�gase . -uvsiak . course suatuk . crossing adj �siak, kamarukwau , p�siak . cousin ieri , napse- (mother 's brother 's child, father 's crossroads nimw arara. sister 's child) ; piav- (mother 's crotch tapwag . sister's child , father 's brother's child) ; pr�si- (younger mother 's croton niepur . sister 's child, younger father 's crow -akaka . brother 's child) ; prea- (older mother 's sister 's ch ild , older crowd toue- . father 's brother 's ch ild) . crumbl e v tr -akws en . cover n kafafau , kanfafau . crumbly -am�km�k . cover v -afafau , ahaven , arumwini , crunch -rur . -auiui , -erahaven , -�firi , -osaman , -rupaskun , -segi , -veri . crush -akw (i) atesi. cover over -�Vi 2 aueni . crushed -paris . cover with soil -erahaven . crutch kask�n . covering n�vegiien , tek�- . cry v intr -api , -as�k , -eau . cow kau , kurimatau , pur�k . cry out -atamw , -un . brahman cow tifu . stop crying -pwip . crab varieties : iapesu , iapruhu , cryi ng napiien . iavira, kesiesi, kwiahi , tupwa 2. cuckoo iarov�s , iav�nmer. crab-wal k -ate l. cultivate -esus . crack v intr -rur , -uahan . v tr -urkumeg, -ukumeg. cul ture hero Kasoso , Rameto , Tagarua . cracked -m�rieri , -ukumeg, -urkume g. cup n kamumu , tek�- . crawl -akerha , -�rko ; -ate2 (on

one 's backside) . cure -0 vivi . crayfish iaren . curer krepa . crazy -arm�ri , nenime- r�fia . current n naris . creak -akit . curse n nakunanien .

create -0 . curse v -ai , -akunan , -�rmwihi , -�ski , -�skiari . speak a curse creek nakwat�na , nui ar�s . -akwein akunan , -ni akunan . 153

curve v -akoui . darl ing kei .

custom kastam . d�ve pnepo��on t:i: , m:i: , tukw .

cut v -arai , -kihi . daughter pr:i:ti (of another) ; neru- , cut bush -akwai . ti- , koko . cut lengthwise -avskrini . daughter-in-law kwanien (of a man) , cut up -:i:kihi . pr:i:si- (of a woman ) . cut off -pup . cut around -us . dawdl e -0 k:i:m:i:r, -0 t:i:np:i:n. cutting n:i:mkem:i:k , n:i:peki , t:i:me- , dawn n nakahak , namakahak , t:i:mri (to plant) . namsukamsukien .

cuttl ebone iapwis . dawn v -akahak , -:i:mskare . cuttl efi sh n:i:teta sai iapwi s. day n:i:p:i:n j (measure of time) . be day -akahak , -ran . cyclone n:i:matagi asori . fol lowing day rakwakwi . cyst Unaj . two days from now t:i: neis . two days ago neis . daytime iaran .

D dead -emha , -apou.

dam v -rukwahag:i:n , -sig:i:n . deaf -asi2. damp -:i:mt:i:mit , -:i:put:i:g. dear kei , koko , kuku , nakanmapwu-. dampen -avan:i:s , -ouip:i:n , -os (i) death nakwsakweien , nemhaien . ar:i:gr:i:gi (di scourage) . debate n nagkiariien. dampness n:i:put:i:g. debate v -agkiari , -avisa, -osari. damsel fish mapur . decayed -m:i:r:i:r . dance n nupu . Varieties : katiham, deceive -ekua , -evi , -ofefe . iapwas , kepui , kesa , kurkurau , kwatukros , suvirp:i:g , tarakini . December Vertam. Introduced varieties : tanis , dec ide -:i:mri , -oseri . tieksis , vivisi . dancing ground imwar:i:m . decl ine v -akwein nahaven dance ending kova . (something) , -:i:mta (as the wind) . dance club kwaruvinari , n:i:sko , decorate -oreruvi . t:i:naprau . dances during circumcision mai tam:i:p , miminau. deep -amwhenumw , at:i:numw . dances during nakwiari rukweni . defecate -:i:viaha . by hosts nau , kosusiva . feel need to defecate -ar:i:s2. by guests kauas , toka , menu . by women nirup . deference, give -siai . dance v -orupu , -:i:rui , -:i:vij. define -os (i) askrini nagkiariien . dance nirup -osirup . defl ated -asis. dance toka -fi . dance kauas -:i:rui . defl ect -amhua . dance ceremony nakwiari . del ay n notupwaien , tupwa j. dark -pitov . delay v -arupwi , -:i:vi j penpen , in the dark fa2 , ifaga . -ni2 penpen , -os (i) ar:i:gr:i:gi . darkness n:i:pitovien . demeanour tafaga . 154 demol ish -etihi. dirty -amour , -arukwas , -ivus , -imkemik , -imkinip. dented -pisu. disagree -atkahav . deny -ni2 apwini . disbel ieve -atkahav . depend -ahatata , -atigite . discard -araka , -arak (i) , -skwini . descend -euaiu, -eueuaiu, -mwei irapw . discipl ine v -akoui . descendent nimwipwu- , nupuniti- . discoloured -ipis . descent-group nimwipwu- , nakwus . discourage -os (i) arigrigi . deserted -suk , -rukwun . discover -ata asas , -ata pui , -0 pui . desi re n nakwa , nakwa- . discussion nagkiariien . desi re v -amwhen , -arkut , -auar , -0 ti , -okeikei , -ua. disease nemhaien . desire meat -augal . diseased -afaprepir; -arukwarukwa destroy -ekwihi , -etihi , -etkiraha , (skin) ; -ip�s (taro) ; -rua . -oraha. disgusting -erahas . destroy ma gical ly -imtaha. dish teki nari . detour v -kurau , -osako . dishonest -ikou . devel op -rupu . disjoint -avri , -ip (i) akeser. dev il tiaporo . disl ike -imiki . devi l nettle nivirakw . disobey -�rui nagkiariien , -0 dew nouipinien . aruvareva . diamond design kwanaroti . disorderly piripiri . diarrhoea kaparis . disparage -ni2 tinpin . have diarrhoea -aiu, -aparis . disperse -anas , -igis . dice v -ikihi . dispute n nipri- nari . die -emha . dispute v -ikraha . different apa , -opa . -usapa . disrespect -ni2 ouihi , -0 aruvareva . difficult -ikinekin , -ikmikin , -mour , -sikai . dissipate -euaiu . dig -arar , -aregi , -eri . distant apen , isupwin . dig up -arhri . distract -epwite . dig out -ekui . distribute -ariari , -auai , -avahi digging stick karaga , nifua . kirikiri , -skwini . digress -figfig. dive n nimweiien . dine -avegin . dive v -asu, -eva . di p v -etesi. divert -akoui , -hia(i) . directly asas , sas . divide -akiri , -akwsen , -arupwufi , dirt makwrur , nahak , nimiru (soft) ; -auai . nimitik , nimkemik , nimkinip , dizziness sueiuei . nimwinahak . dizzy -arari . 155

do -0 . dri ll v -visi. do afterwards -akurira. drink v -anumw i . do again -smatukw , -avnihi . do anyway -akeikei . drip v -amiri . do badly -otikun . dri ve -0 stia. do continuously -oreuan . dri ve livestock -akoui , -asighi . do correctly -otukwatukw . do fi rst -akupwin. drizzle -ekwesin , -imrami r. do quickly -okwakw , -vi uahai . drop v -araka , -arfai , -asas , do simultaneously -aragaha . -asasas , -atig (i), -ifaraka , (pukpuk ). do with effort -megi , -mwei. -amisa, -ami gin , -amwur , -apwini ,

-arkut , -imaha , -osari. drown v intr -amwhenumw ; v tr -arukwevur . doctor takta . drum tamtam ; teki- nari (metal ). dodge v -araka , -arsin, -isiari . drunk -akona , -apus. dog kuri . dry v -arei , -arigi l, -ighi, doing noien. -inhi . dol phin uipin. dry adj -ama , -auke , -avahak , done (of food being cooked) -afa . -ifitkai , -ifkavahak , -maha2 , -mhia, -mweris . door kasisig, kwarua , nifukarua , dry throat simaha . tapinha. doorframe kauga . dual m�k� mi , -r(au ) -, -r (ou) . dorsal fin mwanipitare , takuretan . duck n iareg (native) ; taktak doubt v -atkahav . (introduced) . dove mak . duck v -arsin , -auru , -oremha . Kinds : mak apomu s (brown pheasant) ; mak irenha (Tanna dul l -fa. fruit); pinharov, timikum , dump v -atig (i) . kwenakwa , pinuas (red bellied fruit) . dung beetl e puruan . down (wards ) inherip , -irapw2 , dunk -etesi, -inhi , -resi2 ' peuaiu, pirapw . dusk -ipin . drag -ivil , -0 kakini . dust n makwrur , nimakwrur . dragging akakini , kakini . dus ty -arukwas . dragon pl um nikori . dwarf iapwar , mapwar . dragon fl y kamsiui . dwel l -akure , -ara . draw -rai . dye naHriien . dream n nari ipwai , nimikrahaien . wet dream nakual . dream v -amak pen , -imikraha. E dregs nimitik . each other atukw . dress tres . ear nakwaregi- (inner) ; nifregi­ dri ft v -eai . (outer) ; nima- nifreg i- . dri ftwood nikovakava . earring kwanpri- nei , nipri nei. 156

earth nihi- tina2, tuprena. empty v empty out -ekui . earth oven nakwanumun . enclose -sigin . earthquake nimiuvien , ninumwnumwien , numwnumwien . enclosure kopwa , kwankopwa , kwankuru . earwig nipikinkehiap . encore takuta- . easy -miru. encourage �irahatik . eat -ani , -avegin . eat after drinking kava -afunu . end n nakurakweri- ; nisuvenhi­ eat around -spwen . (upper) . eat lea f-wra pped coconut end v -fa; -iva (ridge of land) . -akwmhera. eat meat -auga l. eat orange -anumwi . enemy nuruse , tikimir . eat sugarcane -uvrisi . Engl ish Igris eat two thi ngs at once -aspen . enough -arnwhen , namwhen . ea ves nipakare-, tinfia . have enough -apwah l, -pwah . ebb -irieki . ensorcel -imtaha . echo tiputim. enter -asu, -auru . ecl ipse n nirukwi fiien . entire peken , -pwia. ecl ipse v -arukwapitov , -rukwifi . entwined kavnavini2. eczema iaiaia . equal adj -arnwhen . edge n nikare- , nikarkare- , equal ity kitkit . nipakare- , nipasegi- , nukunhi- ; nimigi- (of a basket) . equival ent nenime- , nimrhi- .

eel rukwinimu . erase -rai .

efficacy nigse-. err -afakour , -aripun . egg kwanare-. Erromango Irarnaga . egg yol k kwanimik 1• peopl e of Erromango nipurimaga . egg white napuei. erupt -akwipahar . hardboiled kaumeg. escape v -ap , -ier. eight kirirum karhar. etern ity kwumwe sin. el bow nukuru- . E uropean pitoga , itoga . embarrass -ifkarnana . evade -arsin , -risu. embarrassed -auris . evening naruvaruv . embarrassment nipusien . evening star rukwe- makwa . emerge -irapwl. every pam . emi t -ier . everyth ing nari pam . emotion reri- . everywhere apenapena , tarhe-. emplace -skwini . evi ct -rukwi . empl oy -rhirhi (for harm) . exaggerate -amaS 2, -rife . empty adj -uku ; -arna (of water) . exceed aueni , -rai . 157

excel -asiri , -rai . extend -esite ; kwanipin (over time); -viris (spread) . excel l ence nifkiien . extend arm -arou (i) . exchange n nerupwunien , extensively pune ; tere (over time) . nuahakirien . exchange events nieri , nakwiari , exti nguish -aki afi . napuei , nitamarua . extinguished -fa . exchange ground imwarim. exchange partner nieri , imahan , extra -akwaku . kwanmahan , nimahan , nimkwan , extremity kwatpi- . nimkwanihin , nipigi- . exchange of birds nukwanei menu exudate nihi- , nipneiov. exchange rel ation suatuk . eye nenime-, nimrhi-. exchange side kapina , tamafa . exchange token nohiar , nui ; eyebal l kumhauz. kikir (female) ; katiham (initial); eyebrow kasenime- . kauas (kava) ; nauau , nari muru (opening) ; nari emha (closing) ; eyel ash numrhi- nenime-. nenime- (funeral); tai­ (reciprocal ) . exchange v -apuhur , -erupwun , F -oserahagin , -rap (i) tapi l, -uahakir ; -avriue (simultaneous). face n nenime- , nimrhi- . exchange road suatuk . faction kwanpritaha (me) . named roads karkarepa , fai l -afakour , -imkiimki , -pukpeki, kwamkikiapesu, kwaterhen , -ruase . maininhupwi , nevo ikirakiri , nimwatakeiv, nukurua , takwarau , fa ith nikinkinien . tisi nifara . lose fa ith -0 kwarua . excrement nihi-. falcon murup . excrete -iviaha . fal l n nimweiien . exhaust n nimatagi . fall v -akw (i) imsimus , -asas , -aHg(i) , -mwei. exhausted, be -aparak , -ata raka fa ll face down -avrani . sa- , -ipukis , -mha . fal l over -atou (i) . exhi bit v tr -sani . 1 et fa 11 -megi . exi st v -ara , -ier . fa l se fe fe . exi stence naraien . fami ly tinirup ; nikare­ (classificatory) . expand -utaz . fami ly line kwanakwus. expend -arouarou. fami ne nukumha , sueiuei . experience v -rap(i) . fan n kerieri . explain -fi , -ni z nipran , -niz fan v -erieri . sas , -oseri . fa r isupw in . expl ode -akwipahar , -arukwipir , -imsirup, -rua. fart n kakur . expl ore -apwsupus . fart v -asil , -0 kakur ; -ekwi (noisily) expose -etafarak . 158

