Plants at Homes Database

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Plants at Homes Database Plant List 2 Scientific Name + Synonyms / Common Name / Category / Date Planted Feb 14, 2016 Abelia × grandiflora {Syn: Abelia grandiflora} Glossy abelia Shrub 1994 Abies fraseri Fraser fir; Southern balsam fir Tree 1998 Abies grandis Grand fir; Giant fir Tree 1995 Acer circinatum Vine maple Tree endemic; 2000; 2008; 2013 Acer circinatum 'Monroe' Monroe vine maple Tree 1996 Acer griseum Paperbark maple Tree 1994 Acer macrophyllum Bigleaf maple; Big leaf maple; Oregon maple Tree Endemic Acer palmatum Japanese maple Tree c. 1985; 2008 Acer palmatum 'Moonfire' Moonfire Japanese maple Tree 2013 to open areas Acer palmatum 'Sango-kaku' Coral-bark maple; 'Sango-kaku' Japanese maple Tree c. 1995 Acer tataricum subsp. ginnala 'Flame' Flame Amur maple Tree 2000 Ajuga reptans 'Atropurpurea' Groundcover tx c. 2000 Alnus rubra Californian red alder; Oregon alder; Red alder Tree Endemic Amelanchier × grandiflora 'Forest Prince' Apple serviceberry Tree 1995 Amelanchier alnifolia Saskatoon serviceberry; Alder-leaved serviceberry Tree 1995 Anemone × hybrida 'September Charm' {Syn: ? Anemone hupehensis 'September Charm'} Japanese windflower; September charm Japanese anemone Perennial c. 1988 Aquilegia sp. Columbine Perennial c. 1995 Arbutus menziesii Pacific madrone; Pacific madrona; Menzies' strawberry tree Tree Endemic Arbutus unedo Strawberry tree; Strawberry tree; Cane apple; Dalmatian strawberry Shrub 1984 Arbutus unedo 'Compacta' Compact strawberry tree Shrub 1995 Aronia melanocarpa Black chokeberry Shrub c. 1990; tx 1995 Arum italicum Italian lords and ladies; Italian arum Perennial c. 2000 Asarum caudatum Native NW wild ginger Groundcover 2006 tx from home Asarum europaeum European wild ginger; Foalfoot; Foal's foot; Wild ginger Groundcover c. 1990 for Home; tx c. 2000 Aster divaricatus {Syn: Eurybia divaricata} White wood aster Perennial Home 1992, tx c. 1995 Feb 14, 2016 Page 1 of 13 Athyrium filix-femina Lady fern; Female polypody Fern Endemic Baptisia australis Blue false indigo; Blue wild indigo Perennial c. 1995 Berberis thunbergii f. atropurpurea 'Rose Glow' (v) Rose glow Japanese barberry Shrub 2001 Betula papyrifera Paper birch; Canoe birch Tree 1995 Blechnum penna-marina Alpine water fern Fern c. 1995, tx c. 2000 Blechnum spicant Deer fern; Hard fern; Herringbone fern; Northern fern Fern Endemic Brachyglottis (Dunedin Group) 'Sunshine' {Syn: Senecio greyi 'Sunshine'} Senecio Sunshine Shrub c. 1995 Brachyglottis greyi {Syn: Senecio greyi} Senecio Shrub 2000 Buddleija 'Lochinch' {Syn: Buddleia × davidii 'Lochinch'; Buddleia 'Lochinch'} Butterfly bush 'Lochinch' Shrub 2001 Bupleurum fruticosum Shrubby hare's ear; Thorow-wax Shrub 2005 Calendula officinalis Common marigold; African daisy; Calendula Annual (reseeding) c. 2003 Calycanthus occidentalis Western spicebush; Western sweetbush; California allspice Shrub c. 2001 Camellia japonica 'Dahlohnega' Shrub c. 1995; tx c. 2003 Campanula portenschlagiana Dalmation bellflower; Adria bellflower; Wall bellflower Perennial c. 1985 for home; tx c. 1990 Carpinus orientalis Oriental hornbeam; Eastern hornbeam; Ironwood Tree c. 1996 Ceanothus × delileanus 'Gloire de Versailles' {Syn: Ceanothus × pallidus 'Gloire de Versailles'} Californian lilac 'Gloire de Versailles' Shrub c. 1995 Ceanothus 'Blue Cushion' Blue cushion Ceanothus; California lilac Shrub c. 2001 Ceanothus 'Concha' Concha ceanothus; Californian lilac 'Concha' Shrub c. 1995 Ceanothus gloriosus 'Point Reyes' {Syn: Ceanothus gloriosus var. gloriosus} Holly ceanothus; Point Reyes ceanothus Shrub 1995 Ceanothus impressus 'Vandenberg' Vandenberg ceanothus Shrub c. 2000 Ceanothus impressus 'Victoria' Victoria ceanothus Shrub 1995 Centaurea montana Perennial bachelor buttons Perennial c. 1988 