
Origins of in the OCN201 Fall 2008 Zackary Johnson University of Hawaii Department of


Zackary Johnson zij@hawa ii.e du http://www.soest.hawaii.edu/oceanography/zij/education/ocn201

1 11/10/2008

Lecture Schedule

Nov‐7Originsof Life and the Universe Nov‐10 Classification of Life Nov‐12 : Processes Nov‐14 Evolution: Nov‐16 Primary Production Nov‐16 Secondary Production / Consumers Nov‐19 Marine Nov‐21 Benthic Communities Nov‐26 Whale Falls (Smith) Nov‐28 The Marine Nov‐30 Marine Dec‐3Fisheries Dec‐5Global Ecology Dec‐10 Global Change ( Trip Form Due) Dec‐17 Final

2 11/10/2008

Major Concepts • Life started early, but not at the beginning, of ’s history • is the leading to explain the beginning of life on Earth • There are many competing as to how this happened • Some of the dildetails have been workkded out, but most have not • Abiogenesis almost certainly occurred in the

TIMETABLE Big Bang! Milky Way (and other galaxies formed)

FiFormation of EEharth

20‐15 15‐94.7Today Billions of Years Before Present

3 11/10/2008

Building Blocks • Universe is mostly )

(()H) and helium ();(He); for e example –the sun is 70% H, 28% He and 2% all else!

• Most elements of interest to

biology (C, N, P, O, etc.) were (Relative Abundanc 10 proddduced via nuclear fusion g Lo at very high reactions in large stars after Big Bang Atomic Number

TIMETABLE Big Bang! Milky Way (and other galaxies formed)

FiFormation of EEharth

20‐13 13‐94.7Today Billions of Years Before Present

4 11/10/2008


Divine Creation




Abiogenesis: 3 stages 1. Origin of biological 2. Origin of biological 3. Evolution from to cells

5 11/10/2008

Abiogenesis: The Miller‐Urey / Oparin‐Haldane hypothesis

• Start: H2O, CH4, NH3, H2 + spark • End: Amino (13/22)*, complex

Abiogenesis: The primordial soup Miller‐Urey experiment / Oparin‐Haldane hypothesis • Only produced some of the amino acids • No RNA or DNA produced (but later did) • Conditions used are not necessarily representative of those of early Earth

6 11/10/2008

Abiogenesis: required components • CH4 – • NH3 – • H2O – • H2S –hydrogen sulfide • CO2 – dioxide • PO4 – phosphate • And no O2 ()

7 11/10/2008

Abiogenesis: 3 stages 1. Origin of biological monomers 2. Origin of biological polymers 3. Evolution from molecules to cells

Abiogenesis: next steps… 1. polymerize into random RNA molecules –some self‐replicate () 2. Selective pressures lead to 3. outcompete ribozymes 4. Phosph o lip ids form lip id bilayers (ll( membranes)

8 11/10/2008

Abiogenesis: alternative hypotheses 1. First –original form of ‘life’ was naked genes (ex. Clay hypothesis, RNA world) 2. First – chemical reactions can synthesize organic molecules (ex. Iron/ world) 3. Bubble – concentration of organic molecules 4. Others...

RegardlessEarlyPhotosynthesis,Life evolvedlife was of afterprobablythe (especially precise the earthheterotrophic oxygenicmechanism, and ) (used life formed: evolved organics) evolvedlife relatively requires much quickly waterlater

9 11/10/2008

Major Concepts • Life started early, but not at the beginning, of Earth’s history • Abiogenesis is the leading hypothesis to explain the beginning of life on Earth • There are many competing theories as to how this happened • Some of the dildetails have been workkded out, but most have not. • Abiogenesis almost certainly occurred in the ocean