fashion suatuk feverish -akwiei , -aroui . fast v -os (i) ahaven , -arel , few ighien , -ouihi , kwanepwun , -atuakim. nepwun . fast akwakw , putikputik . fewness kwankwa- . fat n nirpwa , nuk2 . fi bre nimreki- . fat adj -asisi. fibrous -uiri . father papa , remu- , tara , tata . fi erce -Hial . father- in-law kaka , mare-. fig niemis , nukwesi , pukuri ; kwanpapa (fruit) . fear n -ihekir, -imiki . fi ght n navisaien , naruaginien , fearl ess -atigenhen , -atigase. nosiien , nusen. feast . n naveginien , rafet fight v -aruagin , -eva , -ikraha. (modern). Varieties : nieri , fi ght with cl ubs -amhaku , -apuhur. napuei, nakwiari . Fiji Fiti . feast v -avegin . Fiji taro nipikau . feaster iavegin . fi ll -akwmini, -erahaven , -arigin , feather numrhi-, numwheri- . -avarip , -irimin . tail feather kaparien , kapsenhi-, final samp am ; nimisi- (of a series). nuai reia. find v ata . feather headdress kaio , nuai reai . fine n panis . feathered pole kaio apomus . finger nikwa- rigi- , February Veru . kwanpispisirigi- . feed v -akwmini , -avsik . fingernail kwanpisivur ia r�gl­ first (index ) finger kosusiva , feel v tr -rap(i) , -regi . pisesa. v intr -arig, -regi . second (middle) finger pisaiov . feel bad -avahi rifam , -avrani third (ring) finger pisetum . nifamien. feel better -apiuan . fourth (smal l) finger karperi , feel ing nregiien , reri- . pisouihi . hide feel ing -os (i) apwini. finish atarini , -os (i) atarini , fellowship kamumu . -kurau , -kwiri ; -arisi (a discussion) . fema le n pran . finish a dance -iVi l afi . fema le animal kapran . finished -emha , raka . fema le adj -pran . fi re faia, napw . fence kopwa , uaia. fi rewood nei mhia. fern Varieties : maininhupwi , fi relog nukune- . ninhupwi , namnamhu , napirapomus , fi restick nuksepik2. narhuatov , nasar , nimeiei , fi refl y serser. nimrekin , siksiki . fi rm adj -kumkum . fern tree nikweto . first -akupwin, kupwin. ferti le -amera (land ) . fi rst born iakuvi . fetch -avahi , -evahi. nJ.M:t peMOYl. e.x.c.£.UJ.>--lve. ,-,ubj e.c.:t fever fifa . maJtkvr. ia- . 159

6.uu.,;t peMon -<-nuUI.J-<-ve. dual I.lubje.c.:t fl ood iapiuan . maJtizeA k- l. fl ooded -etumw. 6.uu.,;t peMon -<-nuUI.J-<-ve.ptWtal bUal! flop about -arpikou . I.lubje.c.:t mankeA s(a) -, kis (a) -. fl ow v -aiu, -arisz . fi sh n nimu . Varieties (unident .): kwanuakw , mi riris , nahapau , flower n kwatihi- , tihi- . nitiro , pugaifi , punesu, flower v -fi tihi- . pusanpusan , tonu , ume , utiti . fi sh bait nipiien . fl uid n nise- . fish v -efaiuk , -vi . fl ute kwataratara . fish with net -anai . fl utter -arur , -rur. fi sh poi son tree nikwerig. fly n iag. fi sh trap nakuaz , nipai , tipunaku ; fruit fly manman . nisikir (plaited) . green fly iagpu . horse fly kHa . fi shhook kwanmatau , kwaruvinari, n±kwaruvinari . fly v -eai , -iva ; -aiu (as a flag) . fl y off -arouarau . fi shing line kwanoka, noua l. fly catcher kavitnavit . fi shing po le kwataparip . flyi ng fi sh vinis . fi st nukupwe -. flying fox kiri . fitting adj -amwhen . flying fox call kukikuki . fi ve kirirum. foam nisakwa- . fix v -rhikin . fog namahakwien ; nenis (ground) .

fizz -apwor , -erur , -0 nisakwa- . fol d v -akoui , -arife , -rife . fl ag fraik . fold up -rupwegi . fl ame narami -. fol iage nima- , nime-. fl ank nakau , nikare-, nipakare- . fo llow -akurira , -apwi t, -esi , -irfapwi t, -kurira , -sui . fl ap v -arupwarupwa , -eta , -0 timiramirin. fol l ower iapou, kwanfaga .

fl ash v -imsirup , -iruapen . fo llowi ng n nakuriraien . fl ashl i ght tos food naveginien . baked food kikitin . fl at adj -apini , -atinhi . food eaten after kava nafunu . fl atter -amas z. fool v -avsiete , -evi . fl at tery namasamasien . foot nisu- . fl ay -os (i) ripusir. foothills pategov . fl ea fri o at the foothills ianpategov .

fl ee -ataka. footprint timwheki-. fl esh nani- , nisa- . fo r m- z , mi l , minel , ti , tukw , tukwini. fl icker -iruapen . forbid -akise , -nise . float v -eai , -sai , -sese . force v -imitit. flock toue-. 160

ford v -ip (i) sumun , -ivi2 ip front , be in -akupwin, -kupwin . sumun . froth nisakwa- . forehead nipwana-. frown -atui eraha . forei gn itoga. fruit n kwa-2 , kwank wa- , nikwa- , fo reskin teki-. napugen . fruit stal k nakumwhe­ nipokpokai , nua-2, tupwe-. forest ma- nari , nima- nari , fruit stem nikaki- . niagin , rumunan secondary fore st kwanakurakura. fruit v -ikwahi , -kua . fo rever rerin . fruitfl y manman . forget -apwaha, -enouenou, -irui fruitless -mar .

tini , -0 manmanu . frustrate -figfig. forgetful ness manmanu. fu ll -ihipus (sated) ; -arisi , fork nikehiap , nikovahaien , -etumw , -kuar , kwaname (of nipisagi , pisagi , sapag , tapwag , liquid) ; -asisi (of food) . tapakova . fo rked stick kufe . fumerol e narukwas . forked -kehiap . fungus kiririgl . Varieties : fo rswear v -figfig, -imsimus i. kwanasuaprana , niserserien , serser (phosphorescent) . founda tion nisu- , nukune-. funny , be -avsan . four kefa . fur numrhi-, numwheri-. fowl menu , reia. kinds (colouring) : kasirasir3 , Futuna Futuna , Ivaronan . kikirakiri , kimrakw , kwanuvo , Futunan nivaronan . tifito. 6tdWte maJtR.e/t t- , ti . fractured -reia.

fragrant -apein amasan .

France Franis . G

free v -oseri , -skwini . gag v -eua arasi, -tiv, -ukumwi . free adj auar . gal l bladder kwankanhe- . French Franis. game napurien . Varieties : iauau , kasen , kumhar , kwaniapwit, fresh vi . kwatapasina, manig.

fri end ieri , nieri , iou iti , pl ay a game -0 .

imahan , kwanmahan I nimahan , garden n karharhi , namhuien , nimkwan , nimkwanihin . nimai . garden bed titua . girl friend koko . garden cl eaning kwarigerig. friendly -mimis . kava garden kwanei. fri gate bird rigkai , rogorogo . garden v -amhu , -asum. fri ghten -isuapur . gardener iamhu . fri nge kwanimreki-, nimreki-, gargl e -apwupwu . numrhi-, numwheri- . ga rl ic rai . from fwel , iI , ia2 . gate kasisig, kauga , ket, kwarua , frond nuvivi- . ni fukarua . 161

gather -avaka , -�p(i) sumun , goat neni . -or�rupw , -os�sumun . goat fish iesu. gathering nos�sumun ien . God Atua , kat , kwumwesin , Tihoua . gecko kekwau . goi ter kwanari. generation tegra . gol den wh istl er Hmisak. generous , be -auta2 . good -amasan , -amahan , mwatuk l. generous ma n n�mkwam . generous woman pranimwa- . good-bye imwa- l. wave good-bye -�s�k�r . genitals nari , nerm�nuien , tapul ' goodness namasanien , n�fkiien . gentl e, gently -m�ru . goods nauta , n�pw�sien . get up -skamter . goosefl esh kamosmwher�n , kwarukwarua . ghost ieremha. have goosefl esh -osmwher�n . gill nakwareg�-. gossip n kwarumrum l. ginger n�re . gossip v -akarakar , -0 kwarumrum. girl pran ouihi . govern -avahi n�teta , -erm�nu. give -avahi , -uve , -uvahi , -vahi . government kafm�n . give out -ariari . give up -apwah l, -pwah . grab -arau . giver iar�ku . grand -asori . glad -agha , -agien . grandchi ld mw ipwu- . gl are n natak�r. grandparent kaha , r�pu- . gl are v -ata �fia , -atak�r. grasp v -agher , -akwtenhi , -apatig. gl ass karhanum. grass nurhi . Kinds : nap�rapire , n�miraia. gl itter -ahiapw . grasshopper kanh�ruan , kinha . glow n n�serserien . grate -atia(i) , -�r�si. glow v -g�t , -ser2 grater karasari , k�r�ma , kotuai . gl ue kwaniapwit . grating n�r�siien. gl utton iaveg�n puk .

grave n tapU l. gnat manman . gravel kurukuru , kwanm�k�rm�k�r . go -a , -anl , -av�n , -e , -enl , -ev�n , -uv�n , -uvn , -v�n . graze asai . go along -aiu . grease v -ariri . go around -kurau. go astray -aruei . greasy -ariri , -�mkeis. go behind -akurira. greed kriri . go down -euaiu . go fi rst -akur , -kur , -�mehe . green -amr�mera. go off -apwsupus , -�Vi 2 apen green snail kusan itoga . go out -ier , -irapwl . go through -auru . greenstone kwanev�r , kwivur . go up -autal , -uta2 . greet -�s�k�r . 162

grey - -:i:mrakw . H grev haired (humans) -akwevur . haemorrhoids kohi rier. grey speckl ed (pig) karato . hair n:i:ma- , numrh:i:-, numwhe r:i:- . grind v -akw (i) atesi , -avai , grey ha ir kwanakwevur .

hairless -pwia. groan v -en:i:n . ha i ry -r:i:mur. groove t:i:ptapu . hal f kwamwop:i:-, n:i:kare- , n:i:pere- . grope -arap (i) . hal f beak fi sh kwataikwataik . ground n tuprena , t:i:naz . rough ground n:i:kwarueinari . hal f-caste niauri . group n :i:nteta , kampani, krup , hal ve -akwsen . kwanpr:i:taha (me) , tim, t:i:mwe- . hand n r:i:g:i:- ; naghe- (of bananas ). group name nahag asori. legendary group kaprarau , hand v -sani . n:i:prou . mo i ety group koiameta , handle n kwaruenh:i:- , nimwa , numrukwen, manuaua , sipi . n:i:m:i:gi- , r:i:gi- , ruenhi- . village group n:i:kare- rukwanu . handle v -ar:i:giz, -kune . group v -or:i:rupw , -os:i:sumun . hang -anz . grow -utaz , -vera. hang from -akwakwus , -arukwakwus . grow crookedly -atou (i) . hang onto -ug:i:n , -viris . grow rapidly -:i:rak:i:rak . hang up -rukwi . grow tall -viresi. hang up on -rete . growl -ahi mas:i:k , -:i:kri , -:i:rak:i:rak . hanger-on iaviris . grub n pwir , pwirahakw ; pursin haphazardly apenapena . (peva larva) . happiness nagienien . guard n iema matui , kat . happy -agha , -agien , -agnagien . guard v -ata , -atui , -etet. ma ke happy -0 vi . guava kuapa . hard -:i:k:i:nek:i:n , -:i:km:i:k:i:n , -mour , guide v -iri . -s:i:kai . guided, be -apwit . hardened -rupu . guile namasamasien . harm -etk:i:raha. gul let rukwinau. harmful ly meta . gums n nigaha- . hat kafafau , kanfafau . gun k:i:pwier. hatch v -:i:rui . gust n naiuaiu. hate -:i:m:i:ki . gust v -apakapak . have -avahi , see also sa- . have enough -apwah l, -apwaha . gut n nanhina . have to -akeikei. gut v -uvnhan . hawkfi sh kwanian:i:k:i:r. he in . head n kapofe- , kapwa, nukwane- . bald head napuga . 163

headband nupwin . hiding namakpenien .