Cerastium tomentosum Snow-in-summer; Wooly mouse-ear chickweed Groundcover c. 1988 Chaenomeles speciosa Flowering quince; Japanese flowering quince Shrub c. 1985 Chamaecyparis nootkatensis Sitka cypress; Alaska cedar; Nootka cypress; Alaska yellow-cedar Tree 2013 Chamaecyparis nootkatensis 'Glauca Pendula' {Syn: Callitropsis nootkatensis, Xanthocyparis nootkatensis} Weeping western Alaska cedar; Weeping Nootka falsecypress; Alaska cedar; Alaska Tree 2009 yellow-cedar; Weeping yellow cedar; Alaska yellow-cedar Feb 14, 2016 Page 2 of 13 Chamaecyparis nootkatensis 'Pendula' Weeping western Alaska cedar; Weeping Nootka falsecypress; Alaska cedar; Alaska Tree 1995 yellow-cedar; Weeping yellow cedar; Alaska yellow-cedar Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Filicoides' {compacta} Compact fernleaf hinoki cypress Tree 2014 Chionanthus virginicus Fringetree; Old man's beard; Poison ash Tree 1995 Choisya ternata Mexican orange blossom Shrub 1984 Cistus × argenteus 'Silver Pink' ambig. Rock rose 'Silver Pink' Shrub 2015 Cistus × fernandesiae 'Anne Palmer' Anne Palmer cistus Shrub 1996 Cistus × purpureus 'Alan Fradd' Shrub 2008 Cistus × skanbergii Dwarf pink rockrose Shrub (1) 2009 (2) 2015 Cistus laurifolius White laurel rock rose Shrub 1995 Convallaria majalis Lily of the valley; May lily; Lady's tears Groundcover 1985 by cabin; later in woods Cornus alba <Ivory Halo™>= 'Bailhalo' (PBR) Variegated red-twigged dogwood Shrub 2009 Cornus canadensis Bunchberry; Creeping dogwood Groundcover c. 1995 Cornus 'Eddie's White Wonder' Eddie's white wonder dogwood Tree 1995 Cornus mas Cornelian cherry dogwood; Cornel; Sorbet Tree 1995 Cortaderia selloana 'Icalma' Dwarf pampas grass Grass 2005 Corydalis scouleri Perennial 2008 Corylopsis pauciflora Buttercup winter hazel Shrub 1997 Corylus cornuta Western hazelnut; Beaked hazelnut; Filbert Tree Endemic Cotinus coggygria 'Royal Purple' Royal purple smoke bush Shrub (1) 2001; (2) 2006; (3) 2013 Cotoneaster apiculatus Cranberry cotoneaster Shrub 1984 Cotoneaster horizontalis Horizontal rockspray; Wall spray; Wall cotoneaster Shrub c. 1990 (volunteer) Cotoneaster microphylla Rose box; Small-leaved cotoneaster Perennial c. 2000 Cotoneaster sp. Cotoneaster Shrub c. 1988 (volunteer) Crataegus × lavallei {Syn: Crataegus lavallei, Crataegus × lavallei} Lavalle hawthorn, Lavallée's hawthorn Tree 2009 Crataegus sp. Queen Victoria white hawthorn Tree < 1981 and volunteers Crocosmia × crocosmiiflora Monbretia Perennial c. 1995 Feb 14, 2016 Page 3 of 13 Crocosmia 'Lucifer' Lucifer montbretia Perennial c. 1991 Cyclamen coum Hardy cyclamen; Sow bread; Eastern cyclamen; Round-leaved cyclamen Perennial c. 2003 Delosperma congestum 'Gold Nugget' Ice plant Perennial 2009 Delosperma cooperi Hardy pink ice plant Perennial 2001 Delosperma Fire Spinner = 'P001s' Perennial 2013 Delosperma floribunda 'Stardust' Ice plant Perennial 2008 Delosperma nubigenum Yellow iceplant Perennial 2013 Dierama pulcherrimum Angel's fishingrod; Angel's fishing rod; Fairy wand; Wedding bells Perennial c. 1997, moved often; moved to Digitalis purpurea Purple foxglove; Common foxglove Perennial Endemic Drimys lanceolata {Syn: Tasmannia lanceolata} Pepperbush, Australian pepper, Tasmanian pepper, mountain pepper Shrub (1) 2009 (2) 2014 Dryopteris × complexa 'Robust' Robust male fern Fern 2004 Dryopteris expansa Fern 2007 Elaeagnus × ebbingei Ebbinge's silverberry Shrub c. 2003 Elaeagnus pungens 'Maculata' Golden elaeagnus; Silverthorn Shrub 2001; 2004 Epimedium × cantabrigiense 'Little Shrimp' Barrenwort Perennial 2006 Epimedium × perralchicum Barrenwort Perennial 2001 Epimedium × rubrum Bishop's hat; Bishop's mitre; Red Epimedium; Red barrenwort Perennial c. 2003 Escallonia × exoniensis 'Fradesii' {Syn: Escallonia fradesii 'Pink Princess'} Pink princess escallonia Shrub 1984 Escallonia × 