headrest kasaua . high -apomus . high tide -arirukw . heal v -ama , -apiuan ; -0 amasan

(someone) • hi 11 takwh. smal l hill kwanpri- nahakw . heal thy -muru , -as anin . him in . heap n kanim. hip kakurenihi- , kurukwa- , heap v -ouete . tarukwa- . heaped -atan , kwatikirupu . his -n, -nil . hear -arig, -regi . hiss v -atit, -itkariri , -rur . heart nikenaku (organ) ; nuni­ history nifukuien . (inside) ; reri- (emotions ) ; tarevi- (core) . hit -akw(i) , -euas , -eva , -irui , -os (i) , -ouini . heartbroken reri- rakwipir. hive n kwanipwit. heat v -ighi , -inhi , -oreuan . hoard v -akwtenhi . hea vens magouagou, neai . hoarse -ifkavahak , -ikri , -pig. heavy -fam , -fwam , -pam , -pwam . hoe n kakir . heel n kurpus ; nikenhi- (shoe 's) hold -avahi , -akwtenhi , -sani . hel iconia tahapwar . hol d for -rei . hel p n nasituien . hold in -kinkin . hold in leaf -ahupwen. hel p v -asitu , -auta2 , -0 pehe . hol d onto -agher, -akw (i) tamiri . hel per iasitu , iotukwini nari , hol d property -apatig. kwanfaga . hol d someone up -ateri . hol d up -sai . hel pful ly ategin , pategin . hol e kwarua , kwarue- , nipig , hem n nisuvenhi-. nipigi- , rua , rue- , tapu l , her -n , -ni l (possessive) ; in tapuapig . pl anting hol e tapi 2. (object) . hol low n kwategi- . herd toue- . holy ikinan . here iasa , kwopun u, u, i2 . home nimwa, nimhakwa, rukwanu . here-and-there apenapena . hone -avai , -vi . hermaphrodite kaprankerman . honest -atukwatukw . hermit crab kwiahi . honey sukapak . heron pan . honey- eater kaviamtameta , hibiscus nikatirov. kaviahapurigpurig. edible hibiscus nuvas . hibiscus tree nevo . honour v -siai . hiccup v -Uk . hoof nipispis , pisivur . hidden afafa , ifaga . hook n kikir . hide -arukwafa , -ifiri , -ofafa, hook v -akiri . -rukwafa . hoot v -akit. hide-and seek kwatapas ina . 164

hop v -arprip , -ati2 . husky -anen . horizon nukune-. hut nimwa . at the horizon iankune-. hypocritical fefe . hori zontal ly arhen , teter . horn kanipati- , nipati- (animal ); kisip (auto) . hornless kut. I iou . horse hos . idea narhiien , nataien . horsefly kHa . �denti6iabte p�on-m��ng p�e6�x hot -apwan . m- l, m(a) -, mar- , mh (a)-, mhar- , pik- , pin- , rou- . hot spri ng tukwus . idiot kenouenou , sauet. house n nimwa , imwa- l, rukwanu . to/ in the house imwa. idler iarpaha . tradi tional house kuvipehe. if ka , ko , ripua , tukw , tukwa , house poles kasitu , karukwau , tukwo , -ua . kwanapatu , kwanitan . house addition sikweia. ignorant -imkiimki , -reirei. household tinirup . ignore -kwena , -ni2 tinpin . how? -a , -if- . ill -amemha , -auga2 . how many? keva . illness nemhaien . how much? keva . image kuvnihi, nanumu- . howl -ikri. imi tate -ata uaten , -uvnihi. hug -agha . imi t atively uaten . hum v -apwuk , -imnamun , -0 immediatel y takwtakwnu . uvruguvrug. immerse -sese. humid -avanis . immob ile -amame . hummi ng kovakova . impediment nuvaren. hunger nukumha , sueiuei . important -asori . hunt -aui afafa , -efaiuk . imported itoga . hunt nestl ings or birds eggs -amtipui. hunt on reef -ismaha. impoveri sh -isua l uta . hurricane nimatagi asori. improperly atkepen . hurry v -arukwipin, -okwakw . improve -rhikin.

hurt v tr -ahi , -0 pen ; -0 tikigi in fwe2 , iI, ia2 . (a wound) . inaction napwahien . v intr -amipune , -amisa , -etit; -aruvn (tooth) . inappropriateness kragki , napis (in speech) . husband n ierman . inarticul ately vova . hush v -pwip . incautiously apwini . husk n teki- . �neep�ve (�nehoate) p�e6�x husk v -arimi , -averi. -in- + -(a)m-. 165

incest, commit -oriai . bl-ten.6'[Q,[eJt -puk . incl ine n nahakw . b,-terr;t,[orr.a.t maJtkeJt na .

incompetent -siai . intercourse, have -ehi.

incorrectly auaueni . intermediary kout k�sua .

increase -uta2 , -vera . '[Yt-t�ogat,[ve p�e6,[x -�f- .

,[ndeQ,[nLte peMon maJtkeJt k- 5. interrupt -ni2 ahaven, -�p (i) arnw esi. indentation tapuap�g, t�ptapu . interruption nahaven . infant kova . intersect -arukwau , -avsiak , infected -kwesa. -rukwi , -uvsiak . infinity kwumwesin. intersecting �siak, kamarukwau , infl amed -arupwakw . p�siak .

infl ammation matakimwa. intestine kohi , naninha; rukwikohi (large) ; t�pweua . inform -ni2 pen . intoxicated -akona , -apus . inhal e -eiahag . investigate -rupwi , -sui . inject -rei , -�p(i) . invite -akwein . injection n�piien . island t�namwer�s. injure -etk�raha , -ot�kigi . island cabbage nuvas . injury n�mwapw . it i 4 , in . inl and -are2 , pare . itch -Hiafia . innocent -pwia.

its -n , -ni 1 . insect mimi , kar�rnkar�m , kurkweruk .

insert v -ar�g�n , -ar�r , -arupwi , -n�sil' -vai . insert hand -arou (i) . J inside nakwa- , nani- , reri-, rue-. jack fish tiapin . insignificant t�np�n . January Nahau . insist -akeikei . jaw kauga . insomnia k�rate . jealous -etet . inspect -�skun , -�spau . jeer v -atapar , -�fkamana. instruction nahat�nien . jerk v -arpikou , -evi .

,[n.6-thumental k-4 (prefix) ; ia2 J ew 's harp susap. (preposition) . jiggl e -�sual . insuffi cient -ak�n. job uok . insul t v -�rmwihi, -�ski . join -arukwi , -arupwi , -rukwi , intel ligence nukwane- , kapofe- . -erupwun , -erupwunpwun . join arms -apwi t. intel ligent -arpakau. join up -arupw�ter. intend -ua. join together -�p(i) sumun , -or�rupw . 166 joint nerupwunien , nukupwe-, knock -�rui , -rukunkun . nukuru-. knock over -�skise . joke v -avsan , -�fkamana . knot n kurukwutihi; narip (slip) ; nukupwe-. joker i�fkamana . knot v -rukwutihi , -uvntihi . jowl n�kapu- . knotted atihi. judge v -oseri . know -kur�n , -rukur�n . juice n�se-. not know -reirei . jump v -arouarou, -arpr�p , -iva . knowledge nurukur�nien , uais. jump down -eva . jump over -�Vi2 aueni . knuckle nUkupwe-. jump ro pe -ouini . junction suatuk p�siak . just adv a, aga . L ladder k�rha .

ladle n kakeki . K ladl e v -kwahi2 , -rukwi . katydid pranramap . lake n�S1.UL kava n�kava. Varieties : n�kovakava , to/at/in the lake isiui . n�kovarhig, tapuga . kava bowl language nagkiariien . �nteta, nafau , taporoka , taurkava . Kwamera N�ninife . kava branch kwanpri- . Lenakel N�tuar . kava dri nking ground imwar�m, Siui Naha2 . imwarara. dig ka va -rukwi . South-west Huapwa , Uasipwa . food eaten after kava nafunu . \>J h ite Sands Narhak . small kava drink kwatini . smal l kava root kwankwa-, nosu. land imwa- l, t�na2 . wild kava n�keghup . land owner iara , iarer . land plot kwanare- , rukwi- , keep -agher, -akwtenhi , -apatig. nakua2 . kick v -ap�ti , -euas , -ieki . land v -uv . kidney kwankwer�- , n�kwankwer�- . lantana rantana . ki ll -aki afi , -ap�tin , -os (i) laplap (pudding) nHar .. apune . Varieties : kamumu , kanim, kingfi sher kakwasia. kapomusapomus , karapu , katumwi , kitk�tki , kwanagen , nisoro , kinsman iou iti , kwankwanei. nisumunien , tanpwia. latera l kin nikare- . large -anen , -asori , rinhi- , kiss v -apwas (i) . r�pu- . knead -arap(i) . 1 arynx kwanari. knee nukuru-. last -akurira , kurira , n�m�si- , kneel -numwi . sampan . kni fe nau. late -iek , t�ni . pocket knife nau k�r�fe . lateness notupwaien , kim�r , bush knife nisa Hnp�n. 167

later -pupum . Lenakel Ian�k�r . laterally karen . length nape- . laugh v -ar�s l' lengthen -ivi 1 apomus . lava kwaneis. lengthwise askrigi , askrini . lava bomb kwankwikwa , mw atiktiki . lessen -euaiu . laval ava katoti , raparapa , rarar , lest ko , t�ka , tukwa , tukwo , ravarava . tukwamo . law r0 2 . let -apwah l, -pwah . lay v -ruai (egg) ; -�mri (lay let go -skwini . down ) . let go of -arfai , -�faraka.

1 ayer n tegra . letter n�kukua .

1 azy -arpaha . . level -ap�ni , -at�nhi . level out -�Vi2 teter . lead -erm�nu , -hia (i) , -iri , -�mehe , -�rieki , -�viani , 1 i ana nakwus . -kupw�n . lead astray -akoui. Varieties : karkarepa , n�kauvkauv , lead away -peki . n�per�m , n�vir. lead by arm -ateri . liar iekua . lead discussion -avrani. lead on a rope -asighi . lic hen iaiaia. Variety : k�rir�gl ' leader iani n�teta, ierm�nu. lick v -apwas (i) . leadership nerm�nuien . lick lips -osama . leaf ma- , n�ma- . lie n nagkiariien rakeis , leaf stem n�pakau , n�kapau . navsieteien , nekuaien , leaf stalk n�pavi- . n�fefeien , nukuru- kufe . 1 eak v -amhi. lie v -amak (lie down) ; -avsiete , lean v -amak , ater, -�mkamak , -ekua , -�mri uta , -ofefe , -os -mwei ikou . ai (tell a lie) . lean against -ahatata. life naraien , n�muruien, leap v -arouarau , -arpr�p . n�muruvien , raif learn -regi sas . 1 i ft -amter. lift eyebrows -asen2 . learning nahat�nien . lift up -avahi uta , -rupwegi . leave v -ap , -ier . light n nurkuranien , nukuranien; leave behi nd -apwaha , -�krahi , rait (lantern) . -kwena. leave off apwah l, -pwah , -araka, -�faraka. light v -ahiapw . leave unfi nished -�krahi. light a fi re -�se . light a fire from another leave , take -�s�k�r . -hai (i) , -s�regin . 1 ee teg�-. light up -ahiapwun . 1 eft adj mo ur . light adj -apsan (coloured) ; -aruvareva (in weight) ; -kuran leg n�su- . -ran (sunlit) . legend n�fukuien . lighten ( of lightn ing ) -�ms irup , 1 emon rem�n . -�ruapen . 16'8

1 i ghtly -mhu. longtailed triller kakureakurai. lightning n�ruapenien ; pr�sekune look -ata , -ati . (forked) . look after -ata amasan , atui , -avahi muru , -avsik. like v -okeikei . look down -arupwasuk . like adv mua , m�nua , -os(i) . look for -atui , -eg�s , -uvai .

be like -0 . look out for -�siari. like thi s/that iaz , -os (i) . look to side -ataren . look up -akwata . likeness foto , kuvnihi , nanumu- . loop ruenhi- . limb n�su- (lower); r�gi- (upper) . loose v -fi , -skwini . lime strag. loose adj -apahor , -aparak , limpet katumwi . -arakarak , -atou (i) , -egi , line n tarhe- -emhemha , -kiu, -pwepweiu. fishing kwanoka . loosely woven -aragarag. genealogical nakwus . lose v -oraha. line up v tr -erupwun . lose trail -aruei . lineal ly tarhen . loss rus . lintel karukwau . lost -iuan . 1 i p tirhu- . (a) lot anan , -asori , apune , smack lips -osama . arpaiov , -puk . liquid n n�se- . loud -apomus .