'Newport Dwarf' Shrub c. 1999; 2008 Escallonia 'Red Elf' Shrub (1) 2008 (2) 2009 Eschscholzia californica California poppy Annual (reseeding) 2007 Euonymus europaeus 'Red Ace' European spindle tree; European euonymus; Common spindle tree Tree 1998 Euonymus sp. Spindle Tree Tree c. 1995 Euphorbia × martini 'Cherokee' Perennial c. 1994 Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae {Syn: Euphorbia robbiae} Mrs. Robb's bonnet Perennial c. 2000; tx c. 2004 Euphorbia characias subsp. wulfenii Mediterranean spurge Perennial 2015 Eurya japonica 'Winter Wine' Shrub c. 1990; tx 1995 Feb 14, 2016 Page 4 of 13 Forsythia sp. Shrub c. 1995 Fragaria × ananassa <Pink Panda™>='Frel' (PBR) (F) {Syn: Fragaria frel 'Pink Panda'} Pink panda strawberry Groundcover 1995 Fraxinus ornus Flowering ash; Manna ash Tree 1995 Fuchsia 'David' {Syn: Fuchsia magellanica 'David'} Shrub c. 1995 Fuchsia magellanica Hardy fuchsia; Lady's eardrops Shrub 2001 Fuchsia 'Riccartonii' {Syn: Fuchsia magellanica 'Riccartonii'} Hardy fuchsia Shrub c. 1998, moved 2005 Galium odoratum {Syn: Asperula odorata} Sweet woodruff Groundcover c. 1995 Garrya × issaquahensis 'Pat Ballard' (m) Tassel bush; Silk-tassel Shrub 1997 Garrya elliptica 'James Roof' Coast tassel bush; Silk tassel 'James Roof' Shrub 1995 Gaultheria shallon Salal; Shallon Shrub Endemic Genista aetnensis Mount Etna broom Shrub 1995 Genista pilosa 'Vancouver Gold' Silky leaf woadwaxen; Creeping broom Shrub 1995 Geranium macrorrhizum Bigroot geranium; Hardy geranium Groundcover c. 1995 Geranium macrorrhizum 'Album' Rock cranesbill; Balkan cranesbill Perennial c. 1998 Ginkgo biloba 'Jade Butterflies' Jade Butterfly Maidenhair tree Shrub 2009 Grevillea victoriae 'Marshall Olbricht' {Syn: Grevillea 'Marshall Olbricht', Grevillea victoriae 'Marshall Olbrich'} Royal Grevillea, or Mountain Grevillea Shrub 2009; 2012 Grindelia sp. Gumweed Perennial Endemic × Halimiocistus wintonensis {Syn: Halimiocistus wintonensis 'Hillier'} Hillier's shrubby rockrose; Rock rose Shrub c. 1990 × Halimiocistus
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  • Supplementary Material
    Xiang et al., Page S1 Supporting Information Fig. S1. Examples of the diversity of diaspore shapes in Fagales. Fig. S2. Cladogram of Fagales obtained from the 5-marker data set. Fig. S3. Chronogram of Fagales obtained from analysis of the 5-marker data set in BEAST. Fig. S4. Time scale of major fagalean divergence events during the past 105 Ma. Fig. S5. Confidence intervals of expected clade diversity (log scale) according to age of stem group. Fig. S6. Evolution of diaspores types in Fagales with BiSSE model. Fig. S7. Evolution of diaspores types in Fagales with Mk1 model. Fig. S8. Evolution of dispersal modes in Fagales with MuSSE model. Fig. S9. Evolution of dispersal modes in Fagales with Mk1 model. Fig. S10. Reconstruction of pollination syndromes in Fagales with BiSSE model. Fig. S11. Reconstruction of pollination syndromes in Fagales with Mk1 model. Fig. S12. Reconstruction of habitat shifts in Fagales with MuSSE model. Fig. S13. Reconstruction of habitat shifts in Fagales with Mk1 model. Fig. S14. Stratigraphy of fossil fagalean genera. Table S1 Genera of Fagales indicating the number of recognized and sampled species, nut sizes, habits, pollination modes, and geographic distributions. Table S2 List of taxa included in this study, sources of plant material, and GenBank accession numbers. Table S3 Primers used for amplification and sequencing in this study. Table S4 Fossil age constraints utilized in this study of Fagales diversification. Table S5 Fossil fruits reviewed in this study. Xiang et al., Page S2 Table S6 Statistics from the analyses of the various data sets. Table S7 Estimated ages for all families and genera of Fagales using BEAST.
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