1 isten -atirig. louse ur . louse egg case kwaresa. littl e n kwamwop�- , n�muti-. love -okeikei. littl e adj -ak�ku, -ak�n , -kwakwa , use love ma gic -�mtaha . kwaraz , kwarahaz, kwaranah z, kwati , kwopti , m�ruro , -ouihi . low see inher�p . live v -akure (dwe ll); -ara 1 ucky -ashi . (exist) . lung t�paruvareva . liver nakanmapwu- . lungfish kwanavik�r , kwat�pun . lizard kekwau , t�put�m. lure n napregovien (fish) . lobster iaren. lure v -apregov (fish) . location ik�n. lust v -�rko . locat{ve p�e-l�oduc�: fwez . lymph gl and kwanari. pne6lx : iI, iaz , rukwi- . lymph node swal ling kwatafa. pnepo�ltlon: fwez , iaz . lock v -kurigi ; -avai (padlock) . locust kantari , keno , k�vitarig. M log nei . mad -arm�ri . lonel iness nukwena . madman . iamarm�ri , iapou . long -apomus . ma dness kragki. long ago tui . long way isupw�n. Maevo Maipol. 169

ma ggot hirir, irir. ma ssage v -akik , -avai . ma gic nahak (sorcery) ; napaneien ma st tira . (protective ) . mat kafete . Kinds : kaugavisim, ma gic leaf bundle nigse- nari. kerupwun , kipkir , mai napuei ma gical preparation kwatafa. irarnaga , mainapuirarnaga , nispos . ma inta in -aturim. match n masis . ma ize kon . ma tch v -arnwhen . ma ke -arpakau , -0 , -rhikin . ma ttock karar. ma king no ien . Mauitikitiki Mwatiktiki . pl ace of Irnweinei . Malay appl e nova . May n Pikirpikir2 . ma le n ierman ; kerman , piri (animal ) . maybe -os (i) , -ua , tukwa , tukwo . ma le adj -errnan . me iou. man iakwein, iema , ierman . meaning nipra- . two men iemanmi . measure v tr -akiri , -ivi l old man ierghara . arnwhen . ma ndarine orange mantres , meat nari isien , nisa- ; nani­ variety : pranrarnokiris . (as of fruit or vegetable) . mango magko . slice of meat nauga . mangrove tomu . med iator kout kisua , uitnis. mangy -imsimus 2. medicine metsin; nimakwinari , nui (traditional). manioc maniato , manto . Kinds : narnas , nikirhanekin . Kinds :. kiri . prepare medicine -0 nima- . ma n ipulate -arigi2 , -kune . medium n iema ikinan , krepa , manner suatuk . nimeik±nanien, ururnun . mantis kivinuan . meet v -ata , -uvsiak . ma nual ly arigrigi , aririgi . meeting mitig, nagkiariien . meeting place irnwarim , many arpaiov , -puk . imwarara , nimwarara . how ma ny? keva . membrane neganega . ma rble n pi . men nema , nerrnan . ma rigold hoia. menstruate -opwe . mark n nikuakua , nimtet , feast for fi rst menses napuei. nimtetien , timwh eki- . menstrual house nirnwa opwe . ma rk v -0 nimtet menstruation nopweien . marked -ikukua . meow niau. marriage maret. merely aga . ma rri age feast naveginien . asori , ni fukarua , tinirup . message nagkiariien , ripot . marry v -avahi , -evin , -iri (as a metaphor nagkiariien ruvsini . male) ; -era, -esi (as a female) . use me taphor -us apeken . 170

meteo r kumhaU2 rami va . money mani . Kinds : fatu, paun , sikspens , sirig. midday rukwasikar , -kwas ikar . month makwa. middle kurukwa- . moo pu . middleman suatuk , pisagi , kout kisua . moon makwa. midnight nipaha- . moori sh idol fish kiri . at midnight ianpaha- . more mw i 2. mi drib nakau (of coconut) . morning nipnipin . mi lk nas , nise- , nunu . morning glory nuakw . spoil one 's milk -ritini . morning star fetukwai , kofetatea . mi lk fi sh piseruk . mosquito mwi l. mi llipede ierupwun , tapiresi. mosquito larva kikouikou . mime kwaruvinari . moss natigamera. mimosa nimerupwun . mote nahak . mind n reri-. moth paupauk , peva . mirror n karhanum . mother kanha , mama , rinhi- . mi scarriage popemha. mother hubbard tres asori . mis carry -atui reraha , -0 popemha . Style : kwanaroti .

mi splace -oraha. mother- in-law kaka , kusi- . mis pronounce -arkaua , -atkou , mother-of-pearl mainifregiesukw . -uvsuvsini . motion, in asain .

mi ss v -euini (someone ); -os ai motorcycle suksuki . (a target). moul d n nukuregarien . mi ssionary misi . moul dy -kuregar . mi stake -enin . mound v -reri . mist v -ekwesin , -imrami r. mo unt v -uta2 . mi stake , ma ke -afakour , auaueni , -ati auapen , -rei auaueni . mountain takwir. mountain peak nukwane- mistl etoe nikiskis. moustache numrhi- tirhu- . mi sunderstand -ata uau . mouth n nakwa- (inner) ; tirhu­ mix v -akw (i) apiris , -ripi . (outer) . mix by hand -arap(i) . mix foods -aspen . mouth v -akwmakwmwi . moan v -enin, -un . mouthful nama . mo i ety niteta; koiameta , numrukwen move -avin , -ivi2 . (traditional); manuaua , sipi move aside -ekwi . move at the (historic) . same time -aragaha (pukpuk ). move in certain direction -a , mol ar ruapah . -aku , -ku , -akur , -kur , -e, -uv . mo le kwumwesin (blemish) . move in no set direction -eai . move in womb -kurise . 171 movement nav±nien . narrow -avini , -avir±g. much anan , apune , -puk natau n±mtumwi . how much? keva . nauti lus tikitagarua . mud n±m±r, n±mt±gei . navel n n±pregi- , n±puregi-. mul berry marmeri , noueis . near apehe , pehe , p±pehe , ipaka , mul let ian±r, pumha . kwara l, kwaraha l, kwaranah l. mul ticoloured -akirai . nearl y arasi, ipaka . mul tiple kwarakwara . neck kWanpat±k±- , nua-2. side of neck kanhur . mu lti tude n±mani-.

need v -amwhen , -okeikei . mumble -akwmakwmwi , -akwmwi , -ni vova . negative -apwah2 , n ...ien . p0-6tctU:A.c. mha . murk n±mkin±p . teno e p�e6�x -p±k- . murky -±mkin±p . negl ect n manmanu . murmur -±mnamun . negl ect v -enouenou. muscular -kumkum . neigh -as±k . mushroom kapnumnum , k±r±r�gl ' nephew kwanien (man 's sister 's mussel kwansusuipukah . son) ; ti- , neru- (man 's brother 's son , woman 's sister 's must v -akeikei . son) ; pr±si- (woman 's brother 's mute n iapou. son ) . grandnephew mwipwu- . mute adj -apou . nest n kwar±ger±g (of sticks ) ; kwatap±ge- , kwatmaghe- ; mutton bird t±kurakak . n±firiien , (of a pig) . my -k . nest v -±firi . my na kour . net n±pun . myth kwanage . net v -fi . new vi . next kurira . N next day rakwakwi . nail kwanp±sivur , n±p±sp±s , Nguna Muna . p±sivur (finger , toe) ; nir nice -amasan . (metal) . fi ngernail p±sivur ia r±gi- . niece kwanien (man 's sister 's toenail p±sivur ia n±su- . daughter) ; ti- , neru- (man's brother 's daughter, woman 's nakamal imwar±m. sister 's daughter) ; pr±si­ naked -pwia. (woman 's brother 's daughter) . grandniece mw ipwu- . name n naghu- , nahag . night n±p±n l. name v -segi . name namesake -±siahag±n . nightmare nari ipwai . namesake napw±nhisu- , n±pti , nine k±rirum kefa . tipti . nipple numrh±- . 172

no n�k�m , rek�m , r�k�ku. obj ect n nari . nobody -iuan , kwanamr�g. obstinancy kamwer�s . nod v -anuanu; -asenl (once) . obstruction nuvaren.

n�k�rik�riien , nuvruguvrugien , occiput n�kenhi- . noi se . t�rhugaru, uvruguvrug. occupy -ieki . ma ke noise -k�rik�ri . October Kakwsariakwsari . nomi��ng p�e6�x i-I, ia- l (actor); n-2 (plural actor) ; octopus is. k-* (instrument) ; n-l , n ...ien octopus sucker kwanakwier . (general ); sa- , s�- (to adjec­ octopus ink napr�ge- . tives ); p- (directions ). odd -opa . none -iuan . odour n�peki- . noon rukwasikar. offspring kwankwa- , n�kwa- , north pesu (in West Tanna ); pr�hi nupun�ti- . (in East Tanna) . oil n kataga , n�pwei- . Northern Islands iat�namwer�s . ogre Tramsum� s. northwards -esu (in West Tanna) ; -r�hi (in East Tanna) . oil v -0 kataga .

nose n�pasegi- . oily -ariri . nose ornament kwanpri- nei . okay ita. not -apwah2, n ... ien , -p�k- , mha . ol d -akwas , -ivus , tui ; -apranema not answer -apenapen . (woman) ; -erghara (man) . not be, not be there -iuan . not know -reirei . ol eander niuas . not want -apwah l. omen n�mtet , n�mtetien . notch n penpen . nothing -iuan , auar. once amtia, n�p�n l iti . fo r nothing -0 auar . one -iti , kwatia. November Tamtamku . one another atukw . now takwtakwnu , raka . one by one k±rik�ri. nudge -akiek (i) , -ieki. only a, aga , auar . numb -irin. onset nurkakunien , nurkumegien .

nurse v intr -amas l, -anunu , open v intr -akwag, -fi . -esis. v tr -araver�g, -asevur , -oseri , -�rui . nutmeg kwan±tan , n�tan open door -�sual. open earth oven -afwi . open eyes -atui . turn open -kurigi . o open adj -akwag . oar niveia opening n kwanaragarag, oath kwasuahi . kwanmahan .

obey -±r fapwit, -0 nakwa , -siai . opercul um tek�- n�mrhi . obey tabu -atuak�m. opinion nukwane-. 173

or ua . overtake -arukwakurira , -avt�ni , -rai . orange n kwanm�rhi , n�m�rhi . overturn -at�g (i) . orange adj -futa . owl k�sumwi . orate -agkiari , -arai nagkiariien , -ni 2 asori . own adj -atukwatukw . orchid Kinds : nukuk , ruvero .

order n nakwa , nakwa-. P order v -apena , -avahag (give an order) . pace v -oueav�n . ordinary auar . Pacific pigeon kieri .

origin nukune- pack v -avar�p .

originate -akur , -kur . packed -avini , -avnavini, -kumkum.

orphan kemhat�ni. paddl e n niveia. oscillate -apap , -asuke . paddl e v -�sua2 .

other apa . paddock kopwa , kwankopwa. each other atukw . pagan n iairua . ought -akeikei. pain n n�famien . our (exclusive) : -mrau (dual) , pa i n v -ahi. -mrahar (trial) , -maha l (plural ). (inclusive) : -rau (dual) , tahar pa inful -amisa . (trial) , -taha (plural). pa int n kwanaf�riien, naf�riien . out irua , -irapwl. pa int v -af�ri . outgrowth n�sese-, n�viani . palm n napugov, niepi ; nikur outri gger tem�n (float) ; n�kiatu (royal) ; n�kweto (fern tree) . (boom) ; n�kurkur (stanchion); palm of hand tapwag. n�kurkur nasori (spar) . pandanus n�fara . outside irua , -irapw2 . pandanus fruit kwanfara. outs ider iairua . panpipes tarheinau . outspread -isias . pant -eiahag. outwards -irapw2 , -irua. panting neiahagien .

oven nakwanumun , numun pants trausis . oven stones kwarerin . papaya kesi . over adv aueni . paralys is karig. overfed -asisi. parasite iaviris. overfl ow -eua . parrot finch kutkut , kwarumun . overgrown -ehev , -rukwun , -rumun . part kwanape- (of a talk or song) ; overindul ge -rap(i) . kwamwop�- , nape-, n�pere-, nore- . overly �mtame ta . partial ly ams �mwesi. overripe -uiri. 174

particul ar adj -atukwatukw . percei ve -regi . partner , exchange ieri , imahan . perch v -akwakwus. party pati (political); rafet P�nective tenoe p�en�x -in- , n- s,

(feast) • -uv- . pass v -avtini , -rai . perfume senta . pass by -ip'i) raka , -kurau. perhaps -os (i) , -ua , tukwa , tukwo . passage nifeiafe , pasis (reef) ; persevere -apwini . nifukarua . person iamuru , ierema , iermama , past adj tui . kitir . pat v -arupwi . perspire -sese . patch v -aturnw(i) . pester . -agher, -akiri , -apwini ,

patchy asimweris . -iriki , -mikir , -0 tisi. patchy coloured kaminemir . pet v -akwresi. path suatuk . photograph foto , nanurnu- . patronage kauta . pick v -esi , -kihi . pawpaw kesi. pick out -spwen , -fi , -skirin.

pay v -ariku. piece kwamwopi- , nimuti-, nipri-, nore- . payer iariku. pieces asimwesi , kitkitki , payment nariku , pasis. kwanmahan , kwarakwara , nimikmiki- . peace narnirinuien . pierce -arupwi , -ip(i) , -visi. peacefu l -arnirinu . pig pukah . Kinds (colouring etc. ): pea k n nipasegi-, nukwane-. kipitov , kipwia2, kurkurukwi , kurukwan pusir , mankwakw , pearl shel l kuvnpaha. nakirai . peel n 'ceki- . pigeon mak . Varieties : mak peel v -aruvai , -averi , -egi . apwasiteg (brown) ; mak inherip (green winged ground) ; muapen peelings teki-. (Baker's) . Peli's hai r miminau . pil e n kanim. pel vis kurukwa- . pil e v -ouete , -veri . pel vic meat kasiru . pili nut nage , nigai . pendant kwanari . greenstone pendant kwanevir, pill kwainain. kwivur . square pendant pillow n kasaua . kwaniseseikwanmituak . pillow, use -asaua . penetrate -ier, -ip ( i ), -os (i) arua . pincer kanipati- . penis kwanihi-, mw atuk 2, nore- . pi nch v -apwas (i) , -avai , glans penis nukupwe-. -aturnw (i) . penis wrapper ninhurn. pinch off -ipripre , -visi. peopl e nakur l, nema , nermama . pineappl e nifara itoga . pepper kwasiris , pima . pink imtameta . 175

pins -and-needl es, have -irin . pl ume kaio .

pipe paip . plunat m�keh me , -ha- , n- 3, n�- . protuberance on pi pe bowl po insettia nei pwasi Nouanp�ko . kwankase- . po int n kwanihi- , n�pasegi- , pitch v -�farara . nukunhi- ; t�nafa (of land) . pity n napiien , sori . po int v -ahat�n . pity v -api . po ison n nei akona , nukune , pl ace n ik�n , imwa- l, kwopun , po isin. rukwi� ; t�mwheki- (in a poi son v -akona , -kune . structure ) . meeting pl ace imwarara . poi soned -akona . pl ace v -�mri , -kure , -ukregi poke -�p(i) , -�rhi2, -rei, -v�si . (place under ). poke down -aki. plan v -at�rig. pol ice po ris . planet Kw areiuapomus , Mafe . pol lution n�sivur . pl ank kwan�tan , t�gkare-. pond tegi- , kwategi- . pl ant n nei . Kinds (unident .) : pool tegi- , kwategi-. kapriapri, karuarua , kavnavini j, poorly aHkun . k�rk�r, kwan�m�k z, kwantemisis ,

kwarumrumz , kw�mtakahau , nanas , pop v -rua . natahi , natis , nauait, niapwit , pork pukah . nisei , n�fua , n�kafwerug , n�koraku , numpein , saprouait, Port Resol ution Irupou, Iuea. tahapwar, tamip , tanpitov , Port Vil a Fira . t�mpua , tovrirua (n) . waterpl ant karukwahaginui . pos ition t�mwheki-. pl ant v -ahavi , -apwe , -arupwi , possessi ons nauta , n�pw�sien . -�rui , -rukwi . po�����ve-m�keh -i (nominal ); pl antation n�me- . fwez , iaz , ira, k�fuk , k�m, k�mh , k�n , k�nh , k�n (h) rahar , pl atform nifetafata , n�koukau. k�n (h)raha , k�n (h)rau , k�rau , pl ay n napurien . kok (semi-alienable) ; imwa-z (locative) ; sana- , t�nani pl ay v -apur . (edible) , nak (valued edible) ; pl ay wi th baby -akei. sapw�-, pwasi (plantable) , pl ead -ase . pw �ni (valued plantable) ; sanmwu- (drinkable) , si­ pl ease n�mkwan , parov. (valued drinkable) ; tuksi pl ease v -0 vi . (valued edible sugarcane ); sa- , sava- (neutral). pl easing vi , vivi . postpone �Vi l penpen , -os (i) pl eiades n�kwarakwara hamvani nuk . ar�gr�gi . plenti ful -akmen . potato pHete . pl enti tude penapena , pikirp�kirl' pound v -akw (i) atesi , -�p(i) , -puk . -�rui ; -arukw�p�r (as surf) . pl uck v -atumw(i) , -irmwihi . pour -arak(i) , -�r�m�n , -vi . 176 powder v -erahaven , -ifwi . proper -atukwatukw . power faia, nerminuien , nigse-, . properly kumkamasan . nisikaiien ; nimeikinanien prosti tute sarmit; pran vi , (spiritual) . preinhap (traditional). power stone kwivur , nukwe -, karig. protect -ata amasan , auiui , -segi . pl ace for stone nifata. proud -arupwi . powerful -asanin . prune v -visi. powerl ess -pakw . pubic area pategov, nUktegi-. praise v -akurakwera , -ignigni . puckering -ipkenin . prank navsieteien . pudding ( lapl ap) nifar . prate -supen . puddl e kwategi- , tegi- , nakwa- . pray -afaki . puffbal l napw fwe ieremha. prayer nafakiien , tamafa . puffer fish piraspiras . precede -kupwin . pul l -evi , -ivil , -vi . preceding kupwin . pul l over -atou!i) . predict -niz kupwin . pumice kweiai ; niren (seaborn) . preen -arupwi. pumpkin hmkim. pregnant -fam . punch -arau , -irui . become pregnant too soon after giving birth -ritini . punctured -pig.

preparation nipenapenaien . punish -erupwun , -0 meta . prepa re -ataki , -0 penapena. punishment nerupwunien , nimrhi- , panis . pretend -uvnihi . pretend to strike -emhan . pupil nipigi- nenime- (eye) . prevaricate -imsimus l. purge v -ias , -rakwan . previous tui . purple tihinatis .

pri ce n nenime-, nimrhi- . pUhpo��ve p�epo��on ti , tukw .

pri ckly -ahia. purr n USi2 proceed -aiu, -akupwin , -enl . purr v -avi , -irakirak . proceed in certain di rection pus nikwesa, nise- . -a , -aku , -ku , -akur, -kur , -e , -uv . push v -apwikir , -arir , -isual . push as ide -aregi . process n noien. push down -aki , -atou(i) .

produce v -amina. push under water -aki atinumw i. product nikwa- . pussy adj -kwesa. proficient -irmwihi. put -atig(i) , -avs (i) . put arm around -avahi nua- . progression kirikiri . put arm on -aturim. prohibition tapahan . put away -fata . put down -arupwi , -imri , -kure . prop ater. put into -vi . 177

put on -�puta . razor pretresa. put ove-r -segi . reach -esite , -�p(i) irapw . put together -rh�kin . reach out -arau, -arou (i) .

read v -avsini .

ready v -ataki . Q really apune . quarrel -ahi . recal l -arhi , -rhi , -euini. question n kwisten , naresien. recede -euaiu. quickly akwakw , arpaiov, put�kput�k , uahai , ueuaha (i) . recent(ly) apehe , pehe , p�pehe , vi . quiet v -pwip . reciprocal gift tai- . quiet adj -apiuan , ar�gar�g. �ec{p�oeat m�keh atukw . quit -apwah l. reciprocal ly tapi l. quiver v -�ruapen , -kiu . recount v -�fuku . quotative vehb -ua. red -aruveruv , -meta. reddish -�mtameta , karneta .

redo v -avnihi . R reed nig. rabbit fi sh minhin . reef n�maha . radio ratio . reef gather -�smaha. ra ft napuei kurukwutihi . refl ect -arhanurn.

rafters kasitu , karukwau , kwana­ refl ection nanurnu- . patu , kwan�tan . �efile�ve m�keh atukw , atukwe . ra il pire . refuge , seek -ataka .

ra in n nes�n 1 • refugee iataka, iav�n . ra in drop kwan�rieri . refuse v -apwah l ra in v -auar . rain lightly -ekwes�n, -�mram�r . ��ve p�onoun see sa- , s�- . stop ra i n i n g -arukwanh�n , -enh�n . rel ease -skwini . ra inbow m�rar�n . rel ic n�rnr�g. raise -avahi uta . re ly -atigite . ra ise fl ag -�Vi l uta. rema in at -amak , -arer , -0 , -ugin . rapidly put�kput�k , uahai , ueuaha (i) , arpaiov . remains n�pwar , nipware-. rash, have a -arupwakw . remember -arhi , -rhi l' -euini . rat iesukw . remove -kumwiri, -apeki . ra ttl e v -ahagi , -apw�k�r , remnant nimikmiki- , nipware- . -ekwaiuk . renew -0 vi . ravine nakwat�na , nehev . repair -arpakau , -0 amasan , raw -amera , -arnr�mera ; -ak�r -rh�kin . (as a wound) . 178

repay -erupwun , -uahak�r. ri se n nahakw . repeat -avnihi , -0 smatukw , rise v -akahak , -teuta (sun) ; -smatukw . -erukw (smoke) . repeatedly apahar , asmatukw , roach kutfo . �mtameta . road suatuk . repetition kenhienhi . roar v -avi , -ier�g. repl acement tai- . robin kwat�punaruveruv .

request v -esi , -ipwi . rock k�pwier ; k�ruatere (smooth) ; resembl e -�p(i) , -os (i) , -rei . kwaneis (rough) .

reserve -rei , -rufi . ro e nakweiaiien .

residence rukwanu . roll n kwanem�r .

resi dent iara , iarer. rol l v -apw�k�r, -asaku , -Ulnl . rol l up -ar�fe , -rupwegi . respect n kamumu . roll around -rakrak .

respect v -siai . roof v -os (i) .

rest v -apus . root n kwanua- , nua-l , n�mrek�- , retain -agher, -akwtenhi , -apatig. tapiresi . aerial root kwat�si- , t�si- , tour . buttress root return n tai- . n�popou . smal l taro root return v -rer�g. karharhi .

reveal -etafarak . root v -aruku (as a pig) . revelation somsom. rope kwanakwus , kwataur , kwat�si , nakwus , toura. revenge n nerupwunien, n�mrJ-,i- . rose appl e nurapw . revenge v -erupwun , -etk�raha. rotate -arari , -kurigi , -uvsini . rib kwanakau, nakau . rotten -akwase , -m�r�r . ribcage n�p�gap�ga . rough -arukwarukwa , -pisu (skin) . rice rais. round ad} -purupu , -rupu . ridge nas�p�r , n�popou . rouse -urhap . ridge pol e karukwau . row n tarhe-. ri fle hpwier . rub -ahakw(i) , -akwresi , -avai , ri ght mw atuk l (hand) ; -amwhen , -�ki , -rai . -atukwatukw (correct) . rub one's backside -ahate . ri gor mortis n�k�nk�nien . rubber kosu. ri ng v -as�k. · rubbish kwanmahan , n�mwinahak , ringbark v -arupwi . n�pakwpakwe- n�pukpuki- ,

nuvaren, toti 2. ri nse v -±fwi. rudder fi sh kweiei . rip v -ekwihi , -et�hi , -�Vi l

aruarua . ruin v -oraha.

ri pe -afa , -akwmare ; -akwmheiov , rul e v -avahi n�teta , -erm�nu. -emha , -�mw�si , -mare , -muru, rul er iani n�teta , ierm�nu . -par�s . hal f ri pe -futa . 179

rumble v -irakirak . scabies kifiafia. run -aiu. scale n rirevu- (fish) . run away -aiu map , -ap . scale v -rirevun (a fish) ; -utaz runner niviani , nisese-, ruenhi- . (climb ) . rust n nopweien . scar n kwataratara, nikukua , timwh eki- . rust(y) -opwe . scarab beetl e puruan . rustl e v -arparetik , -retik .

scare v -eparemha , -isuapur .

scarred -amesik , -ikukua , -pusir, -rua. s scatter -anas , -ivi l arigrigi , sacred ikinan . -uini . sad -avahi rifam. scattered -amrimer , -rimer . sadness nifamien . school skur . sail nivin . scol d v -ish . sailboat inteta ia nivin . scolding tirhu- risikai . sa 1 a ry prais.

scoop v -aregi , -kwahiz , -rei , sal t nigar (sea) ; nirigre-, sar . -rukwi . sal ty -ip (i) tisi , -isien. scorpion fi sh kurigen . too sal ty -±rial . scrap nahak , nimkemik , nimuti- , same -amwh en. nipeki , nipukpuki-, nipwar , sanctuary takai. nipware-, numtumut . sand kwanmikirmikir , nimikir, scrape -arparetik , -apeki . nipikir. scrape fi sh sc ales -rirevun . scrape out -arkiri , -rukwi . sand crab iakuiaku . scrape with teeth -agari. sand fly iakuiaku . scraper kakeki . sandalwood nikipisi , nipikisi . scraping nikiriavris. sandpiper fitkwa . scratch n kimwapwmwapw . sap kwaniapwi t, nise-. scratch v -akwai , -apeki (as a sated -ihipus . cat ) ; -arkarekir (as a hen ) ; -iki . sati sfy -esite . scrotum kwanare-, ruenhi- . savour -tumwi . scrub v -akakw(i) , -avai , savoury -isien. -arigiz. saw v -ivi l amwesi . sea Hsi 1. sawdust nipware- nei . sea anemone kumeta . sawfi sh tataua . sea hearse tree nikoko . say -agkiari , -akwag, -n iz. sea snake tagarua . scab kumskamesik . sea urchin ni faga , suefa . scabby -amesik . sea worm Hpisi . 180 search v -apwsupus , -atui , -eg�s , set -au�u� (as a hen) ; -kure ; -�skun , -uvai . -euaiu , -ruputaki (as the sun) . set down -�rnri , -skwini . season n kwanakur , nakur2 (cool season) ; nenh�nien (dry season) ; seven k�rirurn k�ru . n�p�n akwas (season after several kwanepwun , nepwun . harvest) ; n�p�n vi (yarn growing season) . sew -atiri , -aturnw(i) .

seawards aperaha, -eraha2 , peraha. sewer katiri . seawards people tern�n . sewing natiriien . seaweed Varieties : iarnha , sexual partner kwanrnahan , n�rnahan . kwatin�virakw , natigarnera, tarigiavan . shade n t�rnk�rni- .

secl uded ifaga , -urur . shade v -arukwapitov , -rukw�fi .

secl usion nurur , narnakpenien. shadow nanurnu- . second kurira (of two ) . shady afafa.

.6ec.o ltd peJt.6 0 Itu.b .6 j ed maJtkeJr.. i -2 • shaft kwankurkun , n�kurkur , nirnwa .

secret n nari afafa . shake -ahagi , -arakarak , -ekwaiuk , -ekwi , -erur , -et�g (a)t�g, secret adj afafa . -�sual , -kiu. secretion kwankunhi- , n�sivur , shake down -inhi. nukunhi-. shake hands -arou (i) . shake head -orernha. section nape- , nore-. shake off -arnhua . see -ata , -ati , -atoni , -ernwi . shaky arakarak , -at�rnnurnun , seed kwanuni- , nuni- . -atou (i) .

seek -atui . sha 11ot sarat. sel ect v -rufi . shal low -akw�ta .

sel f atukw . shame n naur�sien , n�pusien.

semen n�pkinihi-. share v -avahi k�rik�ri , -�rhiani .

send -�rhi l' -rhirhi . shark paveg�n . senile -fi atukw , -siai . sharp -ahia . sensation nregiien . sharpen -arai ahia , -avai , -os (i) ahia, -vi . sense -ar�g, -regi . shave -�kihi . separate v -akw (i) eri , -arupwu fi , -fifi , -sisi . she in.

separate (ly) afi , afifi , akeser , shed v -sefu , -oui (skin) . arnwesi , apwiri , esi . sheep sipsip. September Kurarurar . sheet iron k�pa . .6equ.erz.:ti.a.l .ten.6 e pJteMx -p�k- , shel f n�fetafata. -�p�k-. shel l n tek�- (coconut , etc.). serially tarhen . 181

shel lfish Varieties (unident. ): shuffl e -akw(i) aplr�s, -atiri , kaiapomus , kamhakun , kapi , -rupwegi . shuffl e feet -±viz. karari , kareia, katarauia , shush -epw±te . k±riavavo , k±rikau , kusan , ma in±fregiesukw , nanumu- iaku , shut -asis±g, -rupaskun , -visim. ret. shy -aur±s , -±m±ki , -pus . shel l trumpet kis±p. sibl ing k±tirimwa- (opposite sex) . shel ter pateg±n , -segi , -su±r , sic kisum. teg±- . sick -amemha , -amour , -augaz . shift v -kurise , -kuri penpen , -sai . sickness nemhaien. shin kumwer . side kwanpr±taha (me) (political); nakau (of body) ; n±kare- , shine -ahiapw , -±ruapen , -serz ; n±karkare-, n±pakare-; iankaren -an I (as the sun) ; -mer (as (to the side) . the moon) . sign n n±mtet , n±mtetien . shiny -ariri. significant -asori. ship n±teta , ±nteta. silence kwanamr±g. shirt n karkahu , kwanpat±k±­ t±nari , sigrit, sot . silent adj -suk.

shiver -arur , -rur , -at±mnumun , silent , rema in -apenapen , -±mt±pu , -±ruapen . kwanava , -r±pu .

shoe put. similar -amwhen , -os (i) . shoot n k±miahaga , kwatuku- , simpl e -m±ru. tuku- . simul taneously amtia. shoot v -akw(i) , -arukwi , -erukw , sinew noua 1. -rukwi . shoot together -amnam±n . sing -niz nupu , -oskafa. shore n±kare- t±si. singe -ar±gi l, -aroui . short -kwakwa , -ouihi . singer tena . should see -akeikei . singl e sigk±ri (unmarried). shoul der nura- , takure-. sink v -amw henumw (in water) ; shoulder blade kwanparumz . -iar (in mud) . shout -akwein apomus , -k±rik±ri . sip v -anumwi . shouting nakweinien , n±k±rik±riien , sister katutu , tutu , k±tirimwa- , nuvruguvrugien , uvruguvrug . pini- (of a man) ; piav- (of a woman ); pr±si- (younger of a shove -±sua 1 • woman) ; prea- (older of a woman ). shovel v -arar , -ekui , -rukwi . sister- in-law ieri ; kuni , purkumu­ S how v -sani. (of a woman ). shred kwanmahan . sit -akure , -atez . shri vel led -ivus . sit astride -akweiai . sit down -akure . shroud v -ouini . site kwopun , rukwi-. shrug -oraha. 182

situate -skwini . sl ipper lobster t�pat�pa . six k�rirum kwa tia, k�rirum raka , sl i ppery -akwararen , -�mke is. k�ri rum rn� ke riti . sl it kwarue-. skewer v -piri . sl ither -arpikou . skim -ouini , -sk�rhi . slow -iek. skin n kwanumwhi-, numwhi- , tek�- . slowly -m�ru . skin disease kapsanapsan , purpokis. slowness k�m�r , t�np�n , tupwa l.

skin v -arai , aS1S1 , -averi , slug Hkiov. -�p (i) esi , -uvsisi . slur -niz raka . skindive -asu . smack lips -amtiv , -atamw , -osama . skink rnurieki , rhurhu , uapu . smal l -ak�ku , -ak�n , -kwakwa , skinny -avir�g , -�kriau . kwati , ou , -ouihi , puti . smal l object kwatini . skip v -sai (stones ). smal lnes s kwankwa- , kwarakwara , skirt n r�us . nouihiien . skul l kera. smash -onouini , -ouini . sky neaL smashed -�parua , -par�s. bl ue sky kupuapen , rnagouagou. smel l n n�peki-. sl ack adj -aiu, -apahor , -arakarak , -egi , -ernhernha, smel l v intr -apein , -�ptaha. -pwepweiu . v tr -peghi , -regi .

slacken -�rnta. smile v -fi revu- . slam v -onouini , -ouini . smoke n n�se- napw .

slander n rnurnu , rnusrnus. smoke v intr -anas , -�n�s (i) . v tr -�se , -tumwi . S 1 a p -os (i) • smooth -pwia , -am�rinu. slate kapov. snag v -ak�kir, -rete . sl eep n napriien. snail t�kiov (land ) ; kapweris , sleep v -apri . kuveio , preinhap (sea) . sl eepwal k -enouenou. snake gata ; tagarua (sea) . sl ice n t�gkare-. snap -�tefi , -�v�se , -uahar . sl ice v -arai , -avskrini . snapping fi sh kurapu , trotiria . slide v -ak�k , -�vi z a(rn)keser , snea k -r�su . -resi l, -sk�rhi ; -asenz (land) ;

-atez (on on e's backside) . sneeze v. -amweta. sl iding katite . sniff v -egis, -iruk , -peghi . sl ing n kwat�riv , t�riv. snot nihi- n�pasegi- . sl ip v -�viz a(rn)keser . snort v -iruk . slip along -resi l. so? iua . sl ip off -ak�k , -eraier . sl ip under -ukregi . so that rnua, m�nua , -ua , tukwa , tukwo . 183

soar -eta, -eai , -iva , -afaga . soup sup . sober up -ak:i:k . sour -ifial . soci ety inteta. soursop nemer itoga .

soft -imw isi , -miru , -paris. south pesu (in East Tanna) ; prihi (in west Tanna) . soil n nihi- tina, tuprena ; nimiru (soft) ; nimitik (reddish) ; southwards -esu (in East Tanna) ; kupuapen (hard) ; novatiepik -rihi (in west Tanna) . (grey volcanic) . souvenir nasuer . sol dier fish marau . sow pukah kapran . sol e tapwag. soy sauce soiu . sol idarity inteta . space n kwanmahan , nimagouagou, solve -fi , -oseri . rue- . encl osed space takwanapwir . some asimwesi , kwanepwun , kwara2 , space between objects numrenhi-. kwaraha2, kwaranah2 , kwopti , miruro , nepwun . spaced -aragarag. someone ierema , iermapa, iermama spade karar ; pik (cards) . riti , kitir. speak -agkiari , -ni2 somersault v -numwi . refuse to speak -apenapen. somersault backwards -en speak poorly -arkaua . nikenhi-. spea k directly to -ip (i) nenime- . speak metaphorical ly -us apeken . something nari riti . spear n nitei , niepi . sometime n±pinl iti. spear v -arupwi , -erupw , -±p(i) , somewhere kwopun riti . -rei . son iakuti (of a woman ); iamiti specialise -arpakau , -irmwihi . (of a man) ; kuku , neru- , ti- . speckled -pusir. son-in-law kwanien (of a man) ; prisi- (of a woman) . speech nagkiariien , n±niien. indirect speech tikuvhuv . song nupu . request new song -orirupw . speed n niruapenien . song coda katiham. speed v -arukwipin . song payment norirupwien . spherical -rupu . soon ipaka, kwopun ouihi . sphinx moth karapiamwesinarau. sorcery nahak , nipri- nari , po isin; nikemis (impo rted). spider kamk±r± (wolf) ; katimnumun sorcery bundl e neirapin . (long-legged); kaus±rip , nari isien . sore n kimwapwmwapw , kumskamesik , nimwapw . spider web nipneiov , n±pun .

sore adj -amisa, -iparua. spill v -aHg(i) .

so rry parov. spin v -arari .

sort v -skirin . spindly -afaga . soul nanumu- . spine kwanig, nuksepik l. mea t at base of spine ninhum. sound v -as±k . 184

spiny puffer pwei. squat -akure uta. squat on toes -akure kwopsase . spiny sea urchin faga . squeeze v -akwrigi , -askin , -avai , spi rit nanurnu- , nari ipwai . -eva . spirit being iramanien , Karapenurnin , karouase, Karpwapin , squid iapwis . Kasimkasaive , nakua l, nimei� squirrel fi sh marauta . kinanien , nipran kamhirov . spiri t place ikinan , nifata. squirt v -asi l. spit v -aragavus , -aruai , -0 stab -ip (i) . nisakwa- . stack n kan:i:m. spittl e nisakwa- . stack v -0 kanim . spl ash -erahaven . stacked -atan . spl atter -anas , -igis. s ta ff kaskin . ·spl een kwanimweinimer . stage n tegra . spl it v -oskrigi ; -us (lengthwise). stagger -aiu nikare- . spoil -apur , -etkiraha, -0 stair tegra . piripiri , -oraha . spoil magical ly --imtaha. stalk n kwankurkur , nua-2; n:i:kwai nig (wildcane). spokesman iani .

stal k v -risu. sponge kirhig l. stal l v -osako . spook v -eparemha. stammer -ni2 vova . spool kwanpri- nei. stamp -eva . spoon n kakeki . stanchion nikurkur . spoon v -akeki . stand -arer , -arirer, -skamter; spotted kurkurukwi , -pusir. -fi (hair) . stand on -arupwiter . spouse iafweni- , iermama , kivus , stand up -amter . stand up sueru. potential spouse napse-. together -aragaha (pukpuk) . sprain v -rife . star kumhau l. Constellations : kufe , nikwarakwara spread v intr -anas , -igis , -irko , hamvani nuk . -rimer, -viris . v tr -apina , -araghar . stare n kirate , natakir . spread apart -isua . stare v -atakir . spread open -etafarak . start -urkakun . spri nkl e -Hwi . start at -aku, -ku , -ier. sprout n kwatuku- , tuku- , nenime- , state v -ni , -ua . nisese-; riki- (banana); rikarik

(kava ) . stay v -amak , -ug:i:n . stay at -ara , -0 . sprout v -arar , -arukw , -apirapir, -kwesir , -mhinmha , -rua , -vera . steady -kumkurn. spy kout kisua . steal v -akres . square adj -avtavta , tavtavn . steam n nen:i:s .

steam v -en:i:s . 185 steep pl ace nahakw . store v -fata. storage pl ace kwanmahan. steer n karai . storm n nisisauien. stem n nimigi- , nisu- . story n kwanage . step n tegra . tel l story -eva , -iva. step v -ivi2 . straddle -os(i} , apig. stick n nei ; kikir (sharpened); straddl ing apig, pig. kauas (throwing) ; karaga , nifua (digging) ; kufe (forked) ; kaskin straight asaikw , atuin , -atukwatukw . (walking) . strain v -imitit. stick v -akikir, -arupwi , -erupw , strai ner (for kava ) nenha. -ip(i} ; -iar (stick fast) ; -rhi2 (in hair) . stick to -rete . strange -opa . stickbug kanhui . stranger iapwsupus . Variety : kanispein . strangl e -atiri . sticky -iptapwit . straw n kwatiuvtiuv (drinking) . still adv hi , ihi , tivr , tere , strength nasaninien, nigse- , te (te} . nisikaiien; nerminuien (social) . still-birth popemha. stretch -ivil atuin , -os (i} atukw . sting v intr -amipune . strewn -amrimer . v tr -ip(i} . stri ke v -akw(i} , -apitin , -euas , stingray viraku . -irui , -onouini , -ouini , -os (i} , stink v intr -akwase, -apein , -us . -iptaha . string n kwanoka , kwataur , noua2 , stir v -arkini. tarhe- . stomach tipu- . string v -atiri , -otorerin. stomach region meat tiptipu . strip -egi . stomp -eva. strip off leaves -akik , -eiavn , -erherhi , -ipripre . stone n kipwier . Varieties : kiruatere (smooth) ; kurukuru , stripped tagarua . kwanmikirmikir (small) ; kwaneis, strive -akeikei, -amigin , -amwur , neis2 (rough) ; kwanevir (green) ; -apwini, -arkut , -imaha , kwarerin (oven) . -imramwur , -osari . stone v -erukw , -rukwi , -arukwi . strong -asanin , -ifial , -ikinekin , stonefish iraku. -ikmikin , -sikai . stoop n kiviapig. strongly -amisa.

stoop v -imkamak . struggl e v -arkarekir . stop -arer , -fa . stub v -apiti , atikini . stop doing -apwah l, -pwah , stubborn nenime- rifia. -apwaha , -araka. stop ra ining -enhin . stubbornness kamweris . stop up -rukwahagin . stuff -arigin , -nisil, -vai . store n stoa. 186

stump kwanpatiki-, nipra- nei , supporting ater. nipatiki-, nipopu- , nukune-, surf n peau . nukwane--. decayed stump nimusukwe-. surface takure- . stunted -kurigi , -ivus , -sivus . surgeon fi sh paragi , prigsivur . stupid -armiri , nipwana- ripwia, surmount -akwiri . nukwane- rikinekin , nukwane- surpass aueni , -rei. risikai . stupid person sauet. surprise n kakur , kiraghen . subject kwanape-. surprise v -avahi nua- . submerge -arukwevur . surprised, be -akur2 , -arkiri . substance nipra- . survi ving Hni . substantial asori , rinhi-, ripu- . suspended ia nimagouagou. succeed -apwini , -asiri ; -avrumun (follow) ; -irmwihi (at another's swaddl e -vegi . expense) . swal low v -atigai . successfully asas . swamp iapiuan , nimtigei. suck -akwmwi , -tumwi . swamp harri er kweria . suck in stomach -ega. swamp hen kurin. sucker riki-. swear -ai , -ni2 pen . suckl e -amaS l, -anunu , -esis . swear at -iski , -iskiari . suds nisakwa- . sweat n nisese . suffi cient -amwhen . sweat v -sese . sugarcane niruk . Varieties : sweep -aias , -apirhi , -eiesi. katiaitukros , kwanariapa , kwatpiavikir , namas , narip , sweet -isien . nimimis , numrhi iesukw , pranema , sweet potato kwarei. Varieties : sasave . eat sugarcane -uvrisi . iaviapai , isouni, kasoria , summon -arukwipin , -avnaiov , maipo2 , nipik iaruaru , riginimwa. -urhap . sweet potato mound nimrakw . sun meri . swel l n peau (of se a) . sunl ight ghar , kwankwasikar , swel l v -rupu , -asisi . nikwasikar , rukwasikar . swel ling matakimwa . sunny -arukwasikar , -kuran , swiftlet kirikapou. -kwasikar. swim -aiu, -arau , -aru , -eai . supernatural ieremha , iankaren

pen , kwumwesin. swing n kasuke . pl ace ikinan , ipwai. swi ng v -apap , -asuke . fowl kiriot . swi ng arms -arkini . support n kauta , nauta . swish -arparetik .

suppo rt v -arukwasan , -ateri , swol len -arUPWakW ' -asisi , -aturim, -rei pihi . -ismwemwe . supporter kwanfaga . swordfish paru . 187

T taste v -ar�g, -regi . tabu n tapahan . tasty -�sien . tabu place ik�nan . tattoo natatau , n�kukua . tabu adj ik�nan . taut -kurnkurn. tag n kwaniapwit, manig. tax takis . Tahitian chestnut n�mer . tea rifti . Varieties : n�ferinfwemarnas , sugared tea suka . fakok , p�p�g. teach -ahat�n , -avahag , -avisau , ta il kwanpiki- , n�piki- . -hia (i) . take -avahi , -evahi , -uve , -uvahi , teacher iahat�n. -vahi . take after -�p(i) , -rei . take out of -kurnwiri . teaching nahat�nien . ta ke photograph -akres . teapot tipat . tale kwanage . tear n n�se- nenime- . talk n n�niien . tear v -�vi 1. talk v -agkiari , -ni2 . tease v -avsiete , -epwepwi , tal k in sleep -en�n . -�fkamana ; -sisi (apart). tal k nonsense -supen . tal k off the point -ni munmun . tel l -ni2 . tal k secretly -�siuan . tel l story -euaiu, -eva, -iva , -�fuku . tal l -asori , -apomus , -�riapomus . templ e t�me-, t�mri , t�nme- . tallness totouenh�-. tempo� pnepo��on ia- 2 (present, tame iarukwanu . past) ; t� (future) . tamp -inhi . ten k�rirurn k�rirurn . tang fi sh reiai . tender -par�s . tangled -uvsuvsini . tense -k�nk�n. Tanna Ipare , Pare , Tana. tentatively aghan . tantrum , throw -arkarek�r, -kwito . termi te niag . tap v -akw(i) , -rukunkun . testi cle kapap , kwanare-, nare-. tape record -akres . than ia2 . tardiness k�m�r. thank see tagkiu, tanak . taro nere . Varieties : kafafau , that demonstrative: nah , nahal kamti , katia , kwanarukwas, (near addressee); u, i2 (near kwanareiaku, kwankwesi , nuvre , speaker ), fwe l (yonder) : fa l , ravera, s�k�nmantou , teaure . ha , te (previously ment�oned) . Fiji taro n�pikau . relative: sa- , s�-. taro fl ower kwanas�m. complement-introducer mua , taro leaf shoot kwankureker . m�nua , -ua . taro pa rasite iakun . purpose : mua , m�nua , -ua. taro root karharhi .

taro tuber kwankase-, kwank�nhi- . thatch v -en2 , -veri . wild taro nuvia . thatching n ken , kwanei . taste n nregiien . 188

theft nakresien . throw away -araka , -skwini . throw over -akw (i) aueni . their -narau (dual) ; -nrahar throw together -amnam:i::n. (trial) ; -nraha (plural ). thumb p:i:: sasori . them irau (dual ); irahar (trial) ; iraha (plural). thunder n karuarua .

then n:i::p:i:: nl nah . thusly ia2 ' there nah , naha l (near addressee ); tibia nei ia n:i::su- . te , fa l , ha (indicated) ; fwe2 tick n uriv. (yonder) . not be there -iuan . tickle -arukwesi. therefore tukwa , tukwo , -ua , t:i:: ka , tide t:i::ko . be high tide -etumw . be hal f tide -emaha . they irau (dual ) ; irahar (trial ); be low tide -maha2 . iraha l (plural) . tide pool t:i::pwe s:i::n. thick -asori , -kumkum ; -ate2

(liquid) • tie n kitkit.

thief iakres . tie v -akw(i) , -arihi 1, -rihi , -arukw l, -otorer:i::n. thigh kwatpi-, nuva- . tie knot -rukwutihi . thin -afaga , -:i::ge:i::ge , -:i::k:i:: rakiri , tie together rupwun . -:i:: kriau . ti ght -:i::k:i:: nek:i::n. thing nari . timber ne i . think -arhi , -rhi l, -at:i::rig, time n n�p�n , kwan:i::p:i:: n. -auar , -ua , -uahar . at that time ianp:i::n. thinking narhiien , nataien . after harvest time n:i::p:i::n ivus .

thJAd peMOYl dual J.>ubjed maJtR.vr. tin n tek:i::- nari . k-2 . tinned fi sh tinfis . thJAd peMOYl J.>'{'YlgutaJt J.>ubj ed tip kwankunhi- , nukunhi- , n:i:: pasegi- , maJtR.vr. r- . n:i:: suvenhi- ; nakurakweri- (upper) . tip over/out -at:i::g(i) . thi rsty -akwakwa . tiptoes , on kwopsase. this u, i2 (near speaker); nah , naha l (near addressee ); te , fal , ti red -aparak , -apou , -at:i:: gt:i:: g, ha (indicated) . -rnha . thorn revu- , t:i:: si- . to fwe2 , iI, ia2 , m-2 , m:i:: l, m:i::ne l , thought narhiien , nataien . t:i:: . thoughtful ly t:i:: rig. tobacco tapaka . three kahar . today ipwe t. throat rukwinau . toe kwankwa- n:i:: su- , n:i:: kwa- n:i::su- . on toes kwopsase . through adv arouarOU2 , arua. toenail kwanp:i::sivur ia nisu- . throw v -arak (i) , -ar:i::k(i) ; together -avini , kwat:i::k:i:: rupu , peri , -arukwi , -rukwi , -erukw , p:i::hi , sumun , tarini . -erukwatan (rock) ; -arupwi , -rupwi , -erupw , -erupwatan tomato t:i::mat , timatas . (spear ) . 189

tomorrow trakrakwi . travel v -a , -av:i:n , -0 turis. day after tomorrow neis l, travel by water -:i:suaz . t:i:neis. travel inwards -utaz . travel outwards -euaiu. tongue naram:i:-. travel west -ati uta . tonight t:i: n:i:p:i:n . travel ler iapwsupus . too mwi z (also) ; anan (very) . treat -atia (i) (medically). tooth revu- , paha , ruapah . tree nei ; n:i:me- nari (plural) . canine kwarevu- . Varieties (unident) : kapuapu , tooth cari es mimi . kaurap:i:g, k:i:rha , kopwa , top puta , takure- . kwanaruru , kwaniere , kwanakur , kwanmas ivur , kwanuasikurn, topic kwanape-. nakanakan , nakogar , nakurz , topknot kwanapuga. narn:i:p , namur , nanes , nan:i:n , napa , nap:i:ti , napupu , napwesen , torch nUksep:i:kz, nukwihapw , to s. narura, natahi , navan , ner:i:g , torn -:i:parua , -rua. nir:i:s , nis:i:p , nitei , n:i:fweiag, n:i:kapnaiva , n:i:karaka , n:i:karitig, touch -akiek (i) , -ar:i:g, -ieki , n:i:kinhapus , n:i:kriakei, n:i:mhiro , -rap(i) . n:i:mwheiov, n:i:papwirha, n:i:pk:i:pki , tough -:i:fial, -:i:k:i:nek:i:n, -:i:km:i:k:i:n; n:i:rai , n:i:rh:i:r , n:i:rien , n:i:sesa, -uiri (as vegetable food) . n:i:sesatakw , n:i:sko , n:i:suvas , n:i:teipranmi , n:i:tuar , norop:i:g, tourist turis. nouaz , nououa , novri , nuhua , tousled -:i:k:i:rakiri . nukwanaha , nurha , nur:i:gri , punuar , rhig, rhigom , ter:i:g, toward apehe , pehe . t:i:rnhien , tuvai . trace n n:i:mtet, n:i:mtetien , � m�ke.n -har- , mirahar. t:i:mwheki-.

trick n navsieteien . track n t:i:mwheki-. tri gger fi sh koko . trade v -apuhur , -erupwun , -avriue . tri ton shel l kis:i:p . tradi tion kastarn, naraien . trochus k:i:rikau . trail n suatuk . trot -aiu, utauta . train -ehiari , -hia (i) , -:i:rieki , -:i:viani . trouble n napurapurien, n:i:pri­ nari , trapor . cause trouble traitor kout k:i:sua. -apur , -fata , -:i:p (i) teter , transfer -serlo -:i:r:i:ki , -0 pen , ,-0 meta , -0 p:i: rip:i:ri . bta.Y1J.>ULve. po.o-tc.U..t.,[c. i 3, ia I , ira. troubled -avahi nua-, -avrani peken , -:i:puk:i:s . translate -oseri . trousers trausis . transplant -ark:i:ri . short pants kwanpat:i:k:i:- trausis. trap n n:i:s:i:k:i:r ; kavahikeihap , truck trak . kwankuru (for birds) ; nakuaz , n:i:pai , t:i:punaku (for fish) . true parhien . trash totiz. truly apune . travel n nav:i:nien . trump (card) atu . 190

. trumpet kis:t:p . unacquainted -reirei . trumpet fi sh iapwi s. unbend -:t:vi atu:t:n , -os (i} atukw . trunk n:t:pra- , nukune -. uncerta in -:t:mki:t:mki . secondary tree trunk kwaniv:t:n . uncle kaka , mare- (mother 's truth n:t:parhien . brother, father 's sister 's husband) ; remu- (father 's try see ra , rO I. brother , mother's sister 's tuber kwankase- , kwank:t:nhi-, husband) . n:t:k:t:nhi-, n:t:k:t:si-, nukfwe-. great uncle kaha , r:t:pu- . seed tuber nani- . unconscious -akona , -emha , nenime- side tuber kwankupwe- . rapsan , nenime- r:t:pitov . tubercle iakwier, kwumwesin . uncooked -amera , -amr:t:mera, -:t:rpwa . tug v -evi , -:t:Vil, -vi . uncooperati ve -r:t:pu . tumour pur:t:gakw . uncover asisi . turn v intr -ikou , -:t:kakini . uncovered -pwia. v tr -akoui , -uvsini ; -egi , -rupwegi (a page) . undeci ded nukwane- r:t:puk . turn around -arari , -kurigi , under pirapw . -rukwuvsini . tUI"n as ide -arupwararini . unders ide teg:t:-, t:t:pu- . turn inside out -uvnhan . understand -ata , -kur:t:n , -regi sas , turn upside down -usrere . -rukur:t:n , -sui , -uahar. turtl e iaku. not understand -reirei . turtl e shel l tek:t:- iaku . understanding nurukur:t:nien . tusk kan:t:pati- , n:t:pati- . underwater at:t:numw . twenty iuan u miuan u. underwear karsog. tw il i ght -ipin . underworl d ipwai , iankare- pen . tw in mwirmwir. unhealed -akh. twin appl e kwaganei . uni corn fi sh i:t:pa , kwa tikin:t:mer.

twine v -akwai , -atiamt:t:r, -kusi . unimportant auar , t:t:np:t:n. twirl -uini . unintel ligent -kwakwa . twist -akoui , -ikou, -kurigi , unite -avini . -r:t:fe , -rukwuvsini , -uvsini . un ity n:t:sumunien . twisted -kurigi . unmarried -an ; imagan (male) tw itch v -arpikou. unresponsive -apenapen . two k:t:ru . unripe -apwi s. unrol l -oseri . u unsavoury -:t:fial , -:t:pken:t:n . ukulele iuka . unseasoned -siu. umbrel la h:t:mprera . unsteadily kaot:t:kun . open umbrel la -:t:Vil. unsuccessful -pakw , -pukpeki . unable -reirei , -siai . 191 unsuccessful ly ai , auapen , uau . vein noual . untie -fi , -oseri , -skwini . verse kwanape-. until -esite . very a, anan , apune , arpaiov , -puk . untwine -fi . vibrate -arur , -rur . untying nifiien . vigorously kwatikirkir2 , mahamaha , meta . unwind -oseri. vilify -ni2 tinpin . unwrap -afwi. villa ge nimwa rumun , rukwanu . up irenha, puta. vine nakwus . Varieties : kirorat , up-and-down utauta . kwanimrit, kwanpwir , kwanuaris , upend -usrere . nifregi , iesukwiesukw , nifua , nikafai , nipas , nororipen , uphold -aturim. nuamera , nuapupu , rihi . upset -apwan . vine runner nisese- , ruenhi-. upwards -utal, erukwi . virgin pran vi . urethra kwatpi- nami- . viscous -ate2 . urinate -ami . visit v -ispau ; -iskun (with a feel need to urinate -aris2 . purpose) . urine nami- . voice nakwa- , reri-. us Incl usive : krau (dual ); kitahar vol cano iasur. (trial ); kitaha (plural ). volcanic ash nihi- , nimakwrur . Excl usive : kimrau (dual ); vol canic gas tapisi. kimrahar (trial) ; kimaha vol cano vent names karaisun , (plural) . kaunuun , kisurnwiarhen , kuvahivahi . use v -0 ia. use up -arouarou , -isua l uta . vomi t n neuaien . useful -amasan . vomi t v -eua . ma ke vomi t -rakwan . useless -eraha l, -erahas . vul va karnhari , kanari , kofe- , usel essly arouarOU l. pahasua . uterus nimwa iakwein. uvula ureiov. w

wag -kiu. v wages kantrak , nariku. vagina kwarue-, rue-. waist kurukwa- , tarukwa- . val ley nakwatina ; nehev , nari wa it v -afwini , -fwini , -etenhi , nehev (overgrown) . -0 tupwa , -pupurn , -pwah . val ue nenime- , nifkiien , nimrhi- . wa ke v intr -atui . Vanuatu Fanuatu . v tr -±sua l apwiri , -sui . variegated -pusir . wal k n nav±nien . veer -±kakini . wa lk v -a , -ani , -iVi2 , -en . 192

wal k arm- in-arm -apwit. wave n peau . wal k backwards -en takuta . wave v -�s�k�r , -uini . �al k heavily -eva. wal k in balance -esiesi. way suatuk . w9l k wi th cane -ask�n . we Incl usive: krau (dual ); wal king stick kask�n . k�tahar (trial) ; k�taha (plural). Excl usive : k�mrau (dual ); wal l t�puk ; napw�r (woven ); nikis k�mrahar (trial) ; k�maha (plural). (house) . stonewal l kareik�pwier , n�pai . weak -apou , -pakw . want -0 t� , -okeikei, reri- ren o wean -�suat�n . not want -apwah l. wear war n naruag�nien , nusen wear around neck -arkouani. wear bel t -atoti. war v -aruag�n . wear earring -�sui . wa rb 1 er Hpki"r . wear feather pl ume -rhi 2. wear hat -afafau , -segi . warm v -arei , -arhiapw , -ar�ghi l' wear laval ava -atoti. -arukwan�pwun , -�ghi, -�nhi , wear leaves in arml et -akwasei . -oreuan . warm insuffi ciently wear nose ornament -�sui . -egapwun , -egege . wear penis wrapper -arukwinhum. warm adj -areuan . wear shi rt -arkahu . wear skirt -�visi. warn -avahag. wear trousers -avahi , -ev�n . warning katiham , navahagien . weary -mha . warship manuaua . weave -atiri , -kusi. wart iakwier , kwanakwier , add new weavi ng fibre -avnihi . kwumwesin. weave basket -akws�rup . weave edge -arlSl . wa sh v weave tightly -ar�p . wash by rubbing -ahakw(i) . wash clothing or dishes -aikuas . weaving styl e kapenapen , kreirai , wash face -arp�su. kumhau l, kwan�kukua, kwan�mrek�-, wash hands -arukwer�g . manpeken . wasp kwatmar . weed n nei . waste n n�pakwpakwe -, n�pukpuki- , weed v -akw ai , -ap�rhi . n�pwar , n�pware-. week nafakiien . waste v -arouarou . weep -as�k , -eau . wastefully arouarOU l. wei gh v tr -akiri . weigh down -�rhi2. watch v -ata . watch closely -etet . wel come -akei . wel l adv kumkamasan , -amasan . water nui ; t�si (sea water ). body of water t�mwe-. wet v -ouip�n . fetch water -kwahi2 . wet adj -avan�s , -�mt�mit , -�put�g. waterfall n�sese- . wetness n�put�g. waterhole kwategi- , tegi- . whale t�fra . watermelon mereni . Variety : okren . what? n�fel, n�gsi , tuve , Si2. what for? rahua ,- U n�fe . wattl e k�r�r�g2 . 193

v, hat 's-his-name nari fa nah . wi n v -asiri . wheel barrow tamarnpwir. wind n nimatagi . east wind natoga . when? nesin2 ; ti nesin (future) . north wind ruatu . when conj nipin2 , -ua . north-north-west wind pahai . north-east wi nd ruatu amrai . where? -a , -aku, isa, paku . south wind uri toga . where conj ikin . south-south-east wind takwarau . south-east wind uritoga natoga . whetstone fwaga , kweiai . wes t wind niparapu . whi ch? -aku, isa, nifez , paku , wind v -uvsuvsini . rahua , siz. wind pipe rukwinau . wh ine v -apwuk . wine uain . whip n kwatikirkirl' wing rigi- , timiramiri- , whip v -arihi2, -arisi , atukus , tirigarigi- , tirigi- . -ouini .

wink v -apri . wh irl pool keioun , sirosiro . wi pe -ahate . whi rlwind keioun , sirosiro . wi re uaia. whisk n kwatmaseka. wise -arpakau , -isua2 , nukwane­ v -isiuan . rapomus , nukwane- rimiru , -uahar . wh istle -averhip . wish -okeikei. whi te -apsan . with mine ; mi (accompaniment); iaz wh ite animal kapsan . (instrument) . wh ite lily (Crinum sp.) nuviavia. withdraw -dpu . wh ite wood nipwesin. withi n nakwa- . wh i tecap nisakwa- . witness n uitnis . whi teness nukuranien . wobbly akeiakei. whole -pwia. woman pran , nari iarukwanu ; misis who( m) ? si; s�m�mi (dual) ; (European ) . simimirahar (trial) ; nisime , hel pful woman pranimwa- . sime (plural) . ol d woman pranema . unmarried woman preinhap , why? rahua , ti nife , -if- . sigkiri . wide asori . womb tinirup . widow pran kemhatini . women nipran . widower ierman kemhatini . wonderful -usapa . wife iasitu , pran , rukwe-. wood nei . wild -aprumun , iarumun , -rumun . dri fbJOod nikovakava . heartwood titefafau . wild natongtong niapen . wood borer kwanipati , murukmuruk . wi l derness rumunan . woody -uiri . will n nakwa , nakwa- . word nagkiariien , niniien . wi lted -auke . 194

work n uok . n�m�tuak , kwanuain�fweiag, kwarei atakwu , nahavi , namio , work v -am�na . narofenua , nopi , s�manu . touareka. work hard -arkut , -�maha, seed yam ris -�mramwur . wi ld yam namhu. Varieties: worm mw�tikaro , n�mtikaro ; kos�mainari, moripako , nauram. kwat�pisi , t�pisi (sea) . yam bed n�fetafata . worried -apwsupus , -�puk�s . yam mound tawku . yam mound hol e rhun . worth nenime-, n�fkiien , nimrhi- . be worth -os(i) . yam trel lis n�parpar. make yam trel lis -kusi. wo rthless ripis, tinpin . yank -�vi 1. wound n n�mwapw . yawn -akwagase. wrap v -arihi 1, -ariri , -vegi . year nuk1 . wrapping kwanumwh i-, numwh i- n±vegiien , teki- . yel l v -as�k. yel l at -�ski . wrestle -arkarekir. yel low -akweis ; -mare (leaves) . wring -akwrigi , -ar�gi2 ' -ask�n. yel low whi te eye keihap. wrist kumwer . yes ouah . wristwatch hanuas . yesterday neiv , nari neiv, narneiv . wri te -rai. day before yesterday neis , written item nikukua . nar (i) neis. writhe -kwito . yet hi , ihi .

wrong n nerahaien . yodel -avin�n. wrong v -otikun . yo 1 k kwanimik 1 . wrong adj -eraha1, -mour . you ik (singular) ; kimirau (dual) ; wrongly kumkeraha. k�mirahar (trial) ; kimiaha (plural ) .

young -ouihi .

y your -m (singular) ; -mirau (dual) ; -mirahar (trial) ; -miaha yam nuk1. (plural ) . Varieties : kamwimwi , kauiehe ,

kirianou , kwaniseseikwanm�tuak , youth (s) n intamarua , tamarua. 195



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